Mark Bell's Power Project - Evolution Through 1000 Conversations || MBPP Ep. 1000

Episode Date: October 24, 2023

In Episode 1000, Mark Bell, Nsima Inyang, and Andrew Zaragoza talk about some of the most impactful guests they've had on the show and how much they've learned and grown over 1,000 episodes. Thank you... Power Project Family!   Official Power Project Website: Join The Power Project Discord: Subscribe to the Power Project Clips Channel:   Special perks for our listeners below! ➢ Code POWERPROJECT15 to save 15% off Peluva Shoes!   ➢ Receive a year supply of Vitamin D3+K2 & 5 Travel Packs!   ➢ Code POWERPROJECT to save 15% off supplements!   ➢ Code POWERPROJECT to save 15% off all gear and apparel!   ➢ Code POWERPROJECT to save 15% off Mind Bullet!   ➢ Code POWERPROJECT to save up to 25% off your Build a Box   ➢ to receive a year supply of Hostage Tape and Nose Strips for less than $1 a night!   ➢ Code POWERPROJECT to save $150!!   ➢ Enlarging Pumps (This really works): Pumps explained:   ➢ to save 15% off Vivo Barefoot shoes!   ➢ to automatically save 20% off your first order at Vuori!   ➢ to automatically save $150 off the Pod Pro at 8 Sleep!   ➢ to receive 10% off our Panel, Check Up Panel or any custom panel!   ➢ Piedmontese Beef: Use Code POWER at checkout for 25% off your order plus FREE 2-Day Shipping on orders of $150   Follow Mark Bell's Power Project Podcast ➢ ➢ ➢ Insta: ➢ YouTube:   FOLLOW Mark Bell ➢ Instagram: ➢ ➢ Facebook: ➢ Twitter:   Follow Nsima Inyang ➢ ➢YouTube: ➢Instagram: ➢TikTok:   Follow Andrew Zaragoza on all platforms ➢   #PowerProject #Podcast #MarkBell #FitnessPodcast #markbellspowerproject

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Starting point is 00:00:00 They all doubted us, told us we were failures. Nobody thought we could do it. 2-1-2019. Since we've been doing it together. Yeah, the first time Encima was on was April 5th, 2018. That was when I had the blue on both sides. I think technically the first Power Project ever. My chin is backed up very well by a second chin.
Starting point is 00:00:18 This was so much fun back then, like just picking up a camera and just like recording. Yeah, we're on episode 1,000, but there is so much shit that we've learned a lot of things overlap we're talking about penis gain so i'm looking for susan bratton she did uh introduce us to the penis pump people really love when we talk about sex who are some guests that you guys really felt like you learned a lot from obviously doug brignoli michael tren it was great to have him on the podcast for us there really hasn't really been no dogmatism on the show. Come to realize this, there's a lot of ways maybe to handle your nutrition. Thanks for being with us, peeps, for a thousand episodes.
Starting point is 00:00:55 Power Project family, we've had some amazing guests on this podcast like Kurt Engel, Tom Segura, Andrew Hooperman. And we want to be able to have more amazing guests on this podcast. And you can help it grow by leaving us a quick rating and review on Spotify and iTunes. If you're listening to the podcast, just go ahead and give us a review. Let us know how you dig it and help the podcast grow so we can keep growing with y'all and bring you amazing information. Enjoy the show. Let's just start and see what happens. Oh, you have...
Starting point is 00:01:13 What is that, Encima? I told you to blur my face. Are we going? We're going. Well, you can't have this. Blur my face. I can't blur your face as we're recording it, though. Well, I mean, in editing, you gotta blur my face. Okay. I'm just, you know, I'm just chilling your face as we're recording it, though. Well, I mean, in editing, you've got to blur my face. Okay. I'm just, you know, I'm just chilling.
Starting point is 00:01:28 All right. You're blur his face out and his mustache. Episode 1000. Starting it off on a high note. Got to celebrate. I don't know what to do with that damn thing. I was wondering what you were going to do. You just inhale.
Starting point is 00:01:48 Very unsuccessful. I figured we don't really drink. Might as well do something. Dude, you ripped the whole shit. Wow. That was unexpected. If you guys are wondering what just happened, nothing. Nothing happened.
Starting point is 00:02:06 Yeah, nothing. It was, yeah. We got a fog machine under the desk. Take a sip of this grape lollipop. Thanks for joining in on episode 1,000, everybody. 1,000. We would like to thank ourselves very much for getting to this point. Nobody thought we could do it.
Starting point is 00:02:24 I don't know, some sort of speech. They all doubted us. Right? They told us we were failures. I did some manual labor yesterday. No way. And it's the first time I did like any sort of work in, I don't know. Your life?
Starting point is 00:02:37 Yeah. Have you ever mowed a lawn? 46 years. Have you ever mowed a lawn? I have, but it's been a really long time. You got something on your forehead right here. You have some weed. Some white lawn i have but it's been a really long time oh you got something on your forehead right here you have some white stuff uh nope it's still there it's still there let's see damn that's there it is gone good there we go yeah well when you was the last time when
Starting point is 00:02:58 you said how to move gym equipment yeah probably okay yeah and i mean i guess i guess like uh with having slingshot and stuff and just moving gyms and different things like that, I've had to do some shit like that here and there. Isn't it the worst? Yeah. Yeah, it's the worst. But yesterday, just over and over again, just putting these like little, I guess, like bottle caps into these bottles because my brother-in-law made some gin and he started a he's starting a he started like some hard alcohol company. And so we're just jamming these corks in over and over again. And it got to be tiring after you do it for like six, seven hours.
Starting point is 00:03:40 And you keep seeing the bottles, you know after line after line of bottles and i'm just thinking like man it would be tough if this was like your job to come in here and to be on like a factory line and just you're the guy that jams the corks in or any of those jobs just seems like brutal it's work it was hard yeah it's a lot of physical work which is why i think it's really cool when those types of people like guys who let's say they work with wood or they work with their hands all day, they do go to the gym and they do have something else that they do. Obviously, along with maybe taking care of a family. Like when you're doing stuff like that, yo, kudos to you because that's not work. Your body gets so stiff doing that shit. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:20 You feel like you, like Rigor Mortis has set in your body turns to fucking stone there was two uh older guys in there and they kind of do some of this stuff for a living uh just distilling the alcohol basically but um i was even watching them like just loading and unloading boxes not like the boxes are heavy um but each box is like 20 pounds yeah you know these guys are like in their 60s and a lot of rotation. I'm just thinking, man, these guys, I got there at like, I don't know, one in the afternoon. Those guys were there at like 8 in the morning doing that shit all day.
Starting point is 00:04:55 There's this guy I roll with. His name is Zabi. He's over at our school. He's in his mid-50s, I think. And Zabi, he does handyman stuff. He's been working with his hands forever. First off, his grip is something great. When he grips something, I can't pull his grip off.
Starting point is 00:05:09 It doesn't matter how strong I am. He just has such a strong grip. But he also moves really well. He's impressive in the way that he's able to roll. And even though he has a style of rolling, in his mid-50s, from doing a physical labor job and coming to jiu-jitsu, it's impressive. It just shows that even if you're in in those situations you can counteract it i think we have like way too much on our mind too because these guys are animals and i watched them just like eat pizza and then go right back to work i'm like man that would be now you're starting to really throw a challenge
Starting point is 00:05:39 my way that would be really hard to eat pizza and then to like, you know, not fall asleep while you're on this line doing kind of work that seems kind of repeated over and over again. I do think there is something, though. Remember when Bill Maeda came on and he was like, he'll do something and then he'll like eat pizza or just eat something and then it's like his whole body will just vein up and then he'll go work out more. He like wants the gluten. He wants to bloat from the gluten. Yeah, dude. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:09 We should have had pizza for episode 1000. How long has it been since you guys had pizza? That's one thing I haven't had in a minute. Uh, when I, when I went to a baseball game, I had some pizza. I went to a baseball game like,
Starting point is 00:06:21 uh, I don't know, eight weeks ago or so. Yeah. It was pretty good. It's been years, dude. Wait, really? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:28 So I'm not counting the like fat-free cheese and like that shit that I used to make. So like the low-calorie stuff, but like a real like slice of pizza. It's been a very, very long time. I can't remember the last time. And it's funny. Who was it um shit somebody had just posted something online about you know whatever not being able to stay away from pizza i'm like because there's no diminishing returns with pizza if you have a donut cool you have a second donut
Starting point is 00:06:57 wasn't as good as that first one yeah if you have a third one you kind of just feel sick some people with pizza you can just eat the whole thing and be like is there any more like get the three slices you're like i need at least three more exactly yeah i gotta wash the first three down with another three throw in a root beer dude you can say that forever i know our boy russell loves pizza everyone loves he's a big pizza fan um the real uh kryptonite for him but russell is uh 99 pounds down he's got one more to go yo to be at a hundo congratulations russell yeah that's a big deal pretty awesome i'm in the gym today and he said like he he this guy he's like i'm trying to plan out two a days where
Starting point is 00:07:40 you know i'll do my cardio in the morning and then i'll come to the gym and i'll work out and it's actually been working for a while. But he started being on his feet a little bit too much. So he hurt something on his foot. But I'm just like, damn, man. Yeah, it's so good to hear that he's doing that. Yeah. And anybody can do that.
Starting point is 00:07:56 You just got to plan it. But it's just awesome that he's been so consistent. He's down almost 100 pounds. And he's continuing to stay on with the habit. Just because it hasn't happened super fast for him, down almost 100 pounds and he's continuing to stay on with the habit just because it hasn't happened super fast for him but it's been so consistent that you can physically see the difference.
Starting point is 00:08:11 He's gaining muscle at the same time. Russell's killing it, dog. I don't know what episode we had him on but he was on here. We had somebody else and then he was like a special guest. Brad Schoenfeld. Spencer Nadolski. There you go.
Starting point is 00:08:26 Damn. Yo, I'm telling you, man. Rain Man on... Rain Man on Fog Machine. On Fog Machine. Olipop, sponsor us, please. I think Russell came into the gym probably about three years ago.
Starting point is 00:08:41 Probably not too much long after we started. How long have we been doing this together the three of us have been like four or five years ah shit oh man andrew yeah let's see hold on 12 15 no no that's 2 19 2018 2018 yeah damn yep no 2 1 2019 oh yeah since we've been doing it together yeah the first time in sima was on was april 5th 2018 2008 okay oh the first time he was on that's when you guys fell in love with me that's when you guys were like god you know like he's handsome super old studio vibes too that was when i had the blue on both sides. And then eventually those broke, and it just looked like they were just, like, super dark.
Starting point is 00:09:30 And then we had to get red all around. Look how small Encima was back then. Yeah. Mark, you? Kind of shaped. You had, like, an Elliot Holst kind of vibe going here, too. Oh, Mark, you look good, bro. Like, you look good.
Starting point is 00:09:41 You still look good. But me, it's, like like my shirt's way too tight. Like, I was still in the phase of wearing, like, V-necks with just, like, an XL. It's not good. You're partially flexed the whole time. No, no. That I was not doing. A little bit of a lat flare.
Starting point is 00:09:55 A little bit of shoulder. I think it was because he wasn't full on the Smooth Panther yet, maybe. And so everything was just, it wasn't his fault. He was compressed. Oh, no. I was doing some stretching. I could have been more mobile but okay all right whoa whoa whoa you know let's look this out it's episode 1000 there's been multiple times that we've mentioned a guest that has stood like this on the podcast table with full delt and full bicep just flexed all right let
Starting point is 00:10:19 me i'll say who it is i mean we love him anyway, but it was funny. He's a good dude. Yeah, he's a good dude. Nick Wright. He was flexing hard. He was flexing hard. And every time he'd hit a little bit on the table. And he definitely didn't need to. He just squatted, I think, 650 or something like that in the gym. He's so obstructive. That's true.
Starting point is 00:10:40 I think he had the tricep going a little bit, too. He had a little pressure. He was angling the camera. He must have been so sore after that show. All the isometric contractions going on. Oh, yeah. That was great. Did you find it?
Starting point is 00:10:57 He's going to be like, I wasn't flexing. Leaning against the table a little bit more just to get a bit more. Hey, he's got some arms on him too. Hey, he's got pipes. Nick, I love you. It's just, I guess we have to release it now. Might as well. If I remember correctly too, there's a little peck flex going on too every once in a while.
Starting point is 00:11:16 He has fat pecks though. I mean, as in like, as in big pecks. Maybe just for the activation purposes. Yeah. Yeah. Good to hear. Is there anyone else that's like done that that comes to mind or yeah my boy mike mike mike frank uh the police officer that we had i didn't remember that he was he was
Starting point is 00:11:32 peck popping but he can't help himself he loves he loves being jacked oh man shout out to my boy mike yeah you know when you start getting these muscles, man, you want to use them. You know, you want to show them off. We've had some awesome guests on the show over the years, and probably somebody I'm most excited to have on again, which will be hopefully sometime in the new year, will be Ron Penna. I think it would be really cool to have him on. He's one of the original owners and creators of Quest Nutrition.
Starting point is 00:12:08 He sold that company. And then now he runs Legendary Foods. But just, I don't know, man. That guy's got some information. He's got some really cool stuff. And I just admire what he did at Quest Nutrition because, to me, it still doesn't make any sense. And it doesn't make any sense what he does now with Legendary Foods where he's all about trying to, I guess, solve this problem, which is a huge problem of cancer.
Starting point is 00:12:37 Trying to figure out how to find cancer sooner in people so that they can get better treatment and things like that. sooner in people so that they can get better treatment and things like that but what he did at quest nutrition in bringing together like he knows like when you start talking about um you start talking about peter itea um or just any of these high level people uh ted naman you say hey you familiar with this guy's work with that guy it's like yeah i brought him to quest in you know 1999 or whatever, or 2010 or something like that, whatever the year was. But he brought all these people together. And you're thinking like,
Starting point is 00:13:12 why would a guy that makes a protein bar bring these people together? And it was just so he can continue to find out more information. He just wanted to really learn more information about nutrition and all that kind of stuff. So I just always dug that. I always liked the fact that he utilized the success he had in business. learn more information about nutrition and all that kind of stuff. So I just always dug that. I always liked the fact that he utilized the success he had in business towards some of his own curiosity, but then also solving a problem that if he is on to anything with solving the problem of cancer, that would be absolutely amazing.
Starting point is 00:13:39 Yeah. He's the reason why we all tape our mouths shut. Right. Well, maybe not the reason, but he's the first person that. tape our mouths shut right like well maybe not the reason but he's the first person that yeah how long ago was that he was mad at us too remember he was like what yeah i want to say yeah so i mean that episode guys don't tape your mouth shut what yeah that was march 23rd and i i'm pretty sure he mentioned it on that episode but then when we met up with him in la that's when he was like pretty pretty
Starting point is 00:14:06 aggressive he's upset with us he's like would you pick up a hypodermic needle from the ground and stick it in your arm we're like what that is specific that's one of those things where like that bad he also you remember that thing where he was talking about stretching and being flexible and he's like if i shot you in the head right now you could do the splits yeah why is your brain going there wasn't he also super interested in serial killers if I shot you in the head right now, you could do the splits. Yeah. Why is your brain going there? Wasn't he also super interested in serial killers?
Starting point is 00:14:30 Yeah. Didn't he like kind of solve one? Well, he came here and told us all about the, uh, the Golden State killer. Yeah. And then I, when he started like getting so detailed with the information,
Starting point is 00:14:42 I was like, I took a couple steps back. I'm like, is this the guy? Like what the hell is going on here they ended up catching i think he's obsessed with right after he visited us okay yeah yeah i'm not joking with that at all and he's a billionaire he can make shit he can make people go away that shit shit was crazy. He's obsessed with like the unsolved mysteries. Ron, by the way, I do not think you're the Golden State Killer. Well, no, because that one's in jail right now.
Starting point is 00:15:11 That one's in jail. It was a joke. So I like being here. Thank you. I like being here. Also, after meeting him, I stopped wearing sunglasses. It's kind of frustrating because I used to really like but his explanation i'm like it's not good for your eyes for your long-term eyesight i was just like i just got into ray dance man like this is the first time and i don't wear them yeah and then
Starting point is 00:15:37 like as somebody who has to wear glasses or else like my vision's pretty bad like that's kind of like one of the hacks too is like oh we're going, we're going to the beach or we're going somewhere. Cool. I'm going to wear my sunglasses because it's like very fitting and people don't know that I have to wear these or else I can't see very well. And then when he said that, I'm like, oh, like, all right. Yeah. But Ron has been telling us about, you know, sunlight and tape in the mouth and all these different things for a long time. Same with my buddy, Carl Lenore. He's been like onto these things.
Starting point is 00:16:05 Yes, you guys should check out, if you've never heard of it before or seen it, you should check out Superhuman Radio. Carl's had, I mean, anything that you've mentioned or name, he's like, I had that person on the show 10 years ago. And he really did. He's been ahead of the game the whole time. It's been cool.
Starting point is 00:16:21 It is cool though, like how, I guess this stuff, sometimes maybe I'm younger, somewhat younger, and I think of this stuff and it's like, i guess this stuff you sometimes maybe i'm younger somewhat younger and i think of this stuff and it's like oh this is kind of new but then like we hear oh this guy's been actually talking about this for the past 10 or 12 years just nobody really knows like his has like seen his stuff yet and then it comes out and ends up being a big thing just like how training in the gym is suddenly you know yeah a big thing but people people have been well we have another guest coming on soon that had a lot of great fundamentals um we have uh greg glassman coming on the show and he has a former gymnastics background
Starting point is 00:16:55 and a lot of his uh him winding up with crossfit type stuff and him thinking up crossfit uh a lot of that had to do with him recognizing the imbalances within the fitness industry. Why is that bodybuilder over there so jacked but he can't run like two miles? The guy looks fit. He looks like he's in shape but he can't run two miles. And then the guy that can run maybe six miles or eight miles and at a pretty good pace, can't squat three 15, maybe even can't squat two 25, maybe struggles with two 25.
Starting point is 00:17:29 And so he, you know, started thinking like, let's kind of piece these things together and let's start to see what these things look like. But I'm excited to talk to him. Um, he's going to be on the show just in a couple of weeks or this week. Sorry.
Starting point is 00:17:42 Um, and so that should be really cool to kind of hear what he's up to now versus uh i don't know what he was doing previously and also kind of what he thinks of like where fitness is right now because it's uh it's definitely in like i guess you'd say like a transition phase yeah uh it went from but it it kind of has always done this you know it's always gone in these like uh phases or people used to be huge fans of machines then they were huge fans of free weights and then things went back to machines and then now it seems like we're kind of somewhere in the middle which i
Starting point is 00:18:15 think is a good spot like most people want to clear a lot of machines out of gyms um and uh make room for like a lot a lot of other movement practices. Power Project Family, we talk about beef and meat all the time on the podcast. That's why we partnered with Certified Piedmontese Beef. But did you know this? That 85% of all grass-fed, grass-finished beef in the United States is imported from other countries? 85%. Damn.
Starting point is 00:18:39 But Certified Piedmontese is made in the U.S. of A. America. America. Fuck yeah. So go ahead and get some of the U.S. of A. America. America. Fuck yeah. So go ahead and get some of the best tasting, some of the leanest, some of the best beef from Piedmontese. Andrew, how can they get it? Absolutely. So you guys can head over to and check out enter promo code power to save 25% off your entire order.
Starting point is 00:19:01 And if your order is $150 or more, you get free two-day shipping. Again, Links to them down in the description as well as the podcast show notes fuck yeah oh there you go look at that this is i think technically the first power project ever it just says fry q a oh french fry q a i mean i'm eating some mcdonald's at my uh this is at my house in woodland yeah so just looking at this though like thinking about so i mean this was a uh let's see let me figure out what year this actually was published but that's uh probably 2009 2009 yeah so i mean but even since this was published like how different like fitness has changed around, but like how it was probably late. You probably just got done power lifting.
Starting point is 00:19:50 Right. But just thinking about the quote trends and then also like the stuff that this we've been doing, like I wasn't even lifting back then. Your roles are pronounced. I'm sorry. I mean, not my chin is backed up very well by a second chin it's got backup yeah that's awesome oh my god that is a lot of cheek dog that is so that is so much cheek this is so much fun back back then like just picking up
Starting point is 00:20:21 uh you know a camera and just like recording. Yeah. And then it would take forever to load up because like the cameras were like, I mean, they were advanced for the time, but they were more advanced than what you could load to like the internet. So, I mean, it might take like six hours. Oh, my God. To load some of this stuff. Sometimes from what I remember, I don't remember exactly what this was shot on sometimes it was a phone um and the phone would take really long time so i'd have to like leave my phone like plugged in and like it couldn't go off a wi-fi for half a second otherwise like it wouldn't load the uh video on there and stuff like that
Starting point is 00:20:59 yeah also real quick can i make a comment about your eyebrows why do they seem so thick like they do look thick you know like you have kind of like like middle eastern eyebrows they have very thick nice hair and your eyebrows they're just wow am i tripping they look extra furry they look super thick dude might just be the shadow but they might have been thicker at one point a lot the things that are thicker in this video yeah but this has been a passion for me forever is to try to you know figure out like uh you know how to get stronger how to get better at stuff and when i was power lifting you know so much of it was about just you know let me try to figure out the fastest ways to get bigger and some of those things were they some of those things worked well.
Starting point is 00:21:48 But at that time, I wasn't thinking like, oh, what about seven months from now? What about three years from now? What about seven years from now? I wasn't really thinking into the future. I was just thinking of like, well, I'm going to do a meet soon. And I need to be stronger for that you know last meet i benched 700 and this meet i want to bench 750 and so on and you're always thinking of like the next number um but i wasn't really thinking of not so much like uh not so much longevity but just wasn't
Starting point is 00:22:20 really even considerate at all of like you know know, how I was going to feel lifting these heavier weights, weighing more, all those kinds of things. Did you like, did you even think to your future as an athlete though at that time? Because I mean, you thought a future meets, but did you think about like the athlete you'd be the next decade or not really? No, no, I definitely never never that thought never crossed my mind it was just i was just into what i was doing just so much into what i was doing however the cool thing was though is i did get around a lot of people that had a lot of information so like getting around you know louis simmons and then even when i was around louis simmons um you know at that time there would be like Matt Wenning was there, JL Holdsworth,
Starting point is 00:23:07 other high-level lifters, along with running into people like Coach House and just like a lot of coaches and a lot of people that Louie himself would talk about, you know, like some sort of cardiovascular type. He's like, you need something. You need to do something. And I think just for a little while, I went away from some of that. Cause I was before those videos, I was a huge proponent of doing sled and all that kind of stuff.
Starting point is 00:23:38 And I got away from it for a long ass. Yeah. I got away from it for a few years, but I probably had been messing around with the sled since like the yeah since the 2000 like 2000 was it louis that introduced you to you it was yeah yeah yeah so how was it that you kind of used it then was it just like walking yeah walking forward backwards same thing um some of the stuff that you've been kind of exploring in the gym but not with the same amount of detail where you're twisting and pulling and stuff. I did a lot of pulling and pressing but more traditional like rows and bench presses and stuff off of there.
Starting point is 00:24:13 Yeah. Louis would just say like, hey, drag this thing around the block, you know, and look at that. What's that hat? Like what is that for? Entertainment. Why does that make me – I feel offended by looking at that. What's that hat? What is that for? For entertainment. Why does that make me... I feel offended by looking at that hat. No.
Starting point is 00:24:30 I shouldn't. It's just a funny hat. But something to me is like, that is a racist hat. It could be. I know you're not... Yo. It's not though, guys. It was a cozy winter hat.
Starting point is 00:24:44 It's definitely not a hat though that people would be wearing nowadays because they'd be too conscious of it i don't know there's there's a character from um in that show dragon ball z he was actually uh you know what i'm i'm not even gonna mention it bring that hat back you gotta bring it back to the show yeah i gotta see if what's this video uh it just says Mary Liftmas. I don't know. I don't know. Do you remember where you were headed?
Starting point is 00:25:09 I don't know. You know, I filmed a lot of stuff in the car just because, like, I had kids and they would always make crazy amounts of noise and shit like that. So this was my studio back in the day. So you really were, like, the OG influencer. I think so. I think I was one of the first people to, like, start recording stuff in the car, as funny as that sounds. But I don't really remember seeing like a lot of other people doing it at that time. And then also doing like voiceovers to lifting videos and stuff like that, which is cool.
Starting point is 00:25:38 You start to see some people do some of that nowadays. And it really is super informative for people to watch yeah uh while somebody is kind of you know explaining explaining what they're doing but yeah i guess like in the background of this whole thing the entire time i've just basically i've always wanted to get better and so you know having having an opportunity to have a podcast and then meeting you guys was like it's just cool because now i get to just we see something online we see something on instagram or youtube twitter wherever something pops up and we'd be like hey what do you think about this we'd say yeah yay nay and we can decide on whether we're going to try to get
Starting point is 00:26:17 someone on the show we don't always have access to everybody all the time but um we have pretty good access and so we're able to get a lot of great people on the show and then it's like well let's just learn let's just learn from some of these people and we've had so many great guests on i was telling my wife uh the other day i'm like we had david herrera on the show i was like that's what this show is all about that kind of shit you know like we david might not be everyone's cup of tea. He maybe isn't as scientific as some people would like. Maybe he doesn't have a PhD or whatever the case. But I love people like that that find out and discover these things because they just have unconventional thinking. And I'm not saying that the science side of it – why not listen to both?
Starting point is 00:27:00 Why not utilize some stuff you hear from Andrew Huberman, Andy Galpin, Lane Norton? Why not utilize some of that some stuff you hear from andrew huberman andy galpin uh lane norton why not utilize some of that information that you hear from those guys but then also maybe uh maybe dr sean baker has something cool to say maybe um david herrera has something cool to say maybe andy triana has something good to say you know so i have always liked that about this show is trying to uh bring some of these ideas together and bring some of these people together and see what works for us. I was just going to – yeah, just because you mentioned Sean Baker. So we had him on twice. We had him on once.
Starting point is 00:27:37 Nobody heard that episode because we didn't even have equipment back then. Why? We were just recording off of lav mics and i freaking hated it and it sounded terrible and then so i think mark just asked him straight up like hey like do you want to come back like we got some like legit stuff now and sure i don't know if he drove but whatever he drove up so he drove back to do it again for the first time so i was like dude that was really cool let me ask you this andrew real quick and you too mark because mark it seems like you've always been super curious.
Starting point is 00:28:07 Like when you talk about what you're doing with Louis, right? All the seminars and all the people you met up with to continue trying to prove, even when you met Kelly Sturette, like you were super open and receptive to what he was mentioning. But Andrew, how do you think, like when you started on the podcast before I came too, how has your curiosity changed? Do you think, were you as curious about stuff like this in the past I mean with photography probably right yeah yeah um so yeah definitely curious because like um going to school like I didn't want to learn the stuff that they were trying to teach me it's like I wanted to learn like cool stuff or whatever it may be yeah but that was kind of like not that was not um praised right like if i want to go learn about
Starting point is 00:28:46 photography but i'm in fucking math class or whatever like i don't get good grades and like oh that's going on your permanent record yeah so like coming onto the podcast i was already curious but being here and hearing you know some some of the smartest people like in the world who may or may not have these degrees like they gave me permission to like be curious again yeah you know sort of like uh coming up in corporate america or whatever you want to call it like you have like a very strict straight pattern you don't deviate from it because if you do your pension's gonna go away or whatever retirement 401k all that stuff that they kind of brainwash you with. And then you come here and it's like, oh,
Starting point is 00:29:28 like talking to the employees at the time, like, well, how do you, you know, how do you start making more money here? Whatever it may be. And it's like, well, there's no like direct path talking to Mark about that stuff. He's like, just become more valuable. And I'm like, well, how? And he's like, well, just do more and become more like, that's it. Like, shit. I've been being suppressed my whole life like you can mean i just work my ass off and i'm actually gonna like it's gonna pay off and then so with the podcast again it was like someone like ron penna just fucking exploding my brain
Starting point is 00:29:55 with the knowledge that he had and then um you know the lifting stuff of course was always gonna be there but like i said it just it gave me permission to be like even more curious than i was and like understand that you can learn untraditionally yeah absolutely yeah i mean i know i've become more open i've just definitely become more open by talking to so many people there's been a lot of people we've had on the show they've had really unconventional thought and unconventional information where you're like but it does seem like i guess uh one of the things is like um if it's not gonna cost you anything uh from a negative perspective why not entertain it why not try it yeah you know if it's something like something like a 10 minute walk it's just so reasonable. Even if you can be like, oh, I hate walking. I don't like to walk.
Starting point is 00:30:48 Okay, well, I get it. But getting some sunlight is really valuable. You can look into that. A lot of great information. David Herrera. Yeah, and just look up some information about walking. And you're going to see that it seems to have a lot of merit. It seems to be really helpful.
Starting point is 00:31:03 it seems to have a lot of merit seems to be really helpful. And just these things that we say about ourselves where there, we have these you know, I don't like to read. I don't like to do this. I don't like, I'm not a morning person. Can you figure out ways of if those things are negative and those things are slowing you down and preventing you from becoming who you really could be?
Starting point is 00:31:25 Can you get around those things? Can you get around those things? Can you get through those things? And I think the answer is yes. And just having a slightly different mindset and maybe having more curiosity on certain things could be helpful. Being more open to change what you like, to think that you could be wrong about what you're doing. Not just wrong, but maybe you could be doing it better versus what like has always been done, you know? And that's, again, that's something you showed really early that you'd be willing to adjust, you know, based off of the people that were around you. That's necessary.
Starting point is 00:31:55 I mean, I think that's part of science, right? Is that you are trying to tear down, you know, in this case, it would just be like my beliefs. Yeah. You know, I used to be more on the low carb side, no carb side. I still have my own personal beliefs on that, but I don't let them restrict me from assisting people when they ask questions. When someone says, hey, do carbs make you fat? I have to say, I want to say yes, because in my head, what's my interpretation interpretation of carbs is shitty carbs because that's what I want to eat. I'm thinking about like pizza and ice cream.
Starting point is 00:32:33 And again, those things don't make you fat, but they are easier to overeat on. And that is something that could make you fat. So just like overeating can make you fat. But just trying to really just, I guess, with the most clarity possible and trying to detach yourself sometimes from your belief. Because sometimes your belief can – you can kind of like hold on to it and then it just muffles your ears and you can't hear anything else the person says after that. Because sometimes you could be like mad sometimes about what somebody says. You could be offended. You could be mad. It could just go completely against your thoughts.
Starting point is 00:33:14 And then you're thinking like, well, that doesn't fit into the stuff that I know. And that's inconvenient for me. So like fuck this guy. I'm not going to listen to him. And then you pick out something that you don't like about that person. You become like judgy and picky. And you know, like,
Starting point is 00:33:30 I don't like this guy's voice. I don't like this guy's whatever. And you just decide that you're going to discredit the guy's information. It's like, well, that's not a great way to go about doing things. And so I think everyone should do their best to try to science everything. Like, why not try to science everything.
Starting point is 00:33:48 Like, why not try to make yourself wrong? Some of the beliefs that you had previously, just check into them a little bit more. Do they still stand up? They still work? Look into my eyes. Now, I know that you want to be looking better. You want to be going walking the streets being like, damn, I look and feel good because then everyone's going to be looking at you. That's why we've partnered with Viore clothing.
Starting point is 00:34:06 So you can stop wearing your ripped up tank and your long shorts and step your athleisure game up. Viore has clothes that you can wear to dinner with a date or you can wear it in the gym. Personally, some of our favorites are the Ponto Performance line. And it has this dream knit fabric, trademarked, That literally feels like baby skin on your skin. It sounds kind of weird, but when you put it on and feel it, my God, that will change your life. Right here, this is the Boulevard shirt jacket. You guys are always wondering what kind of long sleeves we're wearing. It stretches.
Starting point is 00:34:36 It feels good. Oh, Andrew, where can they step their game up? Absolutely. You guys got to head over to slash powerproject. That's V-U-O-R-I dot com slash power project and you'll automatically receive 20% off your order. Links to them down in the description as well as the podcast show notes.
Starting point is 00:34:52 And cut. Yeah. Want to just play this clip? We just cut to laughter. Yes. Yeah. Let's play this clip. That's so good. Well, that's a good way to break out for a minute i'm destroyed oh that's great all right yeah we had we had somebody that he's referencing ever since i started listening to andrew huberman my life has changed for the better
Starting point is 00:35:20 the cubes taught me that it's all about your morning routine i immediately take a cold shower i follow that up with a blender full of water without breathing see breathing that early in the morning is actually bad because it down regulates your body's receptors that it needs to be neurally activated then i go outside and i stare directly at the sun for at least 45 minutes then i do some grounding by touching my bare feet to the dirt and my nipples and my bare penis by touching your bare body to the to the earth you're actually recharging your lymphatic drainage system to be able to drainage lymphatically even more than it was before.
Starting point is 00:35:50 Did you know that the human penis can go your entire lifetime without ever making contact with the earth? After that, I take another cold shower and I tell at least 19 more people about it. I take cold showers. I follow that with an eight ball of athletic greens. Sure, it's more expensive,
Starting point is 00:36:03 but it's three times more bioavailable than the leading cocaine. Then I spend about an hour physically assaulting myself. It helps keep my dopamine levels low so that I can stay grounded. Around this time in my morning routine, I do my darkness retreat. I put my closet for up to 45 minutes. Because when you deprive your body of its basic senses, you activate the metabolic catatonic cannibalistic frolic lymphatic system, which in turn expands the pipelines through which your mechanisms have the ability to function and science words that was amazing you know when i told uh when i told my girl about we had
Starting point is 00:36:38 alexander on the show about the darkness retreat immediately she was like a darkness retreat that's what you guys spent time talking about i'm not listening to your show oh yeah does andy still not listen to the show no yeah neither does sam does stephanie listen to this once in a while yeah yeah yeah like if i tell her about like if like there's like a i don't know cool guest or like oh we had a dope whatever topic she'll check it out but yeah i mean there's a lot of content too it's hard to keep up yeah my wife's always like meh like when i tell her stuff you know like i could tell her about like a darkness retreat or something i could say you know somebody did it and it was transformative or something so it's like i don't
Starting point is 00:37:20 think so that sounds dumb i'm like i'm just telling you like you asked me sometimes she'll ask me you know how my day was or sometimes she'll ask me, you know, how my day was or how was the podcast or what'd you guys talk about? And then I'll start to fill her in and then she'll be like, nah, I'm like, right. But you asked me, I just stopped. I wasn't really. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:37 She's like, I don't think that, I don't think that's true. I don't think that works, but it's actually really good. Cause it, it helps me. Cause I'm like, i didn't ask the guy that i didn't i didn't ask if the guy thought that was bullshit going into it i didn't you know i didn't ask uh those kind of questions so yeah it helps keep me on my toes yeah for the longest time i just i'd get home it's like oh how was the podcast i'm like oh it's good what did you guys talk about uh remember i don't know she's like you sit in front of that mic listening and asking questions
Starting point is 00:38:07 and you don't remember one thing that you talked about like we i said yeah mark we're recording and then time went by just i blinked and it was over that's the wild thing guys there is so much shit holy fuck okay i mean yeah we're on episode a thousand but there is so much shit that we've learned a lot of things overlap but gosh yeah it's like a lot of episodes encyclopedia i can get how it can be frustrating for people because like we've been lucky enough to like talk to people and learn about it but all these things that some like that we all implement now i can see how it's frustrating for people like starting this type of journey i hate it's called a fucking journey because it's really makes me cringe but it's a it's a lot i know uh josh setledge got it all down so i don't know
Starting point is 00:38:58 understand why people can't just be like him right you're being sarcastic correct yeah i am okay good i was making sure just settled is such a consistent disciplined individual he's an animal daily discipline he's probably got stacks of notes and like he's got folders yeah yeah he does binders the big ring binders let's check these guys out yeah this is a good one too let. Let's see. Hold on. Let me make sure. Oh, man. Yep, we're good. Okay. Can you believe we're in our low 30s, but we look like this? At Project Benjamin Button, we're using anti-aging technology to escape the ravages of our 30s and re-enter our 20s. My bones used to creak like a Scooby-Doo mansion, but now I'm more limber than my blood boy.
Starting point is 00:39:39 Your jump is younger. I used to look like a tired 33-year-old, but now I look like a Dorian grade 25 year old. This is a testosterone patch. It will help offset my levels for my age. Conventional food is age poison. Over the next eight months, the 49 pills that I take each day will reverse my age to 25,
Starting point is 00:39:57 and then my relationship will be more age appropriate. This one is a steak dinner. This one is sushi. This one is just a really big pill. To clarify, she's not 25, but if I were 25, then it would be a lot more fun. Got it. Normally I go to bed at 4 p.m.,
Starting point is 00:40:12 but tonight I gotta stay up till 6 p.m. because I'm looking for a new blood boy. Hi there, how old are you? 24. Perfect. Can I have some of your blood? This is HGH, hormone growth hormone. Down the hatch.
Starting point is 00:40:28 I'll give you $10,000 for your blood. Got it, there are some down times. Because my whole body is so much younger, all that extra age goes directly to my cock. My cock. Here's us. All the age has gone directly to our cock, so we have to pound it out like we're tenderizing
Starting point is 00:40:43 a pork chop. But now our cocks are too young, and we require a constant unburdening hello it's your doctor you guys need to stop your penis age levels are unsustainable if you unsustainable i'm trying to tell you guys oh oh my god that's crushed it That's pretty much every one of our podcasts condensed into a 90 second clip. It ends up being like that, doesn't it? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:13 And at least none of us did the actual injection. I'm happy neither of you guys did that because I wasn't going to. Which one? Remember when Judson Brandis Oh yeah. Dude, there's so many podcasts. because I wasn't going to. Which one? Remember when Jetson Brandes? Jetson Brandes? Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:27 Dude, there's so many podcasts. Yeah. He talked about the dick injection to... Yeah, the pee shot. The pee shot. Yeah. Ben Greenfield did that. Sounds painful.
Starting point is 00:41:38 I think he did. Yeah, don't shoot my weenie. Yeah. That's not... I couldn't do that. I guess it would depend on the results. You think so? Maybe.
Starting point is 00:41:48 All right, what kind of results would you need to get? Yeah, if someone was really talking it up and they're like, hey, this makes your dick hard like when you were 15, then I'd be like, hey, maybe I'll give it a shot. Let me ask this. I'll give the pee shot a shot. What kind of side effects would you guys be okay with? So let's say it did come with side effects effects but let's say it was extremely effective like back to when you were 15 three inches longer and like maybe say let's add it three inches right okay what would you be okay with as a side effect but then also like literally like when you're 15
Starting point is 00:42:16 and you're just like hanging out and all of a sudden you're just like oh okay let's say it wasn't like that but it's a side effect okay so you have to be okay with that i don't know you know what gives you like a big zit on your nose every month. Like something random. You know what I mean? Yeah. Yeah. Oh, God.
Starting point is 00:42:34 Would you be okay with like constant night sweats? That's all. Like constant night sweats, but now you get three extra inches and like. No, that wouldn't be cool. No. That wouldn't. Andrew, don't and like. No, that wouldn't be cool. No. That wouldn't. Andrew, don't act like you even needed that. That would get old fast.
Starting point is 00:42:50 Yeah. You actually couldn't take it. It would not be fair to Stephanie. I'd be that poor woman. That poor woman. That's the hack is just get a short Mexican wife. So that way you're the perfect size. I was looking for dang it i can't find this clip now i'll find it eventually but we're talking about penis gain so
Starting point is 00:43:14 i'm looking for susan bratton that was a great podcast did anything change for you from that episode i wouldn't say anything changed i just thought she she's a lot of fun. She's entertaining. And she had a lot of great information. So she's a great guest. I mean, I guess she did introduce us to the penis pump. She did. I'm not sure if we were penis pumping before that. I wasn't.
Starting point is 00:43:36 Yeah. I would have thought that was ridiculous. Yeah. And she told us about the Phoenix and stuff like that, too. Have you used her? I haven't used the Phoenix yet. I've it's it's it was too uncomfortable for me i tried yeah and it's dude it is it is loud i'm sorry to the company the guy is like really nice but it was way too loud and i'll just like damn it's a it's a dad's at it again it's a jackhammer to your yeah and there's no way dude my son now like he yeah
Starting point is 00:44:07 no there's no way he's everywhere yeah kind of is now yeah yeah but yeah no hey penis pump was awesome though i bet you like realize how many guys watch that show you know how many more guys that are now slowing it down and not going straight to oh yeah yeah thrust in time we've probably this this episode right here probably created a lot of first partner orgasms people really love when we talk about sex yeah they really do they're like man i love when you guys talk about that because no one talks about it but i mean we can't talk about it all day can we maybe we couldn't if we if we really had to we? Maybe we could. If we really had to, we could. We could.
Starting point is 00:44:47 But why? Why? When you can just learn a lot of it right there. Yeah. Yeah, right? We'll bring on more experts. If there's any experts you guys want, bring them on. Also, join the Discord down below, please.
Starting point is 00:44:59 And if you're listening on audio, please, leave a rating. Leave a rating there because the reviews help the podcast girl on the audio side big time yeah anyway and on top of that penis pump link in the description that shit works um who are some guests that you guys really felt like you learned a lot from or maybe even were just like inspired by andrew anyone come to mind there's a couple um so learning obviously doug brignoli i still still train very simply. I do other stuff here in this gym. Yeah, he got you fired up.
Starting point is 00:45:29 Big time, yeah. But at home or anywhere else that has the dual cable machine, I'm doing the Break 20 every single time. It's a weird – I'm in a weird spot with that because I feel like I could be the one that could carry the torch for his name and like his ways and stuff. But like, he has a book coming out. I don't even know if it's like still going to happen.
Starting point is 00:45:54 And in that book, he's going to do like a lot of like video content as well. And so like, I was actually talking to a bunch of people about like what I can do and it's kind of like falling off a little bit, but there's like multiple people still trying to figure out who's going to do that and I'm like dude I just want to share the information and it's like kind of weird because like it would still be kind of taking attention away from Doug Brignoli like and his like company I guess we'll say and so it's like a like we'll figure it out hopefully we figure it out soon because this stuff is phenomenal. Like if anybody, I mean, it did kind of fall heavy on the older demographic of people. Like, oh, I used to be able to do that. Now I can't.
Starting point is 00:46:33 It's like, oh, what if we did it this way? Oh, my gosh. Thanks to Doug, I can lift again. So that was like super cool. It's got simple, really good rules for hypertrophy. Right. People to gain muscle and look jacked. It's great yeah and a lot of
Starting point is 00:46:45 the stuff that like in like his programs was like the stuff that you would do and then be like for for warm-ups and stuff you would just like oh we're gonna squat i'm not gonna do like a winning warm-up i'm just gonna go squat the bar a bunch it's stuff like that where it's like okay we're gonna do our decline press like we're just gonna do a decline press. Like we're just going to do a lightweight, do it for 30 reps. And like, then we'll just keep going. And so it's like, like I said, that definitely changed everything for me. And like I made super, like I made a lot of progress when I started switching to that method. So he's like number one for me,
Starting point is 00:47:17 but also like a lot of the fathers that came on the podcast. So like Todd Abrams, Jason Kal kalipa um mark bell like it just a lot of people where i'm like man you know these super high level like uh what's the word uh like just high operating men that also are still really good family you know men as well like they're good fathers like they and they're jacked right and they're fucking rich and it's like okay that's what i want um don't get me wrong like some of the bodybuilders or whoever it may be it's like oh yeah i want to look like that guy not that these guys don't look incredible also you know we brought up ron penna like he's super jacked too and he's like like it isn't let's talk about operating at a high level but yeah those guys that have like the whole package as far as like all the things that like i want in my future you know like uh
Starting point is 00:48:11 their families are set they have the family and they're fucking jacked and like they have something to their name you know like they have their companies and then you know again uh somebody to carry on that name i thought that's's always, that's always been cool. Those are the people that get me really fired up. Yeah. No, it's interesting talking to all of them because it's like, I think one thing I've, one thing I've realized is, you know, even if there's somebody who say like some of the things that they talk about, you don't have to, or you, let's say you really like that person.
Starting point is 00:48:42 You don't have to take everything that they say. You can, you can take some of it because like having these conversations are even maybe more important if you don't like them if you don't ever reason sometimes you don't like you hear the way someone communicates and there's something you don't like but there could be a lot of great information that you might be missing there and that's that's that's something i've really realized because like and not even realized, but I've just become more open to taking bits and pieces from some of the things people put forward. And I think also all of us have,
Starting point is 00:49:13 since we've had so many conversations and we've seen so many through lines, we know when we've heard something that's been mentioned before, that's been confirmed. So it's like, you can just take some of what these people mention, you know, and apply some of that and see how it works for you. You don't have to take everything. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:30 I mean, speaking of like Doug Brignoli, I remember when I first started cold plunging, like the very first post that I made about it, like within 15 minutes, he's like, hey, here's this study on how like uh post-workout cold exposure is gonna potentially like you know whatever make you lose your gains and stuff yeah and i'm like i'm making sure i'm not doing it i was like but on top of all that i just feel really good he's like oh just letting you know might be detriment i'm like all right another thing and another thing on that note it's like i like a lot of the movements and the things that doug talks about i love a lot of it but then knowing doug he was extremely closed off to all other types of things and just said that Doug talks about. I love a lot of it. But then knowing Doug, he was extremely closed off to all other types of things and just said that they were kind of like, you know, this is not a good way to do it.
Starting point is 00:50:09 I'm just like, Doug, no. Like your stuff is awesome, but it doesn't need to be the only thing you do. Yeah, he had a really nice way of doing it. It was kind of like when Mark Sisson saw you with your shoes without the shoelaces, like, nah, you can do it that way if you want. Yeah, you can do it in the inferior way if you'd like. like that's what it was like this would be the ideal way to do
Starting point is 00:50:28 yeah if you want to do it the inferior way by all means go ahead leave those gains on the table we all like to be average sometimes go for it he was stubborn uh what about uh we had Nicky Rod on the podcast? Oh, man. That was pretty good. Yeah, we did. Yeah, twice. Yeah, we had him on with No Shirt, and then we had him on in person. That's right, the No Shirt podcast.
Starting point is 00:50:56 I think a lot of people probably like that a lot, and that clip flew around quite a bit with him and Gordon Ryan going at it. clip flew around quite a bit with uh him and gordon ryan going at it yeah um obviously uh michael tren it was great to have him on the podcast and you know hopefully in 2024 we can you know kind of reunite with some of these people and find some other new people to do some stuff with but um you know you can learn so much from each person. You kind of watch what they do, how they do it, how they treat other people. One, once there's a couple of things that I think have helped me a lot. Like I do my best nowadays just to think about how ridiculous it is for me to
Starting point is 00:51:39 not like somebody that I've never met before. You know, it's like I might hear someone's commentary on, you know, a YouTube video, a podcast. I might be like, I don't like this person. I'm like, wait, where did that come from? Why am I, why am I bitchy towards this person?
Starting point is 00:52:02 Or why don't I, you know, now again, I just shut my brain off to listen to the information. Maybe they have really good information. Yeah. You know, maybe some of the, or at least maybe some of it, uh, would be good for me to, you know, uh, consider, but so those are, those are some things I'm trying to like, you know, comb through and then ask myself, why am I even defensive? Why am I even, uh, why even bother to go down that road? And then, um, another thing that I think is important to me is to see the way that people treat people and uh one of the a huge uh barometer for me is how people treat the people around me so it's like i have pretty close uh circle of friends it's it's like I have pretty close circle of friends. It's pretty, it's like super small.
Starting point is 00:52:46 And so like if you treat those people good, that's cool. But if you kind of mistreat the couple of people that might be around that are outside of that, that ain't cool. And I've seen that happen before. And that might be something where now if I do see someone on screen or if I am listening to a podcast or listening to somebody that I have met before, I'm like, I don't to show people what we do, how we do it to bring people into the gym. They get to see us training and rubbing our butts on stuff, doing myofascial release, and they get to kind of see firsthand like just this is the way that we are. We're like this every day. And then it just it changes the dynamic of the way that you communicate with somebody. Let's just take Lane Norton as an example.
Starting point is 00:53:52 I've known him for a long time. He's been to super training more than once. And in having him out and us training together or us training in the same gym with similar goals, it just changes everything. It changes the mood. It changes, you know, oh, this guy believes this and I believe that and we're on opposite sides. We don't agree or we have some disagreement in some of these spots. But it's like when you get around people and you get to know them, you're like, oh, wait,
Starting point is 00:54:23 we have way more in common than we do differences. You know, we have a lot of cool things in common. And it sounds like what Lane's doing is really cool. And he's promoting health and fitness and he's helping people to get stronger and help people to get in better shape. That kind of sounds like what I'm trying to do. So then you start to realize like, oh, we're doing similar stuff and maybe we can be more collaborative and maybe we can, I don't know, share each other's information or, you know, share people with each
Starting point is 00:54:52 other. Like we do that a lot. I talk to Lane all the time. I set him up with Chris Williamson recently. He has helped me with certain things in the past. And I just think that kind of stuff is really impactful and powerful and then who get who benefits from that the audience the fans you know the people that listen to the show the people that are yeah we've been able to bring great people together um we've had a lot of we've had like debates on the show before and uh everyone's been like cool and cordial. There hasn't been any like brawls or anything. But even that's been really cool to bring people together
Starting point is 00:55:29 that are on opposite sides of things. Yeah. I hate to sound like a broken record, but your sleep quality most likely sucks. It's one of the biggest things that we talked about on the podcast. So many guests have come on and talked about how sleep can help you
Starting point is 00:55:42 stick to your diet, stick to your workout plan, lose body fat, gain muscle, all the good things that you're trying to do, but it's hard to do because you might be snoring. And if you're snoring, that's why we've partnered with Hostage Tape, which is mouth tape that you can put over your nose, your mouth, when you're asleep to help you stop snoring
Starting point is 00:55:58 and breathe through your nose. But if you haven't been breathing through your nose this whole time while you've been sleeping, it's going to be a little bit difficult to get air through there. That's also why hostage tape has nose strips to help open up your nasal airways and make it easier to breathe through your nose when you're asleep. Now your partner won't be having a fuck with you when you're asleep because you'll be actually breathing through your nose.
Starting point is 00:56:18 Andrew, how can they get it? Yes, that's over at hostage tape dot com slash power project, where you guys will receive an entire year supply of nasal strips and mouth tape, all for less than a dollar a night. Again, that's at slash PowerProject. Links in the description, as well as the podcast show notes. For us, there really hasn't really been no dogmatism on the show. You know what I mean? Like, we'll bring people on, and then we'll listen to somebody who has a starkly different view from them and then maybe even have them together. But it's, even though we do certain things that work really
Starting point is 00:56:48 well for us, I think one thing that come to realize is there's a lot of ways maybe to handle your nutrition. You know, like you've done a lot of carnivore, but you've changed up the way you eat and have found benefit from all of it. So it's like, it's, it's almost like you, you couldn't actually just take one side. You couldn't say, I'm a carnivore. You could eat in that style, but you know too much now to just think that that's the only way that you can eat. And that's very different for most people. No, the conclusion I came to is that there doesn't seem to be a reason to put a name on your diet.
Starting point is 00:57:26 You just eat natural foods. And that's something I heard a long time ago. And it's kind of held true. It's held up. I mean, if you are eating meat and fruit and vegetables, it seems like you're on a pretty good path. Maybe mix in some dairy so your diet doesn't get to be too boring. On a pretty good path, maybe mix in some dairy so your diet doesn't get to be too boring. And then maybe however much percentage you can afford to go off plan and eat some processed foods, that's kind of up to you.
Starting point is 00:57:54 But there's your diet. It doesn't have to be the Power Project diet. I have a question for both of you. Here we go. Do you guys think any differently from plant-based individuals after meeting Mr. Infinity and – oh, my God. Colin Daring. Colin Daring. Because they're both – Colin has started introducing me. But you look at both of them, you're like, Derek looks 22.
Starting point is 00:58:19 And Colin looks like he's in his early 30s and he's jacked. Do you guys feel any differently? Not like for yourselves, but do you think it's valid? Because if I'm being real, in the past, I wouldn't have thought and I wouldn't have been like plant-based diet is actually valid. But it might not be for me, but people can thrive with it and get jacked man i just i think the the two that you pointed out are black well so there's that but no what i was gonna say was like those are two out of how many uh like i don't know if they're vegan or vegetarian, whatever.
Starting point is 00:59:07 Like, man, that's being very selective. Now, don't get me wrong. If I can look anywhere near them at a similar age or whatever, like, fuck. I mean, I guess I'll start it right now. But, like, I don't think that I will. Me either. I think it's valid for some people. Yeah, it's just very few, maybe. I don't think that i will me either um i think it's valid for some people yeah it's just very few
Starting point is 00:59:27 maybe i don't know i i i know for sure i should i probably should be eating more vegetables maybe i don't yeah i don't know i um i've been feeling the best i ever have without really even eating them so yeah that's been that's been my my truth, whatever you want to call it. It'd be hard to eat like that. I don't know exactly what my diet would even be made up of. I had some filet mignon last night, which is delicious. But I also had this bean salad thing, and the beans were too much. You guessed it. Oh, man. That's a bummer. I thought i thought you were gonna be like it was so good i think i could do that well i have like more recently i've been eating some beans but
Starting point is 01:00:13 they're usually like cooked beans these this was like a bean salad where they were like harder nah i don't think they were really like cooked all that well but it tasted good okay so i kept i kept eating them um but yeah just kind of blew my stomach apart so like i don't know like if i was vegetarian or vegan uh i would just be dropping bombs left and right i think 100 i will never get rid of meat i will never stop eating meat but i'll drink my greens that's something i do i drink them i'm not talking about ag1 like i do drink ag1 but my mom like she she will blend up all these different things and I'll drink it. And I will say this,
Starting point is 01:00:49 the bowel movements and stuff. Amazing. I don't want us to talk too deeply about our poops, but it's like, this is, it's like, it's like an extra level of, Ooh,
Starting point is 01:00:58 that actually felt really nice. You know? So I do think there's some merit to getting some extra greens and, but don't stop eating meat people yeah for me i think it would be really hard to eat clean without meat oh yeah because like i would go to i'd go to in and out and get a flying dutchman okay if i'm not gonna eat meat i'm gonna get a fucking grilled beyond grilled beyond dutchman with some fries here's like here's like an interesting an interesting is like, it really depends on like what kind of meats you're eating.
Starting point is 01:01:28 But for the most part, you can kind of look at both sides talking about something very similar where the vegetarian people that are like kind of way into like vegetables versus the people that are way into meat in particular lean meat neither one of those really count for anything in terms of calories and like weight watchers has been around for a million years yeah those things don't even count as a point on weight watchers like a chicken breast egg whites things of that nature they don't count because they don't really think that it's a negative necessarily going towards your overall energy count for the day and i'm sorry they were vegetarian not vegan and the same thing would be with like uh with vegetables they're vegetables they take up a lot of volume they don't really have a lot of calories to them they might have some there might be some there but
Starting point is 01:02:19 unless you add oil or butter or other things to them, they don't really have a lot of calories. And so I think you can take some principles from both sides. I think if you do have a hard time eating vegetables, I think it's something that you should explore. I'm not talking about like just one kind of vegetable, but if you can't eat vegetables much at all and they hurt your stomach and you end up gassy like I did from those beans the other day. I think it's something you should look into because I think your gut should have some diversity to it to where you normally can eat those things. Normally I could eat just about anything and I'm usually pretty good. Sometimes milk will bother me and those beans kind of took me by surprise. But normally everything's pretty good
Starting point is 01:03:05 and that's because I've worked on it for a while. I've been trying to eat more vegetables. I've been eating more like onions and peppers and different things like that to make the gut,
Starting point is 01:03:13 I guess, stronger and more diverse, I guess you'd say. Yeah, that's what I was going to ask. Like, I feel like, because I don't, I don't eat the way I used to. So, like, we were just talking about
Starting point is 01:03:23 like when was the last time I had pizza? Like, I have no idea um when i do go outside of the the meat rice eggs bread arena i get kind of wrecked like almost like immediately where it's like oh like that's that's i'm gonna pay for that one later yeah so i don't know do you guys think you should still be like you know having samples of stuff just because of the world that we live in now right like you're gonna be exposed to all this shit eventually and at some point you might have to have it because you know the beans are gonna be put right in front of you and if you're not you know used to having some of
Starting point is 01:03:58 this stuff like there's a good chance that your stomach's gonna get jacked up yeah i don't know like uh i've heard people talk about that for people that are in the military. They get sent overseas or something. If they were on a strict paleo diet and now they're in an area where they can't get those foods anymore, they're going to feel like crap. So depending on your occupation or job or places that you might visit or something, I would only do it like with those considerations.
Starting point is 01:04:30 Otherwise, I actually think that it's kind of good to be really screwed from eating certain foods. I think it's kind of helpful. Like for me, something that would probably destroy my stomach at this point since it's been so long since I've done it would be like a thing of Ben and Jerry's would probably just annihilate my gut you think so and it's kind of good because like I'm like I love I love those you know I've eaten so many of those over the years those little pints uh but yeah the risk I'm like oh it's just gonna blow my guts apart so I'm not going to fucking bother with it. Like a little time bomb in my stomach. I actually like that about some of the healthy foods that have allulose and stuff like that, too.
Starting point is 01:05:17 You eat too many of them, and it gives you a negative feedback loop. That's a good thing. How much more of these do you want to eat? You're just going to keep farting your ass off. Keep farting until your whole ass falls off. What type of eating habits did you guys use to excuse? Years ago.
Starting point is 01:05:35 You'd have pints of Ben and Jerry's. My diet was an excuse. What did your diet look like? Now it's like 10 eggs and all this shit, but what was your diet like? It was funny. I was actually telling Like what did your diet look like now? It's like 10 eggs and all this shit. But what was your diet like? It didn't like, it was funny.
Starting point is 01:05:46 I was actually telling one of our friends this two nights ago or whatever. I'm like, my son eats more meat than I did at when he's two. When I did that, like my, like I don't know, 25 and below. Like he eats a lot of food,
Starting point is 01:06:00 dude. He eats a lot. You will eat an entire Piedmont steak by himself, like an eight ounce steak and just crushes it. He's going to be a giga. And that's all he eats a lot. He will eat an entire Piedmontese steak by himself, like an eight ounce steak and just crushes it. He's going to be a giga. And that's all he eats that and rice. A giga Zaragoza. That's what he's going to be.
Starting point is 01:06:10 He's like almost no, no, like, yeah, he's eating anything bad. Wow. It's incredible. Yeah. And I'm like, yeah, he's, he's eating more than what I ate in my twenties. I just ate like shit. Frozen pizza is all the worst you can think of. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:06:22 shit, frozen pizza is all the worst you can think of. And then when I started trying to like, well, let's get healthy, like I'd boil chicken and like try to choke that down. And when I'd like want to like throw up, I'd be like, oh my gosh, I can't get healthy. Like I'll never be able like to be one of the, you know, dudes in the gym that are huge or whatever. Cause like I can't eat boiled chicken and brown rice.
Starting point is 01:06:44 So thank God for red meat yeah makes everything easier dude so yeah no the diets like it's so easy now like i don't feel like i'm on like i'm not restricted on anything uh so the same friend that i was talking to she she came over uh in the morning because her and stephanie were gonna go somewhere and then she ended up coming back at night. I don't remember why. So she saw my two meals. And I'm like, I'm crushing both of these meals and not one of them small.
Starting point is 01:07:11 Like they're both gigantic and I'm so fired up to eat both of them. And it's like that's every day. Like every day is fucking incredible. I definitely had a mindset of like having like a cheat, you know, a cheat day or a cheat meal or something. And then that always turned into like a cheat, you know, a cheat day or cheat meal or something. And then that always turned into like a cheat meal would turn into like three cheat meals and a cheat day would turn into like two or three cheat days in a row. Especially being someone that like went lower carb, I would go, you know, low carb throughout
Starting point is 01:07:38 the week and then I'd be like, oh, time to like carb up. But then I would just eat like junky food. time to like carb up but then i would just eat like junky food um some of that was just like information that i got on certain like uh uh certain like diets and stuff that were popular at the time the body opus diet which was a kind of an original ketogenic style diet um that one wanted you to specifically eat like more like healthier carbs didn't want you like going way off plan but there were things later on where they were like, oh, you could kind of eat whatever you want. And it's like, depends on who, what person you're telling that to. And so for me, that worked in the beginning when I was able to kind of rein it in and not have it be too much of
Starting point is 01:08:20 a, too much of a party. But when I started to eat too much, uh, became a problem. And it also kind of taught me like a little bit of like a binging cycle. And then I got used to that and I would like, and then I eventually, which was kind of good for me at the time, I wanted to gain weight anyway for powerlifting and I started to gain weight, but then I just started putting on like way too much body fat. And I'm like, this clearly isn't, isn't working. But as I was powerlifting and as I got more into powerlifting, once I And I'm like, this clearly isn't, isn't working. But as I was powerlifting and as I got more into powerlifting, once I got to be like, I don't know, 260 or 270 or something, I didn't, I didn't do a keto diet at that time. The only time I would do a keto diet
Starting point is 01:08:57 or a low carb diet would be after a competition to try to lose some weight in between the competitions. That's one thing that has changed. Just like it's, I know that we have the time for this, but I think it's become much easier for us to stay in shape. I know I used to believe that it was, you know, you had to be very rigid with the way you ate. I'd allow certain things in, but I knew that, oh, if you're going to get really lean,
Starting point is 01:09:20 you have to be really rigid with the way you eat. And that's changed so much. Like it's not difficult to maintain shape, maintain leanness, but it's because we've learned to just ingrain all these things into our day. It's just like these are just habits. You know, we're not – I don't have to put my shit into my fitness pal and track my macros and stuff anymore. It's just very easy.
Starting point is 01:09:40 But it all comes down to the habits that you have. That was fun when I discovered like tracking. Yeah. I just did everything. everything oh this is the best ever you know chris started tracking too he's like it's a whole new world uh-huh yeah yeah we yeah we kind of did at the same time i remember also before i you know became a part of the crew was like i remember i tried keto for some dumb ass reason i was already skinny but i'm like oh let's try keto this is getting pretty popular yeah i remember making bulletproof coffee like before bed because i needed to get my fat uh grams that seems like a horrible idea what happened oh i got so sick oh okay but i had my my tracker said like oh dude you're behind in like you know whatever x amount of grams of fat yeah i'm like oh dude i
Starting point is 01:10:21 gotta all right here we go this is the easiest way to get the most uh you know fat grams is that a caffeinated coffee of course jesus i don't know shit dude come on 8 p.m at night drinking a big old thing of bulletproof coffee full of heavy cream which i always overdid hella butter coffee i don't know remember what else but yeah it was just a like a like a thousand calorie bomb dude i my stomach hurts so bad of course it did it was one of those things where like you're cramping so bad but you can't take a dump because it's not ready to go it was just like a fucking wall there's so much pain that's suffering i didn't know what i didn't know i feel like now i'm in like a really good spot i don't uh think about food the same way as i used to i used to i used to just always
Starting point is 01:11:11 think about food same and i think and i and i will like you know i still i'll still be here thinking about like what i'm going to eat later right now um but it's usually just the same thing and all i do nowadays is when i wake up in the morning i usually pull out piedmontese from the freezer yeah i just put it on my counter and it's defrosted when i come home and i cook it up and i eat it things are a lot calmer but like before my whole day was always like set up around food you know where am i going to eat breakfast or what i'm going to eat for breakfast isn't it it weird that you, I used to be perpetually hungry. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:11:46 Like I was always just like, okay. I had some snacks. I always had some snacks with me. I always had some like just bars or some shit. I had food at home. I always had food. You need to always have something like within reach. Yo.
Starting point is 01:11:58 Right? That's crazy. And the other thing too is I don't feel like there's really any need. I guess this isn't always great, but I don't feel like there's really any need. I guess this isn't always great, but I don't feel like there's any need for me to push much of anything, whether it's running or whether it's being like really tied to the diet. I don't feel like there's, it's a, a lot of times it's of benefit to push yourself a little bit here and there.
Starting point is 01:12:21 But if I really don't feel like doing something, I just won't do it. Like I was supposed to do a long run this doing something, I just won't do it. Like I was supposed to do a long run, uh, this past weekend and I just didn't do it. And I just didn't, you know, I'm, I'm not gonna sit there and like cry about it. I'm like, sit there, like worry about it. Um, and I was the same way when I power lifted, like I, I did the lifts I was supposed to do. Um, and sometimes when I was supposed to do a particular lift, I would go to do something and it just didn't feel right. And I was like, I got to just pull back from this. And I can't think about it negatively or positively. I'm just not going to do it. And then the same thing happens with my diet. Like sometimes I just want to eat something. Um,
Starting point is 01:13:01 that's not regular, regularly scheduled in my program. And,. And I just eat it. I just eat. I don't think about it. I don't like, oh, let me push this off, you know, three days. Let me, you know, still I'm working on coming down in body weight and I've been around 220 or so and trying to get down around 210 or so, but I'm not really in like a real rush to do it. I'm not in a super- You're going to around 210 or so. But I'm not really in a real rush to do it. I'm not in a super... You're going to be 210? 210. Going to be 200.
Starting point is 01:13:29 Yeah. Let's not roll over this. You just mentioned 210. Yeah. Explain. Well, I have to go down a weight class because you're dominating the super. I'm going to call you Pee-wee from now on. Once you're 210, I'm just going to be, hey, Pee-wee, what's up?
Starting point is 01:13:44 Hey, guy. You want to get big? I know. I'm joking. We'll Pee-wee from now on. Once you're 210, I'm just going to be like, hey, Pee-wee, what's up? Hey, guy. You want to get big? I know. I'm joking. We'll be like the same weight. I know. Yeah, now I'm in Andrew's weight class. Great.
Starting point is 01:13:52 Now there's nowhere for me to go. Thanks for ruining the sport before I ever got into it, guys. What are you right now? You 217? Yeah, in the morning. I think this morning I was two 23. Yo, you'd be a big two 10.
Starting point is 01:14:08 That's the crazy thing because like you're moving down so slowly. Like you look, well, you are thick, but like, imagine you're at two 10, you'd still look like you're two 30 or two. Cause I guess two 17.
Starting point is 01:14:19 Cause I know your weight, but you look like you could be two 30 or two 40 easily. So at two 10, you're just going to be shredded. Yeah. What's the, um, what's the bot? oh, 212 is the bodybuilding weight class, right? But they're like 5'2". Yeah, yeah, that's true. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:14:31 They're short, yeah. Well, maybe 5'4". 212 guys? But Mark just shows up just fucking towering over him. It's like Godzilla versus. and then he just completely changes the whole division now they only accept big fucking dudes and that division now that'd be sick i weigh myself pretty much every day and i just take a look at it and sometimes uh i'm up four pounds sometimes i'm up five six pounds uh other times it's like tracking you know in the
Starting point is 01:15:05 right direction but i try not to just put too much weight into any of it and just realize like oh this is uh it's going down i was previously around 240 to two between 230 and 240 and now i'm consistently uh between 220 and 230 so it's like clearly going downward um same thing with my running like i'm getting better i'm getting faster um and if we think back to like when this podcast started like i running was not even on the you know was not anything i even really thought of at all i'm still you know still lifting and still into all that and went through a bodybuilding journey during some of that process. But I just think that it's easy to get like caught up in like the numbers of what you're doing. It's really easy to get caught up in thinking that it's so important that you do something in a particular day. And it can be, but the really the most
Starting point is 01:16:04 important thing is that you have consistency over a long period of time. So if you could just, you know, zoom out or get that, you know, 30,000 foot view of what it is that you're doing, have you been showing up? Have you been putting in, you know, four or five days a week? Okay. This week you went twice last week. You went three times, but previous to that for went twice last week. Uh, you went three times, but previous to that for the last year and a half, you've been going five days a week or four days a week. Right. So I think those are the important things to look at. And those are the things that I love to communicate about on this show, because it's kind of hard sometimes on
Starting point is 01:16:40 Instagram to communicate about these things that I think people are used to seeing intensity. They're used to seeing people get fired up. They're used to, you know, people, you know, maybe me slapping the chalk bowl and like some of that stuff is just, I don't know, it's just part of my personality. I just liked doing that before I'd lift. It felt good. It felt right. And then I would go and do the the lift but it didn't really have anything to do with had nothing to do with nothing i mean i could make the lift by doing that or i can make the lift without doing that i could miss a lift by doing that miss the lift without doing that it was really the the training the training and it was just like a culmination of uh of uh you
Starting point is 01:17:22 know having those inputs but as i been, as I matured more, and over the years, I start to understand everything's just an input. Everything's just like a stress to some degree. The stress doesn't have to register as negative. It can register as positive. But if you put too much stress on yourself, you're not going to have it, you're not going to have it. You're not going to be able to do what you have set out to do. And it's been really cool watching you with jujitsu. I think you've been doing a great job with just being patient.
Starting point is 01:17:54 Like I haven't seen all your practices and everything, but sometimes you're like, yeah, I don't know, something in my foot. Fuck it. Didn't go the last three days. And I'm just thinking like, man, like that's unusual. That's rare. That's rare to hear people say that, but I feel the same way about a lot of my stuff. And I think that it's a, that's a tough, that's a tough one. That's a tough ability to do. I posted it on my Instagram the other day, but Joel Jameson, uh, had a really good quote where he was talking about how he thinks it's hard to have the discipline to go to bed early rather than it is to just smack yourself in the head a bunch of times to make yourself run three extra miles or to force yourself to go to practice when your ankle hurts or something like that.
Starting point is 01:18:41 Yeah. Yeah. your ankle hurts or something like that, you know? Yeah. Yeah. It's the bad early thing is something that is interesting. Even though you know how good that is, it's hard to just be like,
Starting point is 01:18:53 I'll shut things off at 8 or 9 p.m. You know, there's just a tendency to want to be up longer. But let me ask you this, man. Do you remember when you, like what made you want to actually start running? Because you were doing walking for a long time, but what made you pull the trigger on running? Because you were doing walking for a long time, but what made you pull the trigger on running? Do you remember who or what?
Starting point is 01:19:13 Yeah, I also remember Jason Kalipa being like, oh, Mark, you're going to run a marathon, and you were like, nope. Yeah, Jason, he wanted me to run something with him a while back, and I was like, nah. Yeah, I didn't take him up on his offer, because like at the time i just wasn't running at all um but uh i don't know i think you know some of the influence of this podcast having people on the show like zach bitter um and just getting around people that are uh well-rounded you know getting around someone like jason kalipa who former crossfit games winner uh currently doing jujitsu yeah you see like that guy's pretty
Starting point is 01:19:50 proficient at a lot of stuff you see him working out on his instagram he's a fucking beast um we're around a lot of other people too that can do more than just one thing and so um i wasn't really looking for anything else i wasn't trying to think of something else. I just was on a walk one day and I was just felt good enough to start to jog a little bit. And I was like, oh, let me just see if I could jog to that stop sign over there. And I did. And I was like, that was pretty shitty. Like I'm breathing pretty hard.
Starting point is 01:20:25 But let me try a couple more of them, you know, like, cause maybe I can get better at this. And, uh, from there, um, occasionally I would try to run a little faster here and there. Like I would just try to do like, I guess a more like a run walk rather than like a jog walk. Yeah. And, uh, what happened from there is I ended up getting hurt a handful of times. Slight tweak in the hamstring, slight this in the calf or whatever.
Starting point is 01:20:52 The intensity was way too high for my low level of fitness. I had no business trying to like run fast. And then once that got better and once I felt good enough, I just started to jog and walk, and I started doing that kind of over by where my dad lives, and I ended up going around this loop maybe twice a week, three times a week, and then eventually I was thinking in my head, I was like, oh, you're starting to run more of it.
Starting point is 01:21:24 That's kind of cool, but I remember thinking to like, oh, you're starting to run more of it. That's kind of cool. But I remember thinking to myself like, oh, you'll never run the whole thing. Like there's not that I thought I couldn't do it. I just thought there was no reason to do it. Like, oh, this is way more activity and exercise than you've gotten before. So this is a pretty good like input, you know. And then one day I just started jogging and just kind of like a Forrest Gump style, just kept going and going and it felt good. And then I just got like, uh,
Starting point is 01:21:52 more and more into it over time. And, uh, you know, as probably happens with jujitsu and stuff too, you get, it's really interesting because once you, uh, it reminds me of starting a business in a way um you know congratulations to my brother-in-law for starting his uh gin company um but what i told him yesterday was congratulations to getting started like today's day one here you go uh and now the heavy lifting really starts you know the hard work really starts once you've started yeah and in something like jujitsu the heavy lifting doesn't. The hard work really starts once you've started. And in something like jujitsu, the heavy lifting doesn't really start. It doesn't really start by just walking in there, although that is an accomplishment of itself, just signing up for class and buying a gi and stuff like that. It could be super important.
Starting point is 01:22:38 But I would say the heavy lifting is like after you've been there for about eight weeks and you probably got your ass kicked a little bit. is like after you've been there for about eight weeks and you probably got your ass kicked a little bit and maybe even further than that maybe even like three four months down the road when now you're accountable for starting to have results now you're accountable for start starting to be like kind of decent or having an understanding what the fuck's going on here and i feel the same way it was running like i feel like i'm in that spot right now with running uh where i feel like i'm accountable for being at least halfway decent at this you have to yeah you know what i mean and so you better yeah and so you better be like you're a blue belt right now yeah and i'm trying to like refuse that at the same time because you are a blue belt holy shit this is perfect i'm trying not to like i'm trying not
Starting point is 01:23:24 to overly push myself because i know better than that but at the same time there is like a little bit of a push and a pull there in terms of like you want to see improvements you know you want to get better right 195 i think that's where your peak running form is about to be i think it's going to be like 190 195 and that might be like like three or four years but it's going to be interesting because you're going to get down to 210 you'll be like okay these times you're getting faster and then you gotta lose 10 more pounds so you guys said 200 10 more pounds i'm always going to be above 200 that's it that's the uh that's my prediction on episode 1000 they
Starting point is 01:23:59 say that it happens to a lot of runners and they like up weighing like 160, 150. Don't waste a weight, Mark. No, no. We can't do that. Even at 210, it'll be crazy. It'll be closer to my weight than Encima's. I know. Damn. There's nothing I can do to Encima either way no matter what I weigh, so it doesn't really matter.
Starting point is 01:24:19 He's dodging them. All I give you guys are hugs. That's all. Maybe not you yeah you give me tighter hugs what kind of hug because i could hurt too i had bobby lashley give me a hug and i fucking killed how big is it's like six three six four yeah he's about six three jesus yeah he looks just very stuff started popping he was like sorry dude oh i was like yeah i don't know what that was either, but it kind of hurt.
Starting point is 01:24:48 The thing is, it was just on his knee. Just chilling. Right? That's crazy. That's wild. Now, we talked to countless professionals on this podcast about the importance of strong, functional feet. And chances are that your years of wearing narrow toe box shoes have weakened your feet, and they're probably not functioning the way they should. That's why we've partnered with Palooza. the way they should.
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Starting point is 01:25:20 to be a better, stronger athlete. Andrew, how can they get them? Yes, that's over at slash powerproject. That's P-E-L-U-V-A dot com slash powerproject. And at checkout, enter promo code powerproject15 to save 15% off your order. Again, slash powerproject. Links in the description as well as the podcast show notes.
Starting point is 01:25:38 So with your running, Mark, you helped me run way further and better than I ever have. I never thought I'd be able to, we did like five miles in Davis. Yeah. My goal was to like, can I just run one mile? Okay, cool. Can I run two miles without stopping? That was like the thing.
Starting point is 01:25:53 So whether it was powerlifting, bodybuilding, powerlifting, you definitely love teaching and coaching. But like both of you guys do that. Where do you think that like ultimately comes from as far as like you know coaching people me i just got into it um like i wanted to become a doctor when i was younger but when i was in college i told that story too many times but pretty much i knew i didn't want to go towards medicine anymore because it just didn't seem like it made sense as far as like that. It wasn't the life I wanted to live.
Starting point is 01:26:27 So I just got into training people because it's the only thing that made sense that I can be like I could actually have a difference in health. And then that just that's how that started. You know, I just always want to help people. But now I'm just helping people. And I think the ideal way, I'm very happy with that, than the way I wanted to before. And it's crappy too, because like the more doctors are amazing and what they do is crazy. It's awesome. But the more we learn about like how difficult their job is into getting people truly healthy, it's just like, I'm so happy
Starting point is 01:26:56 I didn't ever go down that path. I like being able to do this. Yeah. And so you have like online clients and stuff. Did you ever do stuff in person yeah 24 hour fitness oh that's right and then i started doing a private gym and then i started the online business that then took over what i was doing in that private gym yeah uh what made you not want to do stuff out of like a 24 hour oh too many limitations they take a good cut of what you do um i just didn't think i had that as much freedom as i would versus being in a private gym working with people the way i wanted to work with people uh so and then i came across like my first bodybuilding coach his name is paul urciaga
Starting point is 01:27:35 he he got me ready for a show but he also said i can train people in this gym too and then it was me and two other trainers were training people out of that gym yeah so it was you can't do body were training people out of that gym. Yeah, so it was pretty cool. You can't do bodybuilding and jiu-jitsu at the same time. Somebody told you that, right? Oh, yeah. Someone you look up to, right? No, no.
Starting point is 01:27:53 So he said, I was at a conference for learning about some more physique coaching stuff. And he's like, well, the jiu-jitsu hobby is going to be cool, but you'll be a bodybuilding world champion before you do anything big in terms of jujitsu that's what he said you know he's like you'd be a world champion in bodybuilding probably not jujitsu so i love you jeff that's cool yeah how about you i always like coaching people yeah it's fun um i think since the time i you know i had two older brothers that showed me how to lift weights. And then they always had like magazines and different things. And it seemed like they always had the inside track on like how to train somehow. My oldest brother, Mike, he learned from my uncle.
Starting point is 01:28:42 And my uncle learned a lot of stuff from like a track coach and a lot of the information in track is very similar to the information in lifting they really blend together and that's another reason why i got into running is that um the percentages and a lot of the stuff that you use in running whether you're trying to run fast or whether you're doing endurance it's all kind of relatively the same um it ends up being this like weird 70 range which you're just thinking like there's no way i could get great results off 70 but it's uh it's where the math is the math is like the mid 75 range and so um i've always liked uh showing people and coaching people, I think mainly because I just sometimes think that people get they gravitate towards stuff that's maybe a few steps ahead of where they're currently at.
Starting point is 01:29:37 They get excited and they want to. And so I just remember in my own high school gym, you know, I had friends and they would deadlift and stuff. And I wasn't like a person going around like taking weights off the bar and saying like you got to do it perfect form. But I would ask people like, hey, you want to kind of learn how to do like a little safer so you could do it for longer. So you can, you know, over the course of the next couple of weeks, you know, get stronger with it. Yeah. And and that kind of stuff. And I just ended up knowing a decent amount from my from my brothers and from my experience with some of that. And then.
Starting point is 01:30:15 In powerlifting and just, you know, learning from people like Louie Simmons and rubbing elbows with some people that are really high level. elbows with some people that are really high level. I was like, man, I think it would be cool to share this information since a lot of people don't usually have access to coaches like Louie. I'll just share some of the information he shared with me and hopefully that will be helpful to people. And it was always something, it was a good challenge because it's actually really hard sometimes to coach people. It's hard to, you know, you try to show somebody a particular move
Starting point is 01:30:45 or show them, you know, how to do it. And then you're sometimes like, why isn't their body moving in this way? Why is their body moving in the right way? Yeah, you look at it, you're like, that was, there's no other way to put this, but that was retarded. Like, I don't know what malfunction your body has, but that was not what I was looking for.
Starting point is 01:31:04 And, but you can't, you know, as a coach,, you're trying to be sensitive to some of that and stuff too, and you're trying to figure out if I just totally make fun of this guy in front of everybody, is that actually going to be helpful to him? And sometimes it is. Sometimes it's okay to poke some jokes at somebody or whatever, but you got to really learn those things. And as I started to get better at powerlifting and as I started to sort of become something to everybody else, I could say less and less in terms of like teasing people or making fun of them because I could really hurt somebody because what I said mattered more.
Starting point is 01:31:43 Whereas before I was just like your homie that I was showing you some stuff. And then when I was like Mark Bell in this other category, if I said something to you, it might, I didn't even mean to do that. I was just like normal power lifter talk where we'd all just kind of shit on each other and say, Hey,
Starting point is 01:32:00 what the fuck was that? That looked horrible. Then they never came back to the gym. Last time I saw that guy. They never came back to the gym. Last time I saw that guy. They never came back to the gym. But yeah, I enjoyed the challenge of trying to coach people and trying to train them. And it makes you a lot better at your craft as well.
Starting point is 01:32:13 It does. It's, it's interesting how, like when you start teaching things, how much better you become at it. It's just, you just start to understand things better. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:32:21 Because like you, not only do you do it, you apply this stuff but then you can teach other people to do the same thing it's just it helps so much so that's it's just wild stuff there's some really simple stuff too that you wouldn't even like you just wouldn't even think that you could coach people on but like uh you know teaching my daughter to drive like you don't really realize. Obviously, there's a skill set to driving,
Starting point is 01:32:52 but you don't really realize how many little intangible things there are to driving. There's so many things to making a left turn, making a right turn, pointing the car in a particular direction. I was trying to show her to basically to park a particular way. You have to sort of like swerve out first and then go in in order to be like lined up in this parking spot. And we get out of the car and she's just like laughing. She's like – and I was like – I was just trying to point out what was good. I'm like, well, you made it within those lines. And she looks on the other side of the car and she's like,
Starting point is 01:33:26 and I'm well out of the other lines. I was like, well, it doesn't really matter because there's not another car there. So you're kind of, yeah, you're kind of okay. But again, you don't really realize how much stuff, I mean, I think Andrew, I think you've taken up to coaching some people and helping some people too. It just feels good. And that guy that comes in for the first day, it feels good to take someone under your wing because you're like, I was that guy like 10 minutes ago. Right.
Starting point is 01:33:54 And I want to help that guy. I don't want that guy to be bummed out because he feels like he's doing everything wrong. I want to be able to kind of show him the way and hopefully the motherfucker comes back. Yeah. I want to be able to kind of show them the way and hopefully the motherfucker comes back. Yeah. Yeah. And I definitely want to do more of it, but there's still like the, you know, again, cause like who I'm around, right?
Starting point is 01:34:11 Like the, the confidence thing or like, you know, like, why am I, who, who am I to teach more people about this stuff? But, you know, the, the results that I have seen already is like, whoa, like, you know, getting the text, like, holy shit, dude, I feel so much stronger. Or like. You have an eight pack on your page. i pulling that picture up as you mentioned this you had that picture where you posted your eight pack oh yeah oh if some people haven't seen it they need to but keep on but no like just again and then like my boy chris you know went in worlds and him saying that like i was a huge part of that, like, like, damn, like, dude, I would like to like expand on that.
Starting point is 01:34:47 But again, just like kind of have been the, uh, you know, the, the confidence, I guess I'll say to, uh, honestly confidence to even post a picture like this. You look great, man. Thank you. Yeah. What's the body weight at? Uh, this morning. Cause I didn't get good sleep.
Starting point is 01:35:00 Yeah. Yeah. What's the body weight at? This morning because I didn't get good sleep. 183. But it's been, it just hangs out, hangs out around 181, 182, 183. It just kind of. Almost whatever I do, it just kind of comes back to that. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:35:16 Your recomb's been pretty crazy because I remember years ago you were also like in the 170s, 180s, but you didn't look anything like this. No, no. Like you haven't, you haven't had to like bulk a crazy amount to gain muscle no you've been pretty great no um yeah to look like that i had to get down to like 168 yeah and i'm 20 well not 20 i don't know how to do math but you know being 183 right now oh it's yeah dude it's it's it's wild it only took forever but that's okay if it sema coaches you up on a double bicep i think that would look sick too he helped me with the lat spread good yeah i'm still trying i can't i can't get it by myself i can't i'm so hey at least we got you actually like spreading your lats so frustrated yeah you'll get it though the sled was helping you said right yeah yeah
Starting point is 01:36:05 yeah the um because it was just like one of those things where it's like kind of like uh not foolproof but it's just like hey just do that and then walk like okay and it's like oh it's kind of opening up but it was cool that like it in seymour was like this should work and it didn't work and he's like hmm and he thought about it and then he like you know put the things together and then he ended up getting it to get my lats to flare so the thing is it's like i can get them to you know i can flex them with my arms down but the second they start to come up it just like fades away um chris menez chris minutes yeah yeah he um he helped me with it as well and he was just like, they disappear every time you move your arms. I'm like, yeah.
Starting point is 01:36:47 He's like, I don't know, man. I'm like, all right, cool. Thanks anyways. We weren't like working on it for a long time. But like, you know, here's a guy that runs a whole bodybuilding organization. And he kind of was just like, well, shit, that should work. And then so then Zemo comes in and he like gets me to connect with the muscle. And I was like, oh, my gosh, this is so cool.
Starting point is 01:37:05 I was shocked at how much my pecs were like on fire too though. Yeah. So – Your lower – yeah, yeah, yeah. All of it. And then my lower back the next morning was this – I was like, dude, I thought I got hit by a truck. Like it was pretty bad. Like tired, right?
Starting point is 01:37:18 I was smoked. Yeah. I was sore the next day from it. So, yeah, it would be cool to to be able to just on command do that shit and have the stingray wings out and that shit would be sick. You'll be able to. Yeah. Do you remember how we got this guy on the show?
Starting point is 01:37:33 I think it was after the Arnold, right? Was it after the Arnold? I think so. We were just texting. Yeah, he was helping out some shows and things like that. Yeah. So we had him on and then I think it was after a big expo and then mark had just texted me he's like hey what do you think about having in sema on like permanently like as a co-host and he was like we can just
Starting point is 01:37:56 try it short term nothing crazy just see how it flows and then you know we'll go from there and i was just like dude fuck yeah i'm like that would be awesome you know and we'll go from there. And I was just like, dude, fuck yeah. I'm like, that would be awesome. You know, and then we tried it and now we can't get rid of him because he'll beat us up. Yeah, something like that. I hope those will break. I'm joking, I'm joking. What was the episode where he didn't speak for a little while? See what you bring up that game. The Wayne Saladino episode.
Starting point is 01:38:24 Oh, did you text that to me yeah it sucks did see you yeah that shit dog after that my heart just was like i was i was hurt i like and then he pulled that and i was like fuck this guy i still like his information let's see how bad it was it couldn't have been that bad right i handled it well. My voice gets high. Oh my gosh. Oh, this was a good episode too.
Starting point is 01:38:53 It was. It was a good little debate. Oh yeah, Lane and Paul Saladino. That is in the context of a mixed diet, right? Not in the context of a carnivorous diet. Fiber only, elimination only works if you're eating only meat. Okay, I'm kind of, all right. And if you're going to dismiss epidemiology,
Starting point is 01:39:19 you probably shouldn't have started off the debate with an epidemiology reference. What timestamp is this on? The future reference. I did the one that you told me. I'm not dismissing epidemiology. I'm saying that we, when we are using epidemiology, we should look for bias and look for.
Starting point is 01:39:31 Oh, did I miss something? No, no, you're good. It's always there. It'll come up in a little bit. All of studies.
Starting point is 01:39:36 That doesn't mean you ignore it, Blaine. I agree. Hey, I'll be, I'd be curious because if, if being a listener, that's,
Starting point is 01:39:44 I want to slap that motherfucker so hard through that screen I wanted to take my hand and backhand him but my response was professional I was even wearing a little buttoned up shirt I've never heard you laugh like that before
Starting point is 01:40:01 so now I know if that laugh comes I'll just, I'll just slide back. You just got to pray for whoever guessed that. I never commit an act of violence against anyone. Never. Unless it's jujitsu. And it's just like fun cuddling violence. In competition, right?
Starting point is 01:40:18 Yeah. Huh? In competition, right? That's when it's like you both agree that you are going to beat them up. Yeah, I'm training too, you know? But no, it's funny. Like if you go back to old podcasts, I was just very silent for a while. And then I felt comfortable asking questions and shit.
Starting point is 01:40:35 So that was fun. Yeah, it takes time to get used to this stuff. And you got to kind of think on your feet and sometimes. Yeah. Sometimes you get a little lost. Sometimes you're like mid-sentence and you get lost. That's kind of think on your feet and sometimes, sometimes you get a little lost. Sometimes you were like mid sentence and you get lost. That's kind of rough. You're like,
Starting point is 01:40:50 yeah. So I was curious about, and it's by the time you spit that out, you're like, what was I curious about? The fuck was I saying? I was going to say something. And you're thinking to yourself,
Starting point is 01:41:00 like, it was good too. What I had in my head, it was, I know it was like legit. And then I'm just kind of thinking like, all right, what you got, Andrew. What I had in my head, it was, I know it was, like, legit. And then I'm just kind of thinking, like, all right, what you got, Andrew? That's what I usually do. Our three brains make one brain.
Starting point is 01:41:12 One almost decent brain. Yeah, I remember Mark, like, in the old studio, he had asked me if I had any questions or I was like, nope, we're good. And then I got a text later that day. He's like, hey, next time I ask that, have a question ready. And I was like, all right, no, take it. Have something in the chamber to keep us moving. That was early when I couldn't even speak.
Starting point is 01:41:38 Yeah, that was a long time ago. Yeah, and when the show started there was no no little baby you were two years well he's gonna be three years now yeah almost three yeah so when the show started I was
Starting point is 01:41:51 renting not engaged and then we ended up having a mortgage you were renting your wife got engaged
Starting point is 01:41:58 yeah oh okay technically she's a rental before the engagement is that how that works? I think so sounds fair does it make sense?
Starting point is 01:42:08 because you could still return it you're not owning it? exactly so we're all in a lot of trouble not engaged to engaged to getting married to now having two kids you know so it's like yeah and this little fucker's almost three and he's still jumping around and
Starting point is 01:42:27 going on crazy all the time. But it's, it's hard. Cause like, uh, so the other day I was, you know, I have my standup desk at home.
Starting point is 01:42:35 I'm trying to get some work done. And all of a sudden the desk starts like kind of shaking a little bit. And I look down cause you know, I have my headphones on. I'm like zoned in. He's like hanging on. So he grabs with his fingertips and he just hangs and he swings. I'm like, dude, that is cool.
Starting point is 01:42:51 Don't stop doing that, but also you can't do it right now. Lots of growing up has been done since the podcast started. How long have you been doing jiu-jitsu now too? We're almost at a year. When's the year? November 1 started. Yeah. And you're, how long have you been doing jujitsu now too? It, dude, we're almost at a year. When's a year? November 1st. Damn. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:43:11 Wow. That's been, man, of, of all the things to be grateful for on this podcast. That's, I mean, that's up there.
Starting point is 01:43:19 It seems has been, you know, trying to get me to do it for, I don't know how many years now, but there was just a string of guests that kept coming in and talking about, like, how it's, like, changing so many things. And Bedros Koulian talking about, like, defending his whole family because some dude went nuts on the plane. And it was, like, shortly after that. And, oh, sorry.
Starting point is 01:43:39 So this was also, Mark, you had mentioned to Jake. You guys were at an event. Damn, I'm falling apart, where you were like, hey, if you get proficient at jujitsu, you can pretty much handle everybody in this whole stadium. I'm like, dude, that's pretty cool. And then my son being born, I'm like, yeah, he's going to do jujitsu, so I got to do it. And so that's when, you know, that was the last straw. I actually hit up Charlielie zamora i was like hey like where do you think would be the best spot for me to start you know because we live in the same town and then he was like actually go to my gym thursday and i'm like all right here i go
Starting point is 01:44:13 i had the worst worst uh matt burn anyone has ever seen on my feet yeah i look like a freaking zombie like it was terrible your feet looked disgusting. You had open cuts. It was so fleshy, so gross. I'm going to post it on my one-year anniversary. But I didn't want to tell you guys until I was a month in. And I couldn't because Mark, you're like, hey, let's go on a run. And I couldn't even walk. And so I was like, guys, I'm sorry.
Starting point is 01:44:40 I can't. This is what happened. Your scabby, gross feet. It was so bad. It was awful. It's pretty awesome, dude. It's pretty amazing that you've been doing that though, because it's like all the back stuff that you've been dealing with. Right. And then you choose to go into a martial art that puts you into so much
Starting point is 01:44:56 backgrounding. Right. And you're like, I'm gonna do that. That's, that's a big deal. That's fucking awesome. Thanks. Yeah. I appreciate that a lot. Yeah, I did. It's like, um, the, uh, the, the back thing will still creep up on me, but we have ways to fix these things now. Um, I think before when I would hear somebody say something like that, I'd be like, oh, well, what's the fix? You know, like, how do I go from being in pain to being out of pain when really it's like, uh, like, well, how much pain are you in right now? It's like like i don't know it's there but i can move around and stuff like okay well what you're about to do is going to make that a little bit less okay you're in a ton of pain you can't walk all right we're going to do a couple of things that's going to make it so you can walk
Starting point is 01:45:36 and then tomorrow you're going to walk a little bit more and then you're in less pain less pain less pain and you kind of just kind of go with the flow you know just because i'm in pain today doesn't mean i'm in pain for life that's what i used to think i used to be like super depressed about like oh i can't do all the things that everyone else can do start getting out of a little bit of pain and taking advantage of it like this has been fucking awesome yeah jujitsu like like i said when i uh when i competed that that's when I killed back pain forever. So I'm like, I can compete against some foals that are trying to literally kill me. No, not literally kill me. Sorry.
Starting point is 01:46:10 Take that back a notch. It's just jujitsu. Yeah. They're trying to make me quit. Put it that way. And I can do that with, quote, back. I don't have back pain anymore. I can do anything.
Starting point is 01:46:21 That's how I felt when I stepped on that mat. It was a different person. That's awesome. Yeah, it was cool. thanks for being with us peeps for a thousand episodes strength is never weak this week this never strength catch you guys later bye

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