Mark Bell's Power Project - Joe Rogan Reacts To Powerlifter With The Most Muscle Mass In History

Episode Date: November 3, 2021

We wanted to highlight how great it is that a huge platform like The Joe Rogan Experience is talking about Powerlifting. These are our thoughts on Joe Rogan and Rob Kearney reacting to Drug Free Power...lifter Ray Williams having 300lbs of fat free mass. Special perks for our listeners below! ➢Vuori Performance Apparel: Visit to automatically save 20% off your first order! ➢Magic Spoon Cereal: Visit to automatically save $5 off a variety pack! ➢8 Sleep: Visit to automatically save $150 off the Pod Pro! ➢Marek Health: Use code POWERPROJECT15 for 15% off ALL LABS! Also check out the Power Project Panel: Use code POWERPROJECT for $101 off! ➢LMNT Electrolytes: ➢Piedmontese Beef: Use Code "POWERPROJECT" at checkout for 25% off your order plus FREE 2-Day Shipping on orders of $150 Subscribe to the Podcast on on Platforms! ➢ Subscribe to the Power Project Newsletter! ➢ Follow Mark Bell's Power Project Podcast ➢ Insta: ➢ ➢ Twitter: ➢ LinkedIn: ➢ YouTube: ➢TikTok: FOLLOW Mark Bell ➢ Instagram: ➢ Facebook: ➢ Twitter: ➢ Snapchat: marksmellybell ➢Mark Bell's Daily Workouts, Nutrition and More: Follow Nsima Inyang ➢ ➢YouTube: ➢Instagram: ➢TikTok: Follow Andrew Zaragoza on all platforms ➢ #PowerProject #Podcast #MarkBell

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Yo, did you guys see what was going down on Joe Rogan when Rob Kearney was on there? World's strongest gay. And he was talking about Ray Williams. I mean, Ray Williams might quite possibly be one of the biggest freaks to ever walk the face of the earth. Unbelievable strength. But what they uncovered in the show was just completely unbelievable. We'll play it in a minute. covered in the show was just completely unbelievable. We'll play it in a minute.
Starting point is 00:00:30 But, you know, keep in mind, Ray Williams is quite possibly one of the strongest power lifters and maybe even the strongest, one of the strongest people to ever live, depending on how we gauge strength. But if we're talking about lifting weights, this guy has lifted some crazy weights, 1080 squat, bench pressed over 550 pounds, I believe, and is dead lifting over 850 pounds. World-class and a drug tested athlete. Consistently drug tested, not just one, throughout the year. Consistently drug tested athlete. So it's just, it's unbelievable.
Starting point is 00:01:00 And I believe that when you've gotten your body fat tested, that your body fat was like 7%. But I think the most astonishing thing, because we've seen many individuals get in a single-digit body fat, is that you have 217 pounds of muscle. I believe I was like 198, 197, something like that. So that's extraordinary to have that kind of muscle mass. Yeah, 217 pounds of lean tissue. And the year before was 214. So it's going up slowly. 273 pounds of lean, lean tissue. And the year before it was two 14. So it's going up slowly, but raise on another level,
Starting point is 00:01:29 dude. Like, I'm also really curious about his bone density. Cause the bone density thing was something like my bone density is really fucking dense, but I'm curious about him because he's lifting these kinds of weights all the time. Um,
Starting point is 00:01:41 the interesting thing on the Rogan episode was they were talking about strength adaptations, like something that happened to Rob um he got injured and when the when they were trying to do acupuncture the needles were bending because of how the when they were pulling out the acupuncture needles the needles were bent right so i wonder what kind of weird fucking body adaptations ray has lifting all this weight over time wasn't that a scene on superman like they tried to put a needle in him and it bent. And the doctor, like for example,
Starting point is 00:02:08 another example was David Goggins meniscus or something. You remember him talking about that? How the doctor, usually when you're cutting a meniscus, it's like super easy to cut. But when they're cutting David Goggins meniscus, former power lifter. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:21 And all the stress he's done because of running, they were literally struggling to cut through the tissue because it was so fucking dense they're like we need stations they're like we need a laser beam to cut through this fucking thing yeah um i wonder what ray williams like if he got blood work done and stuff like what some of this stuff would look like like is his is his blood work uh made out of some southern cooking barbecue sauce or something? Because when he was here, man, he was putting down some food, man. Big Ray's. The sweet baby Ray's just comes out of the bag. I mean, is this guy's testosterone levels supersonic or something?
Starting point is 00:03:02 What is allowing him to lift that kind of weight? It's got to be unbelievable we need to get uh our boys at merrick to test this guy and to kind of see you know we do know he's a drug tested athlete he gets tested frequently and uh i've never heard anything otherwise that he's you know he appears to be a clean athlete in every sense of the word and and it's just unbelievable. Anyone that hasn't seen this guy squatting, I mean, you've got to check out some of the stuff. But let our people know how they can get hooked up with Merrick if they want to get their blood work done and get their testosterone, growth hormone levels, all those things checked out. All that good stuff. Yeah, so Merrick, the premium TRT clinic, telehealth TRT clinic.
Starting point is 00:03:44 So if you're like Ray Williams and you do want to get that blood work done, head over to That's And if you're going to manually check out, just kind of do everything on your own, on your own computer, use promo code PowerProject15 for 15% off all of your labs. And then if you are on the phone with them, like whether you want to schedule something to pursue TRT or anything like that, you can just mention promo code PowerProject15, and you'll receive 15% off all of the recommended labs. Links to them down in the YouTube description as well as the podcast show notes. Do you guys want to pull up what Rogan was saying? Yeah, absolutely. Let's check it out. All right, so this was episode 1727 featuring Rob Kearney, World Strongest Gay.
Starting point is 00:04:29 Rob Kearney is an extraordinary person. We've had him on our show. If you want to see what a real strong person looks like, they all kind of look like you. Oh, thank you. You know what I'm saying? They're all, like, thick. Yeah. Yeah, big, thick.
Starting point is 00:04:42 You never, like, shredded there. Oh, my God. That's Ray Williams. Look at Yeah, big, thick. You never, like, shredded there. Oh, my God. That's Ray Williams. Look at the size of that guy. 24% body fat when they tested him. Oh, that makes sense. At 400 pounds. Yeah, and he's squatting 1,000 pounds raw right there.
Starting point is 00:04:55 Ooh. Wait. Oh, my God. That is so crazy. He has 300 pounds of fat-free mass. That's crazy. Yeah, so he has 100 pounds of fat-free mass. That's crazy. Yeah. So he has 100 pounds of fat on his body. 30 kilograms more than the most they'd ever studied.
Starting point is 00:05:10 Wow. How many kilograms? 30 kilograms? Ray Williams is a very muscular dude. It's like 60 pounds. Well, that's the thing, right? If you're going to study someone and you want to find real freaks, like the world's strong. So there's a lot to uncover right
Starting point is 00:05:27 here man uh so again ray williams is a consistently drug tested athlete 300 pounds of fat free mass it does not necessarily mean it's 300 pounds of muscle but it does mean a lot of that is muscle probably a very large percentage of it the guy guy – the video we were watching, he was just squatting 1,080. My best squat ever is 1,080 as well. But keep in mind I was not in any sort of drug-tested category. And I'm wearing lifting briefs that assist you with the lift. They are multilayered. I'm also wearing knee wraps.
Starting point is 00:06:04 Big Ray was only wearing knee sleeves. And in addition to that, I have a squat suit on. So these things are helping me lift hundreds of pounds more than what my body is actually capable of, along with the performance enhancing drugs. And Big Ray is doing that shit raw and he's doing it drug tested. Freaking unbelievable. Yeah. And if you also see how low he squats oh yeah he goes deep into the hole when he did that all his squats are deep into the hole um and yeah no his build is
Starting point is 00:06:34 something crazy because yeah he has 24 body fat right but again the amount of lean body mass that he has and the amount of muscle he has on his frame, he's not a traditionally fat human being. He's not. No, it's not the first thing that comes to mind. No, it's not. When you see him walking around, you're like, I don't understand what I'm looking at. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:55 He's an absolute monster. I want to say that I've been made aware of a lot of the – man, that upright posture on that squat. How can you handle – I i mean i just don't understand to control that much weight he's not he's not short he's like six two he has kind of a long torso so sometimes individuals have a long torso they bend forward in the squat and also guys like i don't know if you notice he like his body was not shaking at all he was just going down and up and even his face seemed to be pretty
Starting point is 00:07:25 just like in control a lot of times when lifters are moving this type of load like it wouldn't be surprising for them not to look in control but he is in control of this weight he had more this is just an ordinary squat bar too i mean this is just an ordinary like power lifting bar and there's a lot of whip on that thing so you watch him pull the weights out. The weight just moved like crazy just from him lifting it. And then he sat there for a second and just stabilized it. And go ahead and like study this guy. Like seriously, watch him lift and count how many seconds it takes
Starting point is 00:07:56 before he even does his squat. He's like walking around with this weight like he's gonna jog out to the fucking parking lot or something. The fact that they make them walk out these weights though. Yeah. Modern powerlifting. We have something called a monolift that we have them here at super training.
Starting point is 00:08:11 We don't have to walk around with the weights, but in this federation, that's what they require you to do. And what a beautiful squat. That is like artistic shit right there going on. Oh my gosh. So with the, so I'm used to seeing a monolift also and then when i see these federations use that little squat rack it always makes me super nervous i don't know why that yo if if they if if an honestly if a lifter trips just a little bit like let's say
Starting point is 00:08:37 they they don't pick up their foot enough on one and they just trip over that ankle you see those spotters are they going to grab a thousand something pounds? No. Everyone's going to die. Everyone's fucked. And I've been in front of those. That's amazing. So I've been in front of those before, like taking photos.
Starting point is 00:08:53 And I've just been like, man, if that falls, I'm done. Like that's it. The way that those racks are designed is actually pretty nice. But they're designed to really like wiggle a lot. they're designed to really like wiggle a lot. And the first competition that I did in a, in a single ply Federation where I had like less powerlifting gear on, I was lining up with the weight and I was like wiggling under it. And I never really used one before,
Starting point is 00:09:15 or it's been like years and years and years. Or like when I first started lifting and have the same technology and you just see me like laughing, I'm like laughing on the platform. Cause I'm like, what is this is this like the whole thing was shaking and moving and i was like kind of getting nervous i'm like does this rack even hold the weight and it was like i don't know it was like 700 pounds or something wasn't crazy wasn't crazy like this shit that ray is moving around but yeah those those racks kind of do make you nervous like this whole thing's going to collapse and it's amazing that it's able to even uh the weight. Yeah. Is there anybody that you can compare Ray Williams to?
Starting point is 00:09:49 You know, not that I'm aware of, not right now. I think he's kind of the king in terms of the heavier guys and in terms of the drug-tested guys. There's a lot of other great individuals. There's a lot of great female athletes. We had John Hack on the show as well. There's a lot of male athletes that aren't drug tested. Um, but what I was going to say earlier is that at the world's strongest man, it's my understanding that they do, they body fat check these guys and they do all kinds of
Starting point is 00:10:16 different stuff on them just to kind of study them because they're six, eight and they're 400 pounds. You got Hap Thor Bjornsson and you got guys like brian shaw and you have these just eddie hall and he's just kind of legendary dudes that are lifting some crazy weights doing extraordinary things but it's my understanding that like someone like brian shaw had like 320 pounds of fat-free mass on him or something like that and hap thor who knows probably a very similar amount yeah um but the's Strongest Man competitions, those aren't drug-tested competitions. So it's just,
Starting point is 00:10:48 we just hear so much about the natty or not stuff. You know, you got Derek from More Plates, More Dates, and we got Greg Doucette, who we recently had on the podcast. Billion. Yeah, you got all these people talking about whether someone's drug-free or not, and they are imposing their own personal beliefs on whether they
Starting point is 00:11:06 think somebody is doing something the right way. And you're not going to see – I don't think you're going to see Ray Williams in a Natty or Not video. I don't think anybody wants to say anything about Big Ray because who knows what the consequences might be. But this guy is getting drug tested frequently and he's putting up points on the scoreboard. Who knows what someone does or doesn't do kind of in their own time or or if they're trying to freaking get past the test or whatever i know i mean people can say like oh people are figuring it out
Starting point is 00:11:33 all we know is that he does get drug tested let's stick to the facts he gets drug tested frequently he's breaking all-time world records frequently and he's got 300 pounds of fat-free mass. So next time that you want to use – pull that card and be like, I can't go from 155 to 180 without getting on some gear. Let's have you maybe rethink that. Yeah, dude. And it's not even – it's not that there's any consequences of doing a natty or not on Ray Williams. I, it's not that there's any consequences of doing a natty or not on Ray Williams. It's just that if you do a natty or not on Ray Williams, all the proof, like the amount of direct testing that's been done on this man over all the years of his competition
Starting point is 00:12:12 will only prove that he's natural. And the second thing is once you do that, then all the natty or nots that you've kind of done or a majority of them are a little bit. No, because he's here. Like we know that there are genetic anomalies in every single sport you know greg doucette likes to use the like to say that he they're the night like for example i think he did one on restful right he's like he's in the one percent one percent right there are a lot of one percent of one percent on social media and they will blow a lot of people
Starting point is 00:12:41 out of the fucking water and there's lebron james there's michael jr shakil o'neill there's ray williams there's russ swole these people do exist and they don't need drugs to look like that or to lift like that and the sad part is is that many people who do use drugs still will not be able to get close to that level and that's just the facts i gotta say it fires me up gets me excited that like you know joe rogan is uh somebody i look up to a lot and uh i don't really put people up on like a pedestal but joe rogan has been somebody uh in the category of podcasting who's revolutionized it he's helped make more money and more opportunity uh for maybe more people than like you could possibly even think
Starting point is 00:13:26 of because look at all the podcasts that are out there. He's definitely largely responsible for it. He's somebody I listened to a lot of his shows. I got a lot of respect for Rob Kearney. We've had him on the show. He's become a friend. And then to hear those guys sit there and talk about Ray Williams and give Ray Williams the credit that he deserves, it gives me goosebumps because powerlifting is a very thankless sport. And it's a sport that kind of just, I don't know, just kind of lingers and sits there and like, doesn't really get the, it never, it never caught on like jujitsu did with the Gracie Academy and that kind of stuff. And so for powerlifting to get any shine or any focus gets me super fired up. And then to see somebody like Ray Williams, who I've met in person,
Starting point is 00:14:11 who I became friends with over the years, to see him get the admiration that he deserves is fucking awesome. Andrew, want to take us on out of here, buddy? I will. Please like this video, comment, subscribe, all that good stuff. Let us know down in the comments what you guys think about today's video. And please follow the podcast at MarkBell'sPowerProject on Instagram, at MBPowerProject on TikTok and Twitter. My Instagram and Twitter is at IamAndrewZ.
Starting point is 00:14:34 And Seema, where are you at? At Seema Inyang on Instagram and YouTube. At Seema Inyang on TikTok and Twitter. Mark? Make sure you guys check out that episode. Do you remember the number of it, Andrew, again? Yeah. 1727.
Starting point is 00:14:44 Episode 1727. 1727. How would you jujitsu somebody like Ray Williams? Like, what would you do against somebody like that? Those are big old legs, big old arms, big old wrists. I mean, you got it. You heel hook him. You heel hook him.
Starting point is 00:14:57 There you go. That's what you do. I get a leg. I can't take the man to the ground, okay? But I get underneath his heel. I take him, try to do that, and and i heel hook him because heel hooks are nasty um if i don't do that then ray just stomps the fuck out of me which i think would honestly happen in any situation he would because i was thinking jump on his back no because then he just slammed me to the ground and i'd die i just explode underneath him Man
Starting point is 00:15:27 That is a big dude Picture him doing Jiu Jitsu Picture him just being like What's up Well it's not like he's not mobile He's super mobile He can fucking move around really well He can just bear hug everybody
Starting point is 00:15:40 Just like hug you to death He's a literal individual who could hug you to death. He wouldn't even need to hug you. He could probably just like doing dumbbell flies. Just grab you and just... You are an aluminum can and you are now crushed. I could picture somebody trying to get him into a hold and him just not even
Starting point is 00:15:58 caring. Just laughing. His arms being twisted. You're like, this is where most people tap. He's just kind of chill. He just got a little smirk on his face. Like a little kid trying to like play with an adult, like trying to like hurt him. It's like, yeah, that's a good job. I'm at Mark Smelly Bell. Strength is never weak.
Starting point is 00:16:14 This week is never strength. Catch you guys later.

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