Mark Bell's Power Project - JUST FAST. How Our Fasting Has Evolved || MBPP Ep. 853

Episode Date: December 15, 2022

In this Podcast Episode, Mark Bell, Nsima Inyang, and Andrew Zaragoza talk about how they utilize fasting and discuss how this tool has evolved for them. New Power Project Website: Join The Power Project Discord: Subscribe to the new Power Project Clips Channel: Special perks for our listeners below! ➢ Free shipping and free bedside tin! ➢ Code POWERPROJECT to save $150!! ➢Enlarging Pumps (This really works): Pumps explained: ➢ Code: POWER20 for 20% off Vivo Barefoot shoes! ➢ Code POWERPROJECT10 for 10% off site wide including Within You supplements! ➢ Code POWERPROJECT for 20% off! ➢ Use Code POWERPROJECT for 20% off! ➢ Use code POWERPROJECT for 20% of your next order! ➢ to automatically save 20% off your first order at Vuori! ➢ to automatically save $150 off the Pod Pro at 8 Sleep! ➢ Use code POWERPROJECT10 for 10% off ALL LABS at Marek Health! Also check out the Power Project Panel: Use code POWERPROJECT for $101 off! ➢Piedmontese Beef: Use Code POWER at checkout for 25% off your order plus FREE 2-Day Shipping on orders of $150 Follow Mark Bell's Power Project Podcast ➢ ➢ Insta: ➢ ➢ Twitter:  ➢ LinkedIn: ➢ YouTube: ➢TikTok:  FOLLOW Mark Bell ➢ Instagram: ➢ ➢ Facebook: ➢ Twitter: Follow Nsima Inyang ➢ ➢YouTube: ➢Instagram: ➢TikTok:  Follow Andrew Zaragoza on all platforms ➢ #PowerProject #Podcast #MarkBell #FitnessPodcast #markbellspowerproject

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Power Project family, how's it going? Now, we have been eating Legendary Pastries for a while now. They also have Sweet Rolls, which are new, but these are the best-tasting, high-protein snacks that you'll be able to find. The pastries are around, let's see, 180 calories, 20 grams of protein, 5 grams of net carbs. The Sweet Rolls, oh baby, the Sweet Rolls, 200 calories, 20 grams of protein, 5 grams of net carbs, and they taste amazing. Andrew, where can they get it?
Starting point is 00:00:24 They taste incredible. Head over to and at checkout, enter promo code POWERPROJECT to save 20% off your entire order. Links to them down in the description as well as the podcast show notes. Can't believe you guys used your fame to give him the platform. How much did he pay you to come on the podcast? If anybody is listening, if anybody has $30,000 laying around and they want to come on the show and say whatever they'd like, you're more than welcome to sign up. We will oblige. We don't mind. We'll platform you right now.
Starting point is 00:00:55 $30,000 sounds pretty good. That's literally all it takes. But Leverton gave us $50,000. Well, we weren't supposed to talk about that. It's a joke. I need to say it's a fucking joke. It's a joke. It's a joke that it was only 50K.
Starting point is 00:01:10 You know, he's making a hundred million a year. It was nice what he actually gave us. I know. He's a billionaire, I think, right? Yeah. Close to us, give or take. It's going to come out soon enough. Everything will come out.
Starting point is 00:01:19 All the truth will come out. You guys will find out these actual, actually natural. I'll come out as a fake Maddie soon. Fucking hell. Are you fasting right now? Oh, yeah. How's that Kaiz bar treat now? It's actually zero calorie.
Starting point is 00:01:33 It's actually pretty good. There is fasting bars. Did they send this to you? Or did you find it at a store? I just buy them a lot of times. These are good. You said these are fasting bars? What the fuck?
Starting point is 00:01:44 No, I was kidding. They do are fasting bars what the fuck no i was kidding i was kidding they do make fasting bars we'll get to that in a minute um that i uh just a package of air i just order it here and there um thank you i forget how i stumbled upon him i think the owner might have reached out years ago and i think he may have sent me some and then he and i went back and forth a bunch and he was always really kind and he would send them to me and this guy was like making them at his home and he'd basically send them in like these just like kind of regular ziploc bags and i was like you know um i really appreciate these these are amazing but when you send them to sacramento and it's like summertime like it's uh like a bag of liquid oh yeah these are the type of shits that would melt
Starting point is 00:02:24 peanut butter you know? Yeah. I love this. And anyway, I kept, he was like, I'll throw them in the fridge. They'll come back, you know? So I'd throw them in the fridge or the freezer or whatever. And then, I don't know, years later, I was just like, man, I really like these. I just wouldn't eat them that often just because they have some sugar in them.
Starting point is 00:02:41 I don't, just depending on what kind of diet I'm on. And then, I don't know any of this stuff is like hard not to overeat so i could eat like five or six of those in a row they're fucking delicious yeah these are somewhat problematic because they're they're they're pretty dense and small but i could see myself like just putting pounding three or four it's like my weenie it's short but effective i thought you meant pound a couple of them you know yeah it's holding anything i don't think size doesn't matter oh it doesn't matter it just matters how do you use it you know because there's some people with hammers out here that just fucking
Starting point is 00:03:17 are drilling holes into people and they don't know that's not fun women want all the extra meat just hanging around like like flopping everywhere. I think a good four-incher is like the way to go. It's a jackhammer. Jack rabbit hammer. Being generous can be four and a half. Well, a lot of the vibrators are smaller, you know? So maybe there's hope.
Starting point is 00:03:37 I mean, you know, maybe this is the way. Actually, now, Andrew, you got a hog. No, I don't. Don't fist over here with your fucking wild-ass stop. this human on the mic people hate us right now we're currently fasting so it's okay but on the topic of fasting we just had jeff i'm talking with full mouth i'm so sorry everybody and these are the good bars that like get your like salivation glands going i forgot to all five of you that are listening right now i forgot to mention with the kai's bar so i asked him i was like could you just send me like the dough because i'm so curious about this and he's like yeah well he goes there's no dough he's like they're not cooked i was like oh man i
Starting point is 00:04:15 was like i had it in my head that there was some sort of dough that was going to be even better you're just going to be sitting on the couch just spoon full of dough yeah he's like there's no dough it's like can you sell this in a jar or something, though? I don't know. But basically, it's just like peanut butter or almond butter, depending on which kind it is. And then it has whey protein. Some of them have egg protein in them as well. They make vegan versions and shit like that, too.
Starting point is 00:04:40 They make a cookie dough flavor. They got ones with chocolate chips in it. I mean, it's in it i mean it's just yeah it's out of control it does make me happy though that you know 10 years ago when you try a protein bar or any of these things like we'd be like good but if you try that shit now it's so bad when you gave them to somebody else you were like these are good and then they would go good compared to what and you're like i I was comparing it to other bars that were existing. So, yeah, you're right.
Starting point is 00:05:08 This does taste like garbage. It's like when you're trying to trick a kid into thinking something's good. You're just like, this is delicious, and whatever it is. Hey, what's the worst that could happen with this banana peel, right? Right. Oh, oh. Did it land on the sign? That would have been sick if it did.
Starting point is 00:05:21 It fell off. If it just stayed hooked on there. Now it's underneath me, and I'm going to fucking eat shit. Having shit like Legendary and this Ties Bar thing is pretty damn good too. It's nice to have options, man. But okay, the Jay Feldman episode. It was really cool. It was cool talking with Jay.
Starting point is 00:05:37 And the interesting thing is we actually did that podcast a few weeks ago, but we just aired it yesterday. Yesterday is Wednesday because this comes out on Thursday. It's great that it's getting good traction because I don't think he's known enough, really. I don't think he's well-known enough. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:51 And if people go to his channel, he has a lot of really good videos on his channel about different things than us because we do like to utilize some intermittent fasting. I think people think that we're super rigid with it, even though it's a tool that we use often, but we're not crazy with it like we used to be when we first started. But Jay's a good source of knowledge. Even if you disagree with some of his stuff, listen to what he's saying and maybe see what you may want to try out and apply, because that's how we do things. We'll hear an expert talk about something, we'll go back and forth, and we'll try certain things. He seemed pretty reasonable when we had him on the show.
Starting point is 00:06:27 But what I really appreciated from him was he kind of kept going back to the, yeah, butts, you know, you, you were trying to give him some heat and you were going back and forth with him, but he was kind of like,
Starting point is 00:06:38 yeah, but what if you did this or what if you tried this or what if you did it this way? Like it might be different. And I think, look, if you're going to try to uh be built well if you're going to try to perform well um you fucking need nutrition you know you need a nutritious diet i think sometimes we kind of we lose sight of that i think we're maybe thinking of like being like a bodybuilder
Starting point is 00:07:03 which is cool and And bodybuilders perform really well and they look great and they have to function in the gym. But sometimes that practice can get like dysfunctional for a period of time because you start to really ramp the calories down. And even with stuff that you and I've played around with, which is kind of similar in a way, just fasting, fasting for long periods of time can ramp your calories down. And you're like, well, I'm 220 plus pounds in both our cases, 230, 240. And I'm trying to do all these things every single day. Yeah. You have a tremendous amount of muscle mass on you it's like 230 pounds or something probably or probably probably 218 218 to 220 is my lean body mass yeah that's gross
Starting point is 00:07:52 like that's fucking crazy it's gross it's too much muscle for me i'm more into a guy with a little bit less muscle mass i want him toned not jack yeah that just shows that he's way too into the gym that's right yeah you're way too into yourself 220 pounds of muscle is going to take a lot of fuel for you to be really efficient at stuff and then i think you and i kind of also both have like kind of a little bit of a fuck you mentality of like i'm gonna do something do something different. So I don't care what you say. I'm going to fast and I'm still going to smash people in running or jujitsu or whatever. But yeah, we're not really dogmatic necessarily about fasting. I think that fasting
Starting point is 00:08:34 can be a tool to really help people out a lot. I also think there's many different versions of fasting. Yeah. That people wouldn't call fasting. Yeah. Yeah. They'd be like, no, you're off the team. Well, I wrote the book, The War on on carbs. There's a lot of information in there. You can pick it up on Amazon or you can go to and go check it out. When I wrote that book many years ago, I talked about a liquid fast and I didn't mean like that later became, people would talk about like water fasting where you mainly are just consuming water and you're fasting and that wasn't really what I was talking about in that case I was talking about what I'm doing right here kind of today although I did eat today but I have a protein
Starting point is 00:09:15 shake with coffee in it and that's what I used to do quite a bit and every once in a while just to give a little energy I might put a little MCT oil powder in there from our people over at Bubz. Or years ago, I would use the Bulletproof Coffee MCT oil because I found that that didn't bother my stomach as much. So it's just ways to give myself small amounts of energy. But no matter how you slice it, if the main goal of your fast is not necessarily just like longevity and you're trying to save your calories for later on in the day, which was, is mainly the reason why I use it, then dibby out whatever amount of calories you feel is a good idea for you in the morning hours. Maybe you don't feel like you need any. Maybe you just
Starting point is 00:10:06 are cool with like some coffee and some electrolytes. Or maybe you're like, you know, I should have like something. I should have 200, 100 calories. I should have something. I want to have a little energy. Maybe you make two or three eggs. Maybe you have something in the morning. Or even like Andrew, maybe you kind of have a big breakfast, but then you don't eat until like eight hours later. And then you have, I guess you pick up the rest of your calories later on in the day. So there's many, many different ways of doing this. the fact that it's so easy to overeat, for me, it's been really beneficial to have very minimal calories during the day and the morning hours and to eat more later on in the day. Absolutely. I think that's one of the big things that it does help with because, you know, when we
Starting point is 00:10:56 were going back and forth with Jay, one of the things I think that we were kind of having some disagreement on is the feeling of hunger versus the perceived your, your perception and action you take after feeling hungry. Right. I would, I would go as far as to say like for you too, do you feel that after you started utilizing fasting right back in 2007 and 2018 has the way you respond to hunger and your perception of hunger because like you still get hungry but has your perception of it changed i'm curious about that from you before we continue yeah a ton it's changed a ton and i i've made this comment many times before um when i was a super heavyweight in powerlifting i I was hungry then too. Yeah. I felt a lot of hunger. So as I started to dive into trying some fasting, I was like, well, what's the difference?
Starting point is 00:11:53 I kind of get hungry during the day anyway. And sometimes I'm hungry like a baby and I whine and I cry and I scratch and I don't have an opportunity to eat and I don't end up eating and then I eat later and then I'm, you know, then I'm fine. And so I was like, well, if you kind of go through that discomfort anyway, you know, a couple of times a day, I mean, anyone right now that's listening to this, that doesn't participate in any fasting, you could think, do you ever have times during the day or times during the week where you're kind of hungry? There's some people that really aren't all that hungry, but for the most part, I think most people will say yes. Now, all we're trying to do is just extend that. And so for me, it was like, I like to try to think of
Starting point is 00:12:33 things in a reasonable, is a word that I often go to. It was taught to me years ago by a family friend. And it was just like, what's reasonable? You know, when it wouldn't, no matter what you're talking about, politics or religion, doesn't matter what you're talking about. What sounds reasonable? Like, can we, you can say your thing. I can say my thing. You could say your thing. Is there some sort of like basis of like reason that we can kind of land on so for me with any of this stuff it's always like what's reasonable can i push off eating a little further fuck yeah of course i can like why why wouldn't i be able to do that and if it's really hard then maybe i should question that and what i like about what jay feldman said was
Starting point is 00:13:21 if you're eating and you're getting tired from that, that might be problematic. Tired after your food. Yeah. And I thought I haven't really seen anybody like push that back towards us that way before. So I found that to be interesting. The only thing we've heard is with the types of food that you select, we've heard that like, obviously if you eat like, well, not even obviously, but like if you consume a lot of carbohydrate, maybe donuts or something for lunch, or you have some shitty meal that you might crash, that maybe makes some more sense. But he was saying, you know, for some people doesn't matter what they eat, they'll still kind of crash. And he doesn't think that that's great. And if we go to our boy, Stan Efferding,
Starting point is 00:14:06 Stan has been talking about this sort of thing for a while, but maybe not as direct. Because I don't think Stan really wants to tell you what to do and what not to do. But Stan was one of the first guys to encourage, and I really thought it was great when he came out with the vertical diet, he was encouraging people to eat more. He wanted people to eat more and eat more often. Like flood your body with a tremendous amount of nutrition because when your cup is filled up for your protein every day and your cup is filled up for your energy in terms of your fats and carbohydrates for the day, your macronutrients, and then your micronutrients are full, then you're full and you should be good as long as everything else in
Starting point is 00:14:45 your body is good. As long as you're not like overstressed, you should be good. And so that was a big thing that Stan was pushing. And that's what I like some of the message by Jay Feldman is it's just like conjecture. It's like just reasonable thing of some pushback of like, maybe what you're doing could be a little stressful or maybe that's not a bad idea for you to just simply skip breakfast and you don't eat until 12 o'clock. So there's a lot and I feel like this conversation is going to bounce between a few different places, but that's cool. When you mentioned eating until you're full, do you remember when Bill Maeda came onto the podcast? He talks about like how he – like what he does when he eats. He mentioned that he doesn't eat until he's full.
Starting point is 00:15:31 He eats until he's not hungry. And if you're conscious about that – I think you might be. I think there's an image of that online. Somebody did a whole video on that. Really? I've seen an image of that before. When Bill said that, that makes a lot of sense because when this is, I've done this too. And
Starting point is 00:15:50 I've, I've been trying to be cognizant of just like eating and just getting to a point where, first off, chewing food, right? Not, not fucking being a child and swallowing all the food I eat, but chewing my food, taking my time and then stopping eating when I'm just not hungry anymore, rather than getting to being full. The reason why I'm saying this is because the times that I have felt tired after eating food have been the times that I ate till I was full. Like my belly is distended. I'm satisfied shitting on the couch and I'm like, I want to, I want to sleep. But when I, when I eat until I'm not hungry, I still feel good after I ate, you after I eat. So that's something you can think about if you're someone who like you notice in the middle of the day if I eat lunch, I feel sluggish. Maybe your lunch might be too big.
Starting point is 00:16:32 Maybe it's too much food at one time and maybe if you lower that and you're just not hungry anymore, that could be something that helps you feel good. And another thing, you've mentioned this before and Stan's mentioned this also. After you eat a meal, try to just build the habit of taking a walk after because that's good for your blood sugar right? Yeah I've heard people even say a good way of feeling after you eat is you should be able to go on like a light run. A light run? It's like that's challenging fuck okay but yeah going on a walk a 10 minute walk can help it's called like a postprandial walk.
Starting point is 00:17:08 There it is. You can help regulate your glucose levels better. They did some study where people walked three times a day versus one time a day versus metformin, and it performed better than the pharmaceutical drug metformin. Again, it's a study, but it does show you powerful evidence that walking after eating can be really beneficial. But I agree. And I think I agree with not overstuffing yourself. If you think about why we do any of this stuff in the first place, at the base root of it there's some sort
Starting point is 00:17:46 of like recognition like you want to be bigger you want to be stronger you want to be better at jiu-jitsu or better at running there's like there's something there you know and then we act weird when somebody gives you a compliment which is that's strange in of itself because you work so hard just to kind of get that admiration and then you do and then you don't know how to do it. It's just all of it's really weird. But you're not like just, you're not just doing it completely in the dark, whether you talk about it much or not, but you're not really doing it completely in the dark. You're trying to get some sort of recognition from these things. And really, I think you're trying to, maybe not, you're not trying to necessarily separate yourself out from other people. You're trying to separate yourself
Starting point is 00:18:29 out from who you were formerly. So I feel like over the last five years and over the last 10 years, you know, I feel like I'm a lot better than I was five years ago. And I'm way better than I was 10 years ago, um, in many different aspects of my life and I feel better. When I was younger, like 10 years ago, I was kind of like, I just wanted to just fucking like do everything and just, I didn't think about other people a lot. I just thought about myself
Starting point is 00:18:59 and I just put myself forward and I don't think I was like mean or gross to anybody, but like I probably was at some certain points and I don't think I was like mean or gross to anybody but like I I probably was at some certain points um and I I worked on that over the years because I try to recognize that bringing it back to the food there's people that are listening right now saying man I can't do that I can't I can't just eat and then like stop and then be good I know that feeling but she but you can do it because you already are doing it. You already are going to the gym three or four times a week, maybe more. You're already
Starting point is 00:19:32 a dedicated person. You're already showing that you can do all these things. You're already separating yourself out from others, separating yourself out from who you were yesterday. Like you're already doing these things. This is just one more thing to just try. And I bet you that you'll be able to do it. And maybe you won't be able to do it all the time, but maybe you'll be able to do it here and there. And I think for everybody, that is a healthy practice. There's not a lot of great reasons to really stuff yourself.
Starting point is 00:19:57 We know that there's more food in the fridge and more food in the pantry and more food in the freezer. Yeah. The quote that I keep finding is, don't eat till you're full, eat till you're by andrew zimmerman eat till you're tired yeah that's the only one that keeps coming up that uh that sounds like you're just that sounds like i'm really just stuffing yeah obliterating yourself i think uh what i was referring to was just that like it's very common in other cultures to not, you know, just kind
Starting point is 00:20:26 of destroy yourself with the amount of food that you eat. If you're thinking about like eating in a group and we're all a bunch of animals, but if somebody set down some steak and they're like, hey, we brought steak in for you guys. Let's say Piedmontese came. We're like, hey, they come over and they give us a bunch of yummy meat. And they put it on the table here and they say, all right, this is all we made. And the plate goes to Encima first.
Starting point is 00:20:56 Andrew and I are already looking at it. No one, we're in trouble. No, but hopefully you're thinking about ways of being able to kind of spread that out a little bit. And so the point in bringing something like that up is hopefully we don't always eat with our eyes. I'm very guilty. I do that a lot. It's something that I can definitely dial back.
Starting point is 00:21:17 You say eat with your eyes? Eat with your eyes, yeah. You just think you need tremendous amounts of food. you just think you need tremendous amounts of food. If you just got let's just say you take a big old plate of food and it's stacked up.
Starting point is 00:21:32 It's six inches high off the plate and it's stacked and you're like, yes, this is going to be great. Is there sauce on it too? Whatever you want, it's on there. Some melty cheese maybe? Fat free cheese for our boy. Sprinkled on there. Just aty cheese maybe? Oh yeah, just this big old... Fat free cheese for our boy. Sprinkled on there. Yeah, just a little bit on the top. Versus just
Starting point is 00:21:51 maybe you took a couple scoops with a bowl. Like, it's not great to think of yourself as being in the military and you get your two scoops and shit like that or you're in fucking prison and you get a little bit of soup or whatever the fuck. But, shit like that or or you're in fucking prison and you get a little bit of soup or whatever the fuck but it's if you sit down with that food and you get through it and you wait a minute and you say am i actually do i do i still need more or i do i just want more and even if you just want more
Starting point is 00:22:22 go ahead and get up and get a little extra, but maybe you didn't end up eating 125% of what you should have ate. Maybe you end up eating 75%. You know, there's, so for that, there's a few tough things that I think could make eating to you're not hungry a lot easier. A few of those things is maybe not multitasking while you're eating. If you're watching TV while you're eating or you're doing – when you're doing that, I think we had – what's his name? Berardi. John Berardi.
Starting point is 00:22:58 We had John Berardi. John, Tom, Bill, Mike. Isertel. Isertel has probably said the same shit too. But when you're eating and watching something at the same time, there's something that goes on where you're just able to, since you're not conscious of what you're eating, you're able to put down more food.
Starting point is 00:23:14 So there's that. So maybe as you're eating, if you've got to watch something, watch something. But just be conscious while you're eating. Pay attention to your food rather than just doing that. Second thing is really take time to chew your food because that makes a big difference. I still work on that till this day and I still always see the difference when I take time to chew safer, enjoy versus like swallow. Like I can put down a lot of food if I just swallow. But if I take my time and chew, I end up feeling not hungry much quicker.
Starting point is 00:23:47 So those are just a few things that even though they're small and they sound so minuscule and just, you know, eh. Chew your food. Chew your food. It makes a difference, a huge difference. When you guys come out of a fast, when you guys do make your plate of food, how many different items are on there meaning like is it steak and rice it's a party or is it a full-on party because in my head i'm thinking i'm like okay like steak and rice you can eat so much of it like you can get go to town on it but like steak and potatoes and like a salad and some other shit like all of it combined you probably
Starting point is 00:24:24 like you will not get tired because there's so much variety. What I normally try to do is I normally try to get something or have something that is just primarily a lean source of protein. And that just like it just stifles everything, you know. It's in my opinion, I've mentioned this before, it's the equivalent of like whacking off. Like you get one out and you're good for a little while. So to me, like that lean meat is something that kind of cools my jets
Starting point is 00:24:57 in terms of how hungry I am. Beat that lean meat. It's not real quick before you eat your meal. By the way, I don't know if i mentioned it on the show but i don't think i've watched porn in probably like a year and a half why yeah yo that's interesting all right what like why what happened because i got you guys to walk off let's go that's why you guys wanted me in the cold no i think um we talked about it a bunch on the show and then i heard somebody talking about like just weird shit with people in the
Starting point is 00:25:30 porn industry and like sex trafficking and shit like that i'm like this is like once you start to think about like who some of those people are it's like oh shit i never wanted to really think about any of that and then then once I did, I was like, I'm good. I'm out. See, that's another thing, though. It's funny what happens, and sorry, because I think this might tangent to something else, but we'll come back to fasting. It's wild what happens when you start thinking consciously about certain things. Like, Andrew was talking about something with snoring yesterday, which you can bring up.
Starting point is 00:26:02 But for you, it's been a year and a half for you. And one of the big— I'm doing okay'm doing okay it's really not that bad it's like wait how long have you been taking running very serious as you're running you're just like but but it's interesting that what like one of the things that it took for you was like being conscious of like maybe what goes in with the performers and that was something that just turned you off towards it and for me the conscious thing was just like seeing what the fuck it was doing in my brain and then i was like oh i don't like this i gotta stop and it's it's with food if you're consciously thinking about what you're doing when you're eating, that can actually make a big difference rather than just going through the motions.
Starting point is 00:26:47 And it just feels like too blissful. It's like too much entertainment. Like we're just treating our food as entertainment. And, you know, the sacrifice and the slaughtering of animals and, you know, you want those things to be done with the best practices and all that stuff. But, like, do we really need to engorge in this or can we actually like enjoy this can we actually say like this is something that's important to me it's you know it's nourishing to me let me take a moment to actually fucking eat it and chew it um john wellborn is someone i've talked to years ago a a former NFL football player for about a decade with the Eagles.
Starting point is 00:27:27 And John has done a lot of stuff in CrossFit and really, really great with kind of the paleo movement and a lot of stuff years and years ago. But he was one of the first guys I heard really talking about chewing your food. And he talked about the impact that it has with a quick google search or look it up on youtube you're going to find video after video of people talking about the importance of chewing your food and again it sounds silly and ridiculous but honestly it can have a big impact paul check is another guy that sticks out that i can think about um that discusses it but i mean we're always just i don't know we're always trying to think of these ways
Starting point is 00:28:06 to get better. And it's like, sleep is free. Chewing on your food is free. Like there's these things that are like simple, easy tasks to do that are,
Starting point is 00:28:17 they're just there already. You just have to commit to them. They add up over time. But Andrew, we'll probably do a full podcast on this this another point but can you mention what you you did for your snoring that it's wild but made a difference yeah um i will admit i i lost the battle last night okay okay because i'm still working on it
Starting point is 00:28:34 but no i i do the you know i do um hostage hostage tape i do the breathe right strips i have the uh diffuser going with like essential oils to help clear my passageways and shit um and then i have the air purifier going all these things to try to make the air as easy to breathe as possible so that way i don't snore but inevitably i wake up and it's like my wife's kicking me because i'm snoring. We'll get way more into this at some point. But I noticed that when I kind of started to like, you know, when you when you snore so loud that you wake yourself up. Yes. OK, so I would do that and like, fuck, OK, try to go back to sleep.
Starting point is 00:29:14 But so I would start to do that. But like quietly, like I would just I would be breathing and then it just would be a shit. OK, I woke myself up. But then I realized I'm like, why am I breathing this way? Because I'm awake, but I'm still breathing very difficultly, if that's a fucking way to put it. Because it's, I'm not breathing. I'm like, it's very difficult.
Starting point is 00:29:36 I'm like, what? Why is, what is going on here? So then I just started breathing normal. I'm like, don't stop breathing normal. So you told yourself i told myself like if i can simulate this fake snore i can also like not do that so i just told myself just basically don't snore i told myself like twitching your foot yes you can just stop twitch you don't have to sit there and twitch your foot right so i told myself like just breathe normal and it was more of
Starting point is 00:30:02 a like a like pulling air in it wasn't it's hard to explain again we can dive deep into this yeah and then over the last two nights now three nights ago my wife was like you didn't snore one bit the entire night like holy shit this is dope so i explained what i did and then last night i was just i'm really i was done i was really really tired i mean i fasted the entire day. We cold plunged. We had a little workout. We had a good podcast.
Starting point is 00:30:29 That was good. That was fun. But I didn't eat the entire day. So I was like pretty gassed. So when I fell asleep, I literally just like passed out and I just like started snoring. Shit. She woke me up and I'm like, I kept doing that over and over. And then finally I was able to control it and go
Starting point is 00:30:45 to sleep but it so it's something I'm still working on but I've never once like said I'm going to be conscious about this I'm going to make the decision and I'm going to breathe normal and not snore because when I would fall asleep everything would just collapse and it would just become very difficult to breathe all of a sudden for no reason. Nothing changed. Just the fact that I fell asleep and my body just like checked out. So in telling myself, don't breathe that way. And I fell asleep and I stayed quiet. Are you still choking yourself out to go to bed to make yourself more resilient for jujitsu or do you stop messing with that? I love self-asphyxiation. The way you do it, it's interesting with the feet up.
Starting point is 00:31:25 I was like, wow, the feet go up over your head. I think you were saying, right? Yeah. You got weights or something? Mm-hmm. Wow. And then I put it around my neck and put the thing on the doorknob and just squeeze a little bit and it's just like, ah.
Starting point is 00:31:35 You fall asleep that way. Sometimes. It doesn't sound that relaxing, but I guess, I mean, it can help you in jujitsu probably because it probably help you get out of those holds. You get comfortable with being uncomfortable. Yeah. Yeah. And that's the most uncomfortable way to sleep so i guess it makes sense sounds like it hurt your back yeah it is very i mean i need to look this up but i'm very curious like people that like get off to getting choked you know i mean you you i mean i i've i mean i've i've i've had like not my current girlfriend but i've
Starting point is 00:32:06 sex with people that are like choke me i'm like excuse me that i'm not an aggressive guy in general but you know like do you mean like a formal like you want me to just kind of like i actually know how to choke people or do you want like the movie it's it's usually just that on the sides that shit that like i can work him into a fucking triangle never been comfortable yeah man i want me to take you back right now like it's always been something where i've been like man there's some trauma here you maybe need to deal with too much oh that's how this happened where it's like too much too much i'm like oh i'm not bad you said choke you you gotta say the safe word see man that's just wild to me that's just gotta be careful yeah it is this is the thing though
Starting point is 00:32:57 again awareness it's just bringing awareness to certain things like when you feel hungry instead of just reaching for something and this is, this, we kind of went into this with Jay Feldman. It's like instead of having the habit of just reaching and eating, like be aware of how it feels, right? And that's what happens when you fast. You become aware of the feeling of hunger. But you know for a while you're not going to eat, so you just kind of get used to feeling a little hungry, and then it's no longer something that bothers you too much. Real quick, we'll get back to the fasting. I got to let you guys know something real quick.
Starting point is 00:33:26 Uh-oh. You're just going to do it right now? Yeah. Right now. Our power sandals are coming out on Friday. Oh my God. A little bit lower. A little bit lower.
Starting point is 00:33:32 Oh, sorry. Perfect. Yep. Our power sandals are coming out on Friday. Those are amazing. They are. This Friday. I've worn these quite a bit now and they're still going strong.
Starting point is 00:33:41 You've ran in yours. Yeah. We've worked out on them. You probably haven't seen me running them recently because it's like 30 degrees here in sacramento and i have run in them as it was getting colder but i can't imagine like running in them when it's 30 but i'm gonna fuck with them tomorrow afternoon when the sun's out and i'm gonna go take them for a run but it feels really good allows your feet to act like feet and i think it's one of the best ways to let your feet start to get a toe splay let your toes kind of spread out and relax and then plus we have the the heel is uh
Starting point is 00:34:12 hooked down um so you don't have to because with a sandal or yeah with a flip flop you're gonna have to kind of grab and i know some people think some of this stuff's bullshit but like we we really believe in this we wouldn't be making these sandals if we didn't but Andrew and Seema and myself like all of our feet were admiring Andrew's feet yesterday like look at the big toe it's getting separation
Starting point is 00:34:35 it's like moving away from the whole thing we were all excited yeah he's making these nice footprints out there after he got out of the cold plunge been working on it. Yeah. Yeah. But no, dude, I love these sandals.
Starting point is 00:34:47 I do. I want to wear them way more, but it has been cold. I know you still power through it. And I just like, I feel like such a bitch where I have to wear socks because I don't like putting anything on my feet now. Like I get fired up when I go to jujitsu because I get to wear my sandals. Like it's a cool excuse because everyone's wearing sandals but they're so comfortable like and then i i still have yet to use the power strap on them that's i know it's a different like add-on but
Starting point is 00:35:13 souped up yeah yeah you could soup them up yeah so there is a power strap with this thing because again the cool thing is the heel strap here that's why it stays locked on that's why we can't run in them you can't run in flip-flops because it's flip-flopping everywhere reason why you can run in these is because it's wide has a vibram sole so the sole is super strong but then this heel strap keeps it on your foot when you're running and now there's a power strap that comes with it that's an easy addition but it locks it even even harder into the ankle so if you want to go hiking or something and you need that ankle to have more stability it's super secure can you explain a little bit about the vibram soul because that was confusing for me in the beginning yeah so vibram actually makes boots and stuff and they're they have the
Starting point is 00:35:53 five finger company yeah five finger shoes they got a patent on that they have a patent on their but shama has been able to partner with vibram so these have vibram souls which is really fucking like these souls will last you a long time so and these are sick they kind of feel a little springy too like it doesn't make sense that it's a very thin soul but like it's super like you bounce on it it feels really really good and it will last literally freaking forever and this is black german leather motherfuckers with quality looks nice got a dope power stamp and it's got a power logo on the back so you can represent. People know what's up.
Starting point is 00:36:28 And also just a side note, I know people are like, but Mark wears Nikes when he runs. I switch my shoes up a lot. I'll wear some barefoot style shoes for running. Right now I'm working on running a marathon.
Starting point is 00:36:45 So there's a lot of miles that I have to run and it's good for me to have cushion and spring. So I, uh, have to kind of pick and choose when I wear certain things cause I don't want to have, um, I don't know. I just don't want to have the wear and tear. And so far it's working great because I'll periodically bring these other shoes in. And when I do, my toes get trained, my feet get trained, my ankles get trained, the whole lower leg gets trained really well. And then when I get back into the springy shoes,
Starting point is 00:37:13 I get exponentially more benefit from them because not only can the shoe help spring me forward, but my actual feet work the way they're supposed to work inside the shoe as well. So just to try to clear some of that up for people. Yep. So those will be available this Friday, December 16th? 15th? 16th. I think it's the 16th. Okay.
Starting point is 00:37:32 Might be able to get them before Christmas. So yeah, guys, check that out. Act quick and hopefully they'll get there before Christmas. PowerProject.Live. You can get them on our website. PowerProject.Live. Links in the description as well as the podcast show notes. Back to fasting.
Starting point is 00:37:43 Back to fasting. Some of it has just been out of convenience over the years. You know, with our schedule, with the way that we do things here, I guess we could stop and eat. I've done that here before at Super Training Headquarters. But, I mean, the times that I've done that have been like few and far between. I mean, the times that I've done that have been like few and far between. We've been here for a few years and I probably have, I probably have eaten like a real meal here probably like 10 or 20 times or something like that. Like it hasn't been a lot.
Starting point is 00:38:13 Um, and not for, not for any reason that I think like eating multiple times a day is bad. I don't think that by any means. In fact, I think for most things that involve a lot of output, you know, like if you're going to be a bodybuilder or you're a runner or you're whatever, it might make sense for you to have continued nutrition throughout the day. For me, from a convenience standpoint, it worked out really well. I don't eat that much during the day and I eat a little bit later on in the evening. Is it the most optimal thing ever? Could I set it up to like try to match a circadian rhythm or something? I'm sure I probably could. I could also probably eat my dinner earlier and things like that. But again, I have kids, I got a wife, I got like certain times of doing certain things that kind of fall into normal parameters of everyone else's day as well. I think people typically eat between like 6 and 8 p.m. That's really no different for me.
Starting point is 00:39:20 Some days I am able to get the dinner in a little earlier, but that's what works out well for me and that's what ends up being convenient. The choices of foods that I eat are almost the same and they've been the same for many, many years. The only real difference nowadays is I just eat some more carbohydrate, especially because I'm just more active and especially because I got leaner.
Starting point is 00:39:43 So it made more sense for me to start to eat more carbohydrate. The hard made more sense for me to start to eat more carbohydrate. The hard part has been for me to try to depart from the amount of fat I was eating because I would eat crazy amounts of fat because I didn't eat carbs. So I'd eat 200, 300 grams of fat every day without even blinking an eye. Now I pay a little bit more attention. The Piedmontese food helps, but basically a meat-based diet, protein-based, protein-forward diet. Protein is a priority.
Starting point is 00:40:13 And then I have fruit. I'll eat some vegetables here and there. I'm not afraid of vegetables. I'm not an anti-nutrient vegetable guy. There is interesting information on that. I do find that to be really interesting. And I don't – I think that maybe that could be beneficial for people that really have a hard time digesting those foods. But you don't have a hard – like they don't – vegetables don't bother you, right? You don't get a bad response from vegetables, right? Yeah, not anything that I notice, especially a cooked vegetable like raw broccoli or something. I mean, yeah, I'm going to get gas or something probably from that. But for the most part, I really like vegetables. I had a bunch of
Starting point is 00:40:53 peppers and onions in some meat last night and I cooked it up with some pasta sauce. It was fucking awesome. I like that. I think one thing, don't lose your train of thought as far as the vegetables and what else you do. Because one thing that I notice is that like, for example, if we have a carnivore person on that believes that vegetables are an anti-nutrient, this and that, or we have somebody else on that believes something about not eating carbohydrates. Yeah, you've had stages of that. But I think when you have people on that believe certain things, people think that that is what you are doing and that that like that's your view and that's your stance so i think this is good because people can see
Starting point is 00:41:29 that you are doing quite a few things and even though yeah if you're someone who has a bad response to bok choy because that's something that tends to bother some people or um just other vegetables if that's you then yeah don't fuck with that but like for me something that i've been doing recently is we've my girl's been making a lot of like soups that we've been putting a hell of meat into it but we've also been putting like carrots and celery and shit in that soup and it's been super filling but it's really protein rich i have no problems with vegetables right i can eat them without an issue but if you do maybe that's something you stay away from yeah yeah i'm just going to finish off on like some of the foods just because like people want to know specifics and then maybe you can fill in on exactly kind of what you eat.
Starting point is 00:42:11 But it's when I say meat, I think everyone's just thinking red meat. But it's literally any kind of meat. I'll buy bison. I'll buy elk. I eat fish, turkey, chicken. I don't love chicken, but i'll eat chicken uh my wife cooks chicken every night so um i'll eat some of that shit here and there just as not to offend i'll just be like yeah that's great no i actually do enjoy it she is a good cook but i usually make
Starting point is 00:42:41 my own stuff um and a lot of times it is more of like a red meat base. Cause I do think that for me, I, I can't just like run and lift and then eat chicken breasts. Like it's just not gonna, that's just not gonna work out very well. Um, I finish almost every night off with, uh, some fruit, sometimes fruit, cottage cheese, yogurt. I don't really have an issue with lactose anymore, but I have found that like if I have an option to buy something that's lactose-free, I just do it because it's just like I think it will probably digest a little easier. I've messed around with A2 dairy as well, which is sometimes at grocery stores.
Starting point is 00:43:24 It might be something that you want to try because you might find it digests a little bit better. Supposedly those are the cows from ancient times and that's what we evolved to eat first, I guess. I have no idea. Something along those lines. But just try some different things. Try some different brands. There's Triple Zero is out there now. I don't know if you guys have ever seen that, but it's like it's Greek yogurt. And you can probably bring it up. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:51 And I mean, it's just a bomb of protein. Okay, it has like a pungent, sour-y flavor to it, but it's also flavored. Yeah, I was going to say the flavored ones are pretty good. It has no carbohydrates. I think no carbohydrates, no sugar. It has no fat and it's just a fucking protein bomb. So it's a great, now you take something like that and you throw some berries in there, you end up with a really good meal.
Starting point is 00:44:25 But that's the way I usually end most nights is with a fruit bowl. Sometimes I'll end a night with a steak shake. That's what I was just drinking right now. I would say every day I have one or two steak shakes, and I'll have something like that, that fruit bowl. I just want to bring something up real quick before I forget. You mentioned soup. So soup is a cheat code for hunger.
Starting point is 00:44:50 Soup, some sort of bone broth, some sort of broth. I think in most cultures, it's pretty popular. Like soups are pretty popular in almost every culture. Definitely in African culture. We love our soups. Think about it. Each culture kind of has like their own soup, right? We got menudo, pozole. Yeah, that shit's delicious. That shit's so good. Think about it. Each culture kind of has their own soup, right? We got menudo, pozole.
Starting point is 00:45:06 That shit's delicious. My wife makes soups here and there and I would always bitch about it. I'd be like, that's not a meal. Come on. What are we doing? But we throw a lot of meat in there, so it turns into... Y'all put bacon in there? Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:45:22 Bacon, chicken, whatever. Soup? I've never had that oh yeah it's good chicken thighs yeah how do you so how do you how does that work sorry like do you cook it like lightly and then throw it in the soup well bacon bacon is like pretty much already cooked so there's not a whole lot to worry about be careful there because there's gonna be someone who buys bacon and just go you can't do that. Can you? I think that,
Starting point is 00:45:46 I think you can, you can, I think so. Yeah. Yeah. You can check that. Well, you can.
Starting point is 00:45:51 So no, let's just say it's real. So even grosser than that is like, you can just buy a hot dog at the fucking store and just start chewing on it. Yeah. But, um, anyway,
Starting point is 00:46:01 I think, I think it is like, I don't know. I don't know what the words are. It's like, I guess it's, well. Cured? Is that the cured thing? If it's uncured, then maybe you can't.
Starting point is 00:46:10 But anyway, when you throw it into a soup, it's going to cook. Yes. Right? Yeah. Okay. It's going to definitely cook. That's what we do. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:18 I just want to talk about like a couple like things that I think can help fill you up. So water can help fill you up and that's why soup can be so effective. You also have in a soup, you have a lot of sodium and salt. I think those things can kind of contribute in a positive way to helping you feel full because a lot of times when we're hungry, sometimes it's an electrolyte deficiency. When you have things like carrots and celery and just whatever your vegetables of choice are, onions, onions are supposed to be like a prebiotic fiber. You got onions in there. Fiber is something that can help fill you up. That's why you see a lot of bodybuilders utilize
Starting point is 00:46:59 a lot of fiber, especially when they start to really diet down. Like there's no, I don't think vegetables do anything like a real secretive or special for you. They just don't. They're not loaded with calories unless you dump calories on top of them. You can do the same thing with fats and carbohydrates are your main energy sources protein is not protein could be a stagnant protein could be whatever your body weight is have that in grams of protein you take that same number let's say it's 200 and then you would have about 200 grams coming from fat and or carbohydrates or a combination thereof. 200 grams of protein, 100 grams of fat, 100 grams of carbs.
Starting point is 00:47:51 Bam, you have a fucking awesome diet right there. Depending on your body weight, you might have to shift accordingly. Fat and carbohydrates are energy sources. It's actually pretty solid right there. Anyone that's listening to this right now can decrease their body fat percentage. If you just look at the map that is already put out there for us, which is the human body,
Starting point is 00:48:15 if the human body is at reasonable body fat percentages, which would be, I think for a male, somewhere between 15 to 18%, would be like... It's reasonable, yeah. for a male, somewhere between 15 to 18% would be like... It's reasonable, yeah. Yeah, reasonable, right? Maybe we'd be a little lower if it was like a long ass time ago
Starting point is 00:48:33 and all we did was walk and have manual labor jobs and stuff. But those are numbers to shoot for. What does that look like? Well, it looks like about 85% of the human body is going to be protein. The rest of it is going Ted Naiman, I think is the most powerful thing we have in fighting obesity. And I think it could be massively helpful to people. So protein is the lever. You want to pull that as much as possible, have lean sources of protein so that your calories aren't being driven up by fat calories that are kind of snuck into the proteins
Starting point is 00:49:23 that you're eating. Boost up your fiber if you're still hungry. Boost up the amount of water is always a decent idea. Things like soup, eating vegetables. These are all kind of freebies. You get another freebie when you get into certain types of fruit. When you have fruit that that's low sugar it's kind of free like go ahead and fucking eat as much of it as you want like prove me wrong go eat as much of it as you possibly can and show me that it's going to like lead you to gain tremendous amounts of weight like it's just which fruits would be some examples for you um in my opinion it would be uh like blackberries rasp raspberries.
Starting point is 00:50:07 Some people are probably like, I don't really like those. Well, these are the ones that are kind of lower sugar. And blueberries. Yeah. Blackberries, raspberries, blueberries fall into that category. I mean, I eat that carton of blueberry. I eat that every day. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:22 I just had that this morning. I eat that large fucking carton of blueberries, I eat that every day. Yeah. I think you just had that this morning. I eat that large fucking carton of blueberries almost every day. Thomas DeLauer, who we had here recently, who's always completely shredded. So jacked, dude. He fucking smashes that shit all the time, too. I don't know so much about watermelon, but watermelon is just like water. Can you tell me about that? Any of the melons.
Starting point is 00:50:42 It's good. Any of the melons would be good. I would eat watermelon, cantaloupe or any of that kind of shit. It's very watery and I don't think it has tons of sugar. Cantaloupe is the fruit that when you have the fruit bowl, everybody is just like Yeah, I know.
Starting point is 00:50:57 Whenever you have fruit bowl at parties No one likes cantaloupe. It doesn't fit in. I don't fuck with cantaloupe. I'll take the watermelon, I'll take the pineapple but with cantaloupe i'll take the watermelon i'll take the pineapple but the cantaloupe i'll just be like y'all can have that what's the other the greenish one oh what is that it's not no no it's another i think it's just melon melon it's a melon it's just typing green melon on google no this is funner because we sound dumber don't listen to anything you say I would say
Starting point is 00:51:26 honeydew honeydew honeydew list check us out I would say that like oranges and apples I think apples
Starting point is 00:51:34 are fucking awesome because an apple is like a just it's nice to have like I think a potato is great too although you can get like fucking giant potatoes
Starting point is 00:51:42 but if you're someone that really struggles with serving sizes, it's like, buy potatoes that are like, I don't know, the size of your hand. That's reasonable. It's heavy and it makes you feel like you're actually eating something. It's dense as fuck. Eat it with butter or
Starting point is 00:51:55 some sour cream. Pick one or the other. Try not to do both. How about some bacon? Yeah. Some people do go the yogurt route with that, like the Greek yogurt. Greek yogurt? It fucking works. It works. Yeah, it actually tastes really good. And again, that's protein and it's awesome.
Starting point is 00:52:11 Sounds kind of weird, but- You might want to- So a Greek yogurt, especially a full fat Greek yogurt, depending on the brand, depending on how it's made and stuff, it will taste almost identical to sour cream. Go Fie. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Get the Fie brand. That's right, yeah. Fie is good. to sour cream. Go Fie. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Get the Fie brand. That's right, yeah.
Starting point is 00:52:26 Fie is good. You like Oiko too? Yeah. Yeah, I mean, look, any of the stuff that you find and you feel like it digests well, you're not finding a bunch of weird hidden stuff in there that is causing you to overeat. Like every person can kind of pick their own thing. I choose a lot of stuff that doesn't have sugar in it, but for somebody else that like is burning a ton of calories and they don't feel like that's an issue for them, it's like fucking go for it. Yeah. Do you guys think that like when somebody,
Starting point is 00:52:53 I'm going to use the word like bonks out from just like literally from living because they're fasting too much, do you think it's just simply because they're not hitting that, like that marker that you just explained? Like if someone's 200 pounds, 200 grams of protein, 100 and 100 of carbs and fat, do you think that they feel maybe sluggish and tired because they're not quite hitting that? Like what else do you think it is that some people kind of – like you guys have mentioned some of the mistakes you've made early on where you did a little bit too much maybe because you weren't making up enough calories back i first off think that it's okay for because everyone like i've seen comments of people who mentioned like i tried fasting for a few weeks way too hungry binge ate it's not for me and i've also seen coaches mention you know i hear people binge eating on fasting we've when we started right there when we were in that period of getting used to the feeling of feeling hunger and then
Starting point is 00:53:45 and that first meal after you fast right i mean i remember the podcast where i was like oh i ate a little bit too much last night and i think i threw up a little bit right because when you haven't eaten for so long and then you have your first meal it's just you don't understand or you're not used to eating like that and you feel so hungry that you think you can eat so much food, but it's way too much. So that experience is okay because it just gives you a chance to course correct. Because again, the end goal of fasting isn't to fast unless you want to. It's not to fast every day for the rest of your life for 20 hours and having one meal every single day. I thought that's what you guys did. That's not, but that's the thing. That's what, when we talk about fasting, that's why we're doing this podcast right now.
Starting point is 00:54:27 People think that we're extremely rigid with our practices. When we were starting, I think it's okay when you start to give yourself a few strict parameters so that you can kind of get used to not eating for 12 hours, skipping breakfast, or not eating for 16 hours, or if you want to try it, not just having one meal a day, right? But when you get used to that and you're not as volatile when you feel hungry, then you can loosen the reins a little bit and have a meal in the middle of the day
Starting point is 00:54:59 and just be reasonable with it. But some things, like Mark mentioned, that you could probably try to have while you're fasting that will make, first off, your day feel better is have some electrolytes on deck. Within you, have some electrolytes because what happens is when you're going through your day and sometimes if you have one or two meals, maybe you're not getting the electrolytes you need in those meals. So you obviously want to make sure to salt your food and get in good food when you're eating. But have some electrolytes during your day because that will help you feel better. Have some caffeine in the morning, right? Because again, caffeine is an appetite suppressant. So if you drink coffee or something, that will help you feel better and ready to go as the day goes by. that when you're doing this, there's a period where you're getting used to all these new feelings of just not eating, right? And that's fine.
Starting point is 00:55:48 There is an adjustment period. And you give yourself time to become better with understanding how much to eat when you come off from a fast. Because one of the things is, if you're new to this, you don't want to have your first potential meal be a massive meal.
Starting point is 00:56:01 My stomach wasn't able to handle that. So I learned to have a smaller meal, like you mentioned, just kind of have a massive meal. My stomach wasn't able to handle that. So I learned to have a smaller meal, like you mentioned, just kind of have a quick nut. So maybe have a protein shake or a small meal. And then a few hours later, have a bigger meal because your juice is going to be flowing and it's going to be easier to be able to digest some food. But give yourself the period because what's going to happen is over time, over the next few months, over the next few years, I think that you'll get to a point where the feeling of hunger – I think Jay said something to the notion of like it's not bad to let stress feel like stress or something along those lines. We should go back to that episode. But I think it's great that now that we – when we feel stress, we don't perceive that stress as like, oh, I'm fucking hungry or whatever. You can feel hungry and it doesn't derail your day.
Starting point is 00:56:55 And then when you do choose to go eat, you don't end up being ravenous, right? That's where you can get to. But it's okay in the beginning to be a little bit rigid, to be i'm gonna fast for 16 hours so i can adapt to this and you can do that for for a week or whatever and then loosen up a little bit and then see how you handle things because fasting is just a tool in the tool belt it's not something you have to do every day it's it's like some days you'll have a protein shake in the morning but you'll still kind of call that fasting i'll do the same shit even though it's getting calories in and technically for the fasting people, it's like, that's not a fast. Well, it's what? A hundred calories and something in the morning. That'll give me some protein.
Starting point is 00:57:32 That'll allow me to go my whole day doing all the work I need to do and then go home and eat. I'm going to call that fasting. I don't really give a fuck. They'll take your fasting club membership card away from you though. You can have my fasting card. Here it is. Right? That's the thing. So give yourself time with it. That's the thing. It takes time, but that's okay. Yeah. I think as you were mentioning about people just feeling fatigued and kind of bonking and collapsing out and stuff. Sometimes, yeah, it just is a matter of, uh, recalibrating. Maybe you've never really tried much of a diet before. Maybe you're 45 years old and you're 100 pounds overweight and maybe you have symptoms.
Starting point is 00:58:12 Maybe you're pre-diabetic. Maybe you never got your blood tested. And there could be all kinds of things that could be leading to it. So I would advise a good place to start would be to maybe think about where you're at health-wise. Think about what you've done previously and then like just make a small step. Man, I'm really addicted to food. Like I eat a lot. I make bad food choices. I'm going to work on dietless back. Tomorrow, I'm going to eat four times for the day. For the whole day, snacks, everything, four times.
Starting point is 00:58:48 And I'm going to do that. And you do that and maybe you start to accumulate over a period of time where you get yourself down to three or two or whatever, again, reasonable for you and what feels good. I have had times in the gym where I've been lightheaded and stuff like that before. I don't think there's anything wrong with pushing towards those things. But what I do think you need to be cautious of, you need to be cautious of trapping yourself in, like, if I eat, I'm going to stop the fat burning process. You know, if I drink, I'm going to stop the fat burning process. Autophagy will slow down yeah you want to be really really conscious of like not you don't there's you got to play the
Starting point is 00:59:34 long game it takes a long time my uncle said this to me years ago he came out for my dad's birthday or something years ago my uncle probably lost 100 pounds and he's done a good job of staying in shape he he lifts he uh walk he walks like 10 miles every day is he the one that like the only one that avoided gaining a lot of weight or no well that's my uncle john who's a like a triathlete marathon runner yeah and yeah he got heavy when he was young everyone's fat okay no one's free of being fat in the bell household it's uh yeah we all got we all got chubby uh steven hit me up onto the dms shout out to steven bell stacy uh my cousin stacy has done a great job uh she's avoided it but fuck she trains all the time she's lifting every morning she's like running
Starting point is 01:00:25 let's go stacy yeah you gotta like you know put out tons and tons of calories if you're if you're got that bell blood if you're in this family having that blood and eating sometimes the way that we would eat especially when i was younger um but my my uncle said to me he uh we were i was like complimenting i was like, you're doing great. Like, that's so awesome. You not only lost the weight, but you've been able to keep it off. And he goes, yeah. He goes, at some point, I just recognized the full-time job being in shape.
Starting point is 01:00:54 And he walked away and I was like, I was like, he's kind of right. Like, holy fuck, it's a full-time job. He's reached enlightenment. Yeah. like holy fuck it's a full time job he's reached enlightenment yeah having your health
Starting point is 01:01:05 and having you know full access to your health and feeling good when you're when you're a kid it's like it just happens
Starting point is 01:01:12 and when you're a kid you probably expend enough energy you're probably more excited to play than you are to eat as you get older you're more excited to eat
Starting point is 01:01:20 than you are to play you don't get outside and do shit as much right and so various things happen injuries um you you don't chuck around a football or baseball or go outside and kick the soccer ball around with your buddy you have to try as you get older yeah with your kid you can get away with shit you don't have to try but as you get older you have to be
Starting point is 01:01:41 aware like we were just built into your day it's built into your day when you're a kid. And what do parents say to kids? Go outside and play. Go outside and play. Go outside and play. Go outside and play. And somebody should probably say that to the parents every once in a while. Maybe you should come with me.
Starting point is 01:01:56 Hey, that's real though. Maybe you should come with me. It's 100 degrees outside. Anyway, it is kind of a full-time job. And it is something that you got to kind of recognize. The stuff's going to take time and you might think, well, fuck man, I can't add another full-time job to the other full-time job that I have. And I have kids and I got this. You get to spend a lot of time doing it by implementing it throughout the day in micro doses, just get through another meal with a good choice. How many days in a row
Starting point is 01:02:28 can you have a seven out of 10? If you can have a seven out of 10 on a scale of one to 10, you may be allowed for something that is slightly, was that a dog? Slightly off, slightly off plan. You allow for something slightly off plan and you've got like a seven out of 10 for many, many days where you got kind of an 80, 20 rule going where, you know, 20% of the time you're,
Starting point is 01:02:53 uh, I don't know if you're, uh, enjoying something slightly different than what's normally on your diet. Then I, I think, I think you're going to win. It's just,
Starting point is 01:03:01 you need to do it a lot and you need to do it with great frequency and you do it for a long period of time. No, it was just Melvin walking by. Oh, Melvin. He was barking. I think it was his water bottle. But yeah, microdose. Just want to remind people
Starting point is 01:03:16 that the microdose shirt is still available. I think Les Hoodie is there too. You need a reminder about how to handle shit. Just look down at your shirt and it says microdose on it. Powerproject family, hope you're having a good day.
Starting point is 01:03:29 Now, we've partnered with Eight Sleep Mattresses because it's made a big difference for our recovery and everything that we do. Me personally, I sleep really hot, so I used to wake up in a puddle of sweat. But now, since the mattress changes its temperature through the night, I sleep like a baby. Andrew, how can they learn more? Yes, you guys got to head over to slash powerproject. And when you guys go there, you'll automatically receive $150 off of your order. Links to them down in the description as well as the podcast show notes.
Starting point is 01:03:56 You guys both had said, what did you say? Electrolytes. And you had said caffeine. What are some other things that help people get through fast? You said water too. Is there anything else you guys can think of? I know MindBullet can help quite a bit, but that's just like another thing.
Starting point is 01:04:13 I don't know if there's anything else you guys can think of. Honestly, fasting gum is pretty dope because it has some caffeine in it, has apigenin in it, right? It's, it's the fasting gum you have is good. Gum in general,
Starting point is 01:04:22 if you have some gum, it's going to be beneficial. It'll help. Exercise. Exercise. Walking and exercise. Like sometimes, I mean, if you exercise rigorously, sometimes you're like, I don't know about you guys, but for jujitsu, I would imagine you guys have had practices. I remember doing pro wrestling practices and I was like, oh my God, I need a while before I can eat.
Starting point is 01:04:45 practices and i was like oh my god i i need a while before i can eat and this is something and andrew i want to let you get to that but this is something that i really kind of disagreed with jay feldman on because i know the feeling of eating out of boredom and not not actually necessarily being hungry just being like i'm not doing shit what's in the fridge literally just going to the fridge because i'm like i'm not doing anything going to the fridge out of habit yeah there could be a physiological thing there that's like oh but i know i'm not hungry but when you're when you're doing things when you're exercising when you're walking when you are doing shit you don't necessarily think about food but i know i mean i know i'm guilty of this i know other people are too of just being bored and eating because you're bored so not all of this is purely
Starting point is 01:05:25 physiological yeah occupy your mind yeah like yesterday i i didn't think about food at all because we were busy the entire day um but yeah on that on that note about like eating not being habitual uh i i definitely disagree because if you look at any fast food restaurant around 12 Oh five to 1210, it is fucking packed. And okay. It's because everybody's having work schedules. Yeah. Work schedules or whatever.
Starting point is 01:05:53 But like if somebody doesn't have that schedule, like, like they could still not eat at lunchtime. They could still choose to not to, but because they've been doing it so long it's become what a habit and so now they can't go without that 12 o'clock meal yeah um and again i don't i i hate sit like i don't want to because yes you'll watch the podcast of jbs he had we had a good back and forth on that i totally understand the physiologue the physiology side of it and how
Starting point is 01:06:22 yeah your physiology is telling you you're hungry, but to an extent there's also habits that are going along with that. And sometimes if you can adjust your habits, which is why we talk about habits so much, because with the habits we have, like we are working, we are doing things, we're fucking smashing our feet on these balls and shit. Like because of these habits, these habits make it easier for us to be able to be healthy in our lifestyles. Like if we didn't have these habits, these literal things that we do, then it would be much harder.
Starting point is 01:06:54 Right. So if you can adjust that, that, that will make a difference. If, if you were to have somebody that like watched over you all day and you had like a handler to help you and you were like, they're like, Hey, how's it, how are you doing? And you're like, ah, I think I'm okay. And they ask you a little while later and you're like, I'm getting kind of hungry. And if they just handed you an apple and they said, here, eat this.
Starting point is 01:07:14 And they gave you like two scoops of cottage cheese on a plate that had like a little bit of honey over top of it, you would boom, you would eat it. Right. And you would probably feel amazing, but are you going to actually do that for yourself? or are you going to roll through the fast food place? Of course. So sometimes it's better or easier, I should say, just to like not eat at all. And I know like that's where we're going back and forth with Jay Feldman on.
Starting point is 01:07:41 Jay is in shape. He looks great. Jay is in shape he looks great I think we have to recognize and make room for there's a lot of people that have already developed maybe like an addiction to food
Starting point is 01:07:55 or an unhealthy relationship with food and they're really like tangled up in it and they don't know how to like get any separation from themselves and food and they don't know how to like get any separation from themselves and food and they may need they mean they probably need a line drawn in the sand again we could say if you fed yourself nutritious food all day long you wouldn't have a desire to overeat and you would have less desire
Starting point is 01:08:20 for these cravings and over time the cravings and a lot of stuff would go away. But again, you might need someone there kind of 24-7 holding your hand by your side. And even then it might, even then you might lock yourself in the bathroom and eat some fucking candy or something, right? Sneak some food in. Sneak some food in. It's like, so I think for some people. Oreos in the toilet dispenser.
Starting point is 01:08:42 so I think for some people Oreos in the toilet dispenser for some people we have you know you got to really draw a line I think that's been our experimentation is that we've tried stuff and we done it and we're like oh that was stupid like went way too far on that like I did a
Starting point is 01:09:00 five day fast I've done all the different things I remember that that was kind of cool but I probably like I can't think of another reason to ever mess with it again. To fast once a week and just take a day off from eating, that makes a tremendous amount of sense to me in terms of like making the rest of the week manageable. And if I wanted to, uh, lose weight or get leaner, that might, that might be a great idea for me to, you know, it's just like, uh, it maybe would allow me to have a little bit more room with the food that I eat and I could spread some of that out. I could have maybe a little bit of ice cream Monday, Wednesday, Friday, if I cut out the extra calories on the weekend, you know,
Starting point is 01:09:50 those kinds of things. So for me, I think fasting can really just help the management of where and when you place your calories. And this is one thing I saw a post by Lane. Lane hates when people reference anecdotes and many people who love research Lane hates when people reference anecdotes. And many people who love research hate it when people reference anecdotes. I don't give a fuck. When we had Derek on the podcast and he was talking about some of his habits that help him with focus. And one of the reasons, again, that I started fasting years ago in 18 or 17 was I saw people talking about the cognitive benefits. It wasn't for diet because I was never a person who would have used fasting for my diet.
Starting point is 01:10:28 But it's for the cognitive benefits, right? I did personally notice that I was able to just stay on task really well because I just wasn't thinking about food. Derek mentioned that. The guys from Hostage Chape, the guys who own that company mentioned that. There are a lot of high level individuals. Andrew Huberman utilizes fasting for focus and he focuses on eating just protein earlier in his day and he utilizes carbs in the evening, again, for focus. There are a lot of people who are high performers. There are some that don't fast, but many of these
Starting point is 01:11:00 who are really high performers utilize fasting for that benefit too. So even though these are anecdotes from these individuals, I don't think it should be discounted because these people have been doing some really arduous shit before and they even noticed the benefit when utilizing and picking up some intermittent fasting. So I mean, yeah, there's the habit side of things and the diet side of things, But there is a lot of benefits to this. And you shouldn't throw away people's anecdotes because there has been research to potentially back it up. You know what I mean? I do know what you mean.
Starting point is 01:11:34 And I think that sometimes people will say things and then it gets interpreted a slightly different way. And I remember hearing on Andrew Huberman's podcast before where he was like, all we got is our words and they're not great, you know? And like, they don't communicate everything. And I was like, man, that's some bullshit right there. But it was true. You know, it's very true. Like all we have is our words. Sometimes our words get cut off or train of thought gets cut off, or maybe we do say a full thing, but it gets interpreted slightly differently than the way that we meant. For you, why do you think food might augment your focus or detract your focus? Okay, so detract from focus,
Starting point is 01:12:20 I think one of the reasons is because like- Or why does maybe potentially not eating, why do you feel that it encouraged you to have maybe better focus? Because I wasn't thinking about eating. That's one of the, even after you ate after I like, so when I first started intermittent fasting, like I mentioned, I went on the, okay, I'm going to fast for 16 or 20 hours, not going to eat anything. So my whole thing was like, I'm not going to eat at all, even if I feel hungry, because I needed to get used to that. Right. And then when I, when I ate, that was pretty much when my workday was done. But what I did notice very soon after is I'd have my coffee, have my electrolytes. I'd do the shit we do here, podcast at the time when I was doing client work, all that stuff. And I was just zoned in
Starting point is 01:13:03 because I wasn't worried or thinking about what oh, what am I going to eat soon? Because my former habits were like I'd eat four or five meals a day. I'd eat my breakfast. I'd eat something a little bit after my workout in the afternoon. I'd eat multiple meals a day. And because of that, there was maybe this back-end thing on what's – what I'm going to eat next. back end thing on what's what i'm going to eat next but what we have learned from the physiology side of these things is that when you are not eating when when you have been fast for a period of time some of your stress hormones go up cortisol uh norepinephrine all these these stress hormones
Starting point is 01:13:36 increase slightly which also leads you to be able to actually focus better it's not like um it's not like you're feeling fucking stressed out and frazzled and maybe initially when you fast, maybe that's how you might be how you feel. But because of that slight increase in stress hormones, you are able to be on task in a better way. So that's why now it's just something that I continue to utilize because I noticed that, I mean, I could eat a meal during the day. I do sometimes eat a breakfast or I don't fast every single day, right? But for me, those general early day meals are protein rich and they're not super heavy so that I can still focus on the things I need to focus on.
Starting point is 01:14:15 But I do notice that on the mornings that I just don't eat, I am more focused than I typically would be. And a lot of other people notice this too. So it's not that, you know, if you eat food, you will not be able to focus. It's not what we're saying. That's not what I'm saying here. I'm just saying that it might help you focus better because you're not worried about food. It's not something like, Oh, what's my next meal? Feeling kind of hungry. What am I going to do? And at this point, when I feel hungry, and I'd assume for you too, when you get a little hungry, you're just like, eh, it'll go away. I'll eat later. Right? And I
Starting point is 01:14:49 also got to say this because Jay was wondering, like he met, he asked me something. He was like, when you get hungry, do you just like, do you ignore it? Do you not reach for food? Like, why do you not eat? Sometimes the feeling I'm hungry is very minimal. So I'm just like, this isn't a big deal. Sometimes when I feel very hungry, I will eat. I'll get a protein shake. I'll grab something. It's not nowadays for us, our rules for fasting are not rigid. I can say that for myself. And the same thing for you, our rules aren't rigid. We can, we can course correct as the day goes by. It's not a stressful thing. Initially, as we were building the habit, there was a bit
Starting point is 01:15:24 more rigidity as we were getting used to everything. We're also, like we have to point out, like you just have to flat out say it, like we're black belts when it comes to eating. We really are. Like we've done it for a long time. You are a professional bodybuilder. Yeah. Right? And we talked about you have approximately 220 pounds of muscle on your frame
Starting point is 01:15:45 uh it's a unique physique it's a unique build you're able to do unique things as a uh as a jiu-jitsu practitioner and i think that it's important to kind of point some of those things out because jay feldman might not understand when he's communicating to us how much different stuff that we've tried how much different stuff that we've done, obviously he's a smart guy. Obviously he knows a lot of what he's talking about. is we try to, let's push out and really push up these things, these ideas and principles that we think the masses can probably grab a hold of and probably do something with. I don't know if the masses could grab a hold of eating very often or eating more and understanding how that could be a benefit to them without
Starting point is 01:16:46 having to deliver a much larger message behind that and so when you say something like fat when you start talking about fasting i made a post a few years ago it was like if you do 16 8 16 hours of fasting and you have an eight hour, the eight hour eating window is a weird worded thing because I think people think it's a free for all for eight hours. But a 16 hour fast, right? I forget what the calculations were, but it was something like if you do it for, if you do it for a month, it represents the hours. It represents one week's worth of fasting. It was something along those lines. I might be making that up.
Starting point is 01:17:31 It was like 30 or 31 days of 16, eight. You multiply it out and it equals like a week of fasting. You're right. Yeah. That's 480 hours. So 480 over 24. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:17:42 Now it's a little deceiving because most people, unlike myself, most people don't eat in the middle of the night. Most people make it at least eight hours before they have an urge to eat something. So anyone that's like just not eating, we don't even call it fasting, but anyone who's just like not eating for eight or nine hours, what'd you get? So you said fasting 16 hours a day for a whole month. That's 20 days of not eating. Okay, there you go. There you go. 20 days of not eating.
Starting point is 01:18:17 20 days of not eating. So yeah, even more impactful. Holy shit. Yeah. Say that again. So if you fast for 16 hours a day for a month right so you eat in an eight hour window that's 20 days of not eating i want to make sure that that's right yeah that's maybe it's closer to just one week of eating then right yeah so
Starting point is 01:18:35 you eat 20 days of not eating so 10 days and i think i i think i think what i ended up doing with the numbers that i extrapolated it out, I think, versus like a normal eight hour. Like, I forget what I did. But anyway, it equals out to many days fasting without you. There's not to fast for 16 hours. OK, to fast for 16 hours every day for for a month might be might have some difficulty to it. Right. But let's say in the course of 60 days that you still get 30 days.
Starting point is 01:19:08 It's still 20 days fasted, right? But also it's not that difficult because you think about it, you're sleeping for eight hours. Well, hopefully you're sleeping maybe eight hours, and then you're just not eating for the eight hours after you get up. It's not that hard. I'm not telling you guys to do it, but it's not that hard. Well, maybe you have, hopefully you didn't eat right before bed.
Starting point is 01:19:25 You got like two hours there, right? Yeah. And then now we're talking about you just, I don't know, making it six hours a week where you didn't consume a lot of calories, right? Like a freak, you know. So again, fasting I think can have a really strong benefit and it's something that the masses can grab a hold of. And the masses can, when I talk about protein percentage, like I made a video yesterday and I'm not going to look at the comments,
Starting point is 01:19:52 but I just made a video yesterday. And I was like, if you increase the percentage of protein, you will lose weight. And I know at Lane Norton, at Lane Norton, at Lane Norton, everyone's going to at him and everyone's going to at everybody else to like pick this apart. And I hope that he does because I hope it brings up conversation.
Starting point is 01:20:07 But I'm not going to dive into the comment section. And I know these things. I know these things to be very, very true. And I believe these are things that we can push up to the masses. We can push out to the masses because when I think about kids that are pre-diabetic and kids that are getting heavy, and when I think about our parents, and when I think about people that are like 65 and older, our elderly people, they consume so much carbohydrate. Their diet, they have a carbohydrate-forward diet. Their stomach, their body, everything is used to that. If we can kind of flip that around or even just maybe we can't flip it around.
Starting point is 01:20:53 Grandpa, can you eat a little bit more protein? Can we just, yeah, can we just, let's just bring that up 3% more. Because if we bring that up 3% more, we're going to be deducting 3% more because if we bring that up 3% more, we're going to be deducting 3% or 1.5% from carbs, 1.5% from your fat sources, right? And you're going to be lowering the overall amount of excess energy that you're consuming. Again, protein is not a great energy source for humans. Fat and carbohydrates are. Protein is a little more stagnant. So that's the one you get the freebie on. You get the freebie on the fiber as well. So those are the kinds of foods that you want to stick with. But again, I think that if people can gravitate towards two major things
Starting point is 01:21:36 that I think would have the biggest impact on their nutrition, it would be fasting and protein leveraging. Fasting and protein leveraging. When you do it over and over again, I don't know how it goes for you guys, whenever I go home, I'm hungry, well, besides pussy, but I'm hungry for just one thing. Do you have a pussy mug? I'm hungry for just one thing,
Starting point is 01:21:58 and that's protein, because I am like, that is the diet. The diet is, protein is the priority. You know, the interesting thing too is like, in other parts of the world, for example, in Africa, right? Within even my family, fasting is not a foreign thing. Because my mom and grandma were Pentecostal Christians, right?
Starting point is 01:22:21 Fasting and prayer was just literally part of the religion. My grandma would go four or five days and just drink water and fast. Um, she lived to a hundred and I'm not saying that that's what you should do, but I'm just saying like the whole thing about like in the U S when it comes to nutrition, we're researching fasting and talking about, Oh, you can't like, it's so bad not to eat breakfast and stress hormones and shit. It's like other places where people aren't nearly as fat, this whole fasting thing is not a big deal. Like just not eating for a bit is not a massive thing.
Starting point is 01:22:49 It's not even fasting. It's not even fasting. Intermittent fasting is not even necessarily fasting. It's not. It's just people aren't focused on eating all the time in other places that haven't been kind of affected by the culture of food that we have here. Now, when we have gotten McDonald's and stuff in other places, you see how it affects.
Starting point is 01:23:08 But it's not a weird thing in other places. Even within my family, no one was stressing about it. My mom, even right now, it's been a struggle for me to get her to start eating more meat because she's been like, oh, she watches nutrition stuff on TV. But as she started eating more meat and focusing on that she's dropped like a cool 15 pounds recently and she wasn't in bad shape but just just by eating this way she's feeling fuller she's feeling stronger and she's naturally dropping body fat you know and it's it's just this this stuff isn't
Starting point is 01:23:41 really that wild i think it's just wild because we were dissecting a lot of aspects of it and it's counter to typical diet culture which wants you to eat multiple square meals each day. And it's just – I don't know. It I was traveling and just observing family members and stuff. But I remember when I was traveling, watching people just kind of like what they select to eat. And you just see a lot of bread at hotels and stuff. You see a lot of breads and muffins and whole grains and oats. And I think people that are older are trying to make good decisions. And they're eating stuff that sometimes is kind of disgusting anyway.
Starting point is 01:24:31 Like a bran muffin is not that good. So, you know what I mean? Like, I don't know. Oatmeal to me doesn't taste very good. Or my grandma would be like, give me some raisin bran. She loved raisin bran. Yeah, stuff like that. You're like, anyway, just a small shift. Maybe you still do eat some of
Starting point is 01:24:51 those foods, but maybe if you have the option to eat some hard boiled eggs or eat some yogurt or eat some cottage cheese or some sort of meat, get that protein to go forward. I think for kids and the elderly especially, because that's where go forward. I think for kids and the elderly, especially because that's where you see the biggest drop off in protein. They, a lot of kids just mainly eat sugar. I think I saw some stat where kids were having something like 70 grams of fructose a day. And I was like, that's just from fructose. Like that's fucking crazy. Like that's a lot just on a little kid like a seven or nine year old kid like i mean shit they probably don't weigh a whole lot that's a lot that's a lot
Starting point is 01:25:32 of that's a lot of sugar it's a lot of sugar damn kids be hype yeah 54 grams a day 54 grams a day just from fructose yeah i typed in fructose. That's wild. So that doesn't even include whatever other carbohydrate they're eating. And I think kids should be able to have some freedom with their nutrition. But again, let's figure out ways of putting some protein into their diet.
Starting point is 01:25:58 A kid should be able to eat a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. A kid should be able to have some cereal here and there. But again, like what's reasonable? How do we get influence of other foods in there so that they can have, if this is the hardest thing to say, and it's a weird thing to say, but if your kid is overweight, I believe that you're neglecting them in some way. I believe you're not paying attention to them enough. And I would say that maybe that's not for everybody because maybe there are certain kids with certain conditions and so forth. And there's always exceptions to the rule, right?
Starting point is 01:26:37 But I think that you have to teach your kids about nutrition. You have to teach your kids about health. It's really, really important. Your kid at the age of 12 is 70 pounds overweight and pre-diabetic. It's like, man, that just, that's so hard. Like whose fault is that? Is it the kid's fault? Like somebody, someone's kind of partially responsible here. Someone's got to take responsibility. Maybe it's combination. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:27:07 But I think the parent has to take charge of that and the parent has to know they have to have better disciplines. They have to have better solutions in the household. And it's been my experience with my own kids. If I present them and just give them stuff, they will just eat it. They will eat the food that i give them uh every once in a while they'll be complaining about it um but that's what we made that's what we got sorry and like what kid's not gonna want some like chopped up apples with uh peanut butter on them and stuff like that i mean you can find you can be a little creative i know it takes extra time but fuck you you're a parent that i mean you can find you can be a little creative i know it takes
Starting point is 01:27:45 extra time but fuck you you're a parent that's what you fucking signed up for yeah go take care of your kid don't just give them a tablet and don't let them play in their fucking room all day you know you got you have to instill something into your kid if you have a young boy you gotta that kid that kid's got to turn into a man someday you gotta figure out a way to toughen them the fuck up somehow and i don't have kids but i remember my boy micah grant he's like he i gotta talk to him soon but it's something he sets me always stuck in it was a few years after he had his daughter he's like man i love this girl but in sema make sure that you have all your habits straight before you have a kid because they will be your reflection. What you do, your kid will find a way to do.
Starting point is 01:28:29 So you better fix your shit. And if you're a parent, the nutrition stuff is tricky and it is tricky, but your kid will do what you put in front of him. Eat what you put in front of him. Stop whacking off. Hey, I've been cool and oh i gotta measure this though because like for some reason people think that your boy doesn't beat as me i enjoy that good but i just don't watch porn saying that it's just when we've been talking about this no porn shit guys are like i don't know how to go without masturbating how do you like not how you can masturbate but
Starting point is 01:29:03 you just don't want to use porn to do it because it's a hyper, it's just, it's too much. You want to get your brain off of needing porn for that. So masturbate. Well, and you have,
Starting point is 01:29:12 you know, your old girlfriend's like underwear, like, hidden away in your house somewhere. I have deleted all of my ex's nudes and videos. But kept their underwear. That's cool. And didn't delete them off the cloud. Stop. I also delete out the cloud i don't want my i don't want that girl shit out there that's not i'm just your cloud um how do you use the cloud how do you
Starting point is 01:29:34 use the cloud and seem as cloud is like smoking over there i always honestly i always whenever someone needs me to send something or somebody's looking at my camera roll as i'm nervous i'm just like i need to make sure i need to put some stuff in my hidden folder first get the fuck away from me i've seen some shit i ain't got nothing to hide and you're just like oh my god when human garage came here and he pulled up his camera to show me something i was like i know i shouldn't look but and then i saw something i was like i knew i shouldn't i saw some wild shit what is that dude you know hidden folder human garage hidden folder rest his soul but doug brignoli did the same thing to me he was just like showing me stuff and he's just like so he's like oh that's oh sorry you know it was his girlfriend who was like like younger than me.
Starting point is 01:30:25 So I was like, oh shit. Look at that angle. Wow. That is perfect. Like biomechanics. He's trying to show you like a leg sweep and you're like, whoa, that's a little different. We love Doug. And check out the RPW.
Starting point is 01:30:38 But guys, hidden folder. Learn, if you've got an iPhone, learn about that. Just take the picture, three dots on the top, hide. And then nowadays you have face id to access the hidden folder so no one can access your hidden folder other than yourself i still wish that it didn't have a whole podcast on how to be a perv i wish it didn't have like the face id thing because sometimes like what if somebody clicks on and they just put it right in my face and then it's like it snaps right away like no fuck oh you're fucking tied up and they're like yeah i don't like that hopefully i can reverse that shit somehow but yeah uh with fasting is it's pretty interesting when i was gonna when i did cut for abs for christmas and i remember i
Starting point is 01:31:17 was like i calculated the same thing i was like oh shit that means i'm not gonna eat for like 60 days or some shit like that i got a lot of messages from people being like, you shouldn't do this. This is dangerous. Like no way. And I'm like, no, no, no, you don't understand. I'm going to eat every day. I'm like, but I'm just going to fast for 16 hours. Like I'm not going to eat for eight, basically of awake hours. And then it was like, oh, okay. That makes a lot of sense. And just alter that a bit. You know, we're talking about 16 hours. I don't know. Try 12. Yeah. And then that's a little more casual. And if you add that up over time,
Starting point is 01:31:47 it's still going to add up to 20 days of fasting. Yeah. And that's what I wanted to ask is like, should it be 16 every day? Like you just said, and then should it be every day? Like, especially if someone's starting out or maybe if they have gotten a couple of days
Starting point is 01:32:01 under their belt, should they just, do you do it forever? Like how long should people go? We really struggle to be creative, you know, because we hear these tests and these things that people have done. So we're like, 16-8, 16-8, 16-8. That's all we can propagate out.
Starting point is 01:32:15 And really what it came down to for me, I was trying to count, and then I was a fasting app, and I was trying to figure out all this stuff. And I'm like, why don't I just go like, just eat when it's convenient for me. Like, let me just start with that. And so I was like around two and 4 PM seems to be convenient for me because
Starting point is 01:32:33 that's when I get home from the gym. So I'm going to like stop eating at eight or nine and then whatever amount of hours that ends up being. And then I just started kind of calculating it out in terms of just how many hours awake I was fasted. So I was like, rather than counting the sleep and trying to figure out and use my toes and everything. Carry the one. And then after that, after a while with that, I just didn't care anymore. Because I'm like, it really doesn't matter.
Starting point is 01:33:02 What am I trying to actually do? I'm just trying to like eat a little less. That's all I i trying to actually do i'm just trying to like eat a little less that's all i'm trying to do i'm just trying to eat less so you eat a lot less than you did five years ago you're accomplishing that so who the fuck cares about the amount of hours um i know some people will say like at 20 hours is when it really, you know, this happens. It's aphrodisiac sin. To quote James Smith, anytime, the thinker James Smith, anytime you can insert another word and end up with a similar result, you can really question what it was you just said.
Starting point is 01:33:39 So here's an example. Fasting 20 hours, that's when the magic starts to hit. Now, I just heard Peter Itea a couple days ago talk about after three days's when the magic happens. After fasting for 10 hours, that's when the magic happens. And there's, again, I don't think there's much magic to it. I do think it's important to not eat just as important as it is to eat. That's what being human is. There's a lot of like yin and yang to everything. There's a good and a bad to everything. When you eat, it might cause some inflammation. It might cause some irritation, but it's going to cause a lot of positive responses too because we need nutrients. You break that food down, you digest it. Is it a good idea to throw more food on top of it before you're ready to eat again? Probably not. Can the body handle it? Sure, it can, but maybe, maybe, just maybe with where we're at in this country
Starting point is 01:34:47 maybe we should spend a little more time not eating and less time so focused on actually eating boom take us on out of here andrew all righty thank you everybody for checking out today's episode stick around for smiley's tip uh and remember yeah head over to power project dot live by the time you guys are listening to this um you know maybe but well this friday whatever what's december yeah 16th 16th the power sandal goes live on power project dot live so head over there asap and you know snag yourself a pair and hopefully it comes in before christmas i ain't gonna guarantee that shit because i don't know how that stuff works. But head over there. Links in the description as well as the podcast show notes.
Starting point is 01:35:27 Follow the podcast at MBPowerProject on Instagram, TikTok, and Twitter. My Instagram, TikTok, and Twitter is at IamAndrewZ. And Seema, where are you at? And Seema Eni on Instagram, YouTube, and Seema Eni on TikTok and Twitter. What's up with your fasting shirt?
Starting point is 01:35:40 Oh, just fast? It's a nice crew neck. What do you guys think? You like it? I do. It looks beautiful. I like the shininess. Shimmeriness.
Starting point is 01:35:49 Shimmery. Shimmery, shimmery. So I'll just give you a tip for today of fasting. I know we just sat here and talked about don't worry too much about the specifics, but sometimes when you're starting something, you need something specific. So I'd just like to encourage you to push your eating off, push your breakfast back to 12 or 1 p.m. Try to do that every other day.
Starting point is 01:36:14 Try to maybe do that for two weeks and see how it feels. Every other day, do it every other day. Do it every other day. If you do it every day, you might find it might accumulate pretty quickly on you you might not feel great so just push your breakfast back to or your first meal rather to 12 or 1 p.m give that a shot if you're i know there's some people but my schedules if your schedule is different just push whatever the hell meal is that you have first back okay but my schedule hit the discord with
Starting point is 01:36:47 questions guys strength is never weakness weakness never strength i'm at mark's millie bell catch you guys later

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