Mark Bell's Power Project - EP. 568 - Your Relationship With Food Sucks So Don't Diet

Episode Date: August 6, 2021

You might need to address a "bad relationship" with food before considering a diet. These are things to look out for and how to start off on the right foot. Subscribe to the NEW Power Project! ➢ Subscribe to the Podcast on on Platforms! ➢ Special perks for our listeners below! ➢Marek Health: Use code POWERPROJECT for $101 off the Power Project Panel! ➢Eat Rite Foods: Use ode "POWERPROJECT25" for 25% off your first order, then code "POWERPROJECT" for 10% off every order after! ➢LMNT Electrolytes: ➢Piedmontese Beef: Use Code "POWERPROJECT" at checkout for 25% off your order plus FREE 2-Day Shipping on orders of $99 ➢Sling Shot: Enter Discount code, "POWERPROJECT" at checkout and receive 15% off all Sling Shots Follow Mark Bell's Power Project Podcast ➢ Insta: ➢ ➢ Twitter: ➢ LinkedIn: ➢ YouTube: ➢TikTok: FOLLOW Mark Bell ➢ Instagram: ➢ Facebook: ➢ Twitter: ➢ Snapchat: marksmellybell ➢Mark Bell's Daily Workouts, Nutrition and More: Follow Nsima Inyang ➢ Instagram: Podcast Produced by Andrew Zaragoza ➢ Instagram: #PowerProject #Podcast #MarkBell

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Starting point is 00:00:00 because these things are so damn tight they don't give me no space oh yeah fart bubble is it gonna go up the back or up the front up the back oh yeah they'll go up the back like your shirt will just like magically like just start and we're live yeah we're alive we're live it's pretty uh pretty magical when you when you when you fart into a um When you fart into anything, I guess. Period. What the fuck? A wetsuit. Fart into a wetsuit.
Starting point is 00:00:32 Of course you did. It's amazing. Actually, yeah, I did that in yours. You pull the neck out and it's just like, whoa. It really seals it in somehow. I don't understand. I mean, if water can't get in and out. Yeah, right?
Starting point is 00:00:45 Pretty sure farts are a little bit thicker than water. It's a bad situation. Farts are thicker. What is that saying? Something is thicker than water. Blood. Blood is thicker than water, yes. What a good saying.
Starting point is 00:00:56 Tren. I would know nothing about that. Water? Thicker than blood? A real question. Is Tren thicker than water? Because isn't it mixed with oil to get in the... Right?
Starting point is 00:01:10 Water and oil don't mix? Yeah. But Tren and oil do. I don't know. It seems like... You guys can continue this conversation. I'm just going to... I'm going to take my Kratom.
Starting point is 00:01:23 Seema's on loads of stuff. You see how jacked he was on that walk? I just stare at his lats when we're walking. On purpose, I just like, dude, it doesn't make sense. They're just there and they're just back and forth, back and forth. They're just bouncing. Real quick, I want to let you guys know that we have an episode with Lane Norton coming out next week um and lane said something where i was like huh okay so that and motivation a lot of that makes sense lane said his testosterone was like 800 to a thousand yeah right i was like god dang
Starting point is 00:01:54 mine's like 650 to 700 like damn like wow that's uh it kind of maybe makes because you know how hoobman always talks about like testosterone it it's like to effort and all that. You see the amount of work he puts in. So you wonder if like, cause Andrew also said that the more work you put in, the more you're just like, the more you produce. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:15 Right. So it's just an interesting thing either way. Yeah. That's all. It makes a big difference for me. Oh my goodness. And down the hatch. i wish i had some element i don't have any i don't know why it is dirty there's some over there okay let me oh but then you need water i need water now let's not just raw dog it oh no no no no i'm not gonna do that here but i will put some chocolate element
Starting point is 00:02:41 in my protein shake so be right back uh and now you guys are about to see something you don't want to see. No, no one's going to see. Oh, because the camera doesn't go down far. No. Wow. Unless you were to do a,
Starting point is 00:02:55 like a bit of a handstand. Like if you're getting out of a, out of a pool, you know, on the front of the table, just saying, Oh, they can't see a little bit.
Starting point is 00:03:03 If you step right, yep. Right there. So guys, uh, these are the new strong shorts that are coming out for men. This is the extra large. You got to get a little bit closer to the table. They're so tight. It's like pulling your butt cheeks apart.
Starting point is 00:03:13 There you go. Right there. Yeah, right there. You guys see that hamstring? Hamstring separation? No, too low. Your butthole's almost showing. Almost.
Starting point is 00:03:20 I really can see your temperature when you're wearing those shorts. Mm-hmm. It's cold. It's cold. But guys, if you haven't already, we love Element Electrolytes. I take this like if it's a non-workout day, I take two of these. If it's a workout day, it's three to four. Just because I can tell like when I wake up, having this is different because like I get fully hydrated. I get all my electrolytes.
Starting point is 00:03:46 It helps a lot. Same, same. And I do a lot of fasting. I don't eat a lot of carbohydrates. And then when I work out or people see some pictures online, they're like, how do you get such a pump? How do your veins show up and stuff like that? I think a lot of it has to do with staying properly hydrated. I still feel like I can get a good pump during training.
Starting point is 00:04:04 And actually, I'll notice a big difference in my strength. My strength will seem down a bit if I'm not hydrated and I'm not getting in the proper amount of electrolytes for the day. And I'll even feel a little woozy. I'll go to do something like a deadlift, and I'll be like, whoa, that wasn't good. I'll get like a little lightheaded. So having the extra sodium in there from the Element, I think, helps quite a bit.
Starting point is 00:04:28 Yep. And then yesterday with hanging out with Doug Brignoli, some podcasting. Well, actually, we hung out before the podcast, podcast, after the podcast, filmed a bunch of content. I don't know. I was just hanging out all day. Like, you know, I'm a big fan of Doug's, and I didn't want to miss any kind of tidbits or anything that I didn't catch uh by reading his book or going through some of his training programs
Starting point is 00:04:48 and um he at the end of the day he was like hey uh i noticed you didn't eat today i was like no i just been having electrolytes all day and that's what got me through then i went home and had a big old meal but what i'm trying to say is like i fasted all day yesterday and didn't really feel too bad i felt pretty good just drinking Element. I'm proud of you for fasting. Thank you. You're not normally fasting, but you've been doing it lately. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:12 Are you proud? I am, actually. I appreciate it, guys. Thank you. It's because I hang out with you guys. But talking to Ryan, because same thing, he was filming a lot and he's just like, yeah, dude, I'm kind of having a cool little fast right now. How cool is it to have that in your back pocket?
Starting point is 00:05:27 It would suck if we were just so dependent on eating every couple hours, but now we just like, nope, I'm going to fast through it, no big deal. And again, I like having Element electrolytes when I'm fasting because it just makes it easier. I don't feel like I'm without. I feel pretty fantastic if I'm being honest. Throw some in your morning coffee, the chocolate. I need to shake this up a little more. Do that. All right. Well, I'm seeing with shaking it up, making it almost too loud. No, that's good. For more information or if you guys want to just pick
Starting point is 00:05:56 up some element right now, head over to slash power project. I think they're still doing the free recharge pack, but if not, make sure you guys get a value bundle. you're going to get four boxes for the price of three the grapefruit salt the watermelon salt the citrus salt and the orange salt are my favorite four or my four favorites when i got a little dyslexic um so definitely give those a shot and um uh yeah so no code needed just head over to drink slash power project link down in the description as well as the podcast show notes chug chug chug today we're going to be talking about having a bad relationship with food and kind of almost what you should do when you're kind of looking into a nutritional intervention of some sort or just looking to get on some sort of diet
Starting point is 00:06:41 i think one thing to recognize is that um i think there's a few things I'll point out right off the bat is, identifying where your problem is is critical. And so understanding who you are and how you operate is important. However, I would like for people to adopt a, you know, we talk about flexible dieting, but let's have a flexible mindset. Because I would consider the way that I eat, I would consider it flexible. Because
Starting point is 00:07:13 sometimes I fast, sometimes I don't. Sometimes I eat carbohydrates, sometimes I don't. But I'm primarily on a carnivore style diet. But the carnivores would eat me alive if, you know, if I made a post saying I'm carnivore and I'm sitting there eating an orange, which I'll eat oranges and apples and things like that here and there. I have protein shakes. I have things that are off plan. I have dairy.
Starting point is 00:07:34 I have things that are not. I guess dairy could be considered to be in the carnivore wheelhouse or whatever. But anyway, the point is, is like, let's have a flexible mindset to the point where you can you can admit that you don't currently have a great relationship with food and that you think that certain foods are bad or whenever you get to really restrict or you try to get in a caloric deficit to lose some weight that every single time it seems like you end up on a binge. I think that's okay to have that outward thought. But to think that you're living there forever and that you're married to that concept, I think you're living under a misunderstanding. You may have a bad relationship with food, but why not think about it like that's my current situation? I currently have not developed a great mindset around food to the point where I feel like I can have good agency and good control over particular styles of diet. I think that would be a great place to start when you're thinking about your relationship with food. And one thing, too, is like when somebody chooses to go on a diet when you go into a deficit of
Starting point is 00:08:48 calories that's already tough because you're putting your body into a place where okay you are literally eating less than you than you do in terms of activity so your body's going to realize that so that's one stressor but if your relationship with food and I, I love that we're using this phrase because, uh, uh, a guy that we watch or I see quite a bit of his videos, uh, Greg Doucette hates that phrase relationship with food.
Starting point is 00:09:12 Like he doesn't like it. Yeah. He's like, am I taking it out on a date? Yeah, I know. I kind of don't like it either because the, I believe that a lot of people have a bad relationship to pizza and to ice
Starting point is 00:09:24 cream and to cookies and to candy. Those things are, we're not special. We're all in this together. And as Nseema is mentioning here, that if you're going to go and reduce the overall amount of calories that you're going to consume, you most likely are going to be reducing the amount of food that you're used to. There's ways to kind of get around that part. We can talk about that as we move forward. But you're most likely going to be reducing the amount of energy that your body is used to consuming. And so, therefore, you're going to be fucking hungry.
Starting point is 00:09:55 And everyone's going to be hungry. And not everyone's going to be hungry, but most people are going to feel hungry. And most people are going to feel like they have potential to go off the rails and have a bad relationship with food. Absolutely. And like you mentioned, one of the big things you need to do first is need to identify your problem. And one of the ways that people can identify problems is we've talked a lot about different habits that are going to help you with maintaining a, you know, being in a caloric deficit, but then being able to maintain it. But also habits into like as far as being on a diet and not feeling like you're on a diet. There are certain things we do that just make it easy. But one of the things that could be
Starting point is 00:10:33 super beneficial isn't something that you need to do the whole time you're dieting. But like I said, this is kind of a preview into our conversation we had with Lane, which is coming up on Monday. One of the things that he mentioned was, know tracking calories a little bit just so you understand what's actually going on because he's had uh anecd like anecdotes of people tracking where they're like i think i'm eating 1300 calories a day then they track their liquids they track all the snacks they have they track their salads that have the almonds and the salad dressing and the whatever in it. And they weren't actually eating 1300 calories a day. They're eating 2700 calories a day. We are really bad at truly gauging the amount of food that we put on our mouths,
Starting point is 00:11:13 especially when we're on autopilot and we just have these habits each day. So that's going to be one good thing that's going to allow you to figure out, wow, I'm drinking a lot of these calories from juice, alcohol, et cetera. And I'm snacking on all these little things, but they're adding up to 800, 900 calories. Then you can, that's, you can realize, oh, those are one of my problems. So now that you know, you're like, let me instead try to drink drinks that don't have calories. And maybe I can be more cognizant of my snacks or like us. I just really don't snack. It's rare, but I do have some stuff here and there.
Starting point is 00:11:48 Why do you think that you don't snack personally? Oh, well, because why'd you make that choice? A lot of my days I fast. So like through that, if I had a snack, it's going to make me hungrier.
Starting point is 00:11:58 Like once I eat that snack, I now a 30 minutes later, I'm like, well, why don't I just have a meal? Like I just ate this so why not like you're saying you said meals at meals i think that's really valuable right like when i usually eat i eat a meal um so it turns into okay why don't i just eat more so maybe you're thinking
Starting point is 00:12:15 it's not worth it it's not worth it for me because it's like what i get from that snack doesn't help me feel full it doesn't help me feel satiated it just gets me thinking about more food right and if i'm going through my day i'm not trying to think about more food at noon i want to eat later on um and also an ease especially like with nuts almonds like any type of small snack you'll put a few i like cashews and cashews were my guilty pleasure i I love cashews. Hot cashews? I've never had hot cashews. Oh, man. Now you got a boy. Oh, yeah, heat them up.
Starting point is 00:12:48 Well, just get them from the peanut guy or whatever. The peanut gallery. Yeah. It comes hot. Pause. What? Yeah. Heat them up.
Starting point is 00:12:55 Throw them in the microwave. Oh, yeah. Okay, okay. Or just do that, yeah. But if I were to take a few cashews, I'd have a mouthful, and that'll be like, mm, mm, mm. Why not a little more? And then it would turn into tremendous cashews. It tastes like mouthful and that'll be a why not a little more and then it would turn into tastes like hard butter to me they're just so delicious yes it really is like
Starting point is 00:13:11 hard butter right crunchy butter then like macadamia nuts just is butter crunchy butter you know what i've never liked macadamia nuts i don't know why they just taste too like well every once in a while you get a texture every once in a while you get a macadamia nut too that's a little off. I don't know why that is. But a bunch of them taste really good and you get one that just doesn't taste good. So you got to eat like 20 more to wash that taste out. Oh, of course. But yeah, I mean, these things get to be calorically dense.
Starting point is 00:13:40 So dense. Before you know it, I mean, even just a couple handfuls of nuts. Can I get a hey now? I don hey now, is quite a bit of calories. What I think is important, and you're mentioning weighing your food and measuring it out and tracking and those things. some value in that because you would be surprised to know that there are some foods that can really be maybe more worth it to you than, you know, and Seema's talking about the snacks for him personally not being worth it. You might find that certain things are worth it to you because they have a high amount of volume and low amounts of calories.
Starting point is 00:14:23 An example of this would be something like egg whites. I know recently because people are talking more about the importance of consuming fat. I think that sometimes in our, we're trying to get like this message across that you shouldn't be like fat free, but at the same time, egg whites still have a tremendous value. I still utilize egg whites at least a couple times a week. If I cook up a steak and I want to have an egg or two with it, I'll usually use a couple of egg whites, and I'll use a couple of whole eggs as well.
Starting point is 00:14:56 What the egg whites do for me is it allows me to use cheese. Now I'm replacing some of the calories I might get from the yolk with some of the cheese. But even if I don't do that, Now I'm replacing some of the calories I might get from the yolk with some of the cheese. But even if I don't do that, all I'm doing is I'm augmenting the meal by adding more volume without adding a lot more calories. So if I had, let's say to a meal you added 50 calories from egg whites, that's a pretty good portion size of egg whites or 100 calories worth of egg whites would be a pretty decent portion size of egg whites. That might be something that will assist you to feel more full and more satiated because you have more volume.
Starting point is 00:15:37 You also could take a bunch of spinach or some type of vegetable and heat that up, cook that up and have that with an omelet or something like that. And again, that could be another thing that could help fill you up with the overall amount of volume. That's one of the great things about vegetables is if they're not accompanied by anything, if you don't cook them in anything, they are high in volume, but they're low in calories. Another thing to think about too.
Starting point is 00:16:04 So picking foods that have high volume, right? Good amount of fiber. Like they take a bulk. We talk about protein all the time, but another part of identifying your problem is figuring out in what situations do you typically make the biggest mistakes? So that's why,
Starting point is 00:16:21 like I was talking to somebody the other day and they were talking about like when they usually diet that sometimes they end up binging. I'm like, okay, so what ends up happening in these situations when you binge? Take me through the day. What happens? Well, I mean, I'm eating. I'm being in a deficit. They were talking about the protein sources they eat, and they were saying like protein bars sometimes drink away protein, get a lot of it from bars, shakes, not a lot from food. Well, if we're able to then change our habit
Starting point is 00:16:50 from getting a lot of protein from these sources and getting more protein from food and still utilizing protein shakes here, and they may be, that'll be something that allows you to be satiated by the end of the day so that you don't end up being binging. Because if you feel hungrier at the end of the day, that means you're not satiated from the foods that you're eating. So that's just an example. But you need to figure out what are the things that cause me to binge? Is it stress from work
Starting point is 00:17:14 and maybe I'm not prepared as far as my meal so I don't have anything prepared and then I just choose to go and buy something? Find out what those situations are. Identify those problems because if you haven't identified those issues or those issues where you tend to always consistently make the mistake, you're driving home and you see McDonald's and that's the place you usually go to,
Starting point is 00:17:33 you haven't identified that, then when you're in a deficit and now you're putting more stress on yourself and now you're trying to diet and you haven't dealt with or you haven't even been cognizant of what these are, you're going to continue to make those mistakes through the diet and then you're going to say the diet doesn't work. There's a few different ways you can work your way through some of these processes that we're talking about. So in the case of like driving past your favorite fast food place, you could simply start to select a different route on your way home. Maybe you drive a different direction because you're just like, you know what, the urge is too great. I just end up doing that all the time. But an even more powerful thing that will safeguard you away from making poor decisions
Starting point is 00:18:11 is that you don't fucking care that McDonald's is there because you're going to, you're working on reframing your mindset. You're working on understanding McDonald's isn't necessarily like for me, it's been easier for me to just put foods in a certain categories and put certain things into certain categories. Even with certain people, it's easier sometimes for me to just say that person is kind of bad for me. Like I don't like hanging out with that person. I don't like their company. I don't hate them or anything.
Starting point is 00:18:42 I just they're not good for me. And same thing with food. Sometimes with foods, it's been easier, even with something like Coke zeros and stuff. I just noticed, I start to drink a lot of them when I have a bunch of them in my fridge. So for me personally, it's best that I don't have them in the fridge, but even a more powerful way of handling these things is to change your mindset and to understand like, it's not that bad for me to have some here and there, but I would like to work my way towards having less of them. Same thing with your morning coffee, whatever it is that's troubling you, whatever it is that's bugging you. But I have found it to be more powerful to be able to be stronger,
Starting point is 00:19:23 have a reframed mindset going into like a barbecue, a party at someone's house, learning necessarily, learning that the potato salad and the potato chips and some of these things, for me, it's easier for me just to say those things are bad. They're bad selections. They're not part of my normal diet. Now, I'm also going to say they can be part of my diet at any time, but it just can't be all the time. And it can't just be like whenever the hell I feel like it. Because for me, if I do that and I go off plan whenever the hell I want, I'm going to make excuses on how much I want to do that, how often I want to do that.
Starting point is 00:20:09 And then I'm in constant conflict and I'm building anxiety and stress and almost even some depression in a way about the situation that I'm in because I am trying to work towards a particular body, but I keep fucking self-sabotaging myself over and over again. And I believe that in today's world
Starting point is 00:20:31 where people are talking so much very openly about anxiety, which I think is a good thing, I think a lot of people's anxiety comes from this very thing. A lot of self-sabotage over and over and over again and not really being in true recognition of that's where a lot of your own issues are coming from. It's coming from your own coming from your own. You're doing these
Starting point is 00:20:56 things to yourself. It's not the stress of the day. It's not because somebody pissed you off. No one made you eat the fucking brownie. You ate the brownie, take ownership of it. It doesn't fall in line with your goals. No reason to beat yourself up over it, but you consumed an extra 500 calories that you didn't need. It's not conducive to what your goal is. You know, back to what I talk about all the time about interest level, you know, how interested are you? It just kind of shows if you're being honest with yourself you're not as interested as you thought you were in getting that body that you were looking forward
Starting point is 00:21:30 to working towards achieving i have a fun question um what if somebody's listening to and they they're like okay what what are the trigger foods like you just asked me like what what what actually is it what if in their minds they hear that and they're just like i'm just hungry like i'm just constantly hungry and i don't necessarily have a trigger food but at the beginning middle end of the day whenever it is that it happens there's like i just eat a lot because i'm just fucking hungry eat a lot of what though because people usually like when they eat a lot it's usually not i'm eating a lot of potatoes and steak and eggs. Correct. It's usually I'm eating a lot of just like rice and some snacks. And then I use rice because it's easy to put down and maybe it's fried with something.
Starting point is 00:22:13 So there's a lot of fat and a lot like it's just easy to put down. Right. It's what you're eating a lot of because what you're eating a lot of typically isn't whole food that you need to chew and digest. And it's usually highly palatable, really tasty, something that you can eat excessive amounts of, calorically dense. You got to figure out what that is. And we need to replace that with real food so that if you do end up in a situation where you're hungry, like you said, because we all get hungry when I get home at night and maybe I haven't eaten during the day, I'm super hungry. But when I stuff my face, I stuff my face with protein, maybe some carbohydrates,
Starting point is 00:22:52 but I can't eat an insane amount of that real food even though I'm so hungry. So I don't end up, doesn't end up messing up with what I'm trying to do with my diet. Would you agree with this? Do you feel that it's easier to be hungry than it is to like, think about your calories? That's interesting. Is it easier to be hungry than to think about all these different mathematical equations that could lead you to like,
Starting point is 00:23:15 you know, having the body that you want? Like, is it easier just to, just to fast and just to deal with hunger rather than like dealing with meal prep and fucking calculations and weighing your food and being so meticulous with all these numbers. Do you have,
Starting point is 00:23:28 can you kind of almost say, Hey, you don't want to fuck all those numbers. I'm not going to pay attention to any of that shit. I'm going to actually become partners and become buddies with some hunger. We're going to partner up. We're going to buddy up. I'm going to get used to hunger and not recognize.
Starting point is 00:23:40 And when I do have hunger, I'm not always going to act on it. Dude. Yes. Dude, yes. Like that's the exact thing that happened when I started fasting, when you started fasting. Initially it was hard because what I was used to was you get hungry in the morning, you eat. You get hungry three hours later, you eat.
Starting point is 00:24:01 You get hungry and you don't eat for a period of time, you're annoyed and angry. So when you go and eat, you eat a lot. Like it's always a response to hunger. You're always a slave to that. But when I started fasting initially, it was difficult, but I got better and better at feeling hunger and giving it no recognition. And at some point, not even caring, understanding that the feeling was going to go away. So now I can go through the day. I can eat when I want, but but it's it's not always hunger isn't a bad thing for me necessarily because we all get hungry when we fast but it just goes away we can
Starting point is 00:24:31 still do what we need to do we have the tools like electrolytes caffeine all these other things making sure that we eat enough when we actually eat so that the next day when we fast it's not difficult all these tools have made it so that, yes, and to answer your initial question, I do think it's easier being hungry than focusing on tracking all my calories. And even being on any specific plan. I mean, I know that you are on a specific plan, but I would also say that for somebody that hasn't had food problems in the past, let's just say it's someone like my son. Like my son, Jake, could easily use intermittent fasting and not have to think about being on any particular diet. The only suggestion I might have would be to like,
Starting point is 00:25:13 just steer him towards eating like a good amount of protein every day. But other than that, it's like, I don't want to say you can eat whatever you want because people take that to such an extreme level. But I think that fasting, I'm not going to say it solves all the problems, but it, it really seems to be really fucking useful. It's an amazing tool like that. That's why whenever we talk about it, some people are like, Oh, like fasting is fascinating. Like
Starting point is 00:25:35 we don't think you, you don't have to, but once you realize how beneficial of a tool it is, it's like, it's easy to weave into every single day and make the aspect of eating easier. It's easy to weave into every single day and make the aspect of eating easier. Certain days I don't fast. Many days I do fast. And I don't track any calories to maintain my physique. My performance is always good even when I'm fasted because, again, we have the tools necessary to perform well when fasted. It makes things a lot easier. And this is coming from a perspective of an individual who Who yeah. I was never obese.
Starting point is 00:26:07 But I did have really. Like I couldn't stay lean. I couldn't maintain the body. I wanted to maintain. Without rigidly tracking calories. And feeling the effects. Of being on a diet. When I say feeling the effects. That means that dieting was hard.
Starting point is 00:26:22 It took effort. I had phases where I would binge and then I would do a little bit of restriction for the next few days to deal with that binge, maybe a little bit more cardio. All those things. I don't do that anymore. What time do you usually eat?
Starting point is 00:26:37 Usually it's in the evening. Seven o'clock? Yeah, like if it's a jujitsu night, then it'll be like when I get home, like eight or whatever. But if it's not that. Typically, a lot of times go the whole day either with maybe just a protein shake or not even anything. Usually like today, I just felt like having some protein.
Starting point is 00:26:53 Like because today, like today was a day that if I ate later tonight, I'd probably want some carbs. But since I'm having some protein shakes in there, I'm probably just going to have fat and protein. But nonetheless to say, yeah yeah usually i don't eat anything during what is that can you describe what that feels like so you you you worked here all day you probably got in some lifting it's happening yesterday with doug yeah yeah okay yeah that was a full day you shot a ton of content a ton of videos uh some days you're doing that on top of going to jujitsu what does it feel like when you go home you i imagine you like feed your dog or walk your dog for a minute or whatever make sure
Starting point is 00:27:29 the dog's taken care of and then you have an opportunity to take care of yourself and to feed yourself what the fuck does that feel like at the end of the day when it's like it's time for insieme to eat it feels great it feels great and the the one thing is is i feel better than the i'll use suffering which is a way too powerful word, but the suffering that you had to endure, uh, through fasting through the day. Like it feels like to me when I get home and I have an opportunity to eat, that feeling is so strong and so powerful.
Starting point is 00:27:59 I'm like, yes, this is why I love fasting. Yeah. Because now I get an opportunity to like throw down with some food and I get really excited about it. And I was telling my wife yesterday, I was like, I am, I am like, I love this so much that I'm willing to fast often because this feels so fucking good to me to have this opportunity to like, yesterday I ate, I ate shrimp, I ate salmon, both from uh eat right and then we went to mccoony and it was like oh it was just like four hours non-stop of just you know annihilating food and
Starting point is 00:28:32 it was absolutely amazing i like that so much that it makes the fasting easy it makes it not eating easy it makes hunger uh simple for me and yeah no i totally agree with that because like yesterday i'd never even i didn't even when doug was in the break room eating i wasn't thinking about food that's the thing like guys when we say this remember this wasn't like how it was for us in the beginning when we started doing it you know we weren't this powerful no we were very weak um i was very weak at least i know that uh but but again it's like you do it you make a few mistakes here and there you adjust you get used to it and then again now i enjoy food and in the past if i looked at what i was doing right now i'd be like damn really restricting myself it may sound weird but i don't literally don't feel restricted at all
Starting point is 00:29:26 like at all i'm not holding myself back from anything it doesn't feel like a diet it doesn't feel difficult i'm i'm pretty damn hungry right now but like you said i don't really feel restricted because when i go home i actually i put a bunch of piedmontese in the crock pot and i i know that shit's gonna taste so good when i get home i also have a center cut ribeye i have a whole plan sitting in the fridge and i'm gonna actually cook up like fresh when i get home and i'm gonna eat the crock pot meat it's gonna be a potty for myself uh today i i mean even though i still did technically like intermittent intermittently fasted till i think it was like 12 yeah um but i knew i was gonna eat today at some point while i was here
Starting point is 00:30:12 because of yesterday i went too long and i didn't i didn't eat enough yesterday um because i tracked my weight i woke up two pounds lighter not saying that that's gone forever but i did wake up pretty light today so i'm like yeah today's just not a day that's gone forever, but I did wake up pretty light today. So I'm like, yeah, today's just not a day that I'm going to fast. But even still, it kind of happened, you know, it still kind of happened. But now I know like, hey, I at least ate some eat right steak right now. And then when I get home, I'll probably eat some more, you know, some more steak or something. And I'll be able to like kind of make up for some of the food that I didn't eat yesterday, which means I just get to eat a bigger dinner tonight.
Starting point is 00:30:48 So I got some credit from yesterday. You know, dude, but that's so great because we've done that. We've done that too. By practicing fasting and being a little bit rigid in the beginning, I learned about, wow, okay, so when i fast five or six days in a row i feel hollow the best word is like huh just feeling a little bit fragile um and it hollowed sounds really really like i don't want to make it sound that crazy but like it's not emotional yeah yeah i just i just realized that like oh i just feel a little bit too hungry so maybe instead of fasting every
Starting point is 00:31:25 single day maybe there will be days where i have i had a protein shake with some coffee this morning right on certain days if i'm like fasted two days already or three days let me have a protein shake or something in the morning or there won't there actually aren't many mornings where i have meals but like if someone wants to go out to breakfast i'll totally be like i'm gonna go to breakfast with you like it doesn't stop me at all and then i'll just have a normal day but again this is this is the flexible the flexible mindset that we're talking about here because when people think about the idea of flexible dieting it's usually like trying to fit in all these you know whatever foods um but more so flexible dieting should is more of okay i don't necessarily i don't eat a crazy amount of pizza right i don't but the other
Starting point is 00:32:07 night a friend wanted to get some pizza at pizza press so i was like you know what i've been fasting today i'm gonna give myself a personal pizza pizza press and that i didn't look at the pizza negatively it wasn't it wasn't anything negative but it's it's something where i don't have it all the time i can fit it in and i don't feel bad about it the reason why it's something where I don't have it all the time. I can fit it in and I don't feel bad about it. The reason why it's important to not look at it negatively is because there's no reason to really beat yourself up over it. We know that these foods are, these foods are like part of like human life nowadays.
Starting point is 00:32:37 They're there, you know, and there's going to be new shit that comes out that we're going to see commercials for, like a Taco Bell commercial or a new fucking peanut butter cup comes out. You get all excited. Peanut butter lovers. Yeah, and you sit there and watch these commercials
Starting point is 00:32:50 and you're like, man, what are they? Yeah, those are really good. Not that I've tried them. I haven't had one yet. I've restricted myself from it. Oh, they're delicious. I just think about it every day, though. Fuck this show and fuck dieting.
Starting point is 00:33:04 So this is really cool i didn't even know this feature this must be cheese food yeah this this feature must have just hit our channel but like i can actually throw up polls right here on youtube and so 82 percent of people watching right now agree that fasting is easier than tracking. 9% said no. And 9% said that they don't do either one. So I thought that was pretty cool. But what the hell is pizza press?
Starting point is 00:33:37 Um, pizza presses. It's keeping shit to yourself. Yeah. Um, it's really cool. Have you guys, I forgot it's,
Starting point is 00:33:42 there's a place just like it that probably came out beforehand, but you know, those places where you can go and it's like a Chipotle pizza? Like Blaze. But this is really fucking good. So like you have your thing and you can pick what you want on the pizza and it came out amazing. So you can make yourself a pretty healthy pizza if you wanted to, but I put on all the fucking meat, which was great for me.
Starting point is 00:33:59 Yeah. But it was so good. More protein. More protein. I put on every meat imaginable. You mentioned earlier. is so good more protein more protein i put on every meat imaginable you mentioned oh you mentioned uh earlier um like knowing yourself and kind of like triggers and like there's there's different triggers right there's there's food and drink triggers right like if you know that when you
Starting point is 00:34:20 drink alcohol you tend to make really poor choices with your food. If you smoke marijuana, maybe you make bad choices with your food. I mean, these are things that you're going to have to, you got to evaluate, you got to kind of clean out your closet and you got to be very honest with yourself. And I think this is the hard thing because it's hard to like outwit yourself or trick yourself. But it's important again to not, you don't want to be negative about the, about these different foods. But again, for me personally, it's been easier for me to say these foods aren't for me. Most of the time, the backbone of my diet is going to be meat. Um, and I'm going to eat some of these other things, uh, you know, on occasion, like I'll give you an example. When I was in New Jersey, when I was in New York and New Jersey, I'm in New York city. Like I haven't been in New York city, like in, in over a year. And I love New York city. It's like my favorite place in the world to visit. Uh, I wanted to increase the, um, the experience. I'm there
Starting point is 00:35:21 with my wife and my kids. Uh, we went out to Nobu, a really nice, um, a really, a really amazing, uh, sushi restaurant. Um, I had some sake and shit like that. It's like, I'm going to enjoy myself. Um, most of the stuff that I chose, even while we're eating there was kind of protein rich. It was mainly, uh, fish, but of course there's like there's like rice and there is some sauce and some stuff like that. That's not going to be the time that I'm going to pick, you know, really nitpick my diet and really try to be super careful. If I was still overweight, maybe I would have made a choice to eat something a little healthier before I went out to eat so I could control, you know, just try not to overeat too much while I was out. Or I could have fasted the whole day going into it or something like that.
Starting point is 00:36:11 But the point here is that the foods that we eat, if you are, if you are, if you have negative, a negative relationship with you eating the food, every time that you go to eat it, you're going to think, I'm not doing a good job. I don't have any control. It's so weird how critical we are of ourselves. We take that information as if we're not a good person. I'm not doing a very good job of being a human being because I can't control the overall amount of calories that I eat every day. And that shit certainly isn't true.
Starting point is 00:36:48 And also, people think that it's so attached to their discipline. And yeah, it's a habit and it can be a discipline. But I heard a really good rant by Joe Rogan the other day when he was talking about him as a kid. He's like, people would come up to me and they'd be like, oh my God, you're so dedicated. I can't believe the discipline that you have. He loved martial arts at the time when he was young. There's a couple other things. I think he enjoyed like exercise and working out and shit like that. And so people were like, you're so dedicated. You're so dedicated. You're so dedicated. He's like, my mom had a different story. My room was a mess. He's like, I never
Starting point is 00:37:29 did my homework, you know, these other things. So I think a lot of people are going through their lives that way where they're, they get disciplined in some of the things that they're interested in and some of the things that they're into. But in these other areas, cause I know many people, many men and women that are amazing parents, they're amazing friends, that they're amazing, wonderful people, but they just struggle with their diet.
Starting point is 00:37:55 And it's like, well, maybe you can implement some of these other disciplines that you've been able. I mean, some people are like former military or, or they're a teacher or they're a police officer or some shit. And you're like, well, that Jesus Christ, like that takes a lot of discipline. So we all have it in us to be able to do it.
Starting point is 00:38:12 But you got to find the diet that is going to be the most interesting to you. Something that you could actually follow that incorporates some of the some at least some of the foods that you like. Yes. Yes. that incorporates some of the some at least some of the foods that you like yes yes now before i go on to what i was actually going to mention i want to ask you for you personally what have when you look at the problems you had when dieting or trying to drop weight um what were your struggles things that maybe you would deem triggers and how have you developed habits that have gotten in the way
Starting point is 00:38:46 of those triggers or that have completely completely annihilated them uh from a food perspective the uh stuff was really the ticket for me. I have gotten leaner and in better shape, you know, utilizing some carbohydrates on a bodybuilding style diet. But that was after I already lost a bunch of weight. And that was after I already implemented some discipline. Before that time, it would have been very difficult for me to do that, not because my body doesn't handle carbohydrates. It's because for me, when I'm given a little bit
Starting point is 00:39:31 of carbohydrates, sometimes I start to make worse choices. It kind of like just opens up the door, opens up the floodgates. Even something like rice. Rice isn't really like a trigger. I'm not going to like eat rice and be like, oh my God, I need candy. But I'm going to probably overeat. And something I noticed for myself, this is something else to be aware of. If I stuff myself, like stuff myself, stuff myself where there's like no more room, that's a trigger for me as well, which doesn't make any sense because you figure you'd be like, I'm going to pop. I don't want anything else. For some reason, that's like, maybe I've done that many, many times over.
Starting point is 00:40:09 And if I really, you know, so that that can be a trigger for me to really overeat. So I got to be careful even with the way that I eat now. If I go home and just have too big of an onslaught of food, that'll be another thing that triggers me. But the main things that have been really helpful and useful to me have been kind of, well, protein has been huge. And then also just kind of reframing my mind and reframing my brain around the way that I act. Can I act differently?
Starting point is 00:40:40 Like, do I need to eat these sweet foods? Do I have to have them? Or could I start to have a little bit better discipline? And could I eat for me? I found a keto diet. I found, well, first, the first thing I found was a, was a paleo style diet and then later moved into like a keto style diet. But the paleo diet was almost keto anyway, because I just didn't eat hardly any carbohydrates. But for me, I like fat and I like protein. So those were easy. Those were really, those were easy routes for me to go. And I went from three 30 down to like two 70. And then from two 70 kind of downward from there was just kind of a mix, a mix of diets really. downward from there was just kind of a mix, a mix of diets, really.
Starting point is 00:41:30 The big thing that, you know, really kind of like stuck with me from what you said right there was the reframing of how you look at things, right? Because for me personally, when I started doing fasting and I started actually seeing the effects that it had on myself and my response to hunger because i saw like how much hunger was no longer controlling me that's when i started to lean deeper into that because i was like damn like if i like how much control can i get over this like how much like how easy can this be for me you know so i kind of leaned into the difficulty of fasting and the whole thing became even easier because i changed my perspective of fasting being something that was restrictive and me uh restricting myself from food to me controlling hunger and controlling my
Starting point is 00:42:18 response to hunger and not being controlled by the by that and that made it so much easier for me because when you go into a diet right first off when you go into any diet and you already look at it being like i have to go on a diet because i gotta lose weight if your perspective is already that this is going to be a negative thing and you believe it's going to be negative chances are you're going to have a pretty rough time i gotta eat a bunch of foods that I don't like. Right? Right. Or I have to not eat the foods that I really like. I think that's even worse. And for me, man, if you tell me I can't have something, you're like, you can't have that, man. I'm like, bet.
Starting point is 00:42:56 You kind of reminded me of something when you said how fasting has been really influential on your journey. I forgot that I did a lot of bulletproof coffee, too. So people tend to get all upset about certain things that you might mention that have been helpful to you for diet purposes. And when it comes to something like bulletproof coffee, people will be like, that still has tons of calories. It's not fasting. Right, and it's not fasting.
Starting point is 00:43:25 But Dave Asprey is a fucking genius. And something, you know, we were talking with Lane Norton today about cancer and keto and fasting. Something that's really interesting about a ketogenic diet is a ketogenic diet kind of mimics fasting. It mimics a lot of similar things that fasting can mimic. And by only by basically waking up first thing in the morning and you have a cup of coffee with some butter and MCT oil in it, which for some people causes some crazy blowout. So be careful.
Starting point is 00:43:56 So be careful. But that is a way that some people would start their day and then they didn't have to eat for many hours afterwards. So while there is a decent amount of calories in that, it's not too different than fasting because the amount of calories that are usually in there, if you are being moderate with the amount of stuff that you're putting in there, will only be a couple hundred calories. And that hopefully can get you to like 2 or 3 p.m. And that's something that was really, really useful to me. The other thing that was massively important for me was just to shoulder all the responsibility for myself. Nothing makes me fat except for me, you know, and I need to figure out how do I gain control
Starting point is 00:44:41 of that? And you gain control. I gain control of it through utilizing bullet gain control. I gained control of it through utilizing bulletproof coffee and then later on utilizing intermittent fasting. And ultimately, it came down to kind of maybe three major things, I guess, intermittent fasting, good food choices, and protein leveraging. Just, you know, eating large amounts of protein to stay satiated, finding foods that were high in volume and low in energy. I don't really like vegetables,
Starting point is 00:45:13 but there was a period of time where I was like, you know what, we should just go ham on vegetables because it's just going to fill me up. So I would grab handfuls of just plain spinach, which some people would be like, that's insanity. Like why would anybody do that? Just to kind of pre-fill me up a little bit so I would learn to start to eat less. Then I got smarter about it and I learned some other foods that taste better than just spinach. But there's a lot of foods out there that don't pack a huge punch in terms of their
Starting point is 00:45:47 calories. Usually the things that have a good amount of water in them are like that, like watermelon, strawberries. I mean, you can look it up online. You'll find a bunch of YouTube videos, say top 20 foods that are low in calories. And you could start to implement, start to utilize some of those foods to help fill you up because dieting, again, it always is going to come down to you being able to have some sort of control. As Lane Norton said, unfortunately, there's really not a way around. We're talking about weight loss. There's not really a way around being restrictive to some
Starting point is 00:46:25 extent but maybe you can personally find something that doesn't feel as restrictive for you as other particular diets might feel absolutely and like we mentioned um find something yeah you find something that doesn't feel as restrictive and i think you know oddly enough when you start it as much as it you you don't want it to feel restrictive when you start it it will but there's then an aspect of kind of believing in what you're doing right so fasting um when we when i started fasting you know i first off grew up with always eating something before I worked out, always eating something before I played soccer, eating something before I did a gym session. And then even in the times when I was eating, like usually during the day all day,
Starting point is 00:47:15 and then eating before workouts, if there's a day that I didn't eat two hours before working out, I would always have a bad train, always, always have a bad training session without fail, because I believed that if I didn't eat two hours before working out, it was a firm belief of mine. I wasn't going to have a good training session. So this kind of falls off into the diet because if you go into that believing that it's going to be hard and believing that fasting is tough and believing that you're not going to be able to perform during your workouts. If you have that belief, you're going to set yourself up to have continuous hardships when attempting it. But if you believe that in time, I can get used to this.
Starting point is 00:47:54 In time, I won't feel as bad. You can believe that about yourself. That will lead you to continue taking better actions. And your mind will do things where it you will be able to perform better you will feel better theory day you'll take more actions positively in that direction that's a very big thing and in the podcast we had with Lane there's a little bit of it where we talked about placebo and I'm not gonna ruin it because that was really cool but there's
Starting point is 00:48:21 some really cool ideas that we talked about that, yo, your belief can truly affect your hormonal, like your, your, your legit, your hunger hormones, your belief can affect that. Um, so it, that's a big deal guys. If you're doing something and you're constantly having a bound in your head, like, oh, this probably isn't going to work, or this is too hard for me, or this is too tough. Or if you're playing that in your head consistently and that's your belief, you're going to set yourself up to fail. I think we all have things that we aren't good at, things that we're weak at. But I want to also point out I don't have any idea what it's like to be morbidly obese. morbidly obese. Like I did get big and I got too big and I kind of fell into a weird spot where I was maybe, you know, you know, quote unquote addicted to food for a bit. And I just took it
Starting point is 00:49:13 too far. And I, I kind of made myself unhealthy, but I was big for power lifting. So I don't know what it's like to be someone that's 400 pounds. And I want to have empathy towards that because I don't know what that's like. Now, I do know what it's like to have some weaknesses or to kind of continually screw up and to feel like you always screw up. I'll give you just an example. Growing up thinking I was dumb, I would say, okay, well, this is going to happen because I'm stupid. And then it would. And then I would be really upset about it.
Starting point is 00:49:53 When I was young, I would cry about it. I'd be really hurt about it. So I'm sure everyone listening right now can relate in some regard to something that they're like, fuck, here we go again. I always do this. I always act go again. I always do this. I always act this way. I always behave this way. And I'm the same loser as I fucking was yesterday. And you kind of get that mentality going. So I do, I do know that side of it, but from a food perspective, I don't know what it's like to be locked in that way and to be obese and to always have that be a struggle and to feel like everyone's, you know, feel like everyone's watching you every time you
Starting point is 00:50:31 eat. Or if you go to the gym, you're getting on the treadmill and you feel that everyone's like, I don't know, that must be really painful. I don't know what that feels like. And so anyone that's going to start to embark on this journey, I do understand how it could be really, really difficult. But in many people that we've talked to that have been in those situations, Ethan Supley comes to mind. We've had a bunch of other guests that are like that as well. It comes down to the same thing that we're talking about. It still comes down to
Starting point is 00:51:02 your mindset. You still have, there has to be some form of restriction that's going to go on. And I can understand how it would be much harder to even get started in the first place. But once you do get started, all the same rules apply to you, just as they apply to everybody else. And it's going to be something that you'll have to fight for. You'll have to, I kind of call it war for it. You going to be something that you'll have to fight for. You'll have to, I kind of call it war for it. You got to war for it. You got to fight for it every day.
Starting point is 00:51:29 You got to battle for it every single day. And even when you get yourself in shape, you're not like, woohoo, I'm there, I made it. You're not perpetually in shape forever just because you got yourself in shape. You still have to work for it. And you might even find at some point that it's, uh, it becomes too hard to maintain certain levels of body fat or certain body weights. We've seen people,
Starting point is 00:51:54 they'll get down to like 190 pounds from three, 400 pounds. And then they, they come back up to be like two 25. And they're like, I just feel way better here. They don't gain all the way back, but they come back up a bit because they're like, it was just a little, they got to be a little ridiculous. So I understand how hard it can be to even get started in the first place, but hopefully you can get motivated and fired up from this show today and start taking the proper steps. Yeah. One is two things, you know, take the proper steps. Yeah. One, it's two things. You know, take the proper steps.
Starting point is 00:52:28 That's super important because small steps. All right. When somebody wants to, let's say you want to start fasting because we were talking about it. Don't go. If you've never done something like this before, don't be like, I'm going to do a 20 hour fast.
Starting point is 00:52:41 Like don't, don't start there. Start with maybe just not eating until noon because there's the idea of like, we talked about belief. Like you mentioned, you believed you were dumb and you did something dumb that affirmed your belief that you were dumb. And how many people do something that's dumb? Everybody, everybody. Right. But that, that like you already believed it. And then since you believed it, you did something like, yeah, I knew this is how it was. Well, if you take big steps with your diet and you try to go at something too hard too fast, if you set things up in ways that they're just too difficult, it's going to be kind of hard for you.
Starting point is 00:53:23 So if you're like, I won't eat until noon, then you don't eat until noon and you have your first meal. And then you're like, wow, okay, noon then you don't eat till noon and you have your first meal and you then you're like wow okay that was that was pretty easy you had a win then maybe the next day or the next week okay i won't do it until two okay maybe that week doing it until two was kind of difficult but you did it you're like wow this works you set up little tiny goals incrementally and they get a little bit harder over time, but you're getting this win streak that makes the belief in what you're doing easy. But if you go too hard, too quick, too much restriction, and you set up this amazing, crazy looking goal, but you can't even make it your first day, you're automatically going to be like, or your first few days. I'm always going to be fat. I'm always going to be fat. Diets don't work for me. This stuff's too hard. This stuff's too restrictive. So that's why we're just saying saying we're giving you these tools to try and identify these things
Starting point is 00:54:09 before you put yourself into a deep deficit so that when you do that it'll be a lot easier for you would you guys say that because i know we're talking a lot about fasting i mean i think we we talk about it almost every time we talk about um any kind of diet diet stuff. But is that step one? Like, what do you think? Maybe somebody doesn't even want a fast period, but they do know, like, shit, I got to start getting things in check. Where else can somebody start instead of just, I'm not going to eat until 12? I think there's kind of two places to start.
Starting point is 00:54:41 Number one is with some form of exercise. Like, if I'm going to assist you, I need you to move. I need you to meet me halfway. Maybe you can walk to your mailbox and back. I don't know. Maybe you can just be. And the reason for that is that some sort of consistent exercise will at least always account for the fact that you're expending a little extra energy than what, whatever it is you currently do with your lifestyle.
Starting point is 00:55:09 Because I think we can all understand how easy it is to, you know, fall in love with these delicious foods that are around. Like we were all like, yeah, I get it, man. Like fucking food's delicious.
Starting point is 00:55:19 And so if you can walk or ride your bike or, or swim or just whatever that thing is, some form of exercise would be an amazing place to start. And if it's, uh, as little as 10 minutes, uh, I'll take it.
Starting point is 00:55:34 That would be great. 10 minutes a day of, of something would be awesome. And then maybe you can, uh, mature into doing something more some other time. The second thing would be to get used to food choices. And I think with food choices, I'll just give them to you now.
Starting point is 00:55:51 For protein, you have just various types of meat, various types of dairy. I would maybe exclude milk. Not that milk is going to do anything horrible to you, but it's high in fat and carbohydrates um and it just it might be easy to over consume i want to point out too that there's nothing in nature except for milk there's nothing in nature except for milk that is high in concentration of carbohydrates and fat there's nothing in nature that's like that. All the other foods that are like that are shit that we made.
Starting point is 00:56:32 You know, nuts have like some carbohydrates, protein, and fat in them, but they have fiber in them as well, so they don't really have like sugar. Anyway, so you got some dairy. You got some eggs. And then for your fat sources, you could eat some nuts, olive oil, things like that. And then carbohydrate sources, fruit and vegetables. If you stick to that, it should, especially if you're really overweight, you should actually be able to lose weight on eating large amounts of those kinds of foods all the way to the point where it was probably maybe seven or eight years ago
Starting point is 00:57:12 that Jesse Burdick and I helped John Gaglione lose a bunch of weight. He was, I think he was over 300 pounds. He's not the tallest guy in the world, so he had a lot of excess body weight on him. And I put him on a low carb diet. Jesse and I talked to him about it. And I actually went out to Massachusetts to do a couple of things with Reebok. And he met us out for dinner and he lost a bunch of weight. And we're like, dude, like shit, looks like it's going great.
Starting point is 00:57:44 And he's like, yeah, he goes, I've been a little stuck though. And so, you know, we told him like, Hey, here are the foods that you can eat. It was kind of a little bit more of a keto style diet. Um, we never said anything about amounts, you know, we actually even encouraged him just to like overeat for a bit because he said he gets really hungry. And so we're like, hey, well, just OK, we'll overeat. So he told Jesse and I what he eats. And we were like, oh, we're like, holy shit. I mean, he was eating like 12 egg omelets and just eating like so much damn food. But even with the amount of food he was eating, he was still only eating like two or three
Starting point is 00:58:21 times a day. So he's still losing weight. He got stuck for a minute because then we had to kind of tell him like, okay, well, the calories matters, you know, some to some extent. So you'll have to lower them if you want to continue to make progress. But yes, start out with those. Start out with some movement and start out with some food choices. Excellent food choice.
Starting point is 00:58:40 And one, I was just going to ask if, have you guys seen if he's okay from that bench? Oh, I didn't see anything on it. I haven't heard from it either. I have no idea. Oh, you're okay, buddy. Yeah. Weight fall on him? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:58:53 Jesus, I didn't see it. Was he in a bench shirt? Yeah. Because I don't know how you lose a bench other than if you're in a bench shirt. Yeah, yeah. That, yeah. Goddamn. That stuff. But one thing I'll add on to that, and actually, you know, a bench other than like if you're in a bed shirt yeah yeah that the other damn that stuff but one
Starting point is 00:59:06 one thing i'll add on to that and actually you know i wouldn't say it's a good job that we haven't talked about this but we kind of oh there is a period where we were talking about sleep every single podcast and you know what no we're gonna bring that back because it's super important okay because you know if you if you're doing all these things, but then you're getting four hours of sleep a night, I'm not trying to give you guys anxiety about this, but your ghrelin will shoot up, your leptin, which makes you feel full. You won't produce as much of that, so you'll be able to eat more food. It'll be harder to stick. You're going to have worse cravings. Your performance in the gym will go down.
Starting point is 00:59:41 You won't be able to move as much load, and you won't recover as well. Hormones won't be ideal. Like everything kind of goes out of whack when you're underslept. So that's one thing along with all of this that you want to make sure that's, I think that that might be one of the easiest things for most people to fix. Some people have some issues in sleep where like, okay, maybe you might need to get, you know, a sleep test done or something. or something but most people if you can if you can just make sure you go to sleep at the same time each night and have some good habits as far as sleep hygiene that can make a lot of this stuff really easy when you really start doing it so before you worry about taking some sleep supplements or anything like that try to just focus on increasing the amount of sleep you get and getting good quality sleep each night.
Starting point is 01:00:25 It's been helpful to me, uh, in terms of, uh, cravings to, you know, make sure I get proper amounts of rest. Um, in addition to that, something else that's helped me, uh, protect myself against like binging or protect myself against, I mentioned earlier, like if I really overeat a lot, that kind of triggers a little bit of binging behavior, but protein shakes have helped a ton. Oh yeah. And protein shakes, you know, a lot of times they're not really like super like filling, but you can make them that way if it, depending on how thick you make the shake and things like that. Um, but for me, it's like the flavor. I like eating dinner, and then I like ending my night with a steak shake.
Starting point is 01:01:08 And it's just like I just get a different flavor than what I'm normally getting throughout the day. Throughout the day, I don't eat anything. And then I'm having meat or eggs, something like that, to break my fast. And I'll usually eat twice. And it's just like protein rich stuff that has some fat in it but there's nothing sweet in there and so ending my night every night with a protein shake uh always feels really good i think that's it right i think we smashed that yeah we smashed it like i'm smashing these shorts you know why
Starting point is 01:01:45 I think you're getting smashed in like you know like they're mushy this is like maddening there's so much air in my hamstrings I thought you were going to throw a karate kick at me or something like MMA shorts I don't know if I can
Starting point is 01:02:01 that testicle will fall out it's cold guys sorry something's going to pop out of there I don't know if I can get a little testicle will fall out. It's cold, guys. Sorry. Something's going to pop out of there. I hope. Fingers are crossed. Fingers are so crossed right now.
Starting point is 01:02:16 All right, Andrew. Want to take us out of here, buddy? Sure thing. Thank you, everybody, for checking out the live stream today. Thank you, everybody, that's been voting on the polls that we're putting out there. That's pretty cool. I didn't even know you could do it on YouTube, but you can. We'll keep it interactive. Thank you to Element Electrolyte for sponsoring
Starting point is 01:02:32 today's episode. Again, head over to slash powerproject. Links to them down in the description as well as the podcast show notes. Follow the podcast at Mark Bell's Power Project on Instagram at mbpowerproject on TikTok and Twitter. We're on LinkedIn, Facebook, and of course, right here on YouTube. Please hit the like button if you guys dug today's episode and hit subscribe and ring that bell notification because we're going live all the damn time.
Starting point is 01:02:55 My Instagram and Twitter is at I am Andrew Z and Seema, where you at? You should do a poll on YouTube. Shouldn't Seema continue rocking these shorts? Like those are like your podcasting. These are the podcast. I didn't see me on the screen. YouTube and the team of union on TikTok and Twitter. And you could win them.
Starting point is 01:03:12 If you keep voting, when the, you win these specific shorts, unwashed, put them straight into a zip bag. That'll keep all the air in. You can take it, sniff it,
Starting point is 01:03:23 do what you want. Wow. Am I eligible? I'll handle the shipping. Ship it right to yourself. I'm at Mark Smelly Bell. Strength is never a weakness. Weakness is never a strength.
Starting point is 01:03:38 Catch you guys later.

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