Mark Bell's Power Project - EP. 462 - World Carnivore Month 2021

Episode Date: January 4, 2021

Welcome to #WorldCarnivoreMonth 2021! Today the Crew discuss all things Carnivore including how get started, what to do if you fall off, meal prep ideas and how to get over some common hurdles. Subscr...ibe to the NEW Power Project Newsletter! ➢ Subscribe to the Podcast on on Platforms! ➢ Special perks for our listeners below! ➢LMNT Electrolytes: Purchase 3 boxes and receive one free, plus free shipping! No code required! ➢Freeze Sleeve: Use Code "POWER25" for 25% off plus FREE Shipping on all domestic orders! ➢Piedmontese Beef: Use Code "POWERPROJECT" at checkout for 25% off your order plus FREE 2-Day Shipping on orders of $99 ➢Sling Shot: Enter Discount code, "POWERPROJECT" at checkout and receive 15% off all Sling Shots Follow Mark Bell's Power Project Podcast ➢ Insta: ➢ ➢ Twitter: ➢ LinkedIn: ➢ YouTube: ➢TikTok: FOLLOW Mark Bell ➢ Instagram: ➢ Facebook: ➢ Twitter: ➢ Snapchat: marksmellybell ➢Mark Bell's Daily Workouts, Nutrition and More: Follow Nsima Inyang ➢ Instagram: Podcast Produced by Andrew Zaragoza ➢ Instagram: #PowerProject #Podcast #MarkBell

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Mark Bell's Power Project Podcast. This episode of the podcast is brought to you by Piedmontese Beef. And Seema, you work with a lot of clients, definitely have, some have different goals, some have, they want to gain strength, some want to lean down. But can you tell me why, for most people, getting more protein in is important? So, I mean, something that not only do people struggle with, I struggle with a lot is getting really hungry during a diet. It's the biggest thing. It's like people are dieting and they're like, I want to eat more. I need more food. But, you know, one of the reasons why protein is
Starting point is 00:00:34 so important, and Mark talks about this all the time with his protein leveraging diet, is that when you have more protein, it's satiating. You feel full. You don't feel like eating a crazy amount of food. And the great thing about Piedmontese is that not only does it have a lot of protein per every single serving of meat, but it has minimal amounts of fat that if you're dieting, you can kind of go to town on Piedmontese and you're not getting in that many calories of fat. It's great. It's perfect for if you're cutting.
Starting point is 00:01:00 And if you're bulking, well, you can just have more meat. It's pretty amazing. You guys got to check it out yeah you guys got to get satiated today by heat by eating a higher quality cut of beef and the best way in our opinion to do that is by heading over to that's at checkout enter promoJECT for 25% off your order. And if your order is $99 or more, you get free two-day shipping. He's so fat. I know it, too. Because my family can put on weight.
Starting point is 00:01:33 I got uncles in Nigeria that are... Yeah, I mean, you sound like you're skinny. Yeah. You're a thick guy. You're a thick. Yeah. Good thick. Thick as a brick.
Starting point is 00:01:41 Yeah. Happy New Year, fam. Happy New Year. Oh, yeah. how fucking high did you guys get on new year's eve oh scale of one to ten i'm speaking of getting high as he reaches for his mind oh man uh i went to a party with sandra well it was it wasn't like a party with sandra but he he's a dj so have you covered this thing yeah no it was it wasn't anything crazy we got there got there kind of late because we were visiting family that night and um it was it was pretty cool it was like all these people with like
Starting point is 00:02:12 rave glow sticks and they were just in the living room it was dope it was cool no it was cool and sandra's a great dj so that was fun that's cool that was awesome that's cool yeah we didn't do i was in bed by 10 10 30 did you wake up for midnight or not sorry as i chew on another tasty pastry uh remember how when you were um you had a lapse in judgment when we were on the plane flying back from ohio and you woke up uh smoky kind of just like smoky here's your uh charge cord yes okay so we'll come up to give him the cord that's great that was stupid oh yeah so we're we're passed out we're asleep stephanie wakes up bam did you hear that like hmm so did you hear that i'm like i pause i hear fireworks and i'm like i look up and it's you know midnight
Starting point is 00:03:06 yeah like fireworks because it's new year's and she's like oh i'm like yeah let's go back to sleep woke up woke up the next day i'm like so what was that all about she's like i'm so sorry she's like i don't know what the heck i was doing i don't like as soon as i did i'm like why am i waking him up so that was the excitement that we had for two years did you do anything we didn't do shit i was in tahoe and we were just uh checking out some snow and sledding and hanging out by uh this little like fire thing that we were we built outside that didn't do anything because it was way too cold out oh wow like didn't it didn't help but uh yeah we had we had an amazing time uh our boy tom file was up that way oh boy and he kept texting me he's like you gotta join me i'm over at harvey's casino or something and he's like i'm over here he's like i got disco pants strippers and cocaine
Starting point is 00:03:59 i was like well that's quite the contrast to like what i'm doing sitting wow sitting by a fire Listen to my son play the guitar. Disco pants, strippers and cocaine. Yeah. Can't believe you didn't take them up on the offer. I mean, I just didn't have the right pants. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:16 Cocaine is something I've just been too scared to try. I don't think I will. Pre-workout, bro? People probably, actually that stuff used to be in pre-workout. Of course. Yeah. But people probably used to take used to be in pre-workout of course yeah but people probably used to take bumps before hitting the gym i think it used to be in our soda right isn't that where coke coke all right yeah that's wow is that true yes that actually is crazy supposedly so i think on rohan the last time i heard about it they still use basically the same like leaves but
Starting point is 00:04:42 obviously not like cocaine but i don't know how that shit works but yeah apparently it's still the same it's awesome yeah that's why we like it so much sponsored by coca-cola something like that shit's like crack i'm like oh but it gets rid of my headaches every time yeah it makes you feel great speaking of new year's resolutions if you do coke that's one you might want to get rid of yeah you might want to try that or start it let's not start again if you think if you weren't too productive last year you need a little extra kick man this is not a good start no to the podcast but i will say thank you everybody that hit subscribe because we did hit 50 000 followers just before new year's so thank you everybody that has hit subscribe everybody that joins us
Starting point is 00:05:30 on the live streams if you have that bell notification turned on really appreciate that it was really cool um probably like maybe a week or two i was talking to nsema i'm like dude we're so close to hitting 50 000 but i don't think it's gonna like man it's gonna be too close and it seems like no dude we'll definitely get there like okay and then like that day i remember i woke up and we were like 40 subscribers away and i was like oh shit this is actually gonna happen and then when it did i was like oh it's like sick you know it's a cool little thing to celebrate that's what i celebrated most about you know on new year's eve was that it was so cool thank you everybody yes thank you very much. That's awesome.
Starting point is 00:06:05 Yeah. We're going to be talking about the carnivore diet today since we're in it. We're in the middle of it. You started? World Carnivore Month. I started. Good.
Starting point is 00:06:15 Last night I had a chaffle with meat in between it, so I made a chaffle bacon cheeseburger. Actually, I didn't make it. My sister-in-law made it, April. bacon cheeseburger actually i didn't make it my sister-in-law made it april a chaffle is a uh it's it's egg it's egg and uh i think it was just i think it was egg and like mozzarella cheese um like kind of whipped up and then you dump it in a waffle maker and then it turns into like waffle i know it sounds like uh like some voodoo or some magic ah but uh that's what happens you know you know like when you burn an egg yeah overcook an egg and it turns into like
Starting point is 00:06:50 a solid you know and it it kind of gets stuck to the pan it's not that far i mean you're not you're not trying to burn it because that kind of tastes gross but yeah it ends up being really really good and ends up giving you like a bun and so i ate it with a burger in between it and um wait the chaffle is the bun the thing that you just put in the waffle maker yes the bun yeah and it's just thing it's just protein it's just cheese and sounds like a pancake witch yeah i mean it was uh see i got a picture right here maybe we can shoot it over to andrew wonder if it made it to uh social media i don't know if it did yet. Wow. Wow.
Starting point is 00:07:28 I need to buy a waffle. No, I think we might have a waffle maker. This is amazing. So. This is amazing. Wow. No, that's so sick. I don't have to do these bunless burgers anymore.
Starting point is 00:07:42 No. That is dope. No, that's really cool. That's a great creation. Let me kind of see how it's. So this, this one's from, uh, from Boar's Instagram.
Starting point is 00:07:50 Yeah. There you go. Just some egg, mozzarella cheese, put in a waffle maker. Dude. And it's game over. I'm about to go through so many eggs.
Starting point is 00:08:00 That's great. You don't really need to put any salt in it. I, we, I, we salted it and it didn't need salt because it already has mozzarella cheese which has plenty of salt in it but anyway that makes this whole diet easier is when you can try to figure out um some little little side things to to play with
Starting point is 00:08:17 you know that tender belly bacon is so good it's ridiculous it's from costco it's like yeah oh my god it's i have a pack in the fridge right now i love that stuff let's go to your house man oh my god it's so good if you guys if you guys haven't tried it go try that bacon it's i don't even know what's so special about it maybe it's the way they season it or something but it's just but see i think i think carnivore month i think people kind of get like a little sad and they're like oh man i gotta like i gotta really buckle down and but man you get to eat eggs. Yes. You get to eat any kind of meat that you want.
Starting point is 00:08:48 Like, what's your favorite kind of meat? What do you like? Like chicken, you like turkey, you like steak, whatever one you like, you can, you can eat up on that. And then you can get creative with it too. I mean, there's no reason why we can't have some Buffalo wings. Like I'm not somebody that's going to sit here and really nitpick and worry about like sauces and things like that. I'm not going to have like teriyaki sauce or barbecue sauce
Starting point is 00:09:09 because those have loads of calories and sugar in them. But, um, Hey, if you want to use some red hot sauce or you want to use some sriracha or you want to get creative with a recipe, go online, man, and look up, I mean, there's bacon wrapped everything, right? Oh yeah. You can wrap stuff up in bacon. And for me personally, like I'm not too worried about just because I have experience doing this diet. I'm not worried if I eat some vegetables or a couple other things trickle in there. But the main thing is I'm trying just to mainly eat meat. So I'm at the stage where I don't need to experiment to see what like meat only does for me because I've done that before. And I've done it for probably about 10 days before just to literally see what meat only,
Starting point is 00:09:48 no dairy, no nothing else in there would do for me. And it didn't have any exponential better benefit. It actually just made me sit on the toilet longer. So I was like, you know what? Well, this year when I do it,
Starting point is 00:09:59 I already know some of the results I've gotten in the past and I've gotten great results, but I don't want to have the toilet situation going on anymore. And so I was like, you know, if I eat vegetables once a day or something like that, that would probably be, that'd probably be wise. So that way I can avoid having my stomach get all screwed up. And those of you that have missed it and haven't heard on, on why that happens, there's some different theories out there, but basically is, is that fiber provides bulk for your intestines.
Starting point is 00:10:28 And there's, they believe that there's just a massive shift in your hydration. I think going into your colon, I could be fucking some of this up. Anyway, there's a shift in your hydration. You end up with more water in, in spots that there's not normally that much liquid.
Starting point is 00:10:46 And then the liquid just goes shooting out the toilet so you might want to just be conscious of that and pay attention to that but um there's there's really no way to avoid it if uh there's really no way to avoid it unless you maybe try to cut back on the amount of the overall amount of fat that you eat so i've noticed that if i ate a little bit less fat, that didn't happen. But if you're eating like ribeyes and really fatty stuff that might happen to you more so. But the whole point of the diet isn't to give yourself diarrhea. The point of the diet is to have an elimination diet and to help you feel better.
Starting point is 00:11:18 So what I'm trying to share with people is like, don't sweat it, man. If you have some heavy cream in your coffee, if you have some cheese here and there, if you have a vegetable here or there, let's not fucking worry about that. Let's make this as easy as possible. Let's try to go 95% or 90% meat. And then anything else that kind of happens, it happens. And if you fall off the diet and you screw up, you know, get back on your horse. You're always one meal away from just being back on the diet. So don't forget forget that any type of supplementation that's pretty uh decent or helps along with the carnivore diet um is there anything um i think a lot of people like to use um like you know liver as like a supplement so some people will actually eat liver some people hate it and nowadays there's supplements that uh
Starting point is 00:12:01 you can get but basically liver just has a lot of, is very micronutrient dense. And so people might want to look into, you can get, there's a company called Ancestral Supplements. I believe our boy Paul Saladino has some supplements surrounding that as well, which is just like organ meat supplements. But even, maybe even easier would be just to get some like B vitamins and things like that. But I mean, you're already getting so much B vitamins from the meat. Yeah. I guess there is one that you might want to add collagen to your diet because they say that you might be lacking glycine, which is an amino acid, which you just you're not going to really get from meat is my understanding. You get it more from like the collagen, the bones of
Starting point is 00:12:44 the meat rather than the actual muscle meat. So that be a place to look but as far as i know i've i've never had any issues with uh any sort of uh micronutrient deficiency and even in getting my blood work done and doing the carnivore diet i've never had any issues with potassium or sodium which you think sodium well you would think sodium. Well, you'd think that would be screwed because I pour, pour in salt all over everything. Yeah. No issues with sodium, no issues with magnesium. Like all my electrolytes were good.
Starting point is 00:13:15 Um, yeah, all my, all my other markers were, were good. My cholesterol was what somebody might identify as being, as not being great. Cholesterol was what somebody might identify as not being great. But when you compare the overall blood lipid profile, it's very good. Because the ratio that I have of triglycerides to cholesterol and so forth, I can't even remember some of this stuff. I should have probably looked it up before we talked about this. But you can go back and look at the conversation we had with Paul Saladino and Sean Baker. And we've talked about this quite a bit.
Starting point is 00:13:49 A lot of your markers for health are going to improve. Plus just keep in mind, this is only one month. This, you're just trying something for a couple of weeks. So don't be scared to give it a go. And most likely this is going to be a lot healthier than whatever you were doing previously.
Starting point is 00:14:03 Yeah. And also check out the podcast we did with Ken Berry. Cause he talked a lot about carnivore and cholesterol in that podcast. Cause he also did carnivore changed his health. Um, there's Ken Berry. There's what's that guy's name? Andrew.
Starting point is 00:14:15 We start with the J, uh, cholesterol mask. He, he wrote the Johnny Bowden, Johnny Bowden. Check out that episode too. Cause he talks a lot about cholesterol. It'll go into that.
Starting point is 00:14:25 But those are two great episodes on that. And then also what I was wondering is, can we somehow or if you don't think it's a good idea, then no. But I feel like we can. You know how there's like levels to this? Like, actually, I'm not even going to mention that. But we could do carnivore. So like there's a carnivore light, a standard carnivore and a hardcore carnivore. I think that might make it easier for some people.
Starting point is 00:14:51 Yeah. So Paul Saladino laid some of this out in his book and he got ridiculed, as you can imagine, by, uh, by the ultimate, the ultimate, uh, heckler, um, our boy Lane Norton. Oh, shit. But basically, what Paul was trying to do is he was trying to say, like, there's like a varsity team and like a JV team and a freshman team. And he referenced that many times in his book. And I believe Maria Emrick does something similar. Oh, man, I wish I could remember the name of the book. But we have a carnivore cookbook here from her,
Starting point is 00:15:29 which might be the easiest and greatest introduction to the carnivore diet that I've ever seen because it's a cookbook. And then in the front of the cookbook, it just has some quick-hitting information on why this is a great diet to do and why she does it and her children do it. So there's Keto Adapted, Keto, The Complete Guide. I think she may have a carnivore cookbook. A carnivore cookbook.
Starting point is 00:15:52 Is that right? Mm-hmm. That's the one right here. Buy that. Go on Amazon and go fucking buy that because the information in there is so simple. Our boy Sean Baker, Paul Saladino, these guys both have books as well. If you want to take that deep dive into the adult side of the pool, then you can go for it. But if you want to just learn a little bit about it and why you need it, I think this book is superior to anything I've seen. Because it's just quick, easy information to digest.
Starting point is 00:16:20 And then it gives you ideas on how you can cook some of the meat. But yeah, there's no reason to be dogmatic about any of this. There's no reason to, you know, that's what I'm trying to present, even though. So what's hard is that January is like the carnivore challenge month. It's a world carnivore. It's a challenge. Like, so when you have it, when you throw down a challenge, you know, if I said, Hey, you know, we're doing a jujitsu challenge, you got to go to practice every day. Well,
Starting point is 00:16:49 I can't say, well, it's okay if you miss Saturday and Sunday, right? Like then, then it's, then it's not the same, right? And that's what happens with this. But I think in this case, like, and same thing with jujitsu, we're not trying to just be a little bit better for like this short period of time. We're trying to be better over a long period of time. So we want consistency. So even if, even if saying, Hey, I'm going to go to jujitsu every day, got me there four days a week, as opposed to two, I'm fucking better off. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:16 That's all I'm trying to do with this too. I would love for people to join in, in whatever way they can. If this means that you only add meat to each meal, then that would be amazing. Like if you eat, if you eat protein four or five times a day, just to see how it will shift your nutrition for you forever. And that's the only thing you got from this. It's the only thing you learned. Then game over.
Starting point is 00:17:38 Like that's all you need to know because that shit will change your nutrition forever. And regardless of style of diet, even if you're vegan, vegetarian, if you have some limitations on the types of meats that you can eat for whatever beliefs that you have or whatever it might be, if you start, if you learn to be protein minded and make protein a priority over a period
Starting point is 00:18:02 of time, you will be in better shape. I don't care what your current physique is or how you currently look. I know firsthand from doing it myself and helping other people. This is a great way to, especially coming into the new year, if you've been struggling on dieting and if you've been struggling on trying to drop some body fat or change your dietary habits, and if you've been teeter tottering on the idea of doing carnivore, this is a great way to shift your dietary habits and if you've been teeter-tottering on the idea of doing carnivore this is a great way to shift your dietary habits because if you actually want to
Starting point is 00:18:28 be successful on this specific challenge you need to first off think about what food is the foods in the house that you tend to overeat or that you tend to do bad with that you tend to not have any self-control with so that could be the uh pastries in the pantry or the whatever it might be even like the quest bars or whatever. Like I just brought, I brought in some stuff. I brought in some stuff from legendary foods and some stuff from quests because I'm trying to be a good boy.
Starting point is 00:18:52 So I'm, I'm like, I see that stuff in the pantry and I can control myself a little bit, but not all the time. You know, like sometimes just the day hits you in the nuts and you get home and you get, you get the fuck it.
Starting point is 00:19:05 So you're like, ah, fuck it. I'll just eat one of these. And no, no one will know. I'm not going to post it on Instagram. So you're like, what's the difference? But there is a difference. So you got to try to get these things out of your house sometimes. I've seen, I see what you've done.
Starting point is 00:19:16 So this is the guy who's like, I'm trying to do good on my diet. So let me bring you guys all this stuff. That's going to ruin your old carnivore month and have you guys eat it. So you can fail on day two. This is me and jesse burdick at the olympia one year i go holy shit man i go i just you know i don't i'm usually good but i just fucking i hit a wall and this is like years ago before we messed around with any fasting and stuff we're big fat boys you know yeah oh and stan is at our booth and stan's like oh i got you boys and he's stands back there eating his like chicken and rice and he's jacked as fuck he's wearing a stringer booth and Stan's like, oh, I got you boys. And he's stands back there eating his like chicken and rice.
Starting point is 00:19:45 Yeah. Jacked as fuck. He's wearing a stringer tank top. He's like 270 pounds, probably like 5% body fat. He whips out peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for us. We're like, are you going to have some? He goes, fuck no. I don't eat like that.
Starting point is 00:20:01 Like we were kids, you know, like peasants, you know know here you guys go chew on this and we loved it we're like these are so good yeah he's so nice best pb and jay we ever yeah yeah he's so nice meanwhile he's sitting there laughing his ass off watching us to get fatter get fatter and sweat oh that's great yeah but these tasty pastries i mean they have so much protein in them like they're pretty much carnivore they're mean, it's protein leveraging. Protein leveraging. There's nothing wrong with it. I mean, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:20:28 There's got to be a Pop-Tart-like animal in the wild, right? I mean, seriously. Yeah. Right? Yeah. Pop-Tart. Like, for example, like a beaver has a nice smelling ass and a... Paws.
Starting point is 00:20:40 Yeah, do you know about this? No, I don't. Wait. Raspberry. This is going to be great. I should have warned you guys. I have to do that. Raspberry and vanilla and strawberry flavoring comes from a gland that is near a beaver's
Starting point is 00:20:54 asshole. No. Yes. No. It does. What kind of sense does that make? I don't know. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:21:00 But in looking it up, there's a lot of information on it. And I think now they might make it from different stuff nowadays. So they are like, Hey, there's no way of knowing. And they were like, they also say in like some of these articles, they're like, who was the first person to discover that a beaver's ass smells good. Who the fuck was just like, yeah. Right. Right.
Starting point is 00:21:23 Yeah. Ooh, raspberry. Right. I don't know. Who the fuck was just like, yeah, right, right? Ooh, raspberry. Right? I don't know. Are you seeing it, Andrew? Yeah. It's just, I mean, like, I can definitely dive deeper. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:36 It could be fake. It's the fucking internet. I don't know. That's what I mean. But, like, there's a lot of information on it. So I'm like, hey, like, where there's smoke, there's fire, you know? So is artificial raspberry made from beaver anus? Blah, blah, blah.
Starting point is 00:21:49 It's been used as a flavoring ingredient in foods for the last 80 years as a replacement for vanilla and in some fruit flavorings such as strawberry and raspberry. What is that? Wow. I can't quite put my finger on what that taste is anyway is there beaver anus in this so anyway my point is there's got to be like a pop-tart like animal out there somewhere and maybe it's in their ass yeah no some people are into wild stuff i'm not surprised like like you know you've heard the rumor about certain diseases and monkeys and someone. Yeah. So spreading shit around that way. Spreading shit around that way.
Starting point is 00:22:28 Oh my gosh. That's amazing. You think you learn a lot throughout your life and all of a sudden something as simple as raspberry flavoring. It's like, oh, that comes out of a household. And you're like, I'll pass. This made me think of something so it's not just millennials that eat ass are you are you are you sorry to wonder if you can eat ass on the carnivore diet the answer is yes you can so don't worry about that's meat so yeah you can do that for sure that's not a problem
Starting point is 00:23:00 what why did we gun why did we get here because we're foul we don't have a good show we just don't like let's just fucking surrender oh man face it so you want to get the bad foods out of your house the foods that you're gonna binge on i think this is a really good switch especially with like i know a lot of people when it comes to new years and i'm i'm kind of like this but i want to stop being like this where it's like why wait till new year's when you can make the change before but i think it is a great way to try and make a transition especially after the the past year like it's it's a it's a it's a great way to do that and i think that if you're
Starting point is 00:23:43 trying to diet doing this is going to help you out a lot. I think also you mentioned your electrolytes were, were in balance and you were good, but I think electrolytes are a really good idea to grab. Yeah, probably because I supplement with electrolytes, use an element and things like that probably helped a lot. Especially since you're going to have a lack of like carbohydrates, a big lack of that on this diet. Those will help you out a lot.
Starting point is 00:24:04 I noticed that when I do that. I should have mentioned that when you asked about supplements, cause that makes a big difference and just salting your food, salting your food a lot, using electrolytes. It makes a big difference, especially like I'm very low carb to sometimes no carb. And I noticed that difference drastically in like my performance, the way I feel each day. It makes a big difference. So that might be something that you guys will want to take advantage of while doing this but i think i'm gonna i'm gonna join in i guess this will be my
Starting point is 00:24:29 last uh hoorah in terms of the uh he's eating a peanut butter chocolate peanut butter i don't want to get rid of this man you wanted to last forever i want to last forever did you already blow through the pop tart no the pop tart, the Pop-Tart is still here. I'm going to eat these last two things and I'm going to do my World Carnivore Month too. I love it. Time to shred down. Cheers. We'll see.
Starting point is 00:24:53 He's going to look fatter than he does right now, right? That'd be the kicker, right? The one thing that got in Seema's fat. I was like, dude, I just kept eating ribeyes. I don't know what happened. I had some reaction to it. I think it'd be impossible, right? What? Just eat too many ribeyes. I don't know what happened. I had like some reaction to it. I think it'd be impossible, right? What?
Starting point is 00:25:07 Just eat too many ribeyes? I don't know. Maybe. Maybe you could. You know, that's the wonderful thing about this, like carnivore diets and meat only diets. Right. Is that you're going to find it really hard to eat like a fat ass, like straight up. Like, I mean, I love to eat and Mark knows I love to eat.
Starting point is 00:25:23 He's seen me eat in the past i am disgusting um but when you're eating mainly meat you just naturally get full you can't do more you like you'll get to a certain limit you'll be like okay i'm actually stuffed and you you're satiated right but when it comes to other types of food a lot of carbohydrates it is really hard to have that self-control and i I do not. That's why I eat low carb. There's something that's called palate fatigue. And you can look into some of that. You can look up information on it. I've heard it talked about, you know, from many, many experts over the years.
Starting point is 00:25:56 And you basically just get tired of eating something that just tastes similar. I think also protein. Protein is it like just slows you down your tracks. something that just tastes similar. I think also protein, um, protein is, um, it like just slows you down your tracks. You know, you're like, I am so hungry.
Starting point is 00:26:12 And then you get like midway through a protein meal and now you're starting to look at it and you're like, wow, like I hate to admit it, but I don't even know if I'm going to be able to finish this. Yeah. You know, at first you were just diving in,
Starting point is 00:26:25 especially if it's a leaner meat, if it's a ribeye or something. Yeah. You can kind of almost suck the whole thing down with a straw or something. But as you start getting into it more and if it's kind of dry and it takes a lot of work to cut it and to chew it and to kind of process it and get it, get it down and everything after a minute, you're like,
Starting point is 00:26:43 Oh fuck. Like this is kicking my ass. Yeah. It happens to me a lot with the Piedmontese 96 ground beef. Because, like, every time I get it, I always eat, like, a pound of it. A lot of times I'll cook up two pounds of it, and I'm like, I'm going to go through both of these. And I usually get about halfway through, and then I'm like, I'm fucking toast, man. I got to admit it.
Starting point is 00:27:04 I'm done. You get 100 grams of protein in there plus you know you got to keep in mind that protein is really satiating when you have protein and fat together not only is it satiating but it's also very satisfying it's like gratifying like it it tastes good it goes down a little easier and so trying to find that kind of right combo but for me i've learned over the years that while doing the carnivore diet, um, in the past, I used to put like, you know, butter on everything. And I was trying to just really go way out of my way to eat tons of fat. I don't think that's necessary unless you notice that like you're two, three days and you don't feel great,
Starting point is 00:27:44 then you're going to want to up your salt. You're going to want to up your, maybe you want to invest in getting some element or maybe you want to up your fats a little bit. Yeah. I wanted to ask you about that. Sorry, Tuma. Go ahead. Because somebody on the YouTube side of the comment section had said like, oh, there's no, I think it was the Bickman episode even talking about like, oh, there's, I can definitely gain weight. I did, you know, I think said they gained weight and like, okay, what are you eating?
Starting point is 00:28:12 And they were saying that they've mixed like a stick of butter in with like pretty much everything. It's like, well, okay, thank you. Same reaction. It's like, okay, you probably shouldn't be doing that. We're also normally talking about people that exercise you know like i we forget that sometimes on the show like we're just assuming that everyone listens loves to exercise the way that we do so if you're not
Starting point is 00:28:34 exercising you might have to be even more cautious yeah so just if you can clarify a little bit more on when you would necessarily need to add you know some butter add some fat that sort of thing because you know we just said if you kind of do get crazy diarrhea you're probably going to want to lean you know your meats out a little bit so now what about the opposite yeah i think when it comes to uh you know your fats and things like that i mean you got to first of all keep in mind that normally you know if you're having whole eggs that they're going to have fat in them you know i think each egg has a minimum of five or six grams of fat. Eggs are like a one-to-one ratio.
Starting point is 00:29:11 You get the same amount of protein and the same amount of fat, so it's one-to-one. So if you have six eggs, you're talking about 30 grams of fat. That's a pretty good portion of fat. Now, can you add butter to that? Sure. Of course you can. But I would add it for flavor, you know, and not anything else. So you're not trying to like lather the whole damn thing up with butter. Maybe you don't cook it in butter. Maybe you just use some spray, which I know
Starting point is 00:29:33 people are like, Oh, it's all weird chemicals, but at least it's, uh, has less calories in it. So you spray the pan, cook your eggs, five, six eggs, and just throw a little bit of butter and salt on there just for, you know, just for a little bit of butter and salt on there just for, you know, just for a little extra flavor. I think that's a reasonable, but trying to add in like, you know, tons of oil or butter, you see people do this with the, with the keto diet a lot where they're mixing in a lot of MCT oil. And well, after a while it just gets to be, you just had, you just had way too much, but for most people, I mean, this is not really going to be, this really should not be a major issue. And also, I mean, if you like to, like I said, like, uh, I'm a, I like to eat, like, and I like to really enjoy my food.
Starting point is 00:30:15 I know we talk about it all the time, but if you are someone who maybe, I mean, you've been listening to this podcast for a while, you know, that we talk a lot about fasting. You don't need to fast for 16 hours, but maybe just like skip your meal in the morning, have your first meal at noon or one. Skipping a meal will sometimes like allow you, if you're typically someone who eats a meal in the morning and then you have a meal in the afternoon, the meal in the evening, if you skip that one meal and you just have two meals, you could probably have a little bit more substance to those meals. So maybe you can add a few more calories, et cetera, so that they can, you know, be more filling.
Starting point is 00:30:49 Or you could even, you know, you don't have to, but you could eat once a day every now and then and just have a very big meal. It's not something I say you do every single day, but sometimes it gives you a little bit of room or wiggle room if you want to have, you know, a lot of extra calories, but you know, you typically don't do that so it's it's just an option but oddly enough and i mean a lot of people may disagree with me but i feel like the carnivore diet is one of the diets that it's kind of you end up auto auto regulates kind of yeah like you kind of end up doing some form of uh time restricted eating at
Starting point is 00:31:23 some point anyway, just because you get so satiated. I found that that just happened to me when I did meat only for quite some time. I just didn't feel hungry for quite some, like a lot. And then when I'd eat, it'd be another like eight to 10 hour period before I felt hungry again. Did that happen to any of you guys? Oh yeah, absolutely.
Starting point is 00:31:41 I think you get a little bit of that effect. Like we see some animals do, you know, they. I think you get a little bit of that effect like we see some animals do. You know, an animal will eat like 100 pounds of meat or something crazy or like whatever, like a lion eats, and then it sits around for a couple of days because it's like, holy shit, that was a big ass meal. We don't have any similarities when it comes to like our digestion than a lion or anything like that. But I think that there's many people that say that it's a good idea to fast and feast.
Starting point is 00:32:10 And if you think about human evolution and kind of how this all came to be, our eating style, we probably did that very often. Maybe we didn't do it all the time because maybe there was occasion where there was like a decent amount of food around certain seasons right but there would be other seasons where yeah i'm sure you would just be like i don't know when this food's coming back around and you got to keep in mind we didn't know how to um preserve anything so you're just like i'm gonna get these nutrients uh in right here and i think we end up with is i've said this many times, you end up with inadvertent fasting. I think,
Starting point is 00:32:47 I think if you're going to, I think intentionally fasting is important versus like being like, oh shit, like I just forgot to bring food and I'm going to see what this fasting thing is about. I don't like that as much because I like, I like for people to be a little bit more deliberate and to be prepared for what they're about to get into.
Starting point is 00:33:05 So just like not eating is not great. However, if you have experienced some fasting in the past and you ate at 11 a.m. and you're not hungry again until 3 or 4, I don't have any problem with it. I think that that's fine. That's going to happen quite a bit on this diet. You'll find that. I mean, I'm trying to think for myself, like the last time I had, I'm trying to think the
Starting point is 00:33:29 last time I had like five or six meals, probably back till like when I competed, you know, in, in, in bodybuilding. So that was, you know, two years ago, you know, now I have three meals, you know, four meals on a, you know, on a, on a day where I'm awake, awake early. Yeah. Might have four meals, but it's usually, I usually have like a double dinner almost every night because I eat it. Like I, I eat before I eat a lot of times because, um, I really, I don't want to be like ferociously eating, you know, I don't mind, uh, feasting a little bit, but some people
Starting point is 00:34:05 that not know what you mean by eat before eating or double dinner. So what do you mean by that? I'll eat around three or four and then I'll eat it, eat again around like five or six. So there's not that much time between the two meals. Um, and I just kind of, that just kind of happens because of like work schedule. I get home or even before I leave here and head home, which is like a 20, 30 minute drive. What I've learned for myself is that if I'm, if I wait until dinner, I'm probably going to be like snacking on a bunch of crap. Like I'm going to not crap, but like cheese and like whatever, whatever we got, you know,
Starting point is 00:34:40 I'm going to charcuterie board, charcuterieerie board charcuterie board city right i'll be eating and just picking out like a lot of other food so i don't really like to eat that way i try to focus more on meals rather than like snacks and so this has been really effective for me it also if i eat a big thing of if i eat like half a pound of like bison or something like that at like 3 or 3 30 that's gonna make it way easier to control my eating during dinner. Especially like more recently I haven't been eating. My dinner hasn't been really restrictive. It's kind of like whatever my wife has been cooking.
Starting point is 00:35:16 She cooks healthy meals anyway. So it's not really, it's not really a major issue, but like we have stuff that's breaded. We sometimes have stuff that's fried, and I just don't care. I'm like, this is going to fit my calories for the day. It'll be totally fine because I didn't really eat a ton during the rest of the day. So that's been super effective for me.
Starting point is 00:35:37 You guys might want to try it. Another thing, a couple other ways to balance out your fat to answer Andrew's question is you can simply have a whey protein shake with a meal, you know, or just having a whey protein shake, you know, pre-workout, post-workout, having it throughout the day. There's 50, 60 grams of protein with usually like no fat at all a lot of times. So that could be another way to up your protein and to keep your fat like kind of in check. That could be another way to up your protein and to keep your fat like kind of in check. And SEMA mentioned fasting as a great way of doing it. Another great way of doing that is to mix your meats up. I don't know how many of you would be a fan of this, but like I've chopped up chicken.
Starting point is 00:36:19 I've chopped up turkey and put it in ground beef before. and put it in ground beef before you have like an 85 get some really good 85 uh 15 you know ground beef and chop up just to maybe you fucking hate chicken like i don't really i don't really like chicken that much but in ground beef it's fucking awesome and it just adds protein to it yeah same thing with turkey um you want to add egg whites to something because it's just going to bump that protein up a little bit just because you're on a carnivore diet doesn't mean that you want to add egg whites to something because it's just going to bump that protein up a little bit. Just because you're on a carnivore diet doesn't mean that you have to, you know, only eat like super dense fatty foods all the time. Again, the only place where I would caution you to have concern is if you're like two, three days into this and you're feeling like, I don't know, you're tired, you're fatigued,
Starting point is 00:37:05 you're in a daze because you're, you know, you're not eating any carbs. So you're going to need some fat calories. But other than that, I mean, I think that you can eat fairly lean meats. We all eat Piedmontese and none of us are like, you know, none of us are dying or suffering, even though we have really lean sources of protein. And even on the really lean source of protein, Andrew and I were discussing this once. These people have mentioned, oh, Piedmontese is too lean. There are cuts of meat in Piedmontese that have higher amounts of fat.
Starting point is 00:37:37 So they're not all lean cuts. The ribeyes are like leaner than your standard ribeyes. But it still has a decent amount of fat. I think it's maybe around, Andrew, is it like 24 grams per serving? For which one? The ribeye. Yeah, I think it's 23 per serving. 23 per serving.
Starting point is 00:37:54 Right. So, we're looking, I think, like 50 for the whole steak. You could cook it in some beef tallow or cook it up, you know, fry it up in some bacon grease or something like that if you really feel like you need to add a little bit of extra fat to it. But- There we go you know uh it's um like i said all three of us do it and i'm never like oh man i need i don't i never feel like i need more fat i don't know about you guys but i also supplement some fish oil so yeah i mean i'm not supplementing like you know grams of it a day
Starting point is 00:38:20 so it's not like a ton but there's some extra fat that comes from fish oil as well you know oddly enough because we haven't even mentioned and somebody's gonna wonder fish is fine right oh absolutely yeah so like you guys can also eat fish salmon i think you think meat i think when we say meat i think everyone automatically thinks about like a cow like beef right um Chicken, any sort of game, elk. Maybe you'll find that you start getting into other types of meat. Give goat a try. Yeah, goat. I like goat.
Starting point is 00:38:56 What's your favorite thing about goat? You mentioned brain and all kinds of stuff, right? I don't think I've ever tried that before. Yeah, yeah yeah yeah so um yeah uh well our family manages to to find and uh procure uh whole goats so my mom's a big fan of this so she'll she'll get a whole goat and she'll make a soup i just had a vision of in sema like eight years old like running running at running after a goat jumping on its back. Yeah. So, yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:27 I've eaten goats since I was a kid, so I love it. It's like the, I feel like goat's kind of like, it's kind of like chicken. But anyway, we'll just cook the whole thing up in a soup and eat it. And it's really, really good. Sounds awesome. And the brain and all of that, it's all great. I love it. Let's not forget about bone broth, too.
Starting point is 00:39:45 Oh, God. Boner broth. Yeah. And some people get way into this stuff. Some people will cook chicken in their oven, you know, and they'll have like an entire chicken. That's a great way of doing it as well. I think at Costco, those rotisserie chickens are like five bucks. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:02 I think they're like, are they three? No, no. They're like, I think they're $5.99.99 from what i've heard they don't even make money it's like a they call it a loss leader it's just to get you like in the door and to buy tons of stuff because that's a steal too and they're good literally really good literally i think they lose like two bucks on it yeah yeah they just want your ass in the door but i mean look uh that would probably last you you know like you'll probably eat it you know at lunch and then you'll probably eat it again the next day a little bit and it'll probably
Starting point is 00:40:29 be gone and you got some good meat but a lot of people get so into this stuff they'll they'll cook a turkey or a chicken in the oven and they'll they'll uh boil the bones and they'll get bone broth from it i mean you can get i mean you can kind of this could be like a hobby for some people like they get way, way into it. Like they do with keto recipes. I know you mentioned you and your wife have gotten way deep into that before. And you got into some of the stuff by,
Starting point is 00:40:52 uh, Remington James and it becomes fun. Like now it's like, uh, it's not about like, Oh, I have to eat this way. You're like,
Starting point is 00:40:59 I get to eat this way. And this is going to be cool making a, I want to see what this shake is going to taste like. I want to see what this thing's going to taste like I want to see what this thing's going to taste like or that thing's going to taste like gets to be kind of neat you know I feel like such just like I feel so high class because
Starting point is 00:41:13 I made a made a whole Cornish hen in the air fryer the other day damn an air fried Cornish hen Cornish hen I mean I kind of think I know right it's like smaller just like a duck i don't really know i think it's uh so but it was delicious it was delicious yes yes yeah how big is your air fryer it's a pretty because that for people listening it's about size yeah yeah like it's
Starting point is 00:41:44 about there but yeah you know season that thing stuffed it up stuck it in the air fryer a lot better at this cooking thing man yeah I'm a full-on chef at this point that's pretty good call me chef rush 2.0 the chef from South Park what's his name
Starting point is 00:41:59 what is his chef I think that's it right has no name name he's good at this stuff i love how he has all those like uh like sexual references and stuff and the kids just blink at him and like kind of shuffle away um what about uh because i have seen this before too where people that you know about the palate fatigue and that sort of thing um they'll say that they can't get full when they eat just meat but i think it's because they're just not satisfied you know if you're eating um surf and turf bro that's what you gotta like or or turf and turf like i did last night i don't know if they posted it but so chicken and steak and things like that yeah what i'm getting at
Starting point is 00:42:38 in sima is like let's say you have a stack of we'll say non-piedmontese hamburger patties because if you had those you would go through all of them but just a stack of hamburger patties pretty much you know no fries salt whatever seasoning but somebody will see that and be like i don't know if i want to like i just don't even want to get through it it's like well because you're probably getting full because you're not having the fries and the carbs that's helping you stay hungry um i i do see that a lot where somebody will say like i just can't get full i just keep going or whatever i just i don't get i just yeah i'm what i'm getting as like they're not satisfied yeah you're not you're not you're full but you're not like you don't have satisfaction
Starting point is 00:43:15 yeah so is is that sort of a thing where food is fuel and it's not something to kind of play around with or i mean i know we just said you can you can be excited to have food and stuff. But is there like a mindset shift there or is there maybe just a different approach to going carnivore? I think personally, it comes down to your your palate changing over time, because I remember when I started like transitioning to doing lower carbohydrate and then eating less carbs. lower carbohydrate and then eating less carbs um it took me a minute to like i would get full but yeah like i would still have cravings for these ice cream you just want to pick at more things right like you just keep wanting to what else we got it's like i like you know my big thing was like ben and jerry's and stuff like that and i really just wanted to get my hands on that because i'm like that's my finisher ben Ben and Jerry's s'mores ice cream
Starting point is 00:44:05 is my finisher. So it just took a while for me to kind of get out of that habit. Just like I would call eating carnivore and eating these ways. It's like a good eating habit. You also have these bad eating habits that you have to just not do for a while. So you don't feel that you need to have it as harshly as you used to. Um, but maybe there's a tactic. Do you, do you think there's any tactics to that Mark? Or is it a time game? I think it's like a learning thing, you know, it's a something that's going to take you, take you some time. You get like a pulse. Um, you know, how many times have you been through a meal? For me, I grew up, like we grew up eating dessert, not every meal, not every, I mean, not every, every single dinner, but it wasn't uncommon for us to have
Starting point is 00:44:49 like some, something sweet after we ate a dinner. And so for me, I got very accustomed to that as a kid and just always as an adult found myself once I had that savory meal that was kind of salty and fatty and things like that. Once I had that savory meal that was kind of salty and fatty and things like that, I found myself lurking through the cabinet looking for cookies or chocolate or something to bake or whatever. You just kind of look at anything just to kind of get that homeostasis between the salty flavor that you had and now you kind of want to hit that other pleasure sensor of your of your brain yeah and get something sweet and how many times have you been like you still have a full meal in front of you sometimes you even have a really high quality meal you got some meat you got some vegetables and you're going through it and you're about halfway through and you're like man i can't wait to get through this because i'm gonna destroy that ice cream that's in the freezer. But what I've learned is that pulse, that craving, it doesn't last that long.
Starting point is 00:45:51 It seems a little brutal at the time because that's all you're kind of thinking about. But it really doesn't last that long. So if you can just recognize that, not really an instinct that, um, yeah, that pulses and that, and that pull towards, uh, eating the wrong thing. It's only going to last a couple of minutes. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:10 Probably like two or three minutes. So, you know, what are some other things that you can do to occupy your mind? So you don't do that. Maybe you can, um, watch a certain TV show.
Starting point is 00:46:21 Maybe you can go for a walk. Maybe there's something you can do. They say like, uh, if you want to interrupt or if you want to try to for a walk, maybe there's something you can do. They say if you want to interrupt or if you want to try to break a habit, it's a good thing to interrupt it. I would imagine, I've never tried this, but if you just banged out 50 push-ups
Starting point is 00:46:36 or something, you'd probably be pretty motivated not to eat the rest of the cheesecake that's sitting around or whatever it is. But back to Nsema's point, not having it there is a, is a great way. Like, how can you, um, you know, make the barrier of entry to eating shitty, make it really hard and make it really high. Like, so that you can't really, if you have kids, um, you know, maybe talk to a significant other and say, Hey, you know what? Like,
Starting point is 00:47:04 maybe talk to your significant other and say, hey, you know what? Can we take all the Cheez-Its and all the different stuff and can we put them in some containers so that I don't even see what it is? Because now you don't have that really beautiful packaging that they spend millions of dollars on advertising right to your eyeballs, you know? And maybe there's some ways to safeguard yourself away from that. And hey, let's keep them in a different thing away from some of my foods. But even when you're on a carnivore diet, there's really no reason, like you don't even need a pantry, you know, like you shouldn't, you shouldn't really own.
Starting point is 00:47:38 I mean, in the grand scheme of things, we shouldn't have one anyway. I mean, you really just, maybe you need it for a couple of things, but like, come on, do we need a whole closet full of fucking dead food? I mean, you really don't. I mean, how fat are we really,
Starting point is 00:47:51 you know? Um, so, and can you, can you eat something slightly different? That would be, that would be a great thing to try to explore. Can you just have,
Starting point is 00:48:01 can you just shove a protein shake down your throat and just be like, Hey man, I'm fucking, I'm kind of over it. You know, that's one thing, though. The protein shake, shoving it down your throat right now doesn't maybe seem too pleasurable. But what will happen over time of, like, doing this diet is that your palate will change. So, like, my palate used to be very, very, like, I would really want something really sweet, like Ben and Jerry's or a granola bar or something that's really, really sweet. But over time of not having that, something like this Quest Bar, which when I eat it, you know, I make these weird sounds of pleasure. Well, it's because like I really actually think this is really good now because I don't eat a lot of those hyper palatable
Starting point is 00:48:45 foods anymore right if i ate those a lot i'd eat this and be like oh it's good but your point a kid that has never eaten one of those before and they only know candy like halloween candy type stuff they would they might not enjoy that at all i might think it's kind of gross yeah i might be like no like you're not kidding you're not you're not faking me out with that shit yeah yeah and but like that's the thing it's like you know if you're doing this diet if you if you're not someone who can go cold turkey off of all this type of stuff then maybe it might be a good idea to you know have this in the house so that when that does hit and nothing you're doing is working and you're on the edge of going over and going to the store and grabbing yourself something you know you shouldn't
Starting point is 00:49:30 get pull this out warm it up have a little ooey gooey and eat it and you'll feel pretty damn good i like that that's where this comes in speaking of cold turkey what about like like cold cuts and deli meats and that sort of thing too because I know people like snacking You know that's kind of the we always hear that like I You know can't die because I like I need snacks. I need something in between meals like no you don't but maybe for something like this Would that be you know is that good to go didn't you make a video about snacks to you? Yeah, mm-hmm Yeah, yeah, we talked about All different kinds of stuff as in regards like carnivore diet and low-carb meals and things like that.
Starting point is 00:50:07 But yeah, you can take a piece of salami and roll it up in some cheese. That's so good. They even sell stuff that comes together like that nowadays. It's super convenient. What's that super thin sliced meat? Prosciutto. Prosciutto. So at Walmart, they sell cheese wrapped in prosciutto.
Starting point is 00:50:24 It's DTF. You just buy it and you're wrapped in prosciutto like it's dtf you just buy and you're good to go yeah it's so good i forgot about that stuff damn dude prosciutto is so good prosciutto yeah i probably shouldn't but i like frying it up sometimes with some eggs or something yeah yeah yeah yeah son all those things are all those things are fine. I know people make a big deal about nitrates or whatever, but again, you can refer to Ken Berry. When he was on the podcast, we talked a lot about that.
Starting point is 00:50:54 I would say that in accordance to your personal beliefs, if you believe that those foods are not great for you, then they're probably not great for you because it's just going against the grain of what you believe that those foods are not great for you, then they're probably not great for you because it's just going against the grain of what you believe. But in general, I've never really noticed any of that stuff to be negative. I stopped yesterday at a gas station and ate some salami and cheese on my way to In-N-Out Burger that we stopped at a little bit later, and I ate two Flying Dutchman. And so, I mean, part of the reason why I ate the salami and cheese was I was like,
Starting point is 00:51:30 I don't want to eat like four Flying Dutchman or five Flying Dutchman like I normally would. I'll have like one or two, and that should be fine, you know. And so I ate a little bit of food kind of before that to sort of prepare for that. There's just so many different things you can do. But look, I think the main thing here is, and whenever we talk about nutrition, the real, the simplest thing I can explain to anybody when it comes to nutrition intervention is let's just work on spending more time in control and less time out of control.
Starting point is 00:52:04 And whatever that means for you, because you might be on your diet, you might be like an 80-20 person, you know, but can we get you to be 85? You know, can we just get you to be a little bit better? And when you think about the next time you have a craving, like rather than thinking about like it's this uncontrolled thought that you have, why not think about it a little bit more and try to think like where is this coming from? I actually, I personally think that food works a few days, food and stress and sleep work a few days later than you think they would. So I think that your food and your stress and your sleep from Monday doesn't really hit you until about Wednesday. And if they're fucked up all the time, they'll be hitting you more frequently
Starting point is 00:53:00 because you'll be kind of run down and fatigued all the time. Remember, fatigue makes cowards of us all. Once you're tired, you're no longer nearly as confident as you were. You know, we could have you come into this room and Seema and I can explain a bunch of nutrition to you. You can get so hyped up and be so excited. And Seema could say, hey, man, here's what you need to do for your back. We're going to get your lats real big. You're going to have you deadlift and do some rows. up and be so excited and the semen could say hey man here's what you need to do for your back we're
Starting point is 00:53:25 gonna get your blats real big you're gonna have you deadlift and do some rows and i can say here's what we're gonna do with your nutrition we're gonna slice you up and we're gonna you leave here on a cloud nine and we can tell somebody look man you already have pretty good shoulders like you have this you have that we can kind of tell you what you already have and and point out also point out some of the weaknesses that we're gonna assist you to get rid of because we have the knowledge to do so. So you'll walk out of here and be like, fuck yeah, I got a game plan. The next day, your alarm hits for you to do cardio at 530 in the morning. You decide, fuck man, I'm pretty tired.
Starting point is 00:54:01 I didn't get to bed when I should have last night because I watched that new Netflix series. And then boom, like the cascade of problems are happening yes not only do you not get up for the to go do your AM cardio but you end up being a little late for work your boss is up your ass that day you're stressed from that you snap at your girl
Starting point is 00:54:19 because you're stressed she snaps back and you're you're kind of like you know you're arguing now it's time to make a decision to eat you're gonna eat your chicken and broccoli like no like it's probably not because you didn't even prepare it because you didn't have time because you fucked up everything else these things they take a while to hit you so next time you have a craving i would love for you to think about it a little bit more. Think about it a little bit deeper. Think about like, where is that coming from?
Starting point is 00:54:50 Like, why? Ask yourself this question. Why do you want to hurt yourself? Why? You know, you ever hear about people like cutting themselves, right? Yeah. You hear that and you're like, wow, that's so horrible. Like, why would anybody want to do that to themselves? This is what you're doing to yourself in a way, in a sense. I mean, you're sabotaging yourself. You're literally hurting yourself. And in many cases, you're already diabetic. You're already pre-diabetic. You're already up against the wall. You're already up against it. And you're, you still make these mistakes. Why are you hurting yourself? I mean, you don't have to sit there and get all depressed about it,
Starting point is 00:55:26 but I'm, I'm asking you to think about it more. What's it coming from? Somebody fuck with you two days before. Did you not sleep well? Like what, what is the, what's this issue?
Starting point is 00:55:36 And let's get the fuck over it. Like, let's make a decision that this isn't going to be you anymore. Like let's, okay. There's a fucking craving. Big deal. Everyone has them.
Starting point is 00:55:45 We get them every day. Yeah. Have you ever made a decision to not have the, have you ever made a decision against the craving? Have you ever done it once before? If you've done it once before, then we're onto something because that means you can do it again. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:55:59 How do we get that to be repeatable? Because as soon as it starts to be repeatable, it'll get easier and easier and easier. And you'll be more excited about saying, fuck that craving. I'm going to go the opposite direction. When you start seeing the scale come down and when people are like, dude, what are you doing different? You look awesome. This is amazing. How are you doing this? Gain control, figure out a way to gain control over those cravings. Don't just let them hit you and don't just fall victim to them right away. Absolutely. And I'm so happy that you, you mentioned the aspect of sleep because especially when doing this diet and when, when I don't get sleep I noticed that my cravings for the foods
Starting point is 00:56:37 that I know I shouldn't be eating is heightened to a level that's hard to not, not like it's, it's not take action on. Like I'll really, I'll be driving home from a podcast and I'll be like, fuck, fuck. Maybe I should just go get myself some of those Spanish rolls. And sometimes I will cave. Right. And why that's when I don't get Spanish roll. Yeah. I'm curious.
Starting point is 00:56:57 Ooh. Y'all don't know what, okay. So are they called? I love that. We do that so much. We talk about like discipline, got to eat clean. Don't cave in. Yeah. Yeah. Check out't cave in. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:57:05 Check out this Spanish roll. Yeah. So it's from I mentioned peanut butter cups. Bad bakers. Man. You know what bad bakers is? Sister-in-law made peanut butter balls. Fuck.
Starting point is 00:57:15 Again? Dude, I couldn't say no. What's going on with her? Yeah. I think they're senior readers. She knows that I love them. They're so good. She's killing everybody.
Starting point is 00:57:21 They're called senior reader rolls. Oh, my God. I know what you're talking about. They're these things, man. They're. They're killing everybody. They're called senior reader roles. Oh, my God. I know what you're talking about. They're these things, man. They're those things. Oh, gosh. Let me send it to Andrew. I'm going to screenshot this.
Starting point is 00:57:34 Send it to my email. Let me send you a picture, Andrew. Just send it to my email. Yeah. So these things, yeah, they are Satan. Can you pull up my Instagram, Andrew? I think there may be some recent kind of meat like pictures on there. And then.
Starting point is 00:57:49 But yeah. Mark Smelly Bell. If you're not getting and you're not you're not on top of your sleep and getting enough of your sleep, then you're literally setting yourself up for, you know, failure on this. When failure on any type of diet or any type of good habit you're trying to set up. So you need to make sure you're not getting like four hours of sleep at night. Look at that. That right there is a tomahawk ribeye. Wow.
Starting point is 00:58:10 We cooked up on a what's a smoker called? Pit boss grill. Yeah. Cooked up on a pit boss grill. My brother cooked it and I ate it with some chicken. There's a good example. So much fats on that thing. That is not a Piedmontese certified.
Starting point is 00:58:25 That is straight out of Costco, but it was fucking fantastic. And I had it with a chicken breast, and it was a great meal. Look at those handsome men. Turf and turf? Turf and turf. Turf and turf. Turf talk. Wait, what does that?
Starting point is 00:58:38 Okay, so surf and turf. Because there's surf and turf, because yeah, it's seafood and whatever. Land food. Land food. There you go. Sorry. Land food. That's why I didn't know what you would call normal food. So it's uh seafood and whatever land food land food i know what you would call normal food so it's called turf and turf yeah yeah oh my gosh oh that looks that looks amazing that's that rib roast right yeah that's a piedmontese standing rib roast with some uh crab uh hollandaise like that was like oh my god my brother-in-law uh we call him bacon because his name is andy and so we have two andys in the in the household a lot of times so we'll we'll call
Starting point is 00:59:12 him bacon but bacon uh knows how to fucking cook man he threw some uh sage and some thyme and some salt and pepper on there is that just the iphone yeah fuck that new camera looks so good that's the old iphone 12 dang it um keeps getting butter and butter butter oh what else did we put on that steak there's something else on there too there's some sort of he put some sort of like fat on there to make everything stick better i can't remember if it was like what what's this one? That's a, that's crab. That's a crab. That's crab. Yeah. It's crab. And, um, hollandaise.
Starting point is 00:59:48 Wow. Fucking unreal. Like, even if you don't like seafood, like you would dig this. Cause it, I mean, there was crap, there was a good amount of crab in there, but it's like, it's, uh, it doesn't, doesn't taste that. I don't know. It just adds to the fucking flavor. It's amazing.
Starting point is 01:00:01 This man. So jacked. This man can cook. Yeah. fucking flavor it's amazing this man so jacked this man can cook yeah and you can see if you go on my ig you can see like i'm about as lean as i was for my bodybuilding show minus uh you know doing fucking 90 minutes of cardio every day yeah um i feel better though too i feel i feel a little bit bigger um i actually got my biceps to grow, which I'm pretty pumped about cause I torn both of them many times. Oh, uh, so I'm starting to have a little bit of a peak to the bicep. So pretty, uh, pretty excited about stuff.
Starting point is 01:00:32 Oh yeah. I get getting in a little bit better shape all the time. Getting a mirror selfie. Your, your waist though also seems to be like a kind of getting a bit more ching. I know. And that's never happened before. Yeah. Yeah. That's pretty crazy. That's been the kind of getting a bit more ching. I know. And that's never happened before. Yeah. That's pretty crazy. That's been the kind of hardest part is my body doesn't want to
Starting point is 01:00:52 like, you know, get skinny through the waist from all those years of squats and stuff, I think, you know. But it's finally happening. But it takes, you know, all this stuff, it just takes a long time. You know, if you're trying to get lean and you're trying to get in good shape, I mean, you really have to just understand that it takes it takes a long ass time i mean i i like to use in sema as like a a reference point a lot because you've always
Starting point is 01:01:17 been in great shape since i've known you but you've gotten in better shape you know i think and i think that you were what 260 two 60 to 65 for a little while, right? When you're powerlifting. Yeah. It peaked at two 69 and never really got to see two 70. I actually, I think I saw two 72.
Starting point is 01:01:32 Pete at two 72. Yeah. And you looked great then. And I didn't recognize you to be anyone that I would consider to be fat by any means. You were fucking big and jacked, but you look better now, you know?
Starting point is 01:01:44 And, and, but these things, they take time. I guess my point here jacked, but you look better now, you know, and but these things, they take time. I guess my point here is, is that you weren't like, hey, I'm going to go to two. I'm going to go from 270 down to 240 and I'm going to be diced up because I'm going to take a couple of pictures, you know, or because I'm going to do a show which you've done bodybuilding shows before. But what you're doing now is like, I'm just going to get in better shape to be in better shape.
Starting point is 01:02:05 And I'm going to see what weight is going to be optimal for jujitsu because you could go down lower. But you're probably like, I don't really wouldn't feel good. I'll just make you eat less food. Yeah. And you probably wouldn't feel very strong. And one of your strengths in jujitsu probably is your strength along with your speed and agility and stuff. I'm sure are up there pretty high for speed and agility and stuff, I'm sure are up there pretty high for your weight class and stuff too.
Starting point is 01:02:28 But as long as your weight doesn't slow you down or doesn't mess with your conditioning, there's probably no reason to mess with it, right? Exactly. Yeah. That's why I stay around this week because I feel good at this weight. My strength feels good on the mats, feels great. But one big thing that has really helped over the years is like all these different diet things that we're talking about getting used to them they've now become
Starting point is 01:02:51 tools like when i was getting into using some fasting and time restricted eating they were like there were times that i would do a 16 hour fast every day and i have a timer blah blah blah right but after some time it then became something where i like okay i don't have to have to fast today. I can fast tomorrow. I can fast for the next two days. And like today I'm eating this. Okay. I won't fast today, but it's still something that I use. But now, like you said, all these things give you a level of control. Um, and now I can just, you know, if I noticed that I've been eating quite a bit for the past three days, okay, I'll just do maybe a 16 hour fast for the next three days too. And it's, it's like that.
Starting point is 01:03:26 It's, it's like clockwork. Same thing with carnivore. Like there'll be days where I don't eat any carbs. It's like a tool. Like if I know I ate a little bit more carbs yesterday than I wanted to. All right, let me just not eat carbs for the next two days. It's not something I'm not used to because I did carnivore for a while. Right?
Starting point is 01:03:42 So now that you guys are doing world carnivore month, um, you're going to learn a lot and maybe it's something you stick to for a long run, but you know, maybe you end up wanting to do a, adding in a little bit of carbs. You're like very like, you know, rice or potatoes.
Starting point is 01:03:54 You want to add that in at one or two meals a day of some carbs. Why not? Exactly. But now like you, it's, it's, you now have carnivore as a tool since you've done it before. You know how it feels,
Starting point is 01:04:03 you know how to do it. And if you don't want to eat carbs again for a few days or whatever, boom, it's like that. Joe Rogan's doing it again. I know he last year it was pretty cool because he mentioned me and my brother on a show and he's like, hey, I'm doing it. Mark Bell and Chris Bell recommended it to me and I'm going to go in, you know, full on this year. And he lost like 12 pounds, I think, in a month which you gotta always keep, you gotta always keep in mind, like a lot of these people are already in shape. Joe Rogan exercises all the time. Joe Rogan is not fat to begin with.
Starting point is 01:04:33 He's very, very healthy. And so you gotta always keep those things in mind. Your results might not be the same. I mean, by the end of the thing, he was, he was pretty fucking lean. You know, he had some abs and he looked great. But those people are going to get results faster because they've been putting in the time for a long time. His diet just wasn't like extremely on point. But as Nsema said, you can always go back. You can always go back to utilizing this as a tool. The people will often say, Hey, the diet's not sustainable. I don't really know. I mean, we know a handful of people.
Starting point is 01:05:06 I mean, literally probably know about five people that we've had on the show that are so disciplined with their food that we can say, hey, they're on a sustainable diet. The only other people that we know that are on a quote unquote sustainable diet that aren't those five people are people that recognize it's a good idea to shift from diet to diet. It's a good idea to not always try to be as lean as possible. It's a good idea to just like let it go here and there or to have a if it fits your macros mentality here and there, because otherwise, I mean, there's you're missing out. I mean, you really are.
Starting point is 01:05:44 You're missing you're missing out on some really delicious foods. There's only a couple people in the world, Stan Efferding, O'Hearn, Ron Penna. Like there's a couple of people that just, they literally don't care that much. They just want the results, uh, from the healthier foods and they don't really, they don't really stray from that. But something you mentioned in there, I think is really important. stray from that. But something you mentioned in there, I think is really important. And you said it, you didn't say it quite like this, but what I got from what you were saying is you are subtracting food without notice. You're subtracting calories without really recognizing. And I want
Starting point is 01:06:18 to kind of point that out for a second, because when we shift over into a carnivore diet, we're getting rid of a macronutrient category. We're getting rid of carbohydrates. I've said it a million times. I don't really view carbohydrates as being bad. However, if you're trying to lose body fat, carbohydrates can be an enemy because a lot of times there's carbohydrate. There's a lot of times there's a lot of carbohydrates in a lot of processed foods.
Starting point is 01:06:45 And a lot of times those processed foods, it's carbohydrates and fat combination with low amounts of protein that it doesn't make us eat more. But it's very encouraging to eat more. Um, the checks mix that you're eating, the, uh, the, uh, tortilla chips, the, uh, nachos, the fries, the, you know, whatever these things are that you gravitate towards. Um, ice cream is great, but what happens to ice cream when you pull out the fat? It's like, you know, it's just, it's not, it's no longer ice cream, right? Like it's now, now you're getting like into like fro-yo, which isn't bad, but it's not fucking ice cream um so when you have fat and sugar together it gets to be really easy to over consume those things and so on this diet we get rid of that macronutrient category we get rid of
Starting point is 01:07:36 carbohydrates you start to get into you know mainly eating meat and over a period of time, your palate changes to where you actually enjoy the savory food over the sweet foods. And yes, those cravings will still come back here and there, but you've got to figure out ways of controlling them. And Seema was talking about fasting earlier. And a really important thing to note with fasting is that when you come out of your fast, you have to kind of pretend that it didn't happen. So you don't want to eat 125% of your calories because you didn't eat all day. You would probably, like if we could just, let's just say you ate twice at the end of the day, you'd probably want to eat like 90 or 95% of your, if you're trying to lose weight.
Starting point is 01:08:23 Just think about that. Think about like, I'm going to have a little bit of calorie restriction if you want to eat like 90 or 95% of your, if you're trying to lose weight, just think about that. Think about like, I'm going to have a little bit of calorie restriction. If you want to count calories, I'm going to have a little bit of calorie restriction. I'm going to do it by not eating for the first half of the day. Second half of the day, I'm going to finish the day with two meals. And instead of having 2,500 calories, I'm going to have 2,300 calories. You've broken up over two meals. Like that is such a, you won't recognize that. You'll be hungry during the day, but you'll also probably be occupied.
Starting point is 01:08:54 You probably have a job or something. You're probably doing something during the day. Maybe even just exercising, whatever. You'll barely know. It'll be painful at times. I'm not saying it's going to be really easy, but does that sound like something that you can do? I mean, it sounds,
Starting point is 01:09:08 sounds manageable to me. Absolutely. Absolutely. And one thing too, one thing to keep in mind, since we've mentioned fasting quite a few times on this episode, um, and you're,
Starting point is 01:09:18 if you're doing fasting in accordance with carnivore, you want to make sure that as you're coming out of that fast, don't make the mistake that I've made numerous times where you eat too much food right once you right once you finish fast. Hurt your stomach. Hurt your stomach and you might just throw up like you might just feel really nauseous. That has happened to me once where I just stuffed my face. I was like, why do I not feel good?
Starting point is 01:09:39 Your stomach needs to be warmed up. It's a good idea to maybe maybe have your first meal be a lean protein maybe some some eggs or egg whites or just like like some boiled eggs or something um or some bone broth warm the stomach up before eating a big old meal because if you don't you will regret it you absolutely will regret it the other thing to keep in mind i know people um they have a lot of questions when it comes to carbs and they have a lot of questions when it comes to getting the gains in the gym and having good performance in the gym. Carbohydrates can be massively beneficial, but for, I think especially in SEMA and I,
Starting point is 01:10:16 what we have found is that a small amount can go a really, really long way. And sometimes I think when we say a small amount, maybe you don't know what we're talking about, but I have noticed as little as like 30 grams of carbs to be pretty effective. I would say on average during the last maybe two months or so, I probably been eating like 50 to 75 carbs a day. Maybe there's a couple of days in there where I had sushi and it went up to 200 or 225 or something like that. Don't you use Vitargo? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:10:47 Yeah. Yeah. During the workout. Yeah. Yeah. I use an intra workout carbohydrate. But just a small amount of carbohydrates can really make a big difference. I think that when you're eating a large amount of carbohydrates, maybe your body gets kind of desensitized to it at a certain point to where it's just like
Starting point is 01:11:05 maybe doesn't have the same exact impact. Because I noticed now that when I do bring the carbs in, I, you know, I kind of feel them. And I kind of start to understand when somebody's like, oh, man, like I didn't have an opportunity to eat my carbs today. I don't have the same pump. I'm not going to have the same workout. I kind of hate that excuse. But it's a little bit more understandable for me now that I removed so much carbohydrate because now if I do implement any of them, it represents a large percentage of carbohydrates for my diet.
Starting point is 01:11:35 You know, I think, so how do you feel about, because you brought up a really good point there. For those of you that are like bodybuilders and maybe you're really focused on that feeling and you may let's say that you're doing this and you're not getting that feeling as much how do you feel about people just maybe using carbs in a shake pre like pre and intro workout while doing this i know it's not it's not carnivore necessarily but maybe it'll help with that aspect yeah how do you think about that i think that would be fine i mean especially if someone has kind of a mental hang up and they're like, I'm going to try this diet, but I'm going to slightly modify it a little bit. Yeah, I think that would I think that would work. I think that would work great. You know, have some aminos and some carbohydrates like either during your workout or even getting a little post-workout carbohydrate.
Starting point is 01:12:20 Again, one of the main reasons to jump on this bandwagon of the carnivore challenge in January. Yes, it would be cool if you could adhere to the whole entire thing. Yeah. But we also understand that each person has different goals. We also understand that compliance is the science. So if you can't actually follow it, then you're going to feel bad. And that's why I'm trying to say, hey, look, let's open up the playbook a little bit. So that way you don't feel like you're violating some fucking code. And now you're going to be kicked off of some team because you ate some asparagus,
Starting point is 01:12:52 you know, or because you ate a little bit of rice after your workout, because you wanted to feel you wanted to kind of replenish after your workout. So I think a little bit of carbohydrates, I think, uh, can be really beneficial. Just one more note on the whole carb thing is you got to keep in mind, we don't necessarily need dietary carbohydrates. And the word need, as Lane Norton points out many times, it's like, well, what do you mean by need? And so that word becomes really important. And in accordance to your goals, in accordance to somebody who is looking to lose body fat, in accordance to somebody who is trying to gain control over their diet, I personally feel that getting rid of carbohydrates is an amazing practice. I don't think that everyone has to do it to lose weight, but I think it's a good practice for a lot of people. And so this diet will give you that practice.
Starting point is 01:13:44 We don't need dietary carbohydrates. Your body will make carbohydrates off of amino acids and things like that. If it needs it, it will turn it into glucose in the body and your brain will be fine and you'll get ketones and all kinds of other things will happen. So you don't have to really worry about dietary carbohydrates, which is weird because there's a recommended daily allowance of carbohydrates yeah but there's not for protein for some reason don't make no sense makes no fucking sense doesn't make any look and you know i i think if every person could just grab a hold of like just prioritizing protein you know i mentioned
Starting point is 01:14:26 earlier like if you could just if all you got from this is that you ate protein three or four times a day 30 to 50 grams per meal i mean that would be huge because i'm a firm believer that if your percentage of protein went from 12 which is the average American, to like 24% or 20%, that you would lose a significant amount of body fat over a period of time. I can't really say exactly what that would be, but I think every single person would lose weight based off of that. Having a higher percentage of their calories come from eating more protein. And even just everyone trying to shoot for that one gram
Starting point is 01:15:06 per pound. There's so many people that probably aren't anywhere near it. A lot of people are probably eating, you know, getting through a day eating 50 grams of protein. Yeah. Which just isn't really enough. Uh, what about, I see this as a, as a pretty big hurdle for people who are just going to try carnivore for the first time. Um, and, this this topic hit my head when you're talking about eating, you know, hero bars like we think they're insane, but you give them to someone else, they're probably not going to think that they're as good as a Snickers bar. So people are always going to kind of think that you're weird for your fitness and your diet anyways.
Starting point is 01:15:41 But when you are around somebody who doesn't pay attention to their diet and they see you're only eating meat they're gonna think it's weird and they're gonna be like there's no way that's healthy so what's some ammo you can give people that are going to be doing this that are going to be around other people that are not following basically any type of diet it you don't think that's healthy uh i honestly wouldn't even bother what i'd probably do is i'd send them like some information and say check it out if check it out and let me know what you think this is why i think it's healthy because no matter what you really say to somebody trying to defend a diet that you eat a lot of meat with, because of the things that you hear from people like Dr. Oz, because of the things that you hear from very popular people in media, it's like there is a stigma against eating quite a bit of meat. And they'll say, oh, yeah, there are studies to show that that causes cancer, this and that. You can't dispute it.
Starting point is 01:16:45 I would just personally send them information. But do you have a better? Yeah, I think one of the things is regulating your body weight is is a really critical factor with your health. And let's I mean, I forget what percentage of Americans are obese now, but I think it's like 60 percent. Our diets are so out of whack that girls are having their periods at like eight or nine years old and even earlier i think like yeah the boys aren't hitting puberty till like 15 16 i see a lot of young boys out there with boobs you know like there's a lot of shit going on it's sad it sucks there's a lot of a lot of uh children that are growing up to be very heavy. So if we can figure out a way to control our body weight, many times when somebody can control their body weight,
Starting point is 01:17:33 and many times when somebody can have a decent amount of muscle mass on their body, they're not going to have a lot of the same issues as someone that's obese. You could still have diabetes. There's a bunch of other things that you could still have, but the likelihood is reduced greatly. So anything that you can do to help regulate your body weight, to help decrease your body weight if you're heavy, or even help to just stay the same body weight for a long period of time and maintain that healthy physique or healthy body is going
Starting point is 01:18:06 to be of massive benefit. When I just said earlier about most people not eating enough protein, I should be a little more specific with that because I don't think that everyone actually really, quote unquote, needs one gram per pound of body weight. I think it's overkill, really. However, what the fuck else are we going to eat? You know, you got to fill yourself up with something and I don't want people to be hungry. And I think the major problem with people in this country is that they're really hungry. You're fucking hungry anyway, and you have cravings and
Starting point is 01:18:38 you're fat. You're hungry, you have cravings and you're fat. I'm saying that repeatedly because it doesn't make any sense. You would figure that if you were, if you had a lot of cravings, that apparently it looks like you've satisfied those needs many times over. Like how many times have you, how many times have you accomplished this? You know, you've done this, right? But it doesn't work that way. It's like your body, your body wants more of that. It's like not enough.
Starting point is 01:19:07 It's not enough to be 10 pounds overweight or 20 pounds overweight. And it cascades and builds on itself. And it's a really vicious cycle. How do we figure out a way to break that cycle? Well, it's my belief that we do so with protein. You might also do it with some fiber. So that might be something you add in at some other time when it's not World Carnivore Month. But protein is going to be something that will satiate you, help keep you full. The biggest problem that people that are obese
Starting point is 01:19:34 face is the fact that they are over consuming macronutrients and they are malnourished when it comes to micronutrients. micronutrients and they are malnourished when it comes to micronutrients. Just fucking crazy. Yeah. Cause it's like, man, a lot of people are overeating.
Starting point is 01:19:51 A lot of people are eating like 5,000 calories a day. You're telling me you don't have the right mixture of micronutrients. It's like, no, not when you're not when you're eating cheese whiz and remember the fuck else you're eating. You're like, it's a hell of soda. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:20:03 Right. Like there's sugar. Yeah. There's, there's nothing in there. Um, and a lot of the stuff that was being sold at the grocery store like 80 of it is garbage or maybe even more walking down those middle aisles and seeing the little heart on there and seeing that this thing has fucking vitamin c in it the health juices oh my god it's got vitamin c but it has like 60 grams of sugar in it. And you're like, what the fuck's a vitamin C?
Starting point is 01:20:25 Can't do shit to that 60 grams of sugar. So anything you can do to help regulate your body weight. So anyone that's going to, you know, a family member that's going to say, hey, man, I really don't think that's good. You can say, hey, look, man, like, I'm just going to be really honest with you. I'm 80 pounds overweight. I'm not happy about it and I'll do anything to get rid of this. So I'm going to give this a shot and it'd be cool if you supported me. But if you want to see me stay fat and unhealthy, then keep being negative. Yeah. Yeah. Are there any, um, cause you know, like, like for me,
Starting point is 01:21:02 like I was counting calories, uh, the thought of just letting go and just eating, you know, like, like for me, like I was counting calories, uh, the thought of just letting go and just eating, you know, fatty steaks, lean steaks, and just all kinds of different meats. Is there any, um, I don't know, like if you want to lean out a little bit faster, a little bit harder to really stick to the, you know, chickens, the flat iron steaks. stick to the you know chickens the flat iron steaks um yeah is that do you find any benefit in that or should you just you know try to stick with what's uh sustainable it'll be beneficial but again fatigue makes cowards of us all so if you are if you are three or four days into it and you're like oh man like yeah this is feeling a little rough. Might have to bring that fat back in there.
Starting point is 01:21:50 The way that I have always kind of solved that problem is I normally once a day will have like some sort of really lean meat. And then at least once a day, I try to actually have like a fattier piece of meat. And that normally works out to be fine. And then whatever else I get in seems to that seems to work well for me. out to be fine and whatever else I get in seems to, that just seems to work well for me. So, um, I think the, you know, the main thing is just that you're, you're getting used to the food. You know, we say that so many times on this show, but get used to the food.
Starting point is 01:22:15 I wouldn't really worry too much about counting calories. And, uh, after about two weeks, if you're like, Hey, I, you know, I haven't really only lost like two pounds or something like that. Tighten it up a little bit. See what you can do. Maybe fast a little bit longer. You know, maybe adding some cardio or. You know, try something.
Starting point is 01:22:33 Try something a little different out. And, you know, one thing about stuff like this is people don't realize, but you tend to eat a lot of like similar things over time. Like maybe like, yeah, you add in different meats, but not every day is going to be different. There's going to be a lot of these same meals that you have. So, so like you mentioned, you could pay attention and see like, Oh, I'm eating, you know, three ribeyes and you know, 10 whole eggs every single day. Maybe I'll bump that down to two ribeyes and five or like take some fat out of here or there. Um, I think that's a great idea. One thing that I think might be beneficial for some people in terms of like, you know, just learning their intake isn't to necessarily have a calorie goal and trying to hit that
Starting point is 01:23:14 calorie goal, trying to hit fats or whatever. But something that might, might be helpful is eat what you want to eat, you know, eat what you want to eat in terms of this carnivore diet, but maybe have a log. Write down what those foods are. Or even if you want to take it a step further, just don't take anything out, but just track it. So that maybe you have a rough idea where your food is. So that number one, you're building that skill of tracking. You're building that skill of kind of seeing what's in the food you're eating.
Starting point is 01:23:46 But then later, if you want to get a little bit more specific on your intake, you can see how much, you know, on average, how much fats is in the food you're eating. And you can kind of take out 50 fats or 100 fats, even though it's not going to be exact. You'll have that skill of doing that. Like when I work with somebody that's never tracked before, I don't give them a calorie goal. I'll just say, eat the same things you've been eating. Just track it. Just so you can see maybe this is how much you've been eating. And some people are surprised.
Starting point is 01:24:15 Some people are like, holy shit, I've been eating 220 grams of fat each day. How have I been doing that? You'd be shocked at how much fat is in uh meat sometimes you know beef like sometimes it's you know one-to-one ratio uh and you're like wow i didn't know that had 50 grams of fat in it so it might it might be helpful i don't think that you guys like especially if you're new to this i don't think you should try to i have 2500 calories i need to hit that don't don't don't do any of that don't make it complicated. But maybe just try two days or three days a week just tracking your food. It doesn't have to be every single day either.
Starting point is 01:24:51 But just to give you an idea. I think it's a good learning process. Maybe try to make it fun. Like Insima is saying, you're going to eat similar foods every day. See if you can figure out a way to try to eat something a little different every day. Just something a little different. Like, just something a little different. Like maybe, maybe switching the flavor of the bone broth that you have,
Starting point is 01:25:08 or maybe instead of bacon, you have sausage, maybe instead of sausage links, maybe you have sausage patties. Like see if you can like that might, you know, buy a bunch of stuff, stick it in your freezer and be like,
Starting point is 01:25:20 Oh man, pull a sausage. All right, well I'll try that. Or like, you know, you just keep trying different things. Uh, that way you, um, you, maybe you can be excited each day. Like, oh, man, Polish sausage. All right, well, I'll try that. Or, you know, you just keep trying different things. That way you, maybe you can be excited each day.
Starting point is 01:25:29 Like, oh, I'll get an opportunity to eat this one today. Or I'm going to defrost this one today. Yeah, I would have different days where my first meal would be a lot bigger. And then my, like, lunch meal would be a little bit smaller. And I would kind of, like, rotate those. So, like, one day I'd be like, oh, gosh, I can't wait because tomorrow I'm going to have a big old breakfast. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:25:48 Meaning a little bit more oatmeal, but it was something, you know, it's what I needed. But other than the horrible diarrhea, my biggest struggle with carnivore diet is it's going to sound weird, but it's meal pre um when i'm mixing in a lot of carbs and stuff so monster mash super easy right heats well tastes great um any of the various like random you know high carb uh meals that i put together they reheat well they taste great with meat only um you know reheating steak doesn't taste very good and to me it doesn't taste very good having a cold actually tastes a little bit better uh cold hamburger patties taste pretty good get out of here you get out disgusting it's not bad vile
Starting point is 01:26:39 human being but that's what i mean is like in my opinion that tastes almost as good or the same as reheating it okay okay but it does not taste anywhere near as good as it does the day before when you cook it so what are some like meal prep ideas for people and people i mean me that we can utilize if we are going to go all in on carnivore i do i do think a steak um yes a steak is a lot better than like a ground beef can be can be really weird to reheat but if you leave it in a patty form it's not that bad to reheat microwaving stuff uh yeah microwaving stuff sometimes isn't great like i i'd rather reheat a lot of stuff in a pan. I mean, sometimes just out of convenience,
Starting point is 01:27:28 you stick it in the microwave way faster and easier, makes like less of a mess or whatever. But there's a bunch of options. One option is, and this wouldn't be a great option for you, but it would be a great option for many other people, is just only eat when you're home. Like only eat when you can like actually just cook it. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:27:46 That's what I do. You know? And if you have the, if you have, if you have something that's left over from the night before, well, now when you get home, you can reheat it and maybe you can do a little bit of what I do.
Starting point is 01:27:54 Maybe you can kind of double dinner it. You get home, maybe you had a couple ounces of steak left over from the night before, uh, reheat that. And as you're thinking about what you're going to cook for dinner, you know, you're,
Starting point is 01:28:04 you're munching on that or whatever. But that's definitely one option. The other option might be like to try to find some beef jerky and try to find like a little bit of snacky stuff just to get you through your work day. And just to get you home so you can kind of cook your meals. But you just got to probably find each person's palates can be different. You're saying you like cold hamburgers. He's flipping out over here. And so each person's going to be, uh, each person's going to be, uh, different on that,
Starting point is 01:28:32 on that front. Yeah. I mean, I've utilized like, um, the Costco hard boiled eggs a lot. Oh yeah. Those are really good. And then just the whole idea of like, wait, having whole eggs and going nuts on that, like not worrying about the fat content like that sounds amazing like what i don't have to have nothing but egg whites hard boiled hard boiled
Starting point is 01:28:51 eggs um you know they're not they're not they're not the most amazing meal ever but i can get you through the day another thing you can do which would be really great is to uh just bring some cheese with you and whatever. If you have steak or hamburger, you know, chop it up a little bit and dump some cheese on top of it. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 01:29:11 Yeah. And now you have, you know, it's going to taste fucking awesome. You know, it's going to go down pretty good. If there's like a condiment or something you can use, like bodybuilders use mustard on everything,
Starting point is 01:29:21 but whatever, whatever you could use, that's not going to, you know, add a bunch of uh bullshit to the to the mix but the cheese thing works really well so you might want to give that a shot yeah cheese is amazing um get an air fryer uh and i'm saying this because i feel like with a lot of people especially if you're hungry it'll speed up your cooking times um you know you don't have to set up the oven and do a bunch of not just you put in the air fryer, set it, go do whatever you need to do. That's why I don't meal prep anything. Like maybe when I'll cook up a bunch of ground beef, there'll be some ground beef for the next day, but I don't have food waiting for me. But my meals take me maybe
Starting point is 01:29:57 15 to sometimes 10 to 20 minutes to fully prepare. I'm all good. Like I'll stick it in the air fryer. I'll be there frying up my eggs while it's cooking in the air fryer. Everything's done by the time, you know, I'm ready to eat. Boom, it's in. I think you can keep food warm too, can't you? Oh, yeah. So like you can put stuff in like a thermos, I think, Andrew. Like you could have something kind of hot at home.
Starting point is 01:30:21 And I think like if it's just for the day day like as long as you're not going like a couple days i think like i know efforting was doing that for a while he would take those little thermos things and he would put like his monster mash in there i know it's got like rice in it but i i've never tried it uh with just meat but you might be able to just uh you know have meat and like it sounds disgusting but you might have meat and some bone broth in like a thermos it might stay hot and when you get here it's still warm it's still hot yeah no i did that when we um uh when i competed in the st classic i was pretty like i looked forward to having the thermos full of monster mash and it was it was really good it stayed hot yeah i might be able to try something like that
Starting point is 01:30:59 um i don't know maybe um bringing in an air fryer i think that would help a ton oh yeah and there's also i haven't even used i haven't used it yet i should um i should get a hang of it this month but the instant pot yeah i don't know anything about it i i i hear great things though yeah like you can take like a chicken breast from frozen to cooked in like a couple minutes or something that you can stick some bone broth in it And you can like have a steak there and you can like if you leave in the morning and you're coming back You can like put it in there by the time you get back home. It's like cooked and it's like, you know cut into it It's like butter. I just haven't used mine
Starting point is 01:31:40 But it's it's a instant pot is also another great thing if you uh, you know You don't want to spend too much time in the kitchen you just want to have something ready for when you get back but doesn't you know it's a warm-up cold steak that's another good idea yeah it's just ordered an air fryer it's on its way sick there you go i know that and uh the Foodie. I know Boar has been talking about that for a while. It's just like a, it's an air fryer on steroids. Oh. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:32:11 Yeah, Ninja makes some crazy shit. The Ninja Blender, the Ninja Foodie. We just got a Ninja Blender. I think they have another Ninja something that just came out more recently that I was like, what the fuck's that do? They have like a, it just looks like a big square toaster oven. That one's like good for cooking up like a whole like dish of food. They one's good for cooking up a whole dish of food. You just throw it all in there like an old school VCR. It just cooks everything.
Starting point is 01:32:30 Let's not forget about the old crock pot, too. You can crock pot some meat. Damn, that's hot. Throw some meat in a crock pot and just let it sit there for a while. It could sit on your counter for a few days as long as it's staying hot. I mean, it could sit on your counter for a few days as long as it's staying hot. Yeah. I mean, I've had it sit there for two, three days and there's no problem.
Starting point is 01:32:59 If you don't have it on a hot enough setting, it will build bacteria and it will get gross. So you can't do it that way, but you got to keep it at a certain temperature and everything's all good to go. And you just have meat just sitting there at all times. What I like about the crock pot and very similar to like the air fryer is you can throw, you know, throw some meat in there and it's almost foolproof. Is that a foreman? That's the Ninja Foodi. It's like a massive, thick old air fryer. Is that the XL deluxe or whatever version?
Starting point is 01:33:22 Looks like an XL. Yeah. That thing is fat. Yeah. It's thick. It's like a utility device. fryer is that the xl deluxe or whatever version looks like an xl yeah that thing is fat yeah that's thick it's like a utility device you can air fry you can instant pot you can do rice in it that's why it's a foodie that's pretty and that's amazing it even does your taxes oh wow yeah pretty good stuff i don't know man every time uh the the idea of the corner carnivore i have to say i say that a lot too carnivore diet comes around
Starting point is 01:33:52 especially coronavirus diet corona diet that carnivore diet yeah uh congo diet i always say like i don't i don't want to shit my pants this year but then we start talking about it and I'm like it does sound like fun yeah just because I you do want to shit your pants this year you do yeah join us if you haven't shit your pants in a while I guess it's time right yeah I've been I've been holding it for quite some time I got close I'm getting ready I'm brewing a brewing a mean one why did we go again? That's where we always end up. Yeah. We don't have a good show.
Starting point is 01:34:29 We have a great show. We have a great show. Yeah, tell all your friends this show sucks. Start the conversation. Like, you know that Power Project show? And someone's like, oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. It fucking sucks. And I'll be like, oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:34:44 Oh, my God. I think in closing this up, like it does help a lot to be able to cook, to be able to learn like how you like your meals. But you don't need to like none of us really like know how to cook. Like, I don't you never had any formal training in cooking or anything. And you never had. I never had. I never learned anything about like cooking, except for from some people that we've had on the show that given us some tips or, or Piedmontese people, um, you know, giving us some instructions on how to cook certain things.
Starting point is 01:35:16 Uh, but you just need to, you'll learn over time because you want the meals to taste good. And if you're trying to eat healthy, I think the first thing that people are turned off by is they think that they have to eat things that they don't like. And I would say like, it happens to me maybe like once a week where I eat something where I'm like, I could have gone without eating that. Like that wasn't very good. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:35:40 It happens every once in a while, but for the most part, like everything's on point. I normally cook stuff pretty good every once in a while. But for the most part, like everything's on point. I normally cook stuff pretty good every once in a while, like overdo my eggs or be frustrated with that or something like that. But for the most part, I enjoy the fuck out of every meal that I have. And so I think that if you guys can figure out how can you enjoy every meal that you're having, whether it's you're cooking with your spouse or you cook for yourself or however you can manage it. You have your mom cook for you or whatever, however you can figure it out, you know, work on figuring it out, look stuff up.
Starting point is 01:36:10 There's a lot of great information on YouTube. There's a lot of books out there that you can learn from. And, you know, a lot of, you know, meat that comes out of the oven is fucking amazing. I don't think people use their oven enough.
Starting point is 01:36:24 Like there's a reason why you have one. None of us are going to really use an oven. We're too lazy, but you can, you can, you can use an oven and you can cook stuff really, really well, or you can start stuff in the oven and then you can finish it off on a grill or vice versa. And yeah, it does take a little bit more time, but it could be fun. You could smoke the meat. There's a lot of different things you can do and then the meat or you can uh put it in a sous vide like fuck man that the sous
Starting point is 01:36:51 vide is amazing and then when you when you finish that thing um you know on a grill or pan or however you finish it off it it's so fucking good and it's so simple a sous vide uh thing sounds fancy but i think it's like 100 bucks like it's not astronomically overpriced or anything. Simple way to cook up food. So learn how to cook your shit. So that way staying on the diet is a lot easier. Yeah. And then if you use the oven, then you can cook more than, you know, just one steak or
Starting point is 01:37:20 one thing, one meal. You can kind of, like I said, get that meal prep in. Yep. There we in. Yep. There we go. Good. I think we're good to go. Take us on. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 01:37:29 All right. Thank you everybody for checking out today's episode, especially everybody on the live stream. Uh, we had a shit ton of people today. It was freaking awesome. Uh, just to hold it in.
Starting point is 01:37:38 Oh, insert that. Oh, no. that people on the audio side really need to check out youtube what's going on please chip in and uh send send us some money for in sema's uh butt plug oh no did you i'm so sorry we got to get out of here all right real quick uh pete montes thank you so much for Send us some money for in Seema's butt plug. Oh, no. Did you? I'm so sorry. We got to get out of here. All right. Real quick.
Starting point is 01:38:07 Piedmontese, thank you so much for sponsoring today's episode. World Carnivore Month is upon us. So if you guys want, in my opinion, to have the best experience, do so with Piedmontese beef. Promo code is PowerProject. That'll save you 25% off your order. And if your order is $99 or more, you get free today's shipping. Link in the descriptions down below.
Starting point is 01:38:25 Please make sure you follow the podcast at MarkBell'sPowerProject on Instagram, at MBPowerProject on Twitter. Newsletter just went out. It's fucking awesome. Getting great response thus far. So thank you, everybody that has subscribed. If you have not done so, again, links down in the description. My Instagram is at IamAndrewZ.
Starting point is 01:38:42 And you can hit me up on Twitter as well at the same handle, at IamAndrewZ. And Seema, where are you at? At SeemaYinYang on Instagram, YouTube, at SeemaYinYang on Twitter. Mark? Dude, what's this newsletter that you dropped? Oh, dude, it's dope. You think there's exclusive content on there for people?
Starting point is 01:38:56 Yep, exclusive stuff. Yep. You can't get it anywhere else. Yeah, absolutely. Cray cray. It's our... Is Seema going to share how he got his arms to be so big on there? That could be coming up next
Starting point is 01:39:05 I'll share he won't no I won't come on can you secret okay well can you do it for the shits himself on air as well so let's just keep talking yo you're evil I know you know how freaking tight my ass is right now so Mark do you remember your 10th birthday
Starting point is 01:39:22 fuck both of you fuck both of you. Fuck both of you. Is it your turn to go or is it my turn? It's your turn. Are you sure? I'm out, Mark Smelly Bell. Strength is never weakness. Weakness is never strength.
Starting point is 01:39:33 Catch you guys later. Hurry up. I know.

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