Mark Bell's Power Project - EP. 510 - Tony Huge - Laying Out All The Info You Want!

Episode Date: April 9, 2021

Today we talked to our favorite Doctor, the one and only Tony Huge! We talked all about his protocols, some of his performance enhancing methods and went into depth on each of the compounds he mention...ed. Dr. Tony Huge is a YouTube fitness celebrity and the founder of Enhanced Athlete. Enhanced Athlete is a supplement and apparel company with multiple gym locations one in Sacramento and one in the Philippines. Formerly the head of the largest financial law firms in Northern California, Dr. Huge used the proceeds from the sale of his law firm to travel the world uncovering the secrets to human health and performance. Links to everything mentioned in today's episode: Tony's Telegram: Tony's New YouTube Channel: Follow Tony's new Instagram: Subscribe to the NEW Power Project Newsletter! ➢ Subscribe to the Podcast on on Platforms! ➢ Special perks for our listeners below! ➢LMNT Electrolytes: ➢Piedmontese Beef: Use Code "POWERPROJECT" at checkout for 25% off your order plus FREE 2-Day Shipping on orders of $99 ➢Sling Shot: Enter Discount code, "POWERPROJECT" at checkout and receive 15% off all Sling Shots Follow Mark Bell's Power Project Podcast ➢ Insta: ➢ ➢ Twitter: ➢ LinkedIn: ➢ YouTube: ➢TikTok: FOLLOW Mark Bell ➢ Instagram: ➢ Facebook: ➢ Twitter: ➢ Snapchat: marksmellybell ➢Mark Bell's Daily Workouts, Nutrition and More: Follow Nsima Inyang ➢ Instagram: Podcast Produced by Andrew Zaragoza ➢ Instagram: #PowerProject #Podcast #MarkBell

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Dude, you know what I was thinking about? What's up? Back in the day, I mean, what was better than having a big jug of Kool-Aid? Like, almost literally nothing. Like, as a kid going out, playing on your bike, and you come inside, and it's like, dude, mom made some Kool-Aid. But now, looking at it today, it's like, dude, I can't have that as an adult, right? Like, it's impossible.
Starting point is 00:00:20 Oh, yeah! And the Kool-Aid man breaks through. Nah, seriously, man. Since you were mentioning that. And the Kool-Aid man breaks through. Nah, seriously, man. Since you were mentioning that, hold the microphone. Element has like awesome flavors, seven awesome flavors, and I'm going to list them all to you right now.
Starting point is 00:00:32 Orange, raspberry, citrus, unflavored, mango, chili, lemon, habanero, and chocolate. And guess what? What? You guys want to try all of these? Yeah. Then check out their sample pack. Yeah, you guys can get a free Element recharge pack
Starting point is 00:00:44 right now at slash power slash power project and obviously we're having fun here but the flavors are incredible and this is a an awesome way for you to try out multiple flavors in case you you know maybe orange salt is your jam and you don't want to stray away from it well with this sample pack you're actually going to be able to try some of the other flavors, like another favorite, citrus salt. Or, sorry, yeah, citrus salt. That's what it's called. I always want to call it lime because that's what it reminds me of. Anyways, this stuff really is kind of like grown-up Kool-Aid.
Starting point is 00:01:15 You have, like, zero guilt. Tastes amazing. You can put it in, like, a big gallon jug and drink that all day long like some awesome bodybuilders do. Or you can just, you know, know put in a shaker cup the way i do really you can't go wrong um check out the value bundles because that really is where like where it's at the value is in the value bundle because you get three boxes and they'll send you one absolutely free or if you're not ready to fully commit check out that recharge pack again that's at drink slash powerproject. All they ask is that you cover shipping. Get over there right now. What up, Power Project crew? This is Josh Settledge,
Starting point is 00:01:50 aka SettleGate, here to introduce you to our next guest, Dr. Tony Huge. Dr. Tony Huge is a YouTuber and fitness celebrity and the founder of Enhanced Athlete. Enhanced Athlete is a supplement and apparel company with multiple gym locations, one in Sacramento and one in the Philippines. Dr. Hughes was formerly the head of the largest business, consumer bankruptcy, and financial law firm in Northern California. He used the proceeds from the sale of his law firm to begin traveling the world, uncovering the secrets to human health and performance. This has led him to pursue experimentation with quote non-illegal and or prescribed substances to enhance his body. His approach to bodybuilding and life is how can I beat the system and have a bodybuilder type body
Starting point is 00:02:38 without working hard and maintaining that kind of lifestyle while traveling. Dr. Huge also just recently finished a personal experiment of where he attempted to gain 20 pounds of muscle in 30 days. But that is a different story. So please enjoy this conversation with Dr. Tony Huge. You cold? You want my jacket, bro? You sure? I'm sure, I'm sure, I'm sure.
Starting point is 00:03:02 I can, uh, I want my... It's cold in here. It is cold. It's a little nippy. You want me to take some of the edge off? How are you going to take some of the edge off? Nice big old hug. Just hold you.
Starting point is 00:03:13 I'm going to go look for a long sleeve. I think I have a long sleeve in my office. It's okay, guys. It's okay. Come on, bro. I'll just freeze to death over here. It's all right. Drink my iced coffee.
Starting point is 00:03:22 I'll click on the heater. We're from Africa, man. We got to watch out for you. You're like, people are. I'm from Africa, man. We gotta watch out for you. People are born on the fucking equator and shit. We're not meant for the cold, man. You're tropical. I'm tropical. It's in my genes. I'll never forget that line
Starting point is 00:03:36 from Menace to Society. Fucking hate. He says Africa is tropical? No, they're at a party and back then the woke friend was sitting on top of the cooler and then the main guy comes like he's like why you over here looking like the grim reaper because he has a hood on and everything he's like it's cold out here we tropical folks and he's like why is your tropical ass sitting on the cooler
Starting point is 00:04:00 oh no i'm gonna be using that now i totally forgot about that that's right and so i've been saying that i'm tropical ever since then because i'm always cold well you're also congolese i know so two percent of me is tropical got that king cock he's like i'm looking for a way to use that. And now he's got it out there. Oh, yeah. It's out there. It's out there.
Starting point is 00:04:31 Mm hmm. But using that phrase so much. You know, the other day, are we recording right now? Yeah. It was actually yesterday. No, we're not. Right. Yeah, no, we are.
Starting point is 00:04:41 No, we can't. We can't say all that. No. Yeah, I know we are. No, we can't. We can't say all that. Can we? We can say it over and over. Nah. After we had Brian Carroll on, I was like, why am I not doing these fucking, you know,
Starting point is 00:04:51 the upside down suitcase carries? There's another storm, not upside down, but what are they called? Oh, bottoms up. Bottoms up. I'm like, why have I not been doing these? Those are tough. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:03 When I was working at home, I was just like every few minutes I'd grab my kettlebell walk back and forth in the room walk back and forth you found it pretty difficult with 110 pound kettlebell for the first time you ever tried it I think I was just using like a 30 oh okay yeah so it was never know within SEMA over here like yeah I tried it man it was kind of difficult the 110 is a little bit wide on the hand, you know. The grip was weird, so it kind of threw me off balance a bit, but I only did like 10 sets. Or, and then, you know, I've seen
Starting point is 00:05:32 somebody else do a cartwheel in the middle, and I was like, I wonder if I, I probably can't do it. He's like, yep, and I did it perfectly the first try. It was weird. I actually decided to do a backflip with it. It was strange. And then I just levitated and then called it a day. Took an Instagram picture. It was a little bit difficult I just levitated and then called it a day. Took an Instagram picture. It was a little bit difficult at first, though, because I was lotioned up.
Starting point is 00:05:51 I was like, why is this slipping through my hand? It's because I freaking applied too much lotion on my body. What kind of lotion we got over here? Are we doing some sort of ad over here? No, no. We're not. It's like a Wayne's World ad. We're not.
Starting point is 00:06:01 I was just kind of ashy today. So this is Trader Joe's Hand and Body Cream made with Moroccan argan oil. And the great thing about this is it's called Midsummer Night's Cream. Oh, wow. That's the name of the lotion. Midsummer Night's Cream. Midsummer Night's Cream Pie? It changes it, right?
Starting point is 00:06:22 It makes it so different. You're like, wait, why does it say that at the end i knew one of y'all was gonna say something about that but yeah no man this there's no scent it's just it spreads so well it's it's nice we walked in you're in here by yourself i figure since we're gonna have tony huge on it's it's relevant to have this here just in case and then whip out that king and then it seemed to play it off as if he's just like on his phone like researching like oh hey guys what's up everybody got half the podcast done already this morning
Starting point is 00:06:55 it's gonna be a great podcast man maybe he has better options for lube he probably you know that's a great question to ask. He's a doctor. Maybe if it's just coconut oil or, you know. That giant thing of coconut oil in Mike Ryan's bathroom. Yep. Wait, what? Yep. Oh, yeah. Mike Ryan.
Starting point is 00:07:14 Man, Mike Ryan be living it up. Yeah. Mike Ryan is living it up. He's the man. I guarantee we open like, there's probably like some weird thing. Oh, yeah. A section of his closet that's just. It's like a button and it turns out sex chamber or something see like a sweat a sex swing in there and everything yeah uh man the eternal bachelor man yeah brian yeah he's like what he's in his
Starting point is 00:07:37 50s now right i think so yeah man look man looks like he's like well his his hair is 50 but his everything else is like 35. Super jacked. Good for you, Mike. Always with like some 20-year-old, like fucking just the hottest Instagram chick you've ever seen. Why are his arms so big? They're huge. Does he train them every day or something? He probably does.
Starting point is 00:07:55 The only time that I've seen him at Gold's, he was just like on a step mill with tiny ass shorts. Does a step mill make your arms bigger? Oh, yeah. He rocks some short shorts. You have shorts? I'm learning from Mike Ryan. Two days in a row. Two days in a row.
Starting point is 00:08:12 Are those have built in mantis in them? No, no, no. I hate those. Oh, you don't like those? Not a fan either. You know what? The rough thing is, why do you dislike them? I know what you're going to say.
Starting point is 00:08:23 They start to smell. Yeah. Yes. It's like they're comfy when you're wearing them but then like when you take them off it's just like yo i didn't know this smelled this bad like ball residue yeah and we wash and stuff but it's just like it can never how about you how do you like them i haven't noticed any weird smell but yeah uh yeah i like them i think you know what though you're like mark doesn't all right though are we sure about that well mark doesn't stink but i know that mark the
Starting point is 00:08:51 name smelly i mean you figured i would right well you've been working on it since you were a kid i feel like you're i feel like your sniff test is more liberal than my stuff i feel like you'll sniff and be like that's that's two more days. Like, I didn't hit the floor. It didn't bring me to my knees. I think I'm good. Yeah. No, even when Mark was chasing 600, like, he was a big boy, and I remember never once, like, even middle of
Starting point is 00:09:18 the training session, middle of the summer, and it's like, man, how does he not smell? Yeah. Why do you have the name Smelly if you don't go around actually being smelly? When I was a kid, I just hated to take showers, so my brothers made fun of me. But I gave away a bunch of my clothes here one time, and some of the old lifters that used to train here, they're like, I love wearing your shirts, man, because they smell like you. Like Juan and Tristan and those guys, they're like like you smell really good all the time i'm like oh my god you guys are so weird what's wrong with you guys oh my god wait trustin he was uh
Starting point is 00:09:54 yeah trustin shull powerlifter yeah but man uh yeah yeah he showed his butt a lot no not he showed i think yeah trustin's gross yeah okay. Okay, yeah, Treston. Treston, yeah. He got me to consider a lot of things. I bet. There are some things that I'm going to be doing in my future just because Treston suggested it. Well, no more than this guy. No more than Tony Huge.
Starting point is 00:10:22 The doctor. Oh, my God. He has such a clean beard today, too. Not that he usually doesn't have a clean beard, but it's quite clean today. Oh, look at that shirt. Wow. Oh yeah, I was gonna reveal it
Starting point is 00:10:34 after I was gonna go like this. If you pan around the room, like, what's going on in the other part of the room? Are there like like, half-naked women everywhere? Completely naked women? Or... Webcam, very low resolution. Hey, y'all, that was free for those watching on YouTube.
Starting point is 00:11:04 She just went, oh. Oh, man. Oh, now you're getting yelled at. Yeah. What's been going on, Tony Huge? It's been a while. Oh, you know, as always, there's a lot of stuff. It's hard to keep it all straight.
Starting point is 00:11:20 I mean, since last time we talked, the new movie came out, straight. I mean, since last time we've talked, the new movie came out, Trafficked by National Geographic, and have the EAIC online sort of coaching program where we're teaching people how to use substances safely, but also in the extreme ways that I'm known for. And have a new telegram group I'm setting up as a, hopefully a way to get uncensored information out.
Starting point is 00:11:47 And as always experimenting constantly on myself and anybody around me who will, who trust me enough to allow me to experiment on them as well. You know, recently online, you know, we've seen some stuff come out from more plates, more dates,
Starting point is 00:12:02 and from a bunch of other people, people like yourself. And we're hearing a lot of talk about younger guys and younger, basically kids, teenagers, getting on cycles. You know, I know that this has been around for quite some time. People have talked about, you know, football players, high school football players and stuff, you know, taking a little bit of this or a little bit of that. But it seemed like, I don't know, it seemed like kids a little bit of that but it seemed like i don't know it
Starting point is 00:12:25 seemed like kids used to kind of lie about it or uh you know if they got on a cycle it was just for a real short period of time but nowadays seems like people are taking it a lot more serious what are some of your thoughts about you know younger guys taking stuff uh you know really early and did you make a decision to start doing stuff really early? I think in the grand scheme of things, in all the different choices we can make in life, honestly, that taking substances is not as significant as other major choices in life.
Starting point is 00:12:57 And for me, I wish I had taken it earlier because I started when I was age 30 and I had reached my natural potential. I felt when I was around 21 for bodybuilding purposes, you know, it's different maybe for powerlifting or, uh, especially for jujitsu, right? You know, you could go really far without taking any substances. So it depends on the sport, but in the sport of bodybuilding, you, you reach a natural plateau, your progress starts slowing down.
Starting point is 00:13:24 What'd you say? Like five, maybe about five, six years into it, that's when most people would kind of hit a wall? Yeah, I'd say that's about right. And I've met some really dedicated natural lifters and I think they reach their natural potential within a, within three years. It depends on how dedicated they are and how mature they they are. Because if they're not that dedicated, it takes them a lot longer. I started lifting as young as I could.
Starting point is 00:13:50 Maybe I was 12, 13. And I felt like I reached as much muscle as my body could naturally hold when I was around 20. So it wasn't a lot of years, but I was still young. So that's the big thing. You're eight years into lifting. You're already 21 years old. The crazy thing, the wild thing about like the younger cats starting whatever at 19,
Starting point is 00:14:12 20, 21 is that they don't have any lifting experience under the belt. And the one thing I'm curious to ask you about is like a lot of these dudes, you know, they're like hormonally, they're not done yet. Right there. They're not settled. And then they start adding all these exogenous things into the whole mix, which, and they don't even know all the protocols to do during after, right? While all the, it's like, it's just a weird cocktail of shit. And then they end up with problems. So I'm curious, like they should
Starting point is 00:14:41 have a lifting base. So they should already have been lifting for a few years. When I guess if someone did want to start and they're between the ages of eight, because kids, kids be want to do this shit at 16, too. But let's say they're between the ages of 18 to 25. What do they need to consider? So they don't have long term effects because you end up seeing kids that are just like, um, I don't have libido anymore like all these stupid things right and even like there's been all this talk and all these videos about like just people getting tons of gyno and that's going rampant now right so so
Starting point is 00:15:16 what do people need to consider before taking that leap uh that it that it is a you can never go back in time so once you start taking these substances you can never go back and and not have taken them uh so that's the biggest thing so because you don't know what side effects could come out of it we're all very genetically different so we're taking a gamble whenever we use this stuff and some people are very predisposed to certain side effects like gyno, for example. But gyno specifically is, it's much more common in natural individuals than even in bodybuilders. I mean, people are at young ages are getting gyno just because their natural testosterone, natural hormones are off, environmental toxins, maybe cultural influences, suppressing masculinity,
Starting point is 00:16:03 who knows. But gyno rates are way up because if uh if i look at how many people contact me with how to cure their gyno because i help people with this kind of stuff and that's one of the reasons i put these protocols together and in the telegram group and on the website i'm gonna try to get this information out most of the people that contact me for gyno problems are actually natural. Think about that, right? So I think that also that in our modern age, there's a major hormonal imbalance. The estrogen is too high in men, the testosterone is too low. And for a lot of these people actually may be healthier to supplement with testosterone, but they should get their
Starting point is 00:16:45 hormone levels checked. I mean, I'm talking even younger people, but there's probably a lot of younger people that, younger men that are not going through puberty properly because their estrogen is too high, their testosterone is too low. And it would be more optimal to fix it through natural ways, of course, and through their environment and their lifestyle and their diet. But if they had to choose between using, you know, injecting steroids, basically, or staying natural and having, in my opinion, unnaturally high estrogen and low testosterone, I think they would be still better off using the steroids. And I'm saying something really extreme. Like I think young people,
Starting point is 00:17:25 I think more young people should be considering steroids than are. But I'm not talking about bodybuilders. I'm talking about people, men who want to go through puberty properly, but can't because their hormones are off base. And again, it would have been better. It would be better for them to address it through diet, exercise, lifestyle. But if they're not going to do that, they may be even better looking at supplementing hormones let's be clear they need to try and freaking address it through diet exercise and lifestyle
Starting point is 00:17:55 correct okay because i know some 16 year olds ears perk like i need to do it right all right a lot of kids are obese you're going to tell them of course you need to do it right all right a lot of kids are obese you're going to tell them of course you need to do it through diet first but if they're not going to if they just aren't going to do nothing you can do to cause them to go through diet guess what i give them a pill that they burn a pound of fat every day which is very dangerous and it's a last resort but it's still better to do that than it is to continue on being what what are some ways that someone could get rid of bitch tits gynecom on being what what are some ways that someone could get rid of bitch tits gynecomastia like what are some ways that somebody could you know how can they do that
Starting point is 00:18:32 without getting surgery so so these are the things these are the hormones that are involved in gyno we have estrogen being too high progesterone we have prolactin being too high we have androgens like testosterone and dht being too low so it's a it's mostly about adjusting these different hormones so we can take things like tamoxifen or raloxifene tormofenese or serbs that bind to the estrogen receptor in the nipple and block that signal so the nipple doesn't respond to estrogen and then we can do things like increase androgens like we can take mastro for example proviron a testosterone but along with something to limit the conversion to estrogen and test out the way that men's bodies get estrogen is by conversion from
Starting point is 00:19:25 testosterone to estrogen so you can interfere with that conversion by taking an aromatase inhibitor so the extreme protocol that we use for someone to get rid of gyno let's say gyno came on very quickly you know this this person uh maybe this is a steroid person that gyno came on very quick then we hit him with letrozole which is the most powerful aromatase inhibitor prevents the conversion of testosterone to estrogen so now we eliminate their estrogen and then we also use something like tamoxifen which is a serum which blocks the receptor in the nipple and then we also supplement with like a master which is a highly androgenic steroid and that usually gets rid of gyno very very quickly
Starting point is 00:20:05 if we were going to go the natural way i mean it's hard it's hard because you know if someone if someone went through puberty and they're and they're now let's say they're an adult but they have this gyno that they got not from steroids but just from uh just from having too high of estrogen through puberty now they've got permanent tissue there. Well, it's not as, it's not as much of an emergency to get rid of it. We don't have to blast them with all three compounds and we don't have to necessarily inject. We can do things like just take a CIRM, which is what it's designed for.
Starting point is 00:20:38 CIRM selective estrogen receptor modulator prescription medication designed for breast cancer. So it designed for breast cancer so it reduces the the breast cancer and this does the same thing in men it reduces the size of the nipple glands we've heard um you know the saying once you like you know go to the dark side you never come back but um you know what's your take on once you know somebody gets on something the the idea that they're going to be on stuff for the rest of their lives, I'm really curious to hear what you have to say about that. Yeah, we can just take examples of friends and people I talk to. I'd say most bodybuilders, once they start, they continue their whole life.
Starting point is 00:21:17 But I also know a lot of people that aren't bodybuilders. They're just entrepreneurs, business people, just people that went through a phase during their life. Maybe they did sports and they took steroids. They were into bodybuilding and they weren't into it anymore. So I know a lot of guys that did steroids for a short period of time and achieved an awesome physique or great sports performance and then never took them again and have no problem. I mean, they took a risk because once you use it, your body can decrease or stop its own production. That's rare for the long term. I mean, most of the time we see that huge decreases in natural testosterone over long term or shutdown is when bodybuilders use huge dosages. But if I had, let's say I was mentored, no, let's say I would go back in time
Starting point is 00:22:04 and say, okay, you're not going to do bodybuilding. You're just going to focus on business your whole life. But you could do steroids for just three months, build a whole bunch of muscle, a good foundation, and in my opinion, finish puberty that a lot of us don't even finish. Then it's worth it because three months of steroids or two months of steroids has very minimal side effects if done properly. But it has a lot of benefits you get to keep your whole life. I mean, we've seen the studies that if one person does one steroid cycle, their muscle cells just become optimized in so many ways. They keep those benefits. This is why in the UFC or, you know, in other sports authorities, federations, there. This is why in the UFC or, you know, in other sports
Starting point is 00:22:45 authorities, federations, there's this debate over how long should someone have to be natural before they, or do they always have to be natural before being able to compete in this federation? Because if they ever did steroids, they have an advantage. So I say if for quality of life, it's worth doing a short cycle, and then being done with it. And you don't have to be addicted to it your whole life. You don't have to be dependent on it if it's done properly. But it's just that it feels so good to be on, you know, once you get that feeling. And I don't think it's psychologically addicting like a drug, but it's addicting because you've experienced something great. And now it's hard not to be living with that benefit all the time in the future.
Starting point is 00:23:29 At one point, we got to get back to your nipples here for a minute. At one point, didn't you squirt some milk out of your nipples? If so, how in the hell did that happen? It happened right in our conference room. I hear a request for demonstration. I never do this unless it's requested of me. Quasi-requested. Oh my god.
Starting point is 00:23:51 Is the camera high resolution? Dude! Dude! I actually have quite a bit of lactation today. This is an abnormal amount. An abnormal amount.
Starting point is 00:24:07 It might be because I just jumped back on cycle, and I think my nipples are getting heavily stimulated. Taste test. Oh, God. Oh. Bro, is that milk? Is that milk? Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:23 Well, I think milk depends how you define milk it looks a little bit lactation is it lactate is it from uh like high prolactin levels or something like that what what causes that like what steroid in particular causes that well okay so i okay so this is this is a problem because i everybody thinks i take a huge amount of steroids and the most hardcore steroids and i and i don't i do short experiments and most of the time i'm using SARMs and TRT i'm usually using very low dosages and i'm i'm focused on health by default but i happen to be on sort of this experiment phase right now because i went the last two months of being on just TRT,
Starting point is 00:25:06 maybe a little SARMs here and there. And I did a fertility protocol because I wanted to have another child. And that actually worked out pretty well, the fertility protocol. And now after two months, now it's okay. Now it's time to jump back on. I wanted to come in strong. So I came in on just a very low dosage though but two of the most powerful steroids so trust alone also known as mint and trend below along with my TRT foundation and those both happen to be one of the worst aggravators of gyno for two different reasons. Trenbolone because it acts like it interferes with the progesterone receptor and it causes direct gyno for some people, including me.
Starting point is 00:25:56 And the mint because it converts to estrogen, heavily converts to estrogen, more than any other steroid. One of the reasons why it works so good because when your estrogen is high you actually could build a lot of muscle very quickly there's a lot of benefits to having high estrogen bodybuilding but you also have to keep the androgens higher or you have estrogenic side effects so right now the synergy of these two working together to make my gyno worse i think one week ago because i've only been on for one week, one week ago, I wouldn't have had any lactation. I think I just brought it, brought it back with this. So you're lucky.
Starting point is 00:26:30 You're lucky we're doing this. Well, thank you. Do you have to be as knowledgeable as you are to be able to be on steroids? You know, or do it healthfully. Yeah. To do it healthfully, you do it and these type of steroids is trendblown and trust alone you have to be very careful these can have a lot of side effects so i'm you know it seemed like i think i i think am i convincing you to take steroids
Starting point is 00:26:57 nah you're actually you're continuing to validate me right now this shit is complicated man like god dang yeah and you're you're religious about your uh your blood work and stuff as well is that i mean i would imagine that when somebody when somebody hits you up they dm you they message you they email you however they get a hold of you uh i'd imagine that's probably the first place you start you say hey i would like to see your blood work right like you're not just guessing you You're not just like, yeah, bro, I think you should take A, B and C. You know, you probably really want to see where these people are at a lot of times. Right. So usually, yeah, if the less information I have, the less I'm willing to be extreme with it, the more variables I isolate, the more extreme I can be because I don't have to worry about unknowns because I know all the possible things that could happen. So yeah, if someone's coming to me and I, and I don't have, and I just have like a message, I have no picture, I have no blood work, then okay,
Starting point is 00:27:54 you know, we're talking about like TRT and low level SARMs. But if I see a picture and I see they've got a lot of experience, they've got a lot of muscle mass and I see their blood work and I see they've got a lot of experience. They've got a lot of muscle mass and I see their blood work and I know their status, their health, and I know their dedication, their diet. The more data I have, the more complicated I can get. And because I know my own body so well, because I get my blood work done and I experimented on myself so much and I'm so self-aware, I can push myself to a further limit than I would push other people. And I can make it a lot more complicated.
Starting point is 00:28:30 And it does. For someone like me or someone who wants to make extremely fast progress, they want to put on 10 pounds of muscle in one week or some ridiculous thing that we do. We actually do these for the documentaries. We did them and we do them behind the scenes all the time. If you look at my social media, you'll see guys that one day they're skinny and a couple weeks later they're huge so yeah i i do this but uh it does get complicated and it depends on a lot of factors that it's i need more data to be able to to to make it safer how does somebody how does somebody like i guess uh conveniently get
Starting point is 00:29:08 their blood work done like do you do you have a website that people can go to to like specifically get a certain style of blood work done or can you direct people to uh somewhere where they can find out more information because like even that's sort of complicated because you go to the doctor and say hey i want blood work they kind of just check your lipids right i mean they're not going to really check your testosterone and your estrogen and your cortisol and your growth hormone and they're probably not going to do like a full panel right right so if uh if i go to this website private md there you go and actually sometimes the best way to find it is to just do a google search private md labs and then bodybuilding panel oh okay and there's a whole
Starting point is 00:29:53 there's there's like five different bodybuilding panels and now they've partnered with quest diagnostics i think everybody knows the biggest network work. And before, Quest used to be actually a lot more expensive. And now, for some reason, they've partnered with PrivateMD Labs. And now you can go on PrivateMD Labs and get Quest diagnostic tests for like half the price that lab work used to be. So, yeah. And then there's panels, like a bodybuilding panel. And the more you pay, the more comprehensive it is. So if I was going to start steroid cycle for the first time, because I don't even know, you know, you wouldn't even know what to test for, you've never tested
Starting point is 00:30:36 before, I would test for everything. And they would probably pay, it'd be less than $300 to do a very comprehensive test. And if that wasn't affordable, that people could get a fairly, a pretty good test for maybe like $150 that tested their, their hormones and their basic liver kidneys. Okay. This actually brings me to something that I'm very curious about because thinking back to when I was a teenager,
Starting point is 00:31:01 I had no money, even my early twenties. So let, let, let me ask you this. And I know this is going to be an it depends kind of thing, but let's say a guy's like, oh, I want to start something. I want to get bigger in a few months, three months, four months, whatever, right? What is generally the price of the standard protocol that one would go through that's fairly conservative.
Starting point is 00:31:25 And then what is the price of the post cycle, whatever the things that they need to do in general, how much money are they putting down along with the price of all the testing that they need to do to be able to get out of this in a safe or continue this in a safe manner? Because I figure that a lot of younger cats are probably getting in there starting something. They put some money now.'re like great and then they get to a spot where they're like oh shit i can't afford the things that i need to get myself out of this in some way right or to to get myself back to normal and then they're fucked so can you give us some idea of the financials that people need to think about because i feel like a lot of people are rushing into this deal without understanding that yeah Yeah. Also, these things sometimes take time to get in the mail or wherever they come from, right? So the problem is if someone has a side effect during the cycle
Starting point is 00:32:14 and they don't have some of the ancillaries to go along with it and prevent side effects at the same time, then they have to wait to get that or they didn't budget for that so yeah that's great question and great planning so a bottle of testosterone may only cost 50 and that could last someone you know a beginner like two months it's like practically free so cheap and and the needles and syringes are so cheap too this costs nothing right i mean compare that to an over-the-counter supplement that it's cheaper than over-the-counter supplements. But then, you know, you add in the ancillaries. Okay, now let's say another $50 for tamoxifen. That blocks the estrogen in the nipple.
Starting point is 00:32:56 Let's say you add another $50. Let's say you want to add another thing that prevents the conversion of testosterone to estrogen. So that's another $50 XMS day. So, so i mean these are nice things to have on hand i wouldn't start a cycle personally unless i have all these things on hand but i just always have them on hand uh and then the testing you know before and let's say before during uh and after let's see you do 150 each time you know if you're doing the less testing so you're 450 in testing so you see what i guess what i'm trying to say is the actual testosterone the actual main steroid that we're using is like a fraction of the cost and then you know for
Starting point is 00:33:37 professional bodybuilders people think well i thought it was a lot more expensive well yeah once you get into growth hormone and you get into igf and these other and you start getting into higher dosages of steroids and things tremolone and premable and these sort of things start getting a lot more expensive but the basic beginner cycle i mean we're just talking a couple hundred dollars i was hoping this was more expensive and we don't we don't want to like give people like recommendations and stuff and you know i i think that people should should finish their normal natural growth i think that people should be in pursuit of trying to get as strong as they possibly can as big as they possibly can uh for as long as they can naturally and then then if they, uh, want to jump ship,
Starting point is 00:34:26 research the fuck out of it, make a decision from there on what you want to do. But I think it's fairly reasonable to say that, uh, you know, 150 to 250 milligrams of testosterone is very, the very mild dosage. And it, it's not going to doing it before doing it before you finish puberty and doing
Starting point is 00:34:44 it before you're, you know, of the age of like 25, I would say like, I don't think that that's a smart move, but anyone that starts to get beyond that age, it's, that's a very, very safe amount. I can't even, I can't even like try to think of anything that dangerous that would happen. Can, can you think of any problems whatsoever? I mean, I don't think you're going to run into gyno. I don't think you're going to convert a lot of that to estrogen. It's just going to be a nice bump and it might put you into maybe a high normal range. What have you seen from those kinds of dosages, those moderate dosages of,
Starting point is 00:35:19 you know, somewhere between 150 milligrams of testosterone to maybe 200 or so? Well, that's the thing is there's almost no side effects of that there's also no almost no side effects of taking a low dosage star but but what happens is uh people like how that feels they keep going up in the dosage right i'll take a little more fuck it i mean this happens all the time someone comes to me and they're like they've been they've been hesitating for years they're thinking about jumping on here for years they've been thinking about it and then they finally jump on with testosterone they say i'm gonna do
Starting point is 00:35:57 you know a 12-week cycle by the third week they love it so much they want to know how much trend they got so this is just a natural progression that people just want more i think if in bodybuilding and this is what coach steve vigorous steve does a lot of content with more place more days and all that too um him and i were talking in the gym today because he had a liver problem, serious liver problem. And he had to go do a no protein diet for six weeks. He lost all his muscle. What caused it? He came off all year. Do you know what caused it? He doesn't know for sure other than he thinks it was just the cumulative effect of a lifetime of, he's somewhere near my age. I'm 38. He's around my age, a lifetime of bodybuilding. And he's been using gear since, you know, his early twenties. I think he's been using
Starting point is 00:36:51 gear a lot longer than, than I have. So just the cumulative effect of the amount of food and the amount of supplements over such a long period of time, and he should have gotten it checked earlier, but it wasn't really showing up on his liver enzyme so much because it was happening over such a long period of time. So now he's okay. Now his liver's fine, but now he looks at bodybuilding very differently. And we were talking today that if you get your physique, you can build an amazing physique off of low dosage steroids over long periods of time. But it's like, if you want that extra 10%, like you want to be in bodybuilding, but you want to be a champion,
Starting point is 00:37:34 you want to be a competitor and really push your body to the limit. Like that's where all the damage happens. So what I don't want people that have is misinformation thinking that, okay, these, these big bodybuilders are having these health problems. So I'm going to have health problems if I do steroids too. When the poison is in the dosage, is in all the other factors involved, there's a lot of people. I was at the gym also today with another guy who's been using steroids for 30 years. He has zero side effects, zero regrets. best decision he ever made. He has an incredible physique. He competes every once in a while, but he doesn't really push it that hard.
Starting point is 00:38:12 He doesn't take the super hard compounds and high dosages. He just has used a lifetime of steroid usage. So he looks awesome. You know, he can jump on stage anytime he wants. And I said, awesome. You know, he can jump on stage anytime he wants. And I said, please, let's do a video about this. Let's tell the world a 30 year steroid user is in perfect health. I mean, he's in his mid fifties, right? He looks like he has the physique of a 25 year old in his prime, but he won't come on camera. You know, everybody's afraid of the taboo. Everybody's afraid of the trolls. Everybody's afraid of the negative because that's the culture that's been created around steroids so i i try to change that because i just want people to have access to all the information but you know if you go on and you say positive things about steroids you get censored and if you're a if you're a a horror story and you have all these side effects
Starting point is 00:38:59 it's going to go viral and everybody's going to use that as it you know as it looks well for whatever they want to use it for. But you're just not going to hear from the guys who really love the gear and had a great experience with it because they're just not out there broadcasting. There are some dangers. There are some dangers to it. And it can be, in some cases, can be really dangerous to the point where somebody gets like an abscess. You know, I've heard of people having to get abscesses cut out i've i've seen lifters friends with horrible access abscesses and they
Starting point is 00:39:32 can't even compete on power thing on a day where they have a powerlifting meet um what are some of the things to avoid and to be aware of and and how do we how do you avoid, you know, an abscess? How do we avoid some of the negative side effects? So it's a good timing. You asked that because this is, this is pop. It's not a good picture of him, but muscle journeys on Instagram. He's that 280 pound mass monster. Big boy. Some of the biggest, his legs are the size of big Ramey's legs.
Starting point is 00:40:04 Oh my gosh like real talk like actually oh wow he i mean he squats 800 pounds i mean you'd be so impressed mark is and his strength for a pure body where's he at where's he live at he's in bangkok thailand here yeah he's come to Photos with him. Oh, it's an Asian cat. He has a huge abscess right now. That's why I bring it up. So he injected, I think he injected Deca in his shoulder, and he had to have it surgically cut open.
Starting point is 00:40:41 They said you're not allowed to lift for more than six weeks, and he still got a bandage on it. I mean, he was a really bad abscess. I mean, it's the type of thing people can get abscesses to the point where they have to have limbs cut off and and deca-deroblin is a very common steroid so like what do you think went wrong here just a hygiene issue or something wrong with the actual product itself or something or just bad luck itself or something or just bad luck? He's a bit reckless. He's a little bit reckless. So I think the hygiene
Starting point is 00:41:08 thing may have been a huge factor. Wow, his legs look swollen as fuck. They look huge. Yeah, that is insane. It looks photoshopped. And you know, when the COVID thing happened, he took a huge break off of weightlifting. I mean,
Starting point is 00:41:24 this year is not a good year for him, right? But if you look back in the previous few years, I mean, absolutely massive all year. So many interesting things we can learn from him. He's a very interesting case study. Like the fact that how much he can eat is 10 kilos of chicken he eats per day.
Starting point is 00:41:40 Whoa. How much protein is that? Are you talking about 10 kilos of chicken? Yeah. I'm just wondering like, protein is that? 10 kilos of chicken. I'm just wondering, like, gramage. 10 kilos of chicken. 22 pounds of chicken. Holy fuck. Does he routinely eat that much or he just can't eat that much?
Starting point is 00:41:56 No, anytime he's trying to put on size, he does extreme things like this. But he has to put all the food in the blender. So he's drinking chicken shake all day long. Chicken shake. I mean, that may be excessive. I don't want people to think that that's necessary.
Starting point is 00:42:11 It's just, he's an extreme case study. Jesus Christ. Was he like a professional eater or something? God damn. This is one of the genetic advantages that huge bodybuilders have, right? They can't get huge unless they can eat that much food. You know, crazy metabolism. What are some of the other side effects and how to, how can people avoid them? They can't get huge unless they can eat that much food. What are some of the other side effects and how can people avoid them? Well, I'll finish about the injection.
Starting point is 00:42:36 So number one, I told him not to stop injecting in the shoulders. He likes to inject in the shoulders because then the shoulders get bigger. It creates inflammation. A lot of bodybuilders are injecting for the purpose of causing inflammation in that area, which, which it works, it works, but it's like the least safe way to build muscle of all the different ways to build muscle is to just inject inflammation and damage into the specific area. So I, you know, doing the glute would be easier. Also the size of the amount that we're injecting. If you inject 1cc, 2cc, okay, fine. But if you
Starting point is 00:43:07 inject something, you take like a 5cc syringe and put that in your shoulder, I mean, your body just can't handle that. The amount of damage that's happening. That's a lot of oil. Once the damage bacteria has created, your body encapsulates it. Then it just becomes like a ball
Starting point is 00:43:23 in there for of infection and you have to get it cut out yeah what else so so i'm not convinced but but yeah so like yeah so okay abscesses well yeah let's try to figure out what are the common things common side effects that happen to people and how can they, how can they either just avoid going towards these, these negative things or, um,
Starting point is 00:43:52 prevent it altogether. Hair loss, I think is people's biggest concern because they can see it. Yeah. Oh God. Look at, Oh geez. Oh my God.
Starting point is 00:44:03 You look fine, Tony. So, uh, Oh, God. Look at it. Oh, geez. Oh, my God. You look fine, Tony. So hair loss is one because you can see it. So it's of most concern to people. And you know it's happening, right? Like you don't know if something's happening to your heart or your organs unless you blood test it or unless it gets so serious that you become aware of it. But your hair, you can see. So there's certain steroids that cause hair loss and other steroids that don't. And it, but your hair, you can see. So there's certain steroids
Starting point is 00:44:25 that cause hair loss and other steroids that don't. And it's also dosage dependent, like Premabolin, for example, it's a very safe steroid. There's almost no side effects from it. The reason why people don't use it because it's expensive, you got to use more of it, you got to do more injections. It can cause hair loss, but usually people use it in a lower dosage. They use like 200, 400 milligrams. They don't have any hair loss. I did an experiment where I took 1600 milligrams to see what would happen. And my hair started falling out. And it was the first time on steroids that I had massive hair loss. So now we know that premobulin in low dosage is okay, not so hard on the hair. Premobulin in high dosages, very bad for the hair.
Starting point is 00:45:07 You know, so you can choose compounds. So if someone has a predisposition to a certain side effect, they can choose compounds that don't aggravate that side effect. So there's steroids that don't have any negative impact on gyno. In fact, Masterone, which is an androgenic steroid, which there's a debate over whether it even causes hair loss or prostate problems but originally it was thought the reason not to take masterone was because of hair loss and prostate problems but that turns out to be really helpful for gyno that can that can help cure gyno and there's a lot of cases where we've
Starting point is 00:45:43 tried everything and it didn't work but we throw in masterone and it worked to cure cure gyno. And there's a lot of cases where we've tried everything and it didn't work, but we throw in mastrone and it worked to cure the gyno. So yeah, you have to be familiar with each compound, familiar with each side effect and aware of all the potential side effects so you can look for them and notice them early because any of these side effects, if you notice them early, you can mitigate them. But there's always a point of no return. Same thing with cancer. You catch cancer early, it's not a problem. You can change your diet. You can have it taken out when it's a small tumor before it spreads. But you let it go too long and there's a point of no return. Same thing with every steroid side effect.
Starting point is 00:46:18 What about like, let's take a quick step back. Like even like things that freak me out about injections and all that is like actual location. Like I remember hearing like, uh, like these scared straight stories about like, oh, if you hit like a nerve, you could like really mess yourself up. There's little things like that, that like once it's done, it's done. And then like, uh, like accidentally injecting air. Like I heard that, like, you know, that's like the end all be all right there.
Starting point is 00:46:44 But like, I, you know, again again these are just things that i've heard i would like to hear what you know you have like with uh actual like experience on okay so um i've injected all over the place right experiments i i now prefer to inject in my upper outer glute. But I mean, this is standard. Most bodybuilders know upper outer glute and they think like back here. Don't excite us too much. I actually like doing it right here. It's almost a hip muscle.
Starting point is 00:47:16 Yeah. See that hip muscle that comes up? I've never had a single problem there. No pain, no nerve, no knot, no scar, nothing nothing i don't understand why more people don't inject in that that area on the other hand if i inject in my quad i've got like a 50 chance i'm going to be limping and the way that the place they do it on the quad is about you know right about there on the outer outer part of quad. Anytime you're on the inside of the, anytime you're on the inside of the body, inside of the body, we're more sensitive. We're
Starting point is 00:47:51 more resilient on the outside of our body, probably as a survival mechanism, because when we're fighting, protect ourselves. So you don't want to go usually on the inside of, of anything in the, in the body. And then I do like shoulders. I do like doing shoulders, not the front shoulder. The front of the shoulder has a lot of nerves. So I like doing the side or the back. The back is also one of the more comfortable places for me to do it where I've also never had a problem. Arms, I've had problems, many problems. I think it's really easy to destroy the shape of the bicep or tricep by injecting the arms. You can see a lot of some experienced bodybuilders kind of can sometimes lose their shape.
Starting point is 00:48:30 I've seen a lot of infections when people inject their arm that they just don't seem to get as much infections when they inject into the glute. And then you would never inject your calf. That's extremely painful. Yeah, I try. I mean, I guess people maybe it's one of those things. You got to try to see what it feels like, but it's so miserable. What about experimentation with people that are natural?
Starting point is 00:48:57 Have you guys pushed that envelope? And have you, you know, I know in your documentaries, you've had people gain like all kinds of crazy weight and some awesome experiments. But have you had anybody do it with mainly just food and I guess like over the counter legal supplements? Have you messed with that at all? It's just not as exciting to me, honestly, because I know, you know, I know we can only make so much progress. So I'd say if we could put, you know, five pounds on someone who's natural in a month, that would be a muscle. That would be a great victory. Right. But that's still like not.
Starting point is 00:49:36 I mean, we were putting on like 30 pounds on people in a month. Let's talk about that a little bit more. Let's talk about that a little bit more. So you put on how much weight were you able to put on somebody? And then how were you, how were you testing it? Cause it's real easy for people just to say, Oh, that's probably extra food and water. And it's not really muscle. Like, so how did you guys measure that? And what were some of the results? So during the movies, we were using Dexa fit in Balsam. So it's a Dexa scan, supposed to be very accurate.
Starting point is 00:50:07 It's like an x-ray of the body, tells you how much fat and how much muscle you have. And the most shocking thing about it was when we were doing these transformations, I thought, God, we were trying to eat 10,000 calories per day. We're eating as much as we possibly can. We must be putting on some fat because it's kind of hard to see at the end of the experiment you still have some water we're trying to keep the water off but there's still some water and it's hard to tell what's water and what's fat so you have to you have to test it uh and there's other ways to test it too like a bod pod one of these space age
Starting point is 00:50:43 looking pod things you get in that creates a little bit of pressure and then it can tell the difference between muscle and fat i really like that method as well um so yeah we were able to determine that we actually put on lean mass versus fat mass but lean massing also includes water so these tests can't tell the difference well okay the the the electron electronic ones were they oh yeah those can tell more of what's water and what's fat but these the dexa scan doesn't know the difference between water and fat oh okay so so yeah go ahead well so admittedly you know when we put on let's say we put on 30 pounds on someone and none of it's fat or we even we actually lost.
Starting point is 00:51:26 Most people lose fat during the transformation. It's shocking, right? Eating as much as they possibly can and still losing. But then the question is, how much is water? So then after the experiment, we have them come off the compounds, lose all the water, and then we see how much body weight is left. We don't necessarily do another test we just see okay now in the week after the experiment they lost five pounds well that five pounds was probably water right so you're out of complete mass so that makes me curious um
Starting point is 00:51:59 i don't want to say his name because i don't know if he wants his name but um there's a guy here in sack very thick beard that you guys had gained he gained like 21 pounds i guess i you might know what i'm talking about now cool gained 21 pounds got his dexa scan he was super watery right so what do you guys did that process um afterwards and by the way let's also mention that the dexa scan did say that he lost a little bit of body fat he gained 21 pounds of muscle he ended up being like 230 pounds i don't know where he started but he put on a lot of lean body mass right so when you guys did that water process how much was the actual legitimate lean body mass gain oh i'd have to check all the notes and all that okay it's still yeah it's a significant amount of, I mean, like if,
Starting point is 00:52:45 if someone puts on 20, let's just say just as an example, because it's all pretty similar. If someone put on 25 pounds, you know, they're probably seven pounds of that is pure water. And the rest, you know,
Starting point is 00:52:59 in the, in the, in the organs and outside the muscle, the rest is water inside the muscle. Yeah. And it stays there as long as they keep training and eating properly but it's also just just like when you build muscle naturally it's not sustainable if you stop lifting and you stop eating the same no muscle is actually permanent so we have to distinguish between like you know
Starting point is 00:53:24 semi-permanent, which is like, yes, it was muscle mass. And yes, you've now created a new, you can get back to that point easier versus like what's really, really temporary. But the longer you create that muscle volume, the more it becomes your set point. So when we do a quick blast like this, if we blow someone up and we actually gain 20 pounds of lean mass, but then they turn around and don't maintain that muscle, then it's not going to create a new permanent set point. That muscle is not going to be as permanent. But if they stay consistent and not necessarily with the high chemistry, just with the training and the diet and the lifestyle then that 25 pounds starts becoming more permanent they'll be able to hold
Starting point is 00:54:10 on to it longer to the point where it becomes more like permanent muscle um once you play some of these cards uh it's been my experience that you kind of can't really go any further, you know, like the point that you're at now, um, I would just imagine you're about as muscular as you're going to get, unfortunately, regardless of what you take and don't take. I would like to know maybe your, your thoughts on that. Cause you probably think like, Hey, there's, there's something else around the corner that I, that can still make me bigger. But you know, I, I just, from what I've seen over the years, like you see people when they're young, they get into lifting, then they take their lifting more seriously, then they learn more and they get bigger and bigger and bigger. And as we talked about, there's like a
Starting point is 00:54:54 five year or eight year, depending on where someone's at, where you just start to not really necessarily get bigger any longer. You might be able to get, you might be able to look better. You might have more quality muscle, might be able to get, you might be able to look better. You might have more quality muscle, might be able to get leaner. And like, there's some things that you could do to where you continually look better. As a bodybuilder, you can kind of continue to carve out
Starting point is 00:55:15 like a bodybuilding shape and have a smaller waist and a bigger back ratio. And so therefore you can look bigger and things of that nature, but really just continually slapping muscle mass on. And same thing with strength. It seems at some point your luck runs out, even when you introduce steroids.
Starting point is 00:55:32 Let's just hypothetically say that steroids give you a 10% bump, right? Maybe they do more, maybe they do less. That 10% bump isn't in perpetuity. It's not forever. You know, it's a 10% increase of you are here right now. You weigh 250. Now you're going to add 10% body mass and you're going to be 10% stronger and all these things. Then your luck runs out with that as well. And maybe you get it. Maybe you extended this five to eight year thing, another two or three years. What have you seen and what
Starting point is 00:56:04 are some of your thoughts on that? Yeah. So Mark, you and I are super familiar with this, but there's so many new bodybuilders out there or young people that don't understand how it works. And I'm going to try to explain it, but it's hard. I mean, the best way to explain it would be like to have a panel of 10 bodybuilders each one at different stages explaining how hard it is for them to gain muscle or what they have to do to maintain it but if i take my my group here in in thailand of these fitness guys that all look awesome and they all everybody's on gear and some are some are pretty old and still look awesome and have a lot
Starting point is 00:56:43 of experience with gear i mean what what the troll what the critical people on the internet will say is this guy's been on gear for 30 years why doesn't he look like ronnie coleman this is this is the main question why does someone who takes so much gear have been on gear for so long not look look like an Olympia bodybuilder. It's because the body can't sustain that kind of muscle size for very long without being a serious consequence on your health. And I'm not advocating anybody become a mass monster. To clarify what I'm advocating, I'm advocating people to be more open minded to the chemistry, to learn about it, to consider it an option uh to make having an incredible physique easier not necessarily pushing to the point where it's gonna you know you're someone's gonna kill themselves uh but these these pro-level bodybuilders you see it all the time if
Starting point is 00:57:38 they come off the gear and they stop eating the food they shrink down you know that it's it requires a certain amount of gear and it requires a certain that it's, it requires a certain amount of gear and it requires a certain amount of food and it requires a certain amount of lifting to continue to maintain it. So just because we did a bunch of gear before, it doesn't mean that we're doing what it takes right now to maintain that muscle. And the more muscle you have, the harder it is to maintain. So like, I don't really want to be on growth hormone, insulin, testosterone, and other anabolics all the time. I also want to take breaks, not completely. I always want to stay on TRT, a little something, something extra.
Starting point is 00:58:19 But, you know, I don't want to be blasting myself all the time because it's not healthy. The blasts that I coach people to do or that I do on myself, they're for very short durations. That's why we have almost no side effects is because we're not doing it all the time. We build the muscle in a short period of time and then we maintain it. I hope that gives the perspective. Yeah, for sure. Why would one even blast? Like, I'm just curious, like, why gain so much muscle in a short amount of time? Why not prolong that period and maybe do lower dosage? I mean, would that be safer? Because in my mind, I'm just like, I mean, you do it in a safe way where they don't do it for a long time, but they blast.
Starting point is 00:59:02 But, like, why? I'm just curious. Kind of a get in get you know get what you need and get the fuck out yeah kind of thing yeah um it well it depends on how disciplined someone is you know and how long they can hold that discipline yeah of course there's a lot of people that are disciplined they can go to the gym for an hour a day they can eat a certain amount of calories they can take a certain amount of calories. They can take a certain amount of gear. But if you, but if you want to get,
Starting point is 00:59:32 if you want to get to this superhuman level, you know, you either have to, you either have to up the gear, up the food for an extended period of time, which I don't think is healthy. I don't think doing large amounts of gear and large amounts of food for long periods of time is healthy. I don't think doing large amounts of gear and large amounts of food for long periods of time is healthy. I think a bigger factor in health is like the breaks that we take. It's the chronic usage of the drugs and the chronic usage and the chronic overeating of calories, especially carbohydrates, that cause a lot of the health problems. So my approach is shorten that period of time so that we can build as much muscle in as short
Starting point is 01:00:14 as period of possible and then just try to maintain it healthfully. So then we don't need to be on a whole bunch of gear to maintain it. We don't need to eat a ton of food, as much food to maintain it. So it's more about taking the breaks. If someone wanted to do, sure, if someone wants to do, be natural and do it very slow over a long period of time, that's, that's great. It's just not, it's not quite as exciting. And then if someone wants to do it bodybuilding style, well, they take the gear and they take the food. That just requires such an extended period of discipline. You know, we have, I think, Mark, you say this really well. You know, you maintain, you cruise at a certain level and then there's times to push. There are times to push.
Starting point is 01:00:55 So it's my theory that during those times to push, we push really hard. We take advantage of, we have the time to sleep more. We have the access to the high quality foods and we feel the urge to eat a lot more food. See, one of the limiting factors I also noticed with people doing long bulks is they can't eat enough healthy food for long periods of time. Even their digestive system starts becoming a limiting factor. But most people can eat huge amounts of food for a very short period of time and a lot of this actually comes down to food like food becomes the muscle the more food you're able to eat and more food your body's able to
Starting point is 01:01:37 process and the drugs just help your body make use of more food, if you look at how it really works. So it's like, I actually think about the food. How much food can you eat this week? You can eat 10,000 calories per day. Okay, then we can build the chemistry around that so that all 10,000 calories of that goes into your muscle. And guess what I know after one week, you're not going to be able to eat 10,000 calories a day because your digestive system is going to go out. So why not take a break? Why not come off the gear? Have the gear match the food.
Starting point is 01:02:09 Actually, the food is sort of the starting point for me usually. You also like to kind of cheat the system, right? Like you don't really love dieting, right? That's my understanding is you enjoy food, right? And so maybe it fits your personality really well to do some of this blasting right yeah exactly so i i uh well okay the first three quarters of the day i eat very good like i eat like a bodybuilder it's that last quarter of the day like right now it's starting to get late at night here in Thailand. I'm starting to have that urge. I want to eat cookies. I want to eat ice cream. I just want to eat. I mean,
Starting point is 01:02:50 that's like how I relax. Um, so all the bodybuilding, uh, discipline goes completely out the window. You do that every day. Uh, yeah. And then there might be certain times a year where you just don't do that as much, maybe. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And, but right now what's going to happen is like, I'm going to put, I'm going to put on some fat tonight, you know, but the more tomorrow morning, I'm going to take some things that help burn off that fat. So that's the trade-off. If I could just not overeat, then I wouldn't have to use a lot of the chemistry that I use, but I'm okay with it. It's not that much of a burden on my health. I use things like stimulants in the morning, but I use them in moderation.
Starting point is 01:03:34 I don't use stimulants at night. This is just another example of using stimulants in the morning because you're only using it during part of the day, and you're letting your body rest from stimulants to rest the day is fine. It's not, not many health consequences of it, but to take stimulants all day, clenbuterol, for example, is an amazing fat loss drug, but the drawback is you're on it all the time. It's in your system for 24 hours. So it wears your system out. It wears your central nervous system out and it wears your heart out. Where is your system at? Where is your central nervous system at?
Starting point is 01:04:04 And where is your heart at? So that's why I don't use long-acting compounds. I'll use something tomorrow morning, a stimulant. I'll use yohimbine. I'll use sinephrine. I'll use salbutamol, my asthma inhaler even. I actually love asthma inhalers. It's one of the most underrated things in fitness, bodybuilding. It has a little bit of an anabolic effect too.
Starting point is 01:04:29 Is that right? Or am I off on that? It does. It acts a lot like clenbuterol. And it also helps me breathe better. I mean, it's meant to help you breathe better. That's what helped me get big as a kid. I had a little bit of asthma as a kid
Starting point is 01:04:45 so i had an inhaler so maybe you're not natty either shit wait so what does clenbuterol do is it is i thought is that a cutting agent or you know no shut up so like is that so wait but like clenbuterol is that like a is that that's a cutting agent right that helps you lose body fat because you mentioned using in the morning as a stimulant i think clenbuterol usage is one of the most understated in in fitness and bodybuilding i know more people who are on clenbuterol and not admitting it than are on steroids and not admitting it. Little clan, little T3. Yeah, yeah, because people consider that natty. In their mind, they're thinking, okay, it's not steroids,
Starting point is 01:05:35 but it does help build muscle. It does help burn fat. It does help with the muscle contractions and stamina. Just thyroid. Oh, man. All right, quick question um you mentioned that like you know one of the big issues for a lot of guys when they're blasting is eating enough right 10 000 calories a day for multiple days on end uh and you mentioned like the muscle journey guy here he eats 10 kilos of chicken so what is. So what is the macro breakdown look like? I mean, I know
Starting point is 01:06:08 they're eating a lot of carbohydrates, but in comparison to their body weight, right? Most people are like, okay, yeah, eat a gram or 1.5 grams per pound of protein for your body weight in terms of just maintaining or bulking. What does it look like for somebody who's blasting? What does that protein amount look like? Is it double their body weight? Is it just as much food as they can possibly put down? What's that like? I actually don't know for sure what would be optimal. I just go for as much clean food as they can possibly eat. So it's more about what we avoid. So we try to avoid all the, you know, fructose, especially things like fructose, you know, because your body can process small amounts of fructose really well, no problem, healthy. But once you get over a certain amount of fructose, it just turns into fat and it destroys
Starting point is 01:06:58 the liver and it destroys the metabolism. You know, so when you're eating 10,000 calories, calories we got to be really careful that we're not getting too much fructose because sucrose which is table sugar is half fructose so you can think about how much sugar would be involved in a standard 10 000 calories so we also got to be careful of sodium okay we want some sodium but when you're eating 10 000 calories if you're eating out you know you go to a restaurant or get Chipotle, my God, the amount of sodium you're going to eat blow up like a balloon with water retention, which is really unhealthy, especially water retention on the heart. I think another one of the understated health risks in bodybuilding is water retention on the heart, causing the
Starting point is 01:07:39 heart to work harder and the heart ends up growing and not working correctly is that in part is that in part to anabolics as well or is it mainly just kind of carbohydrates salt those kinds of things oh for water retention well there's a lot of things that cause water retention and so you know you want to try to minimize all of them right you know ask too much estrogen but see this is the thing is we need us we need a lot of estrogen in order to build a lot of muscle. So usually the way we mitigate it is by taking a diuretic. So like the person you're talking about who did the transformation, we had him take diuretics. And that eventually got the water off.
Starting point is 01:08:23 But he was eating so much junk food i saw that in that video hamburgers and milkshakes and and uh you know what you don't you don't realize how hard it's going to hit you because your digestive system is slowing it down so like you start feeling a little bit bloated and you're like okay now i'm getting water retention but now the rest of that food's still digesting six hours later then you're extremely bloated it's like you can't reverse it so yeah then we use things like diuretics to pull it off you you mentioned um and you've made a video about it losing a pound of fat a day um so what what's the context here and let's say someone is yeah what's the context and let's say someone's pretty fat let's say they're like 30 body fat right um what how long could they maintain losing a pound of fat a day with whatever this protocol is that you were
Starting point is 01:09:20 you are talking about well you could just keep doing you could lose a pound of body fat i mean technically it's physically possible to just lose a pound of body fat all the way until you get down to under 10 body fat and then it slows down considerably at that point but it's it's the same type of thing as with the bodybuilding chemistry and building muscle it's like when you're redlining for an extended period of time, it's the length of time that creates the long-term side effects, not necessarily the chemistry and not even as much as people think is the dosage. It's more of the length of time. So I would prefer to see someone who's 30% body fat taken in chunks. Like, okay, let's lose five pounds, then let's take a break. Let's lose five
Starting point is 01:10:06 pounds, let's take a break. I think that would be a really healthy way to do it. But they technically could get all the way down to 9% body fat before it starts really slowing down. And the way I would lose fat if I'm 30% body fat is completely different than the way I would lose fat if I was 7% body fat trying to get to 5% body fat. Because we're trying to get rid of different – when you get to stubborn fat, it's a completely different approach than just trying to get rid of body fat all over. carnivore diet or a keto diet or something like that is spectacular. And even doing a bunch of cardio and even overtraining, a lot of things that we wouldn't do to go from 7% to 5% but work extremely well to get from 30% down to 10%. What is some of the protocol? What does it involve losing a pound a day? Well, a pound of fat is 3,600 calories. And, you know, if someone with a bigger body size, you could burn 3,600 calories per day and not eat. So technically you could fast and lose a pound of body fat per day, but only for a very short period of time
Starting point is 01:11:25 because your metabolism slows down. So you could fast, but then take things to keep the metabolism artificially high. So we could take things like clonbuterol T3. Enhanced has a product called All Day Shred, which is a stimulant- free fat burner that activates many different pathways to help burn body fat, for example, and then that in conjunction with stimulants. But it's the it's the that deadly fat loss drug DNP that that we usually use to lose that much body fat that fast because it's not stimulant based. So the stimulants, you can only you can only lose so much fat with stimulants before it becomes very unhealthy. But with the DMP, since we're going through a completely different pathway, as long as we don't overheat or create too much oxidation in the body, then we usually have no side effects from the DMP.
Starting point is 01:12:18 And we can use it in conjunction with the stimulants so they're synergistic together. Could you use something like uh like carterine uh long term or is that something that you would want to use sparingly as well i i love carterine for fat loss but it's it actually i've done so many experiments with it i it it doesn't have dramatic fat loss benefits on its own. Like someone just takes it and doesn't do anything else. What it does is it tricks the body into think the body is doing sort of cardio and it optimizes the metabolism and it helps the body burn body fat for fuel instead of carbohydrates and sort of break that physiological carbohydrate addiction.
Starting point is 01:13:04 It helps us most of all increase our endurance. So if we are doing cardio and then we take carterine, we can do more cardio and burn more calories. And the percentage of calories we're burning from fat increases. So it can help preserve muscle and it can help preserve glycogen storage. So it's amazing for athletes and amazing for anybody who's doing cardio for the purpose of losing fat. And yes, of course, it was originally invented to be exercised in the bottle so people don't have to do any exercise or diet change and still lose fat. But I just haven't found it extremely effective for that purpose.
Starting point is 01:13:43 I mean, I know a lot of people do take it for that purpose, but I say take it and then do cardio. It makes cardio easier. The risk that you have with these type of things that activate certain genetic pathways is cancer. So you take too high of a dosage for too long. You're flipping on these switches inside your genetics that aren't meant to be flipped on all the time. These switches, I think of everything as switches because it's all ones and zeros. It's flip the gene on, flip the gene off, basically. But if you have everything flipped on all the time, when it's supposed to flip on, flip off, flip on, flip off, that's when you create long-term problems. So personally, I use carterine, but my strategy is to use it only during the times when I'm doing a lot of cardio.
Starting point is 01:14:28 And then when it's times to bulk or I'm not doing cardio, then I stop using it. And I've actually been using cardio since I was 25. No, no, no, 20. No, no, no, no, no. Sorry. The way before that I was, uh, before I ever got my first house, I was 19 years old. I started using cardio when I was 19 years 19 years old i'm 38 so think about that that's 20 years i've been almost 20 years i've been using cardio carterine and i don't have cancer think about that despite all the cancer scares about it because i use it responsibly yeah and are you still using it um like the oral form of it or have you stepped like i know you were messing with some injectable sarms and stuff and i know this isn't technically a sarm but there you go today i just took today so i took this and something else similar this is a prescription medication telmisartan so today i took before my
Starting point is 01:15:19 cardio 20 milligrams of telmisartan and just 10 milligrams of carterine usually i take 20 but since i was taking a half dosage of each i just i just kept the dosage low and what's the uh the duration that you would take carterine uh well it depends on like risk tolerance i personally if if i were taking it for a month I would want to take at least a week off and then resume. And then that's just from a preventing cancer and potentially other long-term side effects that we don't even know could potentially exist by messing with these genetic pathways. But then again, I know people who've been on it for a year straight at decent dosages and they have zero side effects from it. But then again, we don't know what's going to happen 20 years from now.
Starting point is 01:16:07 So I just, out of an abundance of caution, since we don't actually know what happens when you don't take breaks, I just say safer to take breaks. Because me and a lot of my other friends that have also been taking it for 20 years, we still have no side effects from it because we've been cycling on and off of it. So I stick with that approach so i'm curious about this because i think a lot of people are kind of worried about this as far as like uh your wiener woes are concerned you know like dick um okay you want to see that too no no no no i mean nipples penis freaking lactating for us on the show but who knows what's coming out of there what should people be be thinking about because you hear about a lot of guys talk about like oh my ball shrank you know and a few other things uh and then also i saw an interesting video i've been seeing like uh
Starting point is 01:17:11 derek posts about it but then i saw a video on your site about people i don't know if they're injecting shit into their dick to make it bigger or some shit oh yeah you had like a site enhancement or something for your penis. Yo, what's going on here? I got that right here. Actually, I got penis injection right on the desk here. Bro, you put a needle? Nah.
Starting point is 01:17:36 Were you joking or are you serious? Oh, I'm serious. That's what that is. But I didn't inject it in my penis. I injected it in my other parts of the body oh yeah it works will grow wherever you inject it oh god so then what what is this um i mean because people have been searching for a penis you know enhancement enlargement you know thing for like i think probably since the caveman
Starting point is 01:18:05 days right so yeah i'm gonna publish all these protocols eventually um i'm starting to consolidate all my thousands of notes i have over my lifetime into single documents and then i'll publish them on the telegram group which i'll send you the link but it's enhanced enhanced tony huge enhanced channel on telegram and then on the website those are the places i'll be publishing these these protocols and i'll have a penis enlargement protocol i'll publish i actually first did a penis enlargement protocol um that i bought online when i was i was in high school in Mexico, so I was 17 years old. Nice. Yeah. And it worked.
Starting point is 01:18:47 Really? It worked really well. Is this a permanent effect? Maybe this is the one thing that will get me to stop being natty. Is this a permanent effect? No, it wasn't permanent. It was the same thing as building muscle, which is like, imagine for two months, I out really hard and you know my muscles are hard as a rock right that type of thing and then i stop and then slowly over time it decreases i
Starting point is 01:19:15 realize that's when i realized i like oh wow this is something i have to maintain this isn't a permanent it's not it's just as permanent as muscle growth let's put it that way okay so so what would i use for a penis enlargement program now well back then i took these pills that i have no idea what they were they could have for all it could have been on steroids at 17 actually maybe i wasn't maddie maybe i wasn't maddie until i was later uh because they were these silver pills that were cold i mean it was like swallowing it's like swallowing uh metal balls like uh like marbles you know the marbles that are like magnets yeah really weird uh and they were because they were cold like they were metal almost right i don't know i have no idea what was in them but i
Starting point is 01:20:02 would i would take those and then i would do all the penis exercises twice a day. Like what, Kegels? No orgasms allowed either. Oh, so you'd be just… It's pretty hard to exercise your penis and not be able to finish, right? It's pretty frustrating. It's a sudden penis. That's the kind of discipline I had back then that is completely gone right now.
Starting point is 01:20:23 I snack it. Back then, I was exercising my penis, not orgasm. Now I can't even keep myself from the cookies and the ice cream. So if I was going to do it again, I would have growth hormone because growth hormone does enlargen the penis, but especially and mostly if you're creating trauma to the penis, you know, gentle trauma. We don't have to use a hammer or anything.
Starting point is 01:20:50 Okay. Stretching it, using it. And then you want to keep blood flow in the penis. And like I said, I'll put all this in a written protocol. You want to have more blood flow to the penis. So things like Viagra and Tadalafil, which is Sildenafil, right? Sildenafil, let's refer to the generic name. Sildenafil is Viagra. Tadalaf which is sildenafil right so then let's refer to the generic name sildenafil is viagra to dalafil is cialis so sildenafil or to dalafil keep the penis uh the blood flow in there and then the exercising technique it was called jelking i did that you or something yeah don't you like pull the tug the hell out of it? I don't know how to do it.
Starting point is 01:21:25 The tugger. Pulling and then like take the tip and pulling and stretching and holding the stretch position for a long period of time. Actually, I do these exercises if I'm having a hard time getting hard
Starting point is 01:21:41 because it helps get the blood flow in and stretch it out and make it work better if it's not working getting hard because it helps, you know, get the blood flow in and stretch it out and make it work better if it's not working so well. So I'm glad I learned that one. And then, yeah. And then, and then androgens could help. So, you know, certain androgenic steroids. So whatever, if we're on a steroid cycle, we take growth hormone, we stretch the penis, we create trauma, and we get blood flow into the penis.
Starting point is 01:22:10 Those are some of the main ingredients in penis enlargement that actually lasts a while. How are you able to? Back to the injection, you know, it's called Caverject, is the penis injection. And what that does is it's called Caverject is the penis injection. And what that does is it's like what a porn star would use because they inject it in the penis with a very small needle. So it's not a big deal.
Starting point is 01:22:33 I still don't want to do that. What part do they inject it into? Apparently, it can go in any part of it, but just near the base somewhere. But friends that have done it said it didn't really matter. They can inject it just anywhere into the, and it kind of spreads throughout. And then they're just hard for, you know, half a day for no reason. Okay. Wow. How are we able to, uh, end up landing, uh, this documentary, you know,
Starting point is 01:23:05 getting on, uh, Nat Geo and then the movie had a lot of success and a lot of interest. What do you think, since steroids are kind of like demonized often, you figure people would just turn them off, like they wouldn't want to watch any of it and they wouldn't want to talk about penis protocols and they wouldn't want to talk about all these different ways to get big or all these different ways to counteract what steroids can do and things like that. So what's the allure and how did you present this documentary? So they wanted to do a documentary on each underground drug culture and the business of each drug so you know they did one on fentanyl and they did one like all the hardcore recreational drugs well steroids isn't a recreational drug it's a performance enhancing drug but it still kind of goes in that a category
Starting point is 01:23:58 of underground business drug so when national geographic decided they want to do this documentary, they just start asking around, like, who is the person you think of when you think of underground steroid world? And, of course, there's, I mean, I have friends that do tens of millions of dollars in underground steroid businesses, but they're completely anonymous. You know, nobody's ever, they're never going to show who they are they're very they don't want anybody to know who they are um and they're certainly not going to do a documentary right so it really doesn't leave a lot of options when you're when you're trying to do an underground thing who's going to be meanwhile then you have tony huge you know steroids steroids i think it was an easy choice someone who's advocating steroids and in in you know what appears from the outside to be in the business of steroids and other like
Starting point is 01:24:51 substances so then when they uh they actually flew out to meet me and they're talking to me and i started telling them well yeah we do steroids but we also make SARMs and we're starting to inject them and show them all this stuff they're like blown away like okay this is this is not just like the same old steroid stuff this is some new cutting edge stuff and wow the lifestyle and like you've you've built this underground you know illegal drug thing into this like lifestyle in your face social media type thing is kind of you know shocking really shocking to them so they really enjoyed it and they they actually got really interested in it too they i i think i taught them some things that they could use you know that they'll
Starting point is 01:25:36 that they will never forget so that's how it all came along and then they they spent uh they spent a few days with me. Actually, I think the first and only time I did methamphetamine was the first time that they spent the day with me. And it was accidental. Accidental? I thought it was something else. Oh, my God. But I think looking back, it was methamphetamine.
Starting point is 01:26:03 It was an experimental nootropic yeah how wait who gave this anybody yeah like was this i got a dollar for every time yeah yeah so so context like did you did you order this online and you got the bottle and you're like oh this is something but now it's meth like what context man what happened well i i uh um maybe a month a earlier, I had a bag of hyaluronic acid in a bag of DMAA. Hyaluronic acid, you can take a spoonful of it. Your body will use it to help rebuild your joints, tendons, ligaments, your skin. It's just a good. The reason I had that is because I was experimenting with making different forms of site enhancement to grow muscle
Starting point is 01:26:47 by injecting directly into the muscle. Okay, so that's what I meant to take. Instead, I took a spoonful of DMAA, which is the stimulant that got banned that was in Jack 3D. It's the most – it's a crazy stimulant. It's so freaking powerful and its effects it's like you can't feel pain it's like i mean it's like a it's like if you take enough of it it's like a recreational drug i don't do recreational drugs i do performance dancing drugs for the most
Starting point is 01:27:18 part but this was like uh this was something someone took right i mean i could feel every i don't even know how to explain it i could feel every hair follicle oh my god no it's like it's like everything every little thing i could feel like like tingling in my whole body and i was vomiting for two days straight i was so dehydrated because one sip of water and i would vomit i couldn't get hydration in me to get water in me. I was using my bidet, you know, the shoots up your butt water sprayer. I was shooting water up my butt and then holding it in my butt so that I could absorb water through my colon to not die of dehydration. I just, I just don't like going to the hospital. I mean, I've had a lot of close calls. I don't know. I go to the hospital. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 01:28:06 Oh, okay. So what happened was it completely destroyed my dopamine receptors. I was completely incapable of feeling pleasure or excitement for anything for an entire month. And here comes National Geographic to do one of the biggest projects of my life. And I've got to be on my A game. You're like, I don't care. Yeah. Well, I went to my chemist friend and I said, look, I can't go into this.
Starting point is 01:28:37 I got to be Tony Huge. I can't be this shell of myself that can barely get out of bed for a month. So, yeah, he made me up something in in the lab and and i took it in my oh wow i mean another experience that everybody should have it might talk limitless pill times i just can't even explain it it's like i i want to use the words but the words just couldn't possibly do it justice. My brain was working like five times the normal speed. Thoughts were coming in my mouth. I couldn't speak fast enough to keep up with it.
Starting point is 01:29:11 And the thoughts were brilliant problem solving. I mean, it's the type of thing where you could read an entire page of a book by just looking at it. What did he make you? Are you allowed to tell us? Whoa. That's how fast the brain was working yeah what what did you take it was it was something very closely it was an amphetamine for sure oh but it was a modified amphetamine it was something very close to methamphetamine but i actually
Starting point is 01:29:39 did have a crash at the end of the day i did crash the end of the day and i did sleep good that night so you know it was didn't have that meth feeling not that i know exactly what it feels like but like most most of my friends that do meth they can't really sleep good for a couple days i actually slept really good so it did have a shorter half-life than meth but from what i understand it was very closely one maybe a chemical alteration from that. Now I'm understanding. I mixed up the spoonful of the thing you took. I thought that that was the, okay.
Starting point is 01:30:10 No, that's all that led to him needing, needing. Yeah. So when, uh, when Nat Geo came and they, they went to your house and they filmed like a barbecue and all that stuff. And you got girls in the hot tub and everything,
Starting point is 01:30:22 uh, were they kind of shocked by some of the stuff you saw? And you were like, this is just a normal Tuesday at Tony Hughes house. Yeah. Yeah. It was, it was pretty shot.
Starting point is 01:30:32 It was, I would say it was entertaining to them. They were just like constantly entertained by every little thing. Cause you know, it was just like one. And that's how it used to be at my house. You know, it's like friends would just come over and we would just have injection part there's no like steroid parties yeah it's just like come over
Starting point is 01:30:51 and boom injections all around and boom hey try this hey try this hey tell us what happened with the thing you injected last week how do you feel now you know my cousin's like he's got a stripper pole like in his house and i was was like, I don't doubt it. Of course he does. Yeah. Yeah. And the light, the colored lights and the, you know, the painting with the stripper girl on the wall that says freedom. Yeah, that was definitely, I mean, that house definitely exemplified Tony huge at that time.
Starting point is 01:31:26 You've been mentioned a couple of times on Joe Rogan now. What do you think it will take? What will be the push to get you on the show, you think? I don't think I'm still quite the package that the mainstream really wants. Joe Rogan's pretty mainstream. Sure, of course, I would love
Starting point is 01:31:42 to go on there and talk about something specific, but you know, I'm also, I'm also like this overall chemistry biohacker bodybuilder. It's, it's actually a really broad thing. It's not like I'm the expert in, you know, anti-aging or the expert in bodybuilding or the expert, it's kind of more broad biohacking. So I don't know if it'll get on there. But yeah, that would be amazing.
Starting point is 01:32:09 I think you're selling yourself short. I think you'd be one of the more interesting guests he's ever had on the show. Seriously. Because you're not just bodybuilding to me. I mean, we could talk anything to you. I think we could talk philosophy. We can talk about law.
Starting point is 01:32:22 We could talk about all kinds of stuff. You have a really diverse background. You have a lot of thoughts about the government. I mean, why did you move to Thailand? Why did you move out of the United States? And maybe talk a little bit about how your YouTube got shut down and stuff like that. Oh, right now you want to hear some background? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:32:41 Okay. And obviously I could talk about this stuff for days. So I'll try to do the the summarized version and i'm trying to maybe say some things that i've never said before type thing also um but in the united states i don't really feel free i feel like i'm being lied to all the time by the government and by society and when I started traveling the world and seeing what humans have in common and what's sort of culturally forced on us and legally forced on us versus what is our true nature, I realized and also felt when I came to Thailand that Thailand was more natural
Starting point is 01:33:20 as far as what I feel is natural for me, which is that there's a lot less regulation on chemically enhancing your body, physically enhancing your body. It's not looked down upon at all. You know, I can get what I, most, a lot of the things I need are available in the pharmacy. The government's not,
Starting point is 01:33:40 I mean, the government is pretty extreme. It is a military government. And if they don't like something they they eliminate it immediately uh so it's actually more extreme than the u.s government in a lot of ways but they also don't they also don't interfere in most most people's day-to-day life and they don't keep you know giant records like the nsa on everybody everything anybody's ever done to be able to use against you in the future or that type of thing. And that's what I sort of felt like in the US, especially as a lawyer.
Starting point is 01:34:10 I just felt like this book was being built on me, collecting my data to be able to use against me in the future and maybe force me to take a position that I don't believe in. And then also the female culture. I like the culture of relationships in Thailand better. It suits me better because I like to have more. It goes both ways. I like to have more open relationships. And especially in the specific place that I found Pattaya. I'm in Bangkok right now, but most of my time I'm in Pattaya. It's the weirdest. It's again, it's something that my words just can't possibly do it justice. And people just can't possibly imagine how it is. But, you know,
Starting point is 01:34:49 it's like we have a group of friends and maybe if there's one hot girl, maybe we all, you know, we all share. And, uh, you know, we're probably, most of my friends are probably sleeping with seven different girls every week, different girl every day type thing and this is like normal life everyday normal life and it's not like that in all of Thailand not at all it's just that's specifically this is like a sex city everything is sex you know go get a massage go
Starting point is 01:35:20 meet this girl go meet that girl okay now these girls want to both come over. It's like stuff I can't even, I mean, you can see kind of some of it on the social media, but it's still, again, it just doesn't even do it justice. So I've been around the world and I've seen other places that have little hints of this, but nothing that's this extreme. And I look at my friends and I think,
Starting point is 01:35:39 God, they're nymphomaniacs. How could they possibly have so much sex with me? And then I'm thinking well wow i sure fit in here too like i i'm sure like you guys think i'm like a crazy person by listening to that but i'm telling you like i'm i'm like a level five and i've got friends that are level 10 that i still can't even believe what i see and and hear and i'm i'm fascinated by it i want to know more about it because this is like the opposite culture that I was raised. I was raised extremely conservative. I was raised
Starting point is 01:36:11 extremely anti-drug and extremely anti-anything unnatural and raised to be by my mom's side of the family, very monogamistic, you know, get married, have children, have a normal family. And then, you know, I went this other, this other complete direction, 180, because I almost feel like that culture was being forced on me. And I feel like by doing that culture, I'm not being myself. So I think I've gone even more extreme the other way to prove also and feel myself that I'm not being controlled by any culture. I'm doing what I really deep down want. You grew up listening to a lot of like self-help stuff. You were telling me one time your dad would listen to self-help stuff like in the car, right?
Starting point is 01:36:57 And that's kind of how you're able to later parlay that into going into law and then being an entrepreneur and stuff, right? Yeah, i listened to the old cassette tapes in his car and then i actually got a walkman when i was really young and i'd be listening on my my audio tapes you know i'd be 10 years old listening to self-help books like uh uh i don't even remember the name all the ones that the power of the baby all the famous persuasion and all that kind of stuff. Yeah. Yeah. So it's all, it's all kind of built into my subconscious, all of that information. I guess I probably draw on it more than I,
Starting point is 01:37:34 more than I realized, but then, you know, recently I actually got out of the habit of, or I got out of the hobby of learning as much. I wanted to learn. I started becoming stubborn. I only want to learn from what I can experience, not from others. Right. But now recently I'm getting excited about learning from others. I'm starting to watch a lot more YouTube videos recently on my headphones or I'm doing cardio when I'm walking around and I'm enjoying the process of learning from others again. And I think that's why I was thinking like, what's the difference between me
Starting point is 01:38:05 and how much I learned versus most people who don't know 5% of what I know? I don't mean, you guys know a lot also. I'm just being like the general average Joe. Like, how is it possible that I know 20 times more than they know? And I think, how do they spend their time? They're watching football or they're just socializing, talking the same drama conversations over and over, just in what I used to think of as wasted time. And I'm spending all of my time learning. And again, I took a break from it, but I'm getting back to becoming obsessed with learning also. So instead of watching a movie, I might watch something factual that I can actually learn from. What happened with your YouTube channel? Censorship. So I'm just, I mean, the reality of it is there's competitors of mine and activists that don't like what I do that flag everything I do. that don't like what I do, that flag everything I do.
Starting point is 01:39:08 And so I can build a YouTube channel up to 20,000 subscribers again, and I keep doing it. And once it hits 20,000, boom, deleted. 20,000, boom, deleted. So many channels. Like why does it get deleted? I talk about steroids and stuff, but I'm actually fairly careful about how I talk about it. I choose my words carefully
Starting point is 01:39:26 and i always talk about the negatives and all that but um so it's a combination the reason why i was told from inside source before was because i was making steroids look cool so even if i was even if i was talking sort of you know even bad and good about steroids, the fact that I had hot girls and, and the injections of the cars, it, it was, it was convincing young people to use steroids because they wanted to be like me using steroids.
Starting point is 01:39:56 That's, that's the feedback I got. So this makes me curious because like, you know, Derek, you know, his channel has been growing massively and he talks about steroids in almost every single video and it makes it sound great. So why is it? Do you know? Like, is he doing something? And like, you know, he has his disclaimers on his videos and stuff and maybe some stuff in his bio. Is that stopping him from getting deleted? deleted because like you know i do see some channels like even when when we have certain content you know sometimes it'll get you you can tell it's getting repressed because of something
Starting point is 01:40:31 yeah this show will get repressed absolutely this episode will definitely get suppressed so so i wonder what what the heck is this it's weird do you know well so there's a lot of factors but one is that that he has absolutely mastered the algorithm in every way to where if even if he was getting suppressed a little bit he's doing everything else right when it comes to how to grow on social media youtube so he's just hitting on all cylinders whereas i i didn't i wasn't doing anything for the algorithm. My content was just viral because people were telling other people about it and everybody wanted to watch it. So I wasn't really taking advantage of the technical advantages.
Starting point is 01:41:15 Like I wasn't choosing a topic that was trending. I wasn't choosing a topic that hit a specific keyword. Yeah. So it's, it's a lot about so it's a lot about that, the reason why it grows, because it's all about whether your video gets suggested. So his videos are getting suggested. And if that changes, then he'll also change to match the algorithm. He'll do whatever is required to be maximized by the algorithm, which is good for growth.
Starting point is 01:41:44 When I started the channel, I wasn't trying to grow it, really. I was just doing what I love to do, and I wasn't tailoring my content to prevent getting censored so much, and I wasn't tailoring it to fit the algorithm so much. It was just really my lifestyle and then talking about all these compounds and experimenting with with all these compounds but i think the difference is also if if like let's say soccer mom watches derrick's video they're going to be like oh science talk oh this okay it's not really motivating someone to take steroids they watch my old video they're like oh my god he's got
Starting point is 01:42:26 he's got he kids are going to look up to him they're going to want his lifestyle they're going to do steroids because he does steroids yeah so it's more about like it was more about the risk of of me influencing people to use these compounds. And it's not just steroids. It's anything that contradicts the mainstream or the pharmaceutical companies or mainstream supplement industry, even anything that goes completely. And I was so far against that. I was showing people like, here's this, all this stuff that works so much better and just want you to have the truth so you can make your own decision. But there's just like anything, just like anything in politics or culture,
Starting point is 01:43:09 you always have a force that's trying to fight for freedom and a force that's trying to fight for control. And there's a balance between it, right? Too much freedom and no control. Maybe you have anarchy and you have crime and you have everybody as on drug addicts, you know, you have too much control and you have China, you have North Korea. So there's a balance and we all have a different idea of where that should be. I just believe that it should be a lot more towards freedom,
Starting point is 01:43:34 which is give people all the information and tools to make their own decisions. And the people who want more control say, no, humans are not capable of making their own decisions. They need someone, some higher power to tell them what information they have access to. They need a higher power to tell them what substances they have access to. Humans should not be able to make their own decisions with regard to their body. Yeah, that's a tough topic. Yes. It's like, yeah, which way do you go? You know, I think the worry or the concern would be like if you were to, let's say, change our education system where children weren't forced, if it wasn't illegal to not go to school, I think people would just think, oh, well, the kids are going to be dumb.
Starting point is 01:44:18 But we don't really know. We don't know what would happen. I think but then I think also people are thinking well, maybe our country would turn into like a third-world country because in some countries Not having the same access to education or not having an equal access to education is really problematic And so it it does kind of leave you confused at the end of the day. You're like should people be able to do Whatever they want because you're like some people act reallyratic. Some people act really kind of crazy and different. And so, uh, it's definitely hard to say.
Starting point is 01:44:49 Absolutely. One way to approach is to look at a culture that ticket to the extreme and see what impact that had. So certain like Oregon now legalized drugs. So let's see how they do. Um, I think, was it Portugal legalized drugs a long time ago?
Starting point is 01:45:07 And so how are they doing and so far the countries that that legalize drugs or enforce drugs less so far they have less problems so we know on that topic we know that we have less drug problems if we increase drug freedom but you know every topic could be different law enforcement education you know food here's an interesting one i'm a friend actually this this friend that's here with me right now is uh from the usa actually came to visit over here i did the whole two-week quarantine and everything but she asked me uh why she said is there no health department here? Like, how is anybody able to just pull up a cart on the side of the road and cook food and sell it to you? Like, is there no checks and balances on, you know, this like how come everybody doesn't have food poisoning?
Starting point is 01:45:57 How does this work? I said, I said, I don't even know. Maybe there's a health department, but I can't imagine it because I mean, you see how they handle food here. They don't care about bacteria. It's not really a concern of theirs. I mean, I had one of my girlfriends, she's a chef, and she left ground pork on the counter in my kitchen for two days.
Starting point is 01:46:22 And I said, I'm going to throw this away okay like why is he stinking up my kitchen with the pork she goes no no no it's not ready yet cooking it for you tomorrow morning it's not sour enough yet wow we're fermenting pork to feed it to me that's insane fermenting meat like in the u.s where we freak out if the meat's left out of the fridge for a couple hours yeah if you think that the color of it looks a little bit off, we throw it away, right? But here they just don't. And I think their digestive systems get a lot stronger for it. And what's happening is in America, it's like people are being babied so much,
Starting point is 01:46:58 they're becoming so weak that they become dependent on the government. Like now you have to have the health department, just because everybody's digestive system is so weak. If it isn't completely saturated in salt to the point that nothing can grow, it's not even palatable, but most Americans wouldn't know this because they don't know food that doesn't taste like it's saturated in salt. But I guarantee if I went back there and I ate a Chipotle,
Starting point is 01:47:21 I'd probably, because that's really salty, right? But they just don't use that much salt in other countries like this because they just don't care. They're not using it as a preservative so much. So, yeah, I think we can learn a lot by looking at other cultures. And I'm actually really thinking about this. I was really excited for the future of humanity because of increasing travel so people can get out of their bubble and see how the rest of the world works and then learn maybe there's better ways to do things but now with the restriction on travel and the restriction on information with the censorship it's hard to even communicate certain ideas across borders i really fear for humanity because each culture
Starting point is 01:48:00 is going to become even more isolated and have even less exposure to what's really going in the rest of the world and therefore be even easier to control. What's your approach to education for your daughters? Have you given that much thought or how's that working out? Yeah, homeschooling. But I also want them to have a lot of social interaction. So it'd be homeschooling with forcing them to be in situations where they're around other kids. So right now, the six-year-old is in the Philippines and they aren't doing in-classroom classes because of the COVID thing. They're all just doing it on Zoom,
Starting point is 01:48:40 just video conference like this. And I get to see the videos where it looks, it looks okay. She's actually doing good. She's learning how to read and write. And she's interacting on the screen with other kids like this. And it's okay because in the Philippines, the lifestyle on a daily basis is to interact with a ton of people. So she's got this huge family. She's playing with, you know, 20 different kids every day. She doesn't technically need to go to school to learn to read and write. She can learn that on the video. And then she learns a social interaction by interacting people. I worry about America and other societies like it because if a kid stays home and does school, they're probably not going to go out and interact. You know, it's just not that same community thing
Starting point is 01:49:25 where they're going to interact with each other i think kids are going to really lose a lot of their social skills yeah unfortunately but for my daughters it's going to be fine like i said they're going to have a social life outside of school their school can be completely online and then i'll bring in tutors the way i wish i would have learned i wish i would have gotten more seminars when i was young i didn't realize you sit in class and they they treat you like the dumbest kid in class the information is very slow it's very closed-minded but then you go to a seminar and like you a tony robbins seminar anything any anything real estate seminar bodybuilding seminar and it's just like boom it's so much information. You're learning from the best of the best, not some general teacher that's just teaching what's in the textbook.
Starting point is 01:50:13 So I would do the same thing with them. I'll bring in a tutor that teaches them about this. I'm bringing in a tutor that teaches them about that. I'll just find the best tutors for each topic. tutors for each topic yeah how did you um or what what's it like uh so andrew sent us that you're now working with big rami or big rami's working with enhanced um so what's what's that like like are you doing anything with him or yeah yeah so the that's what we have to strategize next. So step number one was getting him on board and then tapping into the contacts in the Middle East and expanding into the Middle East. So now actually the demand for enhanced products in the Middle East is absolutely massive.
Starting point is 01:50:58 And enhanced can't even remotely keep up with the demand. remotely keep up with the demand. So right now we've got a problem, which is we don't want to push the marketing so much harder because we can't possibly fulfill all the wholesale orders. So right now it's kind of like, okay, just hold back, wait till the inventory can catch up for a few months, and then we'll go into a marketing plan that involves Ramey going around to different countries and promoting. And then working our way up to the Olympia, which is in October, which I'll probably be at the Olympia and do a U.S. tour in October and be there with Ramey and Dennis James also. Dennis James is like his friend, sort of business mentor,
Starting point is 01:51:42 sort of his connection to the United States and the rest of the market outside of his normal market of the Middle East. It's a little known fact here, but you were the one to turn my brother on to Ibogaine. I don't know if you even remember that or know that, but you're the one that told him about it and he investigated it. He he's done it multiple times now. Um, have you ever dipped your toes into, uh,
Starting point is 01:52:09 using Ibogaine? I, we understand that you've been using some, uh, mushrooms as of late. Yeah. What are some of your thoughts with, uh,
Starting point is 01:52:16 Ibogaine? Yeah, I plan on doing Ibogaine. I haven't done it yet. DMT is another one. I haven't done. These are ones that I'm going to do when I'm ready. Now with the Ibogaine, haven't done it yet dmt is another one i haven't done these are ones that i'm going to do when i'm ready now with the ibogaine amin guru amin was the expert on the ibogaine and uh i figured and he was in person with chris i figured eventually he'll fly over to thailand and then
Starting point is 01:52:40 i'll do it while he's in thailand They actually have Ibogaine clinics in Thailand. Wow. But they had a death from Ibogaine here, so I think it put a little bit of negative press on it. It's something to do with, and Amine was very familiar with this, but it's something to do with it resensitizes you so much to medications, which is good. Apparently your steroid dosages can come down.
Starting point is 01:53:05 Basically the dosages of everything we take can come down because all of your cells get resensitized to it well there's another drug i don't know if it's like a like a sleep almost like a sleeping medication or an anti-anxiety medication or something like that that this person took um because they can get rid of some of the side effects of the iodine but the dosage should have been much lower. And this has nothing to do with me, nothing to do with me. This was just a case that happened in Thailand, and the person's heart stopped. They died.
Starting point is 01:53:34 So I want to be really careful on how I approach it because it is a super powerful compound that has life-changing benefits to it, but it's also also if used improperly can result in death and and it's it's not something like i can it's you know with the steroids and the supplements i can take a little bit and take a little bit more and take a little bit more and that's how i experiment so if something bad happens it happens at a lower dosage and i can control it but that's something where if you do it one time, you're going all in on the dosage. I get really nervous about stuff like that. I prefer to have someone supervising. So is the main reason that you personally would
Starting point is 01:54:13 take it so that you could go back to lower dosages of what you're currently taking and get greater effects? Is that the big reason? Because some people use it for like, you know, addiction to alcohol, addiction to, you know, different types of drug addictions. But for you, what would be the reasoning for yourself? and I don't even know it. It's almost like a detox, a reset, reset me back to zero. And then I can compare how I feel after with how I feel before. And that'll, that'll actually tell me what I had in addition. You know, maybe, maybe it's impacting my relationships, for example, maybe, maybe I do have some little bit of a sex addiction type thing. And if I could cure that, maybe I can have better or more meaningful relationships. I know, I just don't know. I just, I've never
Starting point is 01:55:05 heard anything bad coming out of it. I've only heard good things about people sort of being rebirthed. So I'm not afraid about, although, although I want it, same thing with mushrooms. I want to be, I don't do mushrooms at a time when I'm a hundred percent sure here's all my goals. Here's what I'm trying to do. And here's all the steps to get there because then i'm set i'm just i'm in do i'm in go mode doing mushrooms or a psychedelic is more of like a reflection time where you can reassess what are my goals rethink your strategies so it's like at the end of a chapter when it's time to begin a new chapter that's when i use something like a high dose of a psychedelic and And Ibogaine is also a psychedelic. Although I did do mushrooms recently.
Starting point is 01:55:48 I went with three grams and we went to an art gallery. There's about eight of us friends together. And we're the only ones in an art gallery. I thought that was a great place to do it. And it was. You know, everything looks very vivid. You feel like you're like in the paint. Whoa, the trippy.
Starting point is 01:56:10 To be on mushrooms and look at a crazy painting and then it's just like pulling you into the painting you feel like your reality becomes the painting amazing feeling is three grams of micro dose or is that a good dose that's a good dosage and i combined it with uh lime juice and uh some other things that had citric acid. And I combined it with some nootropics. I made quite a cocktail. And everybody said it was one of the best mushroom trips they had. It wasn't too much. Nobody lost touch with reality.
Starting point is 01:56:34 That wasn't the goal. The goal was to have to, you know, because we're in an art gallery. The goal was to submerge ourselves in art gallery to the deepest level possible yeah wow and then now do you uh utilize them a little bit for like micro dosing or yeah every once in a while i'll take 200 micrograms and that gives me calm focus it makes me think differently so if i'm trying to problem solve all of a sudden i come up with solutions that I never would have even considered. Changes my perspective on things. And it makes me very focused and disciplined.
Starting point is 01:57:11 Actually, I think it's a secret to discipline. If I were going to really get on my game, like I was going to compete or diet really hard or something, I think the mushrooms really help you focus on, okay, this is my goal. And they make you think, does every activity that I do or every thought that I have actually contribute or take away from this goal? Oh,
Starting point is 01:57:35 wow. Mushrooms put you in that state of mind. Is this psilocybin or is this something different? Psilocybin. And for you, it was two around 200. That's a, the amount that helps you with your focus and on your discipline. Yeah. Interesting.
Starting point is 01:57:51 I've never heard that before, but that's awesome. And it lasts only at a maximum of four hours. So it's great because I can take half of my day and use that to help me problem solve and focus and work. And then I can take the other half of my day and use that to help me problem solve and focus and work and then i can take the other half of the day and and do something completely different and not be under the influence of mushrooms whatsoever yeah i'm really actually curious about this because since you do so much experimentation with like SARMs and drugs has there been anything that you have like maybe in the past you're like oh this is great this is awesome but now you look
Starting point is 01:58:25 back at it as far as like a drug or something you're like actually i don't think that that's that great or i don't think that that's that safe etc is there anything that you've you've learned more about and maybe you're like okay not as good as i thought it was yeah a drug that i used to used to, and now I think it's dangerous, maybe a bad decision or that I wouldn't use again. I, I don't think so. I not, no, it's everything has a place. I mean, I'm looking at a, I'm not going to show everything here because I have to think about the legality of each thing here. But I've got a huge wall of stuff right here.
Starting point is 01:59:10 Yeah. And I'm looking at it thinking, like, is there anything that I've regretted? Obviously, I've regretted taking too much of a dosage or taking something for too long. But that just means I changed my usage of it. So I've got all of these tools in my tool chest and I don't think any, I feel like any of them I wouldn't take again under some circumstance. You mentioned earlier having some close calls and how you don't like to go to the doctor. Was there, was there anything that like made you feel like,
Starting point is 01:59:41 shit, man, I, I think I just need to go see a doctor. Like some, I did something fucked up. From an experiment. I mean, the last time I went to the hospital was I had my heart was bruised. And I think it was from actual weight training because I was doing rows and the chest pads pushing against my rib cage. I think that's what caused it, but
Starting point is 02:00:10 I don't think I've been to the hospital for anything else serious since then. What did that feel like? Just it felt like a rib was out or something? Breathing was extremely painful. It was like I couldn't breathe i had to leave
Starting point is 02:00:26 let all the air out of my rib cage and just take very small breaths so i was worried i was mostly worried that i was going to lose my ability to breathe completely because i didn't know it was the heart i thought it was something wrong with my lungs and when i went in there they said no what's happening is when your lungs expand it's putting pressure on your heart and the sack around your heart has been bruised, which can happen one of two ways. It can happen from physical trauma, which you'd think I would have heard of more. I was in Taekwondo. You know, you'd think in jujitsu, maybe something would happen too. But have you ever heard of this happening? Not a bruised heart, no. I had something similar happen a couple of years ago and I thought it was my heart too. And I was like, what the is couple of years ago, and I thought it was my heart too.
Starting point is 02:01:05 And I was like, what the is this? And they didn't find anything. I ran on a treadmill and did all kinds of stuff. I was fine. But they actually just didn't really even assess it. They didn't really even know what it was. They were just like, we just think that you might have injured yourself lifting somehow. So the other cause of it is a bacteria infection.
Starting point is 02:01:23 And you're like, how does bacteria get inside the sac around the heart how's that possible and i asked the doctor and i asked even another doctor after that so two separate doctors and they said we don't know we we we've we see it happen sometimes we have no idea the cause but it always goes away so bizarre it's a bizarre rare thing but it's something that they see and they're familiar with what about the uh the opposite something you were really hyped to take or maybe something you're like maybe we should take a low dose of this because it's so potent but then you took and you're like oh maybe i need way more than we thought oh yeah there's definitely been there's definitely been a lot
Starting point is 02:02:07 of those because i i'll have these i can't think of one specific compound but this this type of thing happens a lot where i get really excited about a compound and i research it a lot and i think i make a breakthrough and then i try it and nothing happens no benefits nothing very common so yeah disappointment happens a lot i mean so this is what i'm finally going to try mega dosing this kata so i know i know it's supposed to be very relaxing and like an herb to take at night like a tranquilizer you're taking high dosages um so i got a lot of it and i'm gonna take uh start i'm gonna take a small dose and increase my dose then one of the next things i'll experiment with and uh i i worry because i've been excited about things like this in the past and then i find this didn't do that much
Starting point is 02:02:56 i worry that it's not going to do that much or i uh there's a lot of herbs that you know in the dosages that we take in, in supplements, they're just not enough. Like the studies with a rat study might show a mouse study might show it's really effective as something, but then us humans take a, an equivalent dosage for our body mass and it just does nothing. And it turns out you have to take a huge dosage of it for it to be effective. And the reason why is because in herbs, you know, only a very small percentage of this is actually an active drug. But that's what it is. Inside of herbs is drugs. That's why they work. Drugs are defined by anything that basically changes the state of the
Starting point is 02:03:38 body, broadly defined. So if you take an extract out of this, though, maybe only 1% of this is the actual active ingredient. So you can make a drug out of this that could fit in a capsule that could be very powerful, that could be like taking a tablespoon. But to actually get it in the form of an herb sometimes can be hard to get enough of an effective dose. That's why the Black Ox, for example, a very effective testosterone booster. That's why the dosage is, you know, eight capsules, eight capsules, because these are herbs that require a high dosage to take to be effective. How about any new sleep protocols? I know you have some pretty awesome ones, but anything new or maybe I guess to share some of your sleeping protocols? So of all the prescription medications, I do like Ambien. I feel like Ambien gives me the most restful sleep. I've still only ever taken 10 milligrams. I have friends that have taken up
Starting point is 02:04:38 to 30 milligrams and they say it's amazing to go higher in the dosage. But I don't usually like listening to doctors, but man, the last But I don't usually like listening to doctors, but the last time I told my doctor I want to increase, because Ambien is an American prescription, to increase my dosage to 30 milligrams. She said, oh, my God, that's going to be terrible. She went on this huge thing about how dangerous Ambien is, which I've never had a single side effect from taking 10 milligrams. And I thought, okay, well, 10 milligrams works well enough for me.
Starting point is 02:05:07 It's very mild. I'll stick with that. It gives me about six hours of sleep. And then I wake up super refreshed, you know. But it's not bulletproof. It's not guaranteed amazing sleep. It's like if you were already going to sleep, like, okay, then it makes you sleep great.
Starting point is 02:05:24 But if you weren't going to sleep because like, okay, then it makes you sleep great. But if you weren't going to sleep because you're on stimulants or, you know, really stressed out about something, 10 milligrams might not be enough. Sleep juice, always. And then it's, again, another herbal-type product. So one scoop is good and two scoops is better. And actually, I've never tried digging three, four, five, six, but it's the type of thing that the more we take, the more it would put us to sleep. I just stick with usually one scoop.
Starting point is 02:05:52 I lower my heart rate with Nevivalol. So this drops my heart rate from, let's say, my normal sleeping heart rate would be like 64. My heart rate's be like 60, 64. It's cold.
Starting point is 02:06:06 My heart rate's all over the place, depending on what I'm eating, my body size, how much I'm training. But let's say this would take me from a 64 to like a 56. Pretty significant drop in heart rate. And it relaxes my whole body. This is five milligrams. I've done a lot of experiments with this. So like if I were to take clenbuterol, which I don't, which I rarely take, I'm still getting
Starting point is 02:06:29 heart stimulation throughout the nighttime. My heart rate's elevated. My sleep quality decreases. If I take nabivalol, it blocks the effect of clenbuterol and adrenaline and other stimulatory hormones and supplements on the heart so that i so that my heart rate drops and i can relax and get into a sleep state uh gosh i look i look over here i mean i i before sleep i eating carbohydrates helps me so eating a bowl of cereal makes a big difference it's really hard for me to sleep if i'm me to sleep if I don't have carbohydrates in my system before bed.
Starting point is 02:07:08 And then MK-677, actually. Again, when I first started taking MK-677, I have all the bottles. I have bottles of everything here. It's just hard to find. Pretty much anything we could talk about, there's something. There's a bottle right here. But MK-677, the oral growth hormone um actually improves sleep quality and just 10 milligrams before bed sometimes if i if i want to sleep a little bit longer i'll take that uh thc so edibles and actually have the
Starting point is 02:07:40 prescription here's a prescription thc liquid from in thailand is what they use in the hospitals here but it's the same thing you can get in the u.s i use thc when i want to sleep longer especially because it it lasts you know like if i want to try to get nine hours of sleep i couldn't possibly do it without thc which i don't get often but if I have multiple nights of five hours sleep, every once in a while, I'll throw in a nine hour sleep to catch up. And then, you know, my favorite of course is Zyrem GHB, but that lasts about a little under four hours for me. And I would build, I think the ultimate sleep schedule would be to sleep for four hours at night and then take a three-hour nap in the daytime.
Starting point is 02:08:31 Oh, really? And do it on GED and sleep, Xyrem, and sleep very deeply, like really restorative sleep. Each four-hour sleep period would be like having nine hours of sleep. Yeah, there's some people that believe that that may have been the way some cultures have slept. Three, four hours at a time, maybe twice a day. Right, right, right. Wow. Drinking some bong water? Delicious. What else you got coming up? You got anything just on the horizon right around
Starting point is 02:09:04 the corner that you want to promote or talk about oh yeah and also has the the Nat Geo thing has that changed your like your life in any sort of fashion like have you gotten more attention because of it yeah it's really popular yeah I was really
Starting point is 02:09:20 surprised at how many middle aged men who were considering jumping on steroids for the first time reached out. I think that was the main demographic. I mean, there was all kinds of demographics. There were actually a lot of women that reached out as well. But I was also surprised just the fact that so many people would message. Most of the messages just say, what do you think about this? What do you think about that? Or, hey, I'm this age. What should I take? But I can't possibly respond to all of the messages. I'm trying to drive everybody into the inner circle because there I can post
Starting point is 02:09:57 uncensored content, the EA inner circle. And what I did a few times is I'll do a zoom call maybe for one hour with, I'll choose some people to do that with. And then I'll publish the zoom call because I know a lot of the questions are going to be the same amongst all the people. Like what dosage do you recommend of testosterone for someone who's 50 years old for the first time? For example, I think that's probably half the questions I got. So I think the main thing is I'm going to be publishing the protocols so in the future in the near future um i'll maybe
Starting point is 02:10:34 you can put a link in the description or something on how to find out what updated protocols i i put out about all these type of things because when you ask me these questions i'm thinking off the top of my head, I'm looking at what my supplements are, but I really need to boil all of this down because I have, you know, a lifetime worth of research that I've got scrambled amongst many different places and from traveling all the world and meeting with all these different experts and experimenting on myself and feedback from other people. It's time to put it all in one place.
Starting point is 02:11:04 That's the next, that's the next big project. What do, uh, what do females take, you know, if they want to gain some muscle, um, but also not end up with, um, manly characteristics, uh, they want to be fit. They want to be in good shape. Um, does a female take estrogen or they take testosterone or I hear some female athletes will take like Anivar. Like, what are some of your thoughts? So if I look at what women are actually taking, Anivar and Clenbuterol are extremely popular. And even a lot of women who don't even look like they're in that good of shape are taking them because they don't want to have to diet or exercise. They're just taking these pills. And I don't like those because Anivar,
Starting point is 02:11:52 as the dosage goes up, can have masculinizing effects or the length of time on cycle. So yes, it is one of the safest steroids. Yes, a lot of women have taken it with zero side effects, but why take Anivar when we can take a sarm that has even less side effects and it's all about dosage though so a very low dosage of a sarm like rad 140 for example seems to be one that women have almost no side effects with at a low dosage of like 10 milligrams every other day right there's almost no reason for a woman not to take it because it improves their physique and their strength so much with no side effect that i've ever seen yet at that dosage but then and then clenbuterol that again is is in the system for 24 hours it's hard
Starting point is 02:12:38 on the heart and it's got some effects and effects electrolyte imbalance. So I just prefer to take something shorter like salbutamol. So you can almost consider that the inhaler, or you can take this in a tablet form, is very similar to the clamutrol, just a much shorter half-life. And so it has a lot less side effects because you have more hours during the day where you're not abusing those receptors. And then Code Red Fat Burner, that's another enhanced product. But the main ingredients in this that work really, really well, especially for females, but also for men, are the yohimbine and the sinephrine. And I actually have liquid forms, yohimbine and semefrin here also.
Starting point is 02:13:26 So they can be mega dosed, but women respond really well to those also because women have more alpha receptors in their fat cells that prevents the fat from being released. So you block the alpha receptor and then the fat is then released. But women's limiting factor to losing fat is usually their metabolism because they usually either crash diet or binge eat both of which are terrible for their metabolism they usually eat too many carbohydrates because women actually are much better programmed for burning fat than burning carbohydrates so they should play to that and usually women don't have enough muscle they're
Starting point is 02:14:02 afraid of gaining muscle so as a result they don't gain as much muscle and they aren't able to burn as much fat. So usually same with a man. If someone wants to do a transformation, I usually encourage them to build the muscle first and then burn the fat because it's so much easier when you have more muscle. That's what I usually start starting point for a woman. Testosterone wouldn't be a good idea. It's too much maybe. There are some women who may be lower in testosterone. Like if they have no sex drive, for example, often, sometimes the reason why a woman has no sex drive besides, you know,
Starting point is 02:14:40 psychological impacts women more than men, but is low testosterone. So women can actually use a very small amount of testosterone to boost their sex drive. And then also, of course, that has all the same physical benefits of burning fat and building muscle. But most of the times, I think women's testosterone levels are fine and don't think we should touch them because it has too many side effects for them. I hear women injecting its most common testosterone, DECA, and Premobolin. In any of these, actually, in very, very low dosages, it's okay. I mean, the dosage and the chronic usage is the poison also. But just like with men, women also want to go up in dosage.
Starting point is 02:15:25 They start at a small dosage. It's almost like with women. So we're talking about men before taking the step into gear and then they just keep going too far with it. And that's where the problems come. Well, with women, the same thing. And with women, the side effects, in my opinion, are so much worse. Permanent masculinizing effects. can we talk about some of those because like like there's the voice there's the facial muscularity like yeah and they even grow like hair on their face and their clit get well you know
Starting point is 02:15:58 their clit getting bigger and i couldn't some people might be in into that type of thing but it's permanent you know if you if you make these changes to your body now and you regret it later there's nothing nothing you can do about it so uh yeah it's the masculinizing effects i think the voice is the one that that women recognize the most and i'm actually shocked how many women have a deeper voice from steroids and they're okay with it. It's amazing. We can adapt to being okay with it. But if you would have told them, if you would have showed them a video of what their voice sounds like now before, they wouldn't have started. But now they have to accept it.
Starting point is 02:16:37 So now they're okay with this. And now they just keep going with it and make it worse and worse. When we can avoid that completely by just never stepping into the you know carolyn marquez uh uh greg doucette just did a video recently on her saying natty or not she's definitely not natty uh well when i first met her because i interviewed her for a role in enhanced two to do a transformation we decided against it because i didn't want to inject her with these hardcore compounds when all she had used before was either she had just barely started using SARMs or she was thinking about using SARMs. I didn't want to make that leap all the way with her. But if you look at her physique, she
Starting point is 02:17:16 is now a pro, a professional IFBB physique. She has one of the best physiques I've ever seen. She's shredded all year round. She lifts heavy. She's strong. She's the perfect specimen of a female athlete. And she only uses SARMs and she has no side effects whatsoever from the SARMs. I think this is a great example to women that women do not need steroids,
Starting point is 02:17:40 even at the highest competitive level, even at the highest competitive level, they can do it with with SARMs without the side effects I mean when but wouldn't you say like with her she just she's just I mean she's different like her body is insane and I don't know if without SARMs like I think she would still be you know a kind. I don't know. What's your take on that? Yeah, her genetics are really, really good. I mean, that's just one example, but you can take other women as an example.
Starting point is 02:18:15 But also with SARMs. Okay, so here's the thing about steroids and hardcore bodybuilding. There are some bodybuilders, men and women, that take huge amounts of steroids to get where they're at because their genetics suck. And it requires them to redline everything else to make up for their genetics. So it's true that Carolyn may get away with just a little bit of SARMs looking incredible, whereas another competitor who has horrible genetics has to take a ton of gear. You know, that's when I, I guess if I'm a coach and I'm with a client thinking about going all the way in bodybuilding, I might have a really hard talk with someone and say, look, your genetics suck. You're going to have to take so
Starting point is 02:19:02 much steroids that you're probably going to die from the sport. You still want to do it versus you can take another person with great genetics and be like, Hey, you could be, you could be really good at this. You could take a little bit of stuff and you could go your whole life and be an incredible bodybuilder. So yeah, you have to take in the genetics and into account. Um, like Steve actually coach Steve and I were talking today about in bodybuilding, like you either have to, to gain muscle, you either have to increase food massively, or you have to increase gear massively. Right. Or if you, or if you want to be a mass monster, you got to do both, but each one of those has a impact on the health. Eating a lot more food is very, eating 10,000 calories is extremely unhealthy. Taking a lot more gear is extremely unhealthy.
Starting point is 02:19:51 It's not that one is more unhealthy than the other. I don't think people realize how unhealthy it is to overeat food, especially when our food supply has so many, we'll just say chemicals or things we shouldn't be putting in our body in small amounts. But when you eat a large amount of food, you're getting a large amount of these things we shouldn't be consuming. So it's a pick your poison. Have you ever messed around with estrogen? Like you ever, cause I mean, you messed around with everything else. It sounds like you ever directly take a shot at estrogen or a stridle or, uh or even like DHT or any of these other things that are floating around in our body? I don't even know if those are chemicals you can shoot. I don't even
Starting point is 02:20:31 know. And estrogen and progesterone here. And so I've experimented with taking both of those. I think there's definitely a place for them. I like having them on hands just in case the progesterone mostly uh but if let's say a body someone is taking SARMs and they're now they're they're muscle building we'll call it androgens are high but their estrogen is low because the way the way that the male body gets estrogens by conversion from testosterone well if we're not taking testosterone and our testosterone levels get suppressed and we're taking SARMs, which is like an androgen for this purpose, so our androgens are high, estrogen is low, we're missing the benefits of the muscle building of the estrogen.
Starting point is 02:21:18 We can supplement with estrogen. So we can either take estrogen pills and that works. Take estrogen pills plus SARMs is just as good as taking testosterone for building muscle or we can take uh hcg which causes some estrogen conversion uh in the body also uh or we can take uh you know what else testosterone itself we can stack sarms with testosterone so we get some more estrogen conversion from that and then the progesterone i had these this this theory also and this other friend just started taking npp mandrelone phenylpropionate which is a short acting form of deca and one of the side effects of deca is deca dick which is the penis
Starting point is 02:22:06 starts losing sensation it's not as sensitive and it's harder to get hard uh i the goal is to convince in sema to take steroids and i'm still not doing good at this horrible man so my theory was and i'm sure there's some bodybuilding chemistry out there that would that would either say oh wow he's a genius for thinking this or wow he's real idiot for thinking this is how it works but my my theory is that when we're taking a deca or a trend balloon it's acting like a progesterone on some of the progesterone receptors uh but it's not act it's not giving us all of the properties of progesterone and man do even though progesterone receptors, but it's not giving us all of the properties of progesterone. And even though progesterone is a female hormone, men also need a little bit of progesterone.
Starting point is 02:22:52 So my theory is that we sort of have the symptoms of progesterone deficiency as a man when we take some of these steroids that hit the progesterone receptor, and then by supplementing with, by taking progesterone, we can then mitigate some of those side effects. So I may actually do another one of those experiments myself. I think, you know, before when I did it, I think it worked. I think I was taking a trend and progesterone was mitigating some of the side effects, but there was too many variables. So this is an experiment, like many of the experiments I do, I'm constantly revisiting them and changing the variables so that I can isolate what is really doing what before I actually say what the final result is. But I just wanted to tell you, that's another
Starting point is 02:23:37 thought I had for one of those compounds you did mention progesterone and estrogen, why I keep them on hand here and why I do mess with them. Any more proposed movies on the horizon? Yeah, there, there's another one. I can't mention the company, but there's another big documentary that wants me to fly out next month. And I'm just thinking, do I want to leave Thailand? Cause I would have to go there to film. Do I want to leave Thailand right now? I'm just so afraid that if I leave and things change
Starting point is 02:24:06 and I won't be able to get back or what if the requirements change? Or I think I'm in a really good place to be in the world right now. I'm kind of afraid to leave. As it gets closer to October, I think, you know, Olympia, I think there's going to be more clarity on what it's going to be like to travel around.
Starting point is 02:24:24 I mean, coming this way, like if a friend wants to come here to visit or if a crew wants to come film with me here, now the quarantine is down to seven days with vaccine or 10 days without vaccine. So it's a little bit easier for someone to come here now. I prefer that. But I think that this documentary would want me to fly out there. Now, I do want to make my own documentaries sometimes as well, because there's a lot of topics I really want to provide clarity for, but it's, it's tough because there's censorship on documentaries as well. Even in the enhanced one and enhanced two movie, you know,
Starting point is 02:25:00 I was kind of like, why are they showing some so much of the negative side of what I do? And it's because if they don't, then these movies will get censored. If it was just me talking about all the wonderful things that chemistry can do with the human body without offsetting it by with the other 50 percent of the negative side and scaring people away from it, then it wouldn't be able to go on Amazon, Netflix, iTunes, even Vimeo. None of these platforms would be able to or would allow it on their platform. That's how high the sensor is. On the other hand, if you were to do a documentary that's all bad about the chemistry, oh, it'll get promoted to the top. So that's why there's sort of inequality in the information that people are getting to be able to make a decision if they
Starting point is 02:25:45 really want the full story they always have to dig a little bit deeper you can't just accept the mainstream surface information this is just like so much information here as far as like you have to take this for this and this for this it's just such a massive juggling act it's like and the the wild thing to me that i was just thinking this whole time is that everybody has their different set points for their testosterone their their best levels right along with like what you mentioned a lot of people aren't even getting to those levels because like you know we we've had people talk about you know come on to the show talking about how like food is now or certain foods are now um you know stopping boys from like developing fully etc and you mentioned something that actually kind of made me curious when you said that you'd
Starting point is 02:26:33 work with some people and they would finish puberty because of what you have them doing what exactly like do you mean that they literally like they didn't reach full development because of whatever environment etc and the extra testosterone or whatever you had them to have them take put put them like help them finish puberty at a later age yes so take here here's a good example because uh you take like the dad bod um like an estrogenic body with no muscle mass yeah it's uh what's it called skinny fat yeah yeah a very feminine body and even even like the way that the man thinks is is very feminine right and if you put them on a steroid cycle there they'll lose fat they'll build muscle the entire structure of their body just starts masculinizing. So I don't think
Starting point is 02:27:29 it's sort of like you have this window of time during puberty that decides how you're going to look and act the rest of your life. I think that's true for 80% but I think that we can make a significant enough change permanent changes to the body but I think that we can make a significant enough change, permanent changes to the body even after puberty, what I consider sort of finishing puberty by using steroids or androgens or perviron.
Starting point is 02:27:55 I mean, even if a dad bod type feminine guy, nothing wrong with that, right? If that's their choice. I just don't like this being forced on people and then the culture telling people that this is the new normal yeah that's what i don't like give them the choice but give them you know give them the options um for example like now all of a sudden it's okay for men for boys at age six to decide they want to be a female and start taking estrogen what about boys that what about boys that want to be a female and start taking estrogen what about boys that
Starting point is 02:28:25 what about boys that want to be more masculine why can't they take a little bit of proviron you're right i did well okay not necessarily yeah that's great yeah no that that isn't there there are uh hormone therapies for yeah kids that are like you know, they identify as something else by a certain age. I want to be a superhero. Yeah. Yeah. Their parents will start doing that. I didn't actually think about that.
Starting point is 02:28:52 Huh. That's great. Like, if you want to jump off the couch, like, here, take some of this shit. That'll really help you jump off the couch. I remember when I was in sixth grade. And you have a cape on. But, oh, also. Sixth grade cape on but oh great yeah 12 years old so sixth grade 12 years old there was a kid in our class who was like a midget was really tiny he was also very feminine too and uh he was put on growth
Starting point is 02:29:17 hormone so he actually started growing but he was still super feminine i mean this kid's hormones were way off he should have also been put on testosterone 100 i mean you know and you can look at a kid and be like this kid is he wants to be a man this this kid is not a kid that wants to be a female he wants to be a man but something is going on that's blocking his hormones maybe he's got a maybe it got a, maybe it's a disease, maybe it's genetic, maybe it's environmental, but this poor kid has this opportunity during puberty to, because, because if a man really does want to be a woman and let's say they, they, they, that they have the right to make this choice and we're going to support it. They kind of have to do it when they're, you know, 10 years old to prevent going through puberty of the opposite gender.
Starting point is 02:30:07 So I don't know how that politically plays out, but I do know that I experienced this kid that if he would have gotten some testosterone, he would have been what he, what he wanted to be. But imagine, do you think they would ever give testosterone to a teenager because he's too feminine? No, it's all about everybody can become more feminine but not more masculine i just think that's unbalanced i just want i just don't want hypocrisy i just want justice fairness open information and informed decisions yeah well i mean there there are the there are um women that identify as men so then they start becoming more masculine there is that um but yeah no there are therapies
Starting point is 02:30:46 where um they pretty much stop puberty for and the the validation for it is like so they mentioned that if they do get older and they want to you know they they let's say they don't want to continue on then they could stop doing whatever they're doing and then finish that process but that kind of just seems like it's, it's going to be different if you try to, if you try to finish puberty at 19 years old versus, you know, going through it when you're younger.
Starting point is 02:31:16 So it's a very complicated, all of that is very complicated. Yep. Hey, I have a question for you and seen, did you do the carnivore diet i didn't follow if you have oh yeah you know i've um so like i didn't do it for like three or four months but i messed with it for like a few months like one or two months and every now and then like there'll be days i don't eat any carbs just because i don't feel like eating carbs so i kind of just dip into
Starting point is 02:31:41 different diets based off how i'm feeling on a day-to-day basis. But in general, I'm very low carb most of the time. Maximum, maybe 150, maybe 200. But yeah, I dip into different types of diets based on how my performance is on different days of the week. Okay. I started thinking more about the carnivore diet. You know, you never hear about the carnivore diet in Thailand, right? I mean, people just don't actually think about diets that much in thailand yeah it's just it's not in the u.s um but then i i saw the video also on hottie doing the carnivore diet
Starting point is 02:32:14 for a few years and lost so much weight the before and after pictures and that interview that was fantastic stuff it just reminds me that I just really love the carnivore diet. Over here, you don't have access to beef. So there's very little beef. It's expensive and it comes from Australia. They don't really raise that many cows in Thailand. I think maybe it's a Buddhist thing, but that's one of the things that I think of every time I think of you guys. Carnivore diet and beef, and it's one of the things I miss. Besides beef. We eat a lot of meat.
Starting point is 02:32:47 A lot of red meat. I miss the red meat. Actually, my body's craving it. I feel the craving. So I did, right before we jumped on the show, I did go to the supermarket, and I bought beef thinking of all you guys. I'll send you the next best thing. I'll send you a steak shake when we get them back in stock.
Starting point is 02:33:08 Oh, yeah. I saw that. Brilliant. The only other beef protein I knew of was when Kai Green was sponsored by the, what was it? Carnivore one. Yeah, I think so. It was red. I think the powder was red. Yeah. I think that's the ultimate product for you guys to come out with because you guys really represent that movement so well. And I believe in that movement so well. I'm curious, what do you think about when they start making the beef in the laboratory, not on the cow? Because I can't figure out how I feel one way or another. You know, I think there are parts of the world that could benefit from that massively, but I don't know how much more food we need here in the United States. I don't know how much of a need there would be. We have a lot of cattle, and I think we're supplied pretty well with it, but it might maybe uh, maybe it'll provide for less expensive stuff. I mean, I don't know. I haven't,
Starting point is 02:34:10 I personally haven't really looked into it that much, but I do know that there's areas of the world where there's a lot of people that are starving. And so if it's helpful or beneficial to that, then I'm all for it. Uh, okay. So no emotional response to it at all. Nah. Well, I haven't really looked into it that much, so I don't really know. Uh, I don't know a ton about it. I have to look into it a little bit more. Okay. Where can people find you and learn more about you? You mentioned a couple of websites a few times.
Starting point is 02:34:36 Yeah, That's starting next week. I'm going to start publishing the protocols. And then the Telegram group is going to be in the description below, hopefully. And the Instagram account, you know, I keep getting censored and shadow banned and all that. So I created a new one, Tony.Huge. You know, Tony.Huge is the new one. So I'm trying to get everybody off of the old ones onto the new one or the old ones get shut down because they will soon.
Starting point is 02:35:06 Yeah. All links will be in the YouTube description as well as the podcast show notes. Always amazing talking to you. Protocols published. Okay. Nice. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:35:18 Always good to talk to you. Have a great rest of your day. Thanks, Tony. All right. Good luck, you guys. Thanks.
Starting point is 02:35:21 All right. Peace. All right. Goodbye, you guys. Thanks, Tony. Thanks, Wolfram. Freedom. Pioneers. Human evolution. Damn right. All right. Peace. One thing I wonder is, you know how, like, you mentioned, Andrew, how, like, the subtitles, like, how YouTube can automatically see what you say? Mm-hmm. What if because we are saying those words, ban, and censor, all of this, like, it's automatically doing that because it can see that we're
Starting point is 02:35:47 saying it yeah maybe we need to shut the fuck up and stop saying it well i mean there's that but also i wonder if saying everything in today's video was for entertainment purposes only and nobody should ever do any drugs whatsoever and all of this was actually just a really big joke algorithm please do not think we're actually serious about any of this was actually just a really big joke algorithm. Please do not think we're actually serious about any of this. But that's the truth. And we need to have a disclaimer at the beginning of the video. Everything in this video today was for entertainment
Starting point is 02:36:14 purposes only. We are not suggesting that anybody do anything that was mentioned here. This is comedy at its highest form. That's what it is. And we're done. But no, that was a that was a great episode I love Tony Matt
Starting point is 02:36:26 I like him a lot too man um I think you know uh for anybody that ever has an opportunity to meet the guy in person you
Starting point is 02:36:33 you just the more that you know him the more that you just recognize that he's just that way yeah and he's not gonna bullshit you he's not gonna he's very up front
Starting point is 02:36:41 about who he is and how he is and there's really there's in my opinion there's nothing to like dislike He's very upfront about who he is and how he is. In my opinion, there's nothing to dislike because normally you kind of dislike someone because you're like, oh, they act this way and then they do that. That's a lot of times the reason why you're frustrated with somebody. But he's not that guy at all. He just lays it all out on the line.
Starting point is 02:37:04 You know exactly where he stands, exactly the way he is. And he's always polite. He's a very nice, he's very kind person. He sends supplements here all the time. When he's been here in person and trained with us, he's very committed to training. He's very polite. He's actually very fucking strong. He's clearly very dedicated to bodybuilding. And I think he'd actually do pretty well as a powerlifter. He's in here deadlifting 405 for reps and doing weighted pull-ups and the pretty strong guy all around. But he's he's a lot different than you might think. Like you might see the Instagram
Starting point is 02:37:36 posts and see the girls and you might think this guy's a real asshole, but he's that has not ever been my experience. I've never experienced that at all. Yeah. And I don't know about you, Mark, but like every time I've talked my experience. I've never experienced that at all. Same here. And I don't know about you, Mark, but every time I've talked to him, I've never felt the need. I mean, I guess it helps because he puts everything out and we know like he's, you know, I mean, everyone just heard how some of the protocols and the lifestyle is very different. But like, I've never had to feel like I had to hold anything back. Like I can be be 100 open with him and i can tell him things that i i seriously like can't tell anybody else like he's just like just dude he's freaking awesome he has a gigantic heart that actually got bruised um that's how big
Starting point is 02:38:17 it is well he'll uh help other people to open up you know yeah he talks about sex or this you know the fact that he likes to have seven different partners most people are like they don't want to say anything like that they're going to say like oh man everyone's going to think i'm weird if i'm into more than one girl or whatever it is but he ain't got no problem with it and so hopefully it helps other people to open up and just i guess be themselves or try to find what you are, who you are, right? Yeah. So Power, yeah, Power Project podcasting trip to Thailand next year, maybe. Ready? Three, two, one, and...
Starting point is 02:38:53 Andy ain't going to let you ask that. Sign those divorce papers. Let's be real here. You ain't going to North Thailand. Yeah. It's like when I went to Reebok and they were like oh like like you should come back out like in like two months we're all going like on this boat and we're and i'm like i'm like who i'm like who's going on this boat and they're like all of them and they point over to all the
Starting point is 02:39:16 female like athletes of crossfit i'm like i ain't going nowhere i'm going home i ain't going on no boat it was hilarious it was like something out of a movie i'm like this is a fucking trap like someone's somebody's got a hidden camera somewhere or something you know yeah so much cool information we're definitely not yeah we're gonna so for anybody listening if you've made it this far uh you can probably see that the algorithm totally killed us on this one or not no the algorithm is not okay good call we're gonna have a great video this is yeah it's all right well great video either like the video or share it directly with a friend just so that way we can get some of this awesome information out there hey real talk people all your likes do help
Starting point is 02:40:00 the algorithm if you share this podcast if you review us on iTunes, it helps everything. So you definitely should just, you know, comment, thumbs up, but comment, anything, comment, algorithm, comment. So I really, I really hope that anyone that considers performance enhancing drugs just really considers the cop, how complex it can be. Oh yeah. And also understands the trap that Tony mentioned.
Starting point is 02:40:25 Cause I was like, oh, you could take maybe around 200 milligrams and you could be okay. And to his point is like, you kind of can't be okay because you're going to take 200 milligrams. You're going to be like, yeah, I'm just going to take a little bit more.
Starting point is 02:40:39 And there, there's not really like to my understanding. And just from what I've seen, there, there can be like damage to my understanding and just from what I've seen, um, there, there can be like damage to your heart and there could be damage to your organs. And there's a lot of things at play when you start getting into really high
Starting point is 02:40:55 dosages and you start to take a lot of the other things that he mentioned on the show as well, other than just testosterone, taking it in reasonable amounts, doesn't seem to really have that big of a negative impact on heart, kidneys, liver, those kinds of things. But what if you have a preexisting condition that you don't know anything about? So this is where you got to do your due diligence.
Starting point is 02:41:17 And if you don't have the money to get the blood work and do some of these things, I would just say, just don't do it. Just, you know, just, or just wait until at some other, you know, your lifting career hopefully is a long one. Like we, we want to make the world a better place to lift. And the way that we're going to do it is not just by having people sign up at 24 hour fitness and never show up again. We need to go in there and lift the weights that are in there. I need you to do it with a lot of consistency. And if you're hurt or sick or any of the above from taking stuff and not knowing what you're doing, that's not a great way to get there.
Starting point is 02:41:49 And so Tony actually kind of said the opposite of what I was saying in the beginning of the show is that I kind of, for me, I took them, I was, I was in professional wrestling and it was my interpretation of like, Hey man, the,
Starting point is 02:42:02 the missing ingredient for me is to be bigger. Really the missing ingredient for me was to like, love wrestling more. Like I, I, I loved wrestling as a kid, but once I got into pro wrestling, it wasn't like my thing. I wasn't like obsessed with it where I saw other athletes like John Cena and some other guys, they went all in on it. I never really went all in. I gotta be just, I gotta be totally honest. Um, I just never did
Starting point is 02:42:25 not anything compared to what I did with powerlifting and look at the success I had there. Um, so it's just, I really would love for people to don't take this lightly, like really examine this. And if you're young, it's easy for me to say it cause I've done them and I'm on them and whatever else, right? There's a whole movie about it. It's maybe easier for me to say now, but just fucking hang in there and just train. And really, have you really explored all the different things there are to do with training? Have you really been diligent? Have you really been consistent? Have you been eating proper amounts of protein and proper amounts of food every day to really try to grow.
Starting point is 02:43:09 If you look online, you'll find a lot of great examples of people that are in tremendous shape. Some people you can speculate that are on stuff and some people are open that they're on stuff. There's some people that are adamant that they're not on anything. I don't believe that every single person that says that they're natural is on stuff. There's a lot of, in SEMA, some walking proof of it. I don't follow him home. I don't live underneath his bed or in his refrigerator. I don't know what's going on at his house. But all I can do is just know the things that I know and know the people that I've been around.
Starting point is 02:43:40 And when people tell me that they're natural, I'm never like, there's no way. That's impossible. It's really, really rare for me to have that immediate knee jerk reaction. I'm just like, you know what? If I'm being honest, like the Bell family, we have decent genetics. My brother, Mike, was pretty big. Chris is fucking strong as an ox.
Starting point is 02:43:58 Like Chris can take weeks off of training and come in here and probably still squat 500 pounds, whether he's on anything or not on anything. So we have a decent propensity for strength. Um, but is it possible for someone to have bigger arms than me naturally? Is it possible for someone to have wider shoulders or bigger lats or, or be leaner or whatever? Yeah, of course. I believe that a hundred percent. So anyway, don't take it lightly. Really make sure you investigate. Don't only go to one source. Don't only go to the source that is going to tell you that they're okay to take. Look at the opposite side of it. What are the repercussions? Do some Google searches. Do some YouTube searches. Really look into it.
Starting point is 02:44:43 I mean, type that into YouTube. What are the negative? I mean, type that into YouTube. What are the negative side effects of steroids? What do they do? If you're a guy, what do they do to your dick? What do they do to your hair? What do they do to, right?
Starting point is 02:44:52 Just learn. What do they do for acne? Just fucking learn, man. Learn, learn, learn just like you would with your training. Just like you would with anything else.
Starting point is 02:45:00 Just take it very, very seriously. I always like to point out that it is a drug. They are illegal. So there's, there's's just a there's a lot to consider and i just think that people aren't really taking i don't think they're taking the proper steps sometimes yeah they're not taking the time they need like even tony said that before he started he at least he lifted five years before doing anything right so if if you're you know if you've just started getting into the gym and you're not getting as much size and strength as you want you're only a year or two in you know you got you got no need to start
Starting point is 02:45:32 any of that type of stuff yet at least wait until you put in some time hopefully you're done developing right and you're not in this you know place where your hormones are all over the place and you add some drugs into the mix just take your time yeah mark would you say if somebody did want to like i don't know they're like no i i'm pretty sure i want to do this but maybe staying natural but like getting some blood work done to see if there's some deficiencies that they can work on would that be a good like hey like maybe don't jump all in but at at least start here. That would be great. You would also then need someone to help you with interpreting it.
Starting point is 02:46:10 So you'd have to, you know, look some people up online. Maybe you would hire Stan Efferding or someone like that to, you know, assist you. You got to probably, you know, have someone that can give you a little bit more advice than, you know, just you kind of looking at it yourself. But, um, you know, I, I think a great place to start is to look at like 10 people that you feel that you want to look like and, or be like, and then determine like, do you think these people are all on stuff? You know, there's a, there's a lot of, there's a lot of different people to look at. You know, there's some people that are lot of there's a lot of different people to look at you know there's some people that are fucking enormous and uh like maybe you uh really love bodybuilding
Starting point is 02:46:51 and maybe the people that you're looking at are all professional bodybuilders but also there's in bodybuilding there's there's tested uh federations and you can look at those athletes as well uh if you love pro football like are there guys in professional football that have outstanding physiques that don't take anything? I would say 100%. Not all of them. Not all of them are maybe telling the truth. Maybe not all of them are playing exactly by the contract that they signed that they're not going to take any performance enhancing drugs, but come on, man. All of them? You think all of them are on steroids?
Starting point is 02:47:25 You know what I mean? Like, so there's some really amazing natural physiques out there. There's some really amazing things that people can do. Look at all the, look at all the men and women in the USPF and the, and IPF, right? Or US, my bad. And, and the IPF, right? Look at, look at how strong some of these athletes are. Again, these are people that the IPF, right? Look at how strong some of these athletes are. Again, these are people that get tested regularly, right?
Starting point is 02:47:50 Do we know all who is actually natural? But again, I'm not going to say that I think it's impossible that they would all be on it. Like, would they all be lying all the time? I mean, that just seems ridiculous to me. And there's women benching over 300 pounds. There's men. I mean, our boy seems ridiculous to me. And there's women benching over 300 pounds. There's men. I mean, our boy Ray, you know? Jeez, yeah.
Starting point is 02:48:10 And even if you're like, oh, well, I threw keys on it. It's like the next guy behind him is still squatting 900 pounds. You know what I mean? And the next guy behind that guy is still squatting like high eight. You know what I mean? Like it's, they're not all on stuff. So if, don't use that shit as an excuse, don't just be like, Oh, they're all on it. You know, they're not, they're not all on it.
Starting point is 02:48:30 So I don't know. Just, I think it's really, I read about it for a decade before I ever took anything. I read about it. I was around it for a long time. I knew people that took it. I asked questions before I ever even decided. So take your time. Take us on out of here, Andrew. I will. Shout out to Element, slash powerproject. I believe they still have the free recharge pack. There you go. And actually, yeah, I just got this watermelon flavor. So head over there right now. Pick your deluxe or non-deluxe bundle.
Starting point is 02:49:08 That's the wrong one. Value bundle. Is that where we're standing now? Oh, shit. Hold on. What? Wow. Is this a Nick Wright podcast?
Starting point is 02:49:15 No. Nick Wright was standing there like a professional wrestler the whole time. He was just getting his flex on the whole time. He was ready to cut a promo. That's probably how you stay jacked you just always can you get bigger just by flexing you think yeah i was gonna say according to tiktok that's actually really hard like uh has your son has he cried like uncontrollably before where his whole body fucking trembles so thank goodness goodness he hasn't really freaked out yet. But when he gets fussy and his legs start kicking, he will move my whole body. He's trying to stabilize everything.
Starting point is 02:49:54 The next time he does shit like that, I want you to try to mimic it a little bit. Oh, okay. And see how bad it would fuck your body up. It's impossible to move the way they do. No, no, no. Oh, okay. Now he moves his arm. Right? He's doing this. It's like, holy fuck oh okay now he moves his arm right he's doing this yeah
Starting point is 02:50:06 holy fuck man we uh that would be really hard no the other uh yesterday uh like we were messing like we're kind of like tickling crazy man tickling his stomach and like how quick his legs went from like flat to like straight up in the air it was like like whoa like like oh yeah that's snap your shit up dude yeah i mean quicker than a blink of an eye i was like, whoa. Oh, yeah, that snapped your shit up. Dude, like, it's like, I mean, quicker than the blink of an eye. I was like, oh, my God. Like, dude, your abs are probably on fire right now. Like, you know, I'm being silly with it, but I'm like, dude, that's amazing how quick. Yeah, you're right.
Starting point is 02:50:36 I could never. You're like, what? Yeah. How do you move that quick? I was like, dude, you got to keep this mobility, this agility. Like, we got to keep working on this every day. There's nothing more amazing than having a baby. You just fucking stare at the thing the whole time.
Starting point is 02:50:49 You're like, that thing's mine. I got to... Oh, yeah, no. I'm in charge of this thing. Yo. You know, in Germany, I just heard this from somebody yesterday. Was it yesterday?
Starting point is 02:50:59 Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Does it matter? No. In Germany, when you have a baby, they have this person that'll Come home with you or something And they'll give you advice, like, they'll make sure The mother's doing okay and all this It's like, they actually
Starting point is 02:51:13 Yeah, in some countries you get, like, a year off of work Like, both parents or something, I think maybe Sweden Sweden, I think Yeah, my cousin had a baby in Sweden And, yeah, they get, like The whole, like, community the whole community comes together and they all take care of the baby for you. Like, not for you, but they take care of the whole family. You have food every day. You have money.
Starting point is 02:51:33 People come over, do the laundry and dishes. All kinds of shit, yeah. Wow. We're a bunch of fucking scumbags here in the United States. But also... Andrew, you got to get back to work right away. And so does your wife. But then also, like, if the neighbor wants to come do my laundry Like get the fuck out of here you weirdo
Starting point is 02:51:49 Yeah right I'm trying to sniff my underwear Why do the neighbors always do that? It's weird All the time Sniffing your panties Your Lululemon Yeah
Starting point is 02:51:58 Mantis even worse Mantis Drink slash power project To head over there right now Please make sure you follow the podcast at Mark Bell's power project on Instagram at MB power project on Tik TOK and Twitter, my Instagram, Twitter clubhouse.
Starting point is 02:52:14 I think I'm on Tik TOK also is at, I am Andrew Z hit me up there. Uh, everyone's still every now and again, we'll hit me up about Sarmageddon and because Tony was on, I'm pretty sure I'll get some more. I'll try to get back to you as soon as I can you know all right and see where you at i didn't see me anything on instagram youtube clubhouse tick tock and see me yin yang on twitter mark
Starting point is 02:52:33 how long have you been lying to us about oh my god what's clint the clint the clint i don't even know if the inhaler was clint buterol but but yeah, when I was like seven, I had a little bit of asthma for a few years and it went away. But it's not a bulking agent, right? It gets you shredded. So if anything, I was just, I wasn't shredded. Well, if you were just, well, just to keep it simple. So all kids who use inhalers aren't natty anymore?
Starting point is 02:53:01 Is that what we're saying here? Let's just pretend you're 50 50 fat to muscle ratio and then all of a sudden you drop fat and now your muscle goes up and you just maintain that what i didn't invent bro science okay are you on anybody's natty radar natty radar what do you mean like they always have all these that like they speculate whether somebody's on shit or not are you oh like there's like a a few Reddit forums here and there. I'm not big enough yet to make a Greg
Starting point is 02:53:30 Doucette video of me. I gotta do something ridiculous. Well, how's the sleep been? I know that for a little while you were up to three hours. Are you still back around two? No, I only sleep about two hours a night. Two hours a night. And you don't sleep at any other time, and you do
Starting point is 02:53:45 jiu-jitsu, bodybuilding, powerlifting. Uh-huh. Did you start CrossFit, too? No, I haven't added in CrossFit. I don't know what I'm going to add in yet, but the 2 hours of sleep is consistent. I do about 800 push-ups every morning. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 02:54:02 That's part of your quick morning routine, the 800 push-ups? 800 push-ups, 30 minutes of meditation, then boom, here to podcast. How about grams of protein per day? Oh, 400. Okay. Easy. That's pretty chill. How many grams of caffeine did you say? Because I thought you said milligrams, but you said grams. 600 milligrams on an average day, but I'll do a gram on a day that I need a little extra kick. But it's because of the two hours of sleep. You go into bed at what? Five in the morning or something? No, I'll go to bed at 2 a.m., wake up at 4 a.m. every day.
Starting point is 02:54:32 Two to four. It's just how I stay productive. And that's the most, you think you're able to get away with that because it's the most optimal time to go to sleep? Personally, yes. That is the best, you know. And what about all this stuff about circadian rhythm and stuff? You don't believe it? It's all bullshit. It's all bullshit. You need the willpower, you know. For me, it's the pushups and the meditation in the morning that set up the day. And Andrew, where did we leave off with his food? Like, are you eating at all?
Starting point is 02:54:55 Like, remember we were talking about this earlier? I fast for most of the day. We were confused. I have the one meal a day, which is the 200 to, no, not 200. You completely fast on most days. Completely fast on most days. completely fast on most days, but literally don't consume food for 24 hours. No food, only element electrolytes. But like I said, when I have the protein, I'll typically have about 400 grams of protein in a single meal,
Starting point is 02:55:15 along with a minimum of 50 grams of carbs and maybe a hundred to 200 grams of fat. How about protein shakes though? Like, cause I mean, I'm just, I'm thinking of that amount of protein. Like if I really need to eat something I'm just, I'm thinking of that amount of protein. Like you have to be. If I really need to eat something before the meal, I'll have a protein shake maybe a few hours before. So that would be my two meals a day or something. What's the thing I'm getting is I get so, I get all mixed up. I'm getting old.
Starting point is 02:55:36 But what's the thing about the ice cream? What was that about? Okay. So you guys know how like sugar is, it's a fast acting carbohydrate. You absorb it follow quickly so big fan if you were to work out and then have like a ben and jerry's right afterwards the carbohydrates go straight into your muscles since you're primed to absorb the carbohydrates like carbohydrates turn to glycogen and go into your muscle tissue so right after you work out
Starting point is 02:56:03 you have a ben and jerry's maybe add some Reese's Pieces to it, go straight to the muscles, helps with recovery. So that's the best time that I personally think you should have ice cream or sugary foods or, you know, maybe a Cold Stone got to have it. And you were saying that some of that has to do with, because normally ice cream would have, you know, has a good amount of fat in it. Like Ben and Jerry's has a good amount of fat in it, right? Easy. But you said it doesn't matter because, and actually you want the fat because it's a dairy product and it goes into your muscles even faster, even aiding the recovery even more and even being more anabolic.
Starting point is 02:56:33 I am not lactose intolerant. So because I'm not lactose intolerant, that's why that works for me. But if you find that you have the bubble gut. Super absorber. Exactly. If you find that you have the bubble gut or you get diarrhea or something afterwards, this is going to have somewhat of an opposite effect. Catastrophic effects?
Starting point is 02:56:47 Yeah, yeah, yeah. So as some like outsider looking in, because I know I've mentioned this on the podcast before, but like people will take creatine with like grape juice, something sugary to spike the insulin levels. Is this something similar or this is like... The creatine goes in the Ben and Jerry's? Yeah. That's sort of somewhat of a myth but I think the more so the thing that people are missing is that most people take three to five grams of creatine a day yeah I do 10 grams okay 10 grams to 15 grams of creatine every single day so that's more so two to three scoops of creatine a day is um it's partially because I
Starting point is 02:57:21 get minimal sleep so I need extra creatine because I need that extra absorption. But I think most people can get away with their 10 grams of creatine a day. And then you said your arms grew an inch once you stopped training them. That was like something you said. That was because of that was because of the, like I said, I get some of it confused, but you know how you need a recovery period.
Starting point is 02:57:42 So I'm an individual that trains six to seven days a week. Right. And if you don't get the recovery periods you need, you don't grow. So the reason why my arms can grow so much is because i'm working them three days a week but when i take maybe a three or four days off i have that super compensation so then they'll grow in that period and then i can start training again that's how it is with everybody part you gotta put a book yeah during those off days what's your calorie intake for those do you just keep it the same i actually eat a little bit more because i'm now recovering so instead of the average i'd say around 3500 to 4000 calories it'll be three five thousand calorie days you never look tired it's because i
Starting point is 02:58:17 just a gram of caffeine will fuck you up it'll hype you up probably but after like so you started doing this probably when you're like 16. So net by now, no, no, no, no, no,
Starting point is 02:58:27 no, no, no. I started doing this when I was 23. Okay. See my bed. Yeah. So by now it's just,
Starting point is 02:58:32 this is just, this is just what you do. This is just life. If I tried that, I mean, I wouldn't, you gotta, you gotta,
Starting point is 02:58:38 you gotta ease your way into it. You gotta adapt. That's how, that's how everything works. It's a small adaptation period. So you go from sleeping eight hours a day, next week sleeping seven hours a day next week six hours five hours four hours three hours two hours i remember a while back you were doing you were doing jujitsu twice a day and then i saw you in here lifting yeah and uh i was like man that must be tough and then you
Starting point is 02:59:01 were like i think you ended up hitting a big PR that day. Like, what do you think, like what contributed to that? Like, is that like, cause your body's over-trained, your body gets like, uh, your body has some sort of crazy adaptation to like really overdoing it. And then it, it super compensates and you're able to lift more. It's getting to be pretty good. We did good for a while i don't know why but i believe this makes it worse he's laughing about it it's like laughing to the bank i just don't think people push themselves enough man it's like people are
Starting point is 02:59:37 like oh i can't sleep like i can't sleep for five hours like shut the fuck up yes you can when you say when you say people you're talking like to me and like me and andrew and talking to me only two people here the majority of the population man people are like oh you can't do 800 don't you feel like he's talking about he's talking about us majority of the population there's three of us in here you're one we're two well i'm just okay maybe you guys then maybe you guys just need to you know try harder or experiment a little bit more see what you can can do. Gosh, stop limiting yourself. Man, the human potential is so high that people are like, I can't do it. No, yes, you can.
Starting point is 03:00:12 You're just a bitch. Weird, man. I wonder how you have all that time to program for people and everything else, too. Yeah, it's just what you got to do. That's why I sleep two hours a night. Yeah. It's what you got to do, Mark. I'm going to look into it.
Starting point is 03:00:28 Yeah, I got you. Strength is never a weakness. Weakness is never a strength. I'm at Mark Smelly Bell. Catch you guys later.

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