Mark Bell's Power Project - EP. 524 - Andrey Malanichev - From Russia to ST

Episode Date: May 17, 2021

Andrey Malanichev is a Honored Master of sports of Russia in powerlifting, Elite Powerlifter, multiple time champion of Russia, Europe, winner of many international tournaments. He is the fivefold of the Cup of the Titans (2008, 2009, 2010, 2012, 2015), two times winner of the most prestigious powerlifting tournament for the biggest total Big Dogs. During his 27 year career, Andrey has set more than 30 world records and has competed all over the world including Russia, Asia, Europe, USA and Australia. Subscribe to the NEW Power Project Newsletter! ➢ Subscribe to the Podcast on on Platforms! ➢ Special perks for our listeners below! ➢LMNT Electrolytes: ➢Piedmontese Beef: Use Code "POWERPROJECT" at checkout for 25% off your order plus FREE 2-Day Shipping on orders of $99 ➢Sling Shot: Enter Discount code, "POWERPROJECT" at checkout and receive 15% off all Sling Shots Follow Mark Bell's Power Project Podcast ➢ Insta: ➢ ➢ Twitter: ➢ LinkedIn: ➢ YouTube: ➢TikTok: FOLLOW Mark Bell ➢ Instagram: ➢ Facebook: ➢ Twitter: ➢ Snapchat: marksmellybell ➢Mark Bell's Daily Workouts, Nutrition and More: Follow Nsima Inyang ➢ Instagram: Podcast Produced by Andrew Zaragoza ➢ Instagram: #PowerProject #Podcast #MarkBell

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This episode is brought to you by Piedmontese Beef. And Seema, back when I was learning about all this fitness-y stuff, everyone told me I had to eat chicken, rice, and broccoli every meal if I want to get shredded. But now we're kind of learning that things are a little bit different. Yeah, no, it's really cool. Because I still have, like, when I start working with somebody, I'll still be like, oh, what should my diet be looking like? Or should I be eating this fish or tilapia and chicken? Uh, and the thing is, it's like,
Starting point is 00:00:29 yeah, a lot of people avoid red meat because there's a lot of fat, right. Which means to a lot of calories. But the cool thing about P Montees is that they have a range of fattier cuts of steak, but they have a range of also leaner cuts of state that were really good. It's really tender. Um, and you can use that throughout your whole diet. Like if I were to try to get even leaner, I'm not eating chicken, like get off me with that weak bird. I'm going to continue eating like leaner cuts of Piedmontese steak, like their flat iron, like their flank steak, because I can eat copious amounts of this, their bavette and not have a crazy amount of calories because it's just, it's not, it's not an insane amount of fat.
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Starting point is 00:02:03 What up, Power Project crew? This is Josh Setledge, aka SettleGate, here to introduce you to our next guest, Andrei Milonichev. Andrei Milonichev is a master of sports of Russia in powerlifting, an elite powerlifter, and a multiple-time Russian and European powerlifting champion, and a winner of many international powerlifting champion and a winner of many international powerlifting tournaments. He is the five-time winner of the Cup of Titans in 2008, 2009, 2010, 2012, and in 2015, and is the two-time winner of the most prestigious powerlifting tournament in the world,
Starting point is 00:02:40 Big Dogs. Before getting into powerlifting, Andre did freestyle wrestling and competitive amateur boxing. Andre first started lifting at a real gym at 16 years old with his trainer, Andre Trapourin, and at the time he could only bench 80 kilograms and squat 120 kilograms. His best total in competition in 2016 was 2,513 pounds. Andre has been twice named the strongest lifter in the world and has been repeatedly recognized as a unique athlete and has been awarded many prestigious awards for his huge contribution to the development of the sports industry and its wins across the globe. On another side note, Andre originally got into lifting because he used to take big rocks up flights of stairs up to the rooftop and would drop them on cars below. But
Starting point is 00:03:31 that is a different story for a different time. Please enjoy this conversation with our guest, Andre Milanochev. All right, today is going to be a little unconventional. We're here with Andrei Milonichev, one of the all-time greats in powerlifting. Somebody I've had a lot of respect for, somebody that I actually idolized and really looked up to over the years. And we have his translator here today with us, who's going to be obviously translating some Russian for us into English. I don't know, how do you do that? Like, do you get tired at the end of the day? No, never, never. Speaking two languages?
Starting point is 00:04:08 I mean, I get, like, it takes about two weeks to get accustomed to it, like, to switch your mind from Russian to English. That's why I could be sometimes really very slow. But in general, no, it's cool. I like it. I never get tired. Yeah, because, like, I just think, like, if somebody interviews me for something, I kind of get tired.
Starting point is 00:04:27 Or sometimes we're tired after doing these interviews. I'm thinking of when I'm at a trade show or things like that. I get exhausted. But I guess you're used to it. Yes, yes, yes. Your brain's got to go in a bunch of different directions. With the help of this thing, I think I can translate it. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:41 It's a mind bullet. Yeah, for the whole day. Yeah, we're это выяснить. Как тебе поездка? Он знает, что это не первая поездка была Как тебе вообще То, что сейчас у нас было в Индии? Очень хорошо Он очень много нас наслаждается Он очень рад быть там
Starting point is 00:05:15 Вчера у нас была возможность Пойти к Дэвиду Гарибалди И мы сделали Мы получили возможность Сделать какие-то экстраординарных вещей. Какие были ваши мысли о вчерашней встрече с Дэвидом Гарибальди? Он все еще очень рад, что он получил такую встречу. и участие в процессе. Я был curious about this I don't know if we're gonna get to this soon But I know that he's done a lot of wrestling And boxing when he was younger
Starting point is 00:06:08 And I was curious if he feels that That played any big roles In terms of his powerlifting development Since I think he started powerlifting When he was 19 or 20 I'm not sure A little bit earlier just a second Как повлияла база борцовская
Starting point is 00:06:23 Которая у тебя была до powerlifting На то что ты достиг пауэрлифтинга? Я думаю, что положительно. А что дало? Характер дало, стремление. Это в целом помогло ему поднять свою эмоцию к тому, что происходит. И он получил эмоцию спортивного с помощью браслета. Вообще любой вид спорта развивает в тебе дисциплину, характер, стремление. Для того, чтобы побеждать эти качества, необходимо. Мне кажется, вообще спорт, он и объединяет людей в том же отношении, что очень круто. Потому что на чем-то концентрируешься, и какие-то негативные, on a sport goal, you're becoming another person. You concentrate on good things and you're becoming a better person.
Starting point is 00:07:53 It seems like Andrey's done a really good job of finding what works for him really well. We were just speaking earlier, he was mentioning how he would run before doing squat workouts and stuff like that. Как ты нашел идею, что работает на тебя? Вот этот твой подход, меньше думай, больше делай. Или вот как совет ты сейчас дал Марку по поводу того, что неплохо бы бегать перед приседами, чтобы получить суперкомпенсацию. Как тебе получилось это найти? Я все время что-то пробовал новое, и то, что мне нравилось,
Starting point is 00:08:40 откладывал все в голове, а потом из этого уже составлял план действий. Потому что сразу такую формулу нельзя найти. Она правильная. Она только со временем, с опытом приходит. very hard to start from the very beginning in the proper way in terms of training nutrition and other stuff only being experienced you figure out how the things work and you shouldn't be afraid to be in the process of looking for the things which work for you so yeah it's all about being experienced being flexible and being open to new experiments what are some of the big mistakes Какие самые большие ошибки, которые он видит, что молодые атлеты делают, когда они пытаются вступить в спортивный лифтинг?
Starting point is 00:09:52 Например, вещи, которые они не имеют, которые они не имеют. новички залезают на большие веса и ну это самая грубая ошибка неправильно исполняет упражнения и уже через два-три года они всех травмах типы не строит базу да ну неправильно да тренируется выходит на веса а за ворс на стейке с датой анти полынки за джим за и ваннс туду pr серый Lisa? The worst mistake is that when people enter the gym, they want to do PRs every day, every day, every training. They don't care about their health. They don't care about longevity. They want to be the strongest right now. And they start doing training on 100% maximum all the time. They neglect the importance of building the foundation which he was talking a lot during the seminar so uh they implement most of the exercise in the wrong form uh and like they do everything uh which is against being successful long term because they have a short term goals how long have you been around
Starting point is 00:11:06 andre seven years and have you ever seen him uh do a lift that you would consider to be like i know you have lifting experience yourself you ever seen a lift that um you ever see him lift something too heavy where the form got really broken down or in the seven years you ever see that at all no what i've seen was always very light, even if it was like a final training sessions before the competition, like those which were on three repetitions. Everything seemed really light, and I didn't see any mistake in implementing in the form or whatever.
Starting point is 00:11:43 But we've seen together a lot of examples when people are doing really strange things from the very beginning, or they even pretend to be experienced. And they're like, oh, I'm okay, I'm okay, but they're not okay. And they say like, oh, I'm doing lifting like for forever. And you look at this person and he's like, oh my God.
Starting point is 00:12:04 I mean, I got the only question, do you even lift? Because he's like, oh my God, I mean, I got the only question, do you even lift? Because he's like, he's got bones and skin and like his body is not protected. This is what surprises. But as for him, no,
Starting point is 00:12:17 I never noticed any mistake, nothing. Yeah. It's amazing to kind of stay in your own lane when it comes to that. How has he been able to do that in his training? Is it just been because he's seen positive results every time? Как ты держ мог остановить? Как был этот кураж? Откуда он брался? Вот это самая важная часть. Вот это именно то, что надо в тренинге оставлять.
Starting point is 00:13:04 Желание прибавитьить когда у тебя есть это желание и потом выходишь на помост и выплескиваешь и все что у тебя есть внутри а когда ты это делаешь зале вот этого ощущения уже у тебя нет на помосте поэтому я, что надо сдерживать себя и не ходить на максимальный вес. Ну, следовать программе, да? Да, да, да. Ты должен вот именно дисциплину себя сдерживать. in every step of implementing this plan. And you have to follow it. And all the desires to go over the plant weight, to lift more, you have to save and spend it on the platform.
Starting point is 00:13:55 Of course, he is like any person, he always wanted more and more and more. But he talked himself into saving this courage for the platform. But again, we see that on the platform. I don't remember any competition where he went on 100%. As far as like, because you hear of a lot of people being a master of sport and different sports in Russia, right? Does that mean at that mean like at that point did he was he still working with somebody and does that come with any type of like i don't know recognition or does the government like have any are they helping the athletes at
Starting point is 00:14:37 all as far as masters of sport i'm not sure what that means well he has an honored sports master is like the toppest level like i mean We got very stupid system of divisions of athletes. I mean, you could be a candidate to sportsmaster, then sportsmaster, then international sportsmaster, and then honored sportsmaster. This is who he is, like the best of the best, like an elite or professional. They rank it
Starting point is 00:15:08 according to how much victories do you have on the international platform. And do our states support high-ranking sportsmen, well-deserved sportsmen? No, we have no support.
Starting point is 00:15:24 We have no support. Oh. Okay. And is that like, because it's our impression here in the United States that when you are good at a sport in Russia, that you get pushed into that particular sport, they like choose you to do that sport,
Starting point is 00:15:42 and then they kind of shove you along and support you and pay for food and things like that but is that maybe old russia or is that uh maybe a misinterpretation from the united states well it could happen only to like подбирает государство, берет команды, там, платит им за все, за все. Но это только олимпийские, и то не сейчас. Да, нет, такого нет. Даже не все олимпийские. Ну, это может только случиться с 2 миллиардами атлетами, и только если они часть национального олимпийского командира. А, я вижу.
Starting point is 00:16:17 И, например, их уровень экстремальный. Мне приходилось, чтобы готовиться, чтобы найти деньги, мне приходилось давать семинары для того, чтобы накопить деньги для подготовки. А до этого как? До этого тренировки там расписывали. Нет, когда совсем молодой был. Не было, родители помогали, последние деньги отдавали. when he was just starting the career uh only parents were helping him with food with everything and like he didn't even have a specific a special um clothing to compete in the very beginning
Starting point is 00:16:52 and then later when he became more famous and recognizable we started doing uh seminars which really helped to save money for preparation but like to be honest it's it's not powerlifting in russia is not the thing where you can make money or get any specific support moreover it's the thing about our culture i think that maybe some people really respect and love him but they sometimes they not even dare to express it with the words. Nothing like this. So no support at all. I mean, even if you represent your country in the international platform, and no, you have nothing.
Starting point is 00:17:35 Has Andrey ever had a traditional job, where he had to work for somebody else, or has he just been a savage lifter his whole life? Did you ever have a job? No. No? Well, I worked as a loader. He was a loader when he was a teenager, just to make the end smith.
Starting point is 00:17:57 So, no, he was never working for any person. Sometimes you unload a truck of bricks and go to practice. Yeah, he remembers the time when he was a loader, he was working as a loader, and then after a heavy working day, he was going to the gym and training. What does it take, you know, for someone like Andrei to go from, you know, these kind of humble beginnings, he mentioned some of his story before, into being, before into being an all-time great and powerful thing. I don't really know because we have a language barrier as well, but he seems to be very shy and very humble and very reserved.
Starting point is 00:18:35 How does somebody like that become an all-time world record holder? Firstly, I reply because, and then I'll translate everything to him because again, according to him being very shy, he will, he won't tell you the real thing. The thing is that he was never assuming himself of doing something extraordinary. I mean, this was his only job. And like, he was doing it as a job as any other people do their job. And because he's got a sort of a perfectionist, or like a person who tries to do 100% all the time. А почему у тебя такая длинная карьера, ты так много всего добился, и ты такой весь застенчивый? Да, я не люблю выпендриваться. shows he's not a showman um a lot of people ask him to give an interview or like i don't know to be filmed and he says like well look at what i have uh made on the platform look at my lifts they speak louder that's it a lot of people like lift nothing and they do a huge interviews shows wherever but this guy says like okay just you can google my results or my videos and this speaks louder than my words through his career were there because he
Starting point is 00:20:13 he had a lot of first place finishers a majority but there were some second place finishes here and there so were there any like power lifters through his career that like pushed him to reach new levels of strength that he really like like is like that guy made me go to the next level В твоей карьере очень много побед и первых мест, но есть также и вторые места. Были ли какие-то люди, которые тебя прям-таки толкали для того, чтобы побеждать? Они были твоей мотивацией, чтобы ты вот так смотрел на него и думал, блин, вот я его сейчас обыграю? Моя мотивация была от Колон, и соперерники конечно Евгений Ромбаш например, Америку Лили Бейдж, Дэниэл Белл, Оделл, все это очень крутые все ребята. Но у тебя было такое что ты смотрел за чьими-то результатами говорил что я хочу превзойти этот результат или у тебя было чисто свое внутри я я хотел стать первым кто поднимет тонну 100 я хотел
Starting point is 00:21:10 стать первым то привыкли эту сумму я хотел установить all-time рекорды в россии в европе в америке в австралии и в Азии. И я это все сделал. 100 pounds, I think, right? He wanted to win world championships all over the world on different continents. And while he was trying to reach these goals, he was only orienting on his own results. He was not chasing anybody. Of course, it was an honor to compete with such strong athletes as Eric Lillibridge, Daniel Bell, Od manuel from australia these guys are really amazing we can see how cool they were like a real bottle on the super cup of titans with evgeny yarenbash and of course like his lifetime uh motivation uh is and will be eddie cohen but he got his own goal to open the era of 1100 kilos and to win world championships on different У меня какая-то была страсть, может быть, какая-то нездоровая страсть к победе,
Starting point is 00:22:40 к совершенству каких-то безумных результатов, поэтому я выиграл даже с переломными ребрами, потому что для меня победа, она на тот момент была важнее, чем собственная жизнь. He never cared. I remember the times when he didn't really know the roster. He didn't know who, how much lifts. He didn't know the openers of other athletes. He was very concentrated, and he was obsessed with the idea to win and to be the first. And he says that back to the time, probably he was that obsessed that victory meant more than life because you can see in 2010 again at super cup of titans there was an accident during the bench press he was benching 310 kilos and he dropped the bar on his chest and broke ribs. And despite this, he continued the competition.
Starting point is 00:23:47 And he won the competition. Because he was really obsessed with winning and with the first places. I know, of course, it's crazy. You can say that. But I had such feelings then. Yes, and this obsession was his motivation. He mentioned he's willing to die. Does he mean that?
Starting point is 00:24:08 Willing to die on the platform for what he believes in? Yes. Yes, absolutely. I know he mentioned in the seminar that he saw Ed Cohn on the cover of Powerlifting USA. And then when he was looking through the magazine, he saw the numbers and he was like, this can't be like lifting numbers. He thought it was like a phone number. Did he try to call the phone number? Did you try to call the phone number that you thought was Ed Cohn's phone number? No?
Starting point is 00:24:41 I didn't have a phone. I had an interesting acquaintance with Ed. Нет? Он не был в телефоне. У меня было интересное знакомство с Эдди. У нас был чемпионат мира в Майами. Какой год? 2005. Это было в 2005 году. Это было в Америке, в Майами. Это было чемпионат мира. It was America, Miami. И вот я увидел Эдди Коуна с его подругой.
Starting point is 00:25:10 And it was World Championship, and he saw Eddie with Hege. Я думал, так, сейчас я подойду, пожму руку Эдди Коуну и подарю цветы Элле. And he got the perfect plan to go to Ed Cohen to shake his hand and to give a bucket of flowers to his girlfriend. So he was waiting at the elevator. He was waiting for them with these flowers, like with the plan in his head. But he was excited and scared and maybe embarrassed at the same time that he wasn't even able to move when they entered together the elevator. So he just remained standing still with the flowers.
Starting point is 00:25:58 Like almost he was impossible. It was impossible for him to move. And he was staring at Eddie and Eddie was looking at him back, and Andrei wasn't even able to move or to say something. Yeah, the elevator stops on Eddie's floor. Eddie and Haga went away, and Andrei remains standing still with the flowers and shaking because of excitement. He was like, oh, I'm such an idiot.
Starting point is 00:26:35 And then they finally met each other. Actually, you can Google for this video, which is really full of great emotions. Andrei met Eddie at Arnold Classic. And Andrei was like praying for Eddie. Does the Chicago Blackhawks jersey have anything to do with Ed Cohn being from Chicago? Or is it just something he likes? Is it because Eddie is from Chicago? No, because there were a lot of Russian athletes, hockey players, who played in Chicago.
Starting point is 00:27:05 And his favorite player was also in Chicago Blackhawks. Dominik Gashik. Dominik Gashik. You mentioned 1,100 kilos being kind of the prize. Oh, here's some of the video. We're watching some of the video here. Yes, yes. Of them meeting.
Starting point is 00:27:21 Actually, did I video that? It could be. This is the first time you guys met? I literally think that I... What is this on? You're in the background, though. Oh, okay. Yeah, I know that I was there
Starting point is 00:27:35 because I was... I remember how excited you were. I guess I didn't even recognize that that was the first time you guys ever met. Yeah, he's crying. I swear to God I was there. Maybe I just seen the video. I don't know. I was in the background? Yeah, you're in the background. I can't's crying. That was the first time you guys ever met. Yeah, he's crying. I swear to God I was there. Maybe I just seen the video. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:27:46 I was in the background? Yeah, you're in the background. Yeah, he's touching him and he can't believe that this is Eddie Cohn himself and he's that close to him. I see your big chubby face. Hold on. Wait for it. Why do you need language, right? Oh, maybe that isn't you.
Starting point is 00:28:05 That's offensive. So you said this is in Miami? No, no. In Miami, it was an attempt to meet at Cohen, and that happened at Arnold. At Arnold. I was definitely there for sure. What
Starting point is 00:28:20 YouTube channel is that off of? Let me check. It looks super familiar. It's HD. Maybe I've just seen it. Alexander? Okay. Anyway, 1,100 kilos.
Starting point is 00:28:35 You said that was the prize. That was the thing to go after. And that equals about 2,200 pounds. That's a lot of weight. But Andre has done way more than that he's done more like 2500 something pounds um oh wait it is on super training 06 channel sorry okay there's another one yeah my bad yeah what what 1100 kilos 24 20 24 okay 24 20 but he's gone uh quite a bit beyond that 100 pounds uh over that um how's he able to do that like you know Но он умер более 100 кг.
Starting point is 00:29:06 Как он это сделал? Мне очень интересно, когда люди могут преодолеть все, что кто-то еще не сделал. И не только это, но он тоже разрушил свои рекорды. Как это? Просто следишь за собой? chasing after yourself all the time. Well, look, you achieved your 100,000, right? Because then you stopped. No, no, no. It was all about obsession. He was obsessed.
Starting point is 00:29:34 Just keep getting better. Yes, yes, he was obsessed. How did he get better when he was able to do, you know, was it the same all the way up, you know, going from 700-pound squat to 800-pound squat and so on? Was it the same, the progression, all the recipe А вот эти пути достижения килограммов в тренировочном плане, они оставались такими же или постоянно что-то менялось? Нет, ну я еще хотел сказать, что для меня важна была вот эта сумма, тонна 100,
Starting point is 00:30:04 для того, чтобы стать первым, чтобы открыть дивизион. Потому что после этого выступления очень сильно весь дивизион пошёл вверх. Что касается килограмм, у меня они, ну, как бы прибавились там. они ну как бы прибавились там то есть я делал в 450 или 460 на 3 но я мог сделать больше на я больше не шел меня подожди подожди смотри вот тренировочные программы вот у тебя вот это да ну что дальше у тебя все время было вот этот метод как у тебя всегда был этот микс вот этих тренировок. Да, только следующее выступление, где мы как раз встретились с Марком
Starting point is 00:30:49 во Флориде, у меня тренировки снизились на 20% для того, чтобы поднять восстановление, потому что после Финляндии я сразу готовился уже во Флориду, и это было там... Ну, я поняла. В общем, можно сказать, что у тебя вот пока ты двигался дальше, дальше, дальше до своего нового рекорда,
Starting point is 00:31:09 у тебя как бы всё больше внимания просто удивлялось восстановлению, а принцип тренировок у тебя оставался. И во Флориде именно так произошло. То есть я, если я в Финляндии 440 троил, то перед Флоридой я троил 420. А сделал в итоге больше. Ну, я поняла. Все, короче, ориентировалось на восстановление. Окей. He said he likes the left. Yeah, he loves powerlifting.
Starting point is 00:31:36 And he loves America, that's what he said. Окей, well, like, talking about, like, in general, this thing to be the first who opened the era of 1100 kilos was not only for his selfish goals, but also he wanted to let people know and to let other athletes know that there is nothing impossible. And that, look at me, I have opened the era for you guys so that you will be able to do even more. So, yeah, this perfectly shows who he is in real life.
Starting point is 00:32:07 He is far from being selfish or egoistic, whatever. And when he opened it, and in terms of training, he kept the same approach, but he became more and more oriented on recovery. So even, let's say, it was Finlandland when he said the total of 1100 kilos and for the next competition where actually he met you mark it was in florida uh so he decided to go even less before the competition so that he will be able to be more recovered and to show better results on the platform. Again, as I mentioned before,
Starting point is 00:32:49 he doesn't care that much about trainings in the gym. It's more about do enough to be recovered enough so that you can make a lot on the platform. So if before setting the record in Finland, he was doing... How на 3, so before setting the world record in Finland, he was doing 420 kilos on three before the competition. So he started realizing that, like, oh, I have to do less to be able to show more on the platform. He is a strong believer in recovery, in that you could be as strong as you want only if you recover to now. Okay, so the better that he got, the kind of more maybe we could just say like his muscles were able to fire. He was able to, you know, put more into less and he didn't have to go as heavy.
Starting point is 00:33:53 He needed more recovery. We see this in track and field quite a bit. Someone like Zane Bolt or I think the famous Russian lifter Alexiev did similar things, and actually he got paid to break world records, and so he would strategically break them little by little. Supposedly that's some of the rumors. And then he broke the world record like 50-something times. Yeah, have you noticed the coincidence in how Andrei was breaking his own records
Starting point is 00:34:19 with like 200.5 kilos exceeding his previous result? They got a lot of amusement with Alexeyev. с 200,5 килограммами, превышающим его предыдущие результаты. Они получили много мутации с Алексеевым. Алексеев тоже был таким же приверженцем той же самой стратегии восстановления. И у Хусейна Болта такая же идея о том, что нужно восстанавливаться. Алексеева я знаю, Хусейна не знаю.
Starting point is 00:34:38 Он слышал о том же способе Алексеева в том числе о подготовке и о рекордах. Как Андрей перейдет к рау-лифтингу? the same way of Alexey in terms of preparation and records. How did Andre transition into raw lifting? I think that he's always loved raw lifting. That's where his heart was. It's weird for me to say this this way, I guess,
Starting point is 00:34:59 but the raw power of the movement, at least as far as my understanding, and I could be wrong. It may have started somewhere else, but I think it started at Super Training Gym, and I think it started with Stan Efferding. Because I went with a federation that allowed to have a specific raw category, and I think people don't really understand this about powerlifting. Before that time, there was not an opportunity for people to lift raw against each other. Но до этого времени не было возможности, чтобы люди поднимались в ровном положении против друг друга. Если ты хотел подниматься в неэкспериментальном положении, ты просто поднялся с всеми остальными, в соответствии с классом веса и так далее. Было ли там время, когда Андрей был такой, о, боже мой, это замечательно, мы должны вытащить гирю и увидеть, как сильные люди. Почему произошел переход из экипировочного в безэкипировочный? Что ты об этом чувствовал?
Starting point is 00:35:46 Он, кстати, говорит, что безэкипировочный вообще может считаться, что он пошел из зала Марка Бэлла, потому что они там начали так делать безэкипировочно. Да, мне никогда не нравилась экипировка. Это ужасно просто, потому что экипировка – это такая штука, где ты генетически должен подходить к этой экипировке. У тебя должны быть рычаги правильные, длина ног правильная. То есть у меня ничего этого…
Starting point is 00:36:13 То есть я делал всё то же самое без экипы. И прессит, и тяга. Только в жиме, может быть, у меня побольше было. Мне экипировка вообще не нравилась. Как только начали соревнования появляться я понял что надо уходить такой же какой был перед первый турнир был международный москве когда приехал там дэн грин захир это был 2013 год а Америке это вообще уже давно стало популярным. and raw, they're the same. And only t-shirt for bench press probably helped him to bench more,
Starting point is 00:37:07 but not that much. Like comparing him with other athletes, you can see up to 100 or even more kilos in total difference. And as for him, equipment didn't work at all. He was competing equipped just because he had no other options. And his first raw competition was in 2013, and he was extremely happy to do it, because he just wasn't into it, and he was not getting anything in terms of benefits of using it. Yeah, and the difference could be really huge. Я одену футболку, она мне даст 30 килограмм, он оденет жимовую майку, она ему даст 120. how you build and how good is your technique. It's not about strength. It's all about the thing. If you know how to use it, you will use it. And the length of your arms,
Starting point is 00:38:12 the length of your body torso, legs. It's all about these things. And yeah, he hated it all the time. I think the raw movement through powerlifting like kind of for a loop because they were just so used to doing everything the way they did you had companies like inser and titan and all these different companies and when raw came along it was like well now what we can't sell a 300 suit anymore so it uh it kind of changed some of the ways uh that powerlifting was done uh forever i know ed cone kind of felt the same way. I believe he bench pressed like 585 pounds for a double or 555 for a double with a close grip. And then he benched like 622 in a bench shirt.
Starting point is 00:38:52 So he didn't get like, you know, what you think he thought. What does Andre feel is his best accomplishment when it comes to like actual lifting, whether it be on the platform or something he did in the gym where he was like, you know what? Какое ты считаешь своим самым высоким достижением? Может быть в зале, а может быть и на помосте. Что вот было такое, что ты сказал, блин, а я круто сделал? Это я выиграл Титаны в 2010 году с переломленными ребрами. И поднял тонну стула, потому что рекорд держался 40 лет. И выиграл «Биг Докс», потому что у меня была температура 3 дня, потому что в самолёте был кондиционер.
Starting point is 00:39:43 Это первый или второй? Перворд да я заматывался чтобы это был очень крутой и а лайк за ферзь тингви че зик стримы право из ван хи ван супер капов тайтон спин инжир in 2010 and he was really happy with the result. The other one was that he won, я забыла второе что? Это первое какое? Титаны с грудью. Да, второе, тонна 100. He is extremely proud to himself for opening the era of 1100 kilos, because the previous record was stable for 40 years, which is really great.
Starting point is 00:40:25 Yes. And the other which I witnessed was Big Ducks in Australia when he, despite like, we had a very tough flight. And because of air conditioning, he was, he got flu. And he was competing after taking a lot of things, anti-flu and anti-cough and other stuff. And he got extreme fever one night before the competition. And I think he even lost some weight because he was like, his body was burning, he was sweaty. So yeah, it was extreme. And he won it and he set this world record of 1140 kilos.
Starting point is 00:41:02 And it was insane. And he's really very proud of winning на IPF В чемпионате мира Тогда очень было сильное сражение С одним венгром Да Да Да
Starting point is 00:41:20 Да Да from Hungary and he's really very proud of it. We can see it, Andrey. Oh, yes. Have you noticed that he walks out for Welcome to the Jungle? It was very easy, by the way. He says it was easy. I'm curious about this.
Starting point is 00:41:39 You know when you see a lot of lifters when they're getting ready for big lifts, they're like, you know, taking nose torque and getting wild and далее, правильно? Как он обращается к тяжелым лифтам в тренировке, тяжелым лифтам в соревнованиях? Как он занимается, что происходит в его голове? Как он обращается к этому? как выйти на помост они себя заводят там бьют тебя нюхают все а у тебя как бьются головой не я если крикнул у меня я всю энергию все что осталось остается вами я внутри оставляю
Starting point is 00:42:19 и выплескиваю только уже под штангой. He is a strong believer of preserving energy and saving it so that he will be able to live. So if you can like, if anybody noticed him... This is how the energy gets out of him. But he is doing his best
Starting point is 00:42:40 just to save it inside himself so that he will be able to smash it on the platform because you know um like he couldn't even hear you like you can talk to him before the attempt or whatever or just uh tell him something good things motivation no he doesn't hear you now he saw that deep inside i found this to be fascinating like while he's doing the lift we asked him like what he's thinking about and he said nothing nothing yeah he tries to um i remember he was saying like when i'm on the platform i'm like the opposite person it's it's magic i mean he tries to
Starting point is 00:43:15 disconnect from the world and like to enter the other universe so that to be able to live that much maybe does he ever use like anger or previous life experiences to kind of shift them into a чтобы жить так много? Он использовал какие-то, может быть, жесткие события в жизни для того, чтобы завести? Или ты просто спокойно так подходишь и все? Ты как в трансе какой-то. Нет, ты просто перед этими поездками приходится пройти там семь кругов ада, чтобы подготовиться найти деньги
Starting point is 00:43:46 сделать визу и ты думаешь блин ты столько я дал сил ты сегодня ты должен должен и самое главное у меня фишка была в том что мне я выкладывался всегда на сто процентов зале. Я нигде не сочковал. Ни в дисциплине, ни в питании, ни в тренировках. И когда я приезжал на соревнования, мой внутренний голос говорил, ты сделал все, что мог. Все, что мог, ты сделал. Поэтому у меня не было беспокойства.
Starting point is 00:44:19 У меня не было там, а, ты там не доработал. Ты там не... То есть ты все время выходил в таком состоянии, у тебя было такое спокойствие, потому что, во-первых, ты был уже замучен тем, как вот это всё... Да, и я знал, что я сделал всё, что мог. Мне незачем, я не мог себя ни в чём упрекнуть. Нет, это немножко другое.
Starting point is 00:44:37 Ты выходишь на помост спокойным, ты не обожгл... За счёт этого ты выходишь спокойным. Ну, он всегда в очень тихом состоянии, потому что он 100% confident that what he needed to do, he did. He was 100% strict with the program. He never did less. He never did more. He was 100% disciplined.
Starting point is 00:44:58 He was not partying out. He was not spending night out somewhere with somebody. He was not having fun at all. He was 100% dedicated. That's why he's very calm. I mean, he doesn't... And the other thing is that the way to the platform, because he was competing all over the world,
Starting point is 00:45:16 and being honest, it's really very expensive. And he was traveling with the team. And I mean, not like team, team, but we just... He was traveling with me as a translator mean not like team team but we just he i was traveling uh with me as a translator with a knee wrapper and sometimes with the other guy because knee wrapping technique is a really like a time consuming strength consuming and people consuming process and he needs so much people and he had to pay for it so he was so out of resources up to the moment of the Я находил правильную формулу. Вы приезжали за три дня до соревнований, мой организм не успевал расклеиться.
Starting point is 00:46:04 А акклиматизация проходила потом. the country so that to get rid of acclimatization and not to be jet lagged or whatever so we were arriving three days three full days before the competition day so that and the thing is to arrive late night so that you arrive it's already night and you can easily go to bed without jet lagging so yeah you get a lot of small tricks to feel good and calm on the platform did you use any type of so does he like not use any type of stimulants or stuff like that you know how people use a lot of small tricks to feel good and calm on the platform. Does he not use any type of stimulants or stuff like that? You know how people use a lot of pre-workout and all that type of stuff? Do you use any stimulants? He doesn't like them.
Starting point is 00:47:01 They mess too much with his nervous system. He tried some of them, but most time Но на тренировках я стараюсь не употреблять. Мне важно нервную систему свою развивать. Он понимает состояние его сознания, не когда он поднимается, или что-то такое. Единственное, что я использую, это вот этот нашатер. Да, только сол. Сол? Смелый соль. Да, вот это.
Starting point is 00:47:35 Как-то мы через таможню проходили, и таможенник сказал, что это такое. Он говорит, это нашатер. А что это, говорит, такое? Он её разламывает, я говорю, не надо, не нюхайте. И он как нюхнул, говорит, и чуть не упал. It was a story which happened at the customs.
Starting point is 00:47:54 Андрей brought salt, and you got this fancy salt, which you are cracking, so that you will be able to smell. And the worker at the customs said, like, what is it? It's salt. Why do you use it? Oh, you better you use it oh you better not try it you better not try it and the guy just broke it and it was extreme disgusting smell yeah now the customer know what is the salt i've heard uh other russian lifters and uh boris sheiko he did a seminar a seminar in Northern California a few years ago.
Starting point is 00:48:25 And one of the things he shared with us, which stuck with me, I do like to get like hyped up for workouts and for lifts and stuff like that. So I think it, it kind of matters like what you're interested in and how you feel and things like that. But what I did agree with him is that you have to be very cautious and very
Starting point is 00:48:43 careful that you're not like, you know, you're not tapping into something that's not really there. And so from that moment on, I was really more cautious of that. I was like, yeah, I taken way too many, I'm getting like, you know, way too many pre-workouts and things like that. And so I pulled, I pulled way back. Is that kind of the idea is that, you know, you, you, you just want to, Is that kind of the idea is that, you know, you just want to, like he said with how he hits the lifts in competition, it's already all done. Like getting like mad or like slamming your head through the wall or cranking up music more. Like those things aren't really going to move the needle for you. Those things aren't really going to truly help.
Starting point is 00:49:22 What's going to help is being prepared and concentrating on what you're doing. Yes, yes, yes. This is his mindset. И, наверное, это вообще такой русский в основном подход, да, потому что Борис Иванович, когда был на семинаре в Северной Калифорнии, он тоже говорил про то, что нужно поменьше жрать всякой этой хрени и быть таким. Наверное, у нас вообще этого мало всего.
Starting point is 00:49:41 The other thing is that we don't have that much access as you guys have in terms of different supplements. Вообще этого мало всего. It's all about the roots of any kind of sport. I mean, people in Russian sports, they were most of the time relying on the plan, on what coach said to do, and that's it. So it's just part of mentality. And Seema, did you know that Andre loves basketball? I've seen jerseys here and there. Have you ever seen him play? No. So for some reason, this is how he thinks basketball
Starting point is 00:50:26 should be played in your undies. And I've never seen a 400-pound guy in his underwear playing basketball, but I gotta say, he looks pretty skilled out there. I would never imagine him playing basketball in his underwear. That's what I see. It's okay. It's a typical Russian
Starting point is 00:50:41 basketball style. Oh, my God. He's a typical Russian basketball style. Oh my god. Try to get between the legs. Who are you playing with right there? Is that Kirill? Yeah, it's Kirill. God, you guys look like polar bears or something out there. It's probably cold as hell too.
Starting point is 00:50:58 I think it was summer. I don't see the date. Yeah, it was summer. It was not cold. Andre's got to try to avoid dribbling off his foot. я это не знаю он был на школу в рейс готча джо войдет в муниципалитет а вот это за пик фитцов киев на баде киеве члены района
Starting point is 00:51:14 диджей ворк выкладка санкции кочки армаджо депозит курьер был серпант ресторан джесси кочингом салфетка депо а вот и чинить этой карьеры у тебя как там тренеры менялись, или ты сам себя тренировал, как это вообще было? Ну, по крайним временам, мы просто в зале, у меня есть друг. Коллективный. Да, и я просто обсуждаю с ним свои тренировки.
Starting point is 00:51:40 Я никогда, ну, как бы не спорюю мне наоборот нравится диалог рассказывают на давай попробуем сделать там 1 2 недели тягу потому что каждой неделе уже тяжело таким образом очень хороший тренер мне вообще повезло с тренерами андрей сайзет хейтс чем и happy to have a great coach in the beginning of his career, because his first coach, Chuprin, was the very person who put extremely great foundation, who helped him to realize what's really important in terms of powerlifting, that building the foundation will really help you to have a long career without injuries, because he's got only one, the first and the last injury. что строение фонда будет помогать вам иметь долгую карьеру без ран, потому что у него только один ран, первый и последний ран. Но потом, когда ты тренировался в команде, в IPF Юнцом, там был кто тренировался? Завьялов. Потом он получил Игоря Завьялова, он был его тренером в времена IPF National Team. igor zavyalov uh he was his coach during the times of ipf national team and when he moved to
Starting point is 00:52:47 raw powerlifting he was training in the legendary gym in moscow which is called mai my gym moscow aviation institute gym which is unfortunately closed now and closed forever and he got um a good friend of him and this friend and his wife. They were like, you know, it was not a very strict coaching in the very sense of this world. It was like discussion. They were analyzing what could they did wrong previously. And they tried to set up a new plan together according to what andre feels how he's recovered what he's able to so it was a process of creation and constant updates and changes so it's really
Starting point is 00:53:37 hard to say that he was coached no he was not coached because he he is himself extremely talented in this, and he knows his body better than anybody else. But he got, let's call them advisors, who were looking through the program and sharing their own opinion. That's how it all was created. I can actually share some programs I got them. Oh, cool. You grab it there and there, and it's already in your head, what fits you, what doesn't. actually share some programs i got them oh cool yeah piece by piece experience piece of experience
Starting point is 00:54:11 from this competition from that competition it's better to avoid this thing it's better to implement this thing so it's all about that not a cookie cutter program. Let's maybe talk specifically about his training program. I guess, like, let's just talk about, like, how he's kind of built the strength up over the years. What, I guess, like, what kind of training split did he follow? Rep sets, things of that nature. Obviously, it's going to matter, like, what competition he's doing and so forth. But just in general. You want to know it from the very beginning because it changed. Конечно, это будет зависеть от того, что он делает в соревнованиях и так далее, но в целом. Ты хочешь знать это с самого начала, потому что это изменилось.
Starting point is 00:54:47 Я имею в виду, что с самого начала до конца это действительно изменилось много. Как ты тренировался, например, в самом начале? Мне повезло, что я попал в зал тяжелой атлетики. Там занимались олимпийские чемпионы, чемпионы мира. И там у нас тренер расписывал очень грамотно программы. Вот в приседаниях, в тяге, в жиме, в подсобке. На большой объем. И у меня вся база закладывалась уже вот в этом зале. Это большие повторения.
Starting point is 00:55:23 Допустим, если это лето, то мы делали 15 повторений. Если это зима, то 6. Если это весна, то 8. Чего вы летом делали? Большое количество раз. So they were more about, like, do more volume in summer and do more strength on winter. That's a typical Olympic-style training, actually. А по поводу, вот как это выглядело,
Starting point is 00:56:18 вот прям с самого начала, допустим, первые несколько лет, как выглядел твой сплит? Два раза приседания, два раза тяга, два раза жим и много-много подсобных упражнений. Итак, давайте поговорим о его первых планированиях, например, за первые несколько лет. За первые три года он делал дважды сквад, дважды бенчпресс и дважды дедлип. В неделю. В неделю. Это было за первые три года,
Starting point is 00:56:46 когда он строил фундамент. Это было в каком режиме повторов подходов? Между подходами мы отдыхали минуту. Нет, подходов сколько? Подходов было как минимум четыре, не меньше. Повторов? Это был более объем? Пятнадцать, два, не меньше. А повторов? 15, 10. Это было более о стиле бодибилдинга.
Starting point is 00:57:08 Это было 4 сетки, 10-15 рапс. От времени года зависело. И это все зависело от сезона. Они делали меньше репетиций, то есть больше веса в зиму, и больше волю в том числе, в том числе, в сезоне. И после каждого компонента он делал до 6 разных аксессуарных движений. and more volume in terms of more repetitions during summertime. And after every compound, he was doing up to six different accessory movements.
Starting point is 00:57:29 So it was a lot of work. Yeah, it was a big workout. He was very thin. He was like skin and bones. And the coach was really nervous about it. And he was like, oh, you have to work more, work more, work more. So yeah, they were putting on muscles on his body Потом я перешел уже в Москву к Завьялову, где он мне переделал немножко технику,
Starting point is 00:58:08 потому что в тяжёлой атлетике приседаю тут наверху, он мне чуть пошире ноги поставил и пониже опустил штангу. А что касается программы? А программу он мне писал уже не больше пяти повторений, три-пять повторений. А сплит? Сплит тоже составлял там четыре подхода, там по четыре. Нет, сплит? Сплит тоже составлял 4 подхода, по 4.
Starting point is 00:58:26 Сплит, это сколько дней в неделю? Через день я уже начал. And then, when he moved to another gym, he actually started with high bar squat. And then his second coach, after the initial 3 years of setting up and being ready for powerlifting, he moved to another gym and another coach, И жим он мне переделал. И это был более трендовый стиль тренировки. Он делал до 5 репетиций.
Starting point is 00:59:10 И новый тренер также обновил технику бенчпресса. Думаю, он его полностью установил для движений с мощностью. как раз тех времен. В зале я где тренируюсь. У меня оно есть? Не знаю, но в Ютубе там. А я отжимался на брусьях сесом 140 килограмм на 6 тракта Там мне 20 лет. He was 20, if we will find this video. He will be 20 in this video. So, yeah, and...
Starting point is 01:00:12 So, with the help of his second coach, he started doing a proper bar lifting technique. А потом? Потом зал закрылся, а в другой перешел. Как меня отстают? Можно отследить? Да, а потом я стал раз в неделю приседать. И потом он начал приседать раз в неделю. Это 1999.
Starting point is 01:00:35 Хорошие панты. Да. 47 килограмм дамбл. О, боже. О, боже. Вы выглядите как бодибилд. 27 kilos dumbbells. Holy shit. Nice. Look like a bodybuilder. Yeah, we're checking out a video of Andre, and he just looked absolutely incredible. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:00:53 So I find all this fascinating, and this is important stuff to talk about because, you know, people will say, how do I get my squat to be better? And that's usually when you go, okay, here we go. You know, cause it's a long story, right? Like it doesn't just happen.
Starting point is 01:01:09 Yes. And the way that Andre trained in the beginning is, you know, it's changed as he became a champion. And as he, uh, got stronger and stronger, things change.
Starting point is 01:01:20 A question I have is, did Andre do much assistance exercises? Uh, once he built the level of strength that he mess around with dumbbell work as А когда построилась уже база хорошая, ты продолжал делать много подсобки. В средней части подготовки я половину подсобки убирал, и в заключительной части я убирал всю подсобку. Это во все времена? Да. Мы можем сказать, что в большинстве времени его карьеры он делал много аксессуаров в начале преподавания, потому что его преподавание состоит из трех частей.
Starting point is 01:02:04 of accessories in the beginning of the prep because like his prep consists of three parts so he was doing a lot of accessories all the time for the first prep for the first uh part of the prep uh well then during the strength phase he was doing only um very good uh accessory movements which he needed to work under weak parts and closer to the peak and deload phase he was not doing any accessories at all and becoming older uh like the number of the successories was going going um down down and down the thing about this is that again what he told you about running to get super compensation. So, like, starting... Yeah, what did he do again with that?
Starting point is 01:02:49 Like, starting a lot with, I will first say with accessories and then tell you about running. So, starting your prep with a lot of different accessories means that you prepare your body to work a lot, a lot, a lot, a lot. So you did the first phase, which was all about volume. Then you make transition to the second phase, which is all about strength. And you're still doing not that much, but a little of accessories. And then when you are going to your picking phase, you cut the accessories. And this thing helps you to get better recovery, and the thing of super compensation occurs.
Starting point is 01:03:31 So, like, your body is, it is the end of the prep, you have to be exhausted, extremely tired, but to the contrast, you feel good, because you're not doing anything excessive. Вот эта подводка, крайние пять недель, они вообще в подготовке самые главные. Да, стоит допустить ошибку. Вау. Фишка с бегом мне очень помогала. Yeah, he understands what I'm saying. And he says that the thing with running really helped him. So you are no longer exhausting your body, but your body gets used to being exhausted. Yeah. What about when it comes to deadlift?
Starting point is 01:04:34 I think that people think that there's like tricks and stuff, and I already know what the answer is going to be to this. But like, you know, I think Andre's deadlift is like swallowed up by his squat. You know, he squats so much weight that that's all anybody ever talks about. But I've actually never seen, I've never witnessed a stronger deadlift in my life than watching what he did in Florida to win the Raw Unity competition. Mainly because of the position that he lifted from. He set up in a sumo position and his hips were, like, below parallel in Маркс, когда он взял твою тягу во Флориде, он говорит, я думал, что вообще, что он вообще будет делать, что-то непонятное. У тебя очень сильная тяга, и она вообще практически не отличается по своему результату, что сумо, что классика.
Starting point is 01:05:40 Кстати, я второй человек после Кована, кто тянул классику в 400 на соревнованиях и сумму. Он бодрительно говорит, что он второй после Эд Коуна, который тянул сумму и конвенционал более 400 кг. Это он мне так сказал. Так что только два человека тянули сумму и конвенционал. Все еще до сих пор. Дело все в том, что я никогда тягу правильно не тянул. Многие ребята копировали в зале мою тягу,
Starting point is 01:06:16 у них в трусы осыпался позвоночник. Но мне подходило именно такое. But they, instead of getting good results, they just got injured. This is actually a legendary MAI gym, Moscow Aviation Institute gym, which is unfortunately closed now. The place looks badass. Yeah. What's unconventional about Andrei's deadlift, at least from those first couple lifts that we saw without a suit on, his knees are traveling forward, which is kind of unconventional in a sumo-style deadlift. So it's interesting to watch, but it makes sense.
Starting point is 01:06:55 He was pulling not in accordance with any technique. He was pulling only with his strength. That's it. He was not over-analyzing, over-thinking. Я просто подходил и делал. Стал надрываться бедро, взял и перешел на классик. body weight the injuries started to happen to his hamstring because uh like gaining weight you lose your flexibility and that's why he made the transition to conventional deadlift as far as like you know uh recovery stuff because we he's talked about about like you know later on in his career started do like doing less so he could recover better but you know how he's like giving us massages and stuff are there any specific things that he really thinks a lot of Как ты думаешь, что могут делать люди, атлеты, для того, чтобы лучше восстанавливаться?
Starting point is 01:08:03 Специальные есть штуки какие-нибудь, или всё опять просто? Я говорю, это всё от правильности тренировок. Много людей очень сильно загоняют себя тренировками до тех пор, что они уже просто не могут спать ночью. Поэтому я и убираю
Starting point is 01:08:19 энергетики все, делаю больше отдыха для того, чтобы лучше устанавливаться. Короче, если у тебя хорошая программа, то у тебя не будет чувства. Да, да. Если у тебя хороший тренинг-план, то не нужно думать слишком много о специальных вещах для восстановления.
Starting point is 01:08:35 Здесь важная часть, что в начале подготовки, когда сил много, люди тренируются, люди тренируются очень сильно, но они не понимают, что под конец подготовки их ресурс уменьшается, и у них начинается уже вот это вот вниз, особенно если вам уже 30 лет. coming closer to the end of your prep you are exhausted you are tired and instead of doing less they start doing more and the other thing is that they start being extremely energized and motivated and they put too much effort in the beginning and eventually coming to the end they just burn out so it's all like he said a lot but to cut a long story short it's all about the proper programming Потому что усталость, она сразу не накапливается, она накапливается постепенно, незаметно, а потом накрывает тебя головой.
Starting point is 01:10:32 Я говорю даже не о физической усталости, а психологическое. Потому что вся работа в большом спорте, она идет через нервную систему. С тренировки надо уходить в хорошем настроении, это важно. Должен говорить, как я классно сегодня поработал. Вот это важная вещь. Это важная вещь, это его философия. Что заставило Андреа прийти ко мне, чтобы приехать в США?
Starting point is 01:11:12 А что заставило тебя тогда выйти на контакт с Марком Бэллом по поводу того, чтобы приехать в Америку? Я давно хотел, как-то стеснялся все время спросить его. Тут про то, что ты очень восхищаешься, им доверяешь.
Starting point is 01:11:32 Да, да, мне хотелось увидеть, познакомиться. Я не знаю, сказать обстоятельства еще. Сложились так, что мне некого больше было попросить. who he could ask for it because of huge respect to what you did and what you are doing for powerlifting. Because probably feeling that you are very close in different things and approaches to life. And yes, it was really very hard for him, but he knew that he'd better ask rather than not ask. So it was about situation in Russia, his respect to you, and his probably interest in how it all really could set, how it works. Mark, have you ever visited Perth in Australia?
Starting point is 01:12:43 Yes. We lived, I lived with him too, with Egor, where you were. Have you ever visited Perth in Australia? Yes. He was living at Yegor, the same place where you were living. Ah, okay. That guy burns his toast really bad. And his eggs, burns his eggs. Did you have burnt eggs? He burned his eggs in another sense of world when he was competing twice in Australia on the same week. Well, it's been an honor, you know, to have you guys here.
Starting point is 01:13:23 And I am like flattered that he reached out. And we don't really know each other. So it's amazing. And he maybe doesn't know this about me. Or maybe he felt this from some sort of interaction that we've had. I definitely have unconventional thoughts. So as soon as he reached out, I was like, we've got to make this work. I want to figure out a way to make this work.
Starting point is 01:13:46 And it's been absolutely incredible to have you guys here. Thank you so much for coming out. Before we close this off, we have to talk about kind of how this whole thing started. So we've got to go back in time. We've got to talk about how Andre got obsessed about lifting in the first place. We've heard the story a couple times on a few different platforms that we have. Where did this passion for lifting start? Расскажи про то, откуда пошла страсть к пауэрлифтингу, про то, как ты эти карты скидывал. Я был хулиганом таким вообще.
Starting point is 01:14:20 И лазил по крышам. Я даже не знал, что такой спорт существует. Кидал эти блины в кузов грузовика. Ну и смотрел, всомнется кузов или нет. Да, он был настоящим туманом. И когда он был в детстве, он бил ручки из ручки, и он был очень интересен,
Starting point is 01:14:43 будет ли он бить машину, которая была снизу или нет. И когда он делал все эти глупые вещи, top and he was really interested will he hit the car which was down or not and when he was doing all the stupid things he was extremely impressed with this feeling of his muscles get pumped because of lifting all these heavy things and throwing them down and he grabbed one of these heavy plates and he started doing so-called like Я попробовал поднять, у меня налились мышцы прям. И это изменило уже мою жизнь. Хотя я тогда этого еще не знал. И он не знал, что... Он не знал ничего о пауэрлифтинге. Он не знал, что этот спорт существует.
Starting point is 01:15:32 И, как... Это должно быть заметно, что в то время Советская Унион, или начало России, это был wild forest. Нет гимнастов, нет магазинов, ничего. Так что это было реально... Он открыл что-то новое для себя, даже не знав, что это существует. И тогда перетащил блины на свой чердак и сделал первую штангу.
Starting point is 01:15:56 Это такая железная палка была, и к ней прикручены веревки были. А жал я на полу прям, на грязном там. He remembers his first bench press, like, on the dirty floor, lying on the floor and benching. И когда я жал, блины стучали по плите, и снизу люди... Yeah, and when they were training, they were making that much noise that people who were living in the apartment building, where they were training, on the attic они были очень irritated with them, and they made them just to get kicked out of the place. Короче, нас выгнали оттуда.
Starting point is 01:16:51 И нам дали подвал. And then they got another attic, where they started all over again. Мои приятели учились в ПТУ каком-то там. A lot of his friends were studying at, it could be called a technical college, Мои приятели учились в ПТУ каком-то там. И мы сделали из дерева разные тренажёры.
Starting point is 01:17:26 Это разгибание ног, сгибание. Нажимовая лавка. Из кирпичей у нас были гантели. Перевязанные веревками. Потом мы какой-то сделали блок непонятный там тоже. И все обклеили Шварценеггером. И тренировались с утра до ночи. Правда, это все ломалось, мы потом опять чинили. Ни о каких витаминах, всяких протеинах речь не могла быть,
Starting point is 01:18:17 потому что их просто не было. Жрать-то ничего было. Да, ж тренировались, они даже не мечтали о покупке протеина и других вещей, потому что это была Советская Унион, нет еды в стране, ничего в стране. Что это за тяжелый плит, который он назвал, который он взял? Ты знаешь, что это? Я попробую показать. Как выглядятти блины выглядели как утяжеление равновесия антенн. Эти блины вешали как на антенны. Это не были тяжелоатлетические блины. Это был блин
Starting point is 01:18:54 с огромными дырками вот таким. It's a part of the electric thing. I'm not sure that you got them in America, but we in Russia have them so they were really looking like a great подвал этот можно увидеть и варил и looking like plates bad is was a part of this electric thing which is staying out of course you know and this got this round things большая
Starting point is 01:19:23 него такие вот дырки. Вот такие. Я поняла, как эта штука. I will try to find it. It's like 20 pounds or something? А сколько они примерно весят? Они весили везде разно. Где-то 20, другие 25.
Starting point is 01:19:33 У нас всё время менялись. Yeah, they had different weight, and some was 20 kilos, some were more, some were less. Один подход я делал штангой, потом переворачивал штангу, чтобы на другую сторону равномерно распределялся вес. И делал второй подход. И вот так вот туда-сюда, туда-сюда.
Starting point is 01:19:54 Да, и барбл был не в балансе, так что он делал один сет с одной стороны, другой сет с другой стороны. Вот такие. Это не блины, это вода. Да ты не найдешь их здесь. Это что-то из Советского Союза. Я действительно хочу найти это.
Starting point is 01:20:11 Ты можешь найти это позже, и ты можешь послать это нам. Да, да, да. Но что я действительно имею в виду, это то, что я поделилась с ним в своем зале. Возле того, как он тренировался. Потому что даже было А кто тебя снимал про этот зал? National Geographic?
Starting point is 01:20:34 Ну, по-моему, да, они в 2000 году приезжали. Дело все в том, что они позвонили в Госкомспорт нашему президенту федерации. Какой федерации. They reached out the president of... Какой федерации? Powerlifting, IPF. They reached out the president of IPF federation. Сказали, мы хотим снять тренировку в каком-нибудь подвале. Regarding filming some of the training in some old building,
Starting point is 01:21:00 something old school and cool and brutal. Мы приехали в наш зал, но этот зал показался чистым, хотя он был в подвале. Я им сказал, ну тогда приезжайте к нам домой, там настоящий свинарник, блядь, вот им будет. Да, они впервые посетили зиму, где он тренировался, в моей зиме. И эта зима не впечатлила их, но не была очень грязной. Но потом Андреу позволил ему идти в эту зиму. Ну вот они открыли дверь, о, черт, как тут можно. Да, они действительно были шокированы, как можно начать с ничего. Горела одна лампочка,
Starting point is 01:21:47 одна лампочка горела. Они сделали такое освещение, ну, похожее на это, только вот такие лампочки. Вот и стали снимать. special lighting so that they would be able to film everything. Yes, and started filming. And when Andrei was just getting started, I think you guys mentioned that he had an accident.
Starting point is 01:22:14 Yes. Was that when he was younger? And then the accident, I believe, triggered some Tourette's syndrome or something like that? It was the 12-этажный дом. Это был 12-этажный дом. И он почти упал с этого ровно. Сколько тебе было лет? Десять. Это было около 10. И я любил лазить по пожарной лестнице.
Starting point is 01:22:40 Да, так что ты понял, что он был томбой, и ровно это было его любимое место. И он прыгал с одного ровно до другого. И мы с первого этажа на внешнюю часть, и по внешней скачала, я чуть не упал близ 12 этажа. Да, был такой страх, как будто током тебя ударил. Да, и он был так боятся, что это почти невозможно. После этого у меня начался этот тик. Да, это превратился в такой объект насмешек. didn't know that anything like Tourette's exists. And they just called it seizures. Да, это превратилось в такой объект на смешек. Yes, and it was the reason why a lot of people
Starting point is 01:23:52 made fun of him, loved him. It was a lot of bullying. Да, такие вот дела были. And he had seizures in school, and I think you guys were mentioning it didn't fit well in school. И в школе, да, тоже было. В школе меня ударила учительница по голове палкой за то, что я делал. Да, и это уритировало много разных людей, и даже учительница уритировалась с уритированием, когда она ударила его в голову.
Starting point is 01:24:21 Ну, мне пришлось уйти, да. И, конечно, представьте, он был малень уйти, да. А мама сказала, ладно, будешь дома. Самое плохое, что никто не заступился, никто не сказал, что я был не виноват ни в чем. Я просто дергался. Да, и, к сожалению, никто из школы, никто из своих коллег из школы не взял его позицию или сказал что-то для него. Все были тихо.
Starting point is 01:24:54 И, да, он просто отталкивался из школы, и он начал учиться дома. Это очень жаль для него, что многие люди видели это, но они не сделали ничего для него. Да, такие вот дела были. Перед тем, как он, я думаю, начал лидировать и делал брестлинг и так далее,
Starting point is 01:25:15 было ли у него цель сделать нормальный, нормальный работу, перед тем, как он стал очень хорошо лидировать и фокусировался на лидировании? before he got really good at lifting and focused on lifting. Ты какую работу делал до того, как попасть в лифтинг? Только эти вагоны разгрызал. Да, вагоны разгрызал. А ты думал о том, что ты можешь работать? На стройке. А у меня не было никакого образования.
Starting point is 01:25:33 И тогда такое время было, что никуда не устроен, негде было работать. Это были криминальные 90-е. Да, чтобы не уйти в какие-то бандитские дела, я разгружал вагон с утра до ночи you were just doing anything else and he chose to do sport. And he didn't even think about joining any job because actually there were no jobs. All the jobs were monitored by these gangs. And moreover, he didn't have any education.
Starting point is 01:26:18 What could he do? It's good that they still pay you if you unload the car. It's good that they still pay you if you unload the car. что тебе еще заплатят, если ты разгружал вагон. Бывало так, что разгружаешь, ты один, и тебе никто ничего не платил. Он был лоадером из огромных тренажерных машин.
Starting point is 01:26:31 И он помнит времена, когда они даже не платили. Ты мог работать весь день, быть очень усталым, и потом просто сказать, что отходи. Он еще имеет сезоны? Или он имел их как молодец? and just say, get out. Oh, damn. Does he still have seizures now, today? Or has he had them as an adult? Do you have such seizures as an adult?
Starting point is 01:26:52 No. Powerlifting helped him to be able to control his nervous system because before any attempt, you have to collect yourself. I'm fine now. And before, I couldn't do that. You see him now, he's like a normal person, right? Я сейчас нормально стою, а раньше я так не мог стоять. До занятия спортом я не мог так стоять, у меня вот так вот дергался. Я в принципе задавался вопросом, много людей страдают такими проблемами, и может быть как-то вообще физические нагрузки помогают от этого избавиться? Может быть. Leverlifting taught him to be disciplined and to control what's going on and to be able to put all your efforts under this 45 seconds of the set.
Starting point is 01:28:12 That's really amazing. It must have like connected some wiring that needed to be connected or something along those lines. I'm making that up, but I'm just imagining that that's maybe something that happened. Probably the closest thing he's had to a seizure is getting shocked by the electric fence on his way out to Dixon. Oh, yeah, yeah. I was like, how did you feel when you were driving? Oh, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:28:35 I was shaking. What happened? I even got hair here. What happened? Yeah, he wanted to make a cool photo, and it was really very picturesque place. But they got these borders to prevent cows from running away. And he leaned towards them. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 01:28:54 And even hairs on his ears were like, outside. But he said like, oh, no, I'm okay, I'm okay. Yeah, it was funny. He got zapped on his way to our taco party that we had yes yes yes yes those were good i said i'd imagine uh andre's approach to diet and nutrition when he was competing is similar to his actual training which was probably think less but did he you know just hop on the scale and say oh i need to eat more today or was it just А когда ты готовился, какое было вообще отношение по поводу веса?
Starting point is 01:29:35 Было ли такое, что ты вот вставал на весы и думал, ага, надо еще поднажирать, или ты просто всегда все время ел? Нет, ну... Подойди ближе, пожалуйста. Мне хотелось быть самым сильным, поэтому я по природе своей не тяж. Мой вес где-то 135 килограмм.
Starting point is 01:29:52 Но чтобы нажрать, я делал целую работу, чтобы наесть вес. И я свой вес уже знал заранее, сколько я вешал, прям чуть ли не до грамма. Каким-то внутренним состоянием. Я уже понимал, сегодня я вешал, вот стойка-то, ну, вставал на весы
Starting point is 01:30:09 и показывал точный вес. У тебя была цель какая-то, сколько ты вез? Да, там 160 мне надо было на вес. Вот я жрал. He got a goal of body weight of 160 kilos, but the funny thing is that he got
Starting point is 01:30:24 this inner scales and he could predict how much is his weight without even stepping on the scale because he knows his body that good. And he always knew and he got this feeling that, okay, I feel really light today. I have to eat more or I'm done. I'm too bloated and i got so much water so because by nature he's a hard gainer he got a very high rate of metabolic capacity and he had to eat around 12 000 calories to gain weight and like next uh like when he food yes a lot of food and uh in a couple of days after competition like first 10 or even 12 kilos just fade away because Дело все в том, что мы в Сиэтле делали специальный анализ на выдох по каким-то частическим. У меня очень сильный обмен
Starting point is 01:31:26 веществ, поэтому как только я прекращаю есть, у меня вес сразу сгорает. Поэтому мне приходилось есть постоянно. in the state when you are like calm down you know and it was like his resting metabolic rate was over i think it was around four four thousand calories resting just resting yeah yeah he's got a ton of muscle on him i mean even he doesn't uh lift heavy anymore or not nearly as heavy right yes yes yes and he looks amazing how much weight has he lost and has it been difficult at all or Ты много веса потерял, и было ли это тяжело, или ты вообще даже не пытался? Я вообще даже не пытался, я просто перестал так сильно есть, сразу вес снизился. Мне все время пишут сейчас в Инстаграме Какой секрет Какие диеты вы соблюдаете
Starting point is 01:32:25 Я даже не знаю, что ответить Ты вообще по природе не говноед Ну да He didn't do anything specific. But to be honest, he's far from being a huge lover of something like ice cream or fast food, whatever. He doesn't really love junk food, right? He doesn't like it. He loves good steaks, good sushi. So he likes good food. He got a good taste for food.
Starting point is 01:33:05 But unfortunately, when he was on PrEP, it was either expensive and both expensive and unreasonable to eat that much good food. And he had to eat a lot of bad food. But in general he's got really good taste,
Starting point is 01:33:22 healthy taste. I think you call it a carnivore diet this is what he could be under just by nature yeah i saw it when we took him to in and out burger he took the top of the bun off he kind of always eats that way yes he ate the bottom part of the bun so he got some carbs in there but he wasn't that interested he's more into the meat yeah i mean he never uh have breakfast like a breakfast he starts his days at noon and he prepares steak a little bit of rice or boiled pasta so of course it's not like steak a meat cut just a piece of a huge uh cow of beef right it's not that cool but anyway it's always
Starting point is 01:34:00 more about protein he loves berries very much, like strawberries, blueberries, raspberries. So he got really good taste. It's very interesting to do some maybe research because I was paying a lot of attention to his eating habits. It's really very interesting. Yeah. What's his goals now as far as like training is concerned? And how does he look at that, like training in his body, etc.? Does he want to keep his body where it is? Is he trying to gain more or is he just trying to feel good in the gym? Какая сейчас у тебя цель?
Starting point is 01:34:31 Для чего тренироваться? Чтобы выглядеть хорошо, чувствовать хорошо? Или, может, ты вернешься? Или, может, бодибилдинг? Что вообще сейчас по тренировочным целям? Мне нравится тренироваться просто. Ну, в таком билдерском, наверное, стиле. Да, да.
Starting point is 01:34:42 Мне нравится тренироваться просто. Ну, в таком билдерском, наверное, стиле. Он очень любит тренироваться в стиле бодибилдинга. Из нас уже, из всех, никто не сможет бросить этот спорт. Мы все будем заниматься до конца нашей жизни. 100%. И он говорит, что все, кто здесь на столе, никогда не будут способны перестать тренироваться. Вас это тоже касается.
Starting point is 01:35:02 Да, это все о тебе, о. It's about me and him. We're just addicted to it. And he will continue training. It's a part of our life. Thank you guys for your time today. And thanks for coming here to the United States. We're going to have some dinner tonight and we'll enjoy each other's company.
Starting point is 01:35:21 Thank you. Thanks again. He's a hero to me. And I think it takes a special person and it takes a certain form of genius to be able to do the things that he's done
Starting point is 01:35:33 and to lift weights that no one else has ever lifted before. If you can communicate that to him. Yes, she says that you have to be a genius to be able to lift something that no one has ever lifted.
Starting point is 01:35:44 You're a hero to him. You're a hero to me too. You are his hero. чтобы вот так вот быть способным поднимать то, что Николай никогда до этого не поднимал. Ты для него герой. Вы для меня тоже. You are his hero. He is splattered. Спасибо. Эта штука вот эта заработала, мне кажется. This thing works. This thing works.
Starting point is 01:35:57 That's great. He seems like he's always in a good mood anyway. Oh, yes. He's a heavy person. Andrew, take us on out of here. I will. Thank you, everybody, for checking out today's episode. Andre, thank you so much.
Starting point is 01:36:08 Really appreciate you. This is one of those episodes that I get to put like a highlight on the end of the career. Be like, that's I remember everything about that day. So thank you so much for making this happen. Thank you. Please follow the podcast at Mark Bell's Power Project on Instagram at MB Power Project on TikTok and Twitter. My Instagram and Twitter is at I am Andrew Z. And Seema, where are you at? Instagram, at MB Power Project on TikTok and Twitter. My Instagram and Twitter is at IamAndrewZNsema. Where are you at?
Starting point is 01:36:28 IamAndrewZNsema. I am AndrewZNsema. I am AndrewZNsema. I am AndrewZNsema. I am AndrewZNsema. I am AndrewZNsema. I am AndrewZNsema. I am AndrewZNsema.
Starting point is 01:36:30 I am AndrewZNsema. I am AndrewZNsema. I am AndrewZNsema. I am AndrewZNsema. I am AndrewZNsema. I am AndrewZNsema. I am AndrewZNsema. I am AndrewZNsema.
Starting point is 01:36:30 I am AndrewZNsema. I am AndrewZNsema. I am AndrewZNsema. I am AndrewZNsema. I am AndrewZNsema. I am AndrewZNsema. I am AndrewZNsema. I am AndrewZNsema.
Starting point is 01:36:31 I am AndrewZNsema. I am AndrewZNsema. I am AndrewZNsema. I am AndrewZNsema. I am AndrewZNsema. I am AndrewZNsema. I am AndrewZNsema. I am AndrewZNsema.
Starting point is 01:36:31 I am AndrewZNsema. I am AndrewZNsema. I am AndrewZNsema. I am AndrewZNsema. I am AndrewZNsema. I am AndrewZNsema. I am AndrewZNsema. I am AndrewZNsema Hold some of these up. Whoa. Some of the, he gave, Andre's a huge fan of art, and so he gave a couple of prints to you guys. I wonder if the print that he worked on is in here as well.
Starting point is 01:36:55 It might not be. I think he had to let it dry. But that was an amazing experience for all of us. That was really incredible. Yeah, and there was a S-cup. Oh, okay. He might have left, It looks like he left some copies of some similar ones.
Starting point is 01:37:08 Very cool. That was an amazing experience. I'm at Mark Smelly Bell. Strength is never a weakness. Weakness is never a strength. Where can people find Andre? You can find Andre on his Instagram. It's Andre Malenichev.
Starting point is 01:37:23 You can also find him on his Facebook. Of course, it's the channel of Mark Bowe at YouTube on his website. And you can also email him. But Andrey is so old school, so he's so far to reach in social networks. But he's doing his best to make appearance in social networks.
Starting point is 01:37:44 Have a good day. Thank you, Jasper. Catch you guys later.

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