Mark Bell's Power Project - Follow Your Interests and Be Self Motivated - Mark Smelly Bell

Episode Date: March 4, 2020

Today Mark "Smelly" Bell wants to talk to you about following your self interests and being self motivated. He also talks about why you shouldn't have any anxiety about following your passion.  Subsc...ribe to the Podcast on on Platforms! ➢ Visit our sponsors: ➢Icon Meals: Use Code "POWERPROJECT" for 10% off ➢Piedmontese Beef: Use Code "POWERPROJECT" at checkout for 25% off your order plus FREE 2-Day Shipping on orders of $99 ➢SHOP NOW: Enter Discount code, "POWERPROJECT" at checkout and receive 15% off all Sling Shots Follow Mark Bell's Power Project Podcast ➢ Insta: ➢ ➢ Twitter: ➢ LinkedIn: ➢ YouTube: ➢TikTok: FOLLOW Mark Bell ➢ Instagram: ➢ Facebook: ➢ Twitter: ➢ Snapchat: marksmellybell ➢Mark Bell's Daily Workouts, Nutrition and More: Follow Nsima Inyang ➢ Instagram: Podcast Produced by Andrew Zaragoza ➢ Instagram:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What up, Power Project? Today we have a really cool episode for you from Mark Smelly Bell. Today he wants to talk to you guys about following your interests and being self-motivated. And he even touches on a little bit of anxiety in today's day and age and why you actually shouldn't even have it.
Starting point is 00:00:14 This episode is brought to you by Icon Meals. Icon Meals is a food prep service that delivers food directly to your door. Super convenient. It takes like five or so minutes to cook up a really awesome macro-friendly meal. It. Super convenient. It takes like five or so minutes to cook up a really, really awesome macro friendly meal. It's super convenient. It's their second to none. They have such a huge selection of different types of meals. They fit any type of diet, whether you're vegan, carnivore,
Starting point is 00:00:38 you track macros, all that good stuff. It's really, it's freaking amazing. Head over to right now at checkout, enter promo code power project for 10% off your order. And again, if you guys are digging this episode, please hit up Mark at Mark smelly bell, pretty much on any social media platform and let them know what you think for now. Enjoy the show. The single biggest marker for success is something really simple. It's your interest level. And being interested in stuff is hugely important. The more interested you are in something, the more time you'll spend doing it.
Starting point is 00:01:17 The more interested you are in becoming an MMA fighter, the more likely you are to figure out how to stop getting choked out, how to stop getting knocked out. The more interested I became in powerlifting, the more I started figuring out, how do I bench press 600 pounds? How do I bench press 700 pounds? How do I bench press 800 pounds? The workouts that it took for me to end up benching 854 pounds required me to bench twice a week for about five or six years,
Starting point is 00:01:48 five or six years, twice a week. Each one of those workouts would take a good four hours. Sometimes it would take five hours. Oftentimes I would lose track of time and not have any idea how long they took because it wasn't about how long the workouts were. The only thing that I cared about were the results because my interest level was through the roof. I wanted to be the best in the world. And eventually I got that. Eventually I hit an 854 pound bench.
Starting point is 00:02:19 And at the time for a full power lifter, that was the most weight ever done in a 275-pound weight class. So behind your interest follows everything else. So for those of you that are having anxiety, by the way, anxiety is just fear over things that have never happened. We're trying to change our lifestyle. You know, we're trying to change our, the way that we're going to change our lifestyle is to change our habits. The way that we're going to change our habits is through changes of our thoughts. We can become our thoughts. And if you think about anxiety is really actually a very ridiculous thing. It's, it's human nature to develop some anxiety.
Starting point is 00:03:07 But if you think about it, you set yourself up right where you want to be all the time. Even someone who is broke, they have made life decisions that have allowed them to be living in that spot. And nobody wants to swallow that pill because it's the truth and the truth is the hardest thing to accept same thing with someone who's fat they have made a decision that's sitting on the couch eating food in front of the tv and continuing to not ever learn how to eat less calories and move more they they have decided that that is more interesting to them than the opposite of that, which would help them lose weight. Right?
Starting point is 00:03:51 And I know that that might sound mean, and I understand there's a lot of psychological things. There's a lot of other things that go along with all that. But your interest is the most important thing. What are you interested in? Stop trying to think about motivation. Stop trying to think about inspiration. I know that I have motivational speeches
Starting point is 00:04:13 and inspirational speeches that might fire some of you guys up. If you're not self-motivated, it means you're not interested. If you're not self-motivated, it means you're not self-interest it means you have you don't have enough self-interest in the thing that it is that you're talking about that you want to become better at you're uh lying to yourself and in a way you're using like coercion
Starting point is 00:04:39 as a way of trying to make yourself interested in something meaning like if i don't do this by this time this is going to happen. This negative thing is going to happen. And that doesn't typically work very well. You want to try to think in more positive terms. More along the lines of like, look, if I just do my work, and it's regardless of how much time it takes. It's regardless of how back-breaking it may be. It's regardless of how difficult it may
Starting point is 00:05:06 get, then I'm going to get what I want to get. And then some reasoning has to come in. How much sacrifice do you really want to make? Is it at the sacrifice of having no friends? Is it at the sacrifice of having no life outside of that sport or having no life outside of that interest that you have but behind your interest comes every single thing that you'll ever want and then some so follow your interests you know people talk about following their passion and following their heart and they use these weird terms and you're not really sure what it even means you're like i don't even know what I'm passionate about. I'm 25. I don't know what the hell's going on. What are you interested in? What you're interested in is where you're going to spend your time.
Starting point is 00:05:53 Where you're spending your time is where you'll become a material expert of some sort. In today's day and age, it's so easy to monetize stuff that there's seven-year-old kids who are rich off of the internet on YouTube right now not to make you feel any more inadequate than you may already feel but think about that there's seven-year-old kids make it 100k 200k 500k I think I've heard of a few kids under the age of 10 making like millions of dollars off of YouTube videos. I mean, holy crap. We couldn't have it any easier nowadays. Don't build up anxiety because anxiety is stuff that, anxieties are things that, it hasn't happened.
Starting point is 00:06:44 So it's like you being worried about things that hasn't happened. So it's like you being worried about things that could possibly go wrong. Depression, by the way, is our thoughts about things that have happened in the past. And we want to live right here. We want to try to live in the present. So if you're not forecasting bad shit happening in the future, and you're not worried about bad things that happened in the past, and we think about what are the decisions I can make right now that can be more positive, that can help me get towards my goal, then you should be able to be pretty happy because happiness comes from problem solving.
Starting point is 00:07:26 That's really all it is. Solve a problem for yourself, you're pretty pumped. There's two things to not ever worry about. Things that you have no control over. And the second thing is things that you have control over. So really, there's nothing to worry about. Follow your interests and everything else will follow behind it. All your hopes, all your dreams, all the things that you have desired
Starting point is 00:07:51 in your life, they will happen if you follow your interests. Strength is never a weakness. Weakness is never strength. Let me know what you're interested in in the comments below. Catch you all later. What up, Poopcast? Thank you to everybody that's been rating and reviewing the podcast on iTunes. It helps us out a ton. And seriously, we're shocked. Every single day we log in, we can see that more and more people are leaving reviews for us, and we cannot thank you enough. We will do our absolute best to try to, though.
Starting point is 00:08:20 Today we want to give a shout-out and a huge thank you to ricky.ricardo1993 ricky says best podcast ever and he used two exclamation points so you know he really meant it quote this is the best podcast for many reasons i appreciate how transparent the guys are about their past weaknesses and goals at times i forget i'm listening to the to a podcast and feel like i'm in a room with them at times I move because certain topics hit home and get to me and others get me pumped and looking to chalk up. Thanks guys. Keep it up. Hey, Ricky, thank you so much for that review, man. This is actually, this means a lot to me. When I first set out to work on this podcast, one of my goals was, you know, I told Mark, I'm like, hey dude,
Starting point is 00:09:00 like I want people to learn a ton from this podcast, but I also want them to just feel like they're hanging out with us. And reading that review, man, puts a gigantic smile on our faces. So thank you so much for taking the 30 seconds or so to actually go to iTunes and write that review. If you're listening right now, if you want to hear your name and your review right on air, head over to iTunes, drop us a rating and a review, and you could hear your name on air just like Ricky.Ricardo.1993. We'll catch you guys on the next one. Peace.

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