Mark Bell's Power Project - EP. 489 - Mark's 5 Day Fast

Episode Date: February 25, 2021

Mark Bell gives us an update on his doctor prescribed five day fast. How it's going and why he's doing the fast to help his sleep. We also discuss how fasting, on a much smaller scale, can help just a...bout everyone whether it be for weight loss or even regenerating cells! Subscribe to the NEW Power Project Newsletter: Subscribe to the Podcast on on Platforms! ➢ Special perks for our listeners below! ➢FREE LMNT Recharge Sample Pack: ➢Piedmontese Beef: Use Code "POWERPROJECT" at checkout for 25% off your order plus FREE 2-Day Shipping on orders of $99 ➢Sling Shot: Enter Discount code, "POWERPROJECT" at checkout and receive 15% off all Sling Shots Follow Mark Bell's Power Project Podcast ➢ Insta: ➢ ➢ Twitter: ➢ LinkedIn: ➢ YouTube: ➢TikTok: FOLLOW Mark Bell ➢ Instagram: ➢ Facebook: ➢ Twitter: ➢ Snapchat: marksmellybell ➢Mark Bell's Daily Workouts, Nutrition and More: Follow Nsima Inyang ➢ Instagram: Podcast Produced by Andrew Zaragoza ➢ Instagram: #PowerProject #Podcast #MarkBell

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What's up, everybody? This episode of Mark Bell's Power Project podcast is brought to you by Piedmontese Beef. Yeah, World Carnivore Month is over, and I think I'm totally done with me. No, you're not. I'm going vegan. You're fibbing. No. That's, no, fake news. Yes, I am actually lying.
Starting point is 00:00:14 Told you. There's no reason. I'm going to put all type... Pause. I'm going to eat... There's no way of saying that I want to eat all types of Piedmontese Beef. Especially when dudes are in the room. Yeah. Like a bunch of children. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:00:26 Well, they have a lot of great cuts of meat. There you go. They have, you know, a lot of protein. Some have lower fat. Some have higher fat. You really can't lose with the options. And they all taste great. So, eat all the meat you want, gentlemen.
Starting point is 00:00:38 Yeah. And I'll one-up you. And ladies. Yeah. Well, see, here we go. Go ahead and check out the Piedmontese hot dogs. Because those things are incredible. Hey, yo!
Starting point is 00:00:52 All right, get the Piedmontese all-beef hot dogs. Cut them up like you're four or five years old trying to eat some hot dogs, and then enjoy them that way. I promise you, they taste incredible. They're somehow like they're super low in fat, super high in protein. Doesn't make any sense. All I can say is you need to go try these things out right now. Head over to
Starting point is 00:01:16 That's P-I-E-D-M-O-N-T-E-S-E dot com. Check out enter promo code PowerProject for 25% off your order. And if your order is $99 more more, you get free two-day shipping. An equal amount of calories coming from sugar had a 29% increase in fatty liver versus, 29% increase in your liver profile versus an equal amount of calories coming from somewhere else. So it's like, you know, you've got to kind of look at the study and you've got to, you know, examine the actual study itself to really find out if that information is is worth a shit but what you can what you can sometimes see is you can sometimes see how people that are thin who never really gain any weight end up with diabetes like how do they end up with diabetes they never gained any weight so hold on a second here lane norton and some of these other people and i know lane lane has great explanations for stuff and
Starting point is 00:02:23 he'd be able to smoke through this no problem, but, you know, how are these people, they're not consuming extra calories, they are getting unhealthier, they aren't gaining weight. So if they're not gaining weight by some of the things that we hear from people, say calories in, calories out, then how are they ending up with these unhealthy results? Well, maybe it does come down to the quality of food that they're eating. Maybe it's in the processed food. Maybe it's in sugar. You know, it just seems to me that sugar in large amounts clearly seems to be not a great idea.
Starting point is 00:03:03 Where just kind of let's just think and i you know i hate to always you know point to like our ancestors and how cavemen ate and stuff because we don't really truly know but where did they find stuff that was really sweet and how much were they able to were they ever able to consume 200 grams of sugar in a Frappuccino? Like, is there anything in nature? How else would you get 200 grams of sugar? I mean, you know, if you found grapes, like, maybe a certain time of year. But I can't even really think of, like, what would have, like, that's a large amount.
Starting point is 00:03:44 Imagine eating 200 grams of sugar in grapes probably hurt your stomach so if you ever did it in your life and you were like a caveman or whatever like how many times would you do that you would just be like the last time i did that it hurt my stomach you know so i'm gonna chill on the grapes even though they taste even though they taste delicious and supposedly uh the bananas and all the fruit was like much smaller and so you'd have you'd have smaller amounts it still had fiber in it still came with the when i think of like the only liquid i can think of that has calories that's really designed perfectly for humans is mother's milk you know there's and and you could i guess you can kind of argue that there's people aren't sure about dairy and its
Starting point is 00:04:32 role and whatever there's things like coconut milk as well but these are things that are like breast milk is for a brief brief set of time and look at what breast milk is for a brief set of time, and look at what breast milk is for. Growth. It's to get you big. It's to get you jacked, right? And things like coconut milk are really dense, but we don't really find stuff like that in nature very often. We certainly never find anything that represents processed food. Processed food, and let's take soda, for example, like a Coca-Cola has salt in it.
Starting point is 00:05:08 Why does it have salt in it? Why does it have caffeine in it? It has salt and caffeine in it so that you get thirsty, so that you want to drink more of it. A serving size is like 20 ounces, right? Like if you buy a 20 ounce Coca-Cola, what's the real serving size of that? The real serving size is one. Like you're going to drink the whole thing. It's 20 ounces. It's not that big to us anymore. But it's actually what it will say on the food label is 2.5 servings.
Starting point is 00:05:35 But who's only going to have one serving of it? And each serving has 33 grams of sugar in it. Start doing some math on that. Like how are you going to burn and you're going to have three of those a day? Yeah. Just how in the world, how are you going to be able to make that up? Like, you're going to, by drinking that, and even when you don't have it result in you gaining weight, I think it makes a lot of sense.
Starting point is 00:06:02 Let's just say it was scoops of sugar. I think it makes a lot of sense. Let's just say it was scoops of sugar. I think a teaspoon of sugar is about five carbs, is about five grams of sugar. So how many, you know, how many scoops are we, imagine if you, when you looked at your Coca-Cola or your Pepsi, if it just looked like a bunch of scoops of sugar, if it was just piled up and if it was just a thing of sugar, I'd be like, my i got this for you you know it's it's disgusting yeah yeah you're like oh dude like yeah i'd have it at a teaspoon of sugar would taste kind of yummy and you just down it right and it dissolves on your tongue and sugar is fucking awesome but to have like 20 of them
Starting point is 00:06:43 like no dude like that would be disgusting. Yeah. And even in these situations, like we were talking about the other day, how you need to kind of know yourself, um, and know what you can handle within your diet. Like, Oh, maybe I'm, I'm someone who can have a little bit of a Ben and Jerry's or I am someone who can have a little bit of this, but when it comes to stuff like that, and there's the sheer amount of sugar in a lot of these drinks, those things you just need to actually just get out. Like there shouldn't be necessary. I would suggest, I'm not saying you must, but I would suggest that you just totally get that out of the diet. There's no reason for Coke or or soda that has sugar i think there might be some room
Starting point is 00:07:26 for diet soda just personally an opinion if if you're okay with that there might be some room for that but just straight up soda with that amount of sugar there's no good from it even if you can fit it into your macros um i feel like this is a feel like again it's it's totally opinion that's just kind of an excuse. It's not going to do you any good. It's not benefiting you in any, in any way other than you getting that mouth pleasure. I can't really understand. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:54 Why? And, and you got to keep in mind who this is coming from. We are, you know, two guys that have been athletes most of our life. And I think, uh, as soon as I kind of found out about how much sugar was in soda, I never drank it again, pretty much. Times as an adult of having Coca-Cola and stuff has been very few and far between. I grew up in a household where my mom was really heavy and she was trying to figure out diet stuff.
Starting point is 00:08:23 And so even though we had cookies we had the paradox of having like diet soda and so i i got used to the flavor of diet soda but as i got older and as i recognized that like i don't think soda is going to get me where i want to go anyway i just did soda all together never really had much of an issue. Now I can also see the other side where people really enjoy it, but just see if you can find an alternative. Like it might take a couple weeks for you to get used to something a little bit different. Um, you know, it might take time, but what if you get a diet soda and what if you squeeze some lime or lemon into it? That's some sugar that you put in there
Starting point is 00:09:06 but it's a tiny amount what is it that you do you did the carbonated yeah all i do is just um it's like soda water you know some people say it tastes like static because it's just carbonated water yeah but you know because i you know growing up, I love drinking Coke like like most kids, you know, it's just it's fucking it's it's candy. It's great. Liquid syrup. Yeah. But what I noticed and as I got older, like I that eventually turned to beer. I loved having beer and like that, like bite in the back of your throat.
Starting point is 00:09:45 carbonated water, it would kind of not remind me of it, but like, I would be just as satisfied with just plain ass water that happened to have some, you know, some carbonation behind it. Yeah. But yeah, you can do that. And then you can add, I mean, that's really kind of like the progression, right? You can get used to, we'll just say like a, um, zero, uh, Sprite or whatever, and then add something to that. Okay. And then you can go to carbonated soda and then add lime to that or, or, um, even like essential oils. Sometimes they can be very tasty. Um, but yeah, no, my whole family's on that now.
Starting point is 00:10:13 My, my daughter's 12 years old and she will like, uh, when, when theaters were open, uh, we went to one specific theater because you can get like a popcorn and a soda and she would always 100, the whole and a soda and she would always 100 the whole thing is there and she would always go straight for the carbonated water i remember i was like i was so proud also happy because you know it's it it will take some time and we do have people in our family that look at us crazy because we do enjoy it but man when you do it's like you know there's no guilt but like it's just it's great and it doesn't go it doesn't hurt you it doesn't go against you you know whether or not
Starting point is 00:10:52 you have a physique goal or not or you just want to be healthy like it does not hurt you at least to my knowledge i don't know if carbonation messes you up somewhere else but i mean shit in comparison to any kind of sugary drink not even talking about soda but like high c or something you know like one of those silly drinks that again is just nothing but syrup and water but yeah and look at what a lot of kids drink you know they drink a lot of stuff like that and they have these little apple juice things and juices yeah and at least with kids at least sometimes these things are smaller there's a kind of smaller little juice box and stuff but you know when you hear the word juice box you got to think sugar box like it's just a box it's a box of sugar um there's nothing wrong with having some of these
Starting point is 00:11:36 things around here and there but there's brands now that have like reduced the amount of sugar that are in them has half the amount of sugar in them and yes your kids might be like you know they might be kind of frustrated with you because they recognize you're trying to get them a healthy one say okay well you know what uh this is all i'm buying from now on or i'll just buy water there's there's i do understand people's addiction with food and i can totally be on board with that i can totally understand like you want to run out and get some tacos and you want to hit up mcdonald's here and there and you want to have some pizza like all of us can agree like that shit's really brutal to get away
Starting point is 00:12:15 from and it's taken me decades i think it's taken you a long time to recognize like man like i got a couple snacky foods that even though they're not that bad, I need to figure out a way to ditch them. They're not they're not great. They're not useful for me. And so all three of us can be in agreement of like we understand how people get into these situations. But when it comes to liquid stuff. Alcohol is kind of a I would put alcohol into a separate category because there's some real addiction going on there. And that's just a harder topic to tackle. And I can even get on board with alcohol. I can understand.
Starting point is 00:12:54 You came to me and said, man, my weaknesses, I, you know, I love to drink. I'd be like, I get it, man. It feels great to be fucked up. It feels great to be, like, how good does it feel to be drunk? Yeah, it's nice. You know, if we just had. It's nice. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:07 Yeah, if we had a couple beers or a couple glasses of wine right now, like, it would feel better than when you don't. You're smiling, you talk more, you're, you know, it's awesome. That's why we take, that's why we take Mind Bulletin. Yeah. It's all understandable, but the soda stuff, man, that's really gotta be something that is one of those non-negotiable things. I think in your diet somewhere, you gotta have, and in your training, even you gotta have some areas where you're like, this is not something I will ever compromise for myself
Starting point is 00:13:38 or really for anybody else. I'm going to stick to my guns on this. Okay. What are, what are some substitutes that we can give people? Cause I mean, I know they're like, I would even say there are some caveats with diet soda i noticed myself when i do have some like diet ginger ale is my thing i'll have that every now and then but it does like mess with like when i take a dump a little bit later i i'm like oh yeah that diet ginger ale it's it's correlative right something's happening there's no calories in it
Starting point is 00:14:03 but there's something going on with that. Your poop's bubbling? It's not a good consistency versus when I don't have it. So I know that that's not positive, but it's better than full sugar soda, right? So it's an option, but I know you do Zevia and stuff, right? Yep. How do you like that? I like them.
Starting point is 00:14:21 I like them a lot. And there's different options. They make tea. They make soda soda those teas are really good the one thing i don't love about the soda is that their soda is very very bubbly like it's crazy bubbly so but what i do to solve that problem is pour it into a glass and i let it uh you know get some of the bubbles away um it's good enough you know for me it's it's it's uh it's pleasing enough for me to have it you know um there's other options there's there's regular diet sodas there's uh like a coke zero or you said sprite like that stuff is it's so they even make mountain dew zero now yeah those
Starting point is 00:14:58 things are i'm scared i don't they all taste really good i think where some people have and you're talking about you know know, your digestion, some people have some concern over what it does to like the gut microbiome. I don't know if we have enough information gathered. Some people just feel like it's a real gut bomb and it's not, you know, great for you in that way. Some people think it's cancerous. Again, I don't know if we have enough information, you know, for that, because I think
Starting point is 00:15:25 probably the most cancerous or a thing, a thing that's of greater concern is to gain body weight and to be, and to be a lot heavier than you should be. And so if we compare the two, if we're like, the alternative is to drink regular soda versus having a diet soda obviously versus if you go versus a regular soda a diet soda and water you know we would prefer that you drink water but trying to give you some you know other things that you can do i would just basically say for for people in general work you know try to work some of these things out of your nutrition out of your plan and because when it comes to when it when it comes to when it comes to liquid drinks I believe my belief that the only calories that you should have that come from liquid drinks should be
Starting point is 00:16:18 protein shakes mm-hmm I'll say this too like this this packet right here of element is the third one I've had today. Um, I had one before. Yeah, it's really freaking good. Like the orange is still my favorite. So I think like, again,
Starting point is 00:16:31 this is another thing you can do. I've tried it before and like, um, sparkling water. You gotta be careful not to let it burst everywhere. But after it mixes up, it's actually really good. So that could be again,
Starting point is 00:16:43 another, another, another, uh, another substitute. But now it's like you're getting electrolytes with that, right? Yeah. And now you're getting a benefit. And a lot of food cravings and stuff come from not having the nutrients that we need. I've heard people say before, sometimes when you think you're hungry, you're actually just thirsty. And maybe you're not even really actually necessarily just thirsty. Maybe you are dehydrated, which doesn't necessarily
Starting point is 00:17:10 have to do with just drinking more water because drinking more water can dehydrate you further because you need electrolytes. You need stuff for your, for it to stick to your body. And if you're somebody that is on kind of a low-carb protocol, which all of us have done before, a lower-carb protocol is going to require that you have some more of these nutrients because you're going to not be holding on to water in the muscles maybe the way you normally would if you ate more carbohydrates. Yeah, and then our buddy Rolly, I forgot what his screen name is, he mentioned the core protein powder
Starting point is 00:17:46 or core protein drinks oh those are amazing core power that's what i meant to say um dude they're so i mean we get them for jasmine they um it's one of those things where like i look at it and i'm just like man i can't be i'm gonna spend this much money on four small protein drinks but if i can get her to start her day with like over 20 grams of protein you know have that with some eggs bodybuilding milk dude it is so good and the thing is it tastes phenomenal why is this the first time i'm hearing about this thing i'm tripping i think i might have mentioned it on the show before that's 26 26 grams of protein i think there's about seven carbs in there it's it's incredible like 160 calories or something yeah very very low sugar like if any
Starting point is 00:18:31 4.5 grams of fat i think it's only like three to five grams of sugar yeah it's she loves drinking them and i'm just like yeah like i i will spend whatever you know spend whatever you know is necessary to get her to drink those. The hardest part is not grabbing them every day and drinking them myself. They have vanilla. They got chocolate. They got strawberry. They have like strawberry banana.
Starting point is 00:18:55 Oh, man. I haven't gotten those. And they even have ones that have more protein. There's ones that have like 40 grams of protein. But those taste a little bit more protein shake-ish. The one that has 26 grams is like a hybrid, you know, between like just regular milk and like a chocolate milk, I guess. Pretty damn good.
Starting point is 00:19:16 Those are fantastic. One of the crazy things, guys, and you may have noticed it too, when you start to, I guess, change your diet and eat higher quality foods, right? Let's say you do get soda out of your diet and eat higher quality foods right let's say you do get soda out of your diet and you don't eat ben and jerry's like that much or that like often at all you don't eat these foods when you do come back and have some of it you don't feel good it's it's like if you're doing it for so long you become used to that feeling afterwards right that that like you you just get a little bit tired
Starting point is 00:19:45 or you just don't feel, you know, it's normal for you to not feel that great. But then when you start feeling really, really good, you then start to be like, after you drink an actual soda, you're like, Oh God, right. My stomach feels weird and I'm tired now. I don't have that type of energy I had. It's like you, you can understand why we want to stay away from it. It brings you down. Yeah. It's usually,'s usually not what you remember either. You think it's going to be this incredible experience, and you're like, fuck, man, I threw it all away for that. Wasn't worth it.
Starting point is 00:20:15 You guys want to know what my kids drink at dinnertime every night? What? It's their favorite thing. Oh, man. I'm really trying to. Give me a clue. I know they like Zevias, but I don't know. Go with water?
Starting point is 00:20:32 Steak shake? It might be the steak shake. That might take over. But yeah, just water. They drink water. Okay. Neither one of them care for the Zevias that we have. care for the zevious that we have.
Starting point is 00:20:51 Quinn has just kind of adopted this, you know, nutritional, like, practice where she just doesn't drink calories. She just, I mean, she might ask me to make a protein shake sometime. But, you know, she's a 13-year-old girl and maybe she wanted to, uh, you know, practice something that was simple for her to follow that could, um, allow her to feel good about herself in the way that she wants to. And she has kind of, you know, I don't see her doing anything else with her diet. You know, she's not making like these real, she eats pretty healthy in general. And if we have ice cream in the freezer, she'll eat the ice cream two or three days out of the week. So she doesn't have it every night. But I'm imagining there's something going on in her
Starting point is 00:21:31 brain where she's probably having some conversations about this stuff. We have all kinds of different drinks in the fridge. A lot of times I'm like, Hey, you want this? You want that? You know, you want milk with breakfast. You want water. You want, you know, every time it's water. My son, he's a little different. He'll drink a Coke here and there. But we don't have, we don't ever have Coke. So it's not an option. Sometimes with your children, you know, it's great to give them healthy options, but if you provide the healthy options and they, they are going to eventually get hungry. They eventually are going to, you know, parents have a hard time sometimes staying in their lane and being strict with their kid. But in SEMA, it seems like your mom was pretty strict. I don't think she would be too pumped if you were like, mom, I'm not really, you know, I'm not hungry tonight.
Starting point is 00:22:25 You would probably get in a lot of trouble, right? I'd get in a lot of trouble. And it's like, even if we, if we went to like one of these African parties, right. Um, and I want, and I like picked up a Sprite, she'd look at me and she would just look at me. She wouldn't say anything. She'd just look at me and I'd go put it back. She like, I, I didn't, she didn't let me drink soda.
Starting point is 00:22:43 That wasn't the thing. Um, and like, yeah, she just knew how bad it drink soda that wasn't a thing um and like yeah she just knew how bad it was but that's the thing i got used to that that's why i explain she just she just said it's not good she just said it was a lot of like she didn't have crazy knowledge bad for your teeth or she you know she was just like it's not good for you that's like like it's not like she had some nutritional background or whatever she's always very health-minded but she just knew that soda was not something good that I should be drinking often if actually ever.
Starting point is 00:23:09 So like, that's why for me, like I don't drink soda now. I don't have a yearning to want to drink it because I would just never drink it as a kid. I got used to it too. After a certain point, like when we'd go to these things,
Starting point is 00:23:23 I just wouldn't go for it cause I just really didn't want it, you know? So that's all you got to do. And I think, you know, when it comes to the stuff that we have in our house, if we're left with more convenient, healthier choices, like it's easier to make those choices over and over again. I want to stick to this topic of like the liquids, because I think there's just so much to cover here. A real tough spot for people is their coffee. And people are like, I can't deal without my morning coffee. I cannot tell you guys how many people I've talked to
Starting point is 00:23:55 that they're like, I have to cut out my coffee, you know? Cause I'm telling them, Hey, you gotta, you know, cut back on sugar. And then we start go over, where are we finding sugar in your diet? And they're like, oh, I like a little bit of sugar in my coffee. Or they have some syrup put in there from Starbucks or something like that. And I come to find out that not that many people actually like coffee. It's been a lie the whole time. You don't actually really like coffee. Because you're not going to drink it black because you're recognizing that it's like,
Starting point is 00:24:36 it's pretty damn bitter. How do we peel back that bitter flavor from coffee? Well, if we put a lot of cream in there, you annihilate most of that bitter flavor. You don't get that same like kind of note on the back of your tongue that you normally get from from coffee if you throw sugar in there you know now now we're dealing with some a different set of circumstances so what what do you guys do how do you guys uh i mean i don't really mind drinking black coffee because i don't mind doing stuff i do a lot of stuff just for the effect and i don't really care that much even when it comes to drinking, like, I mean, I, I, I do kind of enjoy red wine and I do kind of enjoy wine. Um, but I don't actually think it tastes good. I don't think any alcohol tastes good, but I also don't mind just getting right to the point and just doing a shot of something, you know, just, just, you know,
Starting point is 00:25:20 having some vodka or something like I don't really care um because i i just want to be a little bit drunk but i don't want the extra calories from it so i don't mind doing stuff for just the effect so for me the flavor isn't the most isn't the most important thing so what do you guys do with your coffee to still get flavor but maybe not add a lot of calories or not add a lot of sugar to it the big thing i mean i said, this is like probably the eighth time I'm mentioning on the podcast because I freaking love it. Like, I don't mind the taste of coffee. Never have.
Starting point is 00:25:51 But because we have that chocolate element, right? When you add chocolate element into it, it tastes okay. You know, it's a little bit salty. But then I just use a calorie-free coffee creamer. Coffee Mate or whatever, right? Yeah, calorie-free Coffee Mate, you know? And I add a little-free coffee creamer. Coffee Mate or whatever, right? Yeah, calorie-free Coffee Mate. And I add a little bit of that in. And that literally, it's a little bit sweet, but there's barely any sugar in it.
Starting point is 00:26:13 I don't want to annihilate it, but it just goes really well together because of the salt, the sweet, and the bitter. And I have that now every single morning because it tastes really, really good. And I don't have to use a lot of the creamer. There's no calories in it? There's like 10 or something. Yeah, it's very few but it's not anything tiny little shot right that little peel back thing that you get or no i got it from a thing at costco so there's okay is it powder or is it liquid it's liquid so is it just like zero sugar oh i know what you're talking about got it yeah so it just tastes great especially with the electrolytes too. It mixes really well.
Starting point is 00:26:46 That's dope. Yeah, I'm similar. Like I don't love black coffee, but like I appreciate it. Like whenever like there's some brewing here at the gym, I'm like, yeah, let's go. Let's party. But like if I have time, yeah, no, I will. Like we said on a clubhouse earlier today, like I'll let the coffee cool off a little bit so that way it's not piping hot and then I'll throw a slingshot
Starting point is 00:27:09 protein into it. And sometimes, and this might sound weird, but I will actually just throw in a little bit of, um, zero sugar maple syrup. Oh, sweetener. Yeah. Yeah. That's, that's my sweetener. Um, other times like, like yeah i could just throw
Starting point is 00:27:26 sucralose in it or whatever um i have in the past used the zero sugar um it's like french vanilla syrup i'm not sure what the brand is called uh they're all over the place it's like some fancy name but it's just like regular ass like uh sweetener. But yeah, and I'll do that. And I do that on days where I'm going to have breakfast. Cause if I, if I have protein when I'm like fasting or I'm not planning on eating like a solid meal that will bother my stomach because of maybe just the protein kind of gets the,
Starting point is 00:27:59 the engine running a little bit too early. Whereas when I have just coffee, like just straight black coffee, like I can drink that and feel great. You know, I don't feel any upset stomach or anything like that. But when I do have like a meal, I will have it with a protein, you know, in the, in the coffee. And then sometimes I won't even do the protein. I'll just add the, um, the maple syrup and just mix that up. And it's, it's, it's really good. It's, it's surprisingly tastes a lot like a Starbucks coffee. I know that sounds insane, but it, it, I don't know,
Starting point is 00:28:31 maybe that's all they do. Cause it's seriously like it resembles, in my opinion, it resembles like a, you know, coffee shop coffee from, you know, these places that do pump a bunch of shit inside their coffee. I do want to kind of mention too, like, it's important for people to, to experiment and do stuff that feels good for them and that they feel like is working for them because, you know, we'll hear some maniac be like, whoa, whoa. And SEMA, you can't have that creamer. Cause you're breaking your fast, you know? And I, like, not every variable has been tested. Like, we don't, like, by having 50 calories, you know, some people will say, hey, look, you keep it under 50 calories, it's still fasting.
Starting point is 00:29:14 But I think, truthfully, we don't really, we don't actually know because the diet that I'm on is a fasting mimicking diet. It's supposed to still mimic all the benefits of fasting while you're able to eat a little bit. So I think, you know, fuck what you heard and just try, you know, just do, just do stuff in, in your day to day and see how it feels and works for you. A lot of the stuff I do is, is a little different. It's unconventional. Um, I, I utilize probably a, like a protein sparing fast really, really often. And all that means is in the morning when I have my coffee,
Starting point is 00:29:48 I usually throw in a scoop of slingshot protein and some collagen in there. And then normally it's black coffee with just a scoop of protein in it. There's not usually anything else added to it. I usually don't add any fat to it. But occasionally when I want to get more pop and get more flavor, I'll throw a little bit of heavy cream in there. But what I learned about coffee when, especially coffee by itself, for me personally, the amount of heavy cream that I need to cut back the flavor and have it be worth it is too great. Like I need to turn, I need to turn the coffee to be very, very light.
Starting point is 00:30:25 Uh, so I, I, I'm not able to use a splash of heavy whipping cream. Now maybe I'd be able to use a splash where you're talking about, cause maybe it has a flavor, like a little bit of a profile to it. Um, and then adding the element in there of course is, is, uh, you know, as, as a whole nother thing to it. But, um, for me personally, I'm like, I don't really want to, you know, think about your, um, you think about your energy balance throughout the day.
Starting point is 00:30:51 Like, do you really want to spend five, 600 calories on a liquid coffee? Like that doesn't really seem like, it just doesn't seem like a good spot to spend your calories. I'd love to see somebody eat that in food. Is that the one? That's the one.
Starting point is 00:31:05 Okay. So there's a lot of stuff that people do throughout the day that i think they're not really understanding that it's not working well for them like if you end up in your pantry at night every night smashing a bunch of food it it can be a habit it can be something that you need to work on breaking but it, it could be driven by a lot of your behavior during the day. Like maybe you're like, man, I really love intermittent fasting. But if you're intermittently fasting and then you're intermittently fatting later on in the evening, maybe you need to re-examine.
Starting point is 00:31:41 Like maybe when you wake up, the first thing you should do is eat like six eggs. You know, have a big omelet, like have a big meal because maybe the strategy that you have at the moment, uh, isn't working great. Or if you're getting a lot of calories from your, you know, your bulletproof coffee in the morning, which I'm a huge fan of bulletproof coffee. I, I like some of the benefits of it, some of the effect of it, but I sometimes see people, you know, they're, they're, they're working towards, uh, you know, doing their best and they're working towards their goal, but they're doing some things that are sabotaging them. And they're maybe not really examining kind of the whole picture.
Starting point is 00:32:16 If you dieted really well, let's, let's just say you ate chicken breasts and broccoli for five days, but on Saturday and Sunday you went haywire and you ate more, you ate a lot more food than, than, than what you were trying to get rid of during the week with the chicken and the vegetables. The diet didn't work. You have to go back like, okay, that was cool that you're able to do that for five days, but now you're going to do that next week again. And during the course of the week, you see the scale go down 10 pounds and then boom, it goes back up 10 after Sunday's over because you demolished food all weekend. It just meant that you forced yourself into a situation where you are allowing yourself to be way too hungry. You cut way back too far. So just examine what's working for you, what has worked for you in the past.
Starting point is 00:33:06 I think some of us already know. Some of us have already done it. Yeah. And then, you know, as far as breakfast is concerned, I know we're talking about, you know, having coffee in the morning and fasting, but we just did have Alan on, right? If you're someone who, let's say you really do like breakfast, you did talk about the benefits of having carbs, like if you do want carbs in your diet, carbohydrates in the earlier part of the day and glucose regulation. It's better, right?
Starting point is 00:33:32 So maybe you could try having your coffee in the morning, maybe having a meal, some eggs, and if you want to add some carbs or whatever to it, go ahead. And then stopping eating earlier in the day, maybe stop eating at 5 p.m. and see how you handle that. I know that for me personally, I don't like that. But for some people, that might be something that really works well. So you can give that switch a shot. It might work really well because most of the people that we know, and I know from my own experience, if I'm going to sabotage myself, it's not during the day. You know, it's when, it's when the lights go out, you know, it's, it's later on the evening where I'm going to mess up and want to kind of sit in front of the TV and just relax. You're like, oh man, just kind of letting, letting myself
Starting point is 00:34:15 kind of recalibrate. And, uh, you know, tomorrow I'll have a bunch of energy again and I'll feel good tomorrow. But for now I just want to be comfortable. I want to be like, not even comfortable, but like favorable. You know, I want to like sit here and have a bowl of cereal while I'm watching my favorite show or favorite movie or whatever it might be. I know that that many, many people fall into that trap. So imagine even if it was only a couple of times a week, maybe if it's only once a week, say every Wednesday, I'm going to, I'm going to employ this because I want to see how it works for me. And I'm going to shut down my food at, you know, 3 PM or something. It's, it's worth a shot because, you know, a lot of times if you're not willing to try some of these things, you're not going to really ever know what's going to
Starting point is 00:35:01 suit you best and what's going to work the best for you. Yeah. Speaking of trying new things, I don't know if I'm ready to officially announce it, but the flat iron steak from Piedmontese might have been dethroned. Oh, by what? The dynasty center cut, grass fed, grass finished ribeye. That's a mouthful. I know. That's actually a dynasty. Say that one more time. Dynasty cut, center cut. I know. That's actually a, say that one more time, please.
Starting point is 00:35:25 Dynasty cut, center cut. I don't know if it says it's grass-fed, grass-finished. Maybe it is. Dynasty cut, center cut. Dynasty collection, center cut. See, now you messed me up. The center cut ribeye from Piedmontese. It's bigger, it's thicker, and it only has 3.75 grams of fat yeah i need them to send that for like
Starting point is 00:35:47 56 grams of protein yeah i'm gonna go buy that actually it's freaking bananas i i just i i have such like a huge like admiration for the flat iron steak that i did i'm having a hard time saying that that's now my favorite steak but it is freaking close yeah no i've had their ribeyes recently i didn't have the dynasty whatever but my shipment was a lot of ribeyes and now the ribeyes are my favorite like i want ribeyes all the time now so yeah and i know mark you're not you're not uh currently consuming food so we apologize we just forgot what's going on here but But by like Friday night, are you able to even consume anything from people on teas? I think Friday. Friday, I get an opportunity to eat again on day four of a five day fast.
Starting point is 00:36:40 And on Friday, probably I'll probably still fast a little bit on Friday. That's the plan anyway. I don't really have to, but I figured I'll just eat later in the day because it's easier for me sometimes. And I need to come off the fast kind of slowly because you have to be careful you don't blow your stomach up and kind of hurt yourself in a way or just end up on the toilet all night. Yeah. you know, kind of hurt yourself in a way and, or just end up on the toilet all night. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:04 So, uh, the first thing out of the fast will be some bone broth. And then maybe about an hour later, uh, I'll do, um, uh,
Starting point is 00:37:13 like some rice and some fish, try to keep the fat content, moderate kind of keep the, Oh, and some vegetables probably in there as well. Uh, not sure the particular reasons on why, but you're not supposed to eat a lot of, uh but you're not supposed to eat a lot of protein.
Starting point is 00:37:28 The guy that worked on this, his name is Walter Longo, and he's from USC, I believe. I think I've been saying UCLA, but I think he's from USC. Oh, okay. He's a researcher, and he did some studies on some mice and had these crazy results. he did some studies on some mice and had these crazy results. But what makes him different and what makes this diet different, the fasting mimicking diet, is the fact that he's done a lot of research on humans. And a lot of the research is showing these just crazy examples time and time again of
Starting point is 00:38:00 ridding a lot of people of diseases and being able to fight back against things like cancer, being able to have better benefits from chemotherapy than what people had in the past, being able to, you know, the word cure is like, you know, doctors aren't allowed to use the word cure. So you got to be careful with that word, but they literally have reversed people's multiple sclerosis. That's a hard word for me to say. Um, they have reversed, uh, diabetes, uh, dementia, Alzheimer's dementia. Yeah. Yeah. So they think that 50% of our population by the year 2050, which seems like it's far away, but it's not,
Starting point is 00:38:48 by the year 2050 we'll have dementia, we'll have Alzheimer's, because of the direction that we're heading in, because they believe it's, they call it type 3 diabetes, because they believe that it's all from the same spot. It all comes from the same spot, as Alan Flanagan pointed out. It appears that a lot of these things are coming from insulin resistance, which is basically the beginning of diabetes. And even heart disease is related to that. And even cancer is related to that. As much as I've been talking about this, I, you know, I sometimes just don't think, I'm not
Starting point is 00:39:22 sure if people don't care or if they don't believe me because, you know, I'm not an MD, you know, I didn't, I didn't go to, uh, school for nutrition and stuff like that. So I think sometimes maybe, but I, I'm just, I look at the best researchers in the world. I try to dig up information. It's really rare for me to not know, you know, some of the big names that are in these fields. There's a couple people I'm sure that I still need to discover because there's some people that are really down that rabbit hole and they don't even care to really speak to the public yet because they're not really sure of exactly what they're on to quite yet. There's a lot of researchers that are like that. They're like, I don't even want to talk because I don't even know what I'm finding. And as I keep digging down the rabbit hole, I keep finding different answers. And I don't want to,
Starting point is 00:40:09 you know, Ron Penna is like that. Like Ron Penna has some really great stuff to share with us on this podcast, but he's like, I'm not there yet. I'm not there yet. You know, I need to, I need to wait. I need to wait to give you this information on cancer and stuff. Cause he doesn't want to say the wrong thing, which is, which is great. But because I'm not a doctor, I'm able to talk about these things in a way, uh, that maybe they wouldn't be able to get away with. And I can start to tell people about it. And maybe people say, you know, Hey, my uncle was just diagnosed with something. What's it going to hurt if he messes around with a keto diet or what's it going to hurt
Starting point is 00:40:41 if I just share the information with him? I mean, there's books written on this stuff now. There's, you know, there's, uh, there's books written about talking about utilizing a ketogenic diet to fight against cancer. Ron Penna himself had a, uh, a keto pet sanctuary where most of the pets, not all of them, most of the pets went into remission from cancer. I mean, that's some of the stuff that's going on with fasting and a keto style diet is it's real and it's here to stay. And fasting is only going to become more and more popular the way I see it. You know, it kind of seems like a fad thing that's going to come and going to go, but
Starting point is 00:41:17 it is going to be, I think, really, really important for our medicine as we move forward in the future with how sick people are getting from having a food addiction. Well, just think about what's going on with you right now. Like I, you, we were talking and you were mentioning how it's been a long time since you've been able to have multiple nights of good, like multiple nights in a row of good sleep. Like that, you said it's been kind of years since that's happened, correct? Yeah. It's been kind of years since that's happened, correct? Yeah. It's been like decades, basically. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:46 And think if like, because what you're doing right now is pretty simple. You know, if you break it down, it's pretty simple. Oh, it couldn't be any more simple. I mean, the instructions are you have 1100 calories on day one, and then you have 800 calories until the last day. And you do that for five days and but are you trying to uh get your calories from certain types of foods like you want like when you're walking what is it that you're trying to do in terms of the amount of protein fat carbs for me specifically because i have a a keto background i have a background of doing some
Starting point is 00:42:22 fasting previously i was like let me kind of stick with more of a ketogenic style of, uh, of nutrition. And after listening to Peter, I T I would like to try his way as well, because what he mentioned was, uh, keto is not going to, it gives you density, but it doesn't give you volume, you know? And so if you're going to eat like rice and vegetables, which you can have on this diet. Again, this is all research from Walter Longo and he has a company called Prolong. You can check out the website. He sells a fasting box, which sounds like a gimmick. But this is all stuff again,
Starting point is 00:42:55 like I would, I would be with you. I would be with everybody and saying that this guy is full of shit and that he's just trying to make money. But I can't say that because he has research behind him. He has actual evidence. This is what worked in his trials. He actually utilized these things.
Starting point is 00:43:11 For myself personally, because I decided to go the keto route, I'm mainly just having bulletproof coffee, and I've eaten a couple of olives. But I also, I heard kind of some varying things on what you can eat and what you can't eat. So I'm like, I'm not sure exactly what you're supposed to be able to eat and not eat. So I've just kind of forego really eating any food. The only calories I'm consuming are mainly coming from the Bulletproof coffee.
Starting point is 00:43:37 And I've had like 10 olives in the last couple of days. I had five olives two days ago and five olives last night. And just something to chew on, just something to give me some salt. Yeah. Oh, man. Yeah. But my fear was that if I was to eat anything, that I'd get hungrier. But I haven't had that happen.
Starting point is 00:43:57 I think next time I go to do this, I will. I have looked into the information quite a bit, but I haven't really seen, you know, what kind of, you're supposed to be able to eat some vegetables that are like low glycemic and you're supposed, and if you think about eating 800 calories of low glycemic vegetables, that might be a pretty good serving of food. The next time I do it, I might do something like that because I think it's important during the time of this fast while the stomach is kind of empty to, you know, feed your gut. And I think, I, I, I just think we're only in the beginning stages of learning about what to feed the gut. I know like Dave Asprey,
Starting point is 00:44:37 who we're going to have on the show, uh, coming up, he's going to have a lot of things to say about, you know, what you should feed your gut while you're fasting. And I know people talk about prebiotics and Joel Green knows a lot about this kind of stuff. But anyway, yeah, I'm doing this diet to help my sleep and I'm on day four of it. And I've had three nights in a row of good sleep. Last night was the first night that I can remember in, uh, probably about four or five years that I only woke up once. Now I did go to bed a little bit later last night and I didn't, I didn't sleep as long. So that could have been part of it. Um, I'm not going to attribute everything. Like I don't, I don't want to ever report to people the wrong way. So I got to kind
Starting point is 00:45:22 of tell you like what's going on with me. I got some blood work done a few weeks ago, or maybe a few, almost a few months ago now, and my testosterone levels were fucking crazy. A lot of my other levels were crazy too. My testosterone level was like 5,000. Holy shit. I have never seen anything like that
Starting point is 00:45:40 from myself, or never even heard of anything like that from anybody else. Wait, why? Is that the maximum that they can even read up to like no no i i don't know i can go higher i guess but do you know why this happened like i yeah i mean i kind of know why i see i i don't know i holy shit i wasn't taking like in my opinion i wasn't taking, like, in my opinion, I wasn't taking that much stuff. But apparently I was. I was taking stuff every other day. I've done stuff like this before.
Starting point is 00:46:12 Yeah. I was taking testosterone. We're going to get shadow banned all over again here. Schnestosterone. This guy that I know was taking. There you go. Allegedly he was taking. Not coming up in this video, you're going to hear me say, testosterone, Trenbolone, and Masteron.
Starting point is 00:46:33 And I was taking those three every other day. So about three days a week, here and there, I'd miss a shot. But it was really small amounts. Like I was like, I'm going to take the combination of the three to get the benefit of each one, but only do like half a CC of each one. Normal circumstances. When I was power lifting, it was always like,
Starting point is 00:46:54 you know, if the syringe, if the syringe isn't full, it's empty is what I used to say. Holy shit. You know, you got to commit to the whole thing. So you got to,
Starting point is 00:47:01 you got a three CC, a three CC syringe. you load that three cc yeah yeah you you load you load that whole thing up and you just go through that process you know uh after retiring from powerlifting i don't really think that way anymore so i was doing something that i thought was gonna you know uh i i know that trend balloon is dangerous i know it's not a great you know a great usage of your of even your steroids you know it's it's it's not it's it's one that can be detrimental because it can mess with your sleep it can mess with your hormones in a lot of ways along with my testosterone being through the roof a bunch of other stuff was
Starting point is 00:47:41 thrown off turns out your body doesn't love your testosterone levels to be at 5,000. It can upset your liver. It can upset your kidneys. So I had these other markers that were going on that were inflammatory. So the doctor that I work with, he said, man, he's like, you know, you should just ditch everything. And I was like, everything? He's like, you should just come off everything. I'm like, all right, I can do that. And I was like, how long do you want me
Starting point is 00:48:09 to do it for? He's like, well, let's do it for a time where we get your levels to come way down and get your body to calm down for a little bit. He's like, that might take about a month. And I'm like, okay. So I came off everything for a month. And then now I'm on a much more reasonable dose. But before I did that, I got tested again. My testosterone levels, I forget what my estrogen was. My estrogen was through the roof, but I wish I could remember. I want to say like 400 or something, which is very high. My testosterone dropped down from 5,000 to 141.
Starting point is 00:48:44 My testosterone dropped down from 5,000 to 141. You also need to keep in mind that your testosterone, your total testosterone is not what most people really care about in terms of your marker for your testosterone. They care more about your free testosterone, but I don't remember what those numbers were. I could easily look them up, but I don't recall exactly what they were. My estrogen level didn't move a whole lot. It moved down, but it was still at like 200, which is, I cannot actually recall what it was. I do know that some women have a testosterone level of around 200, and mine was 141 for a minute there. for a minute there uh now i'm back on like a trt like a reasonable uh dosage and i'm on 200 milligrams of testosterone per week and i'm not taking anything else you know normally like i'm
Starting point is 00:49:35 like stacking shit together and uh you know trying to try to do things that way but so i the reason why it's important for me to tell you that is that can also be part of the reason why i'm sleeping better maybe you know while i'm on that amount of testosterone if it had inflammatory markers uh heading in the wrong direction for me that could also been a big part so i don't want to just say hey look it's if you do this fast you're going to have great results with your sleep the way that i'm having um but i do think i'm seeing a lot of evidence that the fasting is helping and i'm at the very least seeing evidence that i probably need to eat earlier in the day and i need to uh have my um
Starting point is 00:50:16 my eating window you know and that you know no later than like around, for me, family wise, it would work if it ended around six, 6 p.m. Yeah. And then go to bed at like 9.30, 10 o'clock. That would, that would work out really, that's something manageable that I can do. And it gives me four hours to digest my food. I think that's enough space. You know, time will tell when I go back to that.
Starting point is 00:50:43 This episode of Mark Biles Power Project Podcast is brought to you by element electrolytes face that sound again you guys know that sound yes so we're in february and in january you know we thought that you know element was just going to send you these eight packets of electrolytes and that would be it by the end of january but you guys love that so much you guys love trying out all of their different awesome flavors that they're like let's just keep doing it for the people. Let's keep this party rolling. That's right. We're really stoked that you guys took advantage of that element recharge pack.
Starting point is 00:51:13 The free element recharge pack. That element was like, you know what? We're just going to keep this party rolling. We're going to go ahead and do it again. We don't have an end date in sight. So if you're listening to this today, please make sure you take advantage of it by heading over to slash powerproject. Again, all you have
Starting point is 00:51:30 to do is cover the shipping charge and then the rest of it is absolutely free. You get eight samples of the best electrolytes on the planet. You guys know we take them every single day, whether it's just working, working out, post-workout, intra-workout, it doesn't matter. We love these things. Again,
Starting point is 00:51:45 slash powerproject. Well, even though there's a lot of factors here, if what you're doing is helping to kind of reset your circadian rhythm, it's a pretty easy process nonetheless. And if some people could do this that have had the same problems with their sleep like you've had for years, that's much better than, you know, being dependent on sleeping pills or melatonin or whatever in the long run to try to move the needle. You know, I'm really curious as to, you know, the doctor's explanation on how this, like why this happens. I wish we could have that explanation, but I mean, it's, we'll get a lot more of it, but I can explain it. Um, so sleep apnea, you know, I, I got a sleep study done.
Starting point is 00:52:31 Uh, it showed that I didn't breathe for 10 seconds or longer, 154 times. There were some other stuff in the sleep study that didn't look great, but it didn't appear that I was gonna like die anytime soon i it just it's a mild form of sleep apnea according to uh dr gould who who read it um anyway with sleep apnea we can agree that when oxygen is shut off to the brain it's not great for the brain right uh you get knocked out anyone has ever been like concussed or knocked out before. We can recognize you got your brain scrambled. It doesn't feel good, right? A lot of times what happens when a, when a UFC fighter gets knocked on the chin or gets kicked upside his head, the lights go out, boom, like that, because the oxygen is shut off to the brain momentarily and it just shuts the person out. Um, so imagine not breathing, you know, 154 times for 10
Starting point is 00:53:28 seconds. What is that doing to your brain? What are some of the things that we experience day to day? What are they doing to our brain? You know, the artificial light and all these things. It's offsetting our circadian rhythm, which is one thing. But what was happening to me by not breathing, we can speculate. And I don't know if there's evidence of this or not. I'd have to research it. I don't think Dr. Gould knows either. But it would make sense to agree that some type of brain damage, some type of regression, no matter how minute, it makes sense that there would be some.
Starting point is 00:54:04 If I'm not breathing in the middle of the night. Also, if I'm just functioning in a more stressed state, we know what stress can do. We've talked to a lot of great people on the show about being like overstressed. So just imagine, imagine, you know, uh, imagine maybe every other week you're, you're walking around with a backpack. Every other week, as you're walking around with this backpack, you carry it everywhere. Somebody throws a half pound in there. You don't even, you don't really even notice it. Another week goes by, someone throws a half pound, you know,
Starting point is 00:54:40 and after a period of time without you even recognizing it, you're lugging around an extra 10 pounds. And I'm not referring to like body weight. I'm referring to this is kind of representing stress. You have something kind of pulling you down, right? And you have, along with that stress, you also are causing some damage to your brain from not being able to breathe during your sleep. So the stress that you're handling every day
Starting point is 00:55:06 is much harder than it needs to be because you're not resting the way that you should. So that's taking a toll on you as well and kind of aging you faster than you should be aging. If you're not sleeping, not resting, you're not recuperating, you're not recovering from each and every day. What does fasting do?
Starting point is 00:55:24 Fasting is anti-aging. Fasting causes autophagy. Fasting brings in new cells and it gets rid of old ones. All the way to the point for people that have an autoimmune disorder, your cells can be autoimmune. And by fasting, you can kill those motherfuckers and kick them out and bring in new cells. Like that is, that is absolutely fucking crazy to me. People that have like skin disorders, people that, people really need to look at this and take this very seriously. This, this could be your medicine. This legitimately could be your medicine.
Starting point is 00:56:00 And this is why we hear so many people talking about fasting and we hear Peter Itea and all these other people, you know, talking about the benefits and how it could potentially help other people. I think it can help millions of Americans get rid of millions of different problems that they have. But for me, what I'm interested in, because fasting can help you produce more stem cells, maybe these stem cells, and maybe through the process of autophagy, maybe I can help fix my brain and help heal my brain. And as a benefit of all that going on, maybe it'll be a lot easier to fall asleep. And maybe I don't need a sleep apnea machine because maybe this is all speculation. Maybe we're finding out a little bit more about
Starting point is 00:56:48 what sleep apnea really is because a sleep apnea machine is not a cure for sleep apnea it's a treatment yeah and it's like okay well now we figured out a way for you to get to sleep which is great and you might have better nights of sleep and that's a that's a nice uh band-aid but i still got a cut on my arm you know i i'm still i'm still wounded i'm still hurt i'm still don't function the way that i should and so in combination with fasting and taking in certain vitamins vitamin b and vitamin d and vitamin. And along with waking up in the morning at 645 and getting the, uh, looking at the sunset, I've been doing that. I've been wearing my blue blocker glasses. Uh, I've been stretching. I'm, you know, I'm just bringing it all because why
Starting point is 00:57:39 not give it a, why not give it a go? And then maybe I end up with awesome results. Maybe my results suck and maybe I got to find something different. But Dr. Gold is the first person that I've ever spoken to who seems to be interested in attacking the root cause of sleep apnea. And all I've really ever heard before is like, get a sleep apnea machine. And I've used a sleep apnea machine. Will I go back and do one, you know, use one again? Of course I will if it's needed. But I just had a hard time adapting to it. It was difficult for me.
Starting point is 00:58:17 So instead I'm going this route and I'm going to, I'm getting fitted for a mouthpiece. I got fitted for a mouthpiece already. I should have it within a couple of days. We'll see if that helps. I know Joe Rogan has had experience with a mouthpiece for his sleep and he said it helped a ton. It helped to kind of keep his tongue
Starting point is 00:58:37 where it needed to be while resting. And so for me, I don't know what the fuck I'm doing with my tongue while I'm sleeping, but whatever it is, it ain't good. It ain't working now. So I'm willing to, to give all these things a go. And so far it seems like it's already working pretty well. Yeah. I mean, if, if you're someone who uses a CPAP right now, I know that a lot of bodybuilders like using it because a lot of bodybuilders get that problem because the thick necks but imagine if you could fix some of these issues and not have to use a device to fall asleep every night i've always found that a little bit
Starting point is 00:59:13 odd in terms of sleep apnea like you're not able people don't you you don't have the solution to the actual problem so you just use this device to help you you know breathe at night and that's supposed to be what you're supposed to use for the rest of your life. There should really be a better way to deal with this. There has to be. There's got to be some other options that are different or better. You know, I use mouth tape. I put a strip on my nose, you know, breathe right strip on my nose.
Starting point is 00:59:44 I have an eye mask. It's like at this point, it looks like I'm wearing a whole helmet. I got some, you know, something covering every part of my head basically, um, to try to, to figure it out. And it's helping, you know, it's all, it's all helping, but the mouth tape isn't a solution either to, um, to sleep apnea. It could help some people that have mild sleep apnea, I suppose. Um, it could help some people that end up, you know, breathing in and out of their mouth at night. But I think, uh, there has to be like a bigger intervention,
Starting point is 01:00:18 something different has to happen. And so, uh, that's why I've been exploring this. I didn't, I didn't know how it was going to, I didn't know how it was going to work. I still don't know if it's actually working. Maybe some of this is mental. Maybe some of this is like I want it to work, and so therefore it's working. But I'll be able to actually measure all this soon when I have this ring that I ordered. It's supposed to check your pulse oximeter. There's a bunch of other stuff. What's it called? You know, I ordered, it's supposed to check your, you know, it's a pulse oximeter. It does a bunch of other stuff.
Starting point is 01:00:45 What's it called? Uh, I, you know, I can look it up. Um, but I'll be able to actually measure it and I'll be able to actually tell you guys like, you know, and then, and then I'll do another sleep study and I'll have, I'll have at least a, you know, a one person, uh, study done. And I can say this, you know, this cured me or this helped a lot, or this, uh, maybe it doesn't cure me. Maybe I, there's a possibility that I just never figure out how to get eight hours of sleep. And I, I, I actually do believe like Corey Gregory
Starting point is 01:01:19 a little bit when he says that he doesn't think that he needs eight hours of sleep, you know? Um, I guess there are people at certain genes that only need like five six hours of sleep or six hours of sleep but um i do think that if you treat your body a certain way you might be able to get away with not sleeping as much but i you know i don't know again it's just it's speculation but maybe if you eat better maybe you're recovering better from stuff anyway. Take care of yourself better. I mean, it sounds reasonable. Just think about that logically. Yeah, if you do get better sleep quality, you breathe better at night, versus somebody who has bad sleep and bad sleep hygiene,
Starting point is 01:01:58 you're going to get more out of that six hours of sleep than somebody who's trying to keep stay asleep at nine nine hours and they have you know they have really bad sleep hygiene they were staring at screens before they went to bed their circadian rhythms messed up you're going to get more out of six hours and recovery and everything than that person who got nine hours of quote-unquote sleep right it just makes sense you don't really need to research that it just makes sense i want to go back to what mark said about the um like your fasting can basically like kill off old uh cells and then you create new ones i mean that we have evidence of this like autophagy happens all the time but fat like with fasting um it's accentuated like it happens a little bit more. That's all. You're going through autophagy all day long.
Starting point is 01:02:46 It's happening every single day, 24-7. But when you fast, and even adding in caffeine into a fast, it can happen faster. That's all there is to it. So like people that, like flexible dieters that shit on autophagy all the time, is that just because they're talking about like,
Starting point is 01:03:06 it doesn't matter because it's calories and calories. But what you guys are talking about is, is beyond that. Right. Is that the reason why it gets kind of shit on? Yeah. This is also like a pretty deep fast, you know?
Starting point is 01:03:18 So it's, yeah, it's much different. Yeah. That, that's, that's one of the big reasons. Well,
Starting point is 01:03:24 when flexible dieters talk about fasting and they're like oh the bullshit autophagy thing it's because yes maybe autophagy doesn't have that big of an effect on you know losing weight but we're not just talking about the weight loss benefits we're talking about the potential long-term health benefits and that's that's the reason why like you know again, I did flexible dieting. I still do flexible dieting along with fasting. It's all intertwined. But when I see people that are really into that flexible dieting sphere, the IFYM sphere, and that's what they do, and they look at all these diets and it's like they paint these diets in a very negative way. I'm like, yo,
Starting point is 01:04:04 all these diets and it's like they they paint these diets in a very negative way i'm like yo do you can you not understand the nuances to why this can be beneficial for certain individuals even though we understand that calorie deficits do matter do you can you not for some reason wrap your head around that or or is it just like because it's a special diet and you're paying attention to the individuals that put it over everything now you just got to demonize it for some reason it makes absolutely no sense to me. Right. And I, and I think that most people know that, uh, if you're just not over fat, you, you are most likely to stay fairly healthy as long as you have like some decent practices. And so I think that's what you kind of see with, from the flexible dieting crowd. They are a lot of times, you know, kind of talking or preaching about, you know, just
Starting point is 01:04:50 being healthier and not necessarily like being jacked and not necessarily being on like the top end of performance or anything like that. And so when you think about, okay, just have a reasonable diet where you factor in calories and you pay attention to what you put in every day. And you also are being mindful of how much energy you expend every day. Makes a lot of sense. Like if I just, you know, if I was 180 pounds when I graduated high school and I just kind of always stay around 180 pounds, I'll probably be pretty damn healthy. I'll probably get to whatever life expectancy is and give or take three years one way or the other, I'll be able to go one way or the other.
Starting point is 01:05:31 If I gain 60 pounds, yeah, there you go. That's it. If I gain 60 pounds, then, um, you know, I might run into complications a little sooner. You know, if I, if I, if I, uh, you know, when I, when you come out of high school, if you gain 30, 40, 50 pounds, uh, as you go through college and then you start a career and you, you know, gain another 20 pounds, that's where people start to really run into a lot of problems. And if you were mindful of your caloric intake, that can be a strategy that can really, really work. But we've seen, we've seen keto diets work really well for people. I think where sometimes people can fall off is when they start really, they get excited.
Starting point is 01:06:13 And then so then they get bashed. And so the whole community gets bashed because one person got really pumped and said, ketones are going to save your life. Ketones are anti-cancer. Ketones are everything.cancer. Ketones are, ketones are, are everything. And that's all that matters, you know, and you can eat way more on a keto diet. And the research doesn't show that. There are some studies, I believe, that show that on a ketogenic diet, you can eat a small amount more. And when I say small amount, it's like three or 400 calories,
Starting point is 01:06:43 maybe to somebody that's a lot, I don't know, but three to 400 calories every day. And, you know, how do they do these studies? Like how accurate is that? Like, I, I don't trust that. Like, I don't, I don't really know. It does seem to make some sense that if your body has to use more energy to turn the fatty acids that it's getting from your nutrition into a ketone that there's probably some sort of working process there that probably costs something
Starting point is 01:07:10 because you need like energy to, to do some of these things. But I just think after a certain point, it's kind of just really overthinking this stuff. And if we have people in a certain caloric range, we know that they can end up managing their weight really well. How accurate is it? Like, I don't really know. You know, I'm a huge proponent of, you know, believing that the calories, you know, represent what they represent outside the body.
Starting point is 01:07:39 But I also don't think they represent exactly what we think when they're inside the body. That does not mean that we can't use it and still develop some sort of accurate way to make sure that you're able to manage your weight. Absolutely. And that's the thing. Because there could be two individuals, the same exact weight, the same exact body composition, right? But one individual's maintenance, and even, it could be even they have very similar lifestyles, but one individual's maintenance is 2,000 calories and the other individual's maintenance is 2,500.
Starting point is 01:08:15 Like there could be that range. So that's why when we think about calorie deficit, everybody, even around the same weight, everybody's calorie deficit is a little bit different than the other person's calorie deficit, right? So that same amount is doing something different in that person's body, that person's body. Yeah. And I would say like, what were you doing previously too? Like these things have to be factored in. What's your body tuned up to do?
Starting point is 01:08:39 What's it sensitized to do? What has it adjusted to do? What's it sensitized to do? What has it adjusted to do? Because when we think about our training, you know, Chad Wesley Smith had a great way of saying, let's not do stuff that we're not prepared for. So let's always have a preparatory phase for what we're about to do next.
Starting point is 01:08:59 That's the great thing about hiring a coach. If someone hires someone like you, they know not only are you going to help them drop weight, they're going to get to this new weight. And then you're going to say, hey, you know, we just lost 20 and we lost it pretty quick. Let's just kind of, I know you're going to be uncomfortable with this. Let's just kind of chill here for a bit. Okay.
Starting point is 01:09:17 And actually all next week, we're actually going to bring your calories up and they're going to go, what? Like, what are you, what are we doing? Don't worry about it. Relax. They might gain two, three pounds. They might gain a little bit more even, but you're playing a long game and you know that in the end, they're going to continue to work their way towards their goal. When you're out there kind of doing some stuff by yourself, you don't always know what's, what's around the corner, but you know, what, what is your body ready to do? What is your body ready to do?
Starting point is 01:09:45 What is your body ready to commit to? And we talk about this all the time. Don't go adding in way too much stuff. Like this five-day fasting, let me gather all the information, and I will come back to you guys and give you more information to where you can follow along. I don't really want you to follow along now because I don't want you to get hurt. I don't really want you to follow along now because I don't want you to
Starting point is 01:10:05 get hurt. I don't want you to get like messed up. If you want to try a one day fast, it sounds reasonable. It sounds fine. Make sure you have your electrolytes. I would do it on an off training day. If you're not all that familiar with fasting, maybe a week down the road, maybe you try, uh, another one day fast. Maybe it's on a training day. Again, be cautious. Make sure you have your electrolytes in there. Drink water, things like that. If you want to try this five-day fast,
Starting point is 01:10:34 I would just hold off until I continue to gather more information. But you can also look up Valter Longo, gather information yourself, go on the Prolong site, check that out. Peter Itea talks quite a bit about fasting and, you know, there's, there's a lot of great resources out there. I think. Cole Robinson. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:10:54 Yeah. He just had you jump into a water fast. Yeah. Cole Robinson is a man. Yeah. You know what? He's a maniac with it, but he's great. And he will help you for free.
Starting point is 01:11:05 I think, I don't know if he still does but he's great and he will help you for free. I think, I don't know if he still does that, but he, he was helping people for free. All he required them to do is put up a before picture on Facebook, which ain't easy to do. That's going to be hard for a lot of people, but he wanted you to, to expose that side of yourself so that you can, you know, commit to it. He wanted that as part of your commitment level. So, uh, yeah, Cole Robinson is a, is a great resource. Yeah. We need to have him back on the show. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:11:31 I'm curious what he's been up to recently. He might be, see, like we were talking about having these kind of super, super podcasts, you know, and he might be a good person to have on cause he's more rough and rugged around the edges and have him on with someone like Joel Green. Wow. Yeah. Because I know that Joel has done a lot of fasting in his life and he told me, um, one of the first conversations I ever had with him, he told me how much he messed himself up with fasting. Yeah. And yeah, he was like, he was like, I over fasted. And yeah, when he found out about like, you know, one meal a day and some of this stuff, he just, I don't know exactly what he
Starting point is 01:12:10 was doing, but I think he was working out a lot and I think he was fasting a lot and, uh, he just maybe, he just maybe took it too far. So it'd be interesting to have, you know, I don't think they're going to like, you know, argue a lot, but I think that it'd be good to hear each person's talking points, you know? Absolutely. And I do think it's very possible because I've done it. It's very easy to go a little bit too far in one direction when it comes to that, when it comes to fasting. Because I remember it was two years ago. Yeah, it was 2019 when this happened.
Starting point is 01:12:41 Like I was doing one meal a day. I was working out a lot and I was trying to lean out a little bit. I got to like 7%, but I was like, Hmm, feeling a little frail like this. I need to put some body fat back on. So I started, you know, loosening things up a little bit, giving myself days where I, where I, uh, ate and days were okay. Maybe I'll fast on these days. And then I was able to find that happy medium where like some days I'll fast, some days I'll have breakfast, need through the day. I figured that out, but I had to go a little bit too far to do it. Right. Right.
Starting point is 01:13:07 And it wasn't like, when I say going too far, I wasn't like, things weren't dangerous, but I was, I was frail. I was feeling weaker because I was, there's too lean.
Starting point is 01:13:18 You feel like you're getting the amount of food that you need. Yes. Every day now. Now I do. Yeah. And that's the thing though. Like that's, that's the wild part like that's that's
Starting point is 01:13:25 the wild part about it because some days i'll eat way less i'll still eat a good amount of protein but some days i'll have very minimal fat very minimal carbs and then other days when i'm just like okay maybe i can just feel that i need more food right and it's like at this point it's a very intuitive thing but it i'm staying at the same energy level every day. My workouts are staying at the same level every single day. And I have very differing days as far as my food is concerned in terms of my carbohydrate and my fat intake. My carbohydrate intake is a majority of the time still low, still under 100 every single day. It's rare that I go over that. But my fat intake will range. Some days it'll be 70. Some days it'll be 150. Like it just depends
Starting point is 01:14:06 on the day. Depends how I'm feeling. I think one of the greatest things anyone can, uh, adapt to is a time, time restricted feeding. You know, um, you could look at it either way. You can do intermittent fasting or time restricted feeding. They're, they're basically kind of saying the same thing in some different ways. Yeah. Um um figuring out an eating window that's reasonable it looks like a lot of the research points to as much as 10 hours being worthwhile to explore um and uh you know the 16-8 model was something that's been researched a little bit so i just when, when we started the show, we were talking about soda and we were talking about like how fucking use useless soda should be, you know, we should get ourselves to a point where we're like, you know what? Like, it's just, it's pretty much just garbage. And I need to figure
Starting point is 01:15:01 out it's smoking. I mean, sometimes people, when people in the fitness industry say certain things, I think people like that's a fitness freak. Like that guy's, he just, he loves fitness so much that he's going to say that shit. But I really just, I've used some of these things.
Starting point is 01:15:17 It's just, they're not, they're not giving you, they're not improving your life enough. Again, I can understand alcohol and I can understand certain foods, these sodas and this shit like that is not improving your life enough. It's not worth the flavor, the burrito. I can agree with you. I can say, this is all just opinion. I'm not saying that this is a fact that I have here, but I'm just trying to kick it to you straight in a way that I have here, but I'm just trying to kick it
Starting point is 01:15:46 to you straight in a way that makes sense. Like, I just don't think the sodas are worth it. And if you can, you know, start to figure out a way to get yourself away from that, if you can figure out a way to employ a little bit of intermittent fasting, these time restricted feeding windows are amazing because now the battle is, shit, man, can I get in the right amount of nutrients in the day? You're like, I'm supposed to have a little bit of calcium, but I know that taking a calcium supplement isn't the same as getting calcium from my food, so I need some dairy.
Starting point is 01:16:19 Like, oh, I need some cheese or I need some yogurt, whatever it is. You have a dairy source in there somewhere. You know, if you're on a diet like what we're on, you're looking for some meat. Maybe you only ate chicken for the day and you're like, I could probably still use the steak because I want the B vitamins and some of the benefits of eating grass fed steak. I didn't get in any vegetables at all today. It'd be a great idea for me to get in a little bit of vegetables. Now you're starting to examine that and you're like, I got six hours, you know, I got basically two meals to be able to get all that in. Now it's like your brain switches over into like, I have an opportunity to demolish
Starting point is 01:17:03 fucking food. I have an amazing opportunity to stuff myself. You and I've talked about this a bunch and see, and I love to just pig out and, and get our stomach all distended. Yep. It's an amazing, it's an amazing feeling. I'll probably never get over that. I'll probably always want to do that. And maybe that's not the best way of doing it. But when you bring that time restricted feeding window down, now you're talking about, oh, I get to have this steak. I get to have this. I get to have that. Rather than you saying like, oh, I got to eat another steak again. You're fucking hungry. Yeah. And you're, you're ready. You're ready to eat that, eat those calories. And for you being somebody,
Starting point is 01:17:41 you know, who's performing and competing against other people physically, it's really important that you have all your boxes checked, have all your nutrients every day. So where somebody else who's trying to lose a little, they're trying to get a little leaner, they got a little bit more play with some of that. But for you, if you start missing out on minerals and vitamins and stuff like that, some of your performance might decline. You can't afford that.
Starting point is 01:18:06 Absolutely not. And this is where I think that fasting is so beneficial. It's not because of your specific calories because people always talk about, well, if you could just have the same amount of calories throughout the day, why are you going to fast? I understand that. It's the habit change. It's the becoming less food focused. Even though I was in decent shape before I started doing fasting, I was extremely food focused. I would have a meal in the morning and like, oh, when's my next meal going to come? And then I'd have that meal and like, oh, when's my next meal going to come? Like I was always thinking about food and thinking about my next
Starting point is 01:18:43 snack and thinking about the Ben and Jerry's that's going to be at the end of the day. I was extremely food focused. But by doing this and having a window set that I'm going to eat then and I'm just going to do everything else during the day. I'm only going to worry about eating at this time. That that was amazing in terms of helping me to control my body composition. I think that people diet and you'll see this a lot with like bodybuilders and people within that realm because they'll diet and they'll eat throughout the whole day, but they're still food focused.
Starting point is 01:19:13 They're manipulating their body composition up and down. But you talk to these people and they're like, can't wait to my next meal, right? They're thinking about food all the time. How about if you don't have to worry about it anymore? How about you just like, oh, I'm eating, eating you know from 12 to 6 and that's i'm gonna have my two meals and that's literally it like you're gonna enjoy yourself but you're not focused on it anymore that can help with people that feel that they are addicted to food and i do think that i was fairly addicted to food before i loved it i still love food but i'm not addicted to it. Yeah. Just in comparison from yesterday, I fasted all day until I got home and ate dinner.
Starting point is 01:19:50 Had two Piedmontese flat iron steaks was incredible. Today, I'm like, oh, I have two more shows left to do. I'm going to sneak in some food right now. And so I had some chicken and rice and I am significantly hungrier today than I was yesterday when I didn't eat. Yeah. You know, it's like night and day different. Like yesterday, I didn't even think about food today. I'm like, text my wife, like, Hey babe, can you get some steaks ready to go? But it's just crazy. And Seema, did you eat today yet? No. Did you eat today,rew yeah yeah yeah that's uh how long ago did you eat uh so i ate like around 11 and you're fairly hungry i am really hungry on a scale of one to ten seven
Starting point is 01:20:33 yeah yeah six seven ten being like dangerous yeah ten being like i'm gonna get sick if i don't eat soon yeah so like a seven six yeah Yeah. Yeah, cuz I'm not dying Like if we had a podcast again, like I'd be like, oh shit Let me grab like I don't know whatever I have in the fridge But like no or something some weird circumstances happen and you couldn't eat today. You'd be totally fine Yeah, absolutely. But yeah, and then how hungry are you on a scale of one to ten? Do you think I'm hungry and I had like the gun I some element before rowing and a pack after and then another pack. Because I was just thirsty. Like I could tell I was dehydrated.
Starting point is 01:21:08 Does exercise for you, does it sometimes push your hunger down a little bit? I know sometimes for me it does. Sometimes it's hit or miss. Sometimes I'm like, oh shit, I'm actually really hungry after that. But other times with some tough physical activity, activity i'm like i don't really care to eat right now it's odd like sometimes i'll feel hungry after but it's a pulse it's literally a pulse like you'll feel hungry after then if you wait like 20 minutes it just goes away that's how i mean that's how it always works but i haven't eaten since eight yesterday i'm not really feeling hungry right now but i know when i go home i need to cook up some food and eat and then once i eat
Starting point is 01:21:40 i'm gonna be okay i'm gonna eat like three steaks tonight some Some, some eggs. I know that people probably think we're amazing. I know that people thought, probably think we're fucking crazy when we're talking about this, but you know, trust us when we tell you like, it's going to tug on your, your shirt, you know, it's going to tug on you like a little kid, you know, pulling on, Hey dad, check this out. It's going to pull on you for a little while, but unlike a little kid, it will give up at a certain point. You know, a little kid won't give up.
Starting point is 01:22:03 They want you to see what they're doing, but your hunger at a certain point, it will give up at a certain point. You know, a little kid won't give up. They want you to see what they're doing, but your hunger at a certain point, it will just drop off and it will be like, Hey, uh, peers that this guy's not going to feed us, man. We should probably fuck off for a little while and it will come back again later. But trying to fend those off and you have to fend them off several times a day. There's a lot of research showing that those spikes happen throughout the day with or without food and i would say andrew i'm probably like we're probably the same in terms of how hungry like and i haven't eaten right any real solid food in days so i'm not exponentially any hungrier than you would think i would be yeah and i know for a fact if i didn't eat i wouldn't be this hungry
Starting point is 01:22:42 but i just knew that today was going to be you you know, it was a jam-packed day. So I just wanted to make sure like, ooh, like, yeah, I should probably get some, you know, some nourishment. Well, there's a balance to this though, because you're also working on being more jacked, you know. So you got to get your... Actually, that's right. Yeah. So that was... You need some fuel.
Starting point is 01:23:02 That was another big part of it. You know, we trained yesterday and then last i i did have a rough night of sleep you know it was not the the baby's best night so i was i did wake up hungry and so that also played a huge part of it because i'm like fuck i trained i got to get some you know calories in here like i don't want to throw away yesterday's workout like thinking like a you know old school like bro type you know, calories in here. Like, I don't want to throw away yesterday's workout. Like thinking like a, you know, old school, like bro type, you know, mentality when really I'd be fine.
Starting point is 01:23:28 But because I did eat, I am hungry now. And let's be real guys. Like, as we're talking about this, you know, this isn't some like fasting competition who can fast the most and who can stay away from food the most,
Starting point is 01:23:40 but like Mark's winning though. Mark is absolutely winning, but we're, we're putting this forward just to kind of show you again like it's not like you will you'll feel ravenously hungry i think yeah it does take a a bit of time to get to that point where you're used to that feeling of hunger but when you do get there it it's pretty dope like that you don't feel controlled by hunger that's i think that for me is the biggest benefit of fasting you don't feel controlled by hunger. I think that, for me, is the biggest benefit of fasting. You don't feel controlled by your hunger pulse.
Starting point is 01:24:09 Because most people, you get that pulse, you reach for some food. I'm hangry. All the time. Then once you eat that first meal, then now you're hungry throughout the whole day and you're always reaching because of that. But imagine if that didn't control you. And, you know, fast long enough uh to where it it promotes good healthy practices but don't fast so long that it allows for the bad habits to creep back in if you're
Starting point is 01:24:35 somebody that is going to um binge then again your fasting didn't work it it was it was ineffective and you need to admit that you need to say shit shit, man, I, I fasted a little too long. The last three days in a row when I fasted for 16 hours, uh, that accumulated that jumped on my back as that backpack scenario earlier. And it took me out. I took, it took my ass out. You have to just, uh, you know, you got to admit defeat at that point and wave your flag and surrender and say i got to go back to the drawing board i got to do this again let me see what it looks like if i do three days of you know maybe more intuitive fasting like okay i'm pretty hungry okay i'll push that one off oh shit i'm getting hungrier i'll push that
Starting point is 01:25:22 one off and then that third one comes and you say, okay, I learned my lesson from last time. If I push this next one off, I'm going to binge. And then you make, you make it, you make a new decision. You know, you need, you just, you learn from the errors that you made. But I think what we end up talking about so much on this show is, and we've, we talked before about like financial freedom and we've talked before about, you know, working towards getting the body that you want, but I think a really amazing thing to be able to earn, and it's very, very difficult to get, is food freedom. Having some freedom either to play around with more food or to enjoy some of the foods that you like, or just having freedom of not being tied down to food so much.
Starting point is 01:26:14 I remember when I worked at Mass Movement, where we moved fitness equipment, when we get to work, you know, we'd work for like two hours and then we'd be starving. And we're like, where are we going to grab some food? And it was usually like still breakfast time. We got there at like seven and it would be like nine, nine thirty, maybe ten. Then we would all like want to get something for breakfast and none of us prepped meals or anything. So we didn't and I never saw that kind of culture before. So we just grab whatever we can grab, you know, in the truck as we're like bringing fitness equipment around or anything. So we didn't, I never saw that kind of culture before. So we would just grab whatever we can grab,
Starting point is 01:26:46 you know, in the truck as we're like bringing fitness equipment around or whatever. And then the conversation, even before the breakfast was gone, where are we going to lunch? And we were really tied to our food. And I remember, you know,
Starting point is 01:27:00 getting home from that job, a manual labor job. It wasn't crazy intensive intensive but we had to move fitness equipment equipment around so at times it was i remember getting back from that job and just being so hungry and making poor decisions too and i was already somebody that lifted and i was i i had a good understanding of nutrition um i just ended up making some bad decisions and you know after i worked there for like two weeks, I was like, this is okay. I need to start to bring some stuff with me apparently, because otherwise I'm just going
Starting point is 01:27:32 to make, and this was like 25 years ago or 20 something years ago. So there wasn't as many of the convenient, healthier foods around. I kind of learned like, oh shit, I should learn how to cook a little bit for myself. So, but I didn't bring a lot of stuff with me and it wasn't complicated. I remember I would have a few like cheese sticks. I might bring a cooked meal. I might have a protein bar. Like it was just, it was as simple as I could, uh, as I could, or it was as complicated as I could manage at the time, which wasn't very much. And so you're going to have to figure some of these things out in order to, you know,
Starting point is 01:28:15 some, someday kind of earn your freedom away from being so attached to your food. And I think you ultimately, you'd like to get yourself to a point where you can say fuck it here and there. And it doesn't matter that much. You can be like, yeah, I ate a whole, I ate a box of Oreos yesterday. You know, you could, you could say that and be totally fine with it. I think it was about,
Starting point is 01:28:32 well, I told you guys when I was in Hermosa with my wife, I had some pizza after, after, after dinner. Um, I think, you know,
Starting point is 01:28:40 four or five days prior, I was at home and my daughter was making some cookies and I was like there's absolutely nothing better in this world than I love than freaking cookie dough so I'm like I'm kind of you know thinking about it in my head I'm like I'm like I'm gonna have
Starting point is 01:28:58 three like blobs of cookie dough like just eat it man like you fucking love cookie dough cookie dough is not like in my house that often so I'm like I'm just gonna eat it man like you fucking love cookie dough i don't cookie dough is not like in my house that often so i'm like i'm just gonna eat it and enjoy it and you get your body and you get yourself to a certain point where that doesn't have a real negative impact on me does that enhance my life a little bit in some way for me it does it's a pleasure thing like you i like fucking cookie dough it's great uh i enjoy it so eat some and
Starting point is 01:29:26 and hang out and have a good time and my daughter is laughing she's like you're not supposed to eat that you're gonna get sick you need to get the edible cookie dough i was like yeah i've seen the edible cookie dough i don't know who that's for but i think you've it's all edible to me yeah i think over the years you've eaten so much cookie dough that you're now immune to getting sick from it. Your stomach can just handle that. Yeah, they say that you'll get sick, but they are wrong. I think, you know, by eating the regular cookie dough, I think it just helps you get more jacked, actually. Oh, shit. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:29:57 Yeah. You know, but... Gotta get some studies done on it. Yeah. Like, go ahead. As you say, but that, in a weird way, but that serves you. like go ahead as you say but that um in a weird way but that serves you drinking a coke you're gonna drink a coke and it's gonna lead to like fuck i want some chips or something with this but if that's your favorite thing i guess but yeah get better taste yeah yeah you know yeah
Starting point is 01:30:18 that i that i agree with but if but literally if it is your favorite thing you know i was telling you guys when i was eating that pizza crust i I was like, do I even like pizza crust? Or am I just eating it because it's part of, like, me eating this pizza? And I was like, I don't really like it that much. It's just extra calories. I'm like, I don't need it. I mean, fuck this pizza crust. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:30:38 But this is the thing with that cookie dough story. Remember, you don't keep cookie dough in the house. You do not have cookie dough every day. It just happens to be there. You really like cookie dough. You have the cookie dough in the house you do not have cookie dough every day it just happens to be there you really like cookie dough you had the cookie dough now let's say that coke let's let's not diss the people out there that love their coke right what if they're like i love coca-cola what if it makes them feel like some nostalgia from childhood like my daddy would give me a coke when we'd go out fishing and i just love coke maybe that's what it is right a chipotle
Starting point is 01:31:01 burrito with a coke is fucking great right Right. But so how can we figure out, yeah, it doesn't serve you, but how can you figure out that you don't have to drink Coke every single day and you could make a time to enjoy it safely? You know, I think that's possible. Right.
Starting point is 01:31:16 Absolutely. So have one, you know, like, like if you go to a restaurant, you know, they'll, they'll keep re,
Starting point is 01:31:22 so you have to kind of, that's kind of hard because they come over and they pour it right away because they think you're doing they're doing you a favor you're like oh shit trying to get that tip you know yeah try to switch to like an iced tea or something you try to switch to um you just switch to water or something it's tough but like if you do one i think all of us can agree that sounds reasonable. Doing, doing, uh, you know, one, uh, one a week, even like sounds totally reasonable doing two or three a week still sounds pretty reasonable. Doing a two liter. I was going to say, yeah, like as long as it's not a big gulp, you know, big gulp from
Starting point is 01:31:59 7-Eleven. Yeah. Or, or drinking like two or three a day, which most Americans do. That's, that's just, that's a of sugar, considering that everything else that we eat has sugar in it. Our salad dressings, our marinara sauce, ketchup. I mean, just fucking everything. Everything has sugar in it. Look at the food labels, and you'll see that a large amount of stuff has food in it so it probably wouldn't be as problematic if everything we had i mean even
Starting point is 01:32:29 like sausage and bacon will have sugar in it there's lots of reasons to put sugar in stuff sometimes it's a preservative sometimes it's just an added thing to make something the flavor pop in there a little bit so it's everywhere if we could put like a um like a goal on some like if somebody does drink we'll say a can of coke how many like 10 minute walks to receive one can of coke do you think it would take and i'm not talking like oh let's figure out how many calories are burned and blah blah just for somebody out there that's like, well, hey, I'm planning on having one today. I think if you walked like three miles or so, that'd be probably about, that'd probably be good. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:33:14 Give yourself a Coke for that. But yeah, that's a tough one. Yeah. And that's kind of like a slippery slope too. Yeah. But at least, you know, maybe it'll get somebody to, well, shit, he said three, I'm going to do one. And then the next day, maybe they actually get there. You can just Google, like, how many calories, you know, an hour of walking burns or whatever, you know, and kind of get to some sort.
Starting point is 01:33:33 You know, it's not like a, oh, yeah. That's too much. But I was going to say, man, like, I do think it is very beneficial for people to really start paying attention to, like, you know, what's on their food labels for their Frappuccino from Starbucks. Because when I found that out for a Starbucks wrap when I was younger, I was like, what? And then the Costco muffins, the Costco muffins are quite literally,
Starting point is 01:33:56 you just, you can't eat a full one. I used to eat full Costco muffins, by the way. I think each of those muffins is maybe a cool 500 cals. Yeah. They're like, there's cake.
Starting point is 01:34:05 They're literally like a full cake. And I know like, again, I know people that buy those and they'll have a muffin a day, but they usually do like a muffin and a half a day and they don't realize like, dude, that's actually,
Starting point is 01:34:17 that's like 700 calories. You're wild. Like this. And the thing is also people look at muffins coffee seed muffins as that's a healthy alternative it's your healthy alternative yeah because i'm not eating eggs and bacon it's kind of skewed yeah that shit's dangerous though because i yeah i mean i grew up in a household where you know my parents would get like the the big case of muffins and that would sit on the counter and that was like the the big case of muffins and that would
Starting point is 01:34:45 sit on the counter and that was like hey if you're on the run like that's what you grab that's that's just what you do grab that in the coffee fuck yeah and it's horrible so bad and you somehow think that's food you know it's not yeah like you you're talking about that with wayne yeah it's not actual food that's the biggest issue with it it It's, it's, it's given you, uh, some nutrients, but they're not really helpful to like filling you up. They're not really helpful to, uh, getting the nutrients that you need in a day. Uh, an hour of walking burns about 210 to 360 calories for most people. Um, obviously this would vary quite a bit. So how many 10-minute walks does it take to burn off a can of Coke? It would probably be about 10. It ain't that bad, but it'd probably
Starting point is 01:35:35 be about 10. But I do think that if you were to think about your food consumption in a very simple fashion and just understand that under normal circumstances, you would have to expend energy to get energy. You'd have to expend energy to get food, to get to food. That when you have your food, you can start to kind of think about, you know, what did I do for today? You know, how many, how many carbs do I need? You know, okay, we're going to have pasta tonight. Like, did I do that much today? And if you didn't, you can just think about maybe I can do a little more tomorrow. You know, you don't want to make it too, you know, you don't want to like abuse yourself
Starting point is 01:36:16 because you made a bad decision or something like that. It doesn't have to be anything like that. But just say, I'm going to exercise a little bit more tomorrow rather than a 20 minute, you know, walk that I was going to go for. I should actually lift tomorrow too. Cause I had a pretty big ass dinner. Balance it out. How tall are you? Someone just asked.
Starting point is 01:36:34 6'2". Okay. I gave you 6'3". Oh, hell no. Because I wasn't sure. I'm like, damn, when was the last time I stood next to him? But yeah. All right.
Starting point is 01:36:42 6'2". Okay. I'd like to say I am but but your 6'2 is a lot of other people's 6'4 oh yeah yeah people lie a lot yeah you're an honest 6'2 is everyone else is
Starting point is 01:36:55 not for real I'm 6'4 yeah no I'm not 6'2 I mean I'm not 6'3 got it yeah out tolling him I mean, I'm not 60. Got it. Yeah. Outtalling him. Take us on out of here, Andrew. I will.
Starting point is 01:37:15 Thank you, everybody, for checking out today's episode. Sincerely appreciate it, especially everybody on the live chat. You guys are awesome. Really appreciate you guys hanging out here, hitting that like button. It does help. And, yeah, we did talk about some things that may or may not get us uh in trouble again but it was worth it uh please make sure you find the podcast at mark wells power project on instagram at mb power project on uh twitter uh where else um we got the newsletter coming out i'm gonna hopefully get to that issue that and simo just put together um by the end of week. So make sure you guys register ASAP to receive that newsletter.
Starting point is 01:37:48 And yeah, also follow us on Clubhouse at all our separate handles. Mine is at IamAndrewZ on Instagram, Twitter, and Clubhouse. Nsema, where are you at? At NsemaYinYang on Instagram, YouTube, Clubhouse. NsemaYinYang on Twitter. Mark? Don't forget to catch the Natty Professor. He's going to be on Super Training 06 YouTube channel
Starting point is 01:38:07 with some great content for y'all. I don't know when that's being released. Do you? Soon. Yeah, soon. Soon, soon. Strength is never weak. This week is never strength.
Starting point is 01:38:17 Catch you guys later. Bye.

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