Mark Bell's Power Project - EP. 560 - STOP Lying To Yourself

Episode Date: July 29, 2021

We had a good laugh about people saying, “it’s my truth” and how that can lead a person down a path of poor judgment or even bad habits. We’re being real and telling you that it’s not “you...r truth”, it’s “Your Lie” that is enabling this bad behavior. Subscribe to the Podcast on on Platforms! ➢ Special perks for our listeners below! ➢Marek Health: Use code POWERPROJECT for $101 off the Power Project Panel! ➢Eat Rite Foods: Use code "POWERPROJECT25" for 25% off your first order, then code "POWERPROJECT" for 10% off every order after! ➢LMNT Electrolytes: ➢Piedmontese Beef: Use Code "POWERPROJECT" at checkout for 25% off your order plus FREE 2-Day Shipping on orders of $99 Subscribe to the Power Project Newsletter! ➢ Follow Mark Bell's Power Project Podcast ➢ Insta: ➢ ➢ Twitter: ➢ LinkedIn: ➢ YouTube: ➢TikTok: FOLLOW Mark Bell ➢ Instagram: ➢ Facebook: ➢ Twitter: ➢ Snapchat: marksmellybell ➢Mark Bell's Daily Workouts, Nutrition and More: Follow Nsima Inyang ➢ Podcast Produced by Andrew Zaragoza ➢ #PowerProject #Podcast #MarkBell

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Starting point is 00:00:00 what's up everybody what's happening this is uh tiktok right yep it's tiktok how come i never know what's going on what are we doing here it's because you're in your 40s power projecting that's what happens i'm getting old i'm getting fat mark okay i don't know what's going on either i gotta ask you this man i gotta ask you this, man. I gotta ask you this. It's about my dick. It's always about the penis. It's always about the cock. But listen, listen, listen, listen.
Starting point is 00:00:36 Does it ever sting if I ever mention something about your age? I'll make it in jest, but do you ever say, yeah, and then you're like, aw. Or does it do... Because I'll stop if you want me to it do because i'll stop if you want me to i'll stop poking fun if you want me to but you uh find ways of hurting my feelings all the time quite often and i'm glad that we're starting the show off with this because we could probably, you know, get in depth. I mean, I've lost a lot of sleep, a lot of hair. You have helped with my erections, though. I'm glad. I appreciate that part of it.
Starting point is 00:01:16 But yeah, man, I've been really sad. Really sad. Like, man, it seems I think I'm so old. I don't know what to do about it. And then I'm like, you know what? I think if I miss or something, then I'm really fucked. And he's pretty tough and pretty strong. And then I'll probably just break my ankle and I'll be walking around even older than I already am.
Starting point is 00:01:43 So, yeah, I've been just really licking my wounds about it. But I'll make it through. You don't have to stop. Builds character. Okay, good. Just handle it like a female hyena handles a male hyena. You know?
Starting point is 00:01:59 Just taking it. Just take it. Just take it. Speaking of getting older, it's important for a lot of people that listen to the show, but not just people that are getting older, but for some of the people that are getting older, you might want to get your blood work checked. It might be something where you can get your blood work checked out and maybe your shit wasn't working the way that it used to when you were younger.
Starting point is 00:02:27 Maybe you need a little testosterone boost. And you can have the people at Merrick Health test your blood. Not only test your blood, but interpret it for you. And they are not just testing your cholesterol. They're not just doing a lipid profile. They're doing a comprehensive panel that can give you the information that you need to get jacked and tanned. So you might want to look into what they have going on over at Merrick Health. Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:02:54 And a mutant like Enzima, you know, seems like everything is definitely in order. But after you got your labs done, they did have recommendations for you. What were they? Did we lose in Zima? Hello? They muted him. I guess they didn't tell him anything. I guess they told him to go fuck himself.
Starting point is 00:03:21 Oh, okay. Was I the one who crashed? I think so. Yeah, you were the one. Yeah, I so yeah you were yeah i crashed hard you're back sorry guys i i didn't yeah i'm back now so i don't hear anything but uh yes oh that's good no i was i was just explaining how even even a mutant like yourself you know you would assume that everything under the hood's going just fine. Everything's running well. But after you got your labs done with Merrick, they still had some recommendations for you. What were they? Well, yeah, that's the reason I like Merrick. They're not like looking at your shit and then they just want to throw some sauce at you. You know what I
Starting point is 00:03:55 mean? They they look at your deficiencies and they give you suggestions. So apparently I need some more boron. I can either eat. What was it? Supplement boron or eat like beets or something. And then my prolactin was high. But, you know, because they know that I partake in a little bit of the ganja smoke every now and then. I take a little bit of kratom here and there. They're like, you know, that's just not a big deal. It's not a big deal at all. Just keep it in mind.
Starting point is 00:04:23 It shouldn't affect your performance though. So yeah, I like how they give you supplement or nutrition suggestions before anything else. They're not just this type of company that'll just be like, here, have a test and put you on something. And some of the other companies that are out there from what I've heard, some of their practices are to give people kind of cookie cutter just testosterone replacement, thyroid medication, anti-estrogen medications and not saying anything wrong with any of those medications. They could be really useful to somebody but you know each person's blood work is going to come back and be their own. You know
Starting point is 00:05:04 it's kind of like a fingerprint and so they're gonna kind of take you through step by step exactly what it is that you need and uh i really liked i really like the service so far it's been really helpful to me and i think people will dig it yeah the service is incredible and everything's been vetted by our boy boy our boy der More plates, more dates. You guys have heard him on his YouTube channel talk about, like, oh, get some labs done with my lab company. This is that company. And, you know, you can go on there. And it's a little confusing because there's a lot of panels that you can get.
Starting point is 00:05:39 So instead of, you know, having you kind of sort through it yourself, we decided to get the absolute best panel, the most comprehensive panel that you can get done, and we labeled it the Power Project panel. So head over to slash powerproject. That's M-A-R-E-K slash powerproject. You guys will see the Power Project panel. And for everybody else, it's going to be $500. So we have an awesome deal just for you guys. So when you load that into your cart at checkout, enter promo code power project,
Starting point is 00:06:10 and that will bring the price all the way down to three 99. This includes a written report. So when you get those labs back, you actually have an interpretation of what the hormone is, what a normal level is and where you're at, and then some recommendations. On top of that, you actually get a one-on-one telemedicine consultation with an actual doctor that will go over everything to where you can actually ask them questions. It's a two-way street. It's not just them throwing information at you. You can ask them, and they'll give you more information in return. Again, slash PowerProject. Make sure you use promo code PowerProject whether you get the male or female panel to receive that $101 off.
Starting point is 00:06:53 Links to them down in the YouTube description as well as the podcast show notes. slash PowerProject. Did you say free 99? No, I'm joking. It's not free, guys guys but you get a good discount it's amazing yeah guys uh you know something i wanted to touch upon today is um you know i think people uh sometimes are thinking about the different things that they have learned over the years and different things that they have maybe been in recognition of that they believe is, you know, now true for them or
Starting point is 00:07:30 true for the moment. And something I was just kind of listening to the other day, I can't remember if I heard on a podcast or who I heard it from, but I was in some deep thought. I was on some mushrooms and I was just thinking about how they're not really, you know, not really truth. I think if we're being honest with ourselves, a lot of times the things that we think are kind of lies because we tend to lie to kind of perpetuate the things that you're used to, the things you're comfortable with. And, you know, just trying to be, you know, super honest and transparent with yourself is probably like one of the hardest things you can ever do. So I think kind of recognizing that a lot of little things that we tell ourselves, they're not really our truth. They we tell ourselves, they're not really
Starting point is 00:08:25 our truth. They're probably more, they're probably more made up. They're probably more of a lie than anything else. You know, it's a, that's a really interesting thing because it's like, uh, you do sometimes want to be, you, you absolutely want to be real with yourself about things, right? So you don't want to, you know, if you're five foot one, right? And you're saying, I want to be an NBA basketball player and I want to play in the all-star game. Isn't necessarily the ideal goal. But you also like want to pay attention to having big goals and really trying to get there, you know, because people will say certain things and, or you'll say, Hey, you want to lose a hundred pounds and people will give yourself all the
Starting point is 00:09:09 reasons why they can't do it, even though they absolutely can just because maybe there's a lack of belief there, or maybe there's just a, there's a lot of reasons why they don't want to actually really go for it. Um, but I don't think that like, that's not realistic to not have that goal. If you get what I'm saying, like you need, you gotta be able to balance the line of being realistic about certain situations, but also for certain things being somewhat unrealistic, because for example, the a hundred pound goal, right? A lot of people will fail with that goal. You know what I mean? We've seen a lot of people have success, but a lot of people will fail with that goal. You know what I mean? We've seen a lot of people have success,
Starting point is 00:09:46 but a lot of people will fail. And it's just trying to, I guess, be unrealistic about that and be like, yeah, I can do that. It's weird. There's somewhere I'm trying to get with this and I'm fleshing it out of my mind, but we'll get there.
Starting point is 00:10:03 Yeah, you're trying to be reasonable with yourself, I guess, and trying to get with this and i'm fleshing it out of my mind but we'll get there yeah you're trying to be uh you know reasonable with yourself i guess and and uh trying to be rational and just understanding that um we're going to throw out a lot of like kind of you know you're going to to protect yourself you're going to kind of throw out a lot of roadblocks and you're going to talk about a lot of reasons on why you can't do something or uh this is this is a really good one how many are guilty of this one things will be better when the situation will be better once i move you know because people are like talking about like moving from one place to another when i move into my new house it'll be different you know when i uh you know people just we we to, and when I say people, I, I'm referring to myself, my own experiences. You always tell yourself like things are gonna be different when this happens,
Starting point is 00:10:51 things can be different when that happens. And they very rarely are, are any different unless you really have been working on yourself and really been working on making some real change, which is really tough to do because it's almost like we have these default settings. And these default settings are all actually, they serve us pretty well. Like when you go to do a heavy deadlift, your body rounds over a ton and your body's like, drop it, drop it, drop it.
Starting point is 00:11:19 Like, just let it go, let it go, let it go. And what does that do? Protects you. Okay, I let the weight go my back doesn't hurt if you were stubborn enough to try to continue to make the lift then uh you may have fucked yourself up yeah and you know to to this whole uh point you know in in high school or even after high school my lie was like, I'm just a skinny, scrawny guy. Like that's all ever L all I will ever be. But I also couldn't sit there and be
Starting point is 00:11:51 like, yep, I got the genetics to be Mr. Olympia. You know, like those are both incorrect, but the, um, at least being like the skinny scrawny kid, you know, that was, I was like, I was born this way. I'm going to stay this way. That's just it. And that's what, you know that was i was like i was born this way i'm gonna stay this way that's just it and that's what you know kind of enabled me to just keep going down this path of not giving a fuck about my nutrition never even trying in the gym and doing all this stuff because i built this whole persona up to be this skinny person and i just did it to protect myself like you said mark you know because i'm like what what happens when you try to do something you suck at? It's not fun, you know? And then you want to, I don't know, you get frustrated and it's like, dude, I've been trying to lift
Starting point is 00:12:34 and I still look the exact same a year later. Like what the heck is going on here? Um, thank goodness I kept coming back. Uh, I'm not sure where that came from but you know that that's kind of what i think what you were trying to really get get at in simo was like we we we're still lying to ourselves but we can't fully like really go over the top and make up some crazy outlandish shit because we're gonna end up probably in the same space or the same spot you know which is just unhappy and making up more excuses as to why we couldn't do this or that. That's the thing right there. Like, uh, I'm happy you mentioned that because a lot of times we, we have this self-talk, um, and it's protect ourselves from the idea of failing
Starting point is 00:13:15 because like no one really wants to fail at something, although you will probably fail it at multiple times before you get to your actual goal. But when you are dieting, right, and you binge and then you kind of fall off the diet, well, the diet doesn't really work. You know what I mean? I come from a family of big people. I come from a family of big people, like all of these different things. We're always trying to set something up to save us from the fact that maybe we just didn't meet the mark right now and that's the hardest thing to admit to yourself that you just didn't meet the mark at the moment in time it was an outside source you know what i mean i've mentioned this before i was having a talk with a guy who's been trying to lose weight and he, he's like, you know, I, uh,
Starting point is 00:14:05 I love burritos too much or I say he, and he, and then he mentioned, I do smoke a lot of weed. Yeah. And then he also mentioned he smoked a lot of weed and he was just giving me reason after reason. I was just like,
Starting point is 00:14:16 you realize you're, you continue to tell me all these things that you could fix or you could adjust, but you're telling you, you're saying that these things are matter of fact and you don't have any control over them. Got no control over them. And it's easier just to kind of say almost like it's not my fault. Like I'm, uh, you know, my body is stuck. I'm stuck in this kind of, uh, perpetual motion of, motion of not being able to get anywhere.
Starting point is 00:14:46 But it's not because of me. It's because of my circumstances. And remember, we want to be a creator of our circumstances, not a creature of our circumstances. We want to be able to make shit happen for ourselves. able to make shit happen for ourselves and to kind of make things happen for yourself you have to work towards uh i think you have to always be working towards some change and i think the only way to get change is for it to be subtle you know if you try to change something all of a sudden out of nowhere uh can be really really difficult i think we're in like a weird we're in like a weird topic because i think that this is uh getting into a thing where you're trying to almost like outwit yourself
Starting point is 00:15:32 and uh outwitting yourself is weird because uh you're the one that's trying to induce these changes and if you tell yourself that you're going to change, you may run away because you're like, you know what I mean? Like you're, you're the one that is trying to have the change. And it's almost like, it's like if you knew better, you would be better, you know, but you, since you know what you need to do, be better, you know, but you, since you know what you need to do, uh, you almost are scare yourself away to actually taking action towards doing it before you really even get the opportunity of doing it. Maybe you set up, you know, some roadblocks, maybe you tell yourself, uh, you know,
Starting point is 00:16:18 you can't do it because of, could be any bullshit reason that you make up, uh, to just kind of block yourself so you don't have to go through the trouble of actually trying to do it. You know, one thing that is really interesting about all of this is the self-talk that we all have or what we say about other people. Like one thing that I hate is when I hear people say people can't change or, or, or, you know, cause I've heard, there's a lot of people in my life that I've heard say that. And it's probably maybe because their personal experiences with other people, but it could potentially be their belief in themselves. Because when you say something about other people, you got to realize if you say that, then what do you think for yourself?
Starting point is 00:17:10 If you say people don't and can't change, what does that mean for you? Right? Like you putting something on outside people will also make you put on yourself. That's why I don't believe in that idea that people can't change. I truly believe they can because I'm changing all the time. And if I ever did believe that people can't change or people can't evolve, then what does that mean in my belief for myself? That means I'm also saying I can't do the same thing. And I see this so much in fitness too. It's like when I see these young guys saying guys guys can't gain that much muscle, or people can't be that lean all the time, or people can't do this. You're automatically saying
Starting point is 00:17:50 that they can't, so you can't. Even if that's something that you want to do, well, that's not something that people can do. So automatically, you're telling yourself you can't do it. You've blocked yourself from being able to even achieve said thing. you can't do it you've set yourself you've blocked yourself from being able to even achieve said thing there's so many things you can change it's uh it's unbelievable and things can change really quickly um i was just thinking about this the other day like when a when a certain team leaves an area and they go to another area so like the raiders you know the raiders were the oakland raiders for a long time i know they're in LA and now they're in Las Vegas. People can attach themselves with that team. They can be so excited about that team. And then that team leaves
Starting point is 00:18:30 and they just, boom, they change their beliefs. Like, I'm not a Raiders fan anymore. It's like, well, how come? Some people stay loyal to it or whatever. And some people in Vegas will grab a hold of that team. And now they'll love that team when maybe before they loved the 49ers or whatever other team. So it's interesting. There's things that can change really, really quickly. You can all of a sudden just kind of whatever your value assignment is to those things, you can make changes pretty rapidly. It's super apparent when a player gets traded right i'm having a hard time i i think his name was johnny damon he played for the uh
Starting point is 00:19:14 i want to shit i think he played for the yankees or he played for so he he went from either the yankees to the red sox or the Red Sox to the Yankees. Okay. And he was like the most hated player on the Yankees. All the Red Sox fans hated that cocksucker. You know, like he got traded to that team. And then all of a sudden it's like he was the greatest thing ever. It's so funny. But, yeah, you guys are right.
Starting point is 00:19:38 You know, like and then, Nsema, what you were saying is like, you know, I used to think not necessarily that people couldn't change, but I would put my negative attitude and my, you know, the mindset that I had for myself on to other people. There's no way in SEMA is natural. He's obviously on something because there's no way I would ever look like that. Just because I that's a total different comparison but just because I felt that I couldn't get better when somebody else did I would make up that excuse and be like
Starting point is 00:20:14 they're definitely doing something extra they're cheating or whatever and it would 100% stunt my growth because I wouldn't believe that somebody else could do it. So before I could even start, I would stop because I wouldn't believe in it. The only reason why they're rich is because their parents had money or the only reason why they were
Starting point is 00:20:37 able to start a business was because they had this headstart. And the only reason they did this was that like, that's, that's the thing I'm, I'm so careful. I'm so careful about the way that I speak, um, about other people because the way I speak about other people and the things that they've been able to achieve is going to be a reflection upon my internal belief, right? If I'm always trying to take away from the, from things that other people have been able to achieve, then automatically I'm setting shit up for myself. And even if it's not at top of mind when I'm trying to go towards that goal, I feel like there's going to be something in your subconscious that's automatically going to be going off and stopping you from being able to do something because your belief system is so
Starting point is 00:21:18 wrecked. That's why I don't bash people. I don't say things can't be done. I don't put that message forward because that's not, I don't care about, like, I care about y'all. But I more so care about what's going on with my mental system up here and what that's going to stop me from being able to try to do. Like what you said right there, I think we have a tendency to be so overly concerned about what other people are doing or saying. But it's like, let me just take a beat and let me tend to myself for a minute because I've got my own shit going on. I've got my own thoughts going on. And you really do. I think it is important to be really careful with the words that you choose and the different categories that you place yourself in. We talked about it on a previous podcast where you said on my Instagram, like I don't, doesn't say anything about like content creator or anything like that. It just says father. And that, that was intentional. Like that wasn't me like signaling to everybody like, Hey, I'm a great dad. That was me signaling to myself, like that that's where I want my priority to be. And so I set it forth. I set it forward. I put it out like that, uh, so that I can concentrate on that. So I can concentrate on, uh, you know, just, I guess like doing me in the best way that I can. But I think a lot of people set up blocks,
Starting point is 00:22:47 you know, about, about what they can achieve, what they can do. It's really, really oftentimes said about like where you're from, you know, like where I, where I grew up, where I'm from, there wasn't really anybody that did anything all that spectacular that I knew of. But also if I'm being honest, I didn't really look around and see, you know, I didn't really anybody that did anything all that spectacular that I knew of. But also, if I'm being honest, I didn't really look around and see. I didn't really pay attention. And I'm sure there's probably lots of people from my area that ended up being successful in many different things. They just may not have been super famous or whatever it might be. like, you know, super famous or whatever it might be. But imagine some of these people that we really look up to having these mindset that where they think they can't do something and because
Starting point is 00:23:33 they think they can't do something, they don't ever try. You know, if you look at Elon Musk, you know, he made an electric car. Okay. There was some other people that made electric car, but he made an electric car and then he made it easy to get it charged kind of all over the place it's all over the entire country you can get the car charged pretty easy there's like not a gap anywhere in the country that exceeds the limit of like the charge uh so i mean it's pretty like unbelievable. And then he makes a rocket and then he launches the rocket with the car. Like, you know, I mean, it's like, it's almost like making a mockery of everyone. It's almost like, fuck everybody. Like I can do whatever the hell
Starting point is 00:24:17 it is I want to do. And that's not, those circumstances aren't just for him. He's, he's not even born of this country. He's for, he's from, he's from a different country. And he had the mindset of like, you know, Hey, in the United States, you're free to kind of do what you want. And this is my version of that. And so I really like, you know, his mentality. And I think a lot of us should kind of carry some of that kind of playful childhood uh imagination that you might have carry that into your adulthood and little kids don't think that they can't do stuff a lot of times a lot of times they're like they're diving right in right with a lot of ambition
Starting point is 00:24:56 yeah yeah um even something as simple as i don't know just like a like a pickle jar or whatever and like here's an adult like damn like i really can't get this one a kid will just give it to me and it's like do you understand all right here you go um but and then elon i i i heard that like i didn't watch it but on saturday night live he kind of mentioned that he had some kind of uh i don't know if those are learning disability like something uh asperger's i believe okay so you know again kind of, I don't know if it was a learning disability, like something. Asperger's, I believe. Okay, so, you know, again, kind of, I mean, fuck, that's a great example, right? Yeah. If somebody, you know, like yourself included, you know, if you believed into what someone's telling you about a learning disability
Starting point is 00:25:38 or a diagnosis, I guess that's different than like your lie, but you can use that as the excuse to be like, well, you know, I got this. So that means I can't do that. Well, how about like just looking at it from maybe a different even point of view,
Starting point is 00:25:54 like someone who can't see someone that's born blind, sometimes they can hear better. So like for me, it's like, well, I don't know. Maybe I did have trouble learning or maybe somewhere in my brain, maybe there's some sort of circumstances that
Starting point is 00:26:12 for me, reading is more challenging or whatever the case is, which I don't even really think is true. I think I just would have to probably work my way through it. And I think I could probably read just as efficiently as anyone else, but it's always been a little bit difficult for me but even aside from that what about uh just knowing like oh well sometimes when some people when somebody's usually kind of weak in one area sometimes something else strengthens up and maybe that's possible for me maybe I'm a little like maybe it was no coincidence that the first time I laid down on a bench press, I could easily press the weight. I could easily press with, I think, two tens on each side and my friends couldn't really even move the bar. So maybe there was some form of my nervous system that was more in tune with something.
Starting point is 00:27:03 But my brain wasn't as in tune with something else you know i love the movie the matrix i love the movie the matrix it's my like favorite trilogy i love it and i love the way everything's put forward and how like neo has to break out of the matrix and it's all code right right uh because when we think about like when you think about the brain has been put forward to be like a supercomputer and it takes in things and kids, you soak things in and you learn things and you learn ideas. And a lot of those things set you up for how you're going to be as an adult, like you're pretty much being programmed, right? So we have a lot of programming
Starting point is 00:27:40 from when we're kids. And I was lucky enough that my mom, there's certain programming that she set in that hasn't left. She, and it's stuck with me, right? But there are also certain things that I had to try to reprogram when I became an adult. And I think that we need to really look at ourselves that way. Cause like, for example, having no dad, some people will use that, set that line of programming and say, oh, because I don't have a father, this is why I do this. This is why I am this. This is what's going to limit me here. But other people take that line of programming and they will literally just shift it and they'll take ownership of that and they'll figure out a way to fill in that hole that they didn't have. You know what I mean? Um, so like, we just need to
Starting point is 00:28:25 look at that as like, you, you grew up, you watch certain things, you listen to certain things and all of it is just, all of it is just lines of programming that you can change something else. The stretching is bad for muscle gain, like, or, or big people or big muscular people are going to be tight and they can't do well in jujitsu. You hear that a lot in jujitsu. That's some programming that the jujitsu community has when it comes to muscle and the martial art. It's still there. That like, oh, I don't want to be muscle bound because then I won't be able to move and be athletic. That's just a line of programming because that's not the truth. You know what I mean? And if you believe that, then it's going
Starting point is 00:29:04 to stop you from going to the gym, trying to work out and get stronger so you can be better on the mats you got to take out these negative lines of programming and just reprogram that shit for yourself you can't run and be jacked because our boy nick bear he's jacked right or our uh uh who's our English homie? Who's really jacked up. Ross Edgley. Yeah. I mean, fuck, dude. Dude, that guy's so jacked.
Starting point is 00:29:32 Oh, Jesus. That guy's a fucking monster. You know, and I think... Biggest rush on him. Yeah. Yep. Okay, go down, Mark. Oh, sorry.
Starting point is 00:29:43 Chill out. Chill out. Yeah, sorry about that. Anyway, we should move on to something else because I got a little flustered. In SEMA, I love what you said about like the, uh, the programming, the code and all that stuff. So if somebody is, um, honest enough with themselves to acknowledge that they might have some of the not improper, but some of this coding that we're talking about.
Starting point is 00:30:10 How can they hit those ones and zeros differently and start changing that mindset and start changing that code? How can they look at some of these things that maybe somebody else has that they have built up these roadblocks and be like, I'm never going to have this
Starting point is 00:30:25 or that what can they do to get started on changing that code bro like you gotta change you gotta change the inputs to the fucking computer you know what i mean like i think a big part of people's fucking programming and coding is the things that they watch the people that they follow on social media the the the the people that they have around them. All of these people have an input in terms of the way that you're personally coded. So that's why I pay so much attention to those things. That's why I don't keep, like, there's a video that I talked about how I literally have no pessimist friends. Pessimist being people that literally just have, they think that the worst thing will happen and they believe the worst thing will happen. Right. I have no people in my life. I don't know. I really, I
Starting point is 00:31:13 really don't. I don't, I don't keep those people close to me, man, because that programming is going to get in you, man. And you'll start looking at things that way too. Um, so you like, you gotta pay attention. Are the people around you, are they positive people? Do they pay attention to their things? Do they have good habits? And if those people that are closest to you don't have that, understand that you're going to be a reflection of that in some way, shape, or form. You're not just going to go through life unaffected. It's going to seep in and it's gonna rear its ugly head in certain things you do and actions you take so i'm so careful with that
Starting point is 00:31:51 i started uh muting people that would post shit about having to work on a monday being a thing because i just i just didn't want that shit in my life anymore. So if you've ever posted that and I'm not liking your shit, that's why. Call him out, Andrew. Call him out. Some of that stuff is so stupid, right? You know, I think sometimes we're thinking about like reprogramming, you know, because we're thinking about like, oh, I need to kind of work on that. But I think for a lot of people, I don't even think it's reprogramming, you know, because we're thinking about like, oh, I need to kind of work on that. But I think for a lot of people, I don't even think it's reprogramming. I think it's just
Starting point is 00:32:29 programming period. I think this information is kind of like new to you sometimes because I don't even know how we end up with our biases. I don't know how we even end up like a lot of times they're not our own decision. A lot of times they're things that we've seen like a lot of times they're not our own decision a lot of times they're things that we've seen a lot of times they're things that we have um been exposed to a lot of times like our ideas aren't uniquely ours a lot of times and and when you're a kid a lot of these things are things that you like borrowed or been renting for a long time and you've been kind of riding these things out forever and you uh may not have ever really questioned them before i mean what about when you get old enough to think about religion i think this happens to most people where they're like hmm okay i'm kind of out on my own now and i get to actually think about this a
Starting point is 00:33:18 little bit more i don't uh you know my mom's not going to beat my ass for, you know, saying like, hmm, I kind of wonder if there's a God or not. Like you, you know, when you're young and your parents are trying to have these influences on you, sometimes they're not very rational about those things. And they won't even allow you to even question it or to even ask questions. You don't talk that way or my parents weren't really too crazy that way, but I know that for some people it is that way. So I think sometimes we're, we're going through life off of like borrowed stuff that we got from our buddy, borrowed shit that we got from our grandpa or our mom or dad. And we just never really sat around and really truly given it uh our own thoughts and never decided like hey you know what i think i believe i mean you ever have someone kind of mentioned something to you and you're like i don't really have thoughts on that at the moment
Starting point is 00:34:18 because because you just haven't ever really thought of it before and you kind of feel dumb or like i kind of need to get back to you on that because i i need to like i need to actually like think about this more because i've never really gone down that that uh rabbit hole so i think it's not necessarily always like sometimes there are things you got to work on and just completely change and reboot and get an update but uh other times i think it's just flat out just programming yourself for the first time i think even just admitting that um like hey i gotta get back to you on that or you know i mean probably use we'll use whatever terminology but you know i a perfect example my uncle was i was just telling him like i want to put some cement down move the shed over blah blah do all kinds of shit that i have no idea what i'm talking about and he was like oh no you
Starting point is 00:35:09 should do this you should put this down like this blah blah down you should do that down you should do this and then you can just blah blah and i'm like just staring at him like you know and i would i thought about it like man i could probably just nod my head and be like oh yeah that's a good idea but instead i was like i have no idea what the hell you just said. So can you explain what this first compound is and what this and that is? And it was just funny because I was just thinking a lot of dudes probably wouldn't be secure enough to be like, I actually have no idea what you're talking about. Can you please explain what you're meaning?
Starting point is 00:35:41 Instead of like, oh, yeah, that's a good idea. But instead I'm going to go do this and that. And that's a little bit of a different topic, but that's what I was thinking of when you said, Mark, like, you know, I'm not sure. Let me get back to you on that. Cause yeah, I would just imagine that a lot of people that might be, you know, kind of that we're talking to right now about this whole like wrong programming and stuff might also not be willing to admit when they don't know something like that. You know,
Starting point is 00:36:06 that's another step for another day, but that's just, that's where my mind went to right now. I think I agree with you. The big thing that you should, I think a big way to go down this rabbit hole is to ask yourself why you believe what you believe. Like growing up,
Starting point is 00:36:28 you know, like, I mean, I grew up within the Christian faith, right? But it took me a while to really start questioning why I believe certain things, you know, because it's rough. And the religion rabbit hole is rough because it's like, when you go go into church everyone around you believes the same thing your parents which you see as authority figures believe the same thing your cousins aunts auntie's community believe the same thing right then within your echo chamber you then are like all of these people believe this so this must be correct. But then maybe you start questioning certain things and immediately once you start questioning certain things if you're young, everyone around
Starting point is 00:37:12 you is like, you're wrong! Everyone, not just no, no one's like, let me entertain that idea, and everyone's like, no, this is the way. There is no other way. You're dumb, you're seven, shut up. Yeah, just, you know what? Bad things are going to happen.
Starting point is 00:37:28 It's like, right? All lives go to hell fire. I remember my cousins told me that one day I was like, I was like eight. I was like so scared. I'm like, I don't want to go to hell because I was lying.
Starting point is 00:37:39 No, but, but that's the thing. It's like, you should really start to analyze these things that you have such strong beliefs about and maybe go out of the box and maybe let's, let's talk religion for a little bit. Go see other,
Starting point is 00:37:53 not go like, just go wide up. Why do Jews believe what they believe? Why do Buddhists believe what they believe? Why do Muslims, what, what is it about their belief? Because like there are millions and billions of people within these other,
Starting point is 00:38:03 these other things. And they are also so gung ho believing that what they believe is correct, right? And they 100% – they've had spiritual experiences. They've had this – but sometimes you've got to ask yourself why and then go down that rabbit hole to really, truly understand if that is your actual belief or if that's just something that is programmed into you yeah i heard a really cool uh quote and said the difference between an atheist and someone who's very religious is one god i thought that was pretty amazing you know religion is you know it's a whole nother thing to like jump into. But I've always been amazed by like, you know, somebody grew up in a different area. They grew up in a different culture.
Starting point is 00:38:55 And so now and so they are born into having different beliefs. And am I supposed to believe that those people are just wrong? and am I supposed to believe that those people are just wrong? Because they weren't born into being Catholic or they weren't born into being Christian? That kind of stuff is kind of hard for me to understand. I mean, that seems like really just kind of unfair and kind of fucked, if that would be true. That because you don't believe in this one particular God that you're somehow more in trouble than, you know, if it's just it's odd.
Starting point is 00:39:32 It's very, very odd. But, you know, I think people can really grab a hold of what we're saying here by us kind of, you know, talking about how religion can kind of play into this idea of like, you got kind of programmed to believe a certain thing. And you can, you can work on changing that, or you can work on determining what you feel is, is in your best interest. One thing about religion that I heard more recently, which I thought was kind of helpful for me was to, which is kind of hard to say this this way, but just understanding that, like just understanding what the overarching reason for religion oftentimes is, it's just a way to help people deal with life a little bit easier. And whether it exists or doesn't exist that's up for people to kind of determine on their own um but it is a it's a form of it's a form of irrational thinking from my perspective just because it's a way to make everything else a little bit easier to understand a way to understand like uh just i don't know all the different weird things that
Starting point is 00:40:43 happen in the world it makes a little bit easier to understand and kind just i don't know all the different weird things that happen in the world it makes a little bit easier to understand and kind of displace uh some of uh you know theories of evolution and some other things that we now at least seem to have better understandings of yeah absolutely and you know i guess if we want to change the um i guess the you know from religion to something else we can talk about like the families that are like hey like we're broke we've always been broke um you know no one's really ever went to college so you're probably not going to go to college and so these same programs are i mean these same ones and zeros are programmed in somebody and they can't escape it because that's what mom said, that's what dad said,
Starting point is 00:41:29 that's what the cousins said, that's, you know, my brother's doing that already. And it is hard to break out, but, yeah, you got to kind of change that code, change the inputs like in Sema said. Let me give you this example. Let me give you this example. My mom was a single parent, but growing up, she did all the things she could to have me see strong men in my life. And not only that, she put me around functional families, right? Functional nuclear families with a mother and father in the home. right? Functional nuclear families with the mother and father in the home. And one thing that I was having a conversation with a friend and she was mentioning how like, like she growing up, she never really saw, I guess, healthy relationships, right? So,
Starting point is 00:42:20 so if you're someone who's, let's say that you are, you know, potentially having those types of issues within that realm, maybe you need to try to find a way to find people with, I mean, every relationship has a problem, but find people with that and maybe see what's going on here. Because a lot of people, like you'd be surprised, a lot of people have gone through a lot of life without seeing any functional relationships. And then what does that build into their programming? Functional relationships don't exist. Or good relationships don't exist. That's a pipe dream. I know a lot of people with that actual viewpoint. And I know that's absolutely not the truth because I've seen so many and I understand how that works. I'm like, no, right? Because I searched that out, right? So you got to pay attention to those things. Think about where most of our learning comes from when you're a kid, you know, and you see one kid swing a baseball bat a certain way or throw a football a certain way, kick a ball a certain way. It's just mimicking, right? Like you're just, you're, and if you get around people
Starting point is 00:43:37 that like consistently are doing the wrong shit, you're going to be doing the wrong shit too. And if you can get around people that are, you know, more functional and you're going to be doing the wrong shit too. And if you can get around people that are, you know, more functional and you're going to kind of start to think their way. I mean, I get really inspired and fired up getting around people like Kelly Sturette or Jason Kalipa. When I get around some of these guys, it's just a breath of fresh air because they're talking about, they're thinking and talking about often and Sean Provost thinking and talking about the things that they can do and the things that they're going to do.
Starting point is 00:44:11 And it's really rare to hear those guys talk about anything negative, any hurdles. They're just like, yeah, I'm doing this. And you're like, what? Like how? Like, okay, cool. And then they explain how and you're just like, fuck. That sounds so awesome. But the last thing those guys are going to really tell you about, they're like these roadblocks.
Starting point is 00:44:32 They might tell you about a hurdle that they had to jump over to get something done, which is a small obstacle that they were skilled enough to get around or past. Two things, Mark. You know, it's funny. your past? Two things, Mark, you know, it's funny. You, you, when you, when you mentioned that, um, I, I think, I don't know if it was before this podcast, the other one, I didn't even know you had a knee issue going on or a little knee thing. You don't talk about your shit. Like you, you really, you really don't talk about it. Right. I think that's something to keep in mind. Cause like when that shit happened to my hip, I don't like whine about it or anything anything but i maybe talk about it a little bit too much than i should even more than i should
Starting point is 00:45:08 i shouldn't talk about that type of stuff so that's one thing you know what i mean just it's it's something you're going to get over it it's going to be fine but a second thing that you said that made me laugh when you mentioned the baseball thing or the different ways kids swing kids swings bat kids swing bats man can't speak um is even to this day, I still do this, but I especially did it when I first started jujitsu. And I've never talked about this, but there are certain people who I just wouldn't watch their rolls. I wouldn't pay attention to their rolls. Like when I saw white belts or blue belts rolling, I wouldn't watch them roll. When I went to tournaments and I saw other people competing,
Starting point is 00:45:44 I wouldn't watch them roll. I would purposefully go on my phone or leave the room and I'd go on YouTube and I'd watch black belts and I'd watch like high level rolling. Because for me, I was like, if I watch that, I'm going to pick up some bad habits without even realizing it. And I've never talked about this, but that is such a big deal to me. Even to this day that I, if I like now I can, like, if someone wants me to watch the role and maybe give them some critiques, I can do that. But when I was starting, I was so guarded in terms of the people who I watched to do jujitsu. Cause I was like, I don't want any bad inputs on this. I don't want to see something and build a bad habit because I saw somebody do something and I wasn't thinking about it. Then I start doing it. I was so guarded when it came
Starting point is 00:46:24 to that. And that's exactly what you're talking about right there. That's been one of the coolest things that I've learned from just lifting with Mark, you know, is like not really showing that something's bugging you. You know, it's like, what have I done? I haven't done anything compared to like stuff that Mark's done in the gym and he's crushing it every day and he looks fine but eventually i would find out like okay maybe he does have this knee thing but he doesn't talk about it and in that moment you know like you know my shoulder's bugging me right now so if i sit here and roll my shoulder the entire workout like now i gotta warm this thing up or whatever. It's like I'm just constantly thinking about it.
Starting point is 00:47:07 And then even worse, as a bad training partner, I'm now putting that on everyone I'm working out with. They're just like, oh, yeah, shoulder issues occur. That's a thing. So I'm kind of putting that out there, and then they're receiving it, and it's just bad all around. The movie Full Metal Jacket has a drill sergeant in the beginning yelling at everybody. He gets in one guy's face and said something about, I don't know, he said they go back and forth a bit.
Starting point is 00:47:36 And the guy learns that his dad was a soldier. And he's like, did he ever talk about it? And he's like, no, no, sir. And he's like, I bet talk about it and he's like no no sir and he's like I bet you he was a damn good soldier you know so I kind of always I've always liked that side of things where it's like you don't have to say nothing I mean a good example that is our boy like John Cena like I'm still in contact with him quite a bit he said nothing about returning to wwe you know and then i get a clip i think andrew sent me the clip of uh asena coming out and the crowd going absolutely bananas or berserk like he doesn't have to he doesn't have to say hey man i came back to wrestling or whatever
Starting point is 00:48:16 you know what i mean like he just uh he just went out there and and just and just did it you know and and for me like, positive or negative, as excited as I am to share something with somebody or as something might be bothering me a lot, I usually just try not to... I mean, the only
Starting point is 00:48:38 place where that stuff is reserved is mainly for my wife you know and we both bitch and complain it's like kind of just part of us being it's part of us being together in this world we get to kind of complain together and then we
Starting point is 00:48:55 kind of settle each other into a spot of like hey there are probably things that we could do to make those situations better but we also just will let each other just complain that's awesome i'm curious mark oh go ahead andrew go ahead no i was just gonna say i'm almost like you know like the opposite like i'll let the the negative talk creep out and anything that i'm positive about i'll kind of like keep that for myself for some
Starting point is 00:49:24 weird reason. I'm not sure where that comes from. That's probably from me being formally pessimistic, kind of guarding myself from things like giving my hopes up. But then also when things do go right, because I was like almost expecting the negative to happen, like I'm almost like unable to celebrate that positive, um,
Starting point is 00:49:46 outcome or whatever. It's just really strange. I don't know. I haven't really thought. My wife knows me as being the biggest baby complainer person in the world. Really? Really. That's,
Starting point is 00:50:02 that's actually very interesting. I, there, there is, there's two things. I was actually curious, Mark, you know how you've gone down this personal development rabbit hole, right? Does Andy do that? Or does she pay attention to stuff in that realm that much? Or is she just so locked in as a human being that she's like, I'm good?
Starting point is 00:50:24 Andy is an alien. She, I don't, I don't know. She doesn't, I'm sure, I'm sure some of those things would be useful to her, might be a little helpful to her. And she learns them through me, but she just, she doesn't care. Just like what she's got like extra time on her hands. She's going to like, you know,
Starting point is 00:50:48 be on Instagram looking at like, fuck Jerry, you know, like she just likes to, she likes to laugh, you know, she likes to just, so I find it amazing to be married to somebody who I think is so brilliant and so smart.
Starting point is 00:51:03 And then she's just doing the stupidest shit all the time. Like we're on the plane and she's just sitting there dying laughing. She's watching like 30 Rock and there's this like, I don't even, I don't remember what the scene was that was going on on the TV, but she's always watching like, you know, dumb, stupid shit from like the eighties or just mind numbing, mindless, uh, reality TV shows. So I'm always just, I'm kind of baffled by her,
Starting point is 00:51:29 but you know what I've learned is just, you know, do your best to, you know, be as good as you can at certain things, but also, uh, mix in some,
Starting point is 00:51:41 some time to like not take life too seriously. And I was going to also, uh, this is one thing I wanted to ask you guys. And Andrew, it goes to your thing where you mentioned like sometimes you'll, sometimes maybe some of those negative things will creep out, but the positive things won't. I think that there is a strength to, if you have a goal, you voice that goal to somebody or you voice that goal to people, or you voice that goal potentially publicly. you voice that goal to people or you voice that goal potentially publicly. And I know there may be a, whatever, there might be a danger to that if you don't always reach the goal. But when it's out there, like I think it's personally a little bit
Starting point is 00:52:19 reinforced, you know, like I've mentioned that I want to get my black belt and I want to win some world championships as a black belt, right? And I go to my last tournament, I get third place in the absolute division as a purple belt, and I get third place in my weight division, right? Does that line up exactly with my goal? No, but I did have some good wins in there. But I still have that goal. That goal hasn't gone anywhere. And I am no less taken back or brought down in my seeking of that specific goal. Right. So I think there's something to that. What do you guys think? There's something to that. What do you guys think?
Starting point is 00:53:13 I think I'm having a hard time seeing how that doesn't align with your goal, to be honest. I guess because you didn't win that one. Well, yeah, some people would look at that and be like, this guy wants to do this and he's out here fucking getting third place in a tournament like this. Yeah, I understand. You still want to level up so much further like basically you want to be number one of one and i guess you could say you you you finished in a hundredth place because you're a third place purple belt right like something like that right gotcha uh- this is the thing. Like, I think it's, if someone wants to lose 80 pounds or they're doing that, let the people in your life. No.
Starting point is 00:53:51 I mean, sometimes those people in your life will be like, Oh no, you can't do it. But you're this way. Get better people. But I do think that there's a strength in like, you know,
Starting point is 00:54:01 letting the close people to, you know, and maybe letting some other people go, Hey, I'm, I'm, I'm trying to lose a bunch of weight or I'm trying to get myself to a bodybuilding stage or I'm trying to get this job doing this. Right. Put it out there because I feel that like it's not real yet, but now it's known and it gives you a little bit more reinforcement towards like, hey, you said you were going to head towards that.
Starting point is 00:54:23 You said this is what you were going to want to do. So you better keep fucking doing it. It's like if you don't mention it to anyone and you just keep it to yourself, that it's kind of like if I fail at this, well, only I know I failed. No one else knows that I failed at it. Right. So you kind of save yourself that not just from you save yourself the heartache from yourself, but you're like, now this embarrassment, I'm not embarrassed to the community. You know, they don't see how much of a failure I am. Everyone fails. Everyone sucks. You know, like we all suck at stuff. We all mess up. We all make mistakes. We all, we all fall short. We all have, you know, for me, like a lot of times someone will say, Oh, what's, you know, what are some of your failures in business? And I'm like, I don't have any.
Starting point is 00:55:07 But, you know, I mean, I could, I can point out hundreds of different mistakes that we've made over the years that, that have, that have been kind of mess ups or whatever, but they're all aligning with a bigger picture, you know? And so if you do put it out there that there is something that you would like to do. I think the only thing I would say maybe against that would just be just try to make sure it really is aligning with a lot of the things that you're actually
Starting point is 00:55:38 doing. You know, the things that you're actually like, you're at least, you know, you're talking about wanting to run a marathon and you more recently lost 60 pounds. And now it seems like that could be a thing. So you just lost 60 pounds and now you started walking. You started to be more active. And now you got to this goal to run 26 miles or whatever it might be. That starts to make some sense. And because I've heard people say stuff that just like is completely outlandish. And I don't think that that that starts to make some sense and i because i've heard people say stuff
Starting point is 00:56:05 that just like is completely outlandish and i don't think that that's healthy i think that i think that can be unhealthy when you're talking about stuff and i'm sure both of you guys have been around this before you hear people talking about stuff that they're just it they're just they're they're never gonna these people are never gonna follow through on it and you're like man i really just i would love it if you would shut the fuck up because you've been talking about that forever you've never done it and it doesn't seem like you're ever gonna do it and so i think just as long as like there's a little sign that you're like heading in that direction, then I agree 100%.
Starting point is 00:56:45 Put yourself out there and take that before picture type of thing. Take that before picture, post it before you even fucking think about it. Just get it out there. Yeah. When you put yourself out there, it's definitely more motivating. Yeah, you're right you don't want to say i want to lose x amount of weight and then the next thing you do is you post a picture of like a huge like meal or i guess it wouldn't even be a cheap meal at that point right it would just
Starting point is 00:57:18 be what you ate that day and if you had posted the the before picture saying like hey i'm on this journey to lose whatever you know 50 pounds over the next year or whatever whatever it is and then you post you know like uh donuts on a saturday what's up it's like you fraud like get out of here i'd actually make for the greatest instagram ever just where you are just constantly like like talking about doing something and then you just fuck it up when you talk about doing something you fuck it up i think there's uh tim dylan he listens to some podcast um that he's like completely obsessed with tim dylan's a comedian that has been on joe rogan a bunch of times um and he listens to this guy who like weighs himself every week and the guy weighs like 500 pounds and
Starting point is 00:58:06 the guy never makes any progress the guy keeps messing up over and over again and he's like i don't know why because i don't know what's sicker is the fact that like i like i keep listening to this and i am like so amazed by it he's like but i think it's because the guy's life like tim dylan's overweight too he's like his life kind of parallels mine he's like that's why i keep he's like that's why i keep listening to it he's like i'm i'm halfway thinking like he's like i'll listen to it i'll be like man this motherfucker's pathetic and then he goes i'll hear my kind of self say that and i'll pause and go that motherfucker's just like me yeah man no i uh i agree i like this i like this conversation a lot i like this conversation a lot because it's like nick bear posted something recently i don't know if you guys saw it, but he posted like the first ever videos he made about their performance
Starting point is 00:59:08 nutrition back in like 2011, 2012. And he looked like a stick and like he was mumbling over, he was like jumbling over his words. They are like bloopers, but it was just so horrible. And then you compare that to the Nick bear. You see now the amazing speaker.
Starting point is 00:59:23 He is the amazing business he has with Bear Performance Nutrition, right? But he put that out there in the beginning, right? Like, I've got these YouTube videos, the first YouTube videos I made, man. I can't even go watch them. I cringe so hard, like so hard, because even just the way that I was speaking is just like ah damn oh you know this this falls in line with like us talking about how you can change uh you know drastically and change your beliefs and things like that do you remember like probably when you shot some of that stuff even if you would film yourself like lifting you'd be pretty nervous probably right yeah
Starting point is 01:00:01 even if you weren't talking like the just most simple thing that you're already pretty damn good at i mean and it seems like you've been pretty big and jacked for a long time so it's uh just so silly you know these things that we attach to uh man i shouldn't shoot that my arms don't look that good like i don I don't know what I'm talking about, you know, training arms. Why did I even, what am I even doing? And it's cool that we at least got the somewhere along the lines, had enough confidence to even just get started with any of it. Exactly. And I think it's the,
Starting point is 01:00:37 I'm so, it's so cool that we have the technology to see that shit. Like we, we can, you can go back, Mark. I think I didn't get to actually watch it, but I saw it in the media room
Starting point is 01:00:47 where it's like you and John Cena and your brother, like you guys were in a wrestling thing together in an event, right? Like, you can go back, you can see that stuff, and you can see how far you've been able to progress and change in advance.
Starting point is 01:01:01 And it's pretty crazy. Like, even when you guys brought me on to podcasts with y'all a few years ago, it's pretty crazy. Like even when, when you guys brought me on to podcasts with y'all a few years ago, the initial thing in my head was like, I don't know how the hell I'm going to talk about anything for an hour or 30 minutes. Right. I didn't really believe that I could do it, but what it forced me to do was just learn more so that I can bring something better to the table over some time. I was part of a documentary for the Discovery Channel on professional wrestling. And me and John were on it. And, like, yeah, we were, like, cutting wrestling promos and stuff.
Starting point is 01:01:35 It was just brutal. It was hard for me. I just wasn't – it was challenging for me. So I had to learn it. It took a long time to learn it and get used to it. And John – I think, you know, you know john like he just practiced it uh but in in addition to that he was just he was just gifted at it too and uh you know he he took off like a fucking rocket but the person that did that discovery channel video and i think this is like dating back to like 2000 or maybe 2001 or something like that.
Starting point is 01:02:09 The guy that filmed that was the guy that produces a show called Survivor. Wow. So, you know, it's like, I mean, that guy had to get started somewhere like that was his job at the time. You know, and here we are, you know, many, many years later, it's like, everyone's got to get a start somewhere. Everyone's got to, you know, John was doing that shit so long ago. And it's a trade that he just kept working on and kept working on and kept working on and everybody hated him i mean you want to talk about change that guy brought about so much change he was so different than everybody um you know the old mentality of of of old school
Starting point is 01:02:59 wrestling was real dirty and uh drug addicted and kind of a rock and roll lifestyle. John was kind of clean cut, went about his business, was like a lunchbox type of dude that just show up with his food and eat, do his job, take his money and go home and just put that shit on repeat, go to the gym, eat some steak, wrestle, work on his promos and just he just did it over and over and over again and everybody hated him they fucking hated him that and that's why they kept it they kept them in louisville kentucky forever they just they no one even wanted really wanted to give him a chance or opportunity he spent a lot of money he's got a lot of his own
Starting point is 01:03:43 money on like he would get different colored boots for every single different location that they ended up in. Like if they were in Michigan, he would be wearing like the Michigan Wolverines colors and shit like that. Like he just he went through all these kind of crazy things to do it. And when I say they hated him they fucking hated him like especially the top guys because they were threatened by him because he looked he was fucking six percent body fat and jacked like a motherfucker and could talk on the microphone and everybody was terrified they knew he was coming through and there was nothing they could do about it but they wanted to try to be the keepers and they wanted to try to keep him out but they they just couldn't couldn't hold them back he never and that's why when he says you know he's got his thing where he says never give up you hear kind of a lot of people say that but when i see that it gives me chills and goosebumps i'm like that motherfucker never gave up like i saw all that shit that's amazing and what what's the deal with the wrestler's boots? Are they actual boots because they look like it,
Starting point is 01:04:47 but then they're stomping mud holes in everybody? What's going on here? I don't know why they got those kind of boots. I'm not sure why. They seem very athletic to be wearing a boot. Well, I mean, there's the boots, the skin tight leather pants the wet hair you know or even the underwear dudes on top of other dudes so i i mean yeah it seems a little gay but i mean it's i think it's fine we've seen you've seen gayer
Starting point is 01:05:19 maybe i've watched our podcast i think uh you know i think a lot of the stuff with with wrestling like starts from like just many many years ago they would have like feats of strength and stuff like that like circuses and so if you look back those those old school dudes with the curly mustaches lifting the circus dumbbells a lot of times those dudes were wearing like weird boots too. So I think a lot of this stuff, and that's where wrestling kind of came from. It came from like carnivals and stuff like that. So I think that's maybe where some of that stuff initiated from.
Starting point is 01:05:56 Awesome. Fun conversation, fellas. You got anything else to add? What were we even talking about? What was the main topic of this conversation y'all remember how's that wrestling is or no no no no the the main thing the main main thing my lie type of uh ah yes yes yes yes yes we uh we circumnavigated a lot circumcised circumnavigated circums on that note um funny story actually this is going to be quite disgusting um i played when i played soccer in college that was the first time i've ever showered with other naked men.
Starting point is 01:06:46 This hasn't happened before in my life. And there's a guy on our team, JB, Jordan. Jordan had a little bit of extra skin because he was uncircumcised. So sometimes, Jordan, sometimes Jordan would stand there just like naked, right? And he'd have some pennies.
Starting point is 01:07:08 And you know where this is going. He would take these pennies and see how many he could fit into his foreskin. Oh, my God. I think he got like seven or eight pennies. And, yeah. Just wild things, man. Wild things that people do. Bad height.
Starting point is 01:07:28 You don't know where that's been. It's real nasty. That's real nasty, man. It's real nasty. And Seema's like, can you do quarters too? It's like, can I help him? Bruh. Oh, God. Man, college soccer was hilarious man those dudes
Starting point is 01:07:49 are great that's an uncut gem right uncut gem yes uncut gem good one andrew that's a real good one right there that's a real good one but i wonder about the morality of of of male circumcision just because like when you think when you when you legitimately think about it it's like But I wonder about the morality of male circumcision. Just because, like, when you legitimately think about it, it's like, okay, I mean, I'm circumcised, right? But, like, I was, you know, mutilated as a kid. Right? Right? But it's interesting.
Starting point is 01:08:24 I don't care. I dig it for myself. But will I do that to my interesting. I don't care. I dig it for myself. But will I do that to my son? I don't know. I don't know if I'll circumcise my son. It's all really weird. It's all really weird. I was not for it. I didn't care about.
Starting point is 01:08:36 Yep. Nope. I was like, no, I don't have any. I don't have any understanding as to why it even really started. I mean, I know it was like a religious type thing, but... There's a religious aspect to it, yeah. Yeah, and then, you know, as a baby, if you don't clean his junk up correctly, it could get infected or whatever.
Starting point is 01:08:59 I'm just not snipping that thing off. No snippity-snip. Hopefully he doesn't get embarrassed by this. Add extra, if anything. What did you say, Mark? I said add extra, if anything, right? Add extra. Take whatever I can get.
Starting point is 01:09:14 Oh, man. Andrew, take us on out of here, buddy. Thank goodness. Thank you, everybody, for checking out today's episode. If you learned something, maybe helped you out, maybe even laughed just now, please hit that like button. Please ring the notifications button and subscribe if you are not subscribed already. And share this with a friend that may or may not be lying to themselves as to why they can't accomplish certain things in life. And thank you to Merrick Health for sponsoring today's episode.
Starting point is 01:09:44 Again, that's at slash power project. Make sure you add the power project panel, either for male or female. And at checkout, enter promo code power project for $101 off that panel. Follow the podcast at Mark Biles Power Project, at MBPowerProject on TikTok and Twitter. My Instagram and Twitter is at IamAndrewZ. And Seema, where are you at? And Seema Inyang on Instagram and YouTube. And at SeemaYinYang on TikTok and Twitter.
Starting point is 01:10:20 Have you checked out the recent chartable charts? Actually, I was going to ask you, have you checked it out? So we're killing it. We're like in the top 150 in the U.S. for like the big one, which is I think fitness and health. Yeah, health and fitness. And we're number 10 in terms of fitness. 10 in fitness. Yeah, I was pretty pumped because we jumped I think like 10 points or whatever you want to call it.
Starting point is 01:10:45 Want to guess where else we are though? We're number one. Where are we number one in? That was pretty fun because we jumped, I think, like 10 points or whatever you want to call it. So. Want to guess where else we are, though? We're number one. Where are we number one in? Cayman Islands. Papa New Guinea, baby. Yes. Papa New Guinea.
Starting point is 01:10:55 We are number one. That's awesome. I haven't been there in like a couple weeks. Shit. Lay out the red carpet, folks. Lay out the red fucking carpet. And there's this other place called Seychelles. I don't know if it's like islands but we're number two there we're fucking celebrity we're we're number one in el salvador for fitness oh that's actually that's actually a that's
Starting point is 01:11:16 actually a big spot that's number one in el salvador let me go and get me some like you know rice and beans down there for free because I'm a celebrity. Amazing. You can't pay for food down there in El Salvador. Shit. All right. I'm at Mark Smelly Bell. Strength is never weak.
Starting point is 01:11:35 This week, this is never strength. Catch y'all later. Bye.

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