Mark Bell's Power Project - EP. 483 - Where You Focus Your Attention Matters

Episode Date: February 16, 2021

In today's conversation we talk about how you will usually find what you are looking for. If you focus on the negatives, bad things happening, negative and bad things will happen. Why not change that ...narrative and start searching for the good. All this and kangaroo pouches, tortoises and turtles. Subscribe to the NEW Power Project Newsletter: Subscribe to the Podcast on on Platforms! ➢ Special perks for our listeners below! ➢FREE LMNT Recharge Sample Pack: ➢Piedmontese Beef: Use Code "POWERPROJECT" at checkout for 25% off your order plus FREE 2-Day Shipping on orders of $99 ➢Sling Shot: Enter Discount code, "POWERPROJECT" at checkout and receive 15% off all Sling Shots Follow Mark Bell's Power Project Podcast ➢ Insta: ➢ ➢ Twitter: ➢ LinkedIn: ➢ YouTube: ➢TikTok: FOLLOW Mark Bell ➢ Instagram: ➢ Facebook: ➢ Twitter: ➢ Snapchat: marksmellybell ➢Mark Bell's Daily Workouts, Nutrition and More: Follow Nsima Inyang ➢ Instagram: Podcast Produced by Andrew Zaragoza ➢ Instagram: #PowerProject #Podcast #MarkBell

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Dude, I got some of that chocolate. Chocolate? You know what I'm talking about? Chocolate salt. Chocolat? Chocolate salt. Is that like my new nickname? Is there?
Starting point is 00:00:08 Is there? It could be. After a workout? I mean, well. Can I get a hand? Ew, why are you trying to lick me? Sweat? Try it.
Starting point is 00:00:21 Sodium coming off my body? The chocolate salt. You get it? Yeah. You get it. Yeah. You get it. Yeah, I get it now. All right, daddy. All right.
Starting point is 00:00:27 What were you doing? So one of two things happened. Either you dipped your balls in my coffee after jujitsu yesterday, or I used Elements chocolate. What a great commercial. No wonder why they love utilizing us. Oh, man. What is that?
Starting point is 00:00:47 It's my ball sweat. But I do have to mention this again because I've mentioned it to you guys. I think I did mention it during the show yesterday. People aren't even listening to you, I think. Nobody cares. I don't think they do. But we'll see if they do now. If you guys get your coffee, the only downside to this is that you might drink your coffee too fast.
Starting point is 00:01:04 And that's what I end up doing. Might a one sipper yeah um grab some coffee mate whether you like some fat-free coffee mate or the coffee mate that has like 20 calories it doesn't really matter but grab some coffee mate and then use the chocolate element packet so the chocolate with coffee on its own is good but the chocolate with a little bit of a coffee mate in your coffee, it's the salt, the sweet, and the bitterness of the coffee. Oh, my. Oh, yeah. Sounds incredible. It is good.
Starting point is 00:01:31 That's why I always end up finishing this in like 15 minutes. I'm just like, my coffee usually lasts like two hours. It comes in one sipper. I got the same thing going on over here. It's amazing. I just have the orange in water. Because to me, as a kid, I would have orange juice for breakfast. That just orange and water because to me um you know as a kid like i would have uh like orange juice for breakfast like that's what it tastes like to me now like i just
Starting point is 00:01:50 have like a couple sips and i'm like ah there's that orange juice breakfast morning pick me up type of feeling well and when you're dieting and stuff all these flavors they're amplified times a thousand yeah like somebody else might drink that and be like, that's not orange juice, bro. That's true. That's true, actually. But we just love these extra flavors that we get an opportunity to have because we're on these diets all the time, eating rice and meat and potatoes and things that just don't have tons of pop in terms of, I guess, sweet flavor. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:20 And if you guys want to dive in to these amazing flavors and the amazing benefits of electrolytes, you can head over to slash power project. Highly recommend the value bundle because you're paying for three boxes and you get a fourth one for free. So you can try out multiple flavors or you can go all in on just like the salty chocolate in SEMA flavor. Yeah. And then if you're not ready to fully dive in, you can still go to drink slash power project, unfortunately, would be on flavor.
Starting point is 00:03:06 I'd be vanilla. You'd be on flavor. Just pure salt. That Mark Bell flavor is not very good. Wow, I love this. Andrew's got some spice to him. Yeah, he does. I'm down.
Starting point is 00:03:19 I like it. Daddy's got some spice. All right. I'm only going to call you Daddy twice on this episode. That was three times. That was three times. We might be able to... We have to round it out.
Starting point is 00:03:28 Sooner or later, Kimmy gets excited about it. So do I. We were having a conversation about men's nipple piercings before the episode started, but let's not go down that rabbit hole again. It was a little bit too in-depth, too. I've had a lot of thoughts about that. The rabbit hole.
Starting point is 00:03:42 I can't wait to... Stop. Your subreddit.. I can't wait to. What? I can't wait to join that. Your subreddit. I'll be on there later today checking that out. Okay. I know we have to get to the focus of this episode. No, we don't.
Starting point is 00:03:57 But there was something that I was looking at yesterday and I just, you know when they draw kangaroos? They just draw them. Okay. Hold on. I know. Nobody draws kangaroos. What are you talking about? Okay.
Starting point is 00:04:02 And like when you see kangaroos in cartoons. Okay. I can't draw a kangaroo. Remember Kangaroo Jack, the movie? Oh, yeah. You remember? Okay. And like when you see kangaroos in cartoons. I can't draw a kangaroo. Remember Kangaroo Jack, the movie? Oh, yeah. You remember? No. And they had the pouches like, you know.
Starting point is 00:04:09 Yeah, a marsupial pouch. It just looked like a normal pouch. But you watch a kangaroo documentary thing. That pouch is a hole. Like it looks, it's a little like, and yeah, the baby's coming out chilling there or whatever. But it's not like neat. Right. I always used to think the kangaroo pouch was like, hmm, huh, there's my baby.
Starting point is 00:04:24 Like it's a fanny pack. Like it's a fanny pack. But it's literally just like this weird look at you see i've just blown so many minds with this right now it's disgusting that's really gross yeah what is that marsupial pouch man koalas have it too they do yeah koala bear do you know that guy on instagram who's like that's the finest page but he'll show what they can do in there what if they can like eat in there and shit i i don't yeah i've only but that's cute i mean you guys like a little like do they give birth out of the pouch no no it's just showing like like a uh see-through version of what they're doing there like there's a head sticking out dude
Starting point is 00:05:03 kangaroos are strange there's jack too i forgot what about the ones with the big pecs you understand the ones with the big pecs yeah like again why are they always boxing people too why are they always boxing gloves on you know what's so funny where the fuck did that come from dude you when you watch kangaroo boxing videos you know those guys that are on the street and you guys have to be watching a video to see this but when they start fighting they're just like oh yeah right that's all the homies that is how kangaroos box because they'll go like this right i'll just like i've seen this in high school yeah when someone has no idea how to fight did you see the one where like the kangaroo had like this guy's dog and like a headlock. Oh, that made me so sad.
Starting point is 00:05:45 Dude, but yeah, but then the guy came and he just gave him a left hook. Yeah. And then the kangaroo was like, whoa, what the fuck? All right, dude, calm down. I didn't know that was your, your homie. Like I didn't know that was your pet. So yeah, the kangaroo ripped up that dog. When I went to Australia, I was like, I was like, I want to see a kangaroo.
Starting point is 00:06:04 They're like, no, you don't. And I was like a kangaroo. They're like, no, you don't. And I was like, I do. They're like, no, they're fucking stupid. They're like, you'll be so pissed at them by the time you leave here. He's like, they're, they're pieces of shit. They're, they're everywhere. And he's just saying how they're like a big nuisance. I'm like, I just want to see one, man.
Starting point is 00:06:18 Wow. I wouldn't have expected that. I feel like kangaroos look like, especially the big ones that you see, they look like too big. Like if I'm, if I'm correct, they look like especially the big ones that you see they look like too big like if i'm if i'm correct they look like they're like seven feet they look huge that's frightening yeah i don't know how tall they are right like like and and they use their tail for shit or is that like myth you know is that like cartoon myth well i saw the wacky with the tail yeah no i saw the fighting thing and so like when they're fighting like this they can jump back on their
Starting point is 00:06:43 tail they'll jump back on their tail and they'll kick. So it's insane. You're actually getting kicked by one of those things. You die. You got huge legs. Yeah. Average kangaroo, 4.9 feet tall, but then large mature males can stand 5.9 feet. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:07:00 I'm tripping. That's still tall though. It's tall for an animal. 5 foot 9? It's tall for an animal. So the largest being around six nine so that's fucking crazy you don't meet foot nine nah man that's a basketball player you don't meet that lebron dude oh my god they're jacked yeah right yeah what the and the way they
Starting point is 00:07:20 stand too they're like dude it's like they're trying to do a freaking most muscular Because we're very close, hopefully I don't get slapped But he kind of stands like Nate Diaz Yeah Oh my gosh Yeah, winging the shoulders out Dude, look at that guy Yeah, man, see Picture meeting a 6'9 version of that thing
Starting point is 00:07:42 No Just like, no I don't want to, no That's no i don't want to know that's yeah i don't know why the people i was with hated him so much but dude yeah whoa that guy's really on some shit welcome to the kangaroo podcast everybody animals are weird my son was telling me the other day about uh koala bears and how or koalas they're not bears i guess they're just koalas um but uh my son was telling me how dumb they are he's like it's like one of the dumbest
Starting point is 00:08:12 animals i'm like how do they know how dumb it is he's like i don't know they're stupid and then don't they have like they can die very easily i guess i guess if you were to take i think they eat like eucalyptus leaves or something. But I think they have like an STD. Yeah, they have STDs. If you put eucalyptus leaves supposedly on the ground, they won't eat them because they don't recognize it as food. It has to come from the tree. They're used to getting it from the tree or whatever. Oh, wow.
Starting point is 00:08:38 And they're really slow and stuff. I'm like, what the fuck? What is the point in some of these things? I mean, they're cute. Exactly. That's the point. Yeah, they're adorable. They're just adorable little animals like little little ewoks or something you know or ewok looks like a koala maybe i don't know a lot of people are gonna like hate me for
Starting point is 00:08:53 saying this but i think that'd be a great pet oh yeah because like it can't do shit for itself no i don't think so i just feed it i don't know what the rules are on pets i have heard people talk about like tortoises and stuff, but I heard that, you know, if you buy a tortoise when it's like young, like it, you never get to see it really grow much because they live to be like 200
Starting point is 00:09:13 something years old. So a tortoise can be like this, like almost the size of this table, I think. Right. Yeah. But you'd have to buy like a, a hundred year old turtle to ever see it mature to like this you know if you had it for
Starting point is 00:09:26 30 years or something like that but I guess people have it like in their family sometimes and they pass it down which is kind of neat that is but I don't know what the fuck you do with it just have a massive tank and let it swim around I think I might have mentioned this before I started like I was I had so many questions
Starting point is 00:09:42 about like a tortoise and my kids got mad at me because they're like it's not a turtle and I started like I was I had so many questions about like a tortoise and my kids got mad at me because they're like, it's not a turtle. And I'm like, well, what the fuck's the difference? It's nothing like a turtle. And I don't I don't even know if this doesn't like a turtle, I guess, like lives in the water more tortoise. There's like desert tortoises that don't. So like if I if I had a tortoise, like I could have a tortoise like in my backyard. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:03 For example, like out in Dixon where it's all like dry. Dude. Okay. We learn something new on the podcast every day because I thought a turtle and a tortoise was the same thing. So did I. Oh God. Turtles can be aquatic, semi-aquatic, or mostly terrestrial.
Starting point is 00:10:18 Tortoises can't, tortoises are turtles that live on land and aren't equipped for water. Wow. So tortoises are the big ones. They are turtles that live on land and aren't equipped for water. Wow. So tortoises are the big ones. They are turtles though. Wow. But they're just not equipped for the water. Which is the bigger one? Do you remember that video?
Starting point is 00:10:34 How can they not be equipped for water? They look like it. They look the same. Turtles are generally larger than tortoises. Oh. So turtles are the bigger ones. Can a tortoise swim in water? They cannot. Can a turtle or a tortoise swim in water they cannot can a turtle or a tortoise swim in water i'm getting confused now turtles can swim in water yes this is cannot yes okay
Starting point is 00:10:53 yeah that's cool you remember that video in like 2010 i remember i was in high school it was just stupid but it was this kid like i like turtles remember that no no no it's just a viral video back in the day and everyone in high school was like i like turtles because he's like this kid who's i like turtles yeah you gotta look it up one day chipotle is my life yeah i remember that one oh god oh oh god why did this one come to mind um i think smoky made a meme the other day, I heard. Yeah, he did. He has that new style of creating a meme. It's going to be huge.
Starting point is 00:11:31 I don't know. I'm not going to talk about it, but... I want to, but I can't. Proprietary. Yeah. Because I'm like, if Smokey wants to do something with that, I feel like he could. But if we say it now on air, one of our listeners is going to be like, I'm going to do that now. Sorry, guys.
Starting point is 00:11:44 My parents used to do that a lot with photo albums and and stuff they would kind of make almost like memes yeah really silly but amazing when you go especially when you go back and look at something like 10 years later uh-huh kind of neat that's that's cool all right wait do we want to get to our topic today what were you gonna say do we have a topic do we have a topic i don't know huh so do we have a show still um we're part of that cancel culture oh no i was gonna mention one more cancel culture podcast on the note of cancel culture do you guys remember that thing that went viral like i think i was i was in college but it was uh this white girl and she was talking about asian people and do you remember like on video she's like ching chong ling long ting tong do you remember that i've never seen that you
Starting point is 00:12:31 don't remember her oh my god that was like the the okay so obviously it's not nice of her to say but she was talking about asian people on like skype and somebody recorded it and she was like she said oh those ching chong those long ting tongs. And she went viral for that. She got expelled and all this shit happened. But just because we were talking about old viral shit, it came to mind. Cancel culture also,
Starting point is 00:12:53 you know, I don't believe that. I have to clarify. I do not agree with the sentiments of this woman since some people are going to be like, Oh, Hey man, when somebody's speaking in a foreign language, it trips you you're like i don't know i do not know what they just said yeah it's like they're communicating but like those are just sounds to me right like
Starting point is 00:13:14 it's it's hard but oh man i mean shit that's how i feel like this watching a novella in spanish like i speak spanish i can understand it but if you're going way too fast on tv i just doesn't i can't make the connection same Same thing on the phone. I can't talk to anybody in Spanish on the phone. That's how it'd be. I have to see them. It's weird. All right. So what we were going to talk about, what we might talk about is attention. Are you guys paying attention? Listeners paying attention? I can't afford it, bro. What? Can't afford to pay attention. How much does it cost?
Starting point is 00:13:50 $3.99. You got a payment plan? It's free, Andrew. I just told you. Free installments. Yeah. Of $3.99. What's the interest rates? There's always something. $3.25. Oh, shit. Pretty good. It's pretty decent, right?
Starting point is 00:14:06 Can I refinance in a couple years? No. Okay, so you're locked in. You're locked in for life. I got to talk to my wife and then run it by her. All right. She's going to say no. But yeah, no.
Starting point is 00:14:19 It's just like... That's what they do. Is this podcast going to be on before Brian McKenzie's come on? So this will be... this one goes up Tuesday. Tuesday? Yeah. All right. So you guys already listened to Brian McKenzie's podcast.
Starting point is 00:14:31 Except on YouTube. They're watching it right now. So they haven't seen Brian Mack. Well, you guys haven't heard BMAC on YouTube. But for those of you listening on Tuesday, you heard BMAC talk about attention to breath and the importance. And a lot of, there was a lot of attention concepts from that episode and then we also had Steven Kotler on and he was talking about flow follows focus pretty much flow being in the flow state being able to do something at a very high peak
Starting point is 00:14:55 performance level that follows attention right and then we've talked about on the podcast all the time like paying attention to your diet like guarding your inputs having your attention really like having focused attention on something. Um, but like there's this just common through line and how big of a deal that is. It's like, we have so many things that we're paying attention through the day that maybe just have us go into zombie mode. And I have caught myself with this before. There have been maybe certain weeks where I wasn't paying attention to things I should be, right? And then I'd be scrolling through YouTube in zombie mode, just watching random videos. And then when I get myself back to what I should be
Starting point is 00:15:34 doing, when I get myself focused with good attention on the things that I want to do and the things that I'm focusing on, maybe I'll pull up YouTube and then immediately I'll catch myself and say, why the fuck am I watching this video? Like this says nothing to do with anything I'm interested in, anything I'm trying to do. It's literally wasting my time. But if you have a lack of attention, you're going through life like a zombie and you don't even realize it. Like real talk.
Starting point is 00:15:56 You just, yeah, you're just letting it kind of play in the, in the background. Um, one thing that, uh, B Mac talked about was,
Starting point is 00:16:04 um, I liked how he kept everything simple. And we talked about devices that can help you breathe. And we talked about a couple of things and he even has an app that's going to be coming out soon that he's real happy about, real excited about. And there's a lot of apps that talk about how to breathe, um,
Starting point is 00:16:20 how to relax and different things. But he was like, it's just, you're just already equipped with it. It's just, it's already on your face. He's like, it's called your nose, you know? And you, um, how to relax and different things. But he was like, it's just, you're just already equipped with it. It's just, it's already on your face. He's like, it's called your nose, you know, and you, you, you, um, you pay attention to that. You give attention to that. You give time to that. And anytime I thought probably the most useful thing that I've heard in a while was, uh, him saying, uh, two, two things. One was work on some nasal breathing for about a month.
Starting point is 00:16:46 You know, do it when you walk. Do it while you train. Commit to it. Like, actually commit to it. Like, don't just nasal breathe and be like, these sets are hard. And then just start breathing normal. I did it yesterday during my training session. I did some deadlifts superseded with the sled pull.
Starting point is 00:17:03 And it was great. And I had to stop a couple of times cause I'm like, I'm going to breathe out in and out of my mouth and at any second. So, uh, I'm going to slow, slow it down a little bit and continue onward. But the, uh, when he, when he talked about paying attention to your breath and just having attention to it being like the most important thing, I thought that that was great because if you're just, just having awareness of it, um,
Starting point is 00:17:27 this morning when I was kind of getting ready, uh, to like go on a walk with my dad and stuff, I was just thinking of like a handful of things I needed to do today. And my brain for a half second got a little scrambled and I was like, how am I going to fit all that in? You know? And then I was like,
Starting point is 00:17:42 Oh, breathe, you know? And then I worked my way through it. I'm like, Oh, breathe, you know? And then I worked my way through it. I'm like, okay, you have two podcasts to do. That's not that big of a deal. If you have time for it, you can shoot some extra content for YouTube. And, uh, you lifted yesterday. If you have an opportunity to lift and you feel in it, go in and lift. And so I just recalibrated it all just through some breathing. And I was totally yeah did you like um i hear compartmentalize like you gotta compartmentalize this like did do you ever kind of mess with that
Starting point is 00:18:10 sort of thing like did you be like okay well i do have two podcasts one's gonna start at this time i'm just gonna worry about that one right now or just put some attention on that one right now and then did you block out the second one yeah i, I think rather than maybe compartmentalizing, you can just put facts. Just place in the facts, like replace your feelings with facts. Like what are the facts? How long does it take to do a 10 minute walk?
Starting point is 00:18:36 It takes at least 10 minutes. How long does it take to do 30 minutes of cardio? It takes at least 30 minutes. How long does it take to do our podcast? Anywhere between 90 minutes and two hours. And sometimes the whole process of us just getting ready and situated and so on might take a little bit longer. So those are just the facts and there's no reason to get spun up about it. There's no reason to get really worried about it. I know in advance how long they
Starting point is 00:19:01 take. We all are aware of it. And there's three of us, right? So we have to adhere to each other's schedule. We have to work together on it. And those are all just facts, you know? So I can't really worry about, you know, whether the show starts exactly at this. I'm not that kind of person anyway. And I think it works out well,
Starting point is 00:19:23 because I don't think any one of us are, luckily luckily so we can just chill and we're all pretty lax and it doesn't seem to doesn't seem to matter a ton we have a schedule but it's not we're not like real crazy about it we follow it the best that we can um but yeah i like to rather than like compartmentalizing rather than like taking something and just kind of putting in a different category and maybe not paying attention to that for a minute. Or I think sometimes overlooking what you have to do today in order to try to get to where you're thinking about going tomorrow. I take each individual thing on the best I can and I just try to place facts to it. What's the information here? Um,
Starting point is 00:20:06 even with like COVID-19 or anything like what are, and, and that gets to be tricky because there's facts and there's beliefs, right? And, and then they get, they get mixed up. But we,
Starting point is 00:20:17 we, what we can all agree upon is there's a virus. It's, it's killed a lot of people. It's going to continue to kill a lot of people there's like more people will die from the coronavirus in the next couple months in the next couple weeks
Starting point is 00:20:31 like that's, those are all facts what can I do about it I don't think I can actually, I don't think I personally can really do anything about it, I guess I can wash my hands, I can practice some social distancing, I can wear a mask those are all things that we can argue about how effective they are
Starting point is 00:20:49 or how effective they aren't. But those are all things that I can at least, uh, at least attempt. And, um, that's the information that we have now. Like that's the best, that's the best that we can do at the moment. And that's not up to me. That's just been handed down from our government, I guess. And so you just try to think about what are the facts. Okay, well, the facts are it seems like healthy people are surviving pretty well. Maybe I can work on being a healthier person. Maybe I can work on being less stressed. Maybe I can, you know, what are the things that you can do?
Starting point is 00:21:21 What are the things that are in your control? you know, what are the things that you can do? What are the things that are in your control? I think we tend to get thrown off course a little bit when we start to think about, when we start to worry, you know, worry is, you know, you want to be a warrior, not a worrier. Being worried about stuff can cause a lot of stress. And usually there's either something that you can do about it, which would be more factual. And a lot of times there's nothing that you can do about it. I always think the only thing that you can really do much of anything about is to take care of yourself. Cause I don't know how to take care of everybody else. Like I barely know how to handle myself, but if I can help improve myself, help make myself
Starting point is 00:22:05 better, help make myself more open to other people's ideas, other people's culture, other people's influence and be open-minded towards those things, I think that can be helpful. But other than that, I don't know how to help, you know, everybody else. So I think that worrying about things that you can control or being worried about things you can't control, I think either way, both of those things end up being part of an irrational thought pattern that ends, you end up, you end up with a lot of feelings attached to that. And I think in the long run, one of the best things you can do for yourself is to, in the long run, one of the best things you can do for yourself is to, uh, is to have more responsible feelings, like educate your feelings. Your feelings should have some, uh, rather than
Starting point is 00:22:51 your feelings, um, having, you know, so much sadness or happiness attached to them. You might want to also try to attach some facts to them. Like, this is just where I'm at. Like, I'm, I'm not, I'm not a loser cause I'm a drunk. I'm, I need to fix this situation. What are the facts? How can I get myself out of this hole? What are some things I can do today? The only thing you can do is stop drinking. Right. Um, but you can't beat yourself up about it. There's placing that worry on it isn't really, isn't necessarily helpful, uh, because it's just further stressing your system out. Absolutely. And there's a lot of layers to that. Cause like when you mentioned, you know, in paying attention to what's going on with like, you know, COVID right. Well, if you're paying attention to the news and you're watching a lot of that, um, automatically you'll end up being very, very worried because a lot of that stuff are Hand-picked facts about what's going on, right? So you think you're getting facts and all these facts are horrible and now it's making you worry of you yourself getting it
Starting point is 00:23:54 And it's just it's it's rough. So like You really have to But yeah, like first off it's like we had the episode about not really paying much attention to the news in and of itself because it is structured to make you fear. Right. But then making sure that you're edged, like a lot of the podcasts we've had, we've had individuals on that have come in and talked about it,
Starting point is 00:24:19 that have come on and put up statistics that honestly, that's a big reason why us in this room we're not too we're like we're not worried right if if people we knew that do pay attention to facts came on and told us a lot of crazy wild things that like we're true okay mate like we'd be like oh shit all right but the reason we're not worried is because personally we feel that we're educated on how to keep ourselves and our families safe and there's nothing to worry about. But if you're not paying attention to that and you're not educating yourself and you're not paying attention to the right things, that's why I hate to say I got people in my family who always send me videos about COVID and sending me texts like, hope you're being careful or this and that and have anxiety about it because they're just getting some really kind of facts from news outlets that
Starting point is 00:25:10 are worrying them a lot. Yeah. Well, they're getting scared, like the scare tactic. The scare tactic. And one thing, we've said this a long time ago about something else completely not even relevant to this, but, you know, you know a lot i don't think people understand when you do watch you know like x amount of people uh you know die from this or that they see that they're like oh damn that's crazy um a little bit of weight goes on to their
Starting point is 00:25:36 like your uh imaginary backpack you know or on their shoulders or something then they watch another one like there's another little bit of weight on you and then like all these like little tiny pebbles of stacks, they're just, they're all stacking up on your back now. Yeah. And now the next time you, any tiny little stressful situation happens, you're, you know, like you're, you're all, you're just going crazy. Yeah. I think because like news outlets and just watching TV is just so normal that people don't think that it is actually doing something to them.
Starting point is 00:26:08 Yeah. And then to your point, like if we did hear somebody say something outlandish or like, oh, my gosh, like there is a new strain of the virus and like, damn, like, OK, we wouldn't all of a sudden run out and tell everybody that we'd probably text somebody that knows a lot more about it than us we wouldn't just take it for face value yeah i don't think anybody's doing that they're just seeing the headline on the news outlets and mean like that's fact well and again just go back to you know what so what's what's knowable at the moment it doesn't seem like there's a lot of things that are like truly knowable at the moment because we get such different information but it does appear that if you're a healthier person that you um you almost get a hall pass past this thing i think there was a woman the other day 113 years old the oldest woman on the planet she uh had
Starting point is 00:26:58 covid and she got through it i mean obviously this is a woman that is healthier than the rest of us she's figured out a way to live uh you know, over a hundred years. So you have to always, it's really hard to do in life. It's hard to go back to the basics. Somebody says, Hey, what do I got to do to get stronger? You know, what just, just flat out telling me, man, what do I got to do to get stronger? Well, think about the things that have worked over the years to help people get stronger. One of the first things that comes to mind that people never talk about is just gaining some weight. And it also talks about what you're thinking about getting stronger on. Because if we're talking about pull-ups, well, now you have to lose weight. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:36 You know, it depends on what you're talking about. But if we're talking about, you know, your bench press, your squat, your deadlift, gaining weight is a great way to do it. And then how has other, how have other people over the years gotten stronger? Singles, triples, doubles, a partial range of motion movements. Um, you stick to the things that have worked, you stick to the things that make the most sense, but in your everyday life, man, it's really tough to get yourself back to those basics. And, uh, you almost don't see a lot of your, a lot of your own flaws, a lot of the things that you're doing to kind of self, uh, sabotage yourself. Um, and
Starting point is 00:28:12 that kind of gets us into this topic of, you know, positive and negative. Like it's hard to, I realized that, uh, nothing is neither positive or negative until you like label it, you, you internalize it, you interpret it. Uh, you're looking through your feed, right? These are things that are like fed to you via your social media, something that's fed to you. Once it's fed to you, you can't, you can't throw it back up. Um, I guess you, I guess you could throw it back up, but in this case you can't because
Starting point is 00:28:40 it's in your mind. It's trapped in there. Yeah. You saw an image, you saw something that you didn't like, and you determined that that thing didn't flow well with your religion or your politics or whatever. And it gets you all, it gets you all stirred up. You don't think about it a ton. Maybe, maybe it doesn't like, you know, kill you or hurt your feelings that much, but you, it annoys you. You go on to the next thing, the next thing gets you stirred up, maybe in a different direction and so forth. And these are all things that get to be
Starting point is 00:29:09 very hard to unwind. And in today's show, we're kind of talking about, you know, the way that you can kind of self-actualize things to happen, the way that you can utilize the law of attraction to help benefit you. But in addition to that, let's talk for a minute about trying to block shit out. We talked just briefly about not watching the news, which can be a great idea at the moment because it can get you worked up and you can be getting cherry-picked facts that maybe aren't telling the full story. Maybe it's just giving you parts of the story that, you know, these people want you to hear for who the hell knows why.
Starting point is 00:29:51 And so that part of it, I think, is the hardest part. I think being a little bit positive here and there and saying like, you know, one day I want to be a doctor and then kind of thinking about the things that you want to do to be a doctor. That doesn't seem that difficult to keep your eye on, to stay locked onto that for a long time would be really hard. And that is really hard. And that's why there's, you know, so few people that are able to accomplish such a thing. But the negative side, to me, that's the harder part. And that's the part that distracts you. And that's the part that ends up pulling away from you being able to self-actualize what
Starting point is 00:30:31 it is that you intended to do in the first place. Because your time, you're paying attention to the negative too much. And it might not even seem negative. It's just taking up your time. Yeah. Yeah. Like I said, you'll be or i'll be like looking at scrolling through videos i'll see something on my suggested youtube feed and i'll press it play
Starting point is 00:30:51 it and a minute and i'm like wait why am i watching this what is this helping with why am i even vaguely interested in this it's it's i'm not this doesn't help anything that'll x out of it um so that like it's like the and even yet your social media feed i mean to be perfectly honest you you mentioned something right like you'll see something that stresses you out i think the episode with brian mckenzie was really good because like yeah if it stresses you out first off be able to pay attention to the fact that that's getting you stressed out pay attention to your breathing and bring yourself back. I think that in itself is more powerful than always just like getting things out of your life or whatever. Right. Having the personal responsibility to audit yourself and the way you feel about things, controlling your breath, controlling the way you react.
Starting point is 00:31:37 But on top of that, it's like there. Where was I trying to go with this? There are so many things that we were just mentioning. Um, well, in regards to like, I think where you're going with this is, um, whatever your mind is focused on is what you're going to find. So, you know, imagine you are thinking about the negative things or the, what ifs the uh yeah yeah you know what i mean like that's where it was yeah that's where you're going you're right go ahead go ahead no no just that you know like whether it's you know covet or just even working out like oh like you know
Starting point is 00:32:15 we talked about yesterday you know it's only a matter of time before i i pull something or i snap something and what happens that happens because your your mind kind of almost uh what's the word um uh manifest yeah yeah that that's kind of what i what i was getting at but you know and that's where it you know if you're focusing on it if you whatever you're looking for you're going to find it yeah and that's the thing it's like that's where we have to audit the way not just like our goals and all of that because that's necessary you have to audit the way, not just like our goals and all of that, because that's necessary. You have to have an understanding of what you're trying to do and what you're trying to achieve. We also have to audit the way that you speak to yourself about that.
Starting point is 00:32:51 You have to be like, okay, well, you're trying to lose weight. Don't negatively talk about yourself saying I'm a fat ass or damn, I'm so fat and I need to do this. Don't do that because like you're now focusing on that negative aspect of things. Speak well to yourself, speak positively towards your goals because that negative idea or that, that negative self-talk in and of itself has an effect on the way you actually feel about yourself and the confidence that you have in yourself, which that attention and that lack of confidence is going to have an effect on the way you actually go about going towards your goals. You know, you have to shift that somehow and it's, it's a difficult have effect on the way you actually go about going towards your goals. You know, you have to shift that somehow.
Starting point is 00:33:26 It's a difficult thing to do. And it's how your goals will react to you. You know, and like when you're saying like, oh, I'm, you know, I'm lazy, whatever it is, you're putting yourself down. We won't go into this, but if you say that around your kids, like, oh my goodness, like that's, that's all bad. You know, I don't even like to this day now, like I don't even like having like my daughter catch me yawning because one day she mentioned, she was like, oh, you're always tired.
Starting point is 00:33:51 I'm like, ah, fuck. Like I'm trying. Okay. So now it's like that, that'll crush you. But you know, don't do it to yourself before they can, you know what I mean? That's a, that's a great example. You know, just something as simple as like yawning and not wanting to like you don't want your you want your kid to think that you go to work you help provide for the family but you don't want them to think it's like uh any extra like
Starting point is 00:34:15 undue stress it's gonna like put you in the hospital or something like that yeah and not that yawning is gonna put you in the hospital but you don't want to like show a lot of signs of you know you you worked your ass off for today. You got your training done. You got all your stuff done and now you don't have enough for the family when you come home. Like that's, that's the worst message. Right. But then what are the facts? Like what's, what's a way, what's a way that you could work on, you know, fixing that you can work on having better sleep hygiene. You can say, you know what, I, I need to be a little bit more strict because I, I, that's not a great example for my daughter to, to be fatigued like that. And obviously it's still going to happen here and there. It's totally fine for things like that to
Starting point is 00:34:53 happen. And it's important that she sees that it, that it isn't no, just no sweat all the time, you know, that it does, it does, uh, it does carry some weight to it, but rather than having so much feeling to it and feeling bad about it, you can just say, well, what are the facts? You know, and am I, am I willing to make those sacrifices to, uh, have a little bit better sleep hygiene? You know, I think some, some of this stuff gets to be really confusing too, because you have this like goal, you know, you're, you're trying to be goal oriented and you're trying to think, um, you know, here's the end result. I know, I know that I want to go towards this. And I was talking to somebody the other day and they did a great job.
Starting point is 00:35:31 They lost about shit. They lost about 40 pounds. Wow. Maybe even, maybe even more like 50 pounds in about eight months. And they just made a wonderful transformation. And we got talking and I said, you know, so this person was kind of frustrated because they, they were very stuck and they went off their diet for the last maybe month or so. And they were kind of taking like a diet break without really calling it a diet break, which can, which I think is a mistake.
Starting point is 00:36:06 I think you're better off just saying, Hey, look, I'm just taking a little bit of a break. And then even set up rules for your break. So it's not, you know, so you don't rebound and go backwards too much. And they were saying how they needed a challenge. And we talked about that on the show. We talked about having a challenge, having a, having a competition. People don't have competition at the moment. And so it's harder for people.
Starting point is 00:36:26 People are probably falling off a little bit at jiu-jitsu. The number's probably down a little bit. There's probably only the truly hardcore are still sticking it out, and they don't care about the ones that don't necessarily have to have competition lined up in order to better themselves. And so as we started to kind of unpack some of this stuff and we started to you know unravel it um i said well what got you going in the first place and they were like well i was just so fat like i was fucking fat like i admitted to myself like you're you're way
Starting point is 00:36:57 too fat they didn't like the way their clothes fit and so forth and they just felt like they were unhealthy too and they needed to make a change. And I said, okay, well, how do you feel now? Are you happy with your body? You know, you feel really good about it. And they were like, no. And I was like, okay, well, it sounds to me like you already have everything within you that you need. Like it's already, it's already sitting there inside. Cause you already showed yourself that you know how to do it. So I said, I don't really think I would encourage any challenge that you could find like that. That would be great. Um, but things like a bodybuilding show or powerlifting meet while they're great. Uh, you increase your strength for a little bit and then the next day it's gone. And in this person's case, you know,
Starting point is 00:37:44 they were talking about, you know, weighing a certain weight. I said, if you had a goal to weigh a certain weight by a certain time, I'm sure that you can achieve it, but you're also really not that weight. It's not like your true weight most likely, because in most cases, if you were to get down to, let's say somebody went and wanted to weigh like 150 pounds, they got down to 150 pounds on this specific date and like, Hey, congratulations, you know, here's 20 bucks or whatever, you know, uh, give them an award or whatever. You take photos or photo shoot or something. Right. Um, they only weigh that for that day. That's it. They, and, and maybe even only for a few moments,
Starting point is 00:38:20 maybe just for a few hours. Um, and then, you know, and then what? That's always the thing is you want to try to think about, you know, what are you actually trying to do? Because when I go back to the basics, I always have to think about this quote, you're only as happy as you make up your mind to be. Wherever you're at right now versus whatever your goal is, achieving the goal will not necessarily make you a lot happier. I think you think that it will. I think, I think,
Starting point is 00:38:50 I think that you're thinking you're going to lose a bunch of weight and everyone's going to notice it's going to be the biggest deal and you're going to feel amazing about yourself. And some of that can be true, but that whole process would take a really, really long time. And it's not necessarily the end result that makes you feel good. It's the whole process in itself that people talk about the journey, right? But it's all the times that you said no. It's all the times you said no to a drink. It's all the times you said no to
Starting point is 00:39:20 eating candy. It's all the times you said no to eating ice cream and pizza and all these other things that were interrupting your life, they were interrupting your progress. Those things will make you feel better about yourself. But this idea of like, I know that if I'm wealthy, that it's going to, you know, change my life forever. And I know that it's going to, you know, provide all this happiness for me. It's not necessarily so. that it's going to provide all this happiness for me. It's not necessarily so. I know a lot of people that weren't happy before they had money.
Starting point is 00:39:50 Now they have money and they're still the same. They still have a couple of the holes that were just never filled for whatever reason. So I think in trying to have these big goals and trying to put these big dreams out there in the universe, I think it's great because it does give you a goal and I think it helps pull you towards those goals. But I think what you're dreaming up in your head that it's going to somehow make you a lot happier, it might not necessarily do so. In fact, it may make you a little bit more miserable
Starting point is 00:40:20 because there's so much fucking involved in it. It takes a lot to try to be, to try to quote unquote, try to be good and to try to be great is even worse. So it's all just stuff to, to have some awareness about. Let me ask you this. Let's say when it comes to like that, that specific individual,
Starting point is 00:40:38 when a lot of people have these goals, as far as fitness is concerned, some people are like, okay, I want to weigh this certain weight by this time. And I think by this time part is makes it even more difficult because then you start manipulating a lot of things unnecessarily but then there's the people that are like okay i want to look this way right but that in itself is a little bit risky because like if you're using somebody else's you know picture or whatever as like you want to look like this well shoot
Starting point is 00:41:03 everybody's different you might not look anything like that person when you get there right so that's another date like off goal but i feel like you got to be very clear and not necessarily like i like the idea of having goals that feel and seem that they're out of reach currently i do like that so i don't feel like it has to be totally realistic, but like, you know, there's something you want to fit into. I feel like that's a good, as far as fitness is concerned,
Starting point is 00:41:33 that is a healthy goal to set for yourself. Like I bought these clothes and at a certain point I want to be able to, I don't know how long it's going to take me. I don't know if it's going to take me a year or two years or whatever. I want to be able to fit into this dress. I want to be able to fit into these pants and this shirt. Right. Um, and then as that being the focus, like at the point that you get there, let's say that you do get there, that like that is achievable. That is possible, but it's also a big goal. And the whole idea of attention that we're talking about is when you set that goal, right. And I feel like that's a healthier goal, like wanting to fit into a
Starting point is 00:42:04 certain size clothes or whatever, all the things, the little things that you start paying attention that goal, right? And I feel like that's a healthier goal, like wanting to fit into a certain size clothes or whatever, all the things, the little things that you start paying attention to and doing in your life kind of will end up following that without you realizing it. Like you'll start taking better actions as far as, as far as food is concerned. You'll start making better choices as far as your workouts. You'll, you'll start just being more attentive to that because that is your specific goal and i mean going back to kotler because i was thinking about this today where he said you know flow follows focus right um when we look at like ourselves as far as dieting is concerned right we've been doing it for so long that it almost seems like it's not
Starting point is 00:42:41 like we've achieved a flow state with the diet, but we make all these actions and decisions subconsciously, me, yourself, and even Andrew, that are continuing to lead us towards our physical goals, even though we're not thinking about it constantly anymore, just because we've been like, that's been something we've been focusing on. We've been practicing it for a long time. a long time. So when people like, or like, Oh, what do you eat every day or whatever? It could be different. But at the end of the day, like conceptually, like it's all of these good decisions that we're not even thinking about anymore, just because we've been focused on making sure that we're healthy, making sure that we're in shape, making sure that we're performing at a good level and everything else followed that focus. Everything followed that attention. Right. I think, I think that's awesome. I liked what you said in the beginning of that, when you talked about putting a time
Starting point is 00:43:29 on it and, uh, trying to lose weight, um, and you end up manipulating things unnecessarily. And I think that's the whole point of the hat that I came out with that says try, and it's got it crossed out because I actually think that most people are kind of trying too hard. You know, I think that, I think it's really not about trying necessarily. It's about doing. And I understand how, I understand the context in which people are using the word try. They're basically saying like, I gave this a shot.
Starting point is 00:44:02 You know, I tried that particular know i i tried that particular diet i tried that particular diet um but it's not really about trying it it's about executing it's about doing it doing it day in day out and having the uh you want to have your results really overpower the instant gratification you know and your and your results, they take time. Results take a while. You know, for someone to notice that your arms got bigger, shit, that might take a long, that might take a long time, right? To fill out the sleeves of your XL shirt or your large shirt or whatever it is.
Starting point is 00:44:38 That might take, that might take years. But what does that mean? What does that mean? Where are you spending your time? It means you're spending your time curling dumbbells or curling a barbell of some sort. You're putting your energy into that. It's not about necessarily trying. It's about you're actually doing it. I'm not going to, you're going to try to curl twice a week. No, you need to curl twice a week. Like this is how it how it works this is there's other people that
Starting point is 00:45:06 have different methods and different techniques but for the most part we see people with big arms they usually work them twice a week they're not trying to get into a routine of doing it twice a week they do it twice a week and they do it for a really long time and then you end up looking for like uh ct fletcher or something like that and then at some point like people are like how did you do that it's like it's just something I do. Like, it's just, it's something that I've done for a long time and it,
Starting point is 00:45:29 it, it works, but you know, it's because they've done it over and over and over again. Anderson Silva. I, you know, they had a documentary on him and I was like,
Starting point is 00:45:37 I'm checking it out. I'm huge Anderson Silva fan. And they, uh, they go to his house and he's got nice cars, got all these nice things. And they're like, how did this happen? He's like, it just happened.
Starting point is 00:45:51 Like, this is just me. And they didn't understand it. They're like, I don't, you know, I understand. But then as they got into some of the story, they're like, oh, here's his upbringing. Like everything was always about martial arts. And, uh, they didn't even use the word fighting, which I thought was kind of interesting because he was learning like a skill. Imagine you're a young kid, you're four years old and you're learning this skill and you don't even know really what it's for.
Starting point is 00:46:17 Then you're 10, somebody picks on you, you know what I mean? Like, and you're like, oh, okay, well that's what that,
Starting point is 00:46:24 that was, that was put a stop to somebody trying to be violent against me or somebody trying to, but Anderson Silva didn't even, he didn't even really know he had those powers really. I think as he got a little older, he started to recognize it, but I don't even think he really knew that he was,
Starting point is 00:46:39 he was like that. It just happened. It's a by-product of tons and tons of work. And I can't think of another champion in the ufc who made it look easier like that guy was absolutely i think people forget how good he like he was he was so skilled and he could mess around with just about anybody he ended up getting caught uh you know for sticking his face out and doing too much but uh you know that'll happen you know as you get older you start to slow, um, it's just as a by-product of, of him, you know, putting in all that work and
Starting point is 00:47:09 him, uh, manifesting a lot of these things from the time he was really young. What's up guys. This episode of Mark Bell's power project is brought to you by Piedmontese beef. Here we go. Talking about beef again, dude, you know, I'm on a high carb, low fat diet. There's no way I can have amazing ribeyes, New York strips and all that good stuff. There's just way too much fat in it. Why are you going to just like sit there and tease me with all this stuff?
Starting point is 00:47:32 You know, the cool thing about like Piedmontese is that it kind of falls in line with, you guys know about Mark's protein leveraging diet where he goes pretty low fat, pretty low carb and really high protein. And Piedmontese fits right into that because literally every single cut of their beef has a lot of protein and minimal fat. So you could just like eat lots and lots of it and not be intaking a crazy amount of fat. Unlike if you're going to go to your butcher and get some ribeye or something else, it's going to be too much fat in there. And it's not that great for dieting.
Starting point is 00:48:03 But without that low fat, it's got to taste terrible. Yeah in there. It's not that great for dieting. But what about that low fat? It's got to taste terrible. Yeah, that's what people would think. But no, this meat is tender. It's still juicy. It's really, really good. I don't, it really doesn't make sense to me, but it's just great.
Starting point is 00:48:17 For more information, please head over to That's at checkout. Enter promo code POWERP code power project for 25% off your order and if your order is 99 or more you get free two-day shipping yeah do you guys think though like if you don't put a certain time date or something on it it's almost kind of going back to the uh like like i'm gonna try to be in shape by this day or whatever i mean i guess that
Starting point is 00:48:44 wouldn't be the right way to put it but like if somebody said like oh i want to be in shape by this day or whatever. I mean, I guess that wouldn't be the right way to put it. But like if somebody said like, oh, I want to get in shape. It's like, OK, well, what are you going to do about it? Start on Monday, you know, that sort of thing, because they don't have an end date in mind. I think putting a time frame on it probably gives you like a deadline. Right. And we're used to deadlines from school. You know, we're used to deadlines for work.
Starting point is 00:49:04 But how effective are deadlines and then how effective are deadlines for work. Um, but how effective are deadlines and then how effective are deadlines for you? Like what's your experience with them? My experience with them is horrible. My experience with them is, is not very good. However, having a schedule is always a good idea, but you would still have to take things day by day and you still have to get your work done uh for something that is like due in eight weeks like you have to get it done day by day and those things have to accumulate and most of the time people that people that have a deadline they kind of wait to the end to get it done which you know sometimes that that extra pressure can be helpful, but not in the case of
Starting point is 00:49:45 trying to, uh, transform your body because you don't have days. You have to do that over the course of many, many, of many, many weeks, you know, and same thing with strength. It just takes all these things. They, they, they take a lot of time. So I do see the benefit of, I know here at work, people have said like, hey, when do you need this by? And I'm like, you know, I don't know. Like, how long does it take you? You know, we don't really give deadlines.
Starting point is 00:50:13 I think they can be effective because it can, for somebody who's organized, they can schedule stuff and they can say, okay, I need to schedule stuff, you know, Monday, Wednesday, Friday in order for this thing that's due in eight weeks to be done. But how many people are really going to be like, okay, 90 minutes on Monday, 90 minutes on Wednesday, I'm doing this at 4.30 PM, you know, every Monday, Wednesday, Friday. Like the only people I know that operate like that are women. Because women are, women are pretty like women.
Starting point is 00:50:45 I think women are more organized than men. They are, but that's probably another topic for another day. You know, with, um, when it comes to the body, I think,
Starting point is 00:50:53 uh, this is like you said, it's, it's pretty tough in terms of setting up, I guess dates because this thing, like you hear people who are like, okay, by the time my,
Starting point is 00:51:01 uh, uh, anniversary trip comes up, I want to be looking like this. So I want to get abs by this. And if you don't do that by then you're kind of bummed, right? Or those people are pretty bummed. Um, but I like, this is, this is the thing, having a deadline for your physical goal is good in the sense that it gives you urgency. You have urgency for that goal. Now you're really like, Oh shoot, you know, six months from now I gotta be like this. So I got to do this every
Starting point is 00:51:28 single day. But at the same time, it really kind of depends on like how advanced you are with this to be perfectly honest, people that have like done shows and are used to that kind of know how long it'll take them 12 weeks, 16 weeks. I can get here in 20 weeks. But if you've been doing something your whole life, being out of shape, and now you're trying to change habits to get in better shape, and now you want to look a certain way, you can't set a 12-week, 20-week goal on that. Like, you can say, I want to improve this much, but you cannot be like, I want to, it's rough rough to do like, I want to have abs in 20 weeks. Okay. The, the, the, the better thing to be able to do is maybe set up, set up things and habits that you want to be able to have set in by this time. Those boxes.
Starting point is 00:52:17 Yeah. And every day for a long period of time, because yo, like for a lot of us, this is going to be something that takes years to get towards that goal. And you're not going to say by three years, I want to achieve this. I mean, like you can, but at the same time, it's hard to do that. And it's hard to even know it's going to take you three years. The rough part about it too, is that for some people, this takes six months for other people, it takes a year and a half, but like, like you have to be able to, you know, give yourself the time to be able to do all those things. And I think when it comes again, like you have to be able to, you know, give yourself the time to be able to do all those things.
Starting point is 00:52:47 And I think when it comes again, when it comes to physical transformations for a majority of people, having a clear deadline of what weight you want to be and how lean you want to be or whatever it, if you don't have, I guess, emotional resilience to that, to potentially not hitting that goal. If, if, if not hitting that goal is going to like mess you up, it's better not to set a weight goal or a look goal. It's better to set other type of maybe habit goals or performance goals, right? Because all those things are going to lead to the big goal of the way your body looks. Your body and your mind work, you know, quite a bit differently, you know, so I love what you're saying here because, you know, I would love to hear somebody say something like that.
Starting point is 00:53:30 You know, if you were working with somebody and they said, you know, I thought about this a lot and I want to look like this by this date. But then I thought about it a little bit more and I thought, what's it going to take to look like that by that date? And as I started to think about all those things, I wrote them down. And here are the seven things that I want to try to accomplish every day in order to do that. Now, you and I, if we were talking to this person, we'd say we would not want another experience level. If they've never done anything like this before, we would say, hey, you know what? This is fucking awesome plan. Seven things is a lot to get done done in one like you have a job maybe they have a wife maybe they have a lot of other responsibilities let's let's peel that off a
Starting point is 00:54:13 little bit and let's see if you can start with maybe about two uh two of these changes for week one and and let's go through let's go through all seven days checking those boxes and make sure you know the next week we can maybe add another this is what's done in bodybuilding many you know many times over we're gonna we're gonna pull a little bit of rice out of your diet you know we pull half a cup of rice out and by the time you get to the show you don't have any food you don't eat anything you're like okay you know i got no food i get half a fucking chicken breast for, you know, twice a day or whatever. So when it comes to your body, your body and your mind are different.
Starting point is 00:54:50 And here's how they differ. And here's some of the stuff that Nassim and I are trying to convince you of. In the case of somebody that builds up over a period of time, we're hoping that they hold on to a lot of those habits. And we're hoping that a lot of these habits become things that they can embrace for a lifetime. When somebody says, I want to get a set of abs, that's a great goal. That's a cool goal. But they can show you those abs on this one particular day, right?
Starting point is 00:55:19 So if we had somebody on the podcast right now and I said, hey, man, we heard you got shredded. I want to see your abs and you're like well hold on let me show you some pictures from a couple months ago right because you don't have them right now you're kind of like kind of like damn like and when it comes to your mind if we had somebody like elon musk on the show and we're asking him about his new uh internet i don't know if you guys know that he's got like he's doing some internet thing we signed up for i'll tell you about in a minute but seriously what the fuck yeah he's got some like uh he has like internet for people that live
Starting point is 00:55:54 in the boondocks so oh we're we're like one of a thousand people or something that qualify for this thing or what i don't know but um if we were to ask him about his internet service, boom, he'd be able to, you know, he'd be able to pull it up just like that out of his head. Or if we asked him about SpaceX or we asked him about, you know, how close is he to get to Mars and what's their propulsion and how much strength is the fucking thing or how fast the thing need to go, you know, at launch point to get it, to get enough momentum to get into the app, get into outer space or whatever. He would know all this stuff.
Starting point is 00:56:28 He'd be able to tell us on the fly. So are you better off being like that, being able to retain something and hold on to it? Or are you better off just looking good for like a day? And I do understand some of the goals people have. They're the 4th of July or they got this trip they want to go on and they want to look good for their wedding. And so all those things are really reasonable. How dope is it? How cool is it to be like, you know, someone's like, hey, man, let me see your abs.
Starting point is 00:56:49 And you're like, boom, and you show them right there on the spot. It's like, fuck, man, that guy. How's that guy always have it together like that? That ain't bad. Yeah. I like how you tell people to kind of work their way back. So like if, you know, like, okay, I want want to have you know uh abs year-round like mark okay what the hell is he doing it's okay he always talks about like you know eating more protein okay
Starting point is 00:57:12 i'm gonna get in the habit of eating more protein but i'm not gonna say by this date i'm gonna look like mark well i mean good luck but right you know what i mean like i think that's um that's a really cool like uh you know just goal to. I really dig that a lot. Yeah. No, it makes sense to set goals for the habits that are going to help you achieve the big goal. Because, I mean, if you think about it, what's going to get you towards those goals is having all those habits in line all the time, right? If you at least have that, sooner or later, might not be 12 weeks, but sooner or later, if those are in line, the goal will be reached. Absolutely. That is a hundred percent. Yeah. And the amazing thing is
Starting point is 00:57:51 like, you can achieve that goal tomorrow. You know, like, did I eat enough protein? You know, yeah, I did. Cool. On a daily basis, you can hit that goal, right? You get that little reward system every single day. I see a lot of people like they are like, you know, in football terms, anybody that understands football, like when you run a route, you run like a pass pattern. There's people that will just like run it. Like they'll just, they'll
Starting point is 00:58:15 like try so hard to just run it and they'll be real stiff. And there's other people that understand, okay, I have to run this route, but there's a defender covering me. There's somebody that's trying to stay close to me so that I can't catch the ball. While it is my goal and I'm supposed to run this flag pattern, which is just you running towards the pylon, the orange things that are in the end zone.
Starting point is 00:58:38 So you run straight for a little while and then you run on an angle towards this pylon. Well, yeah, that's the way you're supposed to do it to a T, but you have somebody following you in accordance to the coverage, in accordance to all these different set of circumstances, you're going to have to adjust. And I don't see enough people adjusting to things as they're going. Someone like Gronkowski, it's just so fucking stupid when you watch it. But he is, he is burning, completely burning these little defensive backs in, in the NFL.
Starting point is 00:59:14 These guys that can run 4.4 40s all day long and he's burning the fuck out of them because he's huge. He's a huge white boy. He's out there fucking throwing down like a madman. He's fucking unbelievable. He's obviously very nimble. He's very because he's huge he's a huge white boy he's out there fucking throwing down like a madman he's fucking unbelievable he's obviously very nimble he's very he's obviously fast i mean i'm not saying he's slow uh he's fast he's very athletic one of the most athletic tight ends the nfl's ever seen probably um but my point here is that he's not he's not like dedicated to this real specific way that he has to do it that way. He's he's he's utilizing techniques to get himself open whatever way he needs to, whatever way he needs to for how fast he is, for how big he is.
Starting point is 00:59:59 And so it's going to be a little different for each person. But I see people, they try so hard and they try just to stay on this exact path. And I'm just going to, I'm going to do this. And I think what happens is when you go down that exact path and you do it, you try to do it with everything that you got, you eventually don't get the result that you're looking for. Because in this scenario, if you were to run the pass pattern exactly right, the defensive back would knock the ball down. You wouldn't be able to catch it or intercept it because you tipped him off too early on
Starting point is 01:00:27 where he knows the different routes. He knows where you're heading, right? And so you have to be, you know, along your journey, you might have to be a little creative with how you can figure out ways to make yourself better. And you need to develop some of your own interpretation, your own ideas. If you watch Gronkowski run a route or you watch any of these real professionals run a route, they will run a completely different route for about a second and a half or so, which is like kind of a long time or maybe a full second.
Starting point is 01:00:58 So he would run what's called a post pattern. He would run towards the field goal post for a minute. You would turn your hips. He sees you turn your hips he sees you turn your hips he's going the other way because he's not faster than you he's not faster than some of these guys he's just better than them he knows he knows what he's going to do he knows how he's going to get it done i'm sure he does like a lot of visualization of the play and how it's going to be executed and he practices a ton but i think as you're going down your own journey
Starting point is 01:01:24 you know you got to realize you got to be able to audible a little bit. And the only way to do that is to gain, you need to gain more knowledge. You need to know more about what you're doing. You know, having these abs on this one particular day, while it is a good goal, we've seen so many people, you know, try so hard to aim for that goal. And then A, they miss it it or b they have it just for that one day or just for a few hours it's definitely an awesome learning experience i mean because of me setting that date last year and getting abs for christmas like now i'm super confident that if i needed to like i could do it again yeah although right now you know the kiddo like sleeping and
Starting point is 01:02:06 all that stuff keeps you in better shape you know more permanently too though because you did lose some fat and while you may have gained some of it i'm sure you didn't gain all of it you know no no and then even for the last photo shoot you know i had four weeks and oh yeah you know that was another date thing but i i do pretty good with that sort of thing but you see this is the thing you're the like when we talk about people that do bodybuilding shows that they know how to manipulate their body within a time period you're at that point where you can like if you said right now i think even if you even though you have a kid if you said right now in 10 weeks with all this going on, I want to get shredded again.
Starting point is 01:02:47 You can do that. I have total belief that you could do that because you have like you're in a better place now with your nutrition knowledge and all your habits and stuff. But again, somebody who hasn't been doing that their whole life, somebody who doesn't have any knowledge on like all that stuff. It's tough for them to say in 10 weeks, I want to be able to have some abs. Yeah. And you've been lifting before we ever met too. You've been doing some of it. You know, you've been doing some of this.
Starting point is 01:03:11 Uh, you did a keto diet. Like, you know, you're already practicing some of it. So, uh, if you told in semen, I, Hey, I want to do these 10 things every day to, we would be like, yeah, you could probably maybe start out with five, but yeah, Andrew can handle it eventually. Like as he goes down the weeks,'ll be able to do it because you've done it before yeah my birthday is coming up and i at the beginning of the year i said i maybe wanted to do a shoot for it but now i think i just want to do like family portraits to where i feel confident you know like i'm not going to be like striated or anything but that's what i'm working towards
Starting point is 01:03:43 right now so it's like that like you slow, slow and steady, consistent type of thing. And yeah, I'm, I'm not too far off right now, so I'm feeling pretty good. Yeah. No, I think, um, what, what you're saying, Mark, in terms of the, of Gronk, right. Where he takes unconventional routes. Um, I, I had this, uh, thing that i was thinking about the other day because you know whenever people talk about stuff as far as like nutrition science and exercise physiology and all this shit like people always reference studies which is great but when like i look in a lot of a lot of things i do a lot of things you do a lot of things i've seen a lot of people do that are extremely advanced doesn't follow studies actually
Starting point is 01:04:25 sometimes it actually spits in the face of the idea of a certain study and it makes me think like i years ago i used to be like very focused on what does the study say what does the study say because that's right that's right but i mean as i started trying things that i would usually think are stupid like training without eating or fasting for a day and then eating at the end of the day after training or whatever started to do things that were super unconventional i started to feel better and perform really well i was just like maybe some of this shit maybe i just need to just try weird things that studies may say are wrong or studies may say to aren't ideal and see how it works and a lot of those things are working pretty well and i think that everybody kind of needs to
Starting point is 01:05:04 look at themselves in that way. You can use those things as a guideline, but you're not a fucking study. Like you're, you're, you're, you're not, you know, like everybody has things that work for them. So try certain things and see if that, see if they're going to work for you because they might actually be super beneficial for you in the long run. But if you're just thinking like, oh, I can't do that or that's wrong or that's that's way out there, that's bro science or whatever, you'll never really know. Right.
Starting point is 01:05:32 Studies are sick. They're just suggestions. Really? It's really what they are. I mean, it's suggesting a certain thing with a certain subset of people that they happen to test on a particular day. And who knows exactly how they came to some of their results you know there was a comment that i got on instagram about probably two years ago now um two years ago a year and a half ago and it was on a post that i talked about how beneficial nasal breathing has been for me and i feel that i've been performing
Starting point is 01:06:00 performing at a higher level etc and this guy, uh, show me this study that says breathing through your nose is going to help you with your endurance, et cetera. And now there are studies that show that shit. Now there are studies that show like, you know, that will be burning more fat, et cetera. But I wasn't trying it at that point because of the information from Patrick McEwen and the guys we've had on this podcast, if I wasn't just doing it and seeing the benefits and I was only going off of what studies say that I wouldn't have made me make that progress at that time. It's like, don't wait for something to come out to show that it works. Just, just try it and see if it works for you. Yeah. There, there doesn't always have to be a study for everything. I mean, you know, you think about some of the advancements that get made in certain things in medicine and in strength training, nutrition.
Starting point is 01:06:50 You know, a lot of things are things that people have done first. And then, like, where does the study come from? Like, you can't make something out of nothing. So the study becomes, it comes from like a hunch. Like, oh, I think that vitamin C is beneficial to the immune system. We should do a study on that. And then how many, you know, how many vitamin C studies have there been? I don't know what the data shows, but like how many has there been over the years?
Starting point is 01:07:14 Or even for like, you know, now we're seeing that more with like vitamin D, right? And then what have we learned about vitamin D from studying it more? I think that's where the merit comes in because now we know that vitamin D, I don't know if we knew before necessarily or understood all of what vitamin D could potentially do. I think we're still uncovering a lot of that. But now we kind of recognize it more as a hormone, which I don't know. I never really heard anyone say that until the last like two years, but maybe that's been a more known. But the point here is, is like, you don't always need a study to know, like the first person to, uh, stick a mirror on
Starting point is 01:07:55 the outside of their car to, you know, to be able to see behind them. Like, did they do a study? I'm like, let's see, you know, what are our records going to show if we have, you know, it's like, no, I, I, it would be cool if I could see on the side of me a little bit better, you know? And then I think it came from like NASCAR or something. They, they started using like rear view mirrors too. I, I'm not sure, but like, usually things come from something really dangerous, you know, they come from the top down bodybuilding.
Starting point is 01:08:23 Bodybuilders are like, let me try this fucking growth hormone from a human cadaver. That's where they came from the top down bodybuilding bodybuilders are like let me try this fucking growth hormone from a human cadaver that's where they came from first sounds insane right and i'm not saying that's that that's uh you know necessarily the best idea but every bodybuilder uses growth hormone every top bodybuilder uses growth hormone that was set forth by somebody a long time ago, having some wild, crazy idea to do it. And it worked in terms of getting as big and as massive as you can. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:08:51 You know, a lot of these things are, they're like drummed up in someone's head first before they're ever a study. A really awesome point from our boy, Josh Settleage, just saying a, uh, there, there's no studies that show a swift knee to the balls hurts like hell but like we don't need that study to know for sure that that's the case right yeah so it's just funny when you break it down to something simple like that you're like yeah we do need a study on that though because why is it delayed you know it takes a second and then it really hurts and then it radiates into your stomach yeah you got like a maybe like kind of have to shit your pants maybe like a two or three
Starting point is 01:09:24 mississippi right yeah you feel like your ball has entered your body have you ever been on a bike and feels like your balls have been shoved up your asshole or something yeah but have you ever been on like a bike and then you hit a bump and then it's just like you know like i literally i remember like feeling just making sure that they're both there and i'm surprised they were bike seat or something you know serious oh my it's been a long time since i've ridden a bike but remembering how uncomfortable those seats are it's just like shit design yeah and people are like oh you get used to it i don't want to yeah i don't want to i get used to all that chafing yeah i got enough problems going on over here oh man do you remember
Starting point is 01:10:02 on on uh on hot shots when he i don't remember what he did but he hit the other guy in the nuts and then like he coughs out like two warmups yeah yeah that was amazing that's a great movie by the way hot shot hot shots your stock just your stock just went through the roof when i thought when i good when just when i thought you couldn't be any more attractive and i've never even heard of hot shots i'm sorry guys it's a great movie it's amazing part part dear it's even better it's even they're both great what year did this come out oh it's old okay 90s yeah sounds like golden era my childhood yeah a hot shots uh the second one where he's he's like uh he has that rambo scene charlie sheen has this rambo scene and charlie
Starting point is 01:10:43 sheen is jacked in the movie. Oh, wow. He did a great job. He got pretty yoked. There's a scene in the movie where they're torturing him. And the guy's like, I see that you're impervious to pain. And he's got this electric shock thing on him. And they're whipping him. And then they crank up the intensity on this thing that they're tort whipping him and uh then they they crank up the uh intensity on this thing that
Starting point is 01:11:05 they're torturing him with and and he and and they they shock the shit out of him and they're they're like they look at him like what the fuck he goes i've been married and they're like oh yeah and so they turn the thing up again like even higher and he goes twice there's a bunch of shit in there like that this is stupid silly stuff amazing movie though hot shots part dude yeah you got to check this one out dude this is uh from uh jim uh jim abraham's the um oh yeah one of the guys we interviewed about keto stuff his his oh oh yeah there yeah is that charlie sheen yeah no way i didn't know he was ever in that kind of shape good for him oh okay i see what kind of movie this is yeah it's a spoof yeah
Starting point is 01:11:56 i see what kind of it's dumb as shit but so good yeah uh the guy loses his hat on the aircraft carrier and he's like he's, we need to get that hat. And they're like, sir, how are we going to get it? He's like, I don't know. He's like, turn this baby around. He's like, I need to go get my hat back. And they're like, what an aircraft carrier. That could set us off track for weeks.
Starting point is 01:12:17 What the fuck? And shot him with a chicken. Yeah, what a great movie. Wow. That was so good. yeah what a great movie wow you guys are listening we're watching like some of this hot shot stuff on youtube so that's why we're laughing like this oh wow this reminds me of kind of like have you ever seen the princess bride yeah yeah it's like that like oh yeah it's like a parody of a bunch of naked gun, airplane, all those. That actually happened to president Bush.
Starting point is 01:12:49 So he like threw up in his lap. Yeah. He, no, he, he threw up on somebody or something. He, um,
Starting point is 01:12:55 I think it, I think he went to Japan or something. I think it was president. Yeah. I think it was Bush. He would do something. First one. I think it was the first president Bush.
Starting point is 01:13:03 Uh, yeah. The senior or whatever. Yeah. He, uh, like, I don't know. He's like, it was just like that i think it was the first president bush uh yeah the senior or whatever yeah he uh like i don't know he's like it was just like that like he ate some weird thing with them and yeah in uh japan and he just like barfed everywhere it's like the worst place to do that too because everything's so proper oh yeah everyone's like and then you barf on someone yeah that's not shame on america that's not good i had a thought okay it wasn't you're talking about riding nipple rings oh no when you're talking about bikes i
Starting point is 01:13:30 just remembered how happy i felt does that change sorry does that change anything if it's a ring or like a bar bike seat no no no the nipple piercings no we don't have to go into it but it doesn't matter just nipple piercings as for men yeah piercings if yeah we don't have to go into it but i'm just saying like does that change i don't think i think actually a bar is worse okay like that ew like bro yeah why do you i you know what if they're connected with a chain or something? That's uncomfortable, man. That's just a bad visual, man. I haven't thought about the nipple piercing nowhere near as much as you, but yeah, if they're connected, that just gives me a little bit of anxiety because what if, I don't know,
Starting point is 01:14:19 I mean, stuff gets caught on things, you know? What if they're passing by somebody in the like in the hallway or something that's it man i think we should all get nipple rings oh god and i should connect them all together this show can't get any worse right now we're just shirtless up here with nipple piercings you just hear the chains clacking such a crazy idea it might work let me ask you guys if you because okay this this came up when you mentioned thigh chafing and bikes, because I remember, okay, just, just listen here. All right.
Starting point is 01:14:49 This is. I want to know what's going on inside his head, you know? Okay. Totally random thought. But I remember when I was younger, right? When I played soccer, I always had big legs and, you know, when you're going shopping for boxers and stuff, you never like really understand that you can get boxers that are a little longer on the thighs so that your thighs don't chafe together right that makes a
Starting point is 01:15:09 big difference i always want yeah i always like every day i thought do i have to go through this pain of having red thighs and having to walk like this awkwardly but then when i when i discovered performance boxers when i was like 14 like underarmor or something like that yeah change your life i i was so like i was like i was a new man and like ever since then it's like life has been good but i just feel like hugging you right now i'm doing the same thing man it's tough yeah it was so rough because my mom would always get me these boxes and be like i'd have to like put like baby but we have big asses right up your butt and everything but it was just like always like swampy you know that's like the best like it's like why it's so humid down here am i broken get some air down there
Starting point is 01:15:52 it's something for reals yeah boxer briefs is that what you mean like the performance boxers yeah but they're like you know they cover each side of the thigh so you can my thighs do rub together when i walk like a little bit starting to to fire. You know, but it's not, it's not uncomfortable anymore. I just remember I was so happy when that happened. So for all of you who've gone through this, we're all in this together. We're all in this together. Yeah. You've never sang on the podcast.
Starting point is 01:16:20 You say you have, that you have sangeth in the past. I've sang in the podcast before you played some instruments right yeah i played clarinet sax and piano uh guitar i practice guitar now but i wish i kept playing the clarinet if i buy one i could probably huh you dig some of it guitar is fun the guitar is really fun like do you still like the guitar sounds like you were messing around with it more recently but what about the other stuff? No, I stopped. So I was so stupid. Like I played those instruments for years.
Starting point is 01:16:49 But then when I got to high school, my mom gave me a choice. She's like, you can keep playing this if you want to. And at that time I was like, I thought it was lame. So I stopped. Yeah. Nerdy. And I just wish I didn't because now I'm just like, like I could pick up the clarinet again, but the piano would take work.
Starting point is 01:17:05 So I think I'm probably going to, in a few months, I'll probably get another clarinet and just practice it just because the finger stuff, that muscle memory is there. I played that for like eight years. The piano sounds like it'd be kind of a, I mean, you have to have a piano. Yeah, that and oddly enough, like the piano, the muscle memory for me personally did not stay there like it did for the clarinet fingering. I thought it would, but it didn't so and i don't i honestly didn't find the piano as fun as an instrument as the clarinet and the guitar it's really hard right with it's hard getting your fingers in a position and like getting them trained for it and all that shit but for me personally it's more fun yeah i feel like every time i try to hold some of the chords like my like carpal tunnel like i can't like oh yeah
Starting point is 01:17:43 like okay i guess i'm not playing that note. It's just insane how difficult you're like, how did people make such great music? When you watch videos of guys on the guitar and their fingers are moving around, that finger dexterity is just absolutely insane. It's beautiful. You said Jake is improving at it pretty quick, huh? Cause he just really likes it. He plays it a lot.
Starting point is 01:18:02 Yeah. That's sick. That's really sick. Yeah. He loves it. That's that interest uh interest right there's one aspect you have time oh yeah there's one thing i wanted to talk about because you showed you showed me the mom i'm gonna pee and come back okay all right so i'm gonna mention this i'm gonna talk i'm gonna talk about the muhammad ali thing so you know what i'm talking about when I get back but Mark showed me this video of Muhammad Ali and Muhammad Ali was one of those fighters who
Starting point is 01:18:28 would predict like what round he'd take out his opponent and all that type of stuff and I didn't know that Muhammad Ali did that 17 times successfully I didn't know that either you think about that you could see like a fighter does that once or twice okay but
Starting point is 01:18:44 17 times this fighter said I'm gonna take him out in the fifth round and take him down the sixth round i'm gonna knock him out whatever he's done that 17 times that's got to be a little bit more than coincidence right i wonder how many people were taking bets every time he would call him out exactly he's been right 16 times in a row yeah or whatever you know yeah but like we were all talking about this thing you know how tony robbins has that whole reticular activating system thing where um let's say that you're focusing on something you're focusing on something and then like over time the actions that you take and the things that you pay attention to are all geared towards that thing right now you remember conor mcgregor how like he'd always say i'm gonna knock out this
Starting point is 01:19:26 guy at this point and like the whole thing about the way that he predicted his fights like that was legit like he managed to do that but i think that there is an actual real focus to that or there is a reality to that it's not just luck because these guys have an immense amount of focus on beating this opponent by this time. So number one, all their training is geared towards beating that opponent by that round. But then in the fight, because they've been paying attention to that specific goal so long for a long period of time, now Conor goes into the fight, he he's fighting and he's taking action subconsciously that's going to allow him to beat that opponent by round six mark we were talking about like the muhammad ali thing you showed me and what i was mentioning was that like these guys they're
Starting point is 01:20:13 focusing on that i'm going to beat this guy by round six of this fight round seven of that fight but by focusing on that for so long when they get into the fight and even through their training camp but when they get to that fight subconsciously they're fighting in a way that's going to allow them to fuck their opponent up by round six. Yeah, right. Yeah, round three and four, they're probably taking some measures. Maybe, you know, maybe they are working their way backwards. Maybe some of these great people have kind of thought about this and like, well, I thought
Starting point is 01:20:38 the guy was going to kind of gas out by this round. And so therefore, in the third round, in order for that to happen, I got to work the body. I got to hit the guy with some shots of the gut. Or in an MMA case, maybe you got to try to take the guy down a couple times, make him spend energy in areas where it's not a strength for him. And so you can manifest these things. And I think the law of attraction, I believe in it very strongly. I do think it's something that exists. I've always been very fortunate. I don't know exactly what it is or
Starting point is 01:21:16 was that my parents did or said, but I've always been very confident in myself. I always thought I would turn myself into some sort of success. And when I talk about success, I really mainly mean just in a sense of financial gain, you know, more so than anything else. Because all the other stuff is like, it's hard to determine. It's hard. It's hard to have measures of that. Right. Anyway, I think my parents believed in me enough or believed
Starting point is 01:21:46 in me more than I believed in myself and did so for long enough, uh, that it led me to start to believe in myself. And then when I was able to start to dream and start to have some, uh, bigger ideas, uh, I started to really think about those things a lot. I put a lot of my attention on those things. I always thought that lifting would turn into something. I didn't know exactly what it was going to turn into. I think most people that have probably invented a product probably never sought out to do that, but they just ended up doing that, just ended up being something that just happened. But because that has happened, now I'm an inventor, right?
Starting point is 01:22:31 And so it's actually way easier for me to come up with an invention now because it's already out there in the universe and then it's already done well. So I have like proof of concept. I have like a pat on the back. I have like encouragement. concept i have like a pat on the back i have like uh encouragement so when you when you put something out in the universe and you start to get a little encouragement for i mean imagine connor mcgregor training for a fight and his coach is like dude like you're you're a couple weeks ahead of schedule and where you normally are like this guy's in a lot of trouble or in this case
Starting point is 01:23:03 dustin poyer maybe he was this is the second time you're fighting connor we know what he can do like you got this in the bag and maybe he didn't want to say how he was going to beat him or you know every each person's a little different but i bet you that dustin poyer really knew that he was going to beat him especially because he faced him six years earlier and he probably had a lot of good insight. But if you watch, if you watch Conor McGregor, I think if you just type it on YouTube, like type in Conor McGregor law of attraction and you'll find some videos on him where he's speaking and you actually hear him in a couple of occasions.
Starting point is 01:23:41 It's this edited video of many different situations where he's talking and he's talking from the time he's very young. He's talking about being the greatest to ever do it. I mean, he's talking in a way that only Muhammad Ali has really ever. Yeah. I never heard anybody else talk that way other than like Ali and yeah, McGregor, but also you'll hear McGregor occasionally change what he's going to say.
Starting point is 01:24:03 And I think that he's like self editing out the negative talk. And every once in a while, the negative talk or this other side, this more rational side will like pop in and he'll fucking kick it the hell out. He'll be like, Nope. And he'll change his dialogue.
Starting point is 01:24:17 I remember there was a situation where he was fighting in Vegas. He had to be there. I think they have to be there like a certain amount of days earlier. I don't know what the rules are at the moment with UFC. And I know they got like Fighter Island and stuff like that. But at the time, you had to be in Vegas like a couple days earlier. And he just, he didn't agree with the rules. He was pissed off about it. He voiced his opinion about it. I don't know if it was like via social media or where he did. Um, but then they came and interviewed him about it and they're like, Hey, so what's the issue? You know, like what's frustrating you? He's like, nothing's frustrating me. The fight's right around the
Starting point is 01:24:53 corner. I feel great. And you're like, well, you had some comments about how Dana White is running this and that you have to be here earlier. And you're frustrated about that. He's like, I'm not frustrated. He's like, I'm not frustrated. He's like, I feel great. Like this is going to be a great fight. I know I'm going to win. And, uh,
Starting point is 01:25:09 I'm enjoying Las Vegas. Like his, his whole tone, he did say those things. He did think those things. Yeah. But he's like, this doesn't serve me at all.
Starting point is 01:25:17 You know, I, I'm going to be caught up in, in, in being a cry baby about the rules that everyone has to follow. Right. Like we, we can, we can,
Starting point is 01:25:25 we can all feel that sometimes where you're thinking that you're, you're thinking that this sucks and this is unfair. But then if you actually really think about it, you're like, no, this is the same rules everyone else has to play by. Why am I so special? And so I think he rationalized it in his head and then he wouldn't allow the
Starting point is 01:25:43 media to run off with any of that negative stuff because That would be all the headlines and all the press and so he just diffused it all Yeah, I think so at that time he was still I think training You know overseas and then he had to be back in the states to do like press conferences and stuff and he's just like nope Like I you know, I I am, you know know i am who i am so there's no need for me to need to sell this fight you know by getting interviewed like i need to focus on training because i think this was after he lost to diaz i'm not sure exactly what happened or maybe there's multiple occasions of this happening but he's just like no i'm gonna make sure i win
Starting point is 01:26:21 this fight so i'm not coming and doing your press conferences and stuff like that. Who is the greatest interviewee of all time? Who's the greatest person to ever be interviewed? Greatest person to ever be interviewed? Yeah, the greatest interview you guys ever heard in your life. Mike Tyson said some shit post-fights too, but. My balls was hot. That was good. That was a really good one.
Starting point is 01:26:44 It was good, but I don't think it's the greatest. I got to give props to Marshawn Lynch. I haven't seen it, sadly. Oh, man. All he says the whole time is, well, because he missed a lot of things where he's supposed to be interviewed. When it was around the time of the Super Bowl, he just wouldn't show up to them. And they're like, this is unacceptable. You have to show up to him.
Starting point is 01:27:04 They started fining him. he just wouldn't show up to them and they're like this is unacceptable you have to show up to him they started finding him and then so he would go to these things and then he would just say like i'm just here so i don't get fined and they would still find him and then he and then so then he then uh every time they asked him a question no matter what they said he said i'm just happy to be here oh yeah i remember and it was just so, I was like, this guy, I was like, this guy's fucking awesome. Yeah, he said he had like anxiety towards being interviewed or something like that. In that other interview when he talks about running over a motherfucker's face, have you seen that? No.
Starting point is 01:27:37 Have you ever seen that? I haven't. I have to watch it. We'll check it out. You gotta play it. Okay. You gotta play it. It seems like it's fake.
Starting point is 01:27:44 Running over a motherfucker's face. Oh, man. He's the best. Like, he goes out and, like, hangs out in Oakland and shit. Like, he's fucking... Oh, God. He's amazing. I love Marshawn Lynch.
Starting point is 01:27:55 And then I also like... Beast mode. Yeah, beast mode. Marshawn Lynch, but no, no, no. Interview, right? I'll have to find it but also uh rashid wallace um same thing he would get thrown out of games all the time he would get fined by the league and distance right uh yeah that's where he wanted a
Starting point is 01:28:16 ring with the pistons but when he was playing for the blazers when he got drafted um when he started to kind of going down that route of being road of being like a you know like a bad boy of the NBA, they interviewed him and he just kept saying both teams played hard. Like, oh, what did you think about the way they executed it? Both teams played hard. He got fined like crazy for that one, too. Jeez. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:28:37 I think when we had Nick Wright on the show, he talked about prepping for a big lift and he talked about having some anxiety for the lift and then right before he did the lift um he'd actually think about it which is this is kind of interesting but he would think about missing the lift and he would think he would think it through a little bit because he'd have like spotters there and he's missed lifts before. So he's got some, you know, previous recognition of what that looks like. And sometimes when he's training, if he's training by himself, he'll have the safety hooks up in the rack and stuff like that. And he's gotten out of all these situations totally fine. So he'll picture it for just a second and he'll think about it.
Starting point is 01:29:24 And I'll think like it and he'll think like, this is what I, this is what I don't want to have happen. And he'll think it through, but he's also saying to himself, even if it does, it's not really a problem. He got people spotting you, you got people supporting you. And you know, if you miss a lift, so be it. And then he kicks himself into the mode of like, no, you're going to, you're going to make this lift, which is kind of interesting. I haven't really heard too many other people talk like that, but again, it's whatever, whatever's going to work best for you. I think this is, it was on 60 minutes forward.
Starting point is 01:29:57 Is this the one? I think so. Yeah. Beast mode. interviewing Marshawn Lynch isn't altogether different from playing against him. He comes right at you. If you just run through somebody's face, a lot of people ain't going to be able to take that over and over and over and over and over again. They're just not going to want that. Think there's a deeper metaphor there? Run through a motherfucking face. Y'all know why I'm here. You think there's a metaphor for that? Run through a motherfucker's face. Over and over and over.
Starting point is 01:30:47 I wasn't sure when he was going to stop saying over. I know, right? Damn. But you know he's visualizing that. Before the game, he's thinking about that. And he's probably getting fired up and excited about that. Like, they can't stop me. You know, he must have been thinking that run against the Saints or whatever.
Starting point is 01:31:03 He just killed the whole team like five times over. He crushed everybody. Yeah, he was an animal. It's a scary man. Run through the motherfucker's face. Oakland. Oh, God. Representing.
Starting point is 01:31:17 Yeah, you know, I think, you know, this is some really good content that we went through today. And the law of attraction is definitely something that you can you can manifest i think maybe where some people might get a little mixed up is they might have some dreams that just maybe they're not maybe they're not things that are feasible you know maybe they're not things that really uh make sense or or fit in with what what they're doing. But some stuff I've been looking at recently is from Abraham Maslow. And anybody that wants to check some of this stuff out, just look it up on YouTube or, you know, he's written books
Starting point is 01:32:01 and all kinds of different things. He's the one with the Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. Man, that guy was so much more brilliant than just the Hierarchy of Needs thing, which is fascinating in itself. But a lot of the principles and a lot of things that he talked about were really interesting. And one of the things that he talked about was it was his belief and some other people's beliefs as well, that people were more scared of living than they were dying. And what he meant by that was people are usually scared of dying, you know, when they're getting closer to death.
Starting point is 01:32:34 Um, and every once in a while, I think someone who's in their twenties and thirties, like you might, you know, you might think about it for a little bit and be like, fuck, that's kind of scary.
Starting point is 01:32:42 Yeah. Or you hear about someone dying from cancer or something. You're like, man, I don't want to die in a hospital and be there for 30 days and have it drawn out. And he might think some of those things. But what he meant by people are more scared of living was that people are scared to step out from the crowd and to do things at such a high level that they're so different from everybody else. And if you think about it in these terms, there's the crowd, right?
Starting point is 01:33:10 And then there's a subset of other people that decide to not play the game. They don't do all the things that, they don't do all these things that are societal norms, and maybe they end up homeless. Maybe they end up addicted to drugs. So those people end up being quote unquote weird. Those people end up being outcast, right? And then we have people on the other side of that where you get like a Vince McMahon, you get a Jeff Bezos, you get these billionaires, right? You get these people that are on the other side of that and those people are weird. And so the point was, is that a lot of people just feel more comfortable living within the confines of being a little bit
Starting point is 01:33:52 with the crowd rather than, you know, stepping out and being bold and being brave and doing things so differently. All of us have the option to be leaner. All of us have the option to be stronger. All of us, we have a lot of options in front of us. Where we can take them, really hard to say. How far you can go with them genetically is, you know, who the hell knows. It's hard to determine or hard to know any of that. But I think that people that are trying to self-actualize and people that are trying to live a life that they feel is better for them they feel like heading in this direction
Starting point is 01:34:33 is going to serve them better then i think it makes a lot of sense for you to really focus in on on living your life and really trying to, and working towards, uh, working, working towards, uh, specific things that, you know, when you check these boxes,
Starting point is 01:34:51 it's going to advance you. Yeah. And it continually advance you. And again, you might want to be careful on how obsessed you get with that because there, you can throw yourself really out of whack and really off balance and end up with your own issues that way. But I thought that was really interesting how, you know, when you put it into that context, it does kind of seem true that people may be more scared of living than they are dying.
Starting point is 01:35:16 An example of something that people may think of that are out of whack, but when it comes to, I guess, the height of this person's goal, it made a lot of sense tom brady sent his family away a few like i think a few i don't know if it was a few weeks or a month or so before the super bowl he sent his family to go live somewhere somewhere else so he could be alone right that's seems crazy and messed up to some people but with how big of a goal that is it fell in line right Right? So, I'm not saying that you need to be doing stuff like that to get in shape, like, whatever, but I'm just saying, like, you know,
Starting point is 01:35:51 if you do have certain goals, there's certain things that you may have to do. Right. It's going to be a sacrifice, right? Yeah. Want to take us on out of here, Andrew? I will. Thank you, everybody, for checking out today's episode. Sincerely appreciate it. Appreciate everybody on the live stream. You guys were freaking awesome. Please make sure you guys check out the here, Andrew. I will. Thank you, everybody, for checking out today's episode. Sincerely appreciate it. Appreciate everybody on the live stream. You guys were freaking awesome. Please make
Starting point is 01:36:08 sure you guys check out the Power Project newsletter. Links down in the description below and or the podcast show notes. Please make sure you're following the podcast at MarkBell's Power Project on Instagram and shout out to Element for sponsoring today's episode. Make sure you guys head over to slash Power Project.
Starting point is 01:36:24 My Instagram and Twitter is at I am Andrew Z and SEMA. Where are you at? Thanks, daddy. And see me on Instagram and YouTube and see me yin yang on Mark at Mark smelly bell. Strength is never weakness. Weakness never strength. Catch you guys later.

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