Mark Bell's Power Project - EP. 563 - How To Always Stay Connected To Fitness

Episode Date: August 1, 2021

The crew is headed back home from a nice little break but neither of us stopped moving. We all stayed connected to our fitness the entire time. Today we’re telling you our tips on how to stay connec...ted at home or even when you are on vacation. Subscribe to the Podcast on on Platforms! ➢ Special perks for our listeners below! ➢Marek Health: Use code POWERPROJECT for $101 off the Power Project Panel! ➢Eat Rite Foods: Use code "POWERPROJECT25" for 25% off your first order, then code "POWERPROJECT" for 10% off every order after! ➢LMNT Electrolytes: ➢Piedmontese Beef: Use Code "POWERPROJECT" at checkout for 25% off your order plus FREE 2-Day Shipping on orders of $99 Subscribe to the Power Project Newsletter! ➢ Follow Mark Bell's Power Project Podcast ➢ Insta: ➢ ➢ Twitter: ➢ LinkedIn: ➢ YouTube: ➢TikTok: FOLLOW Mark Bell ➢ Instagram: ➢ Facebook: ➢ Twitter: ➢ Snapchat: marksmellybell ➢Mark Bell's Daily Workouts, Nutrition and More: Follow Nsima Inyang ➢ Podcast Produced by Andrew Zaragoza ➢ #PowerProject #Podcast #MarkBell

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Power Project crew, what's going down? Thank you for checking out the podcast today. We're doing another special edition where the three of us are in all different parts of the world. We don't plan on doing this very often, but it is cool to have a bit of a backup plan in case we all can't get into the studio or get to a computer to do a remote podcast. This way, like I said, just takes all the excuses out so that way we can still bring you guys some dope podcasts. This episode is going to drop on August 1st. I can't believe the year is going by this fast.
Starting point is 00:00:30 But thank you again for everybody that's been kind of rocking with us all year. Before Mark takes the mic, I'm going to talk to you guys real quick about Element Electrolytes. Back last week when I was in Lake Tahoe with my family, I probably wouldn't have been able to survive without Element. You know, being up and down the hills, walking in and out of all these random shops in Lake Tahoe, there wasn't a lot of water around. But the water that I did have around was full of Element electrolytes. The stuff is incredible. We've been talking to you guys about it for years now. We've been taking it for years. Some really fun side effects of Element other than
Starting point is 00:01:13 getting rid of cramps and kind of helping you with the pump if you're on a low carb diet. My wife is still currently breastfeeding my son. He's only six months old. And oddly enough, she can only have one element pack a day. If she goes more than that, she goes from, this is going to be kind of weird, but like she goes from Pam Anderson, like after she got her boobs taken out, she has a second pack. And then she kind of goes back to Pam Anderson in the golden era. So what I'm saying is her milk supply goes through the roof and it's almost a little bit too much. It actually becomes painful. So she has to keep it down to one pack a day. That's how amazing this stuff is on top of all those amazing benefits. Um, you guys know that the performance
Starting point is 00:01:56 side of things, uh, Mark takes them every day and Suma takes them every day. I take them every day. I don't go a day without taking my element electrolytes. They have amazing flavors. I take them every day. I don't go a day without taking my Element electrolytes. They have amazing flavors. So make sure you guys take advantage of that right now. You can head over to slash powerproject. At the time of this recording, hopefully by the time it's uploaded and published,
Starting point is 00:02:22 they're still offering a free Element recharge pack. So that's an eight sample pack. All you have to do is pay the $5 shipping and you get that sample pack for free. But if you are ready to dive in, highly recommend that you don't just get one box, get that value bundle because you're going to get four boxes for the price of three. And I promise you, you are definitely going to enjoy it, but let's go ahead and get this show on the road. Uh, I'm going to pass the mic on the left-hand side to my boy, Mark Bell, who's going to tell you guys how he has been staying connected to his fitness while he's up in New Jersey. Then he's going to shift the mic over to Encima,
Starting point is 00:02:53 and then he's going to pass it back, and I'll go ahead and close out the show. But anyway, without further ado, here's your boy, Mark Bell. All right, everybody. This is another edition of mark bell's power project i am your handsome jacked host along with on the keyboards over there is andrew zaragoza and on the meat flute is my boy and sema and yang today we're talking about balancing out your life with your fitness how to keep it incorporated how to keep going, how to stay connected to your training, connected to your fitness, even while you're on vacation or even while it's a holiday. I think first and foremost, finding things that you're interested in and finding things that you like to do is always going to be the best route to keep with consistency and to stay connected to it.
Starting point is 00:03:46 It's going to be hard to stay connected to your fitness if what you're doing is something that's not pleasurable or not something you enjoy. Right now I'm on a walk with my son, a one hour walk to the beach. Last night when I came home from dinner with a bunch of family members, I'm out here in New Jersey in Seaside Heights, the Jersey Shore, fist pumping, partying, clubbing, being jacked, tan, gym tan, laundry, putting that shit on repeat every day. Out here with the family, though,
Starting point is 00:04:20 and it's a huge family reunion type thing that we do every year, and there's about 40 or 50 bells scattered throughout the Jersey Shore. And how I stay connected to my fitness is by involving others. And I've done that with my own children for a long time. They're not fitness freaks or fanatics. Neither one of them really are into training at the moment. But they both are active and they both like to walk and do stuff but I've been inclusive of my children and my wife in my fitness journey
Starting point is 00:04:53 the entire time that they've been around extended from meals extended from exercise extended from messing around with a hip circle in the living room and doing some squats on a slant board in the living room to doing various movements with the hip circle and then saying, hey, Quinn, try this. Hey, Andy, try that. Right in our very living room. All the way to the point where it's not uncommon to get engaged in some push-ups with my son Jake. We'll go back and forth with a slingshot.
Starting point is 00:05:28 I do try to do double the reps that he does. We get to stay competitive with each other, have some fun. Try to bust out about 100 push-ups total. Something like that. Last night, I didn't really feel like going for a walk. But in previous nights, I told my son Jake, I said, let's just get out here and walk every night. Let's just make it happen. As soon as we get home every night, let's pop out of the car and hit up a walk.
Starting point is 00:05:57 Last night, I didn't want to walk. And the night before that, if I'm being honest, I skipped out on it. But every other night that we've been here, we've been going on good walks. And last night, Jake was like, hey, let's go hit up that walk. And I was thinking in my head, I'm too tired. But when somebody else wants you to do something, especially when it's your own child, that's very motivating. And the fact that he wants to get in some exercise and so did his sister., I'm like, fuck yeah, and so we went out on that walk, I've been inclusive with my family and children on my entire fitness journey, whether it be the business side of things, or whether it be
Starting point is 00:06:37 the lifting side of things, they know most of my friends, they know most of the people in fitness, so this way in the household, there's not a negative feel about fitness. It's not like, oh, you know, effing dad's got to go to the gym for four hours. It's like, no, dad's, you know, going to train to help make himself better, which helps drive business, which helps the whole thing, which helps provide this house and everything else that we're doing. And even if you're not a fitness influencer or a pioneer in fitness, even if you are somebody that's just exercising, the whole family should understand. And if they don't understand, you should explain it to them. What training means to you, what being strong means to you, what seeing improvements to your body means to you, what being strong means to you, what seeing improvements to your
Starting point is 00:07:25 body means to you, rather than you just looking in the mirror and flexing, not explaining to anyone what it's like, what it feels like, what it is that you truly love and enjoy and what you're truly chasing and what you're really after. And I think what we're after is self-improvement. The more self-improvement we have, the more self-discovery we have, the more control we have, the easier it is to error-correct and make changes and become a better human every single day. And lifting, running, climbing, jumping,
Starting point is 00:07:58 playing some recreational sports, you know, climbing, cycling, you know, whatever it is. These things are all really more important to us than the actual thing itself. It's what it does to our brain, body, mind, spirit. It's a cranker for all three of them. You crank up all three of those things. So for me today and connected to my fitness during holidays or during family stuff is not hard at all because the environment around me is the environment I brought to the table and explained to everybody long ago. So now
Starting point is 00:08:40 people will ask, Oh, are you training or where are you going to you're going to lift are we going to run pretty much every day i've been out here in new jersey been on a walk run with my with my cousin stacy and uh tomorrow's our last day here so i'll make sure i get at least one more of those in before we take off and they've been shit they've been about five miles it's actually been pretty brutal my lifting i haven't stayed as connected to my lifting because it just hasn't been as convenient but i like to view some of these times as being times to enjoy doing something different i'm going to work out today. This will be the third workout in the 10 days that I've been gone from a lifting perspective. So I am still staying connected to it
Starting point is 00:09:32 because I don't want to undervalue the role that it plays to have resistance training in your life. And really, you know, if you break things down to the basics, we're trying to mess up the protein in our body, our muscles. Scramble them up a little bit. Give them reasons to send them a message to grow. And then repair that by eating enough protein. And also eating enough fat to where our hormones aren't compromised. And eating enough overall nutrients to where our hunger and cravings aren't compromised. So, even on vacation, those are all things I keep in mind. compromised and eating enough overall nutrients to our hunger and cravings aren't compromised so
Starting point is 00:10:05 even on vacation those are all things i keep in mind i still utilize protein leveraging i still utilize intermittent fasting protein leveraging is just cranking up your protein eating lots of protein so let's say you're on vacation you don't know what to do with your diet. I'd say every day of your vacation eat like 300 grams of protein. Or go up 100 grams above what you normally are used to. So you do get an opportunity to overeat and enjoy. But you overeat and enjoy on the one macronutrient that is not going to make you fat. Unless you were to add tremendous amounts of calories from carbohydrates or fat to the mix.
Starting point is 00:10:48 You're not going to gain weight in that particular predicament and in that particular time frame. I'll be sure I'm talking about a couple of days. So trust me on it. I've done it 9 million times and I'll continue to do it this trip. I've been a little bit more connected to my diet than some other trips. The way I've done it is with cottage cheese, yogurt, my steak shake, of course,
Starting point is 00:11:16 lean cuts of steak from Piedmontese. I just had it shipped right out here. Hit the store, bought up some chicken. My family is carnivorous. we eat a lot of meat so there's burgers and hot dogs and there's buns and potato salad and normal stuff you'd see at normal people's parties there's still cookies and things like that but for me i just choose not to eat those things and i choose to stick to eating things that are more conducive towards my goals. I find that the more that I do that, the happier I am with myself. And it makes me feel good.
Starting point is 00:11:54 It makes me feel confident. And the last thing is, while we were out here, we celebrated a couple family members' birthdays. And it's also some of the times that we have. There are times that probably aren't going to happen again. Or moments that might not happen again. So as much as I stayed connected to everything. And did my best on everything. I also went off plan a little bit.
Starting point is 00:12:16 Ate a little bit of ice cream one night. Two other nights I had some drinks. Again just to. Strengthen the experience sometimes. Sometimes it feels good just to celebrate again, just to strengthen the experience sometimes. Sometimes it feels good just to celebrate and just to engage in what everybody else is doing. And if you're somebody that has been training with weights, we don't want to really use weights as an excuse to eat whatever we want. But it does increase your metabolism. For every pound of muscle that you gain, you're instantly burning 10 extra calories,
Starting point is 00:12:52 not doing anything at all. For every pound of muscle that you gain, you're automatically burning an additional 10 calories. If you put that muscle into motion, I don't know what the numbers say, but I would imagine that it probably doubles or triples. So you do burn a lot more calories when you train. And therefore. You deserve to. Reward yourself here and there. But be careful with that word reward. And be cautious of what it means to you. Because.
Starting point is 00:13:18 It doesn't make sense to lose 20 pounds of body fat. When you're obese. And then to reward yourself with an ice cream cake. That is just going to. Probably promote you to slip back into old habits. And I'm not saying to do away with the old habits forever. I'm just saying to be very cautious of them. Because I know for some, for many, many people, it's a slippery slope. And once that door is open, you tend to really want to eat a lot.
Starting point is 00:13:43 So I'm going to pass the microphone on over to insima i'll let him rip this thing apart because uh insima has a different lifestyle he doesn't have a family yet i got two kids and my situation is much different than his so he'll explain how he keeps fitness connected to everything that he does, and his nutrition even, all while incorporating jiu-jitsu, lifting, and just being an overall stud. This episode was brought to you by Element. Appreciate their support. Support the people that support the Power Project. Element, it's a fantastic electrolyte supplement to take throughout
Starting point is 00:14:27 the day any time of day to help with muscle fatigue muscle cramps many of you that do a keto diet or intermittent fasting type of diets or any kind of fasting really will notice that without food you start to feel like shit but if you have micronutrients in the form of electrolytes you'll notice that you'll feel much better so make sure you get those electrolytes in check out what they have to offer over at element strength is never a weakness weakness never strength take it on over and sema hey peeps what's up just here playing my meat flute whatever that really means. But let's talk real quick about how I found it easy to stay connected to fitness. Because I think a big thing about the way I approach my fitness is none of my fitness really feels like work. None of it feels hard. None of it feels like, oh, I have to get ready
Starting point is 00:15:21 for the gym or, oh, I have to go to jujitsu. Nothing feels difficult. I think Mark keyed in on it at the beginning of what he mentioned. He mentioned that you need to find something in a form of fitness that you're truly interested in, right? And for me, I've played soccer from the age of six to 21. So when I got injured, I've been lifting since I was 13. And I started focusing on lifting when I was 21 years old. Like only lifting and power lifting and bodybuilding. And I loved it. I loved it.
Starting point is 00:15:54 But I still wanted to find something that allowed me to use my body in some different dynamic ways. So when I got to jiu-jitsu, I was like, oh, snap. I love this. Like I got my ass beat by someone who, oh, snap. I love this. I got my ass beat by someone who was half my size. I love this. It was great, right? So now doing jujitsu and lifting, it doesn't feel like, oh, I got to go train or, oh, I got to go do this because these are truly things that I am absolutely interested in. So the big thing, the big thing in terms of being connected to your fitness and making it something that doesn't feel like work, making it something
Starting point is 00:16:32 where it doesn't feel like you need to drag yourself to go to train, is to find a form of fitness and to create a training plan that you like, doing movements that you enjoy. Because it's going to give you the excitement to get up even on days when your body is like, doing movements that you enjoy, because it's going to give you the excitement to get up even on days when your body is like, oh boy or girl, you're tired, right? You can get up and you can go do what you need to do because your interest level over or your interest level surpasses your feeling of fatigue or your feeling of tiredness or maybe your lack of potential motivation on that day. Now, this is another thing I want to let you guys know. A lot of you guys listening, almost everyone lifts to an extent, right? And almost everyone
Starting point is 00:17:17 does some form of powerlifting or bodybuilding or just lifting in general. But listen, if there's something else you wanted to do, if there's something else you wanted to do, if there's something else you wanted to take up, if maybe you wanted to go try out a CrossFit box for the community involvement, which is honestly a great idea. Or let's say that maybe you want to take up swimming, which is another great idea. Or I have a friend that does pole fitness. Now this friend is not a stripper, but a lot of people they'll, they'll, they'll get poles and they'll do pole fitness. So they'll, that takes a lot of upper body strength and they'll learn how to do tricks and stuff on poles, which takes a lot of strength. That's a form of fitness she enjoys that doesn't feel like
Starting point is 00:18:02 work for her, that she can just get up, she can do, she can do some tricks, she can learn new things, build up her body strength, and it captivates her and she's interested in it. So she keeps it, right? I think that we all need to figure out what that is. For me, during corona quarantine time, oh, I hope we have to bleep that out because that word, during quarantine, I started getting good with kettlebells and I really like kettlebells now as a form of fitness. And that's an easy thing that if you're traveling, you can take like, there are sandbag kettlebells where you can fill a kettlebell with like sand and do that. But it's another type of thing that
Starting point is 00:18:43 you can do when you're traveling. When I'm traveling, I like taking a jump rope with me. It just allows me to get some movement in. I think one big thing that we should try to get in the habit of is not just finding a form of fitness that we're truly interested in, that we truly enjoy. Because again, if we're interested in it and we enjoy it, it's not going to feel like work even on the hardest days, which is going to allow us to stay consistent, which is going to allow us to get good. But we also need to build the habit of just daily movement. We talked about this on podcasts before. But for me personally, if I don't get enough movement in a day, my body feels it.
Starting point is 00:19:19 I feel like I need to get something out of me. Right. And I think that that can be a very strong thing to build. Just the habit of doing something. It could be taking a long walk. It could be taking a medium jog if you don't have access to a gym. It could be doing, if you're at home and you haven't had access to a gym, doing a quick kettlebell circuit, something that makes you sweat, something that makes you move and building that habit. Because when it does become a habit, then it just becomes something that you do. It's not something that you need to work on. It's not something that you need to get up and motivate yourself to take action on.
Starting point is 00:19:57 Now it's just it's just part of the day. It's just part of your daily routine. And that's what we want this to turn into. Because if we can turn your fitness into a daily routine where it's just something you do, just like brushing your teeth, staying in shape is going to be one of the easiest things that you're ever going to be able to do for your entire life. It's not going to take effort. It's not going to take mental grit. It's now just part of your daily routine. And that's what it's turned into for Mark, for myself, for Andrew. It's just turned into of your daily routine. And that's what it's turned into for Mark, for myself, for Andrew. It's just turned into a basic daily routine.
Starting point is 00:20:28 It's turned into a basic habit, something that we do on a day-to-day basis that takes no effort, that takes no thought. We just do it. That is the same exact way that we approach our diet. We have all instilled different habits into our dietary protocols each day that allow us to make the right actions without thinking. It's not stressful. We're not worried about the foods we eat or the decisions we make because we've input structures into the way that we eat and our habits that now all of that falls in line with actions that we take as far as our exercise is concerned. And it just all melts together. It takes no mental effort, no motivation, no grit, no fortitude. It's just turned into a habit. Initially, it wasn't that way. But by continuous action, by continuous practice, it has turned into that.
Starting point is 00:21:24 think, guys, I really want you to take the time and, and like, if you're someone who lives cool, if you truly enjoy that and you don't, you know, you can just get yourself in the gym every day or, or do that. Cool. But really try to think, think about now, think about a year from now, think about your future. Is there anything as far as physical capacity or physical culture, moving your body or doing something with your body, is there anything that you've really wanted to try or get good at? I mean, shoot, maybe it's something like gymnastics or yoga or whatever. Is there anything that you really wanted to do? I really want to actually try out some hot yoga. I've never done that. So I'm going to go find myself a class. But listen, if there's something that you really wanted to try, go get your ass signed up for it. I get too many DMs of people saying, I want to do jujitsu, but I can't do blah, blah, blah. Go freaking sign up for it and get your
Starting point is 00:22:14 butt in there and get going. Okay. If you want to do some hot yoga, go freaking sign up for it and get going. All right. Don't, don't keep thinking about it. Just go do it. It's going to be hard at first. You're not going to be used to it. It's going to feel a little bit uncomfortable. You're not going to be good. That is OK. Give yourself the time to get better. And when you get better at something you're truly interested in, when you get decent at it, that is one of the best feelings in the world. All right. So that's it here. Go get yourself doing something you're interested in because it's going to be something you do for the rest of your life and you'll be so happy you took action on it. And if you guys do have something you're interested in, please comment below if you're on YouTube or message us. Just go to YouTube and comment and let us know
Starting point is 00:22:56 what is the form of fitness that you truly love or what is the form of fitness that you're about to go and try and when are you going to sign up for it? Because I'm not joking. You need to go take action on that right now. All right? So that's it. That's all I have to say about this. Andrew, homie, zaddy, take it away, buddy. Thank you, Mr. Inseema Pants. It's funny. He calls me zaddy. My old ass, I had to actually look it up. And what's funny is like, I don't necessarily
Starting point is 00:23:23 like fit the description. It's like supposed to be like a dad that like has a good fashion sense. And I don't know. It makes it even worse. It makes it even funnier. But anyway, they've already given you guys all the awesome benefits and tips and stuff like that that you're going to need to help you stay connected to your fitness. need to help you stay connected to your fitness. And, um, so I'll do what I can and I'll add some of the things that have helped me and some of the things like, you know, somebody at my level in my fitness journey has, um, found beneficial. Um, but before I do, if you guys are digging this
Starting point is 00:23:55 format, please hit the like button on YouTube. Uh, and please leave us a review on iTunes if you can, um, that, that, that does a lot. It's a huge help for the show. Um, so for me anyways, um, like I said, those two guys have taught you guys so much and they've taught me a ton. Um, just being around them, I've been able to get better in all aspects of life. So that's like my number one tip is surround yourself with people that are like-minded. You know, if, if, um, if I still had some of the same friends, I mean, don't get me wrong, like everyone's still cool. I don't dislike anybody that I used to hang out with, but there's a reason why I don't hang out with the same people anymore.
Starting point is 00:24:37 Not to say that anyone's in bad shape or anything like that, but I can't really think of anybody that I used to hang out with that goes to the gym like on a daily basis. So because of that, I just, I can't really relate. And then even still, you know, it's like, I'll, I'll do my, I won't do my best, but every now and again, I'll kind of, you know, have a little conversation with somebody. And it's like, it's tough because like, I don't even know what to say sometimes, you know, I don't, I don't watch sports anymore. Um, you know, I don't, I don't watch sports anymore. Um, you know, I'm, I'm a dork for this stuff. Just like you guys, all I do is, uh, you know, eat, sleep lifting and like, like Mark said, uh, gym tan laundry, that that's, that's literally it.
Starting point is 00:25:15 But, um, yeah, I would say, uh, one of the things that helps me stay connected is just hanging around people that are into fitness. There's Mark, there's Nsema, there's everybody at the gym. Um, even my family, you know, my wife, we, we kind of got together because we both liked working out. Apologies if you can hear my son crying in the background, he's having a tough day. Um, but yeah, I, it's, it's, it's been a blast, you know, kind of growing with my wife as, as far as like our fitness side of things. And, um, that would be my next tip is if you can get your significant other involved. Um, I understand sometimes they're not into it as much as you, and that's okay. You know, maybe find out what they like to do and be super into that. Uh, this morning was actually pretty
Starting point is 00:26:02 cool. Um, you know, I took my wife through a cool leg workout here at home and, uh, I'm definitely going to feel it later because I, I kinda, I did, I pushed myself a little bit harder, but I didn't, you know, return the favor. Uh, I just wanted to make sure she had a good workout, but also keeping in mind that including more people, uh, depending on their fitness level, it's probably going to make, make it so that way that that workout's not a 10 out of 10 and that's okay. And that goes to my next tip, you know, like, um, so my, my daughter, she likes to play baseball. Uh, it's more like batting practice. We'll, we'll walk to the park
Starting point is 00:26:42 and you know, I'll just, uh, we play play out what's it called? A blitz ball. So that's that ball that you can throw some wicked curves and stuff. So we play with that. And she's actually gotten really good at hitting the ball. So some days that might be my 10-minute walk or even my cardio. We'll call it my cardio for the day. Is it going to be the same as hitting, you know, 800 calories on the step mill? Of course not. But is it going to help, you know, keep my daughter connected to her fitness, keep her active, keep her moving? Is it going to help the family grow a little bit closer together? Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:27:19 So keeping that in mind, you know,'re, we're way too hard on ourselves. If we, uh, you know, I guess go for a heavy squat and then next, you know, the next day we're like, I should have went for a triple, right. Especially if it was 800 pounds, right. Come on now, Ronnie Coleman. But, uh, yeah. So understanding that sometimes like the, the workout's not going to be a 10 out of 10, but at least you got points on the scoreboard. You can check, you can check the box off on yesterday saying, yep, I got a workout in cause we went to the park, you know, for an hour I was running around chasing the ball. I was pitching, I was hitting, uh, man, I, I, I hit the shit out of those balls. It's pretty good. Um, but yeah, so understanding
Starting point is 00:28:06 that it's not going to be a 10 out of 10 is, um, is it's really helpful cause it's going to help you, you know, kind of get up off the couch or when you get home and, um, you know, your daughter's bored or she's just like, Oh, you've been inside all day. I'm like, all right, let's go outside. It's definitely going to help. And then another thing too, like even just for like a 10 minute walk, um, it's kind of sucks to admit, but like if my son's getting fussy, I'm, I'm pretty shitty when it comes to trying to get him to go to sleep, you know, like I'll hold him and he's just like, Nope, like you ain't mom, like give me to her or like, just get away from me. You know, he, uh, he gets even like more fussy, but the one thing I know that works is I throw him in the stroller and we go for a walk and probably about, I don't know,
Starting point is 00:28:52 like five, six minutes in he's passed out. So I, by the time I get home, you know, that's good. We're good to go. So that's just another thing that I do to make sure that, you know, I stay, I stay connected and that's another thing, you know, like I don't have to, um, I don't have to run with him. I don't have to do anything like that. I just go for a little stroll. Next thing I know, 10 minutes have passed and, you know, I'm getting closer to that 10,000 steps a day. And then the last thing, you know, very much what Mark and Seema have already told you guys about the interest level and staying connected to things. Right now, I'm having a blast following Doug Brignoli's training methods, the Brig 20. When I'm doing the Big 3, I tend to do too much and I tend to hurt myself.
Starting point is 00:29:39 I've got to focus on putting that limiter a little bit further down so that way I don't try to go too heavy or too hard or do too much. I always hurt myself when I'm doing the brig 20, man, everything just feels great. I, I chased the pump and every workout and it's incredible and I'm staying pain free. That's the important thing. So that's what I'm doing right now. And I am super interested in doing it because I'm seeing progress. I'm getting results. And I just, I, like I said, I, I feel great. I feel pain, like no pain. Had I been still doing, um, we'll just go way back, uh, like doing CrossFit stuff or even further back, back when I didn't know what I was doing, I used to just like, okay, Hey, I want to get in shape. What's the, you know, the one thing that you're supposed to do, uh, you're supposed to eat salads and go jogging. Yeah. My, my skinny ass
Starting point is 00:30:31 would, um, I would just like throw on my headphones on my iPhone four and I would just go run. I would, I mean, I would try to run. I was, I'm terrible at it, but that didn't last very long. I hated it. If, if, sorry, and that's no offense to anybody that does like running. I know Mark's been having a good time running. I do not enjoy it. And if I was forcing myself to try to run every day, I mean, come on, we already know where that's going to end up. Like I'm not going to wake up early and go run. I'm going to wake up early and, you know, do some decline bench pressing and stuff like that. Some dumbbells or some cables, because that's a lot of fun because as soon as I'm done, I can feel the pump and I feel like I'm growing and I feel fantastic.
Starting point is 00:31:15 So reevaluate what you're working right now. Um, if you're doing a program and you kind of, you know, you're looking at it and you're like, oh man, I don't know. Or even if you are doing a program and you're looking at tomorrow's workout because you're like, fuck, what do I have to do tomorrow? If I have to do this today, what do I have to do tomorrow? Maybe that's a sign that you should switch things up. We just had a podcast about switching things up
Starting point is 00:31:41 to keep things spicy. Maybe it's time to either take a break from it. You know, like Mark said, how he's sometimes being out on vacation, you can't really go to a gym. You have to switch things up a little bit. And that kind of, you know, what is it? Absence makes the heart grow fonder. Maybe trying something like that. Maybe hit up, you know, these, the, the brig 20 workouts for a week and then go back to your program. That might be a way to kind of, you know, reignite the flame for whatever program you're, you're working with right now. So yeah, that's how I stay connected to my fitness. And again, marketing SEMA crushed it. So they told you guys everything you need to, uh, to take with you.
Starting point is 00:32:20 Hopefully my experience and where I'm at in my journey has helped as well. And hopefully you guys are digging this episode, um, and this style of episode. Again, if you guys are liking it, please make sure you let us know down in the comments, hit that like button, subscribe if you're not already. And, uh, please do leave us a, um, uh, a written review on iTunes that helps out a ton. Um, but yeah, so that's it for me. Um, please follow the podcast at Mark Bell's power project on Instagram at MB power project on Tik TOK and Twitter. And, um, also I've, I've been lagging on the, um, the newsletter, but some very new, exciting stuff will be coming very soon to the podcast, like some life altering stuff. So, um,
Starting point is 00:33:03 please make sure you guys hit that subscribe button on the newsletter links will be down in the description as well as the podcast show notes. My Instagram and Twitter is at, I am Andrew Z. Please follow in SEMA at in SEMA in Yang on Instagram and that's it. And then in SEMA yin Yang on Tik TOK and Twitter, Mark Bell is at Mark Smelly Bell all over the place. Thank you again for checking out this podcast. Strength is never a weakness. Weakness is never a strength. Catch you guys on the next one. Peace.

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