Mark Bell's Power Project - EP. 442 - Mark Opens Up About His Mom's Death

Episode Date: October 30, 2020

Mark Bell opens up about losing his mother, Rosemary Bell, less than a week ago. Rest in peace Rosemary Bell, we love you! Subscribe to the Podcast on on Platforms! ➢ Special perks for our listeners below! ➢LMNT Electrolytes: Purchase 3 boxes and receive one free, plus free shipping! No code required! ➢Freeze Sleeve: Use Code "POWER25" for 25% off plus FREE Shipping on all domestic orders! ➢Piedmontese Beef: Use Code "POWERPROJECT" at checkout for 25% off your order plus FREE 2-Day Shipping on orders of $99 ➢Sling Shot: Enter Discount code, "POWERPROJECT" at checkout and receive 15% off all Sling Shots Follow Mark Bell's Power Project Podcast ➢ Insta: ➢ ➢ Twitter: ➢ LinkedIn: ➢ YouTube: ➢TikTok: FOLLOW Mark Bell ➢ Instagram: ➢ Facebook: ➢ Twitter: ➢ Snapchat: marksmellybell ➢Mark Bell's Daily Workouts, Nutrition and More: Follow Nsima Inyang ➢ Instagram: Podcast Produced by Andrew Zaragoza ➢ Instagram: #PowerProject #Podcast #MarkBell

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Mark Bell's Power Project podcast. Today's episode of the podcast is brought to you by FreeSleeve. And Seema, can you let me know when exactly you use your FreeSleeve? You know, I think one really cool thing that everyone is going to be able to relate to is that whenever we used to have to use ice, it would almost be like a ritual and a ritual that you don't look forward to because when you get done with whatever you're doing, training, whatever, and you're like, I got to ice, You have to go home. You have to prepare the ice or you have to take out the really obtrusive ice block pack thing that you have to put a paper towel over so it doesn't leak all over the place. And then you have to sit there because you have to hold it on whatever you have to ice.
Starting point is 00:00:37 You guys know exactly what I'm talking about here. But the cool thing about the free sleeve is that it's a sleeve. Now, we all know what elbow and knee sleeves are on this channel. The free sleeve is a sleeve that you can put around your knees, your elbows. They have a, they have a, uh, something that you can also put around like your, your other joints. But the dope thing about it is that you put it on and you forget about it. Like you can move around. I can do client work. I can get myself prepared for that. I can do everything I need to do because it's a sleeve that's around my joint. So it is so easy and it's something that
Starting point is 00:01:06 I actually look forward to because it's so easy. Yes. Stop being a slave to your old ice packs and upgrade your ice pack today by heading over to That's Use promo code POWER25 for 25% off your order and free shipping on all domestic orders i put treats over there for you i know i saw i'm trying to fatten you up andrew said i can't eat them so we start on air but kim kardashian apparently made um recently she was talking about how everyone's you know stuck in quarantine um so she was like you know i know this is so tough for everybody and you know a lot of people have been able to see their relatives and their friends so you know just you know since this time is so tough i felt that And, you know, a lot of people have been able to see their relatives and their friends.
Starting point is 00:01:52 So, you know, just, you know, since this time is so tough, I felt that it'd be a really good idea for me to just buy all my relatives a trip to this private island. We all got tested so we could all just spend a few days together eating food and having fun and get together in this hard time that we're all having. And when I saw that, I was like, oh, that's kind of cool. But people are pissed. Like nobody took that. Well, i was like oh that's kind of cool but people are pissed like nobody took that well everybody was like that's nice everybody was so mad the whole internet got so angry at her for that oh yeah that's i know people it's interesting i think that the funny part is is the what's that? It reminds me, like, when we went hiking, the hiking video that we did, it was, like, one of our most disliked videos. Yeah, I remember.
Starting point is 00:02:31 Someone was hiking, and they were like, y'all are supposed to be inside. Oh. People getting mad because we're hiking outside. Yeah. Oh, God. We got so much hate on that video. I know.
Starting point is 00:02:43 I know. But what about this guy on the Dodgers that went out and celebrated with the team? Did you hear about some of that stuff? No. What happened? So the Dodgers won the World Series. The Dodgers are a major league baseball team in SEMA. I don't follow baseball at all either.
Starting point is 00:03:02 I didn't even know it was happening. I feel bad. I think I should be at least a little up to date when someone wins a championship. Even the NBA this year, I didn't follow it that much. But when the championship games came on, I watched as much as I could. But with baseball, I never know what's going on. Anyway, yeah, the Dodgers won the World Series. I think it's the first time in many years, like 30 years or something like that.
Starting point is 00:03:26 One of the players tested positive for coronavirus. I don't have my facts all the way, so maybe we should look it up. But I think that he tested positive and got removed from a game. I don't know if it was that particular game, but I believe it was. They said he got removed from a game on Tuesday. So I don't know when they won. But he got removed from the game because they found out that he had a test that came back positive. So they removed removed from the game on Tuesday. So I don't know when they won, but he got removed from the game because they found out that he had a test. I came back positive.
Starting point is 00:03:48 So I removed them from the game. So he's already out there anyway, you know? So they went and won the world series and he runs on the field and celebrates with everybody, you know, just cause he's like pumped. And I don't know,
Starting point is 00:04:01 like, I don't know if there's any discussion beforehand like if he you know asks his teammates hey you're cool with me you know yeah but they're making the biggest deal about it like the major league baseball is doing an investigation on it oh come on and it's just so it's just so crazy it's like hold on can we just can we make some sense of it i mean i i do understand like there's people that there might be some players that are totally against that and think it's bullshit right um but it doesn't seem like any of his own players are that way it doesn't seem like his coaches are that way and
Starting point is 00:04:35 they're like oh look at him taking a picture with his uh manager and he he pulled his mask down to take a picture with his manager like the manager is recovering from cancer or something he's like he's not recovering from cancer he's a cancer survivor and it was a while ago but the manager chose to be next to him too he knows the circumstances i mean it's just uh it's just a while i mean the news right now is at like it's at an all-time high like when i watched some of it this morning just because i haven't watched it in a while and i was like wow like i just kind of see it with different goggles now i see it through some different light i'm looking at it i'm like wow like it just keeps getting faker like it just keeps getting worse and worse and i'm not saying by any means i'm not saying the coronavirus is fake
Starting point is 00:05:18 i'm saying that they blow all this stuff out of proportion so much and they try to make stories out of things that aren't stories and it's just got to be absolutely ridiculous yeah justin turner was yeah yeah i you know this situation is kind of bad look at her beard bro it's great it's a nice beard oh she has corona now nope there you go she has corona um but do you remember the rudy gobert situation uh i don't it's kind of similar it was like at the beginning of before like it's when covet started the nba didn't close rudy gobert he's this tall center i forgot which team he plays for but he was doing a single interview and he was like making a joke where he but all these mics touches are right there so he's like now and then he touched every single mic in the room and then he left and dipped right and then i think then
Starting point is 00:06:09 after two days they found out he had coronavirus and then everyone was like and then actually a few of his teammates got coronavirus too so then he apologized for it it was just really funny looking back at that video because they're like 10 mics and he was like touching every single mic on the table brand like 10 mics and he was like touching every single mic on the table brandon shob right he was like traveling doing comedy oh yeah right and he like had corona or something and got a lot of flack for it right yeah well so something like that yeah before the that uh him and callan stopped doing their podcast they had just kind of been making not making fun of him but just like ah it's not that serious we're not gonna not do our you know comedy tour blah blah and you know they
Starting point is 00:06:50 had a packed house in i think houston or somewhere and sure enough yeah they both came back tested positive uh wasn't what's up no no keep going keep going no it's a question for you guys but like they're they're fine but yeah same thing kind of like they're joking around about it's like oh crap are you guys gonna follow dictator newsom's guidelines i'm just curious i'm so out of tune that the only reason why i know what you're talking about is because your instagram yeah without that i wouldn't have any idea what you're talking about yeah isn't that stuff wild like all the different. Maybe you should try to bring some. I will try. And it's just, it's just crazy.
Starting point is 00:07:30 I mean, it's a lot of different rules to follow. You know, I mean, obviously like I'm, I can admit that I am for one side more so than the other, but like just watch, just listening to Mike Pence talk about the coronavirus and talking about how it should be handled at the holidays.
Starting point is 00:07:47 I think he had an excellent answer. He said that's up to each family. He's like, I think it should be up to each family. And there there's not like current real mandates on anything like the police aren't going to come and force you to do these certain things that, that are being asked of us. But other people try to act like you're breaking these like laws and that you're doing something really immoral. And I always have to go back to, I know that like maybe Louie Simmons is the greatest person in the world to
Starting point is 00:08:19 quote, but in bigger, stronger, faster, he says, your morals are your morals and my morals are my morals. And who are you to judge me and who am I to judge you? And I think that is I think that's really true.
Starting point is 00:08:31 So like the people that want to follow certain rules, I'm going to try my best not to make fun of them. I'm going to try my best to behave myself and to just say, hey, they're entitled to like think that way. But don't go thinking weird shit about me because that's what I'm going to get annoyed. You know, don't like if I want to do something a certain way and my family agrees to do something a certain way, like we're going to celebrate the holidays and anybody that's with us is going to be with us. And anybody that is not comfortable with that, we're going to be totally accepting of that. And they just they won't be hanging out with us for that uh that particular day maybe um any family members that aren't i
Starting point is 00:09:09 don't i'm kind of like unaware of any no one comes to mind uh that wouldn't participate but if there is somebody like that we'll probably just call them up just like facetime or zoom them or something something like that but yeah the rules are absolutely asinine yeah and i mean news outlet websites where they would have this story are all just total dog shit with ads everywhere so i'm trying my best to find something just go to maybe go to his ig maybe oh okay that'll work but the one that i did find uh no more than three households per gathering so i mean like whatever um loud singing yeah or shouting is strongly discouraged you know being higher in terms of vocals can uh you know increase the spread of covet 19 from
Starting point is 00:09:56 droplets and then uh masks not if it but if it's not that loud it's not that bad not that bad yeah masks on uh right after eating or something like that. I'm trying to find more on it. Also, you probably shouldn't have Thanksgiving indoors. Try to do it outside. Oh, God. In our warm November weather in the evening. On the East Coast.
Starting point is 00:10:21 Yeah. And you're in like Minnesota or Chicago orago or new york yes singing and shouting strongly discouraged what else we got here i think there's something there about like uh it should be a two hour event or something like that maybe let's let's predict i know right keep it in social distancing maintain hand hygiene that's you already mentioned the no masks like masks on after eating yeah yeah why just blend all the food so you can keep the mask on and just drink your thanksgiving dinner how about that yeah if he really cared that's what he would have recommended right yeah have shakes yeah it is funny that like uh he's basically saying what like is going on right now in like nevada like
Starting point is 00:11:01 you can go to a uh to like a um a casino and you can smoke you can drink but you just have to like pull your mask down drink put it back on all right cool i guess that's okay and that's that's that's awesome there's some just really crazy irrational stuff going on i mean yeah think about how outraged people would be if they stopped selling potato chips and candy and uh sugary drinks if they were like hey you know what like enough is enough america's fat enough we're already really really sick and so i'm sorry but just until we figure out what's going on with this virus and we can help people be a little stronger we're going to get rid of some of this stuff because y'all overeat it way too much,
Starting point is 00:11:45 way too often. So we're just gonna, we're gonna, we're gonna shut this shit down. You know, nothing like that would ever happen. And the country would lose too much money. I mean,
Starting point is 00:11:53 there's just a million different things. And I don't, not even proposing that they should do something like that, but I'm just saying to me, it's like, let's attack this from that side. Let's attack this more. Let's promote good health.
Starting point is 00:12:04 Let's promote some healthy habits for people let's encourage people to get outside to get some sunlight um one of the one of the things one of the healthiest things you can do is to interact with other people like mental health we're not designed to be we're just not designed to be by ourselves yeah we're just not you know people can say that um i'm more of a loner andrew and i have kind of said stuff like that but yeah only for uh maybe like an hour or two and then we want our sweetheart next to us right yeah or then we want our kids next to us or something like you know we all we all really need each other and when you see people with masks i
Starting point is 00:12:40 mean we're not seeing people smile we're not seeing a lot of that stuff. I mean, even before coronavirus happened, I remember walking through the airport. I remember going, you know, certain places and just seeing people like, like, man, I'm smiling at people and people either just think I'm the ugliest thing they've ever seen or they're just having a really rough day because I'm smiling at people and I'm not like, you know, people are just, they look grumpy. You know, it's almost like on the street sometimes you wave to somebody because like you let them go or whatever and they don't wave back it's kind of like that like you're walking around and you're trying to be in a good mood so hopefully someone sees a smile and they smile back kind of thing and you're just like man people are so even before the masks were put on i mean i knew people kind of had grumpy faces but it uh it sucks to not be able to read that or to see that or to uh i don't know be able to like encourage somebody to get them out of that funk that kind of stuff
Starting point is 00:13:36 cassio was talking about this yesterday over at jujitsu he's like this is really gonna mess with people's mental health like i like i already know people who are just aren't leaving. They're just too scared to leave their apartments or too scared to leave their houses. I know some people in my life that are like that at this point, but when things get back to normal, whatever normal is, you're going to have a lot of people who are just going to be scarred for the rest of their lives or for a good amount of the foreseeable future
Starting point is 00:14:00 because of all the just potentially unnecessary restrictions that we've had it's it's wild and it's also crazy like over at again jujitsu we haven't like we've been rolling with each other you know it hasn't been any outbreak you know and it's like the most contact sport you can have i know it's like a secluded space but even the jujitsu schools around sack the jujitsu schools that are open i think physical activity and getting outside and getting with people is probably helpful. Like your odds of getting struck by lightning or higher. All right.
Starting point is 00:14:32 You know, somebody can make an argument that one of you guys might pass it along to somebody else. But again, that would still be up to that. Somebody else person taking their precautions, you know, whole,
Starting point is 00:14:43 you know, where I do feel bad is there's some people that don't know that they have pre-existing conditions they kind of they find out after the fact like oh shit like i didn't know my red blood cells were low or i didn't i didn't know i was really low invited you know i didn't know these things uh about myself so that kind of sucks but for the most part a lot of these people are already in a compromising position so anyone that feels the compromise anyone that that feels ill, anyone that feels sick, anyone that is just older, because that's who's dying from this usually is older people. They should probably take precautions.
Starting point is 00:15:16 And then the family members should also, if that person wants them to take precautions, should respect that. I'm not going to go see my 98 year old grandma and give her a hug and a kiss on the forehead like uh no i'm not gonna do all that right whenever i go and see my mom i i wear a mask in her house she's like it's it's it's not it's not a difficult thing to do to take care of those because well because you know that she's gonna see your grandma right yep she helps take care of my grandma. So it's like, that's not going to happen. But my mom isn't, my mom's just not scared of that for me. Seems reasonable.
Starting point is 00:15:51 Like, yeah. I mean, I think people can use common sense, like the Thanksgiving guidelines. Are there going to be some advanced age people around you? If so, okay. Maybe take some extra precautions with people around the house. But right outside of that, I don't know. Yeah. I think the, it's,'s it's it is definitely time
Starting point is 00:16:06 for the schools to open back up and things like that as well i i think you know it's it's tough because the news you know hammers you with uh spike number three and you know we had ivor cummins on the show and he's like he what he basically said on the show i mean he predicted a lot of these things going on. He's like, you're not really going to have a second and third spike. They're fake because one of the reasons why they're fake is because they're not testing in certain areas and they start testing in other areas. Right. So the testing improves and the testing goes kind of outward from major big cities. Right. Testing people at like major corporations and then testing people at smaller facilities
Starting point is 00:16:47 and so on, right? And so those stats get all skewed. But what he also said is like, the virus takes a long time to like take hold of everyone that it needs to take hold of. And so it just really hasn't fully run its course yet. So we're still on wave one. We're still in the middle of,
Starting point is 00:17:05 that's what this is. I mean, it just, it takes a long time. It never really completely, uh, it never completely died off. It's still,
Starting point is 00:17:12 still around. It's still viral. It's still, it's still spreading and it will continue to spread and it will continue to kill people. But people die every day. I just lost my mother on Saturday. We,
Starting point is 00:17:24 unfortunately, like death is prescribed to all of us. We will all die. No one's made it out alive yet. I think it's a quote in the movie Van Wilder where they say no one's ever made it out alive so you shouldn't take life too seriously. I think you know no one's ever made it out alive so you shouldn't take life too seriously you know i think you know i think uh just i think people could have a new perspective on death you know it it is final it does suck
Starting point is 00:17:55 but it's inevitable it it'll happen and then rather than thinking that always viewing it that it's so sad it's like well why not enjoy the time that you had with people i'm going to try to look at it you know look at it more from that side i'm not saying that just because of that you don't take any precautions towards anything still trust your gut on things still be cautious still be careful uh you know whenever you think that you need to be but at the same time i, I just don't think living our lives in fear is, I don't think it's acceptable. I don't think it's American. I think it's un-American to live your life scared every day.
Starting point is 00:18:37 Let the other countries do that. Let the other countries that are at war nonstop over religion or whatever the fuck they're fighting over let those people live in fear but here in the united states where we already have sorted out our i'll put freedom in quotes because i know some people don't really love that word but you know we don't we don't have to live like that and and that's why it's been so different here and i think that's why people have said the United States has handled it the worst. I don't think there's a way to handle this because I haven't seen any country really do anything different. There's like one country that stands out.
Starting point is 00:19:14 But then that one country that stands out, you got people that are deniers of that country. They're like, I don't believe that because they don't have enough people. Yeah. Fucking like 10 million people. that's kind of a lot you know if you had 10 million dollars you wouldn't think it wasn't that much money and one of the other things is like oh yeah they're not as healthy as unhealthy as the u.s that's another one right now they have they have a they have bullshit food there too you know they they are healthier but they also look at death differently in sweden like one of the older things in sweden is when're in your 70s, they think that you're kind of done.
Starting point is 00:19:51 It's time to pass the torch on. You know, I don't think they think the same thing anymore. People live a little longer nowadays, but that's the truth. First of all, once you've had children, you live for your children. Your life is kind of over your, your, your life as you once knew it is kind of over. Yeah. Um, you still need to live your life cause you still need to like make sure that that kid knows what to do, you know, that kind of stuff.
Starting point is 00:20:18 I mean, I, I've told you guys this story before with my dad when my dad was in the hospital for like 70 days and I told him like, you're good to go, you want to you want to leave because he was saying he wanted to die i was like if you want to leave you can go for it like i you taught me everything i need to know i feel complete i feel good and if this is it for you then and you know know that i'll be okay you know and i think just people just you know try to gain a new try to learn more about death i mean there's a lot of places you can you can look at stoicism there's a i mean look at um we've had people on the podcast talk about it before um you can you can change your interpretation of it doesn't have to been with covid i don't think there's a reason for people that are young to really be that.
Starting point is 00:21:08 I don't think they should be scared of it. If they're scared at all, they could maybe be fearful a little bit of their elderly people in their family. But even if somebody who's 90 passes, they're 90. I'm not trying to diminish their life, but they're fucking 90. They were here for 90 years, and something was going to kill them at some point, a heart attack. I mean, we've mentioned that before on the podcast. Cancer.
Starting point is 00:21:38 I'm thankful that my mom went quick. My mom fell, and then for whatever reason, she couldn't breathe. I don't know if she had a heart attack or really what it was. I guess we'll find out more information soon, but, um, she died and probably like a, like a two minute span,
Starting point is 00:21:55 you know? And I'm, so I'm going to focus on that two minutes, you know, like that doesn't make any sense. No, I'm going to focus on how awesome she was. I'm going to focus on,
Starting point is 00:22:04 she was there for like i i still don't i can't understand it myself because i'm like how the fuck did she figure that out how how how like you said about your mother too like how how do they how were they there for everything it doesn't make any sense you're like every time you got hurt every time you cried every time you needed somebody every time you had a problem every time you pooped your pants every time you cried, every time you needed somebody, every time you had a problem, every time you pooped your pants, every time you were scared in the middle of the night, they were always there all the time telling you it's going to be okay. And when you needed a swat in the butt, guess who was there for that too, right? They figure out a way to always be there. This is okay to ask them it's fine i'm just curious like
Starting point is 00:22:45 because obviously you know your mom just passed and it's fresh and like you know you probably had a bunch of people message you once it happened a lot of people yeah thank you everybody yeah like i i sent you a message and when i when i heard your message back i was just like like you seem just i, obviously it affected you. Obviously it's affecting you right now, but it just seemed like you're just handling it. You know, I like, I've thought about that before for me. I'd be fucking done it. Like that happened to me right now.
Starting point is 00:23:19 Like, I don't know. So how have you, like, where did your mind go when that happened? When you found out about that, how'd you handle it? How are you handling it? Yeah. You know, because I've, because of the things that I've like learned over the last several years, I, you know, my, I got a call from my dad and what he said was really terrifying because he said, I think that your mom died.
Starting point is 00:23:44 And I was like, holy, like, that's okay. I don't, I don't know what to do with that information. Um, but, uh, I was in Tahoe. My wife and I stayed over, um, last week we kind of had like a date night type thing and we hung out for a day up there. And my dad called it like three in the morning. Weird thing is like, i do wake up a lot in the middle of the night but like i don't know i just woke up and just had a weird like a weird feeling and for some reason i told andy i was like i'm gonna go downstairs and i don't even know why i told her that because i normally if i get up i don't bother her i just get up for a second
Starting point is 00:24:20 sometimes i'll get some water just go to the bathroom or whatever it is. But yeah, it just didn't really feel right. And I laid down and before I fell back asleep, you know, I got the call. And so I was, I was already like alert, I guess is my point. And when my dad called, I was like, okay, well, like, where are you? Like, I don't, you know, just kind of, where are you? He's like, oh, we're just, we're, we were at home. I was like, okay, I'm going to drive home. And he's like, he's like, there's, he's like, I don't think there's any point. And, uh, I said, no, no, I I'm coming home. Like, I think I should just be with you regardless of, uh, what happens in the next few hours, you know? And so he already called nine one one here. He called the police.
Starting point is 00:25:01 Um, he got a lot of that stuff done. And then I was like, well, I just need someone to be there with him. Cause like, you know, he, he probably not thinking correctly and maybe he can't figure out what to do with the situation. So my sister-in-law April, she lives right next door. And so she popped over there and she kind of handled everything. The hard part is, is like, what people don't realize is that when somebody dies, you know, I guess you just don't think about it, but you unfortunately have a dead person. You know, you got someone who's dead, like lying on the ground and it doesn't look like anything you've ever seen before.
Starting point is 00:25:38 It doesn't look like a movie. It's, it's really, truly terrifying. And luckily for me in this situation, I didn't have to see that. I didn't know what I was going to. I didn't know if she'd be removed by the time I got there. But, you know, April had to see that. But I have seen that before with other family members that have passed. And it's just, it's weird, man. They're, they're lifeless, you know, and you're, you're used to seeing them just moving around. It's awful. It's not like someone got knocked out. It's just different. It's terrifying. fucking do that try your best to not because i told i told my brother i was like dude i don't know what we're walking in on because i came i'll explain that part in a second but um i said i don't know what we're walking in on but are you okay with seeing her if she's laying on the floor and i said i'd rather not you know and so he was like he's like i think i'm okay with it i was like i was like double check and triple check because that shit will be in your brain forever. And I told him, I was like, yeah, I don't think I'm good with it.
Starting point is 00:26:50 So you go in first, you know, so he went in and he was like, oh, it's good to go. And so luckily we didn't have to see that. But the hardest part, the hardest part in situations like that is to try to remain calm and try to like think, you know, and try to figure out like, what's, what's the best thing to do here, you know? And so I thought, okay, well, let me get home to my dad, you know? And so Andy and I, we left Tahoe and I, I tried to call my brother a bunch. We were unable to get him. My brother was actually staying at my house because he was watching my kids while we were going in Tahoe and I just couldn't get a hold of him so we drove to my house I woke him up and I probably I just I probably should have waited until he was like up more but I just kind of told him right away and he was confused because it was the middle of the night and he didn't know why I was there
Starting point is 00:27:44 because I told him I would be back at like noon or something like that and it's like four o'clock in the morning or whatever and I was like hey and he was like he was like waking up and he's like oh what's up like he kind of said it like happy like he was pumped to see me you know I said hey you know unfortunately um you know mom died in the middle of the night last night he was like what and it just you know it when it when know, mom died in the middle of the night last night. He was like, what? And it just, you know, when you have to tell somebody else, that's when it hurts the worst, you know, is when you have to kind of relay the message to other people and you see how they react to it. And then from there, we just went over to my dad's house and just made sure everything was kind of good to go. And then, like, you know, they take the body away and they, you know, do whatever of good to go. And then like, you know, they, they, they take the body
Starting point is 00:28:27 away and they, you know, do whatever they need to do. Um, made sure my dad was okay. And I was asking him like, you know, what are you gonna do with the rest of your day? And so on. And he was like, Oh, I'm going to do this. I'm going to do that. And, um, I was like, okay, cool. That's okay. Well, maybe later today we'll get everybody together, have dinner at my house, something like that. And he was like, great. He's like, all right. It was like, well, he's like, what are you gonna do now? I was like, well, I was like, I'm going to go to the gym. And he's like, he's like, you're damn right. And, uh, and then my brother was like really i was like yeah why not let's go to the gym and then andy was kind of looking i was kind of confused and i was just
Starting point is 00:29:10 like you know mama didn't raise no bitch i mean she raised us to be strong i mean the the whole reason for us for her protecting us wasn't to shelter us from the world so that we would be weaker it was to shelter us for the from the world until we had an opportunity to be strong enough to kind of go off on our own. And, you know, that time is now. And so I was like, I'm just going to, I think it's really important for people to stick to, you know, people might disagree with what I'm saying or something like that. And that's totally fine. But I think it's important that you stick to your hobbies and stick to things that are positive for you. And I came in here and I worked out with my brother and Jessica Smith was here and she invited our friend Mariel Tagg.
Starting point is 00:29:54 She invited her over here and we just kind of lifted for like an hour, you know, got some training in and got to think about it more. And then my kids, they were like, I don't know, they were somewhere else. So I think they were at McDonald's or something like that. And so that was kind of the part that I dreaded the worst, you know, was delivering the news to them. And that was really difficult. But I guess, you know, just to kind of sum up your question originally is just that, you know, my mind doesn't go i'm okay with
Starting point is 00:30:27 letting my mind go wherever it needs to go like i'm okay with letting the emotions come i'm not going to block them um but i'm also not the kind of person that's just going to hit the ground you know and and just and i don't i don't think there's a right or wrong way though i'm just saying for me personally that that's not me uh i wouldn't react that way um i did cry a lot i mean there's been a couple times where i just got completely blindsided and just things like that will happen when you have something like this happen it'll just hit you like out of nowhere and there's other times where you can talk about it and not shed one tear and there's other times where you can talk about it and not shed one tear. And there's other times where you're not even talking about it. Just something happens and you're just like, shit.
Starting point is 00:31:10 One thing that happens quite a bit that's really sad is just, again, kind of knowing how that person impacted some other people. So when I think about, you know, my mom was like best friends with her sister. You know, I think about these other people that she was, that she impacted, like that makes me more like knowing that they're really sad and they're really shook up by it. And that, uh, that relationship for them is over. Like that, that part is probably the, is probably the worst of it for me. I feel okay. Like I feel fine with it. Like I've, I've kind of some of the stuff we've talked about on the show before I've, I've walked through, um, not everybody, but I've walked through what it would be like to lose a lot of different people in my life. And especially people that are already in compromising positions. My mom was already, uh, fairly unhealthy.
Starting point is 00:31:59 She's been on a walker for years. So I've kind of have thought like, well, she has diabetes, had diabetes. There's things that I'm like, well, it's possible she ends up in a wheelchair. What would that look like? Who's going to take care of her? Who's going to push her around? Are we going to pay someone to do that? Am I going to do that? Is she going to come live with us?
Starting point is 00:32:19 Is she going to, you know, just kind of play out. And even worse, you know, what happens if she passes? Or what happens if my dad dies? And really just trying to, when something like that first happens, your mind doesn't go anywhere. It kind of just goes blank, you know, and you're like kind of confused on what to do. But after you think about it for a while, you can start to think about all the things. Rather than think about all the things that went wrong, you start to think about all the things that went right. Again, my mom passed quickly.
Starting point is 00:32:50 Like, that's amazing. Like, it's great that she didn't have to have, you know, a certain, like her knee and her leg has been bothering her for a long time. She was in tremendous amounts of pain, pain that she really didn't talk about much, but she couldn't, you know, she wouldn't move around much, you know, so she was stubborn and didn't want to talk about it because she'd rather be more positive. But she was in a lot of pain. So that's, you know, that's removed. That's gone.
Starting point is 00:33:17 And just kind of like thinking about the situation in terms of the positives, which you're like, how could there be a positive of somebody dying? Well, if my dad died first, that would have been brutal because my mom was starting to have more of a problem taking care of herself. I'm not a professional. I'm not a health professional. And so, you know, me trying to take care of her, that would have been really difficult. And then trying to put her in a home or something like that, that would have sucked. Having someone come to our house, I guess that might have worked, but she wouldn't have wanted that. My mom's very private.
Starting point is 00:33:55 She would have been extremely uncomfortable with that. And she just, my mom just couldn't afford to have, like, to bear one more death. I mean, she had her sister died when she was young of leukemia, and my mom pretty much raised her because my mom's parents were alcoholics. Her brother died of drug overdose. My brother died. You know, she's just been put through the ringer. You know, she's been put through a lot.
Starting point is 00:34:21 So for me, knowing her belief in God and her religion and how strong her convictions were towards God and towards being in heaven and stuff like that, it makes me feel good. I'm like, you know what? Her life here, which was pained a lot, it's over with. And now it's like a new beginning for her. Yes, she's dead to us and she's not here physically, but in accordance to her beliefs and in accordance to my dad's beliefs as well, which makes it even, I think, more of a positive, is she's in heaven and she's with my brother and she's happy. My own beliefs are slightly different than I don't really, I don't necessarily believe in that,
Starting point is 00:35:06 but I can buy into it in this situation because that was my mom's belief. And so it's, it's a, it ends up being a, I guess a more healthier story rather than a sadder story. You can definitely tell in terms of like how much of a woman of faith she was because she would just randomly send me sermons, like just verses randomly that's awesome i never messaged her mom man but she would just like message me like a sermon from greg laurie or something like that that's great
Starting point is 00:35:35 today's encouragement and that's and i think she's yeah she's our biggest cheerleader she would like repost our podcast all the time yeah um if we had something for sale she would like put that on her facebook page she's like my son's got this new shirt for your brother's oh that's awesome yeah yeah all that stuff she would try to share like a bunch of uh like uh some of the episodes i should say in like a closed group she's like i can't understand what like it's not working maybe Maybe you should look into it. It's like, I don't think I can get in there.
Starting point is 00:36:07 But yeah, so she always had her back. Yeah. Yeah. She, she, like I said, she was, you know,
Starting point is 00:36:15 my biggest cheerleader. And, um, all I can do now is kind of take the things that she taught me and have them kind of live on through me. My mom was like silly and she was always funny. Not a lot of people got to see that side of her because unfortunately she was in so much pain the last couple of years.
Starting point is 00:36:33 And speaking with Gabrielle Lyon last night about it, Gabrielle was texting me some stuff and I was like, oh, fuck, you know, Gabrielle doesn't know because she's just like texting me kind of random stuff and i was like i gotta call her but with her being a doctor she's used to this stuff you know she knows that it's it's part of the game it's part of treating people right i mean she she's treating people that have she's not treating people that don't have any problems she's treating a lot of people that come to her because they have issues. Right. And, um,
Starting point is 00:37:08 so she was obviously really sorry about it and everything, but she was, and she didn't relieve anything, uh, release anything medical or anything. She just said, your mother was in a lot of pain. So she's like,
Starting point is 00:37:19 just know, like she was in a ton of pain and she probably didn't tell you much about it, but she was in a lot of pain. And I was like, well, shit, that makes me, you know,
Starting point is 00:37:27 that makes me feel better that she doesn't have to deal with, or we don't have to see her dealing with that anymore. She doesn't have to deal with that anymore. Yeah. When my grandmother passes kind of similar, you know, you, you know,
Starting point is 00:37:39 it's coming when it happens, like it still sucks. And you never want to say like you know i wouldn't give up another you know i wouldn't uh want to end it early but it's like yeah like you know she had dementia so it was it was really tough towards the end there but i'm glad that you're seeing it that way um i haven't talked to your brother because he was out of town but i hope he's doing well as well and when i was talking to my father-in-law about you know because he actually you know he came to me it was just like is mark okay like i didn't i didn't bring
Starting point is 00:38:10 it up at all because stephanie's family like they're so caring like they would have dropped everything you know to like make sure like you're okay make sure i'm okay and i'm like yeah you know he's he's at the gym he's you know he's he's lifting through it he's's, you know, he's, he's lifting through it. He's, I don't know, man. I'm like, no, like, like, like, yes, he's hurting. Of course he is. I'm like, but you know, this is his way of, you know, dealing or getting, you know, through this tough time right now. And you know, that, that inspired the hell out of me, you know, like I was getting ready to come to the gym when I seen Chris's post and I kept looking at it, just hoping like, okay, I'm obviously reading this wrong. Like this isn't right. Like this is like, well, I don't know what this is, but this isn't what I think it is. And I sent it to Smokey and Jessica and I'm like, just somebody please
Starting point is 00:38:55 tell me like, this is not what I'm thinking. And then, you know, once we got in touch with you, kind of, you know, got wind that you're still going to come into the gym. Just like, damn, like, all right, so am I, you know, like I was're still going to come into the gym just like damn like all right so am i you know like i was on my way in and i'd like that stopped me and i'm like i don't even want to go outside right now and the next thing i know i hear that and i'm like all right yeah let's go so i went came into the gym had a really good session uh and then mark sent me not one but two podcasts like right out one after another for saturday school really good episodes you guys gotta check those out coming out this week uh and i'm just like just blown away because
Starting point is 00:39:30 you know like i'm always inspired by you mark but then you know seeing this happen and you still putting up points on the scoreboard it's like dude this is just fucking awesome like i'm just lucky to be here yeah and it's not i'm to, like, you know, stuff down emotions. Like I said, I've let loose a couple times. You know, I'm trying to give myself a little bit more time with stuff. Like, I spent a lot of time walking over the last couple days. I mean, I do that anyway. But I'm just, even with, like, my nutrition, my nutrition's good.
Starting point is 00:40:03 Like, I'm eating well, but I'm not trying to be real picky with it. I'm just like, certain things that I just normally wouldn't eat, I'm like, yeah, that sounds good. I'm just going to eat that. And so I'm just sort of rolling with it for the moment. Just let a couple days go by. Time is a huge factor you know time heals all wounds and it really does it's just these things they take time and i think a lot of times like immediately after something happens is probably like uh the least of your worries
Starting point is 00:40:39 you know it's it's it's a couple weeks down the road it's a month down you know because at first you get a lot of people that come around you right and a lot of people are concerned right and then know it's it's it's a couple weeks down the road it's a month down you know because at first you get a lot of people that come around you right and a lot of people are concerned right and then that kind of falls off and everything's sort of a blur and maybe you didn't have a chance to really think about it that much and the next thing you know you're like just more frustrated or aggravated or maybe not treating somebody the way that you would normally do or like, and you're like,
Starting point is 00:41:08 what, like what's going on with me? Like something's a little, something's a little off. And it's because these things, they, they sit inside your system, you know,
Starting point is 00:41:18 um, just like getting compliments, you know, somebody gives you a nice compliment. It's like that kind of sits there. I mean, I think you mentioned, I think maybe you mentioned a girl giving you a compliment like a long right yeah forever ago right great yeah see like yeah you remember where you were and
Starting point is 00:41:32 shit like it's wild right and then sometimes somebody putting you down you know andrew when you were walking with your cousins or whatever you remember that you know and it's not like your dad put you down your whole life your dad's done a lot of great things for you but it's that, you know, and it's not like your dad put you down your whole life. Your dad's done a lot of great things for you, but it's that one, you know, that one thing kind of sits there and things like this, they just sit there and you don't know, you don't know how they're going to manifest. You don't know if it's going to turn into, um, you being, uh, more excited to do more because you recognize life is short or if it just kind of flattens you out where you're like, ah, fuck, what's
Starting point is 00:42:05 it all for, man? Like, what am I doing here? You know, and when I think about that kind of stuff, rather than focusing in on like, you know, why my mom died or how she died, you think about, you know, what she lived for, you know, and try to have perspective on that. And I think what she lived for was to, some kids that have a message to help other people. And we're doing that the best we can. And hopefully we can continue to do that.
Starting point is 00:42:35 I think my brother still has movies to make. I still have messages to put out. And so there's still just more to be done is the way I kind of look at it. there's still, there's still like, there's still just more to be done is the way I kind of look at it. And I, I'm certainly not, um, I'm not just trying to bury the feelings. I mean, we've talked about different stuff that we'll do coming up different, um, obviously have like a funeral and standard things like that, but probably have a celebration of life type of thing. We did that for my father-in-law and I thought that that was awesome where everyone got an opportunity. Anybody that wanted to basically had an opportunity to get up on the mic and talk and
Starting point is 00:43:11 share their experiences and it was amazing. And there was these stories that you never heard before. I'll tell you guys this story. This is pretty funny. My uncle got beat up in school and he came home and uh my mom said oh my god she's like what happened to you your face is all scratched up and he's like i got beat up and she's like who beat you up and there's some some kid named mike he's like mike mike jones or something i don't know it's like mike, who beat you up? And it was some kid named Mike. He's like, Mike Jones or something. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:43:46 He's like, Mike Jones beat me up. And so she goes, oh, my God, I know that asshole. She's like, I'm going to go over to his house right now, and I'm going to give him a piece of my mind. And so my mom is already kind of hanging with my dad at that time. They're like 15 or whatever, 16. And my mom goes, are you going to come with me?
Starting point is 00:44:08 My dad goes, who, whose house are you going to yell at? Who are you going? She goes, Mike Jones. He goes, hell no.
Starting point is 00:44:15 And my mom goes over to his house and she starts yelling at him. And I guess they kind of got into it a little bit. And then my mom hauled off and like smacked them. And I think because she's a girl, he, he didn't, you know, luckily he didn't, he didn't he didn't do anything and uh my mom like my mom comes back uh home and uh she starts yelling at my dad she's like she's like you're such a wimp she's like why didn't she's like why didn't you come with me he's like i wasn't gonna
Starting point is 00:44:41 go over there and get beat up so that kind of that sums her up pretty good right there yeah and then you had told the story too about like she just ripped out her benched 135 like without really ever doing it or i don't remember the story benched 185 or sorry 185 you're kidding no she benched 185 pounds how in our garage and has never as far as i know i mean unless he's doing some sort of secret workout behind her back. Maybe you guys were asleep. She was just going.
Starting point is 00:45:11 She, so we gave her like the bar and she pressed it all crooked and didn't know what she was doing. And then she, and then we were like, put on like a 25 and we put a 25 on each side. She did it a lot easier. Yeah. She's like, oh, she's like oh she's like that felt great we were like it's like that didn't make any sense we put 135 on there and she kind of does the same thing it's like the seat from unbreakable yeah yeah and then and then we're
Starting point is 00:45:37 like chipping the weights you know we're like being real careful with her because we didn't know like you know what was what she's gonna do But you know, it was a shaky, crazy 185, but she did one plate and a quarter on each side. Now we see where you got like the bench. Yeah. Well, she goes to like push the weight and you know, like people that are kind of beginner, they, um, they just don't know how hard they need to push. And so that was really the main problem. I think if, I think if she did it a couple of times, she would be able to do it really easy,
Starting point is 00:46:05 but she just kind of like stopped cause she didn't know they need to kind of push all the way through. Yeah. Great. Wow. That's actually really fucking wild. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:16 Oh man. And that, that means that slap was to fucking hurt. Oh yeah. Yeah. She's probably strong as hell. Knock the taste out of his mouth. Did she play any sports when she was younger
Starting point is 00:46:25 yeah she played all kinds of stuff I think softball and volleyball all that kind of stuff wow well thank you for sharing all that Mark no problem you said you received tons of text messages sorry for adding a couple in there
Starting point is 00:46:42 I'm sorry I couldn't do nothing but for everyone that you know that was texting and people that they have the the live stream's been going nuts with everyone sending their condolences yeah so uh for you opening up and sharing all that with everybody um just thank you from everybody and also you know like i said everyone you know sends their condolences yeah Yeah, I got probably thousands of messages. I bet, yeah. I don't have social media, luckily, so I don't have to really look at how much is on there. But just through my own phone, I mean, I've gotten so many text messages and so many people reaching out.
Starting point is 00:47:18 Stan actually, like, made a video, and it was really good. But, you know, again, those are the things that that hurt the worst i mean they're great because they are helpful um but seeing your friends you know like jesse he's he's right he's fucking wrecked by it you know and it's just like and i you know anything that's ever happened with him too it's like i i feel like i feel it 10 times worse than he does yeah and it's just that's kind of what it means to be like family. You know, you tend to, Kelly Sturette had a, you know, knee replacement surgery recently. And I know that he's in pain and I know that it hurts.
Starting point is 00:47:55 But like, I feel it a lot too. I feel really, you know, I feel empathetic towards him. Like, fuck, man, I really hope it goes well. I hope he doesn't end up with as many complications as matt had you know and same thing with matt you know when those kinds of things um it's interesting because when it happens like directly to you it like for whatever reason maybe because of uh maybe just because of our physiology maybe it just doesn't seem like it hurts as bad yeah no i totally get that what that what exactly did happen at kelly's knee like was it an accident or um he's
Starting point is 00:48:33 had a bunch of knee stuff going on for quite some time and then i think he really jacked it up i think skiing and then you guys know how active he loves like cycling and he loves doing all kinds of stuff and so i think it just got to a point where he just, you know, just couldn't, couldn't deal with it anymore. And Burdick, you know,
Starting point is 00:48:50 too, when he had his hip, hip replacement thing, I think, you know, a lot of people were like, well, how do you know when you need a surgery like that?
Starting point is 00:48:58 Cause that seems like a huge deal. And then most of the people I've, cause I, my hip has been like tight for like a long time, but I never really thought that I needed like a surgery for it necessarily. And, uh, they're like, Hey, you know, like you'll know, you know, you, you won't be able to like, you'll, it'll feel like you got shot, you know? And it just would suck to have that pain, you know, all the time like that.
Starting point is 00:49:19 And it's hard, man. I don't think people, I think people undersell pain, you know, just think about us, you know, how, how much, how bad it throws us off to be in pain. And I think that we kind of stuff it to the side a little bit because we're used to lifting and we're used to having these little injuries, but we have pretty minor stuff going on, you know, imagine being 60 or 70 or 80 and you know it's it's just it's just all the time it's your back it's your knee it's your elbow and you've tried to get help forward a bunch of times and you just aren't be able to get much relief i mean it just sucks and it puts
Starting point is 00:49:57 it makes you grumpy yeah puts you in a bad mood yeah like uh if you trip on the carpet like i did the other day and all of a sudden you're back and you're just like just so upset it's like the worst feeling ever you just feel so uh well i've i felt broken before but like it just feels so hopeless helpless is there a difference helpless and hopeless helpless yeah because like yeah i think i was. It's like a misstep and I'm done. It's frustrating. Working out helps. It does, yeah. It has.
Starting point is 00:50:31 It is. Yeah, Jessica talked about that the other day, just having like back pain, you know, and knee pain. Yeah, she's having her knee pain. Yeah, and just makes you grumpy. You go in there and try to work out. You just try to do shit that you like shit that you enjoy and then you go to do it you can't and you're just like and then imagine you know also like i remember with my grandfather he had really bad arthritis in his
Starting point is 00:50:56 hand and he was like a boxer and stuff and he spent his whole life being he was a mechanic he like built his own house he you know fixing cars and boats and planes and all kinds of shit. And then, yeah, he just had tons of arthritis in his hand. He couldn't use his hand hardly anymore. And he was so mad. He was super frustrated, I remember. And he was like my dad. He was the happiest guy in the world.
Starting point is 00:51:18 He was always laughing and always telling a joke or something like that. But as he got towards the end, it was just like, man, he's in lots of pain. And luckily, usually around that time is like the end for some of us, you know, and I think that's actually a good thing. Get us out of pain. We can't see anymore. We can't fucking hear. Dick's not working.
Starting point is 00:51:40 Oh, God. All that kind of stuff. It's just like, hey, can throw me off a bridge right so uh what can you tell and see about that well i was gonna say something else but the chocolate in front of him what were you gonna say yeah it's about that chocolate and then it was just gonna sound weird comments on that shirt i get people that are like weirded out by it because they're like don't listen to joe rogan yeah i always get stares in the store because like i've a lot of people like joe rogan so then they're like hey like why does it say don't listen to him i had
Starting point is 00:52:12 two ladies that looked at this shirt and when i was passing by they're like yeah and i was like just wait and then when i looked back and they were looking at the back of the shirt they were just like they were angry because they didn't like joe what does it say on the back uh yeah it's like uh don't eat elk don't do yoga don't do jujitsu yeah yeah don't do keto don't hunt yeah don't eat mushrooms say no to joe yeah just don't do things that are good for you custom shirt we made here at sling yeah just because i thought i don't know i just thought it was funny because like it's it's a quote from him from the show like he went on a rant one day he's like yeah don't fuck it don't listen to me and he was saying like all this stuff
Starting point is 00:52:54 that he's mentioned over the years and i think whoever was on the show with him at that point they were talking about how positive he was they're like dude like i don't know if you're aware of this but like you introduced a lot of people to keto. You introduced a lot of people to hunting. You introduced a lot of people to elk hunting. DMT. Yeah, right. I haven't done DMT, by the way.
Starting point is 00:53:13 But you're on it right now. Close. Yeah, he's, I mean, look, he's even just, even just him talking about some of these like psychedelic drugs and opening up people's eyes that there's alternative drugs that can be utilized. I mean, who knows? Maybe some of these alternatives could have helped my mom. I know my brother was trying to steer her that way, but she was very nervous and very concerned about that, which is kind of interesting because it's like, well, a lot of people have a problem taking an opioid. Why wouldn't you try this? Because it might get you. First of all, it might like, well, you know, a lot of people have a problem taking like an opioid. You know, why wouldn't you try this? Because it might, it might get you, first of all, it might get you out of pain.
Starting point is 00:53:49 Secondly, it might get you to think differently about stuff. Yeah. Which really might be the real key because if we can get you to think differently, maybe we can kind of alter the mind to start heading in a more, you know, positive direction. I think it's, I mean, I was watching something with my wife the other day where this woman was trying to kick alcohol and she was super upset and she had a hard time with it and it was causing a problem in her relationship and everything. And I was just like, man, like, you know, and all the people around her kept, they were drinking all the time. I was like, man, I just, I think it's, I just think it sucks that no one's like, hey, you can take, what is it, like THC, right?
Starting point is 00:54:27 Or you can take, like, there's stuff that can get you. I'm not really saying, hey, look, trade out one drug for another. But at the same time, I am kind of saying that, right? Because I think that people are just looking for, like, a little escape. If you can still get a little escape without being addicted, without having it negatively impact the other parts of your life, then I think you found something that's, I think, I think it's okay. I don't think, I mean, in medicine, they say you're trying to find things that cause no harm. So maybe it, maybe you can make an argument that doesn't cause no harm, but maybe it causes a
Starting point is 00:55:00 lot less harm. Yes. I mean, just look, people are the first thing in the morning we reach for our coffee. I don't really think there's a huge, I don't personally think there's a huge problem with it. I mean, maybe we'll find out more, you know, years later that it is a huge issue, but,
Starting point is 00:55:15 um, I think doing things like that here and there, and I don't think it's a massive problem. I agree. I used to be a very, very straight edge, uh, in terms of that type of
Starting point is 00:55:26 stuff but yeah no nowadays not like i'm doing heroin a crack or anything i i'm not doing anything wild at least not every day not every day in moderation not okay no jokes about this but yeah i'm much more open to stuff like that okay that's all i'm saying yeah natty prick i can understand it so we gotta have on our taste test all right you guys want to explain to me what exactly it is that i'm about to put in my mouth on air for all of you that are watching this i don't know yeah you got some uh chalk zero we have a uh a reese's peanut butter cup that's what this is yeah basically white chocolate it's not a reese's peanut butter cup It's a ChocZero peanut butter cup. I'm sorry. ChocZero peanut butter ghost.
Starting point is 00:56:07 And you guys said there are no sugar or no carbs? There's like five grams of carbs, but there's only two net carbs. And it doesn't have allulose or anything, and it has monk fruit. So? It's a white chocolate. Oh, he just creamed himself. All right, clean yourself up. No, God damn. You know damn you know that's a lot
Starting point is 00:56:27 of semen andrew i was telling andrew that like if this is nasty that would have been great if it was nasty i'm definitely gonna let everybody know how nasty it is but this is actually really fucking good it doesn't this is see these are dangerous. What about fat and fat? I think that little tiny thing that you're eating right there, I think it's like 90 calories. 77 grams of fat. God damn. Like three, like it has hardly any protein. It's not a protein product.
Starting point is 00:57:00 Yeah, I was trying to explain it to Steph earlier. This is so good. God dang, man. That was in Seamus' penis hitting the table. That was really good. That's candy, man. This ain't no, this isn't health candy. This is candy. So that's what I was trying to say.
Starting point is 00:57:15 We're trying to fatten him up. It's candy, but you know, that whole thing was only 90 calories. He's going to keep getting like more and more bloated every day. He'll be like, bro, I think there's something wrong with that candy. No, with that candy no no no man it does that at first but then all of a sudden you start burning fat like crazy yeah so then that one there is just a regular just like chocolate just a little piece of chocolate same chocolate same company chalk zero bro that reese's man but wait there's more all right But wait, there's more.
Starting point is 00:57:46 Smokey liked it. That's huge. Man, this is candy. This isn't some fake health candy. Correct. Okay, it's healthier. I got to chew off the mic. It doesn't hurt your stomach.
Starting point is 00:58:01 We're not trying to sell you on anything necessarily, but being a low-carb proponent for a long time, I think it's a great option. We are going to reach out to them and see if we can get them to sponsor the podcast. That's so good. Yeah, we love the product. Send us boxes, you know. Watch, two months later on the podcast on 260.
Starting point is 00:58:18 Getting back into powerlifting, yo. Gained 20 pounds. That is hella good. 800-pound deadlift right around the corner. Oh, my God. Do it. Sponsored by Chalk Zero. 800- pound deadlift Right around the corner Oh my god Do it Sponsored by ChocZero 800 pound deadlift
Starting point is 00:58:28 How did you find out about them? I just I've been using Just buying stuff All the time I've been using some of the products For a while But like I had
Starting point is 00:58:36 You ever You ever have that like Chocolate bark You ever have that stuff From the grocery store It's just like It's like chocolate And pretzels or sometimes
Starting point is 00:58:46 it's chocolate and like almonds i don't know they have a product that's similar to that that has chocolate and almonds in it and it's good i mean it's it's very good but like i just i don't know i would buy it here and there and and i enjoyed it but then i went to order something off there one time and i was like oh i was like they have a lot of new products i'm gonna try these out yeah and i was like damn oh yeah so what happened is i ordered some and andy ordered some like on the same day because we were talking about it yeah she ordered like a shit ton off their actual website and i ordered a bunch off like amazon that's got this giant like box like a crate and i came to the house came in a pallet yeah we're like damn dude no that is that is really really really good and it's oh oh man you know what was amazing is the pizza
Starting point is 00:59:33 that ron penna sent me is it a new pizza than the one we had um i can't say anything it's it's amazing the pizza that he sent me is fucking awesome. It has a sausage crust, which sounds odd, but is really, really good. That sounds amazing. That sounds like how it should be. Right. Yeah, it was incredible. So it's kind of like a keto-esque pizza.
Starting point is 00:59:59 A bunch of people sent me flowers and stuff like that. He sent you pizza. Ron knows where it's at. He sent me 10 10 uh 10 pizzas genius crust pizzas yeah it's really good are those released yet are you allowed to talk about that yeah yeah no yeah no it's from uh it's so it's not a quest pizza it's uh it's from like some chicago deep dish pizza company or something oh wow yeah it was amazing the one thing okay they had the cookies got it it's a company that normally makes
Starting point is 01:00:26 just regular fat guy stuff, but they made a keto product, and it's fucking awesome. Oh, God. I got to get my hands on that, too. Yeah. Man. I'll come in and bake one up.
Starting point is 01:00:40 Yeah, you guys have known about this for a while, right? Mm-hmm. I haven't known about that particular style of chocolate. Correct. No, I i have not i only know from what mark has mentioned it seemed to be some investigation no no no i didn't i i i swear i swear i didn't know anything see what happened was uh no we were talking about uh i think... You're saying too many uhs.
Starting point is 01:01:05 You're lying. You're coming up with a lie. No, because I'm trying to remember, was it... He's not doing so good, is he? Was it when you were comparing Walden Farms to what Chalk Zero does? Oh, yeah, yeah. Okay, see? How long ago was that?
Starting point is 01:01:16 This... So that... But that's just like... Those are like syrup type things. Yeah, so today was the first... They make a shot with syrup. They make a caramel. They make...
Starting point is 01:01:23 They're all really good. Yeah, today was the first time I had anything from them, though. And, man, it's. Okay, I appreciate it. Really good. I don't. I'm not holding anything against either of you right now. But the chocolate and the caramel and all that stuff, you can, like, dump some of that
Starting point is 01:01:37 in, like, yogurt and stuff. It's really good. Really good. Is it good in coffee and stuff, too? I've never tried it in coffee. Sounds like it could be a. Yeah. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:01:48 Maybe that's wild, but it sounds like it'd be good in that. I've thrown it in protein shakes before and stuff too i've never tried it in coffee sounds like it could be a yeah i don't know maybe that's wild but it's not like it'd be good enough i've thrown it i've thrown in protein shakes before and stuff as it works yeah they gotta make good stuff yeah i've seen mark put bacon in his coffee so i'm pretty sure he's trying to stop right there you put bacon in your coffee i filmed it yeah i don't know i think we were just joking around yeah okay i thought this was real it was just one of those things where he's like i think he put salt in his coffee and then For what reason? I don't know. I think we were just messing around. You were just joking around. Okay. I thought this was real. It was just one of those things where he's like, I think he put salt in his coffee and then he's like, look, I even put my bacon in coffee and he took a bite out of it. He's like, it's not bad. Then the camera stops running and he's like, that was kind of weird. We were in, I think this was right before you went on Rogan the last time.
Starting point is 01:02:22 I think. Oh, man. I dipped bacon in butter before. You guys ever try that? That's awesome. It sounds amazing. I've cooked bacon in butter. Oh, yes.
Starting point is 01:02:31 That's fat. That sounds really good, though. That sounds really good. Yeah. Incredible. That's fat. Andrew, take us on out of here. I will.
Starting point is 01:02:40 Thank you, everybody, for all the engagement on the live chat. It's really cool to see everybody yapping up a storm in there. I really appreciate you guys showing up. Huge shout out and thank you to FreeSleeve for sponsoring this episode. Please head over to at checkout and promo code POWER25 for 25% off your order and free domestic shipping. Please make sure you're following the podcast at Mark Bell's power project on Instagram at MB power project on Twitter. Uh, if you're not already subscribed right now on YouTube, please do so right now before we go off the air and, please follow, uh, that's everybody,
Starting point is 01:03:13 right? So my Instagram is at, I am Andrew Z and SEMA. Where can people find you? And SEMA Indian on Instagram and YouTube and SEMA union on Twitter. And guys like, I just need to really tell you how good this was so good like i really did a little a little something happened in my pants so i'm not even joking this is really
Starting point is 01:03:34 fucking good that's some good stuff yeah this is really you can't tell that it's like you don't it doesn't it doesn't taste like it's some uh health chocolate some a lot of stuff like i said it didn't hurt my stomach like normally that's yeah a lot of stuff. Like I said, it didn't hurt my stomach. Normally, all that stuff will rip you apart. Alright, Mark. Do your thing. I'm at Mark Smelly Bell. Thank you guys for listening and RIP to Rosemary Bell. I love you, Mama. Strength is never
Starting point is 01:03:56 a weakness. Weakness is never a strength. Catch y'all later.

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