Mark Bell's Power Project - EP. 428 - Marc Lobliner

Episode Date: September 16, 2020

Marc Lobliner is a Pro Bodybuilder and the Chief Marketing Officer for, as well as owner and CEO of MTS Nutrition, partner in Ambrosia Nutraceuticals, and owner of Machine Training So...lutions Body & Life Coaching Services. Subscribe to the Podcast on on Platforms! ➢ Support the show by visiting our sponsors! ➢Piedmontese Beef: Use Code "POWERPROJECT" at checkout for 25% off your order plus FREE 2-Day Shipping on orders of $99 ➢Icon Meals: Use Code "POWERPROJECT" for 10% off ➢Sling Shot: Enter Discount code, "POWERPROJECT" at checkout and receive 15% off all Sling Shots Follow Mark Bell's Power Project Podcast ➢ Insta: ➢ ➢ Twitter: ➢ LinkedIn: ➢ YouTube: ➢TikTok: FOLLOW Mark Bell ➢ Instagram: ➢ Facebook: ➢ Twitter: ➢ Snapchat: marksmellybell ➢Mark Bell's Daily Workouts, Nutrition and More: Follow Nsima Inyang ➢ Instagram: Podcast Produced by Andrew Zaragoza ➢ Instagram: #PowerProject #Podcast #MarkBell

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Starting point is 00:00:00 That's different. No, no, that's normal. That's normal. Well, back in the day, I mean, you got to realize, like, you had Craig Titus and Cormier. Those guys were partiers. And, you know, it wasn't just, you know, anabolic drugs. It was recreational drugs, too. And when you get a bunch of guys with muscle and a bunch of girls with muscle and on a lot of androgens on both sides, you're going to have some really kinky orgies.
Starting point is 00:00:24 Wow. Yeah. Andinky orgies. Wow. Yeah. And we're live. Oh. Oh, wow. That must be that next level of muscle then, huh? That is, I don't have that next level of muscle. I was never successful enough to partake in large bodybuilding orgies.
Starting point is 00:00:41 And hopefully one day I get to that level. What did you see exactly? Do you really want to know? I'm just curious. what did you walk in see and then turn away well i found out at that point that steroids do not make your penis smaller it was a large i'm not gonna say who it was but uh i think you can say who it was when it's a large penis if it's a small penis keep it amongst each other you know i mean i think we've all moved on past those days. I don't know if they want me to state who they were. But yeah, it was an act of oral copulation.
Starting point is 00:01:15 Is that the proper terminology? I think so. Of a popular fitness girl at the time and a well-known bodybuilder. And the guy made me feel insignificant in so many ways. He was larger than me everywhere. That's that old trip to the urinal. Yeah, but I saw it. I walked in and I just walked right out.
Starting point is 00:01:30 I'm like, yeah, this isn't going to be a good look. Because I was like 21, just starting out at Weider. And I'm like, okay, I don't want to get fired. And getting caught up in a hot bodybuilding orgy wasn't, I don't think my wife, my fiance at the time, would have been too appreciative of that either. But we didn't have camera phones. So there were a lot more. I mean, now you can't have a private orgy.
Starting point is 00:01:52 Well, orgies aren't really private. But you can't have, like, if you have an orgy, it's going to be on Snapchat or Instagram. It's going to be somewhere. Like, it's getting out. You can't have any covert orgies anymore. And that's what I don't like about social media. People have camera phones now. Yeah, I mean, back in the day, you could have your orgies, and now there's just no sense of privacy. Someone's going to sneak a selfie, like, and there you are.
Starting point is 00:02:22 It's right there. sneak a selfie like, and there you are just right there. I S I've seen a lot of your posts, uh, more recently. And then I saw a post probably maybe about three weeks ago. And I don't know if you were just like kidding or it was serious. Cause you were like, all right, like I got to pull back from this. I'm sorry. I'm going to, you know, I'm going to kind of move on. And then the next five posts, you're right back.
Starting point is 00:02:43 Well, I, I, I well i i cut down with the cursing more um but what i what i found is that in this day and age um the term silence is deafening has become kind of the thing where if you don't have a position on something they immediately assume you have the position they don't want you to have. For example, with the black squares on Blackout Post. Sorry. Should I drink this? Yes. Drink some great. It makes me happy.
Starting point is 00:03:13 Yeah. Alright, so is this going to make me smarter? I hope so, yeah. Hopefully it turns into a big orgy, like I said. We wash that down with some caffeine, we'll be good. Should be perfect. So what I found with the whole Blackout Tuesday thing is we as a company had to deal with something that companies never had to deal with in the 80s and 90s and even the 2000s, the early 2000s, where companies are forced to take a stance. Like, for example, Lululemon, they've, they're completely, and I, I'm wearing Lulu
Starting point is 00:03:49 shorts right now. I love them. They're my favorite $80 pair of shorts that cost $3 to make in China that I've ever owned in my life. But my Nikes, you know, like I posted, Hey, I bought these new Nike super reps. All of a sudden the conservatives are like, like, I'll never wear Nike because whatever. So back in the day, you didn't really have to worry about a political stance. You came out with a good product and you sold it. And that was what was wonderful about it. Now we had an issue
Starting point is 00:04:16 where we wake up and I had no idea this was going on. I didn't know there was going to be a blackout Tuesday. Um, but I saw black squares and I immediately had no idea what it meant. I'm like, is Instagram glitching? And then my company kind of panics our social media people. And they're like, what do we do? Because we have a very diverse staff. We have one girl who literally was marching with blm at the beginning with black lives matter um a white girl marching with blm so just put that in perspective we have a lot of trump people
Starting point is 00:04:51 we have a lot of liberals we have we have a camera we we don't hire based on we don't like have one opinion set so we had to have this conversation and we decided as a company that you know i'm going to do the post um where'm going to, you know, I put something that was like, you know, uniting a Martin Luther King quote. You know, we all we came on different boats, but we're on the same ship, I believe, was the quote. And, you know, what I have posted it personally. You know what? I don't know. I posted last my one of my companies, Ambrosia we're we're my we're a minority-owned company you know fct fletcher mike rashid shantor body and myself and so at one thing you want to
Starting point is 00:05:32 be unified as a company so i posted on behalf of all my entities but companies that didn't post that just took a neutral stance or posted something that wasn't the black square, but was still kind of in that realm. They were basically outed and chastised for not posting it. So silence, you cannot be silent. You have to pick a side or you have to pick a stance. And no matter what you do, you're going to offend somebody,
Starting point is 00:06:00 whether it's the right or the left. Cancel culture exists on both sides. Look at NFL's ratings right now. I mean, they're down, what, 28% over the first week. And there's a lot of tangibles. There's less crowds. Isn't that people don't know what's going on because there's no preseason and things like that, too. Yeah, there's a lot of variables.
Starting point is 00:06:20 So when, you know, when conservatives try to dunk on the NFL, it's like, well, there's other you can't just look at one number. So I do find that my opinions are pretty well thought out based on what I believe. Now, what do I believe? And I believe this is something that if you can't align with it, that's fine. Same reason I don't cancel Nike. If you don't align with my beliefs, please don't cancel me. But if you do, I understand.
Starting point is 00:06:45 But silence, you just can't do it anymore. You can't just be an apolitical company. You have to have a stance because people want to see it. And I know you go through similar things. In fact, I want to say this because in 2016, when you were in your bodybuilding mode and you're posting a lot of topless, really provocative pictures. I remember you posted a picture in a MAGA hat. It went nuts. Oh, yeah. That was probably at 18, maybe. 18.
Starting point is 00:07:13 It was whatever. And I remember seeing it and I'm like, this bastard's crazy. You know, I'm like, this is very polarizing. And I remember the comments were very polarizing. But your stance on it was like, hey, you know, we all have our opinions. We all have this, we all have that. We need to discuss it. And also somebody voted for him. It wasn't just me. I think it was Russians, but mail-in Russian voting. But yeah, I think that, you know, I think we need to embrace our differences. I think we need to discuss them in a very, you know, in a caring, logical fashion.
Starting point is 00:07:43 And I don't believe in cancel culture on either side. So while I do have my opinions, I do try to be a little less in your face. And I try to discuss things more. And, you know, I've learned to just block and move on more than ever. But I do think these are discussions we should have. And it shouldn't just be one sided. Yeah, I think social media is assisting in giving us rocket fuel to fight, you know, because if I if I start to have one preconceived notion from the time that I'm a kid that I believe a couple of things or I believe a couple of things that were passed on to me from my family members or my dad or whatever. So I go and click on that. Well, now that's in my search history and now I'm being targeted and it's like, OK, clicked on a Trump thing. Now you now you're going to get fed this. Now you're going to get fed that you're going to get fed police officers on YouTube, you know, talking about the others, talking about the don't understand how people aren't seeing the other side. And we saw this in the social dilemma movie where they talked about, well, the other side is not being shown to a lot of people because you're getting fed.
Starting point is 00:08:55 You mentioned Twitter being an echo chamber. Yeah. But all of social media, that's really what it is. It's an echo chamber. It's your CNN. It's your Fox News. media. That's really what it is. It's an echo chamber. It's your CNN. It's your Fox News. It's whatever they think that you want to digest, for the most part, is what they're trying to deliver to you. And it's very easy to retweet, retweet, told you so, told you so, told you so.
Starting point is 00:09:17 It's very easy to do that and to kind of fall into that. And I think it's kind of turning us into like cybernetic organisms in a way we're not putting maybe as much thought into things as we maybe should. Tons of tribalism. You know, people want to belong to a team. And you see that in a lot of things. You see that in religion. You see that in culture. You see that in nationalism, which I think is a good and bad thing. People want to belong. People want to feel superior. People want to feel like they're a part of a movement. They're part of a group. And immediately, if you're not with them, you're against them. And that's a dangerous place to be mentally. Like, here's the story. Here's the
Starting point is 00:09:53 story I tell is that, you know, I was pro-choice up until I was 39 years old. You know, my mom was, you know, basically first generation American, you know, women's rights fought in the military and the Israeli defense force, extremely, extremely women. I'm a woman. And she even changed her stance on it, by the way, long term. Really? Oh, yeah. Because what happens in life is perspective. You change.
Starting point is 00:10:18 And pro-choice made sense to me. I still understand the argument for it. I don't by any means think less of someone, but my wife had two miscarriages. So what does that do? It changes your perspective, you know, change your perspective on life, on things, on what you're looking at. And then I realized, you know, in my opinion and in the, my, my interpretation of the science, that's not just a fetus, that's a baby. So I became pro-life. Now, am I out trying to kill doctors who abort babies? No, I'm not. But it changes and you can change your view on a lot of things. How many people have you seen say, you know what? I used to be a Democrat, but you know,
Starting point is 00:10:55 I don't like what they're doing now. So now I'm voting for Trump or the vice versa. You know, I hate Trump and I'm voting for, I don't care who the hell, even if they run a corpse, which are basically doing. I mean, I don't care who they run against this guy. I'm voting for, I don't care who the hell, even if they run a corpse, which are basically done. I mean, I don't care who they run against this guy. I'm voting. And I think that's a great thing is that when you can get out of your lane, when you can change lanes and you can actually look and see the other side. And that goes back to that kind of, you know, tunnel vision that you were talking about
Starting point is 00:11:19 when you're just shown one thing and you don't look, you don't read. Look, I am a capitalist. I love capitalism. I mean, meathead millionaire, you don't read. Look, I am a capitalist. I love capitalism. I mean, meathead millionaire, you know, whatever, whatever you want to call it. But, you know, I've read books on, you know, the universal income. I've read books on socialism. I want to educate myself because maybe I'm not right. I don't have all the answers. None of us have all the answers. Bill Gates doesn't have all the answers. Nobody has all the answers and we got to keep learning. And what we have now is we have so much information that you almost have to choose what you want to learn. And then you just isolate yourself with your tribe.
Starting point is 00:12:01 You're not, you're only fed that. And then you start to think, oh, wow, I'm actually really correct. And then all the friends that you have around, you're also thinking the same thing. And it's really, really difficult to actually try to seek out what the other side is thinking because you're already thinking the other side is the enemy. It's a difficult thing to do. Yeah. And I mean, at the end of the day, I don't know if a lot of people even know what it is the side they're on represents.
Starting point is 00:12:25 You know, if my favorite is, and this has been going on since I was a kid, the man on the street interviews and they go and they're like, wait, who's the vice president? I think it was 80 percent of people. This one, Obama was in office, but I believe I saw a statistic. 80 percent of people didn't know Biden was vice president. They couldn't name who the vice president was this back in before now. Like, really? You don't know the number two dude or chick before now like really you don't know the number two dude or chick in your country you don't know this like the number two like if the first guy
Starting point is 00:12:51 dies which they're all like 80 years old they're all gonna there's a big chance like based on just human life expectancy biden and trump are gonna die before the election like these guys are old can't we have anybody under the age of 90 run for office? Like how old is Nancy Pelosi? She's right down the road. Like, dude, she's, isn't it crazy that Biden, like we're not young. We're in our, we're a real man. We're 40, right? I'm 40. I'm a real man. That's my favorite. But have you thought of like, Biden's been in offices before we were born and in our industry we're considered fossils i mean dude that is old that's super old like would you go to a nursing home and be like hey bro want to run the country they're like yeah okay let's get that guy like doesn't even know where he is and when do
Starting point is 00:13:36 people start getting dementia 65 yeah so let's have a president that's 75 like i don't think i mean your memory you, if you're not taking care of yourself is going to go. And most of the presidents that we've had aren't, don't appear to be super healthy, I guess, except for Obama. Have you thought of sending this? Yeah. Send some mind.
Starting point is 00:13:54 Yeah. I mean, that would be, that would help. Do you feel it yet, by the way? I'm feeling good, but I mean, I'm, I'm definitely awake. It could be the 500 milligrams of caffeine combined with this, but, uh, I mean, I'm, we got another could be the 500 milligrams of caffeine combined with this. But, I mean, I'm... We got another 5, 10 minutes before it really takes over your body. And you turn into an internet troll. Then we have some of that bodybuilding porn.
Starting point is 00:14:17 Bodybuilding orgy is coming back. But, you know, my whole thing is... And here's my problem with politics. Politicians are dumb, but they found a way to make a lot of money doing nothing. That's talented people. You're Elon Musk's, you're Mark Bell's. They're out in the private sector doing epic stuff, right?
Starting point is 00:14:35 They're creating things. This is exactly, we had the chief of police, the chief of police of Sacramento. This is exactly what he said. Yeah. He said exactly what you're saying. He's like, he's like, we're doing all the work. You know, he's like, my guys are doing the heavy lifting and the politicians get to kind of sit back and kind of say whatever they want. And they're not on the front lines every day. Now, why? And another thing, like you look how much money they made
Starting point is 00:14:57 the senator from the I think it was 1942 when Biden came in office as a senator or whatever, like he's been in government for 46 years or some crazy number, 42, whatever it is. It's old. Like it's a long time. And they make an average of what? I'd say between that time and now, probably his average, probably $180,000 a year.
Starting point is 00:15:16 He's worth tens of millions of dollars. Like think about all the kickbacks and the takes. His son's got a job with frigging a country doing something. He doesn't know what he's doing. And then he literally openly like threatened the country to pull funding. And then there's a lot of shady stuff going on. And that's the one thing. If there's one redeeming thing about Trump and I, I was, I'm not, I'm not, I'm not a
Starting point is 00:15:39 Trump guy. I'm a, oh my God, look at the other guy, Trump guy. You know, I'm like, if you gave me a good option, I'd be the first one to pull the lever for someone else. But the one thing about Trump is he was already rich. Like a lot of these guys become rich in politics. Trump lost money. He moved down like nine places on the, what is it?
Starting point is 00:15:57 Forbes 500. Like he lost a tremendous, like stupid money. Like the money we were talking about what we would do for that money. He lost that. You guys, that conversation does not belong do for that money, he lost that. You guys, that conversation does not belong on this podcast. I don't think this is,
Starting point is 00:16:11 that's beyond bodybuilding orgies. But what would you guys do for $100 million? Because there is some really, really awesome, I'd do it right here. It's just $100 million. $100 million. I'll do it for like five like a hundred million man i'll do some really really crazy stuff i'll even record it i don't know might be for 20 bucks 20 20 you always want to you always want to negotiate the price right yeah if you're starting at 20 i started 100 a hundred million. Where do we end up? Yeah, that's right.
Starting point is 00:16:45 That's right. Yeah. But you know, my, my whole thing is I, I love my country. You know, my, my mom, you know, came here from Poland. She was born in Poland, raised in Israel. We're first generation American. Didn't come from money. You know, grandfather is an escapee from Auschwitz in world war II. So I know the dangers of socialism and communism and just tyranny.
Starting point is 00:17:05 And that's why I'm so pro-Second Amendment. That's why I'm so pro-rights. That's why things like police states scare me, because I lost my entire family due to that mindset. And that's why I look at the masks and the lack of science and be like, oh, just put it on. I'm like, no, no, just get in the bus. And oh, that's a huge, how are you going to align? No, no, it's the same mindset. If you have no evidence to show that's a huge, how are you going to align? No, no, it's the same mindset. If you have no evidence to show that masks work or an overwhelming amount of evidence to show the contrary, and you're telling me to do it just because the government says to do it and there's no evidence to do it. You got to do it because everybody else is doing it.
Starting point is 00:17:36 Yeah. But what, but what about, well, the country's messed up because the Jews and then people bought it. The same thinking that got us in, got all of my six million Jews killed. Okay. The same thinking is what we're doing here. And what scares me is that America is just sitting by and doing nothing about it. And if you speak up about it, you want to kill grandma. I just want to see evidence they've had since February to do a controlled study on masks and covid and not one controlled study. They prove they point to this, these, these, these mass, the correlation data.
Starting point is 00:18:13 Right. They point to these. Why? Why is that? Why is it kind of escaping my mind what they're called? But meta analysis, they point these meta analyses. That's opinion. Meta analysis is taking existing data on related things and giving an opinion on it. I don't want opinion. I want some hard facts. And the fact of the matter is… They have zero information as it pertains to COVID-19, especially. And they have influenza.
Starting point is 00:18:35 And influenza shows, without a shadow of a doubt, that cloth masks do nothing. They actually might hurt you because it hurts your immunity. And it also… It just does a lot of things. The moisture build buildup and you're breathing in your own things. And also viruses do virus stuff. And if you look at the curve in L.A. when they mandated masks, that's we had their spike. What has what have masks helped us get through in our history? Well, Bain.
Starting point is 00:19:00 So he did. Right. It's helped us with absolutely nothing is the point. And I think that people think that we can. I think, you know, our governor, Governor Newsom, I think, thinks that he can somehow have control over this. And I think that's the that's a problem. You can't have a you can't have any control really over a virus. There's really not much you could do. I would say that if you were to lock down and not allow anyone to move at all, then maybe. But it's probably going to still be in circulation because somebody is going to break the rules somewhere and it's still going to be floating around. So as soon as you lift a lockdown, people are going to start to get it again.
Starting point is 00:19:37 The only way to get it is to actually get it. The only way to go through is to get it. It's all you're doing with lockdowns is is delaying the inevitable. And that's herd immunity. And the reason the death numbers are so high, if you believe the death numbers, being that we're incentivizing hospitals to label everything is COVID death is is because we forced old people the most at risk population in the nursing homes in Democrat states. So you don't see like Tennessee didn't have that problem. Georgia didn't have that problem. We got it moved on.
Starting point is 00:20:06 We're doing very well in Tennessee. Our economy is booming because everybody from New York and L.A. are moving there, and hopefully they don't vote for the idiots they voted for here. I'm not saying that voting red is the way. I hate Republicans equally, but right now they're the ones who've done less stupid stuff. Libertarianism is dead. There's no third party. We're a two-party country. Get over it. Don't vote for whoever that Joe J is dead. There's no third party. We're a two party country.
Starting point is 00:20:25 Get over it. Don't vote for whoever that Joe Jorgensen. She's stupid, too. The Libertarian Party is dead. We need to just scrap it. I used to be a pro-Cairo. I was reading back, you know, Facebook does the memories on this day. I was reading back about in 2016.
Starting point is 00:20:38 I'm like, I'm voting for Gary Johnson, libertarian. And then then he did the whole what's Aleppo? And I'm like, this guy's a frigging idiot. Wait, pause. You got to explain that. Okay. So at the time in 2016, if you guys weren't following it, we had some stuff going on in Syria. And Aleppo, basically kids were getting blown up.
Starting point is 00:20:56 It was on every front page. And then someone asked Gary Johnson, who was the libertarian candidate versus Trump and Hillary. So what's your thoughts on Aleppo? And he goes, well, what's Aleppo? I'm like, do you even Google? Like, what's wrong with this guy? And so there's no third party. So basically, you might as well not vote if you're voting libertarian.
Starting point is 00:21:17 It is what it is. So you got to pick a dog in the race. You got to go with it. And that's where we're at now is we're in a two party system and we're not changing it this election. So you mentioned some, some inability to not voice your opinion, but yeah, that's exactly what we're doing here. And I would, I would have to disagree with you a little bit in terms of not being able to voice your opinion. I think you can in the long run. I think people are very reactionary right away. And so you'll see the inflammatory comments.
Starting point is 00:21:46 You'll see the people unfollow. But then you'll get a population of people that start to follow you that are new and that believe in some of those things. And so I think you can say some stuff. I think the idea that you can't say some stuff is maybe is probably true when it comes to uh finances you know like if the rock made a particular statement yes like like how'd the rock and his whole family get covet 19 i mean you know like how did they end up getting it i mean you can speculate that he wasn't wearing a mask or he didn't practice social distancing or whatever the kid or he's working through it probably just like a lot of us are.
Starting point is 00:22:30 And he can't really come out and say, hey, like I had it and it wasn't that big of a deal. He just is not in a position to do that if he if he doesn't want a ton of backlash from it. But if he wanted to actually voice his opinion, he could. He would lose a lot at first, but I think he would be fine later on. That's kind of my opinion on some of that. I think, you know, I actually I I wasn't, I was pretty apolitical. I mean, I was outspoken. I said what I thought, but I never really put it out there. I don't know if you follow him.
Starting point is 00:22:54 His name is Mike Cernovic on Twitter. He's a, he, he did the hoax movie and he's the one who sued for the Epstein files. He's a really good dude. He actually lives out in orange county and um we become friends bless you we become friends over the years and he's like dude she's like just honestly twitter just just use it i think it could help you because people want to hear but here's what i've gotten you know if you stand for something you get true engaged engagement like you get true people who actually will listen to you and you're more than
Starting point is 00:23:25 just a tangible product. You know, you're something that you align with people. And I think it's almost good to choose size. A lot of people, and I hate to turn this into a capitalism thing. A lot of people have made a lot of money being political pundits, being on Twitter.
Starting point is 00:23:38 Like look at the Hodge twins. Now they went from being, we were talking about this this morning, dude, like, you know, they're, they've always been conservative. Like I told you a story story this morning like we're driving in they used to live in
Starting point is 00:23:48 virginia right up the road from me in north carolina when i lived there and i remember out of nowhere kevin just we're sitting in the car i'm driving he goes into an anti-abortion rant at that time i was pro-choice i'm like and i don't want to sound weird but like you don't expect a fitness channel with two black twins to be going on a conservative rant. No. Yeah. And I'm like, Oh,
Starting point is 00:24:08 okay. I mean, they're not faking it, but think about what they're doing now. Their following is huge. They're doing comedy shows. Um, they,
Starting point is 00:24:15 they have, they're selling more merch than you can count. Like they're living there. They're living their dream right now. And somehow they haven't aged. And I have like, is that a black thing? Do I?
Starting point is 00:24:24 Yes, it is yeah we've established that's not even fair kind of is yeah that's that's privilege right there man it's crazy they look good they look they look good dude i'd hit it why you gotta always take it there but no i mean if i was gay i mean yeah no true yeah but but anyway but i mean you know the eyes yeah they have beautiful eyes but there's something like the really good friends like i've known them since again but we came out you know on youtube back in the day like there was right like there was groups that came in at the beginning it was louis marco scooby and the twins and then i came in and then after that there was chris jones
Starting point is 00:25:05 you started blowing up on the scene ct came in took it to the next level people don't understand like ct with that strength project thing like after that fitness youtube kind of fell on its own because the twins were the biggest thing and i remember the twins talking about that dude ct that's the he's the future of youtube i remember them saying that straight up that goals jim and virginia i remember him you know keith is like man that ct he's the big he's the future of YouTube. I remember them saying that straight up. At Gold's Gym in Virginia. I remember him, you know, Keith was like, man, that CT, he's going to be the biggest thing on YouTube. I had YouTube since 2007.
Starting point is 00:25:31 I was pumping out a good amount of content on there. And 2010 rolled around, and I was like, fuck this. I'm like, I've been doing this for like three or four years, and no one cares. So I'm like, I'm just going to post a video here and there every once in a while. And that's right when it started to explode. Right when it started to swing back up. Yeah, it was a, it was good timing.
Starting point is 00:25:52 I mean, for, for us, I hated YouTube. I still kind of, I still, I'm not, I'm not really a public guy. I like people, but my first inclination and I really suffer on social media is when I'm having a good time, I'm like, hey, I'm having a good time. I live in the moment. You know, and sometimes my wife will be like, you should probably get this. Like, the kids are doing some epic shit right here. Oh, I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:26:13 I said the S word. I'm trying not to. I'm trying to stop. Bleep that out. Okay, so. Too late. But it's one of those things where YouTube, for me, my partner, who's not um, it's one of the things where YouTube for me, my partner,
Starting point is 00:26:25 who's, who's not a social, he's a business guy, Chad, um, at tiger fitness, MTS, he's we're partners in basically everything,
Starting point is 00:26:31 you know? Um, so he's, he's like, dude, you got to get on YouTube. And I'm like, why?
Starting point is 00:26:37 He's like, cause Google owns it. Like it's, it's Google with video. I'm like, man, YouTube's stupid. I don't want to do that.
Starting point is 00:26:44 And he's like, just do a video. So I did a video on oxy elite, and it was literally filmed on a potato. Like, it had, like, a resolution of, like, it was literally like a flip phone video. And next thing you know, it had, like, 80,000 views. It was so easy to get views back in the day. Like, I put, like, a set of curls and get 80,000 views in the first two hours because there was no competition. And it's different now. I'd like to hear everyone's opinion on this uh this is something i've been thinking about
Starting point is 00:27:08 lately is um so people kind of say that today's youth you know are a bunch of snowflakes and that people can't handle the truth and that you know they there's kind of these common things you hear people continuing to say and it's usually from people that are like our age, but we got a guy in here that's 20. We got two guys in their forties. We got someone in their thirties and you guys can play along with this game at home. But I think that this could have happened in any era. I think that's, I think it's a social media thing. I think that social media has connected us all together and you end up, if you're in New Jersey,
Starting point is 00:27:45 you end up reacting immediately to something that happened in California or if something happened in California, you react immediately to it in, you know, in Canada or in Europe or wherever. And we're connected in that way. And then on top of that, like it's always social media has always had us connected,
Starting point is 00:28:03 but COVID-19 did something like a way different than anything we've ever experienced before. Then with a lens kind of zoomed in on everything, we had the George Floyd thing happen. And I think that things just really started to explode on top of each other more so than, than ever. But when you look at our history, I mean, there's been times in our just American history alone where there's kind of always been some crazy shit going on. There's always been turmoil.
Starting point is 00:28:33 There's always been suffering. There's always been, quote unquote, hard times. You know, you had the Great Depression. We had things like the space race. I mean, there's always like a bunch of different things going on. Even I know those things didn't happen at the same time. But imagine, you know, imagine if JFK is in office right now and we had social media and he got blasted. And then it turns out that he slept with Marilyn Monroe.
Starting point is 00:28:58 And it's like all these other crazy things. Right. That you start to hear like because you nowadays it's hard to have that stuff be private yeah it's hard it's hard to contain all that stuff so what do you guys think in terms of you think this could have kind of happened in any era do you think it's true or even fair to say that today's people kind of can't handle the truth and that they're snowflakes you want to take this um i have my opinions but i want to hear yours I agree with that in a sense. And it is partially, it is actually a big reason. Social media is a big reason for it.
Starting point is 00:29:29 An example of this is a friend of mine sent me a post that I think was on world star hip hop. That's gone viral. Um, and the comments are all like, Oh my God, this is crazy. This is racist. Blah, blah, blah. You guys have heard of Castro Simania? No.
Starting point is 00:29:41 Castro Simania is this track athlete. Um, she competes. Yes. Yes. I, I, I've never heard the name. I've only seen is this track athlete. She competes. Oh, yes, yes. I've never heard the name. I've only seen it written. Okay, got it. She's jacked, right? Oh, tremendously. And the post on Worldstar, which has also been posted on The Shade Room and a bunch of places, has millions of likes at this point,
Starting point is 00:29:57 talks about how the racist organizations are trying to not let Castor compete against women because of whatever and they want castor to take um testosterone blocking you know supplements to to be because she produces so much shit now the post this is a rough one because the post paints castor as this is an absolute woman castor has xy an xy chromosome castor produces a lot of testosterone because of that she's intersex right right it's a very different situation and i can understand biological women being pissed that this individual that was born intersex that has an xy chromosome that produces an insane amount of testosterone is kicking their ass in every single race it's not because she's black if there is a white woman that had this same thing they would it's a weird situation for an organization to deal with because she's whooping everyone right but that because of
Starting point is 00:30:55 the way the post was voiced right everyone now thinks it's because castor is a black woman it's a racist thing etc and the knee-jerk reaction that everyone's taking is they're racist and everyone goes on with it until you do a quick Google search on caster, find out like the specifics of what's going on. And then you're like, okay, maybe this isn't so racist. Maybe this is actually a weird situation, but that's kind of what happens right now on social media. You see a post, you don't look more up on it, or most people don't look up more and
Starting point is 00:31:23 they just believe what they're seeing and they share with all their friends and share with all their friends. There's there's everyone has a knee jerk reaction to everything and they respond to everything with what you see at the moment. So I think it's how social is affecting us. It's affecting how we look at things. And that's just a situation that that kind of shows that you're absolutely correct. There's there's a couple of paths we go down. For one is it's all about money. You know, it's all it's not about if CNN's left or right leaning there. They're trying to back in the day. Now, remember, I started at Weider.
Starting point is 00:31:53 I was in advertising. It's all about clicks. You just you put headlines out to get clicks. So it's more clicky when something's racist or somebody did something really wrong. Then, hey, you know, Trump said something ambiguously, whatever. You know, it has to be like Trump says that all black people are evil when, you know, and that's it. There's a lot of headlines that grab people in because they need that ad revenue.
Starting point is 00:32:17 At the end of the day, it comes down to capitalism. Everybody's saying CNN socialists. No, they're capitalist as hell. They are. Now, to get back to Mark's point, as far as would this happen, dude, you've got to realize in 1862, and I always use this, James K. Polk just took over Mexico because he wanted to. He was an imperialist. He wanted to get more land. You have to realize that George Washington, as president, marched troops into battle without tweeting or taking selfies while doing it.
Starting point is 00:32:44 Presidents used to have duels. We had one president who was shot in a bar fight with a senator. Okay. He shot the senator. Oh, it's all happened. Dude, things are crazy. The difference is when, before we had social media, we had local news, local news didn't report what happened in New Jersey. We saw what happened in Sacramento or wherever you're living at the time. What we have now is proliferation, so it looks like there's a lot going on. For example, did you guys know that yesterday there was a rally and a counter-protest for Trump 10 minutes up the road? I didn't know it was here. I actually didn't know that.
Starting point is 00:33:16 I didn't know it. And I saw it on Twitter. It's literally five minutes up the road. And a CHP officer, literally literally a protester jumped on the car and uh he just drove and i saw yeah you tweeted it yeah and everyone screamed when the guy fell on the ground don't jump on cop cars um yeah and it was a white guy who jumped off the cop car so i mean it was yeah i mean there's the guy's just stupid you don't jump on cop cars but anyway what i'm getting at is social media proliferates.
Starting point is 00:33:46 It makes everything in your backyard. It makes everything local. Dude, the world's been crazy. In fact, I would say right now we're in the most civilized and rational and renaissance periods in the history of the world. We can look up information on our thumbs. We can literally go to a store and buy anything. If you don't want to go to the store, it gets delivered to your house. We have 350 million people. We have microaggressions
Starting point is 00:34:09 in large cities. This is not the apocalypse. This is not the disassembly. And this is not the end of America. All this is, is how it always was, except with the more with information that spreads easier. There is nothing immoral. We're not turning into Satan. You know, the devil's not taking over. Dude, people are still good. I know you guys get around. You've been to trade shows.
Starting point is 00:34:34 I've shooken hands. I've met thousands and thousands of people of every nationality, but in other countries. People are good. You see the vocal minority. When when i say minority i'm talking less than a half a percent these protests these riots it's a hundred people okay i was at a soccer tournament for my son in alabama a week and a half ago right check it out i was talking to their dad i'm like if we took all the parents here we'd have literally triple the people of one of these riots it's it's a small group 50 people in a ball if we were to spread them out doesn't look like
Starting point is 00:35:14 anything there are more people than walmart last night we could have taken over the city yeah but what i'm getting at is i mean the world is. People need to get off that. It's all sensationalization. We're just reading about it. It hits us. And again, we're in Sacramento. My wife's like, are you okay? I'm like, wait, really? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:34 My wife's in the Brentwood bubble, man. She doesn't know what's going on, man. She's just sitting back on her hill, walking her golden doodle. Those are great dogs. Yeah, they're great dogs. They don't shed. But I mean, dude, my wife, she doesn't know what's going on.
Starting point is 00:35:50 So that's where I'm getting at. Non-allergenic dog that doesn't shed. That's the kind of world that we're in. That's my privilege. Yeah, in the contract, it's like every white person gets a golden doodle. That just makes me feel hella bad because I wanted a golden doodle. No, you know, Simeon has one, Simeon Panda.
Starting point is 00:36:11 It's kind of making me mad. Everybody is getting a golden doodle. You got to get one. I think you've made it in life because they're expensive. They're like three Gs. I know. I'm like, dude, I'm spending three can of freaking gold. Want to gift me a golden doodle? Sure.
Starting point is 00:36:23 Yes. I think that's a good idea. You had it on there. As long as it doodle? Sure. Yes. I think that's a good idea. You had it on there. As long as it has its own Instagram. Yes. But honestly, I think all of us are, we're very optimistic people. Like, we're all successful. I think it comes down to mindset.
Starting point is 00:36:35 I see the best in people. I see the good in people. I love my country. I love my fellow citizens. Actually, you know what? We'll just put it out here right now. You bring back a championship, you got yourself a golden doodle. Oh, there you go.
Starting point is 00:36:49 There we go. All right. That's sick. I'll chip in on that. I'd like to chip in on that. I'd like to have my name on that card. All right. Yes.
Starting point is 00:36:56 Okay. Dope. Dope. That's cool. And the name of the dog will be Mark Smelly Lobe Liner. Mark with a K. Yeah. It'll be a nice, like, that'll be a good looking dog.
Starting point is 00:37:07 It will be. But I think we're all very positive people. And I love, look, I love people. It's got to be a championship belt though. We need a belt. We need a championship belt. We hang up right here, right? It's got to be a belt. Yeah, if you don't have a belt, it really doesn't
Starting point is 00:37:23 count. Yeah, not a black belt. We don't care about the color. We just need a championship. I'm with it. Yeah. I'm with it. I think the golden doodle is the perfect. You're going to love that dog.
Starting point is 00:37:34 I know. They're so smart. They are. Everybody here should buy a golden doodle. Just, just, uh, but not too many. Cause I don't want you like your We're start breeding dogs now andrew what you got on this topic buddy yeah uh so i'm thinking i know we have like the fear mongering
Starting point is 00:37:51 right we got to scare people into clicking because we need ad revenue but my thought was like well shit if i get the newspaper once a week and i hear in new york and i'm in california uh like people are dying left and right like holy shit what shit, what am I going to do? And I remember being a kid thinking like, am I the only one that thinks this way? But with social media now you can watch podcasts like this, like, oh shit, Mark Loebliner thinks exactly the way I do. I'm not crazy or maybe I am, but at least, at least now I know when I'm speaking to somebody and I'm saying like, dude, I think this masking's bullshit. You're no longer outed as the crazy person because you can say like, look, I'm not the only one that thinks this way.
Starting point is 00:38:29 So I'm kind of thinking of the, uh, the more of the positive side of which, you know, it helps you kind of find your, um, you know, uh, I guess your, your group of people that you can kind of connect with and you have the same thought process. Cause without that, you'd, yeah yeah you'd just be outed and like dude that guy's crazy like don't listen to him but now it's like okay shit all right actually there is a big uh you know demographic of people that think this way maybe i can look into it and figure out whether or not he is full of shit or maybe there's something to that if this many people are talking about it you know if mark's having this many people on the podcast saying that the the plandemic or the case demic was all like you know kind of bullshit
Starting point is 00:39:09 why are all these people saying this okay i need to look into it now now i know a lot of people aren't really interested in looking into it they just want to be fed information but still at least it kind of gives other people you know just like an idea to at least look something up on their own you know on themselves and they can you know i know social media is kind of like other people, you know, just like an idea to at least look something up on their own, you know, on themselves. And they can, you know, I know social media is kind of like dog shit sometimes, but at least it will give them an outlet or some form or form of just a different way of bringing in more information. I think, you know, we have a tendency to talk about the younger generation, you know, in between, I guess, like 18 and 30. And we have a tendency to always blame that generation, no matter what decade we're in.
Starting point is 00:39:48 We're always like, ah, he's young people, you know. Yeah, music today sucks. Yeah, they're causing all these problems and all these different things, right? Yeah. And we see it happen time and time again. But I know from my own experience, and maybe you can share yours as well, but my grandfather at the age of 20, you know, he, he built his own house, like with his friend, him and his buddy, like they built their own home and he had two or three kids already by the time, you know, by the time it was all said and done,
Starting point is 00:40:12 he had like nine kids. I don't know. I don't know anything about building anything. He built his own car. You know, my dad, when he was, uh, 24, 25, my dad went to college and immediately after college, my mom and him had their first son and they bought a home. Like I didn't I didn't even have any money to figure out how to buy a home. So it's like 35, you know. So I think we are moving ahead from a technological standpoint. And I didn't have to pick up a hammer, probably because my grandfather did. But what's your experience because i think i think what we do see from today's youth is maybe just a lack of experience because they're maybe not getting into uh as many jobs and as many things and maybe they're
Starting point is 00:40:54 uh more on their phone and more into technology and more into some things that we're not used to and things that are just maybe a little different than what we grew up with i mean you're seeing an evolution of society through technology video killed the radio star, right? You know, it's like, at the end of the day, I think the kids these days between 18 and 30, and I don't know the age demographic of who you have working at this beautiful facility. But you know, with someone who employs dozens of people, a lot of them are between 18 and 30. I'll tell you what, man, I'll take Seth in my warehouse. I'll take him to battle any day of the week. You know, Tyler, I was, the guy came from skyline Chile. He was a manager and he's a rock star, you know?
Starting point is 00:41:31 And then I've, I've had older people that I've had to let go because they don't have that work ethic. I think it depends on upbringing. I think it's the same as any generation, you know, in the sixties, they're rolling in their own poop at Woodstock during a pandemic, by the way, without any masks on. Now, I've done the pandemic thing, but I've never rolled around in poop. But the night's still young. What I'm saying is, the younger generation, they're learning. Just like it took me
Starting point is 00:41:55 39 years to figure out that I'm pro-life. Every day of your life... By the way, this stuff's freaking awesome. I'm ready to recite some War and Peace and read some poems and stuff. We'll have to sell it on Tiger Fitness. We should. You know what?
Starting point is 00:42:09 I'll pick it up today. We'll pair it up. Yep. 80% off. Got it. Thanks for giving this to me. That's how you do this. Whatever you want, man.
Starting point is 00:42:16 You went to school for marketing. I didn't. Never do business with a Jew, bro. I'm telling you. But anyway. He is one. You'll have to let go, Smokey. Well, that's how you counter it.
Starting point is 00:42:27 You fire yours back at theirs. Yeah, it's the Illuminati, bro. We own Hollywood, too. That's right. Next postmark, Mo Biner's anti-Semitic. I'm an anti-Semitic. I've been called a Nazi before, which is the most ironic thing. That's like when they called, they used to play football, Burgess Owens or whatever his name is. They called him
Starting point is 00:42:45 a white supremacist even though he's a black congressman. I'm like, did you think this one through? I wonder if it's Clayton Bigsby. I wonder what haven't you been called? Oh God. Well, I mean you can make fun of my arms and calves. People troll on you pretty good. And they should. I have a lot of things to troll about.
Starting point is 00:43:02 I would too. It doesn't affect me and it did in the beginning, but what I'm getting at is it comes down to every generation. It comes down to parenting. lot of things to troll about. I would, too. It doesn't affect me. And it did in the beginning. But what I'm getting at is it comes down to every generation comes down to parenting. It comes down to learning yourself. Some kids take longer to learn themselves. Some take longer to get out. Even when I went to school, we had some 26 year old sophomores, you know, in college. You know, at the end of the day, my kids are on their path. My neighbor's kids are on their path. One thing I've seen is across all races, socioeconomic, whatever it is, what I've found is that when a household, and whether it's single parent or dual parent, when a household has an influence of a strong woman and a strong man, it usually leads to a strong person. And that is not a shot at anybody. That's just my,
Starting point is 00:43:40 it's statistically backed. And I think if kids are raised with love and also, you know, some boundaries, they're bound, they're destined to have success. And obviously my kids are still developing. I'm hoping they turn out really well so far. So good. And that's what it comes down to. Whatever age you are listening to this, you have kids, you know, I speak to men because I'm a man and women are much more maternal, much more caring, at least than me.
Starting point is 00:44:05 I'm really crappy at that. But, you know, at the end of the day, if parents love their kids, they show them attention. And it doesn't matter if you have five dollars or five million dollars. You know, love is priceless. Love is love is something you can't put a cost on. And if you show the kids the example, if you live your life exemplary and if you teach your kids morals, ethics values, and you teach them the value of hard work, and they see you working hard, and that's where you can't blame the 18 to 30 generation, because they're just a mirror image of that generation before them. They're a mirror image of us and the people who came before us, the Gen X, the Gen Y,
Starting point is 00:44:39 and the millennials. That's who those kids are. So it's up to the generation prior to give them those you can never say oh these kids who gave them those you're a mirror of your parents these kids are on their phone all the time hold on I gotta make one more post I see it again it's like the kids are on the phone
Starting point is 00:44:59 because they see their parents on the phone I see it at soccer practice I'm doing it for work I'm emailing somebody I'm not looking at spongebob when when i'm the only time i have my phone during a soccer game is when i'm filming you know because i want to see my kids do epic stuff the only time and you know i suck at tutoring my wife does too but we do our best and i mean as parents again it comes societally. If we can fix the family unit. And that was my big falling out.
Starting point is 00:45:26 I hate to bring it. I don't know. But that was the one thing that when I saw the Black Lives Matter site, I'm like, this isn't for me. Is they don't like the nuclear family. Yeah, they don't. And I am a huge fan of the nuclear family. I'm a huge fan. And, you know, a lot of marriages fall apart.
Starting point is 00:45:42 And my wife and I have had our problems. We've been separated. But we stayed together because we believe so much in the nuclear family fix it went to counseling you know so you know i speak from experience you know it's about the family unit i'm not saying you can't have a phenomenal kid come from a single parent house it's just harder it is statistically speaking not like masks actually have data to bag me up on this statistically speaking it's harder so that's data to bag me up on this. Statistically speaking, it's harder.
Starting point is 00:46:07 So that's my rant on that. Well, and also I think what we mentioned yesterday, when I asked you about your background, I immediately thought to myself, like, that's pretty badass that he was able to kind of make it through that stuff. But then the next question I asked you was, did you have love? And you're like, yeah, I had plenty of it. Oh, yeah. You know what? Sometimes life. Then it all made sense. It're like, yeah, I had plenty of it. Oh, yeah. You know what? Sometimes life goes on. Then it all made sense.
Starting point is 00:46:28 It's like, okay, well, fuck, man. As long as you got that, that's the main ingredient that we need. You know what? And also, you look back and you realize that we talked about this. And it's hard for me to talk about it because I cry really easy. So if I cry, it's because of this. This makes you cry. At the end of the day, you know, my parents were good people who just life didn't work well for them.
Starting point is 00:46:56 You know, drug addiction is a disease. And my mother's drug addiction was caused by multiple compounding issues, was caused by injury while in the military, was caused by injury in a car accident, and caused by PTSD. And that's what led her. And also doctors just prescribing these narcotics, these opiates to cure that pain instead of addressing it. She had more pain than most people and wasn't sure how to cope with it. This is a woman who came to this country with nothing. This is a woman who went back to in the military in her home country. There's a woman who put herself through
Starting point is 00:47:27 most of college, didn't finish, but then started a business and employed dozens of people at a local cookie store in Simi Valley, California, called the Gookie Cookie Company. Right now, she'd be canceled for the name Gookie. But, um, but, I mean, this is a... Yeah. Got it. You got it.
Starting point is 00:47:43 Yeah, take off the IE. It's not a good word. But, um, at the time, it was perfectly good. But, I mean, at is, yeah, got it. You got it. Got it. Yeah. Take off the IE. It's not a good word, but, um, at the time it was perfectly good. But I mean, at the end of the day, my mom's a good person and she did the best she could. And my father, again, type two diabetes, you know, he became sick. These are two loving people. And at the time I just hated him, you know, because I was wondering why my life was so bad, you know, and everybody else seems to be killing it. And I'm over here, you know, pulling knives out of my mom's hand and, you know, worried about suicide, worried about my own safety. And now I look back and I'm like, you know what? Perspective is everything. And sometimes people
Starting point is 00:48:22 just can't handle what life throws at them. And we've both lost people close to us due to addiction. And it's one of those things where my father, great man. So I wouldn't trade my upbringing for anything because it gives me perspective and it made me who I am. My goal is to give my kids that same kind of love and affection without the side effects of what my parents gave to me. And that should be every parent's goal is to make your child's life, make their success, make their future better than yours. And that's where I wouldn't, you can't change your past. You can't change what happened in, I can't change the fact that my grandfather was in Auschwitz. I can't change the fact that my mom was a drug addict, but there's
Starting point is 00:49:10 a book out there out there called choice theory. I don't know if you've read it. I believe it's Robert Glasner. Great book. Everyone should read choice theory. At least get the audio book choice theory. Glasner, I believe is the author. And it's basically one of those where you can't change the past. You basically, you have to just move on. You make that choice. There's schools that have been founded in choice theory. And I live my life by choice theory because I can't change the mistakes I made when I was 18. I can't change something I said when I was 15, but I can repent for it. And there it is. Is it really, is it Glassner? Did I get it right? Yes. It's a really powerful thing to know and understand. Like, this is what happened.
Starting point is 00:49:49 You know, this is what I did. This is the way I acted. Yeah. You know, and now what are you going to do to work on it moving forward? You know, I mean, there's there's a lot of things that I've done in the past where, you know, I don't regret anything I've done because it's led to who I am. And that's why I'm like, these guys are like, oh, you regret that? No. No, because you wouldn't be the person you are if you didn't do that stupid stuff back in the day.
Starting point is 00:50:13 I didn't do as much stupid stuff as a lot of people because I was broke. I didn't drink in college. I couldn't afford it, you know? So it's like, for me, that was a blessing. I got school done really fast. I started my career at Weider at 19 years old. So I was fortunate to have to move out and figure the hell out what I'm going to do in my life. And my kids, like they want a scholarship.
Starting point is 00:50:33 They really want, my daughter wants to go to the Olympics. There's more of a chance of us being hit by a COVID lightning bolt. You know, it's like crazy, but I'm not going to hold her back on that, right? You know, like we have, They don't have to do anything. They do it because they're driven and they want to, and they have great work ethic. I think that's because we have stuff. We could probably liquidate and probably retire. I know if I just sold my stuff, I don't have to work again, but I don't think we finished.
Starting point is 00:51:02 I don't think I've instilled enough of those values in my kids. And honestly, I'm indebted to my employees because they bust their ass, you know, and I am not going to shortchange them on this. And to yourself, you know, to continue to prove like you're just, to me, it's always like just proving yourself, you know, to yourself and not really too worried about how I compare or match up to you or MicroSheet or whoever. Just continue to work on myself and I'm just going to see where I can end up. I'm going to correct you there.
Starting point is 00:51:31 None of us will ever compare to MicroSheet. He's the coolest guy I know. Like, seriously, everything you were talking yesterday, everything he does is smooth. He really is. He farts smooth. That was a smooth fart, man. Your fart. Actually, Mike, that smelled pretty good, too. I'm going to be honest with you. It was pretty nice.
Starting point is 00:51:47 Just like he's got to be like, just changing time. Like Mike Rashid is, if you guys don't know Mike, he's phenomenal. He's one of my business partners. But Mike is just the coolest man I've ever known in my life. And he looks cool. He has the look. And he could fight. So you can't even talk trash. Yeah. He also looks like there's absolutely no reason to mess with that guy.
Starting point is 00:52:12 Maybe you don't even joke around too much with him, which he has a great sense of humor. But if you don't know him, you're like, I, you know, I don't know. I don't want to, I don't want to test the waters. I was, uh, we were both actually Kenny KO. Yup. Kenny KO was like, that's the one guy that I messed up with. He's like, I talk shit on everybody. He's like, it one guy that I messed up with he's like I talk shit on everybody he's like it's like I messed up
Starting point is 00:52:29 funny thing is I can tell that story but Mike's just he's a great guy you know he's just one of the nicest guys you'll ever meet but you know with the Kenny KO thing it's funny because Kenny came up he was talking to he was at our Ambrosia booth right and I'm standing there talking to Kenny and Mike called him out while he's talking to me i felt
Starting point is 00:52:47 bad because kenny came to talk to me then i thought kenny was gonna die so when we were we were both i was boxing mike was really boxing i was boxing right yeah yeah so we're both in australia touring australia and we both had our gloves he's like hey man uh if you want i can spar a little no he's like no go easy i'm like no you won't i'm like, no. He's like, no, go easy. I'm like, no, you won't. I'm like, and I saw him hit a heavy bag once. I swear to God, I heard a cry. Like, the bag, like, he's like, it's so quick. And he's so powerful.
Starting point is 00:53:13 I'm like, okay, this is, like, he's just the guy. Like, I'm just glad he's on my team. Has he been boxing since he was a kid or was that? Since he was like 11 years old. And he has like hundreds of fights when he was a kid. And like, he had video. He hasn't, he never posted it. Like, like on his phone we're flying back from australia he's like bro i'm like do you have any old videos and he's like yeah i'm like you were you were even cool when you were 11 like you were beating people up and like again like train like with like
Starting point is 00:53:39 mayweather's team or something right or something like that or he had some really good coach or something i can't remember but he's had, I mean, because I was there when he did his camp for his last pro fight that lasted 51 seconds. And that dude literally got hit once and it didn't even knock him out. I think he's just like, no, I'm out. I don't want to get hit again. But yeah, he's just, and he's awkward too. He like,
Starting point is 00:53:57 he fights offline and it's the craziest thing. But yeah, there's certain things you can't be and that's as cool as Microsheet. Except CT. CT is the coolest's certain things you can't be. And that's as cool as micro sheet, except CT. CT is the coolest man ever lived. That is true. He is. Yes.
Starting point is 00:54:09 He's got it. Well, maybe Mike could get there. Cause Oh yeah. He was an older 20 years, 20 years. Mike will be, Mike will be a more, a more aggressive CT, but I took you off the Kenny KO track you were mentioning at the, yeah. And I'm like, and Mike, Mike sees it. And Mike's like, Hey, you get out of here. I'm kenny i love you man but you should probably go like really fast but
Starting point is 00:54:31 mike mike is again but he's a he's a man of uh of honor like you know the whole buendia thing and i don't want to bring he doesn't like when i bring it up but that was an honor thing and that's you don't find people who are openly male like that. He's unapologetically masculine and that's good. Yes. We need masculinity. There's no toxic masculinity is making fun of someone cause there's something that's toxic, but being manly and paying your bills and standing up for honor, that's a good thing. And we need more of that. We need more masculinity in this world. We don't, that's what's happening have you seen these antifa people definitely not masculine have you seen them try and fight like hey dude i'm like that that's that's what happens when you don't have male role models yeah
Starting point is 00:55:16 is you get antifa like have you seen their mug shots what are these humans like so i'm like that's that's why you need strong males in the world. You know, I'm just saying. What did you do when you were younger to kind of keep a positive mindset? Your mom's on drugs. How old was your dad? Or how old were you when your dad passed away? He passed when I was in my 20s, early 20s.
Starting point is 00:55:42 But he was really sick. 16 is when it really went downhill, but he used to travel, so a lot of it was just my mom. I raised myself for a lot of my life because my mom was in and out of rehab and mental institutions, so my weekends were spent in the mental hospital. I'd go visit my mom and talk to crazy people and learn why I didn't want to go. Honestly, I had terrible anger issues. Um, I gotten bad street problems. Um, I hung out with the wrong group, committed
Starting point is 00:56:12 crimes, you know, um, lucky for me. And this is, um, this is my, so I knew in, I was when I was 13 and my dad was on the road. And I remember I was, I knew that I wasn't going to get into school. Um, I was because due to my brain, I just couldn't at that time. And this is like, you weren't going to move forward to college. Here's why. And I'm going to tell you my rationale at the time. There's not by any means bringing up anything political at the time, the UC system, which
Starting point is 00:56:40 is what, you know, I was probably, they weren't accepting any whites or Asians because of affirmative action at the time. So that's my rationale. I'm like, I got to get good at a sport. So that was playing baseball. I was the ninth man. I was the experimental one. That wasn't my, I didn't have the gift. I didn't have that skill. And these kids were better than me. So that's when I went all into football and I was a, um, coming off, you know, sitting the bench as a, um, as a sophomore on the JV team. And the coach said to me, he said, low blind, you're not going to play a lick. If you don't lift that time, I was one 70, whatever, just, I sucked. I was, I was, I was piss poor. And, um, there was a coach there. His name was coach miles, coach Cornell miles.
Starting point is 00:57:21 And he was a minister, just great guy. And Leon Hatton, outside linebacker. He was supposed to do good the next year. You know, he was going to be a senior. I was going to be a junior. And I'm like, after, like, our team training session, they used to train afterwards on their own. I'm like, I want to train with you guys. And here's two, like, Leon's like 6'1", 220. And Coach Miles is 6'4", you know, 300 pounds.
Starting point is 00:57:46 Just a big dude repping 405 on bench like it's 135, like one of those dudes, right? Just that guy, right? And I walk up, and here's this little white kid, you know, 5'7", 170. I'm like, guys, I want to train with you. They're like, you want to what? And I'm like, yep, I'm going to start next year as a junior. I'm going to start on varsity. They're like, no, you're not.
Starting point is 00:58:08 I'm like, yeah, I am. I'm like, all right, if you can hang with us today, you can train with us. I'm like, all right, that's fine. I'm like, well, what are we doing? If you can hang with us on incline bench press. And I'm like, okay. So I hung with them. And that was my turning point in my life.
Starting point is 00:58:24 Like, that was it. It was Coach Miles and Leon Hatton. I haven't talked to Leon since my senior year in high school. I can't find him. The dude doesn't even have social media. He's a ghost. Coach Miles, old school, you know, he's not playing on his phone. You know, and they took me in.
Starting point is 00:58:41 Leon and I would train until 7 p.m. every night. Did they allow you to kind of use your own weight? Or did they force you to kind of use what they were trying to use and stuff like that? Like, did they try to like really? Oh, yeah. Yeah. They tried to kill me. I think I think it was they were trying to kill the white kid that day. He thinks again.
Starting point is 00:58:56 But I would, too. They're like, he thinks he can hang with us. All right. So I pushed through it the next year. I literally gained in three months. I went from 170 to 240 pounds. Started. Do you want to explain that real quick?
Starting point is 00:59:08 I didn't know. So I got drug tested. You found a bag of D-Ball somewhere? So I didn't know what steroids were at the time. Honestly, I had no idea. I just knew they had McGuire at the time, and I had no idea what steroids were. I thought steroids were something your food get contaminated with. So I'm like, shit shit i think i caught steroids they're like so so my dad's like why don't you just get it
Starting point is 00:59:29 i wish it was that easy i can't shake it i can't stop growing muscle i thought steroids was like covid bro i'm like and it would be like when your kid gets chicken pox like oh everybody come over let's all get it right now get it out of the the way. So it turns out, you know, when I started training, something happened where I had some hypergonadism type thing going on. My body started releasing testosterone, went from 170 to 240, had acne. And I literally was just jacked. I've posted pictures of myself that I was jacked. You know, I was like, wow. So I came in, started the next year and, you know, kept lifting with them.
Starting point is 01:00:05 But that was my turning point, you know, and, you know, you look at you want to be that kid, that person, a kid's life. If it wasn't for Coach Miles and Leon right now, I would either be dead or in a really bad spot. And then, of course, when I was 16, I met my wife and she kind of steered me even straighter. And those are my two to turning points. Was your football coach like an actual mentor, or was it just kind of that one single thing of like, hey, you got to lift, and you lifted with him and stuff? Or did you have?
Starting point is 01:00:32 He was a reverend. And Leon Hatton was just an upperclassman, and I looked up to him. And we only knew each other through training. We didn't hang out, but when we were training, and every Saturday we had this. Not every Saturday. We'd go a lot, like go to his grandma's house.
Starting point is 01:00:46 She'd make us fried chicken. Then afterwards go to Roscoe's chicken and waffles. Like I was like, we, we were, we became, it sounds amazing. It was a great life. But we became really good, like really good training friends, so to speak. Like we didn't hang out. We wrote, we rolled in two different groups, but we didn't have time. We were busy training.
Starting point is 01:01:04 He wanted to go D1. I wanted to get the hell out of my situation. So those are, that's why when I'm like, I want to get into coaching after all this is done, because if it wasn't for Coach Miles, if it wasn't for him, and again, he, you talk about mentorship, the man's a reverend. Yeah, I'm Jewish. And, you know, before every lift, we'd pray, you know, and it was it was just astounding the strength you get through faith.
Starting point is 01:01:28 And, you know, again, like those little things, you never know if you could be that one to change that kid's life. Did they show you maybe a different level to like, hey, this is the way, you know, this is the way hard work is done. This is how we do it. Oh, I mean, these guys like work ethic. It's still the only one I've seen work harder than what we did is my daughter.
Starting point is 01:01:47 She's the only one. My daughter's crazy. What was it? 345 pounds? 345 on the hex bar deadlift. Your daughter? Is that on your IG? It's on my Instagram, yeah.
Starting point is 01:01:55 Yeah, maybe Andrew. How old is she? She's 14. Oh, you said that. Wow. She's, my daughter is. It's sick for them, too. Yeah, I mean, I think that's a little less.
Starting point is 01:02:06 That's $330. That's $340. There's another one. I'll find it. But that's still... I mean, that's crazy. We should have her on the show. There's my son.
Starting point is 01:02:14 We missed the great opportunity. Yeah, that's the older one. Yeah, just play that one. Who cares? Yeah, you can play that one. It's still impressive. $315, right? Yeah, $3...
Starting point is 01:02:21 Well, that's a $55. So that's... Yeah, that's's 335 or whatever 340 is mid-season her shoulders didn't even move her form yeah wow her shoulders didn't even move and she she didn't get like the cat back or nothing i mean no she's she's amazing you said she plays soccer soccer she must be rocking these girls she is unfortunately the refs know her now so they call her out all the time. She was picked on. Dude, pause real quick.
Starting point is 01:02:46 When I was 16, I started playing soccer again after my injury. I gained a lot of weight, so I was heavy. And parents tried to get my birth certificate because they're like, this kid. Like, yeah, they're like, we want to see this kid's birth certificate. That was ridiculous. So is that when you change your birth certificate? But yo, no, she's just, just i mean you know to be inspired by your own child dude but that is how is the relationship going from a standpoint of uh now she's getting older you know like getting her to practice and
Starting point is 01:03:20 stuff seems like she's like really into it at this point. But does she ever get frustrated with you? I know you said that you like to kind of back off and let her do her own thing. But how has that been for you? I'm trying to hold her back. She trains too much. She's the white female Mike Rashid. She's like, overtraining, bro. Go to that picture of his back up there.
Starting point is 01:03:40 And you said she can't like the Olympics thing? That's 16. What? Yeah. Boy, you look like a grown man. You't like the Olympics thing. That's me. That's 16. What? Yeah. Boy, you look like a grown man. You look like you're 25 or something. Yeah, and that's my wife. We've been together that long.
Starting point is 01:03:53 Like, she's aged so well. Like, she's the nicest. Like, she's the anti-me where everybody likes her and she's very non-polarizing. And like, I'm the one who like either love me or you hate me. There's no in between. Like, my wife's like, she's just my wife's like she's just a good woman she's just a good woman at this point with you she probably doesn't even like do one of these she probably just probably just like yeah i'll catch her once in a while i'll catch her i'll be like gotcha yeah wide back yeah things are coming along for my you
Starting point is 01:04:19 know my physique at 40 i'm pretty happy with it. Keep walking us through this story. You move on and you end up actually going to college. Yeah, I went to college. I went to California Lutheran University in Thousand Oaks. Again, I'm a Californian. I ended up injuring my knee, so I couldn't really play football. I gave it up. I just got through school really quick.
Starting point is 01:04:42 I took all the summer courses I could at Glendale Community College. Glendale, right by Burbank, you know, and ended up. Was there something in particular about school where you're like, I'm going to I'm going to get this degree and then I'm going to go go do this other thing? Honestly, I didn't even know. I knew I was going to do something. And I just got a marketing degree because. Well, I started as I want to be a little my mom wanted me to be a lawyer no i'm not even lying because i'm jewish she thought all jew men jewish men should be lawyers i'm not even lying a lawyer a doctor you know that whole jewish thing and um you know so i ended up uh going and i'm like dude you got to be in school for like 40
Starting point is 01:05:18 years to be a lawyer i'm like screw that and so i ended up kinesiology then i learned through my counselor at college how much they make i'm like i don't want to do that. My brother had a degree in marketing. So I was like, if that idiot can do it, I can too. And so that's what I went to school for. And I was actually training. I was a training coordinator at Valley Total Fitness. Remember them? And I was based in Simi, but I also helped overlook other clubs like Chatsworth in Southern California and Encino and a couple others. And I was at my gym in Simi Valley and the executive publisher, Bob Washburn at Weider Publications at the time, he asked, he actually knew one of my clients that I trained. And she's like, I don't know what you can do with this kid.
Starting point is 01:05:56 He's only like 19, but this kid's driven. And I went and I actually went up and I knew a bunch of guys on master's degree and years of experience. I went and I actually went up and I knew a bunch of guys and master's degree and years of experience. For some reason, Laya Clark, if you guys know, he's been in the industry a long time on the back end of the end. It's like the not, not public, but which is a shame because he's better looking than any of us. He's whole, he looks like the rock.
Starting point is 01:06:16 Wow. And you won't find him on social media either. The dude's a ghost, but like, and he hired me and I would, there I was working for Joe Weider at 19 years old. Crazy. So I had a lot of good shakes, but you know, you say the, the harder I work, the luckier I get, you know, I've been in an emergency room twice because of exhaustion from, from overworking.
Starting point is 01:06:36 One was when I was 19, 18, when I was 18. And the other was when I was in my twenties. So, I mean, I just kept working. Just didn't sleep much? No, I didn't. I slept three hours a night, maybe. Maybe. Maybe.
Starting point is 01:06:50 I was a mess, dude. My insides were falling apart. Cortisol was through the roof. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, and I was, you know, and luckily, like, for me, but I had Katie. You know, I had that support system. Even though I didn't have a family to call back on and go home and get, you know, and have money sent to me. And I was doing the opposite.
Starting point is 01:07:07 I was sending money to my parents. So it was, I mean, I wouldn't trade my life's been a fairy tale. Like I'm the American dream. I'm the American freaking dream. I'm still living it every day. And everybody else can too. This country is the only place. Well, I'm speaking as an American, so I'm sure you could do it in the UK.
Starting point is 01:07:24 But this country is a place that if you literally have the deck stacked against you, if you work hard enough, you can make it. You might not be Bill Gates rich. You might not be Mark Smelly Bell rich. But you'll at least be better than you would have been if you didn't. Do you think there's anything specific that kept you always kind of fired up, like giving you the confidence to go out for the football team? Because I would imagine maybe some other children that are in a similar position that have a drug addicted mom and a dad who's real sick. You know, maybe they just maybe they just didn't get enough at home to feel good enough about themselves to even like try out for the football team. How did you have the courage to even do that in the first place?
Starting point is 01:08:08 And how do you have the courage to go up to those guys and ask them? Have you just always been like fired up and pumped about stuff your whole life? Pretty much. I don't know about you, but I love revenge. Revenge is what I drive myself on. A lot of people say that's a bad thing. I actually don't. I was always told that I couldn't do things. It always pissed
Starting point is 01:08:25 me off. And I was told like, to this day, like even a couple of years ago, like after all I've done, like I was undersized. So, well, you're undersized, so you'll never make it at football. So I'm like, no, like Muggsy Bogues was in the NBA. I mean, I could be the outlier, right? I could do that. And then even in bodybuilding, all your structure is bad, this and that. I'm like, well, I'm going to prove them wrong, you know, and then business. I was told by someone who, you know, I worked with that, you know, you'll never be able to take a company mainstream. That's just not in your wheelhouse. Now I'm sitting on top of the number one growing bar in the industry,
Starting point is 01:09:06 which is very mainstream. We're sold in grocery stores and 10,000 plus gas stations. If you look at what Tiger Fitness has done over the years, it's easy to say, well, why did you ever get into that market? Look at Well, well things have changed you know is uh you know last my last communication with them of as of just maybe about a year or two ago it just sounded like they were getting eaten alive by amazon but your company because you have it everyone gets killed by amazon yeah but your your company because you have a different way about you and because it because it is owned by a single person that you can point out of the crowd and say, yeah, that guy owns it. Your company is going to be able to still thrive in an environment like that.
Starting point is 01:09:51 And so I think it's an amazing accomplishment. It's an amazing thing that in the face of the adversity, in the face of people saying, hey, this doesn't make any fucking sense for you to do that. You're like, oh, that's okay. I'm going to give it my best shot. And you're still standing here and your protein bar, I would have to say, is I think I've tasted just about every protein bar that you could ever eat pretty much. I mean, there's some stuff that you just don't know about, right?
Starting point is 01:10:20 Yeah. But I'd have to say it's the best taste and protein bar I've ever had. It reminds me of when muscle milk came out. Oh, my God. It was so when muscle milk came out. The first go of it, that first run of muscle milk from, I think, Champion Nutrition. It just blew your mind. You were like you're like, this is far superior than anything else out there. And that's what I noticed with your bar. Andrew, did you have one yesterday? Yeah, dude, I had the peanut butter, the cookies and cream peanut butter one.
Starting point is 01:10:47 But what I was trying to tell you yesterday is like, they're so damn good. I had my first one about a year and a half ago with my buddy Nick in Connecticut. And it was just, oh, here, dude, check this out. This is from Mark Lobliner. And I was like, oh, sure, why not? And next thing I know, I'm like, just staring.
Starting point is 01:11:03 Like, you know when you just sit there and stare at the label? Like, what the what the fuck like how is this so good so but a question i had is like who who's that bar made for because like you look at it you look at a quest bar and it's like okay it's probably like keto friendly i think he made it for me other than mark bell i love how you ask that because this story is true and you you always like you see other like i see people knocking off the bar like here's why we came out with i'm like no bitch you're knocking me off but here's really why it was like we were it was 2000 i believe it was 2000 and uh 2015 or 16 and my daughter was just getting into soccer like the the travel, and she's playing center mid.
Starting point is 01:11:46 You're running six miles a game. She had three games that day, and all they had to eat there was funnel cakes and BS food, right? And you can't eat a meal between games. You have no place to go. So we had a Quest bar, which I love Quest. I'm not, I'm not, everybody always wants me to diss Quest. They built a billion dollar empire and they created a new category. God bless them.
Starting point is 01:12:08 They paved the way. They changed the game forever. Plus they made bars that don't like melt, you know, when you ship them and things like that. And they, and ours don't, ours don't really melt either, which is really cool about the way we formulated it. But the thing about Quest is they also opened up, a lot of people will realize, some retail chains that never carry protein bars.
Starting point is 01:12:24 They've done so good for the, they've opened, they paved the way for me. So I will always, always say the nicest things about Quest, except for that time they tried to sue me. But anyway, no, it worked out. We got it, we got it. I'm not even gonna mention that. No, it's nothing.
Starting point is 01:12:39 But, no, it was the most respectful pre-lawsuit. Never happened, Never happened. Never happened. Um, but anyway, um, so we're at this game and she's running 18 miles and she has a game the next day.
Starting point is 01:12:52 We have nothing to feed her. And at time quest bar fiber, there's so much fiber in there. You can't give that to an athlete before a game. I mean, efforting will tell you that, right? You can't do it.
Starting point is 01:13:01 It's going to bloat her, especially if you have two of them, you're going to really, you're done. You're done. Um, but again, like as a during the day snack for an adult great um and then you can't feed them a cliff bar or z bar it's just sugar it's basically brown rice syrup it's going to spike and drop no fat no protein nothing and i'm like oh my god i i gotta make something for my kids so i spent like three years, finally figured it out in July of 2018,
Starting point is 01:13:26 figured it out. So we're like, okay, we got this. So I remember calling, we've talked about it before, Chad, my partner, my Chad, he's like, these are amazing. What do we, I'm like, can we launch these? I'm like, it's going to cost money. He's like, well, as long as we can, at best case, we might sell $200,000 a year worth of these at Best case. Like, well, at least pay for our own consumption of it. So Chad's kids play travel softball. So we literally made these bars for our kids, and we were just going to sell them to MTS Nutrition customers. That was it.
Starting point is 01:13:54 And then we launched them. It turns out a lot of people had this thumb. This bar was formulated basically to, I hate the term, it's being everything to everybody. Oh, everybody. It's for everybody. Nothing's for everybody. Nothing's for everybody. This is as close as you're going to get because it was formulated for my kids to have a snack that had a good healthy fat content,
Starting point is 01:14:13 that had healthy carbs, superfood carbs, that had whey protein isolate, or for the vegan version had some brown rice and pea because that's the vegan version. But it's also made for me. I have irritable bowel syndrome. So I can't eat Questor One bars. I just can't. can't. It's just not a good idea for those around me. Um, this was formulated for me to be able to use and also for my kids. So it was everybody from a bodybuilder to an athlete, to a child. And since then we've come out with vegan, nut free. We got, we're working on a keto one. There's a lot going on. So thank you for
Starting point is 01:14:45 giving me that loaded question. Of course it was made for my kids. I know some people will. Um, and I think Andrew was kind of touching upon it. You know, some people are like, ah, it's got too much fat in it or it has too many carbs in it. But just think of the bullshit that you eat when you go to Starbucks, you know, you get yourself a coffee, you get yourself, uh, you know, one of those little cakes or one of those little bullshit treats or whatever. And even when you're trying to grab something for your kid on the go,
Starting point is 01:15:10 it's going to be superior to whatever you are normally going to, you know, grab for your kid. If you're going to make something for them, then maybe not. But how many grams of proteins are there? Like 15 or 20? So we have the, most of them are between 15 and 17. The crisp bar uses whey crisp.
Starting point is 01:15:25 We got that up to 20. That's our higher protein variety. Nice. That gets us in the quest range. Generally speaking, the carb content will be between 25 and 30. And the crisp is a little bit less than that because the protein crisps take up a little more room. And then fats will be around 10 to 13 grams.
Starting point is 01:15:42 So it's a snack, but it's also a very balanced snack. So people are like, hey, man, I'm on the carnivore diet. I'm like, man, the bar's not for you. Get a beef jerky. Again, it's not like you can't be everything that everyone were trying, though. You know, like we have, you know, my whole thing, I said, dude, we can't do a nut-free version. Boom, we came out with the sunflower seed butter. Nut-free, and it's dairy-free because we use the vegan protein. Then we have the vegan version. We have, it's
Starting point is 01:16:08 about 300 calories for people listening. Yep. 300. And if we can nail the keto, I think we pretty much have as many markets as you can. And like I was telling Mark yesterday, we're within probably 10%. It's good now where you'd be like this, kills any. And the keto bars on the market have 20 grams of carbs. They're just the net carbs. Like, shut up. This is actually going to be a legit low-carb bar without any of the added BS. So I'm excited. It's instability testing.
Starting point is 01:16:37 So we're really close. And we have 20 flavors, 20 varieties. Wow. And yesterday marked our two-year anniversary from launching it at the Olympia. I didn't even realize it. It came up in my Facebook memories. I'm like, oh, my God. I posted to the group, and everybody was asleep because we're in California.
Starting point is 01:16:53 I'm like, bro, it's our – and everybody got it this morning. Like, oh, that was yesterday. I'm like, dumbass. I'm in California. So, yeah, it's the most exciting thing because I didn't mean to do it. And I want to get back on something you talked about, is that the success of our companies. And one thing is that you're a brilliant man, right? You're a smart guy. I've known you for years. You play the whole meathead. You're not a meathead. You're frigging built an empire. You have a warehouse in California. You need at least
Starting point is 01:17:15 80 million to build one of these, right? But you've surrounded yourself with smart people. Everyone here is good at what they do. And I noticed that when I first walked in, they take ownership in the company. And that's because you don't have an ego. You absolutely don't. Or else you wouldn't hire people better than you at what they do. And that's weak leadership. Weak leaders hire weak people. And that's why they don't grow. Everybody in my company is smarter than me at what they do. Every single one. And that's why you've built this. You got yourself to a certain level, but you, you pulled a Ronald Reagan in that you hired people who basically filled your void. And that's, what's really cool about coming in here because it's
Starting point is 01:17:57 exactly what I want in my companies. And I wanted to thank you for that. I appreciate you a nice little, even this guy over here. That's kind of the goal, is to have everyone be autonomous. Have them be able to... Even though the company's not massive, we don't have hundreds of employees, you get to lead up your own...
Starting point is 01:18:17 This is your own division. Maybe it's only a division of one, but that's okay. You lead yourself, and you follow yourself. You check your own work. And that's what Andrew does with the podcast. I'm not like, he might ask me once in a while and I'll just say, hey, whatever, like whatever makes your life easier. Like, let's do that.
Starting point is 01:18:35 Like, do you need something? Like you need an extra computer or like, you know, how can I assist you to be better? But otherwise I just don't know anything about what you do. So I can't really be of much service. I hired you to do it yourself. And that's perfect because when everybody micromanages, you never grow. You got to grow. There's so many talented people out there.
Starting point is 01:18:58 People might not even know they have talents. We were talking about Tyler who came from Skyline Chili, basically our inventory guy. He keeps track of all the production everything like if you were looking at his resume you would be like I'm why would I hire this guy for that but he grew into the position so your goal is you hire this person because you see something special and then you kind of you can find where they fit you find where their strengths are you make they make their own job almost a lot of times. And I even ask employees every, you know, every couple of months, I'll say, what, what do you hate? What do you, what do you, what do you like the least out of everything you do? And then I'll say, okay, well, you know, give me a few months. Let me see what, you know,
Starting point is 01:19:39 if I can take that off your plate, because I want you to lean into the interest as much as, as much as humanly possible. There's always going to be some bullshit that you might have to do that you don't really want to do yeah and i a lot of what i do i don't like doing you know it's like paperwork contracts don't like those but it's part of life you know so that's that's the thing is that surrounding yourself with good people um the coolest guy in the world mike rashid calls it leveling up you know you get people who are on this level and and if you're here, it kind of makes you come up to their level. Again, what is it? High tide rises all boats or whatever?
Starting point is 01:20:13 I can't think. I need more of this right now. Need more mind bullet. Honestly, it's great. I really do feel it. I normally don't feel things in my brain. It's awesome. But this one, yes, very good work.
Starting point is 01:20:23 Yeah, yeah. It gives you a good kick. I think a lot of times the, uh, a lot of the, uh, you know, kind of mind altering supplements.
Starting point is 01:20:31 So you don't, I never really like really felt him real powerfully. Nootropics and things like that. We definitely, I want, I want this just so I can take it out of him. The truck load. This is great.
Starting point is 01:20:41 Yeah. I'm impressed. I'm impressed. Cause people send me stuff all the time and I'm like, yeah. Yeah. And you dug the bicep board, the bicep.
Starting point is 01:20:49 I wouldn't steer you wrong, bro. So the bicep board is something that I'm going to get the link from you and I'm going to buy it for my gym in Ohio and for my house. That thing is awesome. You know, I still haven't been able to use it. Oh my God,
Starting point is 01:21:01 dude. For last, we have to try to like, it's so good to really try to keep him away from like, you know, knowing the new shit and stuff. He's so fucking jacked. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:21:10 Does he need to be more jacked? No, no, definitely not. Does he need to look younger than us than he already does? I think I look kind of old. Does he? I don't think so.
Starting point is 01:21:18 Not compared to us. Yeah, but you're going to stay with that look until you're 80. Let's pray for that. Yes, Lord. Handsome guy. Very handsome.
Starting point is 01:21:27 Very handsome. What are we going to do? What do you mean? What are we going to do? Can we do anything about it? No. No. I mean, sometimes you just got to settle for second place. Just keep getting older.
Starting point is 01:21:38 It's like when Ronnie stepped on stage in 2003. You know, Dexter's story of that is great. He's like, we all went backstage like, all right, I guess we know where it's going to go tonight. Just grab their luggage right then and just get on the plane. One thing you can do is convince him to use lotion. No lotion? He doesn't use lotion. He's one of those. Why not?
Starting point is 01:21:55 Your skin looks amazing, Mark. I lotion up all the time. I know. Wow. That's all from lotion? Look how smooth it is. It's like milky. It's very smooth, yeah. I'm like, I have these routines I got to do. Are you hard all over? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:22:12 No. If I was, I'd be very disappointed in what's going on right now. I'm a grower. I got these routines, man. I've read books, and all these rich people have these routines. You wake up, you do boom, boom, boom. So skin care and teeth care are two things that I'm huge on. Oral hygiene, big fan of oral.
Starting point is 01:22:35 It's one of my favorite things in the world. So all that stuff, it's kind of become a routine where if I don't do it, I don't. Even when I travel, half my luggage is like, I got my Mark Pro we were talking about. I got a Mark Pro at least once a day. Yeah, you don't want to tell us about that. I found that to be interesting. You use it on the plane and stuff. Yeah, Mark.
Starting point is 01:22:52 So a Mark Pro is basically a STEM unit. I can't talk science. They talk about waves and all this, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Basically, it's about 500 bucks. And it's a STEM unit. You put these pads on you. And when I fly, I used to find when I get off a plane, I felt like I got hit by
Starting point is 01:23:07 a bus. It would take me a day to recover. I landed yesterday and we crushed back. Oh, that's amazing. And I got off the plane. I even told Cross, my buddy who's here, my colleague, who's handling the camera work, mostly out in the hotel room. Hey now.
Starting point is 01:23:24 Is that your work? Yeah, hey now. I know about that. You know, and so I was like, you know what? I saw him post like, yeah, you know, in the hotel room. Hey, now. Is that your word? Yeah, hey, now. I know about that. Yeah. You know, and so I was like, you know what? I saw him post, like, yeah, you can fly with this. And I'm like, I fly a lot. This would be crazy. This is before COVID, right?
Starting point is 01:23:34 And so I put it on my lower back. Oh, I thought you put it on your nuts. No? No, no, that would hurt. Oh, okay. I put it on my lower back and usually my T-band, you know, or I'll put it on my hamstring, my quad, or I'll put it on my calf and up here. People are looking at you like you're crazy because your muscles are flexing, right?
Starting point is 01:23:49 Absolutely. Like my legs twitching. But I'll get off the flight. Or sometimes I'll put the pads on before I get on the plane so I'm not like reaching down my pants. And I'm just hooking it up really quick. But I'll get off the plane. I'll feel like a million bucks. Like I will feel like I just went through like some kind of a spa treatment and I swear
Starting point is 01:24:08 by this thing. It's a Mark pro it's mark And, um, it's, it's a great device. Uh, Dr. Strett's a fan of it. Um, Gary Rinal, who's the guy who invented not icing, you know, icing being the worst thing in the world, literally got the guy who invented rice to say he was wrong. Like that's how gangster Gary Rinal is.
Starting point is 01:24:27 And, yeah, I mean, I swear by it. So if you fly it, but I do it every night for at least 30 minutes. Sometimes if I train chest, I put it on here. A lot of times on my legs. It's a game changer. I have had friends before tell me about, like, oh, you should use it when you travel. And I've always just kind of ignored it. But when you actually told me, like, you use it on the plane and how different you felt,
Starting point is 01:24:48 I was like, oh, man, my friends are right. I should just fucking do it. You should. I have one. I just need to bring it with me. There's plenty of space. It's not big. It's not huge.
Starting point is 01:24:56 No, get the regular Pro. There's a Pro and the Pro Plus. Even Gary will say you just need the Pro. It's the size of, like, Dre Beats headphones or whatever. I mean, it's that size. It's not very big. It's like this. And then you haveats headphones or whatever it means. Oh, wow. It's not very big. It's like this. And then you have the little modules.
Starting point is 01:25:07 But I swear by it. You know, it's those little recovery tricks. And again, it's not cheap. But the only thing you have to place is the pads. And they're not overly expensive either. So it's just a matter of your budget. But if you fly a lot, yeah. Or even if you don't, just putting it on your legs at night or after a hard session definitely speeds up recovery.
Starting point is 01:25:25 It's annoying when you're flying. You're just kind of in a weird position for a little while and just things tighten up. And if you can be more comfortable, then why not? When I start traveling overseas again, I mean, taking it to Australia, I mean, and I'm at the point in my career where I do upgrade to first class a lot. So in first class, you got all the space in the world and you land and you're in a good spot. So you're doing a bodybuilding show. Yeah, I'm coming back, man. So you're doing a bodybuilding show. Yeah. I'm coming back, man.
Starting point is 01:25:46 It's been, it's been years, over five years. Um, masters USA because you know, bodybuilders, normally the good ones die before the age of 40. So I figured there's no one left. I might have a chance. And you have to get your pro card again. So I was a NABBA pro and it expires, but I could probably call him and be like, Hey guys, uh, can I get my NABBA card?
Starting point is 01:26:04 Cause like there's two NABBA pros left. When I, when I got my NABACARD, it was funny. Cause I was getting ready for nationals and I did a warmup show and I ended up winning it. Like, well, to do nationals, you got to forfeit your program. Like, well, I had this shit like two months. I'm like, at least let me enjoy calling myself a pro for like three months. So yeah, it's been a while. I mean, I I'm really excited because I'm holding it like 220 pounds. I'm leaner than I've ever been. I got, I had diastasis in my abs. So I have mesh and 40 titanium screws. And I posted a picture on my Instagram this morning of how small my waist is. And I never had that before because it's the most unflattering picture, but I post it anyway. Like, you know, in the morning,
Starting point is 01:26:42 my face looks, I'm like 80 years old and eyes are all droopy. And I'm going to post this because I'm really proud because it, surgery was really hard. So I had to get literally titanium screws put in my stomach. When did you get that surgery? This was 2016, I believe, or 2000. It was one of those, I think it was 2015 or 16. Anything similar to what Phil Heath had to have happen? Does anybody know what Phil Heath had done?
Starting point is 01:27:07 I guess he had some sort of hernia. I know he had a hernia patch. They just do it over the spot. Mine's literally from right above the ding, ding, ding, and then right up to here. So it's this whole area right here. My thing is, and I've said this, and I liked it. Yeah, but just going off topic, phil got the full mesh two things would that that will determine the olympia number one is it takes a long time to heal like i didn't
Starting point is 01:27:32 notice my abs come down and get used to it for about two years and i think he's been around that yeah but if he got a if he got a patch over his hernia my issue is if you look at his stomach during the olympia if he just got a patch there was hernia, my issue is if you look at his stomach during the Olympia, if he just got a patch, there was something off about not just one area. A hernia is like a bump. His entire midsection, there was something off about it. I'm a Phil Heath friend and fan. But if he got the full mesh like I did, and again, he makes money with his body.
Starting point is 01:28:02 I don't, right? It's going to look amazing. If he just got a patch, there was something weird with this overall abdomen. So that's a huge variable, but yeah, it was, it was a tough recovery. I mean, it was hard because you, you have no, you have no control. Like you have no control over your midsection or your core. So peeing's hard. You have to basically overdose on making magnesia to poop. And it's just like basically. And it was a tough. And I had to sleep on the recliner.
Starting point is 01:28:31 And it was a tough couple weeks. But man, I had a good surgeon. He did a good job. I'm really happy. But yeah, I mean, I'm coming back because it's easy. I'd hate to say that, but I don't eat a lot. And part of it's because I have mesh holding my stomach in. But for me, my main issue is eating enough food.
Starting point is 01:28:49 And I don't have to get on any crazy steroids. I'm on HRT. I'm just going to roll right with that on in. And so I'm like, why not? And I see who's, you know, my buddy Mack truck one last year. He looked great. And I think I'm on his level. And he would probably say the same.
Starting point is 01:29:05 I think we're comparable bodybuilders. I'm not saying I'm better than him. I'm saying that we're in the same league, I'd say. And I think that I'm going to show conditioning is how I'm going to win. And I'm really excited because I haven't seen my body since like my body, you know how it is to get shredded. Like you're like, man, I want to do that just one more time. And if I win, I'm going to roll right into a pro show. Cause I don't think a pro card counts until you do a pro show. That's my opinion. But yeah, I'm excited.
Starting point is 01:29:30 I'm excited because I feel great. And if I can just OD on this stuff, I'll be okay. I'll be like at the show, like what's going on guys? Why are you guys so mad? You know? But yeah, for me, it's, I stay lean. I don't hold water, you know? And I have, I'm shit.
Starting point is 01:29:46 I'm almost 20 pounds heavier than I was when i got my first pro card wow i was 202 when i weighed in oh shit and everybody thought i was 220 and i lied so well i didn't lie people like man you look like you're 220 like yeah i never corrected them so i never actually said i like the 100 pound dumbbell presses. Yes, yes. Chris Cuomo. By the way, that was the most viral post on Twitter ever. What happened? So Chris Cuomo has a picture of him typing while holding a 100 pound dumbbell in his hand. We all know it's fake.
Starting point is 01:30:15 But then I saw people go like, you see this dude? He was like, yeah, everybody thought it was real. The mainstream. So I'm like, dude, this is a good chance to just grift and get a hell of a get a this might go viral. Like I did first video I ever did with the intent of going viral. Like it was real. I'm like, I sent it to that. I got it edited. You know, it was like, yep, this is going to do it. And sure enough, man, people hate that guy. And it gave me an opportunity
Starting point is 01:30:40 to really kind of grow my my Twitter following by a couple thousand followers. I'm going on some conservative talk shows on like Blaze TV. I was mentioned on InfoWars like four times. I'm on the underground right-wing circuit. Like, it's really cool. And I didn't even do anything. All I did was demonstrate how frigging heavy a 100-pound dumbbell is. Because shoulder press is like my thing. I used to like
Starting point is 01:31:05 130s like 160s i've gotten some weight i couldn't lift a damn hundred pounder over my couldn't like no not one arm i could do two yeah one arm have you ever tried a single arm it's heavy oh no so i'm like i demonstrated with 50 then i did 80 and i'm like all right i'm gonna just put this out there and everybody all the big name right wing 80, and I'm like, alright, I'm going to just put this out there. And everybody, all the big name right wing guys shared it. I'm like, hell yeah. Now I'm going on the right wing talk show circuit. So I'm going to make America great again, wear a MAGA
Starting point is 01:31:33 hat, get a pitchfork, whatever they want me to do. I think it was great that you came out here because of Trump. I didn't even know it was here. That's amazing. You landed basically the same time as he did, right? Yeah, yeah. They didn't let me on Air Force One this time, but I'm hoping next know it was here. That's amazing. You landed basically the same time as he did, right? Yeah, yeah. They didn't let me on Air Force One this time, but I'm hoping next time it happens. But, you know, honestly, I enjoy the discourse.
Starting point is 01:31:53 I enjoy talking to people, you know, and I like when people have different opinions. I think that's what makes this country great. I don't want people to, if you agree with me on everything I stand for, that's why I can't be like, I'm a Republican. I can't do it. I could be like, I'm going to vote for this guy. And in Tennessee, you do have to declare to vote in the primary. So I did declare Republican. But I've always been like in Illinois, it's open primary.
Starting point is 01:32:14 So I'm an independent. And that's because I don't agree with everything anybody stands for. I don't want to be a part of your tribe. I want to have that open. There is a Democrat who comes out like I like some things that Tulsi stands for. And if she was up against Trump, even though she's kind of socialist, it would be a real debate in my head who I'd vote for. And people are like, oh, Tulsi is a socialist. I'm like, yeah, but you're looking at one thing she does.
Starting point is 01:32:39 I think overall, I mean, she's an active duty serviceman, service person. She's she just seems like a good person and i always like to put my like i don't think biden's a good person i don't necessarily think trump's a good person um biden was against ending segregation people seem to forget that and you know we i talked about choice theory i don't know if i can forgive being against ending segregation i just can't because that segregation's bad i don't think if I can forgive being against ending segregation. I just can't because that segregation is bad. I don't think any of us are going to go on that hill and die. That segregation is a great thing. He actually said that.
Starting point is 01:33:14 Like, and he's openly used the N word on. I mean, I know it was context, but you don't say, you just don't say it. There's just certain rules. And I know white people are like, well, they're saying in hip hop. So I just stopped that fight. That's not your fight. Just give it up. You don't get a pass for that word you just don't just give it up did you ever see his interview with charlamagne or part of the interview with charlamagne you're not black one yeah yeah that was just so funny and then he did something with cardi b so so here's a story i always go on tangents i had an 80 year old and everything i say here i'm not
Starting point is 01:33:46 going to say the n word but i'm going to say a word that might be offensive to some people who everybody so i had an old neighbor she was the nicest woman wasn't racist i don't think she was and um in north carolina live right next door to us her husband passed away sweetest old woman she goes yeah you know she's like people moving across street they're black like okay it's like yeah well we we're not we don't have many colored people in the state right colors are bad like you don't use the word color and i'm like all right then sue you know it's like this is a different world you know it's but she was 80 yeah right she doesn't know that's racist because she lived through segregation and she lives through the civil
Starting point is 01:34:33 actually is probably trying to be nice and say yes because she's uncomfortable and doesn't know what the hell to say exactly joe biden is nearly 80 years old he's basically my crazy old white lady neighbor from North Carolina. And we're going to give him the power to press that red button. I don't know if I want to do that, but what I'm saying is it's a different era, but I guarantee you, Sue wasn't out there talking about the racial jungle, dropping N bombs on CNN. You know, um, Joe Biden was and he also backed Senator Byrd. There's certain things I can't forgive. And I draw the line at that.
Starting point is 01:35:14 And that's why, you know, I can't I just can't roll with that. And then, well, Trump did this. Now, Trump didn't do what he did. No, he wasn't in government at that time. This guy literally was actively legislating against ending segregation. I can't roll with that. So for me, my reason for, but, but back to Tulsi, she's a good woman. Joe Biden, I think is just a bad person. And I'm not saying Trump's a good person. I'm saying in the bad people race, he might be a foot or two ahead by my judgment. And also the fact that Trump's actually owned businesses and actually contributed to society, rather than
Starting point is 01:35:46 being a parasitic politician, I've got to give Trump my vote. And that doesn't mean that I'm all MAGA, but I went to a MAGA rally last week in Franklin, Tennessee. I went to a rally. I did. It was put on by this guy named Robbie Starbuck on Twitter. Great guy. He lives right in my area, right?
Starting point is 01:36:02 And they had this C.J. Pearson kid, this young, I think he's a 19-year-old black kid. Oh my God. The best speaker I've ever heard in my life. I'll tell you this. Kurt Dennis, look him up. He's a 300-pound, 6'2",
Starting point is 01:36:17 the largest black man you'll ever see. He's all in on the MAGA. So I'm rolling with him. So I felt really safe. And then there's dudes with ARs. Have I seen you post pictures see him he's all in on the maga like he so i'm rolling with him so i felt really safe and then there's dudes with you post pictures with him or something yeah kurt yeah he's fucking massive he makes me look like a child could be five i gotta kurt dennis um hulk i think it's hulk zilla kurt or something like that yeah he's fucking massive oh my god i was like what the he's he's he's a he's a but he is all america and his friends are there
Starting point is 01:36:47 his crew they come in strapped with like 12 guns like ars dude had a ar a sidearm and one in his sock i'm like in case world war three breaks out we're safe wow and then like but there was and the cj pearson kid the greatest speaker i've heard like i've never i was but everybody was loving and hugging and people were kind and there was no racism and there was no bigotry there is he dude is enormous wow jesus he's 6 foot like 12. Wait, so is he actually 6'2", 300, or? He's 295. I know. That's 6'2". He's 6 foot,
Starting point is 01:37:32 I don't know, man, I'm only 5'8". Anything over 5'9 is gigantic to me. Wow. He's a monster. He's the most unknown like big dude I've ever seen. And he's outspoken. He's very pro unknown Big dude I've ever seen And he's outspoken He's very pro-America
Starting point is 01:37:48 He lives up in my area in Nashville Yeah, he's such a good dude Imagine the dick on that guy It's gotta be unreal Mark, what'd you see? Don't tell us, let us know We haven't gotten that intimate yet He only lives like 20 minutes from me I'll be sure to take pictures
Starting point is 01:38:03 Straight to the dick, huh? Every time. I mean, if it's even just slightly in proportion to his body, it's gotta be nine inches. That's what I'm saying. Yo. Dude, he's repping out like 405.
Starting point is 01:38:17 He's like yawning. He's in his 40s, dude. He ain't a young kid. Look at his legs. I'm telling you, man. Usually I'm the big guy. Look at his legs. Jesus. I'm telling you, man. Wow. Nobody, like, usually I'm the big guy. There I am. Look at how big, look how small I am.
Starting point is 01:38:30 Look how small I am next to him. Oh, my God. Wow, he is like 6'2". He's enormous. Damn. His beard's 6'3". Impressive man. Can you, is that his penis? I think so.
Starting point is 01:38:44 Yeah, it's like trying to hug your leg. This is a lot of white boy fun going on over here. White people just talk about BBC all day long. What else is there to talk about? I can't get down with this. Yeah, look how large this guy is. But anyway, this is why nobody... Oh, we got in the steam of going down.
Starting point is 01:39:02 Can you imagine if Antifa showed up to that rally? Oh, yeah. Oh, God got in the steamer going. Can you imagine if Antifa showed up to that rally? Oh, yeah. He's enormous. He'd be an interesting character to have. He's very well, he's very just, he loves his country, man. But I'll tell you what, I've never been to
Starting point is 01:39:18 a more positive, started with a Star Spangled Banner, said the Pledge of Allegiance, said a prayer, and then just talked about really good stuff. And then everybody hung out. I had to leave early because my son had a soccer game down the road. But I'm like, if I was looking at it from an independent standpoint, which I like to think I am, even though I do have my bias because I'm a capitalist. So obviously I'm going to side with conservatism.
Starting point is 01:39:40 If I'm looking in and I'm driving through Franklin, I see this loving freedom rally and then I see Antifa and BLM. What side am I going to be on? Like these riots and everything going on. All it's doing is pushing more people to Trump side because I'll tell you what. And this is just me speaking as an objective third party. I've never seen a more positive uplifting message than I saw it. Maybe it's just because it's where I live. But like these, it's very it. Maybe it's just because it's where I live.
Starting point is 01:40:07 But like these, it's very diverse. Like it's changed. Like if you look at even the Latin vote is going that way. I think divisiveness is not good. And so we're in a two party system. Tulsi lost. But if it was Tulsi v. Trump, I'll tell you what, there's a 70% chance unless stuff comes out when you're running, right?
Starting point is 01:40:24 I don't know everything about her. There's a 70% chance unless stuff comes out when you're running, right? I don't know everything about her. There's a 70% chance she'd have gotten my vote. Is Biden not going to have any rallies? I don't think he can survive a rally. The guy is literally half dead. I'm not even joking. I just don't think there's any chance whatsoever that he'll win. Yeah, I'm curious real quick, guys.
Starting point is 01:40:44 It seems like Trump's picking up some points. So a lot. Some people think Biden has like a memory thing. And there's also the narrative that it's actually a stammer. What do you guys think? Is it both? Or like, because that guy seems to be really just going like just going. Have you have you seen his old?
Starting point is 01:41:04 Now, I remember Biden because we had a i i used to actually listen to this stuff i think biden was funny you know he used to make me laugh when he was the vp i was like i like that yeah i loved him i honestly think it's it's just age-related cognitive decline and uh it's really sad that that the country has to be in this position that the democrat put forth such a horrible candidate um and kamala her past and what she did with prisoners and you know the free labor for the state of california um she's evil like she is an evil evil evil person when i found out about that stuff i was just like and she's proud of it she's like yeah i put and she she's she's not even
Starting point is 01:41:43 african-american she's indian like her family is straight up indian like it is what in jamaican i'm sorry there's some but i mean you know the thing is like it's just if you actually look into that ticket and and it's again like i wanted to not vote for trump i was like okay i'm i'm not a trump guy like i Trump guy. I'm voting for him based on the current field, unless the rock somehow jumps into the race. But I can't vote for a guy who was against ending segregation. And I can't vote for Kamala, who is absolutely just a detestable creature. People tend not to try to look into what she's done because of she's a what people see. She's a black woman, right?
Starting point is 01:42:27 She's apparently black. Yeah. So like people don't want to look into the past where she's put a lot of innocent men in jail for things that they didn't do when she's known about it. Innocent men who are predominantly one color. And, you know, everyone's like, oh, it's part of the game. She's a prosecutor. It's what you have to do. But then where is your morality?
Starting point is 01:42:46 Like, you know, we addressed this years ago, the amino spike. Um, and this is a morality, my argument, like there were brands,
Starting point is 01:42:55 I'm not going to name names, but there were brands who, Oh, well they amino spike their approach, but their pre workouts. Good. And I'm like, if they ethically lied you on the label of the protein,
Starting point is 01:43:04 what do you think makes every other category of product differently? So if someone has ethically and let's not forget that she got in that position by sleeping with her boss. I mean, so she has the word. If dude, if she if she ever gets it, if Pence will destroy her in a debate because Pence is people don't understand. Like, see, now that's the guy i ended up liking more than i thought i would after coven like even though i didn't agree with a lot of what they were doing pence is like that guy who calms everybody down like trump goes and just tasmanian devils everything pence is like and if they ask him a question like they straight up dissed him and he
Starting point is 01:43:40 just turned it around he was calm collect like that guy ice. He creeps me out a little bit, to be honest. You know what? I gained respect for him because he will not go to dinner with a female unless his wife's with smart. And everybody's like, oh, he's sexist.
Starting point is 01:43:54 I know he's smart, man. He's smart. Is it? Cause they ain't going to ever accuse him of any, like all the fault. DC is dirty. He's like,
Starting point is 01:44:01 look, unless it's a threesome, my wife, then I didn't say any of that shit. Like he, he's got it covered. Like that dude is look, unless it's a threesome of my wife, then I didn't say any of that shit. Like he, he's got it covered. Like that dude is he, but he's legit. I think, I don't think that's a guy who you have to question his morals and his ethics. I think he's a real Catholic. Like there's a Sunday Christians and then there's a Christians and then there's the born again. So, or, you know, somewhere else, but this guy is legit. from everybody i know from indiana like that that's
Starting point is 01:44:25 him like that dude's legit so i like the ticket i do um based on what i've seen and i think based on what's going on now you have a president who's still wearing a mask and you have a president who's like by 2021 everything's 100 back to normal and just my stance on what went on with this covid the fact that someone's still trying to ride out everybody and wants to nationally mandate masks, which is completely unconstitutional. Yeah. On that issue alone, like, no, I'm not just going to vote against Biden. I'm going to tell everybody not to vote for him. Vote for the libertarian whack job. Just don't vote for that guy. I mean, you know, that's just that's not the guy. It's just not the guy.
Starting point is 01:45:06 And even if you hate Trump, I want you to take that out of the picture and just compare them for what they've done and who they are and what they can bring to the table. And the past does mean a lot. And you can't just say things and the lies like all their campaign ads are complete lies. Like they're like what Trump said. Trump didn't say that about the military. Trump's got. And also, I'm an isolationist. I don't like war. I'm an isolationist. That's one of the reasons I became a libertarian at the beginning. Trump has started no new wars and he's pulling troops out. Got my vote. I don't get, I don't care if he grabs somebody by the
Starting point is 01:45:39 vagina. You know, I mean, doesn't bother me. Doesn't bother joe biden wouldn't even be able to find the vagina at this point in his life and i like the fact that we've gone from monica lewinsky to playboy playmates and porn stars that's my president right there like he's banging some hot chicks bro like those are chicks if you're gonna get caught banging chicks he's like good job bro like dude seriously like that's some j some JFK, Marilyn Monroe stuff right there. Like, he's banging Playmates. Lewinsky, Playmate. Lewinsky, Playmate.
Starting point is 01:46:12 I don't know. Pick their poison on that one, right? So you like Lewinsky? Yeah, right? And SEMA. Try that outright, Bart. You haven't tried one yet, right? I haven't tried one yet.
Starting point is 01:46:23 Here we go. All right, so we're're gonna try it on air this shit's terrible it's disgusting I've never tasted anything so bad in my whole life how many of these can I drink a day um
Starting point is 01:46:34 six I've had two in a day before yeah sixteen six sounds good it depends if you take the caps smell test smells amazing
Starting point is 01:46:40 I've never had a they're so good what's the results he's gonna start drooling all over himself that's what happened to me yesterday i was like oh shit i need to clean this up it's so good it doesn't like taste like a protein bar which is a which is a dope thing it actually tastes like it actually tastes like a candy bar or something that's good that's that's really fucking good that's a good combination too yeah peanut butter and when he said that flavor, cookie and cream and peanut butter, I was like,
Starting point is 01:47:10 what the fuck? So we had, it should be here today, so Randall over at our Vegas warehouse sent over, I think, two cases of, you should get about, I think it's like 40 cases. So you guys are going to be fattest when you're done with this, man. That's crazy. Just for the podcast too. That's awesome. Nice. I love it. Yeah it yeah we we said just don't say anything jess
Starting point is 01:47:28 no i'll say because she's gonna try to steal some of our uh cookies for the protein bars for the podcast oh okay now we freaking awesome that's the thing the problem is that when something is so good, you eat too many. Keep going. It's like if there were three more, I'd just be like, let me just go eat those next three. It was, I mean, it's at the point now where it was an accident. I mean, I've been trying to. Are you just like waiting for them to come off the assembly line fresh? I can see you like in the manufacturing plant, like picking them off the line.
Starting point is 01:48:02 So the beautiful thing is about our supply chain is we figured out a way where we never have it in our warehouse for longer than seven days. So we've been able to scale from literally zero to a couple million bars a month with absolutely no shelf issues. Are they baked at all? They're baked. It's baked. Can you send me the dough? Send me some of the dough. Have you tried?
Starting point is 01:48:27 Microwave 10 seconds. 10 seconds. Oh, my God. 10 seconds with the s'mores. Have you tried just the dough uncooked? Yeah, of course. Is it amazing? Honestly, there's not much of a difference.
Starting point is 01:48:35 I need to know more about this. The thing is that we do our best to keep them as fresh as possible. Every bar from Quest, you get in two, three months, it's going to change. But if you ever get one that's a little bit less moist, so to speak, you put it in the microwave for 10 seconds. Because with, you know, a 12-month shelf life, it's going to, it's not like at month 12, it's like, ha, I'm done. It's like the experience is the best as they're newer.
Starting point is 01:49:01 But you can always refresh that just by microwaving for about 10 seconds. So that's one thing. But you get that with any food product, you know, from bread to. as they're newer, but you can always refresh that just by microwaving for about 10 seconds. So that's one thing. But you get that with any food product, from bread to... I think that's a great thing about your companies that you have is that you have leverage. Are you alright, bro? This is so damn good. Delicious, yeah.
Starting point is 01:49:18 He's on start crying. Oh, man. We have more flavors coming. This is so good, man. Holy shit. Sorry, Mark. Hit him with the paddles. Clear. That's probably what it? We have more flavors. So good, man. Holy shit. Sorry, Mark. Go ahead with the paddles. Clear. That's probably what it's like at the warehouse. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 01:49:28 There you go. Look at that. Is that you right there, Mark? It's, it's been, again, it's,
Starting point is 01:49:36 you spend your whole life trying to, and I mean, you probably had, did you expect the slingshot to blow up the way it did? Uh, I knew it would do well. Yeah. didn't i don't i don't know if i you think it would create this empire not necessarily no i didn't know i was gonna do that i was i was like i i didn't think it i didn't think it would sell at all i thought i was just
Starting point is 01:49:56 gonna make it for me and my mom it'd be fun yeah yeah fun and you'd sell a few but that's what but you made that slingshot for you right right? That's the difference. When you have a personal vested passion and interest in something, it makes it better because you're not just trying to make something for someone else. You become the market. And what we don't realize, I always try to attach myself from the market. What if we are the market? What if my family isn't atypical? What if my family is like most other families?
Starting point is 01:50:23 What if it's even like 10 of the families right it's a lot of people and when you get out of the niche you get out of the protein pills you get out protein products get out of the pre-workouts the market's big there's a lot of a lot of market share to be had in performance foods unfortunately there's a lot of players so what can you differentiate and that's the key and i didn't even try but i knew i needed something different because what was on the market wasn't fitting my you can really look at it as a functional food because there's not it's not hurting your stomach you know that's a key factor especially for you know getting your kids some good nutrition but i think where you have a leg up on you know again like kind of mentioning the or some of these
Starting point is 01:51:02 other companies that have started is that and i'm sure your fans are aware of this, but people that don't know you and maybe are unaware of Tiger Fitness is, you know, a tremendous amount of information about nutrition. A tremendous amount of information about food. A tremendous amount of information about how to prep for a bodybuilding show. You've lifted with some of the best bodybuilders. You lift still now with Brandon Curry, Mr. Olympia. You lifted with world champion power lifters. You have investigated this stuff. And in talking to you yesterday, you know, about carbs and different things like that,
Starting point is 01:51:38 it was refreshing to hear you kind of say, like, you know, I don't necessarily like carbs from a health perspective, but, you know, they're necessary sometimes for me to, you know, go into certain phases of bodybuilding or I suggest them to certain people for certain reasons. And I love that. And I think that that's really important when people are thinking about where to put their money. I think it's great to invest their money in a company, you know, one of your companies, because you have that knowledge, you have that backing. And then your, um, even your customer service is probably going to reiterate a lot of the same things that you believe in and so forth. Yeah, they're fantastic. And I think, um, you know, looking at just health and longevity and, and always research
Starting point is 01:52:17 is constantly evolving. We were talking just about what you're eating, the protein, like you literally, this, the data is pretty profound because it proved me wrong. And I've been wrong a lot of times. My diet theories change every time research evolves. Research doesn't change, it evolves. I think we'll agree on that. It doesn't change.
Starting point is 01:52:34 Like fats are still fats and carbs are still carbs, right? But it evolves. And, you know, the new data is pretty compelling in that you can overeat protein and not gain fat. And it's ridiculous, almost to the point of gluttony. You can overeat. So from a performance standpoint, you know, everybody, you know, my one disagreement with like the keto people and the, is that carbs are your preferred energy source.
Starting point is 01:52:58 A lot, some of them will say that. No, it's not. I mean, cause you know, like it's like lining up three girls and you're like, you prefer the one. Maybe I like blondes. And that's the one I'm going to sleep with. Right. Not that that ever happens to me or ever will happen. But with you give your body, you give them all three macronutrients.
Starting point is 01:53:15 What's your body going to first for energy? It's going to glucose. Your body likes glucose. It's easy. It's really easy. So and also spares protein and all that good stuff. Right. But for performance, absolutely.
Starting point is 01:53:26 I mean, there's a good amount of data and evidence that carbohydrate-inclusive diets aid performance. But if I'm not concerned about performance, if I just want to be my leanest, my strongest, my healthiest, and I'm looking at how to do that, if I'm just looking from a pure longevity standpoint, and I'm cool not gaining the optimal amount of mass, I'm still going to train, I'm just looking from a pure longevity standpoint and I'm cool, not gaining the optimal amount of mass, I'm still going to trim, still going to exercise. You know, the more I look at it and the more his evidence evolves, the more I'm thinking, you know, you eat protein almost to the point of not having to measure it. You just make sure you get enough and then you fill
Starting point is 01:53:58 in the rest. You have your, your fat inclusive meals. You get, let's say 0.5 to one gram of fat per pound of body weight. right? And then you have fibrous vegetables or vegetable type, like broccoli, asparagus, call it whatever, things like that as your other source. And you don't need carbs. Are you going to perform optimally in a, in a competitive setting? No, but you're also going to stay in this, assuming you've already lost the fat. Like I haven't seen it on losing weight. I've seen it on putting weight back on. So let's say you're at, you've dieted down, right? If you were just to switch to essential fats or fats, your body needs to survive protein,
Starting point is 01:54:35 adequate protein, and then fill in the rest of vegetables and then take in your micronutrients through supplements or whatever your supplementation of choices, you're going to have a really hard time getting fat. What you just said would work for anybody. Yeah. Period. It's fantastic. I mean, people need, I still believe in veggies.
Starting point is 01:54:51 I still think they're optimal. I still think you should have some fiber in your diet. Do you need as much as a lot of people recommend? No. I mean, I think there's a lot that's unknown about vegetables when it comes to the anti nutrient thing. You're right. Oxalates.
Starting point is 01:55:04 Yeah. But I think that, I think we have it wrong. I think that for, cause for every yin, there's a yang, you know, there's always another side of the story. So the anti-nutrients that might be in there, I think are causing other things that are probably beneficial to the body that we just, cause I just, I don't believe that they're bad for you. Well, the evidence on vegetables is longevity.
Starting point is 01:55:23 I mean, there's, there's ample evidence on vegetables and fruits being healthy. You know, and so as I look at it, if I was ever to quit wanting to perform optimally, if I just want to perform. And when you say perform, do you mean in the bodybuilding setting? Both. Both. In the gym. I mean, to get, I mean, at the end of the day, if you've, I've been on low carb diets,
Starting point is 01:55:41 I've been on keto diets, I've tried carnivore. I've tried all that. My training, no matter how much sodium and pre-workout and any ancillary, you can even add D-Bowl to this. You know, it's just carbohydrates are just freaking awesome. They're just awesome for training. They just are. It's much easier to tolerate a caloric deficit. And in my own experience, it's much easier to handle a caloric deficit with a little bit of carbohydrates in your system and extreme amounts of protein. You're absolutely correct.
Starting point is 01:56:09 So I think if but if I'm just trying to maintain, if I'm just trying to live my best life and I don't want to count calories, you know, a controlled carbohydrate, adequate fat and, you know, protein, lean protein diet and lean protein, wild salmon. I consider that lean protein. protein lean protein diet and lean protein wild salmon i consider that lean protein i think it's 20 i think it's 30 grams and you get like seven grams of fat for a good you know um pacific wild salmon so i mean i'm not saying just eat tilapia i hate i won't eat you couldn't pay me to eat that freaking ghetto ass fish i've had that in years it's so bad and it eats its own poop or something too right it's it's like it's right? It's like a catfish type bullshit fish. And yet for bodybuilders, they love it because there's
Starting point is 01:56:49 no fat. But I'm eating fish. I want that fat. You can eat orange roughy. Oh, God. We told that story yesterday. Orange roughy, don't overdo it. Why? Oh, no. Orange roughy has a weird type of fat in it that has like a wax type of thing to
Starting point is 01:57:06 it so you don't digest it which is great because it doesn't count as calories uh however well so when i was when i was actually i was guest posing i think i was guest posing or prepping and i was in texas and um so i went to the store and i'm cheap those who know me i'm the cheapest manual ever me um so i went to the store to buy some tilapia because I was dieting. Right. And that's what you dieted on. Again, I've gone through many diet phases and I was eating only fish.
Starting point is 01:57:33 I was a pescatarian at the time. Oh, so I'm like orange roughy. You know, I knew Jen Hendershot. She lived in my neighborhood back in the day. She used to diet on orange roughy. I'm like,
Starting point is 01:57:41 I bought like two pounds. That shit cooked in a hotel room. I had extended stay and, um, that's all I ate ate and so i went to the bathroom that night and there was like you ever see like oil and vinegar when you mix up salad dressing and it's just the brown shit flows to the top and then that's how i had like that in the water like there was drops of oil dropping from a butthole in the water and um so the next day, you know, it's that orangey, red hot sauce, Buffalo wing butter.
Starting point is 01:58:08 Yes. Yeah. Yeah. So, so the next day I'm like walking around and it felt like my butt cheeks were lubricated when I was walking. So I, you know,
Starting point is 01:58:16 I go to, I'm going to the bathroom and, you know, in a public restaurant, I pulled out my pants. I have like a, they're brown. I'm leaking.
Starting point is 01:58:23 And so I go and we're at, we're at like, we're like Applebee's or something right and I go to my buddy at the time Mike George in Texas his wife Lori was a nurse and she also was a competitor I'm like I think something's wrong I think my liver's failing or something like why
Starting point is 01:58:37 I'm like well my fucking my butt I'm leaking this oil it's coming out of my butthole I don't know what to do and they're like she goes did you eat eat orange roughy? I'm like, hey, like a pound and a half. And she's like, ah, yeah, that's that orange oil. I'm like, what the hell is orange? And in Texas, it's not oil, it's oil.
Starting point is 01:58:54 Because they can't pronounce anything in the South. And I'm like, well, what's that? Oh, yeah, don't do that again. I haven't eaten orange roughy since. But imagine if you don't know what's going on, all of a sudden your butt starts leaking. And you have motor oil coming out of your your butt it wasn't a good situation it was we need to make uh orange ruffy bars according according to this uh thing on pub med it basically says that there's a fatty acid in there and fatty alcohols that have uh wax esters in
Starting point is 01:59:22 there um and because of because of that it it kind of almost acts as like a fiber. Wow. It's indigestible. Yeah, it was definitely indigestible. And it scared the living bejesus out of me, man. It was tough. I thought my body was falling apart. I thought everything was just falling out of me like I was melting.
Starting point is 01:59:41 But it was crazy. That's disgusting. What are doing uh for this prep anything was there anything uh special is there anything uh like what what is your i guess standard go-to uh prep that you like to do do you go 12 weeks 16 weeks um i do know that you like to get like really really lean because my genetics suck i have a horrible body so i have to get lean in order to stand out. So, I mean, I don't have the best structure. In order for people not to recognize all your flaws. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 02:00:12 They're like, oh my God, is that his kidney? And they don't notice my arms suck. I like when people online say, hey bro, your arms are bad. I'm like, hey bro, I own a mirror. What's bad about your arms? They're not proportionate to my chest and back. Nothing I can do about it. I like your arms. I mean if
Starting point is 02:00:28 I'm looking at myself. Like Insimus said it looks smooth and silky. They really do. If I'm being objective about my own physique I can see what everybody else can see man. I got you know I have a really good torso and I got my arms are good if I weighed like 30 pounds of mass less than my chest and my back. It is what it is.
Starting point is 02:00:44 Good middle weight arms. Shitty heavy my back. It is what it is. Good middleweight arms, shitty heavyweight arms. It is what it is. Calves, my structure is actually pretty good. Good quads, good hamstrings. My glutes come in sharp. But honestly, for me, it's enough fat to process things, around 70 grams of fat. Protein is around 280 right now,
Starting point is 02:01:01 which with a weight of 220 is a good amount of protein. And carbohydrate is anywhere between 300 to 500 grams depending on the day. So I'll have two days a week where I'm at about 500 grams of carbs and then two at about 300. But I eat food sources. I'm good. I'm mostly 90% of my meat intake is going to be fish. I like fish. It just digests good for me.
Starting point is 02:01:23 I love salmon. It's pretty easy to eat, usually. Oh, it's great. And, you know, vegetable-wise, I get asparagus, usually. Broccoli, I just like them. I cook them on a Traeger grill. It comes out phenomenal. And carbohydrate, usually sweet potato, banana, or cream of rice
Starting point is 02:01:37 digest really easy for me. Are you the kind of guy who doesn't really care that much about what type of carbohydrate here and there, or is it strictly like rice, potato type of deal? For me, it's all about digestion. You know, when I travel, I take whey protein and rice cakes, and then I eat when I can, and I try to hit my macros as on point as possible.
Starting point is 02:01:56 When I travel, it's give or take 10%. Yeah, rice cakes work. They work really well for like, you know, giving you a little boost for training and things like that. It's 10 grams of carbs per cake. You can eat, I can literally eat, that's 30 frigging rice cakes for my lowest carb day, 30 rice cakes. You're literally eating rice cakes all day long. I mean, if you need a snack and you need to fill carbs, like rice cakes for dieting is phenomenal. I know
Starting point is 02:02:18 they're, they lack micronutrients, but you know what I take, I own a supplement company and we talked about this yesterday. There's a difference. take i own a supplement company and we talked about this yesterday there's a difference and i own a supplement company but i'm not an ass you know i understand look if you eat a sweet potato right now eight ounces that's 600 milligrams potassium if you take that in pill form there's a chance your heart will stop there's a difference between food vitamins and pill vitamins synthetic versus natural. There just is, you know? So that's why I recommend, you know, I get those colorful vegetables when I can, I get the sweet potato, I get the asparagus and the broccoli, you know,
Starting point is 02:02:53 I get the, the meat and meat is so good for you. And that's why, you know, I can't be a vegan, you know, meats, the healthiest thing. And if you look at it just empirically, I don't care what you're supplementing with. There are some phenomenal vegans out there. This kid on Instagram, Conscious Muscle, looks phenomenal. Guy like Rescues Pigs. I love the guy. He's a great guy. Over-the-top vegan animal rights guy, but he lives by the sword.
Starting point is 02:03:15 He literally saves pigs. The guy's gangster. I love anybody who stands for what they believe in, right? Anybody who's for the cause. But, you know, a lot of vegans, if you look at people when they usually go from meat to vegan to meat or from any way, usually you look very unhealthy.
Starting point is 02:03:32 There's a lot of deficiencies and there's ways to supplement around it. But I think any diet, even though it's someone who sells supplements, any diet that requires supplements to be whole is not a good diet. And if you want to say, and you might include a bodybuilding diet in that scenario,
Starting point is 02:03:48 because sometimes when you come down to the end, you kind of need supplementation because you're not eating as much food. Yeah. I mean, I always take certain things, greens, you know, I always make sure they're in my diet and supplements are just that they
Starting point is 02:03:59 supplement your diet, but they don't substitute, you know, that's where a lot of people come in. It's like, you're either pro or anti supplement. I'm like, what if you're pro food and pro supplement? Like everybody takes this, this vehement, like supplements are bad, this bad, because
Starting point is 02:04:13 they're trying to sell you stuff. It is what it is. You know, at the end of the day, like everybody who's come out against supplements, um, be it Sean Baker, allow McDonald to guys have tremendous respect for, they all ended up selling books, you know, and that's fine. I'm not against that, but there's always a cap.
Starting point is 02:04:29 If you look, you follow the money, you know, you have to stand for something. You have to, you have to take a position. So if I'm going to come out and tell you, all you need is two ribeyes a day and butter,
Starting point is 02:04:39 you know, I can't tell you, Hey, by the way, you know, if you looked into maybe supplementing some vitamin C, no, it's someone to argue that vitamin C is unnecessary.
Starting point is 02:04:46 So it makes complete sense. But I do agree. I do agree with the carnivores. I agree that you really only need meat to survive. But I'm not talking about survival. None of us want who in this room from cross to everybody over there to you guys wants to be survive. Hanging on by a thread. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:05:04 I want to be optimal and yeah you know supplements some of them are bullshit but everything i do has science behind it because i take it all myself ask cross he's sitting there an hour this morning hour night watching me take my pills like i'm literally i'd be the king of deep throating based on my pill swallowing experience i like that was That was good. Mark, I have a quick question for you and we can, we can come back to the supplements.
Starting point is 02:05:30 I'm getting a bad look for that. That's like my wife. Did, did you just channel my wife? That was the look I get every day. Cause she literally, her office is right across from mine. We built our house like that where we have separate offices,
Starting point is 02:05:43 but she could see me. Oh, that's cute. It's better than sharing an office. Our marriage would not last, but she'll give me that. Look, just look at me.
Starting point is 02:05:51 Like, what the hell did you just say? That's that. Look, that was nice. That was nice. She's going to, I'm going to get touch.
Starting point is 02:06:02 I wish someone took a picture of that and put your face next to hers. Other than the blonde hair, it was perfect. You, you mentioned your, your your your your abdomen area i know you have surgery there but i think you also mentioned that you're happy with how it's uh it's shaped better or it's it's yeah you're leaner there was that because you lost muscle after the surgery or did you change something in your training that allowed you to lose some muscle there because people want to actually try to do that. They sucked all the fat out of there, right? Well, yeah.
Starting point is 02:06:26 I mean, my obliques are still thick, which gives the illusion of a better bone. There's bone. Like, I can't lose anything here, and I'm just lean. But here, I actually think having thicker obliques, if you actually lend to a better V taper, because you come in from your lats,
Starting point is 02:06:43 nice obliques, and you come in. It also gives you more room to striate, to get the nice little nooks and crannies. At the end of the day, I'll never stop deadlifting and squatting. What I never understood, and this is bodybuilder logic, is, oh man, I'm going to wear a belt all during my workout to bring my waist in. You do realize the whole point of belts is to increase your intra-abdominal pressure. You're doing the opposite. That's just a complete disconnection with physiology the whole point of a belt like the belt like the stupid bodybuilding ones where they're bigger in the back
Starting point is 02:07:15 when's the last time you hyper extended on it like who designed that shit a belt is meant to be the same all around in fact i'd even want it bigger here right so you could push out against when you push out is not necessarily like it does work for your back but it works for your back via you blowing your stomach up into it so what does that do the bodybuilders say man i brought my waist in i was wearing a belt the whole time i'm like actually did the opposite you recruited more abdominal muscles so maybe that they did have that swedish study where they had tart maybe you target reduced because you activated your abs more but it's not taking your abs out of play and then you got the i see pro bodybuilders and physique guys and i don't want to they're gonna hate me for this but i see them in the waist trimmers and i'm
Starting point is 02:08:00 like i'm like but they're people i actually my training partner was wearing one and I didn't say anything. And I'm like, come on, bro. You can't, you can't be silent. Yeah. I didn't want,
Starting point is 02:08:13 I didn't want to bring it up, man. It was like religion and politics. Those I'll bring up, but I won't bring up waist trimmers. People get really defensive about waist trimmers, but I've seen people I really respect. What,
Starting point is 02:08:24 what supplements do people what supplements can people in general really benefit from i i we all know that you don't necessarily need them we all know that you sell them but like what have you seen that works really well i know for myself you know whey protein has been something i've utilized since i started you know and i like it i enjoy it. The flavors have gotten a lot better over the years. I mean, they've advanced quite a bit. What have you seen?
Starting point is 02:08:50 What are some things that, you know, what are four or five things that people should probably invest in when they can? Well, we're in the COVID era and I don't want to make any recommendations. I'm not a doctor. I'm not saying these replace proper medical treatment, testing, whatever, blah, blah, blah, whatever the legal people say. I'm not saying these do it, but I think you got to look at the data of what's going on and what's in our environment right now.
Starting point is 02:09:09 What's more important and health and all that are very important. But you look at the data that is currently available on things like quercetin and viral replication, vitamin C, vitamin D, 85% of hospitalizations were vitamin D deficient in New York during COVID, the outbreak when it really went crazy there vitamin d quercetin vitamin c what's quercetin by the way i've never heard of it quercetin is is it part of like coq10 you know what um as for what it comes from it's actually i actually know this but it's skipping my brain right now so i'm going to totally butcher it look it up and look it up how would i even spell that that? Q-U-E-R-I-C-T-I-N. Quercetin.
Starting point is 02:09:50 Quercetin. I think it goes well with like vitamin C or something as well. Yeah, so quercetin, I believe it's... So it's a plant pigment flavonoid. Well, that's a cool word. Flavonoid, yeah. Flavonoid, there you go. Sorry, I can't read either.
Starting point is 02:10:02 It is found in many plants and foods such as red wine onions green tea apples berries ginkgo ginkgo biloba saint john's wart american elder all kinds of shit but yeah all kinds of stuff so it does have tremendous data on serum application it's actually been a liken to hcq hydroxychloroquine which i know is a bad word on the internet now, but it has been. So you have quercetin, vitamin C, vitamin D. Dosing would be probably 500 milligrams a day of quercetin. Vitamin C, about two grams, split in a couple doses. And then vitamin D, 5,000 IUs.
Starting point is 02:10:40 5,000 IU vitamin D. The only one I make of those is vitamin D. I make a vegan one called Vega D3. So what makes it vegan? So it's usually vitamin D is derived from sheep wool grease, which is lanolin. Whereas ours is from lichens, which is a moss that grows on the side of hills and stuff. So I actually found that I get my blood work done frequently. It actually had my vitamin D levels higher. And that could also be the fact that I was getting more sunlight living in Tennessee versus Illinois.
Starting point is 02:11:09 But whatever. Take that for what it's worth. Health supplements. Number one, we make something called nectar, which I always take from ambrosia, which is great for overall organ and body health. What's in that? Like is. Yeah. What's in it?
Starting point is 02:11:21 Everything from liver support items, you know,, to red yeast rice and stuff like that. Just really good overall health ingredients. That, again, it's something that if you want to look it up, that's something I always travel with. As far as performance, creatine. Yeah. You know, beta-alanine is optional, but it helps. Pico, too, has been shown to have similar results as beta alanine pico what's pico peak p-e-a-k-o-2 okay it's a it's a cordyceps type
Starting point is 02:11:54 mushroom blend that actually has gone head-to-head to beta alanine with similar performance benefits you know what it is nope oh okay i thought i thought well i know the cordyceps mushrooms but the pico i'm thinking like Pico the guile. It's crazy that you're mentioning so many supplements that I haven't heard. Like, it's like I take a crazy amount of subs, but like I've never heard of Pico too. Never heard of quercetin. Like, damn. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:12:13 I mean, there's a lot of new stuff coming out and I had to re-research with the, the fire. Look, I'm afraid of getting sick as much as anyone else and I'm a health nut. So, you know, I started researching everything I could when this thing came out, like, how can I best protect myself and my family? And how can I contribute to society with some advice, you know, but at the end of the day, I think we need to look past supplements and look at certain things that a lot of us don't get enough of, which is sunlight, which is exercise, you know, and those are things that are tantamount.
Starting point is 02:12:46 Like those are things that we overlook that should be on everybody's list of what to do. But I always love a good pre-workout. I love, I still love BCAA during training. I just, I like them. The data is sufficient enough for me to recommend that, you know. But as far as going crazy and over the top, a lot of things out there are just, you know, if it sounds too good to be true, it usually is. And that's why when people go like, oh, you're a scam artist, I'm like, my top two sellers are whey protein and a snack bar. Like, I don't know if that's like versions of food.
Starting point is 02:13:19 I mean, I'm basically selling mostly food. Yeah, we do really well on supplements. And I'll stand by pre-workout with creatine, beta-alanine, betaine, which is a great power supplement. It's a good addition. It's very inexpensive to add. You know, but I mean, look at what we're doing here. Like, tell me you take something like this, which is phenomenal.
Starting point is 02:13:37 This works. It works. I don't even know what the hell is in it, but it works. You know, you take certain things, you know they work. Like, we know that MCT, we in it, but it works. No, it's fine. You know, you take certain things, you know, they work. Like we know that MCT, we know that we're talking about C8, it's benefits. The C8 version of MCT, that's something we've been, we have forte. You know what though too, the way I look at it is, you know, if you don't have the money to invest in it, it's totally understandable.
Starting point is 02:13:59 But I look at it like it's just kind of fun. Yes. I'm going to implement this and see what happens. You know, oh, last time I did that bodybuilding show, you know, I used rice. I want to see what happens if I use sweet potato. Like just as small little changes. You know, last time I did this, I didn't I didn't know anything about salt. Now I know more about salt.
Starting point is 02:14:19 I want to see what's going to happen with that. And you just make these small little changes. Did it work? Did it seem to help anything? It's happen with that. And you just make these small little changes. Did it work? Did it seem to help anything? It's not something that you, and with supplementation, it's not something you need to have all the time. You know, so you don't need to feel like you need to have it all the time. Certain things like vitamin D, it might be good to take that often. But I would say with the exception of a couple of supplements, which are mainly vitamins and minerals, you probably don't necessarily need them daily.
Starting point is 02:14:47 Probably don't necessarily need them all the time. But why not bring creatine in for a few weeks and just kind of see what happens? You know, bring in more protein. See what happens. See how it works. I want to ask you a question in a second. But as far as something you said that I forgot, and it's salt and electrolytes. And a lot of people just don't get enough.
Starting point is 02:15:05 Salt has been vilified because the government is run by stupid people who make stupid recommendations. You have idiots like Bloomberg taking it off the tables in New York. Most of us who exercise and train, I was deficient in sodium once, and I didn't know what it was because everybody was like, and I couldn't get a pump, I didn't have a vein. It's the one thing thing I purposely put salt. I put salt in my, not here, but in my other shaker cup.
Starting point is 02:15:30 I always put, you know. I put in coffee. I put in all kinds of stuff. Yeah, absolutely. You need salt, sodium. I like the whole forms of salt. I like Himalayan. I like sea salt.
Starting point is 02:15:37 Anything that's whole because there's other minerals in there beside the salt. What outside of food is your favorite supplement? Outside of food. Outside of food, I would say, especially right now, what I probably consume the most of would be like a whey protein, which I guess is sort of like a supplement. That's food. So let's say the pills, powders. Yeah, yeah. Let's say pre-workout pills.
Starting point is 02:15:59 I've been on a pretty large dose of vitamin D for six years, eight years. How much? Six, eight years? Yeah, probably around somewhere around there. I kind of go through different phases because it's a fat soluble, you know, so it can stack up in your system a little bit. But I would say it'd be rare for me to not get in like 10 or 20,000. I do.
Starting point is 02:16:24 I take a lot. And I've been like not get in like 10 or 20,000. I do. I take, I take a lot and I've been like, I used to get sick quite a bit. Do you get a lot of sunlight? Do you go out in the sun a lot? I try to get the sun a lot. I mean, we have these fires going on right now,
Starting point is 02:16:34 but yeah, I go on 10 minute walks, you know, multiple times a day. So I try to get some sunlight as well. And when I do take the vitamin D, I try to take it with a meal that has some fat in it, you know, kind of in the hopes that it will, you know, latch on to you a little bit better. But I think, you know, all the research, all the different information about like whey protein or about any of these supplements, like about whey protein, how it can, you know, kind of act almost like a carbohydrate.
Starting point is 02:17:03 It can hit you so hard and things like that like these these things are true but they're only true in a sense of like when they tested it who they tested it on and under the circumstances if you eat if you have a whey protein shake with um some hamburger meat that changes everything you know changes the dynamics of how it works and um my understanding is like the most available amino acids that we have are through like uh eggs whey protein and beef the most bioavailable so i want to take advantage of you know things like whey protein and want to take advantage of there's a lot of different things that you can do um even just uh you know putting cinnamon on things or even having potassium with a meal uh can help stabilize blood sugar a
Starting point is 02:17:52 little bit so there's just a lot of little tricks is it going to make a huge difference or you'd be like oh my god the potassium is really working like you're not going to be like freaked out by the way the potassium is working in your system but good potassium yeah it can assist you over a long period of time like i said it's just kind of fun you start to learn some of the chemistry of it and you're like i just want to try this for a while see what happens and whey protein isn't just a food they actually i got really into the government for some reason is starting to block and acetylcysteine in products because they said that there was some patent or medical whatever on it back in the 60s and they're just now acting on it nac is used in liver support
Starting point is 02:18:30 products and also hangover relief products so as i looked into it i actually looked at some of will brink's work will bring some really smart guy he's been in the industry since the beginning i think he's been around a long time and he has some phenomenal research on that he's posted articles he's done on gsr which is glutathione which is a phenomenal antioxidant you know antioxidant activity um which has been implicated in viral replication and all those different things so as they're getting rid of nac people are asking me what should i take i'm reading up on we'll bring stuff i'm like holy crap whey protein actually expresses or induces this GSR release as good or better than NAC. So when people say, well, don't eat whey protein, don't drink that, just eat steak. I'm like, well, steak's good,
Starting point is 02:19:15 but whey protein has its place and it can definitely help you. And that's why I hate, just like politics, I hate when people are like, I'm a carnivore on this, on that. I'm like, And that's why I hate, like, just like politics, I hate when people are like, I'm a carnivore on this, on that. I'm like, whoa, whoa, whoa. What if, don't, like, it's cool to try new diets. I've tried all of them. All right. I've even been a vegan, which is freaking terrible.
Starting point is 02:19:38 But you got to keep your mind open. I look at collagen. It came, you know, it came and it went and people were like, it doesn't have the right amino acid profile. And now it's back. came and it went and people were like it doesn't have the right amino acid profile and now it's back it's and also like if you look at it keto keto has its place and like i said i think it's evolving i think now i mean i almost gotta call them gluconeogenic diets where they're heavy on protein because like we were talking about the preference like your body also it's inefficient but your body can make carbohydrate out of protein. Gluconeogenesis, it's genius.
Starting point is 02:20:08 Your body is smart. Your body makes ketones because it has to, but it's a phenomenal energy source. So my thing is, if you're already converting the protein to gluconeogenesis, you supplement with BHBs and maybe some MCTs, some C8 powder, some Fuerte, we have an ambrosia, whatever you want to do. However your MCTs, that's fine. Induce those exogenous ketones. Get the exogenous ketones in your body so your brain can operate on that. Well, shoot, maybe we didn't have to have fat as high.
Starting point is 02:20:33 Maybe we could do a higher protein diet and literally make it almost impossible to gain fat based on the evidence that's coming out. We're learning every day. Well, then people will say that ketones are useless, but it's like, well, okay, maybe there was a misunderstanding of them. Just because you take ketones does not mean that you're on a ketogenic diet. But if you want to be able to potentially fight cancer or potentially fight against Alzheimer's or dementia or some of these things, ketones might be a great idea. And if you're in a caloric deficit, now you just have another energy source. So it just kind of depends on what you're trying to say something works for. I think you mentioned
Starting point is 02:21:08 earlier about ICE, the guy that kind of came up with that whole concept. His whole thing when he started to kind of bash ICE wasn't necessarily that ICE doesn't do anything. His whole thing was that ICE doesn't do what we thought it did. Well, I mean, ICE is great if you lose a limb. I think that's where they, because in World War I, they were, they had, you know, people getting their arms blown off
Starting point is 02:21:29 and they're like, well, we got to put this on ice so it doesn't die, you know? So, I mean, there's, there's definitely an application for ice, but for injury repair, for recuperation, like if you're sore,
Starting point is 02:21:42 the worst thing you do is ice. Like it's bad. It's not good. If you have a swollen ankle, last thing you want to do is stop that recovery process. It might feel good. Cause it kind of numbs it. I know like when I fell with my squat, um, I iced my foot a bunch, you know, and then I talked to with a Sturette and he was like, Kelly Sturette, he was like, don't ice it. He goes, wrap it, you know, compress it. So I iced it, you know, for a few days. And then once I got that information, I stopped doing that. There was no recognizable change when I was icing it.
Starting point is 02:22:13 Like I would ice it for 20 minutes and there was no change in the size of like my ankle. I would wrap it and I would keep it wrapped for about five minutes and my daughter would help me take it off. And she'd go, dad, your ankle is a lot smaller. Like you could physically see that it shrunk way down. You know, it was doing what it was supposed to do right there at the moment. And then, of course, it would swell back up. But what is that kind of doing? It's getting blood in and out of the area over and over again.
Starting point is 02:22:40 Bingo. And is it really? Should it be legal for someone to be as smart as Sturette? Like that guy's too smart. I don't like him. I don't like him at all. He makes me feel stupid. Smart and flexible. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:22:50 He's a flexible, smart man. But I think, you know, I think just looking at things, people always, the beauty of research is you never say proves, you know, you say it indicates or, you know, there's evidence, say it indicates or you know there's evidence you know when when a scientist says proves it usually shows they have an agenda or it shows that they're you know they're trying to state something as a fact when facts are very hard to come about you could say well the research heavily indicates and that goes back to we talked about in the beginning like as someone so skeptical on everything i do personally from a supplementation standpoint who reads studies every single day for what i do when i see people state that things are fact and they're not fact and they say if you
Starting point is 02:23:38 question the facts you're against science i'm talking about masks that pisses me off well even but even good science is against science that's the whole point you're supposed to just put the whole point of studies is to disprove right you know and you know when you when you have no data on something and that's why you know a lot of supplements start out as a hypothesis for example you look at fenugreek extract i believe it's testofen is the trademarked ingredient. They found out it worked on men because they gave it to a bunch of women for something. I forgot the exact story. But these women were, and it's testophen, it's a trademarked ingredient. And these women were like, they were getting pregnant.
Starting point is 02:24:18 And they're like, well. It was because two things. One, it was slightly increasing their fertility, it appears. And two is that it was making them horny. They're having more sex. Like, what if we did this in men? Then they found out it had similar effects in males and testosterone and libido. So that's what research does.
Starting point is 02:24:36 You might go after one thing and find another thing. And that's why a good researcher, a good lab, or a good person at interpreting research will be able to look beyond and a lot of people just you talk about the clickbait you know you talk about the clickbait on the news articles studies are the same way you know you got to look at the methodology like there's a study i read the other day it's like oh this proves our product work it was it was on this peanut butter that claims to have zero fat or carbs that i bashed and i'm surprised they haven't sued me yet but anyway um but if they do everything the ftc will say don't worry there's no whole point of peanut butter to have some fat in it yes so good but my whole thing is if you really did this you just cured obesity diabetes and everything else but anyway um so why don't you waste it on
Starting point is 02:25:20 a sport nutrition peanut butter you just cured diabetes but anyway um so like hey we get this study da da da da i'm like cool i read the study it had three total subjects in it and it was done at a very questionable lab and i'm like i can do another video you know it was like but i don't need to go after these guys i'm not heavily involved in the peanut butter market i'm not with big peanut but i'm i'm sitting there and i'm like it's my duty to get it out there that this is not cool and people don't know how to read data like oh my god these three said these the subjects take it didn't say three side the subjects gained but i'm like how many subjects were there what was the methodology and what lab was this done at and that's when i'm like so you can make data that's what crazy crazy about the mass thing is How many subjects were there? What was the methodology? And what lab was this done at?
Starting point is 02:26:06 And that's when I'm like, hmm. So you can make data. That's what's crazy about the math thing is with data, they can literally do a study and have it say whatever they want. Because most people can't read it anyway. And you see that a lot. So with data, you have to read old data. Like if you're pro-glutamine, there's another thing. Like at the beginning, you had some good data. And as we get more and more, it's not a bad supplement.
Starting point is 02:26:31 It just doesn't do what we thought it did. So if we just took the first studies or the first hypotheses for that, we'd still be buying tons of glutamine. But now it's a supplement that could help some people for some. But for most of us, no. It's the most abundant amino acid in the body. But the initial application was, well, if it's the most abundant amino acid, we probably need more of it. Not necessarily. Your intestine eats up most of it.
Starting point is 02:26:54 But it could definitely help people with gastrointestinal distress. If you megados it, Poliquin was giving people 50 grams post-workout in lieu of glycogen. Poliquin hated carbs. He did everything he could to make a more expensive way to get carbohydrate, but not have carbohydrate. And he was giving people 50 grams of BCAA and 50 grams of glutamine post-workout.
Starting point is 02:27:15 And I think Milos, he did, and I don't know if he still does it, but it worked, but it was a really expensive way to get glucose. Charles Poliquin was really mean. He was like, if you're not below 10% body fat, you have no business eating carbs. It's like, man, that's a pretty fucking tough standard, bro. But you know what? Poliquin is the most, and we're jumping all over the place. He is the most underrated guy.
Starting point is 02:27:37 He brought so much. He brought us BCAA. He opened up the market for people to make millions of dollars. He brought us BCAA. Fish oil. Yeah, he brought us soAA fish oil. Yeah. He brought us so many things. I'm a bit anti-Semitic, but I'm okay with that.
Starting point is 02:27:50 He's definitely, he was definitely crazy. Oh, he was off his rocker, but the guy, his training methodologies and his nutrition applications were so far. It was like Dorian's training. You know,
Starting point is 02:28:01 he didn't read stuff. He created stuff and that's what made him special so paula quinn is definitely somebody even though he was crazy and at the end he was and he died really young too which is sad he had so much more to contribute to society from a side from just a just a information he knew like seven languages or something i mean he was some people are so smart they're they're a bit. You know, it's like the crazy hot matrix, but we're smart people, you know, he was nuts, but yeah, I mean, he brought so much to the industry, you know, real quick, I want to go back to the mass thing that you were talking about, because with everything that's going on
Starting point is 02:28:37 right now and the amount of fear that there is masks are the, one of the toughest thing to try to argue with somebody who's positive about it. Because, I mean, when you just think about it, you're like, well, they're particles. A mask should work, right? So, I mean, I feel like it's just too damn tough to have that argument. It's hard to discuss particle size. Yeah. To the general. That's why I think the videos of the dudes vaping through a mask was funny.
Starting point is 02:29:05 I think that dumbs it down. I think also just a decent point is, like, you know, do you really think the mask that you pull from the floor of your car where you stepped in dog shit two weeks ago like do you really think that's a good defense towards any virus or disease like really like you really think that's great like do we do we put food in our pocket and then like eat it later on you know do you unpeel a banana and eat half of it and then stuff the banana back in your pocket like you would never you would never you would never do anything like that but with this mask i, stuffing it in your shorts and just kind of putting it wherever you can and using somebody else's mask. I mean, we all have probably been in these positions at this point. And I have no idea whether it defends against COVID-19 or whether it doesn't.
Starting point is 02:29:59 I don't believe that it does. But I can't imagine that that's a healthy practice in any way and i mentioned it to you yesterday is that they make such a big deal about certain things and then other things are still totally fine they need to eradicate handles there's still fucking handles everywhere they're everywhere there's a handle to the bathroom there's a handle like can't we push stuff with our elbows or can't we push stuff with our elbows or can't we push stuff where we have clothing? Push stuff with your hips or your butt or use your shoe or something. There are things you can open with your shoe.
Starting point is 02:30:32 You can hook your heel to stuff and open doors that way. But it's just unbelievable. It's like why are we so crazy this way? And even the restroom. When you go to use the restroom you wash your hands and then you still need to touch a door you still need to grab a door handle and there's no there's just no there's no science there's no uh there's no way that you can tell me that that's like that's safe in any way it's kind of like the six feet rule where it changes by country
Starting point is 02:31:00 like covid has different distance carrying like okay like all i all i'm asking for and i will if they all i'm asking for is some data you've had plenty of time you have the you have trillions of dollars in funding from the u.s yet this little bitch fauci won't do it it's like it i could put the study together tomorrow if i cared that's been verified he is a bitch yeah he is a little bitch i mean that that is a little bitch. I mean, that's a scientifically validated fact. You know, my whole thing is, you know, I just want evidence. And if you prove to me that the mask will significantly decrease, and then there's another thing.
Starting point is 02:31:37 Viruses will always be here. When do we get to take them off? Because psychologically, that's not a good place to be. I looked around yesterday at Walmart. I looked around at the airport. I'm like, this is not the new normal. I don't want this. I smile at people. I don't wear my mask right.
Starting point is 02:31:52 I put it around my chin. I smile at people. See what Elliot Hulstead, though? He had a see-through thing. That's great. Elliot, wow, he's so evolved throughout the years, hasn't he? Yes, he has. Now he's wrestling people so evolved throughout the years hasn't he yes he now he's wrestling people
Starting point is 02:32:05 in dirt and holding guns and he's gone a totally different from strength project days man yeah or whatever it was but yeah I mean back to the massive yeah I just all I want is data and consistency but right now if you don't see there's some mind control and population control going on then you're you're just you don't want to see it. And to, to completely bash anybody who, that's the thing you can't question. It's like the whole crying racism thing. Well, you know what? I think what I said earlier, if I was having a discussion with people who weren't on, weren't open-minded, not necessarily on my side.
Starting point is 02:32:37 And I say, you know what? I think right now Trump's, well, that's because you hate black people. Wait, how did that even like get, it's, if you call someone a racist, there's there's no you can't come back. Like you can also like the nuclear family thing. Well, I don't like Black Lives Matter as a group. I do think Black Lives Matter, but I don't like Black Lives Matter because I do believe in a strong nuclear family. So you're saying you don't like black people, you know, and that's the argument. What a brilliant speaking of marketing.
Starting point is 02:33:04 What a brilliant thing. Black life. You can't be against it's like we we we love marxism well i don't like that part of black lives matter are you saying you want to kill all black people it's like whoa what a great name you know it's like i'm gonna call something like you know i love puppies you know and like i'm gonna have my platform be under i love puppies that you know we should send all jews back to israel right i don't like that you don't like puppies you you want to kill lassie you bastard you know it's like what a brilliant mark dude i have a degree in marketing and even i'm like but think about it you can't be again they stand And like, I look at stuff that's going on, like the L.A. Teachers Union.
Starting point is 02:33:48 I'm sorry to bring this up, but they're like to come back from COVID-19 and they have four bullet points which aren't even related to the disease. Defund the police was one of them. I'm like, you're a teacher. Yeah. Like you evil bastards. Just go back and teach the damn kids. All right.
Starting point is 02:34:04 I'm sorry. That's where I lost it. And I Like you evil bastards. Just go back and teach the damn kids. All right. I'm sorry. That's where I lost it. And I love teachers, man. I'm a public school fan because I pay taxes. I'm not paying for private school too cheap. But anyway, I'm like, dude, you can't, you can't expect me to take you seriously and be like, well, we want the safety of our kids. So we really want to stop paying police officers.
Starting point is 02:34:24 That's anti-safety. Like what? I don't know how that happens. Like, and if anybody can't look in and see that there is something nefarious going on, I have not, I can't even argue with you.
Starting point is 02:34:36 If you haven't seen it yet, like you're in the dark, I'm just moving on. I'm just moving on. And so I don't engage with liberals anymore. I just don't hold like, Oh, Trump's racist. Cool. He's racist. Great. Well with liberals anymore. I just don't. Oh, like, oh, Trump's racist. Cool, he's racist.
Starting point is 02:34:46 Great. Well, what am I going to do? Well, your guy voted against ending segregation. And I'm not Trump's guy. I can't say, and I don't want to be, people get mad at me for doing that. Well, I don't really like Trump, but I'm voting for him. Why don't you like Trump? I'm like, I said I'm voting for him. Shut up.
Starting point is 02:35:02 I'm like, you finished. You don't need to argue. You don't need to sell me on him. I'm good. Unless somebody else jumps in. Unless Tulsi runs third party. Even then it'd be a wasted vote. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:35:11 I like Tulsi. She's hot, too. Can somebody let that out? Like, she's hot. Like, I don't want to sound like I'm voting for her because she's hot. But it's definitely a determining factor. You know, I'm not going to lie. Melania being on Trump's team, that,
Starting point is 02:35:26 that definitely sways me. When I see, uh, my wife and I are watching TV and like, we're always watching these like murder mystery things. And, uh, whenever the woman is hot, I'm always like,
Starting point is 02:35:36 Oh man, it's like sucks so bad. She was so hot. It's like, you're the worst. She's like, it just shouldn't matter who I'm like, but it does matter.
Starting point is 02:35:44 It's more impactful. It hurts me. Men who I'm like, but it does matter. It's more impactful. It hurts me. Men are pigs. I mean, no, yeah. Yeah. But I mean, no, it's good to have like Trump's pretty decent looking 70 year old man. Right. It helps to like Obama was a great looking man.
Starting point is 02:35:57 He's got his hair going for him. Trump's good looking. Trump used to be a player, though. I like to look at Trump's wife. She's that's what I'm saying. She definitely swayed me to his side. She's the hottest first lady ever. He's figured it out.
Starting point is 02:36:10 Look. You don't like Melania? That's so good. For a seven-year-old girl. Did you see her nudes? She's got really perky boobies. I haven't. They're great.
Starting point is 02:36:24 Many may disagree on this, but I do think Michelle was better looking than Melania. She also looks younger than Melania. Melania wears a lot of makeup. She looks like a painted doll. I'm not saying Michelle's not attractive. I know, I know. You're just saying Melania is the hottest First Lady, which I disagree with. But I think Obama was a good-looking man, too.
Starting point is 02:36:41 He was very good-looking. Very good-looking. JFK, good-looking man? Yes, he was, too. Reagan wasn't? I don't remember what JFK's wife looked like currently i don't i don't remember but i remember i've seen pictures like oh she was a good looking person yeah and i would think because melania just really looks like just fake that's why i can't agree with you on that i like fake stuff though i'm a bodybuilder fair enough fair enough i put synthol in my freaking toes man nice i have some huge big toes
Starting point is 02:37:06 we had a comment come in on the live chat it was from Ramon saying he's down to wear a mask if that means that he can openly go to a business or something so what's your response to something like that
Starting point is 02:37:21 because I think a lot of people feel that way I don't like masks either but it's like shit i have to go get groceries so i'm gonna throw one on i think the concern is is what's coming down the pipeline like where you know where we draw the line what are you gonna tell me to do next the jew argument you know when when do we well you know what if we just have to get rid of these freaking jews and put them on the bus send them to the showers have them do slave labor you know know that sounds extreme, but that's how it starts. First, they take your guns.
Starting point is 02:37:48 Then they start burning books. They take down statues. You know, look, dude, I live in the South. I live in Tennessee. Confederacy. Like, there. It happened. I don't like Confederacy.
Starting point is 02:37:59 I don't even like the Confederate flag. But guess what? What did Joe Rogan say in his comedy? He's like, that that's only three people ago i'm sure you've seen yeah okay dude that's only two people ago that confederacy was here two people ago god i fucking love that comedy skit that was one of my favorite shows um so think about it like you can't erase history look i don't want a statue of adolf hitler put in my fucking square. I just don't want it. But it's part of history. And, you know, you got to got to be concerned when the government tells you this happens in history, they eradicate more and more and more of your rights. And that's something we need to be vastly concerned about. Look, I don't give a shit about putting cloth over my face, but as Americans, we should have the right to take risks.
Starting point is 02:38:57 Like if I want to go bungee jumping tomorrow, I'm allowed to go bungee jumping, right? Well, bungee jumping doesn't hurt anybody else. Cool. Then show me one study that shows that masks will help other people. Okay. And also like, what about people who have asthma? Like if we're going like, if we're going by percentage of population, who's like very small, 65 plus are really vulnerable to this disease. Whereas we never wore a mask for the flu and it kills predominantly kids. We never wore a mask for H1N1. It kills predominantly kids infected over 60 million people. Okay. So where do we draw the line?
Starting point is 02:39:30 And also when do I get to not wear a mask? That's the question. Is this the new normal? I'm not going to accept that. Here's another key factor. The coronavirus is not that dangerous. That's a, that's a major factor in the whole thing. So yeah, I get it. People want you to put it on. They're like, Hey, it's not that big of a deal. Well, if it's not that big of a deal, why do I need to fucking wear it? The virus, the information that will come out, hopefully it comes out at some point, hopefully these politicians and other people didn't marry their beliefs so strongly. They can't ever get divorced from them, but they may have, you know, and maybe real numbers will never even appear. But I just think the how dangerous this thing is in comparison to something like influenza, like if it was influenza 19, I think we would have a whole host of other problems happening.
Starting point is 02:40:18 I think if if influenza was new in 2019, this would have been a real tragedy because we would have had a lot of dead children on our hands and that would fucking suck. We had people die that were old that were within range of dying anyway. Forty percent. And the deaths haven't gone up in this country. Right. We're at the same level of deaths we were pre-COVID-19, which means that basically it's killing people that would have probably. I hate to say it sounds so cold and callous, but unfortunately Ben Shapiro says it facts don't have feelings.
Starting point is 02:40:50 Um, and he's Jewish. So I had to quote at least one Jew. It's in my quits in my book. I signed up. Um, when I got my ownership of Hollywood, I had to agree to that,
Starting point is 02:40:58 but no, I mean, look, I hate to, it sounds really callous, but we can't stay inside and put masks on until people stop dying. At the end of the day, the people who died, the same amount of people who died this year, died last year, died this year, just about within a very marginal, marginal range. And there's not a huge spike in deaths.
Starting point is 02:41:19 And also, as data comes out and we'll argue data, it turns out that people who died of strictly COVID is around 10,000. Now put that at 10,000 is a lot of people. If you're in, say, if you're just talking about Mark Street. Explain that to some people real quick, because they're like, what do you mean? There's a point, point, point, 0.6%. So basically 0.6%, whatever it was, 6%, 6%. So basically people who died of COVID had two, one, one, I think it was one or more comorbidities. So a comorbidity could be anything from cancer to obesity.
Starting point is 02:41:53 So there's a wide, wide range of comorbidities. But think about comorbidities. It means it contributes to death. So these people could have been picked off by flu pneumonia or a host of other infections or diseases they could have fallen gotten an infection and died um so until i see overall death rate go up by hundreds of thousands but even then let's put this in perspective there are 350 million people in the usa if the death deaths are truly over 150 000 statistically speaking how many people die of um what is it i think it's like over a million people of malpractice so do we ban doctors do we
Starting point is 02:42:36 ban medical treatment how many people die of car accidents so it sounds really big and scary that 150 that's the worst case scenario when they guessed 2 million right so let's say 150 000 or between 10 and 150 000 people died of covet right all of those numbers don't scare me statistically because people die it's a part of life and like i said earlier woodstock was done during a pandemic we had had H1N1 here in 2009. And yet we have not just our country, we have Melbourne, Australia, literally going in and picking people off
Starting point is 02:43:11 if they go over their hour of allowable outdoor activity a day. We have only one country of note who's done it correctly, and that's Sweden. And they have yet to give one fuck. And they are crushing it right now. And they've reached herd immunity, or least close to all we're doing with, with lockdowns. I would say masks,
Starting point is 02:43:30 but I don't think masks do anything to mitigate the spread of COVID all lockdowns. And all these stupid things like closing gyms do is delay our inevitable herd immunity. It's making this go on longer. And whether that's just from stupidity or nefarious reasons, I don't know, but I'm leaning towards stupidity. I don't know if these people are smart enough to be that nefarious. I think we're just governed by idiots and people want to do the right
Starting point is 02:43:58 thing. And why not? Because if you say what Mark, myself, and everybody in here saying today, if you say what we're saying, you're immediately labeled as evil, as not caring about grandma, as selfish, as er, ma, haircut, whatever they say about us. Well, I'm done being quiet. And I think those of us need to speak up because I've had people message me and say, you know what? You're right. I am changing minds. It might be one or two, but what if everybody with a voice changed one or two minds and notice more people in fitness are speaking out against this than anyone else.
Starting point is 02:44:29 You had that pro female body, a volleyball player come out and say, I went into a store without a mask. Sorry, did it got a bunch of hate. All right. But how many minds did she change? Those people who hate her,
Starting point is 02:44:39 they would have hated her for saying that. Anyway, how many, maybe she changed two minds. You look at the fitness industry. You look at Bradley Martin refusing to close down his gym. Turning off his water and power. That's a hero right there. You look at
Starting point is 02:44:51 Attila's gym. If you look at where the fights or the battles are being won, it's in the gyms. Attila's gym is ground zero for fighting these lockdowns. Attila's gym. A strip mall gym in Belmar, New Jersey,
Starting point is 02:45:07 which I will be going to in two weeks. I can't wait to go see those guys. Ian Smith is, it's fine. Like 10 grand every day or something like that. Right? And guess what? That is America right there. Somebody who has his own opinion and it might or might not be right.
Starting point is 02:45:21 It might or might not be wrong, but that's what makes America beautiful is we can disagree. But the one thing I think we need to all agree on is that these lockdowns and the masks are unconstitutional. And we have literally forfeited our constitutional rights in the guise of safety. And at the beginning, I'm okay with it because we didn't know. But as the data comes out, the fact they're doubling down on these lockdowns and these masks, either proves that we're being governed by complete idiots or that we're being governed by Satan themselves. Well, it's a good lesson
Starting point is 02:45:50 to learn that we should probably never be okay with it. We should never because the beginning was the beginning of them being able to leverage if everyone in the beginning was kind of like fuck that. You know what tomorrow is? You know what tomorrow is? That's month six of 15 days to flatten
Starting point is 02:46:05 the curve six months from 15 days to flatten the curve you can never give an inch on your constitutional rights because once they start taking away and i speak as a descendant from holocaust survivors we cannot let that happen We can never let this happen. And I don't care what it takes. I don't care if it takes Second Amendment rights. That's why we have them for this very purpose. Second Amendment isn't there. It's not there for us to protect our houses.
Starting point is 02:46:38 It's there for it helps. Yeah, it's not written for us to protect our car from being carjacked in L.A. Second Amendment rights is literally to prevent what we're seeing right now. And that's tyranny like it or not. That's how it was written. There's nothing in the second amendment about hunting. Look for the word hunt, go put the second amendment on Google and type control F and type in hunt.
Starting point is 02:47:00 It's not on there. They didn't give a shit about shooting deer. They cared. The founders knew that as the government evolved they would become power hungry and you get career politicians and here we are and most of america is just bending over and taking it but i still think america has its threshold its limit and i think we're there you're starting to see it we are starting to see people protest even covet and things like that. And I think it's I think it's healthy for people to do so.
Starting point is 02:47:28 And I think even just based off of what you just said, I would encourage people to go into supermarkets without a mask, you know, to even get another person or two to go with you. Yeah. I mean, why not? Right. You know what? I always keep mine there because I do respect private ownership of property and I'll have a mask. But luckily where I live, I don't have to protest. Franklin, Tennessee.
Starting point is 02:47:54 Again, I believe we have a rate, which, by the way, at one point was at 0.55 until they realized they never updated the list. So we literally missed two weeks of school because of either an accounting error or because they're evil and they didn't want our kids to go back to school. Went from 0.5, which is it had to be under 0.5 to go back to school to 0.14 per thousand. Wow. we have idiots in Williamson County or we have evil actors behind the scenes trying to keep our kids out of school for whatever reason it is. So again, I don't have to worry about that. And one thing I did change my view on, don't leave your state. I left Illinois for tax purposes, not going to lie. And for the weather, dude, I'm not living there. But if I was in California, don't leave your state. Fight.
Starting point is 02:48:49 Fight for your state. Your state is your home. Instead of giving up and moving to Tennessee like I did, and living a free life, breathing that free air without a mask. No, instead of doing that, you know what? Fight. Do what Ian Smith is doing at Attila's gym.
Starting point is 02:49:07 Make a change. You you know and that's what we need to do and i'm not going to sit here and incite anything but i'm saying man his history does not bode well in favor of those that roll over to government it just doesn't and i encourage you guys to read up on history. And those of you who are afraid of this virus, stay home. Stay home. Don't tell me to stay home. I'm not telling you to leave your house. You can Netflix and chill all day long and watch cuties. I don't care what you do.
Starting point is 02:49:38 Okay, I do care about that. But that's the thing, guys. I'm just here because I love my country. And I will do what I can. I see us going down a dangerous path of tribalism and just being completely subservient sheep, which throughout history leads to genocide. Yes,
Starting point is 02:49:54 I made that leap. There's going to be some other information that comes out. Um, and when the information comes out, I mean, it will start to just be more and more undeniable that this whole thing was what I've said from the beginning, a hoax. You know, people like it's not a hoax. It's not a hoax.
Starting point is 02:50:10 It's real. A hoax does not necessarily mean that it's not real. It just means that we've been there's been a lot of deception going on. And this is this is the biggest deception that this country has ever faced. It's the biggest deception that the world has ever faced, in my opinion. country has ever faced. It's the biggest deception that the world has ever faced, in my opinion. And even when it comes to testing, you know, they'll keep trying to hammer us with the cases. You have to realize we've had people on the show that have come on and said, you know, they blame COVID on just about everything. We already know that side of things. But they also,
Starting point is 02:50:37 when it comes to COVID-19, the type of testing that they do, if there's any remnants of PCR, which can happen from other viruses as well, if there's any remnants of that, then it still counts as COVID. And so just the story is not out all the way yet. But when it does come out, we're going to look back and say all of that shit was a waste of time, a waste of energy. The thing is, is it worth was it was any of it worth it because you got to think about the the amount of the amount of money right and and i think people always get money a little twisted but money fucking kills people it does when you when you
Starting point is 02:51:20 drain people's money you drain people's life over a period of time because that's just the way society works it puts a demand that's that's the way it works it's our currency it's how we are able to obtain things and when you start to drain that out you start to really mess with people and we end up losing more so in the end there's there's no scenario where this will ever make any sense to where any of this has ever been worth it whatsoever. I'm all for it. Like, again, I wasn't a fan of it at the time, but I understand the initial reaction. I can give you eight weeks.
Starting point is 02:51:55 I can give you eight weeks. But as data came back, we started learning more and more and more. The fact that you still have New York, Illinois, California, Michigan, the fact you still have these states doubling down and even saying they might need to lock down again, that's either complete ineptitude or again, it's something beyond evil. Where I saw a video, this is, I I we were living in an apartment for six months. Till until our house was built in Tennessee. So we're living in a twelve hundred five people like a twelve hundred square foot apartment lockdown.
Starting point is 02:52:34 It wasn't bad in Tennessee. And our kids, no friends. They closed school after they were there for like a month. Like the soccer was over and I'm sitting there and my wife sends me a video on Facebook and I'm like, it was this guy who was a kid. He went and built a wall.
Starting point is 02:52:51 Kid was healthy and everything. And kid goes out, his monitor breaks. His computer monitor breaks. That was his only attachment to the world. Killed himself. Healthy kid. And at that point, I realized that our kids'
Starting point is 02:53:09 only connection to the world was that computer monitor. And all of our kids had their lives taken away from them. Now they go to school, they can't even smile at their classmate because they're wearing masks. What do you think that does psychologically to children? What do you think that does for the next generation so at that point every day i lived in fear of my kids committing suicide because that kid was normal he had a good father he's gone forever for a disease that doesn't kill kids more kids in california died in ko died in Kobe Bryant's plane crash or helicopter crash than died of COVID-19.
Starting point is 02:53:49 Think about it. And for that, you have kids out of school, outside of sports. Think about it. Kids are missing their senior year where they're working for scholarships. Guess who's getting those scholarships? Kids in Arizona,
Starting point is 02:54:04 kids in Tennessee. Remember how fun those times were? Those were the best. We were just talking about Coach Miles, Leon Hatton. That wouldn't have existed because of a weak-ass virus that doesn't affect kids. And masks. Who cares if they work? I'm serious.
Starting point is 02:54:22 You can't smile at your neighbor? Really? We're giving elbow bumps the fuck is that you're going closer to do that like what and we're then touching handles that good the sheer like cross is probably getting sick of me for every i'm like this fucking clown like what what are we doing here and then i can't i can't understand anybody the voice is muffled they're behind a plastic shield. We're living in a clown world, and people are just, oh, well, it's saving lives. We're not all in this together. We're all in this together.
Starting point is 02:54:52 Tell it to the guy who lost his job, who's on unemployment. Tell it to that guy. And is everyone that's dead, did they not practice these things? Did they not wear a mask? Did they not have social distancing? Did they hear the information too late? Like, what's the excuse? You know?
Starting point is 02:55:07 Well, there's no excuse. The excuse is that we've been sold a bill of goods and a lot of people are so they refused to admit they were wrong. And we're at a point now where I look, I'm the first one to say evidence, evidence, evidence. I'm I'm frigging sure that we're doing this wrong. I think some are doing it right. South Dakota did it right. The beat of the United States is 50 sovereign states.
Starting point is 02:55:28 They're all governed by their independent president, the governor, right? Tennessee did it 80%, right? 60, 60, 70, maybe California. You're batting about 2%, you know? But other than that, like other than a cup handful of States, which by the way, have way less death rate than New York and California, because we didn't shove people in nursing homes with COVID. What did South Dakota do, by the way? What's up?
Starting point is 02:55:50 South Dakota. What did they do? Nothing. Oh, Christine Noem is the gut. She needs to be present. She is amazing. She's hot. So notice hot chicks are just smarter.
Starting point is 02:56:02 I'm telling you, man, I think we should have have like i think you're impartial but go ahead but i really do think that the states that did it right south dakota tennessee did a pretty good job texas did okay florida did okay you know but south dakota just they pulled a sweden on us man she's like no i'm not taking away that sound constitutional. I'm not doing it. She refused to do it. I've been the most vocal against Trump. I don't think he should have ever done the 15 days, but he had no choice. Imagine if he didn't do 15 days. He's getting shit for not like, dude, Biden's the one who said
Starting point is 02:56:36 that closing down the border to China is xenophobic. Suddenly, Trump didn't close it down fast enough. They're literally lying and just doubling down on the lies. I'm like, well, Trump didn't do enough down fast enough. Like they're literally lying and just doubling down on the lies. I'm like, why didn't anybody? Well,
Starting point is 02:56:46 Trump didn't do enough. I'm like, so you think Biden's plan of leaving the flights open to China was better? Like, again, it's, if you do a decision, like it's automatically racist.
Starting point is 02:56:57 Xenophobia is racism. Basically it's racism to foreign countries, whatever racism is. It's, it's a fucking straw man. It's a straw man. You can't argue against it. Because if you argue against it, then you're not anti-racist.
Starting point is 02:57:11 I don't even know what the fuck that means. We can't have tangible arguments anymore. Point to stupid things. Things we can't fucking control. Pigment. I can't control that I was born white. Like, I can't control that my ancestors came from Europe. It was cloudy as fuck. And somebody else's ancestors came from europe it was cloudy as fuck and somebody else's ancestors came from africa where it's really hot i can't control that like we can't
Starting point is 02:57:30 control we control we are character we can't control yeah we can't control our pigment i mean that's just the stupidest shit i've ever heard we said we had a guy in the elevator last night we're going up to the room and i'm like they didn't have masks on there i'm like you come in he's like oh we didn't have masks we forgot him i'm like no come on in and he's like where you guys from and actually i'm from south africa i'm like oh so you're an african american he's like crazy they were like it was funny i'm like he's like yeah he's like i'm more african than pretty much most people here technically yeah it was so funny but he was they were just cool people but um yeah it's one of those things where he's from Africa, right?
Starting point is 02:58:06 Like he's an African-American. Like who cares? I never, that's why I can't empathize with racism. That's why I might sound insensitive to a lot of people who talk about racism because I don't understand it. And I can't empathize with it because I don't feel that way. You say you can empathize with it. What do you mean? I cannot empathize with people who are racist.
Starting point is 02:58:29 Empathy means you can put yourself in some some that's one quality that humans have that separates us from apes and i don't even know i've never been an ape but i kind of look like one you know you know i have long arms i have great dead lifting arms by the way yeah i mean i've we humans have the ability to be empathetic. We have the ability to kind of. I could feel like if you get hit in the face, I could be like, looks like it fucking hurt. You know, I can't understand how anybody could judge someone by the color of their skin. I just don't get it. And I grew up in a neighborhood. Thank God that was so diverse.
Starting point is 02:59:01 You know that I had Latino friends. I had black friends. I had black friends. I had Asian friends. My football team was, you know, it was the flags of the world, man. Like, and these are guys that I traveled with. I showered with. Yes, we showered. We lived like those were my boys.
Starting point is 02:59:18 And I never looked at someone like, well, this is my white family. This is my black family. All my cousins on my dad's side are black. i have more black low blinders than i have white i never saw them it's funny i do make jokes my black family because they look like my cousin david looks like me yeah black face it's fucking crazy and he acts like me too it's great it's like he's like the black mark yeah but i never saw anybody i never looked at anybody differently and if you look at kids you put them in a playground i don't give a fuck they play it's like they don't even know what they are my daughter didn't realize till she was like eight that hey um we look a little different like yeah we yeah, we all look different. Okay, cool. That was it.
Starting point is 03:00:05 Yeah. Kids don't, kids aren't racist. That's a learned thing. That's something that's taught. Bigotry is taught. And that's why we can't go on around the world thinking everybody's, I don't,
Starting point is 03:00:15 I think most people think like me. I think most Americans think like me. I, I think we do. I think most countries think like me. I've been to Australia. I've been to the UK. I've been to Brazil.
Starting point is 03:00:24 I've been all over, man. I don't, Canada. I think most countries think like me. I've been to Australia. I've been to the UK. I've been to Brazil. I've been all over, man. I don't. Canada? I mean, I don't think people are inherently racist. I think that's driven us by the media. I think there are racists. I think they exist. I think there is racism.
Starting point is 03:00:37 But I don't think it's not something that I think should consume us. I mean, there are some things, some injustices we need to address on many sides, but at the end of the day, man, yeah, I can't empathize with ignorance and I don't think we should give them the time. I think we all have an opportunity to get out in America.
Starting point is 03:00:55 It might be harder for some groups. It was harder for me. I didn't have anybody to pay for me. Like my kids have all the greatest trainers in the world, the best equipment, fucking $200 soccer cleats, like three pairs. I had big five sporting goods, man.
Starting point is 03:01:09 I had a $30 pair of Nikes, you know, like the sale clearance item, like a size too small because they're out of 10 and a half, you know, but we all have our obstacles and there might be systemic racism. I don't know. I don't know the system. I can't even figure out what we're locked down right now. You want me to explain systemic racism? But at the end of the day, I know a lot of people with a lot of different backgrounds,
Starting point is 03:01:31 with a lot of different skin tones, a lot of different voices, a lot of different accents, who are either crushing it or not. And the thing that separates them is this. So whether systemic racism... Okay, there's systemic racism. Okay. Well, fuck it. Beat it. Like, oh man, I i can't man mom is a drug addict nothing i can do about that you i can't control being white i knew look here's
Starting point is 03:01:53 systemic racism and i don't want to i don't want to for the least bit downplay the hiss the historical slavery and all the bad shit america did which is america did some bad shit but look man when i was trying to get into college they weren't accepting whites that's pretty systemically racist wouldn't you agree so what i do i learn how to play football because it was my way around that shit start your own business you know i mean there's so many there's minority business loans i mean there's a lot of avenues there's a lot of avenues. There's a lot of avenues. I'm not saying it doesn't exist. I'm, I'm not going to stand here with my white privilege, whatever the fuck that is.
Starting point is 03:02:32 I'm not going to stand here and tell you that systemic racism doesn't exist. I don't know. Nobody knows because it's systemic. Like on an individual level, there's nothing anybody else can do, but try to work past whatever blocks might be in your way. We all have, we all have our blocks. You know,
Starting point is 03:02:48 I feel sorry for, I feel sorry for rich people. Like my, like think about, think about our kids. Our kids have everything. They don't have to do anything. They know that we're,
Starting point is 03:02:56 we're like, Hey man, if you don't do this, I'm no, you're not, you're not going to kick the kids out of the house. Shut up. I'm not doing it.
Starting point is 03:03:01 It's all hot air. They hopefully don't listen to this, you know, but it's all hot air. I'm going to love them no matter what. And if they need a house, they fall on their face. I'm not doing it. It's all hot air. They hopefully don't listen to this, you know, but it's all hot air. I'm going to love them no matter what. And if they need a house, they fall on their face. I'm going to let them in. I'm going to let them live in the house till they're 30 if they want to. I said I won't, but I will.
Starting point is 03:03:14 I didn't have that, dude. At 17, I was the F out of the house. So I feel bad for the kids who don't have that. That's where you see these Antifa punks run around. They're all a bunch of rich white kids. They don't have that. That's where you see these Antifa punks run around. They're all a bunch of rich white kids. Like they don't have that where if they fail,
Starting point is 03:03:30 they spend every night rioting and burning shit down. Mommy's going to bail them out of prison. Yeah. I didn't have that. So yeah, there is a benefit to struggle. There's a benefit to it. So I feel bad for the frigging,
Starting point is 03:03:44 you know, white bread, you know white bread you know kid who has spoon in his mouth who doesn't have to worry about adversity adversity creates strength sorry yeah forces forces creativity uh why don't you kind of also wrap it up and just kind of uh tell people where they can get your your outright bars because those things are it up and just kind of tell people where they can get your outright bars because those things are freaking unreal. Those things are freaking amazing. Yeah, and Seema almost died eating them. God.
Starting point is 03:04:09 And tell people where they can find you and stuff like that. Yeah, I mean, I'm on YouTube as well. I have The Tiger Fitness, and we'll have a lot of content from this weekend up here. So, MTS Nutrition is mine. We also have The Outright Bar. It's, of course, at Tiger Fitness. We're also the number one bar at Vitamin Shop. And we should be widespread by hopefully March of next year in Target.
Starting point is 03:04:32 So available at some gas stations. Hard to figure out which ones. But things are going well. So that's where we're at. But other than that, you can follow us on social media, at Mark Lobliner, pretty much everywhere else but YouTube. Awesome. And do you want to take us on out of here?
Starting point is 03:04:45 Absolutely. Thank you, everybody, for much everywhere else but YouTube. Awesome. Andrew, want to take us on out of here? Absolutely. Thank you, everybody, for checking out today's episode. If you guys are as fired up as Mark is on this podcast, please share this with a friend. I know you know somebody that you've probably been going back and forth, especially about masks. So please share this episode with them. Please make sure you're following the podcast at Mark Wells Power Project
Starting point is 03:05:00 on Instagram. Tag us if you guys like today's conversation, and also on Twitter at MB Power Project. My Instagram is at I am Andrew Z. And Seema, where are you at? And Seema Inyang on Instagram and YouTube. And Seema Inyang on Twitter. Mark.
Starting point is 03:05:14 I'm at Mark Smelly Bell. Strength is never a weakness. Weakness is never a strength. Catch y'all later.

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