Mark Bell's Power Project - EP. 531 - It's NOT Your Fault It's Your Responsibility!

Episode Date: May 31, 2021

We tend to blame events in our childhood for why we act the way we do. Someone made fun of our weight and we carry that today. We're want to tell you that it's not necessarily your fault this happened..., but it IS your responsibility to learn how to better yourself. Subscribe to the NEW Power Project Newsletter! ➢ Subscribe to the Podcast on on Platforms! ➢ Special perks for our listeners below! ➢Eat Rite Foods: Use ode "POWERPROJECT25" for 25% off your first order, then code "POWERPROJECT" for 10% off every order after! ➢LMNT Electrolytes: ➢Piedmontese Beef: Use Code "POWERPROJECT" at checkout for 25% off your order plus FREE 2-Day Shipping on orders of $99 ➢Sling Shot: Enter Discount code, "POWERPROJECT" at checkout and receive 15% off all Sling Shots Follow Mark Bell's Power Project Podcast ➢ Insta: ➢ ➢ Twitter: ➢ LinkedIn: ➢ YouTube: ➢TikTok: FOLLOW Mark Bell ➢ Instagram: ➢ Facebook: ➢ Twitter: ➢ Snapchat: marksmellybell ➢Mark Bell's Daily Workouts, Nutrition and More: Follow Nsima Inyang ➢ Instagram: Podcast Produced by Andrew Zaragoza ➢ Instagram: #PowerProject #Podcast #MarkBell

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Starting point is 00:00:00 like some tribe that's all broken down looking like bro smokey is so funny with that shit man oh he cracked me up uh the show was 90 day fiance right he sent me the nigerian man from the nigerian from yeah that show he yeah he's uh yeah not a good representation he looks horrible he's like is this your people in SEMA? Oh, man. Are we on? Yeah, we're on now. Okay, sick.
Starting point is 00:00:35 Just figured we'd get rolling. We shouldn't say any more. One day we should have this conversation though. I'm not in this podcast. We should talk about whether white dudes are clicking on the bbc videos or not you need to give them context now you can't just switch you can't switch topics from there you gotta get a little bit of context what was it doesn't need
Starting point is 00:00:54 to be any context it's just what are you i mean i would imagine percentage wise that most people that look at porn are men right i think so yeah mark where are you going why are men clicking on the giant dicks right well i guess you don't want to watch a guy with a little dick that maybe doesn't make sense but maybe pick something in the middle i i'm gonna butcher it but i remember a buddy of mine would talk about a comedian doing a skit about like you know insert uh like uh macho man from the south talking about like i ain't i'm not gay and it's like do you watch porn well yeah it's like okay what if the dude you know isn't hard are you gonna like that no it's gotta be like but i thought you weren't gay What does the penis have anything to do with it? I ain't gay.
Starting point is 00:01:47 That's a great joke, though, because it's real. You ain't going to watch no porn with a soft dick? Like, what? He has to be hard. The unspoken thing that no one wants to say. That's so weird, but it's true. I'm going to fade everything to black because we need to start over. Why?
Starting point is 00:02:04 We're live again. Okay, I thought you were actually gonna suck something i was like this is great this is great banter oh my god uh you still didn't explain clearly why these white men are clicking on the bbc well i'm just saying i don't think that bbc videos would exist if somebody wasn't clicking on them that's true you know what I mean? That's true. I want to say they did like a hot map or whatever they call those things where like who's clicking on what and where they are. Yeah. And it was, who knows if it was bullshit. Maybe it was to upset them.
Starting point is 00:02:38 But it was like, you know, people in the South, like white men, were mainly the ones clicking on the BBC videos and stuff. Oh, God. In states that it would be like. Like Southern states. Yes. Mississippi and Missouri. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:54 Oh, man. Hopefully we don't get canceled just now. That was probably a joke. It was a joke. I don't know. It had to have been. It was a statistical thing that like, you know, because Pornhub will release like. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:07 Their top videos and stuff. Yeah. And I think that was one of them. I'm going to take half this element. What's the website you said? You want to split this element? Something hub? What's it called?
Starting point is 00:03:19 What do they do? What's that site? I think it was drink element. slash power project. All right. All right. Just top them off. We're splitting now.
Starting point is 00:03:29 Splitting it down the middle. Yeah. I messed up this morning. I put an element inside my shaker cup and then I got on the treadmill and I put another one in the shaker cup and I forgot I did the first one. It was super, super salty. I just shot it everywhere. Oh.
Starting point is 00:03:44 Got a little excited. Salty liquid everywhere. The first part of this episode has just been so... Sexual. I mean, informative. Informative. I remember one of our guys in the gym, he was talking about some... We used to call them documentaries because we used to just not say porn.
Starting point is 00:03:57 We just were... I don't know. We were just being silly. It somehow just... I think Juan actually said that. He called it a documentary. And when he started to describe it, we're like, oh, you think Juan actually said that. He called it a documentary. And when he started to describe it, we're like, oh, you're watching porn. Okay.
Starting point is 00:04:10 Anyway, one of the guys was talking about, like, some girl, like, with a baseball bat or something. Oh, my gosh. And then he was talking about a girl with, like, some other big object and this big object in her butt and all these different things. And the thing just finished with him just he was like and then she took this and then she took that and he just goes it was awesome and we're all like that's weird like but i guess say whatever you're into whatever you know like i guess i might think what you're into is weird you might think what i'm into is weird whatever melts your butter yeah exactly wait what yeah wildest things are on the internet man oh my body oh yeah
Starting point is 00:04:46 not carry gold my buddy jake from jujitsu jake you're probably listening to this so um i don't know how we landed on this but there's a video on the internet there's a video on the internet of these two ladies eating cereal oh no out of a butthole oh and they pour milk and they scoop the cereal and they eat said cereal what why does this exist is like i did watch it i had to see it i think that sometimes research purposes you know you can't mix too many pleasures at the same time you know like i think somebody's like this would be great if someone was eating like cocoa puffs out of my pocket i think you just got to be careful
Starting point is 00:05:38 what you're mixing together i think it could be very dangerous. It definitely, it goes back to what we were talking about in the previous podcast. Now those cocoa puffs are amazing by themselves. Everything else amazing by itself. But when you have too much of all of it, it's going to take away. Think of the children. Cause like now, like now how good is that butthole going to be?
Starting point is 00:05:59 If you're having cocoa puffs, like it's going to take the sweetness away. Ladies and gentlemen, he almost got there. If you listen to our last episode, Cocoa puffs like it's gonna take the sweetness away If you listen to our last episode we talked about how much educating your children So you need to teach your kids about like about cocoa puffs now Yeah, they don't want to be eating cocoa puffs out of a but all in the future because you didn't teach them about sugar as A kid yeah, you want to be addicted to that shit like no Mommy did this to me. That's really interesting.
Starting point is 00:06:29 No. Yeah, what kind of cereal was it? It was, I think, I'm pretty sure it was Fruit Loops. Because it was like colored loops. I like that. You're like, I can't believe this exists, but you're all zooming in on it. I'm totally going to cut this clip up because someone in the comment section is going to be able to be like, Nah, bro, it was actually Fruity Pebbles.
Starting point is 00:06:46 It was Apple Jacks, you idiot. Hey, that's possible. They look similar. Anyways, slash powerprojects. They're both sipping on it right now. I actually have some here from, like I said, this morning. I double-dosed myself. So I just put more water on it, and I'm good to go.
Starting point is 00:07:08 But check out the new watermelon salt flavor. I seen you had one. Don't know where you discovered that one. Who knows where I found it? Yeah, they're stashed at home. Pick up a value bundle and just get all watermelon salt. You can take us later. Again, that's at slash powerproject.
Starting point is 00:07:25 No code needed. Just hit them up right there and pick yourself up some amazing electrolytes and probably ignore everything about the cereal. Just when you see other people drinking just regular water, just look down on them and tell them that they're pathetic. Yes. And tell them, look, you've got to get some element. Like, you can't be going around like you just look foolish.
Starting point is 00:07:43 Yeah. You've got to show your superiorness Superiority You really do Yeah shame them into it Shame What are you drinking Regular water
Starting point is 00:07:50 Look at me in my Yeah Oh yeah Pinkies up Pinkies Pinkies up bitches Oh my god I went to
Starting point is 00:08:01 Dinner last night With Sean And Wheezy Cause it was Wheezy's birthday. Oh, happy birthday, Wheezy. And Wheezy had this like big thing around it. He had like this chain and he had this thing that his wife just bought him. And I was like, oh, that thing's sick.
Starting point is 00:08:15 What is that, a rabbit's foot? He's like, no, it's not a rabbit's foot. It was some like, I don't know, what the hell do you call it? Some sort of energy thing or something like that. Is it a crystal? It was a crystal. Yeah, there you go. It was sick looking though.
Starting point is 00:08:29 I was hoping you were going to say it was like a No Limit Records chain or something. But when I hugged him, I nearly died. It nearly went through my body. He does have Thug Life tattooed on his stomach. Oh, yeah, he does. A replica of Tupac. Good for him. Good for him. He does. A replica of Tupac. Good for him, man. Good for him.
Starting point is 00:08:45 Fucking Wayne. His daughter, or Sean's daughter came over to me and was telling me about this pony that she's been riding. She's like seven.
Starting point is 00:08:54 And she went on and on and on and on and on. And Sean and his wife were kind of looking at me like, we're so sorry. I'm like, no, this is the greatest
Starting point is 00:09:02 story ever. Yeah. And she's telling me how she like was able, like almost falling off it and she's riding it and she's like on the side and everything. And I was like, you know what? I said, I wouldn't be able to do that.
Starting point is 00:09:14 And she goes, why? I was like, I'm, I'm kind of scared of animals. She's like, oh, don't worry.
Starting point is 00:09:20 I'd walk you right through it. I was like, all right, well, well, I was like, I was like, but I'd still be nervous. She's like, no. And she starts pointing at me and she's like, you're through it i was like all right well oh well i was like i was like but i'd still be nervous she's like no and she starts pointing at me and she's like you're not allowed
Starting point is 00:09:29 to be like yelling at me it's like you're not allowed to be nervous i'm like well now you're making me more nervous about me being nervous she's like no no i'll keep you calm because if you're nervous then the horse is gonna be nervous she's like whatever way you act the horse is gonna act she's like you act lazy the horse is gonna be lazy she's like you act all crazy the horse is gonna act crazy i was like hey all right that's whoa crazy but so my my sister was doing like a instagram post she was just doing like a selfie and she was just talking about like like how important it is to get out go for a walk do whatever it takes to just like spend some time outdoors and you know they're living that farm life now and so they got a horse and so she's like you know this is my horse blah blah but i just want to talk about you know importance of
Starting point is 00:10:12 going outside the fucking horse just takes a nibble out of her head no it's like oh like her hair like it chomped in her head oh but it's so funny because you see this big ass like perfect teeth just like it's it was fucking hilarious did she get hurt no she was fine she started laughing but she was like what the heck horse like what the hell did i do to you but yeah horses be animals they're big and fast i don't get close to them that or i think it's a her in her i don't know the difference but yeah i know they uh they they say like oh they're majestic and they got these big old eyes. And I'm like, yeah, but I'll just keep my distance. My dog always makes me feel like I'm living with a wolf.
Starting point is 00:10:53 And I feel kind of badass for it. Yeah, no, huskies are the shit. Yeah. Yeah. He's not. He's like the fucking. Pain in the ass, but. Shut up.
Starting point is 00:11:01 They are. Hey, I've had. Is he getting any better? Oh, yeah, he's gotten a lot better. He's gotten a lot better, but he's still a little brat. Yeah. He's still a little brat, but that's my boy. He's spoiled.
Starting point is 00:11:10 Today we're going to be talking a little bit about, you know, taking responsibility, taking ownership of just kind of where you're at. And this could apply to anything, but I think for the most part we'll probably talk about nutrition. But you could apply this to your finances. You can apply this probably just anywhere in your life. Previously, before the podcast started, we talked a little bit about it being your fault, and I think that's a good way to look at it, but maybe just changing out the word fault because I don't think it really matters whose fault it is. I think what matters is that you're going to be able to head in the right direction
Starting point is 00:11:42 once you are thinking about correcting whatever errors that may have happened in the past or correcting errors moving forward and learning from your experiences. And rather than maybe thinking about it being your fault, maybe you just think, this is my responsibility. The situation that you're in, maybe you grew up with not the healthiest foods in the house. Maybe, uh, you know, maybe you grew
Starting point is 00:12:05 up with not the healthiest foods in the house. Maybe you kind of got addicted to those foods. Maybe you grew up in a real stressful household. Maybe your parents fought a lot or whatever the situation was. And, uh, next thing you know, you're, you know, uh, going to college and you gain, you know, some weight going to college. Uh, and next thing you know, you're 40, 50, 60 pounds over what you were, uh, when you played high school basketball or football or whatever, whatever it might be, you don't play sports anymore and you just got heavier and heavier. And, uh, we just think that one of the most helpful things you can do is just to recognize, just to kind of call yourself out
Starting point is 00:12:40 and say, Hey, you know what? Um, I'm the one who has to wear this every day. I'm the one who has to live this every day. Um, there are circumstances that led to this. There are multiple things that, uh, kind of maybe shoved me towards this direction. Uh, but ultimately it's my responsibility now to figure out a way to get out of this. Yeah. And we can't like, we can obviously look at it through the lens of fitness but uh in in this idea this is a this is a concept for life this is something that you need to be looking at every aspect not just maybe you're out of shape not just your health where you take responsibility for that but i'm going to use myself as an example
Starting point is 00:13:20 for this just because i i think it can allow us to just kind of think bigger with it like i didn't have a father growing up like i didn't have any conversations with my dad for a majority of my life. Um, and as an adult, I started to maybe see things in the way I would maybe go about things or I would see holes and weaknesses that could be linked back to me not having a father. But the fact of the matter is, is that I cannot do that. I can't live that way. I can't continue making certain mistakes or doing certain things and continuing to say, well, that happened to me because my dad wasn't present. Like my dad didn't raise me. That's, it's because of that. How long can I do that before it's just a consistent escape for me
Starting point is 00:14:01 not to take responsibility for the actions I need to take to become a better man? consistent escape for me not to take responsibility for the actions I need to take to become a better man. How long can I continue doing that? And we have to, we have to take this concept and radically apply it to every fucking thing in our life, whether it's our fitness, our finances, our mental health. It can't be Instagram's fault that we're addicted to social media. It's our fault. It's our responsibility to start using it in a healthier way. So it doesn't affect our life negatively and doesn't make us depressed. Right. It's tough and it's a rough line, but you have to do that. Yeah. And, and, you know, I, again, we're probably going to talk more about nutrition, but you just said like finances, I think that's like a more clear and easy way for people to understand,
Starting point is 00:14:43 you know, imagine me being 36 without anything no job nothing being like well shit nobody taught me how to go apply for a job or whatever you know i definitely didn't learn that in school but you know it's just something you have to figure out and if i sat there and blamed you know everything else instead of taking ownership and being like well i'll just figure this out for myself. And who, you know, I wouldn't be here, but I think that's just like a really easy way to put it. Cause you do hear people say like, oh, my family's just big or, you know, like they ate this way. So now I eat that way. And that's just the way it is. Yeah. And your dad and your grandpa and probably like your uncles and stuff would just laugh at
Starting point is 00:15:22 you if you, if you said, Hey, well, no one ever showed me how to get a job. That's why I'm a bum. Right. You know, and they would just be like, well, no one ever showed us either. You fucking pussy. You know what I mean? Like you just have to get out there and and figure it out on your own. I think the main thing here is just to like, I don't know, think about tangible things that you can actually, you know, get done.
Starting point is 00:15:55 What are some things I think it's helpful to my responsibility to take control of my health, what are some things that can help me head in the right direction rather than me just, well, I, I'm not a person who can diet because, you know, because every time I try, I, I'm, I self-sabotage myself because my parents abused me when I was a kid and I'm sad and I'm, all those things are horrible. Like it's, it's just, it's really on, it's an unfortunate thing, but, um, you just have a larger mountain to climb than other people. You may be just starting off behind. Um, I, unfortunately other people don't care. Other people don't care. Other people don't usually know what your history was.
Starting point is 00:16:55 And I think your experience is interesting because when somebody would say, hey, I think I'm acting out this way because I grew up without a dad, well, we would just never really know. You don't know what it's like to have a dad. You could have acted the same. You could be further along than you are now, or you could be way behind. Like, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:17:11 Like we don't have in some cases where maybe a parent left the household. Maybe that was the best thing they could have done. Cause maybe it was, maybe they put a strain on like maybe they just didn't know how to do what they were about to try to do and they were like i don't know what i'm doing so i'm fucking out of here rather than like that person like being around but then being harmful to the entire family. It's like, you know, I don't pretend to know what would be worse, but I don't think anybody knows. And, you know, you can't ponder like, yeah, if I had a dad, like things would have went this, you don't have any idea. We don't have any, you know, I don't have any idea what my life would have been like if my dad wasn't around or
Starting point is 00:17:59 my mom was, I don't know. I could potentially be similar or I could be completely different. I have no idea. Without going too deep down that rabbit hole of maybe it was better, you know, and in truth, some people aren't going to like to hear this, but in some situations it is better if a person does leave. If that person, if there is some deep truth to them actually not having the capacity to be a good individual to raise a child. I mean, we all, I believe that the nuclear family is a good thing. Having a mother, father, child is ideal. But if one person isn't fit, they could do more harm to the child than if they were gone. That is the truth.
Starting point is 00:18:36 And it sucks because we all want to be the people who can raise a child well. But there's some truth there. I mean, does anybody want to disagree with that statement when you consider our previous guest, fairly recently, Brett Azar? I don't think anybody would say if he had his dad in his life, he would be better off. Right. Like, fuck no. If you guys don't know what we're talking about, if you go listen to the Brett Azar episode, he's an actor on Young Rock. His father killed his little sister and he was there for it that's like what should
Starting point is 00:19:12 that person stay raising a child mm-hmm it's dark but there's there's some fact behind that now I was gonna actually say that like I want to let people know like as far as we're talking about this radical responsibility and just making sure that you you take responsibility of all these things it's like um this like i'm gonna use this example again when i was a younger kid when i was a teenager i was jealous of kids that had debts i really was actually jealous of them and it would it would make me a little bit spiteful towards those individuals because i'd be like oh what was me why don't i have one blah blah blah right it it would have been helpful i mean like over time i
Starting point is 00:19:49 got over that and i understood that i was actually happy for people like i'm happy when people have both parents at home because if that's what i want to have for my kids later both parents then i should be looking at that with like oh you had you had a good childhood. Good for you. Like, you know, you shouldn't be looking at that and be like, that's not me. And the same thing when it comes to like, if you're trying to drop some weight, like, or you're trying to get healthier, you can't look at people. And this is the thing. There are people who are like, you've never been obese, so you can't speak on this issue.
Starting point is 00:20:22 I'm sorry. But we just because someone has never been obese doesn't mean that saying an individual should take responsibility for that aspect of their health is wrong it's just true you may not like the messenger you may not like the person who's telling that to you no matter what the situation may be but the fact is that concept is true i think someone that might not like that would just be somebody that's not ready to hear it. You know, maybe just not in a good position to hear it.
Starting point is 00:20:49 Just like we might not be in a good position to hear certain suggestions and recommendations someone might have to us just live in better lives. I mean, we have people come on the show all the time. They make all kinds of suggestions and we tie ourselves to the suggestions that like it crossed the path of our beliefs somewhere, you know, enough to where we're like, I can give that a try. we may have tried to follow them and just not follow them all that successfully because, uh, they didn't fit into what we were doing or we felt they were too hard and we felt like they weren't worth it, which a lot of people that are trying to lose weight,
Starting point is 00:21:30 I think they feel that way sometimes like, man, it's just not worth it because every time I try, it's just more proof that I am a fuck up. It's more proof that I mess up all the time. Like I'm, if I'm good at anything, I'm good at screwing shit up.
Starting point is 00:21:43 And I think that's the way people feel often. But I don't think while it's understandable to feel that way, I don't think it helps you get out of the situation. I think you probably need to look at it maybe a little differently if you have a healthy mind and maybe just kind of recognize, okay, these are the problems. This is the situation I'm in. If you say, I always cheat on my diet, well, how true is that? Like, let's always cheat on your diet?
Starting point is 00:22:13 Like, okay, always would mean that every single meal that you have doesn't fall in line with the plan that you're currently on. So I doubt that you always cheat on your diet. Maybe you have a tough time going multiple days you always cheat on your diet. Uh, maybe you have a tough time going multiple days and being strict on your nutrition. Well, guess who has a problem with that? Probably 95% of the population that has been exposed to, uh, you know, highly processed foods, right? Like most people go four or five days and they're like, Hmm, I would love to have this one tiny thing or whatever, or this one thing that's slightly off plan because I'm just tired of the same tastes
Starting point is 00:22:49 all the time. I think that's very, very normal. And then you could just kind of ask yourself like, well, I do seem to, okay, I don't always cheat on my diet, but at the end of every day, seven days a week, I feel stressed. I feel this. I feel that. And I find myself overeating. I find myself eating junk.
Starting point is 00:23:09 I find myself cheating on my diet every day. Well, then could you say, hey, you know what? On Sundays, just don't do that. You know, that's one day a week that you pick off. And maybe over a period of time, you can start to replace some of those things that you were eating before with just a little bit healthier options, maybe eating a little bit less, like just trying to figure out something. And even if none of that's working that well, you're like, uh, you know what? I'm going to walk every day for 20, 30 minutes. I'm going to make make sure that happens and even if I do screw up because I know myself with my diet I really do struggle I'm at least
Starting point is 00:23:50 gonna be consistent with the walking mm-hmm yeah you have to find solutions to those problems you can't always just continue to spit out what the problem is it reminded me of a buddy a buddy of mine that I do jiu-jitsu with you're having a conversation after one day of rolling and he was talking to me about like yeah man i'm um i've been like i've tried the whole weight loss thing but like i just love burritos too much like he literally said i love burritos too much or he's like but i do smoke like and i was like okay so we just for the record we all love burritos i could go for a burrito right now right i love burritos yeah we all love burritos. I could go for a burrito right now. Right? I love burritos. Yeah, we all love burritos.
Starting point is 00:24:25 With homemade tortillas. Holy shit. I had to, I, all right, you got to bring me to the fiesta. All right, now we're getting burrito. Now we got off track. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But, um, but he, so, so we talked a little bit about that. I'm like, well, did you, do you, did you realize you just said you, you told told me you know what to do but you're blaming
Starting point is 00:24:45 the fact that you love burritos too much for the fact that you're not doing it even though you should he's like well i mean i also like i also smoke a lot of weed and because i he talked about i smoke a lot of weed i always have these binge sessions because i i get the munchies i'm just like um so i mean you know that you smoke a lot of weed so why like he was speaking a lot of weed. So why? He was speaking in a lot of things as absolutes. Like, I do this. I am this. I like this. There was never, after the statement, there was like, I smoke too much weed, but I could smoke a little bit less and maybe plan out some meals so that, you know, when I do have
Starting point is 00:25:17 the munchies, I got something good to munch on, right? Rather than going and getting burritos. And I talked to him about that. I'm like, dude, you realize like if you pay attention to what you just told me, you were telling yourself all of this stuff about yourself. Like you were speaking about this like this is already how it is. You weren't telling me what we can do. And I've been trying to tell you what you can do. But you keep saying things about yourself. And until you get to the point where you don't believe that about yourself and you also get to the point where you have a better self-talk then you're just gonna be stuck where you are that's that's like people got to change their words about themselves it's like back when people
Starting point is 00:25:54 used to fight Mike Tyson you know in the late 80s and early 90s they were like he's ferocious he knocks people out with one punch I don't stand a chance I'm nervous about how strong he is. They defeated themselves. And you remember like those stare downs that he'd have with the guy. It's like, how could another, you know, grown man who's like big,
Starting point is 00:26:12 like usually bigger than Tyson, how could they be broken down just in the stare down? Well, the answer is because they got in their own head, they already defeated themselves. He, it wasn't really necessarily just him, especially before he ever laid hands on them.
Starting point is 00:26:26 Obviously, it was his skill set and everything else once the fight actually started. But before the fight actually started, having those guys look down at the ground and off to the side and kind of like these tough fighters, these really, really tough, brave men, having them second-guess themselves. And I think this is the exact same thing.
Starting point is 00:26:44 We break ourselves down when we think about trying that new thing uh having them second guess themselves and i think this is the exact same thing we break ourselves down when we think about uh trying that new thing that we're scared to do in this case you know losing weight and we're defeated before the battle ever before that you know monday even rolls around you uh implementing the nutrition plan uh you're already screwed do you guys think so uh my wife and I actually had this conversation, I think a day or two ago. We were looking back at like when we had, oh, it was because there was a Netflix documentary about like spending money on stuff.
Starting point is 00:27:14 It's pretty cool. It's great, yeah. What's it called? I don't know. Maybe she can text me. Mo' money, mo' problems. Something like that. But we were just remembering like,
Starting point is 00:27:23 dude, remember when we had like credit card debt, we had car payments, everything seemed so far out of reach. It is like, dude, we're never going to pay this off. We just live this way now. So do you guys think that with like some of like these healthy choices, maybe we'll just say losing weight. Um, do you think that people think that it's too difficult and too far out of reach that they kind of won't even try because they know that it's or in their minds they know they're gonna fail it's like what we just said with tyson people spoke so crazy about him that he could do like he was this mythical creature so when he beat you when he beat you well i mean this was already a fucking impossible mountain of
Starting point is 00:28:07 course i was gonna fucking lose you don't feel as bad about it so when it comes to your mountain of debt that you're not dealing with when it comes to the uh big weight loss journey you have ahead of you by defeating yourself before you even take the first step when you do you know dip your toe in the water and it's a little bit too cold and it's kind of uncomfortable and yeah and you're like ah yeah yeah i knew that that shit was already yeah that shit was done for before it even started so you set yourself up for that because it's easier because it's not easy to go through the whole process even though you absolutely 100 can it's not easy there's a lot to it um it's, it's that all of that is a hard
Starting point is 00:28:47 challenge to deal with. You're asking yourself something that is very challenging. Um, you're asking yourself to change a lot of your behaviors. Um, you're asking yourself to change a lot of the things that you're, you're just so accustomed to. Like I eat breakfast, lunch, dinner. I have snacks in between. After dinner, I have something sweet. I have a snack. Those things are like, I don't know, you may have been living with those things for 20 years or maybe even longer.
Starting point is 00:29:17 And so, of course, when you switch to this new thing, you're not going to be very good at it. You're going to be a white belt. You're going to mess up a lot. You're going to find yourself in bad positions often. And when you get in bad positions, you're probably going to continually get frustrated and, and give in and give up a lot on it.
Starting point is 00:29:35 And really the truth is the mess ups and the mistakes, if you can simply try to learn from them and, and kind of really pay attention to them. Like I, I kind of think the body has a very, very delayed reaction, um, to the things that happened to it in the days prior. I usually think that somebody is worn out and fatigued maybe like on like a Tuesday and then they find themselves, uh, eating a bunch of junk and messing up on like Thursday. I think it takes
Starting point is 00:30:04 a while to set, settle in. But if you look back at up on like Thursday. I think it takes a while to settle in, but if you look back at it and you start to think about it more, you're like, well, this probably all started, you know, on Sunday night I was trying to get to bed and my kids were up or whatever the hell happened. You didn't get the proper sleep. You got to work late, stress, stress, stress, you know, and you get through a couple days because you know like we started this diet on monday right but now you're in a caloric deficit there's the stress of life pouring over you you got to bring your kid to baseball practice now you're fucking starving now you get something from the snack stand that you probably shouldn't eat you're
Starting point is 00:30:40 thinking it's not that harmless because it's just one hot dog or one hamburger or whatever it is. And it's one of something that you shouldn't be eating. It's one bag of chips that you shouldn't be eating. And then the whole, the whole next, the next day kind of kicks off the same thing because you're just starting to get fatigued and worn down. And by the time that Thursday rolls around, you're just thinking like, man, I've been working my ass off and you haven't really probably been working your ass off. You've probably been doing a normal day's worth of work.
Starting point is 00:31:10 But you feel like you're overworked because you're in a caloric deficit. You're trying your best with all this different shit that's on your plate. You don't have enough fuel and enough fire in your body and in your spirit to move forward. And you're like like i just need to fucking celebrate and so your girlfriend or your wife or both yeah you like that your girlfriend or wife uh they ask you to you know hey let's go out let's celebrate like you've been working really hard you're like fuck yeah i've been working really hard so have you let's go and next thing you know you're eating a bunch of junk and then friday saturday sunday and you're
Starting point is 00:31:47 off your plan you know oh god and i didn't even catch that for a second i'm like huh okay never mind uh we've talked about how like people need to experience hunger um i think just people need to be more in tune with themselves and then like i i don't know. I've never journaled my food, even though I've been told like I need to, but like, I just, I'm not going to do it. But the other day I was hungry and I'm like,
Starting point is 00:32:13 ah, like I think I'm going to have a legendary foods, pop tart or tasty pastry. They're so good. Right? Like it, that was definitely like, I'm hungry and I'm low on protein.
Starting point is 00:32:22 Like I should probably have one. And then I was like, and it just sounds delicious. So I'm going and I'm low on protein. Like I should probably have one. And then I was like, and it just sounds delicious. So I'm going to do it. And so I took it with me and I was hungry and then I ate it. And then by the time I got home, guess what? You're hungry.
Starting point is 00:32:35 I was hungry. Yeah. I'm like, wow. Yeah. It's not going to solve your hunger at all. That's what I'm saying. So it's like,
Starting point is 00:32:41 fuck, like I, I took in these calories when I didn't need to. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Legitimately, how many of those would you have to eat to like fill you up? You'd have to eat like six of them or something, right? You're right.
Starting point is 00:32:52 If you were hungry, you know? Yeah. No, absolutely. That's 20 grams of protein. 20 grams. And I think like 11 grams of fat. I don't think there's anything. Who's counting?
Starting point is 00:33:00 Yeah. I don't think there's anything that wrong with doing stuff like that. Like it's, it minor but what i would like to see most people do like i don't you don't have you don't have a problem with food like you're doing great with it um but someone that does have an issue with food i would just like to see that person probably just put that after a meal just make sure like just get your work done you know get your shit done that you're supposed to get done. And then once that stuff's done, then you can kind of not have at it, but then you can have something that's maybe slightly off plan. Yeah. So, like, what I was getting at was, like, you know, if I wasn't paying attention, I would do it again today.
Starting point is 00:33:37 You know, like, and I wouldn't have learned from, you know, like, oh, wow, this means because I do track, like, this means I can't have this or that. I can't have an extra, because I did have a protein shake with it. So, it equated to, like, somewhere around 300 calories. It's not going to accelerate your fat loss by having that snack that you're like, I'm kind of hungry. I'm going to eat this. It's not going to help. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:59 So, how does it help? How does it hurt? Well, this one, it just helped my, like, I just wanted it, you know, it was like, and I made excuses to have it like, oh, I need to eat a little bit more. I'm hungry. If I don't eat this, then when I do eat dinner, like that's not going to be satisfying. And it didn't check any of the boxes. It hurt.
Starting point is 00:34:17 It didn't help. Absolutely. I think this is like something that it's always takes a little bit of time to get a specific habit into your life. I think one of the biggest things that's been helping me in the past few years is kind of trying to, I don't always, I'm not always able to get to this. It's not like an everyday thing, but I always try to a few times a week, evaluate the day I've had and just kind of look at, okay, what did I do in terms of work?
Starting point is 00:34:44 What did I do in terms of work? What did I do in terms of figuring out how to chip away at this and this project and this project? Uh, so what can I do tomorrow that can maybe just give me one little thing on this one? Not nothing crazy, not like I'm going to pack in all this thing into this day and do all this, but what's the one thing, one small thing, maybe action I can take that can help kind of move me in that direction that I've been trying to move in just one thing better. Right. And just doing and doing that the next day. And that evaluation has been something that's helped me a lot. Again, I can't, I don't do it every day. I should do it every day. I don't, but that's a habit. I think that could
Starting point is 00:35:18 be very strong for a lot of you when you're looking at your, your health and your fitness. Cause on a day, let's say that, you know, you did choose to go to Chick-fil-A and have something, right? You go home, you're like, ah, that wasn't great. So let's evaluate. Why did you actually end up even having to go to Chick-fil-A? Well, you were busy at work, and you went to Chick-fil-A because you didn't make any food,
Starting point is 00:35:37 because you knew you were going to be hungry, but you didn't make any food to bring to work for after you eat, or there was nothing to hold you over until you got home. So you went to Chick-fil-A. Yeah, you know, there's a lot of different things to think about There was nothing to hold you over until you got home. So prepared. You went to check. Yeah. You know, it's, there's a lot of different things to think about when someone's on a diet. And I think that that's what they're scared of is like, they know, they know there's kind of a lot of different changes that they need to make, especially if it's someone that has kind of investigated and looked into these things a little bit. Being on a schedule, we know how useful that can be.
Starting point is 00:36:03 Like if you just schedule it, like I'm going to eat around these times every day. Let's say that right now you currently just don't even really know how many times a day you eat, but you do know that you have snacks. I mean, one thing that you can do, there's two things that you can do that I can think of right away. It's just schedule and just eat three times a day. And the second thing would just be if you're consuming any sugary drinks, just get rid of them, you know, which is not an easy thing for people to do. But again, we're trying to take some responsibility. Maybe you switch over to diet drinks or something like that. Those two things alone I have seen have a massive impact on people where they
Starting point is 00:36:41 barely, they do over time make um, make changes in their actual nutrition. Cause that just kind of happens. Cause people are, they get a little healthier, they get a little response and they're like, wow, this is working. This is cool. And then they're like, well, I should actually just make a little bit healthier choices too while I'm at it. And then I'll have, uh, accelerated results, but repeat, what were those things again?
Starting point is 00:37:04 It was sugary drinks and what? Oh, sugary drinks and just scheduling. Yeah. Scheduling. Okay. Yeah. Just maybe like,
Starting point is 00:37:09 just, you don't have to eat three times a day, but maybe you add, maybe at the moment you eat three times a day and that, you know, you have like dessert and you have snacks and everything else. And I don't know, you end up eating five,
Starting point is 00:37:19 six times a day. There's some times where you mindlessly are eating. I'm just talking about any eating, not just talking about meals, you know, some meals make that the rule okay i'm gonna have my meals don't look at it like i can't eat snacks look at it like i'm gonna have three big delicious meals that are gonna be good um you know obviously you want to try to have those be healthy and the second thing is just cut out sugary drinks that's pretty easy yeah that oh god no as you say like that's all i've been really doing is um is having the three meals i have uh you know some food here and then that's it and then i have
Starting point is 00:37:57 dinner and then i have one of my gigantic ice cream protein shakes yeah and just like those three keep me satiated all day and then you know it's just it's just makes it so much simpler it's much more powerful it's much more powerful as far as nutrition is concerned in my personal opinion people may may um disagree with me but in my personal opinion opinion within nutrition it's much more powerful to have good habits set rather than um like tracking calories to try to meet a certain number when you have good habits set rather than like tracking calories to try to meet a certain number when you have good nutritional habits set that allow you to naturally just eat feel full because you're eating whole foods and not go to
Starting point is 00:38:36 your next day like you're feeling I'm so hungry and whatever it's more helpful like having that habit of for me it only, I don't getting rid of the habit of snacking and getting rid of the habit of just having random foods when I'm hungry. Um, that's one of the big reasons why I'm able to hold this body composition without, I feel literally no stress as far as food's concerned. Zero in the past. That's not, that hasn't been the case, but because of the habits that we've been talking about, not just in this episode, but many, this is literally easy, bro. you would recognize how unreasonable they are. Like eating while you're cooking. Like you don't need to be eating while you're cooking. I do it all the time. That's how I know about it. I mean, I'm always like, what am I doing? Like I'm just, it's not, it's
Starting point is 00:39:35 a lot of times what I'll see people do, like for me, it's usually something that's still part of my diet, part of my plan. So it's not really harmful necessarily. But it's not really harmful necessarily. But it's also not necessarily helpful. Like I should just eat my meal and then see if I want that other stuff afterwards. If I want cheese or hard-boiled eggs or whatever the hell it is I'm munching on. If you're really hungry, you'll eat them afterwards. But a lot of people do that with just kind of regular snacks and regular junk food.
Starting point is 00:40:05 And then they have like what I would call like protein displacement. Like you now took up real estate for otherwise healthy food that could actually help you a lot and accelerate your fat loss journey by a multitude rather than what you did is almost like a double negative because you ate something that's not great for you. In addition to eating something that's not great for you and potentially overeating and potentially, you know, causing some shifts in some of your hormones and so forth, you also have taken up space for something otherwise healthy, like protein. And if you're doing that, then if you had, I don't know, let's just say you ate a bunch of chips. Like, you guys ever go to a Mexican restaurant and you just kill, like, it takes a while and you get the refill of the chips? Well, you're going to be missing out on eating as much protein as you might need to keep you a little bit more full, keep you a little bit more satiated, those types of things.
Starting point is 00:41:09 And it gets to be very, very easy to overeat when we're hungry all the time and when we're craving food all the time. You know, when I put myself in the point of view of the general population, there's the stigma of like the bodybuilder eats the protein. population uh there's the there's the stigma of like the bodybuilder eats the protein and i just picture some new listeners coming in i'll hear the bodybuilders talking about the protein again but like to be perfectly honest i was eating one of those steak things from eat right yesterday eat right foods um i was eating a bowl of their uh steak um and after i finished the bowl it's like 128 grams of protein and there's a certain amount of fat in it. But after I finished, I'm like, damn, I can't imagine like eating more food right now. Or like, like I don't like, that was the only thing I had so far too. I was just like, I'm actually so full.
Starting point is 00:41:55 But then I was like, holy crap. Like, I don't think a lot of people know what it feels like. First off, it's like really good tasting food. But then just to eat this amount of protein and actually feel this full. Most people, they're eating carbohydrates and fats mixed together and they're just scarfing down hella calories. But they probably enjoy this, but they don't even know that protein can fill you up like this and be so satiating and make trying to be healthier so much easier. Like there is a reason these us bodybuilders are parroting the fucking ministry of protein. Like there is a reason these uh us bodybuilders are parroting the the fucking uh ministry of protein like there's a reason for it it's because it works yeah like uh we were
Starting point is 00:42:31 talking about yesterday like like how much could you eat of uh pork fried rice like you just eat like pounds of it oh yeah because it's like mainly carbs and fat right like there's not too much protein in it and it's just you you your body, no, we need more because we need more protein. And it's just, nope, keep going. Keep going. Yeah. That shit's fucking awesome. It's so good.
Starting point is 00:42:54 Chinese food in general. Those people know how to cook. Fuck, man. That shit's really good. There's a place in Elk Grove. Is that real Chinese food or is it like American Chinese food? I don't know, but shout out to this place called Tea Garden in Elk Grove. Okay.
Starting point is 00:43:06 Across from the like Apple whatever headquarters. It's so good. Yeah. It's so good. They have the best pork fried rice and orange chicken. Oh my God. Okay. Do they have a menu that's in Chinese?
Starting point is 00:43:18 I don't know, dude. Okay. I don't know how to order anything to be honest. I just tell Stephanie like, hey, get the one thing that I actually like. Let's totally just, you know, back away from everything we've been saying if you guys want to know how to find a legitimate chinese spot if you go in the first thing you need to pay attention to is do they have a chinese menu go and ask can i have the chinese menu if they don't have one it's not legit walk out there's a menu that's like in chinese and it has different things on it because it's like oh there's a menu that's like in chinese and it has different things on it
Starting point is 00:43:45 because it's like oh there's actually chinese people from china that come and eat at this restaurant because they know this has legit shit so there you go a tip for you that's totally contrasting our message but also don't go in there don't step in that building yeah that's a good responsibility right that's a good responsibility, right? That's a good way to handle your shit properly. There's a lot of different ways that you can figure out how to take ownership of your diet and to take ownership of your health. It doesn't have to be like that. You avoid everything all the time. There's so many different ways to eat.
Starting point is 00:44:27 There's so many different disciplines you can follow. I was just mentioning, you know, scheduling. I was mentioning, you know, really watching just taking an excess calories from liquids. Um,
Starting point is 00:44:38 but even with, even within all that stuff, there's other techniques that you can utilize every time you eat. The first thing that you should be looking at is protein. If there's a second thing and you care about eating something else, uh, and just keep in mind, protein is usually accompanied by fat. So, um, you have salmon or steak or a hamburger, um, even chicken, if it's got skin on it, it's going to have some fat on it and things like that. You don't want to, um, you don't want to not eat fat. Like that's a bad idea, but number one is, you know, go after your proteins. Number two, uh, you would want to probably eat some vegetables.
Starting point is 00:45:15 I did personally don't like love vegetables, but I'll just kind of eat them more as like a filler. And they worked really well for me for my bodybuilding show, just as, uh, you know, something that kind of filled me up to give me some fiber and things like that. And then the third thing would be, maybe you do eat a starch, you know, like you don't have to, you don't have to have a war on carbs. Maybe you, um, you know, maybe you have a potato or maybe you have rice. For me, it's been helpful to focus more on potatoes because if you leave me to eating rice I'm gonna probably eat too much of it although those those packets of rice are pretty nice it's like 90 go yeah it's like 90 grams of carbs or
Starting point is 00:45:55 something like that I don't mind plowing through one of those here and there but for the most part when I'm left to eat rice I'll just eat a ton of it so I choose a potato. So you can go to a starch would be like the third thing. The fourth thing would be maybe some fruit. And once you kind of worked your way through that process, if you're still hungry, maybe throw down a protein shake. But you don't need more protein after you started out the meal with protein.
Starting point is 00:46:19 But just saying, if you need to stuff that hunger hole full of as much stuff as you possibly can. It's a full as a full of as many cocoa puffs as you can. Oh no, no, no. I was about to say something, but we gotta,
Starting point is 00:46:34 we gotta reel it in. Some kids will be listening. So I need to, I need to chill. I'm doing it for the children. I know what I want to say right now. Oh, go,
Starting point is 00:46:42 go. No, no, no. I'm saying like, I know of one kid that's listening. Hi, now. Oh, go, go. No, I'm saying like, I know of one kid that's listening. Hi, Jasmine.
Starting point is 00:46:47 Oh, I, oh, I can never look at her in the eye again, but okay. This, I wanted to mention this, like this in the last episode, we talked a little bit about options.
Starting point is 00:46:59 Um, and I think that like, especially when it comes to this, it's like, realize that, for example, we were talking about the chinese restaurant right if you go to trader joe's or like a whole foods or something but trader joe's is great for this they have these these packaged like meals or whatever like they have this chow mein thing that you can put down and cook but if you look at the macros on it like first off it tastes amazing um but if you look at the macros on it as
Starting point is 00:47:25 far as the protein carbs and fats it's a much healthier option than than having going to that chinese restaurant so honestly like i love chinese food but i know that i don't always want to get the super greasy high calorie stuff that the legit stuff has but that trader joe's thing is an option that is a much healthier thing that that actually tastes great that hits my craving for Chinese food. So, now let's think of the things you really like. What are the healthier options you have? Andrew's a genius when it comes to creating
Starting point is 00:47:54 healthy options like the freaking cinnamon with French toast. The French toast you brought here, the protein packed French toast. And it felt like like i felt like that was a dessert that this is like damn i should i'm eating french toast on a weekday my god right but if that those options can make all of this so much easier yeah it's there yeah yeah no
Starting point is 00:48:17 my my quote diet you know is like, um, people put a lot of, um, uh, weight of on, I'm going to be strict. And then I get that cheat meal the way I eat right now. I, I don't feel like I even need that.
Starting point is 00:48:34 Cause you're right. I'll eat French toast. I'll have, you know, I, I, I do enjoy chicken and rice, but I put G Hugh sauce on it.
Starting point is 00:48:42 Oh, that sweet chili. Tell the people about the G. Oh man. If you guys it. Oh, that sweet chili. Tell the people about the G Hughes. Oh man. If you guys can find it, best of luck. But the G Hughes brand sweet chili sauce, dude, it's out of this world. That shit's good. It's so good. If you like that, that orange chicken, you know, well, so yeah, I think that's what it's called. It's just called the sweet chili stuff that they put out. I've used it on steak. Oh, really?
Starting point is 00:49:06 I've used it. How is it on steak? I've dipped my steak in it. And I was like, wow, I don't want anyone seeing that I've done this because they feel like I've tarnished the steak. But it's good. Yeah, I haven't messed with it with steak. But with chicken and rice, like, dude, it changes the flavor. Like, I don't know how many people can honestly say without trying to be like Mr. Hardcore Bodybuilder, like I'm so strict on my diet.
Starting point is 00:49:30 I don't know how anybody can say that they look forward to having chicken and rice. I would imagine you can do it for a couple of days and you're done. And broccoli. Yeah, well, I ain't messing with broccoli. Dude, phytonutrients or whatever Saladino would say. because it's dude phytonutrients or whatever saladino would say uh but dude i look forward to having chicken and rice because of this damn g hue sauce and it's so super simple and that stuff it's only like i think 15 calories per 30 milliliters so you get a lot for very little an interesting thing is if you're not overeating you'll look forward to anything true i mean very
Starting point is 00:50:04 true if you were like literally starving you'd'd be like, fuck, chicken and rice. This is amazing. Right? Yeah. Yeah. If you were really, you know, if you were really, really thirsty, like you wouldn't care that there was like a Coke there, you would care that there's water, you know, you're going to die of thirst, you know, you wouldn't want to, you know, so I think, I think people
Starting point is 00:50:22 are just, they're constantly kind of full, you know, they're constantly, you know, so I think people are just, they're constantly kind of full. You know, they're constantly, you're eating so often that it makes it hard to recognize when you're actually really, really hungry. Yeah. And, you know, it is really valuable, though, to learn how to cook. You know, that's something that can't be, like, undersold. Now, you don't have to necessarily be any sort of special cook. You just need to be able to prepare stuff in a way that matches up with something that you would, that you would like that,
Starting point is 00:50:53 that fits your palate. And, and even just picking foods, you know, having good food choices that fall in line. Like you don't have to necessarily, like if you don't like chicken, there's no rule that says you have to eat chicken.
Starting point is 00:51:05 If you're looking for lean meat, we got your hookup with the Piedmontese stuff. That's a fantastic option, and you still get to eat red meat. That's pretty damn lean. But there's really nothing anywhere. There's no literature or science research that says you have to eat a particular thing. Otherwise, you can't make progress. You can choose whatever protein source you want. You get to choose these things.
Starting point is 00:51:30 You get to choose how you flavor them, put salt on them or whatever the hell it is. I think for all three of us, we all have different cooking styles, but I think we cook fairly simple, fairly reasonable. We pretty much just put salt on our meat and we're good to go we prepare it maybe slightly different but that's pretty much it right yeah yeah i don't really do anything crazy okay you didn't have anything for that either all right no i'm not gonna yeah no no we're not um i i do like yeah cooking is like it's funny it's such a simple thing to say of course everyone should know how to cook.
Starting point is 00:52:05 But to be perfectly honest, as far as like, we can't understate how much of a problem it is that, you know, because you don't know how to cook a certain thing decently, it's very easy to just be like, okay, I'm going to go buy that outside. And then that messes up your diet. So having that skill is going to be something that allows you again, to do this easier. Like I can, I can cook all my meals. Like I do want fried rice after we talked about fried rice, but I know that skill is going to be something that allows you again to do this easier. Like I can, I can cook all my meals. Like I do want fried rice after we talked about fried rice, but I know that I'm going to be able to go home.
Starting point is 00:52:30 I have some butter. I have like some of this rice that I'm going to use. I have a lot of meat that I'm going to put in it. I'm going to make a stir fried rice. That's going to be amazing. And it's going to hit that spot for the Chinese food I currently want, you know, and that he was all over it and throw some GQ in that,
Starting point is 00:52:44 you know what I mean? So all over it and throw some gq in that you know what i mean so that's why it's just like this is one of those habits that just makes this feel like it's not a difficult process yeah and then just getting better at cooking the food oh yeah find one thing that works and then go with that i always recommend you know a pit boss smoker because it's so easy put the thermometer in the meat and then you turn it on and you're out you're good and then it'll it'll yell at you when it's time to take the meat off and you have perfect steak or perfect roast whatever it is chicken breast cooks everything perfectly yeah and there's also you know ways that you you know don't have to
Starting point is 00:53:20 necessarily cook if you you know i think some people think they need to like cook their food and prep their food and walk around with Tupperware all the time. And you can do that, but that's not necessarily, um, you don't need to do that. You can utilize some intermittent fasting. Um,
Starting point is 00:53:36 there are a lot of options nowadays where things have protein in them that aren't, um, you can go with a meal prep company. You can, um, there's, you can, can you know buy hard boiled eggs to store you can buy you know portable stuff that you can bring around with you things that aren't you know perishable beef jerky
Starting point is 00:53:57 and cheese and things like that and most places of work have microwaves and refrigerators. And so it's not as hard as you think, but it will take time. And I actually kind of think, I don't know about you guys, but I actually kind of find it to be like a hobby that I guess I never even really thought about until just now. But it's kind of a hobby for me to like piece all this stuff together and make it work every day i know for andrew it clearly is a hobby because he kind of takes that next step where he's actually like preparing like real food where me and seaman is fucking savage well it's so much fun and so again i think similar or same conversation i had with my wife um i forgot how we got there but i was like i enjoy making dinner like i love being able to like give you guys like really high protein like high volume
Starting point is 00:54:52 uh what am i trying to say here yeah we got you high volume low calorie food yes there you go sorry uh and then like you guys enjoy it like the reaction i get is amazing and then um when we talk about bodybuilders carrying around their Tupperware and it's like, oh, you know, that's a whole thing. It's like, I, I dig it. You know, I went to my, my father-in-law's birthday party. We just kind of had dinner together and I took an eat right foods, chicken breast meal with me and they, I wasn't sure what they were going to have, but they, they did have
Starting point is 00:55:22 New York strip steaks. So I'm like, oh, sick. sure what they were going to have, but they did have New York strip steaks. So I'm like, oh, sick. Like, so I had half of that eat right foods tray. And then I had half of a steak because I knew I wasn't going to have a whole one because still, you know, keeping the calories at a decent level for dinner. And I loaded up on salad and I'm looking at my plate and, you know, there's mashed potatoes. And then my dad right at the last second was like, oh, I made rice. And I'm looking at my plate and you know there's mashed potatoes and then my dad right at the last second was like oh I made rice and I'm like yes like cool I dodged that bullet because it was going to be like either a little bit of mashed potatoes or I was just going to like
Starting point is 00:55:54 say you know screw it and I'll just enjoy it which would have been fine but the fact that there was rice there I was like cool I'm not going to get extra fat from it like it's going to be perfect and I'm looking at my plate like just like just super pumped that i had you know this gigantic pile of like salad had a little bit of rice and then i had a bunch of chicken and steak and it's just like yeah i guess when you put it that way as a hobby yeah it is like i was like pumped that i had that as my dinner you know in in a in a less uh advantageous situation i wasn't at home it was you know uncontrolled and it still worked out perfectly and i woke up i think like half a pound later and you know what that like it's it's i'm really happy that you mentioned that situation because
Starting point is 00:56:37 it's like people always use situations like that like people who end up having to go to a lot of outings with like friends and family it always comes down to well like that's why dieting is hard for me i like i do have a lot of social things that i have to go to they they they frame it as something that they can't have a solution to it's the social outings fault it's the it's the social outings fault not that i'm not prepared for you know going to the outing like you did yeah it's not my fault that i have a birthday party to go to every weekend you know it's you can save yourself that yeah but i want to i want to reiterate something that you said and just like uh for the for the specific group of people that let's say you don't like cooking all these things in bulk you don't
Starting point is 00:57:23 like that um you don't like eating you know multiple meals like you'd like to just cook once this is where like again fasting could be something you really want to try i want to stress that fact because i know mark just mentioned it but you can give that shot because for me personally i find it so easy just go through the whole day here whatever i'm doing wherever i'm trying to work and not worry about even food it It doesn't even come to mind. And then when I'm done, I can then just go home, cook a big meal in 20,
Starting point is 00:57:49 30 minutes. And I'm good. Like that's all it takes. It's really all it takes. Once you eat, you're totally fine. Like you're, you know,
Starting point is 00:57:57 you, you might feel like, Oh shit. Like that was, that was a hell of a day. Cause he, maybe you never practiced that before. He never tried it before,
Starting point is 00:58:03 but you're once you eat, you're going to be like, holy shit, okay. I'm still here. I'm still alive. And you'll feel amazing. You'll actually, I've heard Lex Friedman talk about this before. He loves not eating for the pleasure of when he gets the opportunity to eat. Like, he has an interesting way of, like, looking at things. But I feel the same way
Starting point is 00:58:25 like i i don't really like fasting but i love i really look forward to eating that meal coming off the fast it's like way more important to me than just eating like lunch yeah i'm not gonna have my first meal today because i have jujitsu kind of late so my first meal is gonna be at 8 30 and i'm so but but i'm gonna eat a lot like i already know the plan guys and that's kind of like a hobby almost you know what i mean it kind of is right like it's it's gonna be something that's gonna be fun for you yeah and i want to i want to stress this too because when we say certain things people think that like that's every day i don't fast that long every day guys just remember that like there would be some days that i choose to eat something here at super training
Starting point is 00:59:02 at like two there'll be some days that I don't fast at all, but there are also days that I go for like 22 hours. So just want to stress that it's not every single day guys. Also, if you didn't want to take things to that extreme, you can just cook when you're home. If you don't want to take things to that extreme and you don't want to prep food,
Starting point is 00:59:19 you're, I think everyone's home twice a day, right? For the most part, um, cook in the morning, cook something reasonable, maybe have a snack at work or whatever if you need to bring something, but have that still be part of something that's going to
Starting point is 00:59:34 be able to move you forward. And you get home, cook again. It can be as simple as you want it to be or it can be as complicated as you want it to be. You can make as many excuses as you'd like, but ultimately it has to be your responsibility and you can't just say, I travel a lot. Okay, look around.
Starting point is 00:59:53 Are there people that travel a lot? Like when you get on the similar planes and at similar times, you go to similar meetings, are these people, when you go into these boardrooms, are they all as heavy as you are? Are there some people that have managed to keep a fit look? Because I would have to say that you saying that you're fat because you travel
Starting point is 01:00:15 I would have to say that it's bullshit when we know a lot of people that travel that are doing totally fine. There may be other reasons on why you're not in shape, but it's not traveling. It's not your ethnicity. Oh, I could never eat that way. I live in a Mexican household. It's like, hey, look, whenever you can replace the word, whenever you can replace the nationality with any nationality or race or whatever it is, then you have a crap dialogue. It's a crappy dialogue.
Starting point is 01:00:45 Like it's not helpful in any way. And it actually doesn't make any sense because even if you are in a particular household, I don't see how eating once a day would be disruptive in any way. If you're like, mom, I'm only eating dinner. You know, if you're a kid, you know, and you're still living at home, maybe your parents would be like worried about you because they'd be like, Hey, what's going on? You know, why are you only eating?
Starting point is 01:01:06 You have some sort of eating disorder or something like that. But I hear people say stuff like that all the time. I'm like, how does that negatively impact everyone else? I went to dinner last night with Sean and Wayne, but I already ate. And there was a lot of amazing food. We're at McCooney, you know, and they keep giving me a plate and the waitress keeps asking me if I want food and we're all having a good time.
Starting point is 01:01:33 And like, you want a drink? You want to, I'm like, no, you know, I had an amazing time, an amazing time. I had to, I had to push that off like twice, you know, to tell the waitress like once and then tell everybody at the table, no, I already ate. I'm good. I think I maybe had to mention it like one more time because they're all, you know, they worry about you. Yeah, yeah. Are you sure, man?
Starting point is 01:01:50 Yeah, yeah. You okay? Like, you want something? You know? And I'm like, no, no, no. I literally just came off of like eating for almost an hour straight because I fasted the whole day yesterday. Yeah, yeah, yeah. yesterday.
Starting point is 01:02:01 Yeah. Yeah. Um, and, and so I think, I think people think that that's going to be so hard for them, but I used to think that it was going to be something that would be really, really difficult for me, but it's doesn't feel like it's hard at all.
Starting point is 01:02:15 You know, I did, uh, it took me a long time to be able to get to this point, to be able to do it that way, but I fucking love it. Yeah. That's the fun thing about the,
Starting point is 01:02:24 uh, Oh, mad diet is like your dinner time is like an hour and a half to two hours. You're just eating and enjoying everything. One thing I wanted to ask in regards to the one meal a day diet, that guy, I forgot his name, but Gravity Transformation YouTube channel, fantastic stuff. I gotta look more at it. Yeah, he has
Starting point is 01:02:45 awesome videos i i want to say he he when he was talking about the omad diet he said like one thing to start off with i think was vegetables instead of uh you know going straight into protein right do you think that's a good approach i don't think it matters that much i think he's just trying to give like he's trying to give he's trying to give people that are overweight, uh, a leg up on being able to eat less calories. But I don't really like recommending vegetables that much because I just know what people do to them all the time.
Starting point is 01:03:17 Right. People are always dumping dressing all over them. And it's like, man, you just, that's 40 grams or 30 grams of fat right out of the gate that you probably don't need. He was saying that the first tip for weight loss is eat more vegetables. No, no.
Starting point is 01:03:30 He was just saying kind of in an order of when I was kind of given the recommendation of how to eat a meal. I would always just say start off with protein. Yeah. I totally agree because of that point. When people make vegetables, like to really try to make them pleasurable, you fry them up in a lot of oil. You got a lot of high calorie sauce on it. And that actual whatever vegetables calorically could be heavier than the steak you have to the left. Yeah. And I don't usually like the flavor that much.
Starting point is 01:04:02 And I don't usually like the flavor that much. I know people do some wild shit like Brussels sprouts and stuff, but I don't want to eat stuff that's all fried and all fucked up. So I'd rather just not eat them. That's why I usually choose not to eat them. But if I do eat some vegetables, it's just because they ended up on my plate somehow. I just plow right through them. And they make the house smell horrible, Brussels sprouts. They never smell good.
Starting point is 01:04:24 Same with asparagus. Yeah. I can't believe that, man. That's wild to me. When I think back to the days when I'd have literally some white rice and six slices of slightly fried asparagus and a chicken breast during a prep, I think back to that, I'm just like, I really did that shit. That really- Like, really did that shit? Like, that really? This should be for another show.
Starting point is 01:04:45 But I think that the many measures that are taken for bodybuilding, there's like, it's like, it's maybe like two steps, you know, two steps forward, three steps backwards. You know, one step forward, two steps back, three steps forward, one step back. two steps back, three steps forward, one step back. Like, you're, like, continually kind of shooting yourself in the foot over and over again when you're trying to, like, win this race, and it doesn't make any sense. We should talk about that in another show, because I think, like, the sacrifices maybe that people are making with their meals and with the amount of cardio that they introduce
Starting point is 01:05:22 is maybe just pure overkill. Like, there's, I mean, imagine saying, like, and with the amount of cardio that they introduce is maybe just pure overkill. Like there's, I mean, imagine saying like, if someone's going to do one show, I think that might be a little bit different story. But imagine if someone's like, I'm going to get into bodybuilding. You're like, okay, well, here's what we're going to schedule. Here's a map of what the next four or five years is going to look like. You're a little bit on the small side, so we need to get you to be bigger.
Starting point is 01:05:57 You definitely need to lean out because everyone needs to lean out to be on a bodybuilding stage. But you just have this kind of long, mapped out plan. Well, if you have this long, mapped out plan, maybe the first couple shows that they go to, maybe they just, they're getting used to the show. Maybe they just look the best for what they can do at the moment, but they're not overreaching, kind of like we talk about with the weights that we lift. You can lift 400 pounds.
Starting point is 01:06:20 Like when you lift 400 pounds, you should have the ability to probably lift about 420 pounds. It shouldn't be 105% of your max. It should probably be more like 97% of your max. It should look fairly easy. And as that person progresses, they start to grow into and start to look like, uh, what they wanted to look like more towards the end rather than them trying something real radical and crazy right off the bat. Absolutely. Yeah. This, this is a conversation for another episode. But yeah, bodybuilders, or doing what I do now, I believe that bodybuilding could be done in such an easier, stable fashion.
Starting point is 01:06:59 Even the whole bodybuilding prep, I think that it could be done in a way that's more even. But that would take longer. That would just, it would be a much longer process as far as the athlete developing themselves. Like, it's like when someone gets interested in bodybuilding, it is great to do your first few shows,
Starting point is 01:07:20 but it's almost like if you want to get really good, let's understand and get the habit of these nutritional habits. Let's let your body get to this certain point um and then in like maybe two years let's do your first show but no one wants to do that no one wants to like to wait yeah you're 20 now and wait till you're 22 23 then we'll think about stepping on stage yeah Yeah. And you're like, oh, but I want to. Summer shredding's right around the corner. I kind of was hoping to maybe get that up. Actually, I do want to go to that, though.
Starting point is 01:07:54 Is that the Christian Guzman thing? Yeah. Yeah, it's in Texas. Yeah. I want to go to Texas soon. There's a few people who are in Texas. There's a lot of people in Texas. So many people in Texas. What about the gun law down down there i don't know
Starting point is 01:08:07 if they're passing that yeah that's legit it's like i think anyone can get a gun and it's like i mean i don't know maybe i'm saying that wrong do you know anything more about i mean yeah so again guilty of just reading the headline and not diving in but basically it was like open carry for everybody for everybody like no no license required you what's the legitimate thing now though like well we don't know oh oh i i think that i think this is just being like petitioned or whatever or voted on and i don't know what the results are yet i'm gonna be careful where i go and text this is the thing though i like i'm not a crazy understanding of gun laws but i like that honestly as a
Starting point is 01:08:45 community that's safer because some guy comes out okay i'm sorry he's down because every texan on the street just went ah we got you yeah you know so you know there could it's an interesting thing because like there could be um over the next three four years there could be, um, over the next three, four years, there could be, uh, situations where, yeah, more people die from gunshots. Possibly. I'm just throwing it out there. Right. Um, how long would they stick it out before they're like, Hey, we should probably, we should probably change the laws. I actually, I don't really have an opinion on it.
Starting point is 01:09:23 I don't know anything about guns. I don't know anything about gun laws. I actually, I don't really have an opinion on it because I don't know anything about guns. I don't know anything about gun laws. I don't want to misspeak on a topic that I really know zero about. But, you know, it's the people that are on the side of guns, they'll say, well, guns don't kill people. People do. And that's true. And then people on the other side are like, no, you literally, the easiest way to kill somebody is to shoot them which may also be may also be true i don't know this is an interesting topic
Starting point is 01:09:50 because we were talking about what we were talking about before but this is so interesting because when you look at the pov like whenever i hear people from different countries um that have no guns i think australia is a country like that and you hear australians talk about the earth so like uh how crazy it is that you guys do that. It's just like, like, no, we're fine.
Starting point is 01:10:08 Yeah. It's like, it's literally a part of the culture here. Um, and it can't just be it since it's part of the culture, you can't people trying to take away the culture. Nah, fam,
Starting point is 01:10:18 that's not happening. You're not going to take away. Cause it legit is part of American culture. Right. Guns. It's a joke. If you think you're going to take people people's guns what about something like handing out like condoms like that was like a thing like i think maybe around the time i was in high school but it took to the 90s or whatever the hell uh for people just to be like hey you know what teenagers they fuck a lot so we
Starting point is 01:10:39 just pass this shit out and we should teach people about it, you know, rather than being like, you can't do that. Or, why are you pregnant? Yeah, right. Pretty cool YouTube handle, Pork Barrel Investing, just said anyone can, or Texas has a carry permit for now for pistols, but anyone
Starting point is 01:11:00 can carry a rifle. Whoa! Wait, whoa! I know, right? Anyone can carry a rifle? Yeah, I don't know, that's texas beat texas texas is wild baby and i love it yeah i love it i know zero about everything but i do think that a rifle is easier to protect yourself with i think uh because you can be less accurate but i don't know i don't know what I'm talking about. I think because, okay,
Starting point is 01:11:27 well, when we went and shot guns, I was shooting the rifles. Okay. And the handgun, I was dog shit. Right. I missed everything.
Starting point is 01:11:35 Right. That's why I think they want you to have a little bit better skill set. Got it. Handgun. Yeah. You know, just to, just to save myself from any type of error I may ever make.
Starting point is 01:11:46 I'm a dumbass. Don't ever listen to anything I ever say. So if ever disclaimer, full disclaimer, like, so if ever anybody says like, Oh, you said something about,
Starting point is 01:11:54 did I tell you I was a dumbass? I think that's how we get past everything. I think everybody already knows that we're a little stupid over here. People are just like, I'm going to dismiss that. Yeah. Yeah, don't listen to anything we have to say. Although, let's see, when is, so summer shredding is June 20th. Summer shreds.
Starting point is 01:12:19 Summer shreds. That would be fun. He does that every year. Maybe not this year. He does it with everybody, right? Mm-hmm. He shreds down every year. Summer shredding, baby. That's what He does that every year. Maybe not this year. He does it with everybody, right? He shreds down every year. So I'm a shredding baby. That's what he does.
Starting point is 01:12:29 Pretty cool. Check out one of those shows one of these years. He does get shredded too. Yeah. He does. He gets lean. He gets super lean. Does he compete any longer?
Starting point is 01:12:41 Anybody know? I don't know. I haven't seen him compete. He holds the shows, but he doesn't really. It's been a few years. Doesn't he have a hotel now or something? The Alphaland. Alphaland's this big.
Starting point is 01:12:51 It's like a resort. I think it's like a... It's fucking wild. This dude. Jesus Christ. He's amazing. He's awesome. He is amazing.
Starting point is 01:13:01 Yeah. Yeah. Also, I think he benched 405. I mean, he was in a slingshot but yeah that's a good amount of weight for a guy that size i thought i thought it was impressive it was impressive it was he's strong he's plenty strong for his weight yeah we had a long text thread amongst a couple of us and i think he was number one it was like handsomest guy that's been you know in the house are we going to talk about this text, Greg?
Starting point is 01:13:25 Because it's mad sus. No, I don't want it. I just want to leave it there. Okay, let's leave it there. Let's let the people think. Yeah, no. I thought he's... I think he's fancy.
Starting point is 01:13:33 Mark, stop it. He's a fucking dime piece. He's gorgeous. Yeah, he's a good looking dude. He's a good looking dude. He's a good looking dude. Yeah. Damn it. All right.
Starting point is 01:13:49 You guys are a waste of time. That's it. Right? We don't know shit. Don't listen to us. Don't listen to us, man. Yeah. Hopefully you guys got something from this show.
Starting point is 01:13:58 Andrew, take us on out of here, please. Sure thing. slash PowerProject. Best elements on the planet uh make sure you guys go there pick up a value bundle no code needed you are pay for three boxes and get four just hit up the watermelon salt for sure though uh if you guys do like uh what you heard today please make sure you hit the like button uh subscribe if you're not if you have not done so already and like today we went live and we did two live streams today and uh way yeah so if you have not done so already. And like today we went live and we did two live streams today.
Starting point is 01:14:26 And, uh, wait, yeah. So if you didn't hit that bell notification, then you might've missed these two a days. So hit that bell notification. Make sure that you don't miss another one.
Starting point is 01:14:36 Um, please make sure you're following the podcast at Mark Bales power project on Instagram at MB power project on Tik TOK and Twitter. Wait, I got a camera set up for that. So hang on. I have like a obstacle. I got obstacles.
Starting point is 01:14:47 Yeah. What? Oh, so close. But yet so far. Here we go. All right. I think this is harder to shoot the Kratom, by the way. But it's fine.
Starting point is 01:14:56 I got this. Mind bullet. Corner pocket. Mind bullet mentality. Woo! Oh! Every time I'm just like right in front of it, I just need a little bit more. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:15:03 Oh, every time I'm just like right in front of it. I just need a little bit more. Yeah. Well, and so also, if you do like the tips, we just released a newsletter about how to lose fat. We have a whole bunch of great stuff. So please make sure you subscribe to the newsletter down below in the description as well. And then my Instagram and Twitter is at I am Andrew Z and the Andrew Z on TikTok. Let's go.
Starting point is 01:15:23 And Seema, where are you at? At Seema Inyang on Instagram and YouTube and Seema Andrew Z on TikTok. Let's go. Inseema, where are you at? At Inseema Inyang on Instagram and YouTube. And Inseema Yin Yang on TikTok and Twitter. Make sure, guys, go to Apple. Rate and review us for all you new listeners. Help us out. Give us five stars there because we know you love us that much.
Starting point is 01:15:37 And leave a review, too. Thank you, Mark. I'm at Mark Smelly Bell all over the place. Strength is never weak. This week, this is never strength. Catch you guys later.

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