Mark Bell's Power Project - How to Celebrate & Not GAIN Weight on The 4th of July || MBPP Ep. 953

Episode Date: July 4, 2023

In episode 953, Mark Bell, Nsima Inyang, and Andrew Zaragoza talk about how to avoid gaining weight over the 4th of July Holiday by utilizing protein leveraging and some other tips and tricks. Sponsor...s mentioined on air: ➢ Code POWERPROJECT to save up to 25% off your Build a Box ➢ Free shipping and free bedside tin!   New Power Project Website: Join The Power Project Discord: Subscribe to the new Power Project Clips Channel:   Special perks for our listeners below! ➢ Recieve a year supply of Vitamin D3+K2 & 5 Travel Packs! ➢ Code POWERPROJECT to save 15% off supplements!   ➢ Code POWERPROJECT to save 15% off all gear and apparel!   ➢ Code POWERPROJECT to save 15% off Mind Bullet!     ➢ Better Fed Beef:   ➢ Code POWERPROJECT to save $150!!   ➢ Enlarging Pumps (This really works): Pumps explained:   ➢ to save 15% off Vivo Barefoot shoes!   ➢ to automatically save 20% off your first order at Vuori!   ➢ to automatically save $150 off the Pod Pro at 8 Sleep!   ➢ Use code POWERPROJECT10 for 10% off ALL LABS at Marek Health! Also check out the Power Project Panel: Use code POWERPROJECT for $101 off!   ➢ Piedmontese Beef: Use Code POWER at checkout for 25% off your order plus FREE 2-Day Shipping on orders of $150   Follow Mark Bell's Power Project Podcast ➢ ➢ ➢ Insta: ➢ YouTube:   FOLLOW Mark Bell ➢ Instagram: ➢ ➢ Facebook: ➢ Twitter:   Follow Nsima Inyang ➢ ➢YouTube: ➢Instagram: ➢TikTok:   Follow Andrew Zaragoza on all platforms ➢   #PowerProject #Podcast #MarkBell #FitnessPodcast #markbellspowerproject

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Starting point is 00:00:00 How are you guys going to handle the fourth anyway? Well, I'm going to have two very strong people hold me by the ankles, and I'm going to go upside down, and I'm going to drink out of a keg. This is the fattest thing in the world. I went to a buffalo wing contest. When I'm so fat, I got there early. All these longevity people, all these doctors, these guys have studied this for 20 years
Starting point is 00:00:17 to learn that we should eat natural foods and that we should exercise. That's what these guys came up with. I went to zero school. I spent $0 on school. I tried to make even my worst meals be better than they used to be. I used to buy like a bunch of candy. I would buy like a bunch of Snickers bars and peanut butter cups on a day where I was like, ah, I'm just going to kind of go for it. The reason why I don't do any of those things anymore, I feel like I have other options that are really good. Eating before you go somewhere is like a superpower. Let's say somebody's cooking up some hamburgers. I'll get like a hamburger or two by itself, and then maybe I'll get a hamburger with
Starting point is 00:00:49 a bun. And that's that kind of the satisfactory one, the one that kind of put the exclamation point on everything. It's not always easy when you go to like a family gathering or a party, but it can be. It can be easy. Hi, Project Family. Welcome to the podcast. We are 900 plus episodes deep, bringing tons of different experts in fitness, health, nutrition, and business. And we thank you all for your support. And we're also glad to be bringing these individuals to you. Now, if you've enjoyed this podcast and it's brought benefits to your life, we'd really appreciate it if you left a five-star review on Spotify or Apple, as that helps the podcast grow and thrive, and we can continue bringing you amazing content.
Starting point is 00:01:25 Thank you for your support, and enjoy the episode. And then maybe one other time a day I'll eat. Like last night, actually, sounds gross, but it came out so good. I boiled up some chicken breast and threw some, that sauce on there, the G. Hughes barbecue sauce. Okay. It was fucking awesome. I was shocked.
Starting point is 00:01:46 Because I shredded the chicken. You ever do that? you just like pull the chicken apart it's awesome you know one are we on yeah okay one thing that i think you guys fuck with like spicy food like real spicy i love spicy but um i you know how spicy like i don't know how well i can do with that sometimes it can kill me but i do like it yeah i think like more people, because like I'm Nigerian, right? I grew up on spicy food. And one thing, like it's, spicy is nice, but one thing it tends to do
Starting point is 00:02:13 is it makes you eat a little bit less. Like you get satisfied quicker. You can't eat as much of a food that's very spicy. I use this like, I have so many different types of spicy things. Does it make you like tear up or make your nose run? It makes the back of my head sweat. Like it's back here.
Starting point is 00:02:29 It's like this starts to get really hot and it starts to get really moist. And you can handle spice. I'm pretty sure that's really spicy then. Yeah, it's spicy. But the thing is you feel satisfied faster. I think that is one thing that in America. Fermented food I think does that too. Yeah. I mean it'll
Starting point is 00:02:46 make you fuller faster i think so yeah i know i agree with you but um as on the fermented food side but i think if more people started trying to lean into spice that's one thing i noticed when i talked to like you know in american culture it's not really they don't do that that much so when i talked to certain white guys they're like oh yeah fuck it's too spicy too spicy but that's something that i think every other culture has like an indian culture african culture chinese like asian culture lots of spicy food that's something i think we're missing it's it's like a gene i guess from what i've heard it's a gene to be able to like handle those spices and to be able to like detect them like some people just they can't have you're right you ever tell someone you're like oh i think it just has like a little bit of red hot in it or something and red hot's not that spicy like to me
Starting point is 00:03:29 it's not that spicy but for some people like i can't be even i can't even be in the same room as it makes me tear up you're like huh so i have my uh my daughter's quinceanera you know all the all her little friends were asking like oh is the food spicy it's like no no not at all it was all mexican food and apparently all those white kids jumping in the pool with face first apparently the beans had like i mean who knows maybe they just had some pepper so that was the spiciness i was like oh shit i'm sorry i didn't even realize the best poke place in the history of the world is zuma poke it's in davis this is so good and uh i get it with jalapenos and i get it
Starting point is 00:04:13 with um oh shit what's that green stuff called wasabi wasabi there you go okay yeah i get it with wasabi but i also get it with avocado and by the time i start to eat the bowl i can't tell what's what. And every once in a while, I get a giant scoop of wasabi straight to the face. That'll clear you out. Yeah. I get some kimchi on there too.
Starting point is 00:04:34 That'll make you cry though. Oh yeah. Yeah. Wasabi stuff. But this is so cool because we usually think macros, right? We usually think, okay, the protein think okay the protein the fats the carbs you get something that burns your tongue it will burn tons of body fat right right the the idea of sweating while you're eating just burning a few calories while you're eating that food and then
Starting point is 00:04:53 you can't eat as much of it yo that's a secret that's a hack right there drop some water weight yeah dude i remember i went to um i went to this is the fattest thing in the world i went to a, this is the fattest thing in the world. I went to a buffalo wing contest. To eat or to watch? To eat, of course. Okay. Not just to compete, but to win. Yeah. Well, no, it wasn't, there may have been a contest there.
Starting point is 00:05:19 I don't know. Well, there was kind of a contest. You could vote for them. Like you could vote like what's the best one or what's the spiciest one. And I'm so fat, I got there early. And I'm like, oh, I'll just try. I was waiting for the thing to open. It's like me and my friend are in there, and there's nobody else in there.
Starting point is 00:05:37 It's literally just us two. And the first people that got their wings cooked, they're like, here, we're open. And they gave me some wings, and we're just chomping on they don't have their signs out or anything and as we're chewing on them the guy sticks a sign down and puts it down it's like hottest wings in dutchess county oh and me and my friend are looking at each other really got tears we don't have enough napkins and stuff we got snot coming out of our face i couldn't even taste the wings so fat i couldn't taste the wings from the other places that we went to and then the next day at school i had to go to school late i was shitting myself like crazy yeah and he didn't go to school at all that day i didn't see him damn yeah it's like damn that was a rough day that's what's not hey if that's not an advertisement
Starting point is 00:06:21 to eat spicy foods i don't know what is. Right? Right. But when the spice overpowers, right? And it doesn't end up being tasty anymore, but it's just like spicy for spicy's sake. That happens sometimes with Thai food. You ever get that? Like Thai food has a different spice to it. It does. It's kind of hard to describe sometimes. It's like, you know, there's like temperature hot and then there's like spicy hot.
Starting point is 00:06:41 But I think Thai has like its own category of heat. Just blows your face off. I've never personally experienced experienced that i've had a lot of time i can't taste it i've just like got snot running out of my face i think you got a progressive overload that shit i think so too that's what i was gonna say because when i was a kid like i didn't really like any of it because everything was like oh that's also like all i taste is just spiciness and then now like salsa like it's kind of not a big deal what i was going to ask though is like so then what makes something like hot cheetos or takis like impossible to stop eating is it just because they're like chips or is it does have anything to
Starting point is 00:07:15 do with the spice i'm just asking i because that's those can be very spicy but you cannot stop eating them it's another processed food yeah is. Is that all it is? Okay. But they probably put a little bit of like, uh, you know, the way they make it, they probably put some sugar in it. Even though it's spicy and you're,
Starting point is 00:07:31 you're, you know, you feel the spice, it's still just something that just melts in your mouth. So salty. There's other flavors going on. There's like some sweetness in there and everything too. Right. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:40 I remember, uh, there's a George Carlin comedian. He did a bit on ice cream and how like get that brain freeze sometimes when you eat ice cream. He's like, so what do we do? He's like, you eat more fucking ice cream. He's like, what are we, out of our minds? He's like, your brain just froze.
Starting point is 00:07:56 He's like, that's a really uncomfortable feeling. You can keep going. Yeah. Then you're like, I'm fine. You know, that's the funny thing. July 4th is coming up. It's actually today. It's today, right now. America., that's the funny thing. July 4th is coming up. It's actually today. It's today, right now.
Starting point is 00:08:06 America. America, motherfucker. Fucker. Is that today? That's today. Yeah. But that's the... I got parties.
Starting point is 00:08:14 Mark's like, wait a second. I gotta go. Doug, my brain just left me. I don't even know where I was going anymore. That doesn't matter. Something about George Carlin. We're talking about 4th of July. Maybe some barbecue prep.
Starting point is 00:08:28 Fuck it. George Carlin also said that the American icon instead of a bald eagle should be a bowl of nachos. Which I think is correct. That's about how tough we are nowadays. We're as tough as a bowl of nachos. Saugy nachos.
Starting point is 00:08:44 That's what I was going to say. It's the processed food thing, man. With almost every single person we talk to, it's just this consistent theme of just get rid of the processed foods. On the calorie counting side of things, yeah, you can fit that shit in, but if you just get rid of it and start eating some real food, man, slowly but surely, your health is just going to go in the positive direction. All these longevity people, all these doctors, all these people talking about longevity on Instagram and TikTok and YouTube and all these podcasts and stuff. It's pretty funny because you're like, these guys have studied this for 20 years, for 30
Starting point is 00:09:19 years to learn that we should eat natural foods and that we should exercise. It's like, hey, congratulations, guys. You guys are doing a great job. Oh, yeah. It turns out strength can be really helpful towards longevity. What if we build up our legs and our grip strength? Oh, my God. It's kind of unbelievable.
Starting point is 00:09:38 You're like, really? That's what these guys came up with. I went to zero school. I spent zero dollars on school. I came up with the same goddamn thing. I spent zero dollars on school i came up with the same goddamn thing i just started hanging on a bar for a minute long to work on my grip strength guys it's helping a lot i'm 104 oh my buddy uh carl lenore had a good thing on that he was like you know what don't listen to anybody unless they're like 65 i was like that's a good that's a really
Starting point is 00:10:01 good comment right there we We're automatically disqualified. Yeah, let's wait until someone's got a little bit more qualifications going on. No, but I think that's a really good concept right there. If someone is doing – if they're over 65 and doing well though, like that's one thing. That's what amazes me when I see some of these posts on Instagram or YouTube where you see just somebody who's 65, 70. They're jacked. They're still lifting. They're still living a vital lifestyle. Sprinting, like some 90-year-old sprinting and doing well,
Starting point is 00:10:33 like running legit times. You're like, what the hell? And then just see what they're talking about and just reverse engineer their daily habits. That's a huge thing to pick up on. Yeah, I've been kind of leaning more on the whole food side of things for a little bit now, and I'm feeling really good. But I still have my bias when it comes to diet sodas. I'll listen to Lane Norton for that sort of information and be like, look, he said so. And, you know, like a new study came out saying that some, I don't know, I forgot.
Starting point is 00:11:00 I'm not going to butcher it all, but they basically proved that it can mess with something in your brain. But then he broke it down and he was like, okay, we're not a Petri dish. And on top of that, you know what else messes with brain cells? He's like amino acids, but yet everybody destroys those or they, you know, they crush those and nobody bats an eye. Are you guys still down with like zero sugar stuff and that sort of thing? Artificial sweeteners? I drink all that stuff. Yeah. I try to maybe not do as much of thing artificial sweeteners i drink all that stuff yeah um i try to maybe not do as much of the artificial sweeteners but you know when it's convenient just to have a coke zero i'll just have one one of the reasons why i do avoid some of those things is not because of the
Starting point is 00:11:36 artificial sweeteners though it's mainly just because of the caffeine i think almost like all sodas and colas and stuff unless it otherwise says that it's caffeine free i think almost like all sodas and colas and stuff, unless it otherwise says that it's caffeine-free, I think almost all of them have caffeine. So I don't like to drink caffeine later in the day. Yeah, that is something you're actually important to pay attention to. It's funny because I don't know if it was sometime late last year, I was looking at a can of Zevia and I was like, wait up, this isn't caffeine-free. And I've been drinking that at like 6 p.m. You have to specifically by the ones that say caffeine free on them yeah you gotta kind of go out of your way to do that and even um
Starting point is 00:12:11 even fucking kombucha um there's this brand of kombucha that's super popular i forgot but it's uh there is a little bit of caffeine in kombucha too so i've been having i've been making sure to just drink that earlier in the day so these are little things that make a big difference as I fucking chase my athletic greens with a monster energy drink. 20, you know, 20 milligrams here, 50 milligrams there. It's like, it's got to add up, you know? And then we're sitting there scratching our heads. I'm like, I can't get to sleep.
Starting point is 00:12:37 It's got to be connected to that sometimes, I think. How are you guys going to handle the fourth anyway? What's going to be your plan on this special day where we get to eat lots of meat? Well, I'm going to have two very strong people hold me by the ankles, and I'm going to go upside down, and I'm going to drink out of a keg. Oh, really? Nice. Have you ever done that?
Starting point is 00:12:56 No. I very unsuccessfully did, yeah, for sure, back in the day. Really? Stuff like that is so amazing. It's like, wait, what are we doing? Why? It's so dumb. Doesn't it go to your head faster i mean yeah does it work uh no i have no idea why it's done you just start i've done it feel like you're gonna die yeah yeah especially because whoever was
Starting point is 00:13:15 holding me up kept like squeezing my stomach way too hard i'm like dude i can't fuck like i'm about to throw everything up it was yeah no and also i've done it on... Fucking stupid. You've seen those Heineken pony kegs? They're just like a... I don't know how many beers they have. They're just like a foot tall. I've done one of those, too, just to prove that I could do a handstand. Wow. I got some Piedmontese hot dogs, so I know we're going to be cooking up some of those.
Starting point is 00:13:42 We're going to a friend's house. Our friend lives kind of near Davis High, and then Davis High has a good fireworks display. So I think we'll either go from my friend's house over to Davis High School, or we'll just try to find a good spot to catch some of the fireworks. But I told them, I said, I'm going to bring the hot dogs. So I'm bringing your own hot dogs party. Piedmontese hot hot dogs 20 grams of protein 10 grams of fat and they taste amazing perfect ratio you know a really cool thing guys this
Starting point is 00:14:11 episode's going to be coming out and we did an episode with san efforting recently you're going to he gave us a deep dive on certain aspects of nutrition and it is really cool that you know piedmontese they're their beef they have a lot of cuts that are this, if you've followed us for a long time, you know, there's a lot of cuts of meat that are quite low fat, very high protein, meaning that that meat itself probably doesn't have a high ratio of saturated fat in it. It's not like that's bad, but he was saying that there are some people who need to be cognizant about their saturated fat intake.
Starting point is 00:14:41 So most people just get rid of steak. But that's the cool thing with Piedmontese that because like there's so many cuts that have lower fat so you can still eat a lot of steak in your diet without skyrocketing your saturated fat if that's something that you are very concerned about. It's almost like you're eating a different animal. You know, like a Piedmontese cow is like somewhere between a regular cow and like a chicken. You know, it's like a, it's super lean. You know, I think half the amount of fat calories a lot of times and sometimes even more. I want to say like I have a Piedmontese like Bavette grass-fed grass finish
Starting point is 00:15:19 and I want to say it has like six grams of fat, but it's like 100 grams of protein or something like that. Yeah, that one I believe has half. So the non-grass-fed one has 16 grams of fat, 100 grams of protein. The grass-fed one has eight grams of fat but still has all the protein. Shit. Yeah, that's wild. And it's big and it's delicious.
Starting point is 00:15:38 Yeah, it's still tender. I know we talk about it all the time on the show. They are a sponsor of ours. They've been a sponsor of ours. I know we talk about it all the time on the show. They are a sponsor of ours. They've been a sponsor of ours. But it's by no mistake you're starting to hear them sponsoring Joe Rogan's podcast and stuff like that as well.
Starting point is 00:15:52 The brand is becoming more and more popular. And hopefully people understand what a great option it really is. The 96% lean ground beef. When I started buying that, I'm like, there's just no way this tastes good. And it freaking tastes amazing so yeah is it as good as like 85 percent no because 85 is 85 and tastes really good to have those extra fat calories is it as good as like the hop dotty patties that they have that are um probably like 80 20 or something like that maybe 75 25 there you there you go yeah has even more fat there's going to be
Starting point is 00:16:23 more flavor in those things and we're not saying to avoid those things altogether. But if you can pull back on those things a little bit, you might get a better net outcome in terms of your physique, and you might get some great health benefits. Yeah, but if you're comparing Piedmontese 96 to Piedmontese 85-15, then, yeah, the 85-15 is going to taste better. 85-15, then yeah, the 85-15 is going to taste better. But I'd argue that a regular store brand 80-20 is not going to taste as good as the 96-4 from Piedmontese.
Starting point is 00:16:52 Again, that sounds biased as heck, but it just, it tastes different. It tastes better. You're right. It does taste like from a different animal altogether. We went to Bodega Bay for a couple of days. My wife and I, we went with uh quinn as well and um i'll take a lot of breaks these days yeah yeah just just kicking back a lot we went and uh did some boogie boarding and stuff like that and just had a good time but
Starting point is 00:17:17 you know even when i go and do something like that it's like when we get to the house you know my wife's breaking out like quest like those crackers that we talked about before um we have quest chips like to me it's okay a dorito is way better like doritos are undeniable you sit there and eat them all day i know they're less expensive you can get a big family size thing of doritos but i'm not about to eat stuff like that anymore i really am i've tried to i tried to make even my worst meals be better than they used to be, you know? And like, as far as like binging and stuff like that and like eating ice cream and like I used to buy like a bunch of candy. I would buy like a bunch of Snickers bars and peanut butter cups on a day where I was like, ah, F it. I'm just going to kind of go for it. I don't do any of that
Starting point is 00:18:01 anymore. And part of the reason why I don't do that, I mean, I still might have a thing of ice cream. I still might have a couple slices of pizza or something like that. But the reason why I don't do any of that anymore. And part of the reason why I don't do that, I mean, I still might have a thing of ice cream. I still might have a couple slices of pizza or something like that. But the reason why I don't do any of those things anymore, I feel like I have other options that are really good. You guys know how good those Quest Hero bars are. Those things are unbelievable. I have the blueberry ones and I got like the caramel whatever. It's like sometimes, like if I go on a date with my wife or we go out to eat somewhere.
Starting point is 00:18:28 I don't know if this happens to other people. But when I come home, I kind of have a sweet tooth. We never get dessert and I wouldn't even really care that much about getting dessert. I don't find it to be that great anyway. But I get home and I kind of have a sweet tooth. So I'll either make a within you protein shake, like make like a steak shake, maybe throw some PB2 in there. And that kind of quenches my appetite in terms of like cravings. Or I'll have one of the Quest bars, like a Quest Hero bar or a Quest cookie.
Starting point is 00:18:56 Quest even has peanut butter cups nowadays. Those are really good. Dude, there's so many good options. And these things are at Walmart. These things are at Target. Like it's not, you know, years ago, it's like you had to go to the gnc and it's kind of weird to get some of these things now they're everywhere i'm the guy that ends up emptying out the aisles at target because like yeah uh the don't get behind and see my he's loading up his cart yeah the fucking what
Starting point is 00:19:19 is it the chocolate peanut butter hero bar i i ordered a bunch of those a bunch of the cheese crackers i'm looking at my door dash right now let my door dash receipt yo no like no because i'm stocked up bro oh nice that that's the cool thing about it it's like you you don't want to over and eat these things because like i've definitely done that yeah the first time i i did that a bit and the gas was ridiculous uh me it's it's something else. So I think that's actually, that's a deterrent. You know, that's the good thing.
Starting point is 00:19:49 That's a lot of money, uh, trapping those things in a jar. No, but on your only fans page, I mean, you should consider it. No,
Starting point is 00:19:57 no, no, no, no, I don't do that on the, on the only fans page. It's, it's strictly workouts.
Starting point is 00:20:01 More business. Like, yeah, yeah. But a sealed package of farts does does that really work like i don't think people who supposedly makes a lot of money off of it huh man she's been on howard stern hey good for these ladies monetize monetize monetize that's mine that's for later what's that don Don't. That mason jar. Keep it closed.
Starting point is 00:20:26 Oh my god. Does it work? What? It has to. Like for how long? What, fermenting fart? It's got an expiration date. Fart into a jar. How long does it last? Go test it out, bro. Go eat a bunch of Quest bars, put it on, and then just clasp it
Starting point is 00:20:41 and open it a year later and see if it's still there. That's actually a really cool experiment. It just like right on the can't on the on the glass you write like what it's from like these are from quest bars that's a hell of a prank i gotta be honest i want to do that this is from milk keep it for like a year and then have one of you guys open it and just be like hey do you do you smell what's in there if it's still in there this goes again going back to the drinking smells like a year and then have one of you guys open it and just be like, hey, do you smell what's in there? If it's still in there. This goes again, going back to the drinking days. It kind of smells like a shaker.
Starting point is 00:21:10 It's been sitting in my car. So that was another dumbass prank is crack open a beer. You're drinking it. Fart into it. Cover it up. And then you're just like, whoa, what the fuck, dude? Did you guys beer smell? It's like, no, dude, check this out.
Starting point is 00:21:24 And then bam, face full of fart. Y'all are disgusted that's horrible that works that's why i don't have any of those friends anymore that's why andy doesn't drink that's why yeah trash friends dog a lot of trash people yeah bro somebody did that to me i swear i'm not a violent person i'm not a violent person but i feel like i just would have to. He would just like react by accident and be like, oh my God, I knocked that guy out by accident. In that scenario, yes, the fart does stay very preserved in that. Wow. You know, can works better because you can squeeze the can and shoot the air up. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:58 Yeah. Maybe it's getting like solidified because of the alcohol or something. Pat Project family, we love beef on this podcast. We talk about it a lot. All right. We love our meat. But sometimes eating the same meat all the time can get a little bit boring. That's why we partner with Good Life Proteins, which also has certified Piedmontese on their
Starting point is 00:22:17 website. But sometimes you might just want to eat some chicken or fish or duck. Duck. Who eats duck? But you can eat duck that's why if you go to good life you can select their build a box options and input all the proteins you want then you'll select subscribe and save to save money on all of your meat if you enter code power project at checkout you can save up to 25 on your subscription that means you're going to be saving 25 on all of that different meat that's going to be heading to your door once again head to
Starting point is 00:22:51 you can enter code power project and save up to 25 links are in the description box below as well as the podcast show notes i do i do got to say though if you guys have like got athletic green since we've been talking about it still try to get some vegetables because i think one thing is like i have had the bad habit of like not eating as much vegetables right this is good and it's beneficial but i i think that it's still going to be good if like you still have vegetables in your diet like you mentioned that you you buy um what you mentioned what you talked about yeah i buy some some just from like a local grocery store. I just buy some like fajitas mix.
Starting point is 00:23:29 It's just peppers and onions and I just throw it in a pan. I get it heated up really well and then once that's cooked pretty good and it's got like a little char on it, then I'll throw some meat in there. And I'm basically just making like fajitas. And if you have some guacamole or you have some like salsa or something it's freaking unbelievable throw some seasoning on there and you're done there you go and even though this is like has a bunch of vitamins and stuff in it like i've just been hearing a lot of people saying it replaces real food or it's it's like i don't get vegetables in my diet so i do this instead i I don't think that's the best idea.
Starting point is 00:24:10 If it's the best you can do and you still choose not to use vegetables, okay, but try to add it in. I think there's a lot of benefits of fruits and vegetables. I think the fibers, there's prebiotic fibers and there's fiber within those things, and I think they can be really healthy. I mean, some of the reason why Stan Efferding, uh, recommended the, uh, the carrots in the vertical diet is it's supposed to be a little bit of a detoxifier. I don't know how well some of this stuff works. I don't know how great it is, but it sounds like a decent concept. Some of those fibers will help pull some junk out of your body. So if you're eat, you know, if you overeat something, um, or if you're just, um, I don't know. Most of us could use some sort of detox. The world is pretty polluted and I'm a fan of it.
Starting point is 00:24:51 I think sometimes people get confused on my diet. I don't always have time to like explain exactly what it is that I do. I did do 100 days in a row of the carnivore diet. I do like the carnivore diet. I'm a fan of it. I'll probably always go back to it or always go back to some sort of like keto style diet here and there just as like a little bit of a reset. I've always liked it. I've always, it's always worked well for me. But even when I do that, I'm still, I'm still a little mindful of like the overall fat that I'm consuming. I think it would be a mistake. It's a mistake to do any diet and to just dive all in on one particular concept and just live there.
Starting point is 00:25:32 However, I think it makes sense to change your diet up here and there. Maybe some parts of the – maybe for a couple months you eat a little bit more fat. Maybe for a few months you eat a little bit less fat. Maybe for a little while you eat a little bit more carbs. Maybe you pull them back in here and there. I'm constantly shifting around. And if somebody wants to get lean, I think a really great way to do it is to pull back some of your energy. Your energy comes from your fats and from your carbs. And so you dwindle those down to whatever amount your body can handle. You have to be really careful with the fats because you can negatively impact your hormones. So pay attention to that.
Starting point is 00:26:05 Fats are for your hormones, proteins for your muscle, carbs for your energy, just in a real simple way of just trying to put things. And that's the way I've kind of looked at it. And more recently, I've gotten leaner and leaner just from pulling fat calories away from my diet. What are you weighing now? I'm around 225 on most mornings, 222 to 225. And you have a goal right now as far as your weight's concerned? Yeah, I want to get down to probably around 215 or so.
Starting point is 00:26:34 I noticed that even just in being like about five pounds lighter on a run, that it's made a huge difference in the speed and in some of the conditioning. So I actually think that I start to get down to 215 and 210 and things like that, I think I'll just, I think my running efficiency will be much improved with, I mean, I didn't really intend for it to be that way, but that's just kind of the way it's going to work out. I'll have had a lot of extra weight on me for the beginning of my running career and now I'll have a little bit less weight and I think it'll be easier to cruise around. I've got a question for both of you guys.
Starting point is 00:27:11 You know, with the increased activity of running, right, you're still lifting. And you, the increased activity of doing jujitsu, you still lift. Do you guys feel that your appetite has like, like, is your appetite crazy right now? Do you find yourself eating a lot of food at one time anymore or are you guys still in pretty good control initially yeah it was pretty bad like i couldn't eat enough um but i don't i wasn't even paying attention to when that kind of dwindled off because i was able to crush 10 eggs for breakfast and then i ate kind of i would have like a protein bar or maybe if i remember to bring fruit throughout the day, I would eat that.
Starting point is 00:27:47 And then I just like was still like, dude, do I get another protein bar or do I like really force myself not to eat again? Yeah. And then dinner would come around. I would crush, you know, ribeye or something with like a like a cup and a half to two cups of rice and being like, I don't know if that's enough rice. cup and a half to two cups of rice and being like, I don't know if that's enough rice. And then little by little, it just started to kind of fade away like the hunger and like my body kind of got acclimated to this amount of like output. And I was able to kind of be okay with it. There was a shift where I took out some eggs to try to drop a little bit of weight. Cause I knew the competition was coming up. Um, there was a, I want to say like maybe a week where I was like,
Starting point is 00:28:26 I'm feeling a little hungry where I normally wouldn't. But then my body acclimated to that and then I was fine. And so nowadays I feel about whatever normal feels like, that's what I feel like. I'm not feeling too hungry. I'm not really getting too full with my meals now, but I'm feeling energized. Like I feel like I'm getting enough energy and I'm feeling, feeling pretty good for the most part. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:52 I think there's like a, I think there's a period of time where you're going to be probably way hungrier. If you have something new. Yeah. If you have a, if you have a bigger output and if you're starting something new, I think there's a, like a mental, a little bit of a mental like panic in your head because as someone that lifts, you're kind of taught like you need, you know, for all this output that you have, you need input.
Starting point is 00:29:15 And then you kind of sit there and you sort of lie to yourself too. Like when you eat, you're like, that's not enough. Like that can't be enough. And then if you're really being honest with yourself, you're like, that was, I fucking just ate like three pounds of meat. That's got to be more than enough. Like that can't be enough. And then if you're really being honest with yourself, you're like, that was, I fucking just ate like three pounds of meat. That's gotta be more than enough. Like there's no way that's not enough. And if you think about like how many calories you burned and the activity that you did, and you know, if you're doing jujitsu or you're doing running, maybe at first, maybe jujitsu does cost you a lot. Maybe it costs your body a lot to do
Starting point is 00:29:43 it. But once you start to get more accustomed to it and you become more efficient, maybe it's a little easier. And then maybe there's some days where you are pretty blasted. Like you did work really hard. You did have some hard roles with some really difficult people. And maybe there's other days that are like more relaxed. And the same thing happens with running. You know, there could be a day where I got in like 50,000 steps because I ran 10 miles or something like that. And as that accumulates, you'll start to feel pretty hungry. And you're like, oh, shit. But after a while, you'll be able to start to tame that over a period of time. And so for now, it's not really as big of an issue.
Starting point is 00:30:20 I don't even really need to bring – it's starting to get hot out, so it wouldn't be smart now. But I don't even really need to bring – it's starting to get hot out, so it wouldn't be smart now. But I don't even really need to have water with me. Like I can go run 10 miles, whereas before, anything over like three miles, I'm like, no, I'm going to make sure I have a water bottle. It's always safer for people listening to have liquid with you. It's not smart to run without it, but I got myself to a point where I could easily do probably a half marathon without any liquid. I got myself to a point where I could easily do probably a half marathon without any liquid you know and I have a question for you guys too
Starting point is 00:30:48 along with that when was the last time you guys think because I know we were just talking about processed food right so when we were and then we talked about quest bars and stuff which is definitely processed food yeah but the caveat to that and it's like yeah it's still processed food but the thing is like
Starting point is 00:31:03 there is a that shit will still make you pretty full. Yeah. Like when when you have like one of the hero bars, like you feel it. And then when you have a second hero bar, like like it's substantial. At least it feels for me like I can't eat like four of those and feel OK. A lot of times I'll have that with a protein shake. Exactly. So I'm like, this is this is going to be more than enough.
Starting point is 00:31:24 I don't know. I'll feel full. And then plus plus if there's a big difference people i don't know how into protein shakes people have gotten but if you mix up a protein shake in a shaker cup uh-huh it has a certain like thinness to it right it's like and you just mix it with cold water it's not going to be that thick but if you blend it up yeah and you ice yeah you blend it up with ice and you have like a ninja blender you have something that will really blend that motherfucker up you throw some bubs uh collagen in there that will thicken everything up and for us guys that like to eat i know personally i like to have that if i don't get like i don't have to be like bursting
Starting point is 00:31:58 but if i don't get that feeling that's kind of close to that then i that registers as like i didn't eat for me i feel a little pregnant yeah yeah i need to feel like oh i can't move i definitely wouldn't be able to get up and run just a tad um there's like a meme you ever see that meme like either i'm gonna finish this hamburger or we're gonna fuck i don't think i've seen like but but both things aren't going to happen? Tom, you're fucking fat. Jesus Christ. That's like... I think it's like a girl in the meme.
Starting point is 00:32:32 She's like, I'm either going to finish off the rest of this hamburger or we're going to have sex. It's like one or the other. Because if you finish off the burger, you got too much blood flow in the stomach and not going to the other parts. Nah, you know, that is a thing. You're just like... Sex while being too full is never fun it actually just shouldn't it just doesn't happen because you're too full you know yeah i can't find it but no the protein exactly so so like that's something to think about and that's what i want to ask you guys as far as like shitty processed food do you guys remember the last time that kind of stuff has been in your house?
Starting point is 00:33:05 Like let's say normal candy or Doritos or like shitty processed food because I don't have that at all because that is still something that I could finish a full like family-sized bag of Doritos very easily. So I just don't keep it there. Yeah. We don't really have stuff like that in the house. right so i just don't keep it there yeah we don't really have stuff like that in the house i would say the only like major offender that might be floating around the house would be like just some tortilla chips here and there still can be good i i'd love tortilla chips yeah yeah um but i just there's certain things where i'm like this is not like for me and in my household it's interesting because stuff can actually last there for a while like Like when I was a kid and my mom bought like cookies or something, boom, they were gone.
Starting point is 00:33:48 Like they didn't last. They didn't last a day. You know, nothing lasted. Didn't matter how much she bought. It was just everything was going to just be annihilated. But my kids are pretty reasonable. Like if they're going to have some chips, they'll take the chips and like pour it into a bowl. I'm like, I would just sit down with the bag yeah i would just like sit in front of the tv with the bag and be like just chewing on that soda yeah yeah yeah recently yeah a lot of a lot more
Starting point is 00:34:16 stuff has infiltrated the house but it's for i think a pretty good reason because that damn ninja creamy so even though like um you know my wife and my daughter are sharing like a pint of just vanilla ice cream with like oreos mixed in the whole thing is still like 60 grams of protein so like even if they cut it in half each one's getting 30 grams of protein right now so fuck whatever three cookies each is not gonna you know really hurt anything yeah so we have we have like uh some gluten-free oreos because my wife is gluten So whatever, three cookies each is not going to really hurt anything. So we have some gluten-free Oreos because my wife is gluten intolerant. So we have that.
Starting point is 00:34:59 I got some cinnamon toast crunch because I wanted to mix that in with the cinnamon roll steak shake for the ice cream. Again, if I were to eat a bowl of cereal, it would be a box of cereal, right? Like I wouldn't, I wouldn't eat one bowl. I would just keep going until the box was done with this. You guys know, like once you mix the ice cream together, you don't have that much space. I'll even like, I'll dig and I'll make a hole to try to fill more in there. But like at the end of it, it's still maybe a full serving, right? You know, it's not that much, but I am really satisfied when I finished that whole 60 gram pint of ice cream, a 60 gram of protein ice cream. And same thing. I'm like, Oh, like, damn, like I'm really feeling that. But if I don't quite feel like I'm about to explode, I will drink a lot of water. And then I really feel like, okay, I am bursting right now. Um,
Starting point is 00:35:43 as unexciting as that sounds to drink water afterwards, but it is very satisfying because the thickness of the ice cream and the coldness, like my mouth is all, my tongue's frozen from just eating nonstop because I don't slow down. I'm just tearing that thing up. Drinking the water really, really does help, and it's very satisfying.
Starting point is 00:36:02 It's refreshing. That Ninja Creamy. It's a game changer. Yeah. I've heard that they're hard to buy right now. They are very hard. Yeah. I've heard there's like
Starting point is 00:36:11 going to be a shortage. Lucky for us. It's just like it's easier to be healthy nowadays than it ever has been. Like fucking protein bars taste good. The air fryer. The air fryer.
Starting point is 00:36:22 It's huge. You can make really like every time we talk about the Ninja Creamy I think some people may think we're exaggerating but you can make air fryer, the air fryer. You can make really like every time we talk about the Ninja creamy, I think some people may think we're exaggerating, but you can make legitimate ice cream at home, right? That has, that's filled with protein that fills you up. Like all the things that people would typically have to, like they would be the things that they binge on. You have options. You generally have options. So, you know, on the 4th of July, when you guys are, whatever, if your family's cooking or if you're going somewhere else, just make the right choices
Starting point is 00:36:49 of the foods that are there because there's got to be something you can eat there that's going to help you out. Or have a protein shake before, feel a little bit full, then go have some fun with the fam, but just be smart. Yeah. Also, how long are you there for? You know, maybe, maybe you're only at this party for two or three hours. And if that's the case, like you can just choose not to eat anything. If you don't want to, you can eat before you go and you can just be like, fuck it. I know they're not going to have anything like rather than complaining or eating some weird version of what they made or, or trying to bring your own stuff. You could just simply not eat.
Starting point is 00:37:22 If you feel like you need to participate more, you can eat before you go and just have a little bit no one's gonna care like if you just eat one hot dog rather than seven you know if they do fuck them yeah exactly yeah you're trying to make some changes you guys ever feel super guilty about eating too much of like the protein so like uh you know the other day my my brother-in-law made tomahawks, right? He went and got them because you can get Piedmontese at Nugget. And so he went and got two tomahawks from Nugget. Yeah. And it was cool because, like, oh, here, this one's for you guys,
Starting point is 00:37:57 and then we'll have this one because I know you guys like it a little bit more uncooked or rare. And, like, I'm looking at it, I it i'm like i'm gonna be so hungry because there's just not enough food and like i'm not gonna go take more food so like that's my thing is like i have to eat before i go because in suma in the past you've talked about like just fasting until you get to the thing yeah if i do that it's gonna make me want to eat more of the other stuff because there's always chips and salsa available that's actually the only place where i get chips and salsa because i don't i can't have chips at the house like tortilla chips like dude i will i cannot stop they're designed that way so i'm here so when i when i go there like that's when i'll have chips but if i like i just i need to chill out so i eat before i go eat
Starting point is 00:38:41 which you know the tactic i got from mark. And it's always going to be a higher protein meal. Sometimes I'll have a protein shake on the way there. So that way I'm not hungry at all when I get there. But yeah, I think for me, one thing that's really helped as much as I love carbs, if I just avoid them at these things, I can't really get into too much trouble for the reasons that I just said, because I'll feel guilty if i am the only one that's like eating all the meat like i just feel bad but then also like when i do eat just the meat or whatever the protein is i get full quicker and then i kind of get tired of eating and i'm like you know we're good like i'll just wait till i go home and eat some ice cream pocket some chili sauce man. Everyone should just keep some fucking, you know,
Starting point is 00:39:25 some chili paste on them. I'm serious. You take that shit with you, wherever you go, you put a little bit of that chili sauce on your food, I'm telling you, you're going to have a little bit and you're going to be like, I'm good. Not only is it spicy, I'm sorry to bring it back, not only is it spicy in the gut,
Starting point is 00:39:41 it just makes you like, oof. A little bit of sriracha in your back pocket? No, no, no, no, no. Sriracha isn't hot enough. Sriracha is just sweet. Man. I'm talking about chili paste. Mmm.
Starting point is 00:39:49 Paste. Right? I'll bring some for you guys because I'm stocked up. It's got some heat. Yeah. It's got some heat. Actually, Andrew, just Google real quick, like Chinese chili paste or something. Let's see what you got.
Starting point is 00:40:00 The green cab hoi fong right now is stock. Oh, yeah. It's out of stock literally everywhere what so yeah yeah this chili garlic sauce is stock is it's like out of stock everywhere but if you go to a chinese supermarket or any asian supermarket you can find different chili garlic sauces that like um that that tastes similar or that are more spicy but yeah there's a shortage on that garlic sauce dude i remember when I couldn't get G. Hughes over the pandemic.
Starting point is 00:40:27 I was pissed. Pull that right out of your fanny pack? I keep it in. I keep it with me. I keep it with me. I'm telling you guys, if some of y'all just go into the world of spice just a little bit,
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Starting point is 00:41:42 somewhere is like a superpower. And I've even had a protein shake on my way to somewhere before. I'm in the car drinking it. Because, again, if you can kind of walk yourself through what you're about to see and you can have an idea of what your Fourth of July party is going to look like, you know that someone's going to be greeting you probably right away with, oh, there's a beer over here and there's this over here and there's chips over there and there's you know endless amounts of fucking tacos over there and you're like oh my god yeah you're like holy shit this is going to be but if you have some principles going in some ideas um things that
Starting point is 00:42:21 i'll do sometimes i might let's say somebody's cooking up some hamburgers I'll get like a hamburger or two by itself and then maybe I'll wait and then maybe I'll get a hamburger with a bun you know it's like okay well I had one hamburger I had the bun on there and that's that kind of the satisfactory one the one that kind of put the exclamation point on everything but I satisfied myself pretty good with the first two burgers and now i threw down a third one with the bun just like little compromises like that like there's nothing wrong with things like that don't forget fermented foods have virtually no calories so if you if you get pickles and things like these are all things that are they're free like they
Starting point is 00:43:00 could you could eat eat a couple. Like it will fill you up. I don't know if people like those foods. I happen to really dig them and it seems to make a big difference for me. So it's not always easy when you go to like a family gathering or party, but it can be. It can be easy. You can have a rule like where you're just not going to eat as many carbs or you're going to cut back on something just so it prevents you from overeating. Or the other option is you just eat a little bit less throughout the day, eat a little bit less the day before, maybe a little less the day after.
Starting point is 00:43:36 Whatever it is that you have to kind of compensate for that. And you should be fine. You could go there and have a 2,000-calorie meal if it's accounted for. That's what I'm going to do. Yeah, why not yeah you can do the opposite but i don't like uh buying calories on credit but you can have the 2 000 calorie meal but then the days following you got to take out a little bit you know pay pay that debt back which i don't like doing but sometimes it's necessary i know a lot of people i mean i think to an extent i think we all do that a little bit conscious.
Starting point is 00:44:07 Like not even thinking about it. Like an eye for an eye kind of thing. Yeah, because like there are definitely some days. At least I know this for myself. Some days where you just eat way more, right? For the next few days, you end up just having a little bit less of an appetite so you naturally eat a little bit less, right? I know you're thinking about like consciously I'm going to fucking pig out today, right? But if you choose to do that, just be responsible with it. It can that that can be a very smart way of doing things. There's lots of tactics.
Starting point is 00:44:42 maybe they're down to like work out beforehand. So you work out, you exercise. Every Thanksgiving, we always do stuff as like a family and there's always like a morning workout every year. It's not always like some crazy workout where we're working out for hours. It's just like pushups, squats, maybe some, maybe we'll go up and down, you know, these stairs that are kind of near the ocean out in Bodega.
Starting point is 00:45:05 We'll do stuff like that. And everyone agrees to it. Everyone's like, yeah, let's go do that tomorrow because we know that tomorrow we're going to be fat and we're going to get down on some really good food and we're going to enjoy ourselves. So in the morning, let's take care of it and let's get a little exercise. Easy enough. And then also while you're at the party you know bring your own bench press bring your own weights and just have a bench press party next to the pool i mean there's no reason
Starting point is 00:45:31 why you can't do that super set with some push-ups put your feet up on the picnic table and you're doing kind of like those decline push-ups and then find two kids and just use them as like you know dumbbells for some flies and you do that in between having like a bench contest next to the pool simple it it doesn't have to be difficult you just wheel in a couple hundred pounds of weight no one's gonna even care no one's gonna bother you and maybe super set it a little bit with some curls too it'd be a good idea also to add in some rotational work like throws so if there are any smaller children or babies throw them over the barbecue into the pool well i mean that's super unsafe like just say like 15 10 feet of distance between you just toss the child or the
Starting point is 00:46:12 baby to each other get the rotation on one side rotation on the other side get single arm rotation oh so you're not even thinking in the pool you know no no no no because babies can't swim some babies can't swim um but like you know if you if you do it correctly, you can really get those hips involved. It did happen to my nephew. He got launched in the air when he didn't know how to swim into the pool. I remember my cousin was like – or sorry, my brother-in-law. He was launching kids into the pool, kid after kid. Somebody else is too close.
Starting point is 00:46:43 Yeah. One kid is like eight years old. Another kid is like nine know, kid after kid. Somebody else is too close. Yeah. One kid's like, you know, eight years old. Another kid's like nine. Another kid's ten. Another kid's, you know, seven. And then here goes Hambone flying through the air. He's like four or something. He's like, whoop.
Starting point is 00:46:58 Like, he doesn't know how to swim. Like, everyone recognized it right away once he's in midair. No swimmies on or anything like that he's going that's so scary oh he was so sad i bet it's terrifying that's how you learn how to swim though yeah yeah yeah just get chucked in there started yeah yeah and don't forget to take your scales to weigh out all the food and weigh yourself before and after and be really tough on yourself yeah yeah if you gained any weight you have to run six miles yeah at least

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