Mark Bell's Power Project - Finding Gratitude in Past Relationships & Psychedelic Experiences || MBSS Ep. 36

Episode Date: August 2, 2022

Our first episode of Mark Bell's Saturday School with a substitute teacher! Filling in for our teacher is none other than Nsima Inyang. Today Andrew Zaragoza asked about the do's and don'ts of experim...enting with psychedelics and what Nsima has learned from failed past relationships to now having an amazing partner and tons of happiness. Join The Power Project Discord: Subscribe to the new Power Project Clips Channel: Special perks for our listeners below! ➢ Code POWERPROJECT for 20% off!! ➢ Code POWERPROJECT to save $150!! ➢Enlarging Pumps (This really does work): ➢ Code POWERPROJECT20 for 20% off Vivo Barefoot shoes! ➢ Code POWERPROJECT10 for 10% off site wide including Within You supplements! ➢ Code POWERPROJECT for 20% off! ➢ Use Code POWERPROJECT for 20% off! ➢ Use code POWERPROJECT for 20% of your next order! ➢ to automatically save 20% off your first order at Vuori! ➢ to automatically save $150 off the Pod Pro at 8 Sleep! ➢ Use code POWERPROJECT10 for 10% off ALL LABS at Marek Health! Also check out the Power Project Panel: Use code POWERPROJECT for $101 off! ➢Piedmontese Beef: Use Code POWER at checkout for 25% off your order plus FREE 2-Day Shipping on orders of $150 Follow Mark Bell's Power Project Podcast ➢ ➢ Insta: ➢ ➢ Twitter: ➢ LinkedIn: ➢ YouTube: ➢TikTok: FOLLOW Mark Bell ➢ Instagram: ➢ ➢ Facebook: ➢ Twitter: Follow Nsima Inyang ➢ ➢YouTube: ➢Instagram: ➢TikTok: Follow Andrew Zaragoza on all platforms ➢ #SaturdaySchool #MarkBellSaturdaySchool #PowerProject #Podcast #MarkBell #FitnessPodcast

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Power Project family, we talk about sleep all the time on this podcast, as you know. That's why we partnered with Eight Sleep Mattresses. And the amazing thing about Eight Sleep Mattresses, and one of the reasons why they are nicknamed the Tesla of beds, is because of the technology behind the Pod Pro cover. Not only does it literally change its temperature through the night. First off, it can go from 55 degrees all the way to 110. But the temperature changes through the night based off your own body temperature. It also tracks your heart rate, your heart rate variability, your tossing and turning,
Starting point is 00:00:34 your partner's tossing and turning. And based off of that, in consecutive nights, it will literally change the temperature settings so that you get better quality sleep on different nights. It blows my mind at how great these mattresses are. So Andrew, tell them how to get it. Yeah, absolutely. So the other cool thing too is like the app will actually, you know, you track everything through the app, but then it'll send you messages like, hey, do you feel more rested today? Well, that's no surprise because, you know, it gives you all the information. And yeah, it's just really cool to be able to track that sort of thing. So that way, you know, like, you know, you can't get better at something you're not tracking and it does it for you. So head over to slash power project.
Starting point is 00:01:10 That's 8 spelled out. So E-I-G-H-T slash power project. And you will automatically receive $150 off of the Pod Pro cover or the Pod Pro cover and mattress combo. Again, no code for that. You guys will get that automatically. Links to them down in the description as well as the podcast show notes it's been a hot minute since we've done a saturday school but this is the first time where we have a substitute teacher oh yeah you're filling in i'm the cool ethnic substitute teacher yeah i've actually had a substitute teacher like that in
Starting point is 00:01:40 elementary school oh my god i remember it was miss bedella's class but i think his name was like mr nicks or something and he's this big fat he's just a fatter black guy with glasses but whenever he came to school he had like a cool hawaiian top on he's like hey guys how you doing i can see him for sure it looks like the dude that was on uh what's that that show uh not the voice but the other one american karaoke american idol there it is there randy that's what i'm imagining in my head dog always saying dog dog it's not cool dog that's crazy that you remember like your teacher's names i don't remember any of them but i do remember like in i think it was high school yeah everybody took like this i i spoke spanish but i still took spanish and got
Starting point is 00:02:25 bad grades just because you know i fucking hated school but there was one spanish teacher that like everyone loved and so like everybody that took that class was super upset that she was gonna let like a i don't know if they're called like a trainee or like a soon-to-be teacher like kind of like intern yeah yeah and so like everybody was like fuck that like they got so upset because everyone's like dude this is like the dopest teacher ever and now we don't get to have we have this fucking rookie and then dude oh my gosh kids are the worst um oh yeah the day that like the school board came in to observe if she's good enough to be on her own and be like a real teacher dude the kids did their worst i i'm pretty sure this girl quit after this
Starting point is 00:03:06 like they freaked the fuck out like they wanted the other teacher so bad they wanted this one to look terrible so that way she would go away but that didn't happen what ended up happening was she was gonna be done within like a week or two but they were like obviously she cannot handle this class so she needs more practice so she's going to finish out the rest of the year so it was but dude yeah substitute teachers are usually it's hit or miss right you have the the one that's like uh that's like the football coach and he's just like god damn i gotta be here with these fucking kids here go watch this movie and it's just like dope like we don't have to do yeah exactly and then there's the try hards that are like super strict and give detention out left and right it's like fuck you man like i hate you dog it kind of reminds me like okay you know when you come from a house
Starting point is 00:03:50 of divorced parents there's there's one that has to be bad cop and there's one my dad whenever i visit my dad video games candy toys dad you're the coolest i only get to see you for two days but do this is two days of partying mom why are you disciplining me i hate you mom like it's fucked up because she was doing all the good shit yeah she's she's the one working hard raising you and your dad's just like hey let's have ice cream for breakfast that's so fucked up god damn man i love my mom so like in our house yeah we do have the good cop bad cop and i'm like i'm just like yeah it's gonna be hard when i'm gonna i'm gonna have to be the bad cop and discipline them she just looks at me she's like yeah right i was like i know like our kids are gonna get away with anything and everything i already told my daughter that i don't care what
Starting point is 00:04:39 grades she gets like it doesn't matter oh man that's oh there we go yeah any hoot uh so saturday school classes in session got your number two pencils out and all that weird stuff that they tell you in school he still uses pencils though um i don't know i think i think kids still have to use them sometimes maybe quick suggestion for all the fam the power project if you want a really good pen literally this is the only pen i buy it's the bick atlantis atlantis it is the smoothest you don't fuck with those g2s no no no no no no like no real talk this is the only pen i buy um one of my exes she loved this pen and then when i started using i'm like oh my god i'm gonna get this too so from that point on this has been the pen and whenever i see somebody else in here with
Starting point is 00:05:23 it i'm like why are you stealing my pen you know where it came from yeah you know it's okay do you know the like how thick it is i don't know dude i should say on there because the g2s they come in 1.0 and 0.7 and the 0.7 is kind of bullshit but the point one the one is right with it and let me know fucking almost stabbed me sorry let me know what thickness i think it is. I got to go chase it down. But yeah, guys, if you want to get a good pen to take notes and actually enjoy your writing experience, the Bic. It's dead. Oh, no. It shouldn't be dead.
Starting point is 00:05:56 There we go. Yeah, you feel that, Andrew? I think the G2 is better. Okay, I don't care what you think. I'm just going to unclip it. I don't care what you think. Underhand. You're over here wearing a pro choice shirt that's that's that shows how yeah it is scoops ahoy yeah it's a little stranger scoops scoops
Starting point is 00:06:15 that joke's from this comedian andrew schultz whenever he talks about whenever he talks about abortion he's like these girls out here getting these sc scoop scoops. So when I saw you in your scoops. I have to take this off. So when I saw your shirt, it said scoops ahoy. I was like, oh, wow. No, it's from Stranger Things. Fucking A. Anyway, let's get into it.
Starting point is 00:06:40 So I'm going to ask you a couple of questions and then maybe we even have time to take questions from Discord. If you guys aren't on the Discord, check out the links in the description. But this is actually very fitting for today, seeing as how I noticed right away that you were a little bit giggly. Oh, yeah? And because we do have a substitute teacher, we don't have to get all super serious, talk about rep sets and conquering life and all this other boring stuff.
Starting point is 00:07:00 So straight to the fun stuff, I wanted to talk about psychedelics with you. Oh, Lord. Because you have dipped your toes and your whole feet and your whole body into it a couple different times. Bruh, yeah. So even just today, like I said, it was this shirt. You were giggling. I'm like, did you take anything today?
Starting point is 00:07:19 But listen up. The only reason I was giggling, I wasn't even feeling anything yet. That's just how I am, bro. You know I'm a giggly guy. This is true. Yeah. I'm a child at the end of the day. But I think it was your eyes that gave it away.
Starting point is 00:07:34 Yeah. I also cold plunged. Like, after I cold plunged, I always feel really fucking good. And this isn't going to be a fucking ad. I'm just saying. Whenever I cold plunge, I really do feel good. I take it down to 55 yeah like i said i was here we go baby yes we'll just we'll just stay there but anywho
Starting point is 00:07:52 the shirt you got me but yeah keep on oh yeah so i saw this shirt uh i was buying this scoops ahoy shirt which has nothing to do with abortions um and then i saw this shirt and i just couldn't stop laughing thinking about in sema because uh whenever we talk about sports or certain players he has no idea what's going on i'm such a loser i'm such a loser so yeah it just says uh go sports move the thing to the other thing did he score a goal yeah yeah in the end zone there you go yeah but anyway um man what um like so i guess during your um psychedelic experiences um what's some of the like the the coolest moments that you can remember you know like something yeah just something because like when i've i've had my experiences but just through like breath work and so like the like i've taken away some really cool shit where i'm just like
Starting point is 00:08:50 whoa like that's gonna stick with me for a while so has anything happened to where like you've kind of gone back and just thought about it a little bit more instead of like not going back to it like uh i don't know like a um like going back to that like psychedelic experience as in like taking more stuff but going back sober like when you're clear-headed i'll say and then like maybe like while you're journaling and stuff yeah yeah i'm a big drug fiend now um no no i don't fuck with you actually no no still talk when it comes to actually psychedelics and all these things as as dope as they are when you use like psilocybin, even marijuana to an extent, although some people overuse marijuana. You know, I dipped my toes into anything when it comes to any of these types of drugs very carefully because I do have a family member that used a substance way too early before full development of the brain.
Starting point is 00:09:47 And she ended up becoming schizophrenic. And I saw that when I was a teenager. So understanding that since that was potentially could be in my genetics, I've always been somebody who's like, I was like the first time I tried weed, for example, I was 22 and i was scared to fucking death because the the person that this happened to smoked weed right but for some people it's not that weed causes that but if you do some of this stuff before everything's fully developed and everything's good up there and let's say it might be laced with something or let's say you just do too much and you have a break. That could break your mind.
Starting point is 00:10:27 How old was this person? She at the time was 22. She was 22 because I was 16. Yeah, she was 22. So when that happened, like she went full schizophrenic, still schizophrenic to this day and very different from how she was in youth. A very different person. So because I saw that, I've always been somebody who's been like, you know, I could be taking a risk right now. I could be playing games with the devil.
Starting point is 00:10:57 Let me just dip my toes and so even the first time i smoked weed at 22 um i took literally i think two hits of like uh two hits of whatever was given to me number one i was scared as shit so the experience wasn't great because i was already like am i going crazy am i gonna die am i gonna run into the middle of the street and hit a car like what's gonna happen to me i legit just stayed under a blanket with my girlfriend the whole night like we're legit on the couch because i think it was the first time that she was smoking at the time she smoked too my ex um and we were just like sounds awful it was it was awful but it was also kind of fun because we were looking at each other and we're like should we get a sandwich do you think we should eat is this all right let's make a sandwich so we made sandwiches and sat on the couch. And yeah, but I woke up the next morning.
Starting point is 00:11:46 It was okay. I didn't really smoke much after that. I did start smoking a little bit more as I got older and I became less scared of substances. Now with psilocybin, it's actually been really cool. And we talk about it a lot here on the pod. We talk about it a lot here on the pod, but as it comes to any substance, you got to be careful about the first time you try it. Some people are like, just go Hero Dose, bro. Four grams or bust, bro.
Starting point is 00:12:17 But for me, I was like, ah, I'm good. Mark is a guy that can handle high doses of literally anything. Literally anything. Literally anything. Literally anything. Like the way that Marcus said that he does, does mushrooms. He's like, man,
Starting point is 00:12:32 I took a whole handful. I just ate it. I didn't feel it. So I took another handful and I barely felt it. So, and it's just like, like you could, you could give it, you could give this guy fucking like mushrooms and a,
Starting point is 00:12:43 and a cup of gasoline. And he'll be like, Ooh, that's a little spicy. Yeah, it's a little – I have a little peck, a little buzz to my day-to-day. So like knowing Mark, when he was like, oh, try this much, I was like, I'll try that and I will cut it in four. And that's what I did. That's really good. That's literally what I did. And it was really cool.
Starting point is 00:13:05 I ended up doing – the first time I did like a two and a half gram dose was with a few friends on a beach. And the cool thing about psilocybin is it makes you very introspective. Some people use it to like party and stuff. I don't really use this stuff for that. I use this stuff when I like want to think, especially when I do bigger doses. I kind of – I'm like, okay, today I just want to think about stuff. I want to reflect and it forces you to do that. I couldn't, I mean, I could see how you could party on that, but on a big dose of it, cause I've done two bigger doses now. Um, the second biggest dose that I've done was about, I think it was four or four and a half
Starting point is 00:13:41 grams a few weeks ago. I was just at home. I didn't leave the house. My girl was like, she was doing some stuff during the day. I was like, this is a good day. So I took like four or four and a half grams and I spent time in the house. I started moving around and like kind of dancing in a weird way. The music that was playing just felt way more fucking beautiful. There's this artist, Cock2Twins. I don't know if that's how you say it.
Starting point is 00:14:11 It's an artist from the 90s, bro. And I just put on a Cock2Twins playlist. Okay. I don't know if you say Cock-toe or C-O-C-T-E-A-U, twins. If you guys want to have an understanding of what this music is like, play the song Cherry Colored Funk by Cock 2 Twins. It'll make you feel a little wavy on the inside. Cocktails.
Starting point is 00:14:37 So I started moving around, started dancing, and then I sat down because I started feeling a little weird, and I was looking at my dogs because I've – yeah. Yeah. I started feeling a little weird and I was looking at my dogs cause I've, yeah. I could see that. See? Yeah. It's good. It's really good. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:57 I love that shit. Yeah. It makes you feel good inside. But, um, yeah, I started looking at my dogs and I just realized how, like how it literally makes you think of how beautiful life is and it makes like for me personally i just started to get super grateful like every day i do try to remind myself of how grateful i am to have all these opportunities be able to chill with really cool people like you and mark all the time and i'm always grateful but i have got super grateful for literally just being alive.
Starting point is 00:15:25 Seriously. That's huge. You know, like I have relatives in Nigeria right now that would kill to be able to live in the United States. And I've been to Nigeria and I know what that's like. And I think sometimes when you go to a place that, because I've been there, but when you go to places where you see, oh, wow, like I'm really lucky to have anything that I have, a roof over my head, all this type of shit. You'll realize that you'll have that feeling for a while and then daily life and your problems will kind of. Absolutely. And then you'll be like, oh, fuck this, man. It's so bad.
Starting point is 00:15:59 But it makes for me that whole time. I was just like so grateful that I had my mom alive. I was grateful that my dad was alive, even though I don't have a relationship with him. He's alive and he's doing well. He exists. He exists. And it's pretty great. I think, you know, if you do take a dip into psilocybin, you know, start low.
Starting point is 00:16:21 And then do a good dose one day and don't drive. Keep your phone off. Right. They say avoid the phone. Avoid the phone. For some people, it's a good idea because it will make you think of a lot of things. And if there's a lot of things you know you need to deal with, like bad things, you may message people. And you want to be in a clear head after.
Starting point is 00:16:43 So you want to do everything that you you discover when you after you take psilocybin you want to do those things after you don't want to do those things during that's just my suggestion but do what you like yeah do what you like that is really interesting so like i remember in junior high we went to a family reunion and this was like deep in mexico um i'm going to remember where it was exactly. Do you have a lot of family in Mexico? Yeah. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:07 Yeah. And this was like one of the first times where I met a majority of them. Like I have so many cousins that I've like to this day have never met. Wow. But yeah, it was deep. Like I just remember going down this road for like ever and then like, huh, like what is that truck over there? And there's just like a line of dudes with AKs and just being like, oh, fuck. Like, dude, what's about to happen?
Starting point is 00:17:29 Like they checked all our shit. Yeah. And I know this is getting way sidetracked, but like then they let us go by. I don't know what the fuck they were checking. I was scared shitless. But anyway, we get there and like, yeah, dude, like, uh, like my family and like all their neighbors are living in like basically like really nice shacks like they weren't fucking like falling apart they weren't like uh they weren't total dog shit like it wasn't like third world country but it was like oh fuck like you guys all live in
Starting point is 00:17:56 this like what we would consider like a one-bedroom apartment like this is wild how's the bath situation like was it like hot water on like when you wanted it or i don't know about hot water but they had plumbing so there was that but then i do remember and this was fucking wild like uh one of the neighbor's decks like it was just like kind of like a cheap deck you can imagine like on like two like big like posts and then a fucking like overhang and that shit fell off like it fell over literally everybody within like probably like a four or five house radius all came together and they all fixed it like within an hour. Community. And I was like, dude, we don't have that.
Starting point is 00:18:32 Yeah. But it was what you said that was fucking true though. Because I remember being there being like, damn, dude, like they have like no PlayStation here. Like there's no fucking cable. Like what do they do? And like there's no stores nearby. Like there was nothing you know it was fucking deep and then just being like damn i can't wait to get home you get home
Starting point is 00:18:49 and then it's like literally within a week you're just like already upset that there's a fucking line at mcdonald's yeah so what you're saying about like psilocybin like yeah it can get you like a really cool perspective and i know we we're always on like you know our cold plunge is nuts but when i when i when i walk out into my backyard like typically what i see is like right now i'm kind of frustrated because um over the winter my pool took a shit it cracked and so like it leaked everywhere and so we don't have a pool right now what a fucking thing to complain about but first and foremost okay like i'm super lucky that i even have that fucking broken pool right now yeah but i walk out there and i'm just like ah like i get frustrated i get into the cold plunge and i'm sitting there and all of a sudden like as i like kind of work through
Starting point is 00:19:33 the breath work i look up and i'm like damn we got hella nice trees back here and i'm like dude they're so green and i'm like oh my god i didn't realize those flowers were blooming already i all of a sudden get so appreciative of everything i have in the backyard yeah it is so strange because like i don't even think about it i just kind of like and i go underwater and then like as i like wipe like the water off my face i open my eyes and i'm like dude everything looks more vibrant too and so like this is and the reason why i bring this up is because like i like doing breath work and i like cold plunging so i'm getting some of those things that you were just talking about on a much lower dose but i also what you're right though because some people like okay what i explained with the psilocybin thing it made me become present
Starting point is 00:20:14 and grateful etc right but you don't like if you're someone who doesn't want to do that you don't have to do that like you don't have to do that's what i was getting at like you can get around not putting something that you're maybe unsure of in your body. You can definitely. I've experienced some really cool shit with breath work. I've talked to angels and shit. It is wild. Jesus Christ.
Starting point is 00:20:37 I know. I'm telling my wife and she's bursting out in tears. She can't believe it. I was like, I can't believe it either. I don't know where I went, wherever I was. I know we sound like crazy. Honestly, again, I know we sound crazy when we talk about some of this shit. But when you start doing some of this stuff, you might be surprised about the type of stuff that you see or visuals or any of that type of stuff.
Starting point is 00:21:02 It's just giving it a shot. A few years ago, if I heard you mention this, Andrew, or I heard you say any of this, I'd be like, dog, this guy's off the fucking internet. He's totally out of his fucking mind. This isn't backed by any type of science or whatever. I would have just been super close-minded about it. Nowadays, I'm like, I understand what you're talking about.
Starting point is 00:21:20 You know what I mean? So it's try some shit. Yeah, and then obviously be open-minded. That's what we talk about all the time when it comes to So it's try some shit. Right. Yeah. I mean, and then obviously be open minded. That's what we talk about all the time when it comes to fucking reps and sets and shit. And so now we're just talking about literally opening your mind to being, you know, open. Yeah. But so you already kind of talked about like things. Oh, one more thing I do want to mention about psilocybin though, because it was like four, four and a half.
Starting point is 00:21:41 But everything as far as the actual visual aspect of things i was i stayed home i didn't go outside in nature anything although when you go outside in nature you realize how beautiful things are but when i was staring i literally stared at my dogs for like on the couch for like 45 minutes and i was just looking at them breathe because literally it was like their fur was like, it was like fluttering. It's like they were alive, but also their fur was alive. And it was, it was, it was beautiful. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:15 I was just stuck staring at it for like 45 minutes. So that, that's what, you know, Mark has talked about when he was on the beach looking at the waves, like there are these visuals. The wind was like different colors and stuff. Yeah. That's cool. So it is pretty cool. But anyway. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:30 So you were saying, you know, like things to be cautious of and that sort of thing. So you kind of already went over that. But is there anything else in regards to like, I don't know, like people talk about like, oh, be there with somebody that already has experience. Don't do it around your phone or don't have your phone available. Is there anything else that comes to mind that you can think of before we kind of move on at least to the next thing? In regards to like stuff like you should caution people when it comes to taking their first psychedelic experience. You know, some people do. First psychedelic experience. You know, some people do.
Starting point is 00:23:04 Okay. The first time I did two and a half grams of shrooms, I was with a few people that did have experience with it. So when things started to hit and I started to feel things, you know, the people around me were like, ah, you good, bro. You know what I mean? So if you have that, that is pretty good. Although, you know, if you've smoked weed before and you've been high before, then it's, it's a different feeling, but it's not anything that feels dangerous. Don't, yeah, I would, don't drive because some people, you know, some people feel too confident. They're like, I can, I know you cannot. Psilocybin is not something you want to drive with. Especially when you go on the higher doses
Starting point is 00:23:45 of it you do not want to be behind the wheel that's just dangerous for you and dangerous for people on the road um you can go and take a walk like go out in nature but i'd say if you want to do things walk don't drive and uh and yeah for some people it could be helpful but the second time i did it and it was a bigger dose i I was fine. I didn't need anyone with me. Yeah. Did you ever have any of those like moments where it's like, oh shit, the shrooms are turning on me? Like where it went negative? No, I haven't had any times where it's gone negative, but I can definitely like I have had like I have thought of things where I'm like, ooh, okay.
Starting point is 00:24:22 You know, that's important, et cetera. Just like things that have to be dealt with. But that's where it can actually get pretty rough. to moods right like big mood swings or something it would be i would just be careful about going to a deep dose deuce too soon that's just my suggestion though you know this is the suggestion from not a guy who's a shroom expert i don't fucking read books on psilocybin or whatever i would just say you know go to our podcast the podcast we did with the plug ah remember right i was like with who but yeah his name is the plug the plug um if you go on our podcast database and you type in mark bell's power project the plug let's see if i can find comma psilocybin andrew's gonna find it
Starting point is 00:25:17 for you guys um we we uh talked a lot about you know the our plug i almost said his name um just talked a lot about like you know some research that's been, I almost said his name, um, just talked a lot about like, you know, some research that's been done on psilocybin, et cetera. And it means, you know, do your own research on it. There's a pretty cool documentary out on Netflix right now. And it, they, uh, they did an episode about psilocybin. Let me see if I can find that name. It's like, it's pretty popular. Change your mind or something like that, right? Something like that. It has a few episodes about a bunch of different psychedelics. And I want to also say I've been somebody who's been super anti-drug or anti – not necessarily anti, but I've always been like, you know what? Y'all drug heads could do that shit. I wasn't judging people, but I was like, it's not for me.
Starting point is 00:26:05 You were a square bear. It's okay. I still am a square bear. I have 100% a fucking angled 90 degree square on each side. L7 weenie. So episode 578, it's Magic Mushrooms with Psilocybin Expert T. I don't even know why we called them tea but uh that's the one and like we couldn't have well sorry not that we couldn't have but we chose not to have them on
Starting point is 00:26:29 screen um for various reasons but yeah i think i started watching that that uh psilocybin or whatever the psychedelic uh documentary on netflix is um i started watching it how to change your mind yep that's the one yeah the dude's talking about like all the uh like the buried experiments with lsd being like super beneficial for people oh yeah i'm just like damn i'm not surprised yeah and our you know i i got my hands on some acid before from none other than drum roll, please. Mark Emile. He's like, hey, here, take this. I'm like, what?
Starting point is 00:27:13 He's like, yeah, I heard these were like the most potent ever. Dog, dog. What do you, what do you get that? I'm like, man, these white people are wild. Like, hey, hey. That's it for you. That's it for you. No, he wants to do it. He's not doing that exactly the jb fox stand up
Starting point is 00:27:27 where he's talking about like how like hard part how hard white people party people will party to the edge of death oh man and i still have that vial i've only tried a little bit of it i still have that vial because i'm like damn that shit is that is acid fucking awesome acid uh but lsd is like pretty beneficial too haven't done it don't have experience but i'm gonna try it at some point anyway um so with um so i know for sure like with edibles um i get terrible brain fog the next day oh yeah um so do you experience anything like that with um psychedelic psilocybin no damn that's the that's the really weird thing about it man um and you know the people i was with when i did my first dose too some of them did much bigger doses and next day i was just curious like how are
Starting point is 00:28:15 you guys all feeling like we're good i also did ketamine that night whoa hold on back the fucking train up this shit escalated a little bit here. All right. I don't even, I'm not even 100% sure what ketamine is, but it's another one of those, I guess we'll just call it a drug. It's used in. Because it's used like for a lot of like schizophrenic and like whatever the fuck you want to call it, like mental, I'm not going to call it.
Starting point is 00:28:42 It's used for therapy. Therapy, there you go. Yeah, yeah. It's used – a lot of psychiatrists like therapeutically use it with their patients. Yeah, and it's becoming like legal. Yeah, yeah. You know what's so funny? Jordan Peterson had this quote about ketamine and like taking him to the depths of hell.
Starting point is 00:29:01 Let me – because I think he went into a K-hole. So give me one quick second was he like jordan was this before or after he was saying that super the swimsuit model was unathletic people you know what man just because we did i disagreed with jordan mark mark we disagree that jordan peterson on one thing does not mean we do not like Jordan. Like I fucking love Jordan Peterson. I watch some of his videos all the time. I've read his books. I've gone through his programs.
Starting point is 00:29:30 He's a fucking smart dude. But it does mean you have to agree with literally everything a person says just because you like them and they're smart. People disagree with us all the time. That's fine. All the time. And we're not as smart as Jordan. I still watch some of his like parenting like stuff yeah um and within one video i agree and disagree with a lot of the shit that he says
Starting point is 00:29:50 it's pretty funny when he's like you know if your kid starts hitting you and you have to sit them down and have this conversation and like he uses all these big words and i'm like dude my son doesn't even communicate with me yet how am i gonna be telling him these big ass words at one yeah yeah it's pretty funny but um no dude yeah still still big fan of him still big fan of mckayla yeah because i know she had posted some stuff like not like a response video or anything but just like back she commented on mark's thing and backing up her dad like which that's fine you know it it is it is odd you know because when when one disagrees with somebody else publicly, people perceive it as like you hate the person. And there were like a lot when we did that and we posted about it, there were a lot of people commenting like, yeah, Jordan Peterson is such a fucking idiot.
Starting point is 00:30:37 I'm like, oh, okay. That man has done a lot of good for society, for people and for the way people think just because there's a disagreement does not mean that he is now a bad person and the fucking devil. Right. Chill. You know, it's so funny. Uh,
Starting point is 00:30:52 did you watch the first guardians of the galaxy? Yeah. Okay. A long time ago, but yeah. All right. So when one of the dudes steps up and he's just like, it ain't right that you keep letting quill get away with stuff.
Starting point is 00:31:02 And then the whole mob takes over and he's like, fuck, I didn't want that to happen. It's like that where we're just like, Hey, stuff. And then the whole mob takes over and he's like, fuck, I didn't want that to happen. It's like that where we're just like, hey, we disagree with you. And all of a sudden everyone's like, yeah, fuck that guy. We're like, whoa, dude, that's not at all what we were saying. It's that mob mentality just kind of fucking takes over. They just need that green light to be like, yep, I want to shit on somebody.
Starting point is 00:31:19 With a lot of things, we'll get to the next thing. But this is what i do find very interesting about like um about some of the stuff we talk about for example liver king people have strong real strong feelings about liver king um they're either oh this man's on drugs and he's a liar and he's bad or he's great and i love him i love his message and everything he does. And when it comes to him being natural or not, people want you to either say that he's on drugs or he's – or if you think he's not, well, you think he's not. The thing is like – and I can say how I feel about this. Like I don't know. So there are some people that have made videos that are like, oh, he's 100% on steroids.
Starting point is 00:32:06 And when I see that, I'm just like, but dog, how do you know? Like you're using the eye test, right? And he has a big upper body. He has a lean lower body. He's very lean all around. I get he looks freakish. Freakish to an extent though because when you see him in person, like he's not – he doesn't look that big. In certain photos, he looks crazy.
Starting point is 00:32:28 In certain photos, he looks – Yeah. And like in certain photos, I – well, people are. Some people think, yeah. But in certain photos, I look fairly normal. In certain photos, I look crazy. So it's like this is very selective. But you – this person is – they are saying they're not but you 100
Starting point is 00:32:46 believe they are there's no proof so just because we don't take a side it's like we can't say with 100 assurance that he is because there is no proof that he is and although you really want to believe he is you have no proof right so then you just got to look at what is the person doing for the community and although he he's done some things that i'm like oh that's kind of shitty like when he was in africa when he was in africa and then the person's like can i have some money he's like do some push-ups i was like i gave him something better than money could ever do that's hard work push-ups and then he drove away i was like oh fuck i didn't like that i'm fucking african i have no reason to like this guy but i can't also say that this man is 100 on drugs because i don't fucking know you know so it's it's a weird thing man it's like we have to be on one side or the other but i don't we we mark yourself me we don't operate that way
Starting point is 00:33:43 no i i just i genuinely don't give a fuck. I do not care what anyone is taking or not taking. We got sidetracked. I don't remember what we were talking about. We were talking about brain fog. There was the ketamine thing. Peterson. There it is, ketamine.
Starting point is 00:33:56 Yeah. I'll be short about it. I don't care. We had somebody who was actually a doctor with us when we were at this beach. So he brought a lot of things. We called him the – I think we called him like the drug doctor or something. But he had ketamine. Super creative.
Starting point is 00:34:14 Yeah. No, it wasn't the drug doctor. It was like – it wasn't the drug doctor. It was something better. It was a much more – it was a much better nickname, which I'm now forgetting, which doesn't help the situation. That's okay. But he had ketamine with him. He had, what's that one that Drogon always talks about?
Starting point is 00:34:31 DMT? He had DMT with him. Damn, I got to try it. I really want to try that. He had DMT with him. He had a bunch of other shit with him. I didn't do any DMT or anything, but I did some ketamine. That's the first time I've ever snorted anything um and
Starting point is 00:34:46 it just felt like you were being a bullgolf by a cloud huh literally like you just felt you just feel very warm and cozy oh okay you know but people talk about the k-hole and if you look at the k-hole and jordan peterson has talked about how he's been a k-hole it's like just this dark depressive you feel like you're in hell the the world is going to end kind of thing. Yeah. I didn't experience that. A K-hole is when high doses of ketamine lead to intense feelings of disassociation. There you go.
Starting point is 00:35:13 Damn. Yeah. And Jordan Peterson has been in a K-hole. So, hey, I'm not saying go do ketamine. I just, I did ketamine. Yeah. That's all. Damn.
Starting point is 00:35:21 I definitely want to try DMT. We'll see how that happens. So that's all I i definitely want to try dmt uh we'll see how that happens so that's all i got with uh psychedelics i don't know if you want to add anything to it but i did have some other stuff i wanted to hit you up uh with uh questions with um and this is i mean because again we're just having fun today but uh relationships a lot of dudes you know they get i guess i'll say frustrated because it's like whether it's like something doesn't work out with one chick and then all of a sudden all chicks are bad or something like that. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:35:48 I hate that. But you've come off – I'll let you explain your previous relationship. But it did end. Yeah, thank God. So I wasn't going to say anything about it. Thank Jesus, bro. Fuck. But right now you're in a a relationship and everything seems
Starting point is 00:36:05 fucking awesome yeah i've i've never seen you smile this much period and then when sam comes in you like you light up and she's calling right now actually yeah tell her i'm on tell her you're busy yeah too busy bitch i'm busy i'm joking but what i was getting at is like you guys are you guys are working out really really freaking well and it's it's fucking dope to see but um so like what have you learned in regards to like making things work because you guys are still two different people you guys have two separate goals even though she is um you know she's she's uh she has fitness goals of her own which is fucking cool but they are of her own and you have your goals of your own so it's not like
Starting point is 00:36:45 either one of you is just sitting around like you know and trying to lay the ball up for the other person you guys are both doing your own thing but you guys are still making it work really well so what have you learned and what you know i guess yeah like what do you think you're you're doing that's working to make things work out really well man i know it can get deep gonna try not to yeah i won't let this go on too long um we got time yeah we do we have time man the first thing i'll say is like i only have the male perspective so i'm only gonna the only thing i can do is like talk to talk to dudes about this you know you mentioned something that was interesting it's like dudes get out of a bad relationship like all these bitches are fucked up fuck these fucking women that all
Starting point is 00:37:29 they care about themselves these western women have no respect for men that's definitely like uh like i don't know why don't i just fucking go to one of these fucking third world countries and find one of these women that respect men but that we have that in the mexican culture too where it's like i'm just gonna go get a real mexican and then she'll just be waiting on me hand and foot and i'm gonna bring her to this like that's it that used to be like like a fucking slam dunk dude is if you can go get a girl yeah and make her a citizen i'm fucking serious dude that was like a thing that you can be like i did that that's what some african guys do like like that like one of my uncles uh he was married to a woman from here then he got divorced he's like let me just go find a woman from africa
Starting point is 00:38:14 he brought her here and she had a green card but when she got her when she got her when she got her shit it was just like she wanted to go do her stuff he He's like, what? Okay. Yeah. Like she can get real bad. But, but, you know, um, one thing I'll say is number one, uh, as a guy, don't have all your focus be on like your relationship. One thing that was, you know, I think was my, I'm only going to pay attention to the things that were like, I was not doing well in my past relationship. I was too focused on my girlfriend. I was too focused on like trying to make sure that she felt good, trying to make sure that she was doing well.
Starting point is 00:38:55 I was too focused on her. I should have been focused. I was focused on work. It's not like things didn't go well with work. I was focused on work, but I was just too focused on her. That was one thing. Where I was like now I'm very mission focused. I'm very focused on like things I do here. I still like my current relationship, I'm still always loving her and making sure everything's good with her, but I have this and I have my focus on this. And an aspect is like,
Starting point is 00:39:19 I think partially since she sees that I have this thing that I am focused on that does drive me, she likes that. That's beneficial as a dude because I know it can be very easy to get into a relationship and then your focus just becomes on your woman and on that. That's not healthy. because like if you do i don't know like if i don't know if you speak to a a friend or like somebody that you're not uh trying to attract or whatever and they're like they would want that right they want a man to be focused on them and blah blah but then when it happens so what i was going to ask is like was your ex receptive to that or was she more like would she try to like i guess brush off things like the harder you tried the more like she was you know what's interesting man okay so there there was there's so many things that i
Starting point is 00:40:13 just should not have dealt with in my past relationship there's so like it should have ended way like way earlier should have ended on year one but it went on for four years um but yeah man like i'm i'm like this is this is a rough thing to even mention but i got cheated on uh in that relationship and i stayed for seven more months after knowing i was cheated on because i was like you know i want to work on this i think we can get past this that's a super cuck thing to do man but you know okay and i will say this like i loved the woman right i and and love blind like being in love with somebody totally blinds you because like if any of my boys were like man my girl cheated on me i'll be man leave that woman yeah i would i would tell any of my boys that but
Starting point is 00:40:56 because i was so in love with this person i cared so much about this person i was so focused on trying to like you know be a good guy. Right. I dealt with some shit that I should not have dealt with, man. And it was like, it was very, you know, I look back and I'm like, ah, man, can't believe you did that. But you learned, I look at that relationship. I'm very happy that all the things happened. I'm very happy that I experienced that because number one, it's funny. I have a lot of guys that come to me for relationship advice and I don't mind giving advice about certain things, but it's funny when you're in the situation that you never thought you'd be in, you don't make the smart choices that you would assume you would make, right? So I made some stupid choices of
Starting point is 00:41:39 dealing with some dumb shit. That person that I was with, you know, this is a funny thing because people talk about violence within relationships and stuff, right? It's usually coming from, when things, this type of stuff
Starting point is 00:41:54 is talked about, it's like man, you know, laying hands on a woman. But the things you don't hear about are like, what are the situations when, because like,
Starting point is 00:42:00 it's, you'll see a woman slap a guy and it's like, doesn't really, it's not a big deal it doesn't matter right but that it's a human hitting another human it's a human hitting another and adult too yeah that's why when this amber her stuff came out i was like let's go johnny like i was so pumped for real but man like i dealt with some of that for a while like when
Starting point is 00:42:23 this person this person didn't know how to deal with their emotions. So sometimes when they would get too mad, they'd lay hands. And I'm just like, okay, well, later on they'd apologize about it. I'd be like, okay, well, just let's not. Things get that hard where you feel you need to lay hands because that's not good. And it happened multiple times and I stayed, right? It's not a smart thing. But that's where it's like, number one, I think my mindset within that relationship, there's a – what's the word I'm looking for?
Starting point is 00:42:57 Scarcity mindset when it comes to women. Because like, number one, she was a very beautiful woman. I'm not ashamed to admit that she was she was fucking she was a beautiful woman but you know you as a guy i'm just gonna say me because i'm not gonna say it was me you know i was like oh she's so beautiful and i she's she's she's doing better or whatever i know she can work on this stuff i'm using this dumb voice because that's how I actually was. But it's like, no, there's no reason anybody should deal with that. If somebody isn't treating you in a respectful way,
Starting point is 00:43:34 number one, what that meant was like, it wasn't that she wasn't treating me in a respectful way. It's that I didn't respect myself enough to leave. That's the thing. I didn't have enough respect for myself. That's a lack of self-respect. That's not a reflection on thatrespect. That's not a reflection on that person. That's not a reflection.
Starting point is 00:43:51 That's a reflection on me and how fucked up I was to stay. You know what I mean? Yeah. And then that scarcity mindset, especially if you find out that she did, you know, cheat on you. And you stay like a cuck. But the scarcity mindset is just like, well, she's attractive and she's drawing a lot of attention from other dudes. So maybe I'm just going to be that dude that she sticks with though. Right?
Starting point is 00:44:17 Because I have seen that and I have felt that with my ex where it was like, damn, like all these dudes want to talk to her. Like, well, fuck, maybe if I just like make it known that that's my girlfriend, then it'll be okay. And it wasn't okay. Yeah, dude. Like, no. And, you know know it's like i'm happy that those things happen when i look back i'm like god that's man that was so stupid of you to make those decisions but at the end of the day i learned a lot from it and um i think that scarcity mindset's a big thing man or woman if you're with somebody that is mistreating you if you're with somebody that is not treating you with respect that you treat them with you need to have the respect for yourself to leave the fucking situation and find somebody who, you know, who you can have some mutual respect and actually, you know, good with.
Starting point is 00:44:58 You know, the one one big thing was, you know, Sam is not like she, she, she has her highs and lows in terms of emotion. But when it comes to communication, you know, when I would attempt to have good conversations or communicate about pretty rough things with my ex, like her emotions would start getting too high. She'd get mad. She'd curse. And at some points like mentioned, that girl could lay hands. Um, with Sam, we've had some tough conversations but you know what they stay conversations that's important i don't name i've never named called a woman i don't do that right but like i do it in jest like like i do it in jest i let my wife know right away i was just like hey i'm never gonna call you or another female a bitch i'm like but if i stub my toe like that table's a bitch like it was a bitch like if i if i drop something like bitch like i'll just yell it out like it's just a natural
Starting point is 00:45:49 i guess unnatural but it's just a reaction i have yeah but like she has an amazing ability just can like honestly just control her emotions in tough situations and when we're talking like when we're having a discussion or let's call it an argument, a tense discussion, right? We're not arguing. We're trying to come to a resolution. So we're discussing our disagreements. And that's what adults do. I like, I know some people are like, oh no, you, you yell, blah, blah. I don't think, I don't think as an adult, you have to yell at another adult. I think you should be able to control that shit. But for guys specifically, the scarcity mindset thing's huge.
Starting point is 00:46:27 You know, if you're in a situation and that's not good, go find somebody else. And actually don't, don't, don't focus on finding somebody else. That's one thing that I want to say, because when I got out of my relationship, I was like,
Starting point is 00:46:38 fuck getting in a relationship. I'm just going to be single. And if somebody comes to one, I'm going to date, I'm going to be single. I'm going to have fun. And if I come across somebody that is like, I'm like going to be single. And if somebody comes, I'm going to date. I'm going to be single. I'm going to have fun. And if I come across somebody that is like, I'm like, wow, she checks all the boxes. All right, cool.
Starting point is 00:46:53 But I'm not going, I'm going to, I have my mission, the things I'm trying to do, the things I'm trying to help people with. And I'm going to work on my mission. And when it comes to dating and that stuff, that stuff's on the side. But if I find a good person that things link up with, cool. And I was like, I S I was literally single for a year, but I dated a lot of women. Um, a lot of things were casual, but it was healthy because like I, and I, another thing is I went into those situations like, Hey, I'm honestly not looking for a relationship right now. Um, just letting you know, so, so that you know what to expect. I'm not going to focus on this, right? We're dating and that's fine, but I'm not, this, this is not where my focus is. So, and it was, it was great. But I think, I think, you know, when, when I looked
Starting point is 00:47:37 at relationships, I look at it, I I'm like, I do want to end up getting married and having a family. There are a lot of guys, especially like within a red pill and shit, like that's not their goals. And if you're not a guy, you don't all, okay. Marriage is not for everybody. Marriage is a lot of fucked up thing when it comes to marriage.
Starting point is 00:47:53 Like as far as that contract, right. Which needs to be looked at over and over again. Cause guys do kind of get the sour end of the stick when it comes to that. As in California, especially in California. Um, but you know, if for me, I do want a family.
Starting point is 00:48:08 I do want to be with one woman. Like there are some guys who say that – guys who want to be with women are lying to themselves. Like I – you know, when it comes to sleeping with a bunch of different women that like, I think it's, I think it's good for men and women to have experience with different people, but there's a point where it's like, okay, how long are you going to keep doing that?
Starting point is 00:48:36 Like you can, there's nothing wrong with it as a man or woman. If that's what you like and you don't, you monogamy is not for anybody, everybody. If you don't want to do that that's fine but if it is something like me i'm cool being monogamous because like number one all your boxes are getting checked all my boxes are getting checked dog like
Starting point is 00:49:00 that's great like like no and and i and this is the thing though like i can we mean we can see a a woman that's objectively beautiful or whatever and it doesn't mean that i have to have sex with her right That's not what it means, right? So again, with my perspective, I did and I do want to have kids. I want to be married. That's my goal. So the goal is to be with someone who I can be monogamous with, right? But I had that period where I was single, where I was able to venture, have some fun, talk to different people, all that stuff, and that's cool.
Starting point is 00:49:41 But when Sam came around and we were talking for a while when when me when me and her were dating i was told her hey i'm dating other people right now i hope you know that at that big at the beginning she she knew i was open and honest with her about it um i let her know like i don't know these other people i'm dating and but as things start to progress i was like this is a good woman. Like she's amazing. Like she's fucking awesome. Made the others just seem like.
Starting point is 00:50:11 No, no, no. Because like I'm like the other people I was dating, like they were great people too. But Sam, she had like everything I wanted. She did have everything I wanted. And her temperament, all that shit. So like, I was like, I know I can,
Starting point is 00:50:27 I'm totally cool. Just like stopping dating other people. Now I just dated her. But I think it is beneficial for, cause like some guys just go from relationship to relationship to relationship to relationship. You gotta have some time where you're just not, I think it's beneficial to have some time where you're not in a relationship, where you're not like super linked to somebody else,
Starting point is 00:50:47 where somebody else is in your focus. You can first off get rid of that scarcity mindset, get rid of the focus on women, because even I care about my girlfriend. I love her. I hope she, I want the best for her all the time, but she's not the thing I focus on all the time.
Starting point is 00:51:00 I focus on the shit that I need to focus on. And then, and she has the things that she's trying to focus on too which is a which is good i think that it is healthy that she has those those goals of hers right that are separate right but we come together then we come together you know yeah and how attractive is it when you know you're working on your shit and then like you're done and then you hit her up and she's like oh hold on i on. I'm busy. Like I'm working on my shit. I'm cool with that. Dude, it's so great. Yeah. And, you know, one thing that's just, I think it's just kind of whatever.
Starting point is 00:51:30 Like, I don't know. I grew up, when I grew up, like there are times that I cooked for myself. I did shit. Like in this, there are some situations where the standard, you know, model of like, oh, woman stays home and does this, and the man goes, okay. If that's the way your household is set up, that's totally fine. There's nothing wrong with that if everybody's happy. But you know,
Starting point is 00:51:54 she does want to have a career and what I'm doing is good and she doesn't need, but she wants to and I'm like, okay, I'm pumped for you. I'm pumped for you to have your goals and have the things you're seeking. Some guys aren't looking for somebody like that some guys are looking for for somebody who's just gonna be there like if then when they want something when they want their food made all that type of shit some guys want that I cook I cook I do my laundry like I like
Starting point is 00:52:20 we have different things that we do tasks that we do do in the house. But, like, I don't know. I ain't tripping about any of that shit. So it's, you know, it's interesting. But get rid of that scarcity mindset. Be single for a while. Don't focus on women. Don't pedestalize women. Meaning don't, like, you know, if you're in a bad situation, don't think that that's the only one.
Starting point is 00:52:40 Because that shit gets dangerous. But, yeah, there's a lot more shit I learned from that relationship. But we can get on to the next thing because we can end up going too long on this shit right here, bro. Pat Proctor, family, I hope you guys are enjoying this episode. Now I want to talk to you guys about three things that have vastly improved our sleep because you guys know how f***ing important that is at this point.
Starting point is 00:52:57 The first thing are the blue light blocking glasses from Bond Charge because they help you start producing the melatonin you need to produce before you go to sleep. Secondly, the blue light blocking bulbs because then you can replace the lights in your bathroom, in your bedroom, the places that you frequent at night so that when you got to turn on the lights, go peep or poo, you're not bathed in an artificial light. And then the last thing are the sleep masks so that when you are sleeping, you are covered in the dark of night. Andrew, how can they get it? Yeah, you guys got to head over to
Starting point is 00:53:28 That's slash PowerProject. And at checkout, enter promo code PowerProject to save 20% off your entire order. Links to them down in the description as well as the podcast show notes. Let's get back to the podcast. No, but I 100% agree, though, because I was married, got divorced, and yeah, I am extremely grateful for that whole experience. Just mainly, again, just because of what I learned, like, and what sucks is like, I was fairly young, but young, like, my mindset was a lot younger than like my age. Yeah, you know, like, I wasn't as mature as you are at your age. You know, I was like, I'm still pretty lost, but, um, everything that happened in that relationship had to happen to get me here.
Starting point is 00:54:09 You know, like, so like I, you know, you think back, like you see the memes, like, Oh, like,
Starting point is 00:54:13 like a picture of your ex or something. You're like, what the fuck was I thinking or whatever it may be, you know, like, it's like a bad example, but you know, you think that,
Starting point is 00:54:21 and then I'm like, but I had to have that happen. Yeah. It had to happen. It did. And I was the person that didn't want a family. I just I just wanted a girl and that's it. I wanted to travel.
Starting point is 00:54:32 I wanted to buy dumb shit for myself. And I didn't want a kid to like, I guess, muddy up and like mess up my time. Yeah. And now I'm like, oh, my gosh, like not that i wanted to do it sooner but like now that it's here i'm just like fuck i can't imagine life without like kids now it's it's fucking wild um and then of course you know like all the shit that we know now like just raising my son and my daughter like oh my god like they're gonna be fucking such cool people like i'm so excited for that yeah um and then i guess without getting personal, just one last thing on the like relationship side.
Starting point is 00:55:07 It can be from personal experience or just seeing in general about like something that like dudes need to improve on when it comes to the relationship side. I know you've given plenty of tips right now like in regards to like, you know, if you want like that good home cooked dinner, start making it yourself like that sort of thing. if you want like that good home cooked dinner, start making it yourself like that sort of thing. But like, is there anything that comes to mind where like maybe you see amongst like your friends where you're just like, ah, like,
Starting point is 00:55:32 dude, you guys are doing that. Like you should maybe get away from doing that or whatever it may be. You know? Okay. Again, everybody's individual in terms of what they're looking for in a relationship and what they're looking for in a partner.
Starting point is 00:55:43 I know like attraction is a big deal for me. right nah we're dudes yeah absolutely so like what like attraction's a big deal but don't have attraction cloud your judgment on an individual on a person because it's like you know okay we call it devil pussy devil pussy like like it is is you know are you so are you focused so much on this individual that their character is fucked up but you're letting just because they're beautiful you're letting all that pass like i am i'm so happy that sounds attractive like like dog oh my god because like it's it's some sometimes it's hard to find something that you're truly attracted to but then like the personality and all that shit's also there because i know in my
Starting point is 00:56:30 last relationship super attractive but there are a lot of things where i'm just like i can overlook i can overlook that no no no no no no i i think for dudes especially because like, you know, you go for someone you're really attracted to, right? Don't let your blind attraction to a person blind you from who they are, what they do, what they're doing. Don't – like characters should always win no matter how attractive somebody – or no matter how attracted you are to somebody. Characters should always win. You know, so I think that's one thing as dudes to pay attention to and then also don't let your dick lead the way like man man all right all right all right like you know um it's very i think i heard joe rogan mentioned once years ago. I'm just like, that makes a lot of sense. There's the post-nut clarity.
Starting point is 00:57:29 Nah, man. Post-nut clarity is real. Post-nut clarity will have you be like, what have I done? He's always like, before a really big decision, he's like, get your nut on and then go to bed
Starting point is 00:57:43 and wake up in the morning and make the decision. So shit like that. And you know what? I'm happy to say, post-nut, I still love my girlfriend. That's important. Post-nut, I still love my girlfriend. Because in the past, post-nut, I'm like, why am I here?
Starting point is 00:57:57 I'd be journaling, why am I dealing with this? What's going on? And then when I get horny, I'm like, let's go. what's going on and then when i get horny i'm like let's go but i like yeah you know so so like being perfectly real like another aspect is that hey you know this this is one thing that i think is super important understand even though like my ex did cheat right i was oh, she's so scummy, blah, blah, blah. That's fucked up. I have the capacity to do that.
Starting point is 00:58:29 I think it's important to understand. And I'm just going to speak for myself. I looked at that situation and she did that. But in my relationship, there have been situations where I could have. And I was just like, I'm getting these messages i could and there's this internal feeling like just just do it or you just just but then it's it's like hmm was that before or no no this is why i'm in my current relationship oh i see what you mean so this is this is this is something like i'm monogamous with my girlfriend, but I have gotten messages and those types of things, right? And I'm like – and there's times where like you feel a little like you could be weak to it.
Starting point is 00:59:13 They stop you in your tracks is what you mean. It was – I think I was like, damn, one wrong move and I could also do that. I could be the person that cheats on their significant other. I think it's important to realize that like, realizing that helped me to like kind of humanize the shit that my ex did. Cause I was just like, that's really fucked up. But I'm like, I could do that. You know, I, you know, if you've been someone who's dealt with somebody who's cheated on you, like, it sucks, man. Especially, like, in my shit, I was three and a half years deep and then I found out.
Starting point is 00:59:49 And then afterwards, I found out that it probably just wasn't that one person. So I was just like, God damn. But then, you know, it sucks and it's not a good thing to do. But it's also, I think it's good to understand that you could be the person that could do it too. Even though my morals wouldn't let me do it, there's still an aspect of like just me being a guy and me just seeing just beautiful people. There's a side of me that could be like, I could do that. But I think it's healthy to realize that you could. And then just understand, just go nut. Just go nut and you're good to go.
Starting point is 01:00:30 Honestly, really, just go nut. Because sometimes like when your dick leads the way, you could land in some devil pussy. And you don't want that. That's a trap. You know, I don't put myself at a different level than someone who could cheat because I know that I could. Morally, I know it's not right. But I need to do the things not to end up in that situation. So I'm very transparent with her.
Starting point is 01:00:53 She can see all my shit. She can see whatever she wants to. She has the password to my phone. I don't give a fuck. But don't let your dick lead the way. If there's one major thing you can take away from today's podcast, don't let your dick lead the way yeah if there's one major thing you can take away from today's podcast don't let your dick lead the way and stay out of devil pussy stay out of the devil pussy or do not i don't know it's up to you but yeah it's up to you if you like that hey man that's
Starting point is 01:01:17 your that's your prerogative you do you hey some people like crazy bitches all right hey i dealt thankfully she wasn't like physically abusive she was verbally but i guess that's potentially worse because like sometimes that shit sticks around so it's like get out of my head it's interesting though because i talked to you and mark about this but i never did mention on the podcast as a dude especially looking like me i'm a 6'2 250 pound black dude i never did actually want to even mention that um just because of the optics like it's like you you like what um and i don't look when i mention that shit i'm not like i was abused no no no like did lay hands she did lay hands but i don't look at that as like oh it's
Starting point is 01:01:58 abused or whatever right um but it does have you know that it does happen to dudes it happens to a lot of dudes that i know and but because they're guys it's like uh she just does that right but if you i think you know some guys in the audience if you're dealing with that i mean think about the other way around if if you laid hands on your girl or if you saw a guy lay hands on a woman is that okay right no it's not fucking okay so it's not okay for people to lay hands on anybody bro yeah even if you can't see that situation imagine you see a little girl slap slap slap a little boy like you're gonna be like whoa what the fuck like you might laugh because sometimes it's kind of funny but you'd still be like hey you probably shouldn't be doing that and then yeah so in a relationship
Starting point is 01:02:39 it's like a relationship as an adult you're just like what the what like this doesn't make any sense like double standards are funny in that way though because like sometimes i'm like i see a relationship as an adult, you're just like, what the, what? Like this doesn't make any sense. Double standards are funny in that way though, because like sometimes I'm like, I see, sometimes I see news articles of like weird, freaky high school teachers that are kind of hot and they banged a student. I'm like,
Starting point is 01:02:56 man, if I had that teacher in high school, but I'm like, Oh God, wait, she just did something traumatic to that. Yeah. That 16 year old boy.
Starting point is 01:03:03 But if I was that kid, if i was that kid if i was that kid just knowing me at 16 i'd have been like i ain't dealing with no trauma yo the only trauma is that i traumatized that pussy i'm causing drama oh god dude and then there's fucking adam sandler made a movie about that um did he it It's with Andy Samberg. I forgot what it's called. But yeah, Adam Sandler had sex with his teacher and they ended up having a kid and that kid ended up being Andy Samberg. And like, it's fucking hilarious. It's a good movie.
Starting point is 01:03:35 I can't remember what it's called. Was Adam Sandler supposed to be an underage kid? At the time he was. But the kid, I don't know if it's like actually his kid, but the kid looked a lot like him. Okay. But yeah, it was another kid that played young Adam Sandler. And then it's fucking funny. Vanilla Ice is in it randomly.
Starting point is 01:03:51 Damn. And he does a pretty good job. You saw that basketball movie with Adam Sandler? I loved it. It was good. Hustle? Hustle was good. Holy shit, dude.
Starting point is 01:03:58 I am a fan of that movie. I watched it after you mentioned it. I was like, wow. I'm surprised. First off, that basketball player, he's in the nba i wasn't sure yeah he's in the nba because i'm like damn they this is actors actually good at basketball but he plays for the celtics so um yeah but uh it was a good movie hustle dude that shit had me cheering i was just like come on dude and then dude my son got into it like when they're playing basketball he's like clapping and shit i was like this is
Starting point is 01:04:23 fucking cool yeah so highly recommend that movie great underdog story yeah exactly that's what it is um so just before we wrap up things here um you know because you're talking about like don't let your dick lead the way don't don't you know focus on yourself uh not don't necessarily like chase women like even though you didn't say that but it it's kind of like what we're talking about. Yeah, no, seriously, don't. But when people hear you say that, like in SEMA, you're jacked, you're tall, dark and handsome. You have a lot of jiu-jitsu skills, which all these things you weren't given, but you are a very good-looking human. Thank you. So what if somebody doesn't have that, though?
Starting point is 01:05:03 What if somebody, because it's like either you have the look or you have the bank account. What if somebody has neither of those? How does somebody start to build some confidence? Well, we talked about this in the last podcast, dude. It's like, you know, it doesn't come all down to the way you look. Let's be real, though. all down to the way you look it let's be real though um you as a guy and i have a friend of mine that i'll talk to about this um when you're younger like i'm i'm i'm 29 now dude like i'm 29 i've um i've been doing my the career stuff in terms of the fitness stuff for like
Starting point is 01:05:41 nine eight nine years now right i was I've been doing that for a while. I've been doing this podcast with you guys for like the past three or four years. So I'm at – I wouldn't say I'm at my peak, but I'm at a place where like now I'm – trajectory has been going up for me for a while. But when you're a young guy, when you're 20, 21, 22, man, I honestly say don't focus on relationships. Focus on improving yourself. We talked about this, I think, before. Guys have to, we have to focus on,
Starting point is 01:06:14 number one, we are looked at for what we do. That's a big thing, what you do. What do you bring to the table? Truly, looks can be important, but what can you improve about your looks? You can improve your fitness, right? Like the reason I look this way, I've been training for a long time, right? So, so like the, the looks aspect of it, you can become fit. You can change that aspect of yourself if you're not in shape, right? You can become in shape. You can become somebody who has a, like a physical presence when they enter a room. But it doesn't – if you don't have those things, that's why like I mentioned, focus on your mission. Focus on your thing, your career goals, the things that are going to put you higher in the marketplace. Because when we look at it really, like, you know, we had Relo Tomasi on the podcast and dating nowadays is very, very different from it was decades ago, you know, before social media.
Starting point is 01:07:14 Because now people are not limited to dating people in their zip code. People can date people in another state. People can find someone on social media that they find super attractive,m them and fly to them or fly get flown out yeah that's a bold move right there yeah seriously i know i mean i know a lot of girls who get flown out to different places like i uh that that happens so so at the end of the day like as a dude it's harder because now you need to what makes you valuable. Makes you valuable. People are going to hate that term. People will hate that term, but I'm going to use that term here because it's an important distinction.
Starting point is 01:07:55 It's like you got to do some shit, you know, and you need time. I think like when I was 21, bro, I was working sales in a commercial gym. Right. And I was figuring certain things out. And at that time, to be perfectly honest, I was fit, but I wasn't very valuable. All right. Like just, just, just like when it comes to the, when it comes to the overall marketplace. Right. But I needed time to develop. And if you're a young guy, you need to give yourself time to develop. And that might also mean you need to give yourself time to not be in a specific relationship. Because one thing that does happen is if you're in a relationship and sometimes relationships end up really well, that like two people that just love each other, because love is super important. Don't get me wrong.
Starting point is 01:08:39 They will stick with each other through very hard times. But sometimes things that happen nowadays is because things are so open and there are so many options for people. You go on dating apps, there's hundreds of people to swipe on. You go on Instagram, there's all these people that you can message and find. It's like people are, especially when it comes to relationships, some people are very skittish. Like some people are like, oh, this guy isn't where I want him to be yet. I'm going to go look somewhere else. And you will look somewhere else and you will find someone who's more successful. People are, you know, very quick to hop, hop, hop, hop, hop, hop, hop.
Starting point is 01:09:17 So to make yourself and put yourself in the best place, if your goals are to be in a monogamous relationship and you want a family because again i'm putting this in the perspective of those are my goals some guys want to stay single and fuck and all that and that is fine bro that's just not me i don't i don't put much value in that you know so but you know at the end of the day it's like if you're a young guy you need to work on yourself you need to work on the thing that you enjoy develop that skill you need to work on your physical presence so you need to be working out you need to be you know fit you don't need to be but it's ideal to be um so that you become more valuable it's it's it's a tough thing to hear but like that's necessary you know because at the end of the day like if you're with somebody it's okay why are they with me well obviously you have good character right you're you you you make
Starting point is 01:10:13 good choices as a human being but there are the other aspects that are important which is like what do you as a guy bring um and hey that's just that's just the facts yeah even if you don't want the monogamous relationship right like you still have to have high value if you're trying to like attract more women that is actually funny like that um you yeah yeah yeah but like what if you're just dating around like hookup culture is a thing some people no no no world it's it's um you know it's it's not people are sleeping with a lot of people this is and that's not this again i'm not gonna say it's bad it's just not for me um i i had my time when i was single it was fun it was fun but it gets old fast. Like I think that that's, that's one thing, you know, when, when, when I've talked to like older cats about this, it's like, you know, yeah, poking up with a lot of people is fun. But like, I will say, I'll say from experience, it's like, it becomes less and less fulfilling the more you do it.
Starting point is 01:11:20 And as I've, I've talked to women about this personally, um, woman that I was dating, et cetera. I was like, just how, how does that make you feel? Like over time, it just kind of gets old. It's, it's, it, I mean, for some people it might be good to experience that, but at the end of the day, it does for some people to get, for me, it got old for me. It's like, this isn't what I'm looking, this isn't what I want, but for some people it's endless novelty and if that's what they enjoy that's what they enjoy i pass no judgment it's just not for me so last thing for guys do the best you can to make yourself more valuable self-development is the thing that we talk about on this podcast read a lot of fucking books work out learn and um over time give yourself the time because when you're in
Starting point is 01:12:06 your early 20s man you're gonna be you're gonna be working but it's in your for most guys it's in your late 20s 30s where things will start really picking up yeah and then so like uh raising the value that's just the the term that we're gonna have to put on it is like um that's like how you get out of like some some some dudes will get out of like a they'll have a bad breakup and they're like i don't know what to do do this you know like or if you're afraid to even like approach women do this because you're gonna build confidence you know so a lot of the things that when it comes to relationships about or trying to find a relationship um you know going through a bad breakup, getting dumped, even being jealous of like your ex, like level yourself up to where like they are like, so I don't want
Starting point is 01:12:49 to say beneath you, but like you've leveled up so high that you can't even see them anymore. You know, I like what you said there. At the end of the day, all the shit that happened in my last relationship, I do just like, I hope, I hope my ex does well. I really do because I did love that. I did truly love that person. And there's still a part of my – I spent so much time with that person that there's still – I don't love that person, but there's still part of me that's like, I want you to do well.
Starting point is 01:13:18 I want her to do well. I want her to deal with everything that she's had because she's been through shit in her past. I want her to be able to deal with that. I want her to be successful as fuck. I'm not like trying to level up and so that my ex – because there's – you know what's funny? There's a homie that was talking to us. There is this YouTube channel of this dating coach that his whole shtick is how to get your ex back or how to make your ex jealous. That's a legit whole thing.
Starting point is 01:13:47 And I'm not going to say the name of the guy that was showing me this, but he was like, what do you think of this video? I'm like, dog, this is toxic. Like, you're not doing shit so that your ex notices. You shouldn't be trying to level up so that your ex looks at you and you should be doing this shit for yourself. This is for you. You're living your life for you, not for all the women that you weren't with.
Starting point is 01:14:10 All my exes, I want them all to do well. I want them all to live great lives. I don't want any negativity there. And I'm not looking to level up so that my ex looks at me and is like, oh, shit. I don't give a fuck about that. I give a fuck about doing well for myself, doing well for the people in my life, and then making a good future for all the people I care about. That's what I care about. But the whole like – if your ex is your ex, that's your past, right?
Starting point is 01:14:40 That's – the leveling up thing should be for you. Shouldn't be for anything or any outlook that they have on you. That's why my ex is blocked. Like my ex's number is blocked. My ex is blocked. And it's – again, like initially it happened just because – like initially I did the blocking just because I was like I don't want to have to deal with this person ever again. And I still don't want to have to deal with this person ever again. And I still don't want to have to deal with this person ever again because the shit that has to deal with this individual. But now it's just like, there doesn't need to be any line of
Starting point is 01:15:10 open communication. I hope that I hope this person does well in life. I hope they get everything that they want. Um, but nothing I do is for them and nothing I do is for their, what's the wrong looking for? Uh, I don't know. Just as it shouldn't be for that. You know, if you get out of a relationship at the end of the day, in that relationship, you should have been really focusing on yourself and person, but you should have really been focusing on yourself. But if you weren't and you're out of a relationship, start focusing, focusing on yourself, start loving yourself up. And if you do ever get into another relationship, you keep that shit going.
Starting point is 01:15:45 I told you and Mark this, but when I got out of that relationship, literally trajectory was like, like it was, I was like this for a while, slowly, literally a few months after that relationship, everything fucking went on a straight vertical, bro. Everything went on a vertical because I was like, I was feeling good. I was feeling like, I was i was feeling like i was like oh i was like it's like where's the where's the goku i felt like super saiyan goku bro he's not on tape he's somewhere he's somewhere down there but i was like god like i was finally putting everything into learning putting out stuff trying to help people and everything just went on fucking vertical yeah you probably felt like you were what i forgot how the thing is it's like oh i moved to whatever new town and i lost 125 pounds of weight or whatever and it's like yeah dump my ex i know what i'm just saying you
Starting point is 01:16:38 know you did seem like there was like a huge backpack of stress that was lifted off your back off your back y'all noticed that and there was a huge backpack of stress that was lifted off your back. Y'all noticed that. And there was a huge backpack of stress. I mean, man, it was a weight that I let go of. But you know the great thing? I'm with Sam and that trajectory is still going up. Like everything I do is still up here, right? And she's there and she's doing her thing and we love each other. And we're just like there's this cohesiveness and this lack of stress.
Starting point is 01:17:08 I've had no stress in my relationship. That's amazing. I've had peace. You know, like it is good to have peace. You know, I do see – I know we're kind of rambling on about this, but like everyone – when I got married the first time, they're just like, oh, it's a lot of hard work. Like you're going to have to do a lot for blah, blah, blah, happy wife, happy life. And I'm like, oh, okay, I guess we're supposed to argue every fucking day. Like this is weird.
Starting point is 01:17:33 And then now with my wife now is like, dude, every day is fucking amazing. Like we text each other nonstop when we're away. And it's just, it's, yeah, dude, it's the way it's supposed to be you know like it's not we don't have we do work hard because we want to like work hard on ourselves and for each other but it's not like oh I have to go home and walk on eggshells oh yeah like I don't want to fuck things up today I just want to have a good day it's never like that it's never like that one thing I you know an interesting thing that I appreciate about the person I'm with now is like we have disagreements on quite a few things. Like politically we have a few disagreements on certain things.
Starting point is 01:18:12 Sometimes that's tough. Yeah. But this is the thing. The ability to just communicate rationally is there. It's like we may have disagreements on things but we communicate about it. And even though they're disagreements, it's okay. We are two human beings that disagree on a certain thing, but that's, that's fine. I, you know, I've always like in the past, I think when I was younger, I was like, gosh, like I need somebody who has the same faith as me, who has the same political viewpoints. It's like pretty much dating another me.
Starting point is 01:18:46 Right? Yeah. But no, it's not dating another you. It's like dating somebody that has the intellectual ability to just communicate, you know, and talk about things. Even if they're difficult conversations, can we have this difficult conversation and then come back to each other? Because we love each other.
Starting point is 01:19:09 And even though we have different viewpoints their viewpoints right so it's that's that's one thing that has that's been super cool i think it's just like wow we disagree and it's fine did you know you guys disagreed on i don't want to say several things but you disagreed on certain things before you guys kind of committed? Yeah, going into it, I've had hours and hours. The first night that we talked to each other, we talked for like three hours. Yeah. And then, yeah, yeah. But even so, I knew going into this that like this person has
Starting point is 01:19:48 different viewpoints on things that i do i knew that but the thing is is like the the big thing was like okay we have different viewpoints can we discuss these things intellectually as adults without yelling or thinking somebody's hurting somebody else because like even though we disagree about things it's like we're not trying to no one's trying to hurt each other right no one thinks less of each other for a few like if we we both rationalize our thoughts with facts right it's not like i feel this way and this is how it is no no no it's like no these there's statistics behind this shit and this is how things happen. Like, let's talk about it. And we talk about it.
Starting point is 01:20:26 And it's good, right? But a lot of times, and this happens here on the podcast too, you know, we'll talk about certain things. And sometimes people's emotions will get ahead of, like, what's actually going on. It's like, no, it's just a discussion, you know? So I like the fact that we don't agree on everything. So it's – I like the fact that we don't agree on everything. I actually really like that because it baked into – I'm not saying this is the perfect relationship or anything, but baked into even my home life is growth because this person has different ways that they think about things, and they're bringing that to the table. So without me trying, I'm gaining new perspectives on things.
Starting point is 01:21:05 Without me trying, I'm not going out and seeking this, right right but she's bringing those perspectives and bringing those to my eye and then i'm like oh shit i need to think okay then how about this how about this right and then we we we spar with it we we have like we talk about it and we we come to some conclusions but and i'm bringing certain things to her that she disagrees with but then we we talk about it figure it out yeah we figure it out so it's like there's there's mental growth baked in i'm just like this is this is great yeah that's such a such a dope way to look at it too yeah man that's fucking cool dude well like i said dude i'm happy for you guys because like i said i've never seen you smile this much and i'm so appreciative that you guys found each other uh but before we you know jump off here we have to have to have to rank our meats oh yeah
Starting point is 01:21:52 so me and you and mark we got to rank our meats i mean rank our meats i guess me and you because mark's not here and we're talking about animal how how much how many ounces should your meat weigh oh man i don't know do you like it how long is the meat uh i'm a little uncomfortable now because i didn't know i'm supposed to stick it in the air fryer 12 ounces maybe around 10 inches that's no i think the ribeye the ribeye is 14 ounces yeah and it's about 11 inches no it's about eight inches in full fat ribeye is 14 ounces. Yeah. And it's about 11 inches. No, it's about eight inches in length. The full fat ribeye, yeah. It's a thickie. It's a girth. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:22:30 We're on the same page. But I had to even look up to figure out what types of meats that we can even talk about. But I'm just going to say the bottom of my list. Let me actually mention this real quick. Oh, sorry. Yeah, this came from the Discord. Yeah, this came from, I want to mention the person too.
Starting point is 01:22:49 I screenshotted it. Surfboard. Okay, so from Waterboy in our Discord, Waterboy with two O's. He has like a thick Adam Sandler as his profile picture. Mr. Waterboy. Waterboy.
Starting point is 01:23:03 You guys have talked a lot about how you prefer beef over fish and chicken but i've never heard you mention pork other than bacon where where do things like pulled pork and pork chops rank okay well that's funny because i was just gonna say like at the bottom of the list is gonna be seafood for me um i'm just not a huge fan of it um and it used to be like i used to joke around because i forgot i think it was jim gaffigan was like how do you know if fish has spoiled does it smell like fish and like exactly like it already smells bad but of course good fish it doesn't smell nor taste fishy but i'm still just not a fan of it it kind of takes a little bit of work to you
Starting point is 01:23:45 know eat fish sometimes you know whether it's like a like i know crabs not fish but like seafood or just the gross bottom feeders you're gonna crack all kinds of shit and it's okay it's okay now i'm not like i don't dislike it anymore but i'm not gonna go to a fucking restaurant order seafood like you're you're fucking you're unless i'm getting sushi that's different you not going to go to a fucking restaurant and order seafood. Like you're, you're fucking, you're. Unless I'm getting sushi. It's different. You're going to get sushi though. Like they don't have, they don't have steak there. That's true.
Starting point is 01:24:10 That's true. But I'm specifically seeking out seafood, you know? That's yeah. Okay. That's fair. Yeah. Yeah. So would you put seafood towards the bottom or do you put something else below that? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:24:20 So like I eat beef every day. I eat red meat every single day um i've really been liking like marinating uh like letting it marinate for a bit and then sticking the air fryer like it it's been ending up fucking perfect in the in the ninja food which one is it the oven yeah yeah that's the ninja foodie grill oh dude yeah the the food i've been cooking i've just been like why would i eat no no no seriously i've been really impressing myself yeah you're just like i'm a motherfucking chef shipping it up baby like coming out of an airplane
Starting point is 01:24:55 seriously though you know it is that good yeah because it cooks it perfectly like it's so good dog i'm like wow i give me a restaurant like where's my fucking restaurant contract you just need 10 ninja foodie grills and you could have a fucking legit steakhouse i'll have a whole fucking operation going but first first to be your beef um i've been liking the i've been going to costco and getting party wings just non non-seating whatever just like raw. And it's not crazy expensive. But again, I'll just let that sit in like a marinade.
Starting point is 01:25:30 I'll air fry that. Fucking party. I don't know why I'd order wings out anymore if I can just make homemade wings. So you're getting the ones that – they just look like little drumsticks, right? They're drumsticks. Okay. Yeah, I have seen those. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And again, the pricing on
Starting point is 01:25:45 it is great for the amount of meat it's already done like you just throw it in the air fryer yeah yeah it's raw though it is no but i mean sorry i mean like the seasoning the uh like the the all the like like if you were to get a fucking chicken and you have to like take it apart like that's a pain in the dick fuck no so this is already done and it's just all super easy little pieces that bite into yeah oh god it's so good it's so good um but that is like literally the only chicken i eat i only i only eat chicken wings yeah i only eat chicken wings i think but as far as fish um so i think it would go beef then chicken wings because i don't need any other chicken um then fish but i've been going I actually texted you and Mark about this. I've been going to this sunfish spot because I don't like to cook like salmon or tilapia.
Starting point is 01:26:31 I don't like cooked fish. Yeah, your whole house smells after you cook fish. There's that. And it's just like it's never – for me personally because I know there are some people that know how to make really good fish. I'm not the guy. That's fair. Never been. Never will be.
Starting point is 01:26:44 So I get – I usually just get salmon and I get uh sushi grade salmon that's like they at this spot they chop it up for you in little poke pieces yeah they chop it up for you and it's little poke pieces and you can get it in bulk it's not actually that expensive because I can get a week's worth of raw sushi grade fish for like and in each serving of the sushi i have or the the the rice and fish i have is maybe like 50 60 grams of protein i think i spent like 60 bucks what 50 bucks right i forgot about poke yeah i do like that shit i don't go and buy poke though i literally just buy sushi grade salmon where's this place at sunfish it's downtown s-u-n-h fish downtown sacramento if any of you guys are in sacramento i might have to hit them up then yeah go there they have salmon roe the roe is expensive though so i don't buy too much
Starting point is 01:27:34 of that but i will buy some so i can put it on top i'll buy a fuck ton of sushi grade salmon i will get you can just eat it like you can you get really raw right you can eat it raw so what i do is I bag up. I get a bunch of it. I bag it up into different bags that would be single servings. I have one. Then I'll freeze the rest. And then when I want to eat another one, I'll just defrost it because you don't want to leave that shit in the – you can't leave it in the fridge.
Starting point is 01:27:56 Got it. Okay. I didn't know. No, no, no, no. You can't leave – yeah. So you – well, you can leave it in the fridge for like a day or two. But after that, like you probably want to cook it. So like – okay, let's say I freeze it and I want to eat it tomorrow.
Starting point is 01:28:08 I just take it out and put it in the fridge tonight? You can put it in the fridge. I usually just put it on the counter in the morning. Okay. Yeah. And then by the time I get home, it's defrosted, put it on top of rice, put some soy sauce on it, some maybe furikake. I don't know what that last thing is, but that sounds fucking good. Furikake is this like seasoning that they have at the poke spot, but they also sell it at Sunfish.
Starting point is 01:28:28 So it's like this green – type in F-U-R-I-K-A-K-E. I already lost it. Fury, F-U-R-I. Fury? Kake, K-A-K-E. Kake. Yeah. It came up right away.
Starting point is 01:28:39 I don't know if I'm saying it right. Furikake, furikake, bukake. I don't know. saying it right furikake furikake bukkake i don't know um but i sprinkle some of that shit on top of some white rice and bukkake some some sushi grade salmon and tuna and it's a party and if i have some roe it's it's literally like poke except i didn't go spend 15 on a poke bowl dude poke is so expensive it's like i'm pretty pumped for this and i never get the amount of fish that i want when i go to poke spots like no like to get the i've done this before because i've been like okay 10 scoops of salmon please 45 yeah oh yeah absolutely that's how much i have to spend to get the amount of fish
Starting point is 01:29:14 i want yeah when i go and i see that they like um uh what is it you can buy in bulk i'm like yeah let me get a bulk but in the bowl please it's like dude i need a little bit more than your fucking little like tablespoon scooper i'm like that's bullshit yeah yeah dude hell no so like that's that's and you can't do this with any salmon that's why you like you need to find a spot in your town where it's like maybe a like because most fish stores um especially within asian market plates will have sushi grade fish so you want to get that because if you just go to Costco and buy their salmon and you eat that raw, hello, food poisoning or something.
Starting point is 01:29:51 Hello something. That's going to fuck you up. And then below that would be pork belly. I don't do pulled pork or any of that. I do love pork belly. It's just the preparation's a little long, but I love pork belly. I'm shocked at like,
Starting point is 01:30:02 so like when I was doing like a lot of like if it fits your macros type stuff, everything was like low fat, everything. I was shocked at like something like Canadian bacon has like almost no fat. Really? And it tastes fucking incredible. What is Canadian bacon? Why is it different from normal bacon? It's just ham. Oh.
Starting point is 01:30:18 It's just what it is. I mean, I don't know why they call it Canadian bacon. But it's basically just ham, but it's super lean and it tastes fucking incredible. It's just little fucking just circles. It's round bacon. I don't know. It tastes nothing like bacon at all. Okay.
Starting point is 01:30:33 But it tastes pretty damn good. But what I was surprised was just like how like a lot of porks are actually pretty lean. Oh yeah. Pork. I'm thinking like bacon. I'm thinking like, or I'm sorry, I'm thinking like, uh, like pork, like from a pig. And then are actually pretty lean. I was like, pork, I'm thinking like bacon. I'm thinking like, or I'm sorry, I'm thinking like,
Starting point is 01:30:47 like pork, like from a pig. And then I'm thinking bacon. I'm like, no, that's all fat, but no, it's actually really lean.
Starting point is 01:30:53 So I'm like, Hmm, but I don't fuck with it much. Why not? I just, I don't know. It just does not taste good to you or it's not just something you don't like that much. No.
Starting point is 01:31:01 So like if I, like for, for me again, I'm coming from that. Like if it fits your macros, like bacon is calorically dense. You know, there's a lot going on there. And if I'm going to mix that with carbs, like, you know, it's going to it's going to turn into a party. So I'm going to overeat because like, yeah, I'm just not going to do it. So like I don't fuck with that.
Starting point is 01:31:21 But if I do fuck with anything, it's going to be pork belly because it's just it's so good yeah that's basically candy you know it's delicious um and then yeah like the like i said with this um canadian bacon but i've kind of cut back on making some of these like fun foods i'm just trying to eat more like whole foods and stuff what a fucking concept uh and it's really hard because um i like to make a lot of fun recipes and stuff. But the more I look into it, I'm like, oh, wow, like that's just like a lot of processed stuff. What do you mean? Like I'm having like, well, fat free cheese. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:31:57 And I'm putting that on a like a gluten free crust or something. You know what I mean? Like there's just a lot going on there. And I'm like, hmm, no wonder why I'm farting all the time. Like maybe if I take out this fat free cheese and just have like a cheese stick and an apple like obviously one's way better one's way more filling one's more fucking anabolic yeah yeah but this other one might make me feel better you know at the end of the day like i might not have to walk outside of the room rip ass and come back like i don't want to have to do that anymore yeah Yeah. So that's what I'm trying. But what you said about the, like the poke bowls and like, what's the salmon called? Or what is it?
Starting point is 01:32:31 You said sushi grade? Sushi grade salmon. Or I also get some, when they have it, because they usually run out of the tuna first. The sushi grade tuna. Like they have sushi grade fish all around. So they have octopus that's sushi grade, salmon. They got yellowtail? I'm pretty sure.
Starting point is 01:32:45 I'm pretty sure. I think yellowtail is a bit more expensive yeah it is salmon but dude like that probably just bumped it up a notch and like not turkey down at the bottom because like i don't ever have turkey yeah uh ground turkey is like the saddest thing on the world like you might as well just have lean ground beef from piedmontese the only time i have turkey yeah is like thanksgiving that's the only time of the year that's because i'm kind of forced same you know i do turkey's not that good yeah i'm gonna tell my mom this year no turkey yeah yeah just have some tomahawks let's let's stick it up good yeah but for sure uh red meat's gonna be at the top and then i still like chicken in multiple forms uh for sure wings um i do still like chicken breasts you know it's kind
Starting point is 01:33:26 of i know a lot of people are like bitch but when you throw g hughes on it it's a party okay actually this isn't this is not going to be macro friendly but if you go to trader joe's get their truffle barbecue sauce i have sam getting 15 for me right now she's like i'm like because they have this truffle stuff but they have it like seasonally so if you like damn if you if you run out rib yeah seriously so she's literally buying 15 truffle barbecue sauces because it's so good damn that's dope well we have a um we have this like pantry in the garage like it's like our so it's like already the pantry in the kitchen's like for overflow food well we have an overflow overflow but i have i don't know i lost track of you have
Starting point is 01:34:10 hella g use hella g because every time i see it i'm just like dude i might run out again so you buy like 30 if i could i would but they usually will have like zero to like five and i buy all five but every once in a while but oh shit there like, oh, shit, there's three rows. And I just clear them all out. Every single time because it's so good. And if I ever do go on a cut where it's like I do have to track things, I'm just going to put that all over literally everything because it makes everything taste so much better.
Starting point is 01:34:38 But yeah, red meat, especially from Piedmontese. I do love In-N-Out. Chicken I'll put next and then i mean what else is there let's see uh i'm not eating duck i'm not fucking with goat i know you you like goat it's pretty good i don't buy it though but whenever it's in front of me i'll eat the shit yeah you know i have piedmontese has that liver and i have been using that camo seasoning i wish we knew the brand the The camo seasoning from that company that sent it over. What's it called?
Starting point is 01:35:07 Ah, I feel like a dick. I feel like a dick too because I think we should shout them out. I've been using their steak seasoning. Hardcore Carnivore. Hardcore Carnivore. That's the brand. Oh my God. Their steak seasoning on steak is fucking good.
Starting point is 01:35:20 They have this red seasoning that I've been putting on my chicken wings and marinating those chicken wings in like some Thai sauce sauce fucking hell it's they're okay guys they're not sponsoring us um hardcore carnivore go get some of that seasoning okay it's so it is so good i don't see why i would get any other seasoning to be perfectly honest at this point i feel like such a dick i forgot i had it so so yeah what mark mark actually suggested he's like yeah the camel seasoning is really good on liver and i mean piedmontese has liver right and i'll eat liver every few days but i put some of that camel seasoning on just raw liver and it was decent i'm not gonna go out here and say oh it was tasty tasty it was liver but it was like tastier
Starting point is 01:36:07 liver um it's called camo that seasoning that i'll but yeah that red seasoning i think they call it red oh so good on chicken man and they didn't this isn't an ad that whatever their seasoning is good is that jess pr Yeah. I recognize her from Instagram. Yeah, we're going to have her on the podcast. Oh, really? Okay. In a couple of weeks. Okay.
Starting point is 01:36:29 Maybe next week, actually. Jess, please bring seasoning. This is probably going to come out after she's here, but hey, yo. That's so funny. I had no idea. The picture that I saw was this one. I didn't even notice her hardcore carnivore shirt. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:36:42 Wow. Dude, this fucking podcast universe i swear it does this all the time yeah that seasoning is really good she's killed it go yeah go follow hardcore carnivore and um she's killed the seasoning game you know what's that's a good sound of stuff usually usually people of certain types don't season food well. Like I have dealt with this experience. I've been to certain friends' houses and they have been of a certain type. And although the food was good, the food was also under seasoned. And I find it's so bland.
Starting point is 01:37:21 A little vanilla. I find it's so... A little bland. A little vanilla. But this is really dope that this lady has made such good seasoning. That's dope. Hey. Dude. Let's go.
Starting point is 01:37:36 Let's go. What's his name? Football player, Neil Kaepernick. Oh, yeah. Colin Kaepernick. The show that they had on i think it was netflix yeah so like kind of like an ongoing like theme or whatever was every time he sat down to eat food he just would dump salt all over it so uh his his mom like adopted mom i believe right uh
Starting point is 01:38:00 like because his favorite player was alan iverson and so she was like she couldn't figure out like what did they do to like their hair like what's going on there so she asked a bunch of people embarrassingly like went to like black people was just like um what's it called and like how do you get it done so she's talking about cornrows yeah uh so she she finds somebody that can do it and of course like it's in a house it's not like in a like a barber shop or you know like a hairstylist like salon there you go and so they go there and like kaepernick feels at home like this is how they're portraying it so don't know if what the fuck actually happened yeah but he feels at home he's just like oh this is cool you know and then like are you hungry and you know the mom's like no and he's like yeah and then so he grabs a plate
Starting point is 01:38:44 and he starts eating she's like oh he's gonna need lots of And he's like, yeah. And so he grabs a plate and he starts eating. She's like, oh, he's going to need lots of salt. He likes to salt his food and he eats it. He's like, I don't need no salt. Yeah. Hey, that show will make you a fan of Kaepernick. I'm not going to lie. They did a good job as far as doing that.
Starting point is 01:39:00 Don't know if any of the events are true, but like i think they did a good job yeah you know i do think you know i i think it's a somewhat of a misrepresented uh stereo i will say i've had a lot of you know food from some some of my white friends that has been under season but i also have quite a few white friends that know how to season dude it's like all the stuff from smelly's kitchen see mark's a fat guy i know mark knows how to season. Dude, all the stuff from Smelly's Kitchen? See, Mark's a fat guy. Mark knows how to fucking season food. You know what I mean? It's like when they have no wrists and when they have a little bit more,
Starting point is 01:39:32 a little bit of, you know? What? When they have wings and no wrists, you know they know how to season. Got it, got it. I see what you mean. You know what I'm talking about? Now I do.
Starting point is 01:39:42 You can't see the wrist and they have a little flying on the tricep. Then they can see them. They can see them. Okay. That's funny. I think that's it, dude. We're good to go.
Starting point is 01:39:52 We're DTF. Oh, God. We're out of here. That was fun. So hopefully you guys dug today's Saturday School with a Substitute Teacher. Thank you, Encima, for taking on these questions. Dude. I know.
Starting point is 01:40:02 Like, I didn't tell Encima anything. I was just like, don't worry, I got some shit. And he was just like, oh. So everything was on the fly. If you guys dug today's episode, please hit that like button and drop a comment down below on anything you guys found interesting
Starting point is 01:40:16 or maybe if you guys have some more questions. And thank you, Waterboy, for that question from the Discord. So make sure you guys join that Discord. Links will be down in the description as well as the podcast show notes. And so, yeah, please subscribe. And like I said, hit that like button on your way out. Turn on all those bell notifications.
Starting point is 01:40:32 We would sincerely appreciate that. And please follow the podcast at MBPowerProject on Instagram, TikTok, and Twitter. My Instagram, TikTok, and Twitter is at IamAndrewZ. And Seema, if people want to find you, where are you at? Real talk, though. Go to that Discord, yo. Everyone in there is so cool. And we will be taking questions from the different channels in there and answering them on here.
Starting point is 01:40:51 So if you guys want to be able to have a lot of your questions answered by us or maybe guests, join the Discord. Links in the description. At Seema Inyo on Instagram and YouTube. At Seema Yin Yang on TikTok and Twitter. Mark. I'm at Mark Smell-a-Bell. Strength is never a weakness. Weakness is never a strength. Catch y'all later.
Starting point is 01:41:06 Bye. That was a little bit better. A little bit. I gotta practice though. I haven't put in much practice. Alright, bye guys.

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