Mark Bell's Power Project - EP. 580 - One Bottle of Wine A Day Diet

Episode Date: August 27, 2021

Discussing Mark Bell's experience with the "One Bottle of Wine a Day Diet" from an old Vogue Magazine from the 1970's. Hard Boiled Egg Cooker thing: Subscribe to the Podcast on... on Platforms! ➢ Special perks for our listeners below! ➢Marek Health: Use code POWERPROJECT15 for 15% off ALL LABS! Also check out the Power Project Panel: Use code POWERPROJECT for $101 off! ➢Eat Rite Foods: Use code "POWERPROJECT25" for 25% off your first order, then code "POWERPROJECT" for 10% off every order after! ➢LMNT Electrolytes: ➢Piedmontese Beef: Use Code "POWERPROJECT" at checkout for 25% off your order plus FREE 2-Day Shipping on orders of $150 Subscribe to the Power Project Newsletter! ➢ Follow Mark Bell's Power Project Podcast ➢ Insta: ➢ ➢ Twitter: ➢ LinkedIn: ➢ YouTube: ➢TikTok: FOLLOW Mark Bell ➢ Instagram: ➢ Facebook: ➢ Twitter: ➢ Snapchat: marksmellybell ➢Mark Bell's Daily Workouts, Nutrition and More: Follow Nsima Inyang ➢ ➢YouTube: ➢Instagram: ➢TikTok: Follow Andrew Zaragoza on all platforms ➢ #PowerProject #Podcast #MarkBell

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Yeah, but what does he do? He's just a meme guy. He has influencers in the wild, and he has a bunch of accounts like that that have millions of subscribers. Influencers in the wild? He owns influencers in the wild. Influencers in the wild is amazing. You see people nearly falling off of fucking cliffs trying to get good pictures of themselves and stuff. slash tanksenator.
Starting point is 00:00:20 He has an Onlyfans. This guy. He's kind of jacked too he's like uh pretty well built yeah i like the fact that he's built up his own social media because sometimes those guys uh that are able to build up these other platforms they're not able to really build themselves up yeah sometimes but he's built himself up but we're gonna i've been talking to him we're gonna get him here here we go bruh hell yeah you've been putting in work. We're going to get him here. Here we go. Bruh. Hell yeah. You've been putting him to work.
Starting point is 00:00:47 Shit. Let's fucking go. Yeah. I think there's a lot we can learn from the mean daddy. Yeah. Oh, shit. Right? Okay. That's going to be awesome.
Starting point is 00:00:56 Yeah. I tried to meet up with him when I was in New Jersey because he lives out that way somewhere, but he's like, I'm still like three hours away. It'd be like a lot of traffic. He's like, but I'll fly out to Sacramentoramento tomorrow let me know nice so i've been just going back and forth i'm not trying to figure out a date it is always fun when uh whether it's you you're not familiar with the area but if somebody's like hey i'm gonna be in san diego i was thinking about maybe we can hang out swing by sacramento sure go ahead and drive the like 13 hours oh it's not nope not close at all nope i used to be really
Starting point is 00:01:27 bad with geography i still am i still am like like sometimes someone will say oh yeah san diego i'll be like oh yeah quick drive and then i'm like wait no no no no no that's on the other side that's socal that's not norcal i mix up san diego and san jose all the time ah yeah that makes sense san jose is only like hour and a half two hours yeah yeah yeah i'm i'm bad where like uh this is very specific to the area but like natomas so everything basically from like the airport to like uh the mall like arden mall yeah that's all natomas to me oh Oh, wow. You're really bad. And then everything like on 80, like from Natomas over, like that's the entire planet over there. We're talking like Rockland, Citrus Heights, all that. That's all Roseville.
Starting point is 00:02:13 It doesn't matter what it is. Yeah, dude. You know, it's so fucking, it's still so wild to me that people really used to live without maps as in without like Google Maps or Apple Maps. Because I imagine if I had to try to get around. MapQu shit was difficult yeah i there was yeah how about a thomas guide you guys know thomas guy what is that you would whip out like you'd have it like in the back that little back pouch of your seat uh we have those yeah so you'd reach you'd reach over to like the passenger side seat and you'd pull this giant fucking book that looks like these two notebooks put together and you would like try to figure out you're on the side of the road and you're
Starting point is 00:02:48 crinkling your papers and shit cars and trucks are fucking zooming by you and stuff and you're like trying to figure out where you're going in los angeles you're like what's the five freeway connect to the 101 you're like oh my god but then so terrifying on top of that though like you get it and it's like this but then you unfold it to get something and it's you can't put it back together like you're yeah it's you're ruined for life like there's no way you can get it back it's massive and then you do the most unsafe thing ever and you just put it on your steering wheel and try to drive with that in front of your face and it like covers up everything always coffee stains all over it oh i told jessica i
Starting point is 00:03:26 said because she's going to the midwest and so i said you know uh take your phone and take whatever directions you got and i said get rid of them just go to a gas station and buy a thomas guide and have the most amazing time getting there i was like it'll take you like six weeks but you'll have the best time ever she's like oh my god she's like i can't do that she's like i'd get so lost it's so scary it's so weird you guys really experienced all of that you see like i was like we're like neanderthals you guys are like dinosaurs because i like i was like 10 or 11 when the internet so like i grew up with that stuff i vaguely remember you know map quest you happen to use that but that's funny wow map quest was a
Starting point is 00:04:06 bitch though too because it would only get you like near the location it wouldn't get you actually to it and you're like that place is around here somewhere i don't have fucking 24 hour fitness around here somewhere yeah and then it so it was also like very very thorough in like leaving your house so like you're gonna make you know left here right there left here and then you know take your first right and that's gonna be i-5 it's like fuck do you like that's four pages just to get me there but i remember when like people would be like oh what's the address like there's address all right cool see you guys there with no no internet period no like how the fuck did you guys find anything right and this yeah that's wild
Starting point is 00:04:46 what's the best way and the fastest way to get going in the right direction when you are using your phone for directions that i don't know wait what what's the fastest way to get headed in the right direction when you're not sure which way to go and your phone's telling you you know go head north on blah blah blah, blah. Yeah, because I have no idea. So I actually legit do not know because there's been times where it's like even pulling out of my house, like because I'm still trying to figure out street names and stuff. And it's like head north towards this street. And I'm just like, I think that's this one.
Starting point is 00:05:19 And then it's like I look down, it's rerouting, telling me to make a U-turn because I have no fucking clue. It's problematic that we don't know where north, south, east, or west is. Yeah, I don't know. I have no idea. We're not real men. Some people in the comments are going to be like, you guys are dumbasses. Well, we know.
Starting point is 00:05:33 Follow the stars. Fuck you. You're the most. What I was going to say is it's a little bit like a life lesson. You just go whatever way you think first. You just start. Oh, wow. And it turns out you're going the wrong way and your phone tells you to fucking make a u-turn 75 times right kind of like screw it on like a shaker cup top you just like kind of go
Starting point is 00:05:54 done with shaker cups like you go backwards a couple times so like kind of thread it right and then you go the right way that's deep i know that's deep yeah it is right going deep in the paint yeah but what's even worse is when you are going the wrong way and the gps on your phone is telling you like no you got to go 800 miles this way and then you got to turn right and then you got to go and it's like or you could just make an illegal u-turn how about we do that right like fuck off man You should have just told me that in the first place. You know what's really difficult is when you're walking. That's hard to figure out.
Starting point is 00:06:29 Oh, wow, yeah. You're like, I'm going to go, I'm going to walk the wrong way for a little while, a couple paces. Yeah. But a lot of times I can't really tell where you are. Yeah. That kept happening to me in New York City, and I was just so screwed. Oh, my gosh, that would suck. I'm like, I know I'm supposed to go, like like this way somewhere, but I'm so close to be
Starting point is 00:06:45 at far away. Cause if you walk like half a block, it's like, that's kind of a ways to walk just to have to walk back the other way, just to find out the phone doesn't actually know where the fuck you are. That's unfortunate. That's very unfortunate. It's a lot of walking. That's a lot of sweating.
Starting point is 00:06:59 And that's why you might need some electrolytes. Yes, it is. Right. Every single day. Every day. Every single day. Actually, I was having to call someone this Right. Every single day, every day, every single day. Actually, I was having to call someone this morning.
Starting point is 00:07:07 He was like, how much is too much? And I was like, you can just do two to three. Yeah. Workout days. I usually do three of those. And off days,
Starting point is 00:07:14 you should do two. It's like a gram of sodium, right? A gram of sodium shot to the dome. Yeah. Yeah. I don't know why I didn't, I just noticed that.
Starting point is 00:07:22 Yeah. That was a milligram. Yeah. Excuse me. What? Huh? Okay. I'm not going to even. Yeah. I don't know why I didn't, I just noticed that. Yeah. A thousand milligrams equals a gram. Excuse me. What? Huh? Okay. I'm not going to even.
Starting point is 00:07:28 Okay. I don't, I don't, so I don't do history, math, what did you call it? Geography. Geography. Geography. Or geometry. Yeah. Geometry is tough.
Starting point is 00:07:41 Yeah. I don't really do any of those. So. Yeah. It doesn't add up. Conversions. Oh, gosh. The worst.
Starting point is 00:07:48 Yes. But yeah, a gram of sodium. Dividing fractions. Oh, my God. Long division, all that shit. Fucking math. Long division's okay, but having to do anything with fraction, I just had to tell my daughter, like, hey, I'm going to Google it.
Starting point is 00:08:03 I'm sorry, but yeah, I don't know this stuff it's 138 over 2 i have no idea 69 can i get a hey now should have known that one all right but yeah guys elements fucking awesome you feel that's why it's one of those supplements that we always take because we feel the difference a lot of supplements are good but when you don't feel it it's like you get inconsistent inconsistent. Like my vitamin D, creatine, I'm very inconsistent, but element's one of those supplements that I don't forget to take because I know what I feel like when I'm not hydrated. And it's massively helpful if you're on like a low carbohydrate diet, you're trying to improve your body composition because we know that you're in somewhat of a caloric deficit. That alone kind of makes you feel poopy and uh having the right
Starting point is 00:08:45 electrolytes in your body will kind of balance you out make you feel a little bit better and your workout performance will be better and that's a huge huge uh kind of undersold component to fitness in general like everyone's always talking about getting lean and dropping weight dropping body fat and things like that but we have to have killer workouts it has to be uh at the forefront of everything and a way to have a killer workout has to be uh at the forefront of everything and a way to have a killer workout so make sure you got the right nutrition make sure you get those electrolytes in there absolutely and what's awesome is my wife drinks it my daughter now drinks it and then we had a little bit left in a shaker cup and we said ah fuck it and gave some to my son
Starting point is 00:09:19 and right away dude he freaks out he starts reaching for it he's seven months old he's already drinking element electrolytes and i think it's gonna be okay should be fine it's only a little bit yeah mark it's funny that like mark always leaves half of these fucking packs around i know literally everywhere without fail i can find half of a chocolate element pack somewhere in the podcast room yeah but like the whole gym like this like both studios everywhere oh my god i love the product i actually like that it's salty but uh in my coffee i kind of like to use like half a packet per thing of coffee that because i drink like two or three cups of coffee too yeah i try to sprinkle it out yeah i'm glad i can provide some stuff for you guys how about that fair life too by the way oh god we'll talk about that next but uh for more information on element head over
Starting point is 00:10:06 to drink slash power project um i don't know if they're still doing the free recharge packs but if they are make sure you guys take advantage of that asap but get a value bundle that's getting four boxes of these amazing element electrolytes for the price of three no code needed just check the links down in the description as well as the podcast show notes again drink slash power project oh that's a nice stir yes i was gonna say you got so much care for that over there i would love for you to be my barista i've never seen him put so much time and effort into something. It has to stir well, man. It has to mix. It's delicate with it. There we go. This is going to be delectable.
Starting point is 00:10:49 But I will say that the Fairlife in hot coffee is not good. Really? Why? I don't know. It cooks the protein. Not like protein powder where it coagulates it. It just cooks out the flavor and you're left with... So try it just like cooks out the flavor and you're
Starting point is 00:11:05 left with like so try it just with warm rather than hot yes that might work pretty well i don't know what i'm doing but it's making a bigger mess i'm sorry i'm not making it i'll have to clean up later no you're not gonna have to clean it up because i'm actually doing pretty good now yeah the more we get to know him the more miserable my life gets the more you know that was online but it was yeah your giant fucking sun kids because it's damn sun kissed no i'm right here i could see that it hit the front of the rim not my sun kissed box that's so good orange soda yeah it's very specific you drink a I do. I do. I do. No. I didn't say anything. I do not think that Mexicans drink more orange soda than any other flavor.
Starting point is 00:11:54 I bet you said it. Thank you. Yeah. I know because it's funny because in Mexican culture, they can't say Pepsi correctly. It has a K for something k what do they say bexy i don't know why where that came from um so i know for a fact that they drink a lot of bexy maybe that's why they just always ask for coke but yeah they don't think it's their say they're obviously they're like oh yeah i probably got an accent or whatever but i don't think they really think i don't know i don't
Starting point is 00:12:35 know i've never had to correct my mom on it she she can pronounce it correctly yeah but i have seen many many mexicans pronounce that. Mexi. You drink a lot of diet stuff, right? Yeah, yeah. I drink a lot of the Zeros. What are some of your faves that keep you on plan, keep you on point? So for sure, the Sunkissed Zero is by far the best. Let's just call it a diet soda because that's just really what they are.
Starting point is 00:13:03 It doesn't taste anything like a diet soda. It doesn't taste like it's missing anything. To me, it's the best one. That one is like you're having a party when you're drinking that and you have nothing to worry about. I also like Coke Zero, that kind of similar thing. It tastes very similar to the original, but that one has a little bit more bubbles than the original one. So like you end up burping quite a bit and for you and i burp a lot anyway so that kind of messes me up already um that one needed to burp him yeah that'd be great actually uh we should do that that and then the uh the the root beer i forgot what it's just root beer zero i forgot which one wasn't chris that just mentioned like the the diet a and w with some heavy cream or something yeah yeah yeah i gotta try that yeah so that one's really good because it
Starting point is 00:13:49 again tastes exactly like the the regular one if you're a fan of root beer i'm not the biggest fan but i will drink that one a lot more now dude dumping some element into some of these things it's fucking a party and a half really but it does like cause like nuclear explosion yeah because you gotta be careful but if you take like that orange uh sun kissed and you take like uh i don't know like the lemon lime whatever electrolytes i'm gonna do that it's so good but i mean it's crazy sweet but like i'm forming fat kid i love that dude i'll take it but yeah so i switched to the uh the i think it's just mug zero i'm sorry I'm terrible at it. Sounds good.
Starting point is 00:14:26 Mug Zero? Yeah, like the mug root beer. Oh, okay, okay, okay, okay. I switched to that later on in the days because I was drinking too many Coke Zeros, and that has, I think, like 48 milligrams of caffeine. And so it just has a little bit too much. And if you're having, you know, two or three in the afternoon, it's like, whoa, dude, I'm going against everything that I tell people, which is like, hey, like limit the caffeine towards the end of the day and here i am having a
Starting point is 00:14:48 pretty good dose so i'm like man i gotta stop i like it it's my favorite one but well the sun kiss is my favorite you see any problems with this in sema like drinking you know these drinks because we get asked that question quite a bit like having coke zero and all that stuff i honestly don't as long as it doesn't open any dark doors for people where they're like like you know they start to crave other things and then they make mistakes i think it's perfectly okay like i have diet ginger ale diet ginger ale is my thing like diet ginger ale is like so good and when i can ever i can find the zero sugar sun kiss um but i don't see a problem with it really you know some people are on the artificial sweeteners are bad for you and whatever.
Starting point is 00:15:26 You've never even given me much issue. And I just don't go too crazy. Don't drink a whole lot. What's the size called? Is it a three liter or two liter? Yeah. Don't drink a whole two liter every day. And you're good.
Starting point is 00:15:38 What about with fasting? Because sometimes I see you with like a little bit of knickknacky stuff and some people would sweat, sweat it. And they'd be like, I'm not actually fasting. Like this breaks my fast, but it seems like you don't really care. I think that maybe for you, you just simplify it by like eating, eating or not eating. Yeah, pretty much. Um, there'll be some days where I'm, I'm more stringent on my fasts where like, it's just coffee, um, no cream in the coffee or whatever. And some electrolytes, but days like this, like I had a protein shake in my, in, in that I've had quite a bit of calories today because of the drink
Starting point is 00:16:10 and the heavy cream and the protein shake, 400 calories, maybe 500 probably. Yeah. Probably 300, probably like 300 because the heavy cream in there. Um, but you know, I'm not, I'm not really tripped on it cause it's not going to, I don't feel hungry. Like I still don't feel hungry. I think that's one, that's one interesting thing that happens, you know, I'm not I'm not really tripping on it because it's not going to I don't feel hungry. Like, I still don't feel hungry. I think that's one that's one interesting thing that happens. You know, initially, something like this, when I started fasting, would have made me hungry. But now I think just because I have better hunger control, something like this, I could finish it and I'm still good to wait until the evening to eat a meal. So I'm not really tripping on it. I don't.
Starting point is 00:16:42 Yeah, it doesn't bother me. Do you think that with like the mindset change, it's almost like if you do get a little hungry, you have something like that and you're just like kind of suppressing the hunger all of a sudden. What do you mean? Like something like this? Yeah. So like with me this morning before my workout, I was like, like, fuck, I'm hungry. Like I probably should eat like whatever, you know, all these thoughts going through my head. And then I had element and then all of a sudden I'm like no i'm good like having flavor having something in my stomach just made me feel like oh i'm oh i literally didn't feel hungry anymore that's super
Starting point is 00:17:15 helpful that's super helpful and there's caffeine in here so that helps okay i was gonna say so do you think it's more mental or it's actually but there's both there there it's it's a it's a two part component there's caffeine in there it's an appetite but there's both there. It's a, it's a two part component. There's caffeine in there. It's an appetite suppressant, but I've also been doing this for a while and I'm used to this. So it's like, that's why it's not difficult. One interesting thing I was, I was, uh, when I was having a conversation with this guy this morning is he said he did keto for about, you know, for three months, maybe three months. And then he went back to, and before he did keto, he had massive cravings all the time time he was never able to really be in control of his diet and then when he went back and started adding carbs in or more carbs maybe he's having 250 300 he can now um do that and he doesn't have crazy cravings
Starting point is 00:17:55 anymore like he doesn't have cravings like he did before keto so there's something that happened during keto maybe he got when he got fat adapted um where when he came out of it, he doesn't feel like he can look at ice cream and not be like, I need to eat all of it. Right? I just wonder what that is. I think for some people, I think this could happen on any dietary intervention where you start to have success. I think your eyes get really open wide to a lot of the foods that you like, and you
Starting point is 00:18:24 actually recognize they're pretty nutritious for you. Yeah. And for some people, I noticed this a little bit more with guys than I have with women, but it's not just men. But a lot of times guys like to eat fatty food. They like to eat like whole eggs and cheese and bacon and sausage and cheeseburgers, steaks and things like that. And so they're like, oh, that means like I don't eat bread and chips. Whereas sometimes with some females, they are a little bit more snacky. They like crunchy stuff.
Starting point is 00:18:55 This is just my own experience with helping people. So I don't know what's true and what's not true with different people. But just from what I've seen, and I think what happens is over time, people start to kind of lean into that and they're like, this is, I found foods that I like. There's really no reason for me to go completely overboard on those other foods. Something I noticed about fasting that's also interesting, I think we should just kind of lean into this topic for today, even though we were scheduled to talk about something slightly different. All right, let's go. Also, let's keep rolling with this. Is that doing little things like what you're doing now with that drink, you know, having like,
Starting point is 00:19:30 we'll just call it like a bulletproof coffee, right? Like a bulletproof coffee is the idea that came from whoever and then kind of was made popular by Dave Asprey. It's just coffee with fat in it. And there's nothing special about coffee with fat in it. And there's nothing special about coffee with fat in it. However, caffeine can help suppress the appetite. There is some evidence that even just drinking things that are hot can suppress the appetite. This is why bone broth
Starting point is 00:19:56 and soups and bullion cubes and stuff like that can work pretty good. And then in addition to that, you're putting fat in there there which the idea behind having fat is that you still didn't actually technically i mean technically you're consuming calories however a ketogenic diet one of the great benefits of it is it mimics fasting so because you're not eating any carbohydrates you're not doing any you know uh you're not doing anything to like your insulin levels this is all i want to just say that this is all like hearsay. I'm not trying to give people science. Okay. This is just the information that I, the way I understand it. So it kind of doesn't count as a meal. However, it does count as calories.
Starting point is 00:20:39 But can you blunt your hunger enough with something that has, you know, somewhere between one to 300 calories in it? I would say like, that is something to pay attention to. We don't want to be bombarding ourselves with tons of calories for no reason. Can it blunt the calories enough so that when you discontinue your quote unquote fast,
Starting point is 00:20:59 you don't overeat. And I have found personally that the answer for me has been yes. And this is how everything got started for me in the first place. And it's why I wrote so much about it in the War on Carbs. I'd start every morning off a lot of times with a bulletproof coffee, but then I started actually kind of switching it being more of a fat drink to it being a fat and protein drink. And that's when things started to change even further for me because there was just a reduction in calories in that first meal. And I also got hungry later in the day.
Starting point is 00:21:29 And then when it was time to eat, I also learned to start to eat less. Yeah. And I mean, there is a benefit. Is that a little? I think so. COVID. Oh, no. Podcast lingo.
Starting point is 00:21:44 Yeah. Oh, no. Podcast lingo. Yeah. But, you know, there's also the benefit of like, you know, sometimes we'll do one meal where we have like one big meal and all our proteins in it. But, you know, if you're someone who you want to use fasting and you're like, oh, but I don't want to have that one big meal of protein. You know, you could you could have a bit of protein in whatever your coffee or protein shake the morning um and you could spread that out if that's something that you want to do and it can be beneficial so there's no reason not to do that i know some people are like but the autophagy is not me i'm not really tripping about all that so i think you still get i know like i think you still get health benefits when you just lose weight yeah you know you start to shed body fat you start to get leaner um not that being lean or being jacked is is a uh a sign of health necessarily but most of the time it is a lot of times it is yeah a lot of times it
Starting point is 00:22:38 just is so um but i also want to make sure people understand that like you know maybe some dude on instagram that you see that's 275 pounds and shredded. Maybe he's not the picture of health and maybe that's not the goal. But in general, yes, losing weight is America's biggest issue. Not only losing weight, but trying to keep that weight off. My wife and I started a diet a couple of days ago, which is really just kind of silly and kind of fun. couple days ago, which is really just kind of silly and kind of fun. But my wife, my wife and I were on a trip somewhere and she saw somebody posted something from Vogue magazine in the 70s and it was the most ridiculous diet.
Starting point is 00:23:15 And then I paused for a minute and I was like, you know what? We should actually do that diet because it sounds so weird that we should just give it a go. So it's a bottle of wine a day diet and we are doing this yeah we're we're uh we're three days into it right now and mainly what you're only supposed to do it for like three days but i'm gonna do it for like about a week are you having a bottle of water yes splitting a bottle of wine no i'm having a bottle of wine jesus christ okay it's actually
Starting point is 00:23:45 like halfway easy but yet halfway halfway hard especially because i'm not home for a big part of the day so to drink you know first thing out of the gate maybe for some folks is enjoyable but not for me it's kind of weird um get a drink wine for breakfast yeah yeah drinking wine yeah yeah so today i went on some marks slightly lit slightly lit right now. No, no, no. Well, maybe. No, no, I could stop anytime I want. Yeah, just need a couple more bottles. So I went on my walk run this morning.
Starting point is 00:24:14 Yeah. I don't know, I did that for like 90 minutes or something like that. And then went back to my house. I took a shower. I had a coffee before I left for my run because coffee is part of it, too. And then, yeah, then I had like probably about a half a glass of wine is what I had this morning with some hard boiled eggs. So the diet is this. You don't really need a pen for this because it's not a lot to remember.
Starting point is 00:24:44 But it's supposed to be one hard boiled egg a glass of wine a cup of coffee the next thing for lunch it's two hard boiled eggs two glasses of wine cup of coffee with dinner it's a glass of wine a steak and and that's it okay so that's that's the Um, and you're pretty much done because that's kind of equals out to be nearly an entire bottle of wine, depending on your pouring, you know, depending on how you, how you pour your, your drinks. And when my wife was telling me that she, you know, sent me the, uh, the, uh, meme that, that shows you the diet or whatever. Right.
Starting point is 00:25:25 So I was like, I was like, actually, I was like, there's, I was like, sounds really dumb, but I actually think there's some like legitimate information behind some of
Starting point is 00:25:34 this. Like, I don't think someone just was completely winging it. So I sent it over to our buddy, Joel green. Oh God. And he's like, he's like,
Starting point is 00:25:42 this actually makes a lot of sense. He says, especially with drier wines. Um, cause wine could be thermogenic. So some people you'll hear some people sometimes say that wine will stop the fat burning process cause it's poisonous to you. Yeah. Alcohol in general. Right.
Starting point is 00:25:56 So there is definitely some truth to that. You do have to process it. But how many times have you, um, how many times have you, you, you know, been cold, but then had some drinks and you're like, you no longer need a jacket anymore. Right. You're right. So alcohol is thermogenic. I'm not trying to promote this to like say everyone, but the point is, is that you can
Starting point is 00:26:17 have some fun in your diet and you could still make progress. And that's been shown many times with things like flexible dieting and, and, and so forth. So this has been fun for me. I'm not only eating those foods because that's way too little of food for me. So instead of having, instead of having a one hard boiled egg, I'm having like three or four, uh, at lunch, instead of just having two, I'm having like five or six. And so you are doing the egg thing. Like I am doing the egg thing and I am doing the steak. And my whole point in bringing it up in the first place is that if you have, it sounds like a tiny amount of food, especially for a bigger person. But if you have even just a couple of hard-boiled eggs, I'll let you determine how many is a couple or a few. If you have a few hard-boiled eggs in the morning, they're pretty stifling in terms of your hunger.
Starting point is 00:27:04 They'll satiate you. They'll satiate the shit out of you, especially if you don't know how to cook them. few hard boiled eggs in the morning, they're pretty stifling in terms of your hunger. They'll satiate you. They'll satiate the shit out of you, especially if you don't know how to cook them. If you kind of overcook them a bit and they're super dry in the middle, it's like some tough sledding getting through those things. Yeah. But I was fortunate enough to find a hard boiled egg cooker on Amazon for very inexpensive price. It cooks up six eggs at a time.
Starting point is 00:27:26 You can get an even bigger one if you want. But what it does is it pokes a tiny little hole in the egg. Oh. And then you put it in this like tray and you dump water in there in accordance to how you want your eggs to turn out. And it doesn't hard boil them. It like steams them.
Starting point is 00:27:42 And the middle is like bright orange. And it's fucking awesome buying that right now is that it this one yeah what's the thing called so that well this one's just a double cooker rapid broiler that's it that's it bella 17 is 172 i know okay it's only 20 bucks i'm getting that right now yeah that sounds amazing it's amazing it'll it'll change your, especially if you're somebody who's like, ugh, hard-boiled eggs are disgusting. Yeah. You will not think hard-boiled eggs are disgusting.
Starting point is 00:28:11 You'll have to put salt and seasoning on them, of course, because they are gross. Is it a pain in the balls to crack open the shells? No, no, it doesn't. Oh, to peel the shell? No, so it's actually easier to pull the shell off as well. That's the only thing that prevents me from. It's not super easy to do that, but what's recommended is that you let your eggs rest for a little bit.
Starting point is 00:28:33 So there is a little bit of time. It can be a little time consuming. It only takes seven minutes to cook, six, seven minutes to cook. It kind of does everything automatically. You don't, you can kind of let it just sit there and forget it,
Starting point is 00:28:43 but you're better off paying attention to it and taking it back out. Yeah. You can see all the video of does everything automatically. You can kind of let it just sit there and forget it, but you're better off paying attention to it and taking it back out. Yeah. You can see all the video of it right there. Oh yeah. It does a bunch of other shit too. You can kind of do your eggs like omelet over medium and shit like that too. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:57 I was going to ask about the poached eggs. You just, bro, my life is, ooh shit. Poached eggs are so good. Damn, that looks good. Oh my gosh twenty dollars see guys men we can look at that omelet wow this is amazing what's that thing that she put it in so when i uh when i cooked them today i i uh i set it up, and then I went in the shower, and when I came out, it was just sitting there. It's a good idea, though, to put the eggs in some ice or ice water to try to really cool them down, and it'll be easier to peel them after that. Or just put them in the fridge or something.
Starting point is 00:29:39 Peeling them is always a pain in the ass, but because you have that poked hole in there already it kind of makes the whole process a little easier as far as the wine's concerned does the wine have to be dry or does it could it be like a red or there's a suggest something so it doesn't matter a ton um and i don't think you need to like aggressively go after a whole bottle of wine you know the first the first day i was like man, I kind of have a lot to go. And I'm like, wait a second, you dumbass. You don't have to drink the entire. There's not like a specific advantage to drinking an entire bottle, you know. So I was like, just put that fucker in the fridge.
Starting point is 00:30:18 But the idea is to have a little bit. I kind of think that when we talk about Kratom, we talk about taking like Mind Bullet, how it helps us with fasting. Yeah. I think that being a little tipsy or being a little high, like, yeah, puts you in a little bit better mood and, uh, you know,
Starting point is 00:30:32 pretty much be a little walking around hammered all the time. It's amazing for you. Oh God. Yeah. Okay. Just so for, for all of you who are actually about to attempt this for, for,
Starting point is 00:30:44 if you're going to attempt this, please make sure that, um, do not drive a motor vehicle or a car after having your two glasses in the afternoon. All right. Wait about an hour, hour and a half.
Starting point is 00:30:56 Yeah. If you handle heavy equipment for work, if you, if you, if you, uh, utilize a chainsaw or some shit. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:03 Be fucking, be fucking careful. My wife, though, who's already in great shape, she lost seven pounds from doing it. So it's like, I know it's silly. I mean, it comes down to calories, right? It does. I'm not trying to say that it's because of this magic recipe
Starting point is 00:31:24 of hard-boiled eggs and alcohol, calories it comes down it ultimately comes down to some calories but uh anyway that hard-boiled egg cooker is is fucking awesome yeah it's really wow man well i mean it's not the diet sounds enjoyable um yeah it feels good so far. Yeah. Today's our 21st wedding anniversary. Oh, okay. Happy anniversary. Thank you. That's an amazing anniversary, man. Yeah, we don't care a ton about that kind of stuff.
Starting point is 00:31:54 I feel, not to be too corny, but I feel like we celebrate every day. Okay. We really do appreciate each other a lot. We tell each other that often. We're pretty affectionate with each other a lot um we tell each other that often we um we're pretty affectionate with each other just you know we're we've stayed in close contact for the the entire duration that i've known her which is about 23 or 24 years and uh you know there were some changes when we had kids like when kids come around like just it just makes everything harder. It makes intimacy at every
Starting point is 00:32:25 level. It makes it more difficult. Um, but you know, we've gotten through all that. Our kids are older now. And so we do enjoy each other a lot. So a lot of times when it's like a birthday or Valentine's day, like neither one of us really care that much, but we're just like, Hey, let's figure out something to do together. But she's not one of those women that like, you know, holds, uh, any of those things over like you know holds uh any of those things over my head like a birthday or an anniversary or valentine's day which is really lucky oh god that sounds great you forgot what today is you son of a bitch right again oh man you don't oh my god this is one of the nice things uh currently being single because man
Starting point is 00:33:04 valentine's day and all those shits. Like, oh, just tell girls off the bat. I don't believe in that shit. You know, you try. But then when they do, you're like, fuck, they like it. You just say, no, they don't. I just say, tell them flat out. Say, hey, when it's my birthday, I expect really fucking awesome presents.
Starting point is 00:33:22 I want shit to be off the charts. But for your birthday and Valentine's Day, I don't like celebrating on Valentine's Day. See, this is what it's going to be like to be with me. We're actually going to have technically two wedding anniversaries. What? What's happening? So we got married last year, March, April, May 13th. Okay.
Starting point is 00:33:47 So it was when everything was shut down. So we couldn't actually make it official. And with, like, the world kind of getting weird, I had this weird, like, I don't know, thing that happened in my head where I'm like, man, what if one of us gets sick? And they're like, oh, only family can be, like, in the room or whatever. I'm like, no, that's my husband. Like, well, it doesn't show on paper. And so, like, oh, only family can be like in the room or whatever. Like, no, that's my husband. Like, well, it doesn't show on paper. And so like that freaked me out. And like, OK, it's been long enough.
Starting point is 00:34:11 Like, we should definitely make this official. So we're actually going in the middle of next month to like basically get married again. Oh, court. Yeah. In court. So, yeah, that's great. We're going to have to have one like real one and then one kind of like official on paper one yeah so we'll have two congratulations i thought you made it pretty
Starting point is 00:34:30 official with that baby yeah yeah when she's a short latina i'm definitely gonna stitch that that's so good oh my god amazing they don't know what we're talking about man i feel like i feel like you need to pull up the video or something so great though i was like hey check this out because i'm laughing and she's just like i'm not sure what i'm looking at and i was like ah i was like imagine and then she's like oh she finally got it the people are wondering about the video you had to somehow pull it out. I can maybe email myself. Since this episode is just kind of going in different places.
Starting point is 00:35:09 I'm curious, man. I'm very curious about this. When you when you married Andy, because in my head, man, I don't fucking get wedding rings. I don't get them. And even if you have like the money for them, right, I still just like don't see the legitimacy. I don't see why it's important like you're gonna put five or ten grand in on this ring yeah that's like a rock on your finger like you could put that towards so many useful efficient things but you want to you want a ring why don't i just give you like a a a ring that looks good yeah right we can we can have a lot of nice things together yeah
Starting point is 00:35:45 rather than just having a ring yeah so how did you how did you guys feel about like what what happened i'm just curious yeah yeah i i uh i totally agree with that um you know i think that i think that women place a high value assignment on that you know they they kind of look forward to that that's something that maybe they think about or maybe even it maybe it's slowing down nowadays or something i'm not sure but i think that uh that was a thing i think that women would often think about like their wedding day and they would think about getting a big old fat diamond ring and you know marrying the their knight in shining armor or something like that yeah uh andy just is different you know um her sister has described her as an alien before and i think that she might be kind of accurate with that andy is just kind of different she doesn't
Starting point is 00:36:35 really she doesn't really care about that much stuff however um you know when we did have the money to do that uh you know sort sort of thing, like upgrade her ring. Yeah. She's like, fuck. Yeah. Like, let's do it. You know, that's cool. Yeah. But the ring that I, you know, put on her finger and we got married was just a family heirloom to something that was in the family.
Starting point is 00:36:54 And it was like, hey, it's free. It's easy for me to do. Bam. I ain't got much of a job. So here you go. That worked out. And, you know, she didn't marry me for anything other than just who I was. You know, I didn't have I had nothing.
Starting point is 00:37:09 I didn't have I when we first met, I didn't have a car. I didn't have a driver's license. All I had was a lot of like tickets in New York. So I couldn't even have a license in New York. But I lived in California. I barely had I had a job, but I barely had a job. Uh, a lot of debt. Yeah. A lot of debt. Yeah. Tons of debt. Yeah. Um, I was a bum. So, uh, yeah, I mean, I'm grateful that we met in the first place because, uh, I think it's been
Starting point is 00:37:39 transformative for both of us. Um, I think she probably in the beginning helped me out a lot more than I was able to help her. At least that's my vantage point of the whole thing. I don't know what she thinks about it, but I was just, I was just, I was just trying to figure stuff out and she gave me the breathing room to be able to figure stuff out. And she gave me the breathing room to just be who I am and just care about like lifting. It's all I cared about was lifting and getting strong and getting jacked. And she was like, all right, cool.
Starting point is 00:38:09 I don't know. I don't know why she put up with that, you know, or however you want to say that. I don't know why, but she just, we just dug each other. So it worked. Damn. Yeah. It's yeah. It's weird.
Starting point is 00:38:21 Like, cause I've been in past relationships where I definitely wouldn't have been able to, I'm going to gonna say say it like this it's not bad but like i wouldn't have been able to get away with the things i get away with now um but you make it sound bad it sounds bad but no no you're not getting yeah yeah you know like sometimes i'll go home and i'll be like hey babe like i've just it's another bad term to be using but i'm like hey i'm gonna do my like second shift where i'll work on stuff for the podcast or something. Like, I'm going to pause time with you to go do this or whatever. Like, she's cool with that.
Starting point is 00:38:51 She's cool with us buying, like, gym equipment and putting it in our living room. Like, there's a lot of like, it's just it's just weird. Like, how about shit that she puts up with? How about eating without her? Or how about watching a TV show without her? Yeah, see that that's actually harder in our family um you know she's so loving she wants to just be around me a lot you know so it's like if i if i'm if i like like hey i'm gonna go to the next room and watch you know the
Starting point is 00:39:18 glitch in the matrix or the 49ers or whatever yeah yeah yeah but no she's like no just like we'll watch it right here and i can tell she just doesn't give a fuck about this right this um she just wants to be around zaddy yeah yeah she just wants to hang out and so it's like it's really cool and yeah i don't know it's like when it works it just fucking works it's because for us like it doesn't some stuff doesn't matter that much like i see some some couples really care Like if one person has lunch without the other person or didn't call the other person saying that they grabbed a fucking sandwich or something, the other one gets like kind of mad. Like they get kind of, uh,
Starting point is 00:39:54 they argue with each other a little bit. I used to get a text if I went out to lunch, like, wow, so lunch must've been great, huh? Yeah, we don't.
Starting point is 00:40:02 So I'm not joking. Wait, is this from jasmine or somebody no no it's previous relationship yeah let's clarify that yeah sorry okay yeah it was i was like okay so yeah we don't we don't have any of that um and i love when she's hanging out with her friends you know she'll be like oh i'm hanging out with my friend and like i'm just calling her because i'm heading home from here. Just saying like, Hey, I probably be home in 20 minutes or something like that. Um,
Starting point is 00:40:27 and then in terms of like shows though, uh, she has kind of seen everything and I don't understand how, like, I don't understand how she has time for it. So I'm always kind of like confused, but she's like, I'll just watch it with you anyway.
Starting point is 00:40:38 Oh, like Netflix or something like that or any of those kinds of things. So, um, I don't get how, like you've mentioned that, like y'all are hella busy and she especially is hella busy. So how has she watched all of this shit? Like where does she find the time?
Starting point is 00:40:51 I don't know. She's a crazy person. She's like sitting at home sometimes, like just doing a puzzle and like, she'll have the, you know, her little, uh,
Starting point is 00:41:00 thing on her phone. She'll just have like a show playing on her phone while she's doing something else. And April's the same way. April will be like doing dishes and like doing all kinds of shit at the house and you know, watching the kids and like doing all kinds of stuff
Starting point is 00:41:14 and she's got like the phone playing and she's got her headphones in and she's like listening slash watching the show. And then if you were to stop her and say, hey, what are you watching? She would tell you exactly what she's watching. She would tell you exactly what the fuck's going on with it.
Starting point is 00:41:29 Yeah. And I don't get it. I'm like, I could sit in front of the TV for three hours and watch three episodes in a row of the same show. And you could come in the room and say, hey, what are you watching? I'd say, I don't know. Yeah. That is a trend that I've seen.
Starting point is 00:41:43 That is something I've seen women can do. No, I was going to say, all those studies about like, oh, the brain can't multitask. Like, if you think you can, you're lying to yourself. I think those studies were done on dudes. I really do.
Starting point is 00:41:54 Because I've seen women do that. Other women do that. And I've just been like, how are you being so efficient at your job while your iPad is going and you're watching this show and you know what's going on, but you're still working.
Starting point is 00:42:04 I can't do that. No way in hell. That's so weird. Yeah. I can barely get through one or two things in a day, period. POV, she's a short Latina. If you guys are watching this via YouTube, you'll see what we're talking about.
Starting point is 00:42:21 Every time. I wonder what it was originally made for like what is that i'm glad that like social media like you know brought some brought some real randomness to the world oh yeah it has means it definitely has especially especially tick tock man tick tock is fun bro the things on there you don't see anywhere else no i i just really like that we do have social media now because back in my day you had to be like on a forum like yeah whatever it is like i would be on all the like the um like motorsports like drifting you know forums and stuff for like nissan 240s and like we would share like random shit and like
Starting point is 00:43:10 the random thoughts board or whatever and just be laughing my ass off and it sucks when those went away because like there was like a i don't know i guess i'll say sense of community like i i knew when insuma inyang was going to post something or like when he did i knew like your your avatar your screen name and like all that shit. And now it's just like, I don't know who that person was. But I mean, that's it's great that it's all now like you can go to it. Whereas before it'd be like, oh, like, fuck, I can't really even share this with you because like you're not on this this forum. But we still got to get used to like learning how to use it in a healthy way because even though it's so great for having a business, it's great for having a business as far as marketing.
Starting point is 00:43:50 As a consumer of it, it's hard for us to learn how to consume it in a way that it doesn't affect us negatively, especially younger kids. Younger kids, it really can be a nuisance. But yeah, overall overall it's pretty cool are we gonna call this show the bottle of wine a day diet i think that has to be the title i think so yeah fair that's how we got here that's how we got here yeah social media is like super addicting i'm just trying to find something that a friend of mine posted the other day about it it was uh oh okay it was pretty damn sweet but if i't find it, I can just kind of paraphrase it. Yeah, it is.
Starting point is 00:44:29 Here we go. Actually, you read better than me. So you got you. All right. Yeah. Like anything else with addictive properties, one is wise to use social media in moderation, particularly given the fact that inflammatory media grabs more people's attention, even more if it includes fiction and perhaps most if it's complete fiction. Cave Ficta.
Starting point is 00:44:52 What is the cave? Oh, James Smith posted this, of course. And that's true. That's pretty, that's pretty damn accurate, right? I mean, like, just because we know that it, uh, we know that it's negative, you know, a lot of times you're going to click on that. And then how are you going to – do you have a great idea or understanding how to deal with negativity currently? Maybe you don't.
Starting point is 00:45:14 I'm really excited to talk to Andrew Huberman because Andrew Huberman on his show and a lot of the stuff that he's promoting and talking about, he talks all the time from the point of habits. And I feel like that's what we've been sharing a lot on this show. But I'd also like, I'm curious as to what his thoughts are on trying to diffuse things before they even hit you the wrong way by your interpretation of them. And what I would imagine he's going to say is that you can't do that unless you're healthy. You know, you can't even like something that comes in that you would have like a response to what you would want to like fight someone about or get you really mad.
Starting point is 00:45:58 If someone has something really insulting to say about you or something, it's very difficult to interpret that any other way if you're currently not a healthy person. You currently don't take care of yourself. You don't get enough sleep. You don't eat well. And you currently don't deal with stress and anxiety that well at the moment.
Starting point is 00:46:20 You haven't maybe learned the skill sets for it and so forth. So I'm really i i'm excited to meet him i'm excited for him to come in here to super training which will happen in i think in like a week or two right yeah yeah it's gonna be sick yeah whoa yeah you guys are in for it i'm sorry for yelling into the mic all the time that too but also you gotta let me know so i can put that in the calendar oh he didn he didn't. He didn't. Oh, no, I haven't confirmed confirmed, but it's supposed to be on like the 13th or 14th,
Starting point is 00:46:51 whatever like Monday or Tuesday is of September. That's when he's coming here. That's when you're going. That's when he's coming here. Okay, so we have to get that final date. But that's going to be so good. That man, he has been finding out a lot of new stuff, like the Palmer cooling technique. He's going gonna bring that
Starting point is 00:47:05 device here make your hands cold and lift heavier weights or something yeah yeah it's something crazy but um yeah man hoobman's hoobman's where it's at y'all gotta be listening to this podcast if you haven't you probably have but if you haven't go there and listen to that after you're here by the way don't leave now. Yeah, don't go anywhere. Oh, God. Oh, fuck. See, now I gotta change my dentist appointment. There's always something going on with his dentist appointment.
Starting point is 00:47:35 I thought you had one the other day. I did. I had two in the past, like, two weeks. Yeah, if y'all don't know, Andrew's been saying, like, just, like, every time he has to go, he's like, yeah, I'm heading to a dentist appointment. It seems like every time he leaves, he's like, I'm heading to a dentist appointment. It seems like every time he leaves, he's like, I'm heading to a dentist appointment. Is this code for something else?
Starting point is 00:47:49 No, no. I'll just have to show you guys my temporary and then permanent crowns. My teeth are all fucked up. I got you. All my feelings that I've had or gotten that are still in there, they're all cracking because I clench down too much when I'm lifting. So I'm trying to get better at that but like the damage has been done so all my teeth are fucked up on the topic of actually clenching down when lifting do you do that like when you lift what happens here
Starting point is 00:48:15 because a lot of people they're like right i usually try to relax my face but what do you do what happens to you i don't i don't think I do anything weird with my jaw or my teeth. I've never experienced any issues with it. But I would say that the mouthpiece that I have for my sleep has really been huge because it kind of like in some weird way kind of sticks my tongue to the roof of my mouth. And I'm trying to figure out. I'm like because the mouthpiece was like something that I had to get like an exam for. And they had like fit it special to my teeth and stuff. And I'm thinking to myself, I'm like, there's gotta be an easier way to just stick people's tongue to the roof of their mouth. Cause my understanding of like sleep apnea is
Starting point is 00:48:57 that you're, or even obstructed airway. It's just that your tongue kind of falls in the back of your throat when you're falling asleep. Cause you're just like super relaxed. And I think there's got to be like a different way or better way to help with that. But the combination of, you know, using the mouthpiece, using my mouth tape and having an eye mask on, which is like a lot of shit on your head when you're trying to fucking sleep, it actually works really good for me. So as much as I don't like to put it on, I'm like, all right, well, if you just enjoy not having great sleep, then just don't put any of those things on. I try to make it that simple for myself.
Starting point is 00:49:33 But I might grind my teeth in the middle of the night. That also might be another reason why the mouthpiece has been effective. And how long have you been using the mouthpiece now? Probably about six months or so. Six months. And it's made a good difference for your sleep that's awesome i haven't tracked it yet so i i've tracked it with my watch and i've tracked it with some other stuff but it doesn't really tell me a ton but i have a like an at-home sleep study
Starting point is 00:49:56 thing that i can track it with so i'll do that next and that'll actually be the real um that'll be the real test you can buy those by the way nowadays, they're disposable, they're like 150 bucks, I want to say. So it's a little expensive, but for people that have issues with their sleep, like just Google it, look it up. Because I think if you can start to solve some of the issues with sleep, I think for a lot of people, it can make a huge difference. Absolutely. No, when you mentioned the idea of being able to deal with situations and having to be healthy to be able to actually deal with them in a good way, it makes a lot of sense because if you're not, first off, if you're not getting rest without you even realizing it, you're just going to be a more frustrated individual because you're physically tired all the time. good how you expect to deal with some stressful thing at work or somebody coming at you the wrong way your initial reaction is just going to be i'm fucking tired fuck you you know what i mean like
Starting point is 00:50:49 that's that's you're going to be your modus your your mode of being because you're not rested you're not healthy so think about even how we how we learn to deal with each other how we learn to interact with each other um i remember this as a kid. Like, I want to do something or I want to get something. I'm going to wait for my parents to be in a really good mood. Yeah. I'm not going to, like, after my mom has told me, like, you got to clean up your room, that's not the time I'm going to say, hey, I want to go, you know, sleep over at my friend's house or whatever. Like, you know, I'm not going to ask for any favors at that time.
Starting point is 00:51:24 But as soon as I see that she's excited because I did well on a test or something like that, that's when I'm going to say, yeah, you know, I'm not going to ask for any favors at that time, but as soon as I see that she's excited, cause I did well on a test or something like that, that's when I'm going to say, yeah, you know, I was thinking about, uh, maybe this weekend, if I could go hang out in my buddy's house or whatever. Right. Yeah. That's where you, that's, that's where you put that stuff in there. Right. And so it makes sense, you know, when you're in a, a better mood, when you feel good, uh, or when you even are just like well rested, it's easier to take on the stresses of life. Stresses of life, your diet sticking to that.
Starting point is 00:51:54 It makes it so much easier. So I could, that, that good sleep would be one big thing that people can. And I think this is like, you and I talk a lot about fasting but this is where it's really important to make sure that you're not kind of overdoing it if if it if it prevents you from overeating for the day because you chose to eat
Starting point is 00:52:18 an omelet in the morning with some vegetables mixed in and it was half whole eggs, half egg whites. Even though that might have some calories in it and even though that's not fasting, but you didn't eat again until 3 p.m. You know, you ate three times for the day. You ate at 8 a.m., you ate at 3 p.m., and you ate again at 6 p.m. or something like that. If that helped you have a net reduction in calories, that particular style of eating is better for you than previous things that you've done where you failed to keep the calories in check. And so even if you are trying to practice fasting every day, if you fast and then you
Starting point is 00:53:02 binge and you overdo it, then you just kind of nullified the fasting. Not completely, but you kind of messed it up for that day. The next day, you might want to try it again. If it didn't work again, then you might have to say, you know what, I'm going to put a little bit of stuff in my coffee and see if that keeps me at bay a little bit better with, or if that holds me more accountable to making better decisions. If that's still not working, maybe you have a couple eggs in the morning
Starting point is 00:53:31 or you just do something. It's not gonna really, I know my wife eats this way quite a bit. I eat this way quite a bit. I know Ansema eats this way pretty routinely. And it's like, if you just had something in the morning, that's just a couple of hundred calories. I don't think, I don't think you need really need to worry about it. No, I don't think so either. And then I think that, well, I know
Starting point is 00:53:54 that can also help with your energy levels during the day, just because like a lot of people complain about, and I mean, I bet this used to happen to me too, just because I'd have so many carbohydrates. But if you have like a carb rich breakfast or lunch a few hours later or 30 minutes later, then you feel that lull in the midday as far as your energy levels. If you literally just change that to having something just protein or protein and a little bit of fat, literally it could be a protein shake or it could be some meat and some fat or whatever, you most likely will not feel that midday lull. And if you do like carbohydrates, which isn't a problem, save it for the evening. My carbs are always saved for the evening because what happens after I eat
Starting point is 00:54:29 carbs, I am tired. And it feels kind of fun too. Yeah. Like they feel good. Like you, you ran yourself through a lot of stuff for the day and then now you get to kind of reward yourself with, it sounds silly, but like rice, fruit, whatever, whatever it is. But, you know, that's just, that's just where we're at with our diet. You know, you might incorporate something slightly different. Or it could just be, you know, your meals in the early half of the day are half a cup of rice. And then that meal at the end of the, end of the night is going to be a full cup of rice because it, you know, like Mark says, it's good to have something to look forward to. Yes. Are you, uh, are you like what someone might
Starting point is 00:55:08 say, like super strict with your diet or like if someone was following you around, would they maybe not understand? Cause they'd be like, how is he eating that? But then staying so lean. Yeah. So if someone was following me around like three nights ago, I went and I got ramen and some chicken karaage and then i had some boba but one thing they wouldn't notice is that during the day i had two protein shakes and that was it right so if you follow me you'd see the two protein shakes and then you'd see the ramen chicken karaage depending on what day someone followed you they might be confused they would be confused but at the end of the day i don't think they would be because
Starting point is 00:55:44 you would see the totality like days that i do if i had and i had that food with somebody because they wanted to get food out so if you see the totality of what i ate it makes sense because you'll see oh he had this still hit his protein goals but because he wasn't eating all day long he was able to have that and on normal days when I have my steak or whatever, eggs or whatever, it's, it's still normal. So I think that if meals are seen in seclusion, it doesn't make sense because you're like, how the fuck can you eat that and stay that way? Well, did I eat anything else today? Right. That's the one thing people don't understand. Um, yeah. So people were chatting about you in the gym the other day. It was all positive stuff, but they were like, I think he sometimes just eats whatever he wants. And I said, I said, the key,
Starting point is 00:56:27 the key word there though, is sometimes I was like, he works really hard. Like, don't, I'm like, don't underestimate the value of what he does when he goes to jujitsu and the value of what you do when you train and your diet, like you're on point. Uh, but yeah, somebody might occasionally see you eating a fucking legendary pop tart or something like that oh yeah or the gym the other day i think i had um i had panda express yeah so you saw you yeah i had some rice inside some meat from panda express and if somebody saw that they'd be like he eats whatever he wants like you got y'all don't understand he's just got genetics i think he does eat whatever he wants. Let's just go back to that.
Starting point is 00:57:05 It makes us feel better. It does. Well, no, I think it's funny that I've never really seen him eat unless it's like, fuck it, we're going all in. I've never seen him like... Well, yeah, because he's usually fasting, right? Yeah. Well, and then when I do it, like when it is something like an eat right meal, you'll have like two or three. Yeah. Oh, my gosh.
Starting point is 00:57:24 But it's all meat. Like it's all protein and fat great point yeah absolutely yeah that is funny he eats 20 months i just like to say yeah i just say that he doesn't eat period and he just it's all genetics oh lord doesn't matter but no it all makes sense 80 90 85 90% 85, 85 to 90%. Like, like I don't eat out that often. And when I do eat out, it's not on my own. And if you, um, let's see, uh, to go from two 65 to 70 to where you are now, did you have to be a little more accurate to kind of or i guess it wasn't really the jiu-jitsu kind of helped with that a lot but you have changed your you have changed
Starting point is 00:58:09 your nutrition a lot the nutrition was was when i started to like when it started to make a big difference though the jiu-jitsu because the caloric expenditure i mean it got me down to like 255 right and i was chilling at 255 but when i got everything as far as like my actual intake i started utilizing some fasting. I started leaning towards being more low carb because when I was when I wasn't fasting, when I had quite a bit of carbs in my diet, I would still have instances where I'd be like, oh, like I would I would eat something that was off plan and be in a surplus because I really wanted it. I craved it. But I went more low carb. I added in fasting.
Starting point is 00:58:42 I started eating more high fat, high protein. That's when it became very, very easy, first off, not to yield to cravings, but then to just eat in a deficit and not feel like I was restricted and then drop those extra pounds of fat to where I am now. So it made that simpler. So the diet aspect of things, jujitsu dropped me 10 pounds, but the diet is what made everything else kind of just streamline. I hope people really pay attention to that because I think that's huge that you got rid of some of the carbohydrate, you brought some of the fat in. If you got rid of the carbohydrate and didn't manipulate your fat levels- That wouldn't last long. That wouldn't last long at all. You would feel like shit and have tons of cravings. I just think it's important to point out, I think that people are always looking for these outliers. They're always looking to say, oh, well, this guy's got it better than me.
Starting point is 00:59:30 This guy's got it easy. Or this guy's got it. Yeah, we do have different genetics, you know? Like, you don't have control over how tall you are or your body's ultimate capacity for strength or your body's ultimate capacity for how much muscle mass it's going to be able to hold. And there are certain things that are probably somewhat limited to our genetics, but still, whenever you run into people that are in good shape, whenever you run into people that are strong, they still have a body of work behind them. They still have a long body of work. They still have a long history. John Cena was very similar like john would kind of john like i don't know how he like kind of just he just always knew how to like uh quote unquote
Starting point is 01:00:13 like act you know he he knew to like uh play things up on purpose so like if he went to eat with him he would just slaughter like you know like 20 slices of pizza, you know, like 20 slices of pizza. Asshole. But you know that like in the morning he had, you know, a chicken breast and like eight egg whites or something. He did shit like that all the time. And then people would just look at him and he'd like pull up his shirt. And he'd just be shredded and there'd be like veins popping out. And it would just be like, it would be like gross because his like belly was like distended too from all the food he ate he's like oh man look how fat i am but it's like ab on top of ab on top of ab with like serratus muscles popping and shit too that's
Starting point is 01:00:53 awesome man you're just like you motherfucker but he just he loved to do that to kind of like fuck with everybody else you know but that's the thing that like that's why people think i eat whatever because when I do post about food, sometimes I'll post things I cook, but most of the times if I'm out and I have something with somebody, I don't see you posting a lot of healthy food because I barely post food. Yeah. Number one.
Starting point is 01:01:16 But when I do eat out, but it's not, I'll post it all that entertaining or appealing really. Yeah. Exactly. Just always post a fucking steak. It's not great to see a steak on every single freaking story i mean pete montes is great but like when people are just seeing steak after steak it's just steak but if i go out and i get brunch with somebody and you see that they're
Starting point is 01:01:33 like oh he eats whatever he wants it's all right you need to get more pictures like that yeah you use stacks of pancakes and donuts and shit like that just lean into it i think i think it's more motivating that way though because if they see you and like damn that guy can eat that like okay first yeah there's people going to be upset but like i think if you were to post how strict you are on the diet where it's like no carbs every meal it's just steak by itself yeah it might i don't know somebody might see them like well shit i'm never going to be able to do that so i i'm not even going to try but if they see that like whoa hard work actually can get you a fucking stack of pancakes like yeah let's do it yeah i don't even like pancakes like
Starting point is 01:02:10 that how often do you even eat like that where you eat whatever you'd like just a couple times like maybe a couple times a month it'll be like if if i do eat out with somebody, it'll be like maybe, I don't know, a meal twice a week. You know, that's out. Right. Right. So a meal twice a week, but that's one meal. And even so, when it comes to any rules to those meals or just like depends on where you're going or it depends on where I'm going. But the big rule is it just needs to have a lot of protein.
Starting point is 01:02:39 I don't like the meals I eat out. They have a lot like, OK, so when I got ramen that one night that I just mentioned to you, I got five extra eggs. And that's five extra boiled eggs with that ramen. And the chicken thing, like it'll have to have a lot of protein. And a big reason to keep that protein is to keep muscle mass, right? Keep muscle mass. And so I just don't feel super hungry after I finish that meal. So all the meals I generally eat out, like I will get extra meat on everything.
Starting point is 01:03:05 It might, I might have some carbs, but it'll always be extra protein. So I feel full and I don't need to eat an insane amount to feel good. Yeah. That way on the drive home, you're not thinking I should roll through In-N-Out Burger. Yes. Yeah, exactly. Which happens a lot when you go out, especially you go out to like a really nice restaurant. Like they don't give you that much food and you're like, how much food do I have to order at this place to get full? Right. And next thing you know, you're ordering a chocolate shake. But yeah, man, it's, um, but, but that's the thing. Like I was just talking to a guy today. Um, cause he was like, okay, so, you know, I want to make sure that I can still enjoy, you know, socializing with friends on whatever diet we do, blah, blah, blah. I'm like,
Starting point is 01:03:43 okay, you realize that you just need to have different practices from day to day. Most of the time you're going to be going from work to home. So you might have the meal that you make and you're going to go home and eat with your wife. Those are normal days, but the days you want to go socialize with your friends, we're just going to fast. Maybe you'll have a protein shake in the afternoon, some electrolytes or something, some caffeine to get you through the day. And then when you want to go out with your homies and you want to get some pizza or whatever, you have the calories to work with. So you can eat that food. But if you're not over on your calories, you're on plan. That's the thing that people don't realize. People think that you need to be eating. Like most of the time, you're not going to be
Starting point is 01:04:16 eating out and doing all that every single day. And if you are, that's problematic, right? It's going to be, that's going to make it a little bit more difficult, but you should still be able to do that once or twice a week with a meal. If you, if you want to go out with people and you can also make the decision not to eat that food if you want to, but if you do want to enjoy being with those individuals, enjoying that food, then you just have some practices that allow you to do that and still be on plan. And for me, that practice is fasting into it. A huge part of the practice that people miss too is uh that you're not grazing on stuff yeah a lot of people they kind of picket stuff uh throughout the day and i'm not trying to when i say i'm trying to single out women but i know for my wife it's a
Starting point is 01:04:57 problem like and i think sometimes for the person in the household that's maybe preparing meals i think sometimes it can be problematic. Oh, it's hard. Yeah. You might be kind of just picking off stuff here and there. And you might not be paying attention. You might have eaten an extra 300 calories as you're packing at lunch. You might have picked off an extra 200 calories that you probably were just eating because you're like, I know that this tastes really good.
Starting point is 01:05:26 You know, like I, you know, I'm preparing these meals for my kids and I know that this tastes really good. So I'm going to eat a little bit of it. Then you do the same thing at dinner and it's like, well, that might've, that could be 800 calories that could be spent somewhere, maybe better even like you might be able to make a choice where the extra bit of steak that you ate or something like that, or the extra thing that you ate at dinner was more enjoyable, more fun, more filling, more fulfilling, and, and left you kind of more satiated and more satisfied with the
Starting point is 01:05:59 meal rather than kind of, I mean, really kind of, I just think that, I think that these things are a trick. I think picking out like potato chips and pretzels and things like that. I know, I know what they taste like. I know they taste really good, but I think it's a little bit of a trick. It's a little bit of pleasure for right now, but in the long run, it's going to hurt you. It's not really, it's definitely not helping you towards any of your goals. It's definitely a huge reason why people are just not happy with the way that they're built i have none of that stuff in any of my cabinets none of that stuff's in the house because when i'm at home i also get those some some of those feelings sometimes where i'm like i wonder what's in the cabinet oh nothing okay i'm gonna do back i'm gonna do what i'm gonna do right but if there was something if i had something in my
Starting point is 01:06:44 fucking cabinet i would have reached for it. And I'd be, yeah. So I don't keep it. And it wouldn't really matter whether it was healthy or not. Cause it'd still be extra calories that you just don't need. Exactly. Exactly.
Starting point is 01:06:54 And that's one of those things, again, that makes all of this much easier, you know, cause that happens to us. We'll get those feelings. But I mean, you, you have stuff like that at your house because you have kids and a wife, so you actually have to fight it. I'm single dude it's easy for me i just don't have it yeah right yeah so what about um so this is what i used to do and by used to i mean like a couple weeks ago even but like i'll just make like a like a better version of it you know we had talked about like great new sets like recipes and stuff like that. Like, I don't think there's really a problem with it.
Starting point is 01:07:26 I guess if we talk again about like the like the zero sugar sodas and zero calorie sodas. Yeah. Like if you have like a two liter of that thing, you eat it, you drink it with dinner and all of a sudden you're like, well, I still have a full cup. So I might as well have some like popcorn with it or something like that's where I see it can be an issue. So I might as well have some like popcorn with it or something like that's where I see it can be an issue so like if I make like a High protein pizza like that high protein pizza can easily become like a thousand calories if i'm not careful But I don't know. What do you guys think? Is that like something maybe somebody should might? You know attempt to see if if that'll work for them if
Starting point is 01:07:59 They're still barely starting out not somebody that's kind of already Turned the corner and has kind of got their shit together. That makes a big difference. Yeah, that's really what I was hoping to get at. Yeah, I would say that you can probably afford to do that maybe a couple times a week. But if you're doing it every day, you might have too much of a case of the fuck it's where you're kind of just allowing maybe too many things to come in. I think you have to kind of rationalize stuff, and I think it makes a lot of sense to lose weight in stages.
Starting point is 01:08:29 So for somebody that's trying to lose, you know, 20 to 40 pounds somewhere in there, like it's a pretty considerable amount of weight. And so I think that, you know, losing weight in some stages and saying, like, I'm going to be strict for the next week and a half, two weeks, like that's actually a long time. When those two weeks are up, I'm going to use some of Greg Doucette's techniques. I'm going to utilize some things from these cookbooks or whatever.
Starting point is 01:08:54 I'm going to enjoy myself a little bit and then boom, I'm going to get back into it. But I do think that those things can be incorporated. It's a matter of do you personally think that you can actually control your actions surrounding that particular thing? Because my worry for myself would be like, if you let me eat any kind of pizza, I'm going to start to, I'm going to start to go off track and eat a bunch of other calories. And it could be from healthy stuff even, but it's still not going to be wise because it's still going to be an extra thousand calories for the day yeah no it i think those kind of things are really useful but i i i look at the okay so contextually i look at the way that we do things if you fast into it and you you it's it
Starting point is 01:09:42 would not be a problem but building building that habit, we talked about deeper on the building the habit of fasting on earlier episodes. Um, there, it takes time, you know? So, so it's not always that easy for people to do that. So that's why it's like with those things for me personally, I would cook up the amount that I'm going to eat. I wouldn't cook up a whole pizza knowing that I'm going to try to eat half because I'm going to eat the whole pizza, right? So cook up what you know, you're going to eat portion it out. If it's 800 calories and you know, that's what you're
Starting point is 01:10:13 going to eat and then cook up that, but don't cook up a bigger pizza and cut out the portion you're going to eat because you're probably going to end up eating the whole thing. I'm just, I mean, that's just me. Like I know that I'm, I can't leave anything. That's a habit of mine. I need, that's why like I enjoy the fact that I don't meal prep and I don't try to meal prep things out for the week because I will always pick out extra. I cook what I'm going to eat. I eat it. I'm done. Something that was really effective for me was to utilize things like that as a side too. So like, I remember when I was doing keto stuff, I'd make like fat head pizza, but I'd also cook up like
Starting point is 01:10:45 two or three cheeseburgers. And it's like, get through these burgers first. And if you're still hungry to eat a little bit more, um, we had somebody on the show. I'm not a fan of, uh, of wasting food, but we had someone on the show or somebody that I was communicating with at one point that said that like, when they were done with the amount of food that they wanted to eat let's let's just use a pizza as an example uh they would destroy it so they would eat like three slices and then they would run underwater in their sink now i'm not again i'm not a fan of
Starting point is 01:11:15 like uh annihilating your food and wasting food i still eat it though but right yeah try to get the water off but like if you did that with like, say, like Ben and Jerry's. Right. Like say you ate some Ben and Jerry's or you ate some cereal and, you know, you're kind of down towards the end of the cereal and you're like, I don't want to eat any more cereal. And so you just you you pour water into the bowl and you just you like I ate a bunch of it. You know, another way of doing that would be just to take the pizza, which it's still going to be good out of the fridge later but it's not as good it's still very good yeah just just stick you know stick it in the fridge and put it like out of sight out of mind maybe that helps you for that night just to be able to eat two or three slices instead of eating all the shit that you kind of wanted to eat yeah now i just wanted to point this out mark you talked about this on the
Starting point is 01:12:03 previous podcast but just in regards to what Nsema was just saying, this is Ted Naiman explaining how this is the same amount of calories as this peanut butter cup, but like good luck not eating the rest of that cup. That's crazy. But that's so, that's so good. Another thing that happens that,
Starting point is 01:12:22 you know, I don't really hear any, anybody usually uh talk much about but i think you also end up with like vitamin mineral and uh macronutrient like displacement when you eat other stuff that's not great for you uh if you try to frankenstein your foods i think you kind of end up in that same category so if you were to eat like you know two quest bars that you put peanut butter on or whatever, it's like, we could say, all right, calorie wise, like it sounds pretty decent.
Starting point is 01:12:50 It sounds pretty good, but you just clogged yourself up with a bunch of like corn fiber, soluble corn fiber or whatever. And how many more nutrients would you get? You know, if you ate a, a Piedmontese, uh, you know, a Piedmontese patty or whatever burger or a Piedmontese patty or whatever, burger, or a Piedmontese steak? It's like you'd get a lot more nutrients that are going to be more conducive towards your goals. But also, I think what happens for a lot of people when they start getting things right and they start finding their groove on what's going to work best for them, they start to fill up their cup for their fat. They start to fill up their cup every day for their protein.
Starting point is 01:13:29 Carbohydrates is kind of like, I'm not a huge fan, so I don't really eat a lot of them. You start to fill up your cup for your micronutrients and it starts to, and even your electrolytes, it starts to like plug you into the fucking wall where you're like, I got endless amounts of energy. This feels fucking good. And I'm not tired and I'm not hungry. It is really, really rare for me to be tired. I'll get hungry here and there cravings, like real cravings that I feel like, all right, probably time to act on those. Those happen about every two weeks for me, you know? And,
Starting point is 01:14:05 but that used to happen a lot more when I, when I would mess around and I tried to, you know, uh, incorporate different weird foods into my diet, uh, to try to skate around the fact that all diets end up coming down to the same thing, which is eating whole natural foods. Uh, even, even the best bodybuilders in the world, their diet always dwindles down to the same exact thing, chicken, broccoli, and rice every single time, no matter who's doing what. And white fish, right? That's what everybody eats before they get on stage. That ultimately, it fucking works really well because you're eating a lot of protein.
Starting point is 01:14:40 You're still getting in some of your micronutrients. You're still getting in some of your fiber. Keeps you full enough just to hang on for long enough so you can get on stage and of your micronutrients. You're still getting in some of your fiber keeps you full enough just to hang on for long enough so you can get on stage and pose in those little tiny chunks. Yeah. Yeah. It does come down to that.
Starting point is 01:14:54 But I do think that more bodybuilders could eat. Like I, as far as bodybuilding diets are concerned, I think that there are more people that are eating high fat heading into stage. It's happening more and more. Some people are just kind of too scared to try it because they've done what works, but you can get very lean with very low to no carbs, high fat, high protein, and still end up getting on stage looking amazing. Oh, I agree with that. I think bodybuilders could utilize some intermittent fasting too. Yeah. Maybe not as so much easier. Yeah. Maybe not as much as, you know, maybe,
Starting point is 01:15:28 maybe not one meal a day, but, um, you know, might be more efficient to have like two or three meals in a day, but I don't think you necessarily need to have six or seven either. When you guys were in a bodybuilding prep, did you feel like when you ate food that you, it rejuvenated you a little bit or did it not really even matter at that point? Like towards the end? I think personally, because again, of the nature of the way that I was eating meals didn't do anything for me. Wow. Okay.
Starting point is 01:15:56 Cause it could be because I was eating like five different times a meal, five different meals a day and I was splitting my meals up. So they were never substantial. My fats were kind of low. Um, so I never felt really satiated. I always felt like I was just like putting food into a, into a massive tank and the food was never having a dent. But nowadays, because I do fasting and like, again, I like if I were going to get on stage, I'm not that far out right now. And when I had this body composition back in 2015, I felt emaciated. I felt constantly tired. I didn't feel good because of the way I was eating.
Starting point is 01:16:33 I had low fat. Now I'm high fat, low carb. I fast so I can have these big substantial meals. I don't feel tired or restricted at all. I could prep very easily right now. Damn. That'd be exciting to see. For me, my experience
Starting point is 01:16:46 was much different. I only did one show. I only, uh, prepped for a real short period of time. So, uh, I didn't feel as miserable, uh, as many times and as long as in SEMA has, who's competed a lot, a lot more than I have. Um, what I did notice though, is that when I had a cheat meal, it rejuvenated me really, really well. And if I had kind of like a cheat slash like carb up type thing, I really felt a difference for the first time. I kind of knew what people were talking about when they're talking about like super compensation or your body just kind of sucking up all the nutrients. I thought I knew what people were talking about because I've had experiences in powerlifting
Starting point is 01:17:27 where I cut weight for a competition and things like that. But man, there's nothing quite like doing it kind of the way the bodybuilders do it, which is probably overdoing it the way that a lot of collegiate wrestlers, you know, kind of tend to overdo things as well. But it can be really effective. And I've never felt that
Starting point is 01:17:46 way before. I've never felt the way that you feel when you have a really good cheat meal and, or just kind of carb up type of thing. And you get in the gym the next day and you start moving around weight and a 45 pound plate feels like a frisbee. You're like, I could chop that dude's head off across the room just by flicking this fucking weight with my wrist like everything feels so light you feel so strong that's sick it's it's ridiculous it's weird it feels so good on that note i will say like the times i did feel like that were when i would have cheat meals like that that was only when i actually felt like oh when i had a big surplus i had to be a big surplus.
Starting point is 01:18:25 Normally on prep, I'd just like feel, but like when, when Berto would be like, okay, refeed 600 carbs, like let's have 600 grams of carbs. That'd be like,
Starting point is 01:18:34 because then what were, what, where were your carbs on a regular basis? Then usually around 200, 40, 30 to 40, 30 to 40 fats 200 40 30 to 40 30 to 40 fats that's tough 30 to 40 fats very dry yeah very dry yeah right so then i noticed a huge increase too in libido from having a cheat meal i was just talking to andrew about it i was like you ever
Starting point is 01:18:59 have like a meal that's teasing me you've got a meal that's pretty good and been like hey where's stephanie at um that still kind of happens to me here and there but i think it's from fasting you know you fast for a little bit and you have your meal and you're like you're like oh my body's good to go but when you're restricted that much in your bodybuilding prep all your shit goes way down you know you're it's like the last thing on your mind which is really weird yeah especially being a pervy dude for so long. Yeah. You're like, where did that go? Right.
Starting point is 01:19:27 It disappeared. But it's kind of nice in some weird way. It's kind of nice because you can get a lot of work done. I bet. That's true. It's like, man, I can actually be like somewhat productive. I'm not thinking about my dick the entire time. I guess.
Starting point is 01:19:38 Yeah. That is true. But it's more of a negative. Yeah. For me. Yeah. Makes you sad. Like, I like having my libido.
Starting point is 01:19:45 I like it. Indeed. I like when you have it too. Yeah. But what? I know. So, so then because both of you are,
Starting point is 01:19:52 um, you know, pretty, um, uh, not vocal, but what's the word? I,
Starting point is 01:19:57 you guys promote a low carb diet. Yeah. But you guys just both said he felt amazing when you went high carb. Okay. I'm just, I'm setting it up in order to feel that though do you have to like really go so far the other way to have no carbs and then maybe even being a really uh strong deficit to kind of experience that i would say mainly there's
Starting point is 01:20:20 probably no reason for most people to ever experience that. So you don't really need to even bother with that. I'm just saying like for me in going through some bodybuilding stuff, that did feel pretty good. But for your average person just trying to be like jacked and be in shape, I don't think there's any reason to really do it. And I think personally that, I mean, you could pick your energy source whatever way you want. You know what I mean? I'm not going to sit here and try to split hairs over what's better or healthier necessarily. For me, higher fat, lower carbohydrate has worked really, really well. When I say higher fat, I don't want to give the wrong idea either because I've also gone in the wrong direction with keto where my fat calories were just like ridiculously high, you
Starting point is 01:21:05 know, 250, 300 grams of fat. Um, and now I don't really see a real reason for that. Although there could be a day where my fats might be a little higher, but I would say they're routinely between like a hundred and 200, you know, and, and probably very rarely go, uh, any higher than that. So I think in general, like you're trying, what you're trying to do is you're trying to play the long game. You're trying to get in better shape. And a great way to get in better shape is to figure out ways to deal with your hunger, ways to deal with your cravings, ways to make sure that your muscle mass stays intact, which is you're going to do that through protein.
Starting point is 01:21:43 Keeping the hunger and the cravings away, you're going to do that through protein. Keeping the hunger and the cravings away, you're going to do that through eating fat and protein because protein is the most satiating. Fat takes long to digest, so it will make the protein kind of sit around for longer. The fat will break down over a period of time. It just takes longer to digest fat. So that can be a huge advantage.
Starting point is 01:22:04 And on top of that, through intermittent fasting, you can help gain some control over your nutrition. I just think it's an easier way. But some people love the lifestyle. Some people love eating carbs and they love walking around with meal prep. I would just rather not have to deal with that. they love walking around with meal prep. I would just rather not have to deal with that. I would also rather not weigh anything or track anything because I don't need to because my food choices are good and my frequency of food is low. So there's absolutely no reason for me to sit there and track it when I know that I'm probably within the calories that I need just about every single day, it's nearly impossible for me to go wrong
Starting point is 01:22:46 unless I was to make a different choice with the frequency or if I was to make a different choice with the normal food choices that I make, which are normally from meat, vegetables, or fruit. One thing I'm gonna add to that and kind of answer your question, Andrew, like, yeah, the 600 grams of carbs made me feel so good because I was so depleted all the time that I felt like Superman when I had them. But I feel like Superman all the time right now.
Starting point is 01:23:14 So that's my mode. Right. So I had to be in it. Like, you know what I mean? Like, I, I don't feel bad at all right now with my diet. I feel amazing every single day. Yeah. It would be like the equivalent of like, Hey,
Starting point is 01:23:27 you're not going to sleep for four days, but that fifth day you're going to get all the sleep you want. You're going to be like, yeah, exactly. Okay. Yeah. The question really kind of stemmed from a lot of people saying like they
Starting point is 01:23:36 can't get a good pump if they don't have carbs. Yeah. Right. Electrolytes drink element But you're probably usually between what? A hundred, 200 carbs a day, somewhere in there? No, less. It's usually 100 or less on most days. And then we've mentioned this on days where I wake up and I'm just like,
Starting point is 01:23:55 you could feel when you just kind of should add some carbs in, right? Then I'll have maybe 150 to 200 grams of carbs. What's your main carbohydrate? Rice. There you go. You know those Bibigo rice things? It'll either be that you'll have like one one of those a day if like if i have one of those it'll be one of those usually it'll just be one and i'll have that with some of my steak or whatever i have at night um or if i want to have a little bit of fun uh costco has like these ramen
Starting point is 01:24:22 packet things yeah right do you they're like a brown package they like come in bricks yeah yeah they come in bricks and i'll just sometimes mess with that and i'll get and yeah i'll cook that up i'll just put a bunch of freaking meat in it mix it up and i'll eat that is there any fat in there i don't think so there might be like a little bit yeah it's a low amount it's nothing crazy but i'll have one of those packets maybe if I like. But usually it's the rice. Yeah. Yeah. That's good about those. Those BB Go packs is like you can't overdo it because you're having one.
Starting point is 01:24:51 So that's pretty cool. But even two, it's like, what, 140 carbs? Right? I'm not sure. I just remember I saw the calories and I'm like, nah, I'm good. Yeah. Because, you know, they add some oils to it. But it's nothing crazy.
Starting point is 01:25:04 Plus, I eat a lot of fat anyway, so it's not, I ain't tripping. Correct. But yeah. But you only eat once or twice a day, so. Yeah. Yeah. Your phone should, instead of saying think less, it should say eat less. Because, like, you don't even eat.
Starting point is 01:25:16 Oh, God. Yeah. Most people, that would be a good cue to have on their phone. Honestly? Eat less. Yeah. Oh, my God. It really would be you know if you like uh
Starting point is 01:25:25 my wife and i were talking about it you know very openly and and she was like my god i don't think i really realized like she's like if i lose seven pounds in two three days from doing a diet she's like that just means i eat too much and i was like i think that's a that's a good realization like yeah a lot of people not that she's not in good shape, but can she be in better shape? Can she feel better about it? Can she, you know, could someone lose some weight and kind of keep the weight off for a little while and maybe even have a new sustainable diet at like a leaner, maybe they feel better
Starting point is 01:26:01 at that particular body weight? Like, yeah, absolutely. Sure you can. So anyone that, you know, tries some of the nutritional interventions and stuff that we recommend on the show, whether it's a bottle of wine a day or OMAD or some intermittent fasting or lower carbohydrate, if you find yourself losing, you know, three, four or five pounds in just a couple of days, that's a great indication that what you're doing is, uh, working and that you could utilize these strategies whenever you fit, whenever you feel like you need to recalibrate, you know, bring them back in.
Starting point is 01:26:34 It doesn't, you don't have to be on it forever. You don't have to do the diet forever. Uh, cause maybe, I don't know, maybe you don't love it, but you can definitely get yourself a little bit leaner. You want to take us on out of here, Andrew? Yes, I will. Thank you, everybody, for checking out today's episode. Shout out to everybody on the live chat. It was really cool seeing you guys go back and forth. Really appreciate the support.
Starting point is 01:26:54 And if you guys are digging this video, make sure you guys hit that like button and subscribe right here on YouTube if you're not subscribed already. Thank you, Element, for sponsoring today's episode. Drink slash PowerProject. Links to them down in the description as well as the podcast show notes. Follow the podcast at MarkBell's PowerProject on Instagram at MBPowerProject on TikTok and Twitter.
Starting point is 01:27:15 We're going to put out a bunch of videos on TikTok coming up real soon that we just recorded yesterday. So make sure you guys go follow there. Without me. Well, sir. Sir. Sir. Sir. Sir. You were invited. yesterday so make sure you guys go without me well sir sir sir you were invited but you were too busy taking over
Starting point is 01:27:31 the world so we'll do that again with you too that'll be fun make sure you guys follow there because some cool content is coming out very soon and my Instagram and Twitter is at I am Andrew Z the Andrew Z on TikTok because somebody took my damn handle. And Seema, where are you at?
Starting point is 01:27:47 Asshole. Asshole. But listen up, guys. We've been breaking a lot of like personal podcast records. We've been having a lot of PRs in terms of like monthly listens and rankings and shit. And we need your help so we can continue doing more of that. If you just go to apple podcasts and first off if you you're probably already subscribed there but just leave a leave five stars and leave a review
Starting point is 01:28:08 trust me it will help us out so much um because we're we're fucking i mean we're fucking killing it right now y'all don't realize we're fucking killing it um everyone's on our hit list right now by the way everybody i'm gonna put people on notice oh yeah and on blast oh y'all are on blast and didn't even fucking know it it's hot boy summer out here i don't even know right yeah i'm in let's go but yeah go go leave us a review five star review and please leave us uh uh just write us a quick thing be like we like it because i know you do and it's on instagram and YouTube. Add Antima Yin Yang on TikTok and Twitter, Mark.
Starting point is 01:28:46 What's some stuff we can do for hot boy summer? Boy, don't, let's, let's not, let's not go. Let's not play this game right now. We'll talk about it soon. We'll let the people know what we're going to do for hot boy summer. Andrew, Andrew like knows his way around a car. I think, how about we get like a, we'll do like a photo shoot where we've got like, you know, uh, some overalls on and shit like
Starting point is 01:29:05 that and we're working on why don't we just make a calendar yeah yeah but it's just like the the months of summer that's it it just keeps going over and over it's just uh and sema's in focus and you and i are blurred out in the background trying to get in the shot whatever way we can we're just completely cut out oh god the car and sema and i would take a monkey wrench too would be the tesla right yeah because we don't know what the fuck we're doing but andrew would be like i don't think that's gonna do anything for that car it'll be like the uh like the amazing like picture of like somebody's profile picture but you see someone's arm around them but like the person's cut off that's gonna be me and you and it's just in simo just like right here
Starting point is 01:29:49 getting sima doing some construction work get a hard hat on we could stash yeah we could do uh like some top gun shit throw a football around on the beach volleyball yeah uh-huh oh oiled uped up. Oh, oiled up? Yeah. All oiled up. Gotta be oiled up. Damn. Sand everywhere.
Starting point is 01:30:09 I have a story about some cocoa butter. I'll talk to you guys about that later. Can't wait. No one cares to hear that, right? No. They don't. I'm at Mark Smelly Bell. Do all the stuff that Nseema said.
Starting point is 01:30:21 Make sure you follow us on all our social media platforms. Leave us a review. Strength is never a weakness. Weakness is never strength. Catch you guys later. Bye.

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