Mark Bell's Power Project - EP. 381 - It's NEVER Too Late ft. Joan Macdonald

Episode Date: May 4, 2020

Joan MacDonald is a 73 year old woman who has lost nearly 60lbs, and is the most jacked and tan senior citizen you’ve never heard of. In 2016 Joan was very unhappy, unhealthy, and suffered from arth...ritis and a tumor that had to be removed from her abdomen. Since then she has been able to reclaim her life through proper nutrition and deadlifts (Yes! She deadlifts and is jacked!) and continue to inspire others across several generations. Find Joan on IG: Facebook: YouTube: Subscribe to the Podcast on on Platforms! ➢ Support the show by visiting our sponsors! ➢Perfect Keto: Use Code "POWERPROJECT" for 25% off and free shipping on orders of $29! ➢Piedmontese Beef: Use Code "POWERPROJECT" at checkout for 25% off your order plus FREE 2-Day Shipping on orders of $99 ➢Icon Meals: Use Code "POWERPROJECT" for 10% off ➢Sling Shot: Enter Discount code, "POWERPROJECT" at checkout and receive 15% off all Sling Shots Follow Mark Bell's Power Project Podcast ➢ Insta: ➢ ➢ Twitter: ➢ LinkedIn: ➢ YouTube: ➢TikTok: FOLLOW Mark Bell ➢ Instagram: ➢ Facebook: ➢ Twitter: ➢ Snapchat: marksmellybell ➢Mark Bell's Daily Workouts, Nutrition and More: Follow Nsima Inyang ➢ Instagram: Podcast Produced by Andrew Zaragoza ➢ Instagram: #PowerProject #Podcast #MarkBell

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Power Project Crew, welcome to today's show. This episode was recorded on May 1st and it is with a very inspiring and encouraging guest, the one and only Joan McDonald. Joan is 73 years old. She is jacked. She is tanned. She is, like I said, very inspiring. She just recently started weight training specifically about three years ago and she's been able to drop about 40 to 50 pounds and keep it off. What's really interesting is before that, she still was going to a gym. She just wasn't really finding her groove. She wasn't really working with somebody until her daughter actually tried to help her. And what you'll learn is, you know, when she was unhealthy, she was unhappy. Now that she is healthy, she's now happy. A lot of this stuff correlates with
Starting point is 00:00:45 each other. You know, life in the gym runs parallel. We always talk about that sort of thing on this podcast. But like I said, man, we are so inspired and fired up for having her on the podcast. She explained how, you know, if you're in a slump and you're blaming it on the quarantine and the lockdown, that's just an excuse. If you really want to get in shape, it has to come from inside. It has to come in from you. Again, kind of some stuff that like Ross Edgley said not too long ago. And I mean, we were all, like I said, we're all fired up from this episode. So thank you, Joan, for taking the time out of your day to be on our show. We sincerely appreciate that. We think everybody from all age groups will get a ton out of this episode,
Starting point is 00:01:26 We think everybody from all age groups will get a ton out of this episode, not just in the older age group, but in any age group. I mean, it's an amazing thing when you can speak to somebody who has a ton of life experience and really pick their brain about like, you know, and what makes them tick. So if you are finding yourself right now in a slump, or maybe you know somebody that is, or you want to motivate somebody to get started. This is a great example because she didn't pick up weight training until she was, I mean, she was in her, she was 71 when she first started. So, you know, a lot of people might feel like, oh, it's too late for me, or, you know, I have aches and pains. I have this, I have that. Here's a perfect example of what's possible. So if you guys do find this episode
Starting point is 00:02:06 valuable, please share it with as many people as you can, because we think her message is extremely powerful. And if this episode does give you some motivation, but you're not sure exactly where to turn to, please head over to is where Mark actually posts his daily workouts every single day. Right now he is without a gym, so he's posting a bunch of content with bodyweight movements, slingshot, hip circles, a bunch of stuff that's easily accessible to everybody. So even if you don't have all those things, there's alternatives, right? Like if you can do a barbell squat, you can do a bodyweight squat, that sort of thing. And right now, it is absolutely free for 30 days.
Starting point is 00:02:47 All you have to do is go to, register, and you'll gain access to the entire website for absolutely free. Really hope you guys enjoy this episode. If you guys like the conversation, please find Joan's YouTube and Instagram or anything we can find on her. Find that in the YouTube description and the iTunes show notes. Reach out to her.
Starting point is 00:03:08 She's going to love it. She's just the sweetest person we've had on the podcast. Let her know that you guys heard her on our podcast and thank her for inspiring and motivating all of us. So that's it for me. Ladies and gentlemen, please enjoy this show with Joan McDonald. Oh, Andrew's frozen.
Starting point is 00:03:24 Okay, there we go. That computer's older than our guest today, I think. me ladies and gentlemen please enjoy this show with joan mcdonald oh andrew's frozen okay there we go that computer's older older than our guest today i think i mean with how it's been acting yeah it's uh it will for i should say how it's been performing compared to how she's performing definitely i'm curious to see like uh her mindset and stuff. Not necessarily towards fitness, but her mindset towards, I don't know, just America. And men. Today's men. That's what I want to know. That's what I want to know from this lady today.
Starting point is 00:03:56 Super excited to get an opportunity to talk to Jack Joanne today. She's, what, 73 years old? Yeah, something like that. 73, 74 years old and it'd be funny yeah i wonder if her views are similar to like elliot holst i wonder if it's is it joanne or joan joanne joan no you're right you're right joan okay okay man that's gonna be crazy i want to know really what made her shift because in her pictures before she started lifting, yo, like she looks like she never lifted ever. Now she's jacked as hell.
Starting point is 00:04:30 Yeah. When she's like flexing and stuff, you can, you could see some biceps going on and you see some shoulder muscles and you see some back. She, she looks awesome. I, we got to figure out, we got to get on that level and figure out what she's doing. Yeah. You know, it's your cycle, bro. Well, yeah. Speaking of cycles, what the heck is the, uh, those cows in Nebraska on these days, the, uh, Piedmontese cows, they're so jacked. What's that all about? Um, when I talked to, when we had the Piedmontese people, I, you know, talked to them privately
Starting point is 00:05:01 and I was like, look, what's going on with these cows? We need to know. What are they running? And they basically just said it's a combination of growth hormone, insulin, testosterone, but mainly the main thing is what we all speculated, and it's trend. The cows are on trend, but by eating Piedmontese cow, certified Piedmontese, of course, you're going to get all the benefits of the trend without the negative. And I think that's what people are missing. I think people get upset and they think I'm going to get the negative sides of trend and be all angry. But no, you don't get that.
Starting point is 00:05:37 You just get the positive. When I took trend in the past, I used to sweat so much. And I used to just, okay, you know what? I think I'm taking this joke a little bit too far. The joke's gone too far. But yeah, the Piedmontese steaks are amazing. The politically correct way to put it is that these cows have a higher protein content and a much less fat.
Starting point is 00:05:57 And that's the steak that we actually are able to get from Piedmontese beef. I don't know how they do it. Their steaks are leaner. They're more tender. They taste better. They cook faster. Oddly enough, they defrost faster. Everything is so much better from Piedmontese. The only way to get it even better is to get 25% off. Head over to That's at checkout. Enter promo code POWERPROJECT for 25% off your order. And if your order is $99 or more,
Starting point is 00:06:27 you get free two day shipping. My allergies are killing me the day again. I had a two Piedmontese New York strips last night. And the way that I try to do stuff, because I have hard time controlling myself, I'm like, okay, I'm just going to eat this amount.
Starting point is 00:06:43 I go sit down like a normal human and like concentrate on my food and eat it and chew it up didn't work i i rifled through the first one in like four seconds and then there i was again you know going right going right going right for the second one it's like i need uh more hurdles and more barriers um i guess to to set up than just than just not sitting down with it i guess i don't know you guys i'm super excited though because i'm gonna i'm gonna cook up some burgers tonight and this is the first time that i've used their patties i've heard you and andrew both talk about the peat montees patties and this is the first time i'm about to have it and they look like they look like they have a good amount of fat too so like i i can't wait yeah i'm not
Starting point is 00:07:26 sure exactly but like to me they just the ground beef tastes better like it just tastes a little bit different but the hamburger you're gonna love the patties dude i think actually that's a good move i think i'm gonna do the same sick they have um i don't know if they've they've i guess they've sent them to me but i haven't i haven't had a chance to try them yet. They have 7525 beef. I haven't had an opportunity. Yeah, I haven't had an opportunity. That's a holy grail for carnivore right there.
Starting point is 00:07:57 Yeah, they're calling them like restaurant-style patties or something like that, and I'm like, man, is that all it takes? But, dude, you got to let us know because I'm curious how those come out. Yeah, I haven't had an opportunity to uh to check them out yet they keep messaging me like have you tried them yet but they don't know i'm in quarantine over here oh man staying in bodega bay i'm not at my normal residence so out here enjoying the sun there you go all right looks like jones here oh all right yo okay she's connecting to the audio i'm in all right
Starting point is 00:08:35 hey uh absolutely uh awesome to have you here on the podcast i really appreciate your time kind of the first thing I want to ask is, we understand that you got a lot of help from your daughter in Turning the Corner. You can only get so much help from somebody else. What was the deciding factor for you that made you decide some years ago to start to get more into fitness and more into health and into changing your life?
Starting point is 00:09:09 Well, I, I didn't like what I saw for one. I didn't like how I felt. I was not a happy person. And so kind of pointed that out to me. and she'll kind of pointed that out to me and she gave me a way to start which was joining her yhh group and uh like uh she said you know like you'll learn more from the group it's it's ordinary people wanting to to either get bigger get smaller change the way they look blah blah and um i had to think about it but it didn't take a lot of thinking i knew i had to do something soon the longer way that the older i was getting um So she threw down the gauntlet and I picked it up. And I told her I would join.
Starting point is 00:10:10 And I didn't realize what was all entailed with this because I had to learn technology and I had no idea what I was doing. Nothing. How old were you? I was closing in on my 71st birthday like i i went started january and was changed i was 71 in march yeah have you messed around with any fitness up into that point before well i i had joined the gym i was a gym member for about 15 years but i was working on my own i didn't have any real guidance and really the big thing uh of um losing weighting and uh
Starting point is 00:10:58 getting some muscle into it was the food. That's a big thing. Like how you eat. When Michelle told me I had to eat five times a day, I'm going, I can't even eat hardly three times a day. I know I was snacking, but like having a meals five times a day and I was going to get smaller.
Starting point is 00:11:24 Like I just didn't compute. What else was like added to like your meals? Like, did you, I know a lot of people before they start, they don't think they need to eat as much protein. Like, was that like a big aspect of your nutrition? Like how exactly did it change other than eating multiple more meals, more times a day? Well, it's smaller meals and it took me a long time. Actually, it took over a year to figure out that my before and after meals of workout
Starting point is 00:11:53 were bigger than the other three. Actually, the last two of the day are the smaller, are supposed to be the smaller meals. But me it's um before after then i have um i usually have my smoothie because i've really figured out those ones are the good ones and then i still have my fourth meal is is a little bit um bigger than my third and my fifth meal fifth meal sort of getting everything in for the rest of the day to make up my calories. Yeah. A massive problem with older folks is older and younger, you know, kids and people like basically over the age of 50, I think, just don't get enough protein in. That must have been a huge shift for you.
Starting point is 00:12:40 Are you eating a lot more protein? I'm eating a lot more protein, yeah. for you are you eating a lot more protein i'm eating a lot more protein yeah uh but i get a lot of the protein from my um the powder the protein powder uh i still like my my meats and my you know like i have fish two times a week at least um i like pork and chicken mainly. Or I have ground turkey, which I cook up and drain to add with a lot of the meals. Because you can add it to so many things, the ground stuff. So, yeah. Before you were on more of like a regiment like regimented like nutrition plan um did you have
Starting point is 00:13:28 like any challenges with food like will there be food addictions or just you know kind of you know things like that no you got like okay there's times of the month when you want sweets and you'll eat them. I have savories that I like. And yeah, it becomes a bit of a challenge because you give into that. You buy junk food is what you do and you eat it. And you think, well, it's not much of anything, but it is. It adds a lot of weight on eventually. And most of it is loaded with salt i've learned to look at my foods now before you know when i buy them make sure that they're low sodium and i needed that anyway because i have kidney issues um for the last 10 years. And I didn't ever want, I don't ever want to go on dialysis.
Starting point is 00:14:29 My dad was on dialysis. That's part of what took him. And it was the salt intake. And I have managed to, I can't reverse it apparently, but I have managed to keep it on an even keel for that 10 years. So I knew I had to watch my salt intake. That's the only thing that the specialist talked about, really. specialist talked about really but uh yeah you tend to nibble and it's not a meal but this nibbling is like i don't know what you call it i feel like a little mouse all the time i'm always
Starting point is 00:15:17 nibbling at something anyway i don't look like a mouse full-blown rat anyway anything else what was it yeah what was the heaviest uh body weight that you got up to and and approximately what what's your weight at nowadays the biggest i was was 205 in that when i got to that i'm going oh my god this is awful and that was before michelle got to me and uh when i finally started with her i think i was 198 8 and i am now 140. Wow, that's amazing. Were you kind of, when she came to you, were you kind of mad about what she was saying, or you just accepted it and knew it was true?
Starting point is 00:16:14 It was true. I was mad at myself, not at her, at myself, because I had let myself get into that state, and it's no one's fault but my own, even though I want to blame everybody else. We're awful. We have to blame somebody. How did it feel to, you know, the person that you raised and the person that you, you know, taught everything to and all these things
Starting point is 00:16:41 is the person that turns around and and and saves you and and you know encourages you to do something positive we switched roles all right um no she's a very very smart girl um i've i've backed her all my life all her life. Most of the decisions she has made have been learning experiences. And I believe fully in you making your own mistakes, but not to the point where it's detrimental to you. If I had thought she was going to make a decision that was going to harm her, I would have stepped in. Although she has, you know, herself suffered from bulimia. And I wasn't aware, probably because I was like I was working full time and trying to raise three kids with my husband.
Starting point is 00:17:47 And we tried to keep them active, like keep them off the streets and away from drugs. And that was our main concern. I wasn't thinking about eating habits. I never thought about that. Never thought it was going to be an issue, you know, but, um, no, she is a very, very talented girl. Uh, she goes after what she believes in and I would trust her. Well, I trusted her with my life.
Starting point is 00:18:26 She's phenomenal. Were you on and off diets most of your life? Yeah, I tried all kinds of things, but nothing really worked. And my way of thinking is if it's not sustainable, it's not any good. And none of these diets were like, try this for X number of weeks. You couldn't live on what they promote in a lot of the diets. There's no way. I like my food. I just don't like preparing it.
Starting point is 00:19:02 I just don't like preparing it I've had to learn to prepare food ahead of time or plan out meals ahead of time it's been a really hard lesson for me I guess I was always one that
Starting point is 00:19:20 my food tasted good but it was just thrown together I knew what i wanted i knew what how i grew up um and just put food together and either people liked it or they didn't is there anything that made your planning process easier as you were learning how to plan because when a lot of people are trying to um get into that, they're like, Oh, I don't know what I'm going to eat next, or they're not used to planning. So what are the some things that made it easy for you to plan and build that habit like you have now? Well, it's still not easy. The thing is,
Starting point is 00:20:10 The thing is, because I'm still learning, the macros is a good, I can't explain it exactly because it was never explained to me. It was just follow this and do it, of protein, carbs, and good fats. So if you say I'm going to have steak, the MyMacros has already got that broken down. You just have to put in the amount that you're going to eat, and then you'll know what it is that you've eaten. in the amount that you're going to eat and then you then you'll know what it is that you've eaten so um you can eventually learn to mix certain foods together so that you have a really nice meal and you'll have all all of what you are supposed to have in that meal so if I'm supposed to have like 1400 carb or 1400 calories per day, I break that into five. And then I have a higher amount of protein and carbs and a lower amount of fat.
Starting point is 00:21:21 and a lower amount of fat. So it's usually, like right now, I'm at 130 protein, 120 carbs, and 35 fat per day. So you're going to break that down into the five meals. So I guess you can do it that way. Like you've got what you have, then you have the five meals so i guess you can do it that way like you've got what you have then you have the five meals and then you have to break it down into the before and after workout is a little higher and one other meal is a little higher and usually the last two of the day are supposed to be a lower and no um no starches in the last two meals like there's so much i had to learn like you know i i go through this one part for a month or so and then yeah but i told you
Starting point is 00:22:17 and i go oh i gotta read this again it was always rearning something or reinforcing something that I have missed along the way. But when you finally get it, if you're a little faster than I am, which I'm not the fastest, you can break it down so much easier because it's there for you to look at. I'm just lazy. Sorry to say. There's a very interesting balance between like how much energy you put out versus, you know, how much energy your body like wants your, your body's energy, like needs, you know? So if you, if you're trying to, if you lose six pounds and you're super pumped and super excited about it, it might be logical to think like, wow, if I just cut out one extra meal, that would help me lose weight faster if I walk a little bit
Starting point is 00:23:11 more. But those things, as you know, can lead to disaster. So you went too far one way and got bigger than you wanted. Did you go too far the other way? And was that part of the learning process as well um no actually the the five meals a day is it's pretty good and the the thinking of it is that your body uh knows that it has to work on the food so if you keep feeding it every three hours it keeps working and that speeds up your metabolism eventually um like it didn't happen overnight like i didn't learn all this overnight it took it's taken three years to figure out what's going on so i would always be i'm like the kid, why, why, why do I have to do this? Why do I have to do that? Why can't I have this as opposed to that?
Starting point is 00:24:13 You know, I'm always asking why. So she would have to sit me down and explain again what it was all about. But yeah, it's like your body has a mind of its own. And when it is starved, it holds on to the fat because with the fat, you can burn a little longer. But I want less fat in my body. So I got to keep feeding it food. at food and protein is the body works harder to to um digest or disperse the nutrients from the protein than it does through carbohydrates or fat um whoever thought of wanting to have
Starting point is 00:24:59 fat in my diet but most everything has got some form of fat in it uh the carbs i like but again like when my daughter and son-in-law um break things down they also look at the shape of the body the like they can tell what kind of diet or what kind of food this person can should have or what that one should have and the effects that it's going to have that's why i trust them because they know instinctively look just looking at somebody what they can get away with when sometimes when people hear about a certain diet or just hear the, the, the term diet,
Starting point is 00:25:49 they automatically think that they're going to be starving. They're going to be hungry. Denial. They think it's, they're being denied something and that's not what a diet is. No. So like, have you found yourself hungry at all?
Starting point is 00:26:02 Oh yeah. There's times when I've been hungry. No. Yeah. But i mean like without like kind of like starving yourself like being without food that you know no yeah oh god no yeah no like i think i started out like she started me out with a thousand calories a day and I went along like that for about two three months and then I told her when she was visiting one day I says you know something I'm I'm getting awful hungry anymore so she upped my calorie intake and she kept now she says you've got to tell me when you're hungry so i can change what you're eating like what you're supposed to have an intake of um because that means your
Starting point is 00:26:55 metabolism is starting to kick in and and uh i think most people don't really understand what is happening with their bodies with food. They just, you know, I'm eat because not because I'm really hungry because it's there and you should never do that. If, unless you, you know, if you've got a really fast metabolism, you can probably get away with that. most people are like i was they they start nibbling on stuff and then they they start packing on the pounds and it's hard to get rid of yeah and that's why were there some other habits you had to adapt to did you have to maybe maybe like watch less TV or something like that?
Starting point is 00:27:45 Was there a habit that was connected to the food that you maybe had to cut back on or anything? No, I don't watch TV hardly at all. And if I did, it was only in the evening. And I had some favorite programs, but they don't have them on anymore. And I just don't find TV that interesting, unfortunately, or fortunately. Joan, you were saying something when you were saying something about diet and denial. And I feel like there was something you were about to say there. Do you know what it was?
Starting point is 00:28:29 there or do you know what it was i think most people when you say diet are actually thinking that you're denying yourself something and then when i started this there was just a few people not too many would say things like oh what can you eat what can you eat i'm going i can eat anything it's just how i put it together and you know like it it's like okay you're dieting so you must be not having what you want no that's not what it's all about diet is the food that you partake of. Right. Yeah. And everything that you try and everything that you do in life, it's going to come with some rules, you know, anything that you're going to commit yourself to,
Starting point is 00:29:14 you get married or you go to college and you want to get a degree. Like there's going to be like, if you want a degree, then you're going to have to show up and you're going to have to like do the work in order to get. That's right. And when it comes to nutrition, it's the same thing. It's very, very true.
Starting point is 00:29:32 And like when I first started out, I think Michelle wanted me to to see greater weight loss. to see greater weight loss and i after like just the first couple of weeks i'm going look at i don't care about losing a whole bunch of weight real fast what i want is gradual and maybe keep it off because a lot of people can lose you know know, five, ten pounds just by changing their diet and nothing else. But I wanted to look as good as I felt with losing it, and I didn't care that I had to take a little longer to do it. But when I look back on it, that first six months, I lost 40 pounds. In seven or eight months, I had lost 45 pounds. And it seemed like every so many months, I would lose another five pounds.
Starting point is 00:30:35 And I wasn't even trying. It was just that's the way I was working out. And I thought I was not looking too, too bad, but I certainly didn't have the definition that I have now, seven or eight months. Like the definition I have in my arms, especially, and even in my legs, like I find a big difference in my back. It's just coming with just doing the same types
Starting point is 00:31:09 of exercises only maybe doing more or less with less weight or more weight depending on if it's a lot of weight then it's it's less uh repetitions and if it's's very lightweights, then it's more repetitions. Like everything changes constantly. And I'm still changing. I don't know what's going to happen. I'm watching and waiting. What's going to happen to me? But I can't see me at 80 years old doing this, but I still would like to have the results. I love it. I find it really inspiring that, you know, it might be many decades for some people that are listening to the show that they take action, you know, with their fitness or they take action and doing something
Starting point is 00:31:55 that maybe they, they have never done before. And I think that you've, you're a great role model for a lot of people to look up to. My mother-in-law, she has type two diabetes and I've helped her in the gym and showed her how to squat and how to do some different movements. And she's, she's been doing really well. She has controlled her blood sugar really well through diet, exercise, simple stuff. She goes outside, goes for a walk and she kind of is questioning now. She's like, to be honest, I don't know what I was doing with myself before, because this feels so good. I was like, yeah, but it takes a while, you know, to get, it takes a while to get to this point.
Starting point is 00:32:34 Yeah. Yeah. It takes a little while. And, but it doesn't matter. You want, you want to have, this is what my daughter kept saying to me, like you work to be the best of what you can. Now, if it's only to this degree, then it's to this degree. We don't all develop the same way because we're all different. We all have, but I have a tendency to go gung ho. Um, like I've had my, my son-in-law say, Joan, calm down. You don't need to do it that hard. But I figured, well, I have to, I have to work up a sweat. I'm going to, you know, like I better,
Starting point is 00:33:19 if I'm going to have any results, I've got to do this thing, you know? Um, and the thing is, well, I have been able to do it. And like right now, I injured my backside. I don't know how I did it. If I was doing too many squats or if I just moved the wrong way, probably. And I've got a problem with that. And I've had to reduce my workout, even at home, quite a bit in the last week and a half.
Starting point is 00:33:50 And I'm going, oh, I'm losing patience with it because I'm going, why doesn't it just go away? Yeah. It won't just go away. We've got to work through it. I'm doing virtual physiotherapy. There's a few exercises that have um relieved some of the pain and i can sleep through the night now with like i would i'm a tosser and
Starting point is 00:34:15 turner during my sleep hours and i couldn't do that before like it would it just it would wake me up i was in such pain in my bum and leg and uh i can get through the night now without worrying too much about it it's just during the day that okay you better watch what you're doing and not overdo it so if i have an exercise that I'm trying to get through, and if I feel the least twinge in that area, I stop because I know that by progressing, like pushing through that part, it's only going to make it worse. I want to get it fixed. So I can go on with how I was before. I was, I was able to run up and down stairs. That's how good I got. And now I can't. You know, Joan, I, cause first off,
Starting point is 00:35:13 I can't wait to talk more about like your exercise habits and stuff, because that's a big deal. You're, you're absolutely jacked. It's crazy. But I want to go, I want to, I want to ask you about this because you were mentioning how you would like nibble on food here and there and for myself in the past i was the snack king like i would always have some sort of small little thing on deck in case i didn't have a big meal and that was one of the big things that always kept body fat on me i had to just get snacks out of the house i don't have it anymore. So for you,
Starting point is 00:35:50 how did you fix that situation? How did you go about dealing with potential snacking? Well, it's hard being in a house with someone who always has snacks around. And my husband has snacks. And he's not giving them up because of me so um i was starting to go down to mexico more often and that's where i would be right now and i don't have any snacks down there because they don't have it in the house and it was easy if without the snacks it's easy to lose weight without even trying. It is. It's funny, but it is. It's true. You got it.
Starting point is 00:36:33 If it's there, you're going to eat it, right? Yes. What's that? It's got to go in the mouth. How long have you been married for? 53 years. Oh, wow. how long have you been married for uh 53 years oh wow our co-host here andrew he's going to get uh married coming up i think in about two weeks uh oh congratulations thank you what's the uh what's the key factor how do we hold it together for so long um being able to compromise that's a big deal like um but don't always be the one
Starting point is 00:37:09 like it's got to be two-way street here uh it's come pretty close at times i'm pretty close um but yeah i think if if you can if you are able to compromise and work it out and be agreeable, if it's not a major thing, then be able to back down. If it's major, then you have to work it through. What about a like date night or having time for each other? You know, now that you're older and the kids are out of the house and stuff like that, probably you're probably around each other quite a bit, but like, was that ever a thing? Was that ever important? Or you guys always made time for that anyway? I think it's important, but it's, it hasn't happened.
Starting point is 00:38:03 Unfortunately we're, we're together because we're used to each other. That's awful to say. Knock my face. Okay. I didn't say that. He's not going to listen anyway. He's not going to listen anyway. You mentioned earlier that you had to get used to technology and stuff like that. And were you referring to like using an app to count your calories and things like that? Oh, all that stuff. Yeah. Even I didn't have a phone. I've got an Apple phone now. I had an emergency phone, like one of those flip ones that I only used if I was in trouble.
Starting point is 00:38:54 iPad. I've got an Apple iPad. That's what I'm talking to you on. I finally bought an Apple computer. I still haven't really worked it out i wanted it for business part of this but i need someone to to show me the ropes first i have a computer which um you know just a personal computer which i play games on to when i get bored um but otherwise i'm i'm always busy because i've got a big yard and,
Starting point is 00:39:26 uh, flower beds and all this stuff. My backyard looks like a park. Um, I like riding my bike, um, for exercise. I got to do that today.
Starting point is 00:39:39 It's not too bad out there now. Do you help your friends, uh, you know, with technology, with their phones and stuff, I'd imagine like I could picture you around your, your friends, you know, with technology, with their phones and stuff? I'd imagine like I could picture you around your buddies and stuff and they don't know what they're doing with their phone. You're like, give me that darn thing.
Starting point is 00:39:52 No, no, no. I don't think I'm smart enough for that. I have enough trouble trying to do it myself. If someone asked me something, I probably would try and figure it out with them like that because that's hit and miss with me that's how I even learned on my computer no one taught me I just you know they showed me how to turn it on off but I would just kept pressing buttons that's what my daughter says don't press anything until you know what you're doing but i want to know what what this does and what that does you know you have quite the following on uh on social media um what are your thoughts on like instagram and stuff like you must find
Starting point is 00:40:38 it motivating otherwise i don't think you'd be doing it, right? 700,000. Holy cow. I know. I saw that today and I'm going, whoa, I'm over 700,000 now. My daughter got me on that. When was it? I think it was November of 2018. She wanted for me to be able to talk to other people because I was more of an introvert and she thought it would help if I, you know, convert with other people because I didn't have to be in the same room with them. I could just talk to them if I wanted to. So I, I thought, well,
Starting point is 00:41:19 I took it kind of seriously. I thought, well, okay, if people are willing to talk to me I guess I should talk back to them so it started out that way and then um actually that winter I think I'm pretty sure it was that winter because it was the new year's thing where my um hip thrust went viral. I think it was 2000, like New Year's of 2018. And it just like, it just went crazy. And it just kept going, building more and more. And then I guess as more people saw me and talked to me and talked to their friends and sort of just like a dominoes effect um and then I got on uh
Starting point is 00:42:15 well before that I was I started with the uh magazine a magazine. That was a wild thing. Just different little things that my daughter got me into, like a photo shoot. Never did a photo shoot in my life. Don't know what I'm doing. I still don't know what I'm doing. But anyway, they call me a natural, and I'm going, okay, whatever. Just tell me what to do.
Starting point is 00:42:44 It's hard work if you're a model i'll tell you that because you feel like a human pretzel heads going one way your body's turned another way your hips another way and you gotta hold it and i'm going really and keep smiling yeah really all all of this just from a hip thrust. All this from a hip thrust. Powerful hips over there. Well, you try it. It's 215 pounds. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:15 Yeah, it is. But she just kept putting it on and I just, I wasn't paying much attention. She just says, try that one. Try that one. wasn't paying much attention. I, she just says, try that one.
Starting point is 00:43:24 Try that one. Was your, sorry, was your husband receptive in the beginning? And, uh, what is it? What are his thoughts now with like social media and everything, how it's blown up?
Starting point is 00:43:37 Um, he wasn't that receptive in the beginning. Um, and he always made fun of me because it took longer for me to figure out what I was going to eat than it did to eat it. He'd always make fun of me. I think he's has come around quite a bit. He does the grocery shopping and he's starting to buy what I say I want or, you know, like what I should have. Yeah, he's doing pretty good and he and he i guess a little bit of the backlash you know people i've seen joan on on instagram blah blah blah and so
Starting point is 00:44:14 he gets uh he doesn't really say too much to me about it but i hear it from other people that he, uh, brags about me a bit. Has there been any, uh, negative, uh, backlash that, that you've, uh, dealt with? Like, has there been any comments that actually like hurt you or really bugged you, uh, that you've seen? I'd imagine most of it's probably very positive. I would say 95% of it's positive. Uh, once in a while I get a, a comment. Um, and I have some people, they're telling me I'm not real, I'm on steroids, and I'm going,
Starting point is 00:44:55 what are you talking about? You don't even know me. You don't know what I eat, what I do. The only supplements I have are protein powders. The BCAAs that Women's Best has, like it's like a powdered thing that helps with your amino acids or whatever you put in your water, makes it tastier. I guess it has a little more benefits with it,
Starting point is 00:45:23 but I don't think there's steroids. I guess it has a little more benefits with it, but I don't think there's steroids. Omega-3 fish oil or the omega-3 just plain oil. I take by the tablespoon once a day. And multivitamins. How could that be steroids? Yeah, we make jokes about that. Yeah. But I don't know if you ever saw the YouTube one with Doug Doucette.
Starting point is 00:45:56 Greg Doucette? Yeah. Greg Doucette? Yeah. Yeah. One of the guys at the gym said, here, you got to listen to this. You got to listen to this. And he brought it up to me.
Starting point is 00:46:09 And this guy was talking away, talking away, and talking away. And then he gets halfway through, and then he really starts ranting and saying, what I think is you've got to be having help, like steroids. And he was ranting on and on i'm going i started laughing i'm going what the heck is he talking about um yeah and then i told other people i said you gotta listen to this guy rant like he it was just funny and the and the kid said to me he says you know that's a backhanded compliment to you that you look as good as you do without taking steroids. Because him and his father and their friends, like they've seen me work out.
Starting point is 00:46:53 They know what I do. And I'm not taking anything but water that's got a bit of amino acids in it. I think people aren't used to seeing women with muscle still, you know, to this day, which they should, uh, at some point you figure they should get over it, but most women aren't, aren't built like you. And I think that's what people are recognizing. And they're still like, Holy crap. Cause you've been working out hard for about two years. And that's, uh, that's pretty fast, pretty fast progress. But again, like most of the time with, with a lot of females,
Starting point is 00:47:25 they're working out really hard. They're trying to do their diet the best they can. And they don't really see maybe some of the same results that you're enjoying. What kind of workout are you doing? Are you kind of lifting heavy? Are you doing more bodybuilding? Do you use a combination of things? Like how are you? I do a combination of things, how are you i do a combination of things but it's when you see those pictures of me with when it's i'm flexing my muscle that's not what i look like all the time it's it's a flex and um i look pretty ordinary i don't think i look anything. But when I do my exercises, yes, I can see when they're taking pictures of me and I see them afterwards. Yeah, my back looks pretty darn good. My shoulders.
Starting point is 00:48:14 Pretty darn. It's extremely good. I got to say. I don't know. I can only go by what someone tells me. I can only go by what someone tells me. And my daughter gets me to pose a certain way and, okay, put your hand beside your hip and that's what happens. And if I was just relaxed, you wouldn't see that.
Starting point is 00:48:40 You know, John, I'm really curious about this too. On top of what Mark just asked, before you started doing all the weight training that you're doing now and you got into the exercise, you said you had a gym membership. But at that point, did you enjoy exercising? You mentioned that you're about to go on a bike ride after this. Did you enjoy it? Because now it looks like you enjoy it and it's become a habit. So I want to know, how did it shift into something that you really like to do? And it's just part of your life. Well, I didn't have much trouble going to the gym. I would do it every other day. I thought, you know, every other day should be fine. So in two weeks time, I would have what? Seven. Seven. seven yeah seven workouts in two weeks time and I thought that should be enough I wasn't uh losing as well as I wanted to but I did have a trainer at one point and with her I lost a lot and I know like with her she she because she took all my measurements and that, and she goes,
Starting point is 00:49:45 I've never had anyone that I've trained lose weight off their neck like you do. And I'm going, yeah, I got a neck. I didn't think I had one before. It's sort of like my head's sitting on the shoulders. Yeah. I take after my dad, I guess, in some respects. But again, I can't understand why I have developed the muscles that I have, except maybe I've got more testosterone in my body than I should have. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:50:20 How do I know? You were mentioning earlier that you are not happy. It looks like you're really happy now. You're smiling a lot. Have you noticed that you smile a lot more and you are just happier talking to people and more confident and things like that? Yeah, because you're here where you are and I'm where I am. I can easily do that. I might clam up if I was in. are you all here are you kind of an introvert a little bit a little bit of that yeah
Starting point is 00:50:53 usually that's what i was i i uh ended up being that way because i can remember um as a kid my mom was always, because they came from a very secluded village, it wasn't normal for you to talk to strangers. And, you know, like she was very protective that way. And I came from a large family. There was seven of us kids. So, but I was the oldest girl and I kind of had,
Starting point is 00:51:26 had to take on, be a second mom to my siblings because my mom went out to work and, you know, it's, it's just a different way that I grew up and I ended up being more, I wasn't a party girl. I always had to be home looking after my siblings. So anyway, it changed me.
Starting point is 00:51:53 And now I'm changing again. And I like it. I'm curious about this because obviously the time you grew up is very different than the times, like these times now. Like internet, just all these changes it's it's it's it's wild but are there any things that you see like currently that you're like wow like it's weird that these kids are doing this or it's weird that they're like you know you see kids like their eyes are glued to their phone permanently you know like it's like there's always a phone in front of them and that's not how things used to be what do you think like yeah what do you think i i really don't like that when i when i first saw how the the phones were being used when they started really
Starting point is 00:52:36 getting popular you have a family walking down the street mother is pushing a stroller with a kid or two in it walking with other people they're all on their phones and I'm trying to figure out what why are they on their phones when they're when they're together like that I could never figure out and I And even when my daughter started into this training stuff and that, she always had to have her phone. Go to a restaurant, she's got her phone and she's doing it. I don't appreciate that. Like, why am I here if we're not going to talk? You're on the phone.
Starting point is 00:53:21 We're not going to talk. You're on the phone. It was a, to me, it was like a social snub when people gather together and they're all on their own individual phones. I'm going, what's the point? I could never figure it out. And I still can't figure out what the point is. If you're with people, be with the people in person. Be there now.
Starting point is 00:53:48 You know something? This pandemic has really done a good number on a lot of people where they have to be home. people, to other people like their kids or their spouse or whatever, because you can't do anything else. You know, you've got your phone that you can phone people, but you're stuck in a situation and it's changing a lot of people, the way their priorities are going to change. And I think it's a good thing. It's the technology.
Starting point is 00:54:33 Like, just think of it. If we lost all this technology, what the heck would you do? If you don't know how to socialize, you know, on your own, and you can't use a phone, what are you going to do? Shrivel up and die? You've got to realize that we need to step back.
Starting point is 00:54:55 I don't know. I'm spouting again. I agree with you 100%. I actually think that we should pretend that we don't have these technologies. They're going to try to use technology to get us out of this. They think that they could possibly have apps to detect who has it, who doesn't, and so on. And I think the absolute reverse of that, since we've survived so long without it, we shouldn't have the interference of technology. I think it just I think it murks the waters and just makes things worse personally. Well, technology is great in its place, but it shouldn't take over your life.
Starting point is 00:55:32 That's that's all I'm saying. It's it shouldn't be the be all and end all. It's just like money. Money is nice to have, but it shouldn't be the thing that you're living for. You can't take it with you. You can spend foolishly. You can get yourself into a lot of trouble that way. But I think it's being present with people that's so much more important
Starting point is 00:56:00 than all the technology or all the money you've got. important than all the technology or all the money you've got you've you've just got to come back down to the basics and we surround ourselves with things and not with what really matters you got i'm sorry that's okay that's good you got you got in shape at a really good time i mean you got in shape you know before this pandemic hit I mean, you got in shape, you know, before this pandemic hit. Otherwise, you would be, you know, kind of a targeted thing of this coronavirus because of your age. But you're fit. Do you have concerns about it? No.
Starting point is 00:56:38 Nope. I don't have any. Look, if whatever life hands you, you're going to have to deal with, right? That's the only way I can look at it. I'm not going to sit around and stew about it. It's not going to get me anywhere. No, I honestly, I love your like outlook on that and what you just said, because a lot of people, because they're stuck at home, a lot of people
Starting point is 00:57:05 are making the excuse like, ah, I can't really get in shape now because now I don't have a gym. There's not really much I can do, but like, there's still so much you could do. Like, what have you been doing now? Do you still have access to weights or are you working out at home? You said you're going to bike. I work out at home and i have a limited amount of weights i've only got two five pound weights one eight pound weight two kettlebells at 15 pounds each and i have um the bands the the small ones and the the long ones okay and you can do an awful lot with just bands never mind any other weights just that resistance uh training that's all you need to keep to keep uh at least stable um but what i've been doing my daughter's got me doing, and I had to put it on hold because of the injury I've got, is a half-hour home workout without props. bottles of laundry detergent with handles on them or two jugs of water,
Starting point is 00:58:27 like four liter water bottles that you can work with. Wash cloths so your feet can slide. There's quite a few things that you can do without having any kind of props and that you work with every day. It's just how you're working out with them. So I do a half hour. Usually it's seven exercises and it's three sets of those exercises in the half an hour. So I'm sweating by the time I finish.
Starting point is 00:59:04 I don't know how I've done. I just keep, you know, but people keep telling me that I just look forward to your Saturday morning workout. And I'm going, good, good. I'm glad I can help somebody. But it's, you know, they always say, well, how do I start? How do I start? And my answer is just keep moving.
Starting point is 00:59:28 A lot of people are on the couch. They're sitting down. They're on the computer. They're doing whatever. But they're not moving. And you have to move. Just keep moving. Walking, you will.
Starting point is 00:59:42 Yeah, walk. It's great. Yeah. walking you will if yeah walk it's great yeah what's uh what's like your best squat and what's your best like bench press and i don't know if you're not sure if you deadlift and stuff like that too i'm not very good at the bench press um because i've got a a bum left shoulder i do it but i think i what did i get 70 the bar is usually 45 pounds and i think it's 75 or 95 pounds is about the most i can lift that's's, it's, if I, if it wasn't for this one shoulder, I think I could do,
Starting point is 01:00:28 you know, better, but I've got to work with what I got. Have you ever tried a slingshot before? You ever seen those things? Slingshot for like bench press and pushups. You ever seen that before? Oh,
Starting point is 01:00:40 you, yeah. You guys sent me some. Oh, there you go. And he did. Yeah. You got to give it a try
Starting point is 01:00:45 when you bench press i tell you it that is a great great thing when you're doing um what is it uh your push-ups dips push-ups push-ups blah blah blah brain fart yeah they it's it's a great thing. I love it. And then how about the squat and deadlift? Where are you at with that stuff? I like the slingshot knee sleeves. They really make my legs feel like I can do it, like get down and get up. It's just that enough compression that I just feel stable. I really like it.
Starting point is 01:01:27 I forgot. I was going to tell you that. Thank you so much for sending that to me. They're great. Just absolutely great. Yeah. I don't know how much I can. I've used the kettlebell at the gym.
Starting point is 01:01:47 The, the club, their kilograms, 18 kilogram one for, you know, the swing, swing your legs swings. And that's as high as i can go um and i don't with any of the barbells
Starting point is 01:02:11 i think 25 for most of it uh i have used 30 in my tricep overhead. That's as heavy as I can go. But as far as that's fine. I probably can't do that now because I haven't done it for so long. But, yeah, that's about the biggest weight. And I've gone, the hip thrust. I've been up to 225. You know, I'm curious about this, Joan, before you started, like, cause you were working out every other day, um, before you got into the shape you're in now, are there any like
Starting point is 01:02:59 pains that you used to have that you like don't have anymore? Like, I used to have a lot of back pain and i don't have that anymore because i think i've strengthened my back uh with the exercises that michelle gave me earlier on um and i i think a lot of people that's their big complaint they have back pain and they're afraid to to do anything it. But the thing is, you're going to go through some discomfort getting rid of that back pain. It's not going to go away overnight. And as long as you don't do anything too crazy with weights,
Starting point is 01:03:40 like you've got to build up to do these, the reps and stuff like that and the weight always start off lower you can pick up a five pound weight and you go oh this is nothing but you try doing your um uh shoulder presses lateral lateral raises lateral raises with five pounds when you have to do 20 of them. But by the time you get to 20, uh, you feel heavy.
Starting point is 01:04:10 That's a burner. And then, you know, seven and a half, eight, 10, 12. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:04:16 No, I, I've, I've gone up to, um, 12 pounds and it's really getting hard because you can really feel it in the shoulder when you're doing the lateral raises so yeah people tend to think well they pick pick up a weight and well that doesn't feel very heavy but when it's the repetitions you're doing anything repetitively it's going to get
Starting point is 01:04:48 it's going to feel heavier and heavier the more times you do it it's that's a that's what i found anyway um but yeah i had back pain and i don't very, very ever feel any back pain now. That's awesome. Are you retired? Are you retired? I've been retired for a lot of years. I got a question for you on that. So now that we're in quarantine, a lot of people don't have a schedule.
Starting point is 01:05:20 But I think if you don't have a schedule, if you don don't set one yourself then i think that you might really slide downhill so oh yeah it's been retired for a long time you probably have come to this realization yourself like it's just super important to have a routine it's super important to kind of eat similar times a day take a shower similar times a day um what could you share with us definitely that regard that's been helpful to you well i um i like doing my workouts in the morning because i i just feel that i've got more energy and uh i've kept that routine from before i was retired uh there were certain things I did each day at the same time pretty well. And I've tried to keep that, you know, within an hour of each thing that I do, like I've got on schedule. Yeah, you have to.
Starting point is 01:06:20 You have to keep a plan, sort of a loose plan at least, if you're going to get anywhere. Otherwise you're, you don't know what you're at. You don't know which end is up even, but did I answer your question? I think I'm having another brain, you know, do you ever struggle with like, lack of motivation, even though you do have the habits set in place, you have the routine, you have the schedule, but do you ever have any challenges when it comes to that? Cause we've been hearing a lot of people with, you know, like they don't have
Starting point is 01:07:02 the gym now, now they're stuck working out at home. Oh, that's an excuse. Yes. Yes, it is. It's nothing but an excuse. Yeah, I could have used that years ago too, but I've been through this now and I know you can't make excuses for yourself. If you want to get anywhere, you've got to put in a hundred percent. It doesn't matter what it is that you're doing.
Starting point is 01:07:29 A hundred percent or nothing. And that's just how I think we need to work out together sometime. Where are you anyway? In the States? I'm in California california yeah oh all my good people are in california okay where are you located at in um ontario canada what was it that you uh you did like before you retired what was your work government i worked for the Ministry of Transportation. Okay. Driver examination.
Starting point is 01:08:08 Yeah. Nice. I'm guessing that's a job where you have to like sit a lot or no. Yep. Yeah. Fair amount. Yep. Okay.
Starting point is 01:08:18 What's your message to someone that's listening to this that just hasn't gotten started yet, but you know, what's, what's something that could maybe fire them up, inspire them to get their butts in the gym? Because as of two, three years ago, you didn't know anything about this, and now look where you're at.
Starting point is 01:08:35 I think everyone should have an idea of what they want for themselves. an idea of what they want for themselves. And like I just finished saying, anything you do, you do it a hundred percent and you're going to do it for yourself. You're not going to do get into shape because someone else said you should. You're going to do it because you want to you want do you want a better life for yourself do you want to be happier then do what you want um it's it's got to come from within like if i hadn't been ready didn't matter because my daughter had been at after me for several years and it came to that point where I just I was sick of what I was doing
Starting point is 01:09:27 my thing was I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired and it's true if you want something then you go after it there's no one stopping you but but you. That's all I can say. Just go for it. You don't have, you're not going to, not everyone's going to look like me or like Celine Dion, you know, like you're not, nobody's perfect. We're all trying, but we're never going to get there. There ain't nobody on this earth. That's perfect.
Starting point is 01:10:06 Sorry to say, where can, uh, where can people find you and where can they follow along with that workout that you're going to do tomorrow? I'm not going to do it tomorrow because I'm not healed enough yet. Oh no. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:10:18 I've got to put it off for another week. Um, I'm on Facebook, but that's more private with friends and relatives um instagram youtube you can plug me in on uh city tv or cbc the 73-year-old, that's what it was when they were doing a program with me. So you can, yeah, if you want to, in YouTube, I think it's just one guy said he put it in as seniors exercising or something, and my name popped up and it was so funny because it was my first time in New York city.
Starting point is 01:11:11 We were doing a, Oh my God. There it goes again. We were promoting, we were promoting a product anyway. And we got to go to this gym. And this guy came up to me out of the blue and asked me if I was Joan, train with Joan.
Starting point is 01:11:40 And I just about fell over. Anyway, that's what he had done. He put in, you know, on YouTube, seniors training or something like that. And I came up. My name came up and he's been following me ever since. Like, it's just blow you away. I can't even fathom this technology that brings me into other people's lives. Just, it's daunting. Thank you so much for your time today. We really appreciate it.
Starting point is 01:12:15 And I think you, you know, a lot more than you give yourself credit for, like the information that you gave us today, you had a ton of wisdom and a ton of great advice and a ton of there. Really, when you were explaining your macros, you're like, I don't know what I'm talking about. I thought you explained it really, really well because you laid it out so simply. So you're obviously getting it. We're inspired by you. And hopefully this gets sent around to a bunch of different people so they can be inspired by it as well. Well, thank you so much for even having me and letting me blather on.
Starting point is 01:12:51 Oh, my God. I do run off at the mouth sometimes when I get talking to people and at least showing some interest, which is really great. Thank you very much. And I like your product. Oh, thank you so much have a great rest of your day yes thank you you too thank you john see you have a great one you too bye-bye bye yo she got me so hype man like when she was saying certain things and she's like
Starting point is 01:13:19 yeah i don't snack yeah i keep moving i, yes, yes. Everything is just so perfect. Yes. Yeah, she was great, especially, you know, especially with so many people talking about fasting. We talk a lot about fasting here on the podcast. And, you know, don't forget, there's always more than one way to go about doing it. And some people might have gotten lost when she started talking a little bit and they might have said, hey, that's that's kind of a myth.
Starting point is 01:13:44 That's not necessarily true. But the things that she said actually are true. And you can, you know, quote unquote, like your metabolism, we don't really know. We don't, I don't even, you know, we don't really know what that means. However, if you, if you eat less and less food, then you're training your body to be efficient with less and less food. Therefore, your body is more than likely going to burn less food. I mean, there's still a lot more that we just don't know, but that's kind of the basics of it. So by her saying, you know, you feed the system and it's going to burn it, a lot of that makes sense. A lot of bodybuilders have utilized that over the years with great success. And if you really listen to what she was saying is she has a good amount of
Starting point is 01:14:25 energy each day. She feels good every day. She's still dropping weight, but it's very, very slowly. So she continues to get in a little bit better shape. She also has lost like over 45 pounds, I think maybe closer to 50 pounds now total. And it's been something that she's been able to keep off as well and she doesn't look like she's going to be you know reversing out of that anytime soon so she's done it i just i thought that was uh some really really awesome information even though she was kind of claiming that she doesn't know a lot i i thought she was very well informed which was freaking awesome like uh i i know like she probably literally doesn't care
Starting point is 01:15:07 about her instagram following but like if somebody else had 700 000 followers they would probably act like they knew more than they actually did she's on the opposite end she's acting like she doesn't know as much as she actually does and even with that she's still saying i still need to still need to learn. This is a learning process. So, like, her workouts are going to change. Her diet's going to change. It's all going to evolve because she's still learning and asking questions. And that's, I mean, dude, that's amazing. I love that. Yeah. It was like, remember she said the simple thing of like, people don't move. Like, I mean, Mark, the video you sent on the energy balance, right? You know, you'll work out, you'll work out, then you'll get tired. You'll probably sit down.
Starting point is 01:15:51 You won't move as much, right? So you won't be ending up losing some weight. But if you work out, but then you also have good habits of not sitting so much, standing, taking walks, etc. You're going to burn way more calories. That's just a simple thing. Move a little bit more along with exercise. And that's a habit she has, you know, it's a big deal. So all of these simple things that she was talking about, if you actually apply it, boom, you're, you're going to be there. And there's, there's things that you can, uh, you know, you can try
Starting point is 01:16:21 to do things for a day, two days, three days, a week or so. And then sometimes it just starts to – your candle starts to kind of burn out. You're like, just don't want to do it anymore. And that's that energy balance thing. It doesn't necessarily happen in a day. You can very easily go for three 10-minute walks in a day. You can exercise pretty hard maybe twice in that same day. But are you going to do that for like 10 years straight? Um, and the other thing is like, do you need to do that for 10? You know,
Starting point is 01:16:51 like that's the other thing is like, let's try to find an optimal balance. That's why, you know, someone like Rhino, he's like, I work out for about 45 minutes. I do it about five days a week. He tries to go in, he does like dips and pull-ups and squats. Maybe he'll deadlift here and there. He's just doing like kind of the basic movements, maybe some overhead pressing. He's getting what he needs from the gym and then he's getting the hell away from it. He's also making sure that he sleeps all the time. He's also making sure that he's replacing those workouts with really sound nutrition, nutrients, vitamins, minerals, all the stuff that you need to continue to move forward each and every day. Because otherwise, you start to kind of run yourself ragged. And then you're like, should I?
Starting point is 01:17:40 Shouldn't I? Like once you start getting into that kind of conversation, um, you kind of already, once you start having that conversation, you normally going to lose it. You will lose it at some point, like your willpower, it can be strong, but if you're always relying on it, it will wear thin very quickly. Yeah, no, that, that like, that's such a big deal because like, it's crazy how many people are relying on outer motivation to be able to get themselves in shape or to be able to get moving, do the simple things. They're relying on motivation and right now they've given up. But it's exactly what she said.
Starting point is 01:18:16 It's simply just an excuse. It needs to turn into something. I think you mentioned this the other day. Something as simple as brushing your teeth. That's what this needs to turn into. And it's going to take time. It's going to take repetition of doing that. But after you do it for a while, you'll enjoy it. And then you'll seek that feeling that you have after you finish working out. You brush your teeth so your teeth are healthy, right? So your breath don't stink. Yeah. So your breath doesn't stink. So your teeth are healthy.
Starting point is 01:18:44 Your teeth aren't falling out of your head. So it's just a practice of health. And then if you can just think like, how can I do the same thing with my body? Going for a walk and getting in some sort of workout, something where your heart rate goes up, something where you breathe a little bit heavy. I mean, every day you should, you should be in some deep thought every day. You should breathe hard every day. You should, uh, love and be loved every day. You should, um, some people say you should cry. I don't know if you need to go that far, but you should have some empathy. Like these are all things that you, your body, your body, mind, and spirit should be running through almost every single day. And it is a lot. It's a lot that goes on, right? It costs you a lot, but you should be and laughing, you know, smiling like shit, man, those things are crucial. And you'll find yourself in the give and take of the human body is, is amazing because the better shape that you're in, the better that you think that you look, it doesn't even matter how you look. If you just think that you look good, you'll probably smile more.
Starting point is 01:19:47 And if you're thinking that you look good, you probably have a body or a smile that you're proud of. And that's probably why you're gleaming from ear to ear, you know? So it's all a factor as she said within, you know, she talked about it coming from within. I thought that that was really true. Like you're not going to get in shape because Andrew tells you that you're fat. You're not going to get in shape because so-and-so tells you that you're fat
Starting point is 01:20:10 or that you need to be in better shape. You're going to get in shape because you decided that, that you need to. Yeah. That was my favorite part right there was when she was talking about how it has to come from within. Yeah. I know we just had Ross Edgeley Leon saying pretty much the same thing,
Starting point is 01:20:27 just in, in a different accent. But, uh, I mean, I absolutely love that. And it's, it also,
Starting point is 01:20:34 that's going to take time for people to understand too, because they're going to see the rock on Instagram and I want to look like that. It's like, okay, well understand you're probably not going to look that way, but if you can internalize it and make it for yourself, then you'll become a version of that. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:20:51 Does that make sense? Are you sure? Like all these years, I've been really trying to be Dwayne. You know, every single morning I look at myself in the mirror. I'm like, you're Dwayne. You're Dwayne. You're Dwayne. Is it not working?
Starting point is 01:21:02 You have a better taper than him. You're Dwayne. You're Dwayne. Is it not working? You have a better taper than him. So I would say like, if you want to look more like him, you got to get a little bit thicker,
Starting point is 01:21:11 like be more. I'm messing around. Yo, yo, but you know something that Jones said when she was talking about people on their phones, right. And, and now the pandemic,
Starting point is 01:21:21 it got me thinking like even before this whole quarantine and whatever, people were already social distancing and not even realizing it. Maybe you weren't as far from other people physically, but when you go out and you see people not really talking to each other, they're just literally on their phone all the time in front of everybody. We've already been doing a version of this for a while. yeah that's like uh when i you know had been saying like it's just fast forwarded things like kids were already living in the virtual world now they're just they're like there's nowhere else to go before they had an option now it's just like that's just what you do and then we were already relying on technology to
Starting point is 01:22:00 like get through our days and now that's the only way we can get through our days. Yeah. Let's say that, let's say that all three of us went on a walk, right? If all three of us were to go on a walk and we didn't have headphones on and we weren't looking at our phones and we were maybe not in conversation, right? Let's just say that we're not talking at all, which is kind of uncommon. We all, we know each other really well, and so that wouldn't be too weird. But we're also not like family, so we're not that close to where we would just be walking endlessly and no one saying anything, right? But I think that that's the stuff that people are missing right there because she was talking about being engaged in conversation. And I don't think it has anything to do with being engaged in conversation. It has to do with kind of calming down your mind and your body. And you're on a walk.
Starting point is 01:22:50 And if we were all three of us were on a walk, I would kind of be thinking about you guys, even if we didn't say anything. Do you know what I mean? You know what I'm talking about? Like, you just kind of like you need to be with your significant other just because you need to be. It's not necessarily some of those compromises, right? It's not about what you need to be with your significant other just because you need to be it's not necessarily some of those compromises right it's not about what you want to watch you know it's not that's that's not what that's not what it's about because if it's if it's about what you want to watch then you can be in two different rooms watch two different things not a huge problem but if that happens all the time that is a massive problem you know it it
Starting point is 01:23:23 you have to just be with each other and I've talked about this before too it's not people always talk about like quality time and I don't think you need to worry about quality time you just need a lot of time you need quantity time you need to figure out how can we be together but it can't be with you if you're concentrating on your phone because even if you're on your phone for a minute, it's a minute that you're not concentrating on me. It's a minute that you're not thinking about, you know, what we're engaged in. So again, using us as an example, if we're on a walk, I'm thinking about you guys, I'm thinking about the podcast, I might think about a new guest,
Starting point is 01:23:58 or we might, one of you guys might come up with a new concept, and then we'll get talking and we'll get engaged in conversation. But the conversation itself isn't the most important thing the most important thing is that we're with each other and that we're thinking about each other yeah i think about you guys 24 7 by the way yeah about you guys likewise yeah i feel like it's um it's uh it grounds you you know like uh looking at just an electrical outlet you know it has that big prong in the middle without it shit would get weird prongs. Yeah. So when I think about you guys, you're my prongs. You know, I think on what you guys just said, a really good idea.
Starting point is 01:24:35 Cause like, yeah, I'm trying to remember when was the last time I maybe did this. I think it was last week. I don't do it much, but I need to do it more. When I go on walks, instead of taking my phone, leave my phone and take a notebook. Because when I go on walks where I don't have my phone, I just come up with cool new ideas that I wouldn't have been able to come up with if I wasn't in front of something, if something else wasn't taking my attention. And when you're walking and you're on your phone, even if you're listening to music, that other stuff has your attention. And it's limiting you from being able
Starting point is 01:25:06 to really just have your thoughts and think about new things. We should have somebody on the podcast that talks about going for a walk in nature. I really think it's neat how so many of these podcasts are connected. And it's probably because of the you know bias that we have towards certain people i'm sure there's like some quantum reasons why we're attracted to certain people that we choose uh that come on the show but it's amazing uh how much in common how much uh everyone kind of links together and weaves together it seems like it happens just kind of over and over and over again. Yeah. It's really weird,
Starting point is 01:25:46 but it's really dope, man. Now, dude, Jones energy. I was just so hype while I was listening to her. Like I was just so excited just because the energy that she brought and the things that she was talking about,
Starting point is 01:25:56 like God, she's brilliant. I can't wait to share this with, you know, all of my, my elders, elders. I don't mean like super old it's just you know like my parents uh in-laws uh sister like everybody it's gonna be so it's fair to say
Starting point is 01:26:13 she's old you know um you know like uh there's there's like quarters of your life i would say right she's in she's in the fourth she's getting close to the fourth quarter right she's almost you know let's say let's say that we we just are hopeful and we live to 100, right? She's getting close to like the, yeah, she's getting close to the fourth quarter. So it's fair to say that she's an older person, right? But she's still very capable. And I think that's something that's really important. I know like when my dad was sick in the hospital, my dad was in the hospital for like 60 something straight days and he atrophied a lot and he got
Starting point is 01:26:49 really small. And I think, uh, I think he maybe got down to like 130, 140 pounds or something. It was, it got to be really, really rough. I mean, it was, you know, we, we, we basically accepted the fact that he was, he was gone. You know, we went through all that process and we were hopeful that he would come out the other end okay. But, you know, having to go through that process and go through all that, my only concern the entire time was, look, if he is able to survive this,
Starting point is 01:27:20 like, please, let's have his mind still be strong. Because if his mind is strong, then he can still do whatever he'd like to do. Like, I know how much my dad loves to interact with people. He loves to talk to people. He's been doing taxes for, I don't know, the last 40 years or so. And he loves helping people. He loves giving them financial advice. He loves to be able to communicate with people. He's pretty, he's pretty happy. And I was like, man, if that part of him is compromised, then we would be better off with it being over as, as nasty as that sounds. I mean, I just, I thought that to myself because I know how much he enjoys like the interaction with people, but
Starting point is 01:28:01 you know, I was mentioning to you guys just in a text the other day, like, I don't, I realized that I'm not the 70, but I think 43 and having 30 years of training under my belt, some people would say, yeah, that's, that's, you know, that's, that's, that's getting there. Right. But I, I don't feel like I don't feel anything. I don't feel old. I don't feel like I don't feel anything. I don't feel old. Nothing hurts. My right knee has a little bit of like tendonitis, but that's been there since I've been like 16 or 17 years old. I used to love playing basketball and I just would never stop playing even though my knee would swell up. And I probably did something to it a long time ago. I never got it checked out. And it's probably as simple as getting it scoped or something like that. But, you know, I don't, I don't ever, I don't ever get anything checked out for some reason, but, um, you know, anyway, I, I don't think that you
Starting point is 01:28:54 have to, because you're getting older, I don't think that means that you need to be old. I think you can always try to keep your mind young. You can always try to keep your brain young and you can always try to, and one of the key factors always try to keep your brain young and you can always try to, and one of the key factors is to be around young people. And that's been really helpful for me at slingshot. The entire staff is, is very young and that, that helps me.
Starting point is 01:29:17 It just helps me with all kinds of stuff. It's, it's motivational. It's inspiring. It's, it's cool to see in SEMA doing the different moves that he's doing with the kettlebell. It's inspiring to have worked out with you guys the other day on the stairs. And I feel like I could
Starting point is 01:29:30 still do really well, even though it was kicking all of our asses. I'm looking at Nsema and I'm like he's in his 20s. He's fucking jacked. And this is just cool that I'm able to be on the stairs with him. Never mind trying to go head- head to head with him or anything.
Starting point is 01:29:48 And seeing Jessica Smith doing strongman stuff in the gym and all the different athletes, all the different people that we've had coming through. It's like it keeps you young. And we've had, you know, we've had Jay Cutler come through. We've had Stan Efferding. We've had Dr. Sean Baker. Look at Sean Baker. Look how good he looks right now. He's looking jacked. He's looking shredded. These are guys that aren't young.
Starting point is 01:30:11 These are guys that have competed at a high level, and they continue to put up points on the scoreboard. They continue to look great too. Andrew, you've mentioned this before. That book with the old people, and they got around some young people. Can you, you know that better than me. Can you please tell, inform the public about that? Yeah, no, it was, so they just took a group of elderly people.
Starting point is 01:30:36 We'll say that they were, you know, Joan's age. And they took them into like this retreat. And they're just like, hey, for the next two weeks, you're going to live the way you lived. Like, I think it was like 40 years ago, whatever it may be, or maybe it was more than that. Well, just for argument's sake, we'll say it was 60 years ago. And everything, the TV, the newspapers, the magazines, everything was as it was 60 years ago. And they're like, only talk about things that are topical 60 years ago only and so these old people they like limped into this facility you know they were on on uh on walkers wheelchairs whatever by the end they were all playing like touch football running around the
Starting point is 01:31:19 place and so what ended up happening basically is they made their minds younger. And like they even did some like legit tests with like, I don't remember exactly what test they ran, muscle fibers, whatever you want to, you know, can imagine. And they show that their bodies actually did get younger. All because they just put their mind in that state, they were able to age the other way. Yeah, don't let your mind be on a walker, right? I was running, you know, I ran the same hill that I showed you guys the other day and I got another PR in there. But as I was running it, I got to a point where I'm like, oh man, like, okay. Like I really feel that. I'm trying to deny the fact that it's getting difficult, right? I'm trying to like reinterpret it as something different. I'm like, all right, you're just breathing hard. Like no big deal. Just keep moving your feet. It's one foot in
Starting point is 01:32:12 front of the other. And the more that you go down that path and the more you think that way, uh, the harder it gets because really truthfully, uh, if you, if it was really easy for you, just breeze through it and you wouldn't even really think about it. Right. But I was just thinking about, okay, like what if Cam Haynes was here? Like Cam Haynes, it would be very, like he would show me that there's a completely not, there's another level to this. Right. He would show me like, Hey, here's what the human body's capable of. And he'd go, and he'd go flying right up the hill in two minutes or whatever. Right.
Starting point is 01:32:43 And so I was just trying to keep that in mind. Like, yes, this is a, this is a kind of a difficult pace for me, but it won't be a difficult pace for me a while from now. Cause I'm going to adapt to this. I'll get used to this. I'm sure Cam Haynes wasn't able to do this stuff. He's able to do now, you know, 20 years ago and stuff like that. So I've been kind of thinking along those lines, which is really fun for me, having been exercising for so
Starting point is 01:33:12 long. There's so much other shit I can get good at. And Seema, like you could start working on handstand walks or something, something that you haven't really done before. And I commended you about your kettlebells. I'm like, that's awesome. Like, I don't remember seeing you do much with kettlebells before. And now here you are zinging around these kettlebells doing these full on, you know, 45 minute kettlebell workouts with a pretty damn heavy weight. So it's amazing what you can adapt to. And I think havingan on the podcast today was amazing because she didn't start her fitness journey until she was 71 years old yeah and and the thing is is like i think that frustrates me about like i guess what she was saying when people on social
Starting point is 01:33:59 media are like oh you must be doing this you must be doing that like like come on people like did you see her before picture you there's no there's no negativity that should be linked towards that if anything it should just be people like god dang i'm 30 something i'm 40 something i'm 50 something ah i i should be able to do something like that like come on i think i saw sean baker's gonna get a uh a test um i don't know if like like the thing that he competes in or whatever, the rowing, I'm not sure if they wanted him to get a test or whatever, but I know that somebody else has been challenging him as well. And I think the two things just happened to kind of hit at the same time.
Starting point is 01:34:37 So he's like, yes, I'm finally going to get tested so you guys can see or whatever. But, you know, it's never enough for people. You know, like it's, oh who who ran the test or oh you could just yeah you could just pay to you know zuckerberg you could just you could just pay you could pay any old person to like pass your test or whatever you know like it's never going to be if we if we try to do a natty professor test they would be like oh you were going to test me. Mark Bell ran the test. And of course, he's going to say he's natural, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:35:08 He's just been doing it so long. He knows when to cycle off to pass a test. Yeah. Yeah. And I just, for Sean Baker, he always puts it out there like, Oh, you vegans don't think that I'm natty. I will do any tests if you pay for it. So he's always challenging people to challenge him and i
Starting point is 01:35:25 think he's like so finally someone stepped up we'll see if he ponies up for the test or not i don't think anybody would say anything to sean baker if they saw him in person he's a monster he's so big like six foot four or something yeah jesus christ they rip your arms off and beat you over the head with them well and eat it oh i don't think I mentioned this to you and see, I don't know if it was a real or if it was like messing around or what it was, but I just saw it kind of in passing. But that, uh, is it Nikki Rod, Nikki Rodriguez? I think he, uh, is in WWE. Yeah, no, I saw that. He's, um, he's doing the WWE next thing or whatever. So he'll, I don't know what next is,
Starting point is 01:36:04 but I guess it's like yeah he's getting into that that dude is acrobatic and massive he'll be he'll be amazing for that he's got the right uh got the right personality for it you know along with uh all the credentials that he has he should be really good in wrestling oh yeah now he has he's got a he's got a really i guess magnetic type of personality and he just doesn't give a fuck and he says what just says what he wants to say so he's gonna kill men and he's young he's only 23 too it's crazy i love that he just kind of came into the uh jujitsu world and started flipping it flipping it on its head right he pretty much just started fucking up black belts along with his his partner gordon ryan who by the way
Starting point is 01:36:42 gordon ryan i think uh got his black belt in like four years under Donaher and started destroying the top no-gi black belts. As an American, it's just unheard of. Man, Gordon Ryan would be crazy. Yeah. Was that the guy that was like, he made his own version of Jiu-Jitsu and people were getting upset? That's Kenan Cornelius. I think he has a school somewhere in socal and it's uh ajj american yeah the brazilians were not happy about that but yeah that's cool it's like hey you did it this way i'm gonna do it this way instead i think this is better and then to actually be
Starting point is 01:37:17 able to beat people with it it's great yeah no like um there's something about keenan if people don't know he developed or he refined the lapel guard. And pretty much you can coin that to Keenan. And people have been using that in tournaments. And it's changed the way people have to play the game. So when you change the way people have to do a martial art that's been here for over, what, 60 whatever years. Remind me when we get off the podcast, if you guys wouldn't mind just texting me. I can get some of these guys.
Starting point is 01:37:45 I've been in contact with them before, but we were trying to get them here and stuff like that. But now that we have this situation, we could just very easily do a Zoom interview. That'd be really cool to make contact with them, especially going into the WWE. That's really interesting because you've got um you know yeah you got i mean you gotta like get paid he's still young you know he could he could wrestle for seven years and you know be out of it by the time he's 32 to 33 years old something like that and um it's pretty neat yeah and i'll text them all to you man they'd definitely be open because like gordon's doing a podcast with flow right now and um i think, yeah, they just, they've had a few interesting people on.
Starting point is 01:38:27 So it'd be super easy to do. You got this. Awesome. What else you guys got going on today? I'm going to make the next part of this like fat loss autopilot thing, finish it up. And then I'm going to do another, I'm going to do a workout because i haven't worked out yet i want to do some jump roping and you know the stupid thing that i really just realized as we were talking when joan mentioned bands i have some bands here and i could have been doing some dope banded kettlebell swings but i just haven't this whole time like how would you be missing out
Starting point is 01:39:01 on so i did stuff yeah so the band would be your feet, kind of like if you were standing on a band and you'd maybe be doing some upright row raises. But you would- Run it through the middle of the kettlebell, right? Run it through the middle of the kettlebell, and the swing gets harder at the top. So you really have to drive through hard, and then it comes back, and yeah. It comes down fast. I was going to say, yeah. I would imagine that thing would slingshot right back at you.
Starting point is 01:39:28 Exactly. Have you messed around with a sumo deadlift high pull before in SEMA? No, I don't think I have. Sumo deadlift high pull? Yeah, you should check it out. Just look it up on like it's a CrossFit move. A lot of people hate it because they hate people hate upright rows. But a sumo deadlift high pull, I mean, with the kettlebell that you have,
Starting point is 01:39:48 it won't be challenging. It would be a very light weight. Like you would be able to do it with one of our bigger ones that we have at the gym. But it might be good to try in between some of your other exercises. It will get your heart rate going pretty good. Oh, I think I have done that. It's the one where you swing and then you bring it up here and then you bring it back. That's all it is, yeah. I've
Starting point is 01:40:07 done that a few times, but I've never had it as a structured part of my workout. So I should put it in. But yeah, I've done it a few times. Yeah, as long as it doesn't bug your shoulder, I think it would be a good movement to throw in there. Yeah, man. If you guys can, just grab a kettlebell because it can add so much
Starting point is 01:40:24 to your workout and it's so easy to use. Just grab one, please. Oh, do we have any information on, uh, like when and where this, uh, Thor lift is happening? Like, is it on like regular ESPN or is it on like an ESPN app or it's a, let's say today's Friday, right? So it'd be tomorrow. Yeah. Right.
Starting point is 01:40:44 Yeah. let's say today's Friday, right? So it'd be tomorrow. Yeah. Right. Yeah. So, well, I mean, by the time people hear this, it'll be too late. I can't believe Thor hit that lift. Yeah, that's amazing. He went for five 60 and said, shout out to Mark Bell's power project. Okay. So the event will air live on ESPN and streve line live on core sports world with commentary from strongman lawrence big lows shallow or chalet yeah so espn and core sports world mark are your neighbors just like looking at you all weird because you're on the balcony
Starting point is 01:41:20 right now yeah there's a guy with a camera i think he's just taking like pictures just it's so nice out here it's ridiculous but i also have like i have i have my shorts like horked way up you know like i got this i got the uh the the uh lifting diaper going the squat diaper going on getting your because i'm just yeah i'm trying to get my legs it's so weird like the side of my legs the side of my legs are just like always white. I don't know why. Like, it's weird. Cause like, I mean, I, I, I mean, I'm not laying sideways. Like if I, if I'm going to sit here, you know, and, and read or something like that, or sit here and just be in the sun. But like when I go and run and when I do anything, like a lot of times I have
Starting point is 01:42:01 my shirt off or I have my legs exposed a little bit. And the side of my legs are just always white. It's so strange. That's hilarious. Like, what the hell is wrong with these legs? Why won't they tan? I wouldn't know, man. I guess you need to consult. Andrew?
Starting point is 01:42:17 I don't know. Maybe blood flow restriction to that side or something? Maybe put some oil there. Yeah, maybe some oil would help hey now i'm uh i'm getting a sauna i'm pretty pumped about that i'm gonna throw oh man i'm gonna throw some red light in there and then i want to also see if i could throw some uh uv light in there but i don't know if i would like die if i had all those different lights in there i don't know like you know what what you're supposed to do with them. But remember when we had the guy on the podcast,
Starting point is 01:42:47 he was saying he does the UV light like just for a couple minutes a day or whatever. Yeah, variety. Variety, right. Yeah, I was just trying to think. I was like, man, that would be convenient if I had all that in there. I could, you know, put this one on for like six minutes, put this other one on for like six minutes and then jet on out of there, you know? Yeah, just throw in some blue light just to neutralize everything just in case. put this one on for like six minutes, but this other one on for like six minutes and then jet on out of there, you know? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:43:05 Just throw in some, some blue light just to neutralize everything just in case. After you guys work out, you can, we can all, you can come over and we can converge in there and just get, you know, get that stink going,
Starting point is 01:43:16 get that smell going and just enjoy each other. And enjoy each other. Yeah. We'll go on the hot tub and then we'll go into the sauna and uh enjoy each other take take it all in i mean yo oh my god um i just think it's funny because i i make i mean i'm a kid so i make these dumb jokes and my girl's like why are you making all these immature dick jokes like i don't like that's not funny dick jokes are great i think dick jokes are awesome they're always great there's nothing better yeah and that's that's what she said like i mean come
Starting point is 01:43:52 on that never gets old that never gets old um even a fart joke you know it's like you can't let you can't you can't not laugh at a fart hope i mean if you're not laughing at a fart then you're just too uptight or something something's wrong something you probably have a stuck fart yeah yeah yeah something something ain't right oh my gosh does andy ever get or andrew does stephanie ever get it um get at you for like just making stupid jokes or like stuff like that uh get at you for like just making stupid jokes or like stuff like that uh i'm usually okay at keeping it pretty mellow around her but like i will i will do like stupid stuff and then just like kind of wait for her to get it like i i don't know like whatever it could be like she might be like like she'll take a bite of something and she'll be like oh my god that's amazing and i'm like yeah but what about the food and then like i'm like i'm talking about myself and she's like oh i get
Starting point is 01:44:51 it now but like just little stupid things like that like i'll just drop in here and there and eventually she's just like oh you're so silly but she doesn't really ever say like it's stupid because no i just i make stupid jokes i really do i'm pretty uh i'm pretty relentless with them and i've i never i mean i guess i have slowed down with them a little bit over the years but you know she could andy could say like oh my neck hurts and i'll say you know why your neck hurts you know you gotta keep in mind i grew up with i grew up with i grew up with two older brothers that like anytime there's an opportunity to like, you know, wreck somebody, you always did it, you know. So she sent me a picture yesterday.
Starting point is 01:45:33 It was a really nice picture of her and I. And then she sent me like a couple pictures of the kids or whatever. Then she sent another picture of her and I together. And I wrote back to her. I said, back when you weren't such a bitch. I put bitch in like like, giant caps, and I put, like, three exclamation points, and even I was thinking, like, that's a little risky,
Starting point is 01:45:51 but I think she's going to laugh, and then she just sent me a meme back, you know? She sent me just, like, a meme, like, of somebody just doing, like, a, you know, a shocked face or whatever, and so she laughs about it. I mean, we both pick on each other all the time we both say you know weird weird crazy stuff to you know and i i i'm horrible i'm i'm a horrible
Starting point is 01:46:14 person when it comes to like uh anytime there's opportunities you guys know me really well anytime there's opportunity for a racial joke anytime there's opportunity uh for something that's uh like misogynist or something like that like i'm always talking about her cleaning the kitchen and all this stuff but you know i i it just totally just my weird way of messing around but she messes around with me all the time too yeah but even if if there's not an opportunity you'll make it like oh yeah like the video you sent me last night oh yeah was it the mario one or no no no okay no nope nope uh mark just said oh that that video that video no mark is sitting there you know right if you know you know yeah actually i don't know
Starting point is 01:47:02 i'll send it to you right now. I think that's like what the shirt is or something, right? Of that guy. Yeah. Right? If you know him, right? Damn, no. I sent Andrew a video last night. Okay.
Starting point is 01:47:15 Talking shit. Are you allowed to tell us what it is, Andrew? Or is it like... Yeah, no, no, no. He's wearing his like million dollarmy garoppolo hoodie sweater thing 49er sweater yeah and he's just talking shit saying that i'm not a real niner fan because i don't have that exact sweater that you can probably only get at levi stadium that he bought this year or that andy got him this year. It's just, yeah,
Starting point is 01:47:46 it's just perfect. Cause he knows, he knows how to cut deep. Andrew, when you open that, please let me know how you feel. The good thing is that nobody listens to this show. So no one's going to think differently of me. Andrew,
Starting point is 01:48:00 you can't dodge that one. People don't even know what we're talking about here. Okay. I'll describe it to you guys. You guys know, and Mark sent this to me and I sent this to like 30 people after he sent it to me, like literally everybody. But you guys know that that guy with the, like the massive hog sitting on the edge of the bed, right?
Starting point is 01:48:22 His is, it's like thick and long and it's scary well what this is is it's it's a it's a it's a gif of mario running up to it like you know he's jumping up and he's hitting the block but instead of a mushroom coming out it's this guy and his big old dick and it just comes flying at you in the screen. And it makes the Mario noise. The great thing is it's not even like, it's not done well and it looks so good. Like it's so much better that way. Yes. See, that's what the internet's for right there.
Starting point is 01:48:57 It really is. I still find it so funny to this day. I love it, man. That's how we need to use Instagram. Not for triggering. Oh, God. That's how we need to use Instagram. Not for triggering. Oh, God. Amazing. Thanks. Alright, well, I haven't got my workout in yet. I got to
Starting point is 01:49:14 probably hit up like a run-walk. I might mess around with those triads again. That would be fun. Weather out here is pretty awesome. Hopefully I get tanned. Hopefully I can figure out how to tan the side of my legs here. Andrew, why don't you take us on out of here, buddy? Thank you everybody for checking out this episode. Up until Joan was, or I guess that whole portion of the podcast, I'm sure you guys got a lot of value out of that. Maybe not so much the rest.
Starting point is 01:49:40 So if you did, please share that or share this episode with somebody who you think might find value in it as well. And for everybody else, please make sure you're following the podcast at Mark Bell's Power Project on Instagram at MB Power Project on TikTok and Twitter. My Instagram is at IamAndrewZ. Oh, and also thank you, Peter Montes, for sponsoring this episode. For more information, links will be down in the YouTube description and iTunes show notes. For more information, links will be down in the YouTube description and iTunes show notes. And Seema, where are you at? At Seema Inyang on Instagram and YouTube. At Seema Inyang on TikTok and Twitter.
Starting point is 01:50:13 Mark? I'm at Mark Smiley Bell. Strength is never a weakness. Weakness is never a strength. Catch you all later.

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