Mark Bell's Power Project - EP. 579 - Chris Bell's Bigger Stronger Faster Sequel is coming!

Episode Date: August 25, 2021

Chris Bell the director of the legendary film, Bigger Stronger Faster is here to announce he is working on a sequel and informs us that kratom is facing a possible ban. Visit to help keep Kratom from getting banned. Subscribe to the NEW Power Project Newsletter! ➢ Subscribe to the Podcast on on Platforms! ➢ Special perks for our listeners below! ➢Marek Health: Use code POWERPROJECT15 for 15% off ALL LABS! Also check out the Power Project Panel: Use code POWERPROJECT for $101 off! ➢Eat Rite Foods: Use ode "POWERPROJECT25" for 25% off your first order, then code "POWERPROJECT" for 10% off every order after! ➢LMNT Electrolytes: ➢Piedmontese Beef: Use Code "POWERPROJECT" at checkout for 25% off your order plus FREE 2-Day Shipping on orders of $99 ➢Sling Shot: Enter Discount code, "POWERPROJECT" at checkout and receive 15% off all Sling Shots Follow Mark Bell's Power Project Podcast ➢ Insta: ➢ ➢ Twitter: ➢ LinkedIn: ➢ YouTube: ➢TikTok: FOLLOW Mark Bell ➢ Instagram: ➢ Facebook: ➢ Twitter: ➢ Snapchat: marksmellybell ➢Mark Bell's Daily Workouts, Nutrition and More: FOLLOW Nsima Inyang ➢YouTube: ➢Instagram: ➢TikTok: ➢Nsima's Coaching: Podcast Produced by Andrew Zaragoza ➢ Instagram: #PowerProject #Podcast #MarkBell

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What's up, everybody? Hey! Whoa, whoa. Hey, we got cut out somehow. That was weird. No, it was really loud. I need to let the world know real quick before we continue on that, number one, Boar, I've told Chris to keep that beard because he looks fucking good with it, and I will never stop
Starting point is 00:00:20 commenting on how good your beard looks, because if you shave it, I will thrash you. So keep that, and Mark, dude, shave it, I will thrash you. So keep that. And Mark, dude, the stash is dope. Thank you. Please don't get rid of the stash, because, yeah. I actually kept it because of you, because I'm like, well, and Sam is a good looking guy. He knows what's up. He knows what he's talking about.
Starting point is 00:00:36 Well, it's good because he's younger, too. So, like, you need somebody younger than you to be like, yeah, it does look good. I was like, hey, it makes me look old. And he's like,'s like no no it looks really good like just leave it you're old anyway he's i didn't say that hey what are you mixing up over there you got like a concoction going bro you know today is actually the white girl told me this today is the first day of pumpkin spice pumpkin season at starbucks like this is the first day you can go so what do i have in here today is like national white girl day national white girl day pretty much that's what it is this was a nitro cold brew with pumpkin uh cream um foam uh and heavy
Starting point is 00:01:20 whipping cream but then i added some of the fair Life. Mmm. Oh, oh, oh. Fumble. Chocolate milk. Yeah. Those are actually delicious. And did you know, did you guys know that they now make ice cream? Oh. Yeah. They make ice cream.
Starting point is 00:01:35 High protein ice cream? It has more protein than normal ice cream by quite a bit. And then if you were to eat the whole, it comes in like a pint. It's about 480 calories so it's under 500 calories which sounds like a decent amount of calories but when you're talking about like eating a bit ben and jerry's tub right they're also lactose free i was just gonna say that wow um they're dope they got like them they got mint chip your favorite oh wait no that's my favorite you can't believe you guys don't like that i love that shit mint mint chip would never be like the go-to though it is for me yeah i don't want to i
Starting point is 00:02:11 don't want to brush my teeth and eat chocolate right it's a texture thing that's what it seems like to me i think i think that just moved on yeah i i i don't know i i i don't um I don't know. I don't disagree with you completely, but I just enjoy it. It's great. Whatever. Again, it's a texture thing. You don't look like a mint chip kind of guy. Really? What do I look like?
Starting point is 00:02:35 We don't notice that in your step. You look like a down and dirty, like Ben and Jerry's, like 16 things in the ice cream kind of guy. No. No, no Yeah, pretty basic. Yeah Not as basic as the pumpkin spice but pretty close Has like one weird ingredient that doesn't fit Like it'll be all these like awesome ingredients together and then there's like Something weird like cherries in it or something just try to give me some more flavor and you'll never say that again.
Starting point is 00:03:05 Boy, what's your favorite cut of Piedmontese? You can only pick one. My favorite cut of ice cream? Favorite cut of ice cream. My favorite cut of Piedmontese, it's kind of not fair, but it's the filet mignon because it is just so tender and amazing. Who isn't into the filet? The filet is definitely my favorite of all. I could eat those all day long just because they are so tender.
Starting point is 00:03:28 Do you mess around with getting grass-fed, grass-finished type stuff, or you don't care? Well, they send me a lot of stuff, so I just pick and choose different things. But I don't think that it's important at all to get grass-finished or grass grass fed beef from Piedmont. You're misinformed. Well, here's the reason why. I just was actually listening to a podcast with Paul Saladino and Tucker Goodrich, and they were talking about chicken. And they were like, well, if you're going to eat chicken, eat chicken breast because
Starting point is 00:03:56 it doesn't have the poly six saturated. You know, they're in all those fats. Chicken breast doesn't have fat in it anyway. Yeah. So kind of the same thing with Piedmontese. It's so low in fat. Most of the cuts are so low in fat that unless you're just buying straight rib eyes there really is no reason to go with a more expensive cut so if it's more expensive then with piedmontese that's what's
Starting point is 00:04:15 the beauty you don't need to worry but they do offer if you are dead set on it sometimes i think people are scared of the price of piedmontmontese steaks. And we're very fortunate that they sent us that stuff for free. It's pretty amazing. But what I would say is a lot of times, you know, being a carnivorous person for many years, I'm spitting out a lot of meat when I eat regular steaks. And I'm trying to cut it with a knife and I can't get through it. And even when I start to chew it, I got to spit some of it out. It's been extremely rare.
Starting point is 00:04:44 I think that's only happened like once or twice with a Piedmontese steak that I can recall. The only time I have to chop off the fat is with a New York strip, which is common amongst New York strips. You always have to cut that little thing of fat off. But it's amazing. What's interesting is you cut that off. You don't eat that? A lot of times you can't. Like it's sometimes it's not edible.
Starting point is 00:05:03 So you guys have weak teeth or something? You're like, I've just been swallowing it. lot sometimes it's not not edible so you're like i've been weak teeth or something you're like i've just been swallowing it no it's like uh it's not just fat it's like tendons or whatever they sent me a bunch of little rubbery they sent me a bunch of new york strips recently and they don't even have that on oh nice like they have like a very thin strip of fat along the side interesting and they cook up really good and it's great because like you said you can eat the whole thing eat the entire thing. So especially like those filet mignons that I was talking about, they're eight ounces, and you eat the whole thing, and you're satisfied. You don't need more meat than that.
Starting point is 00:05:33 I think the kebabs are pretty dope, too. I have kebabs, yet I haven't cooked them yet. So you were just talking about like they have different meats in them. Yeah, they're pretty high-quality meats. It's like I want to say they said it was a filet a um a ribeye it's like yeah it's a combination of a bunch of really really good meats have you tried the bratwurst yet i have not tried the bratwurst i'll bring me some bratwurst to try it's pretty damn good i didn't know about this it's like um don't you hate that just a different notch how does this feel mark it's a sideways you see what we say all the time so if
Starting point is 00:06:06 you think it's horrible for you how do you think i feel when i talk to the guys all the time and i go into nugget and there's bratwurst and i buy it at nugget because i they never sent it to me how could you not tell me come on joe come on what are you doing over there yeah um i've been digging the uh the center cut ribeyes, the Nebraska cut. I don't know if you've messed with that one, but it's just like a super lean ribeye. That's mainly what I eat. Okay. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:31 It's the center cut ribeye, flat irons, and fillets. Yeah, absolutely. We love this stuff. You guys are, I mean, you're really slacking if you haven't taken the opportunity to try some of this. Just go order some. Stop being a pussy. Yes, for reals.
Starting point is 00:06:43 Let's go. Head over to It's At checkout, enter promo code POWERPROJECT for 25% off your order. And if your order is $150 or more, you get free two-day shipping. Again, that's at Check for the links down in the YouTube description as well as the podcast show notes. But to be clear, right after mark said stop being a
Starting point is 00:07:05 pussy pussy is there's nothing wrong with it it's delicious and it is finished or no yeah doesn't matter either way either way um you uh we're gonna get into talking a bunch about kratom today but before we do that you've been, you changed your diet up a little bit. You're primarily just eating meat. Is there anything else in the diet other than just meat? Yeah, I went back to the simple, I think the best, the best I've done on a carnivore diet was when we first went on Joe Rogan, which is about two and a half years ago, I think now.
Starting point is 00:07:41 And when I was on there, I started talking about like, hey, I'm eating meat and fruit and everybody got so mad about it. Everybody got all up in arms in the comments. Like, hey, bro, you're not really carnivore says he's carnivore eats fruit, blah, blah, blah. Now, like everybody's doing it. You know, I'm looking at Paul Saladino, who I've always really looked up to and appreciate his content and the things that he's done in the carnivore community. But I think we, you know, not that we've lured him over, but over time, I think people realize like I can do better if I just have a little bit of fruit, I could do better if I, and you know, and he still sticks to like a more seasonal fruits and things like that.
Starting point is 00:08:19 I just don't even worry about it. Like I have a giant thing of pineapple and watermelon in the refrigerator there that i just can't wait to smash you know like later on today because i i just bring it along for snacks um it's something that sort of fills in the gaps and it stops me from like eating sour patch kits eating junk i love like stuff like that yeah real quick uh bore i remember um you and i were both kind of messing around with like anabolic diet stuff. So like the super low fat, the, uh, like the, um, you know, those protein ice creams and stuff. Uh, what was it like for you in the middle of all that? Cause I don't think you're doing too much of that anymore. No, I did that. I did that for quite a
Starting point is 00:08:58 while. We were doing like a photo shoot here and I'm like, well, let me try more of like Greg Doucette's anabolic diet. I really like a lot of the stuff that he puts out and so what i what i do is like i try all these things and i just take what works with me hold on a second greg doucette's diet is called the anabolic diet yes um uh anabolic cookbook it's it's not really he doesn't anabolic diet is from maro de pascual yeah no yeah i think that's just what everybody in the YouTube space calls it. I was getting upset there. Well, DeSant's too smart for shit like that. Yeah, he doesn't actually call it the anabolic diet, but he has an anabolic cookbook.
Starting point is 00:09:33 The anabolic cookbook. Got it. And then people talk about anabolic ice cream. Eating anabolic, which is weird. That's what they talk about. We eat catabolic on this podcast because we don't eat. You don't eat. You just fast.
Starting point is 00:09:48 A lot of fasting is a big part of it for me. So yesterday I fasted all the way until I got home at 5 p.m. Mark and I worked out yesterday. We did some legs, some brutal sissy squats like you showed me the other day. And when I got home, I just smashed a bunch of fruit while I was making my meat, and then I ate the meat, and then I ate some more fruit and went to bed. And so that was actually pretty light on calories yesterday. It was almost like I fasted all day and then probably only ate 1,500 calories at night. Do you count calories?
Starting point is 00:10:17 No. Calories. I don't count them at all because- Don't count calories. No. TM, we've taken that, guys if i see any of you motherfuckers without on anything i'll kill you anyway continue i'm sorry no i don't i don't count them because i don't i don't find it useful like i did do it when we did the whole we were doing
Starting point is 00:10:35 that photo shoot i did it for like three months i tracked everything and i talked and seen a lot about it and like i believe in exactly what you say it taught me a lot about food. And like, I believe in exactly what you say. It taught me a lot about food. It taught me that like, okay, you can eat carbs. You can eat popcorn at the end of the night. If you're hungry, just make it yourself, air pop it, make it yourself and smash a bunch of popcorn at the end of the night. And you're not going to get fat. And it was things like that, that really helped me. Like if you want a white potato or white rice, there's hardly anything in it. Don't worry about it. Just smash it with like some low fat meat and don't smother it in butter and sour cream and everything else, which you still could do if you have the calories allotment left in your diet. But if you
Starting point is 00:11:16 actually cut up a good piece of steak and smash up a potato and then put some, you know, like broth on it or something like Stan does, it's delicious anyway. You don't really need to dump a lot of fat on things. And I've learned that over the years because you remember when I first did keto, you used to make fun of me. You'd be laughing going like, you're going to put that much butter in your coffee?
Starting point is 00:11:36 And I'm like, yeah, the more fat, the better. And I actually did great on that, but I got skinny fat. You did? Yeah, back about five, six years ago, um, I was about 180 pounds on keto and I actually have pictures of it. I look awful. I look probably the worst I've ever looked. Even when, even I looked better, fatter, um, because I just had such a weird physique at that point. Were you eating a lot of protein still? Or was it like keto? It was super keto. It was like when everybody was like, you're going to get cancer.
Starting point is 00:12:06 Three to one. Yeah. To protein ratio. If you're going to eat more than 80 grams of protein, you're probably going to get cancer. And I'm like, well, I don't want that. So let me just do super keto. And it was mainly like bulletproof coffees all day and then like one meal at night. It was a terrible diet for micronutrients.
Starting point is 00:12:22 And I didn't know a whole lot about micronutrients to tell you the truth. The person that really taught me about micronutrients was Craig Emmerich, ironically, who isn't jacked at all, really, but he's really Maria Emmerich. Yeah. They're keto people, but they're just really, really brilliantly smart. And Craig's an engineer. And Craig gave me a, uh, a sheet, like a meme that he made, uh sent it to me of micronutrients that were in beef. And I just couldn't believe how all the micronutrients were in beef and liver and all these things that I didn't know that they were in. They're in greens. That's what people try to promote to and vegetables to try to get all these micronutrients, not realizing I could absorb them a lot better from liver and from meat and from other things. And then just add in, sprinkle in a couple with the fruit, right? A couple of micronutrients I didn't get.
Starting point is 00:13:15 You guys know what's really interesting real quick, and you guys can probably mention a lot of stuff on this, but I see a lot of comments when people are talking about guys like Ben Bickman or who's a PE ratio guy. Ted Neiman. Ted Neiman. A lot of people are like former engineers that come into the nutrition space and bring something really thoughtful and really beneficial. But then a lot of people comment,
Starting point is 00:13:34 and this Emmerich individual that you mentioned, he was an engineer too. But a lot of people are like, oh, but they didn't go to nutrition school for it. How did they, like, what do they do? But they end up doing so well and helping so many people because of the way they think about nutrition yeah they think about it as like a system and i think
Starting point is 00:13:49 if you look at um craig emmerich there's a lot of people that are like that i think tucker goodrich has like some sort of engineering background and i think um there's several of them that that are in uh dave feldman he's like super nerd engineer uh nerd, nerd in a good way. I don't mean to bash him. I love him. Um, but it's, it takes a super, it takes kind of a super nerd to sit down and go through all the data on cholesterol and things like we're not going to do that. So it's great to have people that will do that for us and, uh, spit the information back out in a way that's easy to understand.
Starting point is 00:14:22 I actually think that Ted Naiman has the answer. Like, I think that that is like the one guy who has the answer to solve obesity. Like a lot of people have good suggestions and good information, but the stuff that he teaches and preaches, I think is like our way out, you know, in a lot of ways. Yesterday he posted something that said, you know, good luck trying to eat this entire thing. And it was a celery stock and it had 60 calories. He said the equivalent in a peanut butter cup would be two thirds of the peanut butter cup. And it said, good luck trying not to eat an entire peanut butter cup. You know, things like that, I think are really valuable for people to kind of recognize, like
Starting point is 00:14:56 I can eat more of these other foods. If I can get in tune with eating these health, healthier foods. Once you do that, it kind of encourages itself. It builds upon itself. You'll start to have good results. What are your results have been like lately in switching your diet, you know, and being more strict to primarily just eating meat? The main thing that I did recently, which I just think was like a miracle almost like it, it always takes like something big in my life to change, you know, to make a change. And, um, and so like, I hadn't done anything with my diet in a long time and I was just getting frustrated. Cause like it just
Starting point is 00:15:30 wasn't working anymore. It felt, I felt like I wasn't working. I had stomach issues all the time. I always felt nauseous. I kept complaining about it, complaining about it until I talked to Michaela Peterson, um, who was like, just try my diet, just go on beef, water, salt, boom. And so I did that. I only did that for a week. And then I went back to eating some fruit because I literally had diarrhea so bad that I could not stop.
Starting point is 00:15:53 It was like, you know, when Joe Rogan says, I don't trust my butthole, I know exactly what he means. And I hadn't had that problem before on Carnivore because mostly I was eating a lot fattier meat and I didn't have any fattier meat. I just had a Piedmontese I was trying to throw in some hamburgers and hot dogs into that and get my fat up and throw some butter on the you know even though she recommended not having butter I had to
Starting point is 00:16:14 add no other fat source really and like rendered fats even worse for diarrhea so get those one of those patties hot potty patties what yeah I just didn't have I didn't have any you know like it and I just have a freezer full of meat. So I'm like, I'm just going to go with what I have. So I did that for like a week or maybe a week and a half. And what I realized was that by just simply not having cream in my coffee every morning, not having cheese on my burgers, there was a lot of dairy. And then like Mark got me recently into cottage cheese and I was like
Starting point is 00:16:45 killing that you know but I eat the whole thing I just overeat dairy it's addictive it's an opioid I am a former opioid addict it's pretty easy for me to overeat cheese and and dairy and things like that yeah I remember this video this is from an old hustle mania video where you're making some bulletproof coffee yeah you're putting cacao in it um all kinds of butter and mark's like that looks disgusting but yeah you look different back then you look better now but yeah you were full keto and this was i don't know maybe like four years ago so my face is all my face is all. There it is, cacao butter. Yeah, dumping it all in together. How much did you weigh right there, dude?
Starting point is 00:17:30 Probably 280. Oh, me? Chris, how much were you there? Yeah, both of you guys. I was probably like 190, 180, something like that. I probably come in the best at 190. Right now I weigh about 200 pounds. But even before I talked to Michaela, i was weighing 210 for like six months so just simply cutting dairy just dropped 10 pounds off of me pretty easily and do you physically feel a
Starting point is 00:17:52 difference when you drop like do you feel like you get like any type of physical negativity from dairy oh physical negativity yeah yeah because some people like when they they're lactose intolerant so like not only will their gut feel fucked up, but they'll physically feel bad when they have dairy. Does that happen to you, too? Or does it just, like, mess with your gut? It's really hard for me to pinpoint things like that. You know, like, I ate some carbs this weekend, and then my knees hurt yesterday. And I'm like, was it the carbs?
Starting point is 00:18:19 Like, am I just training too hard? You know, like, it's really hard to tell because we do so much that it's really, I don't know. I also think a lot of times when people talk about like foods and how bad they hurt after a food or something, like, I just, I think it's a little bit ridiculous, but I do get it. I understand that. Like, um, the, the, here's the, here's the other question to the real question asked. So over the weekend, uh, my dad had a birthday party and so we ate like a lot of barbecue and there was some side orders and I had some mac The real question asked. So over the weekend, my dad had a birthday party. And so we ate like a lot of barbecue and there were some side orders and had some mac and cheese and I had some other things just to have like a little little tiny bit of everything. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:54 And I felt horrible the next day. However, I probably ate thirty five hundred calories and I'm normally eating a lot less than that. So to Lane Norton's point, maybe you're just overeating. Maybe it's too much food. Maybe it's too much stuff. Or is it the actual food itself? If I just ate all the meat, like if I had the same amount of calories in all meat, would I have the same problems? I probably tend to think so. Yeah, I saw a ridiculous post from Paul Saladino.
Starting point is 00:19:20 And I think as we move forward and as we continue to try to communicate about this stuff, it's important that we kind of call each other out here and there. And I think he made a post about Bill Gates and it was like a picture and he kind of had boobs and the tits. Yeah. And he's, you know, talking about his physique. Right. And he's like, does everybody get it now? This is from seed oils. And I'm like, you have no idea what it's from. You don't have any idea of the particular diet that Bill Gates does or says he does. Bill Gates may not eat any seed oils. It was just a ridiculous proposal. I was like, this is garbage.
Starting point is 00:19:56 Like, why put that forward? Does Bill Gates maybe have poor habits in his nutrition? Probably. He did kind of look like that statue so i do get the point oh yeah i understand yeah putting out like i was telling you yesterday putting out something that you don't necessarily 100 believe in but it's controversial and it gets people to comment and it gets people we're talking about right now um yeah we're talking about it right now right we're talking about him and we're bringing him up and people go look him up and
Starting point is 00:20:23 it'll be it's just uh in my opinion it's dumb and it's untrue. I don't like that. I don't like, like if you, if you're saying like that, something's your opinion or something like that, or, um, but like the main thing to, to hit home with most people is that if someone doesn't have a good physique, they just probably don't have habits that would align with a better build. You know, that's all that it is. And it's not necessarily carbs. It's not seed oil.
Starting point is 00:20:52 It's not saturated fat. I mean, we've tried to blame all these different things before, and we continue to send the wrong message across. Well, Bill Gates also owns the most farmland. Maybe he's eating meat all the time. Who knows? They grew up eating hamburgers.
Starting point is 00:21:05 I mean, if you listen to Bill Gates' story, a lot of people want to paint him in this, like, ugly, dirty life. 1973 or something? That he's trying to, like, destroy the earth and do all these things. But, like, nobody really, really knows either. And that's something that I find weird. It's like every time somebody brings up Bill Gates, they bring up some conspiracy that he's trying to like take everything over. And you're like, well, it's just not happening. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:21:28 It's it's it doesn't seem to be playing out in the way that everybody sort of wants it to or thinks it's going to. Or I don't know. I think we want that like evil bad guy. Like we want the emperor, the evil emperor kind of like to look to, you know, he 65 by the way 65 65 and that whole thing is like kind of fucking stupid just because there are so many like very in shape people who consume tons of seed oils in their foods and they're in amazing shape i could do i could eat a lot of yeah i was in great shape when eating seed oils too so like what the fuck kind of sense i listen to a lot of podcasts with pro bodybuilders and a lot of podcasts with fitness influencers.
Starting point is 00:22:06 Right. And most of them eat like shit. Most of them eat horrible. At Gold's Gym, remember, like, you know, they're eating like rice cakes before their training session a lot of times. Not that there's anything wrong with rice cakes, but, you know, rice cakes usually have like a bunch of kind of crap in them. And then while they're training, they were walking around with gallons of uh crystal light you know they're they're they're ingesting like uh you know all these things that people think are like polluting you or harming your body and all those things if you ever go to like like uh tony huge's house it's full of seed oils and crappy food and and
Starting point is 00:22:39 i'm sure he eats good a lot but he also uses chemistry to combat a lot of these things and so it's not always like what you see is what you get too you know so it's it's just interesting to see that um a lot of people who are in great shape don't even eat good it's just genetic or it's uh because they're using something to to get them there or they're just like staying in a deficit while continuing to exercise yeah like maybe tony doesn't eat that much food yeah maybe it's just that like not all good food but like it's not a lot yeah maybe i don't know and then another thing is just like that whole type of i guess ideology in terms of like what saladino just posted is the same thing that vegans do when for example they'll post something of someone who eats meat and say
Starting point is 00:23:19 hey see this is what a meat eater looks like. Or fucking so that they can say, oh, with eating vegan, you can perform at a high level. Look at this one vegan high level athlete. You can do it. Like, what kind of? It's stupid. Like, it's so fucking dumb. Yeah. And it's like game changers.
Starting point is 00:23:36 When people like to identify with people like Zach Bitter, he's like, people identify me as like the meat runner. And he's like, but I eat a lot of carbs. You know, he's like, just to be honest, like, I'm not the meat runner. And he's like, I eat a lot of carbs. You know, he's like, just to be honest, like I, I'm not the meat guy. I did a podcast with Sean Baker, but it doesn't mean that I'm the meat guy necessarily. You know, I think one of the take homes from what you've been doing with your diet for a long time and the different things I hear you get fired up and excited about almost every single time it's, it's, uh, off the heels of a change. Like you, you, you, so I think it's important for people to recognize that when you change your diet and your diet, I, in my opinion, your diet should be ever evolving.
Starting point is 00:24:15 You should be changing your diet, but every single time that you make some small changes in your diet, you'll probably notice as long as they're for the better, you'll probably notice some progress because of like, what's called the honeymoon period. There's like a four to six week time frame that if any one of us here decided to do a vegan diet or anything like I wouldn't put it past that. We wouldn't make comments and being like, hmm, that's really odd. Wasn't expecting to feel better. But how many of us have eaten a crazy amount of protein for a really long time? Could you make an argument that that would be a
Starting point is 00:24:50 nice break for our body to, you know, explore and do something else for a little while. So I think sometimes just a change, change of pace, um, maybe just don't fast for the next three months, just as just to spin out of it for a bit, you know, and then go back to it at some other time yeah i was gonna ask like what do you think that time period is because um i already don't know how many weeks ago it was but you're like just load up on protein eat as much as you want not as much as you want but just load up on protein and so like i went from having just like one stick to two steaks to two steaks and then like a protein shake and i i kept loading up and so like 400 grams of protein was pretty easy for me that's awesome wow yeah like like extremely easy where i'm just like well shit i guess i i'm gonna stop because i feel like i'm gonna overdo it that's really crazy to me though 400 grams of protein would be so hard but but get this uh
Starting point is 00:25:43 fast forward i'll just say four weeks now i don't know how long it's been but like to do that again right now is like really hard and so now i'm like kind of leaning more towards like fuck dealer i really do want like more carbs again do you know why i don't you ask do you know why i have no idea why other than what mark just said if i were to make a change um to go high, low fat, I'd be like, this is, this is it. I'm good. This is, I feel the best right now. This is awesome. In about four to six weeks, I might be like, shit, dude, I'm hungry. I'm tired. I'm going back on that high protein diet again. You know? So I don't know. I'm just curious, like maybe that four to
Starting point is 00:26:21 six week. This is what makes, this is what makes nutrition science just garbage, basically, because when you go to test people and you have them in a even if you put them on lockdown and you have them in like a metabolic ward where you track every single thing that they do, it's probably coming off of some other type of diet. It's probably coming off of some other type of diet. So what diet's effective for people? Any diet, any nutritional intervention is going to be better than what the fuckheads were doing before, eating McDonald's and whatever else they were doing. So it gets to be really, really complicated. And that's why I don't ever really wait for the science. I just try to go with what feels good to me I try to go with suggestions that other people have had guys like Stan Efferding guys like Sean Baker there's a lot of great people to to listen to yeah what do you think about what Arnold said
Starting point is 00:27:17 oh man you know I it's funny because I put up a post about it he said screw your freedom and I just quickly in my head was like, oh, screw your freedom, huh? Like he gave this big speech about everything I have, my career, my success, my family. I owe it to America. I owe it to the freedom I got. I owe it, you know, and then he's like, screw your freedom. I think Arnold actually regrets what he said. I think I've seen him walk it back a little bit.
Starting point is 00:27:42 I think I've seen him walk it back a little bit. I think that he realizes that what he said struck a chord in a lot of Americans who really, really believe in freedom. Probably really hurtful, especially to people that defend the country. If you're in the military or anything like that, yeah, of course you're going to be pissed. I saw Brian Shaw ripped his posters off the wall. Callum Von Moger ripped his posters off the wall, said I'll never associate with Arnold again. I was supposed to be like the next Arnold, but like fuck Arnold basically. And what was like,
Starting point is 00:28:10 okay, so did you guys, either of you see the whole thing or was it? I watched the whole video. So contextually, was it that bad? It was pretty bad. I mean,
Starting point is 00:28:20 it was like this. It was, uh, he, he basically said, screw, he said, um,
Starting point is 00:28:24 you have these people saying, oh, this wearing these masks is cutting into my freedom. Well, screw your freedoms. Freedom comes with a lot of responsibility and obligations. And I, I believe that's that could be true. But like your obligation isn't to just listen to everything the government says. Like, that's not that's not freedom like that. That's not. But in in his particular case wasn't he talking about going to the arm classic or no no no he was just talking about he was talking about wearing a mask and he's like you're a schmuck if you don't wear a mask and to me that's even worse to actually follow the science wearing a mask doesn't do shit you know like we we know that we've seen that a million times in the science that, um, a lot of people don't feel that these things are effective. Now, the one thing that I've found weird about the whole pandemic is everybody says that the N 95 masks are very effective.
Starting point is 00:29:15 Why didn't we put all our resources into like making those and making those, you don't even ever see something mandatory. I've never, you literally never, I've never seen one person with an N 95 mask. And like, that would actually make sense if they're effective and whatever and you have to wear them like whatever but in in all i say i put up a post about it and it probably did better than any post i've put up i got like 40 000 likes it is interesting you have a good point because if we are like following the science which a lot of people say that we're trying to do then that would imply that we would be like hey Hey, let's, let's try to work towards getting as many N95 masks as possible. And what people said about that, when I brought it up to people, um, they're like, well, then you
Starting point is 00:29:56 can't have like cool designs on this. I was like, why couldn't you, you could have the same shit with a N95 mask. You could do the same kind of business with it. You could actually, who knows, man? Hopefully, to me, there's simpler solutions than what's being put out. I put up a post yesterday that got a ton of heat, but it's kind of awesome. I like it. I like the heat. So I put up a post that said that Dr. Janet Woodcock, it's a real name, she's the same person that was in charge. She was in charge for a year
Starting point is 00:30:27 when OxyContin was approved. Now, that doesn't mean anything necessarily. The FDA approves a lot of things. The point I was making is like, look at where OxyContin went. Look how sideways that went. Look at the Alzheimer's drug that Dr. Janet Woodcock was in charge of pushing through
Starting point is 00:30:43 when everybody said, this is gonna kill a lot of people and she still pushed it through. Look at this so-called not even a vaccine, but this thing that they have out now, this medication. What is that going to do? We don't know for for people. It's just as ridiculous for me to say that it's going to be bad as it is for people saying it's going to be good. It's just as ridiculous. You know, it's like, I don't know either. I don't know if it's going to be bad. I think that people are under the illusion that the vaccine is going to prevent them from getting sick. My best friend in the entire world could prevent you from getting sick. My best friend in the entire world called me yesterday. He is the head of one of the divisions
Starting point is 00:31:23 of Pfizer. And he he basically said you have this vaccine it works for some people doesn't work for other people people still get sick other he's like it should just be a choice you know and this is a guy that works for the company he's like it's stupid it's not been shown like yeah it's been shown to be effective but it hasn't shown to prevent it or prevent the spread of it or prevent this and that. And so like we've, we've seen that. Why not? I think there needs to be more messaging, more messaging around.
Starting point is 00:31:52 You're probably going to get, you're probably going to get sick. Yeah. And that's okay. You're probably going to get it. And if, even if you're vaccinated, you're probably going to get it. You just might get it to a little bit lesser degree. I think that's healthy. I think that's, I mean, I don't know what the other option is just to stay inside and not do anything.
Starting point is 00:32:09 I'm not anti-vax. I'm not against the vaccine. I'm not, I am against it for myself because I have autoimmune conditions that I'm still trying to figure out today. You know, I wake up with pain every day. A lot of it's gone away i've fixed a lot so you just don't think it's a good decision for you i don't think it's a good decision for me right now it may be but you know what if they're like hey you can't um shoot your next movie because you can't travel i'll be like yeah give me the stupid shot like i don't care like it doesn't affect me that it if there's something that's going to to like alter my life in a negative way, I'll probably just take it because I don't care that much. That's what happened to me.
Starting point is 00:32:49 Like, I ended up getting it because, like, I needed to be able to go to all the jujitsu classes possible. So I got it. Like, I wasn't tripping. And I'm not going to be mad at you for getting it. Yeah. But I hate you. Real quick on the Arnold thing, man. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:33:01 I think people are just over fucking reacting for it for some attention. Because when you gave me the context of why he said it okay like oh like he has an opinion on masks screw your freedom he wasn't actually like people are people are fucking so emotional like tearing off posters of arnold on the fucking wall dude really yeah it changes the fact that he inspired you to lift weights when you were a kid? I think. It didn't change that. Are you that much? I'm sorry. Also, I mean, if we're going to start to hit like the moral drum, right, and start to go to the beat of that, then, you know, I mean, he fucked his maid or whatever, right?
Starting point is 00:33:38 I mean, and had a baby while he was married. And it's like, why is this the straw that broke the camel's back? This is odd. I almost wrote, screw your freedom, screw your maids, screw everyone. I didn't do that because I didn't want to make it like super negative. I just, my point of putting together a video, I was like, screw your freedoms. Who needs them anyway, right? You know, and that's actually a line from Mad Dog about his balls, bigger, stronger,
Starting point is 00:34:04 faster. Who needs him anyway, right? And that's actually a line from Mad Dog about his balls, in bigger, stronger, faster, who needs him anyway? And so it was more like that, but my point in doing that was just to show people, like him saying, screw your freedom, up against him saying, I am so happy to have my freedom, to me was like a juxtaposition, and as a filmmaker, that's just what I do. I just look for things that are gonna, gonna cause people to go,
Starting point is 00:34:28 holy shit, it's gonna make people remember it. Right. And like Gary Vee says, if you can like entertain people and inform them at the same time, then you win. All I gotta say is Arnold's still dope. Yeah,
Starting point is 00:34:39 I think so, man. Yeah. Well, and also to people can take content from any one of us here and have us say the exact opposite thing that we once believed before. The difference is that no one fucking cares because we're not Arnold. Yeah, exactly. And I think that, you know, like when you Arnold's, he hasn't made a good movie in 35 years.
Starting point is 00:35:02 I think like when Terminator 2 was the last movie he made that was good. But we still like him. You know, like we don't care. Like I don't care. I see him at Gold's gym. I'm like not going to like shun him or like he's still Arnold. He's still the best guy in the whole gym. That's a good question.
Starting point is 00:35:17 Yes. Bottom line. Jingle All the Way. Was that him? Jingle All the Way. That was a good movie. That was a good movie. I was joking
Starting point is 00:35:25 but he's in a lot he's in a lot of good movies but he's also like lately hasn't been anything like you know he's older it's old yeah he's old arnie still would love to see him come back in like a good like they're making a new predator movie and but it's gonna have a female in it like the female's gonna let's not get into this part yeah and it's like why don't they just put the old man that's all the time why couldn't they make if they have this new dope idea for predator why isn't why isn't arnold just in it like who cares who knows if he's old i can't believe he was mr freeze too that was yeah isn't there that was a terrible movie. It was like the worst. Is it true that like
Starting point is 00:36:06 Jean-Claude Van Damme was the predator for a while and they like shot a bunch of stuff and it was horrible? He was too small. Yeah, he wasn't imposing. It was a predator
Starting point is 00:36:14 doing all these crazy... He looked like a Brazilian. And he was in like... He was in some horrible suit. He was like dancing. And they like... They had to scratch all this stuff
Starting point is 00:36:23 and they had to start over and then they had some behemoth guy that they had in a suit. And then somebody came up with that legendary outfit or whatever the fuck that thing is. That thing's crazy. That guy is so scary in Predator. Yeah. I don't know if that's true.
Starting point is 00:36:36 Is that true? Do you know if that's true? It's somewhat true. I believe they shot. I don't know if they actually shot the movie, but they definitely had shot tests and different things like that. They shot tests. Imagine the same work. How big is Jean-Claude Van Damme as a human?
Starting point is 00:36:50 Is he like, what, 5'8 or something? Yeah. He's not very tall. I was with him in Thailand. Yeah. They did this Kickboxer 2 reboot. Yeah. And it was so funny because Half Thor was in the movie.
Starting point is 00:37:02 Really? Yeah, but he was really angry at the time. he hated he hated all big and angry so i don't know what he was going through at the time but he had it was like before he ever beat brian shaw yeah and he was just he was just like angry and like he would talk to me because i was like mark's brother and he knew who mark was and stuff but he wouldn't talk to anybody on the set he ended up getting a fight with like the one of the producers telling him he's gonna kill him imagine getting a fight with that i couldn't even imagine it and i'm like they're they would be like oh half door is out of control again and it was like half it so listen to the crew it was like half thor and like mike tyson were both on the same set
Starting point is 00:37:36 oh wow that's intense then when we were in las vegas it was like brian shaw and mike tyson which was interesting they hung out a lot and then when we were in um but we were in thailand and it was like Brian Shaw and Mike Tyson, which was interesting. They hung out a lot. And then when we were in Thailand, and it was like I was with Roy Nelson, the fighter. Oh, yeah. Vandalay Silva and Fabricio Verdum. Wow. I'm only hearing
Starting point is 00:37:58 about this now. I didn't know about the Vegas part. Chris has all the stories of everything. Well, one of my friends was producing this Kickboxer 2 movie which ended up being terrible. Sorry that I'm going to have to miss this, but I have my second morning doo-doo to take. Fabricio Verdum, he
Starting point is 00:38:13 I think you said you've seen him bench like 185 or something like that, right? He was really, really weak and then my friend Jared Bunch, who is a black belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu he played for the New York Giants in the tank he would bench you know, he'd bench well over 400 pounds who is a black belt in Brazilian jiu-jitsu. He played for the New York Giants in the tank. He would bench, you know, he'd bench well over 400 pounds, and he got Fabricio doing 225 for reps and different things.
Starting point is 00:38:35 And his strength, after he trained like that, he came back into the heavyweight division and cleaned house for a while. He was, like, a lot stronger, and he's one of the best Brazilian jiu-jitsu guys in the world the most interesting guy that i've met was vandal a silva because he was honestly the nicest human being i probably have ever met in my life and that guy was terrifying i know people say that all the time but it's so funny when your name is the axe murderer and he's like holding the door for you and like how are you doing today you know like yeah everything was so pleasant and nice and like i i think the axe murderer is a gimmick like it's a it's more like he's so nice
Starting point is 00:39:11 that they probably call them that well also when you kick that much ass you don't really have to like try to prove yourself to like people on the street right that's what i figured. He looks at me as such a non-threat. He's just so nice to us. That's great. What do you think about all these different things that are popping up with, there's more and more HRT, there's more and more TRT. We see companies popping up left and right all the time. Do you think that your movie, Bigger, Stronger, Faster, had maybe an impact on that? Because you guys, you uncovered that in the film. Yeah, I definitely do. I mean, I think that, you know, millions of people saw the movie.
Starting point is 00:39:55 I know it's it's it was in worldwide distribution. It was on Netflix for, you know, over 10 years. It it did really well. It had a really really wide appeal it's the only it's really like the only movie out there um that tells you anything about steroids i mean you could watch icarus which i think was really good but it was more about like doping and the scandals um behind doping and that's why i'm getting ready i'll announce it right now i'm getting ready to do another one another movie getting ready and getting fired up this right now. I'm getting ready to do another one, another movie. Getting ready and getting fired up. This is why you're getting so jacked. Another film about anabolics, because what I think now, I think it's great that these TRT clinics are popping up in these hormone replacement therapy clinics are popping up all over the place.
Starting point is 00:40:38 I think it's great that people can go to a doctor and get their blood checked and see where their testosterone levels are. But the place that I go to and the place you go to, like they're so comprehensive that they go over everything. So if you go to a normal doctor and just go for like a checkup, they're going to like check your heart. Do that. You know, that's not going to really tell you much of anything about your maybe give you a lipid profile.
Starting point is 00:41:00 Yeah. About your overall health. But what these guys can do on zoom with a comprehensive blood panel, um, is absolutely incredible. Uh, I've been watching a lot of like more plates, more dates, a lot of, uh, YouTube content based around steroids. And what I've been finding is, uh, we've seen a whole lot of people that I'm 48 years old. I've seen a whole lot of people that are my age that are my friends that are either dying, having kidney transplants, having liver transplants, having all sorts of issues related to anabolic steroids, but usually not because of anabolic steroids. And so what I want to do is
Starting point is 00:41:36 make a film. Yeah, there's some smoke there, right? Like there's steroids are involved in some way, and we don't know in what way. We're not sure if steroids led to John Meadows' death. We're not sure if steroids led to Charles Poliquin's death. We don't really know. And recently we had Phil Hernon, who was a big-time competitor. He just died. But you could say it probably didn't help. And he died of a kidney failure.
Starting point is 00:41:59 And a lot of times – so I talked to Tom Prince, who would be awesome for you guys to actually talk to one day maybe. Tom Prince was one of the best bodybuilders, considered the smartest bodybuilder by a lot of people. He was huge. I remember John Cena was like a huge fan. Like when we used to train together, he would get to train with Tom Prince and be like, oh, I got to train with Tom Prince today. It was awesome. Tom Prince was well over 300 pounds. He was shredded.
Starting point is 00:42:21 But now he's about 180. He had a kidney failure. He had a kidney transplant, dialysis, all those things. Um, Boston Lloyd is going through some kidney issues, uh, right now. And I think, you know, Boston, these people are so knowledgeable about all these drugs, but yet they still, um, sometimes overdo it. And I want to just explore that. I want to explore like what is really going on in bodybuilding, but also like what can we do with, what can we do for the kids?
Starting point is 00:42:53 Right. So you have two kids, right? What at 13 and 17, something like that. Yep. And if you look at it, there's a 14 year old girl that they think is on SARMs, which could easily be your daughter, right?
Starting point is 00:43:07 And there's a ton of 17-year-old kids on Trenbolone. I'm going to have a conversation with Quinn. Which could easily be your son, right? I learned it from watching you. Yeah. Right? But see, that could be, I mean, that to me is so interesting and fascinating. Quinn, MK677?
Starting point is 00:43:23 Why are you taking that? Why aren't you taking... We should be on Cargarine. What are you doing? Yeah, to play volleyball. Cargarine will help you with volleyball way better than MK677. Haven't you watched More Plates, More Dates videos? I think... But I do think... Okay, so
Starting point is 00:43:39 say she was on SARMS. Wouldn't it be better for her to be watching good, quality, scientifically sound information about it, rather than, and my point isn't to do what Derek does. I love Derek. I think More Plates, More Dates is the best channel,
Starting point is 00:43:56 one of the best channels on the internet. That, and Leo and Longevity, and Greg Doucette, I think those channels provide a lot of quality content, and my goal is to not be like them. My goal is to scratch the surface on the overall, um, like the overall ethics and the overall, uh, you know, like information that you need as a parent maybe, or, you know, as a friend to, to talk to people about this, to get this out in the open. The whole reason to make a, a good solid documentary about a,
Starting point is 00:44:26 about a subject is to spark a national debate, to get people talking, to get people yapping about it. And then more people will go watch more plates, more dates. So hopefully we can get Derek in the movie. Hopefully we can get Greg Doucette in the movie. Hopefully we can get some of these people in the film to talk,
Starting point is 00:44:42 but also like some of the guests that they have on some of these things. Like I saw this woman, there's a bodybuilding coach, and this is really interesting. There's a bodybuilding coach who supposedly killed four women recently. And when you actually look into it, I think again, like with Arnold, the guy's name is Shelby Starneses i think people are coming down way too hard on him and not looking at the personal responsibility of the athlete they just like leave that behind they're like oh this protocol is so aggressive and then i watched another podcast where they actually went over uh the protocol and they they talked about it and whatever like yeah this looks pretty aggressive but like everybody's different right so we don't know
Starting point is 00:45:23 what this person was what else they were on, what they were taking, what they actually did versus what that was actually what they were supposed to do. Yeah, exactly. And there's those things too. And there's a lot of elements to it. And it did look like it might've been a little bit negligent, but at the same time, um, the woman who just recently passed supposedly was on blood pressure medications, which they say, oh, that wouldn't affect anything. Well, blood pressure medications are usually, uh, diuret. Well, blood pressure medications are usually diuretics. And so if you're taking diuretics on top of diuretics, maybe that's a big problem for your kidneys. It's dangerous, man.
Starting point is 00:45:53 And then supposedly the woman passed out four times, like three or four shows before that she had been passing out. It's really dangerous to have high blood pressure and to take things that kind of like race your heart. Like those are deadly recipes, even just something like caffeine. So I think if you have high blood pressure, it's really dangerous to have high blood pressure and to take things that kind of like race your heart. Like those are deadly recipes, even just something like caffeine. So I think if you have high blood pressure is not a great protocol that people were talking about. That was really dangerous. Didn't involve steroids at all. It was clenbuterol. It was 200 milligrams of or 200 megs, whatever you take a clenbuterol.
Starting point is 00:46:20 MCGs, I think, or maybe it's milk. I don't know. And then it was micro. MCGs, I think, or maybe it's milk, I don't know. And then it was 200 of, or no, 100 of like 150, 100 to 150 of thyroid, T3, which most people take like 25 MCG of thyroid. So if you take four times the amount, you're just going to drop all your body fat off, but it's also very catabolic and you will drop all your muscle off. These things are not necessary to be shredded and lean. I'd also say it doesn't pull
Starting point is 00:46:52 all the body fat off you. Your habits do. You got to always keep that in mind. People that are looking for the shortcut, steroid, like performance enhancing drugs like testosterone, you can take them and not do anything and you will gain a little bit of muscle mass like that. That's been shown. It's been documented. We even had some friends back in the day that did shit like that. But nothing that you're going to take is at the moment, is it going to change your habits? You know, there are some things that are kind of getting into being able to dull your hunger and some things like that, that could maybe potentially help you out more in the future. But in, at this moment, you can't really take something that's going to like strip a ton of body fat off of you
Starting point is 00:47:33 unless your habits are in line as well. Yeah. And speaking to what Nsema said, it's like, there was a, there was a woman that like doing what you said versus doing what you're supposed to do versus like what the person actually does. right uh there was a woman that she was calling in on leo's show and she was like sort of outing this coach saying like what the protocols were and whatever and she talked about her own protocols so then her ex-boyfriend this is amazing i love shit like this goes online and says like look i can't just let this sit here you're very gossipy boy yeah yeah i know but like this girl that he's like know, this girl who's saying all this bad stuff about this coach.
Starting point is 00:48:10 I was with her during this prep. She was doing LSD and Xanax and a ton of other things during her prep. And that's probably why her drug protocols were so damn aggressive, because she wasn't doing anything she was actually supposed to be doing. And she was partying the whole time therefore holding too much water therefore the coach is like what the hell is going on with you we got to strip more water off of you and the coach gets more aggressive because he just wants the person to win and sort of like validate what he does so it becomes this like cat and mouse thing and it's like i think if people are going to have a
Starting point is 00:48:43 coach they really need to listen to them i think if they have drugs on a protocol that they look at and they don't know what they are, they need to spend, you know, three to five days, like literally researching that chemical. I mean, there's millions of, uh, videos and articles and it doesn't even matter though. Like how much research an individual does. It's not, you're not going to understand all the fucking complicated interactions that happen in your body when you're putting these drugs in yourself. So at the end of the day, when you're going and you're like,
Starting point is 00:49:11 this is what I want to do. And you hire somebody who's going to give you a bunch of drugs. You should understand there's a chance that my health could be in major fucking danger. Yeah. Well that, and that goes to the education is like, if you educate yourself on it,
Starting point is 00:49:24 then you can ask those questions. Right. And so that the first part the education is like, if you educate yourself on it, then you can ask those questions. Right. And so the first part of it is like, I just think people don't know anything about what they're taking at all. And if they know a little bit, then they could ask those questions. But I think you're right. Like the, the, the whole idea of coaching and the whole idea of coaching women to me, um, men coaching women with drugs involved, it's disgustingly predatory, in my opinion.
Starting point is 00:49:48 Like, I think it's gross. Tell me what you mean by that. I'm curious about that. Most of the times we've seen it be a little shady. I just see most of the times the guys want to bang the girls. Yeah. You know what I mean? And I can't say that about all the coaches.
Starting point is 00:49:59 I know that's not true. I know there's a lot of great coaches out there that coach women. It's a little weird to me when a photographer of great coaches out there that coach women. It's a little weird to me when a photographer or a coach only wants to coach women. You know what I mean? Like that's like, huh? Okay. That's a little weird. I get it. I see a lot. I mean, look, I've been at Gold's gym in Venice for over 20 years. So I've seen a lot. The girls are always like, no, it's not a big deal. He's not like that. And you're like, I i mean most of the trainers just just to say predatory most of the trainers i see at gold's gym not in most of them a lot of them walk around with their female clients with like their hand on their back like this is mine you know like
Starting point is 00:50:34 that's why i'm happy that all the women i work with are online yeah i work with majority of men but everyone's online so yeah yeah yeah they're all online and so i think it i think there's a predatory aspect to it that can come in not all all the time, like I said, but it's there. Yeah, sometimes I see some weird shit. Like, you touching her like that? That's your client? Sir! Yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:54 Sir! You didn't do it to the 65-year-old guy you were trying to do it to. I mean, I had a, you know, my girlfriend at the time, Lauren, she competed several times, and every guy was a pervert. Every person she interacted with, including yourself. Besides, maybe she worked a little bit with Charles Glass, who was always great and always a gentleman. But there's not a whole lot of them. We got talking about bigger, stronger, faster part, Dux, while you were taking a poop. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:24 And how you're going to be a man in focus. I'm poop. Yeah. I don't know why sometimes it's a green. Anyway, let's keep talking about part two. What is it going to do? We do we have like a potential relief? So I'll tell you like what I've done so far. I've just been diving into research right now. I haven't filmed anything. Haven't done anything.
Starting point is 00:51:40 I'm also thinking that you're a poop too. Yeah. Okay. I'm out of here. I'll be next too, by the way. All right. I think that, like I was telling Mark, I want to make a film that informs people
Starting point is 00:51:52 of all this stuff that's going on so that we can fix it, so that we don't get stuck. I think I made Bigger, Stronger, Faster, and I think it's a big stretch for me to compare myself to Oppenheimer, the guy who invented the nuclear bomb but in a way like after he did that he said like i have i am become i have become death or whatever right like he regretted what he did the guy who invented steroids regret
Starting point is 00:52:17 john ziegler who invented a diana baller was part of that team uh he regretted what he did. In a way, bigger, stronger, faster, looking back at it now. You regret it? No, I don't regret it, but it kind of says, hey, these things aren't that bad for you, like in an overall sense. Like, we want to win as a country. We're born in this country. We're raised in a country that preaches the win, and if you don't win, you're a loser, and you can take steroids to get there.
Starting point is 00:52:45 And they're not that bad. They're not going to do what the media told you they're going to do. But now that there are SARMs and peptides and TRT clinics everywhere and you can buy all the shit online and the pandemics made it a lot easier to get things in your hands. People can get into it younger. Yeah. And I see a lot of YouTube videos that are all about SARMs. And what are they really doing? They pushing SARMs they're not uh they're while they're why while a lot of them are harm reduction telling you not to take them it's still like people are watching the
Starting point is 00:53:14 videos and then going to take the stuff and then you do have people that are pushing them that aren't scientists that aren't doctors that are really pushing them there are people out there like uh remington james he says they're safer than steroids and it's like okay i'm gonna believe you aren't doctors that are really pushing them. There are people out there like Remington James. He says they're safer than steroids. And it's like, okay, I'm going to believe you that they're safer than steroids. You don't have any information on this. It's just an opinion. And it's okay to put out those opinions.
Starting point is 00:53:36 But I think those opinions can be very dangerous because I think there's a lot of teenagers watching those particular channels. Well, the barrier of entry got pushed way too far down it's too easy to obtain some of these things and then even worse it's you what you think you're buying is incorrect like you know you're actually buying some like straight d-ball i think they've done a lot of studies on sarms this would actually be interesting to do for the movies like buy a bunch of sarms and then test them and see what's actually like really in them. Because like, who even really knows these are research, research chemicals not authorized for other uses. Uh, there's interesting things like the, you know, the
Starting point is 00:54:14 peptides, all these peptides, they could do wonderful, amazing things, but they're research chemicals that aren't really, you know, they're not really, I mean, they're studied, but they're not, um, nobody knows what, what they're doing with them really, you know, they're not really, I mean, they're studied, but they're not, um, nobody knows what, what they're doing with them really, you know? And so that's where the danger comes in, in my opinion. Time is going to be the thing that gives us an idea of what's going to happen. Cause you got all these now young kids fucking hopping on SARMs at 18, 19. Let's see what happens in 10 years.
Starting point is 00:54:38 Hopefully everything's okay. Hopefully everything's not as bad as it could be, but if it is, we'll see. We did have, we did have some issues years ago when there was like a lot of pro-hormones out on the market and there was a lot of kids that messed around and played around with those.
Starting point is 00:54:52 Something happened? No, I don't believe much has happened is my point. Also, like Chris and I, you know, people tend to confess to us their steroid use. Like, oh, I messed around with, you know. We have random people that will be like, yeah, I put around some D-ball back in the day. And while I would never say that steroids are safe and that they don't come with a lot of consequences because they certainly can, even just a bad injection can be a bad injection and you can end up with a lot of problems, even just from something like that.
Starting point is 00:55:23 and you can end up with a lot of problems even just from something like that. A lot of people that we know that just have randomly done some cycles, I don't, I mean, they'll say like, oh, it kind of messed up my head. I was really emotional when I took them, so I got off them. But we don't really hear, I haven't really heard a horror story. Have you ever heard a horror story of anybody like messing around with it a little bit and having a real problem? No, not just like messing around with it a little bit and having no not just like messing around with it um and again i'm not promoting it but i'm just saying like i i think that i think
Starting point is 00:55:51 that steroids in general are fairly benign you know but they can be problematic if you're gonna take them for a long time and take a lot of them you're gonna run into more problems yeah just take them when you like are old enough to take them. Let yourself develop. I think that's with any drug, and nobody understands that. Yeah, mind-altering drugs. The one thing that I really learned in rehab that I just think is really important, and I know that if any kids are listening that are under 25, they won't even listen to this,
Starting point is 00:56:18 but it's probably the most important thing I learned is that your brain is not fully formed until you're about 25. They say between're about 25. They say like between 23 and 25. And like after that point, like messing with any drug is kind of, kind of okay. Like as long as the drug is deemed to be like legitimately safe or whatever. Right. Um, I wonder though, like what if somebody has a like clinical anxiety, like, would it be better than taking an SSRI just to play devil's advocate? Would it be better to like, I don't know, have a little bit of mushrooms or have a little bit of LSD or something?
Starting point is 00:56:49 I don't know. Well, I see mushrooms would be different because like, I would think like mushrooms would be, um, what could enhance people even at a younger age. And I think that's where we get into like these weird things is that like, you want to give a kid like Adderall. Maybe because your brain's not fully developed. You might think this is crazy, but if I had a kid that was suffering from anxiety or depression, I would much rather lean towards giving them Kratom or maybe even trying something like mushrooms
Starting point is 00:57:16 if they had depression and they were young than to do any of these other drugs. I would see that as a safer harm reduction route. That's not crazy. I think it's very reasonable. I think it's like, well, let's try Kratom first. It's like it's less damaging. They're not going to get they're not going to get like stuck, you know, in the same way. I've heard you in the past say similar things to what you just said about bigger, stronger, faster, but more on the end of like, yeah, we exposed it to a lot of people.
Starting point is 00:57:45 we exposed it to a lot of people. More people were just like, kind of either like Mark just said, admitting that they had tried it or saying like, I want to try them now, but I've never heard you say what you just said about like, like, damn, maybe I'm the reason why people actually did actually outwardly, you know, seek it. What? Well, I've had so many people come up to me. Okay. So I was going to ask like, what was it that like kind of made you realize this? So I have so many people come up to me for at the Arnold or the Olympia or anything like that. And they're like, it's all high fives. It's like, hey, bro, my girlfriend lets me juice now. Thanks a lot. My mom. Hey, I'm you know what? And I'll meet like famous influencers who will like sit down and be like, your movie was the breaking point where all of a sudden and they're the influencers are influencing everybody to use steroids.
Starting point is 00:58:29 They're like, at some point I sat down with my mom and we watched it. And then she got it. She got the whole thing and she understands what I do now. And now I'm allowed to do this. And to me, I'm going like, that wasn't the purpose of why I made the movie. to me i'm going like that wasn't the purpose of why i made the movie i made the movie because i wanted to know if my brothers were going to be okay and if you know what what this sort of says it wasn't supposed to be an icebreaker you fucking meatheads yeah exactly and like what what do you it's like uh i i wanted to help people make sense of it right and now that we that we did that i want to say
Starting point is 00:59:05 it's it's weird because my message now is like steroids themselves still aren't that bad but let's take a look at all this stuff that comes with it let's take a look at the whole pie rather than just a little slice because if you want to say steroids aren't dangerous i still think that you can legitimately pretty much say that in a controlled use situation. And if you learn the steroid family tree. Yeah. I don't know who made that, but that's brilliant. Oh, what is it?
Starting point is 00:59:33 I don't know. Maybe Andrew can maybe try to find it. The steroid family trees, it's like there's different steroids that do different things, and there's no reason. They come from different families, right? And so you don't want to take – there's i think three branches of it right like testosterone is bioidentical but then trend balloons not it's like an angry drunk uncle yeah well it's like you have yeah yeah yeah there you go the family tree you don't want to take two things yeah like so you only want to take like one of each kind of thing and or mainly stay in the middle yeah of things that are going to promote uh
Starting point is 01:00:06 testosterone production the other things are all kind of a they're in my opinion they're a roll of the dice and i think i think i want to say drunk angry uncle i don't even know like trend yeah don't go invite and trend balone over for christmas yeah it's gonna be smelly why are you not on the family trip the stuff i hear about trend though like uh because i like i've been seeing some of derrick's videos and he talks about like some high schoolers having stories of trend and he his big thing is like okay number one you're a young kid you're already fucking going whatever and then you add trend like trend and then you're just like ah angry and it's just like oh ouch yeah i think um i've talked so it's just like, oh, ouch. Yeah, I think I've talked.
Starting point is 01:00:45 So it's funny because I've posted some things like recently about the Olympics and I've posted about TRT. And I just get all these questions like, hey, bro, I know you got a hookup for trend. Where do you get it? Right. Yeah. Now, I actually know that a lot of people will seek it out anyway. So I usually say I don't do that. but here's where you can probably find it. You're going to get so many DMs now.
Starting point is 01:01:12 You set yourself up. Well, I'll just say it right here. Boston Lloyd has a forum, and you can get anything on there. You know what I mean? I mean, he talks about it all the time on his own podcast is he responsible with that stuff because i remember a few years ago when i was like i was really kind of disliking some of the stuff he's putting forward because it just seemed really irresponsible but is he responsible with that stuff these days or do you think he's always been responsible with it so i don't think he himself is responsible and i think he'll admit that he's kind of a maniac okay um he was he's talking with some guy the other day and they're
Starting point is 01:01:42 talking about their wedding and the guy's like, did you cry? And Boston's like, no, I was on a grandma trend. Oh God. It was like maybe about having a baby or something. It was some, some, some like life moment. And he's like, nah, I was on a grandma trend. I didn't cry. But you know, so I think he would say that he's a little bit, uh, wild and tries everything.
Starting point is 01:01:59 But I think he gives people, I think the advice that he gives people is pretty sound and pretty good right now. Like as far as, as far as what I'm seeing, he's on Leo and Longevity's podcast all the time. Okay. And honestly, he's been like the voice of reason a lot. Wow. On a lot of things. And so like what you were just talking about with TrendBalone is interesting because as I've posted about TRT and different things and people have asked about TrendBalone and like where to get it.
Starting point is 01:02:23 I've probably talked about 10 people out of it in like long ass messages. Like literally I was like, listen, man, I'm concerned for you. I don't think you need, I'll go like look at their pictures. Like you don't need Trenbolone, like you need to train. And then you need to like, and then if you're like over 30 or 35, maybe even, maybe you need to go get your testosterone levels checked. And I just try to give people good, clean advice on like not doing it first. And then usually I say, but if you want to do it, go to Boston Lights Forum and see if you can find it, because I don't care what they do.
Starting point is 01:02:59 I just want to arm people with information. I have a question for you guys. OK, now, because now there's a lot of individuals probably whose ears perked up when we've been talking about trend, but individuals who aren't emotionally stable, like I'm very good. Even adults, like let's think of adult men who let's say they're quick to anger or they're just like very all over the place. Should they like, cause they probably want to mess with trend. Is that something you think is reasonable? I don't see any reason for anybody to mess with trend. Is that something you think is reasonable? I don't see any reason for anybody to mess with trend balloon unless you are a high level, a power lifter or bodybuilder
Starting point is 01:03:30 and you have a very specific reason to use it. I just don't see any, I don't see it as being healthy. Like you get what they call trend cough. So you just start coughing uncontrollably. Really? Everybody talks about it. Almost everybody gets it. You know, it's just like. It's bad. Yeah. I've nearly died a couple times. Oh, God. Did you just cough?
Starting point is 01:03:51 Still didn't stop me. You just keep coughing like crazy. Let me give a little context to some of this. First of all, Trenbolone is an injectable steroid. It's illegal. It's extremely powerful. To give you an idea. If you were to take 200 milligrams of testosterone, let's just say we were to pump and seem up with 200 milligrams of testosterone.
Starting point is 01:04:12 Let's do it for those who don't believe he is natural or so he claims. Right. We inject 200 milligrams of testosterone every week. We would notice notice some pretty big differences. It would bring up his testosterone levels. But at a certain point, your natural levels would stop being in production as much. And you would kind of have this leveling off point. And people would be like, yeah, he got a little bigger. But it wouldn't be, it would be crazy because you're already in such good shape. But you wouldn't be like 275 and be like, yo, what's going on? You know, you wouldn't be like 275 and be like, yo, what's going on? You know, you wouldn't be like nuts.
Starting point is 01:04:45 Yeah. If you took 200 milligrams of trend, you would look fucking insane because your whole body would harden up and you would get a little bit bigger. So you'd be like 5% body fat. Veins would be popping everywhere. It would just look nutty. It would almost give you like that polished, almost pre-contest look. Whoa. you like that that polished almost pre-contest look whoa not maybe maybe not that like dry but with like a two a couple weeks of good nutrition you could you could do that but
Starting point is 01:05:12 trendblown is really really powerful and for anyone that has any mental issues at all uh i would steer the fuck clear of it the the risk to reward ratio of performance enhancing drugs can sometimes be kind of good. You can be like, hey, I want to be better at this sport. For me, I wanted to try to lift as much as I possibly could. And those were the rules that I played with. And I was like, I want to chase these certain lifts and these certain numbers. My biggest lifts didn't come when I was on Trenbolone, although that helped, especially when I went to like lighter weight classes and stuff like that. But I don't think it's necessary, I guess is my main point. Like I squad a thousand eighty with testosterone and with Deca pretty much.
Starting point is 01:06:00 So, you know, you don't necessarily I think that people think that they need that because it's going to because it's so powerful, but I would say that you'd be better off, you know, not, not going with something like that. Yeah. Also, also like, um, with trend balloon, like maybe there is a better way to do it. Uh, I, I've been hearing a lot of like people talking about like, hey, get on a testosterone base, do this, do that. Then maybe sprinkling some of these other drugs in. I love that.
Starting point is 01:06:32 But think about it. Think about like you're like setting your. Yeah, because you're getting a little. You're getting your hormone levels like straight first. And then you're adding in like a little bit of something else where you don't need to take so much of it. Right. and then and then you're adding in like a little bit of something else where you don't need to take so much of it right you know i mean i've heard people taking 800 milligrams of trend balone and stuff on these podcasts and i'm going like oh my god that must like be brutal but they're huge i mean when you see bodybuilders and you see like professional bodybuilders oh yeah but
Starting point is 01:06:59 like you say they have muscles on top of muscles on top of muscles. Yeah. You can't build shit like that without these drugs. Like you just can't, you know? And so, um, it's, it's enticing. Like I said,
Starting point is 01:07:12 like your eyes were like lighting up and Mark was talking about trend. He's like, Oh, you'd harden right up. And you're like, Oh really? And it's like, it's definitely enticing.
Starting point is 01:07:20 It's definitely like, you know, maybe, Hey, maybe for a little while, but I think the problem is that I want to point out, you can really lose yourself though. Cause not only does anger issues happen, um, which can affect your relationships, but it'll also make you insanely horny, which can negatively impact your relationship too.
Starting point is 01:07:40 So I know some people who have some horror stories based off of that. You can kind of read between the lines on that and uh i've seen it happen many many times where people have had issues with uh staying loyal or faithful in their relationship because of these things so it it's just something like just to consider like just think about think about all that shit before you do it and trend is also not made by like a pharmaceutical company you know you can I don't think there's pharmaceutical grade Tren as far as I know. Maybe it's made for cows, I think. Yeah, maybe it's for like horses or something. But the original Tren Bolon came in like pellets and people used to crush up the pellets, dissolve them and have them in an injectable form.
Starting point is 01:08:20 And you would take a lot less because you couldn't extract that much. form and you would take a lot less because you couldn't extract that much. And so somebody might take 75 milligrams of Tren a week and that would have profound effects on your physique. It would, you know, people would get great results off of that. But then they started making Trenbolone Ananthate, which has 200 milligrams per cc. So people started taking 200 milligrams a week and then 400 and then then trend bologna sandwiches all the way up to a thousand i used to well never mind oh man uh let's hope we don't go to the youtube yeah let me say we're gonna be fine are any of
Starting point is 01:09:00 you doctors no chance disclaimer thislaimer. This is just comedy. You know, so the whole reason. Nobody do it, please. What's that? I was going to say nobody do drugs, period. Don't do drugs. Don't do trend. Drugs is bad.
Starting point is 01:09:15 The whole reason I got into looking back into anabolics again was because of SARMs. into anabolics again was because of SARMs. And I had tried SARMs maybe like two years ago through, like, I met Tony huge here at the gym and I'm like, Hey, let me try these. Let's see how they work. And they worked great, but I never got any of my blood work done during that time or whatever. And I just did them for a while. And I was, I was already in good shape. I was doing carnivore. And then I just got in better shape. Like Mark said, I just kind of like hardened up, looked leaner. And for like a while, I was pretty lean, you know. And then I ended up like putting, you know, you go off these things, you end up putting weight back on again, blah, blah. So then like more recently, I hit up Tony and I'm like, hey, let me try some of this Rad 140.
Starting point is 01:09:59 I hear it's amazing for like strength gains, right? And I also saw a lot of videos online saying that like rad 140 um i saw the i saw the wrong videos put it that way they were saying it's not really suppressive of testosterone it was invented to use instead of testosterone replacement therapy i watched all these different things this is a while ago and then i decided like okay i'm going to use this so i got like two bottles of it i'm'm like, I'm going to use, just do it till I run out basically. And I did that. And at the end of it, I felt horrible and I didn't really look that much better. And I was thinking like, well, what, what is really going on in my body? Like I need to find out my, my feet hurt so bad.
Starting point is 01:10:40 You know, I walk around the block here about five times every day I couldn't what make it around once my knees my ankles my feet my shoulders everything in my body ached and hurt and so I went and got my blood tested and my estrogen levels were like almost zero my testosterone was 51 and my testosterone free testosterone was eight. Those are not good numbers. So I went and got on TRT. Most people's testosterone would be about 10 times higher just to give people a reference point. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:11:15 So you want to, you know, between like probably 500 and a thousand or something, right? But I went back to TRT and now that I'm looking at it from a TRT standpoint, it's like a completely different, like, now I feel like I know what I'm doing. I feel like I'm being healthy. Like I know that my liver is in great function. I know that, uh, you know, all my numbers are good. My cholesterol numbers are good. I know all these things are good, but they were out of whack when I first went to the doctor. Then I went for a second follow-up and he's like, Hey man, your stuff looks amazing. Cause I still eat good and
Starting point is 01:11:53 I still train hard and all these things. So everything actually looks really good now at 48 years old. Like I am not going to mess with my health again. So I'm just going to continue to stay on this because I feel like, I don't know, I mean, maybe I could eventually go off of it, but I don't really think that there's a reason to. I think my numbers would probably plummet back down because they've always been pretty low. I know that they were suppressed specifically because of those SARMs. I know that. So I know that some of that would come back naturally. Um, but I feel good right now doing, doing this. And, you know, I, I do two injections a week. It's like a hundred, I think it's like a hundred milligrams each time. So it's 200 milligrams a week and a little bit of a DHEA cause that helps
Starting point is 01:12:36 you to like use your free testosterone or something. They told me, I don't even remember exactly what, um, but just being, being on those things and being, and having a plan just to me seems so much better. And I would just never do it any other way. Now it's like, I can't see, I can't unsee it now. Now that I saw how bad the SARMs like damaged me and how good I feel now. And I, like, I can't unsee that. Do you feel a little bit like you did when we were young and we went to the gym and like
Starting point is 01:13:03 we'd hit up World's Gym and the Atrium and Mid-Hudson Bodybuilding and stuff? No, because the one thing I'm trying to get back is an actual passion for lifting. I don't like it at all anymore because I'm in too much pain. You have to kind of force yourself to lift. I have to force myself to lift. That's why
Starting point is 01:13:19 I try to lift with you a lot because you don't let people complain and so I just do it, right? But I don't like lift with you a lot because you don't let people complain. And so I just do it. Right. But I don't, I don't like it at all. Like it's the, like people say, cause I saw Jay Cutler on a peck deck, like best part of the day. And I'm like, that's worst part of the day for me. Cause shit hurts. You know, like, um, I'd rather just be sitting around.
Starting point is 01:13:38 You can kind of run, you can run pen it maybe. And then you can say, uh, I hate the result of not lifting worse than I hate lifting. You know what I mean? Worse than I hate the pain of lifting. I mean, think about it. I lift almost every day, so I can't hate it that much. Right. But what I'm saying is-
Starting point is 01:13:53 You're interested in it somehow. Yeah. What I'm saying is that I don't feel the same way. I'll tell you, I have friends that come to the gym like Hottie, and he's all week just looking forward to coming here and squatting. And I'm like, I want that back. Like I don't know how I can get that back. I think it's just by getting out of pain.
Starting point is 01:14:12 So I think it's by, you know, 100% eliminating pain that would help me get back to that. But I'm not there yet. So it's like, you know. And also like it's a little bit different like lifting here because a lot of times I'm just lifting by myself. It's a little bit different when you go to like Gold's Gym in Venice. That's like a fun place to be.
Starting point is 01:14:29 It's a different environment, right? So I think you do get a little bit out of the atmosphere and environment. There's a lot of people lifting in the gym. Good energy, yeah. Coming here on a Sunday afternoon, it was packed. Right. And everybody was having fun. Like that was a great day for me because there was a lot of energy here. And so i think that that has a lot to do with it does uh kratom kind of help
Starting point is 01:14:49 you get uh but does it help motivate you enough to push you into the gym in the first place absolutely i create so kratom is something for me that can just turn it turn it on can just turn on the energy um i can be you know around, like sometimes I forget about it because I did a whole movie on it. I spent so much time around it. Um, you know, people like, how do you not like, we have unlimited access to it here and I don't take it every day. I take it like once in a while. And people like, how do you only take it once in a while? And I understand it's like, well, because it doesn't do that much for me other than like it flips a switch for me um going from being like where maybe i feel like run down and tired
Starting point is 01:15:32 uh and then i'll take kratom and i'll get super fired up and excited but i also find that sometimes i get like too fired up and excited about things and i don't necessarily want to be that way just walking around you know daily life um you mean you get too fired up and excited then things. And I don't necessarily want to be that way, just walking around, you know, daily life. You mean you get too fired up and excited then maybe don't act on the things that you're thinking about type of deal? Yeah, or just like I get really chatty on Kratom stuff too. So sometimes I'm just like, I don't need that.
Starting point is 01:15:57 And then also like, I don't want things keeping me up at night so I don't take it later in the day. There's just a lot of reasons why i don't use it all as much you know as maybe i probably should but also um there is an addiction component to it that i i like to be completely transparent about and i think people should know about it so like the reason so and i've never got addicted to it i've never had a problem with it but it seems like almost every time I post about it, I get all these negative comments of people like, hey bro, that's messed up.
Starting point is 01:16:31 I got addicted to that. But well, that's not my fault, first of all. Second of all, we know the exact mechanism of why it's addictive. And it's really, really interesting because I think if we put a little bit of money, effort and time into Kratom, we can make it to be probably one of the best, most productive plants in the world.
Starting point is 01:16:48 And by that, I mean that if you look at Dr. Chris McCurdy's work out of the University of Florida, he went over to Malaysia, and he found that people don't use kratom in the same way. They take kratom, they pick it off the trees, they throw it in boiling water, they boil it for like two to three hours. They call it kratom juice. So it's like we have a product, the juice. There you go, just like bigger, stronger, faster, right? So the juice, the kratom juice is 100% non-addictive. It just has, it contains the alkaloid called metragynine, and then there's an alkaloid called 7-hydroxymetragynine. called metragynine and then there's an alkaloid called seven hydroxy metragynine and like the reason they're called the same thing is because one metragynine is like the version that's found
Starting point is 01:17:30 in the active in the plant as it is right now like right now if you go pick a kratom plant you'll find metragynine you won't find any seven hydroxy metragynine until you actually dry the plant so when you dry the plant out grind it up and ship it overseas, well, now it's got a little tiny bit of this alkaloid that is addictive. It is highly addictive, but it's in a very, very tiny amount. So it's like if you're on a keto diet and you're eating something that has a little bit of carbs in it, but you eat a lot of it, then it has a lot of carbs in it. So if you're eating almonds and they have like five grams of carbs in them, when you eat five handfuls of almonds, now you've got 25 grams of carbs. them. When you eat five handfuls of almonds, now you got 25 grams of carbs.
Starting point is 01:18:06 Would you know if it's more addictive than caffeine? It's hard to say like more or less addictive. What's been harder for you to stop? Drinking coffee and getting away from caffeine? Drinking coffee, stopping drinking coffee is impossible. I can stop kratom way easier than coffee. I can personally.
Starting point is 01:18:27 But I know people- I would say the same is true with myself. Same here. Just my own experience. I drive through Dutch Brothers every morning, and I almost try to go past it sometimes, and there's like a tractor beam that pulls you right in. I'd like to personally say that I sometimes don't think
Starting point is 01:18:43 that getting kind of, as weird don't think that getting kind of as weird as this sounds, getting kind of hooked on something, I don't think is necessarily always a horrible thing. The problem is, is if you start to take too much, if you start to ingest way too much caffeine, if you start to ingest way too much Kratom. So, and a lot of the influencers I've seen that talk negatively about Kratom are people that I would say when they kind of stumbled upon the drug, they had a lot of issues previously with their own interpretation of of the way that they thought about things. And then they're taking like grams and grams of Kratom. And then they're like, man, this shit's really dangerous. And I would agree. In those circumstances, if you're taking grams of Kratom, then it would be a great idea to try to remove Kratom from your plan for a while.
Starting point is 01:19:31 Yeah, and there's some people out there that are like influencers that I really look up to. I love Psych Substance. This guy, Adam, he does a psychedelic sort of podcast kind of YouTube channel. A lot of great videos. He does a lot of things where he'll just take drugs right on camera and show you what happens to them and different things like that. And he did a podcast with Derek
Starting point is 01:19:51 from More Plates, More Dates, where he talks about like Kratom forced him. And I know you hate that. It forced, it made him go on TRT because he said that it lowered his testosterone so low. Now, I don't think that's actually true. They've done a study on testosterone.
Starting point is 01:20:06 They've only done one. They haven't done a lot. So it'd be hard to tell, but I don't know that it necessarily lowers your testosterone levels, but it can raise prolactin levels. And I think you guys have talked about that on this podcast. So that could be a reason.
Starting point is 01:20:19 But also when he shows you, he's like, it's because of this stuff. And he's like, he has a giant cup that's this big, as big as this thing. And he's going like this with Kratom, like a bunch of powder, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:20:31 Like, like grams of Kratom. And I really would love to talk to that guy, like on his podcast, because I think that if he knew what I knew about Kratom, I don't, I just don't think people know about it. They're not aware that they're,
Starting point is 01:20:44 that when they're taking that much Kratom, they're taking a high amount of an addictive alkaloid but if they were to reduce that amount they'd still get effects from kratom you know and also if somebody has a real problem with kratom like this guy adam he's like i can't quit kratom i could go to his place with one capsule of ibogaine and get him off kratom forever you know like that it's it's things are that easy you just have to know about them and you also know what i'm curious about man like i'm really curious about all of this stuff in conjunction with consistent exercise because initially some people might take kratom to get them going so they feel the motivation to go to the gym but like i use it i use it. I've never felt addicted to it.
Starting point is 01:21:25 I think you guys take a lot more of it than I do, to be honest. I don't even take it every day. And like if I do ever take the capsules, it'd be like two or three. So it's not something that I feel like I need. Like I don't, I can go, I've gone days without it before.
Starting point is 01:21:38 But the thing is, I'm curious, like if somebody consistently exercises, right? And then that's part of what they already do. And then this is added to that. Like I don't, cause I've, I mean, I've used that shit for years now.
Starting point is 01:21:51 Right. But I've continued to make physique progress without any other substances. Right. And if it lowers testosterone or causes someone to go on TRT, maybe that's somebody because he doesn't actually fucking exercise. Yeah. That's like, he doesn't, he didn't really work out that much. Right.'s somebody because he doesn't actually fucking exercise. Yeah. That's like, he doesn't,
Starting point is 01:22:06 he didn't really work out that much, right? He didn't mean he has a great YouTube channel. He's super busy. Now he's Jack cause he's on TRT, but he's also working out. Like you said, also he's working out now.
Starting point is 01:22:14 So I mean like you need to, like Mark said, didn't you just say like you need to have the habits. Yeah. You're shit together. Yeah. You need to have your shit together. You need to have these habits in line before you just want to throw some
Starting point is 01:22:24 substances at yourself and say, maybe this can fix me. Yeah. Well, and he was also very honest about it. But it's like I feel like sometimes like out the gate, somebody said, I think like his particular video, he's got two and two and a half million followers. So in the beginning of his video, he sort of blames it on Kratom. But then he doesn't really walk it back until way later. He actually does say it might be the Kratom. It might not be the Kratom, but then he doesn't really walk it back until way later. He actually does say it might be the Kratom. It might not be the Kratom, but like right in the beginning of the video, the first,
Starting point is 01:22:49 you know, the views are, you got to hook them. The views are in the first couple minutes. So when you're like, it's all because of Kratom, then people like, oh, it's a Kratom. I better get on TRT too. And it's like, maybe you're reading, leading people down a path that they don't need to go down. But I do believe that people reducing the amount of Kratom they take is a great idea. And giving yourself breaks from it so that you don't need it all the time is a great idea. I
Starting point is 01:23:13 think that it's not good to lie to people. So when I was making a leaf of faith, all the people in the Kratom community were trying to get me to say that it wasn't an opioid and that it wasn't addictive. And I'm like, well, I can't say that. We have seen people get, you know, dependent, addictive. To me, it's the same thing. You're trying to use a kinder word by saying dependence, right? But you're saying addictive. I can't actually say that it's 100% non-addictive because we don't see that in the science. We see that it could be slightly addictive.
Starting point is 01:23:43 Like they say like coffee. It could be more than that. It could be less than that, but it's sort that in the science. We see that it could be slightly addictive. They say like coffee. It could be more than that, it could be less than that, but it's sort of in that family. You don't have the same kind of hardcore withdrawals as when you come off of opioids of, you know, the opioids of addiction that we're used to. And it doesn't cause, it doesn't cause respiratory depression.
Starting point is 01:24:04 So most opioids produce this thing called beta arrestin and that's what you have to be careful about with opioids you could take all the kratom you want and i don't i don't know all you want but i mean you could take a hell of a lot of it and you wouldn't die from it you're not going to stop breathing because of it so the only person i know that's ever died on Kratom alone, and this is actually really, really interesting because we see this fad on Instagram and TikTok all the time, where people dry scoop pre-workouts.
Starting point is 01:24:34 And people are like, oh, that's stupid because, like, first of all, all those things need to be mixed with water in order to activate in the body. So you're not doing anything by dry scooping it unless you're drinking a bunch of water after it anyway. Secondly, the only guy I know that died from kratom dumped it down his throat and had a pulmonary embolism. It's like cinnamon. I mean, it doesn't mix.
Starting point is 01:24:57 You know what I mean? Like you put it in water. Yeah, it's hydrophobic. So you put it in water and it scrambles. It's like it doesn't soak in. Now, what people don't know is if they are using kratom powder, because I don't think there's anything wrong with using kratom powder, and I think this is actually delicious. If you take a normal amount of kratom, like a gram and a half, two grams of kratom, and you put that in some full fat like coconut milk, it mixes right up because it's fat soluble. So it'll mix in fat, but it won't mix in water.
Starting point is 01:25:27 And so you'll see people making all these gross concoctions with kratom and you're like, dude, all you need to do is put a little bit of fat, a little bit of heavy cream in there, it'll mix right in. Oh, wow. Have you noticed with any drug, like it seems like things are just dose dependent, right? Like alcohol, you know, with two, three drinks can feel pretty good. And the downward feeling of coming off of being high from alcohol is not bad when you had two or three drinks. Maybe the same can be said for THC. Maybe the same could be said for Kratom. Heroin. I mean, Dr. Carl Hart, You listen to Dr. Carl Hart on Joe Rogan, who is a professor,
Starting point is 01:26:07 who says, I use heroin all the time. Doesn't he use cocaine, too, or is that a different guy? Yeah, he uses everything. Excuse me. Yeah, he loves cocaine. Talks about it all the time. And so the reason...
Starting point is 01:26:18 But heroin... Yeah, but the reason why you're... I have a picture right here that I was looking at yesterday of heroin. It's like it used to be a medicine. So I have a picture right here that I was looking at yesterday of heroin. It's like, it used to be a medic medicine, you know? So I have a picture of it on my phone that I found yesterday of like, it has a medical, you know, it's in a bottle and it says heroin by bear or something like that, you know? And it was from back in the thirties or something like that.
Starting point is 01:26:37 And it used to be used as medication. It makes you feel great, but you don't need a whole lot of it. And so we, people used to use these things in small doses. What happens is everything grows. Like, I mean, remember it used to be, it's like, look at the steroid protocols we were talking about, how they've grown and flourished into like, now there's 60 different drugs in it. And, you know, they're all at really high levels.
Starting point is 01:27:00 That's the same exact picture. That looks so happy. It's heroin. Yeah. That's his same exact picture. That looks so happy. It's heroin. Yeah. In a lot of, in a lot of lifting, a lot of magazines that promoted, you know, building
Starting point is 01:27:09 up muscle, bodybuilding magazines at the end of it saying that the guy had oatmeal and eggs and all these different foods for the day. And it explained his training protocol. It would say that he had, you know, two tablets of Diana ball. It was just like normal. Like, well, it was just, but the dosage wasn't through the roof. Yeah, and I think that that's with everything. It's like we have to be aware of, like, are there good drugs and bad drugs?
Starting point is 01:27:35 Like, I don't know. I mean, I'm sure there's a couple of, like, weird substances that do really weird things. But for the most part, I mean, like cocaine is is still actually legal it's not like highly illegal it's not as highly illegal as some it's like a schedule two drug i believe because they still use it in medicine you know for like doing different things so i can think of like one negative thing that i've had happen via kratom via they going to say via cocaine. I was like, whoa. When did you do this, Mark? Yeah, I mean, I have had dry mouth. You get a little talky.
Starting point is 01:28:11 You know, you get a little talkative. When I have, I've done two of the potions. Yeah, was that the podcast? Yeah, we did that. We were high. I should tell you, like, there are. Just the the higher you get I think the lower that you come down. I think it's just true of everything I'm one caffeine. I told you about the mushrooms. I did the other day. I I Took about eight grams of mushrooms, and I went to a different planet
Starting point is 01:28:39 hours Seriously, I want a different planet. Yeah before Elon Musk Take that mic drop let's talk about this real quick went to a different planet had an amazing um experience but when i came i had all these ideas and like i'm gonna make this movie i'm gonna do this i'm gonna do that had all these ideas and then it when it came crashing down i felt so low and depressed and like i had nothing and so I'm like oh that's the trade-off like that's the trade-off for how much fun I
Starting point is 01:29:09 just had like now I feel like I can't do anything and then that lasted for like a whole day and then people continue to seek that out that's the thing like people feel that and then they're like I need more of that so they do it again and they do higher and higher doses well luckily for me i was like i don't want to feel that again so next time i do a big dose just stick to like five grams that's plenty enough to get you like a that's still a heroic dose and that will that will get you to another planet anyway but what you just mentioned right there that's the same like that's the same thing when people like take kratom because i've never had a bad experience with kratom but i've also never like i've never continued to seek out higher and higher
Starting point is 01:29:49 feeling like it has a function right i'm not continuing to just like chase that when people try to chase something that a substance is giving them and they try to chase it more and more you have these great highs and then you have these continuous lows and by trying to get away from the lows you want to get higher and fucking higher can't do that yeah i think um you know what's interesting to me is uh it's like honestly in the past couple years the thing that's been the 100 without a shadow of a doubt most addictive thing that i've put in my body is marijuana by far oh yeah by far like if i start doing if i start doing like edibles or doing whatever, like I want to do them like every day just because it feels good. Like I feel good. And then, and then, you know, with pain and everything, you're like, you get home, you're all achy,
Starting point is 01:30:33 whatever. And you take cannabis, it's like a double whammy kratom. It's like, it'll get rid of the pain, but also just kind of put you in a different, a different state, you know? And so for me, I've had problems with it where I was just like, I was just doing a lot of edibles for a while and it got to be really expensive. And I'm like, this is just ridiculous. Like, I don't need this. I just want this.
Starting point is 01:30:54 You know, and I've come to realize that. And to me, it's funny because when I was in rehab, we had a kid come in and he was there for marijuana and I like laughed at him. And then there I am a couple of years later cause I don't drink and do prescription drugs anymore. I don't believe in sobriety anymore. You know, I went through rehab and I went through all these things and I don't believe in walking through life a hundred percent completely sober. I think that that's like, um, more of a, a moralistic choice, like being a vegan or being
Starting point is 01:31:23 a carnivore or being like, you know, we're like, I'm going to be sober. And it's like, well, why? There's so many cool things you can explore with your mind where they're not addictive. They're not going to mess you up. They're not going to put you in the same position that you were in. So I know a lot of people that are like they were alcoholics or they were drug addicts, whatever, and they don't do anything now. And I'm kind of like, maybe they don't know how to deal with that line, though.
Starting point is 01:31:44 That's the thing. They might not have some people. You're exactly right right some people don't know how to mess with these things or use these things as tools like when they start using they turn into crutches that then become dependents and you're exactly right addictions and that's what happened to me with marijuana and that's when i realized like oh this is why people stay sober so they don't get stuck on something because i was kind of stuck on it, like where I felt I needed it every day. I think some people's minds also just are maybe wired a little differently. They might be able to see they might be able to see things from a slightly different perspective, like somebody who really loves travel.
Starting point is 01:32:19 And they go and see the pyramids and they go see these like, I don't know, beautiful structures and beautiful kind of things that are created just by nature. And some people can, because they like that, because they enjoy that stuff, that stuff can really put them at peace and almost be a trip in and of itself. So I think, you know, some people can probably get through life just fine without really much, right? can probably get through life just fine without really much, right? And I think there's people that, like when you listen like Neil deGrasse Tyson, I don't know if you guys ever had this happen, you listen to somebody like that, and he starts talking about space and time travel and the time-space continuum, I've had my brain go poof, just like totally blow up and explode in a similar way to taking like a little dosage of kratom.
Starting point is 01:33:04 So I think there are things that can kind of get you there sometimes, but they're hard. They're hard to find. And sometimes they might, if you're talking about travel, it might be really expensive. Might be easier sometimes just to take a little substance that can get you there. Well, and so going back to our thing about like loving the gym, I feel like you can build that in the gym, like where, like when I get done working out, I actually do love it. So it's like the endorphins, the things that working out does bring you. I think the only time when I say I don't love it anymore, I think I dread the beginning
Starting point is 01:33:37 of it. Like I always dread the walking in and like getting ready, like getting into that first exercise. Like my body, I just don't even want to move. And then, you know, my knees crack a little bit and I'm like, ah, screw this. But then once I get into it, five or six sets in, you're like, man, I love this. This is feels really good now. I talked to a guy more recently, uh, at saying strength and he was talking about, um, he,
Starting point is 01:34:03 uh, fuck, he's got a mental disorder, I forget what it was, but he, anyway, he had this issue, and he talked about alcoholism, and he drank a lot for many years, and his perspective on it was really interesting. Schizophrenia, I think you said. Schizophrenia, there you go. He was schizophrenic, and he had, you know, he would self-medicate with alcohol and he was just he just had a really hard time. He was very violent. He was very angry.
Starting point is 01:34:32 Anyway, he said that alcohol for him was an escape, whereas taking psychedelics was like introspective. It was like therapy. Yeah. And did you find that to be similar for yourself? Yeah. Every time I've done them, they've, I've never done. What's the difference though between alcohol and. So here's the difference for me is like every time I did alcohol, it was like a bum thing to do.
Starting point is 01:34:55 It was like an escape. Like I was escaping the world as we know it, going to a different place where I could just be lazy and watch TV and do whatever. You don't really think much, right? You're just like, yeah. Yeah, yeah. And then every time I've done psychedelics, I've been like, okay, this is what I want to get out of it. This is what I'm going to do.
Starting point is 01:35:16 Sometimes it's just even like searching for ideas. Like I went deep on these mushrooms and went deep into like, why do you enjoy making films? What is it that you love about it? And I just kept coming back to this song by Metallica, the song one, I was telling Mark, I was all excited about it. I was like, Hey man, I was so pumped. I'm like, that's what made me want to be a filmmaker. When Metallica made their very first video, it was based on an old movie about this guy that got blown up in the war. And I was like, this is brilliant. This is like beautiful. Like the music's beautiful. The imagery is beautiful. The things that people are saying is like amazing. It gives you like goosebumps. I could still watch
Starting point is 01:35:55 that every single time I watch it, the video, um, the kid said, what is democracy? And the father's like, uh, it's got something to do with people killing each other, I think. And the kid goes, when, when it's my time, would you want me to go? And he said, for democracy, any man would give his only begotten son.
Starting point is 01:36:10 And you're like, it just gives you chills. It's like so awesome. I need to watch this video now. It's so fucking cool. And I'm like, that's what made me want to be a filmmaker. That's who I am.
Starting point is 01:36:19 I'm this guy that's sort of like the guy. He says, I'm just like a piece of meat that keeps on living. Some days I feel like that, you know? And I'm this guy that's sort of like the guy. He says, I'm just like a piece of meat that keeps on living. Some days I feel like that, you know, and I'm like, oh, yeah, armless and legless because, yeah, you had everything blown off. Right. Yeah. So I'm like, I'm this guy in pain who's fighting every day to get out of it. And I've always sort of felt like that. James Hetfield was so drunk when he wrote this song, I'm sure.
Starting point is 01:36:41 Yeah, it's probably hammered. There is. Would you want me to go? And he's like, for democracy, any man would give his only begotten son. so drunk when he wrote this song i'm sure yeah it's probably probably hammered there is would you want me to go and he's like for democracy any man would give his only begotten son and it's like darren out darren it's kind of terrifying but i think like when you go into these um things and you you really you can identify that as like that's the moment in 1988 when my when like that's when mad dog graduated high school was like the that's when Mad Dog graduated high school. It was like the last year of Mad Dog was in high school, that album came out. And I just can remember that so clearly, but I would have never connected it had I never done Mushrooms. And it also brought me to
Starting point is 01:37:15 a level going like, what do I need to get back to? I like, Mark knows this. I'm always scrambling to like do stuff, try to figure out what am I going to do next? I got to, you know, and it's, it's usually not film related. It's like, I'm trying to like invent something like he did or come out with a supplement or do like i'm trying to do all these things i'm like no i need like that's what i'm good at like that's what i need to do and so for me i think like mushrooms steered me back towards like the love of filmmaking like really wanting to do that have you seen a documentary documentary for the beastie Boys? Yeah. The live one they did? Yeah. That was
Starting point is 01:37:47 pretty sick. Fucking amazing. That was so cool. Is it Russell? Spike Jones did it. Yeah, Spike Jones. I know he did it, but Russell Simmons was a guy in his corner, right? In their corner in the beginning. And I thought that was so great
Starting point is 01:38:04 the way that Russell Simmons would pump them up and he was just dead on with a lot of the predictions that he had for them he's like you guys are going to be like the greatest rap band of all time and it was just like it's fascinating the way everything came to be and how dorky just how fucking dorky these guys are but they don't care they're just like just having fun and fucking around and they just became fucking unstoppable it's their story is unbelievable i recommend it to anybody uh was it on netflix or what was it on it was an apple tv but it was really interesting because it what it was it was a it was like same here it was like the first ever live documentary so you can see them on stage there they're they're like on a stage at a presentation, like a TED Talk, and then they play some video stuff, and it cuts back and forth in between.
Starting point is 01:38:51 Wow. Obviously, they're showing the videos in the background, but then— Inexpensive way to make a movie. Yeah, they cut into it. And they just did it on—they basically just went out and told their life story. It still didn't make sense to me when I watched the whole thing. I'm like, the story still doesn't make fucking sense. But what's weird about it is they were so innovative in rap, but rap had just begun.
Starting point is 01:39:17 So like, what year was it? Because I've listened to a lot of Beastie Boys, but what year were they popular? 85? So they have just immersed themselves in rap. They started out doing some like rock, and then they just dove all in and listened to tons of rap. And they basically just copied a lot of what Run DMC was doing. Yeah. But because they were young white kids, it just had a different spin to it. And it opened up a lot of people listening to rap music that otherwise wouldn't.
Starting point is 01:39:41 And probably a lot of young girls. rap music that otherwise wouldn't and probably probably a lot of young girls and what's going to happen when a lot of young girls go to uh lean towards something what are the boys going to do boys but yeah bc boys are dope i'm into that shit too were you with us when we went to see that movie i know mad dog was we we met one of the beastie boys the one that passed away was that ad rock that passed away or Adam something? Yeah. Yeah. Maybe I'm Adam.
Starting point is 01:40:07 Yeah. And, um, he was like mad dog and I hung out with him the entire night at this, uh, restaurant in Newport beach because they, they had their documentary at a film festival. And then afterwards it was just like a hangout.
Starting point is 01:40:20 And for whatever reason, the guy just loved me and mad dog. He just like kept talking to us the entire time i had just done bigger stronger faster and he had seen that and he really liked it and then he mad we were telling him like mad dog was a wrestler and stuff and the guy loved wrestling adam roach was a savage they're like they're talking about yoach is that how you say his name yoach i think yeah they're talking about him and they're like we uh went over to his uh they went over to his like apartment he had like a nice apartment and they just were living just in just some shit apartment.
Starting point is 01:40:48 They weren't really making any money, even though they were like number one in the world. Just like a lot of people in the music industry that get fucked over. They're like, well, Adam had money because he owned, he was a superintendent and he would like somebody needed something fixed in their apartment and he would go in and do it. They're like, we never asked him how he figured that out, but he was just like that all the time with everything. I was like, oh, my God, that is that is hilarious. The way the guy's mind worked was something that really fascinated me. He took this old this old kind of I think it was like a film projector and he put music through the film projector and then he he took uh the tape that
Starting point is 01:41:26 the music was on and he put it like around a chair and then like around a microphone stand and he just like drug it all out and he took a song crazy crazy noises yeah to he took a song from jimmy hendrix he heard that this is something that jimmy hendrix did so he used a song from jimmy hendrix and he played it And it's like one of their most famous beats. They were like, what the they're like, what is this? Like, what is this machine that you have? And he's like, wait, you know, wait till you hear this. And he hits play on it.
Starting point is 01:41:52 And the way that it plays the music, it plays Jimi Hendrix. But it's super slow and drawn out. And it's just you're like, holy fuck, man. How did I think that way? Well, yeah. And I remember there was a little horsey named paul uh that beat is just backwards yeah i've like never fucking heard that ever before i'm like oh my god this is insane okay i have some shit dude bc boys is yeah they're sick yeah i love
Starting point is 01:42:18 that documentary i think that that was a great a great you know piece of art basically you know that telling their story. Back to Kratom, I forgot. It's going to get like banned today or some shit, right? Yeah, so what I would love to ask,
Starting point is 01:42:33 what I would love to ask everybody listening to this, if you like us and believe in us and believe in what we do because we like Kratom, you can go to
Starting point is 01:42:44 So it's just It's's just It's really simple. You just go on there and you just leave a simple message saying, hey, Kratom has helped me in this way or that way. I don't think it should be banned.
Starting point is 01:42:55 Now, the one thing that we don't want to do is really bash the FDA or the WHO because they're going to read all the comments. And if they say, hey, the assholes at the FDA, they're going to be like, okay, like let's not read this comment or let's not consider this.
Starting point is 01:43:08 When the comments are smart, you know, and they're well thought out, I think that's where we put in some damage on them. Well, maybe someone has a story like yours. Yeah. And so if you have a story where either you've gotten sober, you've gotten out of pain,
Starting point is 01:43:23 it's helped you with anxiety, it's helped you with depression or PTSD, then please just go to and leave us a message. And today is the last day that you can do it. We want to get as many people as we can on there. Last time that they tried to ban it in 2017, I went on Joe Rogan's podcast,
Starting point is 01:43:42 and the very next day there was like 23,000 comments right now They're already up to 60,000. So we're even like we're doing pretty good but we can do even better if more people just go and leave a comment and Like no comment is like, you know too short or bad. Just be like I love Kratom to me That's good to me. That's like good enough It's it's more about how many people actually respond to this than it is about what you actually say. So don't really worry about what you say. Just, you know, basically like just like leaving a comment for the algorithm.
Starting point is 01:44:11 Leave a comment because you like us. You know, I would ask everybody, like, if you appreciate what Mark and I have provided over the years and in SEMA and Andrew, if you appreciate that and you guys like that, please just go to protect Kratom dot org and just leave a simple message that we can say just did and that we can keep moving it forward. Also, like I honestly think that we can make a product with Kratom that is revolutionary, revolutionary. Yeah, that can really change things. How did you help our dad with the recent situation where John Cena lost? I mean, he seemed to be pretty broken up. Have you consoled him a little bit about? I heard you guys talk about that.
Starting point is 01:44:53 Yeah, he was bummed out. I was like, hey, it's fake. He wasn't having it. No, but it's funny that he watches it now because he talks to John like way more than we do because he does like financial stuff with him helps him with different things that's sick and so um he talks to john all the time so he's like hey man john lost like i don't you know he was so sad about it yeah i don't get well it's also like uh did you have you talked about uh him being on trt too i think that that's an awesome thing that we got. Yeah. My mom,
Starting point is 01:45:25 bless her soul. We love her. Um, but she was always against steroids no matter what, no matter what form, no matter what it was. She's one of those people like, I don't want you doing that. And my dad used to say like, well, I want to do testosterone. And my mom would say no way. And he's like, well, I just wanted to try it and see, you know, it seems like it has all these great benefits. I mean, I've watched Chris's movie like a thousand times because literally every time, every film, when, when I did bigger, stronger, faster, we went to 11 film festivals in like three months. Wow. Like we went to every film festival there was, I went all over the world. Like I went everywhere. It was awesome. But most of them were here in the United States. And most
Starting point is 01:46:03 of them, my parents would travel to. Nice. You know, they went to Tribeca. They went to Sundance. They went to all these different festivals that we were at. And so they saw the movie. Like, I wouldn't even sit in the movie theater when the movie was playing because I get too nervous that people are going to, like, boo me out of the theater. So I just leave. Well, he makes comments the whole time, too.
Starting point is 01:46:20 Like, you're watching it. Like, I'd watch stuff with him. And he's like, this clip, this sounds off a little bit in this one. one's this way i'm like dude i'm just trying to watch the fucking movie you can't help but make excuses for it because you made it and you can see every flaw and no one else sees a single flaw but you're like i don't let it's you know yeah so anyway regardless they went to see it like a thousand times and my dad's always wanted to do testosterone. And so then when my mom passed and I got back on testosterone recently, I was talking to the guy at the clinic and he's like, how's your dad been? And blah,
Starting point is 01:46:54 blah. And we just started talking about my dad and I'm like, you know what? He could really use this. And the guy's like, well, since it's your dad, I'll take care of him.
Starting point is 01:47:00 You know, like I'll just, I'll do it. And I'm like, all right, well, let's see. And so my dad did it and he called the guy and he talked to him and he was talking to him for like quite a while.
Starting point is 01:47:09 And he was like, I'm not really sure if I'm going to do it. I'll get my levels checked and blah, blah, blah. And then by the time he called my dad back with like the results and went over the results with them and everything, my dad was like 100% gung ho. And then like lately he's been texting me like I could ride my bike forever. I can do this. I can do that. And he's like, I wonder if it's a testosterone. I was over his house. I was over his house the other day and we're just talking about a bunch of
Starting point is 01:47:31 random stuff. And he goes, oh yeah. He's like, those steroids? He's like, they're fucking working out great for me. He was so pumped. He's like, I could ride my bike forever. He's like, it's awesome. He's like, check this out. And he started like lifting weights in his kitchen. And he's like doing like squats and. He's like, check this out. And he started lifting weights in his kitchen. And he's doing squats and stuff.
Starting point is 01:47:47 What was great is the first time I went over to his house, I had to go over to his house. Those steroid things are great. You want to make sure everybody does things the correct way. So I go over to his house and I'm trying to show him how to prepare the injection and do whatever. And he literally was like, I got it.
Starting point is 01:48:04 And he rips it out of his hand, just sticks it right in his ass. And I was like, are you okay? And he's like, yeah, yeah, I'm fine. And he just injected it. And I'm like, whoa, he nearly died a couple of times. I'm like, he knows how to do it, I guess. Maybe he's born with it. Maybe it's testosterone.
Starting point is 01:48:17 Yeah. Hey, that's good shit. Maybe it's creatine. Maybe. Creatine is still something that people are like, can I take it? I'm getting like that. Do you take creatine? Every now and then I literally forget so much because you don't feel it, but it's always beneficial.
Starting point is 01:48:34 So like maybe three times a week I'll remember, oh yeah, take your creatine today. But like I always forget about it. It is weird that it is the most studied and the most, I think it's like the most studied and like has the most support behind any supplement that actually works. Especially for people who do resistance training. It's so beneficial. And I still never use it. I have not used it in over 20 years.
Starting point is 01:48:55 You don't feel it. It's not like caffeine. It's not like, you don't feel it. It's not like electrolytes. It makes a small difference, yeah. But I probably should throw it in stuff. But we get creatine from meat. It probably doesn't hurt to get more of it, right? But I probably should throw it in stuff. But we get creatine from meat. Yeah, but meat. Probably doesn't hurt to get more of it, right? It doesn't.
Starting point is 01:49:08 I think I remember creatine used to cause issues. It used to cause evacuations. Well, yeah. Really? I think they used to mix them with a lot of weird stuff, like electrolytes and a lot of sugars and stuff, too. And those old things, right? Those cell tech and all. Yeah, that stuff too and there's old things right there's self-check and all yeah that stuff was cell tech that's wild they would just sell a big giant thing of sugar oh wow it was a big taste it's so good it's big like three pound tub of sugar it was
Starting point is 01:49:35 crazy well because they were trying to say that the sugar would help the creatine get in your muscle but all it was is it tastes good supplement Supplement, like, fucking marketing is so great sometimes. The shit you hear, my God. Yeah, the different, like, waves that come. Yeah, man. I'm sure there was probably a bunch of other ones like that. It's interesting. Out of all the supplements I've taken over all the years I've taken them, the only thing I've ever consistently stayed with was Kratom.
Starting point is 01:49:57 It's, like, the only thing I take. And, like, maybe vitamin D. Yeah. And vitamin D, for a while, I stopped taking because I thought it was. Vitamins, minerals, and electrolytes seem to be a little different. You know, like they seem to have more of a place than maybe just like regular weird supplements. Because they're helping with your diet.
Starting point is 01:50:11 It's hard to say that like any one like weird little thing is going to like make that much of a difference if you don't feel it. I think anything that you feel becomes valuable because like you're actually like, okay, I can feel that. Not saying if you don't feel it's not valuable, but it's, it's value is in that, like it can produce immediate results that you can then put into action.
Starting point is 01:50:33 There's always these new, like different plant things that people are into herbs, right? That just people are, I don't know, people get excited about it for like two years and then it disappears. Yeah. And then something else comes around and yeah, it reduces inflammation. You know, all that kind of stuff. Black seed oil was a thing sometime last year. People were like, me and my mom was like, take your black seed oil.
Starting point is 01:50:53 Black seed oil? Black seed oil. What's that? Look it up, please. Okay. Have you ever noticed anything from like turmeric or, you know, a lot of people talk about inflammation. So people that are listening are like, I don't know why he doesn't try this, but you've done a lot.
Starting point is 01:51:07 It's ridiculous. What about CBD or CBD? CBD is completely useless. 100% completely useless. I've never personally noticed anything with it. No, it doesn't do anything. Except everyone has THC in it, which gets you high, which is nice. But then you're just high uh turmeric turmeric is a plant is a plant that your body cannot absorb
Starting point is 01:51:31 or use you know you have to you you have to use the curcumin with like some special form of black pepper and if it's not like exactly right your body won't really absorb it so why do people go crazy about it because they're they're bought into it because it's eight dollars a shot at whole foods and it tastes disgusting and so they yeah it's like you know yeah yeah yeah like it tastes so gross like why are people on the wheatgrass what has that ever done for anybody i've never seen you know any of these things you know do anything substantial stop killing dude it dude. It's killing me. But primarily. Everyone who's listening is like, fuck you. It's you.
Starting point is 01:52:09 And then, Andrew, you need to get better at your audio skills. I'm just like. I hear the most ridiculous things. Like, I was listening to a guy on YouTube yesterday who sells a shitload of supplements, who was going on and on about, like, all the things he takes. And I take my turmeric cause it reduces inflammation. And I'm like, you're full of shit.
Starting point is 01:52:27 You know, it's, and it's, these are high, high level people who I'm like, man, the guy's just lying to people or, or he doesn't know.
Starting point is 01:52:34 He's just going by what he's told in some book, you know, like in some, or some magazine article or something about turmeric here. It says, you know, wonder inflammation fighter. Okay.
Starting point is 01:52:47 If it's the wonder inflammation fighter, then that would mean I could take it right now, my feet are killing me right now, if I took it right now, like the inflammation's gonna go away, or if I take it right now and I go get my CRP tested, it's gonna drop significantly to even make a difference. No, they never have any real proof of it. I definitely think like,
Starting point is 01:53:02 well, people should head to because that website has like all the research and all the supplements,. I definitely think like, well, people should head to because that website has like all the research on all the supplements. But I definitely think that I should definitely like do more research into some of these weird supplements because they could be beneficial for me. It's just like, I don't feel bad, right? Like I take protein powder, which is always beneficial. Vitamin D, I forget to take it every now and then.
Starting point is 01:53:20 Electrolytes, always beneficial. Kratom, pretty great. And there's a few other supplements here and there like magnesium shit that i have but there's nothing that i've been extremely consistent with but there's a lot of stuff that really is useful as far as supplements there is i i do think like a lot of the supplements and i know you're coming out with more of this stuff and i'm excited about it because i'll use it when you know when you have it like lion's mane and shit like i've heard so much good stuff about it yeah lion's mane supposed to be great but i'm even talking about like the organ stuff i think
Starting point is 01:53:47 it's a great way because it's actually what a supplement is you're supplementing your diet well like organs kind of in my opinion i know you kind of like them but i think they taste kind of gross so if i take liver i i kind of eat it raw and just shove it down my throat as fast as i can swallow yeah you do huh yeah because you do, huh? Yeah. Because I don't like the taste of it. So if it's in capsule form, I think things like that are effective. What's interesting is, like, I don't know. I have been taking a lot of electrolytes, and lately I just kind of, like, just cut them way back. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:54:22 Because I think I was, like, doing too many of them. Because it was weird. It was like the more electrolytes I would do, the worse I would feel. So I don't know if I was taking too much. I think you probably
Starting point is 01:54:30 can take too much of it. Well, you're salting your steaks and stuff like that too. So you're probably getting. Yeah. So I just cut back on them. I was, you know, I was doing like four
Starting point is 01:54:39 or five elements a day and I'm like, maybe that's too much, you know? I've never done four. Most of them is three on hard workout days. Yeah. So I was probably just taking too much. So you know? I've never done four. Most of them is three on hard workout days. Yeah. So I was probably just taking too much.
Starting point is 01:54:46 So now I just cut it back to taking like two of them. Cause I like that stuff. I mean, it tastes good. It's like easy, you know, it's easy to bring around with you and it's. Helps with performance. A lot of electrolytes, a lot of people are deficient. So that's something I feel a difference with. That's why I take them consistently.
Starting point is 01:55:00 Yeah. Have you ever tried to do anything in particular with your feet? Like you ever try to like strengthen them somehow or you were like, I don't know, cross ball on them or anything like that. Yeah. Like yoga toes, different things like that. Oh, the spreaders. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:55:15 Yeah. I've done. I wonder if you just were barefoot a little more often, if that would help at all. I think it would help a lot. Yeah. I think hang out like, you know, it's funny because the other day we were in the gym and I was like looking at everybody. We all had our shoes off.
Starting point is 01:55:25 Bunch of people. I won't name all of them, but we all had our shoes off or wearing flip flops. I was looking at people's feet and like everybody's feet are kind of fucked up in a way. They're kind of like, you know, the toes are curved and the toes are mangled. I'm like, why is everybody's toes mangled? And I'm talking about men and women and I'm going like, oh, their toes are mangled because they're stuffing them in shoes all the time. And I know that we hear that a lot, but like, man, we need to do something about that. There's companies out there like Hoka and Ultra that make better for your feet shoes.
Starting point is 01:55:57 And I think that's a really, really big thing to look into. I used to wear Nikes all the time. I can't even wear them anymore. I can't wear any Nike shoes because they just just kill my feet i have really wide fat feet guys stay tuned because we got a lot of like butt people coming on the podcast i've been really into this especially after i injured my tendon on my last jiu-jitsu comp like no like that's why i wear flip-flops so much just because like i know like i had fucking surgery on my foot when I was in college, a bunny net surgery, because soccer cleats are so freaking narrow.
Starting point is 01:56:28 Oh, yeah. Yeah. So it pushed my toes in here, and I had to shave off this bone, and that stopped me from playing soccer for the rest of my life. I couldn't run, so I got cut, right? And there's a screw right here, right now. There's a screw in my pinky toe area. I can run now, but that's the thing that cut my college career short.
Starting point is 01:56:46 From binding your feet with cleats. With cleats, right? I think like this is something that's like feet excite me a lot just for kids because if we can get this new generation of kids wearing things
Starting point is 01:56:58 and taking care of their feet rather than wearing these nasty ass shoes that congest their feet and make them weak, like that could, that could deal with a lot of down the line issues. What would that do for people's knees,
Starting point is 01:57:09 people's hips, people's backs, lower. Yeah, it would be a lot, right? Um, yeah. When we're on the podcast,
Starting point is 01:57:16 I usually try to kick my shoes off and I, I try to squish into this pad here and I'll, I'll try to flex my toes into it. But like just going on the beach and stuff is really, uh, helped a lot like going barefootfoot. But I know a lot of times that initial attempt to do anything usually fucking hurts. Jessica said her feet are just totally fucked up from running with me on the beach. Yeah, the beach you have to do a couple times so that your feet get a little tougher
Starting point is 01:57:40 so they can survive that. But I feel like you're right. Kids starting out with good feet would be amazing it's like it's like why not keep your kid in flip-flops for like a long time i mean they're they're it's yeah it's bad to run in them or shoes with a wide toe box not this narrow shit that and high heels on so i'm sorry even as ugly as they are crocs are wide you know yes just anything that's supposed to be really comfortable. I've never worn them either, but I kind of don't mind them now because I'm like, well, they're not going to squish your feet like crazy. I should buy some Crocs.
Starting point is 01:58:18 Let's all get Crocs so that we don't feel like Power Project podcast. I see some people working out in them sometimes. I'm about to go buy some Crocs. It's amazing. After this podcast. My boy Ron out at Sane Strength's he's rocking him all the time he's squatting like five plates for reps yeah i'm like dude what are you doing it's got to be the shoes he's like this he's like this is the way to go right here but we'll let i'll let you guys like check out um uh check out that vivo thing we were
Starting point is 01:58:41 talking about because they are a shoe with a wide toe box and like if you guys are interested in stuff like that they have shoes for kids and shoes for adults and they like we're going to be getting some soon i'm very excited to put my feet in those you know it's great for uh great feeling on your feet that you might really like have you seen the pads with rocks on them pads with rocks you can probably look it up like on amazon there's these there's these like just pads or like they'm probably as big as the pads we're standing on and they have all these little stones that are like that are like glued on good to stand on during the podcast you stand on that and it just basically gives you a foot massage and if you just move around a little bit on it it'll they're like uneven i'm gonna buy that right i'm gonna buy it right now. Yeah. Kind of like this thing right here.
Starting point is 01:59:25 It's amazing. And so my friend Carl List is a guy at Gold's Gym that Mark and I have known forever. He's a personal trainer. And Carl List trains a lot of pro athletes. And he would have them always walking on this like stone thing because he said it would like really fix their feet and help their feet to be, you know, it just helps your, it helps your feet. Like, is it this thing, Chris? Let me see here. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:59:48 Is it that? It looks too, is it harder? Like, are those ones soft? Cause I see how beneficial that could be. It's kind of like that, but it's, it's basically, yeah, I can find it after. It's like, it's basically just a mat. Yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 02:00:01 So here, here's one. Yeah. This one shows you where that shows you all the chinese reflexology on it where your feet the title for that one so i can pull it up it's a lolly cute foot massage stone mat yeah stone mat stone mat stone mat i'm standing on a cube fit right here and it has like little things that dig into your feet as i stand here that i mess with and i stretch my calf on but from what you just said right there Chris like in terms of like a stone something that has
Starting point is 02:00:28 like multiple odd ridges that like that would be so beneficial because you should be walking on terrain yeah it's like trigger points like it hits these trigger points in your feet and then you can just move to hit other trigger points or like rotate your foot out or rotate your foot in
Starting point is 02:00:43 you know? And I think, um, stuff like that is just, it's a, it's amazing to be able to fix yourself up. What's that fighting school down in, uh,
Starting point is 02:00:53 Florida. What's that? There's like a ATT. Is that what it is? What's that? American top team. The main guy that teaches striking there, he had all the athletes like pull all their shoes off and had them really working on,
Starting point is 02:01:07 um, obviously, you know, UFC you're fighting barefoot anyway, but, um, a lot of their training, even like the weightlifting that they did.
Starting point is 02:01:14 And they just noticed huge, a huge effect, you know, and having just stronger feet. So what's amazing is Kyle Kingsbury goes everywhere with no shoes on everywhere. Um, I did a podcast with him.
Starting point is 02:01:24 He pulled up in his truck. He got out and gives me a big hug. He's all happy, you know, and he's got no shoes on everywhere. I did a podcast with him. He pulled up in his truck. He got out, gives me a big hug. He's all happy, you know, and he's got no shoes on. Just walking like right, you know, on the pavement. And then he gets out on it and we walk inside. This hippie ass. He just never has shoes on. I love him.
Starting point is 02:01:37 It's amazing. And he's like, and he told me, he's like, I don't even have them in my car. Cause I'm like, you don't have shoes in your car. Like in case he's like, no, I just go everywhere barefoot because i'm like you don't have shoes in your car like in case he's like no i just go everywhere barefoot and if they kick me out they kick me out wow they uh it's was said in mel siff's book super training the greatest shoe is the human foot yes and yo guys listen y'all are on live a lot of people like weak feet are the problem for a lot of things like they can cause a lot of fucking issues so where start wearing more minimalist shoes or no shoes at all i mean here around the office other than the bathroom um i walk around barefoot and i work out barefoot or
Starting point is 02:02:15 with flip-flops on and um i think because of jujitsu also my feet have become really strong too because it's all barefoot it's all stuff on your feet so my feet are way stronger i think you said your feet kind of got beat up in the beginning yeah that's something that people don't expect i think somebody told you like they were like i didn't expect my feet to feel so weird because like most people you don't do sports with your feet so your feet are weak and they need to get stronger to be able to handle the impact forces of whatever it is that you're about to do but when you have strong feet chris duffin came on here and talked about it a lot you're able to produce more force through the ground you're able to create an arch.
Starting point is 02:02:46 All of these things make a big difference. Well, it's like having a really powerful car and then some bald-ass tires. Right? What a good analogy. I love you. I love you, too. I just found a picture of Chris Duffin and you on my phone. And it's funny because you were all fat. He was all skinny.
Starting point is 02:03:03 Oh, yeah. Skinny or jacked? Was he skinny? No, he wasn't skinny. yeah skinny or jack was he skinny no he wasn't skinny he was just a lot smaller than he is than he is now but then and like now it's just like you guys both look completely different like chris duff and i'd really short-haired and have the crazy i love the mad scientist thing that he did a pretty good video yesterday about being unkempt like just being you know he's like i'm on everything yeah like it was it was pretty cool yeah i was like i don't care anymore so going back to like some of like the turmeric and like some of the herbs and plants and shit did any of you guys ever like get on the uh like the green
Starting point is 02:03:33 machine like kale shake trend at all by any chance no that's since i was 13 what my mama she'd been blending shit up since i was 13. Yeah. Like athletic greens? No, just like, I remember I started drinking it because I heard Joe Rogan talking about making like his kale shake. And like, oh, I got to do this shit too. Like we got a juicer and all kinds of shit. And it fucking tasted awful. It was so gross. But like, nope, I got to do it because hashtag health.
Starting point is 02:04:01 You can't like, if people want to throw in some vegetables into some stuff you can throw in like small amounts of kale or spinach into shakes sometimes it doesn't really alter the flavor much yeah but i've never really gotten i've never gotten into that i don't have a lot of potassium spinach it has a lot of iron in it too i think the problem is um people mix up a lot of kale and spinach and different things in the ginger into their smoothies and they don't realize that like um that stuff is way easier to eat when you put it through a blender right you can eat way more of it so you're getting a lot more of these things that like on carnivore that we try to avoid like oxalates and so a lot of people that eat a lot of raw spinach or eat a lot of raw almonds
Starting point is 02:04:41 might get what they call oxalate poisoning um They get these crystals that form like in their gut and stuff like that. So it's like not to be scared of eating spinach or not saying that spinach is toxic. And I'm not saying you're going to die if you eat kale, but I'm saying it's something to be aware of. If you put kale in your smoothie every day and you start getting kidney stones, well,
Starting point is 02:05:00 Hey, maybe it's because that's what it is. It's kidney stones. Cause like I've heard of kidney stones and I never want to experience them. Oxalates. So if you stay away from the things that are high in oxalates, which are spinach, almonds, sweet potatoes, they're high in oxalates. So you stay away from them.
Starting point is 02:05:17 I never want to experience kidney stones. Neither do I. Oh, Jesus Christ. Yeah, I think people get things twisted up too a little bit. You know, they are trying to eat the vegetables to get some of the micronutrients from them, but there might be a little bit harder there to get the same exact nutrients that you can get from steak or liver or things are tricky. You look at a thing of I buy this butter lettuce all the time. And I let us. Yeah, it's really good.
Starting point is 02:05:42 But it's not actually butter on the package of butter lettuce. it says three times the amount of iron as spinach or something. Uh-oh. And, well, you're like, well, that's a lot of iron, but it's still not anything compared to what you can get out and absorb from meat from a piece of steak. You just have to remember that. They're marketing to you. Or whenever something says— They market it to you because there's nothing in there. Well, whenever-
Starting point is 02:06:06 That's why they're marketing it. Like this is the one trait that it has that's halfway decent. Let's talk about that. Yeah. Whenever something says that it's high in antioxidants, those antioxidants are only anti-oxidizing to a plant. They're not anti-oxidizing. They might do other things in humans.
Starting point is 02:06:23 They might have other functions, but they're not going to like, other things in humans they might have other functions but they're not going to like you know deoxidize anything that's in your body they're not going to take away oxidation of oils or any like anything like that they're not they're really not going to do anything that people think they're going to do so even when they were promoting that uh that drink palm wonderful which was actually just pull it full of, the pomegranate drink that was full of sugar. They're like, this is the highest in antioxidants. And it's like, well, it doesn't matter because they're not,
Starting point is 02:06:51 they don't, it's not gonna do anything for you. It just sounds good. So it's like high in antioxidants. Well, if it says like high in vitamins, well, hey, that's great. Which vitamins are, is it high in and are they absorbable through this way? A lot of times it's a distraction technique because the product is high in sugar.
Starting point is 02:07:08 Yeah. Or it's high in a bunch of shit that's bad for you. So they're like, this mac and cheese contains a ton of vitamin C. That's what people see. And you're like, that's not a great. Imagine if Palm Wonderful said high in antioxidants, even higher in sugar. How would that be for the marketing? It'd be horrible.
Starting point is 02:07:25 Has tons of sugar that can spike your insulin. This is going to be great. Yeah, I was at Starbucks the other day. I was like looking at, because I wanted to get like a, I just wanted to get a shot of something refreshing. That's all. So I was looking at their drinks and everything had like 30 grams of sugar. I was like, fuck y'all.
Starting point is 02:07:40 Like, damn, people don't realize that though. Splenda. Splenda. Or, you know what's good at starbucks sugar-free syrups so yeah yeah but they put six pumps in so you just gotta ask for like one or two pumps uh-huh but if you get like um say you get like a nitro cold brew and you get like one pump of sugar-free vanilla it actually just brings the bitterness way down on it or even just throwing like a splenda in there like people people are so against these artificial sweeteners
Starting point is 02:08:06 and I just haven't seen. I love that shit. Iced passion tea with two Splenda is dope. Really? Yeah. You'll love it. That's really good. I'm going to give that a shot.
Starting point is 02:08:16 It's a big pink drink too. I was against, I had a long stretch against artificial sweeteners and ever since like reintroducing them, I've actually been able to lose weight way easier, you know, just by eating things that to me taste better. Let me ask you a question,
Starting point is 02:08:30 but is that because you're getting that sweetness and now you're not going and getting a lot of actual sugar from foods and your calories? Okay. Okay. I think so. And also just, um, just the fact that like,
Starting point is 02:08:42 I'm not, okay. So when I was on strict carnivore, if I overate, and this is back when I was eating dairy, it was usually overeating of like a lot of dairy and a lot of meat, which are very calorie dense cheese. And then by, yeah, by having a diet Coke or something in there, like maybe I'll, maybe I won't eat that much meat later, have that much dairy later. You know, I'll be able to talk about this. My real like my kind of trash alcohol of choice is one of those big bottles.
Starting point is 02:09:20 I think it's a it's a barefoot Pinot, barefoot Pinot Noir. Oh, yeah. But I don't need a lot of it so i'll put a little bit of barefoot pinot in a wine glass at the end of the night a little bit and then i'll add some diet ginger ale and that shit oh it's probably really good right so good it's like a little bit of barefoot pinot diet ginger ale and sema has a spritzer at the end of the night yeah yeah but it's so it's so small like the the amount of alcohol there's so small it's like it doesn't do you know what's amazing i like it yeah speaking of like mixing concoctions let's go i think i might have brought this up before an amazing appetite
Starting point is 02:09:53 suppressant is actually just taking like a diet a and w root beer or a diet um like a coke zero just putting a little bit of heavy cream in it. It's like a root beer float. But it literally turns off ghrelin. It turns off your hunger hormone. It just shuts it down. Boom. See you later. Wait, wait.
Starting point is 02:10:14 Are we saying it actually does or you feel like it does? I don't know if it actually does. I got this idea from my buddy Jeff Whitmer who, who was on your podcast, who has a TRT clinic. He told me about it. And then I started trying. I'm like, this is delicious. Like, just a little bit. Just even like topping off, like taking a sip out of the can and dropping a little thing.
Starting point is 02:10:37 It's just maybe it just kind of shuts off some cravings. And so like how much is a tablespoon? You know, it's like it's not that many calories and it's like boom and it shuts off. Be careful with your heavy whipping cream. That can go too far. But dude, that's a genius. But just a little bit. Like a tablespoon or whatever, you know.
Starting point is 02:10:54 So I have to get Crocs. I have to go get some diet root beer. A stone mat. I have to get a stone mat. I have to get passion tea with how many pumps? Two pumps of. No, there's two. Splendid.
Starting point is 02:11:04 Two packets of Splendid. Two packets of Splendid and passion tea. Shit, there? Two pumps of... No, there's two packets of... Two packets of Spendman and passion tea. Shit, there's a lot of... I'm about to waste a lot of... Not waste. I'm about to spend a lot of money today. You got to try to figure out how to get it all at the same spot. Yeah, it's going to be tough.
Starting point is 02:11:15 We're going to have Nsema all wired and fired up and shit. His feet are going to be working perfect. He's going to be unstoppable. That's the goal. Yeah. Take us on out of here, Andrew. Sure will. Thank you to Piedmontese for sponsoring today's episode.
Starting point is 02:11:31 Sincerely appreciate that. And really, guys, best beef in the planet. Links to them down in the description below, as well as the podcast show notes. And what was the website, Bor? It was Dot org. Sorry, my bad. That link is in the description as well so please um if you guys are on the live stream right now click that link and go leave a comment so that
Starting point is 02:11:52 way we can keep uh kratom around uh follow the podcast at mark bells power project on instagram at mb power project on tiktok and twitter my instagram and twitter and yeah is at IamAndrewZ and I'm gonna start posting stuff on TikTok at TheAndrewZ. Nseema, where you at? Andrew has a lot of zaddy energy today with that hat but at NseemaYinYang on Instagram and YouTube at NseemaYinYang on TikTok and Twitter. Chris? I wasn't sure if I was gonna wear it and then I
Starting point is 02:12:17 put it on and my son started laughing so I'm like, yep I'm putting it on. Zaddy energy, man. I'm at BigStrongFast on Instagram and Twitter and that's pretty much it. It's a zaddy energy, man. I'm at BigStrongFast on Instagram and Twitter. And that's pretty much it. At Mark Smelly Bell. Strength is never weakness. Weakness is never strength.
Starting point is 02:12:31 Catch y'all later.

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