Mark Bell's Power Project - EP. 469 - Block The Anxiety - How To Handle Today's News

Episode Date: January 15, 2021

A lot of anxiety is caused by click bait news articles that aim to scare you into watching. Today we're hoping we can teach you how to handle them better and also encourage you to simply block them ou...t. Make sure you pick up your FREE LMNT Recharge Sample Pack, offer expires Jan. 31, 2021: Subscribe to the NEW Power Project Newsletter: Subscribe to the Podcast on on Platforms! ➢ Special perks for our listeners below! ➢LMNT Electrolytes FREE SAMPLE PACK until Jan. 31, 2021: ➢Freeze Sleeve: Use Code "POWER25" for 25% off plus FREE Shipping on all domestic orders! ➢Piedmontese Beef: Use Code "POWERPROJECT" at checkout for 25% off your order plus FREE 2-Day Shipping on orders of $99 ➢Sling Shot: Enter Discount code, "POWERPROJECT" at checkout and receive 15% off all Sling Shots Follow Mark Bell's Power Project Podcast ➢ Insta: ➢ ➢ Twitter: ➢ LinkedIn: ➢ YouTube: ➢TikTok: FOLLOW Mark Bell ➢ Instagram: ➢ Facebook: ➢ Twitter: ➢ Snapchat: marksmellybell ➢Mark Bell's Daily Workouts, Nutrition and More: Follow Nsima Inyang ➢ Instagram: Podcast Produced by Andrew Zaragoza ➢ Instagram: #PowerProject #Podcast #MarkBell

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Starting point is 00:00:00 And we're back. Three, two, one. You guys think anything's going to happen on January 20? Think like all hell's going to break loose? Um, nah. What's that? Jinx? Is it Jinx? I was going to say it at the same time
Starting point is 00:00:15 because we were like, ah, no. Jinx buy me a Piedmont J-Steaks. There we go. Yeah, Jinx get me an Element Recharge Pack. How can you get that, by the way? You can get one for absolutely freezies right now when you head to slash powerproject. That's right. All you have to do is pay the $5 shipping and you get to sample all eight different flavors from Element.
Starting point is 00:00:39 We talk about them all the time. We talked about them before they were a sponsor. They're our friends. They're just really amazing um electrolytes uh mark talks about them all the time especially the carnivore diet right now and sema talks about all of the amazing benefits of fasting and uh one of the things that helps fasting of course is drinking more uh electrolytes yeah keeping that energy keeping that energy level high. If you feel tired or lethargic or just feel like you don't have
Starting point is 00:01:08 enough oomph, having a little bit of salt, having those electrolytes in your system can really make a big difference. We've noticed a huge difference. That's why we talk about it all the time. That's why we talked about it before the response. They did a great job creating a great product and it tastes good. People are tired of drinking water.
Starting point is 00:01:24 Now you've got another option. They've got chocolate. They've got pink lemonade. They have a lemon-lime. They have an orange flavor. You've got all kinds of stuff. All kinds of stuff, yeah. And like I said, you guys can try all the flavors right now, or I think it's all the flavors.
Starting point is 00:01:36 It's eight of them for absolutely free. Just check the link in the YouTube description as well as the podcast show notes. But in case you're driving right now, it's drink slash power project again it's absolutely free just pay for the shipping and yeah we're back guys oh what's wrong nothing nothing if you're shaking out no we do have to talk about january 20th but i don't know if anyone's ever tried this um if you're just standing right like sometimes i will flex my butt cheeks as hard as possible and i'll get like this good feeling in my lower back of like a click look you know it's like it oh yeah because it rounds a little bit yeah it rounds the lower back a little bit
Starting point is 00:02:16 and it kind of like aligns that if you flex your butt hecka hard like you're at the top of a squat and just oh yeah there it is yeah your lower back will do a little thing thing and have did you feel it like do it super hard like forcefully hard and hold you have a really big butt oh it might cramp yeah you might get stuck in that position i know what you mean though yeah it feels like it kind of stretches the hip flexors and sets your back in the right spot. Yes. Anyway, January 20th. Yeah. January 20th.
Starting point is 00:02:47 I think with the country has decided, I think that they are going to have Biden and Trump. They're going to have a wrestling match. And Dana White is the promoter. There we go. And Vince McMahon is the referee. That's how you're supposed to do it. Yeah. I think it's going to be great.
Starting point is 00:03:03 Who's managing each one? Do you know? I think I think Trump, I think on Trump's side, I think he has Hulk Hogan. I know that's pretty good. I like those Hulk Hogan, but Biden has the rock. So, I mean, I don't know. Someone's getting a rock bottom, you know, stone cold might get involved. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:23 You never know. Trump is pretty scrappy, but like, I think it's, he's mainly mouth Biden. He's kind of lean, you know, cold might get involved yeah you never know trump is pretty scrappy but like i think it's he's mainly mouth biden he's kind of lean you know he's older but he i think his forgetfulness might just get him out of things i think trump's gonna grab him by the pussy if i had to have a prediction for the fight his signature move. That's when the crowd knows it's coming. Yeah, that's right. He gets a hand in.
Starting point is 00:03:49 He winds it up. Oh, God. We got Lawler in the background yelling, no! I can't believe it. He's not even on our roster. What's going on here today? Oh, man. That would be incredible.
Starting point is 00:04:03 Oh, man. Part of this show going downhill what do you remember like the uh like the mtv would have those like celebrity death i think that's what it's called so celebrity death match yeah celebrity death match that'd be sick like animation or something yeah claymation yeah it was great was that real bring that wasn't part of like a dream or something that was real it was real wow that's so funny man the 90s were crazy that was legit but you know what's so sad because andrew you mentioned this before and i was like oh yeah i'm in the same boat um i think you you said that you don't know what was going on on january 20th
Starting point is 00:04:35 and it was like well that's when on you the new president's being whatever but i didn't know about the capitol until i got a text like someone texted me oh, you see what's going on at the Capitol? I'm like, uh, what? Oh, it's being stormed. Oh, okay. Cool. I don't hear about most of this stuff until somebody tells me. You're like, I'm on my way to Jiu Jitsu. Exactly. Is practice canceled? Nope. Okay, I'm going.
Starting point is 00:04:57 Still going. Yeah, Stephanie and I are the same way. Somebody will either text us or one of her friends will be like, oh no, we're locked down again. Make sure you go get X, Y, and Z from the grocery way. Like somebody will either text us or like one of our friends will be like, Oh no, like we're locked down again. Make sure you go get, you know, you know, X, Y, and Z from the grocery store. It's like, what we are like, I thought we've have been this whole time. Like we haven't not been like, well, hold on what's going on here. So could we just, now it's for real for real. Yeah. Yeah. Like we, we don't watch the news. Like we don't do any of that. And we usually hear things, you know, still as they happen, we just don't pay attention to them and don't allow them to, you know, bother us. And like you said, in SEMA, we guard our inputs. people in my family that watch the news a lot are constantly stressing themselves out by everything
Starting point is 00:05:46 that's going on in the news cycle it's it's like they're always messaging me about it or they're saying oh my gosh i'm so worried about this i'm so worried about you see what's going on at the capitol what's going to happen but it's like you know you're in sacramento and i think i think what we're alluding to here is we're probably better off being uninformed than we are being misinformed right uh and you know kind of like just seeing what's going on so if you saw what's going on in like washington on that particular day washington dc and then they're like hey this exploded in new york city and this went off down in florida and this went off in chicago and now shit's going on over then you but the country even with that being said the country is very big and even when we've had
Starting point is 00:06:32 some battles fought uh here in the united states um which there hasn't been anything really recently um other shit that was going on like we're still building like railroads and stuff. And I would rather be like a railroad, I'd rather be a railroad worker. Yeah, real world participant. I'd rather be a railroad worker. I hate that word too, man. Hard to say.
Starting point is 00:07:00 Yeah. I'd rather be working on the railroad, I guess, rather than to get caught up in a bunch of bullshit. You know, I'd rather just go about my day. My mother-in-law was kind of panicking. I don't know what she saw, what she got wind of, but she saw like a video of some British guy, you know, saying how shit's going to go down in a couple days. And I don't even really know what she was saying, but she was like legitimately kind of scared. And my wife was on the phone with her and they were going back and forth. I don't even really know what she was saying, but she was like legitimately kind of scared. And,
Starting point is 00:07:25 uh, my, my wife was on the phone with her and they were going back and forth. My wife was like, mom, she's like, I'm going to swim practice tomorrow, you know, and I'm going to work tomorrow.
Starting point is 00:07:34 And I just don't, I don't really care. She's like, I don't really put any weight into any of that. She's like, now, if you want to talk about like doing something about it, cause you really are scared,
Starting point is 00:07:44 then you can stay with us. You know, if you want, if, if you want to talk about like doing something about it, cause you really are scared, then you can stay with us. You know, if you want, if, if you're, if you're home alone and you're thinking of all these thoughts and you're concerned, please come over and, you know, we'll get together. Um, but I think, I think all of us would know, and we wouldn't even really be like talking on the show right now. like talking on the show right now if shit was like uh you know if we were in the middle of something really wild going on to the point where we felt like we all needed to be involved but maybe we would be because maybe uh maybe there's people that want to fight and maybe there's people who don't care to fight i don't care to fight if i had to if i felt like hey this is really important to be a part of this this is this a part of history, and this will benefit my children, and this will benefit future generations to come, then maybe. But I'm also a little old for that shit, too.
Starting point is 00:08:35 I don't really want to fight unless I really had to. So unless something is going to attack me or my family, I can't really see getting involved in anything. Even if even if another country came over here and like bombed us or something like that, which would be horrific. I don't know how involved I would get. Like, I never cared to try to fight anybody when 9-11 happened. You know what I mean? Like, I just I.
Starting point is 00:09:07 Who the hell knows what the results of 9-11 were right but let's say it was something that the united states uh uh kind of through many years um provoked or something i don't know what the word would be right um i don't really care to have anything to do with any of it you know i, I just I think part of being a United States citizen is we have the luxury of being as naive and it's like kind of dumb as we want. And I'm not saying I'm not patriotic. I love this country. I love what people have fought for. I'm glad that there's people braver than me that have stood up for our rights and that have stood up for some of these things, but I'm not really fighting for much of anything unless somebody gives me a really good explanation on exactly what's going on.
Starting point is 00:09:50 And I'm not taking anything from the news. I'm not taking anything from the internet. The only place where I'm going to take information from is from people face to face. If you came to me and you were in a panic, I mean, Andrew would be like, I've never seen in SEMA in a panic before.
Starting point is 00:10:06 He said he needs our help. Fuck it, man. Like, I don't know what we're going to do, but let's try to let's try to like that's when I would get involved. When I saw my neighbor, when I saw somebody, my dad, somebody else, you know, saying, hey, look, you know, we got no other choice here. Like, this is what's going down. But short of that, I'm not doing I'm going to the gym and I'm going to train shoulders and back like I normally do.
Starting point is 00:10:29 And I'm going to work on getting jacked in 10. But this is the other thing from what you're saying. It's like when, when someone hears what you're saying, right, they're like, Oh, you only care about the people close to you or whatever. But let's, let's also say like, what you care about is health and everything that you're doing is spreading the message of being healthy that to tens and hundreds of thousands of people because you want all of those people to take their health and and focus on that that is your well you have a lot of other focuses but that is one of your big focuses as an individual right that's what you can do and i think the big essence of that is well what can i do that's what you can do. And I think the big essence of that is, well, what can I do?
Starting point is 00:11:06 That's what I can do. I can focus on helping all of these people over here. Something's going on at the Capitol. I can focus on helping all these people over here. I can't even really do much in terms of fighting. Like I might be able to punch somebody. That's about it. I don't have any weapons.
Starting point is 00:11:20 Exactly. But there are those people like those people that did that on the Capitol, as much as i disagree with it that's what they felt they needed to do but no like i'm not going to spend my time over here in sacramento california watching every single hour by hour update on what's going on over there because what can i do i can do nothing but watch and stress myself out about this situation and how about the message over and over again that day where fighting solves nothing fighting solves nothing on land that was never even theirs that they fought people fought for the very land that they're talking about being like desecrated or whatever disgraced or whatever it's like are you guys out of your mind fighting fucking solves everything fighting and money
Starting point is 00:12:01 solve a lot of shit it's true they do it solves a lot of problems like again did 9-11 like get our attention fuck yeah it did yeah did uh some of the black lives matter movement get our attention did george floyd's death get our attention did like there's usually some tragic shit that happens usually something that goes down where you're like whoa okay where our eyes are open yeah we'll we'll remember a lot of the protests and a lot of the things that went on in these years. We'll remember a lot of this stuff. How many people have the images of black individuals being hosed down in the streets in the 60s? If those people aren't standing there fighting for their territory, fighting for their ground,
Starting point is 00:12:44 a lot of what we have now doesn't ever happen you know a lot of the movement forward doesn't ever happen yet we we took california from mexico i mean like look how profitable california california is amazing place so uh when they say that like fighting is disgraceful, and I understand what they're saying. We don't really want to see violence, but violence is part of everything because we can't always agree. And that's what we see. That's what we see. And sometimes, yeah, things are led to violence. You and I get to agree and to disagree about stuff because it doesn't really hurt each
Starting point is 00:13:28 other if it started to really negatively impact each other we'd probably try to fight or start yelling at each other do something take a lot for it to get there yeah but yeah maybe that would happen yeah like after a while like shit gets to be but shit gets to be annoying to a certain extent where you uh you you know argue over it and the reasons why we go to war and like all the shit that has all the shit's happened over the years in the history of the world they're really dumb reasons like you believe in this god i believe in this god no we're gonna fight that's true like how can you how can you believe in that god are you crazy i'm gonna shoot you over it uh-huh huh i'm gonna shoot you because you're a different color
Starting point is 00:14:10 your your family was born closer to the equator than mine and they were there longer than mine so i'm gonna fucking shoot you for that it's just like it's it's unbelievable the reasons on why we do fight but fighting is it is a part of it because we're not as rational as we would like to think and i think that's what we're trying to talk about here today is how do we the input that's coming in doesn't have to be the output is not predetermined the output that you put back out into the world is not predetermined. Somebody calls you and says, Hey man, you see this shit that's going down. You do not have to freak out. You can think logically about that and say, you know, for you, you could say, is my girlfriend
Starting point is 00:14:55 safe? That's okay. Sounds like she's good. I dot my new dog, my new puppy, my new puppy's all good. Uh, is my work impacted negatively nope car's still good i still got transportation mom's still good cool yeah i better get my ass to work and you know work on these uh work on programming today or get my ass over to jujitsu. Right. Exactly. And you know, with,
Starting point is 00:15:25 with what you're saying there, some people look at that and they're like, oh, but you know, you're not, you're not, you know, there's so many things going on in the United States. There's so many things you're not staying, you know, you're not staying upstate on it. You're not staying informed on it. Um, but you're also just not, you know, there's nothing that you can possibly do to change it. It's like, why am I going to stand? Why am I going to pay attention to something when there's literally in my, in my power, nothing I can do right now. I'm not going to go protest about something. I'm not, my job isn't, you know, I have, my job has nothing to do with this in terms
Starting point is 00:15:57 of politics or, or these social matters. Why am I going to continue to take that in consistently and have that on my mind all day, distracting me from all the other things that are so much more important to me? Why am I going to take my focus away from the things that matter to things that they matter, but they don't matter that much to me right now? Right. And then you had said, you know, like, oh, like Mark, you're only caring about your family. Like, that's, you know, that's it. What? I'm not getting it.
Starting point is 00:16:26 about your family like that's you know that's it what i'm not gonna like i'm not really trying to be like you know uh i can't even think of the word but like or sappy i guess but like what if literally everybody that was at the capitol put their family first like there's dudes that are gonna be in jail i know a couple people died how is that helping their family you know it's like if we all did kind of care about our own circle, like more than anything, a lot of this shit probably wouldn't be going down. Yeah. I think it's like Mother Teresa or something. She has a saying that says the way to impact the world the most is to go home and love your family. You know, and it's like.
Starting point is 00:16:58 Not that she's correct on everything, but I mean, I think that's pretty good advice. Like, take care of your own shit. But I mean, I think that's pretty good advice. Like, take care of your own shit. My son and I had a good conversation about just personal responsibility and talk and talking about, like, trying to be rational. And, you know, what was done, you know, to the White House and where do we draw the line? Like, they kind of just it's really weird because it kind of seems like they just kind of, I know a lot of people are like breaking down the door or whatever. And then they kind of just said, hey, it's probably not worth it. We don't, we're not really that prepared.
Starting point is 00:17:31 So let's let people through, you know, kind of thing. But anyway, it's all personal responsibility, you know, just because you see somebody else breaking down a door, it doesn't give you the right to throw a brick. You know what I mean? Like it doesn't, it doesn't change. The dynamics of stuff don't change. You still can't kill somebody. You still can't impede on another person's property. And those things are weird because yeah, like who does own it? Like, uh, the world's not, the world wasn't made or created with borders. Like we we made them up. Like, hey, this is the line.
Starting point is 00:18:06 You don't cross it. This is where my people live, your people live over there. And let's keep it that way. And we have this religion, these beliefs, and everybody else, you stay over that way. Those are all things that are just completely made up by our society. But at the same time, once somebody does step over those boundaries, you know, do you protect your own home? You know, do you protect the capital of the United States? You know, maybe another country would have had something really harsh that they decided to do where they're like, hey, let's throw grenades at these people or something wild, like, or let's run them over with tanks.
Starting point is 00:18:43 Yeah. You know, other countries, what happened would be treason. And many of those people would be executed, to be perfectly honest. And maybe just mowed down with machine guns or something. Right. Like, you know, and am I to determine whether that's right or wrong? I have no idea. And I don't think anybody else does either.
Starting point is 00:19:01 It doesn't seem right. You know, it doesn't seem right to take people's lives um especially when people are acting uh erratically or emotionally um but it definitely makes some sense because like where do we draw the you know the lines probably got to be drawn somewhere uh or do you have a stance where you're just like, you know what? I don't think there should be any enforcement involved. What does that mean? Does that mean that the entire country starts to look the way that California is looking? I don't know if you guys looked around, but there's a lot of fucking garbage everywhere
Starting point is 00:19:34 and there's a lot of fucking homeless people around and it's disgusting and it's, it's, it's getting worse as you drive, you know, uh, through the city. It's filthy. There's garbage everywhere. There's garbage everywhere. There's shit everywhere. Um, I don't remember being like that even just as of two or three years ago. Do we let everything fall apart that way?
Starting point is 00:19:53 Cause we don't want to impede on somebody else. Or do we make a stand and say, fuck that we need to, you know, I, I don't have the answers to any of that, but I personally, uh,
Starting point is 00:20:03 don't want to be involved in it unless i really unless i really feel like i have to be for some reason i think there was uh with what you were saying there did it have to happen i think there was some good in what happened there because you know when people are looking a lot of the protests that happened this year because of like you know some of the police shootings like george floyd etc. Some of those, like a lot of those protests went good. And some of those protests, some individuals there got violent with property. So like some things got out of hand, some businesses got destroyed and it wasn't a majority of the protesters.
Starting point is 00:20:35 It was some people that just took things too damn far, but nothing was wrong with the protesting. Nothing was wrong with that. When it comes to this at the Capitol, I mean, at the end of the day, there was some destruction of what happened there. Um, it,
Starting point is 00:20:50 but it was a protest on the other side for something that these individuals believed in. Uh, there are going to be a lot of people that think it was wrong, but at the end of the day, like, yes, one person,
Starting point is 00:21:01 I think actually, I think four people ended up dying. The, the one person that, you know, gets a lot of, uh, that people are paying attention to was the woman that got shot out the window before people ended up dying. Um, but again, it's like they believed in something. They took it that way. It got out of hand, but it happened. Uh, so I think it's good that it did just like, I think it is good that that happened on the other side too, because this happens all the time on all sides. Right. That's why. Yeah. And I think, uh, it's interesting how people are arguing, like who's protesting better.
Starting point is 00:21:37 Yeah. Like this group protests at this way and this group protests at that way. And this is, this is heinous and this is a good way to protest. And I would just say like, if you're a young person and you're going to get involved in uh protesting i think that you need to be it's it's all it's it's not the same thing but it's almost as if it's almost as if you yelled at somebody you know you yell at somebody, you know, you yell at somebody, you say something. If I say, hey, you piece of shit, you know, like I need to be like kind of prepared that there might be some actions taken against me if I yelled that at somebody. So I think a protest is a way, even though it might be initiated as a peaceful protest, you might be viewed a very particular way and somebody may want to, uh, inflict harm upon you and you could get hurt.
Starting point is 00:22:29 You can get hurt by the other people that are protesting as well. Um, and then a mob mentality type stuff. I know if I was a kid, if I was 17 years old and me, you and Andrew are walking by and, uh, and we got a group of friends with us. We're all 16, 17 years old. Andrew kicks a car or something and kicks a little detonant. I'm probably going to elbow it or something. Let's go!
Starting point is 00:22:53 I'll probably be charged up. I haven't really ever... I don't think I've ever done anything like that that I can think of. I've done stupid shit because my friends were doing stupid shit too. I can't really think of destroying any property or anything like that, but I've done stupid shit because my friends were doing stupid shit, too. You know, I can't really think of like destroying any property or anything like that. But I've I've insulted people. I've done stuff I'm definitely not proud of just because it was like, hey, the group is kind of doing it like I can get away with this little bullshit thing.
Starting point is 00:23:17 And so the mob mentality, you become a person that is maybe just maybe not completely different than the way that you normally are but at least a little bit different than you normally are and that's you got to be aware of that and you can get really hurt if you're going and protesting not saying that you shouldn't i'm just saying you gotta be aware that you're kind of drawing a line in the sand and it it could be uh something that could you know end up in you getting hurt or killed or worse yeah you know it's it's it's something that everyone should think about because like you know it only takes one person to yell fire in a theater theater to start a stampede you know what i mean and then like at a protest it only takes one person in the crowd that nobody sees to throw a brick at a cop to start having a lot of crazy stuff ensue even though things may have been going great before that. Right. So yeah,
Starting point is 00:24:06 it's, it's a, it's pretty damn wild. And the second that that fighting starts happening, it's very clear. It's, it's them versus us type of deal. And then you're kind of like,
Starting point is 00:24:16 you're, well, now the cops are swinging at people and they're swinging at people that I'm with. And now it's defend those people. Yeah. Yeah. I got to throw something at them or, you know, whatever it might be.
Starting point is 00:24:28 But I think the main thing with, with a lot of this stuff is to try to think to yourself, what is, what are things that you can do? How can you, how can you assist? How can you help? Some people I think maybe think a little bit along the lines that I do, like I'm not going to get involved unless I really have to. And I think there's other people that are like, no man, like I'm going to go to the Capitol building and I'm going to like,
Starting point is 00:24:55 I'm going to be annoying. I'm going to raise some hell. I'm going to try to just be seen, be noticed, be recognized, protest, hold up a sign, you know, whatever it might be. And we've seen these things over the years turn into stuff where it is helpful. But if we're really being honest, how many times has it been helpful or how many times has it really changed anything? Unless there's been like a fight, unless there's been like a death, unless there's been like catalyst. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:28 Yeah. Like, like years ago, they had some furloughs going on in the police departments in California. They had some cutbacks. I can't remember exactly why in Yolo County area. And I could be butchering some of the story, but there was a situation at UC Davis and a bunch of kids got pepper sprayed. I remember that were like on their knees. Supposedly, I don't I don't have all the details.
Starting point is 00:25:51 So, again, I could be totally killing this thing. But from what I recall is that they were like on their knees. They had their hands behind their back and they were pepper sprayed because they wouldn't leave. You know, they wouldn't leave the premises. leave, you know, they wouldn't leave the premises. And you don't really, you don't really hear the news or you don't really understand why these things are happening until something wild like that happens, until something crazy happens. I mean, you look at the, the seventies and stuff when they were protesting the Vietnam
Starting point is 00:26:21 War. What, what wars do we know about? You know, like what, as, as, as Americans, what wars do we know about? You know, like what, as, as, as Americans, what wars do we know about? What one stands out as like a really, um, kind of black eye on, on, on American history is like that one. I mean, they're all depending on your view of war, I guess, but like that one really kind of stands out a lot. And why does it stand out? Because there were so many people protesting against it and i don't know how many people died in protests against that i don't i don't know the numbers
Starting point is 00:26:49 on some of that but i'd imagine a lot of people got hurt and probably some people got killed it kind of it sometimes takes oops it sometimes takes that to uh it sometimes takes that to to get attention to to, to actually cause change. If, if George Floyd, Oh, here we go. We got it.
Starting point is 00:27:08 Yeah. Even like the title. And this came from, that's hard to watch. God dang. Yeah. I remember what happened. I see.
Starting point is 00:27:16 He's got a pepper sprint. Well, now he's kind of getting people in their face a little bit. It's the, the second guy I think is the reason why. Well, pepper spray like gets on your forehead. You eyes feel it. Like, if it gets anywhere close to you I think is the reason why. Well, pepper spray like gets on your forehead. You eyes feel it.
Starting point is 00:27:26 Like, if it gets anywhere close to you, you feel that. Well, these guys have training, you know, and they, they get pet.
Starting point is 00:27:33 They're supposed to get pepper sprayed when they train, you know, in training. So they, they should all full be fully well aware of what it feels like. But my point earlier too, was the fact that, and these situations happen all the time.
Starting point is 00:27:46 They kind of, you know, quote unquote, defunded the police at that time. I don't recall why. I think it was just. The country just wasn't doing well financially and they had to make cutbacks. Now you have less experienced people in those positions and they don't know what to do with these protesters. Yeah, it's just I don't know what to do with these protesters. Yeah. It's just, I don't know, all this stuff that's happening, I think, is for the better in the long run. Yes.
Starting point is 00:28:14 Because it does raise a lot of questions. But I hope that people can have legitimate conversations and have rational conversations to where they can maybe see it from both sides. Like those people that are on their knees that are doing that in that particular video for UC Davis, they're at a different point in their life than where the police officers are at.
Starting point is 00:28:39 Do the police officers who probably have kids that are not too far from that age, many of them probably have children that are that age. They want to go and pepper spray a bunch of people. I mean, I don't think so, but they might be pissed off. They might be annoyed by the time that their day starts on. There's no excuse for it. But they thought that that was the best they could do at that time. for it.
Starting point is 00:29:04 But they thought that that was the best they could do at that time. And these are people that maybe didn't have the training as some of the previous officers because the previous officers weren't working as much because they were pulling them back because they made a lot of money. And so, you know, every action has has a reaction to it. And this is this is is sometimes, uh, you know, what can happen, but the stuff that was coming out of the Capitol that one day of, Hey,
Starting point is 00:29:29 this is not the way to handle things. I'm like, you know, I, I don't know what other way, you know, when people were in uproar of George Floyd, like I,
Starting point is 00:29:41 I was in favor of law. I don't want to see anyone die. I don't want to, I, you know, I don't want to see anybody get hurt. don't want to, I, you know, I don't want to see anybody get hurt. I don't like, I don't like violence. I like maybe some controlled violence, like watching some UFC or something like that. But even that, when someone gets like knocked out, I'm like, all right, that's good. Like, hope he doesn't get hit again, you know?
Starting point is 00:29:59 Um, but in order to have change, like there's gotta be, gotta go through some rough shit. If you don't see it my way, I'm going to throw a fucking punch at your face. Like, because you're not paying attention to me. You're not listening to me. You're not, you're,
Starting point is 00:30:14 you're, you, you keep saying there's going to be change and I'm not seeing anything. So that's it. I'm, I'm done. I'm fucking throwing a right hook. Imagine a kid saying that to their parent and their parent being like, well,
Starting point is 00:30:24 hold on like that's that's basically what you sound like and i've heard that from people that have been abused before where they fought back we had someone on the show not too long ago where they they hit their parent back and that was it and the parent never hit them again and i was like no damn um right i mean sometimes that happens in school with bullies oh yeah you pop a bully in Oh, damn. Right. I mean, sometimes that happens in school with bullies. Oh, yeah. You pop a bully in the face and then it's like, all right, we ain't coming back.
Starting point is 00:30:51 He's good. He wants to go pick on someone that's easy. Someone that he could give a wedgie to and stick him in their locker. Right. Okay. Really? I've never seen that happen through all my years in school. But you wanted it.
Starting point is 00:31:03 No, I didn't want it. He's never seen it happen to someone my years in school did you but you wanted it no i didn't want he's never seen it happen to someone else he was doing it i wasn't doing it it's a few he's doing upright rows but i always saw it i'm like so my shoulders got big um but that's how i was just like i saw that on cartoons all the time like why have i never seen somebody really get a wedge right did you ever see that no i never seen it right no i mean you're under a rip right i mean yeah you can't hang from your underwear can you andrew i think first off you have to be wearing really big underwear andrew how many times this happened just i'm trying i i don't so for sure never in school i remember my brother who's you know he would totally give me a wedgie but not like off the ground a wedgie is amazing by. It's a hilarious thing to do to somebody else.
Starting point is 00:31:47 I've definitely been picked up before. Yeah, my brothers have picked me up before. Yeah, wedging your balls all together and everything. Kills, crams everything all in. I can imagine having two older brothers is a nightmare like that. Oh, yeah. In many ways. But, you know, one thing i do want to go back to that
Starting point is 00:32:06 you said um was number one the world is big right it's not really normal for because like when you start going down the the link trail of news you'll see one story then you'll see another story somewhere else in the country another story somewhere else in the country another story from maybe international like internationally something just happened i'm someone knows exactly where this was but a whole plane just went down in like some like malaysia or something i don't know but six the whole plane went down so six i think it was 63 64 people died um right and then another horrible story and you think about you think about negative negative negative, negative, negative, negative input, right? And you're, you're just reading all this and you're paying attention to
Starting point is 00:32:48 all this, the type of like, before all of this, we didn't have that much access. We didn't know what was in Sacramento. We didn't know what was going on in our next County. We didn't know what was going on in the state next to us or over in Washington. And so maybe, I don't know, got a newspaper about it at some point. Right then you see the news but we're just getting this barrage of horrible things going on all around the world that's why some people are like this is the worst time in history but crazy shit has been going on forever you just really didn't or we didn't naturally know about it imagine years ago you, you know, I like to wake up early. So I get I get the newspaper and I call Andrew.
Starting point is 00:33:29 He wakes up around the same time as me. We talk about it. And we're like, did you see what happened in Washington? And maybe Andrew read all the way through the whole article because I don't read all the way through stuff. And Andrew said, oh, yeah, but they had curfew and like things were things were good. And that was and that was yesterday. You know, by the time we get through the conversation of like, man, that was wild.
Starting point is 00:33:50 The whole situation is already over with and contained and it's done. People like fucking went to bed. And by the time and Seema wakes up, 1030. Pause, pause, let everybody laugh. Let the listeners laugh the millions and millions a time and sema wakes up you know it's it's done with it's old news right it already happened and you know he might say hey man i i saw the newspaper and it looked like some shit went down i'm like oh yeah we andrew and i talked about that four hours ago it's old news drank two cups of coffee and we're fired up for the day yeah our our more than 24 hour old news
Starting point is 00:34:30 is old news now but i imagine the sensation that you get like i don't know about you guys but i've i've fallen victim to the to the news and the uh music that they hit you with and stuff and i've had it happen before but i get a little emotional response to it. And then I'm, then I wake up and I'm like, okay, that was, it's just the, it's just what they're trying to have me do. I'm responding to, and I don't need to respond that way. But imagine like reading it in a newspaper, it probably felt way different. And you might've felt a little bit similar, but it couldn't have been, well, maybe it could have been because that's all you had. But I'd imagine it wouldn't be as bad. And then you're getting the information.
Starting point is 00:35:09 And as you sift through it, you know, it's like a hundred, you know, I don't know, a couple hundred people stormed the Capitol. It appears some people got hurt. You know, some shit was thrown. Guns were drawn. But you get to the end of the article. And like I said, it's already, it's like wrapped up, you know, who knows the next couple of days we'll bring, we'll keep you posted or whatever. And you're just like, okay, well,
Starting point is 00:35:32 that's kind of scary, but you're like, well, it doesn't really sound, you know, in the next day you find out maybe a couple of people got hurt, a couple of people died or whatever the situation is, but not as impactful as hearing that music that the, you know, today show hits you with first thing in the morning. Like this is the most important thing that's going on right now. And not only is it really bad,
Starting point is 00:35:53 but it appears like it's getting worse. It's going on right now. This is what's happening. And this could start to happen throughout the whole country. We don't know what's going on. Oh, and by the way, X amount of people died from Corona virus.
Starting point is 00:36:04 And they're really trying to smash you with a lot of a lot of thoughts a lot of ideas i should say that are kind of leading you to certain feelings and i and i it sucks and i don't think i don't i don't know i mean maybe there is i don't think anyone's evil i't think anyone's evil. I don't think there's like I don't think there's people. I don't think there's like newscasters who are like drumming up how to make this the worst situation ever. But they do want a lot of people to view it. And they know the power of negativity is really, really strong. It's really powerful. It's really powerful.
Starting point is 00:36:56 And if the if the news came at you and said, hey, you know, there's been thirty four thousand people in this county that tested positive yesterday for the Corona virus. And by the way, we're only another thirty four thousand people away from having herd immunity. And this is looking pretty good. And there's people getting the vaccine as well. And Hey, look at what some of these gym owners are doing. They're having people exercise outside. They're getting vitamin D.
Starting point is 00:37:15 I hope other people participate in this. And, uh, let's, let's, uh, talk to this guy over here. He's going to teach us about nutrition and the five best things that you can do,
Starting point is 00:37:22 uh, to make sure that you don't contract the virus in the first place. Yeah. You're not seeing any of that because it's, it's just people are going to probably go to the other channel that scares the fuck out of them. I think, you know what,
Starting point is 00:37:36 what we need to do is just because, you know, an example is, you know, when nine 11 happened, it was 2001. When I found out about that on that day, like I was a kid, but I was like, oh, that's crazy. That was one. But that was one big thing that happened.
Starting point is 00:37:54 Now you hear about bombings here, this here, coronavirus here consistently throughout the whole day, hour by hour by hour. And it's not that we've gotten desensitized to that. We're not desensitized. We're just more anxious people because now it's coming at us faster all the time. So instead, what like I think the best tactic to do, if you are someone who does want to stay informed, maybe have a time during one or two days of the week where maybe you'll read up on this from a two, like two trusted sources that you like. I like this thing called morning brew. Okay. It'll send me an email on a day of like just a big list of things that I want to actually pay attention to.
Starting point is 00:38:37 And it'll send me the updates on that. And I'll look at that on that day. And then I'm gonna go about doing everything else. And I won't look at it for like another few days, but that's, and I don't have notifications from any other news outlets. You're kind of interested in current events and you don't want to seem like an idiot sometimes when somebody brings something up, you know, go, huh? Yeah, exactly. Exactly. Um, but that like, that'll be it. I have no other notifications coming from any other news.
Starting point is 00:38:59 I'll like, I don't just randomly go on YouTube's, uh, whatever explore page. Um, I, I don't go on Instagram much in that way. So I, I like, I make sure that I'm not getting all of this. So I don't go down a rabbit hole. That's going to make me think a certain way. I think like now with that's something that we really got to do. Um, we have to actually be tactical about it rather than just letting it all come at us and wonder why we're having such negative thoughts and being so emotional
Starting point is 00:39:26 about things. It's just, you gotta be tactical these days. His emotions can kind of overrun you, you know, and I think the main thing is to just try to give it a minute. And I think, you know, if you think back to times when there was only a newspaper, you probably had a lot more time to react to stuff. Now these things are coming at you really, really fast. I like what Nseema said about you're just building up more anxiety a lot of times.
Starting point is 00:39:54 But I think on the flip side of that, you can train yourself to endure a lot, you know, and you can have coping mechanisms and you could have, um, I mean, there's some people, some people have to just do certain things, uh, in order to block themselves from, from falling into the same traps every day. We've had people on the show who have like apps to like lock their phone. We've had some people say that they put their phone like in a drawer when they go home, cause they don't want to be on it. We've had some people say that they put their phone like in a drawer when they go home. Cause they don't want to be on it. We've heard all kinds of strategies about food. Like let's just don't buy it or keep it locked up in a cupboard.
Starting point is 00:40:32 That's real high. So you can't get to it or you have to figure out ways of safeguarding yourself against, uh, what's going on in our society and to, um, to fall victim to like every single time a breeze kicks up that you get blown one way or the other is, is like, it's kind of unpatriotic in a way.
Starting point is 00:40:56 I think, I think that you should be stronger than that. You should work towards being stronger than that because it's a disservice to everybody in the community. than that because it's a disservice to everybody in the community if you if you're volatile that way and you're you're kind of just going with with with each with each new story just kind of getting kicked around yeah i don't think that's a good way to be so i think a great way to try to combat that would be to uh have some coping mechanisms that can assist you. And even just, just biting your time. Sometimes it can be, you know,
Starting point is 00:41:28 just, just taking your time in taking in that information and then deciding, should I call my mom about this? Or does that just put her that? No, she's just, she's going to be really worried. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:44 Like if I, if I, if you, you told your mom, you really jacked up your ankle at jujitsu. You're yeah. Right. Like this, there's no reason to concern mama with that. Right. There's just no, like, she's just going to worry. Like I told you not to do that.
Starting point is 00:41:59 What are you doing? You know, you shouldn't be doing that or right. And there's, if you see her and she sees you limp, you can say, yeah, you know, I didn't want to worry about it. But my ankle got a little twisted up at jujitsu and everything is going to be good. If you call her up and you're like, hey, like this happened. Now you're just passing that along to her. She passed along to your sister. Whole family's worried that you're going to have your foot amputated.
Starting point is 00:42:22 Yeah. Imagine, you know, because you're saying, if you did read a newspaper, you can take it in at your own pace. So imagine like if you were able to get the news in like super boring text form, like you probably wouldn't like your mother-in-law probably wouldn't have called or whatever the case, you know, that she wouldn't have spread some of the anxiety if you guys had, you know, uh, read into it as well. But like,
Starting point is 00:42:46 is, is there a way to do stuff like that? Cause what were you were just talking about an app or something in SEMA about? Yeah. Like there's this thing called morning brew, morning brew. That's what it was called.
Starting point is 00:42:56 So it'll, uh, you'll send you an email each morning on like the most, I guess, important things that have happened recently and just like bullet points kind of, and then you could choose to dig in on whatever you want and not dig in on what you want. But, um, yeah, like I just don't, I don't pay attention to traditional news because I know what it's trying to do.
Starting point is 00:43:14 Like I'm not going to watch Fox or CNN because I know that the way that they put it forward is to try to get you to sit there and watch it and worry. Yeah. Click, click. It's literally clickbait. I don't pay attention to exciting news because it's literally meant to manipulate the way you feel about something. I just like morning brew. It's very straightforward, just like facts on things. And okay,
Starting point is 00:43:37 cool. I'll take that. You know, so I think that's really beneficial, but I want to know your guys' thoughts on this. Mark, I like what you said in that. Yeah. You know what? You know, so I think that's really beneficial, but I want to know your guys' thoughts on this. Mark, I like what you said in that. Yeah. You know what? You know, on the flip side, it is good to instead of, you know, you hear all this and your emotions are swayed back and forth and you're feeling anxious about what's going on in Nevada and like all of this stuff. Nevada and like all of this stuff, you learn to not let that affect you. You learn to take it and go, OK, cool, let's go. That's good.
Starting point is 00:44:10 And I agree with that. But I also wonder about because of how much we're getting, if it's causing us to be callous, because I have noticed this about myself um after a certain point hearing that somebody got shot or died in the street unjustly i'd read it i'd be like and that shouldn't be something that you just kind of like look at and you're kind of just like yeah another one right because you're you're getting so much of it. And that's not just not with those situations with other kind of horrible situations. I've realized that because I've been seeing so much of it, I'm kind of callous.
Starting point is 00:44:55 Yeah. You become desensitized. Become desensitized. And an extreme example of this is I have some friends. You know what LiveLeak is? Neither of you heard it? Okay. this is i have some friends you know what live leak is neither you're okay so this is an extreme example but live leak is one of those websites where um they have videos of like horrible things that happen in other parts of the world like beheadings and hangings and people watch that
Starting point is 00:45:17 stuff yeah don't go there but people watch that stuff i have friends like look at this video i'm like no i'm good i don't need to be watching that but like i have a few that are like they can they could just watch beheadings for a while and say oh wow that's crazy like damn and they're super callous to it because they've like you know so that that's like the that's like the extreme of it but you see what i'm saying like that kind of thing should shock you and it's thank god that type of stuff still shocks me sadly yeah absolutely like one of the i mean this is like a more light-hearted example but like like kids can watch like any scary movie now you know like they're they've like nothing scares them like my daughter plays uh that game five
Starting point is 00:45:57 nights at freddy's oh god she loves it i'm like i can't even watch you play this because i'm gonna i can't play that alone and they have it it in VR now and she wants to get it. I'm like, no, we're not getting that game. But yeah, like, you know, like they don't like they're just like they think it's funny. And I'm like, dude, I'm like, no, thank you. Yeah, it's crazy. I think, you know, to try to get yourself on the other side of that is maybe just to be, uh, to have some gratitude for,
Starting point is 00:46:26 you know, the life that you have and the opportunities that you have and the things that you have. It's, um, the news tells you so many times about people dying, um, that unless it's like a special case,
Starting point is 00:46:42 then you just don't care. Like you don't, you don't get emotional into it. You don't really, every once in a while, like, hey, you know, a nine-year-old kid got shot in this situation. And you're like, oh, my God, that's horrible. Or they have a story about somebody who, you know, had cancer or something like that. But only in the special circumstances do you care for some reason and i think it's just we hear so much and they you know now they have like they have like a ticker on how many people died from coronavirus and there's uh you know kind of covet 19 like fatigue
Starting point is 00:47:15 where people are just they're kind of done with it and then there's a lot of people that are skeptical they're like did they really die from coronavirus? Like, you know, we still don't know. We don't always we don't always know or have the information at our hands. I think I think a key factor in a lot of this is really just to not watch the news. I don't know. I don't really. I'm trying to think of where watching the news is like really useful, you know, where,
Starting point is 00:47:47 where it's like really a benefit. They sometimes will have like emergency broadcast. Yeah. There's a storm, you know, I lived in, I lived in Ohio and Kentucky and they, every once in a while I'd like,
Starting point is 00:48:02 you know, advisory, like, you know, don't leave your house. And that was serious shit. Like there was flooding and like, you know, advisory, like, you know, don't leave your house. And that was serious shit. Like there was flooding and like you could get trapped and you could be in a really compromising position. But I would say like other than seeing that and other than getting information from other people, I just don't think that the news is anything to really even pay attention to. But at the same time, I would say this.
Starting point is 00:48:26 I think maybe in the time that we're in, you know, maybe people should be a little more thankful for their health. You know, and when I say people, I'm pointing the finger at myself too. You know, maybe I should take a second and just say, hey, you know what? This is pretty fucking awesome. Like a lot of people are really sick. There's a lot of shit that's gone down. I feel great.
Starting point is 00:48:43 Most of the people around me feel great. Hopefully that continues. And I'm, I'm grateful for that. And I'm going to make, I'm going to make the most out of each day that I possibly can. Yeah, absolutely. Yeah. I think the last time I watched anything that on the news that like was like, Oh shit, like this is scary. Or like, this is important. I need to be watching this. Uh, I think you might've been in Woodland at this time, but when like the, uh, the levy was supposed to be breaking this uh i think you might have been in woodland at this time but when like the uh the levee was supposed to be breaking i don't know if you remember but like literally like all of my at the at the time where i lived there in woodland was like projected to be underwater oh yeah like it was like oh shit like this is serious i remember that like actually did scare me i was i don't i think i was in i might have been high school i might
Starting point is 00:49:25 have been out of high school i don't remember but i think that was the only time where i actually paid attention to the news because i'm like hey what's this happening do we got to get a boat like what's going on yeah and i think um the most uninformed i have ever felt was when we spoke to bo hightower oh yeah, yeah. Oh, God. Yeah, he knows so much history and stuff. And he knows so much history. He knows so much of things that are going on. And I was just like,
Starting point is 00:49:52 huh. He knew about the law a lot, too. Yeah. He just knows everything. Why are you a lawyer, bro? What's going on over there? Like cracking people's necks. Obviously, those are certain things that he's super interested in.
Starting point is 00:50:04 But, you know, when you hear someone like that, it's it's like yeah i just felt very uninformed but i also knew that a lot of the stuff he was talking about cool but i wasn't that interested in so i like i can't beat myself up over that you know if if i think a lot of people pay attention to a lot of news just so that you you know, they can have conversations with other people about what may be going on, even though it's, it's not, you know, they don't really care that much, but it allows you to talk some, what happened at the Capitol? Oh my God, what do you know about it? Oh, this is what I know.
Starting point is 00:50:37 And then you can, you know, so yeah. Yeah. With, with my dad, like if there's anything like political, like I have no idea. So like, I just like, I act on like, Oh, like, I just, like, I act on, like, oh, like, what? No way. Like, so how do you feel about it? Like, I, because, you know, I don't want to, like, I don't know, like, hey, let's talk about video games.
Starting point is 00:50:54 Like, he just has no idea. But, you know, so that way I'm, like, still having a conversation with my dad. I just, like, kind of flip it and just interview him about his thoughts on the situation. But if he says something crazy, like, whatever, it doesn't matter what it is. I'm not going to, it's my own dad. So like, I'm not even going to really take that and run with it and, you know, go tell my wife like, oh my gosh, my dad said this. So we got to start, you know, whatever, like going to Costco and get all the, uh, exactly.
Starting point is 00:51:22 Yeah. Whatever it may be. Not that he said that, like i'm also not gonna freak out if a relative you know tells me something that you know i should be worried about i'm gonna if it does spark interest i'll probably look into it i think an area of concern is to look at why are you inputting some of this stuff like why are you allowing yourself to take some of the stuff in in the first place like what's what, uh, what's the point of it, you know,
Starting point is 00:51:45 like is, and where, where is it coming from? Like, why do you continue to do that? Um, if you think of like times in your life where you've been sad, sometimes you do kind of reach out for like a sad song.
Starting point is 00:51:57 Cause you are like, I'm sad. And I want to kind of like, like, uh, let this kind of sorrow sort of like a release. Yeah. But it's all up to you on what you select. I mean, you could, you can be like, I'm kind of like, like, uh, let this kind of sorrow sort of like a release, but it's all up to you on what you select.
Starting point is 00:52:07 I mean, you could, you can be like, I'm kind of sad. I'm going to watch SpongeBob and I'm going to like flip it and get out. I'm going to get out of this. Like I, you know, uh, I'm going to listen to some really upbeat music. I'm going to listen to something that, uh, gets me excited and makes me want to move, makes me want to exercise. And then you can be set forth in a different direction, you know, and with the news, I think a lot of times the news is just background stuff. But I would be a little cautious with that background stuff.
Starting point is 00:52:33 Maybe it's not useful to have it on in the background. Maybe you are kind of picking it up. Maybe it is seeping in. And maybe instead of having that on in the background, just you throw on some music or if you like sports, I mean the sports, the sporting news is like this guy's getting traded and there's a couple games left in the NFL season. And it,
Starting point is 00:52:55 you know, they might talk about Corona virus here and there, but like there's really not a lot of negative shit going on. Yeah. I know you're not always supposed to do things that just make you feel good right like sometimes you know something something's bad something will make you feel a little bad you got to be able to handle it but when it does come to the news um like that that's one of the reasons why like i choose just to pay attention to the way i do like i don't
Starting point is 00:53:21 search it out because i like the times that I have like, you know, gone on certain news websites or watched someone who's commentated on news. It's like, there was just so much bad that I listened to it. I finished, I was like, huh? Oh yeah. A lot of that was so shitty. Huh? Like I didn't feel like super centering, but I didn't feel as good as after I found out everything that happened. I didn't feel better after I watched, I felt a little bit worse. Right.
Starting point is 00:53:48 Right. Is that of benefit to you? Like now knowing all the things that you do and feel a little bit sad about the world and things that are going on. Are you better of a person right now in this moment because of it? And if the answer is yes, okay. But I feel that a lot of the times
Starting point is 00:54:06 the answer is no. The answer is you probably could have waited for somebody to just tell you about it and you could have just instead done something that, you know, was beneficial for you, beneficial for your family and focused on that instead. 100%. You nailed it right there.
Starting point is 00:54:21 Yeah, I think you can roll that over to like all the news that we get via social media as well. Oh God. Yeah. Like if you hop on Twitter, it's just, you know, it's kind of like the same thing over and over, like the negative stuff. And at one point, like, especially when I was into sports, like I couldn't miss anything. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:37 It's like, but I mean, you hear one story and it's like, okay, that's all anyone is going to be talking about for like a couple hours. And then you can check in again, you can couple hours. And then you can check in again. You can go be productive and then you can check in like maybe at night and you'll see all of the updates. Like you won't miss a damn thing. But because of, you know, the way those apps are developed and the way the news, you know, rolls information out and stuff like they want you to be stuck there all day. And it's like, did you really? You might have got some benefit because you heard about whatever first and you can tell in sema and you can be like oh my gosh i like check this out like
Starting point is 00:55:10 what and be the first to do it but who cares like it doesn't matter we're all going to find out about it at some exactly whether it's tomorrow or if it's in a few hours probably not going to make you uh more money it's probably not going to allow you to like love somebody more or help your relationships at all. Or it's probably not going to make you feel great. You know what I mean? Like it, it most likely isn't going to really do much other than give you some current event information. And I think, you know, we've on the last podcast, we talked about like developing a skillset and knowledge. And like, I'd rather see people moving towards that more where they're seeking out, you know, how to be a better writer, how to read faster, how to learn more efficiently or whatever skill it is they want to learn. So they can continue to move forward.
Starting point is 00:56:00 Not that that's the only thing you do. You do need forms of entertainment, but I would just say, like, don't use the news as a form of entertainment oh no no and i mean unless you're just willing to like laugh about it you know and be like hey this is some silly shit that's going on um but really you can't laugh about it a lot of times because a lot of it's too serious a lot of it's you know life and death situations and um right now like with the president's uh you know twitter being shut down and stuff i mean yeah can you get like an uproar about that like for what like i just don't like it's just you're better off not knowing much about it not caring about it and uh you know that shit will be sorted out at some point and there's there's
Starting point is 00:56:43 nothing you can do. You know, I, on the laugh about it thing, man, some people are going to hate me for this because once, once my homie told me about, bro, you saw what's happening at the Capitol.
Starting point is 00:56:54 And then I Googled it. I laughed because I saw that picture of the dude at the face paint inside of the building going like this. And some people hit their heart like, Oh my God, this is horrible. But I was just like, Oh my God, this is so funny like i'm sorry but initially i was like and then i mean i saw a lady died and then i was like oh man that that's horrible but
Starting point is 00:57:15 god this is am i wrong that this is just a little bit comical sorry guys if if that's just some people are are you know they were really um when i was hearing some of the newscasters and some of the other people are like this is so embarrassing for the united states and stuff like that i'm just like i i don't feel any of that i don't know i don't really i mean we're human and we have some turmoil at the moment and so people are going to flip some desks upside down and do some shit. That's a little crazy. People are frustrated. People on the left are frustrated.
Starting point is 00:57:48 People on the right are frustrated. A lot of races are frustrated. People are just frustrated. And COVID has probably assisted in making people more frustrated since he can't do the normal shit that you normally can do. And so like shit's gonna happen things things are gonna happen i i didn't look at it as being uh yeah like what the hell so this is it's fake but oh you know the simpsons predicting you know everything but yeah i thought it was funny just the drawing and because what what threw me off i was like dude how did they
Starting point is 00:58:23 even get the tattoos and that's when i was like oh wait yeah like i fell for it but the simpsons predictions are always really funny they really be on point with their predictions man that was just hilarious honestly i think that's one thing i think um when when i look at a lot of this stuff i i think uh there is some benefit in trying to see some comedy in it. I mean, okay. A lot of serious stuff happened. Some people died on that day or whatever.
Starting point is 00:58:50 I'm not, whatever I get it. Um, but when you're someone that looks at all this stuff and you're always looking at things, Oh, this is so serious. It's so horrible.
Starting point is 00:58:59 I, you can't help, but you're just going to be kind of a downer. Yeah. Right. If you see some of it and you're just like, you take, you take some stuff from it.
Starting point is 00:59:10 You see that you see how some of it's a little bit, a little bit comical, not try to take it too seriously. That just, you understand what's going on, but it doesn't affect you as horribly. Yeah. A lot of people that are allowing it to affect them.
Starting point is 00:59:23 They're like, I can't believe this. This is unbelievable. It's like it happened. Like, it's happening. Yeah. And things like this have happened throughout our history. Maybe that this particular event, this exact particular thing, maybe that hasn't happened before.
Starting point is 00:59:37 But, I mean, there was a case years ago where a guy ran across the lawn of the White House and got right in the front door. Oh, snap. across the lawn of the White House and got right in the front door. Oh, snap. And, you know, a lot of humor was made of it because there was a woman that was the security and Joe Rogan did a whole. Joe Rogan crushed it. Yeah, Joe Rogan did a whole bit on it and everything. But I mean, like, you know, this is probably just somebody who was just unstable and just
Starting point is 00:59:59 wanted to, like, see how far they could go. And Joe Rogan talked about how as the person is running, they're like, gonna get shot i'm gonna get shot i'm gonna get shot and nothing happened the entire time they got all the way through the door you know yeah man comedians and like social media wins because when this capital thing happened i saw a meme that came across my timeline and it was a picture it was a picture of asama and he was like i could have just done this the whole time with the reigning of the capital i was just like oh god right sometimes yeah sometimes comedy just saves the day it's amazing it's undefeated yeah but what you're saying in sima about like you know seeing the seeing the negativity and then, you know, kind of diving more into it.
Starting point is 01:00:46 Like, yeah, I think people get stuck on searching for the sadness in everything. And then they kind of just it fuels them negatively. Like, but it still fuels them. Still fuel. So it still gets them charged up. It's just unfortunate that it's not with something positive, which is a bummer. I think a lot of people want to kind of have that mentality of like, see, I told you so type of thing. You know, they they want like vindication. So this thing that happened at the Capitol.
Starting point is 01:01:13 Look, we've been telling you guys Trump's trying to be a dictator. We've been telling you that he's you know, he's fucking crazy. We impeached him once. We're going to impeach him again. And and look, it's it's just right because look what look what happened you know and meanwhile there's a lot of other people like the three of us who are like i don't really care man you know whoever becomes whoever's president they're going to be the president and i'll support that that's cool and i'll try to do my best as i normally do which is i don't really do much of anything as a, you know, citizen. I'm not like participating in a lot of, uh, uh, things on a local level.
Starting point is 01:01:51 You know, I just, I do my own thing the way that a lot of us do and go about my business, uh, my own way, try to be nice to people, try to be kind and try to, uh, share love and things that I enjoy with other people. And that's pretty much like the extent of like how, how far I go. And I think a lot of people feel that way, but you wouldn't know that from seeing the news, you would think that everyone's a fucking lunatic.
Starting point is 01:02:16 Oh yeah. Yeah. And I'd imagine there's a ton of that in regards to every single time. There's a new, you know, number on cases or deaths with the coronavirus. Like, see, I told you, you got to wear your mask, um, whatever, if you're okay with masks or not. But like, I would imagine there's some people out there that are just like waiting for the new
Starting point is 01:02:34 numbers to come in just so that way they can say, I told you so, or like, this is as serious as I told you, you know, you got to start taking it serious. Yeah, dude. Like, honestly, like, again, I know there's some people in my life where I'm just like, no, that's not true though, because they watch so much news, you know, the narrative of like, like that cops are literally hunting black men. Right. There's some people in my life that are like, Hey, be careful out there, man. Like, look at what you be careful.
Starting point is 01:03:00 Like, be careful what you do when you're driving at night, you know, because they're hunting, they're hunting us. I'm just like, you know, you be be you like people really believe that because of the narrative that's set out on some of these networks like no they're not hunting me like i'm not being hunted right it's it's not that deep like okay i do need to be more careful i understand that i'm always more careful in these situations i know i'm if if there is a cop that really dislikes me that much he i'm more i'm probably not going to run into him he exists i know he exists i'm probably not going to run into him though i'm probably going to run into
Starting point is 01:03:39 a hundred really good ones or a thousand really good ones before i come across this guy even though he's out there scanning the streets for my 250 pound black ass like real talk man sitting outside your dojo waiting for you oh god yeah man so it's just like that's that's why it's just like you know if i paid so much attention to that like other people do i'd be so scared man i'd be super scared but i know it's not true and also like i just don't think being like scared is all that helpful yeah uh being cautious and paying attention to a little bit of what's going on i think there's there's always some room for that that makes some sense when it comes to covid or comes to any of the things that have been happening. And, but you just use your own judgment, you know, use your own judgment based off your own history, based off your own things that you've experienced. Aside from that though, you know,
Starting point is 01:04:36 there's probably not a lot of reasons to get yourself all worked up or overly worried about it. You try to think about it in the most rational way that you can. Okay. You know, the news says this news is that, and, uh, if I believe some of these things to be true, here are the actions I'm going to take. Oh, it turns out there really isn't all that much action I can take towards that. So, uh, why worry about things that I don't have any control over? It appears that I can't be proactive in this situation. It appears that I can't, uh, participate or do anything in this situation.
Starting point is 01:05:12 So, uh, I'm not going to sweat it. You know, I'm not going to be too worried about it. Yeah. That's a sick hat. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:05:21 I just noticed it right now. April just gave it to me. Oh really? Oh, sick. Hot off the presses right now. April just gave it to me. Oh, really? Mm-hmm. Oh, sick. Hot off the presses. Damn. When is all of that?
Starting point is 01:05:31 A few months? February, I think. Oh, snap. I thought it was going to be March. Okay. Yeah, might be the end of this month. Might be. Yeah, might be February. Dropping the Steak Shake will be the first supplement that we drop, And it's from a new brand called Within You.
Starting point is 01:05:48 And I'm excited for it. Yeah, Steak Shake is going to be great. Take the world by storm. And the fact that you got that name once again is amazing. The Steak Shake, that's dope. Yep, that is dope. I can't wait to make commercials for it. Yeah, well, maybe we can use some of these
Starting point is 01:06:06 scare tactics to get people to watch yeah if you don't eat meat this is gonna happen to you you have to blend a steak one day oh yeah we're gonna yeah yeah okay yeah it's gonna be great with water bone broth like what do you think you're gonna mix the shake with oh uh the actual protein shake itself no no no oh oh the actual like for the skit oh the actual steak shake i don't i don't know probably all kinds of disgusting stuff yeah probably get some liver and you know some kidneys and some that's a good visual some heart and just dump it all in there no honestly if you can get and you easily can get your hand on some brain it's very easy to see that it's brain so doing that would yeah no when if you are like a goat brain you see it looks like brain it's like it's brain yeah the matter do you eat the brain yeah you just boil
Starting point is 01:06:57 it in a soup wow it's that simple fake news real news no news? No, real news. I had no idea. I thought you got like sick if you ate animal brains. Well, I haven't. Maybe that was like on Indiana Jones or something then. No, there is. There is something, right? There's like a brain that you're not supposed to. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:07:17 Trichinosis. I think that's what it's called. There's a certain brain like. Pig brain? Yeah. I don't know if it's pig brain or elk. I think not elk, but there's, there's an animal like you should not mess with that.
Starting point is 01:07:27 It's brain because octopus fuck you up. Cause they're too smart. Yeah. Yeah. I just stayed away from all of it. Okay. Let's take us on out of here, Andrew.
Starting point is 01:07:35 Well, thank you everybody for coming back on the live stream. So if you're watching or listening to this on iTunes, a little secret, we recorded this episode in the previous episode on the same day. What? I know. When is now?
Starting point is 01:07:50 Now. Soon. There we go. Oh, wow. I didn't get it. Okay. That's all right. Spaceballs.
Starting point is 01:07:54 Old movie. I got to watch it. Yeah. Anyway, thank you to Element for sponsoring today's episode. Again, if you guys have not taken advantage, please do so before the end of the month. Forgot to say that on the last episode, you have till the end of January to take advantage of the free recharge pack. So all you have to do is just pay for the $5 shipping and you'll get, I think it's eight flavors. I might be wrong. It might be four, but it might be eight.
Starting point is 01:08:17 I think it's eight. Recharge sample pack from Element Electrolytes. You guys know how much we love them. So again, hit the link in the description, uh, wherever you're listening or watching this and you'll get a free sample pack. Uh,
Starting point is 01:08:29 please make sure to find the podcast at Mark Biles power project on Instagram at MB power project on Twitter. Uh, also the, uh, the newsletter, uh, second,
Starting point is 01:08:38 uh, issue is about to drop, uh, in a couple of days. So make sure you guys sign up for that so you don't miss it. And apologies to anybody that received like weird double emails. I'm still learning this stuff. So,
Starting point is 01:08:47 you know, bear with me. Uh, my Instagram and Twitter is at, I am Andrew Z and SEMA. Where can you be? And see my in yang on Instagram, YouTube,
Starting point is 01:08:55 and see me in yang on Mark at Mark smelly bell. Strength is never weakness. Weakness never strength. Catch you guys later.

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