Mark Bell's Power Project - Is Liver King a Fraud? Mark Bell Shares Insight From Liver King Ranch || MBPP Ep. 765

Episode Date: July 11, 2022

Mark Bell went and hung out with Liver King which gave us a great opportunity to ask Mark what he's REALLY like. Is he a fraud? Is he lying? is he on PEDs??? Let's get into the conversation. Join The ...Power Project Discord: Subscribe to the new Power Project Clips Channel: Special perks for our listeners below! ➢ Code POWERPROJECT to save $150!! ➢Enlarging Pumps (This really does work): ➢ Code POWERPROJECT20 for 20% off Vivo Barefoot shoes! ➢ Code POWERPROJECT10 for 10% off site wide including Within You supplements! ➢ Code POWERPROJECT for 20% off! ➢ Use Code POWERPROJECT for 20% off! ➢ Use code POWERPROJECT for 20% of your next order! ➢ to automatically save 20% off your first order at Vuori! ➢ to automatically save $150 off the Pod Pro at 8 Sleep! ➢ Use code POWERPROJECT10 for 10% off ALL LABS at Marek Health! Also check out the Power Project Panel: Use code POWERPROJECT for $101 off! ➢Piedmontese Beef: Use Code POWER at checkout for 25% off your order plus FREE 2-Day Shipping on orders of $150 Follow Mark Bell's Power Project Podcast ➢ ➢ Insta: ➢ ➢ Twitter: ➢ LinkedIn: ➢ YouTube: ➢TikTok: FOLLOW Mark Bell ➢ Instagram: ➢ ➢ Facebook: ➢ Twitter: Follow Nsima Inyang ➢ ➢YouTube: ➢Instagram: ➢TikTok: Follow Andrew Zaragoza on all platforms ➢

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey guys, I want to talk to you about Merrick Health, owned by Derek from More Plates, More Dates. Now, some of you guys are on a fat loss journey, some of you guys are trying to gain muscle, and some of you guys are just trying to optimize yourself and your hormones. That's why Merrick Health is so great, because you can get your blood work done. A lot of us don't know what's going on under the hood as far as our cholesterol, our testosterone, our hormones are concerned, and you need to get that checked multiple times a year. That's why we've partnered with Merrick and we have something called the Power Project Panel, which has 28 different labs.
Starting point is 00:00:27 And if you do get the Power Project Panel, they'll actually be able to partner you up with a patient care coordinator that will go through your labs with you and advise you on what you should do. So Andrew, how can they get it? Yeah, you guys got to head over to slash powerproject.
Starting point is 00:00:41 That's M-A-R-E-k health dot com slash power project uh you guys will see the power project panel and when you guys check out use promo code power project to save 101 off the entire panel links to them down in the description as well as the podcast show notes no it doesn't matter like we can start whatever i just hit record just because you thought we were going so i'm like oh fuck let me just hit record but before we continue there are certain things you're not allowed to say about his life like i cannot say that i i injected him with steroids like we're gonna leave that private we're gonna leave that out okay and the refrigerator with the growth hormone andrew's the one who pointed out the refrigerator he's like bro like
Starting point is 00:01:17 check those check those mini fridges yeah and wow where they were all over the place but the growth hormone is just for the cows yeah see, see, right? On his farm. Exactly. Yeah, it's not for him. No, he had a lot of bottles of stuff lying around that had animals on it. Yeah. And he's like, yeah, it's for them, bro. Like this is to get the cattle bigger.
Starting point is 00:01:37 Yeah, bad. Yeah, big cows. No, I'm kidding. I didn't see anything like that at the Liver King Ranch. However, I did experience going to two different ranches, and they were both really nice. They were really big. He has a boat that's just chilling, sitting in the water. What is that ATV shit?
Starting point is 00:01:53 Well, keep going about the boat. In the back of his house. He has a beautiful home. There's a beautiful lake behind it. He's got a lot of nice things. He had chefs cook for him the entire time I was there. That was a question I didn't get to ask him. Like, does he ever cook any of his
Starting point is 00:02:10 own food? I don't know. I saw him live the lifestyle. I ate some testicles with him. I ate some bone marrow with him. That's not new. I ate some liver. I've always been eating testicles. We had a good time and my brother was with me as well
Starting point is 00:02:25 and uh the second ranch that we went to was on 500 acres there was cows on there um i don't think he tries to profit from the uh farm at all like so he just has cows there that are mainly for him and his crew which is which means he has a lot of fucking money, you know? And, you know, I've been around a while, so I'm starting to kind of add it up. I'm like, oh, okay, I thought he was kind of like in this range, and I'm like, oh, okay, no, no, no, he's more in like this range. What's that range? And then he just told me flat out.
Starting point is 00:02:56 He said, I make, take home about $30 million a year. I was like, wow, that's fucking awesome, dude. That's amazing. So first of all, I just want to point out, like, I think that's cool. And I think, like, for me personally, my goal, I say it all the time, and maybe people think it's lame, but my goal is to make the world a better place to lift. So I like to gather people together, and I like to highlight people. I did it when I was a powerlifter by highlighting athletes like Dan Green and Stan Efferding. by highlighting athletes like Dan Green and Stan Efferding.
Starting point is 00:03:28 And we still do it today on this podcast by highlighting people like Sean Baker, Paul Saladino, Liver King, and the list goes on and on of the people that we have had on the show. Anyway, the Liver King, people are confused about like where he made his money, how he did this, how he did that. He owns a supplement company called Ancestral Supplements. He's had it for several years now. I think he started it in like 2012. That was before his big rise.
Starting point is 00:03:56 Yeah, and so his Instagram, his social media stuff started. I think Paul Saladino and some other people were like, dude, how come you don't have – well, I don't understand. Like you're a savage. You look great. You're jacked. You do all these things and you don't have – well, I don't understand. Like you're a savage. You look great. You're jacked. You do all these things and you don't ever share it with anybody. Like why aren't you showing people this?
Starting point is 00:04:15 And so like eight months ago, he started an Instagram and it blew up. Now, this is all just from him. I don't know. This is all him and I having a conversation. I don't really know if someone is like giving me the, giving me the full story, telling me the truth a hundred percent or not. I don't know what's what. Him and his wife mentioned that they had a dental practice where they made some money doing some of that for years. He owned not only the dental practice, but also owned the property. So I think there was a transaction there where he sold that and made some money, started the supplement company, and then he's been crushing it ever since. But when he and I talked a little bit about business, he was fucking incredible.
Starting point is 00:04:56 I mean he was on par with anybody that we had here, Christian Guzman, who's also a fake natty, Todd Abrams. Those guys, they start talking, and I'm those guys, they start talking and I'm always like, fuck man, I don't know. I invented something. I don't know all the details the way these guys do. So he definitely has that background. He definitely has that spirit of somebody that has a lot of energy. He talked, he talked, okay, I'll put it in perspective for you guys. talked he okay i'll put it in perspective for you guys he talked more than chris bell whoa jesus christ yeah yeah i know imagine those guys having conversations together that's more impressive than his physique i know it was shit it was hard for me to get a word in edgewise is that why you're like hey chris go run the camera i'm gonna go yeah to him okay yeah you're
Starting point is 00:05:43 gonna have to be over there and be occupied. But yeah, man, there was a lot of words flying around. But yeah, that was some of my interaction with him. I actually felt his abs because people were like, his abs are fake. And that was weird, but I felt him up. And then what about the body hair? Yeah, he just doesn't happen to have body hair except for a lot of facial hair.
Starting point is 00:06:01 It doesn't look like he shaves unless he strategically plucks certain hairs or something like that because he did have hair like normally grown hair on his body he just didn't have a lot of it um and then you know there's obviously the thing about the steroid stuff and uh i've been around for a long time i've seen many different people come and go i have my own opinions about it but I'm just going to keep it to myself. I'm not going to talk about them publicly because I just don't think it matters a ton. Um, and I think it's, it's on him to explain, you know, what he thinks is right or wrong in terms of whether he does him or doesn't do him. He says that he doesn't do them. I asked him flat out. Uh, he said, I don't touch that stuff.
Starting point is 00:06:45 he doesn't do them. I asked him flat out. He said, I don't touch that stuff. And I said, what stuff? And he said, steroids. I said, you've never taken steroids. You know, and we went through the whole thing and he claims no. So like my point to the, on the actual podcast, I say, there's nothing that we could do right now to prove that you don't take them or to prove that you do take them. There's not really like a test that we can do. Like we could have WADA come in and they could do a urine and blood test and we could do all these things and SEMA's taken drug tests before. Doesn't change the fact I'm a fake natty. Yeah, the internet's going to be like, well, that federation,
Starting point is 00:07:20 they also had John so-and-so and he fucking failed a drug test later on. We just cycle off. It's that simple. It's never going to be good enough for anybody. And they would just say that he paid for it or something like that, right? Which he did. Which he probably did. He definitely did.
Starting point is 00:07:39 He has the money to and the incentives. See? Yeah, there's no way to put it because you're saying um you know whether or not it matters or whatever the one of the biggest criticisms is people think that like oh he's lying to us um is there any harm if he was keeping that information to himself while still uh yes you know supplements in general like do they do anything is there a little santa claus behind every just about every supplement right like it's it's a belief you know um bcaas and amino acids and these different things i don't know you know what they do exactly.
Starting point is 00:08:26 Maybe they propel your performance a little bit. Maybe people feel like they do. They certainly don't really seem to, quote, unquote, move the needle in any sort of real drastic way. So I don't know. That's what certain supplements do. That's the thing. Only certain supplements. that's the thing only certain supplements get on the mic
Starting point is 00:08:46 just like the basics of like creatine monohydrate electrolytes what else beta alanine makes a difference caffeine caffeine makes a difference right but like for years creatine also doesn't make like a large difference to where you're like
Starting point is 00:09:01 did you see Jason the other day when he came in? Like, fuck man, yeah, he's on some creatine. That's one of the reasons why people forget to take creatine though, because you don't feel it. But that shit, I mean, it actually does make a difference workout after workout after workout. It's additive, right? But you don't,
Starting point is 00:09:18 that's why people forget, because it's not like caffeine where you can feel it right after. It's not like kratom where you can feel it right after. And it's an interesting thing because it's like, I don't know if he's natural or not. But bodybuilders still, you know, there are a lot of bodybuilders who are huge, who they're obviously on steroids. They're backed by certain supplement companies, BSN, Batches, Bax, a bunch. There's a lot. But they don't talk about their steroid use even though that's something that a lot of people look to now.
Starting point is 00:09:46 They're like – you see Greg Doucette. You see even Chris Bumstead has talked about like what he's doing these days. It's expected that people will be open about what they take, right, along with whatever else they market. And people look at that as being more honest or that's a better thing to do. market and people look at that as being more honest or that's a better thing to do and honestly at this point like it is because it's well like you know if you are it doesn't hurt you to be honest about it these days right and if liver king like it's an interesting thing if he is on stuff right he's made his money since 2012 already he's he's he's made his money it's not like he he's hurting for money now um but who
Starting point is 00:10:27 knows maybe he wants you to believe in the message more and maybe that's you know potentially if he is lying maybe that would be the incentive right this guy's also not out here saying like the old marketing of supplements like back in the 2000s 2010 is like you take this you'll get big like me right like people actually were were told like oh if you do this if you take this protein if you take this shit you're gonna look like me right this dude isn't saying any of that shit he's never said if you take my ancestral supplements you can be big and strong like liver king the things that he's really talked about are his fucking tenets and these are actions that you need to take that are free and whether you dislike him because you think he's on drugs or whatever the stuff that he talks about if you do them doesn't put necessarily doesn't necessarily put money in his pocket
Starting point is 00:11:15 right it's just things that you should i've never actually seen him in an ad uh for his own supplement brand now he could be i could I could just not have ever seen them, but like, you know, I hashtag carnivore and all that shit. So like you figure that would like be in my feed somewhere. I've never seen that before. And also,
Starting point is 00:11:34 I think maybe in his story a couple times, I've seen him talking about the ancestral supplements. But in all the posts, I see a lot of people, a lot of influencers in every post that they post. You guys know who these people are. They're famous YouTubers. In every post, there's a sale every time.
Starting point is 00:11:55 I don't have any problem with that, right? I don't care. I want people to make their money. I want the fitness industry to grow. You do what you got to do. You figure it out your own way. But I've never seen Liver King ever do that before. I don't think, I don't think he even does. So it's interesting because people are like, I think he's trying to like swindle us
Starting point is 00:12:13 and he's trying to do this, trying to do that. And maybe, uh, in the most simplest form, maybe there's a lie being sold to you. And the fact that he says he doesn't take them and maybe he does take steroids and maybe that pisses you off uh but i find it interesting the jealousy that i see out there is coming from a lot of different people like joe rogan's tone on there shutting it down and just saying like that guy doesn't do any of that he's got an ass full of steroids that's a really interesting comment i think especially from someone as high up as Joe Rogan. Joe's also interesting, too, because like you look at the he I've heard him say or think certain fighters were like on certain things. I've heard him say certain people that he thinks were on steroids. I'm like, like that person's not even that big.
Starting point is 00:13:00 You know what i mean i think and that's what a lot of people think about things like the by default things certain professional fighters are on certain drugs because they're professional or certain professional athletes are but uh you know i don't think that's that big of a i don't know i don't think that's that big of a deal i think he'd say a lot of people are on steroids for looking a certain way um and i partially, you know, for Joe, Joe's fucking dope. But at the end of the day, like I think some people, they will, you know, they'll judge their specific amount of progress and all that they've been able to do and what they've seen because he's seen a ton of athletes.
Starting point is 00:13:36 Could you imagine how Joe Rogan could look if he focused in on gaining muscle even without TRT? Oh, yeah. He would look like a tank. Like he would look incredible. And he was also jacked when he was younger too. Right. Before doing any type of TRT shit.
Starting point is 00:13:51 Yes, very lean. Big ass fucking pecs and he was lean and he was jacked. Yeah. So, I don't know. It's an interesting one. But the thing about Liver King is like he, despite whatever, you know, he has a look. Right? He has those thick old abs he's red maybe because he's out in the sun all the time um gamma rays he's veiny as shit right
Starting point is 00:14:13 um and that's gonna make certain people think he's on or he's not but at the end of the day i don't know i have no idea yeah you hear uh like Rogan will say somebody's like, oh, he's juiced to the gills. I've heard that so many times. But one thing that I found interesting and you can look at it both ways, being positive or negative. But I thought it was cool that before he ever got on social media, he already had ancestral supplements going. You know, and then because normally you see you see the opposite, right? Like an influencer gets popular. Oh, check out my supplement line yeah this is how i got here it's like well that wasn't there when you were actually getting here and for him it seems like it was there now
Starting point is 00:14:55 yeah our buddy paul saldino built up a big following and he had a product to sell i did the same thing i built up a big following then i had products to sell and that's what i mean like you normally you see it that way and he kind of went the other direction again you could easily be like oh well no he created a bullshit supplement company and then started saying like oh this is how i got jacked you could easily say that i know but i just think it's cool that because it's not like you can just like i got a company you know you can't just do it overnight. You feeling those shrooms yet, by the way? I am. Ha ha! How's it feel? All right, we got to talk about this.
Starting point is 00:15:28 This is Andrew's first time on 500 milligrams of psilocybin. How do you feel, baby? No, well, because I was looking down. I was writing notes. Uh-oh. Same thing. Like, my vision's getting fucked. Really?
Starting point is 00:15:38 So, like, yeah. Take the glasses off. I bet you can see great. I'll probably see clear. No, I just feel, I feel like i'm underwater like you're not like i can't breathe but like i'm just like going with the waves do you have any uh back of your jaw do you find yourself going like that a bit i'm on the ground no no we're gonna stop laughing i'm on a gram right now so what happens what I feel is like the back of my jaw just starts going like you get drug face
Starting point is 00:16:09 you're like that's me myself and Irene face when he's all fucking cotton mouth oh yeah yeah his tongue's all white and Mark you're the sober one now
Starting point is 00:16:21 you're like what the fuck am I doing with these thoughts I mean I got some caveman nitro coffee take a mind bullet there you go i got a little little bit of drugs something i don't know what we were talking about we were just talking about the liver king oh his company like i again like i said i think
Starting point is 00:16:34 it's pretty interesting that he was already doing this before we knew who he was right and then we're looking at this picture which i'm going to pull up here um that's with our boy brad kearns and i remember taking this supplement before i knew whoever the fuck this guy was yeah i did the same for a while for quite some time but what's funny is like everybody not everybody but i've seen this picture come up a lot when they're saying like oh look at him before like obviously he's way smaller but when we were looking at it we're like like, well, you can't really tell. Yeah, the immediate thing with me is he's wearing a shirt and everything is cut off because of Brad and his wife. So with his beard being smaller, you think he looks smaller. If I shave my beard, I look like a baby face.
Starting point is 00:17:19 Smokey shaves his beard, he looks like a baby face. But beards add a lot. So you can't tell what his body looks like underneath a black shirt so who knows and he's kind of hidden there yeah uh the motherfucker owns a plane i mean you know i mean seriously yeah it's you know hey that's ridiculous just owns so much shit you know we were on those uh razors uh at his house how did you break one i don't know you know, what are the razors? Are those the things you guys are driving through water with? Yeah, yeah, the four-wheeler type things. They're like
Starting point is 00:17:49 golf carts on steroids. Yeah. Yeah. Most of the stuff he has is something on steroids. Like most of the possessions that he has, everything is kind of like that. And when we ate, it was like the ultimate feast. There was like
Starting point is 00:18:06 pork and there was steak and there was cheeseburger and there was like french fries. And that's an interesting thing about his diet is that there's room for like alcohol. There's room for some stuff that's
Starting point is 00:18:22 like kind of on the side that you wouldn't think. So he ate fries. Yeah, he ate fries. Yeah. But he's like, you know, it's potatoes. It's fried in tallow. He's got a chef, you know, being all hippy-dippy about it.
Starting point is 00:18:35 But it was fucking French fries. And they were delicious. But anyway, with these four-wheeler things, these Razors, yeah, I don't know what I'm doing on those things. I've rode those. I've driven those before, but not through, like, a big, like, mud bog type thing. And he's got, like, one that's lifted, and he just goes, you know, plowing through. And I go to go through, and I just fucking bomb out. I probably didn't go as, like, aggressive as I out. I probably didn't go as aggressive as I should have
Starting point is 00:19:07 because I didn't really know exactly what to do. He let off at the video? I don't see a video. Is it on? It's on the SuperTrain06 channel. Yeah. Oh, my bad. Yeah, it's also, I think it's on my Instagram.
Starting point is 00:19:18 Where? Oh, I see it now. Yeah, yeah, where I got the goggles. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, snap. Dude,. Yeah, yeah, where I got the goggles. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, snap. Dude, we had so much fun. We were shooting guns and all that.
Starting point is 00:19:30 Very American. This is very Fourth of July. Oh, yeah. Yeah. So this is what you didn't make it through? This is... Yep, yep. There I am.
Starting point is 00:19:37 Oh, you made it through this time? Oh. So close. Wow. So I needed to start a lot faster, and I was trying to pick up speed as I was in there. But apparently that doesn't work. Yeah, then you're spinning your wheels. So we had to get like a wench and tie it around a tree and then it like lifted us out of there.
Starting point is 00:19:56 And then he drove it out. And then I was able to redeem myself later on. And his wife explained it to me. His wife said, when you first got got here you ate a testicle so luckily you were one testicle up she's like but then she's like you got bogged down in the mud and couldn't get out she's like so you lost a testicle testicle card yeah and then she said because i made it through the last one i was back up to three so nice yeah there we go how we literally got shit all over i was gonna say yeah yeah how were the testicles
Starting point is 00:20:26 by the way they were snappy they were snappy yeah yeah what do you mean snappy they they were like they had a little like to them like not crunchy uh y'all cooked those shits right no it was raw you ate raw testicles yeah raw not sack shit y'all people do. Like, this is real white boy fun. You need some testicles, too. Go over to the liver king's, eat some testicles, shoot some guns, and drive. I think he got it from your people.
Starting point is 00:20:54 Fuck McCullough, bro. Y'all don't know, I hurt myself recently, so laughing hurts. But, oh, God, yeah, I think you may have got it. Hey. Went down to that tribe with Africa. Sorry, eating balls and shit huh when you got hurt did you at least did you at least tap the guy out uh yeah actually
Starting point is 00:21:12 i did tap him out hell yeah wait did i tap john out oh there's a question no i did tap him out i tapped not that role but yeah yeah yeah it's an impact injury so um what happened was like i was rolling you very rarely get hurt from jiu-jitsu. You do a lot of it and you're at a high level. So that's pretty fucking cool. Yeah, yeah, yeah. This shit was just – I hit the ground. This came in.
Starting point is 00:21:35 I heard like a – you know? But like feeling around, I have a bruised collarbone. Right now, certain things don't feel too good but i know it's gonna feel fine in a week you still fuck up me and andrew even high on mushrooms and with a busted collarbone yeah it's not busted it's just bruised okay it's just bruised it's a little owie it's a little owie yeah shit still you could tie andrew and i up in a pretzel and leave us in the corner and we wouldn't be able to get out i think i could actually that's actually not very nice but you could do that then you would leave like a cell corner and we wouldn't be able to get out. I think I could actually. That's actually not very nice, but you could do that.
Starting point is 00:22:05 Then you would, you would leave like a cell phone, like 10 feet away and then just walk out. Yeah. Go ahead and try to crawl over to this and they'll figure it out. That's how you can get help. Oh man. Come here on Tuesday.
Starting point is 00:22:14 Real quick question. Have you guys seen the Saw series? Yes. Yeah. Have you seen all of them? No, no, no.
Starting point is 00:22:22 I think I might've seen all of them. It starts to get a little too scary. Yeah. You think you've seen all of them? I. I think I might have seen all of them. It starts to get a little too scary. Yeah. You think you've seen all of them? I think so, but really quick, the scene where he throws the addict into the... Stop it! That was the worst. That one fucks me up so bad.
Starting point is 00:22:36 More than any of them. Yeah, that's terrifying. And then when she gets out and the needles are all inside her, like, oh, that one is really bad. Where did Sima go? There he is. Who thinks of, that one is really bad. Where did Sima go? There he is. Who thinks of that shit? Yeah, man.
Starting point is 00:22:49 That was the worst. Out of all the Saw movies, the bat of fucking needles. Imagine if the writer's like just a totally normal person with no drugs. Yeah, right. Imagine that. He might do it without drugs, but he ain't normal. One of the producers is this Asian, Jamesames wan he's one of the producers i didn't realize that uh he's produced so many good horror movies but i just uh me and my girl like first off i saw the first
Starting point is 00:23:16 saw but i never saw the rest because i'm really bad with gore um but we went through all the saw movies in the in the past like week like we've, we watched all the way to seven. And Jesus Christ, it is really well done. Seven of them? Oh my God. They're really good. I used to think like, oh, it's like one of those movie series like Fast and Furious, like the story's done. But it is actually really good. So highly
Starting point is 00:23:37 suggested. Don't say anything bad about Fast and the Furious though. I love those movies. You like cars. You like anything with fast cars andrew that is true but i also just like the fact that they're like so far over the top it's basically like uh it's about family it's like an action naked gun series not family like that shit's really good it's all about family i saw a trailer for black adam family how's he looking? It didn't look very good. It didn't excite you?
Starting point is 00:24:06 But I don't know. Maybe it's fun. Didn't put fire in your loins seeing Dwayne all jacked? He does look jacked. Okay. That's all I care about. Hopefully it's like, I don't know. It seemed like it was trying to go more funny than anything.
Starting point is 00:24:18 Well, I guess he's in that realm, right? Because he's got a lot of little kids that are huge fans, right? Yeah, but DC usually goes dark, though. Not not usually they have gone dark i should say with like the it was just a trailer so i don't know but i was like i don't know yeah dc just can't get it right i don't know i always think he's gonna give somebody a rock bottom i can't get that out of my head yeah Yeah, man. No. The funny thing is like with all these, you know, Dwayne's super jacked and Liver King's super jacked. One of the comments that I think is just so funny is like kids will look at these physiques and think that they're possible. That's just the, I don't know, that's the funniest comment to me. You know, because it's like, it's possible for some kids.
Starting point is 00:25:03 It's not possible for every kid. Becoming the president is possible for one kid. Yeah, but it's not new. We've been looking up to Rocky. We've been looking up to Goku, Ryu, a lot of these people. Well, and we didn't know. We didn't know years ago. It's hard to tell if it's like more harmful or not. I mean, to go back to your question about, you know, asking, you know, selling and supplements and then you get into weird moral ground, you know, like I don't know what the right answer to that is.
Starting point is 00:25:36 The fucked up thing is to like is to that's the thing. Supplements. All of this kind of BS has started when people were like saying protein shakes are going to light up. This mass gainer is going to put on so much muscle. What the fuck do we know? It's not going to happen. this kind of bs has started when people were like saying protein shakes are gonna light up this mass gainer is gonna put on so much muscle what the fuck we know with it's not it's not gonna happen unless it's within you supplements unless it's within you this is the way that shit is no but like these supplements do certain things they're not gonna get you huge what gets you huge is the work you put into the gym and how huge you guess is how huge you get is based off of mommy and daddy partially mommy
Starting point is 00:26:06 and daddy and then like work you put in so it's like no one's selling anyone on that type of shit anymore yeah your genetics and what you do with the genetics right and your your environment you know go ahead i was gonna say most of the people that we know that have accumulated you know kind of large amounts of body fat from the time they're young still have a hard time shaking it. Yeah. So what you do from the time you're born basically is another big predictor. So you can change your genetics. It's called epigenetics by, you know, getting in a lot of exercise and having a good healthy environment.
Starting point is 00:26:46 lot of exercise and having a good healthy environment. But some kids grow up, you know, playing video games and overeating and doing that every day rather than being outside and doing things that could be more productive. Being inactive in your youth is like, it's hard to work that off as you get older. Like, you know, I know kids who were athletes or did some type of sport when they were younger. They were active. They ran around. They did things. They weren't just sitting around all the time. They become adults. They move better.
Starting point is 00:27:10 They're able to just be physically more dominant. And then I know kids who weren't. And it doesn't mean you can't when you're older. It's just it is going to be harder for you if you didn't grow up doing certain things. So that's just one thing where it's like this guy's liver king is not trying like when i listen to that podcast i'm like okay he's trying to tell parents to have their kids be active have their kids eating meat have their kids getting out and do things don't have your kids sit around playing video games watching tv all the time just being sedentary as fuck getting like
Starting point is 00:27:40 like these are things that just people should do. These aren't damaging. These aren't going to, this isn't going to damage people's life or their outlook on fitness. These are good things for people to do. Whether you think the guy's on drugs or not, it's like, it's not bad for people to do. I know you're enjoying this clip, but listen up. We have this beef company, P Monty's beef that no matter what diet you're doing, whether it's low fat, high fat, carnivore, keto, whatever, they have perfect cuts that are going to fit your diet perfectly. And the cool thing, Andrew, less connective tissue, so you're not going to have those gristly, nasty things that you have to spit out when you eat beef.
Starting point is 00:28:12 That's what those are? That's what those are. Oh, and Piedmontese doesn't have that. They don't have that because the cows are jacked, lack of connective tissue, buttery when you cut into it. Amazing taste. So, Andrew, how can they get some Piedmontese? Yes, sir. It's over at That's Check out,
Starting point is 00:28:30 enter promo code POWER for 25% off your order. And if your order is $150 or more, you get free two-day shipping. Again, that's at, promo code POWER. Let's go ahead and get back to this podcast. Right. And even if he does, I'm like, who else do you know that looks like that? He's in tremendous shape. you got to kind of just tip your hat to that um he's 5'7 he's 190 pounds i think uh i've seen a lot of crossfitters over the years look similar maybe try to bring up that picture of uh froning and uh kalipa and some of these guys again i'm not trying to make excuses for this guy and i'm not trying to say that he's natural. I'm just saying a 5'7", 190-pound body, that's probably – what percentage body fat are you going to guess? I'd say he's like 6, 6 or 7, at least looking at the upper body.
Starting point is 00:29:15 Yeah. You know what I mean? He doesn't – not overly muscular in the lower body, but yeah, 6, 7 percent. Actually, it could be – because depending on how the lower body is, it could be like 8. Actually, it could be because depending on how the lower body is, it could be like 8. If the lower body isn't as lean, because for some people, when they lose body fat, they'll lose a lot on the upper body. Matt Ogis is actually like this, where he'll have perpetual abs, but his legs, he won't lose fat there for a while. He just has really good genetics for that area.
Starting point is 00:29:40 That's a thing. Right. And after seeing him up close, I would say he's like 7% or 8%, probably somewhere in that range. And, yeah, I mean, these guys, you know, Froning, he never, like, back then, according to some of the, you know, watching some of the CrossFit Games documentaries, he would eat a couple sleeves of Oreos every night. You know, I don't know what the rest of his diet looked like.
Starting point is 00:30:02 I don't know if he had some more discipline there. Jason's never had, like, real discipline with his diet until the last maybe three, four years. Um, and not, not that Jason ever like, uh, didn't eat well,
Starting point is 00:30:15 but he just, I mean, look how fucking Jack the guy is. That's crazy. Yeah. That picture by the pool, they look fucking insane. It's like,
Starting point is 00:30:22 what the fuck? But yeah, one thing again, people don't think about is like, uh, I think when Froney was on the podcast, he talked about he was doing stuff since he was a kid. Kalipa, I'm just going to assume he did stuff since he was a kid, as in like activities, sports. Those things make a difference in terms of how you age and how you move. Absolutely. And if you're not, if you're someone who just decided to pick up the gym at 16, 17 or 18, I'm not saying that you can't, um, cause I've seen people like get great results
Starting point is 00:30:50 and move well like that. But, uh, you, you can't expect that your trajectory as far as like that short period of time is going to be the same as some 26 year old that's been lifting since he was 10. You couldn't get there. It's just going to take you a longer amount of time. Yeah. I don't want to pick on the person too much, but you know, there was the comment and it's like, well, I'm five,
Starting point is 00:31:10 seven, I'm one 55 and I've been lifting for 10 years. I don't look like that. It's like, well, you're two different people, but I just, you know,
Starting point is 00:31:19 we have the whole podcast about this where it's like, okay, so just because somebody looks better than this thing, then they're definitely on gear. Yeah. It's just such a where it's like okay so just because somebody looks better than this thing then they're definitely on gear yeah it's just such a it's again you don't want to just like believe everybody for everything they say you but at the same time like dude the kind of shit would make you believe that everybody's on stuff you know what i mean because like and i've been saying this for years like you know, Tom Brady is an anomaly because of how late he's still, you know, he's in his 40s, in his mid 40s, still playing professional football, still getting to the championship games. And just he's just he's ridiculous. But like every time someone does something spectacular, we're going to always just say that there's drugs there. I know that they are prevalent in sports and I know that they're big, but Hussein Bolt has been accused many times of all kinds of different cheating, having special types of shoes and taking designer drugs that no one knows about yet.
Starting point is 00:32:19 And just the list goes on and on. See if you can bring up Dan Bailey. He's a CrossFitter too who's real jacked that gets accused of it a lot. And he's like, you know, the thing about Liver King, seeing him up close and the thing that probably is on the front of a lot of people's mind is just how hard his body looks.
Starting point is 00:32:37 And people think that his abs, you know, are fake and they look like implants. They very well could be. I don't have any idea. Like I don't have any way of knowing. I did touch him and feel him. It felt muscles but did you i did okay can i get a hey now and people were uh commenting quite a bit about uh me feeling his abs they were like saying how he was like a homophobe or something like that because i was you know i i i just like
Starting point is 00:33:04 randomly brought it up while my brother was filming he didn't even know we were going to ask him that question which question and about his abs yeah about touching his stomach but like i think that's a pretty normal reaction like dude i don't want you to touch me like that i i don't know i wouldn't react that way necessarily because i don't because i'm gay yeah i don't care i'm open that way you know but some guys are like that some guys don't like to be they're like dude don't seriously don't touch me that's a perfectly fair thing to not want to be touched by another person yeah i have a lot of male friends that are like no no no dude like seriously and i'm like oh okay fuck you know what's funny so anyway in this
Starting point is 00:33:43 instance people said that he was a homophobe for not wanting you to touch his abs. Yes. But those same people, I think in certain instances would be like, ew, he wants people to touch him? He's gay. Like, it's like, you can't. Yeah, absolutely.
Starting point is 00:33:55 With certain people, you're just one way or the other, you're fucked. You are so fucked. Oh my God. Yeah, look how jacked these guys are are but then people are gonna be like well they're on too you know one we were talking about this on a walk i'm not comparing him liver king to some like high level athlete or whatever but i think we should just like again just be open to what certain levels like certain levels of athletics can do sherryann frazier price is a 35 year old olympic sprinter who's had two children and she just i think recently had the fastest 100 meter time of 2022 mother of two children 35 fucking
Starting point is 00:34:36 years old especially with sprinting people are like oh that's a sport where you you as you get older you can't do it this woman's 35 and still bussing youngins that are like 19, 20, and 21 in their prime. What's her name? Sherry Ann Frazier Price. That's a lot of names. Just type in Frazier Price on YouTube or whatever. She'll pop up. But this is the thing.
Starting point is 00:34:54 I think a lot of people can do some wild things. Athletics. It's how you take care of yourself and how long you do it. How long you can do it without getting yourself fucked up you know so it's who knows i don't know with whatever liver king i i don't know if he's or he's not i'm gonna lean towards he is why because like i with some of the things he talks about it's it's lifestyle stuff yeah he's making money off of ancestral supplements but with when it comes to any of these folks i'm like i pay attention to what they're talking about are they saying that the way they looks is because of the supplements that they take and they're they're fucking a
Starting point is 00:35:31 mass gainer or their their special formulated fucking pre-workout that gets them super hyped for the gym or are they talking about things that you can do in your daily life the habits because we know that it's the habits it's the things that you do day by day that are going to allow you to be able to gain that amount of muscle over a period of time. It's not going to be the supplement you take. Supplements can make a bit of a difference here and there, but they're not going to be the end all be all. It's what you do on a day to day basis. And with what I hear him talking about, he's talking about habit change, which is what we talk about all the time. Daily habit change for people. Right.
Starting point is 00:36:08 So you don't believe that he takes anything? I think he could. But at the end of the day, like I – It doesn't make any difference in your life, right? It doesn't make any difference for me because first off, I'm 250 pounds at 6'2". So many people already think that I'm on drugs and I know what I've been able to do over the period of time where I'm like, I know other people who like my boy,
Starting point is 00:36:31 Sam Okunola, Russell, all these people. I know people have also done some wild things where I'm just like, you know what? I mean, I've been able to do this. How am I going to tell some other guy that,
Starting point is 00:36:41 Oh, he's definitely on. I, I, I cannot do that because I know it was possible for me. So I know that there has to be other people on this globe that can do some shit like that. So I don't think it's out of the possibility. People also think I'm retarded for thinking Mike O'Hearn isn't on.
Starting point is 00:36:58 All you can do is take his word. I don't know. That's all you can do. But the thing is, when i hear some of these people i pay attention to what they say i'm like are they trying to say that supplements got them here you know what i mean because that's the sleazy shit that people get mad at and people rightly should get mad at that like if someone's out here and they're big and they're jacked and they're like this got me this big like no you're bullshitting you're bullshitting like talk about
Starting point is 00:37:22 the stuff that you do the the way you work out the habits you have on a day-to-day basis. That's going to be the thing. And he's not saying that. Like, there is this back-end sale that he's going to have for ancestral supplements because not everyone is going to choose to eat liver, heart, organs. So they're going to buy the supplements. OK, I can understand that. But the base of the message is change your habits. Change what you do.
Starting point is 00:37:43 Get some sunlight. Get out and get in some cold. Work out each day. Stop eating processed foods. These are things that you can do without paying for supplements. Or just take a little trend. Or just take a little trend. Everyone wants some Lincoln Bags.
Starting point is 00:37:57 I know people are watching right now and they're like, come on, guys. Yeah. Give me a break. He's on tons of gear. No, no, no. For me, that shit doesn't help me out like i don't go on the internet i'd rather believe that people are natural like when they say i'd rather just be like okay you know like bring up uh see if we can bring up ct fletcher
Starting point is 00:38:17 from a couple days ago he posted a picture when he was young a young man and he just looked fucking spectacular that's that's the thing i'd rather believe they're natural but then i'm like i pay attention to what they say and they're spouting a bunch of bullshit i'm like okay i'm i don't really care but they're spouting things out okay this can actually make a difference to people you've got something you know yeah look how jack is there and then watch uh there's a couple other. There's a really insane one. That one. Holy shit. Dude, what a good looking guy, man.
Starting point is 00:38:50 He looks incredible. He was slain. What the hell? CT was slain. Yeah. CT was out in these streets, bro. Nah. Nah. CT is a good guy.
Starting point is 00:39:02 He could be a good guy and still slay. He could be a good guy and still slay. He could be a good guy and still slay. Ain't nothing wrong with him. Not my boy, C.T. He's giving people a good time. Think of all the happy customers. He is so much fucking fun. He is so funny.
Starting point is 00:39:18 He's taking me through his gym and he's showing me all this old stuff. He's like, I like old everything. He's like, you saw the cars outside? He's like, I like old cars. He's like, I like old everything. He's like, you saw the cars outside? He's like, I like old cars. He's like, I like old dumbbells. Mark Bale, he's like, I like old everything. He's like, look at this old ass machine.
Starting point is 00:39:35 He's like, the only thing I don't like that's old is pussy. He's like, ain't nobody like old pussy. He does his own laugh yeah himself up god that guy is amazing oh my god oh my gosh um what about i mean hopefully i didn't steal this question from anybody but mark you posed this question in our text thread if uh liver king was of a different ethnicity look he was black no one would say nothing or actually they would but it wouldn't be as bad. They might be talking about something else, yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:10 Nah, like, yeah, nah. What you were saying was, it was kind of odd because people look at big black dudes and they're like, ah, mate, BBC genetics. That's what they always throw out, right? But, you know, he's not. So, like like there's a little bit more doubt there because he's white come on now it's it's it's hilarious you were saying that like you don't see as many uh you don't see as many the natty or not videos made on black people right you don't like you you really don't like you've seen some like you know you've seen russ swole uh there's this guy uzoma obi lore right he's black he's nigerian actually
Starting point is 00:40:52 um i think greg and some other people said he wasn't natural or whatever but you don't see as many natty or nots being made on black dudes you really don't um because i think in some of these dudes in the back of their mind they're like maybe you know maybe those genetics right so but that's the thing is like i i don't think some white dudes can't get just as big again i've seen some big white boys you know and they are that's why in the last podcast i made sure to like pull out some pull up some big natural white guys who is there who's the real big guy that everybody always claims is on shit doug miller doug miller there you go yeah doug miller looks wild bro doug miller looks really special when he's on stage but he has
Starting point is 00:41:41 competed in a drug tested federation for a long time yep he has he's been drug tested but again but he's doesn't mean drug free and he's the he's the guy that they love to promote so they let him stay let him take some shit yeah i mean i i know jay cutler's not like competing but like dog doug's arm that is not edited he makes makes Jay Cutler look so tiny. Doug is a fucking joke. No, when I say Doug's a joke, I mean just in the best way possible because, like, I do believe Doug. I do believe that there are some just freaks out there that, you know, people just – we can't catch up to that. Dude, I got a really good lesson in genetics when I was a professional wrestler. I got a really good lesson in genetics when I was a professional wrestler.
Starting point is 00:42:32 When I got around some of those mutants and I got to hang out with Mark Henry, who's an Olympic-level weightlifter and a strong man. Like Mark Henry is one of the strongest humans to ever walk the face of the earth. Yeah. Oh, man, look at those horns. Look at his biceps. Fucking grapefruits, man. And just seeing all these different mutant athletes i mean mark henry deadlifted nine mark henry deadlifted 900 pounds and he wasn't necessarily he didn't he didn't have a huge focus on powerlifting he was more of a weightlifter when he was young yeah it's insane the guy was
Starting point is 00:42:57 fucking dunking a basketball and but there was just a ton of athletes that our coach would say hey like do this drill like and he'd say would say, hey, like, do this drill. And he'd say, Andrew and Seema, you guys do this drill. You know, Mark and so-and-so, you do this drill. If you watch like three or four different people go, you know this from jujitsu, it just looks different. Every once in a while, you're like, it's not even necessarily about being a black belt. It's not necessarily about how long you've been doing something for. somebody comes into class and you're like you just tell the way they move how the fuck did they know how to do that already and they're like oh yeah i did gymnastics you know
Starting point is 00:43:32 from the time i was seven or whatever and you're like well fuck man it shows you get to see it right away but even beyond even beyond that even beyond having a previous experience in some other type of sport there's some people that because they can just pick stuff up sometimes. We know that that happens with playing a piano. We know that happens with art. You ask 1,000 people to draw a picture, and if they're random people and they're not trained artists, they'll only probably be a handful of people that made something that looks good.
Starting point is 00:44:04 And like where does that come from? A lot of it has to do with genetics and then imagine if you have a little bit of genetic potential for that thing and you discover it when you're young liver king saying that he started training basically around nine years old he said his mom and his family moved his dad died when he was young his mom moved to a neighborhood and they were right next to a gym like walking distance to a gym and he just said that he gravitated towards that because he didn't have like a male role model in his house and that's what he went with you know what's funny there's this um there's this guitarist he plays for this band polyphia um let me see the reason why i'm bringing this up is because i see the same thing when it comes to like anybody that's doing something like really wild it's like polyphia
Starting point is 00:44:51 lead guitar obviously he does adderall obviously do shrooms tim henson do shrooms thing make do shrooms make things taste better uh do you know something tastes better? I'm drinking this, what is it? Ultra Rosa. Sorry, I don't know what the fuck. Monster. It was good before. Right now it's really good. It does change stuff. For me, when I would go to eat, I couldn't
Starting point is 00:45:18 taste stuff as much. For each person, it might do something a little different. Have sex on shrooms. That's just fun. I gotta go. Um, but I was gonna say his name is Tim Henson. All right. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:45:30 Polyphia is like, they're these three guitarists who just make ridiculous music, but they made this recent song called playing God. And when I was going through the, his YouTube channel, he actually played it so people could see what his hands were doing. and the comments were like, okay, seeing this just makes me want to quit guitar i've been playing for 15 years and i'm not even close to this good just the amount of guitar players that were really good who were like i feel like quitting this is stupid i feel like quitting like
Starting point is 00:45:58 first off this song is fucking amazing but yeah that's him. But like guitarists didn't know that this was actually possible on guitar. Wow. Just let it play for like 20 more seconds because what you'll see his hands do in a second is just disgusting. Jesus. jesus wowzer so like yeah pause it wow he's so loose with his hands yeah yeah this Yeah. This guy's 20, 29 or whatever, but that's the thing. My hand is cramped up.
Starting point is 00:46:47 I know. Like if you want, like just like after the podcast, just wash that shit. It's beautiful because his, both of his hands are doing some wild shit. And the amount of guitarists that number one reacted to this and we're just like, this is unbelievable.
Starting point is 00:46:58 I've never seen guitar played this way. Like he's literally playing guitar in ways that you haven't been able to see before, but it makes people that are experienced want to quit. This is the thing. Some people can just do certain things way better. Right. And it applies to everything.
Starting point is 00:47:13 It also applies to physicality. Yeah. The first time someone shoots a basketball, someone's going to be better than you at it probably. I mean it's just sometimes the way shit goes sometimes. People have bigger dicks, right? I mean not it's just sometimes the way shit goes sometimes. People have bigger dicks, right? I mean, not than mine, but I'm saying from what I've heard from friends. They exist, maybe. And, you know, I brought up Lionel Messi, but people love to say that, like, he was given GH when he was younger.
Starting point is 00:47:40 He was. I don't know, for some growth thing. But, like, when you see that man move on a soccer field like when you see him play when you watch messy highlights he's doing things that other players just don't do they can't do he's smaller than other guys and people know what he's doing people know what he's doing but it's like it's it's just can't stop it it can't stop it it's another level like obviously he practiced his ass off and since the he was a kid, but they're also just intangibles that others, even the professionals, just don't have. And everybody can come together and say this is the greatest soccer player of all time.
Starting point is 00:48:14 Right. So just there are things that people have that other people don't. That's just how it is. You guys riding that high from the mushrooms reminds me to remind you guys, if you haven't seen Nine Perfect Strangers, you should watch it. Ooh. And, Seema, you'll really like it a lot. You told me about it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:30 I still haven't watched it. I'll put in my notes. It's good. It gets weird. It's fun. Nine Perfect Strangers. Holy shit. Hold on.
Starting point is 00:48:38 This is an amazing play. I'm just watching Messi be inside ankle bone. When I was – dude. But look at that shit, though. I got to – I'm just watching Messi be inside ankle bone. When I was... Dude, what the fuck? But look at that shit, though. I gotta... It's definitely the mushrooms, but look at the fucking amazing precision and just the...
Starting point is 00:48:54 Obviously, like, the nonverbal communication right here, though. The Barcelona team with Iniesta. Yeah, Messi and Xavi is what... Go fuck off, dude. That's so sick. You guys know the the golden state warriors when they had like uh curry and well you know the way they played basketball in terms of the passing and stuff that was the way that barcelona team played yeah um and it's just it's
Starting point is 00:49:14 beautiful to watch but when you watch him move even if you're not a soccer fan like you're just like it it makes it brings the hairs so, it just like makes your skin crawl. How wild it is. It's beautiful. I still watch that shit to get myself pumped up to do. He's a savage man. His heel goes away from the body. His heel points away from the body.
Starting point is 00:49:36 Like the baby, like the baby crawl. Got to get that down. We got Gary Scheffler coming in and going to set us straight. Yeah. Hopefully. Yeah. I told him I had to have Jake here to coach me up on some things before my coach shows up.
Starting point is 00:49:50 Get you ready. Mm-hmm. Get you ready. Yeah. All right. Well, I think we exhausted this Liver King stuff. He's obviously on tons of juice. Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:49:58 I saw the Trent House that he had. Interesting, you know. He had so many people in that factory, you know, just mixing the trend in there. And there's people like pouring the powder in and stuff and people laughing like a maniacal evil trend laugh, you know. And then the factory workers, you know, they have the trend cough going and everything. There's so much trend everywhere. But other than that, I didn't see anything suspicious. So, yeah, I think it's all good.
Starting point is 00:50:26 Andrew, take us on out of here buddy all right thank you everybody for checking out today's episode sincerely appreciate it drop your opinions down below in the comment section would love to hear what you guys have to say I have an idea what they're going to sound like don't be so mad that's all yeah don't be angry so mad and then please subscribe you guys are not
Starting point is 00:50:42 subscribed and make sure you guys slap that like button on your way out please follow the podcast at mbpowerproject on Instagram, TikTok and Twitter, my Instagram, TikTok and Twitter is at IamAndrews, yeah at least like this episode for me being higher than a fucking kite right now, and Sima, yeah where you at? 500 milligrams, you getting ripe over there?
Starting point is 00:50:59 hey dude shit man, I am not smelling good, so I have that charcoal, going around on mushrooms smelling all maddie so like i've definitely been like leaning into the hippie side of things but so like i had i made myself some tea the other night and then they didn't have the uh the the charcoal scent one they had like it was like a some kind of tea and ginseng and some like sage type shit and i'm like i bought him like it smells really good and then it hit me later i'm like ah
Starting point is 00:51:30 it's happening it's already happened yeah full-on hippie well anyway and i'm doing mushrooms you are and they feel good good i'm happy for you um uh go to the Discord. Great community in there. Make me laugh right now, man. Don't fucking make me laugh right now. I haven't seen you on Instagram, YouTube. Don't put this on me. That's all you. Fuck you. I'm going to talk on Twitter.
Starting point is 00:51:55 Mark, where can people find you, man? I'm at Mark Smiley Bell. Strength is never weakness. Weakness is never strength. Catch you guys later. Bye.

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