Mark Bell's Power Project - EP.450 - Thanksgiving Recap and Mike Tyson's Return to Boxing

Episode Date: December 1, 2020

Today we're catching up on what we did over Thanksgiving weekend as well as recap the Mike Tyson vs Roy Jones Jr. exhibition match. Subscribe to the Podcast on on Platforms! ➢ Special perks for our listeners below! ➢LMNT Electrolytes: Purchase 3 boxes and receive one free, plus free shipping! No code required! ➢Freeze Sleeve: Use Code "POWER25" for 25% off plus FREE Shipping on all domestic orders! ➢Piedmontese Beef: Use Code "POWERPROJECT" at checkout for 25% off your order plus FREE 2-Day Shipping on orders of $99 ➢Sling Shot: Enter Discount code, "POWERPROJECT" at checkout and receive 15% off all Sling Shots Follow Mark Bell's Power Project Podcast ➢ Insta: ➢ ➢ Twitter: ➢ LinkedIn: ➢ YouTube: ➢TikTok: FOLLOW Mark Bell ➢ Instagram: ➢ Facebook: ➢ Twitter: ➢ Snapchat: marksmellybell ➢Mark Bell's Daily Workouts, Nutrition and More: Follow Nsima Inyang ➢ Instagram: Podcast Produced by Andrew Zaragoza ➢ Instagram: #PowerProject #Podcast #MarkBell

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey everybody, welcome back to Mark Bales Power Project podcast. Today's episode of the podcast is brought to you by Element Electrolytes. And Seema, I always hear you and Mark talking about how having electrolytes can help you with your fasting. What is it about the electrolytes that actually helps and aids the fasting process? And like, what is that even all about? Because someone like me, I'm just like, sure, I'll do it, but I don't know why. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:00:21 So when you're fasted and typically also low carbohydrate, but when you're fasted, you tend to be deficient in electrolytes. And a lot of people that do fasting do like 16 or 18 hour fast. Some people do two day fast, but you tend to work out, you know, when you're fasting, but you're also working out being electrolyte deficient. And those electrolytes send signals to your muscles to get them firing and feeling good. And when you're deficient, that's when you start cramping up, you start feeling fatigued during the workout, you don't have as much endurance, which is why if you use Element Electrolytes, which has the perfect amount of sodium, potassium, magnesium prior to working out, you're going to feel like a fresh new baby, baby. Seriously, I'm being real. You're going to feel
Starting point is 00:00:59 like you have a surge of energy. You won't be cramping up because now you're hydrated and you're ready to perform. Cool. And so another thing that I always keep forgetting to mention is that you can try Element electrolytes absolutely risk-free. So what I recommend is everybody try the value bundle, which is like getting four for the price of three. So four full boxes for the price of three. But if you just say like, hey, this isn't my jam, you can hit them up and they will give you a refund, no questions asked. But in order to do so, you got to go to drink slash power project again check out the value bundles because that it's just really that's just the absolute best thing to do um so again that's drink slash power project he's oh he's really not doing so well
Starting point is 00:01:42 damn john he's got this like new girl or whatever. And, you know, that could be stressful. And. Jessica, poor Jessica has been patiently waiting in the wings all this time, and she's all stressed out. And, you know, does he does he actually have a new girl? He's been with this girl for a little bit. OK. OK.
Starting point is 00:02:06 I think they're like engaged. And he's yeah it's never gonna happen the media is like yeah they're getting married they're gonna he's like yeah it's not happening oh lord damn well what's what's happening y'all uh i had a great thanksgiving i don't know about you guys, but my shit was good. I had that standing rib roast. We cooked it up with the fam. My brother got the Piedmontese standing rib roast. My brother got the recipe from Joe that has been on the podcast before. And he said, you cook it for 25 minutes in an oven.
Starting point is 00:02:42 I think I want to say 500. I think that's what it was at. And because it was like five pounds of meat or whatever. And then you let it sit for like two hours in the oven. When you turn the oven, you turn the oven off. Yeah. You turn the oven off, let it sit in the oven. But you just, the key is to not open the oven, I guess.
Starting point is 00:03:01 Then you let some of the heat out. But it was, it was ridiculous. And you don't put anything on it. We put nothing on it. Then you let some of the heat out. But it was ridiculous. And you don't put anything on it. We put nothing on it. No salt? Just when it's finished. And you put salt on it when you take it out. But they were like, oh, you know,
Starting point is 00:03:14 it kind of messes with the juices or whatever. Pulls some of the moisture out if you put a lot of salt on it beforehand. With that particular cooking style. And it didn't even make any sense how good it was. And I didn't know that a rib roast is a ribeye. I didn't have any idea. So rib roast is a ribeye.
Starting point is 00:03:30 And I didn't realize that a rib roast is prime rib. I didn't know they were all the same thing. It was like quite edgy, quite an educational Thanksgiving. I was like, cause I mean, I, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:03:42 I kind of like a prime rib, but like they just look weird. You know, it looks like of like a prime rib, but like they just look weird. You know, it looks like it's a prime rib looks like it's like raw, you know? Yeah. But it's just because it's roasted. But it was unbelievable. Yeah, it was hard. So I made mine also.
Starting point is 00:03:58 Wish I had paid attention on what not to do, I guess, because like I didn't know it came out amazing. OK, for sure. But I didn't know, like, you can kind of just cook it just like I didn't know it came out amazing. Okay. For sure. But I didn't know, like you can kind of just cook it just like that by itself and it'd be fine, which I assumed it would be fine. Cause all I ever really do is put salt on steak, but now I made like a, so a pit boss has this,
Starting point is 00:04:17 a honey sweet salt or something like that. I can't remember what it is as amazing as their smokers are. This one little product that they made might be the best thing they've ever made it tastes great on everything so as i let it like uh thaw out i started putting salt on it what's that called i need to write this down because you mentioned all the time the seasoning yeah so well the the seasoning is let me i'll look it up but it's from from Pit Boss. Pit Boss. Yeah. So again, their grills. Put it in my phone. Their grills and their smokers are, they're insane.
Starting point is 00:04:51 Mm-hmm. They're absolutely best. But this salt, it's like a honey sea salt or something. I have to look it up because I'm going to mess it up. Yes. It tastes amazing on chicken breasts, which, you know, whatever you guys can say, that chicken breast isn't the most amazing thing. This makes it taste really good.
Starting point is 00:05:08 So I just, I smothered it in that and I let it sit in the fridge like for two hours. Yeah. So it just like soaked in all the salt because by the time I was done and I pulled it out, like it was just like nothing but crystals all around it. It was, it was dope. So then I just came in my pants. No, you're welcome. Shorts. welcome shorts shorts i'm in shorts okay that's better yeah so i mixed that with uh some like minced garlic and uh some other seasoning called java house chop or something like that i threw that and i did kind of the opposite of what mark did so i slow cooked slow cooked it in the smoker for about an hour and a half, I think, or an hour.
Starting point is 00:05:48 I don't remember. And then I turned the heat up for another like half an hour till we got into like a pretty solid internal temperature of 135, which when I was slicing, I'm like, ah, dude, I think I did it a little bit too rare. Cause yeah, that prime rib, dude, it, it looks like it still has a heartbeat. I'm just like, oh man, like my family's not going to be into it. But now I did. Everyone destroyed it. It was so good.
Starting point is 00:06:12 There we go. I was amazed. Yeah. Like I even cut it like all legit. Like I cut the bone off and I made thin slices. I was like, oh shit, this is dope. I was freaking people out. Cause I was eating chunks of fat.
Starting point is 00:06:23 I'm like, you don't understand. Like some of these chunks of fat i'm like you don't understand like some of these chunks of fat are like really edible they're not like chewy and weird you know yeah it's unbelievable i still haven't cooked mine it's in the freezer i guess what i did this is amazing i got turkey from mimi's and brought it home yeah yeah quick and easy but uh yeah not that i'm gonna cook that this weekend just have. I have some instruction. There you go. Yeah. Out the oven the way Mark said. I think that's it's foolproof. And the day after, I don't know what it is, but it had even more flavor than the first day.
Starting point is 00:06:53 Oh, I'm not sure what that's all about. Our turkey had leftovers. Our turkey was surprisingly pretty good, too. I think because it was like smaller, you know, you're always trying to cook these like giant turkeys. And I think that's a recipe for like dry ass turkey but we also had a combination of some dark meat in there too but it was it was pretty good i was surprised i'm like i think i normally hate turkey but yeah i have been eating leader meat you know since we got the piedmontese stuff and i've been eating chicken and turkey and stuff like that here and there so maybe i'm
Starting point is 00:07:23 getting used to it i think from this year forward, I'm never going to do turkey again for Thanksgiving. Because this Thanksgiving, we didn't even plan anything. It just was like day before, let's do something. But never again. There's always somebody who's like, we got to get turkey. It's tradition. With that voice, too. We got to get some turkey.
Starting point is 00:07:40 Remember your grandfather? He loved turkey. You're like, I don't care. He's not around anymore yeah my turkey didn't look like it got uh like uh exploded you know like in a cartoon or something it didn't turn out that way this year actually it had good texture color tasted good tastes like turkey i took it to my parents house and like oh you want your leftovers like nope you guys can keep all of it was there any difference in your thanksgiving because of covid season or was it all no you know
Starting point is 00:08:09 it's pretty much the same for us um sometimes we have a little bit more family but we had probably the same amount of people um we uh also um you know these holidays especially thanksgiving it's like an event you know it's like a a week long thing with us where we have different, uh, John Cena fell down again. Poor guy. God, you got to give him more.
Starting point is 00:08:30 That's right. But, uh, yeah, we had like, um, we had this like pork roast one night. We had,
Starting point is 00:08:37 uh, that steak. Then we had one night where we had like clams and muscles and like, yeah, it's just, it's extravaganza. and mussels and like, yeah, it's just extravaganza. Wow. It's like, you know, it's really, really fun. It's really good. Trying to think of the other thing.
Starting point is 00:08:52 We had turkey. Now we had steak. Then we had the seafood. I don't know. It'll pop in my head later. But yeah, I had a great time hanging out with my nieces and nephews and stuff like that. My one niece, Cora, she's four. Wait, did they watch the Avatar series and name her after Cora?
Starting point is 00:09:14 Yeah, probably. Okay. Yeah, probably. Wow. Yeah, she looks like a little doll. And so when she asks you for stuff or wants to do something with you,'re doing it you're going to be a sucker for it you've got no choice she's like you want to play with me and i'm like yep she's like you know you want to take me on an adventure i'm like all right you know i don't know what we're going to do it was like went outside
Starting point is 00:09:39 looked for golf balls or whatever but yeah she was uh she's super funny i was coming back from the beach and i was kind of like i was at the beach all day with her sisters and i was hanging out down there with some other relatives and i was like oh you know it's good to be back home i mean it's not that far of a walk or anything but i was at the beach all day it kind of makes you fatigued right and uh she looks at me and she's like, are we going to go to the beach? Because she stayed at the house for, you know, she didn't go to the beach. Yeah. And I was like, what's that?
Starting point is 00:10:14 She's like, you take me to the beach. She goes, you take me there. She's like, you take me there. And she's like pointing to the beach. Good luck saying no. And then she just grabbed my finger. She's like, let's go. I was like, damn. I was like, we're going. I'm like, we're going. All right. We're going back to the beach and saying no and then she just grabbed my finger she's like let's go i was like damn i was like we're going i'm like we're going all right we're going back to the
Starting point is 00:10:28 beach that's so cute oh man oh god crush me yeah she's beautiful yeah we um we took two or yeah two trips to dutch bros this weekend because we kind of just looked at our phone and like dude that's only it's only a mile away. Like, so we're just going to walk this. Oh. And so, yeah, Stephanie and I, we went on a, ended up being four miles of a walk. Stephanie, Stephanie walked that? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:54 Yeah. Up and down hills. Damn. All pregnant and stuff. Yeah. Yeah. No, she crushed it. She's hardcore, man. I know.
Starting point is 00:11:00 That's great. I was kind of like, ooh, man, this is a long ways. You're probably all worried about it, right? Not so much that. I just like, I was kind of like, Ooh, man, you're probably all worried about it. Right. Not so much that. I just like, I guess so. Yeah. Cause like anytime she would have like a, uh, I don't know, like she'd move a certain way.
Starting point is 00:11:13 I'd be like, you okay? She could totally mess with you right now. Of course. The water just broke. Yeah. She could be like, you got to carry me. Yeah, dude. All that stuff.
Starting point is 00:11:22 But so anyway, yeah, we, uh, uh so we did that and then the next day we had jasmine so it's like hey because she likes uh they have some kind of fruity drink there so hey you can have that if we walk there it's like okay so like two mile round trip walk it's dope so like i did a ton of walking over thanksgiving that's like yeah like a couple days of like four miles there like it was really cool if it wasn't on the treadmill it was walking to touch bros which is just conveniently one mile away so that's perfect shoot i'm happy i don't have a dutch rose close to me because i feel like i'd be spending money there every day dude it's gonna be hard not to go there a lot
Starting point is 00:11:59 more often yeah that's gonna be down the street i think and from here a couple months yeah oh god well how about you guys was anything different like uh you know anything different coronavirus wise or like less people or anything like that a little bit yeah because like usually uh we do thanksgiving at one of my aunt's house but um this week this time we did it over at my mom's place and well my grandma lives with her she's 98 so like literally uh it was just some of my girlfriend's family me and my like we all kept away from my grandmother so not many people came down a lot of cousins were mad that we didn't allow them to come see our grandma but i mean she's one of those people you got to kind of you got to be careful who's around her so that was the that was the main difference yeah if you want to see it's like, she'd have to like be on the balcony of the house or
Starting point is 00:12:47 something and not, right. Like fun. Yeah. You got to figure out something different than people being in close contact with her. Right. Yeah. For, for us, it was the same, same as every year, you know, two immediate families right away.
Starting point is 00:13:00 Like we, we did both of those. And today we actually are this year we did on two separate days. So I had two Thanksgivings, didn't go nuts on either day so did okay but the one that we didn't do was like the big family thing at you know uh my grandmother's older house uncle's house that's where normally where like everybody comes and you know we didn't do that this year did either one of you guys do anything special food wise? I mentioned, I know on the podcast, when we talked, uh, pre Thanksgiving, we talked about fasting into it.
Starting point is 00:13:31 Either one of you guys use any precautions or you just let it go or how'd you handle it? I just had a protein shake in the morning. Um, and then yeah, I had that Thanksgiving food. I did eat a lot. I even got a lot about that. I ate a lot. Yeah. Um um and i ate a lot the next day too then i calmed down by day three so got over it i like that that's good yeah i i didn't have
Starting point is 00:13:53 any limitations or set anything for myself i just like hey i'm gonna enjoy the day as it comes but like i said i went on walks every day like like not 10 minute walks like i went out for a 10 minute walk but it turned into the four miles it's like oh damn i did that again and it's like the next one was like okay it was only 300 calories but like i'm still good like i still got those two miles in uh so i didn't but even with two thanksgivings both times i only had one plate yeah like i just i'm not sure what it, what it was like. I, I,
Starting point is 00:14:25 I definitely wasn't like, Oh, I'm, I'm better than it. It wasn't that at all. It was just like, I'm going to eat whatever I want. It's like,
Starting point is 00:14:31 but I'm good. Like, I don't really want anything else right now. I did have some sweets because Stephanie made some ridiculously good upside down pineapple cupcakes. They were good. So I had that. But other than that, the weirdest thing i had was i had check in the box over the uh the weekend you disgusting it was the only thing that was open
Starting point is 00:14:51 on thanksgiving but you know it was good i will say this too um when i say i had a lot a lot compared to three years ago a lot is very different because now like i i when i eat a lot it's not it's not as disgusting as it used to be because i naturally cannot handle that much food anymore which i'm happy about so i mean it didn't end up being as uh disrespectful as it used to be did you um do you like pay attention to like any of the food at all like is there any precaution or just like like years ago when you ate more was there a lot of carbs more like cuz I usually just like eat that's easy see it's like carotid so I just like go to town on those I need a lot of protein too but I wouldn't get full easily I usually do just naturally start
Starting point is 00:15:36 with meat first anyway now because that's what I like going to first and like even though my stomach felt a big change for a lot of people I hope a lot of people can learn from that right there. I think that's a big deal. If you can just eat your protein first, even without any other changes. I mean, I'm a big believer. I would love to see studies done on this. But anyway, I'd love to see some studies done where you see, you know, somebody go from 12%, which is a standard American diet, 12% protein into, you know, 20%.
Starting point is 00:16:07 And that's the only change. It's not necessarily just more protein, because if you just ate more protein and had the same amount of calories, I don't believe there would be any significant change of any kind. I can't imagine why there would be. But if the percentage of your diet, if it shifted by about 10% towards that protein for people that don't normally eat that much protein, they'd get a lot better shape. Oh, absolutely. And that's, it's not an easy change because some people don't even like protein hardly
Starting point is 00:16:34 at all. Like they don't really like beef. They don't really like chicken that much. It really, but if you find the proteins that you do like and gravitate towards them, and then also I'd say, eat, you know, eat your protein first. As in SEMA is mentioning, that's huge. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:49 It felt great too. Yeah. So I love it. Any desserts or anything? Yeah. There was apple pie. There was my, my, uh, her uncle made some cookies and he's like, he kind of doubles as a baker because they were individually wrapped in stuff.
Starting point is 00:17:04 So I opened them up and I was like, what, what sorcery it's amazing so yeah i had four of those um uh i had a little hennessy which was nice yeah and if there was nobody around he would eat like 20 of those cookies yo i really had to pause with those cookies they were really good she made a really good sweet potato pie which i had two slices of and then two slices the next day but um yeah yeah this conversation goes way different if my sister-in-law made those peanut butter balls oh jesus christ yeah they were awesome they were originally on the menu but i uh she needed she needed one ingredient and we had went to the store to get it but it's just like uh like it's way too late like 30 day of so i'm like damn but then if if those made it i probably would be like so sad right now because those balls were so rich salty what salty rich balls dude how about uh tyson
Starting point is 00:17:58 you know how about tyson i was mad you gotta you gotta like you gotta think back you know like Mike Tyson he he won the belt when he was uh when he was like 21 years old that was like 1984 1980 that was a long ass time ago 1984 before I was born it's it's insane right that he's been you know I know he had you know paws in there and he went to jail or prison or you know for a little bit and stuff like that but think about the life that this guy had you know he had his um i believe his mom was a prostitute i believe his uh i think his stepdad may have uh beat him and things like. I mean, he just grew up with this crazy, crazy people made fun of him because of his, the way he talks and he got like beat up and roughed up.
Starting point is 00:18:52 And so it's, he's, you know, at 16 years old, he's getting in all kinds of trouble and stuff. And he ends up like in a group home. And then he somehow, I forget the story exactly,
Starting point is 00:19:02 but he somehow finds out a little bit about boxing. He's taken under the wing of, of Customato and everything's changed forever. The crazy thing is, I never hear anybody talk about this. He was the champion of the fucking world when boxing was really competitive. And it happened within like a four or five year span like you're trying to get your black belt in jujitsu in five years 28 yeah right but this guy comes along and does this shit and you know
Starting point is 00:19:33 just a in the blink of an eye like that's completely unheard of you know I think this I can't really think it like I mean there's other athletes that are amazing that come through and blast people pretty good, but that's fucking phenomenal.
Starting point is 00:19:49 Yeah. Yeah. I think they showed a stat during the fights that he technically went pro and then 150 days later got the job done or something like that. I could be wrong. Maybe I read it wrong, but yeah, he,
Starting point is 00:20:01 he, like you said, he set the goal to be the youngest champ of all time and he got it. It's also really weird that like it seems like there's a side to him that has a ton of like self-doubt. Then there seems like there's another side that is so powerful that it's like, fuck that. You know, I won't succumb to that because, you know, how did he I saw him in an interview where he said he knew he, he knew he would become champ before he would die. Like he thought his life was going to be weird and he thought he would die or end up in prison when he was young. And then as he became a boxer and he
Starting point is 00:20:36 recognized his skill and recognized who his coach was and stuff like that, he was like, oh, I could actually like, this is, this is going this is gonna this this could happen you know and then he kind of recognized like i'm gonna i might still die i might still have a weird life or or something like that but uh or might die young rather um but he just like knew in his heart and i think it must have been customato who was his uh mentor who just must have filled him up with so much confidence because he told him like right away that he was going to be champion of the world. And he was like, like,
Starting point is 00:21:07 what, like, what is it? What is this guy talking about? Yeah. Could you imagine that someone like kind of picking you out and being like, yo, like,
Starting point is 00:21:15 I don't know if you know this, but you're going to be the, you're going to be the best in the world at this without, and you know, and arguably one of the all time greats, especially with his background. But I feel like that's probably what's allowed him to go out of boxing for as long as he has and then flip this switch and be like, I'm going to get back into shape and get back into the ring. It's like you remember that quote that he said?
Starting point is 00:21:37 He's like, the gods of war have, you know, reawaken my fire. And like he just turned it back back on got an amazing shape and honestly when you when you see him in the ring again he the way he was moving this and he purposely wasn't hitting jones head but like all his all his shots the way he was ducking all these shots you could tell that he he was the one he won that fight oh yeah he won that fight. Oh yeah. He won that fight. And yeah, I don't understand. I just don't have, I mean,
Starting point is 00:22:07 I guess they're like, ah, it's an exhibition. So whatever. I think what happened was that like, cause you, you saw when they were in the ring announcing it, they panned somewhere else.
Starting point is 00:22:15 And then they came back and they are in that little hallway and they're like, it's a drop. I feel like Tyson was like, okay, just give this a drop because even the last judge, the last judge gave Jones six of the rounds, even though the first two judges were like overwhelmingly Tyson. So it's like you could tell he was holding back.
Starting point is 00:22:32 He was giving it to the body, but he never touched Jones head. Yeah. Yeah. I just think if they're going to make an exhibition and look at it, look at the fucking. Let me just ask. Let me just ask this question. Okay. You know, I used to box, but, you know, I don't have like any sort of like math degree or anything like that.
Starting point is 00:22:52 So I never understood in boxing. Why are the rounds even? Why are they 10 rounds? Why is it 12 rounds? Why not? Why isn't it 13 rounds? And in this case, why wasn't it seven or why wasn't it nine rounds? You could still end up with a tie because of the way that they score.
Starting point is 00:23:08 Yeah. But it would be highly unlikely. It would be way more on, you know, this, in this case, it's like, oh,
Starting point is 00:23:13 four rounds went to Jones, four rounds with the Tyson. Oh, it looks like we have a tie. I've never thought of that. It's, it's completely absurd. It's completely absurd.
Starting point is 00:23:22 And how many fights, you know, they end up in a draw and you're just like, man, I got, I watched this whole thing. It fucking sucks. I always wish that they could have done it like, not sudden death, but just like, hey, if it's in a draw, you guys are going one more round. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:35 Yeah. Imagine they went one more round. It was like 10 minutes. The round just went on, you know? They just kept going until. Yeah, you're literally in sudden death. Isn't that how it used to be? Like back in the day, like they just keep fighting until someone gets knocked out. Really? in sudden death. Isn't that how it used to be? Like, back in the day, like, they'd just keep fighting until someone gets knocked out?
Starting point is 00:23:46 Oh, yeah. Really? They would fight for a really long time. 15 rounds. I think then they recognized they needed, like, they needed a rest. But, you know, a lot of Tyson's fights looked the way that that fight did. I think people forget that. People forget that, like, you know, I'm a huge Tyson fan,, I've seen every single fight that he's ever done.
Starting point is 00:24:05 I'm a massive fan. Um, I even trained at the same place that he trained at and learned how to box from some of those people and stuff like that. But he, a lot of his fights, people were tying up his arms. And when he got towards the end of his career,
Starting point is 00:24:19 I don't know if he ever like learned jujitsu or learned certain holds and stuff, but then they would, uh, accuse him of like, you know, or learned certain holds and stuff, but then they would, uh, accuse him of like, you know, bending people's elbows and doing weird stuff. And like,
Starting point is 00:24:30 you know, getting people into like locks and stuff because they would hold his arms so much. And he's like, that's, what's going to happen if you hold my arms, you know? And so he,
Starting point is 00:24:38 he's got a, but a lot of his fights were that way. And one thing, like one thing that continued to frustrate me because I was watching the fight. I'm like, okay, like it's,
Starting point is 00:24:46 it's gonna, he's gonna do something. He's going to do something. Cause he kept hitting the body, but every time he got clenched up, you know how Tyson would usually like hit the body. And once they come out, boom,
Starting point is 00:24:54 not like I saw him like almost that he, that he backed off. It's like he had agreement ahead of time kind of thing. I feel like Joan, like feel like Tyson's like, I'm not going to hit your face because like you, you watch so many of his fights that you know that that is a that is oh yeah yeah he does it every time yeah he he does a shot to well he's a counter puncher first of all so that's what made the fight fucked up is that jones was dying and that didn't help you need
Starting point is 00:25:19 someone that throws punches he was so tired you know that was really disappointing that was really disappointing you know they should when disappointing that was really disappointing you know they should when someone does shit like that they should pull your paycheck you know they should pull or not the whole thing but they should pull a percentage of it uh but yeah tyson he would he would throw like a right hook to the body and then he would come up top and you just really didn't see that many people do that but the way that he fought he got so much leverage and power into that thing where it was just disgusting. You're like, oh my God, his whole body's behind him.
Starting point is 00:25:47 Yeah, and part of the reason why he would do that, though, is it's weird. Tyson's punches almost look like a karate punch, like a straight up old school karate punch, where it's really clear that you throw the punch one way and you return it back the other way. His stuff, when he would throw his hooks he would get so much body weight into them that he would reload and recoil the exact same way the next time and he would just annihilate people you know it's also crazy though like again this is the caliber athlete he is because he was the older fighter here too yeah but you saw like every round you saw him sitting in the corner he was was just chilling. He didn't look tired. And Jones was in the other corner like he looked he looked dead.
Starting point is 00:26:28 It was really extremely rare for Tyson to ever be tired in a fight. He was extremely well conditioned. And I just I just think that this like I don't even I don't even know if people understand how motivational this is. Yeah. He mentioned that. He mentioned like, you know, I'm kind of more of a humanitarian now. And I think this gets people excited. First of all,
Starting point is 00:26:49 he looked great, which is hard to do because he just lost a hundred pounds. And his conditioning for this was insane. Anyone that's ever hit a heavy bag for more than 30 seconds can only imagine how hard it would be to go this long. But think about his life, his career. I mean, he fought, but think about his life, his career. I mean,
Starting point is 00:27:05 he fought, he fought fucking like Larry Holmes, you know, like, like 25 years ago, you know, and he beat Trevor Burbick to win the title, like,
Starting point is 00:27:14 you know, 30 years ago or however long ago that was. It's just, it's, it's, it's amazing, uh, what he did.
Starting point is 00:27:21 And I actually think, I actually think that he could, I, it'd be cool to see him if he pushes this a little bit more uh what he's capable of doing you know i think he could have a much better showing against an opponent that's not so tired but him being a counter puncher like he would usually move out of the way of something and then he would you know smash somebody but in this case you know Roy Jones wasn't really throwing anything yeah and that's
Starting point is 00:27:48 what I'm really happy to see about the whole thing no disrespect to obviously no one's going to disrespect Chuck Liddell and Tito Ortiz because he'd be an idiot but like watching them fight recently was like alright I watched it it was cool seeing them fight again
Starting point is 00:28:04 but I don't want to see that again um watching tyson the way he was moving the way he was throwing like i want to see him go up against somebody who's not going to run out of gas somebody who is going to throw some of those punches for him to counter because that would be fun yeah because the whole time you're just like kind of like oh is he gonna is he gonna like tee off is he gonna really do it and how about jake paul is that his name i got the right yeah yeah he was a monster dude he did great i didn't know what to expect uh nate robinson nate robinson was he was feeling froggy but uh nate robinson was like let me go out and just eat some let me just go eat some punches that's what nate robinson said i mean no disrespect because like it takes courage to go into the ring but real talk he's just like i want to eat some punches today that's what Nate Robinson said. No disrespect, because it takes courage to go into the ring, but real talk. He was just like,
Starting point is 00:28:45 I want to eat some punches today. I know. He got clobbered. Snoop was like, they didn't teach him anything about defense. Snoop was great. I thought he saved the whole night. That actually was a good call because he did look like he knew how to box. He looked professional. He looked great. He just couldn't get out of the way a kind of like he looked he looked professional he looked great quick
Starting point is 00:29:05 he just couldn't get out of the way a lot of those shots and I just think he was maybe just thinking about landing more so than getting hit and he got clipped you know he got clipped a couple times with some good shots overhand right yeah well Jake Paul he seems for real and he was talking about fighting Conor McGregor
Starting point is 00:29:22 and beating him and everything it's like holy shit anything can happen but yeah he looked good he looked like for his second fight yeah like how many people would freak out if they seen just somebody coming at them the way nate robinson was like he was pouncing on him he's like oh shit and he just stuck and moved he's been at it for a minute yeah he also used to be a wrestler so he's in shape but i mean that now that the tyson part was like it's it's really cool i think a lot of like older individuals are gonna i don't want to say older if you're 40 plus you're not old you're just advanced but that's that's going to be motivating for a lot of people because he lost heck of weight he came back and he's at it so
Starting point is 00:29:59 there's no reason that you can't yeah i like the shift too like because he was on rogan and rogan is asking like do you even work out at all anymore he's like no and he's like you don't work out at all and he explained why he's like well he's like if i you know work out he's like i i work out like a lunatic and so then when he's on rogan again more recently he's like what happened he's like well here's what happened someone told me to go on a treadmill he's like so i went on there for 10 minutes he's like next day happened? And he's like, well, here's what happened. Someone told me to go on a treadmill. He's like, so I went on there for 10 minutes. It was like next day I was on there for 15 minutes.
Starting point is 00:30:28 He's like three days later, I'm on there for four hours straight. And like Rogan, like totally doesn't understand. He's so puzzled. He's like, what do you mean you're on there for our straight? He's like,
Starting point is 00:30:37 I was on there for four hours straight. He's just, he's like all or nothing times a thousand, I guess. Yeah. Me being the grumpy old man in the corner um i didn't like the whole event you didn't like the whole i didn't like the whole event really um i like i like the boxing was it was cool um uh our boy from sacramento uh hopefully we get in
Starting point is 00:30:58 touch with him um lakes make something yeah my bad um you You know, Casey will probably know him. Yeah, they'll probably train at the same place. Probably. But like I said, I didn't like the music acts. Called me old school. Well, Snoop Dogg was good. Snoop was sick. Of course, that was dope.
Starting point is 00:31:20 Who was the guy with the little tiny pink jacket? Exactly. I think I was saying John. Exactly. Exactly. dope but who was the guy with the little tiny pink jacket exactly exactly exactly I was I was I was saying how that guy like got that little tiny pink jacket like that day he was so pumped and he's like this is fucking perfect you know
Starting point is 00:31:36 we were watching that and we're like this isn't very good and then but then we we loosened up and we were like you know what he's all in like he's going for, you know what? He's all in, like he's going for it. You know what I mean? Like he's, he's into it.
Starting point is 00:31:48 So yeah, no, this, this new part was dope though. It is weird though. Like you're not, I guess you're not, not used to that.
Starting point is 00:31:54 Right. Like there was a, like a studio style setup of, uh, you know, like they were in like a studio and they had, you know, music and stuff.
Starting point is 00:32:02 It was just different, a different, a different style of an event. Right. Yeah right yeah covet performances i was really wondering like because i started watching the event a little bit later i was like wait there there is no crowd this is a little bit odd it really was yeah it really was i was not a fan but it is cool that we had a guy from sack out there like uh you know on a huge night on a huge night to get on the tyson card that's that's pretty crazy did you guys like the fight at all like the tyson fight in particular yes yeah i liked it you said you were mad what were you mad about i was just mad that like i like i
Starting point is 00:32:36 kept i was waiting every single round because i could see tyson like about to do something i was like wait and then my buddy was like dude it's an exhibition i'm like no he won't do that he's gonna let it rip and then by round eight i'm like fuck he didn't let it rip because there was there was a moment where he was going man and you could see him back off of it like he was right there and he backed off because like he didn't want to hurt him which is good i'm happy you know they're 50 something i don't want anyone getting hurt but i just wanted to see tyson really just ah you know yeah we we spent a good majority of the night just googling how old people were so like we googled them too of course and it's like dude michael buffer like shit hold his michael buffer he was like 70 something years old yeah he's ready to rumble was like real low
Starting point is 00:33:17 right like he didn't have enough yeah he didn't want to say it too loud you want to throw out his back he couldn't get off the blocks you know he just like oh god yeah googly hauled snoop was just everybody marl this mario lopez looks phenomenal by the way lopez doesn't age he's in his 50s 49 49 yeah mario lopez was like 40 something i don't remember tyson is like surprisingly you know, young. I mean, in comparison, how long he's been in the limelight for. I mean, oh, yeah. Been in the limelight since he was a teenager, basically. You know, I didn't know that his winnings overall in boxing, he made about $685 million.
Starting point is 00:33:59 Oh, yeah. He crushed it. Yeah. But then he like spends it all. He made a lot of money. I wonder if it's like generated money or if it's like was actually his because like, you know, he was involved with like Don King and stuff. I'm sure those guys boxing notoriously. They really screw you over.
Starting point is 00:34:16 So I don't know. Yeah, I don't know how that worked out. But yeah, I think they both came out with 20 million each. Roy and Tyson. Oh, really? Yeah. I read something way different. Really? Yeah. But yeah. but but yeah i think they both came out with 20 million each roy and typhus oh really damn i read something way different really yeah but yeah who knows what the hell yeah but no that's that's amazing damn triller yeah i hope that is the case yeah triller and weed maps is all i saw either of you guys gonna start boxing i love boxing love boxing. I probably need to.
Starting point is 00:34:45 I brought my mitts to work today. Oh, yeah? My bag gloves, yeah. Okay. You never know. Those events could, that's a good point. Those events could inspire other people to maybe get it, you know? I feel like a lot of people are going to start doing something. Like, I like hitting the heavy bag out there. I have some mitts in my
Starting point is 00:35:01 trunk, and it's a great workout. It's a lot of fun. It is. It's pretty like pretty like i mean i know that there's way different levels to it but pretty much anybody can do it you can you know you need to kind of wrap your wrists up or whatever you wrap your hands and be careful but anyone can throw some shots you know and throw some punches at even just in the air and it freaking uh will make will make you exhausted you know it'll wipe your ass out yeah christmas is coming up i put up the tree you did right after thanksgiving same here we put up three trees why where because it's two more than you got fair enough i was trying to up you, bro?
Starting point is 00:35:47 So our normal traditional tree, my mom gets, she gets into everything, but you know, especially Christmas, she got two little trees from, from big lots. And my, my wife was like,
Starting point is 00:35:59 oh my God, they're so cute. Where'd you get them? So we got them. So now we have our big main tree and then these two little small Christmas trees that are about, I don't know, like four feet tall. Oh, wow. Just baby. Yeah, just around the house now.
Starting point is 00:36:13 So it's Christmas over at our place. Very cool. Christmas or Thanksgiving? What do you guys like better? Christmas. Christmas? I think I have better memories of, of,
Starting point is 00:36:26 well, I got good memories of both. Christmas as a kid was fucking awesome. Oh yeah, it was. And then when my kids were really young, Christmas was awesome. But I would,
Starting point is 00:36:34 I would have to say Thanksgiving nowadays. But yeah, Christmas when you're a kid, it's like, dude, all the cousins playing football on the street. Nothing better. Nowadays, if a kid wants like two or three presents, it's like 1500 bucks.
Starting point is 00:36:49 I want a PlayStation. I want you like, holy shit. Still sold out. Yeah. Did Jake get a PS5 yet? No, no, no. PS5 and Xbox, right? Yeah, both.
Starting point is 00:37:01 Sold out. You can't find that shit anywhere. Those are 500 each. Yeah, pretty much. Yeah. I can't find a PS5, both. Sold out. You can't find that shit anywhere. Those are 500 each? Yeah, pretty much. Yeah. I can't find a PS5, man. Good luck. I know.
Starting point is 00:37:10 It's tough. One scalper outlet bought 3,500. Damn. And they're just reselling them on eBay for double or triple the cost of MSRP. Evil human being. Take us on out of here, Andrew. All right, everybody. Thank you for checking out today's episode please hit that like button please subscribe if you are not already
Starting point is 00:37:30 go ahead and hit that bell because you might miss another opportunity where you catch us live and ask questions I did see some questions pull up on the live chat sorry we couldn't get to them today but we'll do our best to get to them next time huge shout out and thank you to element for sponsoring this episode that's element electrolytes go ahead and thank you to Element for sponsoring this episode. That's Element Electrolytes.
Starting point is 00:37:45 Go ahead and head over to slash powerproject. Check out the value bundles because you pay for three and you get four. So do it that way. It's the best way to do it. Please make sure to follow the podcast at Mark Bell's Power Project on Instagram, at MB Power Project on Twitter. My Instagram is at IamAndrewZ. And I'm back on Twitter. So it's at i am andrew z and i'm back on twitter so
Starting point is 00:38:06 it's at i am andrew z there as well having fun usually just talking about video games and stuff but anyway yeah and sema where you at and sema anything on instagram and youtube and cloudhouse mark uh thank you guys so much for listening really appreciate it i just wanted to mention that uh i walked and walked and walked and walked and walked the other day and i was like just curious i was like I had I did have my phone with me the whole time I was walking so I was like let me see how far I walked for the day
Starting point is 00:38:31 28,000 steps geez yeah I was like god damn wow I don't know how far that is but that's probably probably like from here to the moon and back I'm not sure math sounds good on that strength is never a weakness weakness is never a strength catch y'all later

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