Mark Bell's Power Project - EP. 439 - Video Games and Fitness

Episode Date: October 23, 2020

How can we make fitness more like video games? Today is Andrew's dream come true, the crew talks about video games for an entire podcast! From their experience with gaming to ideas on how to bring f...itness into video games, and video games into life.   Subscribe to the Podcast on on Platforms! ➢   Special perks for our listeners below! ➢LMNT Electrolytes: Purchase 3 boxes and receive one free, plus free shipping! No code required!   ➢Freeze Sleeve: Use Code "POWER25" for 25% off plus FREE Shipping on all domestic orders!   ➢Piedmontese Beef: Use Code "POWERPROJECT" at checkout for 25% off your order plus FREE 2-Day Shipping on orders of $99   ➢Sling Shot: Enter Discount code, "POWERPROJECT" at checkout and receive 15% off all Sling Shots   Follow Mark Bell's Power Project Podcast

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What's up, Mark Bell's Power Project familiar? This episode is brought to you by FreeSleeve. Now, I've actually gotten asked before in terms of injury recovery, what's better, compression or ice? And then I was thinking, why not both? And that's the cool thing about FreeSleeve because their knee and elbow sleeves are sleeves that you can put around the knees or elbows that provide a good amount of compression, but also it's cold.
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Starting point is 00:00:56 Like, if I was like, dude, break that. Like, you could just feel it. There's really not much you can do. Yes. You might be able to dent it by spiking it on the ground. Yeah, this is not yeah try to smash andrew with it again sorry about that andrew i didn't mean to do that last time did he fuck you up too andrew dude he's so mean he's been bullying everybody so mean and then
Starting point is 00:01:19 people are like oh man i don't learn i don't learn jujitsu to like mess with people dude like it's not like that. And then we find out the opposite is true, right, Andrew? People that are closest to them in their life that are suffering. Nobody else. Lots of us are suffering. Hurt people hurt people. We got to talk to your lady about this.
Starting point is 00:01:38 If you could find her. We heard her. We heard the scream from her Falling out of the closet That one day Oh god I'm struggling again Over here I don't understand
Starting point is 00:01:51 Why our Streamer thingy Is just being silly It shows us That we're live It's your first day First day on the job Throwing me right
Starting point is 00:02:01 Into the fire Yeah I was watching Something yesterday With uh It was uh Real sports Fuck it we'll do it And there was these kids Uh First day on the job, throw me right into the fire. Yeah, I was watching something yesterday with, it was Real Sports. Fuck it, we'll do it. And there was these kids just making millions of dollars playing video games. Yeah, on Twitch.
Starting point is 00:02:12 Yeah, it was pretty cool. I mean, I'm aware of it. I've seen some stuff before, but this one kid won like a championship and he won three million bucks. Fortnite. Yeah, that was, I think his name was Booga? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Something like that. Yeah. yeah yeah b-u-g-u or something whatever the heck his name is on that's like his handle or whatever yeah it was unbelievable and they were just there was a kid that was 20 and he was like i'm out the game he's like i'm too old man he's like i can't keep
Starting point is 00:02:43 up with these kids and they show these kids like in their room and the you know the um the screen is like super close to him and it's just like flashing and it's going so damn quick you're like how the hell are they figuring this shit out it's it's promises it's like the uh the progression of powerlifting where you like you think a powerlifter strong a few years ago and they're like this 25 year old lifter but then you see this 18 yearold that's doing some ridiculous stuff. And then this 15-year-old a few years later has some ridiculous stuff. The stuff you see that guys used to do in certain games, they're these 12-year-olds that they're just doing everything else
Starting point is 00:03:17 at super fast speeds, faster than anybody else. That's why everyone's like, I can't play with these kids. Well, they were showing how the sponsors, you know, how Nike years ago would go after people like LeBron. You know, they'd go after high school kids and then they would go after like I think LeBron was recruited and just looked at. Probably since the time he picked up basketball, you know, and but now these kids that are playing video games, there's a kid that was like, man, I want to say he was like five. And he's like playing this game and he's saying all this cute stuff.
Starting point is 00:03:47 And then he's like sipping on his sippy cup in between, in between. And they were like, this kid, they're like, this kid's got a crazy amount of promise. Like we're going after him hard. And I was like, and I have agents and stuff. The agent that they have, we should actually see if we can get the guy on the show. Hell yeah. He used to be an agent for like Hollywood actors and actresses. And he's like, I've been around for a long time.
Starting point is 00:04:11 And he's like, and I tell people that these kids are more famous than any of the actors that they know. And he's like, people don't believe me. He's like, but check out this footage. And they showed footage of like they shut down like city blocks and all kinds of stuff. of like they shut down like city blocks and all kinds of stuff. And he had to ask the like the mayor of the town to allow them to have more time because there's more and more kids just kept showing up. He's like, please give all these kids an opportunity to see. These are like and the mayor said yes, but like he didn't get it.
Starting point is 00:04:38 He was like, I'm sorry, I don't understand like who you have, you know, forgive me for not knowing, you know, what's going on. But the guy was like i just trust me you know it'll be good for everybody just shut down the whole block and let everyone see them and and that'll be that and then everyone can go on their way i was like holy shit yeah it's wild yeah these things fill stadiums man like oh heck yeah it's crazy yeah so you're gonna you're going ps5 or xbox series x weird when's this stuff coming out i don't remember i didn't get to pre-order mine but i think like next month november november 12th and yes i did pre-order the xbox series x what are we talking about money wise nowadays ps5 is around five four to five hundred there's two versions four hundred one five hundred so i
Starting point is 00:05:23 didn't exponentially like skip up too crazy. Nah. No, because which But all in you're what, seven hundred bucks? Because you need probably another extra controller or something. Controller for sure. True. There's always like a couple. Yeah, there's definitely some. And then so like with Xbox, like you have to get the Xbox Live
Starting point is 00:05:40 which I don't know what that costs per year. Oh, you got like a membership thing? Yeah, so that way you could play their online library of games. Do you guys ever play against each other? We haven't. No. What about Smoke? Do you guys ever play against Smokey?
Starting point is 00:05:55 Because he plays. Yeah. He has Xbox. I don't have Xbox. So actually, this is my first Xbox ever. Oh. Yeah. So the only system I have is the Nintendo Switch, and before that was a PS3.
Starting point is 00:06:07 So I missed a whole generation. But no, at the Arnold one year, we all... Me and Griffey had both of our Switches going, and then Smokey jumped in to play Mario Kart, and he's really good at that. He smoked a lot of us. So Chris, right? Chris Griffin, yeah. But then Smokey beat all of us.
Starting point is 00:06:25 Oh, that's surprising. Yeah. I think Smokey would be good at Mario Kart in real life. Yeah. I can see that. I think he's good at bursting people's bubble. Yeah. Popping your balloon.
Starting point is 00:06:36 I can see him doing some shit and passing by. That's great. What's funny is actually they have like a almost real life Mario Kart now. What's funny is actually they have like a almost real life Mario Kart now. It uses a camera on an actual Mario Kart and you drive it around your house, but you play on your switch and on the switch, it's like VR layer augmented reality. So as you're driving around your kitchen, you see shit all like you see your kitchen and then you see all kinds of other stuff. But you're not racing other people, right?
Starting point is 00:07:04 Because I feel like you need some space. You can race up to four people at once. What? And then if you run into the walls, you can get speed boost. Like it's when you're racing people, when you have a speed boost from running into the wall. No, no, no, no, no, no. Sorry. Like I say, you could run into walls like in the game and that'll slow you down.
Starting point is 00:07:21 But then you can also hit like, you know, get like mushrooms and shit and take out. It's it's very like in its early and that'll slow you down but then you can also hit like you know get like mushrooms and shit and take out it's it's very like in its early stages right yeah but like imagine what like the like you can eventually do some cool shit imagine a bunch of kids like flying by and like your front lawn you're like what the fuck and they're playing mario kart yeah have you guys heard of uh among us yeah yeah Yeah? You saw AOS? My son plays it. I'm not surprised. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez or whatever, the senator. So she recently played it with a bunch of YouTubers and stuff to try to get people to vote. But apparently they were like on one stream. There were 400,000 people watching.
Starting point is 00:07:58 But the thing about Among Us is everyone comes in with their own platforms and they stream together. So she was playing with 10 other people who also had like maybe another 200 to 300 000 people watching damn so just multiply 200 000 by 10 there are 2 million people watching these people play among us at one time wow it was crazy what's among us like what is it yeah i have no idea so i haven't played it but pretty much it's like um a whodunit video game so like it's like you guys all have these characters and there's one person that you guys need to figure out who's killing everybody else so there's like a bunch of like knives out or something like that exactly exactly so someone dies and then the group gets together and then they talk and they're like okay well i
Starting point is 00:08:38 was here i was here i saw him here and yeah so if you accuse somebody you just kick him off the ship but that might not be the person right right so that's that's how it is i haven't played it yet but like it's it's really cool like it people and the cool thing about it is that the graphics suck it's like okay that's what i was wondering like i didn't know if this was it or not but it's the interactive aspect of it that people like they can just like really just talk to each other and figure out who did what. So I wonder when they make games like if that's if the starting position is like what they're going to do with the graphics. Like, I wonder where they start. Like, are they just going to be like, hey, let's just let's just make this game real simple in terms of the way it looks.
Starting point is 00:09:17 So it can be really cool and interactive because it doesn't sound like you always have an option to have both. You know? Yeah, it's rare. And when you do, yeah, yeah. But what's Fortnite? What is Fortnite? What do we got going on with Fortnite? I don't know much about any of this stuff.
Starting point is 00:09:32 I've seen them play it, but I don't really know. It's cancer. Yeah, I never played Fortnite either. I didn't. So Fortnite is what's called a battle royale game. Okay, so I mean, you've seen shooters, right? Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:45 Well, Fortnite is like when you have 100 people um, you've seen shooters, right? Yeah. Yeah. Well, Fortnite is like when you have a hundred people on a map, all trying to kill each other instead. And so it's like, everybody gets airdropped and put in random places of the map and they all have to find weapons and kill each other. That's Fortnite. So it's like a hundred people. Oh, I see it. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I never got into that one. I don't think I've seen, I don't think I've seen him play fortnight that much i think uh maybe they were playing fortnight more on their phone i think yeah there's fortnight on the phone too i think he was playing warzone when we were in bodega he loves that game yeah and warzone's the same idea kind of it's a battle royale everybody's
Starting point is 00:10:20 warzone looks like something i can get into i mean i tried to mess around with it for a minute but it was like i got a long way to go. I got a lot of learning to do. I was going to say, yeah, because the learning curve on these games now is really hard because everyone's way better than you. And no matter how good you get, you're going to find somebody that's better than you.
Starting point is 00:10:38 So when you actually have no experience, I mean, you're lucky if you survive a couple of minutes per round. What was the first game that kind of flipped all this upside down do you guys is there a particular game that kind of in my memory it was uh half-life so team fortress classic which was like a uh you know player versus player or team versus team which led to counter-strike which was the same thing but more of that call of duty type thing and i'm sure there's definitely going to be something older than that but that was it that was it for me and so i played that in junior high and high school so like mid late 90s no late 90s sorry not mid early 2000s put it that way as far as
Starting point is 00:11:23 like online play i want to say that that that was the first one that actually was gigantic. For me, at least. I'm sure. Hopefully somebody in the comment section can... When I was a kid and we had some of these games coming out, this was later on. Because I started playing when I was really young. But I think it was 007 which was like yeah kind of the first yeah you know and i'm not talking about like modern day that's why i was
Starting point is 00:11:51 asking you guys more modern day like internet type stuff but the 007 game was like just it was really really it was just it was just groundbreaking like they just there really wasn't anything like it at the time and i just remember like all of my friends were playing it. I played it a little bit, but I was more of an NBA live Madden football. I played the sports games. I always liked sports, so they just called to me a little bit more. I always sucked at these games. I'd always just keep running into the wall.
Starting point is 00:12:21 I couldn't see anything or do anything. Yeah. Junior high, we would go over to my buddy jesse's house and he had n64 and a big screen tv it made everything blue but it was big so we could have all four uh you know um screens and that's cool and looking at it now i'm like there's no crosshairs like how the hell did we ever how did we ever connect with anybody and what's dope is uh they actually made a sequel to this and ended up being like one of the dopest games on the n64 called perfect dark look at that guy's hands up uh but they somehow lost the license or something happened so it was going to
Starting point is 00:12:56 be 007 blah blah but they turned it into perfect dark and that game is sick and if you have a copy of it it's actually worth like a decent amount of money. This ain't bad, graphics-wise, for how old it is. It might have, it looks like it's definitely upscaled, or maybe it's like a, um, like a computer mod or something, or an emulator, sorry. Because it does look way clearer. You guys get into Minecraft, or is that more
Starting point is 00:13:17 for, like, little kids? Nah, I've played a little Minecraft back in the day. But Minecraft is, um, like, it's just like a world that you can kind of make and create and do just about anything right yeah that's that what it is they have like a survival story mode where like you get nothing and then it's up to you to build everything find everything mine everything and then they have like a sandbox mode where you get everything you just go nuts building it's uh digital legos in my in my family we noticed that like when the kids are like playing
Starting point is 00:13:45 the game or when they're shortly done with the game and we asked them like hey can you take out the garbage or can you like they just don't respond anything they don't do anything really and um we were talking about it one day and i was like well i think you know think about like they literally just came from doing anything that they want, kind of. You know? Like, that's my understanding of the game. So you can kind of do, you build your own world. Can you build houses? Can you kill people and stuff, too?
Starting point is 00:14:11 Yeah. Or not really. You can kill zombies. Yeah, yeah. You can hunt. You can get pigs and cook them. Yeah, you can sort of do whatever you want, right? And then now you're being asked to, like, do, like, a chore.
Starting point is 00:14:20 Like, fuck that. That's really funny that they just don't respond. They choose not to do anything after playing minecraft that's great yeah i've been deep into uh roller coaster tycoon 3 they re-released it i never understood that it's so much fun dude oh my god what about pokemon go that was a that was a crazy thing that exploded but that was like little kids right no no i was part of that i had a homie that came from the uk yeah they still have it they still have but i i don't play it anymore but when it first started it like ignited because like i grew up with pokemon yeah
Starting point is 00:14:55 so like it like all of us we were like oh fuck let's go catch some pokemon i wish i could remember the uh i wish i could remember the stat uh, I wish I could remember the stat, but there's a stat that they have where they talked about how many iPhones were sold and how many different things were sold, but then how quickly Pokemon like took off. And it was like, I'll just make up an example, but it was like, uh, let's say the first, uh, laptop sold, you know, a hundred thousand within a year. Right. And say the first iPhone sold, you know, 100,000 within a year. Right. And say the first iPhone sold a million within a year.
Starting point is 00:15:28 This Pokemon thing did like 500 million in like four days or something. It was something like just completely astronomical where you're like, holy shit. Yeah, dude. All those 90s kids went out and started catching Pokemon in different neighborhoods and stuff. There was a neighborhood. Pokestops. Pokestops. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:48 There's a neighborhood in Citrus Heights. And I don don't know andrew you don't pay attention to pokemon but it had this for some reason this neighborhood had like a nest of this really rare pokemon dratini okay it's the precursor to dragonite for all my pokemon fans but we so picture and seem just hanging out there being like i found bro there were there were cars at 11 p.m midnight driving around this suburban neighborhood trying to catch dratini's and the people in the houses were getting so pissed because they're like why are all these people trying so good i'm telling you a hell of people were just over there trying to catch stuff it was it was bad yeah it was really bad our uh our our routes for driving like to and from from certain houses were altered because there's a Pokestop over there.
Starting point is 00:16:27 Now we know that fountain is a Pokestop, so we'll go that way. I never downloaded it on my phone, but Jasmine liked it. We had it on Stephanie's phone. We would go for walks and go Pokemon hunting. It got people active. Have you guys heard about how
Starting point is 00:16:43 valuable Pokemon cards are right now? Or they've been valuable, but have you guys heard about how how like uh valuable pokemon cards are right now or they've been valuable but like people are getting into it yeah it got they skyrocketed that's interesting because i think like a lot of baseball and football and basketball cards they really lost a lot of their value over the years maybe they've kind of gone back up i'm not sure but i know that you know gary v was big into it yeah he can't even talk about the cards that he gets because it will be a huge spike in that card's value. It's crazy that that one man can change the entire landscape of... Yeah, he's been way into that from the time he was a kid.
Starting point is 00:17:14 We got our Bo Jackson card right here. I believe that's a rookie too, right? Yeah, it is. Yeah. Sick. It's just kind of a random photo too. It's just like him, he's on the bench which like he was always playing his ass off doing something cool and i just got a picture
Starting point is 00:17:29 randomly on the bench and for the hardcore card collectors it's in a very flimsy plastic cover you know that's i mean i understand cards but i also just like don't understand cards because like there's this you know there are cards that are super expensive, but like there's a Charizard card that's $200,000 or worth $200,000. I just don't get it. I get it again, but yeah, I could never get into it. I guess.
Starting point is 00:17:53 I think things are worth, uh, they say they're worth whatever someone will pay for them. You know, like sometimes somebody has a nice house and the house might be, you know, 300,000 bucks, but somebody else really wants it.
Starting point is 00:18:05 It has like some values. They, they, um, I heard a story about, um, a former baseball player. He just, he bought someone's house like right there on the spot. And it was, it was an expensive home, but it wasn't, you know, over the top. It was like 500,000 or something. Um, but he bought it and turned it into, he turned the whole area into like a car wash he just had this vision then he wanted to put a car it was a lenny dykstra the famous baseball player and then he he just had a whole thing of like car washes throughout the whole uh area and he just he just crushed it from a financial perspective he just yeah just oddly
Starting point is 00:18:40 just had but yeah it's just uh any of these things are worth whatever you know whatever you know if you're a raider fan and you like football then maybe the bo jackson card has a little more value i think nostalgia is important too for a lot of people and so yeah maybe they're maybe they're trying to buy back some of their youth you know reminds them takes them back you know this is probably from 1988 you know something like that or so maybe, takes them back. You know, this is probably from 1988, you know, something like that. So maybe it takes them back to that time. Yeah, well, the most recent, like, sports card craze started. Well, I don't know if it started, but, like, this is what, like, it put it on a lot of people's radar. It was a Michael Jordan, LeBron James card.
Starting point is 00:19:19 It was, like, a combo card that had a piece of, like, their game-worn jerseys in the card. What? That's crazy. This isn't really fair fair but any guesses how much that one sold uh i know it's tough 650 000 okay anybody else man i don't know that's cool nine hundred thousand dollars damn so when people saw that it's like hey gary v like what's up with this and so that's when he's like i've been telling you guys for years and then so it's now like picked back up yeah like a lot i should say wow it's fucking dope but that's you guys ever think they'll be well maybe they're maybe it's already here ish um do you think that fitness
Starting point is 00:20:03 and nutrition will be like gamified maybe maybe enough to where it can be like really kind of fun and it can get a lot of people involved like let's say you did your 10 minute walk you did your you know you did a couple things the right way and you picked up points for it and you can be like oh shit and see me i've only got 10 points today but i got 20 you know and you can be in like a little battle with people i guess everyone would kind of lie about it though so i don't know what you would but maybe maybe there could be a tracking device maybe it's you know i think that people do get involved in this with their steps right you can you can kind of be in a i don't know how any
Starting point is 00:20:40 of it works i never tried it but i think you can be in like a walking club and things like that yeah well there's already that nintendo switch game i'm just pulling it up yeah ring fit adventure I don't know how any of it works. I never tried it, but I think you can be in like a walking club and things like that. Yeah. Well, there's already that Nintendo Switch game. I'm just pulling it up. Yeah. Ring Fit Adventure. But as far as what Mark's talking about, though, I don't know if you can like compete against other people. I know there's the step count and all that stuff.
Starting point is 00:20:57 But I guess it could get really dumb, too. Like it can get it could start out healthy and then start out very unhealthy. Right. Because like. Like, oh, I'm in a caloric deficit. can get it could start out healthy and then start out very unhealthy right because like like oh i'm in a caloric deficit and it's like well you haven't eaten in four days you know yeah that's like that wouldn't be good either so uh but honestly the the way that looks kind of cool yeah it's it's it's it's very yeah you'll build up a good sweat doing some of these things but you know the the interesting the interesting thing when you mentioned gamifying fitness is like CrossFit did that.
Starting point is 00:21:29 You know what I mean? Absolutely. They took all these athletes and put them on against each other. You know, so CrossFit did that. And if like if we could do that in a similar way with like, I guess, levels of difficulty and things that people are interested in, like walking or running. Actually, running is probably that there's already something that's being done with that to an extent. But yeah, I think that we're close to getting, I guess, more things as far as lifting game fight. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:55 I want to try. I can bring it in. We can play. Griffin wanted to make a video of you doing this. Yeah. Because actually, it looks really dope. And there's stuff where you squat. Like there's one where like you're squatting and you're jumping and you're doing crazy stuff like it yeah and i guess the the planks are actually pretty hard because so
Starting point is 00:22:13 you put one of the uh it's a let's see he's a little beat the um the joy cons like on a strap around your leg so that's how it measures your squat depth that's how it measures if you're actually in a plank and then that ring that he has around his or that he's holding kind of like a controller almost yeah so there's yeah that ring is actually like it's not easy to squish like you can of course yeah it's not impossible but it like for a kid it's a thick ring yeah um it's it's pretty good dude like so there's um maybe you can look this up too. There's lifting equipment now that will count your reps. I don't know if you guys have seen any of that before, but that's kind of interesting.
Starting point is 00:22:51 I guess they have it at Piedmontese, at the Piedmontese HQ. My brother was using it and it tells you how many, but that's kind of neat. Yeah. Because imagine if you, you know, you start your set and you're like, oh, that weight feels pretty good for me. Try like a set of 10 and you could see the number and you're at eight it'd be motivation to get to 10 and then maybe even just you might say screw it and try to go for a few more but seeing that number there because i mean you do count in your head and that helps but how much does it help when someone's like five more you know someone throws that out there and you were you were thinking two more and they said five more you're like all right i'll try it i'll try to go
Starting point is 00:23:30 to i'll try to go to five more yeah no there's there's they're like if there are apps that gamify habits because there are apps that like have games in terms of the way you build certain habits and there's going to be more things in terms of gamifying fitness and it'll be pretty dope see what happens yeah that looked that looked like it was would be fun yeah kind of like cool and the guy didn't look like he was killing himself either that's what i liked about it is it didn't look i mean it looked like he was exercising but it didn't look crazy you know and i think that might be uh kind of a key factor what's up with the mirror thing you guys seen the commercials for the mirror?
Starting point is 00:24:05 I have, that looks pretty interesting. So that is that a little bit like a Peloton type of gimmick where you got someone kind of leading you through a workout. I think that's sort of what it is. Right. And that looks pretty cool. I've only seen the ad and from the ad,
Starting point is 00:24:18 it just looks like there's a trainer on the other side doing something and you're, you're like emulating them, but I'm not sure. I'm not really sure. We should try some of the shit out I think it'd be pretty cool I think you can go to
Starting point is 00:24:29 one of those big shows there's like a show every year it's a trade show and then it has all the equipment just man I just think anything that gets people moving around but imagine if we can gamify a lot of stuff and have our youth getting into exercise a little bit more.
Starting point is 00:24:49 Because maybe the story would be different. You know, we talk so much about kids don't get outside anymore. But why don't we just kind of, like I always think about Elon Musk. Why don't we Elon Musk the situation? Elon Musk knows that people are going to be distracted when they drive. So he's like, let's just make something that drives for you. Yeah. You know, we know that kids are going to be in their room.
Starting point is 00:25:11 So let's maybe think of ways that they can simulate being outside just on their games since they already love video games and they love their tablets and they love their phones and stuff like that. Yeah, we got Jasmine Just Dance. So she'll be jumping around dancing for like an hour and a half straight. Dance Dance Revolution. I played that. That was fun. That game's hard, dude. Once you understand how to like, I don't know, it just becomes...
Starting point is 00:25:42 I blame the equipment all the time. It didn't register Yeah you keep stomping on it yeah and you're like It's kind of like the old Arcade games they just wouldn't They were so slow to respond Like when you played like Pac-Man and shit You're like I moved the guy
Starting point is 00:25:58 I pointed the arrow the other way for Like a minute ago and then the thing Takes a while to start heading the other direction That turns super early man I know you got a plan for that that's definitely the go-to move like whether it's a fighting game but especially like madden like dude i told i pressed the button it didn't like that's that's not on me this game's cheap this game sucks yeah we've been going 25 minutes about video games best day ever yeah we've been rambling about nothing but i like it yeah good stuff i like it let's keep it going i think you
Starting point is 00:26:32 know i think a key factor though in terms of like a video game to kind of relate it over into fitness is to just find things that are fun and interesting you know and then what can you find i think maybe sometimes people are forcing themselves to do stuff that they really don't enjoy that much. And then like, where, how do we, if we don't like anything with fitness and we don't like anything health related and we don't have taste buds for it,
Starting point is 00:26:54 really, they're not really built up yet. Yeah. You know, how do we, how we get started? Dude, that's the thing though.
Starting point is 00:27:01 Like I wonder how, how can we turn the different things we do into fitness and turn into like a video game? Cause like when I look at like BJJ, it's kind of like a video game for me. Like I really like, that's why that's one of the reasons why I look forward to it because it's like, for me, it's like a fighting game, right? And there are different techniques and you can get better at these techniques over time. That's really how I look at it sometimes. And that's why it's like, I can't wait to go back and train more. You know?
Starting point is 00:27:28 Yeah. I think this would be sick. So I remember it was like Madden 90, I don't know, 96 something. When you would create a player, you would do the combine. And like, you'd have to do your 40 time and you you have to press the buttons as fast as you could Yeah, so what if like so NBA 2k has my player? Yeah What if it tracked your workouts and depending on how good your workout was or how like your real-life workouts your real-life workouts?
Starting point is 00:27:55 That's how strong your guy gets Yeah, that's how fast you can get I think doubt dude that would motivate the hell out of me Know that that'd be really good. like you could implement that into a lot of different videos too guys all jacked on the court yeah you can't shoot for shit but maybe like maybe it gives you a little bit like maybe it like boosts
Starting point is 00:28:16 you up to like pro level because like if you ran like a 40 and you ran like a 6.0 40 it'd be nice if it gave you like a 4.9 or something around a curve yeah grades you like a four of nine or something around the curve yeah yeah grades grades you on a curve it's like hey look we know that people are going to really suck when they go to do some of these things let's give them a little when they go to do uh 225 bench for reps or whatever let's have them do 135 or something you know no that would be uh that would
Starting point is 00:28:41 be pretty cool that would be dope i always like. I always liked that part of the game where you could make your own person. It was so much fun. But it's weird, though, too, because you just jack everything through the roof. 99, 99, 99. So that's the problem with NBA 2K right now. You can grind it out, but it would take you an entire game cycle. As far as like, oh, it's 2K2121 by 2K22, I might be worth a damn. So they do all the microtransactions.
Starting point is 00:29:11 And that's what's a huge problem with a lot of the video games now. On top of that, NBA 2K21 is a $60 game and they have unskippable ads now within the game. That's tough. That's messed up. Dude, like like come on like i guess if it was like a free-to-play game or i don't know maybe like a you can have a you can purchase a like cheaper one that has in-game ads or something like a free app or something but yeah that's that's tough but creating your player nowadays like they have like a whole storyline they have like you know like a whole
Starting point is 00:29:45 story like you you come up from like the hood and you're like no matter what skin color you are you usually have like a super slang like urban like slang and voice and stuff it's pretty funny but it's i mean for me it's entertaining i haven't played one in a long time but that was where i spent a majority of my time on nba 2k was creating a my player i think the microtransaction thing's kind of funny because it's like they're saying okay this is this is just kind of like real life guys if you want to get ahead you spend a little bit of money so give us more money if you want to get ahead faster yeah i don't know man but that little bit of money adds up hey no they have some people they call them whales but they'll end up
Starting point is 00:30:25 spending hundreds of like some people have spent tens of thousands of dollars on a single game to like get their characters more stuff i know some little kids that have done that like kind of my accident not understanding your credit card yeah yeah my one of my nephews that's rough yeah uh he was he was telling his mom like oh i got like all these new skins and new outfits on fortnite i got this i got that she's like man like dang son like you must be like killing it like i want to see how you doing son and then she sees and she's like wait how do you like how do you get all these and he's like oh you you uh you get uh v bucks v. That's how little he is. He's like, V-Ducks?
Starting point is 00:31:06 Okay. Can you show me exactly how to get a V-Duck? And then he goes in the options, and it's like, look, right here, 2,500 V-Ducks or whatever. So he ran up, I think, a $600 bill on Fortnite. And they're like, okay, no more. So obviously they cut the credit card, but they couldn't get their money back.
Starting point is 00:31:23 It was tough. This free-to-play game they spent $600 on. You know the thing, though, too, that they're trying to get with microtransactions, the credit card but uh they couldn't get their money back it was tough this free to play game they spent six hundred dollars on you know the thing though too that they're trying to get with microtransactions because the way those are done they're done kind of like a las vegas casino slot so the thing is is like the more kids do microtransactions because they can randomly get a really great item but it's like a 0.05 chance they'll keep trying to get the item no matter how much they lose they're going to keep trying to get the item. No matter how much they lose, they're going to keep trying to get the item. So it gets them addicted to trying to get, they keep pulling the slot.
Starting point is 00:31:51 So it's a messed up way, the way microtransactions are being done these days. That is really screwed up. Yeah. Yeah. Well, I mean, and then, you know, social dilemma, like the same people are also developing these microtransactions that get you addicted. You know, and you're right. It's like, oh, man, this time, though, I'm definitely going to get, you know, whatever it is.
Starting point is 00:32:11 Yeah. That super rare gun in Fortnite. I think there's something really weird about video games. That's like maybe just maybe we just don't think about it at all because we're just thinking about it just purely as being fun. Some people just considered a giant waste of time other people can kind of put in a category of like entertainment um but i think that you don't really maybe don't know what you're doing actually but you are kind of you're trying to solve problems i mean it's it's a it's like a puzzle you know you're trying
Starting point is 00:32:42 to you know have your character jump a certain way. So isn't fall and die. And when they do fall and die, you know, it's you don't cry about it. You don't get all like I mean, maybe if you're like a little kid and you're not used to it or whatever. But then you recognize that you have another opportunity to try it again. And you're like, oh, well, let me just, I'll just try something a little differently. So I think we kind of, I think we undersell the fact that you are like, you are in the midst of like learning, you are like doing things. And I don't know what, you know, how you can extrapolate those things out and make them make sense into the real world all the time. But you are, it's, it wouldn't be any different if we just all sat down and worked on a puzzle.
Starting point is 00:33:23 I don't think it's to me, it's like kind of the if we just all sat down and worked on a puzzle, I don't think. To me, it's like kind of the same. Like you have these pieces of the puzzle and you try this one here and that one doesn't fit or that color doesn't match up. It's like, oh, I'll try that one. Oh, if I put this one in this way, that one fits perfectly. Oh, if I have the guy jump this way at this time, oh, when I run into the turtle, the turtle kills me. But if I jump on the turtle's back, I can skip it and kill the other turtle.
Starting point is 00:33:46 You know, it's like just the series of like breaking things down. Do you think that's what you like about jujitsu? Like, do you kind of break it down? You know, if somebody gets you in something, you get caught in something or you learn a new move. Are you thinking about how do you, how do I, how do I kind of start over? Like your guy died and you tapped, you tapped out, right tapped out right tapping out same as dying i guess right you tap out and then you get a chance to restart and let's try that again sort of thing honestly i think that's that's literally exactly it if if we just stop there there's nothing more i have to say about it but like
Starting point is 00:34:20 there's so many different techniques and there's so many people in class that are so many levels above you that once somebody gets you in a certain technique, you can ask them, hey, how do I not get caught by that again? You can do the same role again and then you won't get caught by it. And then you've you've now unlocked the escape to that technique. It really is exactly like that. But that's that's the fun part about it, because there's so much to learn and mess up at and get better at that. It just it doesn't really end at a certain point, you know, so that that's that's why it's so enjoyable, because there's and for each individual, each person builds their own different type of style. different type of style like there's so many people that are that that start off differently that work different guards that have a different style because their body and they can build that and that's that's just why it's it's so fun that's why like the funny there's there's these funny memes about like andrew i don't know if you'd be able to find it but the the uh the unassuming guy
Starting point is 00:35:20 in your jujitsu class that'll kick your ass like this is what he looks like and the picture is just like this this guy on a scooter just rolling by and it really is like that the guy that'll kick your ass in most jujitsu classes is like the most unassuming skinny guy that doesn't look like he works out but you roll with him and he just he's just like he'll fuck you up but that's a great that i think that's why people like it because of that you know all the different things you can do. It's, it's a free reign. Yeah. Some,
Starting point is 00:35:48 it's something like, uh, trying to kill the bad guy at the end. And you keep getting to that same guy over and over again. And you're like, Oh, I got to shoot him in the eyeball. I got to shoot him like from this angle in the eyeball.
Starting point is 00:36:01 And then he lights up and then eventually he dies. What I think is interesting about jujitsu is that like uh versus a video game is the fact that like you might stay on the same board you know like so you know some games when you die you have to start all the way back from the beginning but most of the time you kind of restart so if we were working on something uh and i was able to catch you in something you'd probably say hey shit how did i get stuck in that and so okay well let's go back to this position we wouldn't go back to the beginning we wouldn't go back to standing and this is how you ended up you know here right you kind of then you can kind of think about it in reverse and stuff like that yeah
Starting point is 00:36:36 there's that but then there's like there's also the um the the fact that like in class even though you're sparring with all these people number one they're not your enemies but there might be a few people that continue to wreck you in the same way over and over so there's this guy julian we train together all the time he's like you mentioned him before i mentioned before i mentioned him again he's like this 170 175 pound black belt and for like years literally years like he'd he'd mollywop me every single role he just wrecked me wrecked me wrecked me and i was like and he'd always be the guy that i asked questions to because he's super analytical but you know we've we've gotten to a point that now like usually we don't tap each other sometimes i'm finally able to tap him sometimes he taps me but now it's like okay i got to a point where i
Starting point is 00:37:21 can finally figure out how to pass this dude's crazy guard because his legs going all over the place. Right. It doesn't work anymore. So the next time it's like you're inching closer and closer and closer towards being able to match and potentially beat an individual. And there are so many of these same type of people in a class. But the cool thing is when you go to another school and we can't go to other schools yet. But when you go to another school and do their open mat, then you can see how you fare against all these other characters in this other school and see how you do and that that's that's the dope thing about it it's just uh it's like a big old game like seriously jujitsu is a big game now you have a whole new set of shit to try to figure out when you're going with some new people that are different height different body weight i've never seen that move before you know know what I mean? Backgrounds.
Starting point is 00:38:05 Yeah. Different. They have just different knowledge. I also find it interesting too, that, you know, I like to learn stuff a lot, but there's also, I think there's a component to like, we, we need, we need entertainment and we need like downtime. Like you need time to like like not time to sleep necessarily, because we know like sleep is really important. But you sometimes just need like time with yourself or by yourself.
Starting point is 00:38:33 You need time to not learn like you can't just I mean, I hate to use the word can't, but I don't think it's the smartest route to go to try to spend your entire day learning and quote unquote being the best. I think that by taking a step back and playing a video game for a little bit or playing a game or finding a hobby, I think is a better way to do it because then you're going to be able to do all this for a lot longer and have a lot less stress. People are a lot more relaxed people that, you know, go to the movies once, you know, a couple of times a month, or, um, I know, I know some really smart people that when I asked them some questions, I'm always kind of shocked. I'm like, wow, I thought they would really be into like reading. I thought they would really be into, but they like, they love to watch like cartoons or something. They love to watch like South Park or something. And you're like, wow, like I wasn't really
Starting point is 00:39:30 expecting that. But I think it's because you, you need something mindless in your life. You know, you need something that's, uh, and, and maybe it's a little bit of an escape, you know, from just everything else. But I, I've, I've learned for myself that, you know, I've overdone it before where I'm like, okay, lifting nutrition, like be on point and make sure you hit all these things. And then, you know, then I'll run into like a brick wall where I just don't really like it that much anymore. And I'm like, well, that, that's not a good way to go. That's not a good way to go about doing it. Cause normally I love this stuff. And so if I mix in a little bit of play, then I'm good to go. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:05 I think hitting that, uh, that wall that is super necessary. My sweet all. Um, but like, yeah, cause I,
Starting point is 00:40:12 I did the same thing. Like, yeah, I, like I, I didn't play any video games from the time, like probably from like maybe a year before I ever met you, Mark till I don't know,
Starting point is 00:40:23 maybe like a year or two ago, like when I got a Nintendo switch and it was like, till, I don't know, maybe like a year or two ago, like when I got a Nintendo switch and it was like, Nope, I'm putting everything into photography. Like there's nothing else because I, this is my goal. And it thankfully it worked out, but I think you kind of do need to do that. You know? Cause I know there's people out there like, Oh, like Joe Rogan still smokes weed and he's super successful. It's like, yeah, but he didn't smoke weed till he was like 35 or something like that. You know, it's like, okay, maybe he does like to go hunting now, but he wasn't doing that when he was grinding, like trying to get on any stage possible.
Starting point is 00:40:53 So I think you got it. You definitely have to have your hobbies, but like, just be careful. Like, don't justify them just because like, you think you're working super hard. I have a question real quick. I'm curious what you guys thought to this is something i've noticed um if ever like you know maybe i was i was training in the gym and i was working on some technique and it was just like the same for weeks but maybe i had this impromptu break for maybe four or five days and then i came back something clicks like some something something works really really well after that break and it stays and it like and
Starting point is 00:41:25 i noticed that in the gym but i noticed that a lot with jujitsu like when they were i'd be training and training consistently like every single week multiple days a week and then if there's a time that i just wasn't able to make it to the mats for like a four or five day period when i come back it's like some new weird things have clicked that i've never done before. And it happens almost every single time. So I think there really is something to going hard for a bit and then really distancing yourself. And for me, the distancing always happens not because I want it to, but because there's something that happens that I just literally can't get back in there until a few days. And I come back and then there's just something that clicks. I'm just like, what the fuck? It happened again.
Starting point is 00:42:03 And it's just like, I don't know what that is. Maybe it's like your brain has time to put things together when you're away and you're not engulfed in it. And then you come back with some new sense of, I don't know, something that that that that's finally happened in your mind. But it happens every single time. I'm just wondering, have you guys noticed that happen with anything that you do? I think what you're referring to is just the human.
Starting point is 00:42:27 The humans are very adaptive. You know, we can really adapt to stuff. And so when you go to try to do something and then that thing is fairly new, you can adapt to it a little bit in the moment and you can kind of get some of it. I can say, OK, I can do this hold or, okay, I can, you know, run at this altitude. But over time, you're going to be able to adapt to it a lot easier. And I think when you're talking about something that has a, like an education and a learning component to it, it's not just,
Starting point is 00:42:58 it's not really just physical strength. It's there's a combination of things going on there. I think it does take a while for it to ingrain into your head, but I think ultimately what's happening. And I think this is a, this is a very confusing part of life, but I think, you know, try not, you know, I think you're trying, you know, and I think when we try, we fuck everything up, you know, um, you ever try to have somebody like you? I mean, you ever try to have somebody love you? You ever try to like you try to get somebody's attention? It's they they either want to be attentive to you because they find you attractive or they don't.
Starting point is 00:43:36 You know, you can't be like, yo, like, yeah, it just it makes it worse. Like they just they want nothing to do with you at that point. They just they want nothing to do with you at that point. So I think trying is a really weird thing because I think that we feel like we need to really try super hard. And it's not really try. It's do you need to when you are doing it, when you're in the act of doing it, you need to go at it with, you know, everything that you have. And when it's time to take a break from it, it's time to take a break from it. But how many, I mean, we've seen this so much with a lot of the females that we've had on this podcast and girls that we've talked to that do powerlifting and strongman. They end up with these fantastic bodies.
Starting point is 00:44:23 And, but years before they were talking about how they were cardio bunnies and they, they were, they were obsessed with their body weight and they just wanted to lose weight and they were never happy with that weight. They weren't happy with the way they looked at all. And maybe they even did get to a point where they, you know, wait, wait a little bit less, but they still weren't confident in their bodies. They started to stop. They basically stopped trying. They stopped trying that and they moved into something else. And now that kind of came automatic. It kind of came as, as like the result.
Starting point is 00:44:45 I found that to happen a lot. Anytime I'm like writing something. Um, and I also found it a lot with learning. Um, but like writing, I, I've learned that if I'm like trying to write something and I get stuck,
Starting point is 00:44:58 the, the number one solution for it is just to get away from it, just to take a break from it. And I think, uh think I'm not very mechanical, but I would imagine that if you're a mechanic or maybe your dad or somebody like that, like they work on something and they get so stuck and they're like, I don't even like remember what I'm doing anymore. This spark plug go here. Does this go there? And probably they take a couple days off from it and they come back and it's like, oh, I just got to put that there. And the car starts up and you're like, holy shit.
Starting point is 00:45:29 I've definitely had a lot of moments like that. I think just kind of getting away from it and maybe your brain, I mean, we have our subconscious too, which is kind of always running. And I bet you it's thinking about that a lot, especially when you're interested in it. That's why I always bring up that fact that I think, you know, the single greatest marker of success is just how interested you are in something. And if you're not successful at it, it probably just means that you're not as interested as you thought because you're not aligning it.
Starting point is 00:45:56 You need to align everything together with that interest in order to get there. Yeah, absolutely. Especially with writing. Like you said, there's times where i'm trying to write whatever i'm just like dude why do you like i'm quitting like i'm just gonna use i don't know something else some other platform other than writing or a medium and yeah walking going for a 10 minute walk coming back i don't know what that does but it absolutely does work i can't remember uh we had um oh what's the like speed golf guy?
Starting point is 00:46:26 Oh, yeah. Wow. Our speed golf buddy. Yeah. Kern. There you go. Brad Kern. Brad Kern.
Starting point is 00:46:32 You nailed it. So asking him like, dude, like what happens when you get writer's block? And he's just, he laughed and he was like, you just don't get it. Like, okay, you're a real writer. Sorry. It was just funny because he just totally was like, you just don't deal with it. Or you just deal with it because you don't get it. Yeah, there's like a little bit of a block and you just go and do something else.
Starting point is 00:46:54 And when you come back, I think also, too, it just gets you gets your mind off of it. You start to think about other things. And I think maybe it opens up your mind to whatever it is that you were whatever it is that you were doing at the moment i think another factor too that i forgot to mention is just getting frustrated that's where yep back to video so your emotions are your emotions are huge yeah you throw the remote across the room oh my gosh especially during so when you're saying like oh when you die you just come back you know you yeah sometimes you're really pissed dude no rogue like dude this shit's a video game no because that's exactly it you walk away from that shit because you're so mad it might be two days you come back and you're like oh fuck that
Starting point is 00:47:36 level was easy dude dead cells does that for me oh. So Mark, this is a, so it's, it's not like Mario when you die, you kind of either start at that level with however many like one-ups you have left.
Starting point is 00:47:52 This one, you collect everything. You kind of, you do. This sounds like some real bullshit. You start at the same, same spot every time,
Starting point is 00:48:00 but the level changes every time you go in and then you kind of finish and you just keep kind of going in circles, but you and that's it you go back to the beginning of the game you go back to the beginning with nothing yeah it sounds awful but it's probably the most game most uh game played game i have right now because it's just so easy to pick up and play yeah i could pick it up and i die once like all right i gotta go just kidding i definitely don't die once i keep going i do think you're uh i think your emotions can help you solve problems to a certain extent but i think that you would have to go through
Starting point is 00:48:35 several of them and so like your frustration probably isn't really going to help in the moment and your anger and saying you know know, fuck and, and being like disappointed in yourself. And, and then, uh, and then what about when it settles in, when you say that you suck, it's like, I just, Oh, I just kind of suck at that, you know? And then you're, then you're really, then you're really screwed. Um, but when you leave, you'll probably run through the emotions and you'll, you'll go through it all in your head. Oh, I missed that squat because of this. Oh, I got tapped out because of that. And you think about it a lot and you're like, well, I did get pretty pissed. And like, that didn't seem to really help. And then maybe you kind of get, um, maybe you go through a
Starting point is 00:49:18 different emotion. Maybe you kind of have, um, rather than some nervousness, maybe you have some like excitement about it. Like, Oh, you know what this next time and i bet you that would i bet you that would be a good uh good solution so i think the frustration side of things you know once that settles in you can you can sometimes be in a lot of trouble you know it's funny because like when you think about after you mentioned that video game thing man i started thinking about all the times that i was like angry playing andrew dark souls oh is andrew even oh he's right there and like playing dark souls or playing dead cells or playing any of those types of games where if you die you go back to dating or like the level of the difficulty is really high right but then i thought about
Starting point is 00:49:57 those times like in the gym where i just be really mad when doing a certain movement because it just wasn't working right and when I get angry I start doing things in an erratic fashion I start doing things a little bit faster than I should Or putting a little bit more force than I should at the moment. I've hurt myself that way before boom exactly, but Same thing with jujitsu when I used to get frustrated with things. I would try to rush through it I would try to like speed and it just wouldn't work But with video games when you get mad you start pressing buttons a little bit faster and you die more you legit
Starting point is 00:50:29 will die more because you're angry at what's going on so it's just like i love this man it just like all that all that stuff just ties together so well yeah but there's nothing worse when you're playing fighting games against somebody that you can't beat it's the worst the more mad you get the easier it is because then they enjoy it and they start laughing and start trying some fancier moves and you get mad because they look so good doing it
Starting point is 00:50:55 yeah that was always fun at the arcades though like playing street fighter and you know you beat somebody you feel so good like ah it sucks to be you nerd. Oh man. I think, uh, you know, your emotions can can kind of assist you in making a decision,
Starting point is 00:51:15 but usually it's not a very good one. And so I think that's what we're dealing with here too. I think even, even if you're, um, even being happy, you know, even being overly happy, you can make a poor decision. You could buy something that's too expensive or, you know, just, uh, in, in jujitsu terms, you could get yourself in a compromised position because you were so excited that you thought this other opportunity was there. You're super pumped. You're like, I'm going to do this to this guy. And then boom, it totally just backfires on you. super pumped or like, I'm going to do this to this guy. And then boom, it totally just backfires on you. So I think, uh, the emotional side of things is, is, is, uh, is definitely a factor. I know
Starting point is 00:51:50 that I've felt that, uh, many times with lifting where I would do an exercise and something would kind of hurt. And I was like, I'll just put my belt on tighter. I'll just do this. I'll try to brace harder. And, uh, just a general rule of thumb is like, it's not going to feel any better. Like it's, you know, the more weight you put on, it's going to, the more weight you put on the bar, it's going to feel worse. And so you have to take your emotions out of it and you have to figure out a way to say, all right, well, yeah, this kind of stinks that this is in this situation for today, but you know, I'm going to do a bunch of stuff that I can do. I'm not going to sit here and complain and focus in on all the stuff that's
Starting point is 00:52:32 not available to me at the moment because my knee is on fire and I'm in the middle of a squat workout. And then when your knee is killing you, you're not going to be able to do hardly any of the assistance exercises, but you have two options. You can either go home, which is totally fine. You can do that sometimes. Or you can find exercises that won't hurt your knee. You know, maybe you can do some back work. Maybe you can do some shoulders or maybe you can do some ab exercises or, you know, there's always an option to figure out like, OK, well, there's a bunch
Starting point is 00:53:05 of shit I can't do, but let me just hone in and focus in on, on what I can do. And imagine your perspective if, um, you know, if, if, if you had a real tragedy happen, you know, your knees just inflamed for the day. Like, don't be such a baby about it. Don't be such a bitch about it. I mean, think about how grateful people are, they have a surgery and the doctor was able to recover, you know, a portion of their legs. I didn't lose their whole leg, you know, like our buddy, the one legged monster and some of the other people that we know that went through these really tough things. They're like, hey, man, I'm just grateful to have the other legs still.
Starting point is 00:53:41 And you're like, shit, man. And then there they are deadlifting 600 pounds and stuff like that so i think you know trying to gain a little perspective take a little step back and just say all right well i'm a little effed up for today but it's not that big of a deal you know when you when you mentioned like taking emotion out of it i it's weird because like i don't want people to think that you just become this zen being with no emotion on your face and whatever. But I think the big thing is just kind of having a good attitude with everything. Because when I think about it, it's like, okay, initially when you were talking, I was like, okay, maybe just being kind of excited.
Starting point is 00:54:13 But then when you're too excited, that can really backfire. So you don't want to be too excited, right? But if you just have a good attitude towards what you're doing, then it doesn't matter if you're injured or if somebody taps you out. If you get out of it and you're like, okay, well, what happened here? All right, let's figure that out and show me what you're doing. If you have a good attitude towards the things that you're doing more often than not, you're going to be able to head towards the right direction. But once you start getting angry or frustrated, or, or if you're a little bit, again, if you're a little bit too happy, right, it's just kind of weird. Um, things might not go in the best direction, but I don't think that I'm trying to think of like poking holes and just
Starting point is 00:54:50 having a good attitude. Like, is there anything weird about that? Is there anything wrong with that at all? No, there's nothing bad about it at all. Yeah. Um,
Starting point is 00:54:59 I think, uh, you know, hearing flex Wheeler talk about our boy Rhino and when flex was talking about like when they would work out and flex would just kill him with with stuff and the other guys in the group would be like falling apart and these were also professional bodybuilders and rhino would just look at flex and he'd say i love this shit man i love this shit like that's that's pretty damn cool like when you're going through stuff and you're having a
Starting point is 00:55:26 rough day maybe you can remember how much you actually love what you're doing you know like you're what you're doing maybe like i said maybe your knee hurts or maybe your back hurts maybe you can't really do stuff the way that you love doing it but do you love lifting you know do you love like you know what you're do you love jujitsu do you love running? You know, do you love like, you know, what you're, do you love jujitsu? Do you love running? Whatever it is that you were currently doing, even if it's slightly taken away from you just a bit in general, do you really love that you have the opportunity to just do any of it in the first place? And the answer is probably yes.
Starting point is 00:55:57 And then you can kind of, we've talked about this many times in the show, just being grateful. Oh yeah. Just damn grateful. I mean, how, like, that's another thing with like a video game like you get to play a video game you know you get to play a game you have time to play a game you have a console that allows you to do it you have streaming internet you know you have a nice tv you have you live in a nice place like shit ain't that bad you know so you just need to you know sometimes we just need to kind of get over ourselves or get out of our own way and it was uh doom that started everything
Starting point is 00:56:29 play that one so i mean technically the gaming historians will say wolfenstein but doom uh the developers just kind of gave the code out and they're just like hey do whatever you guys want to do with this and sure enough people started doing all kinds of weird mods to it. But that was the first one where I could connect to somebody and kick someone's ass like online. That was the first one. Wanted to get that out there. We still need to play Worms.
Starting point is 00:56:54 Oh, yeah. You had it coming. I still never played Worms. I'll get you. Oh, God. All right, Andrew, take us on out of here, buddy. Yeah, I will. Thank you, everybody, for checking out today's episode.
Starting point is 00:57:05 For you guys that are on the live stream, we are coming right back out. Smokey just commented something funny. We're going to come right back with a call-in show. We're going to call it Pick Six. We're going to get six topics from you, so you guys get to kind of determine how the show is going to go. Oh, man, I have the camera on the other side. So anyway, stay tuned for that. Oh man, I have a camera on the other side. Uh, so anyway,
Starting point is 00:57:25 yeah, stay tuned for that. All right. Hang around. We're going to bring you guys content all day long. It seems like, uh, thank you to free sleeve for,
Starting point is 00:57:33 uh, sponsoring today's episode. Uh, make sure you guys go to free at checkout, enter promo code power 25 for 25% off your order and free domestic shipping. Please follow the podcast at Mark Bell's power project on Instagram, uh, at MV power project on Twitter.
Starting point is 00:57:47 My Instagram is at, I am Andrew Z and SEMA. If people want to hit you up, how can they do so? And see my Indian on Instagram and YouTube and see me on Twitter. Mark, you know, I can't stop thinking about Phil Daru.
Starting point is 00:57:59 He showed me the oblique kick. Ooh. So he did. Okay. He showed it. I mean, he didn't do it. Like,
Starting point is 00:58:05 you know what I mean? I, I mean, I would just kick. So he did it. Okay. He showed it. I mean, he didn't do it. Like, you know what I mean? I, I mean, I would just be dead if he did it, but that's just that little like knee kick that bones throws out there every once in a while. And he was just saying how they, he thinks at some point they'll just probably ban it.
Starting point is 00:58:15 Cause it just, it's, it just, you can't really, there's too many other things to defend. You know, there's too much shit going on and it's just, just a little quick hitter.
Starting point is 00:58:24 But like, he just, he just like threw it at me like just a you know little pawing like kick and it just it just tapped my leg but not even in the right spot and i was like oh i was like that would just oh my god like that would just rip my knee right off but where are your obliques yeah you're not actually kicking the person in an oblique. I don't know why it's called an oblique kick, but it's just a little front, like a little front swipe kick to your knee. Yeah, your oblique is like more, obliques are more in your stomach, I guess. Yeah. Anyway, I'm at Mark Smelly Bell. Strength is never weakness.
Starting point is 00:58:59 Weakness is never strength. Catch y'all later.

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