Mark Bell's Power Project - EP. 426 - Champ Today B!tch Tomorrow ft. Ray Cash Care

Episode Date: September 9, 2020

Ray “Cash” Care is a Navy SEAL Veteran, entrepreneur, motivational speaker. Ray served with Navy SEAL Delivery Vehicle Team Two, and upon leaving his job within the military, he began to turn his ...passion from the Teams to helping others with self-improvement and team building. Subscribe to the Podcast on on Platforms! ➢ Support the show by visiting our sponsors! ➢Piedmontese Beef: Use Code "POWERPROJECT" at checkout for 25% off your order plus FREE 2-Day Shipping on orders of $99 ➢Icon Meals: Use Code "POWERPROJECT" for 10% off ➢Sling Shot: Enter Discount code, "POWERPROJECT" at checkout and receive 15% off all Sling Shots Follow Mark Bell's Power Project Podcast ➢ Insta: ➢ ➢ Twitter: ➢ LinkedIn: ➢ YouTube: ➢TikTok: FOLLOW Mark Bell ➢ Instagram: ➢ Facebook: ➢ Twitter: ➢ Snapchat: marksmellybell ➢Mark Bell's Daily Workouts, Nutrition and More: Follow Nsima Inyang ➢ Instagram: Podcast Produced by Andrew Zaragoza ➢ Instagram: #PowerProject #Podcast #MarkBell

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Starting point is 00:00:00 As many of you know, I, Mark Smelly Bell, have grown up with two great parents and an amazing upbringing. And I've always been a person that has been real happy. But maybe you have had it hard in your life and maybe you've had difficulty trying to find happiness. And maybe you've just grew up with a really rough go of it. Our guest today on Mark Bell's Power Project is Ray Cash. He grew up with a upbringing that i don't think could be any harder and he still figured out a way to make him to make himself successful and to be happy if you're trying to find happiness and trying to figure
Starting point is 00:00:36 out how to be successful and had a shitty upbringing this is the podcast for you go check it out this thing's complicated says recording is that true yep that's the internet so i guess we got to take its word for it right if it's on the internet it's true i've been out here in uh bodega bay and been uh running and walking and getting some training in but also been just down in lots of meat and it's been um it's been kind of hard because um the rest of the family is like, you know, ordering pizza and like just having these yummy things. But when you got that Pied Montese beef and when you get, get in that amount of protein, it makes it a little easier to not,
Starting point is 00:01:16 uh, to not succumb to all these amazing other foods that everybody else is eating. So I've been living off of some flat irons, some Bovets. Every time I eat a Bovet, I actually check the stats again on the back of the thing because I'm like, this can't be true. And we need to get some of the Piedmontese people on here again and put them in the hot seat and be like, are these stats true? Are these steaks really this lean because they they taste awesome and uh it's just been it's been helping me a lot to kind of stay on point yeah it's pretty uh powerful when you know like my wife's pregnant so she might have a craving for like in and out or something crazy
Starting point is 00:01:59 and i'll go through the drive-thru and I won't get myself anything because I have something defrosting at home that's way better. I'm proud of you, Andrew. Dude, honestly, that's a big step, man. Remember you were just sucking down those French fries years ago. This is so true. But yeah, dude, like I haven't had like, I've, I've bought in and out a bunch like in the past like month or two but i haven't consumed any of it it's all been for everyone else and a huge huge uh reason for that is because i have piedmontese steaks at home um for you guys i don't think i don't think in c mode be able to do that nah i'd be okay i'd get it i'd get myself a double double yeah yeah that's what i'm saying
Starting point is 00:02:42 i know i agree with you. But like I said, he'd be totally fine. Yeah, he would just get stronger. He would just get more jet. Just go right to his biceps or his quads or something, right? Yeah. But if the people have them, they've got to try the Pete Monti's patties. They're actually really damn good.
Starting point is 00:02:59 They are amazing. Yes, those are incredible. I would actually take one of those over any restaurant or anything because they're that damn good. I know that sounds extremely biased, but seriously, you just have to try it. For more information on Piedmontese, please head over to That's At checkout, enter promo code POWERPROJECT for 25% off your order.
Starting point is 00:03:23 And if your order is $99 or more, you get free two-day shipping. On today's show, we have Ray Cash. Cash is his nickname. Last name is Care. And I'm excited to have him on the show today. He's friends with a bunch of people that we're friends with. Bedros Koulian is one of them. He sets up a lot of mentorship programs with Bedros. And if you ever just you go online and look up Ray Cash care, you might i don't know flip like 20 times and then you got to get up and you got to walk and then when you go down the other side you have to like roll the other way and just people are just getting jacked up but what they do is they have they have a team of people there that are calling your name that are you you know, kind of cheering for you. And that's what he wants you to concentrate on.
Starting point is 00:04:27 So he wants you to don't worry about what your mind, don't worry about the feedback that your body's getting about, A, feeling nauseous, and B, feeling like you're just going to fall. Just concentrate as much as you can and follow the voices. So it's going to be great to talk to him today. Yo. Speaking of, there he is. There he is. What's up, Ray? How are you doing today? Good. How are you, sir?
Starting point is 00:04:51 We're doing fantastic. Great to have you on the show today. Got my boy Encima over there and got my boy Andrew. And thank you so much for popping on the show today. Question number one comes from your buddy, Bedros Koulian, and he wants to know, why are you such a dick? It was born in my fucking DNA. What you see is what you get. Yeah, he actually kind of asked, you know, just basically, you know,
Starting point is 00:05:24 you push people to to the to their absolute limit. And it appears that that's, you know, the driving force behind trying to teach people that they can push a lot harder than they think they can. A question I have is, why do you think that we want to stop? You know, you go and you go to do something and it's something that you kind of agreed that you were going to do, whether it be diet or go for a run, lift weights, start a new exercise program, whatever it is, we tend to, you're thinking about it. You're like, that's a good idea. This is in my best interest. You get your running shoes on, you get out there and you start moving around your legs get tired and now those voices start talking and the the bad voices uh almost want to take over at that point yeah it's you know i the human body is a chassis it's a vessel right just like a car
Starting point is 00:06:18 well old machines and the thing is is i consider myself like i'm a race car and most people when they start you you know, they get to a certain RPM, they got to shift down. They got to shift down. And my motto in life is fuck that, man. Let's just redline that engine. You've got so much more, you know. Ford versus Ferrari, they said it at 7,000 RPMs,
Starting point is 00:06:40 you know, the car becomes weightless. That's the mindset that people have to have you are not just a regular car you're a fucking race machine you just got to push yourself why do people why do people shift gears because they're they're programmed to shift gears right that's what society does nowadays they're telling people it's okay to shift gears it's okay to to be mediocre it's okay to get c's it's okay to get a fucking participation trophy for just showing up and getting out of bed. No, it's not okay. I'm 48 years young, first, second, and third. Otherwise, why are you there? And that's how you do that. The reason my daughter,
Starting point is 00:07:19 four-time state champion in gymnastics, I redline her every day, right? But it's not just physical. It's physical, emotional, social, spiritual. You have to push people, right? I talk about it all the time. Educate, motivate, educate, and decimate, right? But it has to be self. Self-motivate, self-educate, self-decimate yourselves. Go outside and like run a mile.
Starting point is 00:07:44 And this is how I make people better. Mark that time down. How comfortable did you feel? Good. I have my coaching clients all the time. When they come in from a mile run, what do they do? They put their hands on their hips and they're like, let me walk it off. I'm like, you go walk that off.
Starting point is 00:07:59 And then as soon as you walk it off, let's run it again. And we're going to run it until you come back and you puke. And then once you get that puke down, that is your starting point. So I've taken individuals from running like a 1030 mile all the way down to like a 910 because they're not willing to get out of their fucking comfort zone. But then once they do, and they see that, okay, I'm going to puke, I'm going to hydrate, and I'm going to get right back at it. Then they start making that transformation, right? That transformation to success and greatness. And they want to add that self to the motivate, educate, and decimate.
Starting point is 00:08:35 Everybody these days is looking for external sources. Let me read a book. You know, I've got all these great books behind me by Jocko and Jason Reb and all my great friends that are SEALs. And I read the book and I want to run through a wall. And it's like, yes. But then 20 minutes after reading the book, I'm like, I can't run through that fucking wall. What am I going to do now? So I learned how to educate myself and train harder to the point where my mindset, like with Bedros, is Bedros will ask me, do you think you can run through that wall?
Starting point is 00:09:06 I'll give it a shot. I'll see how big of a dent I make if I don't go through it, right? I'm going to fall down, get knocked out. I'll get back up, measure the depth of it, and then I'm going to train and come back and do it again. But I will not. I will not fail. Well, let me rephrase that.
Starting point is 00:09:21 I fail daily. I will not quit. How long do you think, how long does it how long does it uh take i mean it seems like it takes decades of trying many different things like implementing certain things into your life um like you said physically mentally emotionally um it takes a long time for someone to get over the hump with your the clients that you've trained over the years and people that you've mentored and helped. What have you seen? Has it taken six months, six weeks?
Starting point is 00:09:51 How long does it take before you're like, I don't need to tell that guy anything anymore? I don't need to still be up as asked the same way I was in the beginning. Well, the one thing that I say is time is a factor and it's different with everybody. And by what you're saying, I believe in progression, not perfection. My job is once I see them progressing and they understand that, you know, I talk about my mindset to attack the hill. Once I see them starting to attack the hill, I let them go as a coach when I know that when they get to the top
Starting point is 00:10:25 of that fucking mountain, they're going to take a break, right? They're going to run up the mountain. Like Pedro says, they're never going to peak. They're going to look for another hill or mountain to climb. And then they're going to control the descent because most people, right? This is what I'll challenge any one of you guys. You guys walk up the hill and run down it, and I will run up it and walk down it. Not only will I beat you every fucking time, but I also will – my joints will be healthier and safer because when you're running down a hill, you let gravity take over. That's a symbolism for all the negative entities and people trying to push you the way that they want you to go, right? What happens? You're into fitness. The knee passes.
Starting point is 00:11:04 The knees hyperextend past the toe. You get knee injuries. You get ankle injuries. Worst case scenario, you're going to fall on your face, right? No. What I say is just run up the hill. When everybody's contemplating getting up there, get up there as fast as you fucking can. Take that breath, that moment of clarity to check in the box.
Starting point is 00:11:23 Get up there and go, okay. I'm going to control the descent on the way down. I'm not going to let anybody tell me how fast I'm going to go. I'm going to control how fast I go up and I look for another one. So the question of that, some people it could take it can take days, weeks, months. Some people it's going to take a lifetime. It's just when they're ready to switch that mental and emotional switch. It has nothing to do with physical, right?
Starting point is 00:11:49 The mind is going to quit before the body. It will. You know this. I'm telling a subject matter expert at this. The thing is, is people, they just, you have to push them, right? Learn how to be comfortable being uncomfortable so that they build, they build that confidence in themselves because if you get a confident person on the earth right and it's all about programming people right like let me do a
Starting point is 00:12:11 little test here with you guys right we've never really talked before right just um big niche let me ask you can you hear me me yeah i can't say your name okay in sema yeah yeah yeah okay here we go you ready ready? Yeah. Fill in the blanks. What do you do before you cross the street? Tell me. You look. To make sure no cars are coming. You look both ways, right?
Starting point is 00:12:31 Yeah. Both ways, yeah. Okay. Woo! Okay, then. Holy shit. Were you hit by a child crossing the street? No.
Starting point is 00:12:40 No. Was I hit by a child? Oh. Were you hit as a child crossing the street? No, no. Was I a child? Oh, it's a child crossing the street. No, no. Somebody in your life of significant influence, mother, father, older brother, somebody taught you that. Right. Just like we teach children.
Starting point is 00:12:56 An oven is hot, hot. We don't touch their hand. But people are also programmed wrong. Right. In business. Right. I can ask you, big man, Mr. Slingshot, hey, you stack the W's and you stack the L's, right? You can only W and L in life. You can only
Starting point is 00:13:11 win or what? Learn. That's right. You know the right fucking answers to that. You know the right answer. 90% of the population has been programmed that you can only win and lose. And this is what I'm going to tell you. The only way you lose is if you quit, right? That's what you need to understand. Mark Devine says it best, right? Failure is not an option. Motherfucker, failure is the only option because I fail every day at my four F-bombs.
Starting point is 00:13:41 My family, my fitness, my finances, and my faith. I have the four F-bombs, my family, my fitness, my finances, and my faith. I have the four F-bombs here in the hand of time because we don't know how much time we have. So I get up every damn morning like I won the lottery, right? I make my bed just like Admiral Bill McRaven, a good friend of mine said, I make the damn bed with my wife in the bed. I run downstairs. I talk about my pattern of life and I'm grateful, not greedy, right? You want people to be successful in life. This is the first thing they need to understand.
Starting point is 00:14:10 You have been put on this earth and it's a gift, right? I don't know how from the day of conception, millions of you are swimming. You are the motherfucker that made it to the eight. You, the people, I'm looking at three of you right now, out of millions of people, so you're already a winner. But people, what do they do when they get up? Christ, I got to go to work. I got to do this.
Starting point is 00:14:34 I got to do that. No, you don't. It is a gift. You should want to get up. And what I tell people is if you're not happy with your life, you control that, right? And this is family, fitness, finances, and faith. It's like a fucking Kevin Bacon movie.
Starting point is 00:14:48 You can find representation with Kevin Bacon in every movie on the planet. If you are at the best or the worst of your life, it is because family, fitness, finances, and faith. Whether you're an employee, a husband, a mother, it is covered in those four things. Family, fitness, finances, faith. They are your foundations of life, right?
Starting point is 00:15:10 Because I'll tell you like this. I live in a house. Pedro's Cooling lives in a house. Pedro's Cooling's house is a lot fucking bigger than mine. These are the foundations of that house. What happens if you have a $2 million house and a shitty foundation? What's going to happen to that house? It's going to crumble, right? So what I do is I just, I literally go in to people with their minds and I make their foundation stronger. And then once
Starting point is 00:15:36 the foundation is solid, this is what I tell people, build whatever fucking house you want, build it as big as you want, build it as high as you want. As many garages as you want. Use the symbolism. If you want a 10-car garage, do it. But you're not going to have a 10-car garage if you cannot focus on the family, the fitness, the finances, and faith. Bedros Koulian says it best. There's no such thing as balance. You just have to figure out what equation works for you. My equation, time plus effort equals results. That's it, right? Piss poor time plus piss poor effort is going to equal what? Somebody fill in the blanks.
Starting point is 00:16:12 That's for results. Look at that. See that, guys? It's how it works. I am not reinventing the wheel. All I do is I talk to people and I give it to them straight. You love me or you hate me, but I produce results because my gift, working in a SEAL teams, working with the agencies that I did is I know how to extract things from people. And this is what I tell people in every one of my courses. I don't believe in a hundred percent. You're a hundred percent and mine are totally different. I tell people, give me everything you got. And if you don't, I'm going to take it anyway. I am literally going to take everything from you, right?
Starting point is 00:16:53 And I've had two epiphanies in the last couple years. And recently I had one. Every Sunday I put on these push-up challenges. And everybody goes, man, that's a tough physical activity. It's a tough physical challenge. No, it's a mental challenge. I pick a number, I pick a task and I accomplish it. 17 pushups on the minute, every minute for 60 minutes or now I'm at 18. Next month, it's going to be 19, then 20. Eventually I'll peak out. But what I tell people is with these is only you can decide
Starting point is 00:17:27 what that magic number is, right? If you can do more, do more, do less, do less, but just do. And that's what's so key about life is, is fucking people just, you know, like people always go, why 1,020? Well, because 16 is only like 980. And that's not a cool number. Over 1,000 is cool. Like even my wife goes, it sounds so cool. But my point is, is every week I'm making people better, right? Men, women, even have children doing it. Like I want to start a new revolution where people are grateful in life. And they realize that the healthier they are, the happier they can be, the more time it gives them to accomplish whatever the fuck it is they want to accomplish. And I know a lot of people go, Ray, you're a whole lot of energy.
Starting point is 00:18:13 Yeah, I am because I'm 48 years old and I still haven't fucking wrapped my head around this whole equation yet. But this is what I know. My whole life and up until about two months ago, I was doing it wrong. Remember how we were talking about programming. So I'm guilty. Like father was murdered when I was 11. My mother tells me I'm a loser.
Starting point is 00:18:34 I've been locked up. I've done drugs. I've done this. And I, I joined the teams. I got in all these movies and I did all this cool shit working for majors cooling. And it was to look at people and say,
Starting point is 00:18:50 see, fuck you. I can do it. Cause my mindset is fuck you. Fuck it. Fuck you. That's my mentality. But then I was working with a guy, one of my clients, and he goes, man, I finally got the thousand twenty pushups and I proved this guy wrong. And I had an epiphany and I went, and I had an epiphany and I went, dude, no. It's not to prove him wrong. It's to prove you right. So now my whole outlook on everything is, you know, the haters are going to hate, right? The more successful you get, the more people are going to want to be with you.
Starting point is 00:19:21 Bedros Koulian is texting me right now going, good luck on your podcast. Thanks, B, 11 minutes late. Holy shit, the guy's horrible. going good luck on your podcast wait thanks b 11 minutes late um holy shit um it guys horrible but it's all about you right believing in yourself fitness the it all starts from the core down here and something else that i came to conclusion with and i'm sorry mark i just got to get this out and i'll let you talk because this is your show is is this. About two years ago, I went on. I spoke at Bedros Koulian's Empire Business Summit. Brent Clothier, Dan Flashman, who I actually thought was a crackhead when I first met him. I love Dan. Sorry, Dan. He's like bum clothes. He showed up.
Starting point is 00:19:58 You know, Quest CEO was there. Before I go on, I always have a drink to calm my nerves. And I'm sitting there in my hotel room. And the question I always get is, Ray, what are you? Are you a fitness coach, an accountability coach, a mindset coach? And, you know, whenever you do something like that and you're speaking to one of bedros's audience thousands of people that pay thousands of dollars you need to make sure the boss knows what the hell you're saying right you don't want to go in there and give another message and it hit me like a ton
Starting point is 00:20:35 of bricks this is what i'm in the business of i am in the business of something that every single person has dealt with in their life i have have a commonality with you. Pain. So physical, mental, emotional, social, spiritual, and there can even be sexual pain, right? Even as a man, I've dealt with most of them. I don't get into that, but this is what I figured out. Remember we talked about the equation of life. This is what I do. Pain equals growth. Growth equals power. do. Pain equals growth. Growth equals power. Power equals knowledge. And knowledge equals profit. What I've simply done is I have learned how to become profitable from not only other people's pain, but my pain. Now, this is where people are so fucking one dimensional. Profit is not from a monetary standpoint. It doesn't just mean money. There's other ways to become wealthy.
Starting point is 00:21:27 I always tell, learn to earn. I want to learn to earn your trust, your relationship, your respect, right? Get some wisdom from you. But that's what I tell people. They see these videos and always go, pain equals growth. He grew. And you see these pictures of me, you know, in the project where I'm killing these guys.
Starting point is 00:21:49 I'm not killing them. What I'm doing is, is doing exactly what the boss man asked me at the beginning is, why do people not shift the gears? What I do is I take over that stick shift and I control the speed and the RPMs of that individual, right? I redline them and I know when to shift the gears with them. I'll take them to 7,000. Some people I'll take to eight. I won't blow the engine because that would make me just vicious, but I'll push people right to the edge and then I'll shift them to another gear. And then as soon as they
Starting point is 00:22:22 think they've rested, like that's the hill the hill. It all comes back to full circle. I push them again and push them again. My stick shift doesn't have six gears or seven. It has as many fucking gears as it takes to get that person as well-rounded as I can make them. Boom. Seriously, thank you for all that, man. That was amazing. So then, more specifically, because it's a
Starting point is 00:22:45 combination of everything you just said about like pain and growth, but what have you seen specifically that gets people to come back? I've seen like, you know, like memes and stuff that say like, you know, once you see progress, you get become addicted. So has it been something like, like they see an ounce of progress and next thing you know, they're there, you know, before everybody else? Or is it something else that you've noticed? of the external dialogue, right? You have, you're dealing with bills and a wife, right? The why becomes greater than anything else. And it's as simple as just,
Starting point is 00:23:33 it's all with the, it's mental, right? That confidence. The minute that someone sees results, they want it, right? And that's the thing. If you're going to be addicted to something, if you're going to be fucking addicted, not drugs, not booze,
Starting point is 00:23:47 be addicted to you and the progression that you can make. My daughter, and this is what I make people do, my clients, the first clients I get, right, in life, the first thing I say is I tell them, do you know what a PLL is? They're like, no. Rob O'Neill is one of my best friends. I used to do the Zero Dark Thirty stuff for real, right, work with the CIA. My wife calls me a high paid stalker. I can take your phone and I can track you. But what a PLL is, is when you move your cell phone as you're driving,
Starting point is 00:24:14 you hit cell phone towers, right? So you can track where it is. But when it stops and it sits there for four or six hours, usually that's where either someone's sleeping or doing something. But each individual in life has a PLL. Like I said, I get up the same fucking time. I'm a creature of habit. I do the same thing.
Starting point is 00:24:32 Well, I was like, okay, now let's remember everything I do goes back to full circle. I want to make people, when they get up, win the lottery. So what I do is I come up first with a PLL, right? What I do is for 30 days, I make people write down every single thing that they do. From the time they get up to they go to bed. Now, I don't need to know what time you go in the bathroom and shit like that, but there's called emotional discipline, right? Emotional discipline.
Starting point is 00:24:53 You can be in the red, right, when you're running hot. You can be in the blue where you're ice cold, but that's the worst, like my wife when she ignores me, or you can be in the green. So what I want to do is anything negative that spikes you in the red or the blue, I want you to circle that. And what you're going to start seeing is overlapping fields of fire where you're going to see the same things, people, places, or things that are negative in your life. So then I come up, I came up with this amazing fucking term called trim the fat, right? That's how I had to get rid of my mother four years ago. She was a negative entity in my life. She was treating my
Starting point is 00:25:24 daughter the way she was treating me. And I couldn't have it. And the day that my, when we were driving home, my daughter said to me, why doesn't Mimi love me? Done. Right? So my point is, is what I tell people is, is trim the fucking fat, right? Because there is, there's, we have a seesaw positivity, right? So this is an empty seesaw. I put one negative person on the seesaw. Obviously it's going to sink down. How many, how many positive people do you think I need to make that go back to normal? Does anybody know? One, seven. Oh wow. Seven, seven to one is the ratio. It's a Harvard business study. So my point is, is for every negative entity that I cut out of my life,
Starting point is 00:26:04 I have seven positive things that i can use for other things that right those those other seven those positive things that were sheltering this negative piece of shit are now exposed to me and i can use them for wealth and knowledge now we have the people interrupt just for a second i really like that uh analogy and that harvard study sounds uh super interesting um i think what you just referred to is i think sometimes we don't understand how negative something truly is you know your mom being a negative influence that's pretty bad because that's someone that you need to well you feel like you need to interact with them but sure it's not just a negative to you. It impacts your wife. It impacts your daughter. And every time
Starting point is 00:26:52 that this particular person, anyone can kind of apply their own case to it. Anytime there's a negative person around, even just the mention of their name gets everyone's blood pressure up a little bit. You start talking a little bit faster. You're clearly you're getting frustrated. Everyone else can feel that. And it's just it is really it's it's. But, you know, on the on the flip side, when you have positive things coming and when you have friends that are positive. Oh, so and so is coming over the house. The whole house is happy. Everyone's excited. Oh, Bedros is coming over. Oh, we're going to go to this party tonight with Bedros and his friends or whatever. Then everyone's kind of pumped. The exact kind of opposite happens. But I like how you're referring to it as the negative really
Starting point is 00:27:40 builds upon itself because it's the thing that we focus on. Yes. There's not really a lot of reasons to really hone in and focus on things that aren't really problematic. You know, if something's not a real problem, you know, if you flex on Instagram and someone says you look great, that's not the focus. Yep. The focus is the guy that's talking trash about you or whatever. So I really think that point is well taken.
Starting point is 00:28:07 And I want to show you guys something in a minute that you've probably never had on your podcast before, but there's also a PLL. A PLL, we talked about that, but there's the MLL, a model of life. So every morning, remember I told you guys, I'm trying to get my daughter in here. Watch this. Watch this.
Starting point is 00:28:24 I'm going to show you guys something. She's 12 years old. She's going to be embarrassed. I'm going to show you something. Every morning. Come here, Nala. She'll come in every morning that I get up. I say the same thing. Come in here. So there's gonna be 5 million people that hear this. Tell everybody what you are. Champion. What else? A winner. a winner thank you baby so here's what i do not not scripted anything like that every morning i get up i say be great today be a bitch tomorrow i'm going to put maximum output into my life right i'm going to create the results that i want i'm going to go go to sleep i'm going to get up tomorrow and i'm going to rest and when i get up what i do i repeat now obviously that's my 12 year old daughter. All right. Who would you ever want to program
Starting point is 00:29:10 your daughter? Sorry guys, if you have kids, I'm going to get married to a guy and I'm gonna let him treat me like dirt. No, no. Right. Of course not. I'm killed. Right. My little daughter's got a little cute guy now that she likes. And I went over to, they live in a neighborhood. I went over and met the two older brothers, met the dad. And then I saw him. I said, Oh, who are you? He's like, Oh, I'm Kate. And I'm like, Oh yes, sir. I know who you are. I just, and I grabbed him. I pulled him in. I said, I just want you to know, I know everything, right? Cause my point is to this is you have to create a modern, a model of life for not only you, but the people that you surround yourself with, right? Steve Eckhart, my business partner, he gets up every morning and his kids and he says, I'm fucking awesome.
Starting point is 00:29:49 Why would you want to program yourself to be average? And that's the problem. People think average today is okay. It's not. You got to be a fucking savage. You got to attack the hill and everything that you want in life. You've got to attack the hill in everything that you want in life. And if you're not doing it, the little girl that just came in is a direct reflection of who I am.
Starting point is 00:30:14 Because, right, she's a sponge and I'm a sponge. I'm learning from the best and I'm wringing it out on her. Right? She goes to private school. Mom stays home and takes care of her. We're blessed with that. But it's because, right, when we talk about it, I finally got my shit together. But for most of my life,
Starting point is 00:30:36 I didn't have my shit together. Mark and I were talking about this. I have not always been this fucking organized. What I have is I've learned how to stack the W's from all of my L's, right? The L's are way up here. You don't see them. So people are like, man, how are you so disciplined? And how are you so focused? And how are you so repetition, motherfucker? I fail every day. Not the greatest father in the world, but I'll tell you what,
Starting point is 00:31:00 when she goes off into the world, she's tough. She knows how to defend herself. And she knows that she is a champion and a winner. That's all I can do. She is one of my, I coach her, right? Because we're all coaches in some fashion in our life. If you deal with anybody, you're a coach.
Starting point is 00:31:20 Sometimes we throw the word coach around a little too loose, like we do hero and a couple other words, right? I am a coach. Any person that's a father is a coach, unless they're a piece of shit, they're never around. But any good father is a coach. My wife, she's the greatest coach in the world, right? I love my wife. I married up. She's smart.
Starting point is 00:31:40 She's beautiful. And that's what people need, right? Surround yourself with like-minded people. You guys have heard this scenario or the expression. Pick five of your closest friends and that's who you're going to be. And five of my closest friends are all like fucking millionaires and they're super successful and they're super fit. Yeah! Yeah!
Starting point is 00:32:00 Give it to me. I'm not there yet, but I'm coming. I'm coming. You know? And that's how I i'm gonna keep fucking being better you guys are like holy fuck what in the hell is this guy i know i see it man you're like you're not allowed to drink coffee right no i yeah i'm in moderation that's go ahead and i'm really curious for you when um because i mean you talked a little bit about your past you talked about going to the navy seals but is the navy seals when the switch came or was it a little bit after that like when did you really shift into this mindset that's that
Starting point is 00:32:36 as a great question um 19 years old and i'll tell you exactly why so So Jason Redman, author of The Trident and Overcome, a buddy of mine who got shot through the face, a.k.a. 40 surgeries in the face and all this stuff, talks about getting off the X's and life ambushes. And what I call them is I've actually been mortared. I've been blown up before. Life is going to hit you with explosions in your life. And I was 19 years old. My father was murdered when I was 11. I went and had to go live with my mother who wasn't a big fan of mine. I was going to community college. I was a complete and utter piece of shit, doing roofing, doing drugs, drinking, I'm doing roofing, doing drugs, drinking.
Starting point is 00:33:31 When I say womanized and just treating not, you know, not, but just treating women like I shouldn't be treating women. And I remember one night coming back from a bar and which is so amazing about this is I can't remember what I had for fucking breakfast two weeks ago. But I can remember what I was wearing at 19. I remember it was cold. I remember going in the bathroom and I do these drills with my with my clients. It's called a self reflection drill. And how this came to me is, you know, it's the middle of the night, I come in late, sneak in, and you're gonna wash your face, have a light on and I look up in the mirror. And when I look in the mirror, I should see me. And I didn't see me. I saw the biker, the womanizer, the drug addict, the drunk father, right? Because I look a lot like my father. And right then and there, I was like, holy shit. And I've done this about four times in my life where it's just like I said, you have these epiphanies. And I was like, that's where the first one came. epiphanies and i was like that's where the first one came i was 19 years old because if i didn't join the navy i was probably going to jail for some stupid shit that i did um but then right
Starting point is 00:34:32 there you know i had to i had to thank you majors had a man up nut up and go okay first thing i need to do is take full responsibility and accountability for my actions i am the way I am not because my father died or beat me, or my mother doesn't love me. It's because I am not strong enough to get through this. So I had to self motivate, educate and decimate myself, right? Decimate just put myself through torture, training to become better. You know, it's funny, I go back to my hometown. I've got a lot of friends that have let themselves go and you know, they're ill. And I'm like, they're like, what do you do? That's so different than me. Nothing. I just work out an hour a day. That's all I do. That's the only thing I've done. And it's because I need to keep that, that, that blade, right? The
Starting point is 00:35:21 samurai sword sharp, right? Most people, they sharpen the blade and they fucking hang the blade up and they don't use it until they need it. Not me. No, sir. I read every day. I work out every day. I eat good every day. All I'm doing, right? The symbolism, I'm sharpening that stone every day and I'm keeping control. I'm responsible and accountable for how sharp that blade is. I take care of it. That blade is this and this. It has nothing to do with these. This is just, that's just the results of having a strong mind and a strong heart, right? Everything else falls into place. So real quick, going back to your daughter and, you know, being a father, how do you, like, how can somebody push their kid to be like your daughter a little
Starting point is 00:36:06 bit, but without going too far? And this question stems from, I have an older brother. He's, I think, officially seven years older than me. Super gifted athlete, extremely smart, was always on every all-star team, was always invited to like these like extra teams that go around the country playing all sports. He was pushed very hard by my dad. When it came to go to college, he had a full ride, and then he finally had enough. He's like, I'm done. And it pissed off my dad, of course, but that was his way of like, you push me my whole life, well, this is my payback.
Starting point is 00:36:41 So how can we push without pushing too far? It sounds like soup dog when he went to UCLA. I remember when that happened. I was at UCLA when that happened. You know, you have to find balance, right? You have to find balance. And it's all about the leadership. I agree.
Starting point is 00:36:59 Like, I'll give you an example. There's two types of leaders on the planet. Obviously, good leaders and bad leaders. Do as I say, not as I do.. Do as I say, not as I do. And do as I say, do as I do. So since my daughter literally could walk, fitness has been a part of her life, right? She's been a gymnast since she's been six. Now, I'll tell you, with all this Kung Fu flu crap going on right now, she's gotten a little, she's gotten a little lenient on the video games,
Starting point is 00:37:25 but she still gets up and does her stuff. So the best thing I can tell a parent is, is do what you can. And you know, like my job is I get her to gymnastics. And this is what I've told my daughter since day one, listen, the minute that it doesn't become fun and you don't enjoy it, you let me know, but you're not going to quit because your friends at your school want you to quit. Meaning, you know, like I can only use gymnastics as a deal with, she's had a few fears that she's had a lot of fun.
Starting point is 00:37:56 That's a running down the hill analogy you used earlier. Exactly, right? Control the descent, right? I don't care how fast you run up the hill, right? And the reason why people don't want to run up the hill is two things. One, the air gets thin up there and they get a hard time breathing. Hey, you can acclimate, trust me. You don't need supplemental O2 until you're up to 13,000 feet. Unless that hill's over 13,000 feet, we'll talk. And number two, what happens is, is a lot of people,
Starting point is 00:38:25 the analogy is they get scared of heights, right? Like when I started working with Bedros, I started making like a lot more money and climbing up here. And all of a sudden I got up and he knows it, right? And he's like, it's when I switched from working with the blank, blank, blank three letters to working with Bedros. He's like, what are you scared of? I'm like, I don't know. He goes, you're making more money. Like, yeah, but what if I, he's like, brother, you're just scared of heights.
Starting point is 00:38:55 You're not used to going this high. And this is what I'll tell you. This is what I tell everybody. He goes, go as high as you want. He goes, you've jumped out of a plane. You've gone 25,000 feet. Let's go higher. And I'm like, and obviously it's all just analogies symbolism but i'm like you're right man i can so what i do with my daughter is i tell her listen i don't care what you do i just want you to be the best at what you fucking do she gets good like my my thing in my house is good grades okay you want to get a's like she gets a b here once in a minute with the b's um but i just you know private school i want you crushing it from there she has no other no other alternative but
Starting point is 00:39:33 fitness because my wife's a pt freak who makes me look like a slob like seriously when i make love to my wife i have to wear a bed shirt because i swear i swear to god i swear to god literally i wear a bed shirt. I know. Hopefully you cut that out. But I'm serious. My wife's like shredded abs. And I love it. Like most men would be intimidated by that. I'm like, yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:56 Yeah, we're not cutting that out. That's going to be the promo. Just kidding. It comes out of my mouth. It's true. My wife will come up here and go, and I'm just kidding. It comes out of my mouth. I'm sorry. It's true. My wife will come up here and go, and I'm like, and they'll be like, show us your abs, right? I'm just like, not to you guys, but yeah. But that's what I would say.
Starting point is 00:40:15 You know, all you can do, if I had to sum this up, is you can only lead the horse to the water, right? You do everything you can to lead the horse to the water. They have to decide when and how much they want to drink. Me as a parent, I'm going to be supportive. You've got to know the child with the red line, right? I'm going to red line my child. There's been like two or three times she's wanted to quit. And we're like, listen, get this move down and then you can quit. And we knew the minute that she did that flying fucking flip and landed,
Starting point is 00:40:45 like, you want to quit? No, Daddy. That's right. And that's what we're there as parents to do. You know, just nudge them. I nudge them. I mean, I'm not going to shove her, but, you know, but I'm going to nudge her and I'm going to keep moving her,
Starting point is 00:40:59 and I want her to be uncomfortable too, and that's something that you need to do with your children. Teach them how to be uncomfortable, right? These kids that are sitting on the computers just, you know, playing video games all damn day long. Here's the best piece of advice I can give a parent. Do what I do. Take the joysticks, make them go outside. No phone, give me your phone, right? Well, how will I know where she is? That's fine. She can only go two houses up and down. I can see her. My daughter goes out and plays all the time, right? I mean, when we were kids, we didn't have that shit. So my goal, if I could do everything right and be a better parent, I would rewind time and go back to the rotary phones before we had all
Starting point is 00:41:34 this crazy shit and just make kids be more active. If we, you know, take some of those things away, the kids will be bored and they'll want to do something and they'll probably find something to do. And the same thing goes for food. You know, people like, how do I get my kid to eat better? But if you have a goldfish and Cheez-Its and Doritos and you know, that that's what they're going to crave all the time. And so I'm not saying you have to do away with those things forever, but it's a good idea to minimize those things and maybe take them out of the house here and there. With the books that you've read and some of the people that you're
Starting point is 00:42:14 encountering that maybe have played the role of mentoring you a bit. What are the similarities? Like there's gotta be probably some similarities across all these planes with the, with the books and these ideas that these people have to be the best that they can be. What are some of the things that you've seen? I think it's just that, that, that warrior mindset, you know, that, that can do attitude. The, you know, when, like Jason Redman says, when life gets fucking hard, just roll up your sleeves and get harder.
Starting point is 00:42:43 I'm like, yeah, I love that. You know, and I say, you know life gets fucking hard, just roll up your sleeves and get harder. I'm like, yeah, I love that. And I say, life's hard, train harder. The motto is just keep going. The only time I'm going to quit is when I die. And every single person that I've talked to, I've got some pretty huge mentors in my life. I don't want to hear what's so cool about me is like, you know, if I sit down with like a Bedros or, you know, Doc Gabby, I really like Doc Gabby. I don't want to hear about this. I want to hear about the climb up the hill. That's what I have in common with everybody is
Starting point is 00:43:19 the people that write these amazing books. They don't just sit here and just tell you how awesome they are and how big their, you know, their thing is. They sit here and tell you about the trials and tribulations and the fuck-ups because that's what's real, right? I can relate to people making mistakes and wanting to throw in the towel, but not doing it and the the one similarity that we all have is you know like i said it's just the fuck it fuck you mindset it's you know i'm going toe to toe with you and it's like fuck it i'm already here you know like you wrote me are you nervous about podcast yeah fuck yeah i'm always nervous about going on podcast i'm not going to tell you that you know i just told millions of people. But my point is, is you just got to,
Starting point is 00:44:07 all the people that are so successful, somewhere, somehow, their why became so great that they believed in themselves and nothing or no one could stop them. That's the similarity that I have. Like Jason Redman, laying in the fucking bed, his nose is shot off, half his face is out. And so on. I mean, and he lives 10 minutes down the road from me. And I asked him, what was your why? He's just like, I'm not going to die like this. I mean, that's it. You know, three beautiful kids, a beautiful wife.
Starting point is 00:44:36 I mean, I've known this guy since Buds. We were in Buds together. He's just like, I am too hard to die this way. And I love that about people. People that just know that's not how they're going to go. It's not like me. You know, I don't want to be one of these guys that, you know, driving down the road, goes to the grocery store and has a heart attack.
Starting point is 00:44:55 You know, that's why I try to stay as healthy as I can. Man, when I go, you know, I want to be like on CNN going out in style or something, you know, like I'm saving, I'm saving somebody from 12 alligators or something, something crazy, just something where I can make a impact. Right. I don't want to be impressive. I want to be impactful. I've been such a strong, like regimen to live by, you know, when you are a Navy SEAL, was the transition tough after, you know, being a Navy SEAL, like just getting out into real real life are you kind of almost maybe in a way like looking down on people like look at these slobs like these people they don't they don't
Starting point is 00:45:29 train they don't do this they don't do that they got a weak mindset was that transition tough to get back into society no and i'll tell you why because i got out of the navy and i went right into the ci last letter and literally all i did was work with a bunch of SEALs, recon, SF, and like PJs going overseas. So I literally went from one platoon to another one for 14 years. The biggest transition I had was literally last January when I switched with Bedros. A lot of self-doubt. I mean, Bedros will tell you, you know, I'm on here and I'm like super confident and this and that. And Bedros has told me, man, you're a fucking hypocrite, bro.
Starting point is 00:46:12 And I was because I was so scared to leave the business, my business world to come to his business world, right? Carrying a gun, kicking in doors. That's easy. And Bedros was like, let me get this straight, right? Because now a gun, kicking in doors. That's easy. And Beto was just like, let me get this straight, right? Because now I do sales and stuff. He's like, you're more scared to sit in front of a computer and make sales and talk to people cold
Starting point is 00:46:34 sales and warm, warm calls. I'm learning all this shit versus carrying a gun. I'm like, yeah, he goes, you're a hypocrite because you talk about redlining, but you won't redline yourself with business. And then right there, you know, and I actually have a pair of shoes that have lines on them because he called me a fucking cheap line. He told me the story about the line that was raised by the sheep and blah, blah, blah. Long story short, he pretty much just called me a pussy to my face. So whenever I speak now and I get nervous, right, I hate speaking in front of people.
Starting point is 00:47:02 I'll speak in front of like thousands of people. I'll look down at my shoes and people start applauding because they know what I'm doing. And I'll just, I'll come back up and I roar. And I'm like, I'm a lion. And Bedros taught me that. And that's my goal in life is to tell people, take calculated risks, believe in yourself. And you have so much more to offer because I have been literally a hypocrite for 48 years and six months of my life telling people to attack, to do this, to do that. And everybody was like, well, Ray, you were doing
Starting point is 00:47:33 like some of the hardest training in the world, the Sicario, the Zero Dark Thirty. And I was super comfortable doing it. I was in my comfort zone. So now I'm out of my comfort zone talking on big podcasts like this. I'm sweating like I stole something right now I'm out of my comfort zone talking on big podcasts like this. I'm sweating like I stole something right now, man. I mean, I ain't going to lie to you guys. I am. I'm like, you know, I'm not even wearing pants. No kidding.
Starting point is 00:47:53 When did you recognize that you were so passionate about helping other people? It's just been accumulative to my whole life because no one helped me. It's just been a cumulative to my whole life because no one helped me. Like I, every time I help somebody, it's because I don't want them to feel like I did. Like when I wanted to become a Navy SEAL, I walked up like an idiot talking to a bunch of Navy SEALs in Seattle. I'm like, man, my name's Ray. I want to be a Navy SEAL.
Starting point is 00:48:19 They're like, it's fuck out of here. You're never going to make it. Having a mom that really wasn't there, not having anybody to guide me. I don't want people to feel I was lost for a long time. And I think my whole passion of giving back is I just want to help people so they don't feel that way. And in return, the only thing I ask is, is pay it forward, right? Just, it's all about giving back, you know, like, that's, that's the biggest lesson. And I don't keep talking about Bedros on here, Cause I'm, you know, he's not paying me for this. No, he did. He said, you know, and Doc Gabby too. She's the same way. The more that you, the more that you make, the more that you can give back. Right. Because, you know, the more, that's what Bedros has taught me. The more financially set I am, the more I can give back, the more time I have to spend with my wife and my daughter, it just gives me options that I never had before. Now, I have nothing against the guy that's rolling up his sleeves and he's fucking grinding 12 hours a day and he's still living check to check. I get it. I've done it. But this is the advice I would tell you. Just keep staying on course and eventually,
Starting point is 00:49:23 I'm telling you, man, it's going to happen. That's the best advice. It took me fucking 48 years. And that's what the whole Navy SEAL and the TV and the movies and all that means nothing. What I tell people is the only thing that matters is right now. I get up and speak and they're like, now, former Navy SEAL, CIA. I'm like, listen, guys, I got 45 minutes to not tell you what I've done, but to tell you what I can do based off of this. And people are like, but I saved 10 minutes of an intro. So let's use this time and attack the hill. And that's what I think people need to do.
Starting point is 00:49:57 They just need to start attacking, right? Front sight focus. You see your target, attack it, right? Because three steps to be successful in life. Ask, make, take. Ask what is the problem, what do you want? Make. Make a fucking decision.
Starting point is 00:50:14 Take. Take action. People don't take action. They don't. They sit around and they wonder, well, well, well, what if I fail? Guilty. Guilty. I finally took action i'm living proof that an irish kid that
Starting point is 00:50:27 barely has an high school education can can make it and surround himself with some of the best i mean i'm getting all these cool podcasts i do all this cool shit you know people are like how the hell do you do it it's all about having a great mental attitude right i talk about team trust effort attitude mission That is it. That's why I always sign off with stuff saying team care. Trust. I trust in my wife. She trusted me and my daughter and my kids.
Starting point is 00:50:53 Effort. I'm going to give you guys when I come on this podcast, a hundred percent of my fucking effort. Attitude. You're not going to meet anybody that has a better attitude than me. Mission. Hey, you tell me what the mission is and success and we'll accomplish it. Success is growth. It's not money. It's growth. Let's create growth. And that's how the world could be a better place if people just kept it that simplistic.
Starting point is 00:51:14 You know, Ray, you mentioned being in a comfort zone. And it's crazy that your comfort zone was exactly what you just mentioned, like being in its places, carrying guns, doing whatever you did. That was your comfort zone. And I hate to bring up Bezos again, but when he was on the podcast before, he talked about, I don't know if it's every month or every amount of time, he does some weird
Starting point is 00:51:38 different thing. Six-week challenge. Six-week challenges, right? He does things that he's never done before. And that really got me thinking because as adults, there are certain things that you've done for a long time. For me, I've lifted since I was 13. So certain things when it comes to fitness aren't difficult for me. But then certain things when it comes to business are difficult for me.
Starting point is 00:51:59 You know what I mean? And it's just like for you yourself, you said that it's it was, you know, it's been 48 years, and sales is now the hardest thing for you. So when you're dealing with adults, right, who they're in their comfort zone, they're doing really, really well at something, but they find it so difficult to move and do other things at that same level. What is it that you try to help them do well i just try to have people realize that you know just because you're really fucking good at something it doesn't mean that's your only calling right i think people have passion and purpose i always tell people what you know like i've met people that make six seven and eight figures but there's no passion there's no fire
Starting point is 00:52:41 there's no spark and i've asked people like, you know, what lights your fire? What blows your skirt up? What gets you going? And I've had some of my clients say, I don't know, it's stupid. You're not going to believe. I had one guy that wanted to write children's novels. And he's not like some freak or anything, but he's, you know, he's worth like $20 million. I'm like, well, fucking write a novel.
Starting point is 00:53:04 See it. But what if people don't like it you're not gonna know you're never you're never going to grow unless you know i want to make sure people understand that you're never going to grow unless you know you need to know what you're capable of right um i do i do t-shirts now my business conquer i was i don't know man i don't know if this is cheesy seven points of performance to master you let's try it take it off right but that's what i tell people find out what makes you what's your passion now there are some people that are like you know drinking bros they got a podcast they that's their dream in life they want to do it hey great you found your
Starting point is 00:53:43 purpose and passion now find a way to expand on that and help other people out. Yeah, but if you just get up and you're going through life with the blinders on, right, and it doesn't matter if you're making minimum wage or you're making millions of dollars, being miserable is being miserable. If you have more fucking money, you just have more money, and you're just maybe more miserable. Some of the most miserable people I've met are rich. Maybe one day I'll have to deal with that. I remember I joked
Starting point is 00:54:12 with Tom Hanks. He's like, man, you don't want to deal with the shit I have? Bring it on, Tom. Give it to me. Let me try. I'll tack that hill. Pay me $10 million for Captain Phillips. I was a little part. I got a little bit of money. Come on. bring it. What would I tell people is if it's not passionate enough,
Starting point is 00:54:31 and it's all about transitioning, right? Transitioning, right? When you go into a room, you have to have your fields of fire. I'm not telling people by any means quit your fucking job and go write a children's book. I'm saying find a way, right? Find outs. We call them doors saying find a way, right? Find outs. We call them doors when you're working, right?
Starting point is 00:54:49 Find avenues of that, like me, T-shirt business. It's residual income. Find other ways that once you start, right? This is the money you're making. If you're starting to do this and you really love the passion, figure out the want versus the need, right? All right? I need to make X amount of dollars for my family.
Starting point is 00:55:07 I want. That's the problem. Everybody focuses on the want. You need to focus on the need, the necessities. I need this. Once you figure out how you can do that, I would rather lose money doing the passion that I love, just making bills meet, because it's going to give me a better attitude and perspective on life. And we've done that. I worked less. I mean, I make more now,
Starting point is 00:55:30 but I work more. I worked less and made, you know, to how much I was home, technically I made more money. And Bedros is like, you want to make more money? Yes, sir. Well, then let me teach you how to work harder. Okay. So, but I'm passionate about it because we're changing lives and that's what the project's about are we doing that every other month we're fucking smoking people
Starting point is 00:55:49 and we're making men better so that's my way of giving back to the community right now i would imagine while you're training as a navy seal that you have so much stuff to do and so much stuff going on that you maybe don't have time to have depression or anxiety or to even be unhappy. What is that like, you know, going through that? Like, I'm not sure if you were unhappy before you went in, but I would imagine that you're so occupied, you have so much responsibility, so many things to do, that it might be hard to like sit around and and uh kind of loaf around or to really think a lot about your thoughts because you got so much shit to do every day yeah um you know when the whirlwind stops when you're out of battle you
Starting point is 00:56:38 know when you take time for reflection um it'll hit you like a fucking ton of bricks. PTSD is a fucking monster. I have it. 100% disabled vet, permanent. You just have to figure out, you know, I hate to use the term, but happy Gilmore, you know, the happy place. I figure out, you got to figure out what makes you happy and try to put that into the equation. Nights are hard sometimes when you're thinking about people
Starting point is 00:57:06 and things that you've had to do in life. It's pretty fucking tough. But, you know, in the teams, the things that we've had to do and in the agency, it's amazing what people will justify for you. You know, like if you have to take a human life, if it's for a greater good, eventually that's going to catch up with you. You know, I mean, have to take a human life, if it's for a greater good, eventually that's going to catch up with you. You know, I mean, I'm not going to talk about my past or anything that I've had to do. I'm proud of the things that I've had to do and not so proud of
Starting point is 00:57:33 some of them. But what I do in my mind, it's all about that programming for the greater good, for the greater good, for the greater good. Losing brothers, I don't have an answer to that right now try not to the one thing that I know when I got diagnosed with the PTSD is I really cut out drinking because drinking and using artificial substances
Starting point is 00:57:57 will use that can sometimes hinder the thought process I need to be as clear as I can for that you guys not you know i'm you guys can see i'm a lot as it is you know jason redmond and call me in case of war break um so you know like perfect example uh last night i took my wife and daughter out you know my wife had a drink at bonefish i don't drink i don't drink in front of my daughter i did a few years ago and i got a little silly not crazy
Starting point is 00:58:25 about five years ago at a new year's eve party and she was like daddy i didn't like the way you acted i haven't had i think i've had a beer in front of her since then so um for people that are when the time comes the best advice i can give is try not to try not to push it aside by numbing yourself. There are definitely people and facilities out there that can help you with that, especially like veterans. The hardest problem with vets and people that are dealing with – because, you know, you can get PTSD from childhood. They told me my childhood is worse than my teen life is that number one you're not alone that's what i tell people and number two it's not your fault um no matter what and number three you can get help you just have to open your heart and mind to it you know a lot of guys that are alphas you know big
Starting point is 00:59:18 tattoo guys we're all vulnerable at some level and that that's what I tell people, even some of the hardest cats I know in life, you know, you go to a funeral and you see a brother die. Some guys hold it, but eventually there needs to be an outlet for it. You just need to find out a controlled way to let it out. You know, a lot of guys do jujitsu. There's, you know, that's therapeutic. There's a lot of different therapeutic methods that you can use. of guys do jujitsu. There's, you know, that's therapeutic. There's a lot of different therapeutic methods that you can use. I know some guys that run. I just like to go to, like me, I work out. That's, you know, I go, I have two churches. I have, you know, the real church and then have the iron church. I'm in the gym today, you know, crushing it. And it's, I'm doing it to be better, you know, and just putting out more. Is it a, I mean, it must be hard to think about the greater good cause it's like who does,
Starting point is 01:00:10 who gets to decide that. Right. And so I guess when it comes to that sort of thing, you probably can't really, you probably can't even really go there. Right. No, you have to believe in the mission that, like I said, team that you're on, the trust, effort, attitude, and mission, I think that has pivotal foundations on battlefield, business field, and home field, which is the three things that I focus on. Sometimes they're all in one. But, you know, like for my past with the history, you know, when you signed up for the SEALs,
Starting point is 01:00:44 you know, you didn't sign up for a fucking boy scout club you signed up to do what needed to be done so it's all about programming you know when you have to go overseas people deal with things in different different ways that's why i think it's so important for me while i do the coaching coaching other people motivating other people you know crushing other people was actually important for me while I do the coaching, coaching other people, motivating other people, you know, crushing other people. It's actually therapeutic for me. That's kind of my release. That's why I do all these camps and stuff. Um, also I think the best thing that someone can have to is a solid foundation home.
Starting point is 01:01:17 I mean, I married a gal that I have seriously guys. I'm really have no fucking business being with. She's like super smart, super fucking hot. Um, you know, just she business being with. She's like super smart, super fucking hot. You know, just she's my age and she looks like when we go out, I look like her fucking grandfather. But, you know, but so it's all about who you surround yourself with. But what I would tell anybody, if anybody's listening to this podcast and any of this is relating to you, you know, you guys could, I'll give people, you can reach out to me and I will help you get health. I mean, you know, I don't care. You don't have to be a vet to have PTSD. That's, that's the misconception. Oh, I didn't go to battle. There's a lot of different battles in life, right? Mental, emotional, physical, spiritual, social, sexual. So trauma is trauma. And the best advice i can give any man woman
Starting point is 01:02:09 person out there is to seek out help and just know you're not alone i know i don't i don't get too serious often but it's very my job is to help as many fucking humans as i can how did your father uh get killed and were you made aware of like what happened right away obviously i'm sure you knew that he passed right away but did you know the story i was actually my parents got divorced when i was very young i was with my mother in uh owings mills maryland i'm from dundalk maryland not a good part of town the story goes i was 11 my father got into a bar fight he was a hell raiser beat the hell out of a guy was walking home because he lost his license. The guy ran him over with a car and then drug him till nothing was
Starting point is 01:02:48 left. So I got the word from my aunt Betty, who was his, uh, sister was also like the super police officer that he had been taken and, you know, changed my whole life around. Um, very angry. you know, changed my whole life around. Very angry. A lot of questions not answered. And I'll never know him. But I think people look at things the wrong way. I try to reverse engineer everything. I think that happened to my father, the abuse that he gave me, made me the man that I am today. And believe me, I'm far from fucking perfect. But, um, I can out, I outperform a lot of people in different manners, not just with lifting. Um, I try to outthink people. I try to outmaneuver people. Um, I'm always, I'm always situationally aware of what's going on. And I think that's because of the trauma that I have and the uncertainty, because, you know, my goal was, is I don't want
Starting point is 01:03:41 to, I don't want to be that guy. You know, I don't want to leave my family the way that he left me. I mean, because it fucking sucked. And then go to a mom who really wasn't ready or wanted you, it's tough. But shit happens. I could sit here and write a boo-hoo book about it, but instead I try to stack the wins up. I learn my lesson. You know, I don't beat my kids. And I've just learned from all the lessons, the shit that he
Starting point is 01:04:10 did to me and the shit, the way that my mother treated me, I make sure I don't do that shit to my kids and my wife. I think it's an amazing story because it sounds to me like you somehow, it took you some time, but you somehow figured out how to heal yourself from within by kind of meeting all these different mentors and going through all these different types of training and becoming a Navy SEAL. And then now you're trying to show people the way. And it could be through, you know, it's interesting too because it doesn't have to be through them being abused as a child. It could be them trying to run a hill.
Starting point is 01:04:47 It could be them trying to train their face off until they just feel like they're in a corner that they can't get themselves out of, maybe the same way you felt when you were young. Yeah, I have lots of scars. I have lots of physical scars, but I also have lots of emotional scars. And the fucking cool thing about physical scars are they say chicks dig them. You can look down and see them. And it brings back, you know, I can remember like when I broke my leg in half, Lee Clymer or my shoulder surgery. The emotional scars, though, what happens with those is something will trigger those. Right. Like I'll be doing something.
Starting point is 01:05:24 And then it's like, you never had like a little sore and you scratch it and it starts to bleed. You're like, shit, that's this, that's the kind of representation or symbolism that I deal with. I'll see something, I'll see a parent yelling at a child. I mean, I don't go into the fetal position or anything, but it's like somebody's just poking, scratching at me. And it just gives me a quick second.
Starting point is 01:05:42 So the physical scars, I'd much rather have those than the emotional scars, emotional scars. I don't know if they're healed. I don't believe that I've killed them. I believe that I've named them, claimed them, and tamed them. Does that make sense? I don't believe that you can kill that type of demon, but I can name it, claim it, and tame it. As long as I can do that, I can keep it under control. There are times, and that's why I know that when I drink, those emotional scars will come out. So easy, don't fucking drink. That's how I avoid, that's my self-avoidance from it, right? Why am I going to steer the ship towards the rocks when I can just steer them away from it and have smooth sailing? And that's what I'm going to do. You ever considered a psychedelics or anything like that? Cause I know that some people use that for PTSD and there's more research. I mean, like in a clinical sense, I don't know. I'll just laugh at, um, you know, I've been thinking about, I've been hearing about the, but, um, you know, just my life with, you know, I haven't smoked a joint since I was fucking like in high school. So my thing is, you know, maybe I'm a hypocrite.
Starting point is 01:06:54 I'm worried. I've heard. I just, you know, whenever you, I mean, I remember when I was younger watching guys trip, you know, you have a good trip or bad trip. I just wouldn't want to have the bad side or the dark side come out. So I'm to the point now where it's manageable, right? I can control it. If it got uncontrollable, the first thing I would do, what I won't do is when I first had this issue, I went to the VA, no, no dig on the VA, but you know, fight it in. And that's not the answer just medicating people up is not the answer because then what happens you get addicted and then we have a whole fucking underlining issue
Starting point is 01:07:31 they gave me a bunch of vikadin for stuff and i started taking it and i started chewing it like candy and i was like nope so um try to do i try to do it the right way now try to eat better work out better smarter smarter, learning. The biggest thing I've learned over the years is just education. I try to educate myself. Bedros makes me read all the time. It drives me nuts. Because I wasn't a big reader.
Starting point is 01:07:56 I wasn't very well articulated with things. And I'm still not, but I know a little bit more than I used to. I used to just focus on my little bubble just this um you know so definitely but no i don't know maybe one day maybe we'll maybe we'll fire one up i don't know i have to talk to dr g about that see if that's okay yeah speaking of she just sent uh dr gabrielle lion sent a message and she's like send my love and i'm like well i can't do it the way you can but she says what's up so uh you know she is she's and i'll tell you what she's changed my fucking life she's the best yeah she is man she's she's keeping this chassis well oiled she's smart um she's funny um and i love everything about her i would i don't have one but you know when
Starting point is 01:08:39 i first met her i thought she'd be taller she's so short and i mean i'm little but when i met her i was like i thought she was tall me too wait how tall is she she's like fucking five foot tall she's got like heels on she's tiny so yeah but yeah she's freaking incredible um how did you how did you link up with like people like her bedros and everybody like how where did that connection come from it comes from having a great fucking attitude i met you know you let me tell you how i met like people like her, Bedros and everybody like how, where did that connection come from? It comes from having a great fucking attitude. I met, you know, you want me to tell you how I met Bedros Kooling?
Starting point is 01:09:10 Here you go. This is a great story. I had to speak at something where, you know, obviously Jason Redman was there, a bunch of big speakers, Bradley. I was kind of one of the opening acts and we just kind of met and hit it off.
Starting point is 01:09:23 I knew who he was, but I wasn't going to sit here and suck his mule or nothing like that. You know, he was cool. But, um, we started talking and then one thing led to another and we kind of went to the bar and then I started showing him stop, man, where you snort the salt drink the tequila, rub the lemon in your eye, like after meeting him and he's like, Holy fuck. Well, anyway, we have a lot of similarities with our childhood. He's got a rough childhood too. And he told me, he goes, anyway, we have a lot of similarities with our childhood. He's got a rough childhood, too.
Starting point is 01:09:53 And he told me, he goes, listen, my last five minutes of my speech, I want you to really listen because it's going to really pertain to you. And I said, you know, when B really gets on me, I go, yes, sir. So anyway, I have backstage access. I remember I just got off the plane. It was fucking enormous. Big suit on. And as he's speaking and he's coming off stage, I had a piss so bad. Well, when he comes off stage, I'm looking at him and I'm pissing in a bottle and I couldn't make this up. He's like, he's like, dude. And I'm
Starting point is 01:10:16 like, you know what? He's like, you're pissing in a bottle. I said, yeah. And I zipped up and put my thing up and he goes, there's a bathroom right there. And this is how the relationship started. I said, yeah, And I zipped up and put my thing up and he goes, there's a bathroom right there. And this is how the relationship started. I said, yeah, I know. But imagine if you would have looked out in that crowd, you would have saw me. And then when I got off, when you got off stage, you wouldn't see me backstage. And he's like, yeah, you're right, dude. Because when you're on stage, you can find people. Um, and that, that did it right there. That started the relationship with me and him.
Starting point is 01:10:43 Doc Gabby, I've just been a fan of her work forever and i know you know i know her old man um obviously a team guy i was using someone else and she came highly recommended went up to new york and you know she's great friends with my wife i just she treats you like family you know what i mean even though she's very successful takes time i mean i can call her for anything and she drops what she's doing. I mean, if she's not on a damn TV show or she's always on TV shows and shit doing stuff,
Starting point is 01:11:10 but she will answer everything. And that's what I love. How, how humble she is. You know, Bedros is the same way. You would never know that they're whatever they make and how they're crushing it.
Starting point is 01:11:21 They're just great fucking human beings. And that's who I surround myself with. You know, I'm really curious about this because you mentioned that it's something that you use with your clients. And when you're a 19, like you saw your reflection and that's one of those pivotal points for you. You said that there were maybe three or like there are three other points that
Starting point is 01:11:41 that happened for you or maybe four other points. I'm curious what those points were and what shifted for you. I'll give you another one. In 2004, I was working for the agency and we started taking mortar fire. And so I'm behind a car door is open of a, it was a BMW and it's about a 580 pound door because it's got level seven body armor. And I was a new guy and had to put ammo. So magazines full of five,
Starting point is 01:12:08 five, six and all this in the doors. Cause it gets so hot. It's a full amount. And when the mortar started coming in, I froze for a second, right? Cause I was thinking I was behind cover.
Starting point is 01:12:16 And what had happened was, is the blast wave pushed the door shut and hit my mouth. So boom, right. Put me down. So as I'm trying to get up, I look up, me down so as i'm trying to get up i look up you know i'm trying to get up there's just a pile of blood a lot of these aren't aren't really mine they're all messed up so as i'm trying to get up you know this is where you're talking about i'm
Starting point is 01:12:35 trying to gather my teeth together and there's a guy i used to work with over at a buddy of mine from seal team six named tim it's just like you think in the movies he's going right he's screaming at me my ears are ringing and i'm like trying to in the movies, he's going, right? He's screaming at me. My ears are ringing and I'm like trying to figure out what the fuck's going on. And I'm like, my God, as I start trying to get up, boom, I fall down again. Right. And these are these pinnacle moments where, like, remember, I told you the first time I looked, I saw my father.
Starting point is 01:13:01 Well, this one I saw, I saw my wife and my son. And I'm like, holy shit, I can't die like this. Like, because I'm sitting there burning like on the ground, I'm going to die. So luckily, they leave no man behind. My buddy grabbed me. And, you know, and I'm thinking, yeah, we're good. We get hit again, blows up my side. And the point of this is, is just when those moments happen, like, I don't know where I go. It's like I go outside my body and I see things, right?
Starting point is 01:13:33 And that's one of the drills I do with every one of my coaching clients is I make them take a picture of themselves and grade themselves on their family, their fitness, their finances, and faith. And the thing is, is like when I was running for my life and, you know, when you get hit it's like, you see the movies, it just blows you that way. So I'm like flying through the air and like teeth are gone and everything. I'm just thinking, was I the best father? Was I the best husband? Was I the best, you know, whatever, you know, intimate time with my wife? And the answer to that was no. Um, and then one of the big drills that I do is, you know, Badger, this is one of Badger's drill. You know, you're born. There's the dash and you die. Right. What the fuck is my tombstone going to say when I die? And I didn't like what it fucking said.
Starting point is 01:14:16 So the dash, right, that he talks about is the now I'm going to rewrite my dash. Like, I'm not going to be a hothead. I'm not going to just punch people in the face. I'm going to be a better person. So there going to be a hothead I'm not going to just punch people in the face I'm going to be a better person so there's been about four of those things you know getting blown up being in war like situations where you don't think you're going to go home where no
Starting point is 01:14:35 shit your life flashes before your eyes and it's just like regret like every time that it's been one of those life altering things it's been regret like I literally, fuck. It'd be nice to one time just get mortared and go, yeah, I'm going to die, but I'm a great human being. My wife loves me and my kids love me. Okay. And that's, that's probably been my saving grace. That's what's made me just crawl out. You know, just like Jason, when he got shot in the face or Latrell. We don't want to live with a fucking regret. But I use the regret. That's what I do that's so awesome. I take the pain, the negativity, the sorrow, the regret, right? People avoid that shit, right? Everybody has a superpower and a kryptonite. Fuck that. Make your kryptonite and your crutch your superpower. Motherfucker, I eat regret for breakfast now. I spend time with my wife. We have coffee every morning. I tell her I love her every day. I make sure I tell my daughter she's beautiful. Shit I never used to do because I thought I was too much of a badass to do it.
Starting point is 01:15:44 not sitting here saying I watch a golden palm with my wife every night. No, I don't do shit like that. But we do things together, right? Spend time with my kids. My son lives in Seattle. I call his little ass all the time. Hey, man, just checking on you. So I just want to be a better fucking human being so that when it happens again, and it will, there'll be another one, you know, deaths in the family, things like that. The only one that I haven't been able to clear up is the one with my mother. And I won't. I'm too fucking stubborn that I haven't been able to clear up is the one with my mother. And I won't. I'm too fucking stubborn. I won't let her treat my daughter the way she treated me.
Starting point is 01:16:10 I will not. Yeah, that can be really difficult. I know a lot of friends who've had difficult situations. And one that always comes to mind is C.T. Fletcher, who just had this horrible relationship with his dad. And he, I like, I think there was several times in his life where he thought his dad was just
Starting point is 01:16:33 going to say, Hey son, like I'm, you know, I know I sucked, but I'm sorry. Cause he'd still talk to his dad's dad, you know,
Starting point is 01:16:41 he was still communicating with him and stuff. And somebody gave CT Fletcher the advice of him apologizing. talk to his dad's dad you know he was still communicating with him and stuff and um somebody gave ct fletcher the advice of uh him apologizing to his dad and he was like no fuck you he's like i'm not doing that and so he actually he actually did he actually did go and do that he went to his dad and he said hey you know what i'm sorry for not being the son uh that you wanted sorry i couldn't live up to whatever standards you might have had for me and his dad broke down and cried and they hugged and they talked a bunch and it didn't make everything all of a sudden magical yeah but but what it did for ct is it just kind of it buried that uh negativity so something
Starting point is 01:17:22 like that worked worked really well for him. Do you think that anything like that could maybe potentially work for you? No. And as much as I fucking, and I tell you what, man, I fucking love that man. I missed.
Starting point is 01:17:36 He's amazing. Yeah. And he's on my bucket list to like one of these days getting out. Motherfucking come on, bro. Let's do it. I would love to go toe to toe with him. I just, God, but no. out motherfucking come on brother let's do it i would love to go toe-to-toe with him i just god but no um and the reason is is because it's not just if it was just me yes um but driving home
Starting point is 01:17:54 when my little girl still in a car seat is in tuned enough to know like because we went in the house there was no pictures of her because they took all the pictures of us down. Yet there's pictures of my sister and everybody. And I, you know, I wish no, no ill will. But I just was always like, I reminded my mother and my father who, I guess he treated her like dirt and they got divorced. And no matter what I did, it was like, it's not enough, right? The TV, the movies, the seal. Oh, that's nice. That's nice. And you know, paying for her to come on vacations with us. Like I was paying for her to accept me because I reminded her of something that she didn't want in her life anymore. And I just, I will not let my daughter, I'm too strong to do that. Um, if it was just me,
Starting point is 01:18:40 I would have apologized years ago. And I, because I know if I apologize, we'll go right down the same road again. But I'm not willing to. I have controlled the bleeding. I haven't stopped it, but I've controlled it. But if I apologize to her and let her back into life, it comes down to you either have to fucking put a tourniquet on it and move on, or you're going to die. And I won't do that anymore. Tell us about movies and TV.
Starting point is 01:19:07 How did some of this stuff happen? I started off with a TV show called Ultimate Soldier Challenge with Rob Roy, the snow bro, one of the SEAL Team 6, black team guy, mentor of mine, love him. Call him the snow bro, just monster, big guy. And it was such a great fucking thing to do but they got this interview because they were like man we're looking for this big jack tattoo guy and i'm like well i'm five foot seven 210 pounds i don't know if i'm big but okay you got all these tattoos and my interview was we're going to name a like a branch of the service and you tell us the first thing that comes to mind.
Starting point is 01:19:45 I'm like, okay. And they're like, and it's just joking. They're like SF. I'm like pop belly guys. And they're like, you know,
Starting point is 01:19:51 Spetsnaz. I'm like male, what a bride. And I just kept going through all this stupid stuff. And they liked my personality. We did the show and we won it. Um, myself,
Starting point is 01:20:00 I was 40 at the time. Rob was 50. We beat a 23 and 28 year old guy. And that's just a 110 degrees at a client. I had to carry a 60 pound dummy up, literally up a mountain. Rob was too tired. So I just said, fuck it, fuck you. I'll do it myself. I did it. And when I got to the top of the mountain, I went back down to go get them. Age doesn't matter to me. It's all about just putting out, not to mention I was told if I failed the teams here, cause I live in Virginia beach, they said they'd fucking burn my house down. So,
Starting point is 01:20:28 um, after that it was, um, I did ultimate soldier challenge BBC where myself and another seal went and just smashed people for about a week, um, doing what we do best, making people better from the inside out. Captain Phillips ended up, I started off as an extra. One thing led to another. I was talking to Dana Bernetti, one of the executive producers. I didn't even know who the fuck he was. He liked me and he said, hey, I want to try something. And he introduced me, seriously, when I met Tom Hanks, this was the intro.
Starting point is 01:21:02 He was like, come here, I want you to meet somebody. I want to try something out for a second. I'm like, okay. And he goes, hey, this is Tom Hanks. I hope that intro. He was like, come here, I want you to meet somebody. I want to try something out for a second. I'm like, okay. And he goes, hey, this is Tom Hanks. I hope that I'm right. No fucking shit. But, and I've just gotten a couple roles from that. I'm supposed to be doing something here new with Rogue American Apparel. As long as the content is good and there's a purpose to it,
Starting point is 01:21:20 because I'm not going to get on TV and just, you know, be a dancing bear and do something stupid. But if I can help people, right? Because this is my success is this, helping others help themselves. That's my definition of success. You want to be successful in life, help others help themselves. Pedro's calling and said, you want to be a millionaire, help a fucking million people. I'm like, Roger that. And I'm going to do it, right? I'm not going to stop, you know? And I get to hang out with some great people in the way. You know, I know the Michael Hearns and, you know,
Starting point is 01:21:51 all these NFL football players and all this crazy shit. You know, Phil, I've been talking to Phil Heath a lot. Like I've been telling him, let's do a pose down. He's like, he just laughs at me. He's like, come on. Did you get a chance to train with Michael Hearn at all? Every time we're going to, something comes up, Mike. I know, yeah.
Starting point is 01:22:14 But it's funny because I was like, Mike, let's – he's a savage, man. I was like, let's do 200 burpees. He's like, why the fuck would I want to do 200 burpees? Mike is – if we go, it's going to be on Mike's grounds, and I'm fine with that. I won't back down from anybody. I'll train with fucking anybody. He doesn't like cardiovascular type stuff, but I wouldn't surprise me if he would be pretty good at it anyway. He's such a natural athlete.
Starting point is 01:22:37 You know who I've been doing a lot of stuff with lately is Clark Bartram. Oh, yeah. Yeah, dude. I mean, that guy is normal. Yeah, he's still shredded. I know. I'm like, we do our 1,080 push-ups, and the women are like, oh, my God. I'm like, I don't give a shit, but he's doing great stuff with his group over 52. So I love him.
Starting point is 01:22:53 Do you ever allow yourself to have any, I guess, like, cheats or let your guard down to, like, watch Netflix with the family or something? Because I'm sure somebody's listening to this, and, you know, they're getting inspired inspired and they're like, man, this guy's a fucking robot though. I could never be anything like that. So I want to hear it. And again, I reverse engineer everything too. Like last night I posted a video and everybody's laughing. I'm drinking a milkshake. And people are like, I didn't think you'd have a cheat meal.
Starting point is 01:23:17 Motherfucker, I don't have a cheat meal. I have a reward meal. I reward myself because I'm fucking hard. Me spending time with my family, I'm not cheating. I'm not letting my guard down. I'm showing, I'm showing my family how strong I am. Right. Like I, I tell people I'm the full fucking package as cocky as that sounds. And it's not, it's because right. I'm a warrior. I'm a fucking lover and I'm a fucking father, man. And I'm a, I'm a husband. fucking lover and i'm a fucking father man and i'm a husband that's what a fucking solid dude is right um i've got videos of me when when i was still with the agency where my daughter walked
Starting point is 01:23:52 up to me daddy can i dress you up yeah she'll put a dress on me and that is a man who loves his daughter well imagine because we're going to talk about this real quick um it's about being impactful in life i'm going to make sure you guys quick. It's about being impactful in life. I want to make sure you guys understand this, okay? We've all been with lots of women, but the woman that made the impact in our life was her wife, right? And I want to make that impact like she did in my life, in my kid's life. I talk about being that meteor, right? Meteors, right?
Starting point is 01:24:24 They come in. Most of them, 99% of them burn up in the atmosphere it's this pretty little light show it's impressive like sally jane i dated her 10 years ago i can't remember what i could tell us what she's doing but every fucking now and then man something's going to come in so fucking powerful so big so mighty that the atmosphere won't even burn it up and when it comes and hits the ground, boom, it leaves a fucking mark. By me doing that stuff, I'm leaving a mark on my family, an impactful. Being impressive is like, no, daddy's got to go to the gym. I'm going to go run 10 miles.
Starting point is 01:24:55 They're like, okay, great. But then when I leave, they're like, dick, that's what they're going to do. But that's what people do. I mean, kids don't think like that, but they're like, why didn't daddy's here? So my advice, am I vulnerable fuck yeah i'm vulnerable i'm vulnerable because i'm strong i let my guard down because i'm that strong and i want to be that type of man i want my daughter to marry a man that's going to do the same fucking thing right why i mean i don't know if any of you guys have i don't know if you got
Starting point is 01:25:25 daughters but oh my god it's so different with a boy and a girl like the minute i had a girl my whole life changed oh my god i'm gonna fuck kill everybody that's what i want to do everybody like you know people ask me you got a problem with you got a problem with me i got a problem with fucking everybody if you're looking at my kid, everybody. Um, but I will be vulnerable. I will be, she can talk to me about anything she wants. Um, I can't promise that I wouldn't take somebody and make them disappear.
Starting point is 01:25:53 Um, but we'll figure that out when the time comes, you know, she's 12 going on 20 and, um, yeah, yeah. You're starting to get the look.
Starting point is 01:26:02 Um, but all I can do is be the best father that I can, and be as vulnerable as I can with her. You know, we laugh, we cried. And I'm not gonna, you know, and if people think that makes me a pussy, I tell people, come on by, let's see how it goes. Because, uh, you know, I don't fuck around, especially when it comes to my family. And I think all men should feel the same way. Men that don't expose themselves and are vulnerable in front of their family and their loved ones, you're the weakest man I've ever met. You're not the strongest man. You're the weakest, right? You've got to be vulnerable. You've got to show that side. I mean, I'm not some hard ass all the time.
Starting point is 01:26:47 I mean, believe me, when it's go time and I put on my work face, oh, yeah. But it's funny. I did a show, too, and they're like, you know, do you like the word empathy? No, it pisses me off because usually people use the word empathy because it's associated with fucking excuses. I don't make an excuse why I'm vulnerable with my daughter. I'm telling you I'm vulnerable with my daughter because I'm fucking strong, and I want to show her that a man can be both, a well-rounded individual. That's a hot topic with me with my daughter, man,
Starting point is 01:27:17 because she's definitely growing and things are out. I don't know what to deal with, but I'm just going to continue to bang, you know, bang on the bag and, uh, you know, keep, keep chipping away at some of the things in case when it's time to go to work, I'll go to work. Uh, dude, so many people are going to be listening to this. They're going to be so inspired. They're going to be fired up, but everybody here, uh, we all understand that 99.9% of everybody that is excited right now isn't going to do shit with all this motivation. How can somebody who is listening to this right now, they're currently like, dude,
Starting point is 01:27:55 I like what he's putting down. I'm getting very motivated. How can this person take the next step to use that motivation to actually uh do something with all this uh encouragement fucking that's a great fucking question man i'll tell you exactly what you do every morning that i get up i attack my four f-bombs i fucking write down that right here and i can't make a shit up if i tried i come up with one goal in each one of those i'm gonna do like family fitness, and faith. Family. It's as simple as, hey, because I'm all about, remember, stacking the W's, right?
Starting point is 01:28:31 Stacking the W's. The more W's you stack, the better you're going to feel. I'm going to make sure I tell my wife and daughter I love her every fucking day. Boom. That's family. Fitness. Already got one in. I'm going to get two in.
Starting point is 01:28:42 Finances. As soon as I get off with you, I closed a $12,000 deal before I got on with you guys. I'm going to close another one today. Faith. That's the first thing. That's why I put family at the top and faith at the bottom. Faith every morning I get up. Be great today.
Starting point is 01:28:54 Be a bitch tomorrow. Nyla, what are you? I'm a champion. I'm a winner. Baby, what are you? She says, I'm the greatest woman in the world. That's her thing, right? Just accomplish that.
Starting point is 01:29:04 And then once you do that, remember how we talked about it's addictive? Then fucking write another one and another one and another one and another one and another one and another one until the fact that you're like literally so fucking in tuned with yourself
Starting point is 01:29:19 that you can start making instead of daily ones. Okay, now let's do a weekly one. By this week, I want to make sure I get five miles a day. Great. I want to make sure that I take my daughter to get ice cream twice a week, right? Every Wednesday, date night with my wife. Boom.
Starting point is 01:29:33 Once a month, what are you going to do? Okay, I'm going to make sure that I, and it just, you just keep expanding, right? There's no, you're going to have highs and lows. There's no such thing as perfection, just progression. Are you going to take steps back? Yeah. Are there going to be bad days? Yeah. Are you going to fucking want to give up? Yeah. Do you? No, you just keep fucking driving. And the, and what you need to keep just saying is, is I'm alive. That's what I tell whenever it could be worse. I could be dead. Right? I look in the
Starting point is 01:30:06 mirror. All my fucking teeth are fake. Okay. Hey, I look like this before. I've been fucking blown up before. I've been fucking shot at before. I've been fucking cheated on. I mean, it can always be worse. You know, first thing I told my wife, my opening line when I met my wife, seriously, she said, you're the shortest fucking guy I've ever went out with. Fuck you. But this is what she, I told her when I was trying to win her, you could do better, but you could do worse. She's like, what? I'm like, well, let's just start it at like a C, a C. And then hopefully I can get in there and look at me, you know, fucking 17 years later, man, I'm still grinding. But my point is, I tell people, that's what, remember I just said, you could always do better, but you could
Starting point is 01:30:45 do worse. I always sign off with do more do less just do it. The same thing applies. When I do my 1080 push ups, people are like, I can't do 1080 push ups. Fuck. It's not a dick measuring contest, motherfuckers. All I want you to do is do what you can on the minute. Now, we've got people in here like Mark that are super smart with with fitness. The goal is do what you can on the minute. Now, we've got people in here like Mark that are super smart with fitness. The goal is you train for 15 to 20 seconds of time under tension, time under load, so you have the 40 seconds to rest for the lactic acid buildup, right, while I'm moving, if we want to get scientific. But all it is is put out for 15 or 20 seconds,
Starting point is 01:31:21 and then do it again, and again, and and again and again. And then once you get good at that number, do it more and more. That's the best advice I could tell people is join me on Sundays for my 1080 pushups, my 1080 squats, my 1080 whatever the fuck I do, because I'm up to 1080 now. We can't do that. Doesn't matter. I'm motivating more women and children than anything right now. I love it. So my point is, and you've got so much more in you, no matter who you are. But it all starts from taking that initial step. And you're never, again, I'm going to full circle it. You're never going to grow unless you know.
Starting point is 01:31:58 You need to know what your limitations are. You need to know when you're going to fucking redline. And you need to know when you're going to fucking redline and you're going to need, no, you need to know when you're going to fail. And if you're not failing, then you're not pushing yourself hard enough because you need to fail. I fail every day, every fucking day. And I'm going to continue to fail.
Starting point is 01:32:17 I'm never going to have a perfect day. There's no such thing as a perfect day. I go days where I don't make sales. I'll make two sales on people. Like you can't make a sale on Friday, bitch. Last two weeks, I made two sales on Friday. Don't tell me what I can't do. Just tell me what needs to be done. And I will do it. And I will find a way. And that's what each
Starting point is 01:32:36 and every one of you need to find. And what works for me might not work for you, Mark, or it might not work for you. It's just you got to figure out what you bring to the table, surround yourself with great fucking human beings to have other things, right? Like business. I'm never going to out business Pedro's. Like, I'll ask him a question. I'm like, Hey, I have an idea. And he's like, okay. He's already thought about a hundred fucking times, but Hey, he's the kind of boss where I can just, if I have an idea, I ask him, like I can ask Mark questions about fitness and he's like, and a good leader is like, motherfucker, you don't think I thought about that? But most people will be like, hey, Ray, that's a great idea. Let me tell you why we're not going to go with that. Thank you. Right?
Starting point is 01:33:19 That's how people are going to be better. Surround yourself with people that are fucking awesome and you will become awesome. You surround yourself in a room full of fucking turds, people are going to be better. Surround yourself with people that are fucking awesome and you will become awesome. You surround yourself in a room full of fucking turds. You're going to become a turd. Sorry. Ray, thank you so much for your time today. This has been amazing. It's so good to hear your story. And it'd be great to meet you in person at some point and maybe have you up to my gym in West Sacramento super training.
Starting point is 01:33:43 So you can kill the whole team? Sir, I mean, you know I'm a huge fan. have you up to my gym in West Sacramento super training. So you can kill the whole team. Sir. I mean, you know, you know, I'm a huge fan. Don't fucking threaten you with a good time. I will be the next thing smoking.
Starting point is 01:33:51 You let me know. I will fucking be there and I will come ready to roll. Where can people find you? Yeah. At Ray cash care on Instagram. Thank God. I just got the blue check because I was like the king of, oh yeah, because I'm on all these fake dating sites and shit.
Starting point is 01:34:09 And then on Facebook at Ray Cash Care, Ray Cash Care, former ABCO, those two because they have blue checks so people can find me. Yeah, check out all the courses I'm doing, the project, the LTD with Bejros, the coaching. Love to have you guys. Awesome. Thanks again. Have a great rest of your day.
Starting point is 01:34:30 Thanks, guys. I appreciate it. Thank you. Boom. Awesome. Woo, he was fired up. That was great, man. Right out the gate, too.
Starting point is 01:34:39 Incredible. God. Came on here. Going bonkers. A huge shout out and thank you to Dr gabrielle lion for linking us up because that was an amazing podcast there his energy is something else though man i was i was really curious like if uh he's always had that type of energy and he's just been channeling it or you know that that the whole time man it just seems like he's like that all the time i wonder
Starting point is 01:35:06 about that but damn he's an awesome dude i think when you have energy like that it's uh it's easy to be motivated it's easy to like want to move to have a motive to go do something because uh you know you're not bogged down you're not not fatigued. Obviously, it seems like he takes care of himself really well, which is huge after being a Navy SEAL and going through just all that brutal style of training. And I just thought it was really cool how he has dealt with a lot of pain in his own life, and now he helps other people deal with a lot of pain, uh, in his own life. And now he helps other people, you know, deal with different expressions of pain, I guess, but he's, uh,
Starting point is 01:35:51 helping people kind of work inward, uh, through just demolishing them with, uh, exercise and things that would break most people down mentally. Yeah. It's, I think think uh the the reflections aspect thing that he talked about was really interesting to me it it really makes you or i run wonder when i see guys like him just like what triggers that for them what triggers that shift into a different type of lifestyle from where they were and the fact that he said he's had everybody has multiples of those but it's it's just a really interesting thing yeah i i love that he you know he shares where he's vulnerable you know he's he's admits that he's not perfect um because like when i see guys like that or even guys like you guys like i see somebody that's a high level jujitsu practitioner i see somebody that's broken records and it's really easy for someone like me to be like, Oh, those guys never miss, you know,
Starting point is 01:36:49 there's they're superheroes, right? They're like real life superheroes. So for him to, you know, be like, no, dude, I have good days and bad days too. Like I'm willing to get dressed up for my daughter and, you know, be there for her. You know, it just, I don't know, I just, I love hearing that because it makes him a real person and it kind of makes everything he says and does, uh, like he said, more impactful, you know, and that means a lot to someone like me, but obviously to everybody. So I really appreciate the fact that he was open with that sort of thing. I like that. He did the talk about his vulnerability, because one thing is like a lot of men are scared of being emotional with their family or sharing those types of things. They think that they need to be a certain archetype
Starting point is 01:37:37 of what a male is supposed to be. And it's really good to hear that from a guy that looks like him and a guy that's had his experiences. And then he mentions these things that he does. It's just like, damn. Okay. Yeah. Maybe I can, maybe I can loosen up a little bit.
Starting point is 01:37:52 Yeah. Just some, uh, great perspective. Uh, what you guys got for the rest of the day. I'm getting a pedicure right after this. I'm going to work and then I'm going to work. My girl's going to take me to get a pedicure.
Starting point is 01:38:08 Yeah. Have you ever had one before? Yes, I have. Yeah. They're amazing. They are. I've taken pictures of Mark getting a pedicure before. Yeah. We're going to get the, uh, the clear gloss finish. They're going to, they're just going to say like, Hey, listen, uh, the clear gloss finish. Yes. Jesus. They're going to, they're just going to say like, Hey,
Starting point is 01:38:28 listen, we just have to chop your feet off. That's like the only thing we can do for you. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That's cool. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:38:37 I got my cardio in this morning, so I got to get some type of lifting in and then, yeah, just working on podcast related stuff and yeah try not to uh not to cook and be able to breathe because the weather's been really bad like yesterday my throat was all from the uh smoke it just it was it was terrible i wonder how long that smoke's gonna last for i guess we shouldn't be surprised right we talk about it every year yeah yeah it's it's kind of gross.
Starting point is 01:39:06 Yeah, what about you, Mark? What you got going on? I'll probably just go on another walk. I might get some training in today, some lifting. I'm not sure. I got in, just did like a mile walk before we hopped on here today. So I guess we'll see. Trained some legs yesterday.
Starting point is 01:39:22 Legs are pretty sore. Yeah, maybe later on today I'll get an opportunity to train some boobs, but we'll see. That's why it's fun getting the boobs a little bit engulfed with blood. It's great. Take us on out of here, Andrew. Thank you, everybody, for checking out today's episode. Hopefully you are as fired up as we are.
Starting point is 01:39:44 If you are, please let us know in the comment section of wherever you're watching this and do everything that Ray Cash said, you know, write stuff down, let us know if you're going to take action. You're not just going to take this motivation and just like, Oh, that's a good episode.
Starting point is 01:39:57 And then tomorrow I do the same shit you've been doing since, you know, the start of the year. Let's uh, yeah, let's all improve. Let's get better. And please make sure you follow the podcast at Mark Bell's power project on Instagram at MB power project on
Starting point is 01:40:08 TikTok and Twitter. My Instagram is at, I am Andrew Z and SEMA. If people want to give you a shout out or hit you up, how can they do so? And see me on Instagram, YouTube, and see my union on Twitter, Mark. Share this out with as many people as you can. If you're confused and don't know how to get yourself motivated and fired up and get yourself head in the right direction this is the podcast for you with uh ray cash it was great having him on the show today and uh like i said hopefully get a chance to link up with him in the near future i'm at mark's millie bell strength is never weakness weakness never strength catch you later

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