Mark Bell's Power Project - EP. 451 - Habits For A Hectic Lifestyle

Episode Date: December 4, 2020

Today we are talking about implementing healthy habits even for those who have a hectic lifestyle. Work, family and all of life's challenges, we understand and we're here to help. Subscribe to the Pod...cast on on Platforms! ➢ Special perks for our listeners below! ➢LMNT Electrolytes: Purchase 3 boxes and receive one free, plus free shipping! No code required! ➢Freeze Sleeve: Use Code "POWER25" for 25% off plus FREE Shipping on all domestic orders! ➢Piedmontese Beef: Use Code "POWERPROJECT" at checkout for 25% off your order plus FREE 2-Day Shipping on orders of $99 ➢Sling Shot: Enter Discount code, "POWERPROJECT" at checkout and receive 15% off all Sling Shots Follow Mark Bell's Power Project Podcast ➢ Insta: ➢ ➢ Twitter: ➢ LinkedIn: ➢ YouTube: ➢TikTok: FOLLOW Mark Bell ➢ Instagram: ➢ Facebook: ➢ Twitter: ➢ Snapchat: marksmellybell ➢Mark Bell's Daily Workouts, Nutrition and More: Follow Nsima Inyang ➢ Instagram: Podcast Produced by Andrew Zaragoza ➢ Instagram: #PowerProject #Podcast #MarkBell

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey everybody, welcome back to Mark Bell's Power Project Podcast. Today's episode of the podcast is brought to you by Piedmontese Beef. And Seema, how good is Piedmontese Beef? Dude, first thing, aren't you tired of like just steak tasting like just absolute crap? Well, the awesome thing is I haven't had like crappy steak because all I eat is Piedmontese now because once you go Piedmontese, you really can't go back. Hey, no, no, that's real talk though because the other day I went to a buddy's house and he had some Costco steak, which I used to think was pretty damn good i'm going through it
Starting point is 00:00:27 cutting through this ribeye and i'm like oh okay decent not comparable but then i get to like this chunk and i'm like oh wait what is this oh this is what steak used to be like when i used to cook it when it wasn't from piedmontese because you know when you'd get those nasty like steak chunks in there it's not it's not good it gets stuck in your teeth you usually have to spit it out or leave it on the side and he's usually pretty good at cooking steaks but with Piedmontese first off the steak is tender it tastes amazing you never really you you never get a bad steak from them and it's great on the macros yeah macros are insane and the thing is like I would always get so frustrated I would spend a lot of money on like a ribeye like I would go to costco too and then i'd look down at my plate and be like dude i just
Starting point is 00:01:08 threw away like you know 10 bucks on all the stuff that i couldn't eat i never ever get that with piedmontese so you know when it comes to like you know the higher value or higher uh just better quality like it's second to none and uh you guys seriously need to check this stuff out you guys got to head over to That's Make sure you pick up one of the Power Project bundles. There's the Deluxe bundle and then there's the Jacked in 10 pack. Either one of those, you're not going to be upset.
Starting point is 00:01:36 Again, that's at checkout, enter promo code POWERPROJECT for 25% off your order. And if your order is $99 or more, you get free two-day shipping. Today on the podcast, we got Bo Jackson. When are we going to get Bo? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:01:52 And Andrew, when are we on? We are on now. We're on now? Now. Okay, you know what? Let's do it. I already had one of these MindBullet portions. Don't do it.
Starting point is 00:02:01 Don't do it? I don't know. Don't do the whole thing? What's going to happen? You're going to do the whole thing? I'm really curious just to see what happens well i had one too so if we're gonna you know if you're gonna go and i'm gonna go out with you we'll go out with a bang here we go okay i'm gonna drink the whole thing not half all right hold on let me when you said half i'm like well there's no point even saying you're gonna do half yeah it's like eating half a snickers like you're not gonna eat yeah yeah i think we have to cheers
Starting point is 00:02:24 right yep so guys this is gonna be my bullet potion number two here's what's gonna happen i'm gonna turn black and he's gonna turn maybe or my turn mexican like andrew maybe you'll get lucky that salted caramel let's see what happens i made a cool noise i don't know how i did that but it happened so i think one of those is like the equivalent of what eight eight mind bullets we're gonna we're gonna die we just took mind bullet straight to the face we did two mind bullet potions back to back we got some people that like you know
Starting point is 00:03:10 on the website that order a lot and they order frequently we're like what's going on with this guy like if you do the math like every day they would have to have X amount those people are just winning maybe they're reselling or something maybe they're just super happy or they're super happy
Starting point is 00:03:26 Just go around being all empathetic towards everybody all the time Not bad So what's going on fellas? What's happening? Getting any training in today either one of you guys or you guys being fat? I didn't get to go to Jiu Jitsu today He looks fatter doesn't he? I was going to say something we can walk down
Starting point is 00:03:40 County came in yesterday Damn oh did they? Yeah Okay no actually I can talk about it today It was kind funny like the the little car came up a little car it wasn't a cop car it's a little car and cassio's like everyone to the back so we all run to the back and he and then the guy comes in and they're like he's like uh yeah i'm just drilling on my own no that's great sure he is but cassio only an immigrant would know just just tell everybody get to the I'm just drilling on my own. That's great. Sure. He is. But Casio,
Starting point is 00:04:07 only an immigrant would know. Just, just tell everybody, get to the back now. He's been in that position. Nice game. Let me, let me do the talking. But yeah, that was, that many times. Oh, man.
Starting point is 00:04:26 But yeah, that was funny. It was funny. That's so good. That's awesome. Yeah, no training for me today. Had a long night last night. Oh. No, not.
Starting point is 00:04:35 It was. I'll tell you guys off air. But yeah. Some complications, I'll say. Okay. Yeah. So I just figured I'm like, oh, I'm going to bed late. I'm not going to push it.
Starting point is 00:04:44 Don't you hate that when you're just like, screw it. I'm like, oh, I'm going to bed late. I'm not going to push it. Don't you hate that when you're just like, screw it. I'm already really screwed. And you're like, I'm just going to even be more screwed and not even bother really trying to even get any sleep. And then you get like 90 minutes of sleep and it couldn't be any worse. That's like the worst feeling ever. What it came down to was yesterday I didn't get very, or last night I didn't get, the night before, damn it, whatever day it was, I didn't get very good sleep. And then yesterday, like, I kept sneezing and I'm like, oh, man, I feel kind of like, I just feel out of it.
Starting point is 00:05:13 Like, hope I'm not getting sick. And then so I'm like, I'm not going to follow that up with another night of little sleep with, like, training in the morning. Like, I'm just like, nope. And I calculated, like, ah, shit, I'm going to get, like, five hours of sleep. Like, this is not good. So, yeah, I'm going to get like five hours of sleep. Like, this is not good. So, yeah, I just. I know we talk all the time about the importance of sleep and everyone kind of hates the conversation because everybody knows they could do a better job and they get their phone out of the room and all this stuff.
Starting point is 00:05:34 But like, you want to just see how impactful sleep is. Just miss one night of it. Oh, yeah. Yeah. You could go in one day without some food. It's not too bad. Going 24 hours or so without some foods, not too bad. Going 24 hours or so without some foods, not too bad. Or even just, I've done a dry fast before where you don't eat or drink.
Starting point is 00:05:50 And it really wasn't that bad or hard. But man, no sleep. And then you got to pretend all day like you're not tired. Try to open your eyes up real wide. Act all crazy and take a bunch of pre-workout. It just doesn't work. It doesn't. It doesn't. It doesn't work well.
Starting point is 00:06:06 Yeah. And I think you mentioned on the podcast about like just being like super amped up on caffeine, but still tired. That just feels gross. No, no me gusta. Yeah, that feels terrible. Today I wanted to talk about, and Seema was bringing it up, and I think this is a great topic, but about, you know, being too busy and then what are some, uh, what are some things you can do if you do feel like your life's getting
Starting point is 00:06:29 busy? Because as much as we like to say, oh, people just make excuses for not training. There are times in your life where you're changing career or you're shifting gears and doing something else and that something else that you're doing takes the requirement cost you a lot of energy and even sometimes stress. And sometimes you're in the car for a long period of time, commuting to a job, you know, thinking of some of my relatives and some of the friends I've had who were like, man, I really just don't have the time.
Starting point is 00:06:59 In every single circumstance, though, they always did have the time. It was about trying to manage that time. And it was also about getting used to the new schedule of whatever it was they were doing. An example of this is like some people might work five or six days a week and they work, you know, 10 or 12 hour shifts, which is just crazy. And good for you that you're able to even do that. Cause like I i would i would die trying to do that so that's amazing that there's people out there that are that can that are capable of doing that yeah but a lot of times you can find like oh okay you get every other saturday off
Starting point is 00:07:34 okay well i didn't realize that okay cool on your day off on your sunday you can probably get in some training or you could probably sneak something in let's just say though hypothetically that you just, you don't even have energy for any of that. You don't want to train every other Saturday. You don't want to mess with Sunday. Sunday is a family day and you spend time with your children and your wife and stuff like that.
Starting point is 00:07:56 Significant other, whatever it might be. Well, then we have to go to how can you incorporate some stuff, some rules for yourself in your day to day? And that's where the 10 minute walks come in. And then you could treat everything like a 10 minute walk. Andrew said something great on the podcast a couple of days ago when he said, I went out for a 10 minute walk and I ended up walking for two miles. Two miles is,
Starting point is 00:08:20 you know, I think, I think a mile takes about, about 15, depending, depending on how far you go, 15 minutes or so. So you're probably gone for at least 45 minutes walking that far, right? Yeah, absolutely. Yeah, it took, with a little pit stop, yeah, about like two hours. But, you know, with walking with a pregnant lady, we're going to take our time, make sure we do every step.
Starting point is 00:08:43 And there's no, you know, we don't want to step on a crack you know we don't want to break anyone's back so we have to be careful but yeah no it's uh about two hours i thought the cracks were lava no the floor the floor is lava oh the whole floor the whole floor that changes everything i've been doing it wrong so sidewalks are okay but you got to watch out for the cracks I'm getting really high yes sinking in so please forgive everything I say from here on out so two mind bullet potions will do to you I'm so excited
Starting point is 00:09:21 this is great alright being busy what you got um so like actually i've been doing this recently too i've been doing this recently too because um i've been i've been wanting to like really improve at the ab roller and it's one of those pieces of equipment that obviously you can just have on have on hand so by my computer at home every hour i make sure to do like maybe a minimum of 20 ab rolls um or i'll do it like every 10 minutes maybe i'll do 10 or something like that but just like you know lowering your barrier to entry in terms of working out you
Starting point is 00:09:57 don't have to get in an hour workout every single day of the week you could if you don't have an ab roller you could make sure that every hour at my desk, I'll do every half hour, I'll do 10 air squats, right? Or I'll do 10 lunges. And this is something you could do in a cubicle, right? You don't need to have a lot of space to stand up, do 10 squats, sit down, makes it really easy. And when you lower that barrier to entry, when you build that habit, something like what happened to Andrew will happen to you. You might say, I'm only going to do 10 squats every half hour, but you'll end up doing 20 or 30. And then it'll be something that'll compound over the whole day. So let's say you're working an eight hour day and every half hour you do just say 10 squats, doing 20 squats every hour, that's 160 squats while you're at work,
Starting point is 00:10:40 right? So it's just these lowering the barrier because you'll end up beating that anyway. And this, this isn't you having to go to the gym and work out for an hour and a half. This is you just doing something small consistently throughout your day. That's simple. Right. What do we do with our feelings? You know, like if we're like. Let's say that we've been doing this for three or four days in a row and now we're like, I don't really feel like doing that. What do you do in that? Do you not feel like doing it sometimes, the ab roller? Or do you just, you maybe don't let that be a factor and you just start going? Just like you lower the barrier. So when you don't feel like doing something, it's usually because potentially you set too high of a goal or it was too difficult. So for the longest time, let's kind of take it out of working out. But for the longest time, I was telling, I was convincing myself not to meditate because
Starting point is 00:11:26 I had this goal of trying to meditate for 20 minutes. That shit's hard, right? But after I was like, okay, let me just try and meditate for two minutes, right? I lowered that barrier on those days that it was hard. And then after those two minutes, maybe I didn't go 20 minutes, but maybe I did 10 minutes. So on those days that you don't feel like doing it, make the barrier super easy. Instead of doing 10 squats every half hour, just say, okay, every half hour,
Starting point is 00:11:50 I'm going to get up and I'm going to just do two squats or every hour I'll get up and do a squat. Yeah. What's brilliant about that is we sometimes think that like 30 seconds isn't very long, you know, or sometimes think that, you know, a couple of reps here or there just is useless.
Starting point is 00:12:05 Listening to a podcast for, you know, eight minutes at a time, every time you go to the bathroom or something like that, someone might view that as being worthless, but it's probably better than the opposite of saying, oh yeah, I don't have time to listen to all those podcasts. I don't have time to like educate myself or we can get into another topic in a little bit about like kind of doing two things at once and how we can juggle some of that. Because I do think there's room for that sometimes. But I agree with you 100% that lowering your standard is critical. And if you think 30 seconds is a really short period of time, just jump in the shower with freezing cold water with no heat on.
Starting point is 00:12:39 30 seconds is like four hours, right? I mean, it's or even just, you know, uh, you know, um, holding your breath after you run a little bit or something for 30 seconds. I mean, that auction debt, like you learn that 30 seconds, uh, can be valuable. So doing these things and just trying to, um, whatever way you can do it, let's say you're at work and you are like, man, I don't know, man, I'm in work clothes. And it's like, first of all, it might be weird, but is there somebody else at work that does that is tired of having the same body they had last year? There's a bunch of people there that are that way.
Starting point is 00:13:16 I'm sure. And you said, hey, you know, I'm going to start doing I'm start going on a couple of 10 minute walks a day. Randomly, you might see me hit a squat and you might see me do some pushups. Do you want to join in? And maybe you don't want to do 20 or maybe you don't want to do 50 because you're worried that you're going to get all sweaty and feel gross. Do five at a time or whatever the number is. Five pushups, five squats, back to work. Five pushups, five squats, back to work. Our point here is that there's always, there's always an option.
Starting point is 00:13:47 And I think that in 2021, you're going to hear people talk a lot more about these options and people kind of doing these quick hitter workouts, especially today's schedule is so weird. A lot of people, like it seems like they have more downtime, but they're also have a lot more anxiety and like more pressure. And it's just, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:14:04 We're just in a really weird spot, but I think people will take kind of the 10 minute walk principle and implement it into all other aspects of their life. And it, it, it just, to me, a 10 minute walk feels like a cup of coffee, you know, if I'm kind of tired, um, but it feels different. Cause it's like a, I know it's a more, it's a more natty type thing. It's not, it's not just revving you up when you're tired. It does something to your body, gets circulation going and, and makes you feel good.
Starting point is 00:14:32 On that note though, of like, uh, you know, having somebody join you that, uh, a few years ago when my mom was working at Caltrans in the building, she wanted to start walking more. I think she's on like the fourth or fifth floor or something. She wanted to start walking more. I think she's on like the fourth or fifth floor or something. So she made it, you know, she made it a habit of every lunch period. She would go and she would walk around the building a few times. And some of her female co-workers are like, oh, that's I want to do that with you.
Starting point is 00:14:55 Why don't you look like you're getting in better shape? So these women started like just be like, like it was one woman. Then it turned into two women. And then it was just like three of them just walking around their work building during their lunch period and going back up probably really looking forward to it yeah yeah right so like it's even though you may think that you're doing something weird more often than not there are other people that want to do the same thing that you're doing but they're a little bit too scared and if you're the first person to start that there people will follow suit suit. It starts to become part of the culture.
Starting point is 00:15:26 Andrew, I know you're typing some stuff over there, but just on a total guess, how many 10-minute walks do you see here a day? Just here in the office? Yeah, if you add up what everyone does every single day. At least probably close to like 15 yeah yeah 15 miles of walking from from slingshot you know just from our little crew here i see smoky out there twice every day minimum i see jess out there twice a day i see you out there about twice a day i'm out there at least
Starting point is 00:15:59 twice a day uh we got what tom and tom does a lot yeah he's walking yeah and he's he's out there marching pretty good now because he's getting ready for that bodybuilding show yeah yeah which uh we should have him on the show okay talking about his uh first is his debut popping that cherry tom looks amazing doesn't he look great he looks great he looks he needs to give himself more credit because he's always like i'm not not gonna but he's looking good he's only prepped for eight weeks yeah you're always gonna say that right you're always gonna be like you're always gonna find something but yeah no he looks fantastic kind of like someone who like plays an instrument or something they do it and they're like i haven't played in a long time
Starting point is 00:16:34 you're like they just jam out you're like dude you just totally totally rocked that that was actually really good yeah he looks he looks great but um it can become part of the culture when you start to implement some of these things, and maybe you can get other people involved. And I think also, too, there's something about, like, if Andrew and I talked about this on a previous Saturday School, but, like, in SEMA, if I gave you something like too easy to do, it's like not that stimulating, right? You know, like if I gave you something too simple. So I understand sometimes why people,
Starting point is 00:17:10 they don't ever get it started because they're like, yeah. And SEMA told me to do a couple of five minute walks a day, but I'm, I'm really big and I'm really heavy. And I don't think five minutes is going to cut it. It's not going to, it's not going to make a dent.
Starting point is 00:17:24 Yeah. You know, I'm 300 pounds. I probably need to cut it. It's not going to make a dent. Yeah. You know, I'm 300 pounds. I probably need to, you know, do what David Goggins did and really, you know, force myself into becoming this new person. And the things that David Goggins did are, they're amazing. It's unbelievable what he's done. But how many, just try to think in your brain, how many other people are like David Goggins?
Starting point is 00:17:47 You know, I mean, there's, there's a few, you know, there's come some people out there a little similar to him, but, uh,
Starting point is 00:17:53 you know, if you were to say like, is he, is he unique? I think most people would say, yeah. Uh, and then you'd say,
Starting point is 00:18:01 Hey, is anybody else like him? I think a lot of people will be like, I don't think so. Yeah. You know, he's kind say, hey, is anybody else like him? I think a lot of people will be like, I don't think so. He's kind of on that HNL. He's on a whole other level over there. He's kind of ridiculous. And so I think sometimes when we have these things that are so simple
Starting point is 00:18:17 or sound so easy to do, the only way to get them going is to, there's not going to be like a thing that makes you take the first step all the time. You just have to take it. You just have to do that step. And it's, it's, it's a tough thing. Cause you know, how do you go from not doing much to all of a sudden, but my dad's a good example.
Starting point is 00:18:38 And you, and you can also, my, I guess my other point there too, is when life becomes more challenging, when life becomes more difficult, it actually sometimes seems to be easier to take on more because you're like you like overcorrect. And you're like, I got this. Fuck that. I'm going to do it this way. Yeah, I'm going to make those changes. Like, I'm tired of this, you know, because something happened, maybe something traumatic with my mom's death. something traumatic with my mom's death.
Starting point is 00:19:07 My dad and I, we walk every morning and we've been, we haven't walked every single morning together, but he's, uh, since that, since my mom passed, he has been walking every single day. I'm always into walking. I enjoy it a lot, but like he, he's been, he's been kicking ass on it and he could have took that time to be like, ah, you know, give me a couple of weeks. Let me, but he, he knew this is going to be some great medicine for me. And the first day was really hard for him. We walked probably about a mile, get a stop a couple of times. Since that time, each day I'm seeing a little
Starting point is 00:19:37 bit of improvement to be able to walk a little bit faster. And that could be you, you know, you could be working towards that. Whatever's going on in your life right now, you could simultaneously be working on something else. And you hear a lot of times people talk about like multitasking. I'm not a fan of multitasking. However, you got to learn how to multitask kind of, you know, if you are, if you're reading text messages and emails and trying to really absorb a podcast, it won't work very well. But if you want the podcast on for background noise and just for pure entertainment, so you can periodically rewind a little bit and go back and listen to some more of it, then that's fine. Like I do that a lot with Rogan because I don't, I don't listen to every show, a huge
Starting point is 00:20:26 fan, but a lot of them are like three hours, like our show ends up being right. And so, but, but I, I try to treat it like a 10 minute walk. I'm like, well, I can listen to it for a couple of minutes. And if something catches me, if I really enjoy it, I'll be like, Hey, I'm going to, I'm going to listen to that more but learning to do two things at once what are two things that you can do at one time could you listen to music while you're doing uh cardio everyone like i think almost everybody does that or they watch a movie you see you watch a movie and exercise at the same time so now maybe
Starting point is 00:21:03 this starts to give you ideas because you're like, I watch a movie nearly every, I watch about two hours of TV every night. I know it sucks. I know it sucks to not like feel like you ever get a chance to relax. But I think we all need to stop patting ourselves on the back for, for a job that's done every week that you think it's a job well done. You just, all you did is you did your job you're like man i had a rough week yeah that was tough man i had to i had so many clients this week i had to do so much programming for everybody it's like that's your fucking job man
Starting point is 00:21:37 like if you did a bunch of extra stuff i'll give it to you you know if you went to extra jujitsu classes you took on extra clients dieting for a bodybuilding show like if you went to extra jujitsu classes, you took on extra clients, dieting for a bodybuilding show. Like if you started to stack things up, I'd be like, cool. I get it. Yeah, that must have been, that must have been a more challenging week. But most of the time we're doing, we're doing kind of similar shit and there's life's pressures kind of come and go. But don't think that you get to reward yourself with cheesecake because it's not a reward.
Starting point is 00:22:06 As Mark Sisson points out, it's punishment. You're, you're, you're, you're smacking yourself on the wrist. You, you may have done a good job,
Starting point is 00:22:16 but your reward should be to get better. It could continue, continue getting better. So let me ask you this in your opinion, because we're going to get back to that other stuff you're talking about in terms of habits but where does the what what should how should someone look at the reward for themselves let's say that you it's sunday and you had a really good week you stuck on your habits you did all the things that you told yourself you were going to do. You did it all well.
Starting point is 00:22:46 Is it, is it not a reward for them to like have a cheat meal or to go off a little bit? Should they, how should someone reframe that in their mind? Because it's literally all how you look at it. Some people will look at that as, okay,
Starting point is 00:23:00 this is my reward. Some people will look at that as like you mentioned going backwards because it kind of is. So how should we reframe that? I think, uh, I think you want to do like the rock, you know,
Starting point is 00:23:09 the rock, the rock is a champion at this thing, man. You ever see the stack of pancakes in front of him or, uh, he posts about those cookies and those donuts. And, um,
Starting point is 00:23:19 he has like what he calls a cheat day. But if you, if you're paying attention to, to what he does and how he does it, he's putting in a lot of effort to change his body. And you look at him, I don't know. He's probably 50,
Starting point is 00:23:31 right? Is he six, six foot five, 285 pounds. I mean, that even turns me on. That's a lot of man. It is.
Starting point is 00:23:41 It's a lot. It's a lot of man. That is a big boy. They asked him, somebody asked him the other day what he weighs. He's like, I'm about 281 right now, but normally about 285. And I was just like, that's one jacked motherfucker. 48.
Starting point is 00:23:53 48. Okay. He's 48 years old. He was, you know, let's not forget what he was doing. He was a football player. He was, you know, damn near a professional football player. Played for the Miami hurricanes played in Canada for a little bit.
Starting point is 00:24:07 That didn't quite work out the way that he wanted to. And then he was a professional wrestler for a long time. And he was the best guy in the whole thing. And maybe one of the greatest of all time. Yeah. So it's not like he was just, you know, wrestling,
Starting point is 00:24:18 you know, every other week or something. I mean, he was on the, on the road, like, uh, I think it's like 300 or something like that, or 280 days out of the year.
Starting point is 00:24:27 Something ridiculous. Jeez. You don't even get a chance to blink when you're doing that. So he had to rest and recover from all that stuff. Now he's 48, and he keeps getting in better and better shape all the time. With the cheat meal thing, I noticed from him, the cheat meal thing is like a celebration, and it's something that he gets is like a celebration and it's something that he gets real excited about and it's fun.
Starting point is 00:24:47 But I'm guessing, I've never had a conversation with him about this or anything, but I'm guessing that he views that cheat meal as being highly beneficial to him, not just for his mind and not just for the opportunity to be gluttonous for a little while. I think he recognizes it as not only did you do a good job and do the shit that you're supposed to do, but you went a little bit above and beyond, and you actually kind of, because you went so hard, you actually kind of dipped into the red a little bit, and you should give yourself a little bit more energy,
Starting point is 00:25:21 and that's kind of the reward. Yeah. And maybe some alcohol. Some Terramana tequila right and but you have to like um when it comes to some of that stuff that's kind of a entertainment thing that's a long game type of mindset um that's not like a cheat meal and then you fall like he's not falling off for the whole weekend i mean i'm sure he's had his time his times where he has but you got to keep in mind like he's dialed off for the whole weekend. I mean, I'm sure he's had his time, his times where he has, but you got to keep in mind,
Starting point is 00:25:46 like he's dialed in, he's got a good coach and he's, he's being assisted and stuff like that. But I would just treat those cheat meals as part of the plan because those cheat meals, I don't think are random. I'm sure if he wanted to, he can randomly do stuff here and there.
Starting point is 00:25:59 Cause he has his body in such great shape and great condition. Um, but I think that's, if you're going to even call it a cheat meal, I know some people are like, don't call it a cheat meal. I don't know if you have to go that far. But maybe if you're a heavier person and you struggled for a long time, maybe it's not really a cheat meal. Maybe it's just, it's just part of the plan.
Starting point is 00:26:19 Hey, you know, eat. How about even just thinking about it this way? Just, I don't know, eat an extra thousand calories for that day. Yeah. Not too harmful. For that day, that's it. You know, and you do that three, four times a month. I don't see a lot of harm in that.
Starting point is 00:26:36 Yeah. It should be just part of the plan. It makes it. You're right. It's not going backwards. It's helping you to rejuvenate for the next week and continue to move forward. So it's a great idea. It helped me a ton in the, my bodybuilding show, you know, when I, and, and it wasn't always like a real gluttonous, like flat out, like pig out type
Starting point is 00:26:55 thing. A lot of times it was, you know, eat your meals, eat your normal meals throughout the day. And then, uh, it was just like, Hey, like have, have a dessert you know and i was like you know honey was helping me and i was like what do you mean like dessert like should i get something special or diet he's like no he's like have a dessert you know like go after it you know and i'm like you know you just keep asking questions because you think everything matters because you're like losing your mind a little bit too. And he's like, dude,
Starting point is 00:27:26 it just doesn't, you know, he's like, just go for it, you know, because he, he, plus any good coach and you know, this for,
Starting point is 00:27:31 for coaching so many people over the years, any good coach knows that the little bit you give somebody, they're going to take that thing a mile. They're not going to do it in the other direction. When you say, Hey, do a set of 10. They're not going to do a set of 20.
Starting point is 00:27:43 But when you say, Hey, yeah, you can have two scoops of ice cream and some cake, they're like, hey, who's looking? And there's scoops. How big are those scoops? Each scoop represents one bowl. But every coach accounts for that, too. So just take those cheat meals and just view them as being part of the plan. And they could be part of a progression. If you have trouble with food and you've always been overweight, you might have to get rid of them for a while just so that those demons don't get woken up. And they keep those fuckers keep coming back.
Starting point is 00:28:14 They come back more powerful. But if you stay on the savory side, you stay with the foods that are more savory. That craving is sitting there, but it's not really like woken up. It's not going to it's not going to it's not going to do anything until it's provoked. Yeah, you provoke that thing and it's downhill. Thank you. But on that note of what you just said there, another great habit for busy people as these as far as nutrition is concerned. And we've talked about this so much on the podcast before.
Starting point is 00:28:44 But get the stuff that you'll typically binge on or the stuff that you crave. Just get it all out of the house. Just get it all out of the house because you will run into those points during your week when you're trying to stay on plan, you're trying to do what you got to do, but you're just feeling really stressed one day and it's in the cabinet. And now you have to fight that walking just right there to that cabinet to get it and then overeating it. But if it's not in the house, it's much harder for you to make that decision to mess up.
Starting point is 00:29:11 And you'll probably just end up eating something that's there, eating some of the good foods that you have at your disposal or overeating on protein like we talk about. It gets rid of that decision to make. And then also, like we were just talking about right now, at the end of the week or at the end of the second week, when you're like, okay, you know what? I do want to let myself have something. Then you can go out to that, go out of the house and go to a restaurant or go somewhere else that's not in your home. And you can have that and it can all be part of the plan. But if it's all out of the house already, it makes it so much easier for, from a nutritional
Starting point is 00:29:45 aspect to stick to that part of the plan that you've set for yourself. Yeah. Something simple. Like if you are going to have that, that treat or whatever, you know, don't go get the bucket of ice cream, like go to the Baskin Robbins, not Cold Stone, and then get one thing of ice cream and then have that. But don't, don't go get the bucket. Cause what happens, you're going to just keep picking at it till the bucket's gone yeah and and another thing on
Starting point is 00:30:09 the note of food since since we're on on food for this um have things that are already pre-prepped we and the like i've mentioned i love those boiled eggs from costco i love putting some hot sauce on that thing makes a huge difference oh my god yeah you don't have to try and cook all this food. That's one barrier for people. They're like, I don't have time to cook. Right. It's already there for you. You can just put on the bowl and eat.
Starting point is 00:30:31 I would say make the thing that you're trying to develop a habit with so simple that you can't refuse it. You know, just make it so like, just make it like it's kind of, it just makes it, it just sounds like a joke. Yeah. You know, you're like, Hey, you know know you're on your way home from work or something and you bought some prepared meals or you have uh hard-boiled eggs or whatever it is like that's a quick um easily accessible doesn't take a lot of time to cook type of thing you got it sitting there waiting for you in your fridge
Starting point is 00:31:00 and you're like should i stop at subway Subway or should I just, should I just wait till I get home? When you have that conversation with yourself, we all have those conversations. Should I roll through Taco Bell? You know, whatever, whatever the place is that you like. It's, it's pretty easy to say, nah, man, you, you just, I understand you want to, but you'll go back and forth and you just say, I already got food at home. It's more economical.
Starting point is 00:31:24 You have the food already. You don't have to buy anything extra. It goes towards all your goals. I think there's a couple things you can do, too, when you're really considering, you know, having this cheat meal type of thing, but you want to try to still keep it clean. And I got this from John Heck. And John Heck basically says, he says to only have 10 grams of fat in the meal
Starting point is 00:31:49 so that really stifles your cheat you know what I mean so you can have some sugar but it kind of it kind of really just it's like man you just took out all my fucking fun but you could have you could have Rice Krispie treats I mean yeah lots of cereal you could probably have a have rice crispy treats i mean yeah lots of cereal you could
Starting point is 00:32:05 probably have a chicken teriyaki bowl like there's a still there's you know there's options you can have skittles you could you know what i mean you could have hard candy yogurt yeah yeah yogurt with sugar in it right i mean there's a bunch of things that if you're crafty uh maybe some fro-yo you can you can figure some of it out so i i would say like there's a couple things you can do try the 10 grams of fat rule is one of them that's a good one smash a lot of protein that'll help just throughout the day smash a lot of protein on that day and that should assist you to eat less but not totally guaranteed when you're eating uh food that's super palatable like that and we talk a lot about fasting you know maybe you you know, maybe you want to consider,
Starting point is 00:32:46 maybe you want to consider some fasting. And then when you go to eat your carb meal, have a nice big surplus of protein, smash a bunch of protein and then save whatever that thing is for the end. Uh, last the, um, I guess that's it.
Starting point is 00:33:01 Yeah. The 10, the 10 grams of fat rule though, I think, um, is, is a really good one good one and something kind of easy to follow and yes if you're at like 12 grams of fat who cares you know it's just a little bit of a guideline there and we already know that you're going to snap and probably go over extra but if you just look at that it's like that's a great rule because it's just going to
Starting point is 00:33:20 keep those cows down a little bit you know. Let me just reiterate the fact that I'm very high right now. But one thing that I've been really like, are we so high? Because we had fucking two of these. Damn, there should be a warning on that. This is a lot of kratom. Who sells that? But one thing I've really been liking doing on the days that i don't feel like really fasting
Starting point is 00:33:46 like uh i feel like having something in the morning um i think i know this is super simple but i've been having a about a scoop and a half or two scoops of the uh keto pro but then i add like i think three scoops of uh greek yogurt three big lot like whopping scoops of greek yogurt with that and i have i don't know why i didn't think about doing this recently my girl just had her teeth pulled so she's been having to drink a lot of protein and the best way for me to actually make her like it was putting some greek yogurt in it and some cinnamon but then i was like god dang why haven't i done this for myself it tastes amazing is it like vanilla or something it's it's um honey it's it's greek yogurt it's honey flavored greek yogurt but
Starting point is 00:34:25 it's full fat so it's like i put a lot of scoops of that in there some cinnamon this is starting to sound really good yeah and and it and it tastes amazing right it tastes great and it's as if you sound like me like my protein shakes have so much protein in them yeah probably has like 80 grams of protein in it it does and she by the way like she's not one that eats a lot of protein generally like i try to get her to eat more and she she's doing a better job but good way to sneak it in there she had like a shake that had 90 grams of protein and she's like this is great i'm like do you know how much protein you just had you're thinking you're gonna be so jacked but that's another thing again but it doesn't take much time and you really don't have an
Starting point is 00:35:05 excuse not to do it it's going to take you four minutes right so yeah i've been doing the same thing but i'll throw like pb fit in there yeah so good and what's that flavor what's that thing you use to delimitize it um that was good oh my god xanthan gum spell it x right yeah I always pronounce it wrong it's xanthan
Starting point is 00:35:36 with an n I think you're doing pretty good but I pronounce it xantham like anthem like national anthem but it's xanthan okay yeah cool yeah try that with pb fit it's really good i'll even use that as like a um like a a high protein peanut butter pb fits a powder right but like if you mix that mix in with like you know just a smaller amount of greek yogurt and you just make like a thicker consistency you use that as peanut butter so have that with
Starting point is 00:36:04 whatever celery. I mean, people eat it like that. It's pretty good. I don't think it's that great because I just don't really like the weird texture of celery because it gets all in my teeth. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But if I'll make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, I will just use it with that. There we go.
Starting point is 00:36:19 It's really good. Yeah. Like 25 grams of protein because I will throw powder in there too. Nice. Yeah. Okay. And Seema, what's something that kept you on track with something new that you started? Like, let's say, for example, let's say jujitsu.
Starting point is 00:36:36 I remember in the beginning you were saying like, it hurt. Like, you know, and you're a big dude, you're strong, you're super athletic. So if it hurt you, I mean, it must be tough. Painful, yeah. strong you're super athletic so if it hurt you i mean it must be it must be tough painful yeah um were you like hey man i better take three four days off because like that was really hard how did you have a conversation with yourself to like keep going so with that i think it kind of goes back to what we were talking about with like our beard entry one of the things like with jujitsu was that i would try to keep sparring,
Starting point is 00:37:06 even when I was just like dead tired and I didn't have the endurance at the time to continue. That was good or bad. That in the beginning wasn't the greatest because like I clearly didn't have the endurance and I wasn't even really building because the next day I'd be way too beat up to want to go back. So I would kind of look at what I was doing on the mat and be like, okay, well, I know I feel beat up when I try to do all six sparring sessions. So let me just try to do three of them today. And then the next day when I, when I tried to go to jujitsu, I felt better the next morning I felt recovered. And then I could make myself go the next day without having to feel like, ah, I'm way too beat up and making excuses for myself. So it all goes back to
Starting point is 00:37:46 make a deal with yourself just to make the barrier of entry easier. Because over time, I was like, okay, I can do that fourth round of sparring. Okay, I can do that fifth round of sparring. Okay, I can do this on back-to-back days. Right?
Starting point is 00:37:59 And you just adapt and you get better and even your want to do that gets much better too. And I mean, I know I mentioned it in this episode. I see. Yeah. You wanted to do it more. Like you wanted to do it initially, but then there was a little bit of a breaking point
Starting point is 00:38:13 where you got a little bit better and got a little bit better condition. You wanted, you were like, this is great. I'm heading in the right direction. Okay. You know, stop being a puss and just go for it. Yeah. And I feel like, you know, you, you use the great example of somebody who, let's say they're really overweight and they don't think that that walking is going to do them much good.
Starting point is 00:38:32 But when you make that barrier small, when you just start doing for a few minutes each day, you're going to see yourself getting better. And you when you see yourself progressing at something, it builds your confidence to want to do more of it oh man and what a like grand slam it is when someone's like hey man like you're you're getting a lot better dude like and and they're real serious and you tell they're authentic this makes you feel like you're on top of the world makes you feel so good yeah yeah it's it's it's great it's great so i mean i think all of that is just to give yourself what's the word
Starting point is 00:39:06 i'm looking for the idea i'm looking for here momentum give you yeah give yourself some momentum but yeah give yourself a chance to actually improve because if you never started at all you won't um so like in football um when they have a new quarterback in uh let's say it's a super bowl and Mahomes get, or is that his name? Patrick, Patrick Mahomes. It sounded weird when I said it for some reason.
Starting point is 00:39:30 Because you're baked. That's true. I'm half baked. When he, when he, you know, say he gets hurt and they need to put in a backup quarterback. Well,
Starting point is 00:39:40 the backup quarterback is a, he's a professional too. Like he knows a lot of what to do and i mentioned this on other podcasts and stuff but usually the guy will just turn around and hand the ball off let's give it somebody else don't let him like be on the field for a few minutes uh they might throw a screen pass which is just a short pass that's you know three yards to the running back and it's not a it's not a big deal you might throw some slants or really easy easy connect stuff or just like whatever the guy is the best at if it's a running quarterback
Starting point is 00:40:09 they might have him on the move they might have moving around a lot so he can build confidence whatever that thing is that he can get a little bit of that momentum going with but the point here is that he's not getting into the game and doing some really complicated play you know they want him to get a feel for it and be comfortable. And then what do some of these guys do? They get in there, they complete two, three passes, and then they start getting fired up and they start feeling really good. And now they're throwing bombs left and right
Starting point is 00:40:37 and they start to take over. And then a couple weeks later, somebody figures them out and they're done. But you see it happen a lot. That backup quarterback comes in and the coach is smart, taking his time with it. And you see this in so many, this is in so many other areas. You know, you get in a ring with somebody and you're, and you're boxing somebody. And you're like, holy shit. This guy is really, this guy is way stronger than I thought.
Starting point is 00:41:04 He's way stronger than me. That shit hurt when he hit me. And now you're, what are you going to do? You're going to start to do things that you think are simple enough so you can be effective. Yeah. You're going to probably throw a lot of punches. You're not going to throw a lot of heavy punches because you realize that's not a good idea because the guy's more powerful.
Starting point is 00:41:21 So you're going to throw jabs and you're going to throw feints and you're going to move your head and you're going to, you're like're like hey let me just kind of like see if i can buy some time so i can like figure this dude out i'm sure you do a lot of that in jiu-jitsu dude what you're like what you're saying there especially at when you start jiu-jitsu and you're you're in your first years of progressing you're the thing is not even figuring out how you can tap your opponent but it's just like, God damn. What, what do I need to do to be able to survive and not get tapped multiple times in a round? So you,
Starting point is 00:41:49 you just learn how to do things. So you don't get choked. You don't get arm bar. You all, you, you learn how to defend first. And then as you get better, you then learn how to attack.
Starting point is 00:41:58 Like, then you start actually like, Oh wow. Now I can, I can, I can go on the offense here and I can tap my opponent. It's this, it, and it all goes back to what we were talking about before. As you get better, you, wow, now I can go on the offense here and I can tap my opponent.
Starting point is 00:42:07 And it all goes back to what we were talking about before. As you get better, you gain more confidence and you actually want to do more things to improve. It's exciting. What happens when you go for a risky move and you're not really ready to do it? You're laughing already, yeah. Yeah, you get messed up. You get real messed up. So you got to just, all this stuff,
Starting point is 00:42:25 it, it, unfortunately it always takes time. I listen to James clear a lot. I don't know if you guys are familiar with him. Atomic habits. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:32 Yeah. And based off of some of his quotes, I kind of came up with this one. So it's halfway stolen and halfway mine. I love it. Motivation will not make you start. The start will make you motivated. Yep.
Starting point is 00:42:46 You know? So I think that we were always think that we need to be like motivated to go do something. But if you actually just go do something, then you'll be motivated. And that's what happens with the 10 minute walk. And that's what happens with lifting. You just make a,
Starting point is 00:43:02 you're like, all right, well, man, I'm pretty beat up from the week. I did a lot of squat and a lot of dead lifting i did this i did that and the the time right there isn't the time to celebrate anything you haven't completed the week yet you know you're on sunday and you agreed
Starting point is 00:43:15 that you would train every day that that week or whatever it is just talk yourself into something simple what's simple go in and do some triceps you know start out with some tricep pushdowns there's nothing easier more simple than that yeah maybe do some push-ups right but once you get in there and once you get going it feels um it feels like you're jipping yourself or robbing yourself if you were just to do like one exercise and leave or even two exercise like you're gonna do more than that you're not you're not that much of a chump. You just didn't feel like going. That's okay.
Starting point is 00:43:47 That happens to everybody. But once you get there, you know, if you have, if you have this, uh, will to do at least a little bit of stuff, you'll want to do a lot of this stuff.
Starting point is 00:43:57 Yeah. I like what you guys are saying, especially talking about the momentum and stuff and like how it, it just compiles on itself. Yeah. But for somebody who's like, not necessarily like, necessarily like like okay i'm not doing jujitsu i'm not gonna go box somebody i'm not not even gonna go to the gym to go lift um can you explain what it's like when you just start doing like these 10 minute walks and then all of a sudden you get home and it's like
Starting point is 00:44:20 okay i i had a good day like I accomplished my my one 10-minute walk that I wanted to do today now when they see that box of like cookies or whatever like damn maybe you know what maybe I don't want that today because they're already happy because normally that box is kind of what they turn to because that's what they need to feel a little bit better right but now it's like oh shit like I actually don't need that anymore I'm not leaning on that now it's like, oh, shit, like I actually don't need that anymore. I'm not leaning on that. So it's like some of the the more practicality, practical, you know, applications for like just like your average person. And, you know, I think if we can touch more on that, like that's something I didn't still had a hard time understanding, even though I was training on a regular basis. It was when I went a couple of days without i was like man why am i like agitated why like i remember one time stephanie was like uh this was after i hadn't trained for a couple days
Starting point is 00:45:11 and then i had a really good training session she's like this is the first time you smiled all week and i'm like whoa i didn't know it was that serious and she's like yeah i'm like oh shit that's a comment you don't forget you're like, it's just fucking what's wrong with me. Melted a hole right in my brain. I was like, wow. Like, okay. So I think that's something that people aren't going to understand. They're going to look at you guys and be like, what the fuck? Like these guys, what are they going to know about my situation?
Starting point is 00:45:37 But it, it, it's like, this is real, you know, like this is a thing that you can use to help propel you forward to not do some of these not make some of these other bad decisions yeah i think uh that's called like some people do this purposefully like they'll make a schedule of like habits they have and they'll habit stack i think it was an atomic habits that he talks about that like for example if you want to start you know meditating make sure it's something you do. Like right after I brush my teeth, I will meditate. Then you have like a cue. You have a cue. Exactly. But also that what you mentioned, Andrew, is I think it's a natural habit stack that happens when you start doing healthy things. So for example, when you go on the 10 minute walk
Starting point is 00:46:18 and you come back home and you see that box, well, you just did something really good for yourself. And you probably did 15 or 20 minutes because it's, you just did something really good for yourself. And you probably did 15 or 20 minutes because it's, you just felt like walking more. You came home, you felt great. And you're like, I feel good, but that box isn't going to make me feel better. I'll probably feel worse. So naturally you end up wanting to not partake and maybe do something else that's going to help you out. That's why all these small things will, will make you, will be so much better, more beneficial for you. Like the ab roll I have at my desk after I do that, like, you know, after the half hour, if I do like 10 or 15 reps, I feel really good, even though I'm a little bit sore.
Starting point is 00:46:53 And I want to be even more productive naturally because I'm feeling better. Right. I think you can kind of run through that logic, too, of how does this help? How does this hurt? You know, sometimes the unhealthy food, I personally think helps a lot just because you're human and, and we, we grew up with those things and they're fun. And so occasionally someone's like, Hey, let's meet up and have a beer or whatever it is that you're into. I think there's definitely, there's definitely always, there's always room for that, but there's not room for it all the time.
Starting point is 00:47:27 As we mentioned earlier, having some prepared meals or pre, you know, pre cooked stuff can be really important. So something I do that's really simple is when I have dinner, I almost always cook a little extra. And yeah, I like I'm I've never been a huge fan of leftovers i'd rather have it fresh 100 i'd rather have everything you know cooked you know right then and there um but having that extra stuff when i come home from work or i have a day where just the shit hit the fan a bunch of different times i'm like ah you know i got a piedmontese steak sitting in the fridge it's already cooked up it might only be a couple ounces because i might have eaten you know, I got a Piedmontese steak sitting in the fridge. It's already cooked up. It might only be a couple ounces cause I might've eaten, you know,
Starting point is 00:48:07 most, most of what I had the night before. Um, but even just four ounces or six ounces is good enough for me to make a better decision with what I'm about to cook. So I'll kind of eat before I eat. you know, and,
Starting point is 00:48:20 and have fun with your food too. We talked before about like, you know, you, all this stuff is going to turn you into a chef at some point. You're going to learn how to cook. And you might not do anything fancy, but you're going to learn how to cook appropriately for your taste buds. And you're not like a little kid anymore.
Starting point is 00:48:37 You don't have to worry about mom and dad telling you how much to eat and stuff. If you like salmon and you like steak, you can cook both for dinner. You know, you can eat like you guys see me post all the time, the double dinner, you know, have fun with it. And if you really feel stressed,
Starting point is 00:48:51 like just try to give yourself a better option, you know, try to smash, you know, a good amount of food and, uh, you know, kind of use those better options rather than,
Starting point is 00:49:02 you know, even sometimes like, you know, I've done things like this where you eat like, I don't know, peanut butter and honey. Like it still has a lot of calories in it. Right. It still has a lot of calories. It was not on my plan, but I'll just, you know, eat, I'll just eat, eat shit like that
Starting point is 00:49:18 rather than, uh, cause I'm not going to eat that much of it is the point. Bro, I'm floating so much. That's awesome. I legit feel like I'm floating. Oh, hold on a second we're not floating it's like that second one just came and just like oh my god just fucking came on the first one and wow andrew can you hit the button to make the room stop moving uh we're currently in outer space, so I have no control over gravitational pulls and stuff.
Starting point is 00:49:50 Well, we are moving at like, what, a thousand miles an hour or something? Yeah. How are you doing, actually? Giant convertible. I don't know why. Yeah. I just totally want to make out with you right now.
Starting point is 00:50:00 That's my subconscious being. Wait, high five. Bam. Oh, God. You're like oh didn't know how to execute that we might have to revisit pre-podcast protocols after this
Starting point is 00:50:14 oh this is great but the information we're putting forward is totally valid still yeah um but we should also say maybe don't do two of these at once we're 200 and we're two 240 pound men and we're struggling right now so great but it's fine but um back to the food deal yeah man yesterday uh i am very happy with how my chef skills have have progressed over the over time but um i had three piedmontese
Starting point is 00:50:42 patties um and they were amazing and i never low amount of food for you it is you're a big boy it is did i only have three three packs no patties three of the pastimes are so funny sometimes when he's like yeah he's like yeah so i ate some hard-boiled eggs like i don't know i ate like eight or ten of them and then i was while i was cooking you know it's like yeah it's like holy shit man that's uh getting after it's a lot but um but yeah man like it's i i after like eating that stuff i don't feel the need or the want to like go to five guys or something else because it really was really really good like you'll get surprised with how good you can make food and again going back to the habits for busy people that we were on here
Starting point is 00:51:21 do it in an air fryer it takes no time at all literally it took 15 minutes for that whole thing to be prepared and you don't have to babysit it you don't need a babysitter i just put it in out so again get an air fryer for home makes cooking super easy we also had somebody say or maybe i heard on another podcast about like putting cookies like in their like basement on the top shelf and you had to like get difficult to get the cookies down with like a ladder or something like a step ladder, you know, it's like, yeah, they're there. It's going to take you, you know, two minutes, three minutes to go down, you know, in the, whatever, wherever you, whatever you got to do to kind of safeguard yourself.
Starting point is 00:51:57 We, you know, preach here on the podcast a lot to just try not to have that stuff, uh, in the house. But, um, it's kind of great to have it all sitting there too. And to, and to just not care about it because you, you're on a mission, you have a different plan. Making other people aware can help making your significant other aware of the goal that you have.
Starting point is 00:52:17 I think a lot of times it's easy as a couple, especially when you're first like dating and stuff, you keep enjoying, enjoying each other's company and you're enjoying like a lot of food and you're just going out and you're just pounding food and getting drunk all the time and pounding on each other the next thing you know you gain 15 pounds or whatever but yeah try to make yourself accountable by communicating with other people around you yeah and then like to take it another another step forward about like lowering the barrier of entry like when you do make the steaks or if you make the chicken, like also like cut it up beforehand, you know, because that'll make things a lot easier later.
Starting point is 00:52:51 Because I know I've looked I've cooked up breast and I'm just like, man, like I don't want to have to deal with it. And then so I'll just avoid it. But even like vegetables, too. Like I like putting bell peppers in like some like with monster mash or something. Yeah. But if they're not cut up like I just like, you some like with monster mash or something yeah but if they're not cut up like i just like maybe next time you bring something up that's great is there's a lot more to meal prep than just preparing the meal you know even because you're going to talk yourself out of everything i don't feel like cleaning the pan oh the dishes are dirty you know and then you're like i'm just gonna i'm just going to go to Jack of the Box and get tacos.
Starting point is 00:53:28 Hey, it was the only thing that was open on Thanksgiving. That's great. I got that one a little late. Yeah. You're right. One thing I was actually going to say that I thought about that I think is really, really awesome is, you know, we're here talking about 10 minute walks and also like, you know, standing at your desk. But one reason that people, especially like if they work at an office, one reason why
Starting point is 00:53:52 they get off of work and they feel that they don't have the energy to do things or the energy to do a workout or to do anything is because when you're sitting for, for seven hours or seven and a half hours actually when most people have lunch they go and they sit down too when you get out of that seat your hips feel like just tight and tired your butt is kind of probably fell asleep a few times hurt your knees hurt you don't feel good right because you were inactive for that whole time so obviously you're not going to want to go do anything active because you're not you don't't feel good. But these 10 minute walks that we're talking about taking every hour potentially or every few hours, well, you won't feel as tight in the hips. You're, you're, you're gonna, you're gonna feel better. working standing for 10 minutes after every hour, your hips aren't going to be as tight.
Starting point is 00:54:49 So over time, you're just going to feel better when you get off work, which will give you the boost to actually go do something that's going to be beneficial for you. So again, these small, easy habits are things that are going to make you do even more. They're going to make you want to do harder things. And you really won't feel busy if you can figure out a way to kind of always be ahead. You know, you won't always be ahead, but figure out ways of being ahead rather than ways of being behind. I think, you know, we have a tendency to be on our phones too much, watch too much TV and procrastinate and put things off. And every time you push something off, I mean, there's a lot of stress involved with that. Every time you're like, yeah, I'll do it. I'll do that later. And then it's, then it's Friday. I something off, I mean, there's a lot of stress involved with that. Every time you're like, yeah, I'll do it.
Starting point is 00:55:25 I'll do that later. And then it's, then it's Friday. I'm like, I'll do that next week. I'll make that call to that person next week. Yeah. And you keep, and it just keeps getting pushed and pushed and pushed. And you have kind of, you have anxiety over it that you probably don't even, you probably don't even know.
Starting point is 00:55:38 Like you, you have, it's, it's not like you're crazy about it, but you know, those kinds of things, they, they build up over time. You know, we're also talking about but you know, those kinds of things, they, um, they build up over time. You know, we're also talking about, you know, being busy. And we mentioned a little bit about kind of this multitasking type of thing. There are so many things you can do simultaneously. I, I have learned so much. I mean, yes, I learned better when I listen to information rather than read it. I'm not a great reader.
Starting point is 00:56:02 listen to information rather than read it. I'm not a great reader. Um, and I sit down and I have a pen and paper and I write stuff down. And then even on top of that, if I go back and read what I wrote, that's massive. Like that's probably the number one way for me to learn something short of maybe going to like a seminar or a clinic of some sort,
Starting point is 00:56:21 but you need to figure out what are ways that you can, what are ways that you can multitask? What are ways that you can, what are ways that you can multitask? What are ways that you can learn stuff? You know, we've talked before about turning your, um, your car into a school, you know,
Starting point is 00:56:34 turn your car into like an education center. And I heard someone the other day, they're like, Oh, on my way to work, I listen to music. And on the way home, I listened to informational stuff.
Starting point is 00:56:42 I was like, that's great. And they said in the morning, they just, they don't informational stuff. I was like, that's great. And they said in the morning, they just, they don't want, they don't, they're too tired. They don't want to hear a bunch of information about learning about whatever it is they're trying to learn about. And so they do it on the way home. That's great. That's a good compromise.
Starting point is 00:56:57 You know, you shouldn't have to feel like you need to do it all the time, but you know, what are things that you can do together? The other day when I was at a gym, I was on a, on like a step mill and I recorded a audio, an audio file of a Saturday school, you know, while I'm working out, getting, getting shit done, you know, while you're doing something, can you go on the treadmill and walk and email at the same time? It's not the most preferred thing. email at the same time it's not the most preferred thing it's not the it's not the best thing but shit man that's great you're moving you're burning calories you're doing some stuff for towards your goals and you're getting you're getting your uh emails done or whatever it is that you need to work on so i i really think that that's
Starting point is 00:57:42 a a crucial a crucial thing and then you know another easy thing to do is go buy a Tesla so that that way when you're going to pick up your son from school, you can eat your icon meals very easily because the car is driving for you. Exactly. And Teslas aren't really that expensive. You know, they're pretty, they're one of the more affordable electric cars. That's true. Grab that.
Starting point is 00:58:03 It'll make life so much easier. Grab one for you and your family, you know? Yeah. Get one for the wife, maybe one for the more affordable electric cars that's true grab that it will make life so much easier grab one for you and your family you know yeah get one for the wife maybe one for the kid yeah yeah but that that episode that you were just referring to of saturday school i like what you said you said i never do one thing at once i'm like where is he gone with this but then you explain because you're always doing something and something else yeah right so like another practical easy thing is like you said like if you're commuting then throw on a podcast mm-hmm if you find on the way to work it doesn't it doesn't work out for you do it on the way home then because like I'm the opposite I have to listen to something informational or
Starting point is 00:58:39 motivational as I'm coming to work and then when I'm leaving I've tried it and I'm just like my mom you know after a podcast or something i'm like i just want to listen to stuff about call of duty or something just not if you were on kratom well i wouldn't need to be driving if i was on that much kratom i just fly home yeah probably just magic carpet ride but uh real real quick um for those of you who are like uh i can't let's say you know the standing desk thing we're talking about i feel like that's i feel like that's one of the most useful things just because sitting for such a long time is really really like you you'll i'd feel like shit yeah the time that we went to um ohio and we had
Starting point is 00:59:23 to podcast and we were sitting for so long i did i think i told you i was like now i know what people who work in i've been prepping 16 years for this right yeah remember we kept uh doing our 10 minute squats everywhere we go yeah we're dying we're dying uh-huh like i think that number one if you really are like oh i don't want to spend money on that a A lot of companies, you'd be surprised if you say, hey, can you guys put $100 towards a desk riser or something, a desk like this? They will put that forward because it's for work. And since a lot of people are also working from home, companies are doing that.
Starting point is 00:59:58 I know a lot of people who their company got them a standing desk or a desk riser and didn't come out of their pocket. So really, that's one thing you should really try to do because even for my desk at home it makes such a big difference to how i feel having to sit at the computer for hours on end big difference so yeah and even just like getting outside you know getting outside getting that sun like it makes you want to do more stuff and you got to figure out i think ultimately what we're talking about what i keep kind of hearing what keeps popping up is you have to work on and it is a lot of work if the work on making yourself feel good i mean that's really all we're talking about if you feel good you're like sure and you want to go on a walk and he doesn't feel good his knees jacked from squatting
Starting point is 01:00:42 or something you know you're gonna be like oh man, yeah, I'd love to, but I'm just going to chill. Right. Yeah. Whatever ways you have to work on assisting yourself to feel good and to be in a good mood. And that's, that's why we talk about Kratom so much is it does help to get you in a good mood. I still utilize it every day, right before the workout, take a little Kratom and, and have,
Starting point is 01:01:05 have a great workout. Sometimes I just take it in the morning, uh, on a non-training day as well. But, um, you have to work on like, what are things that can make you feel good? You don't have to take Kratom to do that, but what are the things that make you feel good? Uh, could be, could be music. Yeah. You know, sometimes you listen to some good music, it's fired up. If you're walking or jogging or something,'re gonna find yourself running a little bit harder you're lifting and listening to some good music you know i didn't realize spotify does this uh thing where they have like a year in review oh yeah right for 2020 they like they gave me and my my like top listen to song was like one of the songs that I always listen to right before jujitsu
Starting point is 01:01:45 And I didn't realize that I've streamed that song think 900 and something times in this year Yeah, apparently like yeah, I didn't realize but like that really gets me You know gets me em to want to go do that thing So I think that honestly even even though it might seem like small to people that is a really really great tip if there's something if there's a song that pumps you up or something put that on if you're not feeling like you want to do something
Starting point is 01:02:14 put it on yeah i think nostalgia is really powerful yeah it really is it's a it's a really powerful thing maybe it's music that you liked when you were a kid or you know it's going to kind of remind you of uh i don't know maybe maybe it reminds you of when you first started jujitsu or maybe it's a song that kind of, I don't even know. Do you guys listen to music? Oh, and jujitsu, not our school. No, we don't have music on. No, but yeah, if it's something in the gym and it might remind you of the setting, like when I listen to, when I hear like Metallica and ACDC and all that stuff, it reminds me of when I first started training that's like all that was ever on you know pretty much this is playing non-stop yeah looking at um like all the uh the old school super training
Starting point is 01:02:55 videos it's like it's the same music that we still listen to today oh yeah yeah and i ain't gonna be embarrassed or ashamed to say it there's uh they're like i think on the rocks instagram he sometimes has like videos and working out. Yo, sometimes like I'll watch something like that. I'll be like, I have to go to the gym right now. Really?
Starting point is 01:03:11 Like, like it's surprising. Sometimes when I think about that, I'm like, really? That actually gets me amped up. But yeah, it does.
Starting point is 01:03:18 That's what gets me going. You're like, wow, I'm a little stimulated more than I thought. Maybe I shouldn't go to the gym like this. I gotta work off this aggression. Seeing people work out is great. Like, you know, kind of maybe not along the same lines as The Rock, but similar.
Starting point is 01:03:39 What about seeing someone who's 75 years old do a deadlift? You know? Yeah. You're like, fuck man. Or, or seeing, uh, somebody that, um, you know, someone like the one-legged monster or someone like that. You're like, yeah, man, that you're like, that's right. That's what this shit's all about. It's about, you know, working your hardest and trying to get better each and every day. And it gets you, gets you amped up or you can, I mean, you see david goggins he's yelling at you sometimes you're
Starting point is 01:04:06 not in the mood for it so you just shut him down right away but sometimes you're like i do need to be yelled at a little bit today i'm gonna go for it uh david goggins man he uh he's like jordan you know how like in the last dance you saw that jordan like created or creates oh yeah yeah like he's like yeah and uh that offended me so he always makes something up goggins like he he i think there was something i saw where he literally always has somebody else that's doing more than he is in his mind they're not real but they're doing more chasing a rabbit he's it's like he's chasing a rabbit yeah and then also like are like if so if there is this imaginary person that's better than you, like, are you guys
Starting point is 01:04:45 competing? Like, is there like, you're going to win a belt? Like what's going on here? And it's like, well, there's no competition, but other than himself. But like, that's just funny to me. You know what? I know this might not be a habit for busy people, but I think something that would actually be really good to see somehow maybe, I don't know, develop or have is somebody else that is almost like a rival.
Starting point is 01:05:08 Right. Because like at my jujitsu school, there's this guy like I love the dude. He's awesome. Julian. But Julian, he trains so much. He's so technical. He's so good. And John also, if you guys listen, Julian and John owning, um, they're, they're so good, but I know that they're always watching jujitsu and they're always thinking about jujitsu. Always consuming in all they're always consuming. And I know that like there's Julian tapped me the other day. Right. And it's rare that we tap each other because we're always like our game is fast now, but
Starting point is 01:05:43 he tapped me doing something that I've seen him drill literally for the past three weeks. It was a super technical backtake, but I've been watching him drill it. I'm like, well, that looks cool. And then he did it to me the other day. I was like, motherfucker, he actually pulled it off. And that's been on my mind for the past few days. And it's, it has me watching videos and thinking and going even harder at training because I have this person that they're moving forward and I don't want to be left behind too. It's motivating. So I like what you're saying there about, you know, being a student and even on this topic of being busy, could you use YouTube as a search to find information about what you can do about being busy? I'm sure there's been a lot of people that executed, you know, really awesome YouTube
Starting point is 01:06:28 videos that talk about, you know, making a schedule. And maybe you don't feel like you're that person, but I kind of am of the belief is that you can learn just about anything. You can really learn just about anything. Tim Ferriss, four-hour work week. You know, you want to try to figure out a way to optimize. How can I be more optimal? There's certain things you don't have control over. Like if you have to drive like two or three hours to work, I mean, that's just, that's a lot of time in the car.
Starting point is 01:06:53 But like I, like we said, you could, you could listen to podcasts. There's things that you could do. You can listen to books, um, whatever you need to do to, you know, get you to where you're trying to go. But I think you should also view being too busy as temporary. So let's say that you really are. I mean, let's say you really are working really hard and it just, you're a truck driver or something and you just, it's just like, it just seems like it's too much, you know, it's too much for you to figure out how to exercise. Well, how long do you want to live that same life like that? How long? Because I think people are always
Starting point is 01:07:29 thinking about the paycheck. They're always thinking about the next paycheck. And I was always taught from the time I was a kid to refuse money as much as, as much as you possibly can, even when you need it, even when you may have deserved it. And even when you may have earned it and it's just a, it's just a message to yourself that you're sustained and that you're going to figure it out. So someone's like, hey, man, thanks for raking leaves on my lawn when I was a kid and did some things like that here and there. I would say, no, sir, I don't need any pay. And my dad was just like, yeah, you do it for the experience of it type thing.
Starting point is 01:08:02 And yes, I would take the money sometimes too, because, you know, they would say, no, no, no, I insist, you know? And so once they do that, then you kind of like, yeah, okay, I really do need the money. Um, but the whole point is, is that when you feel sustained like that, you don't feel like you have to, you have to take that 20 bucks. And I think people are always thinking about the next 20 bucks, the next 10 bucks, and your brain is wrapped around that. And so that makes you busier than you even want to be. And you might be able to, you might be able to think there are other jobs.
Starting point is 01:08:36 There are other jobs that are similar to this job where I can make a similar amount of money and not have to be there as much. a similar amount of money and not have to be there as much. Or it might be in my best interest to take a little bit of a pay cut or even kind of a lot of it of pay cut to go and try to move on to do something different. So if you are really busy, you just became a doctor or you just whatever, whatever it is.
Starting point is 01:09:00 I mean, there's people that are like on call 24 seven. There's crazy jobs out there that people do just kind of view it as being like, that's a temporary spot. But at some point you should invest in yourself rather than investing so much money or so much time into your job. Cause time is money and the most important thing you can ever invest in. And the best thing to ever bet on is yourself. And it's hard. It's none of
Starting point is 01:09:26 it's none of it's easy. You know, you go from making 50K a year and you're feeling pretty good. You got benefits. It looks like you're heading in the right direction, but you're working, working, working, working, working. And you don't have you need like a third of the day to yourself. You know, you need to figure that out somehow. You need some of that, not completely to yourself, but for yourself and for family members and friends and stuff like that. If that's, if that can't happen and you feel stressed and you're not heading in the direction that you want from a personal standpoint, like with your own health and just your own development, then that's, that's not great.
Starting point is 01:10:02 And that should be temporary and it should be viewed that way. your own development, then that's, that's not great. And that should be temporary and it should be viewed that way. You know, what you just mentioned there, like, I see that a lot with, I see that you see that with everybody, but I've noticed it more personally with people that are making a lot of money. Like they're, they're, they're working a ton. They're working like 70, 80 hour weeks. 70, 80 hour weeks. Um, and they're, they're just like, they are scared of stopping that,
Starting point is 01:10:33 even though it's negatively affecting their health, it's negatively affecting them mentally, but they're, they just, they're, they're continuing to seek that out. Um, but the one thing we got to think about here is the one thing that's gonna dictate whether you actually have a good life is if you're healthy, because it doesn't matter how much money you're making. If you, if you've, if that's stopping you from taking care of yourself, from being a healthy individual, then you're living every day in pain and you're suffering and it's not, it doesn't matter how much money you make or it's not, it won't make a difference for you personally, you know? So I think that is something that a lot of people should think about. I think it kind of reminds me, I think it's might be Bill Burr who talks about like the big jacked guy at the gym. And he's like, you just, you ever see any of these guys in the gym?
Starting point is 01:11:16 He's like, they look amazing. And you just want to go up to him and say, go home. You won, you know, it's over with, you know, and kind of the same thing, you know, so same could be said to us sometimes when we get too obsessed with our training is maybe we're not all that leveled out, you know, maybe we're not, you know, maybe we should work on getting some sort of, uh, some kind of balance. Right. And I, and we've talked about balance a bunch of times on the podcast and I think it's totally fine to be off balance and off center even for a little while, but that should also be temporary.
Starting point is 01:11:46 You have to figure out, you know, how do I get, how do I get back to having some sort of balance? You know, I can't spend four hours in the gym every day as much as I love to. Yeah. I've been trying to just remove the whole phrase like, oh, I'm, I'm busy or I'm too busy for X, Y, and Z. Like it's completely out of my vocabulary. Yeah. I don't know. Maybe this will for X, Y, and Z. Like it's completely out of my vocabulary. Yeah. I don't know. Maybe this will be a good question for you guys.
Starting point is 01:12:08 Like, do you think it's like a healthy thing to kind of like make up this character that is busy and say like, that's my enemy. Now, like when I go home, like I want to be home, but like today I'm going to take work home with me, but I'm not going to be like busy. Right. I'm not going to just be like, I can't, like, I won't be doing like two things at once. Like I won't be like, oh, let's eat dinner while I work, but I'm going to get my work done. So that way I can hang out with my family. So by making busy, like the enemy, like, okay, I just want to slay this bitch right now.
Starting point is 01:12:40 So that way I can get to this as opposed to me just being like, oh my God, I'm so busy. Like, I'm not going to be able to go home and hang out with anybody yeah does that make sense it does yeah yeah so like you're making the whole idea of busy it's it's it's just like jordan creating you know a narrative yeah yeah no i dig that so like should we even like should we strive to just never be busy if that's like a thing if that's possible like meaning like work would like fall over into non-work hours i think you know there's there's certain terminology that's just so easy to use uh like saying that your work is hard you know saying hard hey it's all about hard work Well, whether the work is hard or not is an individual thing.
Starting point is 01:13:27 If somebody has never done that work before, or they never challenged themselves in the way that you're talking about when you refer to work, then the work's going to be hard. But a lot of times, I don't think work should necessarily be hard. It should just be work. Now, that's just like a narrative that i made up just so i just so i don't feel like i'm uh working more or working harder uh so i don't have a perception in my mind that everything i do is so challenging or everything i do is so difficult
Starting point is 01:13:59 um and that i but i still find time to lean into certain things that start to feel uncomfortable. Like, ah, that's, you know, this is starting to really hurt when I'm doing this exercise. Uh, but this hurt or this feeling that I have is for growth. You know, this is, this is, uh, this sucks to, you know, have to do 25 reps of leg extensions or whatever it is. My legs are burning. But you change the conversation in your head about it being hard work. And you say, okay, well, this is a totally normal reaction.
Starting point is 01:14:32 My quads are working. Every time I have a concentric contraction, it's pumping it with more blood. The eccentric is breaking down some of the muscle tissue. And this happens to everybody. You know, everybody, anybody who's anyone who's ever become anything has worked for it and then so you're coming along saying this is really hard it i don't really i don't really i don't like that terminology but it's easy to use and so i'll still say it i'll say oh yeah you got to work you got to work hard for that because everyone knows what you're talking about and when it comes comes to like trying, you know, I'm working on, you know, kind of eliminating that
Starting point is 01:15:08 word too, but it's a very convenient word and you don't always mean it this exact same way. And so I think when we think about the word busy, it's great to say like, Hey, I'm never busy. You know, like we had you know Ron Penna he sold Quest Nutrition for a billion dollars that guy you know is one of the sharpest guys that we know mentally physically I mean
Starting point is 01:15:35 he's strong he's in good shape his intelligence his intellect is just you know off the charts we're very dreamy eyed about our boy Ron Penna it's Tony Stark yeah and I mean he's you know he's like he's um he's in the middle of like being able to diagnose cancer in ways that other people have never been able to figure out i mean this guy is sharp and when we went to talk to him and see him as like hey well you know if you're busy or whatever
Starting point is 01:16:02 whatever came up in conversation and he's like, I'm never busy. And I think that he took that mindset on of like, no, I have certain things that I do each day. Um, and I make a list of like the priorities and I knock them out each day. And that's that I'm not actually really busy. He works on one thing. He gets that done. Boom.
Starting point is 01:16:24 He moves to the next and so forth. And so I think, I think from a mindset standpoint, I get the idea of like, Hey, let's kind of, um, let's just get rid of that terminology. But every time someone says busy, every time someone says hard, if you're there correcting them, you're not going to have a lot of friends and they're going to be like, dude, you know what, you know what the fuck I'm talking about, you know? And so it's just, it's just easy language to utilize.
Starting point is 01:16:49 But I do think, I don't think that you should feel like you're super busy. Maybe on occasion things happen where you have a day that's loaded up more than others. I mean, I think it's like my third time in here today. I think we did a bunch of different stuff and And today was a today was a busy day. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:17:10 But, you know, we always we always point to the rock because it just his life just seems so different than what most people can relate to or like an Elon Musk. And, you know, if you ask the rock, could he do more stuff? He would say yes. His agent would say no, but he would say, hell, the rock could he do more stuff he would say yes his agent would say no but he would say hell yeah i could do more stuff you know hey could you add in a half an hour of cardio each day probably look at you kind of weird and think about it but he probably could figure it out a way to prioritize it to to sneak it in there so most people can handle doing more therefore they're probably not as busy as they think. You know, I think we should definitely do an episode on just, I guess, building a type of mindset because, you know, we're talking about all of these actions and all of these habits, but
Starting point is 01:17:56 yo, like shifting your mindset from one way to a more positive way can make all the difference in terms of how you look at all different types of situations. An example is recently my right knee that I had surgery on the meniscus removal. Um, it was two weeks ago. It was feeling real wonky. Like, I don't know what I did, but I woke up the next morning and it felt like pre-surgery knee. And I was like, Oh shoot. But immediately I just threw on a knee sleeve. I got a band, one of the red bands, and I started doing some stuff and I was like, okay, we can work with this. We can, we can figure something out here. I went to jujitsu that day and I literally just did everything I would usually do on my left foot. And I was like, okay, we can work this out. This is good. But I know like, if that happened to me years ago, I would have been, I would have been
Starting point is 01:18:49 a hardcore depressed because when it comes to me and my physicality, I put a lot of weight into that. And the next few days it was still feeling bad, but I was like, huh, we can still do something here. Like we there's, there's, we're, we're figuring it out. And then now it's pretty much close to normal. I don't know what the hell it was. Cause it felt scary, but immediately, instead of going into this really sad, depressed type of mindset, because of all these things that I've been doing, like I've been doing through the years in terms of the way I think about bad situations, it happened. I just immediately started going towards the solution for the problem and that that was a slow switch from what i would do in the past so it's like that's that shift in mindset we have to sum up we have to have an episode where we talk about ways to actually change the way you
Starting point is 01:19:38 think about things because that can make all the difference and so many things it's crazy it's a it's a huge uh game changer for a lot of people. I think, you know, they'll say that the mind has plasticity to it, right? But it's also not like a rubber band, you know, it doesn't, it's not going to, it doesn't change that much. And it changes really, really slow. It's something that needs to be molded over time. And it continuously is changing from when you're really, really young. It's kind of almost similar to the way that we go out in
Starting point is 01:20:12 life. Can't remember stuff, hard to talk, like just it's really weird the way the mind works. It reaches some sort of peak, you know, probably from, I don't know, 25 to 50 or something, from, I don't know, 25 to 50 or something, and then starts to kind of go backwards at some point. But, you know, trying to wrap your mind around, hey, look, everything's just literally an interpretation. You know, how do I, how do I interpret what's in front of me? How do I, what do I do with this? And you can, it's so easy to be defeated right away.
Starting point is 01:20:46 Yeah. Look at all the people that Tyson used to smash, you know, they were defeated before they got to the ring. Now, I don't know if those guys were talented enough to do anything else other than what they did, but I'm sure they got themselves in a compromising position way easier and
Starting point is 01:20:59 way worse because of what they talked themselves into before anything even happened. And they're like, they terrorize themselves in the weeks. I mean, imagine having that feeling the whole time. But imagine having like a more calculated approach where you're like, you know what? I'm I know who I'm going against. I'm going against the guy with bad intentions, the bad baddest man on the planet. One of the roughest, toughest fighters anyone's ever seen.
Starting point is 01:21:26 It's like, you know, locking yourself in a cage with a lion and, uh, you know, I need to watch out. But imagine if you were like more, you know, thinking methodically, okay, well he, he fights kind of more squared off and I'm going to try these techniques. And he seems a little susceptible to jabs. He seems a little susceptible to uppercuts, well, very susceptible to uppercuts, you know, and you start to kind of problem solve and start to say,
Starting point is 01:21:49 okay, this guy has potential to tear, tear me in half right now. But if I do the game plan, and if I do some of these things and I practice some of this stuff in training, I'm going to be more prepared for it. I've never seen anybody,
Starting point is 01:22:04 you know, punch him in the arms. I've never seen anybody tie him up a lot. I've never seen anybody really frustrate him. I've never seen anybody punch him continuously before he got shots off. You know, he was always a counter puncher. And if you watch Buster Douglas, the way he picked him apart was insane. Like, that fight doesn't make any sense. Like fight was that fight doesn't make any sense like
Starting point is 01:22:25 the fight still doesn't make any sense you know in with rocky you know in a movie in a scripted movie you know he gives apollo creed like a run for his money you know and and they you know they go they go the distance and that's rocky's whole thing i just wanted to prove i'm not another bum from the neighborhood type thing and i know that tyson like got fat and he did all this stuff and you get out of shape and you party and stuff like that. But this is the most ferocious boxer anyone's ever seen. Well beyond anything Rocky Marciano ever did. Well beyond anything Muhammad Ali ever did. I mean, no one's ever seen anything like that up into that point
Starting point is 01:23:05 and then he finally you know lost and he lost a couple other fights and you know Ali is probably still considered the greatest kind of over Tyson and so on but Buster Douglas destroyed him like it wasn't it wasn't even a close fight I know that Tyson knocked him down once and stuff like that but buster douglas fucking kicked his ass he totally kicked his ass really really bad he jabbed the shit out of him tyson's eyeball was swollen up like is this the fight yes it's fine tyson looks in shape here yeah no he he was in shape but like they tried to make excuses they were in tokyo and like i don't know he was just you know they talk about how him and his coaches would walk around with like 100k in know he was just you know they'd talk about how him and his coaches would walk around with like 100k in their pocket and just go buy a bunch of shit and but look at
Starting point is 01:23:49 that jab how hard he's throwing that jab out there every single time this is about being prepared like this is what you this is what you can do you know you can beat the best guy ever uh you know it's crazy what the mind we hear it all the time the mind doesn't have limitations, it's, it's crazy what the mind, we hear it all the time. The mind doesn't have a limitations, right? It's hard to hear stuff like that because it just doesn't really make any sense. Cause you're like, well,
Starting point is 01:24:10 what does that mean? Does that mean I can bench press a thousand pounds? Well, I, I don't know. Like we don't really, we don't really know where we're limited, man.
Starting point is 01:24:18 He was just fucking killed him in that fight. That was such a good fight. But anyway, the whole, the whole point here is that if you are a problem solver your your mindset will change a lot because you are continually proving to yourself that you know that you know he knocked him out with that you will continually prove to yourself that you know how to get yourself out of bad situations. Yeah. When you're able just to simply problem solve.
Starting point is 01:24:45 And then it's really not about being like tough necessarily, but it is about changing your interpretation and changing your mindset to just that problem solving, get into a fight with your spouse. You know, you argue and it's like, okay, well we can get mad and we can hurt each other's feelings.
Starting point is 01:25:03 Someone can cry. We could both cry. We can both get mad and we can hurt each other's feelings. Someone can cry. We could both cry. We can both get mad. I could throw a chair across the room and act like fucking lunatic. Right. And you can do all these things, but none of them, they don't do,
Starting point is 01:25:12 they don't do anything. They don't really solve a problem. And maybe you do need to get emotional occasionally. I can agree with that. Maybe you do need to get a little, uh, you know, fired up and vocal just to get,
Starting point is 01:25:23 you know, get stuff out. We are human and you got to get some of that off your chest but yeah it's all about solving problems I've never seen this one so I remember so this was like right after he broke up with I forgot her name Robin Robin Givens
Starting point is 01:25:38 yeah but I've never three piece to the face and those those are some shots. You guys are listening. We're watching some of the Buster Douglas Tyson fight right now. So. And Tyson,
Starting point is 01:25:51 like getting up from this is unbelievable too, but you know, he's really, oh my God. Okay. Let me take this down. You know, I think it's really,
Starting point is 01:26:00 it's really funny how we're, we're talking about, or we, we came upon this subject because legit, I have a video that is going to be up on YouTube kind of about emotions or like how I've seen you talk about it before. Yeah. And a long time ago, I remember seeing one of your videos where you talked about being nervous versus being excited.
Starting point is 01:26:19 That's, that's great. That's great dialogue in your head. Like, well, I'm, I'm not really like, I'm not necessarily scared. Right. To go into this jujitsu tournament, but I've never done it before. I am really anxious, but I'm also really excited. I want to see what my training look, look like. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:26:36 No, that, that's, that, that, that's again, that's that shift. But I think I'm going to title the video, something like emotions are useless or whatever, something to trigger people a little bit. I'm going to title the video something like emotions are useless or whatever, something to trigger people a little bit. But I use that specific situation you were talking about, like having a fight with the spouse. But, you know, like, yeah, you feel that you're getting angry. But the difference is the individual that acts upon the anger and the frustration and the annoyance they feel and the individual that feels it and it wells up. But they don't take up, but they don't take their action and they don't use the words based off of the feeling.
Starting point is 01:27:09 They instead shift themselves. It's not like you're going to be perfect with this, but if you're thinking about that in the moment, you can shift your actions to be a little bit more calm and logical. Sometimes maybe you can instead take yourself kind of out of the situation. Just be like, Hey, I'm gonna say some things I'm gonna regret. So I'm gonna walk away like sometimes time can help a lot which is not always something to like you don't always have time sometimes you gotta kind of feel like you gotta react right away right yeah yeah but like i it's it's there are probably some situations where acting upon emotion is is good but more more than not, it's usually not the best idea.
Starting point is 01:27:46 Especially like in jujitsu was a prime example. I think like jujitsu is a sport where or martial art where you really learn how to or at least for me personally, on a day to day basis, you battle with your emotions. Because especially in the beginning, when you're getting beat up so much, it makes you mad and it makes you kind of annoyed and makes you really sad. And when you roll angry and annoyed and frustrated, you get tapped more, you get beat up easier, you know, because you're, you're not as calculated, but when you're able to calm down and like you mentioned, think of solutions. Okay. Well, I can't beat this guy, but how can I,
Starting point is 01:28:26 what can I do maybe to survive this next round? You're not doing that angry. You're thinking logically, you're calm. You, you, you're able to have answers for that. So I'm sure you,
Starting point is 01:28:36 uh, have played pool or hit it, hit a golf, hit a golf ball before, right? Pool. Yeah. You can't like,
Starting point is 01:28:42 you can't like will it to happen. You gotta like know how to do it. Um, hitting a golf ball before, right? Pool. You can't like will it to happen. You got to like know how to do it. Hitting a golf ball is a great example. You can get as pissed off as you want. It makes you way worse usually. Yep. They might even go backwards if you're lucky enough like me. But yeah, you know, the anger doesn't really assist.
Starting point is 01:29:00 Sometimes you can be kind of frustrated about something or have kind of a burn. Some, somebody maybe said you're fat or somebody maybe called you something or said something and it kind of stuck and you're like, you know, okay, noted, you know, I remember getting done with a powerlifting meet and I did really well and I was super pumped and this guy kind of came up and he kind of hit me on the shoulder he hit me pretty hard too and I knew him you know he was from like a local gym so it wasn't a big he just like was fucking with me kind of and he's like see at nationals and like I just got done with the meat so I didn't like kind of even know and I was like okay you know
Starting point is 01:29:44 I was like yeah all right I didn't say anything and i kicked his ass when we when we when we met up at nationals but you know it's it's those it's those little things like that that you know uh will kind of like pop up you know pop up here and there and i could have reacted to that like emotionally but i I was like, no, I'm going to use that in training. Cause he is better than me. Like I know, like I know right now that his total is better than mine. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:30:11 So I better figure out some shit in training. It's going to come down to deadlifting. And I had to concentrate on the deadlift. Cause I knew I could do okay. And the squat, we squatted about the same. I would absolutely kill him on the bench press. And then it would come down to trying to pull something out of my ass on the
Starting point is 01:30:27 deadlift. And I was able to do it. Problem solving. Problem solving. Damn. This is a great cast. It wasn't bad, but we're really high.
Starting point is 01:30:36 Yeah. Still. What goes up must come down. That come down is going to be great. Great perspective, sir. Yes. Great perspective, sir. Yes. Yes, I know.
Starting point is 01:30:46 Andrew, take us on out of here. I will. Thank you, everybody, for checking out today's episode, especially everyone on the live stream that stuck with us. I know the connection got kind of weird for a second there. What? I know, but it came back. So we figured it out. Boom.
Starting point is 01:30:59 Yeah. Huge shout out and thank you to Piedmontese for sponsoring this episode. Use code PowerProject for 25% off and free shipping on $99 or more. Link in the description of YouTube, Facebook, and iTunes or wherever else you're listening to this. Please make sure you're following the podcast at MarkBowlesPowerProject on Instagram, at MBPowerProject on Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, YouTube, all over the place. And then something very cool coming out very soon that will let you guys know Very soon. It's gonna be dope. Hope you guys enjoy it
Starting point is 01:31:29 Yeah Anyway, so when that comes up just be ready and then you can follow me at I am Andrew Z on Instagram and Twitter and SEMA Where you at? Also huge. Thanks to mind bullet Calm there we go. It's good stuff and see me in in Yang on Instagram and YouTube at and see my in Yang on Twitter and I don't see my in Yang on clubhouse. And also a new video coming out tomorrow. Kind of about some of the stuff we were talking about in this episode on my YouTube channel. I didn't see my in Yang.
Starting point is 01:31:57 So I'm going to check it out. Yeah, I think you'll I think you'll like it. Big thanks to everyone here at Slingshot and Super Training for putting in an amazing effort. It's been the best Black Friday, Cyber Monday week-long sale thingy. Thank you to you and SEMA. Appreciate you modeling and assisting wherever you can. Andrew, appreciate it a ton. You guys, that's the whole staff.
Starting point is 01:32:18 Like, everybody just, everyone's on board. Everyone's in. Everyone's excited to do their stuff. And it helped and it showed and everything went great. Thanks to all the fans. everyone's on board. Everyone's in, everyone's excited to do their stuff and, uh, and it helped and it showed and everything, everything went great. Thanks to all the fans. Appreciate it.
Starting point is 01:32:30 Uh, you know, you guys are the ones that made it the best. So I appreciate you guys purchasing all this stuff and, uh, probably I think maybe late January or maybe early February, we're going to be dropping that steak shake. I have not really talked about it.
Starting point is 01:32:46 It's from a company called Within You, and it's my company. And here we go, you know, throwing my hat into the supplement game. We're going to, just like always, we're going to disrupt things. We got stuff coming out here at Slingshot. You know, I would apologize to, you know, all of our opponents and rivals and stuff like that, but I'm not sorry for what's about to come next. But we got some shit coming that's going to just really slaughter everybody in the game. So thank you so much, all the fans, all the people that have been loyal,
Starting point is 01:33:17 all the people that have been hanging in there with us through these 10 years or so, or however many years we've been doing it now. through, you know, through these 10 years or so, or however many years we've been doing it now. But that steak shake is going to be, it's a beef protein isolate. It's got whey, it's got collagen, it's got heart, it's got kidneys, it's got pancreas. It's got just a wide variety of yummy stuff in there. And it sounds like it tastes disgusting. And I know, and we'll have a lot of fun with commercials for it and stuff. Steak shake. You're like,
Starting point is 01:33:46 man, that sounds a little rough. Like I like steak, but in a shake, I don't know. Uh, but I'll promise you that it tastes good. We made a vanilla flavor that works.
Starting point is 01:33:54 We made a chocolate flavor that works. And then we also down the road, even further from that, we're going to give her, we're going to give the, uh, supplement industry a little bit of time to recover from us dropping that on everyone's head. And then we got a bunch of other things coming in.
Starting point is 01:34:09 Intra-workout, pre-workout, sleep formula, all kinds of stuff. It's going to be awesome. It's going to be awesome. I'm at Mark Smelly Bell. Strength is never weakness. Weakness is never strength. Catch you all later.

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