Mark Bell's Power Project - EP. 556 - Q&A Sunday

Episode Date: July 21, 2021

A's to your Q's. Today's show is driven by listeners questions that are asked during the live stream. Hit the bell notification to never miss an opportunity to ask the crew any questions you might hav...e. Subscribe to the NEW Power Project Newsletter! ➢ Subscribe to the Podcast on on Platforms! ➢ Special perks for our listeners below! ➢Marek Health: Use code POWERPROJECT for $101 off the Power Project Panel! ➢Eat Rite Foods: Use ode "POWERPROJECT25" for 25% off your first order, then code "POWERPROJECT" for 10% off every order after! ➢LMNT Electrolytes: ➢Piedmontese Beef: Use Code "POWERPROJECT" at checkout for 25% off your order plus FREE 2-Day Shipping on orders of $99 ➢Sling Shot: Enter Discount code, "POWERPROJECT" at checkout and receive 15% off all Sling Shots Follow Mark Bell's Power Project Podcast ➢ Insta: ➢ ➢ Twitter: ➢ LinkedIn: ➢ YouTube: ➢TikTok: FOLLOW Mark Bell ➢ Instagram: ➢ Facebook: ➢ Twitter: ➢ Snapchat: marksmellybell ➢Mark Bell's Daily Workouts, Nutrition and More: Follow Nsima Inyang ➢ Instagram: Podcast Produced by Andrew Zaragoza ➢ Instagram: #PowerProject #Podcast #MarkBell

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Starting point is 00:00:00 and um or and sometimes your your transition words are sometimes cuss words yeah and you keep trying to think and search for stuff sometimes the uh the curse words give you time they buy you a little time before you say the next thing it's like an east coast thing too right oh yeah instead of saying um you know it's like fucking yeah yeah when people are from Boston. Yeah, my fucking car broke down. Oh, God. I love that. That's like Mike Ryan style. Our boy Mike Ryan.
Starting point is 00:00:35 What you guys thinking about that eat right, by the way? You still eating right? Or you eating wrong? Oh, man. Don't be eating wrong. God, eat right is. So my favorite two things from eat right foods are by far their bayou shrimp. And I really do like their turkey. Their steak's really good, but I like their turkey.
Starting point is 00:00:54 I usually, turkey is such a weak animal and a weak bird that I used to, I don't eat it, but eat right's turkey. Yeah. Did you ever think that you'd be like looking forward to eating turkey? No. How about you? Their little skinny necks? Man, I don't want to look like no turkey.
Starting point is 00:01:07 And they're just mean. And they're dry. Usually turkey is dry. Yeah. Right? Their turkey is legit. It is legit. And I agree with you on the shrimp, too.
Starting point is 00:01:16 I cooked up a bunch of that. We had some friends that came over maybe earlier last week, and earlier this week and we were going to have some steak and have some yummy stuff but i'm like you know i gotta eat more than just like what we're going to have in our meal and so i cooked up some shrimp took uh i don't know four minutes in the microwave it was completely frozen before that and threw down, I don't know, a hundred grams of protein or whatever it is. Got to eat that and then got to enjoy dinner with everybody and it worked out great. It's amazing. Meathead millionaire, having some eat right foods before a big old fancy dinner. I love that. Yeah. I had the, the Southwest turkey bowl before I came here and I just added like, I don't know, maybe,
Starting point is 00:02:02 maybe half a cup of rice, keeping the protein high for myself lately. It was super easy. I don't know. It's awesome. I love that stuff. You don't have to put it into any other plate. You can warm it up in that thing, and you can eat it from that thing and throw it away. That's what I did.
Starting point is 00:02:17 I know. It's my favorite thing. I hate washing dishes. If you guys aren't fans of meal prepping, I don't like the, well, I actually like the cooking. I hate the cleaning. This is an awesome way to get over all of that. So instead,
Starting point is 00:02:30 if you don't like meal prep, just don't even do it at all. Have food shipped from Eat Right Foods kitchen straight to your door right now at That's E-T-R-I-T-E Load up at least a week's worth. You do some calf raises, uh, load up at least a week's worth of meals to your car and at checkout,
Starting point is 00:02:49 enter a promo code power project 25 for 25% off your order. And once you guys, uh, see the light of eat right foods, every order after that use promo code power project for 10% off. Again, that's at eat right, uh,
Starting point is 00:03:04 promo code power project 25 for 25 percent of the first order and power project for 10 off every order after that my mind immediately always goes to the lowest hanging fruit so when you said i don't like dishes um i was like isn't that why you have a wife by the way i believe that men should do dishes too right i believe that men should be cleaning too it's just sometimes my mind's like and i laugh you're hyper masculine that's why like sometimes sometimes when like why would i want to do the dishes yeah you know people just see me laugh and i might look kind of crazy but it's because i just made a really bad joke yeah in my head that's great yeah so i'm just saying you know stephanie we love you
Starting point is 00:03:45 so does andrew yeah well a lot a lot more yeah it's a different it's a different kind of love stephanie i don't love you the way andrew she's good you don't have to uh yeah i haven't washed a dish in probably 20 years wait really oh yeah use No. You use a dishwasher? Nope. You don't even stack the dishwasher? Nope. You have kids. Your kids do it. Nope.
Starting point is 00:04:11 My kids help. Yeah, my kids help. Or Andy does it. Right. I've watched Mark make just a fuck ton of dirty dishes and just puts it in the sink and walk away. I'm like, damn. Well, you guys probably split up the responsibilities in a way mark also gets all the clothes dirty and then doesn't doesn't do those either so it's a it's
Starting point is 00:04:33 a healthy balance i'm gonna shut my mouth before all our female i do make us a lot of money though i'm good at that she's got a couple homes and a couple cars, so I think she's all right. I think she's okay. Don't you guys have like three homes? Yeah. She does stare at me, though, every once in a while. And it does look like she's thinking of stabbing me. So maybe I should maybe do some dishes here and there.
Starting point is 00:05:03 I think that if your partner isn't at some time, just thinking of just ways to kill you, ways to hurt you, then they don't really love you. You're not pushing. Like, I wonder what would happen if she, you know,
Starting point is 00:05:14 she's probably thinking, I wonder what happened if I just ran up to him and just knocked him silly with the toaster, you know, just right upside his fat head. She definitely could. Cause she's swimming. So she has like a shoulder mobility. She comes straight from over the top.
Starting point is 00:05:28 My camera's dead. She probably thinks about it a couple times a day. What happened to our camera, Dad? No, mine did. If there aren't a few arguments here and there, do you really care? There has to be a little bit of conflict. Because if it's always just happiness and
Starting point is 00:05:42 whatever, you're not pushing enough. Not finding stuff to fix. I don't care. Yeah. Yeah. I don't care. We get along really well.
Starting point is 00:05:55 Things work out pretty damn awesomely. We have a good understanding of each other. We need to have her back on the show because I know we've kind of talked about some of this stuff before. But somebody asked me a really interesting question when we were in Utah. They asked me about our dynamics, you know, with me, you know, deciding years ago to take performance enhancing drugs and kind of like, you know what she thought about that. And they were like, I never seen you guys really, uh, talk about it publicly. And the guy, the reason why the guy wanted us to talk about it publicly,
Starting point is 00:06:30 because he's like, I want my old lady to be on board, you know, with me taking some stuff. So that would be kind of fun to talk about it on a podcast. I know Andy would be, she'd be down, she'd be open for it.
Starting point is 00:06:41 All right. I think that'd be great. Actually. I think that's a really good, uh, it's a really good topic to go down. I think some people want to try all kinds of different things. Mushrooms,
Starting point is 00:06:49 psychedelics, uh, even marijuana or, uh, even things sexually or whatever. Weird positions. Like, and then for some reason it's,
Starting point is 00:07:00 I don't know, it's too weird, but the person that you're with and the person that you're with for pretty much the rest of your life, uh, yeah, you should, you know,
Starting point is 00:07:11 Oh, Whoa. Oh, wow. I'm just looking at that camera right there. Just keep talking, keep talking. But that kind of turned me on though.
Starting point is 00:07:19 Now I don't know what to do. People are so uncomfortable. Anyway, people are so uncomfortable anyway i think we're supposed to do a q a some cues coming in already today's sunday sunday we're working on a sunday every day is saturday and monday at the same time i thought we'd talk about balance on the show we don't got no balance we're just here doing this all the day? Every day is Monday and Saturday. What do you mean?
Starting point is 00:07:49 Okay, so every day can be a work day or every day can be an off day. Monday, Saturday, it's all the same to him? Yeah. Because if it's Saturday, you can kind of fuck around, but maybe you got to go to work tomorrow. And then if it's Monday, you're already working, but maybe you don't have to work tomorrow. Yeah. To you, it's Thanksgiving. To me, it's Thursday.
Starting point is 00:08:11 Rocky Balboa. Yeah. It's one of my favorite lines in Rocky. Yeah. He's like, I don't give a fuck what day it is. I'm going to train. Absolutely. I think we're just a bunch of losers is what it is.
Starting point is 00:08:22 We ain't got shit to do. We ain't got nothing better to do. I like the weekdays, though. Honestly, I enjoy the weekdays more because we're just a bunch of losers is what it is. We ain't got shit to do. We ain't got nothing better to do. I like the weekdays though. Honestly, I enjoy the weekdays more cause we're doing more stuff and the weekends come like, how can I do more stuff? I feel that.
Starting point is 00:08:33 Yeah, I agree. Uh, anyway, you got some questions. Let's get it. I think I'm going to, I shouldn't butcher.
Starting point is 00:08:40 I butchered that. Uh, Shaq. Shaki. Shaki. Shaki. S-C-H-A-A-C-K-I-I. Shaki. How do I know as a beginner how many calories I need to go on a bulk?
Starting point is 00:08:58 Want me to take you? Why don't you start? I'll start. I've talked about this before. We really need to make our own calculator online so people can just go to it. It just says plus minus 10%. Plus minus 10%.
Starting point is 00:09:11 Shaki, my friend, you're a beginner. So I would honestly say that go and find, and for everybody, this is a pretty good resource if you're someone who wants to start doing some tracking. We've had John Berardi on the podcast. He's the founder of Precision Nutrition. I'd say it slowly. You say it too fast, you fuck it up. But the Precision Nutrition Nutrition Calculator on the internet.
Starting point is 00:09:35 Look it up. Precision Nutrition Nutrition Calculator is a great online calculator that you can plug in your stats, how much you weigh, your body fat, your activity level, all that type of stuff. And it'll give you around where your maintenance caloric intake is. And then it'll also give you some ideas of where you might want to place your calories if you're going to go on a bulk. Generally, I think that if you're a beginner, just stick at maintenance, right? Stick at maintenance. You don't need to worry about being in a big surplus because you will grow once you start working out and eating at maintenance. But generally, you can put yourself just like in a deficit. We usually say 10 to 20% deficit, go to a 10 to 20% surplus and start from there, but don't go too hard on the surplus homie. Cause you could put on some excess body fat that you don't want. I think a lot of
Starting point is 00:10:16 people are trying to bulk. They're trying to get a little bigger and they do a couple of things that maybe aren't in their best interest. So number one is sometimes they eat some junk food and they kind of eat junky or not the best options like during the day. And that takes up space for more calories. And that's not really what you want to do. So obviously you can eat a ton of calories by eating some junk food. But I think most people, they're not on a mission to just gain body fat. And so I would look into something like the vertical diet where you have a nice healthy food list and that, and the food list that Stan Efferding recommends are all things that digest
Starting point is 00:10:51 pretty easy. They're things that your body can assimilate really well, uh, as opposed to, you know, eating something that's going to really kind of sit in your stomach for too long and you can't get to that, uh, that next meal. The other thing that people do is I think they think they kind of just don't have a good estimate of how much food they're eating. And so therefore tracking or keeping just some sort of accountability, even if you just kept track simply of how many meals you ate in a day, that would be a great start. And you might not even have to actually pay attention to a lot of the calories. You might be able to look at the scale. You might be able to look at yourself in the mirror and kind of see how you're gaining. There's nothing wrong with measuring the calories if you want to take that extra step. But it's really rare for people to
Starting point is 00:11:33 commit to five, six meals a day every day for a long period of time. Let's say make sure that your protein is at like about one gram per pound of body weight. And then I would kind of mess around with your carbohydrate intake and play around with that. It could be about one gram per pound of body weight as well. And you can even work your way towards double that in a bulk. And then your fat grams would probably be about maybe about half your body weight. So if you weighed 200 pounds, it might be about a hundred grams of fat and you can kind of toy with that. But for most people, even 100 grams of fat could be just for nearly just about anybody, unless you're a lot smaller. But definitely not going below like 70 tracking, one of the biggest important things is just to have good food habits. Learn how to not drink excess calories. See, baby talk is coming, my friends.
Starting point is 00:12:34 Learn how to not eat excess calories from liquids. Learn how to not be snacking so much during the day, which is something that a lot of people don't track their snacks, excess calories. Learn how to focus on eating whole foods. You'll have some processed foods here and there. You'll have some snacks here and there. But a majority of your calories should be from food because the intention of tracking right now is to, at some point in your future, never have to track again. You want to learn what's in rice sweet potatoes all these different foods and the amounts so that when you get to a certain level you can bulk without having to track super hard you can cut without like actually even having to track because you have some knowledge understanding
Starting point is 00:13:16 of how to actually eat keep that in mind and i think if you are going to snack maybe you can work on just repositioning your food so like if if you dig something like Cheez-Its or animal crackers or something like that, if you're into some of these foods and you feel, you know, really hooked to them, obviously the number one thing is to work on working them out of your diet. But if you still wanted to keep them in your diet and you're in a bulk, I think you could do so in a reasonable way. And it could be after your meal. I think it's more important that you make sure you get in the macros that you need.
Starting point is 00:13:43 You got everything that you need. And if you still kind of got the munchies for something that's different than your normal food, then afterwards might be a good choice. Check out Legendary Foods. Legendary. Legendary Foods. Check them out. They're who they got some good stuff. Tasty paste.
Starting point is 00:13:59 We tasty paste. We. Well, that goes into this next question by Dylan. And it's along the lines of what you were already laying out, Mark. But he asks, do you guys think eating 1 to 1.2 grams of protein per pound of lean body mass, as well as limiting fat and carbs, is a great way to hold onto muscle but shred some body fat, obviously with proper weightlifting as well. Absolutely. I think that's the game right there.
Starting point is 00:14:29 I want to always point out that I don't believe that you actually need one gram per pound of body weight. It's just a decent rule of thumb to throw out there to people. I think you could take in quite a bit less and still hold on to muscle mass, depending on how rigorous you are with your training. But you kind of need to eat something. And so it's easy to tell people, hey, just get in a good amount of protein. That way you can stay full, stay satiated throughout the day. You want to do as many things that can promote you to end every single day when you're on a mission to lose body fat. You want to do as many things in a day to promote that you don't overeat.
Starting point is 00:15:06 That's all you're trying to do. You're trying to get through a lot of days without overeating. The more on balance you can be with that, the more on point you can be with that, the easier it is going to be to win. And in my opinion, a great way to do it is through keeping your protein high, keeping your fat at least modest because fat is satiating and satisfying. I think that's a kind of forgotten thing. It's like we need our food to be a little bit satisfying and I would keep the carbs at a more modest amount. There's not a lot of situations where I think that people need over like 100 grams of carbs. I'm not saying that you never need over 100 grams of carbs. I'm not saying that you never need over a hundred grams of carbs. And I'm not saying that some people might find it more beneficial to
Starting point is 00:15:48 consume more than that. But in general, that's what I found worked really well for me. Yeah, absolutely. I'm just going to kind of double down on the fat aspect of things. You can limit fats and carbs, but don't limit the fats too much. If, if you're going to, I think if you're going to take more away from something, take more away from carbohydrates because fats have a big effect on men when you're really lean and when you restrict them and have a very big effect on women too. Uh, so as a man, your libido can go down, your test can go down and you having literally feeling less virile and having less energy that'll hit your workouts pretty hard. You won't be able to hit your workouts as hard as you typically do, right? A lot of women who really
Starting point is 00:16:28 mess with their fats, they have a loss of their period for a period of time. You know what I mean? And that can be mitigated or that can actually, that might not happen if you give yourself enough fats. So really, I'm not saying don't eat carbs, eat carbs, but do not sacrifice. I would say the fats, the last things you really want to hit hard. Just my personal opinion. A lot of people like low-fat dieting, but I've seen moderate fats just do much better. Always keep in mind that Nsema and I have been doing these diets for a long time. Andrew has been messing around with his nutrition for a long time and training.
Starting point is 00:17:02 with his nutrition for a long time and training. And so as much as we love kind of low-carb lifestyle, we understand it might take a while for you to adapt to it. So I would adopt some of these principles for a while, give your body time to be able to have some adaptation to them. It's going to take a while. You might even want to start with something like a keto-ish diet where the fat content that you're consuming for a few days is uh is kind of high you know eating whole eggs eating things like
Starting point is 00:17:30 ribeyes uh in eating things like cheese like kind of intent butter intentionally going on the fatter side of things for a bit uh just to get your body used to it and now you're trying to get your body to switch over to um just running on a different fuel source for a bit. And that time period, uh, doesn't always feel great. And along with that, we got to always mention, uh, that it's important to get your electrolytes in and you can grab some element. It's a great product. We promote it all the time here. They support the podcast, so we support them back. But that's been a huge difference for me in cutting back on carbohydrates and still because we have a lot of people that will say, oh, man, I tried what you said and I felt like I was going to die. Yeah. And it's like they really you can add salt to your diet, but you can also add in something like element.
Starting point is 00:18:18 Andrew, how can people get element? Let's just tell them real quick. Real quick. Yeah. Drink LMNT dot com slash power project. No code needed, but get that value bundle because you can get four boxes for the price of three and everybody listening. Um,
Starting point is 00:18:29 yeah, if, especially if we take your question, I mean, that's got to deserve at least one share. You can brag to your friends that we talked about you on the podcast. So, uh,
Starting point is 00:18:37 if we get to your question, at least do that. And everybody else, if you do appreciate what you guys are hearing, please hit that like button. Yeah. We do have, uh,
Starting point is 00:18:44 some more questions. This one's from Chris Musselman. Musselman. No, Musselman. Wow. Yeah, I know. It's not spelled like that, but we'll call him Musselman. He's bringing up my boy, Doug Brignoli.
Starting point is 00:18:55 Oh, yeah, yeah. Yeah. This one's cool. You'll like this one, Encima. Okay. Because he wishes that he went into depth about, like, sport athletes and, you know, whether doing, um, whether doing like the break 20 is good for that type of an athlete.
Starting point is 00:19:08 So he's asking, what do you think about the importance? What do you think the importance is for sport athletes, especially high school and below to be doing compound movement movements, even if they are quote sub optimal for muscle growth? Damn, that's a burner of a question. Some really good thought process.
Starting point is 00:19:26 I think, you know, if Doug Brignoli was to answer that question, he would still say, he would still go back to his kind of, this is how you get the most bang for your buck in the shortest period of time. And then also you can make an argument that some of the exercises that he's showing you, many of them are maybe a little easier to perform than a squat. So sometimes a squat takes a while to teach an athlete how to do. But my counter to that would be that's actually a good thing because a squat is an athletic movement. I think when it comes to training athletes, you cannot go wrong with bench pressing, squatting, and deadlifting in some form or some fashion,
Starting point is 00:20:04 with bench pressing, squatting, and deadlifting in some form or some fashion, whether that be slingshot bench presses and box squats and shortened range of motion deadlifts. Those are all lifts that will support you being able to handle the most amount of weight. You being able to handle the most amount of weight is a great way to end up getting a good amount of muscle tension, and it's a great way to end up getting a good amount of muscle tension. And it's great way to promote muscle mass as well as promote you to be stronger from some of these positions. So, uh,
Starting point is 00:20:32 I like a lot of what Doug promotes, but I think a aspect of being an athlete is to be strong from bad positions, uh, that are probably allowing you to get gain access to many different muscles at one time. You know, think of something like a pistol squat. Like if Nsema is able to do a pistol squat and I'm not able to do a pistol squat, well, in some of our athletic endeavors, some of that strength and mobility that he has is going to show up. And some of my flaws are probably going to show up as well.
Starting point is 00:21:04 It doesn't mean that he's always going to be a better athlete than me. But it probably means that he has a lot more access to everything that he needs better than I do. And along with that, I think when we're paying attention to what a lot of Doug talks about. Andrew, what is the specific name of his book? Oh, man. I'll look it up. Biomechanics of bodybuilding fucking resistance something something resistance training but doug like he is focused on bodybuilders right and for bodybuilders you are focused on the size of each specific muscle group
Starting point is 00:21:41 so doug's you know i think doug is focused there. And I think if Doug was like, if he, if he were to talk to a baseball player, right, I don't think he'd be like the big, the big 20 is all you need to do. Because if you're trying to swing a bat and produce force from your hips all the way to your arms,
Starting point is 00:21:54 right, you need to be able to do something that do movements that allow you to use all of your muscles together to create force and to create explosion. So I don't think he would, you know, I think he would be like, okay like okay in this context with an athlete jujitsu or whatever and they're trying they need to be able to use everything together and produce force from weird positions but also together at the same time i mean yeah of course compound movements and and movements that'll help
Starting point is 00:22:21 stabilize like the bottoms up kettlebell press that can help stabilize the shoulder and stabilize the abs. All of these things I think he knows are important. Doug's super smart. So, yeah. That's a great point. Doug's research is mainly done on bodybuilding. And he found these things specifically for bodybuilding. So, if you asked him about a different sport, he would have to turn his attention to what is asked of you in that sport.
Starting point is 00:22:44 The physics of resistance exercise. That's what it's called. Damn it. Okay, let's see. We got a really cool question. I just lost it. There it is. Also, if you guys are listening,
Starting point is 00:22:54 please hit us with your questions in the live chat now so we can get to them. This one's a doozy. Nikola Tesla, 1943EE. That's a good one. His sleep is good. Uses CPAP. Diet's good. Carnivore vertical hybrid.
Starting point is 00:23:11 Stress is low, et cetera. Still very low energy on TRT, but feels underdosed. Endocrinologist seems, sees,
Starting point is 00:23:19 quote, normal levels and leaves it at that. How old is he? Doesn't say. Doesn't say. So maybe if you could hit us on the chat again, buddy, if we can answer that question about your age.
Starting point is 00:23:35 Yeah. Energy levels. Sometimes that can be a little challenging. For me, you know, I've been on this, I keep promoting low carbohydrate dieting, but, um, low carbohydrates and fasting are things that have helped me tremendously with my energy. I have like, I don't even know, like maybe I have like insomnia or something like I don't fucking care about sleep. I don't even usually want to go to bed. Um, especially on a day where something happened where I'm excited about it. I'm just being out in Utah.
Starting point is 00:24:08 I'm shooting some of the commercial stuff like I I went the entire day. I went from like 8 a.m. until around 7 p.m. talking the entire day. Damn, I am normally pretty quiet and pretty shy as a normal person. Like I don't usually talk that much at family functions and things like that. I probably talk the least out of most people most of the time. So that takes quite a bit of energy for me to do that. I lifted that day. I talked the entire day.
Starting point is 00:24:40 I shot a commercial where I was reading from a teleprompter. I suck at reading. I don't know how to act. So that was all difficult, challenging. And it just put me in a different, it gave me a different challenge than what I'm used to. After that, I rolled right into a seminar and just still felt really, really good. I attribute a lot of this. I think that having some testosterone helps and having those levels
Starting point is 00:25:05 optimal i think that's been helpful uh but i think it's i think the nutrition is huge so i fasted that whole day uh didn't eat anything and i've been on kind of not a keto diet but i've been on a low carb diet for quite some time and i think my body's just kind of used to running off those uh fat calories. So maybe if you haven't tried intermittent fasting and if you haven't given a shot to a diet where your body primarily runs more on fat than carbohydrates, maybe that would be beneficial to you. So 46 says low carb and fast mornings while using element. So I was about to mention are you hydrated yeah it seems
Starting point is 00:25:46 like he's doing a lot of things right yeah maybe bringing those fat calories up a little bit and i was thinking and then another thing which is this is you know uh more challenging but just to reinterpret the stress that's in your life you know because sometimes people uh i didn't hear him mention that anything in particular was, but sometimes people are fatigued because their work is stressful and this is stressful. That's stressful. I would like you to kind of rethink and reexamine why that's stressful. Clint Eastwood, I think he's like in his 90s now. Somebody asked him how he's been able to do it for so long and how he's been able to be such a high performer for such a long time.
Starting point is 00:26:28 And he said, I work for eight hours and I do it every day. And his point there is that he doesn't take his work home with him. He's not, you know, he's not, you know, how people are, they take this great pride. They're like, I'm a perfectionist. And that's cool that you want to try to be the best at something uh but a way to make sure that you're not the best at something is to exhaust yourself with it and so i'm not accusing this guy of of that but he could potentially be somebody that is taking their work home and it's a little stressed and if you find yourself you know answering
Starting point is 00:27:02 emails and text messages that are work related kind of all the time, maybe you should try to designate specific times for that so that is less of an issue for you. I don't think there's anything I really need to add that much to it. Before you mentioned it, I was just going to mention, just pay attention to the things in your life. Because like, yeah, just simple things like bills, all these things, even if you have everything in terms of your habits in check those things can weigh on you and cause you just not to feel good so a reinterpret reinterpretation is necessary um but i'd say like if every if that all of that stuff there i say look at things mentally a little bit like for me that's why i have that that's why every single morning i just write down and I remind myself all the things I'm grateful for it may seem cheesy or whatever but that immediately shifts my mind to all the good that is going on that I have and everything that I should be happy about and I'm
Starting point is 00:27:55 just heading into the day being grateful for what I've got and the days some days that I don't do that I don't even think about it like I notice that my mind's a little bit different until I do reorganize I'm like wow this is good this Like, I notice that my mind's a little bit different until I do reorganize. I'm like, wow, this is good. This is good. This is good. My family's good. Everything's, fuck, I have a lot to be happy about.
Starting point is 00:28:11 And it's a shift. You have a bunch of habits that I think are good. You like to read. You will meditate. You'll stretch. Those are all things that, like, maybe for this guy, maybe these things would be, you know, useful or helpful. this guy, maybe these things would be useful or helpful. I guess the last thing I would add is like,
Starting point is 00:28:28 and along those same lines, but are you having an opportunity to really spend any time with yourself? I think sometimes that can be exhausting. If you end up, you're at work and then you're with your family and do you have any downtime to yourself? And maybe you can sign up for a yoga class a couple times a week
Starting point is 00:28:45 and maybe you can that can be an hour away from your phone and away from everybody else and just you just chilling in that moment because it sounds like uh like you said andrew you know congratulations this guy sounds like he's doing a lot of things that are positive for his health and maybe he has to just kind of continue down that road for a while before he notices some of the benefits. Yeah. And I don't think he would have this issue. But he does say watermelon salt for life, and I agree. But one thing that I noticed for myself, a lot of it was due to kind of not getting a lot of good sleep with my son.
Starting point is 00:29:17 And then that just kind of compounded on itself. But I was having, you know, I would have coffee, and then I would have an energy drink. And then I would have another energy drink and then i would have another energy drink and then i'd have another like it just i i had to have that bump to get work done and then it would crash and i'm like nope i gotta get back and what i found was at the end of the day i was just torched like i was completely exhausted i'm trying to cut back now and so like i'll have like a cup of coffee yesterday i didn't even have any kind of direct caffeine i had it through coke zero but my energy level isn't gonna skyrocket right now but it's kind of more like maintaining like a cool like level and at the end of the day i'm not gas like i'm i'm finding myself like opening up my laptop and getting more work done as the day goes on
Starting point is 00:30:01 so again i don't think this is his, he might have this issue, but maybe somebody else who is experiencing something like this. Yeah, trying to, it sounds silly, but trying to wean off the thing that's giving you the energy. If you take that away, maybe you might find, sort of like testosterone or something, you know, you take away the exogenous and you might build your own and kind of do that sort of thing.
Starting point is 00:30:23 But initially it's going to be tough, remember that. Initially it will be a toughie fory for sure just lean on some mind bullet like i do yeah dude mind bullet and element has definitely helped me get through go check it out there you go all right so n a that's all i see is not N A no but it's a N capital N space capital A maybe not anyways alright thoughts on the claim that three to four times a week full body
Starting point is 00:30:54 routines are the most optimal for natural lifters pursuing strength and hypertrophy the reasons given are usually higher frequency for muscle groups and increased recovery as a muscle recovery for the whole body as a unit? I'll let Nsema answer this in a more sophisticated fashion. But I would say the most productive thing that you can do is the thing that you're the most interested in.
Starting point is 00:31:20 Why don't you take my answer, Mark? Have consistency with it. interested in. I should take my answer, Mark. Have consistency with it. I know Encima does some full body workouts quite a bit and I can see how they have a lot of benefit. I like doing them
Starting point is 00:31:35 here and there occasionally, but I also kind of just like doing kind of old school power thing stuff where I hone in and focus on specific lift or body part for the given day. So Mark took the essence of what I was going to say, but it's all good. It's all good.
Starting point is 00:31:53 Let me add a little bit of, I'm going to steal your shit. Yeah. A little bit of twist to it, you know, a little shake, a shake. Now,
Starting point is 00:31:57 um, when it comes to that, like Mark said, you need to figure out what you're interested in, but I do think that you should, if you have the ability to do maybe five or six days a week, try some different routines, try some different setups for your programming, because the biggest thing, the biggest important thing is whatever you're interested in doing, because if you're not interested in working
Starting point is 00:32:16 full body or doing a full body workout four times a week, you won't attack that workout with the same vigor as you would if you did like a typical, like let's say five day upper lower push pull leg. Maybe you like that set up more and it's more enjoyable for you because you can work your upper body on one day, your lower body on one day, and you can split up the push pulls. Maybe you enjoy that aspect of training more. So you're able to hit each workout harder. And in the long run, you'll gain more muscle that way. So I know I don't think I truly don't think I don't care what the research says.
Starting point is 00:32:45 I don't care what the science says. If it says that doing four days a week, full body is more optimal for muscle growth. I don't believe it is unless the person likes it. Like Mark said, interest level is the most important thing. And if you don't like that, don't do it.
Starting point is 00:33:00 But the one thing that I'll say that you should try to have creep into every single type of program that you do is frequency is important. Getting two times a week at least for each muscle group for muscle maintenance and muscle gain is extremely important. I do three when I do jujitsu. I'm getting back into doing jujitsu again because I'm pretty much everything's pretty much healthy. Now I do three full body days or maybe sometimes I do before, but I typically do three full body days when I don't do jujitsu. I still like doing full body training, even if it's just doing a few legs and a lot of upper body. And then on another day, a lot of legs and a little bit of lower, a lot of legs and a little bit of upper body. I like, I just enjoy that more these days. But there was a
Starting point is 00:33:39 time when I did just do upper and then lower. I did push, pull, leg, push, pull, leg. I did those types of programs, but I find that my enjoyment comes when I'm able to do everything, work every body part on a specific day. And because I enjoy it, I get the most out of it. It's also fairly convenient for us to do any kind of exercise we want because we have super training gym, which has a lot of space, a lot of equipment, and you might find it kind of aggravating. If you go to a gym and you're trying to work in two or three different movements at a time, you do some curls and you go to do lunges and then there's someone in the way, then you go to use this machine and someone just took your machine.
Starting point is 00:34:17 It might throw you off track and you might be just annoyed and maybe can't keep pace with what it is that you like to do. So the other factor would be, you know, some convenience. So make sure you have access to even doing that. But it is very beneficial to do full body workouts. So if you can do them and you like them, go for it. Yeah. Awesome.
Starting point is 00:34:36 Great question. Keep the questions coming. We really appreciate it. And please keep hitting that like button so more people can discover us. Do it. Do it. You won't. Nick.
Starting point is 00:34:46 Man, I suck at reading. Nick Petticus. Hopefully that's about right. Petticus. Yeah. Any tips slash stories regarding coming back to training after an illness recently got pretty demoralized having been sidelined a bit due to a sinus infection. Looks like he practices a lot of nasal breathing, so this really
Starting point is 00:35:07 fucked him up then. Illness. Well, I mean, we've both come back from, well, you've never had a surgery, even though you've had rough injuries. I've had a bunch of injuries, yeah. And yeah, illness, I've been sick before and that kind of stuff. You know, I would just, the same thing that I share with people when it comes to coming back from an injury would be the same thing I would share with you coming back from any sort of illness, you know, maybe try to concentrate on what are the things that you can do and what are some of the things that, what are some of the things that are maybe quite a bit different than what you normally would even think to do? So let's say you heard about meditation and how powerful it can be or stretching and you heard about how powerful it can be. Well, maybe, you know, if you're sick and you're down for two weeks and you're kind of all screwed up and you think you got better and then you got worse. Like how many times that happened?
Starting point is 00:36:00 Yes, that feels like crap. But imagine if for the whole two weeks, if you were stretching or imagine for the whole two weeks, you were messing around with some intermittent fasting. When you come back to your training, maybe you would be more advanced. Maybe you'd be able to not only pick up where you left off, but once you pick up again, and once you start going again, you might have progressed further than if you had just kind of, you know, kind of moped around and been sad that you're not feeling well. So it might be a good opportunity to try some other things and even just education, listening to podcasts, reading, learning more about training. Like those are, I think, and Seema mentioned when he was hurt, you were watching jujitsu videos, right?
Starting point is 00:36:43 A lot of jujitsu. I was watching a lot of like, yeah, I was watching a lot of jujitsu and I was visualizing a lot of jujitsu, just stuff that I would want to try to do when I get back. But the big, the big thing is like, I tell this to everyone who gets injured, don't come back too fast, like sooner than you should. And if you come back fast, take it easy. Take it easy for a few weeks. Try to kind of just get your bearings. Make sure your body is ready to push. So each workout you come out of, you should feel like it was a good workout.
Starting point is 00:37:15 You exerted yourself, but you didn't do too much. And even though I give this advice, I fucked myself up on this one because I tried to go back to jujitsu a few weeks ago a little bit too soon um i went i trained i was like maybe i can handle it and then freaking restrained the thing i was trying to you know work on and i would tell people i work with hey don't do this and i literally just did it so with that being said it takes a lot to back off of how intense you know you can go but understand that you're doing that so So you'll be able to, in the long run, be able to make progress and be able to get fully recovered. Right now, you just gotta,
Starting point is 00:37:49 you gotta be patient with yourself. You know, you gotta treat yourself like someone like treat yourself like, like your kid. If you had a kid, what would you tell them to do and do that? Yeah. And I'd imagine,
Starting point is 00:38:01 cause I mean, I know you've said this in SEMA, but like when you do get sick, if you eat a lot, you kind of feel better. So maybe since he's talking about being sick, like maybe once you can eat like a proper amount of nutrition, that's probably a sign that maybe you're ready to go back. Yeah. You gotta be careful when, when you're sick with something and your appetite goes away a little bit, um, that don't try to keep dieting through a sickness. That's one thing'll say if you get something don't try to diet through it just eat normally um don't i'm not telling you to go binge but eat well yeah sometimes you're not in the mood especially like to maybe stay on your plan and eat like meat or something like that you know you're like i just want anything other than that you know i want some soup it was weird yeah that that one day that i had that like it was like
Starting point is 00:38:44 a weird fluish bug two years ago i think a year That, that one day that I had that, like, it was like a weird, fluish bug two years ago, I think a year and a half ago. I told you guys that I like had a massive milkshake and I had some ice cream and I just felt amazing. And my body was like, eat sugar. And that's not good advice generally, but Hey,
Starting point is 00:38:59 if you're sick, I don't know. Live a little. Yeah. Just take care of yourself. It's funny. We go from here and here. We just go to either side.
Starting point is 00:39:08 All over the place. People are like, what are we doing? People are going to catch on eventually. Yeah. Like, oh, these guys actually don't know what they're talking about. True, huh? I really like this question. I just definitely going to butcher the name.
Starting point is 00:39:20 Rafa's Villa or Via? Rafa's Villa? I'm just kidding. That's your people, man. Come Villa? No, this is great. What split do you recommend for a runner who wants to start lifting so I look strong and not skinny? Maybe, you know, I think there's a lot of good examples online of people that are doing this, you know, quite a bit. And you got, you know, people like Cam Haynes out there who's really, really high level. What was the guy that we had on who ran the crazy, like he runs a four-minute mile or whatever?
Starting point is 00:39:51 What's the guy's name? You're talking about not Zach Bitter, right? No, not Zach Bitter. Runs a four-minute mile? Yeah, and he's a lifter. Was he the one that did the pull-up thing? He came here. You're not talking about the pull-up guy?
Starting point is 00:40:04 The pull-ip record guy? No, but he's good too. Mike. Mike, yeah, yeah. Cast... We're really bad with these names. My Castle. My Castle, yes.
Starting point is 00:40:14 Yeah, it wasn't too far off. Anyway, there's a lot of good people to... I know who you're talking about. It was a day that we had, like, let's pretend his name is Mike. We had Mike one day and then Mike the next day. He was the guy that I ate the rations with or whatever. The military dude. He's got a great YouTube channel.
Starting point is 00:40:29 Such good content. Such the B. No, not me. Ben? Blake? Brad? I'll find it. Anyway.
Starting point is 00:40:40 It's right there. Just the tip of the tongue. On the tip of the tongue. On the tip of the tongue. I'm going to find it as you... Anyway, if it's running that you're not used to, then take your time integrating some running. For me personally, I integrated some walk runs for a while. And that worked really well until I was able to start to actually just run.
Starting point is 00:41:04 Nick Bear. Nick bear. Nick bear. There you go. You got the B right. Yeah. Bear performance nutrition. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:12 Check out Nick bear on YouTube and his Instagram and stuff like that. Follow him. He's got a lot of great advice on, uh, you know, how to keep some good size on and, and lift and, uh,
Starting point is 00:41:22 and be able to, you know, incorporate some running. But, uh, you know, I would say it's, it's very reasonable to be able to lift two, three days a week. It's very reasonable to add in some running two or three days a week. But whichever one you're not used to, give yourself time with it. It's going to take time to be able to incorporate. If you go too fast, you're probably going to get hurt.
Starting point is 00:41:41 That's the biggest concept with that right there. Because I've worked with a guy who did like he'd do like multiple six eight mile runs a week and he would do like full marathons and the big thing for us was making sure that we didn't try to progress things and lifting too fast and we we would just do whatever the body gave us on a specific day because in every sense like a runner has already the nature of I want to do more. So now when they're approaching the gym, right, they're trying to maybe increase the weights too fast or increase this too fast. Just give yourself time. Slowly increase that volume over time.
Starting point is 00:42:14 I'd say it's not a bad idea to do some compound movements like the squat or just a lot of these movements. But progress them slowly because you will be able to build muscle. You will be able to keep muscle, but you just shouldn't do it too fast or you will probably get yourself injured. So I think he asked what's the best split for it. I'd say depending on, he said three to four days. I'm assuming if you're,
Starting point is 00:42:39 no, he didn't say anything about days. If he's a runner though, he's probably not going to be lifting five days a week. So my assumption is he's probably going to be lifting three days a week and if you do that you could do um full body upper lower or you could do three full body days but i'd say do a full body an upper and a lower day and keep your lower day as far away from your running days as you can so if you do a lower body focus day uh try not to run exactly the next day or try to maybe have a run, maybe
Starting point is 00:43:05 a lower body day than an upper body day. Then you're running day and then a full body day and then whatever. And cut way back, you know, on the amount of work that you do with the lower body. Um, I've done some days where I ran and lifted, uh, and it can be pretty taxing, but if you only do like a squat, you know, you only do a couple sets of squats or you only do a couple sets of deadlifts, not nearly as bad as like doing like a whole leg workout. So I would recommend like kind of think of the movements in the gym and how powerful they are and how they can assist you in gaining muscle mass, holding on to muscle mass
Starting point is 00:43:41 and how they can even assist your running. But don't do them, you know, knock yourself silly with them to the point where you're so sore that you can barely walk, uh, much less run. Yeah. Your runs will feel better when you're stronger, when you literally have stronger muscles. Like, yeah, you won't be able to gain as much muscle as someone who's focused on bodybuilding, but that muscle will help you be able to have better endurance because you're going to continue running. It's not like you're just going to stop.
Starting point is 00:44:04 The last thing I'll add here is, uh, you know, it also depends on your goal. So I think sometimes people are like, I'm going to run, I'm going to lift because I want to get, you know, in the best shape possible. And, uh, I never want to tell anyone they can't do it that way. Cause you certainly could. There's a lot of people that run and lift that look great. Um, but there's also a lot of people that recognize that you don't necessarily have to do that in order to be lean. So if you're trying
Starting point is 00:44:32 to be like big and jacked and you're trying to do so through running and lifting, it might not be your best option. But if you just happen to love running and you want to start incorporate some lifting to look a little more jacked, that makes a little bit more sense. Now we have a very, not very specific, it's pretty specific. Jonas Stillings, how often should you use the reverse hyper machine? What sets and reps should you do? I guess it's a pretty broad and other thing about it because it's a general question. We don't know anything because he didn't say anything
Starting point is 00:45:03 whether he's injured or he just wants to know just in general. I have not used reverse hyper in a long time. I don't. But a lot of, again, a lot of it has to do with like what's the goal, what are you trying to do. I used to utilize it a lot because I was deadlifting and squatting often and I was just really smashing my spine together a lot with heavy weights. And so I kind of needed that traction on the lower back. It is something I should probably start to do again. But a regular set and rep scheme on the reverse hyper is, you know,
Starting point is 00:45:34 three to four sets, anywhere between eight to 15 reps. Usually just because it takes a little bit to like set yourself up in there and it takes a little bit of time to yourself up in there and it takes a little bit of time to get the weights correct and all those things uh whenever something is like that whenever something has a larger setup i usually like to do more sets of it so like five or six sets would be pretty common for me and somewhere between 8 to 15 reps let me uh i think we should maybe one thing i want you to expand upon since you've done more reverse hypers than I have through the years. I think that's a movement that you can do pretty frequently.
Starting point is 00:46:08 Like I'd say, even if you only did lower body twice a week, that you can do the reverse hyper on us on an upper day. So if you did that three times a week, I think it's actually pretty beneficial. But when people do the reverse hyper, how important is it to control the eccentric swing down? Because I see a lot of people do reverse hypers and they do it and then they just let it come down, right? Shouldn't you be controlling that aspect of the movement a bit? Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:46:32 Yeah, you control it and you'll actually feel your back open up a lot more and it's a lot more beneficial to the lower back. Letting it swing and move around like crazy, you know, it does put you through like a range of motion, uh, but it's not nearly having the same effect and benefit. You want to actually flex your glutes and flex your butt and hamstrings, uh, as you're contracting kind of upward. And then you want to sort of resist against that on the way down and you'll feel, feel really good. Your, your lower back will, will kind of halfway hurt, but halfway feel good. And you'll
Starting point is 00:47:06 feel your spine kind of opening up. And to me, it was always a really good feeling. And then the last thing that you want to make sure that you do specifically with the reverse hyper is when your feet start to go under the machine, you want to make sure your feet go under you and they almost go in line with like where your chest is. So you sometimes have to kind of almost push your feet a little bit forward because you want to get a lot of range of motion from that lower back. And you can kind of intentionally round and arch and round and arch as you're going through the movement. But in SEMA hit the nail on the head,
Starting point is 00:47:40 you really want to try to control those movements. And so you don't need to load the thing up with all kinds of crazy weights keep the weights modest control them and do the repetitions correctly yeah i always like had wished that it was almost like a cable machine not a weighted machine uh if something was pulling my legs forward and i had to fight it to go back i would swing way less and probably get more benefit from it. I don't know. That's just me kind of wishing I could Frankenstein something. Yeah. They make a lot of different versions of them nowadays.
Starting point is 00:48:13 But what you could do is you could, rather than having your legs swing too much in accordance to how much your back can move, you can simply pause at the bottom of every single one of them and come back up. And that would work very similar to the way that you're talking about. The issue is like you end up with like hardly any weight on there. I mean, go ahead and try to do a reverse hyper with no weight on the,
Starting point is 00:48:36 like with zero weight on the machine and just using like whatever the thing weighs, whatever the thing that holds the weight. It is really, really challenging and really difficult, especially after you thing that holds the weight, it is really, really challenging and really difficult, especially after you get through a couple of reps. You're like, what? Like, this is total bullshit. This is like way harder than I thought.
Starting point is 00:48:53 Even putting like a 25 on there or something like that could be really challenging. Just watch your shins on the way back. Yeah, you got to be careful you don't bend your knees. Yeah. Let's see here. Our boy Nathan Tustin. I think he's the guy that I think we told him to go full carnivore to try to win that contest at the end of last year. So he says, I'll piggyback off the sleep thing. I recently got moved to midnights.
Starting point is 00:49:21 What kind of protocols do you recommend I utilize to promote health and athletic performance? I'm a 28-year-old MMA fighter. Moved to midnights. What kind of protocols do you recommend I utilize to promote health and athletic performance? I'm a 28-year-old MMA fighter. Moved to midnights, meaning you work night shift? He works night shift now. Okay. I would suggest that you try, well, is it
Starting point is 00:49:40 every night? Because some people, they work night shift some parts of the week and then they have days where they can sleep normally. Try to get back when you get back home. Try to have a consistent type of sleep schedule that would be somewhat close to the time you usually go to bed. So an example is if you work from midnight to 7 a.m., don't sleep immediately once you get home. Wait a little bit. If you're going to be working that same night, maybe sleep at 11 a.m., then wake up. And if you have the ability to, try to sleep a little bit later just because if you're sleeping way too soon, like you're sleeping
Starting point is 00:50:21 once you get home, the time you go to sleep and the time you wake up is going to be way different from when you have normal nights where you go to sleep at like 10 p.m. or 11 p.m. So you kind of don't want such a spread in your circadian rhythm. You want it to be closer. So that's why I'd say don't sleep once you get home. Try to keep it a few hours later. That would be my suggestion there. Man, that's tough. That's tough when you have a schedule like that. I think the main thing is just to make sure
Starting point is 00:50:52 that you're getting adequate sleep and then you can kind of just almost pretend that nothing ever happened. You should be able to function normally. But there is some research that shows that working nights like that is, is very difficult because of the circadian rhythm. You're up at different hours when most other people are sleeping. From a social perspective, it can also get a little bit tough, get a little
Starting point is 00:51:16 awkward. But I would just recommend that you try to find a, you know, bracket of time that represents, you know, some normal healthy sleep habit of getting seven to eight hours a day. If you can fulfill that, then everything else should be very similar. I would also try to take advantage, and I think this is really hard for people, try to take advantage of when you have days off. I think the tendency sometimes is that because you have a day off and you're so tired from, uh, you know, the normal rigors of your weird work hours that you have that you really don't do much, or you only take care of a couple of things that you needed to take care of, uh, such as like grocery shopping and things like that. But I would suggest that you try to load those days up on, you know, getting in some good training, take advantage of those days. Um, and then,
Starting point is 00:52:10 you know, just don't, don't forget how important it is to kind of manage overall stress and, uh, you know, try to keep the diet on point. It's all very difficult stuff when you're, uh, working nights like that, but other people figure it out and you should be able to figure it out too. You're working nights like that, but other people figure it out and you should be able to figure it out too. Last kind of note on that is like you don't need to work out every, you don't need to lift every single day. So maybe you have, you know, three or four days a week where you're lifting kind of hard. The Huberman stack might be something you want to use on the days that you have to go to sleep during the day, just because if more of the nights you're actually sleeping during the nights and you're only supposed to be working at night for a few days of the week, it's going to be hard for you to fall asleep or fall asleep quickly when you do
Starting point is 00:52:55 get back home. So the Huberman stack is 50 milligrams of apigenin, 300 to 400 milligrams of my magnesium threonate, and two to 400 milligrams of theanine. And a lot of people, I haven't done that stack myself, but so many people have taken that stack of supplements and just been like, oh my God, my sleep is so deep. And they have crazy dreams that it could be something that's really beneficial for the days that you have to sleep during the day. Damn, I want to try that. Yeah, that's a hell of a cocktail. Yeah, you might need an eye mask. You might want to look into some mouth tape. You might try to black out some of the stuff in your
Starting point is 00:53:35 wherever you sleep. All those things can be beneficial. There's even some information and some research that shows that light even just hitting any part of your body, it can be a little disruptive to your sleep. So even if you are wearing an eye mask, but there's still light getting in, your sleep is supposedly not as restful. So this is something to keep in mind. Those are those blackout shades, right? Yeah, you try to get the blackout, try to blackout everything as much as you can. I should get those from my room.
Starting point is 00:54:03 They can help. I should get those from my room. They can help. They can help a lot. Yeah. So almost an hour in, and I definitely wanted to get this question out there. Yeah. From Soul Train underscore. Let's go. If I want to lose 100 pounds, he's 5'10", 300 pounds.
Starting point is 00:54:20 Besides the diet, I'm about to start carnivore slash fasting. What else can I do to lose body fat optimally? Yeah, obviously exercise, you know, moving around. I would say there's some boxes you want to try to check every single day. And we want to make sure those things aren't unreasonable. I think walking about two times every single day for 10 minutes or having one walk that is 20 or 30 minutes should be fairly easy to do. Get in some sort of resistance training.
Starting point is 00:54:54 Try to get in some type of lifting. That doesn't have to be every day, but four or five days a week would be great. And then just stick into your plan. You know, you're mentioning intermittent fasting and a carnivore diet. I like those ideas a lot. But I also, for me personally, I haven't noticed, I haven't personally noticed a significant difference in like just really being crazy regimented on something versus just having a little bit of play in there. And the reason why is
Starting point is 00:55:28 when I have a little bit of play with the diet, there's a little bit of room for error. Like I might be carnivore, but I'm also eating some fruit. I also have a tasty pastry from legendary foods here and there or some things like that. I'm able to do it for a longer period of time.
Starting point is 00:55:43 Now, if that sends you into a binge or sends you into something, you know, where you're starting to overconsume a lot of calories, then maybe that's not your best bet. So you might have to be careful with some of those things. But for the most part, you know, that's the way I would recommend doing it. Obviously, we talk a lot about sleep.
Starting point is 00:56:01 Make sure you get your sleep in there. Make sure you're staying hydrated, things of that nature. But this is going to be great for you. You weigh 300. You're working your way down to 200. I'd also have some reasonable goals with how long that process takes. So for you, I would like for you to get it in your mind now. It's not going to happen in six months.
Starting point is 00:56:24 It's not going to necessarily happen in a year, not necessarily going to happen in two years, three years, four years, or five years. It's going to be however long it takes. So you're not concerned about the timeframe. Really?
Starting point is 00:56:36 You're not like worried about, I need to lose 25 pounds every month. Just do the best that you can with it. Continue to work on it every single day. And if it takes you three years, then it took you three years and that's just fine. Absolutely. But one thing when it does come to that,
Starting point is 00:56:53 and I think that you should let it take the time it takes, but sometimes it gets easy to fall into the idea that, okay, well, this is going to take me a long time. Let me just go and eat this right now. Let me just go to this restaurant right now. It's going to take years, you know, to take me a long time. Let me just go and eat this right now. Let me just go to this restaurant right now. It's going to take years.
Starting point is 00:57:06 It's a process. Try not to do that too often. It is sometimes good to go get some In-N-Out or something, but you don't want to have the excuse of it taking a long time to make decisions you know you shouldn't make. Along with that, make your life easier by paying attention to the type of foods you keep at home.
Starting point is 00:57:26 I don't take, I don't keep binge worthy foods at home because I know that if I have certain foods, I will eat a lot of it cause I will reach for it easily. So you don't want to keep foods that you typically, you know, go crazy on at arm's length. Then you have to go out, you know, if you don't keep it there, it's going to take some effort to go out to the store, purchase it, eat it. It takes some more effort. So make, So make making good choices easy. That's why we love to eat, right? That's why we love these foods because sometimes
Starting point is 00:57:50 if we're in a pinch and we want something quick, but let's just say we don't have the energy to cook, sometimes you might want to make the decision to go out and eat. But if you have something that's readily made right there in your freezer and you can just warm it up, makes it easy to make a good decision. So just make making healthy choices easy for yourself. And we've talked about sleep. We've talked about hydration, how important hydration can be. One good tip I think is like,
Starting point is 00:58:15 along with those 10 minute walks, try to maybe take a walk right after you eat. I think you've talked a lot about that, but it's going to be pretty beneficial for you. Yeah, it's a great cue. And I like what Nseema is saying about trying to make certain things easier for yourself. You're trying to make it easier for yourself to not overeat. You're trying to make it easier for yourself to promote a healthy living style, a healthier living style by having some meat ready in the freezer, maybe having some meat ready to be cooked that's in the fridge.
Starting point is 00:58:47 These are all things that you want to try to plan ahead for the night before. You can say, oh, man, most of my steak is frozen. I should set it out on the counter. And then the next morning it's ready to be cooked. In terms of fasting, I would just be, you know, just a little critical of just making sure they don't overdo it. And part of the carnivore diet, part of the real gem of the whole thing is that you get to eat some eggs, you get to eat some meat, and you get to just kind of load up on those things. Over a period of time, you will generally start to eat less and you'll auto-regulate on the overall
Starting point is 00:59:21 amount of calories that you consume. But if we're being honest with ourselves, I think most of the time when people are heavy, they have a really slacked or lazy mindset wrapped around the habits that they have. So I'm not saying you're lazy in general, that you're a lazy person in general, but when it comes to your nutrition, you're slacked, you're too relaxed on that, and you need to develop a stronger discipline. Not having the types of foods in your house is great. And then also having the foods that are going to encourage you to stay on plan is another great way of doing it.
Starting point is 00:59:54 So in the, in the context of someone who is striving to lose a hundred pounds and everything that you just said right now, Mark, um, would, so like I just discovered these things. It's Greek yogurt, like ice cream popsicles or something.
Starting point is 01:00:10 So very low calories, but it does taste like ice cream. It's delicious. And this is from Costco. So you get a big box, but it is an alternative to a high caloric thing that's not going to help you. But it is an alternative to a high caloric thing that's not going to help you. In this context where somebody is trying to lose 100 pounds, would substituting stuff like that be a good idea? Or should we just try to avoid anything like that? And I'm saying, okay, don't have Ben and Jerry's, have this Greek yogurt ice cream.
Starting point is 01:00:44 Don't have the full fat french toast that i make or you know have the one that i make the low fat french toast that could lead to eating more stuff i guess but yeah in this context should somebody be looking to make alternative choices or just stick with just like you said eating the whole foods eating you know steak eggs protein first and that sort of thing. Stick to those whole foods as much as you possibly can and hang on tight. Hang on for dear life because otherwise it's kind of like jerking off but not going all the way. Edging. Yeah, and that's going to be really tempting, right? That actually brings up another question.
Starting point is 01:01:21 Oh, let's go. No, go ahead, Mark. Sorry. So, yeah, I just think you have to kind of like earn your right you know think about everything that you do in life you have to kind of earn the right to do certain things like i feel like nowadays i've earned the right to go on vacation and to like if i wanted to go to italy and get you know and pay for first class and like do things on a different level. But there were years ago, I never did that shit.
Starting point is 01:01:48 You know, years ago, my head was down. I was fucking working my face off. And I was like, at some point, there'll be opportunities to where I can do things slightly differently. When it comes to nutrition, like you're trying to gain, you know, something parallel to financial freedom for your body. you know, something parallel to financial freedom for your body. When you have enough muscle mass, when your body fat is at appropriate levels, then you can fuck off a little bit here and there. And you can say, I want to enjoy that just because I can and because it's not going to really cause all that much harm to me.
Starting point is 01:02:17 And I just feel like enjoying that for now. And so I think that's ideally where most people would love to work their way towards. But for now, I think it's healthy for you to tell yourself, you know what? You're just not there yet. We're not at that level. And I'm going to work my way towards that. And step by step over a long period of time, I'll eventually be there. And I can eventually do things like that.
Starting point is 01:02:39 But for right now, I need to pay attention and stay on my food plan and kind of stick to a specific list of foods the best that you can. Yeah. You said it was going to lead you into another question? Not jerking off. In CMR, are you still team NOFAP? Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah, I don't beat my meat.
Starting point is 01:02:58 Yeah, somebody was joking. Fuck, there they go. Sergeant something. Damn it. Ah, it's gone forever yeah man it's it's either like okay so we've talked about this maybe we'll have another maybe we'll have an episode where we talk about skin but like real talk like i got into porn when i was 11 years old and uh i could tell that that shit was having an effect on me not the porn industry yeah no i was i was smashing no i wasn't no no no not the porn industry. Yeah, no, I was smashing on... No, I wasn't. No. No, not the porn industry. I started watching porn. I didn't start searching something.
Starting point is 01:03:30 It seemed... Yeah, ew. No, don't search that on this computer. Anyway, that's a joke. Sergeant Rock, by the way. Sergeant Rock? Rock. Rock. Sergeant Rock. Well, choking the chicken daily hurt my gains. Choking the chicken daily hurt my gains. I heard the chicken daily hurt my gains.
Starting point is 01:03:48 I heard Huberman talking about this recently. Let's go. Let's go. First of all, there's not a direct correlation all the time to your testosterone levels. So people are always like, how do I get my testosterone levels up? And then you're like, well, what are you trying to get them up for? It doesn't always result in you being bigger or more jacked. It's like way more complicated than that, especially temporary changes in your testosterone.
Starting point is 01:04:17 So sex will increase your testosterone levels. But sex without ejaculation increases your testosterone by like 400% or something like that. Again, it's momentarily though. You know, it's just for a bit. So like if you did that often, like if you did that, I mean, I don't know. Like I don't know if anyone's ever survived it or tried it for long enough. But and same thing I believe with masturbation. I think if you masturbate and don't go all the way uh mark belts hold me to edge yeah it could have uh you know an effect on you but i don't think
Starting point is 01:04:54 it would be anything that there's that it's worth it's not worth anything don't go that rabbit hole man and so i think uh youation, like, I don't think it affects your training one way or the other. I think it's just a release sometimes from whatever it is that you're thinking about. If I were a nut before training, I'd be so tired, bro. Yeah, right? But I'm just now imagining at the next powerlifting meet, all the lifters are going to the bathroom real quick right before their name's getting called up you hear lots of fapping going on why does that dude have a boner on the bench like that's a legitimate bench boner what's going on here taking it too far okay so back to like trying to be as serious as possible i thought ejaculating raised your
Starting point is 01:05:43 prolactin level uh i could be wrong in that though yeah i can yeah i don't but again i have no idea what prolactin does yeah well it's not it's not uh unnecessarily negative i know that there's gonna be some people here that who's just like let's go let's start edging before every workout. They'll get a little bit too close during a squat. We got lots of questions for Andrew Huberman, by the way. Start right there. Because he talked about that refractory period. Remember we talked about that the other day? So he talked about the release of prolactin after you ejaculate.
Starting point is 01:06:21 But then he was like, you could take vitamin b6 to counteract that then he was like well i'm not gonna like give anybody specific recommendations but you could do that if you wanted to shorten the refractory period i was like wait you gotta go into this in more detail you can't just leave that talk about edging he edged us i'm gonna have some b6 right ready water b6 let's go lots of b vitamins in steak, by the way. Damn. Just be eating the steak. Oh, yeah. That's not a bad idea.
Starting point is 01:06:54 That is one way to close the show. But yeah, thank you everybody for the questions. You guys got anything else? I think that's it. Yeah, that is it. We're no longer going to podcast ever again. Maybe get yourself a woman that you could set a port out never mind oh i see where you just put a plate
Starting point is 01:07:12 yeah you don't want just like a six ounce filet on there right it's gotta be worth it yeah right yeah anyway she's gotta have the shelf hardware. So dishware. I don't know. Dishware. Don't know where I was going with that. But thank you for all the questions today. You guys fucking crushed it. John. No.
Starting point is 01:07:32 Oh, John. Even he was like, guys, this is too much. Guys. But thank you to eat right foods for sponsoring this episode. They probably didn't appreciate that last bit. Maybe they did. They did. Yeah. Eat right. Foods dot com. foods for sponsoring this episode um they probably didn't appreciate that last bit maybe they did they did yeah uh eat right that's eat r-i-t-e links to them down in the
Starting point is 01:07:50 description below as well as the podcast show notes promo code power project 25 for 25 off your first order and code power project for 10 off every order after that please make sure you find the podcast at mark wells power project on instagram at mb power project on tiktok and twitter my instagram and twitter is at i am andrew z and sema mr tiktok where you at and sema ending on instagram and youtube and sema yinni on tiktok and twitter guys make sure to go on apple if you're listening on us on apple or anywhere that you listen to this podcast leave us a review because we are killing it everywhere. So subscribe and review. Yeah, everyone in the Caymans. Go review.
Starting point is 01:08:26 The Cayman Islands, we're celebrities. We're fucking serious. Because we're the top podcast in the Cayman Islands. Dude, I get so many DMs from them. From Cayman Islands. Me too. Yeah, you guys too, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:08:36 It's weird. I can't keep up. And all the mail that's on my desk too. It's all from Cayman Islands. I'm like, I don't even know where it is. Fuck. So that's what, oh, that's why there are so many stamps on them. Okay.
Starting point is 01:08:49 Now I get it. All right. Lots of fans. I got to open up some of that mail. I think some of the mail is probably hate mail, too, right? It's got to be. Let's just be honest. It can't all be positive all the time.
Starting point is 01:08:58 We got hate listeners. We definitely do. I'm at Mark Smelly Bell. Strength is never weak. This week, this never strength. Catch y'all later. Bye.

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