Mark Bell's Power Project - EP. 574 - Proof Is For 🐈

Episode Date: August 16, 2021

We have a different variety of guests on the show, some with very different philosophies and view points. Whenever someone says something that apposes one's favorite, people want to see proof that thi...s way is better than that. We say proof is for the lames. Don't wait around for a study, go out and try it and see what works for you. Subscribe to the NEW Power Project Newsletter! ➢ Subscribe to the Podcast on on Platforms! ➢ Special perks for our listeners below! ➢Marek Health: Use code POWERPROJECT15 for 15% off ALL LABS! Also check out the Power Project Panel: Use code POWERPROJECT for $101 off! ➢Eat Rite Foods: Use ode "POWERPROJECT25" for 25% off your first order, then code "POWERPROJECT" for 10% off every order after! ➢LMNT Electrolytes: ➢Piedmontese Beef: Use Code "POWERPROJECT" at checkout for 25% off your order plus FREE 2-Day Shipping on orders of $99 ➢Sling Shot: Enter Discount code, "POWERPROJECT" at checkout and receive 15% off all Sling Shots Follow Mark Bell's Power Project Podcast ➢ Insta: ➢ ➢ Twitter: ➢ LinkedIn: ➢ YouTube: ➢TikTok: FOLLOW Mark Bell ➢ Instagram: ➢ Facebook: ➢ Twitter: ➢ Snapchat: marksmellybell ➢Mark Bell's Daily Workouts, Nutrition and More: FOLLOW Nsima Inyang ➢YouTube: ➢Instagram: ➢TikTok: ➢Nsima's Coaching: Podcast Produced by Andrew Zaragoza ➢ Instagram: #PowerProject #Podcast #MarkBell

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Starting point is 00:00:00 right i feel like such a such a boss bitch uh they have those at uh chipotle oh it's all the chicos yeah they have the the lemon lime flavored one those are good it's very very good yeah i really love the chips at chipotle those are honestly like the the lemon lime flavored topo topo chico i think it's good because it's just fun to say that. But the chips is like that's what it kind of tastes like almost. I haven't been to Chipotle literally in over a year. Are the chips still as good as they used to be? How would I know, bro?
Starting point is 00:00:34 Let's see the last time. It's been a while, but I think so. Last time I went it was the same. They're not going to mess with that formula. You never know. It's probably been a year or two. Got to go back and see how McDonald's fries are, too. Because out of all the fries that I've ever had at anywhere, McDonald's fries are always the best.
Starting point is 00:00:53 They're not too crunchy. They're just soggy enough. Salted perfectly. It's in-and-out fries are crap. The thing that's kind of cool about fries is, well, for me anyway, I don't need to eat that many of them. Because like I get them hot and then like once they kind of get beyond the point where you kind of like huff inside your own mouth. They're too cold for me to like them anymore. So I got to keep stuffing them in my face, making these weird obnoxious faces.
Starting point is 00:01:22 It's like, yo, they're fucking too hot to stop eating them just wait a second like as soon as they start to cool i don't like them anymore yeah oh man are we on yeah we're yo my shipment of piedmontese came in and they sent me a chuck roast and i've never made a chuck roast yes that's fat it's so fat there's lots of chub on there yeah it's gonna be fun to cook yeah you could even just throw it in the oven that's what i'm probably pretty simple because i haven't finished i know some people listening like you the smoker yep and he has a smoker too the oven is gold i mean a smoker will fucking be amazing too god okay i'll put it together this weekend that's what she said last weekend but yeah I can't wait
Starting point is 00:02:05 have you used something are you handy at all or no I'm decent you're not bad I can't even keep a straight face it's hard to embarrass him but I think we're getting it here I'm alright man
Starting point is 00:02:18 I can follow some directions but this grill can you like YouTube something and then kind of figure it out if you need to like paint something or patch something up on the wall or something like that yeah i painted the fucking walls and my shit like i'm gonna don't worry because i i don't i've never even messed with it because i'm like i don't think i can do that if if i were to take a woodshop class i'd get a c
Starting point is 00:02:38 right i'd get a pass yeah pass that's cool but i i you know i i ain't no fucking just hand your shit in the same time as me and you look like a genius my when i was a kid my dad would like he'd be like oh you know here's how you paint he'd like we're like painting like the basement or something you know and he would show me like stroke this way stroke that way you know dip the paintbrush and you know how to do the corners and all the stuff right and then i would go to do it i would totally mess it up and he'd be like no, it's more like this. And my dad loves to work. So he kept going and going and going.
Starting point is 00:03:09 And he's like, no, it's more like, you know, and by the time we got done, it's like, I maybe painted like two strokes of the garage. And he's like, oh, now you know how to paint. And I'm like, I don't think I learned anything. But yeah, I just didn't have interest in it either. So I think he recognized that and just let me go do my own thing. Oh, your live stream wasn't all the way up.
Starting point is 00:03:28 Wow. It choked, but now we're on. All the way up. Yeah. It choked. Ew. They said the live stream choked. It did, but I had something in my throat.
Starting point is 00:03:39 My bad. How do people, did the people here talk about Piedmontese? Not yet, no. No? No. Well, I'll say it again. I got a chuck roast. Yeah. I don't know if we can pull up that, but it's this nice, big, fatty piece of meat.
Starting point is 00:03:51 And I'm going to cook it after I put together my smoker, hopefully this weekend. Unbelievable. I cooked up their ribs. I put the oven at like 300, and my cousin is the one who told me how to cook it. And she was like, she goes, put the oven on 300, throw it in there, just throw some seasoning on there. And I was like, how long do you keep it in? I was real worried about it because we were going to the beach and stuff,
Starting point is 00:04:14 and I was like, I don't know. I don't want to miss the time or whatever. She's like, it doesn't matter. I'm like, how can it not matter? I'm like, it's got to matter. She's like, it can be in there anywhere between like four hours and eight hours. I'm like, what? I'm like, that doesn't make any sense.
Starting point is 00:04:28 She's like, trust me. She's like, stop being a bitch. It's going to work out. And it worked out and it was fucking delicious. I don't know how it worked out, but it worked out great. That's awesome. Do you guys know what the steak tips are? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:39 The steak tips are a little bit like kebabs kind of like they ever send you the kebabs. The kebabs are great in a slow cooker. Ooh, okay. I got some steak tips this week, and I'm like, I don't even really know what these are. Steak tips. But, yeah, it sounds gay now. Sexual. Sounds very, yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:00 But, yeah, so anyway, I'm going to tackle those this weekend. I bet you are. Mm-hmm. But yeah, so anyway, I'm going to tackle those this weekend. I bet you are. Anyway, one day we'll become adults and mature and then nobody will listen to us. No, it's been my goal since I was a kid to never have a real job. Never grow up. And I worked at Marshall's for two weeks and that was about it.
Starting point is 00:05:20 What the fuck? You worked at Marshall's? I know. I have weaknesses. I'm sorry. What? Wait, Marshall's? Yeah, like I have weaknesses. I'm sorry. What? Wait. Marshalls? Marshalls. Yeah, it's a department store.
Starting point is 00:05:27 Oh, wow. Yeah. We both worked in retail. Did I? I got a lot of experience in retail. I worked at Marshalls. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Stocking shells for two weeks. I worked in the back when they had layaway. I don't know if they still do, but at Walmart.
Starting point is 00:05:43 That was a terrible job. I said it record. It was the worst employee they ever had. Oh, man. Oh, gosh. I'm dying over here. Anywho, if you guys want to check out some Piedmontese beef, links to them down in the description below as well as the podcast show notes. But if you're listening to it just on the audio side only,
Starting point is 00:06:07 head over to That's at checkout. Enter promo code POWERPROJECT for 25% off your order. And if your order is $150 or more, you get free two-day shipping so you can order like Sunday night and by Wednesday,
Starting point is 00:06:22 you'll be grilling up some amazing steak. Again,, promo code PowerProject for 25% off. I want to encourage people to go to Pete Montes and check out what they have and buy a bunch of different stuff. I think sometimes people get on a diet, they get super excited about it and like, I'm only going to eat meat. And then we all have these kind of preconceived notions of when we say meat, like what we're thinking in our head. Maybe for some people it's a hamburger.
Starting point is 00:06:48 Maybe for somebody else it's a steak. And it's like a particular kind of steak. But buy different steaks. Buy different types of meat. Try to cook them up in various ways. I cook stuff up in a pan. I cook stuff up on my skillet. I cook stuff up in the oven.
Starting point is 00:07:04 I use my slow cooker. I use the oven. I use my slow cooker. Um, I use my grill. I use my smoker, the variety, uh, you know, when you say you only eat meat, people are like, how is that possible? But a lot of the different meats that I eat, uh, not even the different meats that I eat, but I could have the same piece of meat taste many, many different ways depending on how it's cooked. And on top of that, I eat some other things too,
Starting point is 00:07:28 like salmon and shrimp and things like that, but it keeps my diet delicious and it keeps me like looking forward to it all the time. Sick. I'm going to steal some of this. But yeah, guys, please go try some stuff.
Starting point is 00:07:41 I have one of these. There goes that prolactin mhm boy so I find this to be interesting you know
Starting point is 00:07:50 um sometimes we're you gonna suck it down that looks so good you kiss the top of it you look you look it's cause I got it You kissed the top of it? He licked the tip. It's because I saw a bubble. I instinctively just said,
Starting point is 00:08:13 My stomach. Ow. Uh-oh. Andrew's getting a cramp. It really is a cramp. You're going to make Andrew double over in pain over there. Oh, my God. Man, that was sus.
Starting point is 00:08:27 Whatever. At about nine and a half minutes into the YouTube video, everybody needs to go check that out. Oh, gosh. Sorry, Mark. That'll be the one clip that people use when Nsema comes out fully. Remember that? Remember that? Remember that?
Starting point is 00:08:44 Remember that? They're like, i knew it that whole time oh all right let's let's get to this oh my god this is an interesting topic here anyway in communicating with a lot of people and uh you know promoting some of the information that we promote a lot of times we run into people that are like, Hey man, you got to prove this to me. You know, what's the, send me the literature,
Starting point is 00:09:08 send me the information. And I, I understand what people are doing and I don't, I don't find, I don't take any offense to that. I actually think that it's great to research stuff and to look into things a little bit, but I do think that you should consider,
Starting point is 00:09:24 you know, consider who the information is coming from and then compare it to information you heard before and start to see if you can kind of make sense of it. But mostly, even more importantly, it doesn't really matter where somebody came from or what their background is. What matters is, is the piece of information useful to you?
Starting point is 00:09:43 And I think in the case of Doug Brignoli, and I think in Sam, you've done a great job of like bringing up the simple fact because I've kind of mentioned, well, you know, we still have these big three movements. We've got squat, bench, deadlift. Those will always be beneficial. And, you know, I kind of wish that Doug Brignoli knew a little bit more about like the central nervous system and that kind of stuff. knew a little bit more about like the central nervous system and that kind of stuff. But as we started to, you know, look into that more and have some discussions, you were like, well, Mark, it still doesn't mean that what Doug said isn't useful. And I think that is a hard thing to get past sometimes when somebody says something that, you know, flies in the face of previous beliefs that you have.
Starting point is 00:10:22 It's really hard for you to then understand the value of what they just brought you because you're like, no, that goes against what I, what I believe in. And it's like, well, it might kind of go against what you believe in, but is it still useful to utilize? Could it be a useful strategy? And the answer is almost always yes. Uh, and it's not, and is it going to hurt anything to introduce it into your life? Yeah. I think what ends up happening is when you start training, usually you look up certain training styles, right?
Starting point is 00:10:52 Especially when you're a beginner. You look up different programs, different styles, and you kind of fall in line with a certain camp. So let's say that you're interested in powerlifting and you fall in line with the conjugate camp or you fall in line with the camp that's all about daily undulating whatever more more frequency of certain movements um then you start to think that this is the way to do it or this is the only way to do things and bodybuilding it could be that you only work one body part a week but or you could do you know multiple body parts a week and high frequency again you fall into these specific camps and you also find specific people and reasoning that kind of says that that is right.
Starting point is 00:11:29 People that have had great results doing that, that you kind of look to and you're like, Oh yeah, he knows what he's talking about. You kind of also see this with what Doug's doing. You know, there are a lot of people that are a part of smart training 365 who have transitioned to training in that way.
Starting point is 00:11:43 And there's a lot of the idea of this is the way like this is the way to train biomechanically this is it right and i see that a lot and when doug came on a lot of the stuff was really interesting a lot of stuff made a lot of sense so i just input into some uh inputted some of those movements to what i do andrew's seen great success with it in the way his body feels and like the ease of doing a lot of those movements and activation of certain muscle groups. Um, I've added some of the stuff and it's been really great, but that doesn't mean that I'm getting rid of other things that I've been doing that have allowed me to attain my physique, nor does it mean that I think those things are not beneficial anymore. I just see a lot of merit in adding these
Starting point is 00:12:22 things in the sissy squat. For example, it It's really if you're able to do that movement over time It's going to be great for your quads, but it's also going to be great for your knees, right? If you can progress that slowly over time, you're going to strengthen your knees just like we learned from ben patrick at atg So the only thing i'm saying here is like a lot of people when they see doug's stuff or when Ben comes on and ben has mentioned this many times with a lot of the stuff that he's doing, he repeatedly says, research has not been done on this yet, but I have seen the benefit it has had on people. Right. Um, and a lot of people are like, give me the research. What, what, what, give me the EMG studies. Give me this, show me,
Starting point is 00:13:02 show me this proof or, or what I see a lot on TikTok especially, and I get it and I'm not, I have nothing against it. But when we post some of those things, people will tag their favorite influencer to be like, hey, is this right? Hey, what do you think about this? Hey, prove this wrong. Because it's like people want, in a way I get it, people want to be told what to do if it's right or if it's wrong. But what I think you should instead do is go to your local gym and see what your body says. Try out the movement. Try out scapular tractions, the sissy squat. Try out ATG stuff that we've done.
Starting point is 00:13:40 Just try it out slowly. See if it's going to be beneficial for you and see how you feel with it if you don't like it fuck it put that shit away don't do it but a lot of people have had benefit that it doesn't make sense to wait for a research paper or wait for your favorite influencer to say hey it's okay for you to do this buddy or no this isn't this isn't good for you don't do that the research says it's just go fucking do it a lot of times while somebody's waiting around you know for information or research or uh waiting for somebody to drop out of the sky to help them with whatever their situation is other people are getting ahead this is the way i've always kind of looked at it
Starting point is 00:14:16 and even with something like making the slingshot it took some unconventional thought it took a lot of belief in myself almost like a little bit of an arrogance to make the product in the first place. And then some people would say, well, why would someone make a product like that? You don't have any science behind it. There's no research, no information. That's okay. You could think that, but I've made a living and then some off of it. It's worked really well for me. It's worked really well for my family. It's worked really well for everybody that's been a part of it and all the supporters of it. People who've had shoulder injuries that couldn't bench, it's worked really well for everybody that's been a part of it and all the supporters of it. People who've had shoulder injuries that couldn't bench. It's worked really well for them, too.
Starting point is 00:14:49 Right. And there's there's some people that research it. There is a little bit of science behind it, but I never put much merit in it. I never even published any of this stuff because I just don't I don't really care. Like there was a lot of good information showing that it helped with lockout power. Like there was a lot of good information showing that it helped with lockout power. There was a lot of empirical evidence, obviously, of people saying like they had a torn this or torn that and they were still able to bench press and things of that nature. But, yeah, I'm not going to like sit here and wait for some really complex or complicated study to be done.
Starting point is 00:15:25 There's a lot of people that have so many different issues in their day-to-day life i'm a big believer that a lot of it has to do with procrastination a lot of it has to do with supplementing a lot of our time with social media type stuff and then not getting around to fulfilling the things that we kind of feel that we're supposed to do and we're brushing those things off so those things are piling up and i believe that a lot of those things are causing anxiety they're kind of at the root of it for some folks um and i also believe that things are massively connected to your lifestyle to your sleep and your diet. And I don't give a fuck what anybody says. I believe 100% that almost every problem that almost every person has can be solved through some form of fitness or through some sort of food. Now, I'm open to, you know, hearing somebody else say
Starting point is 00:16:20 something that might be compelling that would say something otherwise. But when we had the sleep doctor on the other day, he was like, show me a health problem and I'll show you how a little bit more sleep or a little bit better quality of sleep could potentially be connected to that. Not all the time, not always, but a lot of the things that we're communicating with people about, these could be the very things that could set you off in heading in the right direction absolutely and I think I'm the great thing is that we've had a lot of podcasts with a lot of individuals who are really into the research this isn't us saying that research is useless or
Starting point is 00:16:57 you shouldn't pay attention to it this isn't what we're saying but what always ends up happening is that like we had Brad Schoenfeld on. He comes on and he talks about how heavy partials can actually be extremely beneficial for hypertrophy, which is a lack of range of motion. get away with working with much lighter loads and eliciting higher hypertrophy, meaning gaining more muscle with lighter weight, even meaning less volume if you have a good connection to your muscles, right? Anecdotally, a lot of bodybuilders have felt this. A lot of bodybuilders have known this, like Mike O'Hearn, myself.
Starting point is 00:17:40 I've mentioned this many times, how I can work with really light loads, but feel crazy muscle contractions and progress. And now there's research behind it so the thing is it's like the people that are continuing to do things solely based off of the research and not venture into the realm of anecdotes right because they think anecdotal evidence is just anecdotal evidence is not backed up by science you're you're waiting for something to be proven and when it's proven then you're gonna start but like you just mentioned we're all gonna be getting ahead of you we're all gonna be making that progress that you're not gonna be making because you're waiting for a
Starting point is 00:18:14 paper or a study to prove that it's right what we previously thought is almost always wrong you know I wonder what happens if we venture out past the Mississippi River you know I wonder if we venture out past the Mississippi River. You know, I wonder if we head out west, like what could be there? Oh, there's nothing there. Trust me. You'll fall off. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:32 The earth is flat. There is some of the most intelligent people to ever walk the face of the earth believe that. Now we have beliefs right now that we that would be unbelievable if we could find out what the truth is. But we, you know, we're not advanced enough to, to know, right. That'll happen, you know,
Starting point is 00:18:48 another couple hundred years from now, they'll be like, Oh my God, do you believe people in 2020? They believe this or really they were so dumb or whatever, but, uh, we need some unconventional thought and the unconventional thought comes from just having an open mind and understanding that most of the knowledge,
Starting point is 00:19:04 knowledge creation, most of the knowledge, knowledge creation, most of the time comes from error correction. It doesn't come from being smart. It doesn't come from, it doesn't come from like researching something and necessarily just scientifically testing it. It comes from error correction. A lot of times they'll go to do a study and they'll find something else. They'll go, oh my God, we, we didn't even have any idea that that was going to cause this other effect. And their, their project that they worked on, they spent a lot of money on that.
Starting point is 00:19:32 A lot of really smart people agreed upon, uh, blew up in their face, totally failed in a sense, but then revealed something totally different where they're like, Oh, okay. So the error correction is going to be the main thing.
Starting point is 00:19:44 So you kind of, in a way, to have bigger arms, you need to go to the gym and you need to fuck around. You need to dick around. You need to mess around. And you need to start to learn like, oh, that felt pretty good. Oh, okay, that actually kind of hurt my back doing that. That wasn't that useful. Those types of things. Yeah, that's essentially kind of what I was doing that that wasn't that useful those types of things yeah
Starting point is 00:20:05 that's essentially kind of what i was actually going to talk about right now um so as i'm lifting here uh tom file you know he's helped me a couple times and he'll he preaches um partial partial range all the time and then we'll have mike israel who obviously team full rum full range of motion that's how you're going to get big. And so trying to figure out for myself, like, okay, I'm not even sure which one's which. And then now following biomechanics and Doug Brignoli's thing, his thing is early phase loading is what matters most because it's when you're the strongest. So for shoulder movement, it's at the bottom. And so, you know, I sometimes have a hard time filling my delts. And exactly what you said, Mark, like just by dicking around, I ended up doing basically like 21s for my shoulders.
Starting point is 00:20:52 So like, you know, seven down here, seven up here, then seven all the way. And that ignites my shoulders on fire. But real quick, do you realize you just added everything together? Correct. You did some partials, you did some full range. Exactly. And boom, what happens? You married all that shit together but by like literally dicking around like i don't think i've heard anybody ever do that with all this like this can't be right but
Starting point is 00:21:13 let me try it next thing i know i'm like oh my god i feel like i got like i don't want to say that word but like something went in my shoulder and injected something you know like have you felt that before yeah yeah i have i mean oh like you the, the pump in your shoulder? Oh, sorry. Uh, I have, but it's taken me like literally like an entire workout session, you know, it's been tough. It's never happened after like one set. And so like what Mark was saying, like I had to figure out what worked for me and what worked for me was literally combining three different like philosophies and it's like oh you can do that that's amazing right i have a friend that has some really bad uh digestive issues and then on top of that i just know a lot of people in general and a lot of family members
Starting point is 00:21:57 and people i see online uh they have digestion problems They have problems with their skin. They have some autoimmune disorders. And this one person that I'm working on helping, I asked them, I said, you know, do you still have symptoms? Because they did clean up their diet. They did a lot of work, and it was great to see. And they were in relief of a lot of the issues that they had previously. But they still said they had symptoms. And I said, well, I know that you take greens products and different things. I was like, I would suggest that you nix them. And they were like, why would I get rid of, it seems like one of the most healthy parts of my diet.
Starting point is 00:22:40 Why would I get rid of the greens? And I just said, well, there's some compelling evidence that for some people, certain types of greens just don't agree with their system. And she was basically asking for research. And she wasn't being rude. She was just like, I want to learn more. I would like to dig into this more. And I was like, well, there's entire books written by Paul Saladino and Sean Baker. And I'm not a person that's going to say that vegetables are going to attack you and they're going to kill you and they're going to do all these different things,
Starting point is 00:23:11 which kind of Paul Saladino does kind of take it to that level, saying that they are just basically bad for you in a lot of ways. But I don't think that plants are bad for us in that way. However, I'm open to the fact that plants can be detrimental to some people they can cause so why not just it's not going to hurt to eliminate it for a while and see is this part of my problem and let's say you get rid of it for a couple of weeks turns out the problem's still there okay screw it the vegetable thing didn't work but what's it going to hurt to pull them away for a bit just give it give it a try give it a shot absolutely um that's the whole idea of just like
Starting point is 00:23:49 doing things on yourself experimenting on yourself um because the the cool thing about this podcast is that we have such a range of people that come on that believe so many different things and that that that put forward such like contrasting information that I can totally understand how it can be confusing when someone comes on and says full ROM is the way to go. And someone comes on and says like, oh, you know, early phase loading and getting rid of compounds. I can understand how people can get mad. I just thought about that. Yeah. Please, you know, please don't use it as a crutch to not do anything.
Starting point is 00:24:25 Yeah. Please, you know, please don't use it as a crutch to not do anything. Yeah. Don't use it as a crutch to be paralyzed and to be stuck in the same dogmatic stuff that you've always been stuck in or just being, you know, stuck in a, you're, when I mentioned the thing about peanut butter, you know, it was inflammatory on purpose. Like, I don't have any problem with peanut butter. Peanut butter is fucking awesome. But most people have trouble controlling the amount of peanut butter that they eat. And Stone Cold popped in on there. And I'm thinking like, man, I've produced
Starting point is 00:24:52 a lot of content for a long time. 12 years or so. I've been putting out information for a really long time. And it's this kind of inflammatory thing that I kind of put out there to kind of fuck with everybody. Just for fun, kind of uh inflammatory thing that i kind of put out there just kind of fuck with everybody in the you know just just for fun kind of just to strike up some some good conversation i love it uh i do think i do think that it's crap to have that in someone's diet a lot of times oh
Starting point is 00:25:15 yeah uh if it's not someone that can handle it there are plenty of people i'm sure that can uh measure it out properly but not me yeah, I definitely am not one of them, so therefore I think everybody's the same as me and that they can't control themselves. But anyway, Stone Cold kind of making a comment back, and I know he's just kind of having fun with it too, but what goes off in my head, I'm just thinking to myself,
Starting point is 00:25:39 Stone Cold is somebody that has complained about his own physique for a long time. He's gotten in tremendous shape, especially when he was young. And more recently, he's gotten in good shape again. But I'm just thinking like this is my exact point is that it's just difficult sometimes to have some of these foods in there. Of course, you could figure it out and you could have that in there. But I don't have like research or science to prove this or that.
Starting point is 00:26:07 But what I do know is that when we start to mix ingredients together and we have high amounts of fat and high amounts of salt, and in the case of unnatural peanut butter, they got like stuff to sweeten it up a bit. It makes it very difficult to stop eating it. And even natural peanut butter is fucking delicious. very difficult to stop eating it and even natural peanut butter is fucking delicious so in my view in my opinion it's a great idea for people to not have those things inside their home it's a great idea to try to abstain from those things the best that you can it'd also be a great idea if someone turned off the ac in this room and let it be a little i'm sweating over here i think it's all about the nips wear more clothes could you shut the fuck up all right i'll turn i'm joking what if we flex that'll help well everyone in the uh in the the live chat has convinced me to ice my
Starting point is 00:26:58 balls oh that'll why excuse me i into it Bring up your testosterone That apparently more Does that bring up your testosterone When you put ice on your balls? More intense Orgasms Morning wood And sex Really?
Starting point is 00:27:13 If you ice your balls That's why I'm saying I'm like you guys Totally turn me around on this The koozie They make underpants for it Well yeah That little ball koozie
Starting point is 00:27:20 I thought you were going to mention the ball koozie Yeah The ball koozie Wow What a nice vacation For your nutsack Do you have one? You have a ball koozie? Oh, I thought you were going to mention the ball koozie. Yeah, the ball koozie. Wow, what a nice vacation for your nutsack. Do you have one? You have a ball koozie, right? I have a couple of them.
Starting point is 00:27:30 I have one in each house. No, I don't have one. Oh, I thought you had one. No, no, I just, my brother-in-law, this is a weird set of circumstances, but my brother-in-law, a weird set of circumstances but my brother-in-law uh he started a new job and the and the business that he runs uh works with amazon and the fulfillment that he's doing for this particular company is like a ball cream like a ball deodorant ball sack deodorant and uh so what's the name of it uh it'll come to me in a minute but I can't think of it at the moment. But his buddy mentioned to him because they were just fulfilling orders all day.
Starting point is 00:28:13 And they're actually doing really well with it. And the company is getting bigger and bigger. And his buddy's like, you know what, man? He's like, we should just do all things that have to do with balls. And so just messing around, he just looked it up online to see other stuff. And there's ball koozie and there's ball this and ball that, ball underwear. And there's underwear that you could put on that. It's like an ice pack for your nut sack.
Starting point is 00:28:35 You know, if we're being real. Cold therapy for your balls. Yeah. What science do you have for it? I don't need science, man. I want to ice up my nuts and see what happens. I always do in the movie theater anyway. You get the giant Coke. You I don't need science, man. I want to ice up my nuts and see what happens. I always do it in the movie theater anyway. You get the giant Coke.
Starting point is 00:28:47 You get the giant Diet Coke, and you put it on your nuts, and it kind of sounds like you're putting a steak on the grill. Smoke comes up. I mean, I told you how I stand in front of my red light therapy device, right? Yeah, yeah, yeah. I tuck, and I pull. My balls are right in front of my red light therapy device right yeah i tuck and i pull you know so my my yeah my balls are like right in front of that like tie a loop around your nuts yeah pretty much move the meat around a little bit slip in between my legs and just it's like when i got all balls and for that bodybuilding show they're like could you move it over that way i'm like what i'm like this is so weird get that far in there huh yeah i don't know what's going on getting
Starting point is 00:29:22 spray tanned is so weird gotta wear a sock let's get back to what we're talking about um dogmatic uh what i was gonna i love this this is so great but i was gonna say that um is that a baby sock is that a baby sock why is that so tiny that? That's all I can find, I promise. That's why I stopped bodybuilding. It was just too embarrassing. The sock was just too embarrassing. Even black guys need to get tanned, huh? Yeah, we do need it because we need the even coat around our bodies.
Starting point is 00:29:57 Testicle ice pack on Amazon. We're really doing this right now. God dang. Okay. I've got no choice. Well, so vasectomy ice pack okay so that makes sense i guess after you get that done but i don't see anything specific i know that like icing up like if you were to ice up your tank that's got to drop your temperature a lot
Starting point is 00:30:17 right that's gotta feel pretty good right probably i don't want to like promote a certain company but probably warm it up a lot. This one says it's a... Click it. Okay. Tough nuts? Yeah, well, you said it. So, tough nuts ice packs for your foot. Vasectomy, penis testicles, injuries, recovery from frozen pee.
Starting point is 00:30:35 Male reusable cold pack therapy. Well. Wow. They have this little female just holding it. Hi. All right. Back to the boring shit we were talking about. You know, we've had people come on the show.
Starting point is 00:30:46 I think it was Alan Flanagan who was talking about, like, how close you eat, you know, before you go to bed type of stuff. And I hate doing that. But I try to do it as often as I can because it really does help me. I've learned for myself that, like, about two to three hours seems to work pretty good. for myself that like about two to three hours seems to work pretty good if i can stop eating uh before i go to bed two to three hours prior um it helps me get a little bit better sleep and that was an idea that not only did i not uh i didn't really i didn't really like hearing it um because i knew that i wouldn't love it i'd rather eat a little bit closer to bed but i was like you know what i'm gonna, and I'm going to see what it does.
Starting point is 00:31:25 And it seems like it works a little bit better. Let's talk about that real quick, though, because you see, you remember in the past when people would say, carbs before bed make you fat, right? Anything after 8 makes you fat. Anything after 8 p.m. makes you fat. But now let's think about this. If you're able to not eat super close to bedtime,
Starting point is 00:31:43 and you're able to get better quality sleep, and we know like growth hormone releases you have some fat loss when you sleep if your sleep quality is better because you don't eat right before bed compound that over six months right if you always eat before bed and you have not as good sleep quality versus if you eat three hours before and you have great sleep quality well you'll probably have lost a little bit more fat. So there's a little bit of truth behind that statement, right? But that's the thing. It's like people would be like,
Starting point is 00:32:10 but the research says, well, try it out. See your quality of sleep. If it's better quality sleep, compound that over time. You'll lose more body fat. You'll probably gain more muscle. You'll probably be in a little bit better shape. Nasal breathing, fasting, not eating any carbs. Like a lot of these things, when you first hear them, you're like, this is dumb. This is so stupid. Why would anybody suffer through not
Starting point is 00:32:32 eating carbohydrates? When you get used to eating kind of a more meat-based diet, you don't even really miss carbs. I'm not even really, it's really rare for me to even really think about them that much. Occasionally, I'll have a craving, and I usually kind of store that, and I'll act on it at some point. Yeah. Because I do think it's important just to kind of let loose every once in a while. But it's interesting. These different things that we hear, when we first hear them, we're like guarded. We're like, I don't want to apply that.
Starting point is 00:33:10 That sounds so dumb and then we also tend to block stuff with our bias uh that we have so that it's an excuse so we don't have to do it so in sema could talk about stretching and i could be like there's a lot of research on shows it makes you a lot weaker when you train or if you do static stretching right and it And it's like, well, dumbass, you didn't even really try it for you. You didn't even try one stretch before a training session. Like you really think that's going to hurt you and you really care that much about the research. What if, okay, let's just hypothetically say it pulls 2% of your strength off. Okay. That might be a little bit unfortunate, but what if you're healthier overall for the next 80 years or the next 40 years of your life? Sounds like to me, it still sounds beneficial.
Starting point is 00:33:49 Yeah. And then what I see all the time, like even if we have a doctor on the podcast, people will who want the research or whatever they want, the studies will dive so far in. They'll be like, oh, that's actually like what Paul Saladino being. I forgot what kind of doctor he is. They'll be like, oh, that's actually like what Paul Saladino being. I forgot what kind of doctor he is. So now everything he points out is now doesn't mean a damn thing because he's not this type of doctor. I think he was a psychiatrist.
Starting point is 00:34:13 Right. Yeah. So like now everything that guy says is invalid. Like, OK. And then the other thing, too, is like, oh, well, who funded the study? It's like, motherfucker. Like, OK. Like, sometimes that matters. I know.
Starting point is 00:34:24 But what I'm saying is like these people that want the studies will still find something wrong with it yeah if it doesn't fit their bias or their opinion and it really matters to them who it comes from so doug brignoli saying something like he's not that jacked but then you hear it from phil heathen like but he's on steroids because that's what i'm saying who the fuck do you want to hear this from this is this is the funny thing on tiktok man when i posted the decline shit right people Bill Heath. And you're like, but he's on steroids. That's what I'm saying. Who the fuck do you want to hear this from? This is, this is the funny thing on Tik TOK, man.
Starting point is 00:34:47 When I posted the decline shit, right? People in the comments were like, well, I didn't see Arnold or any of the classic bodybuilders doing decline press. So I'm not going to do it. The amount of comments that I saw that were just like that. I'm just like,
Starting point is 00:34:58 motherfucker. Well, number one, you think you're going to look like Arnold and get the fuck out of here. If you think you're going to get even close. Number two just because arnold didn't do it i mean i love arnold don't get me wrong but so because he doesn't do something you're just not gonna do it right arnie didn't do it yeah the doesn't make any sense i can't i can't understand it another comment that i kept seeing over and over was like oh sure the smallest
Starting point is 00:35:25 guy in the room we're gonna take advice from you like motherfucker if i look like that at 61 i will be ecstatic people didn't realize that that's why that's why that post with like uh uh showing his abs that's why people are like oh my bad yeah like there does need to i mean okay i get there does need to be some physical proof but at the same time like he looks amazing yeah doug does look amazing for his age yeah you want to look like that at 61 and then like another just because it did make me laugh somebody was like um uh this is this is bs because uh i just did incline presses for the first time in a year my chest is blown up it's like well yeah you haven't done incline in over a year. So of course you're going to be sore from it. This is one thing I'll say also, since we're kind of talking about this
Starting point is 00:36:10 stuff with the incline and the decline pressing, no one is telling anybody not to incline press. And this is where people kind of get things a little bit twisted and then people are too married to certain ideas. Most people haven't even done a decline press to see how it feels because it's hard to set up that at certain gyms or like greg doucette made a video once and i think he said the decline dumbbell press is the most useless press ever so people fall in line with that dogma and they won't even try it out right and that's the problem you hear something from someone and you know because they say this is wrong you automatically say that's wrong for the audience that listens to this podcast right for all of you guys who are
Starting point is 00:36:50 here in the live chat right now and for the people that are going to be hearing this i would just implore you to please we have this mindset here of trying to be open to things and trying to be open to ideas because we know that there's a lot of different ways to do things. There might be a certain way that we do things, but we know there are a lot of different ways to, um, and when something comes our way, if we're interested in it and if we see a benefit in it, even if there's not that crazy, not too much proof for research, we will try it out. And we have seen so much benefit from doing certain different things by just going to the gym and giving it a shot for a few weeks. Don't be married to the ideas that you have right
Starting point is 00:37:31 now, because when you were mentioning different diets, right at this point right now, as far as my diet is concerned, I literally do every type of diet, except I'm not a vegan. I eat meat, but depending on the day, if I need carbs i'll have some carbs if i need to fast i'll fast right now i'm feeling really fatigued so i am i'm eating i ate this morning i'll probably eat tomorrow morning because i know that right now my body's a little bit run down i do all types of diets because i have had the experience of trying different things out i don't think this one thing is right and that's you do the same thing you eat carbs sometimes. I don't think this one thing is right. And that's, you do the same thing. You eat carbs sometimes and you don't. So try things out. Yeah. You want to mix the information,
Starting point is 00:38:12 you know, you know, find the, the things that you feel are useful and keep those things in, keep kicking out the things that you found to be useless and, uh, you know, make it uniquely your own. It's kind of a, I just bastardize a Bruce Lee quote, but it goes a little something like that. But I also think it's important to point out that what we produce here is we're producing infotainment. A lot of times people aren't going to listen to the researcher. They're not going to listen to,
Starting point is 00:38:38 we've had a lot of great researchers on. We know some people, probably like one of the smarter people that we know is, and there's a couple of them actually, but some of the people, smartest people that we know, they're not really known well amongst, you know, social media. Are you thinking about Joel Green? Yeah. Joel Green, Ron Penna, like some of these people come to mind. They're just, they never really had a huge interest in being out there as much as some of us have. And so for us, we're trying to relay a message, but we're also trying to get your attention.
Starting point is 00:39:12 I don't have any problem admitting that. So sometimes the caption that we use, you know, we might be a little click-baity here and there. You're going to see a lot of times we have our shirts off. You're going to see, you know, we're doing these things intentional because we want to, we want to invite a lot of people in. We want people to listen and hopefully they'll also check out the power project because they'll hear the long format where we actually can explain ourselves a little bit further and,
Starting point is 00:39:41 and give you kind of the full details. I think something that's really, really important for people to understand is a lot of times information, some of the best information that has ever happened in our societies has come from madmen and people that they wanted to string up where they were like, this motherfucker is crazy. He's a detriment to our society. Family witch trials? Yeah. Oh, she can read? She's a detriment to our society um somebody wish trials yeah oh she could read she's a witch yeah yeah yeah yeah that kind of shit yeah even if you were to think about like
Starting point is 00:40:14 elon musk like if elon musk existed uh i don't know 60 years ago or 100 years ago um people might think that he's completely crazy and maybe he would never even given a shot to do some of the things that he's doing. He's talking. I mean, how is how is Elon Musk talking about going to Mars and some of these other billionaires talking about, you know, exploring space more? How is that any different than people getting in a ship and saying, fuck you, the earth's not flat. I'm going to prove it. I'm going to go and cruise around the ocean until I hit land somewhere. And then you end up, you know, in America, I guess. Right. A lot of great things have come and have spawned from a lot of these people that people would consider to be madmen.
Starting point is 00:41:13 And even if you don't like somebody, I think it's a great idea to still open your mind to potentially they might. Let's say, for example, I know Lane Norton a lot of times is inflammatory. Let's say you fucking hate Lane Norton. Lane Norton still has a tremendous amount of great information you're doing yourself a huge disservice by white knuckling his information and being angry uh that he's saying something in particular or or any of these uh leading experts that are on instagram or social media there's no reason to get yourself i think uh i think when you get mad, when you tie an emotion to it, it's like you immediately kind of shut down what they're about to say. And I just think you're missing out. You could be missing out on some really impactful information that can change your life.
Starting point is 00:41:56 Absolutely, that can change your life. I think the primary thing, at least from exercise, that comes to mind for me personally was like a lot of that atg stuff that we've added in because again you know people talk about oh you shouldn't squat with your knees over your toes and stuff and i played soccer growing up i had ash could slaughter from 13 to 16 my knees were my knees have just been kind of crappy for a while right and it's only when i started really working in those ranges that I got my, my explosiveness back that I got my, like, I feel springy, but it's because again, I'm doing things that most people in the ex-phys community would probably say don't do right. And that
Starting point is 00:42:41 yielded some massive benefits for me. Um, so so so all i'm saying is like with all the with the people that we have on just be open to trying something because it really can it could change it quite literally could change your life it could change the relationship you have with your body what your body's able to do the pain you're in right um it open mindset change that an open mindset will 100 guaranteed change your life yeah i don't have any problems making as a statement i agree it'll change your life if you can open up your mind and start to absorb some of the stuff that's around you it could it's going to be really really powerful i think that's it i think that's anything else y'all want to. Yeah,
Starting point is 00:43:26 no, I mean, being open-minded, right? Like we always preach that and people want to be super dogmatic because it becomes a part of their identity. I don't know. Just be a little bit more lenient or be more chill on that. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:37 And, and I think the big thing here is I want to mention this too. Like, you know, when we did have Doug on, um, both times we were talking to him i was trying to coax him into like being but this is still cool right like if you want to
Starting point is 00:43:50 do this and this and like he he's so great at being like well it's not bad but if you know on the tier ranking it's also not good and it's better than doing nothing that was doug's phrase doing that's better than doing nothing i was doug's phrase doing that's better than doing nothing i was like okay i'll at least you need to say it sucks yeah right yeah but at the end of the day again i think that if you know just have an idea of adding things into what you do they're not what doesn't work and just marry a lot of different ideas together because i believe that that's what you can that's where you'll be able to get the specific program or the specific diet that works for you. When you try a lot of different things, see what works, see what doesn't. And also
Starting point is 00:44:34 with these things, I want to especially say this with like things like the sissy squat or things like the, the knees over toe stuff, start with regressionsions and i say this because people will try a sissy squat and not have the ability to go into their knees and they're like oh god this hurts right so you need to start at a place that it's painless and that it's like maybe just body weight start weightless yeah start there because if you start trying to advance something too quickly number one you could hurt yourself but number two you're automatically going to think this doesn't work. When I started the ATG stuff in February, I was not able to freaking do the Peterson step up without pain in my knees. I was like, oh God, this is going to be quite a journey. Right? So, but I started from the bottom and just slowly moved up. So you'll have to do
Starting point is 00:45:20 that. Okay. You can't rush yourself into some of the things that you see Mark doing me doing. You can't rush yourself into that. You have to start at the beginning and then you have to do that. Okay. You can't rush yourself into some of the things that you see Mark doing me doing. You can't rush yourself into that. You have to start at the beginning and then you have to just give yourself the time to make it work. Takes patience. Okay. It takes a bit of like, you got to be humble because you're going to be doing things that just look embarrassing maybe, but the benefit will be revealed in time. Take, take your time and don't worry about how you look. You know, I'm out there running on the beach.
Starting point is 00:45:47 I know I look like a Neanderthal. Don't rub it in. I'm sorry. No, it's worse than what you just showed. That was not a good impersonation. It's pretty good. It's still worse than that. But, you know, those are things that you'll have to try to overcome.
Starting point is 00:46:04 And in having an open mind, just understand that no one cares. When somebody's really heavy and they're at a gym and they're working out, most of the time, when I see somebody like that, I'm like, fucking good for them. I see someone that's 3, 4, 500 pounds, somebody that's really big. I know how hard it must be for them. I've never experienced from their side, so I've never felt that before.
Starting point is 00:46:32 But fucking good on them. And most of the time, most of the time people aren't, they're not even really thinking about you at all. So if you look weird or feel weird doing something, but it's something that is, you know, driving you towards what your, you know, what your goals are, there's going to be a point where you're going to have to kind of cut that part off and just say, I don't, I'm not really that worried about that because I'm more interested in this. I'm more interested in moving forward. And then I would say another extremely difficult, difficult part about being open is that you're going to look like an outlier if you're training with a bunch of people or even like at the gym like uh walking in to do
Starting point is 00:47:11 like cable sissy squats is going to look a little bit different than the guy that's going into squat and that was another comment that i would see a lot is like i'm not going to mess with these i'd rather just squat and it's like i don't know maybe stop being so concerned with looking cool and start you know doing stuff to look good you know as far as like getting your your quads a little bit bigger but even when we had doug brignoli on the first time you know i mean we're in a power lifting gym and i start doing some of these movements i feel pretty uncomfortable you know because it's like i mean as is everyone's like just really strong in the big three and so when i i'm not good at that i
Starting point is 00:47:46 mean i'm i'm fine at that but i'm not as strong as most people in this gym so there's already like kind of some like awkward feelings sometimes but then i go to just hang out on the cable machine and i'm trying to do these like sissy squats or some of the ab stuff too it looks very different compared to what everyone else is doing but if I had let that get the best of me, I wouldn't have discovered probably like my favorite way of training, you know, or, you know,
Starting point is 00:48:10 part of, part of my favorite. Uh, so yeah, if I had let that get to me, I mean, shit, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:48:16 I don't know what I would be doing right now. Just be uncommon. Don't worry about it. You know, I, I've, uh, I've heard some people,
Starting point is 00:48:23 uh, recently talking about, you know, just kind of leaning into some of this. You know, I've heard some people recently talking about, you know, just kind of leaning into some of this, you know, heard David Goggins talking about, and, you know, he's extreme and he has extreme examples, but he said, he talked about showing up to a wedding and just being drenched in sweat and like just sitting down at the table
Starting point is 00:48:40 and just, you know, whipping out like a prepped meal or whatever, just because he's like, just live in a different code than, than other than what other people are doing. And you don't have to take things to that extreme, but having an open mind and being willing to figure out things that will work for you, it's going to put you in a better spot and put you in a better place. Andrew, want to take us on out of here? I will.
Starting point is 00:49:01 Thank you everybody for checking out today's live stream. You guys are awesome. And yeah, I'm going to start icing down my nuts because of you guys so thank you for that uh thank you to pete montes for sponsoring today's episode some cubes in my hand if you want me to what well so i guess what they said is like it can't be touching skin i put a lot of cubes in my hand so while i was thinking maybe just get your hand really really cold and like that'll simulate kind of the same thing i'm gonna freeze it right now yeah you, maybe just get your hand really, really cold and like that'll simulate kind of the same thing. I'm a freeze it right now.
Starting point is 00:49:26 I got you. You're just going to put your hand in the freezer. I got you. Oh, damn it. Uh, Pete Montes, P I E D M O N T.
Starting point is 00:49:34 It is dot com, uh, links to them down in the description as well as podcast show notes, promo code power project for 25% off your order. Uh, if your order is $150 or more, you get free today. Shipping,
Starting point is 00:49:44 uh, follow the podcast at Mark Bell power project on instagram at mb power project on tiktok and twitter follow us on tiktok that shit's getting pretty exciting uh my instagram and twitter is at i am andrew z and sima where you at mom if you listen to this episode i love you and see my ending on instagram youtube and see me yin yang on tiktok and twitter i just realized man my mom must be just thinking i raced a scumbag nah not really but the things we say yeah no it's it's always mama i love you it's humbling and awesome but it's always a shock when somebody says like hey i checked out your your podcast like which one hopefully it wasn't any of them. I'm at Mark Smelly Bell. Strength is never weakness. Weakness is never strength.
Starting point is 00:50:30 Catch you guys later.

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