Mark Bell's Power Project - Listen To Your Body, Then Tell It to F Off! - Casey Shorts || MBPP Ep. 938

Episode Date: May 29, 2023

In Episode 938, Casey Shorts, Mark Bell, Nsima Inyang, and Andrew Zaragoza talk about how sometimes you need to stop being such a p**sy and work hard. Casey has been shipping out Sling Shot products f...or over a decade and has been a huge reason why Sling Shot has been so successful. Follow Casey on IG:   New Power Project Website: Join The Power Project Discord: Subscribe to the new Power Project Clips Channel:   Special perks for our listeners below! ➢ Code POWERPROJECT to save 15% off supplements!   ➢ Code POWERPROJECT to save 15% off all gear and apparel!   ➢ Code POWERPROJECT to save 15% off Mind Bullet!   ➢ Code POWERPROJECT to save up to 25% off your Build a Box   ➢ Better Fed Beef:   ➢ Free shipping and free bedside tin!   ➢ Code POWERPROJECT to save $150!!   ➢ Enlarging Pumps (This really works): Pumps explained:   ➢ to save 15% off Vivo Barefoot shoes!   ➢ to automatically save 20% off your first order at Vuori!   ➢ to automatically save $150 off the Pod Pro at 8 Sleep!   ➢ Use code POWERPROJECT10 for 10% off ALL LABS at Marek Health! Also check out the Power Project Panel: Use code POWERPROJECT for $101 off!   ➢ Piedmontese Beef: Use Code POWER at checkout for 25% off your order plus FREE 2-Day Shipping on orders of $150   Follow Mark Bell's Power Project Podcast ➢ ➢ ➢ Insta: ➢ YouTube:   FOLLOW Mark Bell ➢ Instagram: ➢ ➢ Facebook: ➢ Twitter:   Follow Nsima Inyang ➢ ➢YouTube: ➢Instagram: ➢TikTok:   Follow Andrew Zaragoza on all platforms ➢   #PowerProject #Podcast #MarkBell #FitnessPodcast #markbellspowerproject

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You just work, though. Like, you never stop. Right. There is a fine line between being a pussy and listening to your body. Why not err on the side of pushing it a little too far? And the reason why it might be important to do it is because of the mental side of things.
Starting point is 00:00:19 We don't even really know how strong that is. I think that mental piece of it weighs so heavily on the physical point. If you give in mentally, then you're just screwed. Your mind is so much more powerful and takes over so much more of what your body can actually do. The body is meant to preserve and survive. You're pretty fucking safe if you sit on the couch and do nothing. I told her, I said, all right, if we're going to have kids, one of us is going to stay home. I'll be glad to stay home, but the problem is
Starting point is 00:00:48 we're going to have fucking retarded kids. I know, I met you, some of your kids and they're super smart, so that's my wife. You guys like controversy, right? A little bit, yeah. Yeah, we're rolling. So you were born in like 1942, right?
Starting point is 00:01:07 I was born in 1923, somewhere around there. 1920, to be exact. But, you know, who's counting? Who's counting? This is the manliest our podcast has ever been since you're here now. Andrew, I love you. With a weighted vest, dude. How much extra weight you got on there?
Starting point is 00:01:27 Enough. Enough to make a difference? Well, I'm still probably not as heavy as this guy. Even with the weight vest. He's eating. He can get a lot of control every once in a while. We worry about him over here. Right, Andrew?
Starting point is 00:01:42 Or how many juices he's had. Yeah, that's where, yeah. What kind of juice are here. Right, Andrew? Or how many juices he's had. Yeah, that's where... What kind of juice are you talking about, though? You tell me. What kind of juice? I've been hearing the podcast lately. A lot of trend talk. I have been enjoying the trend talk. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:01:58 It's always a constant. So anyway, you took exception to a recent podcast. We've been meaning to have you on lately. We've been meaning to have you on lately. We've been talking about it, but then I guess something popped up and you got kind of heated. So what's going on? Well, you know, I've been listening for a while. I've been around for a while.
Starting point is 00:02:18 But, you know, I started listening to just some. All right, let me break it down. Here's, you know, since it was Mother's Day yesterday, right? My mom would always know, like, when to come in a room and just bust us. Right? I grew up in a large family. I'm like, how the hell do you know when to come in? Yeah. She's like, it's pretty easy.
Starting point is 00:02:38 It gets real quiet, and then there's a lot of laughing. She's like, it's easy. And I'm like, huh. Yeah, as soon as it's quiet with kids, you know something bad's going on. So I'm like, you know, here it's like, shit, you guys look around. You got penis pumps. All this. I don't protect my backside around here.
Starting point is 00:02:58 You do. So, you know, I'm like, all right. You get a lot of sandal talk and stuff. I don't know. Just need to check in with you guys. Make sure everything's all right in here. You know, just, you know, make sure things are good. Make sure things are good.
Starting point is 00:03:17 We're working on it. The latest one yesterday. No, it came out today. Listening to it on the way in. Yeah. Talking about recovery fine all right dude you're someone who like you just work though like you never stop right still standing like shit and i don't have sandals on. I'm standing on some rocks, okay?
Starting point is 00:03:55 But, you know, no sandals, so it's like I'll leave those to the higher power over there to wear. I'm barefoot, bro. No, Jesus. Oh, yeah, yeah. I'm talking about Jesus. Higher power. Shit. I thought you saw me for a second. A little bit of narcissism, manism maybe there is some juice going on
Starting point is 00:04:08 there I listened to that trend talk yeah uh-huh so back to the uh you're listening to recovery and you want to yeah listen to recovery and I'm like what the hell I'm like I gotta talk to those guys we we've been talking about doing this forever I'm like, I got to talk to those guys. We've been talking about doing this forever. I'm like, Jesus. Okay. What the hell? There is a fine line between being a pussy and listening to your body. Right? So where's that line?
Starting point is 00:04:40 How do you know the line? Hard to tell. Very hard. The line gets pushed over time. Okay. Pushed which way? Ideally away from being a pussy. Okay.
Starting point is 00:04:51 So how do you know unless you push it? Exactly. You don't. Exactly. So why not err on the side of pushing it a little too far and then to find out, hey, you know what? Because we had a talk probably, I don't know, two months ago. And I was telling you about like some deadlift things I was doing. And it's all of a sudden my back just boom.
Starting point is 00:05:13 I could tell that wasn't just like, okay, it's – I got to be careful here. Yeah. Right? And we had the discussion. Maybe it's just deadlift every day. No. First thing when you get up, 500 pounds, try it every day. Well, you could.
Starting point is 00:05:28 You probably have. But the point was I'm looking at it going, okay, my body is telling me kind of be careful. Be careful with it. And you were like, well, you know, sometimes, you know, your body, you push it a little bit and your body just, you know, needs to, little bit and your mind needs to catch up to your body going, okay, maybe you just went a little too far, but it needs to basically know that that's okay. I'm like, all right, fuck. Goddamn, it didn't seem to count me being a pussy on this one. So I kind of pushed it. I still took it a little bit easy, you know I stuck to my plan just went through
Starting point is 00:06:07 and sure as shit a couple days it's kind of like that you know it went away so you know you called me out on it so now I gotta call you guys out on it what did we I'm trying to go back to did we tell the guy to totally back off
Starting point is 00:06:23 was it the workout addiction one there was a lot of yeah sometimes you gotta just Did we tell the guy to totally back off? Was it the workout addiction one? There was a lot of, yeah, sometimes you got to just, you know, take it easy, listen to your body, and just kind of, you know, maybe not go in for a day or two. Yeah. I don't buy that. And you were like, what? I don't buy that. Well, it's a a suggestion it doesn't mean that we do that yeah we're team no days off man we're talking to the norm we're talking to normies man dude i am the normie i'm joking i'm joking oh man i don't know i'm not i'm not an
Starting point is 00:07:00 influencer i'm not a fucking normie no no no no no no. Casey, when we get into the shit that you do, people are going to turn this shit off because they're like, he's too much. You're also wearing like a 12-pound vest. Well, I am too much. As we're talking on this episode. My point exactly. I'm like, okay, I can stand on rocks. But I don't see any, I don't see you motherfuckers wearing a wave for context guys so
Starting point is 00:07:28 casey will work like you you work i mean you walk around the whole day while you're working and you're wearing that for like what six of the hours or the whole day usually i mean some days you know i wake up and i'm like i might be a pussy today yeah and then i put on the vest and then and then i'll wear it for a while right and realize okay i'm not a pussy there we go and then if i feel my body start to tell me you know it's digging into my shoulder it fucking sucks i'd start to pull and then i'll come no i'm not gonna be a pussy just saying sometimes you gotta just you know push through it yeah yeah i agree you know i think uh you know when we talk about recovery we're trying to give people an honest view of you know how they can get better right because you can you can train a lot, you can train often, and you could be at some point kicking yourself in the ass
Starting point is 00:08:28 and just sort of chasing your own tail. And sometimes if you give yourself a little break on whatever it is that you're doing, sometimes you could advance a little further. But we could also back that up a little bit and say, well, that doesn't mean you don't have to go to the gym at all, or that doesn't mean that you can't enjoy. There's no reason why you can't do some kettlebell swings on a day off. There's no reason why you can't do some med ball tosses, maybe some farmer's carries, whatever the hell it is that you enjoy. There's no reason why you can't do it. And the reason
Starting point is 00:08:57 why it might be important to do it is because of the mental side of things. And the mental side of things, we don't even really know how strong that is. We know what the strongest bench press of all time is, approximately, the strongest squat, the fastest 100 meter. We know all these things. But we don't know what the limitation of the human mind is. And we hopefully will never really figure that out.
Starting point is 00:09:20 And so I think you have a good point there of like, yeah, you don't want to be a pussy because you don't want to, that one little slip up, that one little banana peel could be the thing that leads you off track for a while. Absolutely. And that's kind of my point. I see you guys doing it. And for the people that don't know, we give each other shit all the time. Oh, yeah, of course. the time it's not but it's you know it it i think that mental piece of it weighs so heavily on the
Starting point is 00:09:47 physical point to where if you give in mentally then you're just screwed physically you know and it doesn't mean that you have to stay with the same plan you know it's like when i look at and go okay you know today i plan to do boxing and then and then work and then the you know if i'm doing upper body you you know, I, I'll have it kind of laid out in my mind, but I'll change based upon when I get in the gym, how I feel, you know, and what makes sense. And then if you're in there, you're going to tell me something totally different, fucked up. And,
Starting point is 00:10:17 and it'll be the right thing for that day. And, but I think your, your mind is so much more powerful and takes over so much more of what your body can actually do you know i think we talked about too you know i think the body is meant to preserve and survive that's what our natural instinct is not to grow and to thrive and i think it's just one of those things where it's it's a self-protection you know it's you're pretty fucking safe if you sit on the couch and do nothing you know long term you're gonna be fucked up but the short term that's kind of your safety mechanism well how the fuck do you get
Starting point is 00:10:59 stronger and better and be able to adapt and come, you know, a stronger person for the long term, you got to push it. But what's that limit? You know, what's that fine line between, you know, preserving or being a pussy? And sometimes you just don't know, I think, until you push it. And then hopefully it's not too far that sets you back for six months. But even then, there's still shit you can do. And those, don't get me wrong, it sucks having an injury that puts you out for six months or puts you in surgery or some shit like that, right? I think that's happened to all of us here probably, right? But you do learn something from that.
Starting point is 00:11:47 Like when my meniscus tore, I learned kind of what to pay attention to in my knee at the time. And I've learned how far I probably shouldn't push certain things. I haven't made that type of mistake since. And like you're saying, you know, if we do – it's hard to trust your feelings at the beginning when you're just starting all this shit because it all kind of sucks like it all hurts everything's always sore and if you're like oh it feels a little bit tough then you won't ever push it to the point you're
Starting point is 00:12:18 talking about where you can really make some real progress yeah feelings fucking suck yeah that's why i just don't have many i love it i've got to ask my wife she's like do you have any feelings maybe a couple somewhere you're like this question seems like a trap yes yes we've been here before don't say say anything. I've fallen into that trap too many times. Too many times. Have you felt like you've kind of overextended yourself a bunch of different times in your life? You have like four kids? Five. Five kids. I lost track of one of them. Me too.
Starting point is 00:13:00 Yeah, it took you a second to answer. You got five kids and you work very hard and then plus every morning you're boxing and you're lifting and things like that. You just here and there you feel like you overextended yourself a bit or do you feel good? You know, I think that kind of falls in that same category of knowing what that balance is. And, you know, different points in your life obviously are easier than other to fill in balance. And the kids are little. Yeah, well, I mean, when the kids were little, you know, it was much harder. You know, younger, too, in trying to establish a career and do things like that.
Starting point is 00:13:41 It's, you know, it's a tough time. So, you know, for all the people out there that are like trying to figure out, okay, how do I balance this? Well, sometimes there, there's this knot, you know, and you just have to do. You're just not home. You just, well, you know, I, I always made a point that, I mean, when we, when my wife and I got married, first of all, finding the right person is so key. Um, and you know, when we first decided to have kids, you know, we, we sat down and had the discussion of, all right, I don't want to have kids that, that I have to have somebody else raise.
Starting point is 00:14:19 That's not our plan going into it. You know, I understand shit happens and you have to adjust but we weren't going to start it out by going okay both of us are going to work and we're going to you know have a nanny or someone else try and do that we were like okay let's let's figure this out we want to have kids we want to raise them um but we we need to do it you know so my wife and i we sat down and we go okay you know after a couple years all right we want to have kids and this is get ready with the bleep button andrew but this hey this is this is this was the real talk yeah i told her i said all right if we're gonna have kids one of us is going to stay home. She's like, okay.
Starting point is 00:15:09 I'm like, it's going to be tough financially. We're going to have to figure it out. I said, I'll be glad to stay home. But the problem is we're going to have fucking retarded kids. I said, they're going to be into every sport imaginable. They're going to have a lot of time to get better, and we'll have a fucking blast. I met some of your kids, and they're super smart. That's my wife.
Starting point is 00:15:41 That's my wife. You got to balance. You got to balance balance know your weaknesses know your strengths I'm like we'll have fun we'll have great kids but damn
Starting point is 00:15:50 they are gonna be they're gonna be on the spectrum but but that was I swear to God that was a serious
Starting point is 00:15:59 conversation and that's how it basically went down okay so you're staying at home Liz and I'll go out and earn the income. And knock on wood, she really hasn't had to work.
Starting point is 00:16:13 But we've had to make sacrifices. It's like you want the best for your kids, but maybe sometimes the best isn't just financial. your kids but maybe sometimes the best isn't just financial maybe it's you know spending more time with them and being able to you know kind of coach them and help them through life too and you know yeah i mean i i like my kids i think they turned out good yeah um and i think they're really good people you know and i'm proud of every single one of them on how they've chosen to they still like to come over every Sunday for Sunday dinner I'm like
Starting point is 00:16:53 alright I couldn't have screwed up that bad now you're a grandpa yes Mark thanks for bringing that up I feel great about that but that's a damn cute baby let me tell you, that actually was something kind of hard for me to realize. I was like, holy shit.
Starting point is 00:17:14 I mean, I know I'm old, but I'm like, I don't feel like a grandpa. 67 is not that old, man. 85 comes and goes like that. Wait, so for some people who actually know, how old are you. 85 comes and goes like that. Wait, so for some people to actually know, how old are you? I'm not good at math. I'm going to plead the fifth like O'Hearn with Tran. I'm just not going to acknowledge it.
Starting point is 00:17:41 If you don't talk about it, it doesn't exist, right? That's true. Yeah, that's very true. 55. Okay. Or 85. Yeah. Or 35. about it doesn't exist right true yeah that's very true 55 okay there you go or 85 yeah or 35 how did you uh how'd you stumble into the slingshot world well give people some of that story okay quick back quick background um living in davis we we pretty much lived there our entire lives and uh it was i don't even know how long ago now 10 years maybe 10 10 11 years um looking across the street from our house
Starting point is 00:18:17 this new kind of family moves in i'm like what the hell i'm like this guy is fucking fat head like i've never seen i'm like what the hell does this guy eat turns out it was mark yeah back in the uh i wouldn't say chubby days you were just let's just say you were very thick yeah very thick and there would be people coming in of his house that were extremely thick so me as a concerned neighbor i'm just kind of keeping my eye out on things and then uh like what is there a weight watchers group over there something like that like where there should be they'd be making a killing oh yeah but you know bark bark was uh they moved in uh across the street from us and and then i would see mark and at that point you had just bought like an escalade
Starting point is 00:19:15 i think after that so i would see and granted i'm not home a lot you know it's like i'm i'm working um but you know my wife's like, have you noticed our neighbor just, he'll sit in his car for like an hour, two hours. I'm like, no, I haven't seen that. And then he'd be parked down the street sometimes sitting in his car for like an hour or two hours. I'm like. Making videos.
Starting point is 00:19:42 I'm like, what the fuck? Exactly. And it turns out, you know, he's i'm like making videos i'm like what the exactly and it turns out you know he's on his phone making videos and then i'm like all right i gotta check this guy out what the fuck's going on with my neighbor so i started looking at some of his videos and i'm like what the hell then i'm more confused and you know it turns out you know you were just kind of you know doing your thing and just going through. And at this point, we had never, we hadn't even met.
Starting point is 00:20:10 And then, I'm not big on meeting my neighbors. I couldn't tell you who my neighbors were. Same. But we were out front one day. I was playing catch with my youngest son. And Mark comes out from the driveway. I was playing catch with my youngest son, and Mark comes out from the driveway, and he's like, this is typical Mark, typical Mark.
Starting point is 00:20:36 Hey, hey, you look like you might work out a little. And I'm like, hey, granted, I'm like, I'm feeling okay. I'm like, man, I go to the gym three days a week. I'm constantly busy. He's like, yeah, you look like you might work out a little. I'm like, well, I'm sitting there thinking, god damn, I'm not lifting all day like you. But it was hilarious because I'm like, yeah, I guess compared to you, I work out a little. So Bart comes over and we start talking for a minute, and he's like, hey, I came up with this product.
Starting point is 00:21:13 He's like, you should try it out. I look at him, he showed me the slingshot. And at that point, you guys hadn't even had, I don't think you had a delivery or anything. It was just like a couple prototypes. I think we were just, we were shipping on our own, yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:30 And I'm like, all right, what's this? You know, I look at it and I'm like, of course me, a little skeptical. Yeah. And I get it. I'm like, all right, you know what? I'm going to give this a try. I'm going to go to the gym, give it a try. And I think it was the next day it came out.
Starting point is 00:21:46 We were playing catch again. It came out, hey, have you tried that yet? I'm like, god damn, I said I did. And I'm like, I don't have shoulder pain. I don't have anything. I said, this is a good product. And he's like, see, Andy, see? And, you know, it turned out, you know, that was kind of the first introduction.
Starting point is 00:22:07 And it was like, I'm like, shit, this guy's got a product. You know, it's actually something of value that I could see, you know, that people would love. And then, you know, fast forward a little bit, you know, a couple months from there, you know, we were talking back and forth and different things. And you guys were, you know, trying to do it out of your garage and you're like well don't you something in distribution i'm like yeah we do third-party distribution i'm like i'm like here's here's the address just send it there and we'll just we'll figure it out yeah and that's how it started 10 10 years or so late i don't even know how many years. Again, I'm 85.
Starting point is 00:22:47 Yeah, when we first started talking, we weren't shipping that many. So I was like, oh, no, I think we're good. And then I saw you maybe like a month or two later, and we started messing up orders because we started getting more of them. I don't really know what the problem was, but we were having issues. And then I was telling my wife, I'm like, the guy across the street, my wife's skeptical of everybody. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:10 I'm like, let's invite him in so you can talk to him and see him. And then you started having advice, and you were like, well, if you do this, this is going to lead to better results. You're like, I can just take your product and ship it for you for a little while, and you can see how you like that. And then it just kind of naturally went from there. Right, and at that point, it was like, I can just take your product and ship it for you for a little while and you can see how you like that. And then it just kind of naturally went from there. And at that point it was like, I'm just helping my neighbor out. Yeah, give a crap about business side of it.
Starting point is 00:23:32 Even though I was starting a business, you know, I'd been in business on my own for about three years. And we had done all kinds of different distribution but um you know it was kind of like it's it's it's not you know to ship 10 orders a day it's not gonna you know impact us i'm like i don't care we'll figure it out at that point it was basically one product you know and and we just it was you know just kind of getting up and running if if it works cool and everything just kind of you know kept going from there and you at the at the first point we're in there you know i had a whole warehouse full of other people's product that we were shipping and mark goes yeah you know i'd say about a year you know i just you know i can see it's just shipping my product out of here and no more
Starting point is 00:24:26 customers and i'm going okay um i'm like okay if we get to that point yeah i'll fire all my customers a year later i fired all my customers sick i swear to god yeah Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's like, well, I fucking told him I would. So, you know, and at that point, you know, things had kept, you know, kind of progressing with the business. And I could see how dedicated Mark and Andy were to growing the business and how much they cared about the products and how much, you know, blood, sweat, and tears was going into it. Yeah. and how much blood, sweat, and tears was going into it. It's like the whole reason I – one of the biggest reasons I started my own company was to help companies like that that needed that help, but they weren't going to get it. If they went out to a typical third-party warehouser, most of them –
Starting point is 00:25:21 because I was working for a third-party warehouse before. I wouldn't even look at it unless they were doing over a million a year in business it's just not worth it because the financial side of it the the profit margins are so thin there that you just can't you know it doesn't make sense for either side but they're the ones who need it the most and so that's why it was like i'm like okay, you have that mindset. You're going to blow it up. I'm going to be right there with you and help you do that. And sure as shit, you know, fast forward 10 or so odd years,
Starting point is 00:25:57 and you guys killed it. And it's not necessarily just because, oh, it's this fad product. It's because your blood, sweat, and tears was in that. Everything that people see, you know, on Instagram, YouTube, you know, of your videos and what you put up, which were entertaining, but it also didn't give a clear picture really of you. That was a side of you. It doesn't show the background side of you. Yeah, it doesn't show. And that's where I think a lot of people get confused too you know they'll see things and go ah well
Starting point is 00:26:30 mark just cares about money martin you know this i'm like you don't understand half that is a persona joke that's your wrestling background kind of coming out what they don't see is the dedication the hard work behind the scenes that really grows and made the company, I think, what it is. And it's not a fad product. It's not fad products. It's businesses, and it's a great business based upon some real inside heart stuff to create products that make the world a better place to live i mean you know it sounds corny on some things but all the products are great you know and they help people and you know just the fact that you know i can be part of that my family's been part of that
Starting point is 00:27:22 i i mean i can't tell you you, as much as I give you guys shit, I got to give you props for things to where, you know, you've had my back multiple times and my family's back. And it means a lot. It does. And for the people that, you know, just see one side of you or don't see that, they're missing it. So the people that know you, no.
Starting point is 00:27:54 And the others that don't, hey, that's their loss. And if they want to have a perception of whatever, that's their thing. But I know the true mark. And I can't say – I appreciate it. I mean, Andy is – I mean, she's amazing. Well, she doesn't count. She's an alien. She's one of their planets.
Starting point is 00:28:14 True, true. True, true. She is. It's a good planet, though. All right. But no, like I said, I have to thank you for a lot because just being the point and the opportunities with my family. And just so people know, and I don't even actually ask you before, but the relationship that we have is, you know, I have my own independent warehousing company that we contract with you, but we are one. independent warehousing company that we contract with you, but we are one. When somebody comes in here, you know, they don't see, oh, this is, you know, Valley Supply Chain. This is Slingshot.
Starting point is 00:28:52 It's, this is the same thing, which, which it is. In my mind, it is. I wouldn't do anything different if it was my own company and everything you know i treat it as you know this is it wouldn't be any different if it was my kid that i'm doing it for well and when people do walk into the door they get helped by your daughter right right right and uh you know to me it's been you know one of those you know uh relationships that just you you can't, in business, I haven't run across anything like that to where, you know, it's, it's, it's just seamless. You know, I've seen a lot of different businesses and most of them haven't been,
Starting point is 00:29:36 you know, haven't been good. You know, there's just a lot of, you know, shit that goes on. I remember when you were shipping some of those other things, I was like, you were frustrated sometimes, like, just because I think you weren't really like, it didn't seem like you had more involvement than just shipping product for some of those companies. And for some of those companies, they were pretty big,
Starting point is 00:30:01 they were doing pretty well, and they had multiple warehouses, and you were just another number to them, like, hey hey get your shit out kind of thing yeah and i saw that and i was like i want to make that disappear like that's what i wanted to make disappear not necessarily that i wanted to like own the whole warehouse necessarily uh it was more of that i was like yeah let me get this see if i can get this headache out of this guy's uh life because it will work out better for both of us yeah Yeah, and absolutely. I mean, you know, it's like sometimes, you know, especially with the customers that we had, it was the – it's frustrating when they want to hire you as a specialized –
Starting point is 00:30:38 it would be like somebody hiring, you know, and seeing them as a trainer and then creating their own plan. And then when the plan didn't work, they'd come back to you and say, well, what the fuck? You gave me this training plan. It's like – I want to eat pasta every night. I don't see what the big deal is.
Starting point is 00:30:55 Your program is not working. Right. So there's a lot of trust that has to happen. But again, it's finding that right partner and and being able to have that trust and that that's when it works that's when it works i mean you know you guys have always kind of brought me in on on decision making things to where you didn't have to you know but you knew by involving me in my company that would probably flush out some shit that would get flushed out before it was a problem. And, you know, it's just that's smart business.
Starting point is 00:31:34 That's just smart business. But you can only do that with, you know, a provider or a customer that you really trust. And because what happens, too, is i've seen people go into that and they trust and and do that and they trust in a company or a person that didn't really know what the fuck they're doing and they got you know the raw end of it so it it's it's tricky but when you can find that right partnership that's when that's when shit takes off how did you know when to shift career jobs because didn't you have you had more of a corporate job right i believe you worked for like dell or something
Starting point is 00:32:09 like that right yeah for some of the guys that are listening that aren't 85 years old yes some of the young guys that are trying to trying to find their way trying to find their career how like what called to you to kind of do your own thing and what you were doing for Dell? So I worked for a company called Excel Logistics, and they're a third-party provider to multiple different businesses. The accounts that I was at was Hewlett-Packard and Agilent Technologies. They spun off the Agilent Technologies. And I had worked with them for maybe 10 years or so and got a lot of great opportunities started a bunch of you know warehouses and things get to travel internationally and do some really cool
Starting point is 00:32:57 things but at the I had four kids when I when I finally decided to leave I had four kids when I finally decided to leave. I had four kids and one on the way. So Grafton, who you know, who's Jake's age, he was just basically just a thought. And this is where I have to say, man, my wife is so understanding in that because I was 35, was leaving for me who is, you know, I'd like to say, you know, I finished college. It only took me a year. It took me a year to realize this is not for me. So I'm building from, you know, what I consider not the best background as far as resumes. But I got to a point where within this company, I had established relationships. I was running multiple distribution centers. And I was making what I thought for somebody that's 35 with no real know real education you know i was making six figures
Starting point is 00:34:06 and i felt decent about that you know that i was able to progress to a point but i was literally sat down by the vp of our company and told that i'm not going to progress any further he said and i'm going to bring in a guy that's got a master's degree and you're going to basically train him and all your relationships with the customers, you need to get him established. And I – He said it to you that plainly, kind of like in those words?
Starting point is 00:34:42 Yeah, because I basically – Kind of doing you a favor in a way. Well, I pushed him on it. He wasn't just coming out and saying it. I'm like, what do I have to do? I have the relationships with the customers. I've got the numbers and performance, you know, everything dialed in. that customer, we were making, I think on just on the P&Ls that I had, we were making about 3 million profit a year for the company. Well, I had zero support from our company. It was basically,
Starting point is 00:35:17 here's 3 million profit a year. And they're basically telling me, no, we're going to help promote this other guy and do that. So let me ask this real quick. Was he saying that like – he wasn't telling you you were fired, but he was saying you're not going to progress anymore. This is the best you're going to do. Yes. He was basically saying in so many words, hey, you're kind of – you're tapped out. Unless you want to go back to school get a master's then we can talk about maybe moving up corporate and at that point our our contract was just about up and we had to
Starting point is 00:35:54 re-sign a contract so me being you know my instagram too dumb to quit um i'm looking at it going okay if i knew if i always knew i wanted to have my own company do my own thing um so at that point i said it you know i gotta make a move i'm either gonna be stay here and try and be happy you know doing stuff you know it was it wasn't a challenge it was easy i'd already gone through all the headache i'm like i i gotta do something so our contract was about to be up i said fuck it i am going to not only quit i'm going to quit start a company and bid against my old company for that contract. And I had people on my accounts for Agilent and HP were like, fuck yeah, we'll sign with you. You know, screw them. I said, I'll save you half right off the bat.
Starting point is 00:36:59 I said, I'll do it for half. And they're like, oh my God, this is great. You know, will we keep this? I'm like, yeah, I'll keep the same half. And they're like, oh, my God, this is great. You know, will we keep this? I'm like, yeah, I'll keep the same people. I'll keep the same. I love the pettiness. I love it. All my managers were like, hell yeah, we'll go with you.
Starting point is 00:37:15 Did you run, like, any numbers or anything? I ran all the P&Ls for it. What I mean, like, to be able to offer half and still run a company? I knew the numbers. If I did nothing but the exact same thing, I would have made a million and a half profit a year. And they would have paid a million and a half less. The contract was cost plus. So it was whatever I spend on manpower and that plus a certain percentage.
Starting point is 00:37:48 So it was their business grows and that. So I'm like, well, okay, fine. You're telling me I'm capped out, I'm limited. Fine, I get it. I also have not signed an NDA. So fuck you. And I'm going to roll the dice, right? That's just me. But on the other hand, I'm going to roll the dice, right? That's just me.
Starting point is 00:38:05 But on the other hand, I'm going, oh, shit. I got four kids, young, one on the way. I'm 35. I don't really have shit to my name other than I bought house when I was young and that. But I'm like, fuck. All right. So fucking time to grind and you know luckily i had you know enough uh you know savings and things to where i could kind of just scrap along and uh it was it
Starting point is 00:38:39 was one of those times in my life i'm like i gotta fucking do it now or i'm not gonna do it and it was you know three four years of fucking grinding to to not lose the house to keep you know the kids fed to you know it's like i always you know people like oh you know i want to be an entrepreneur i'm like really do you do you because unless you're willing to fucking drive a 1985 Jeep that will barely fucking run and searching for a goddamn change out of the backseat to buy some beef jerky for lunch, you don't fucking want to be an entrepreneur. You want this success. You want all the benefits of an entrepreneur, but you don't want to put in the work.
Starting point is 00:39:27 And sometimes I think you have to put yourself into that grind mindset to be able to do it. You know, I should have done it when I was younger. Right. It would have been probably easier. You know, that's why, you know, a lot of times talking with kenny and stuff i'm like man the only thing i could say is when you're young take the fucking chances when you're young because there's less room to fall i'm like it's it's just it's easier what's the fucking worst case that happens when you're young and you're living at home. What? Your parents going to kick you out? Well, maybe.
Starting point is 00:40:09 But it's a whole lot less to risk. Yeah. And, you know, and luckily, you know, I was just like, what's my option? Not grind? Not figure it out? So, you know, we just took on a lot of different customers to try and make it work and kept going and kept going. And, you know, I brought on some customers that started to pay off, you know. Okay, shit, I can pay myself, you know, after a year of not paying myself.
Starting point is 00:40:35 You know, okay, you know, this is good. And then we were kind of getting to a point where it was like, all right, I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. I can't see how I'm going to make millions of dollars at this, but I can see that I can sustain. And at that point, that was kind of when, you know, we met. And I'm like, okay, I can sustain. And now I see a company that I really want to help with the skill sets that i had and i had learned through corporate and everything else i'm like it was almost like another double middle finger to you know the companies i was working with before it was like you know what
Starting point is 00:41:18 fuck you you wouldn't you wouldn't help this guy out you know you wouldn't even give him, you wouldn't even give him a meeting because, you know, he wasn't there. It was like, no, that that's the, that's the company that needs that help to jumpstart, to make something and to do something. Not that, not that you couldn't on your own. It's just, if you, if, if I can take a company like that and help them skip a lot of the painful steps to be successful quicker, you know, it's like quick gains in the gym, right? You get a couple gains, get you fired up. You're like, fuck, yeah, I can do this. Well, if you never saw any gains for two years, a lot of people just quit.
Starting point is 00:42:03 You know, you've got to see some quick gains. But anyway, so to finish the story on the bidding, so I bid against them. We got to the final point. And this, again, this is where big business stepped in. They said, we want to give you this contract. Everyone from their side wanted to give it to us. Corporate lawyers stepped in at the last minute and said, can't do it. Why?
Starting point is 00:42:37 You haven't been in business for three years. And their corporate rules are such that they can't contract with anyone, even though they would save a million and a half dollars for doing that. No change, no disruption. And that's where I'm like, fucking big businesses suck. They fucking suck, you know, from both sides. It's like it would have saved them so much money. But, yes, there's a little risk, obviously.
Starting point is 00:43:07 There is a risk. They're not willing to take that. So then it was grind, you know. And it's still a grind. You know, every day is a fucking grind. You know, and that's kind of going back to the whole mindset thing. If you're not grinding every day what are you doing you're just letting something happen to you good or bad might be good day
Starting point is 00:43:33 more than likely it's probably not probably going to go south but you know that's that's just the the mindset i think you got to have. It's like, plus it's like I want to enjoy every fucking day. Yeah. You know, I don't work out to feel like shit. You know, I work out every day to feel good. Yeah. It's like I want to fucking feel good. We'll never stop talking to you guys about how important your sleep quality is and how it can help speed up your health and fitness, your fat loss, your life goals.
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Starting point is 00:44:42 And now the Eight Sleep mattress every single night is blissful. Head to slash powerproject for exclusive Memorial Day savings on the Pod Pro cover or the Pod Pro mattress through June 6th. Stay cool this summer with Eight Sleep. Shipping the U.S., Canada, and all those good places. Link in the description down below. You've been lifting for a long time, right?
Starting point is 00:45:03 You started probably, what, in high school or something like that? Yeah. I mean, we'd always, you know, lifted weights. Probably, well, my dad had one weight set when we were kids. It was an old like Sears and Roebuck. They were purple. I remember them this day. They were purple and they're filled with either sand or cement or something. And it was like a hundred pounds we had one bar and it was that and this is the only time i can ever see my dad doing any fucking thing he could take that one-handed right and do the old strongman thing up above the head that was it he didn't fucking touch it but we as kids right would get out there doing what we could, you know, whatever we could do with it. So there was always kind of that around.
Starting point is 00:45:49 And my family, I come from a family of 12 kids, and nine of them were boys. That just computed. Yeah, just hit. Yeah. Siblings. Siblings, yeah. Whoa. Wow.
Starting point is 00:46:08 When I first met him, I was like, where do you guys have family gatherings they're like arco arena it's like i think honestly i swear to god i think our family's only all been together twice i think how many people you think it is like oh like extended i have no fucking clue i swear to god i have no idea yeah most of most of your brothers and sisters probably have children as well right oh yeah uh all of them well there you go all of them multiply that up a bunch of times bad math problem it's a bad math problem but yeah so we just uh always been involved in sports and stuff like that yeah it was seven boys in a row. So it was, oh, shit. This is great, though. It's like, oh, wait a second. What the fuck?
Starting point is 00:46:50 Dude, this is amazing. It's awesome. He's hitting the speed bag while he's on this balance board thing. Yo. It's all the toys out there in your great gym. And you've been boxing for how long? How did boxing start? How did you start doing that?
Starting point is 00:47:03 And you've been boxing for how, how did boxing start? How did you start doing that? Um, I got into boxing, uh, through a friend of mine who was going, um, uh, to primetime, shout out to primetime boxing, coach Adrian Diablo. And, um, we, it was kind of one of those things I'd always basically at least three days a week, I would plan on going to the gym you know i would i would get into the gym at some point three days a week and i went to um you know my friends and we're like oh you you would probably like this and i think that was when i was 40 i'm like yeah i'm kind of looking for something different to you know stay motivated i'm like you know do something different and it's like oh you know come to boxing i'm like i could never it was monday wednesday and friday you know in the morning i've probably missed a handful of times it's like i just it's i love it because it's like
Starting point is 00:47:56 a great um physical challenge and you can kind of go with you know your own pace yeah but i'm learning something too i'm like i i love learning i hate fucking school but i love learning and it was just one of those things where even today you know this morning i went you know it's like it it's just a great way to start the day but i always so i've taken that since i was 40 and kind of been like, that's my base. So if I go Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, I feel like that that's a decent base to where I can kind of maintain. So then it's just filling in, you know, where I can make, you know, gains. Cause I still want to improve. It's like, I still want to get stronger. I still want to get more flexible. I still want to be able to do all the hobbies and different things I do. But it's a great base.
Starting point is 00:48:48 I mean, you know, we don't spar that much these days. Like, you know, I need all the brain cells I've got. Dude, what's really cool about this is, like, you shifted jobs at 35 years old with four kids and one on the way. And then you start boxing at 40. And the dope thing is like you weren't older by any means, but like you were starting these things later. Oh, yeah. Right? Where people are like, if they're 40, like, that's too late for me to start something like boxing.
Starting point is 00:49:19 Yeah. Fucking boxing. Yeah. Right? What made you even go down that route specifically? Because that's a lot um i i don't know i like a challenge you know i like a challenge and i like actually someone saying well fuck you can't do that well fucking game on you know i to me i like that i mean i
Starting point is 00:49:40 kind of got into the big game hunting that way you know a friend of mine who's you know works with kuyu patrick merritt guy's fucking awesome yeah but uh we we were sitting at one of our kids little league games and he was talking about a hunt coming up and he's like yeah you know he's solo hunts a lot is that a head are you is that a head? Yeah. Yeah. That's an elk I'm packing out. Okay, damn. Yeah. Patrick was like, he's like, oh, well, you know, I'm going to, you know, mule deer hunt in, you know, in a month or two. He's like, why don't you come with me?
Starting point is 00:50:21 It kind of was a joke. I'm like, all right. And he's like, no, seriously, we got to pack in. And he's like, oh, and I didn't mention it was bow hunting. I'm like, all right. He's like, well, do you have a bow? I'm like, when I was 12, I think I had a bow. And he's like, shit.
Starting point is 00:50:43 He's like, you would do it? I'm like, fuck yeah, I had a bow. And he's like, shit. He's like, you really? You would do it? I'm like, fuck yeah, I'd do it. And so we put together a plan, and Patrick has just dialed out spreadsheets on what to carry and how we make our packs as light as possible. And he's like, I got enough extra backpacks and stuff. We'll set you up and this. I'm like, oh, I got enough, you know, extra backpacks and stuff. We'll, you know, we'll set you up and this. I'm like, fuck, yeah. I was so excited because it was a new challenge. It was like, oh, hell yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:13 And we went and it just started kind of a spark, a new thing of hunting. I'd always kind of hunted, bird hunting, stuff like that growing up. But I'm like, shit, yeah, this is awesome. I get the physical side of it so fast forward we went to the ruby mountains in nevada and you know you start out where it's like 2000 you know vertical climb and about a half a mile you know with a 70 80 pound pack and gassed gassed but it was freaking awesome. I mean, and that kind of just fueled a whole new passion for me.
Starting point is 00:51:51 Here's another, you know, I got hobbies out the wazoo, but it was like, no, this is good. It combines the physical part, the mental part, and I didn't even know at that time how tough it was to hunt yeah it was just like can i make it through this whole you know experience but i yeah i just i don't i i mean honestly you know you talk about oh how age doesn't matter it's what what i think i want to do yeah or want to try and it's like i I don't care. It's the whole too dumb to quit.
Starting point is 00:52:26 I'm too dumb to quit. I'm too dumb to stop. You know, it's like, yeah. But it's the smartest thing, Doug. Because, again, with the way you're built right now, I mean, I'm even curious. Do you feel better these days? Do you know if you feel better now than you did when you were a little bit younger? Has anything changed much or have you just been taking action using your body?
Starting point is 00:52:48 You know, it's interesting. I mean, there's certain, I think the biggest thing is just, you would go back to recovery. I definitely feel that my body doesn't snap back recovery-wise as quick as, you know, when I was younger. Jacked. I have to say, the whole reason I even started that account was to embarrass my kids. And I think it's working. And I think it's working. But yeah, recovery. That I definitely notice.
Starting point is 00:53:21 But again, you know, listening to, you know, what you guys talk about on a daily, you know, how to implement certain things. And they're not really hacks. They're just smarter, you know, how to go about smarter. It's like when I was young. Yeah, I knew sleep was good. I knew I wanted to sleep. But sometimes when you get five kids and work in an hour sleep doesn't happen yeah but knowing how much of an impact you know that that takes uh when you're younger i think the impact's there but you can just bounce back from it to where now it's like i'm so much smarter with my sleep and you know the eight sleep the eight-sleep bed, what can I say? You know, where's the plug? I mean, you know, it is. It's a great tool to, you know, not only track your sleep, but it's just better. It's fucking better.
Starting point is 00:54:19 So, you know, things like that, just being able to do things smarter. I think as you get older, you have to look at things like that just being able to do things smarter i think as you get older you have to look at things to like that to be smarter if you want to keep feeling good and if you want to keep being able to do stuff i mean you know it's like so someone who's benched 400 pounds not me but if they kept doing that at what point do they not do that? I don't know. I mean, you know what I mean? It's like if you did it every month, at what point do you not do it? You know, let's throw out injury and all that,
Starting point is 00:54:58 but at what point could you not do it? I don't know. I don't think anybody knows. i think that if you send your body a signal though it will respond to it you know yeah it will continually respond to it until there's maybe something's wrong something's off you know but if you could i mean if someone had the capacity to bench press like uh you know slightly over 400 pounds and then they did 400 pounds like once a month i think they could probably maintain it for a really long time yeah depend a lot on their
Starting point is 00:55:30 structure and their body type and we just saw a guy the other day run what 14 seconds in the 100 meters that what it was yeah i saw that it's like 75 or something yeah and there's a couple other i mean the guys in the heat all did amazing, too. A couple guys are quite a bit behind this guy, but there's some other guys that are finishing second, third, and fourth that are looking pretty good, too. I mean, 100 meters is way tougher than people remember it. Go out on a track and go check out 100 meters. It's a lot.
Starting point is 00:56:02 It's a lot to get yourself at like a full sprint i mean even the elite guys uh this the 100 meter is a race of trying to decelerate the least because everyone can get up to some crazy top speeds all of them can run really really fast uh it's a battle at the end of not slowing down it's like an illusion when you see hussein bolt you know blast past everybody he's not really necessarily running past them uh he's just um he's decelerating less than everybody else yeah which is a weird thing to think about but 100 meters is hard and for somebody to do it in 15 seconds or under 15 seconds at 75 that's crazy he was booking it i think andrew's got it you know this was jesus he really pulled away from those guys this man yo what the hell but they're all moving well like you mentioned man oh they stopped filming
Starting point is 00:56:53 the shit pan back and about half of them you know what's really cool actually i was just thinking about this because um after peter attiro whatever has been talking about it there's been a lot of people that have been like really like how do you increase your bone density because as you get older that goes down but something like you don't even have to go box and spar with people but if you can just learn some stuff and hit a heavy bag that constant like even when i'm thinking about that right now i'm like i need to actually just be hitting a heavy bag more because that's just benefiting you in so many ways. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:57:29 I mean, to me, it's like, you know, even if I, you know, had a week off, you know, went hunting or something, I came back and I'm hitting a heavy bag. Oh, shit. You feel it because, you know, you get used to it on a good side, doing it all the time. But then when you take a layoff, you're like, eh. I think you lose things a lot sooner, especially when you were young. Kind of curious about this because I personally don't know. You started boxing at 40. How do you keep it part of your life but also keep it safe? You mentioned you obviously don't spar as much. So you just go in and you train with a bag yeah so i mean basically it's you know we'll
Starting point is 00:58:11 it's basically like a 45 minute to an hour class uh we do it three days a week so it first thing in the morning and i hated working out in the morning but that was my only time that I could do it that fit with work and kids. Yeah. It's like I got to get that in. And it is – you know, it's funny. It's like there's a lot of things I see in CrossFit. I've never really done CrossFit at all. But a lot of – I think a lot of things training-wise in CrossFit were probably taken from boxing is my guess. Yeah, boxing and military and stuff like that. So it's kind of like an all-over good body workout.
Starting point is 00:58:50 But, you know, like I like to throw mitts, you know, so you can get mitt work in and kind of get the sparring feel and things without taking head shots. You know, it's kind of like, I don't know, jiu-jitsu. I've never done that either. But it's, you know, I can imagine it would be kind of, you know it's kind of like i don't know jujitsu i've never done that either but it's you know i can imagine it'd be kind of you know light flow rolling or something with someone that it's not you you're kind of both on the same page it's not yeah trying to choke you out and you know yeah okay that would be class is hard i've been to a bunch of them and it's brutal
Starting point is 00:59:22 um you know you're doing like you're doing stuff that you just can't even really make any sense of. Like you'll do a bunch of like curls and then you'll do like a bunch of like, say like upright rows and then you like hit the bag. Oh. And it's like circuits. Not all the classes are that way. And obviously for someone that might be training for a fight or something, you have something way more targeted than that style of training. that might be training for a fight or something, something way more targeted than that style of training.
Starting point is 00:59:46 But it's hard because you're like, I can barely hold my hands up, much less like throw good combinations. Or you might say, hey, 30 seconds, go all out, go as fast as you can. And you're trying to do that, but you just did a bunch of curls and a bunch of other exercises. So it's really demanding.
Starting point is 00:59:58 Yeah, every class basically starts out with jump rope for about five minutes. So you jump rope, which is a great warm-up just kind of get things flowing yeah um then they'll be you know hit the heavy bag for a while throw in the speed bag sometimes but then it's just a lot of like circuit training you know uh like mark was saying you know you'll do ab rollouts move the next one you're doing crunches move the next one you're doing up downs and move the next one. You're doing crunches, move the next one. You're doing up-downs, move the next one. You might be slamming a tire with a hammer. I mean, it just kind of mixes everything.
Starting point is 01:00:31 But it's always, it seems like even though there's a lot of similarities on all the things you do, it's always different. You know, you have some consistent things, which is good, but then it kind of keeps you, you know, kind of the mind moving. Yeah. So I like it. Back to weightlifting stuff you were asking, I never finished it off. Like when I started, the first time I could really say that I started lifting weights was probably, I think probably when I was about 13. Um, so I'd played sports,
Starting point is 01:01:09 you know, young age. Um, you know, most of it was baseball. My dad was a big baseball guy. It's like, well, what do you play? We play baseball. It's like, geez. All right. And I was decent at baseball, but I didn't really like it. And, you know, but all of our kids, I mean, shit, you know, it's like nowadays, it's like I've coached the kids in baseball and stuff. How was it when you were, you know, back in 1920? You know, it's like, well, it was a little bit different. It was like we didn't give out trophies for everybody. You actually kind of had to win.
Starting point is 01:01:47 But I'm like, well, what did you do? I'm like, well, we didn't lose. I'm like, I lost one game in Little League. One game. And it was a fucking championship game. And it still haunts me. It's kind of hilarious. I wasn't a loser like you kids.
Starting point is 01:02:04 am and it still haunts me it's kind of hilarious i wasn't a loser like you kids but it's like you know and i was i was i was actually small you know i was i was small yeah but i was always it's like i was always the fastest i was always i'm like no one's gonna fucking outrun me i'm like i might not be that big, but I'm going to be fast. I could throw the ball okay and, you know, pitch and do that stuff. And then when I was eighth grade, so just starting eighth grade. So this is kind of a gross story, but I'll tell you anyway. So when we're going into eighth grade, you know into eighth grade, we're in the gym locker room. I don't know if it was the same way. Mark might remember it.
Starting point is 01:02:51 You're in the locker room. You're waiting to get your locker assigned, and you have to go up into the PE instructor's office there. So we're standing there waiting, just standing and waiting. And I don't know if you remember in the the gyms and stuff your big thick ass doors like heavy heavy doors not like you know little pussy doors now you know even the doors you know the door they're a door they're solid they're solid doors today you guys ain't shit there wasn't sandals hanging from them or anything so we're standing there and the doors the doors open and i've got my hand up like this
Starting point is 01:03:36 on the door jam and i'm talking to a buddy and he's like he's, you know, and they started to close the door, and I didn't realize my thumb's in the door jamb, and the door just keeps closing, and I'm watching my thumb stuck in the door jamb and just pops off. So the end of my thumb, I don't know if you can see it, but it's like the end of my thumb went on the other side of the door and it's just going bloop.
Starting point is 01:04:12 It looked like a comedy. Bloop, bloop. And I'm like, oh, that's a problem. And so I go into the sink and it just looks like a fucking murder scene in there. I'm putting paper towels, and kids are screaming, ah! You're banging on the door, and the PE teacher yanks it open. He's like, what?
Starting point is 01:04:35 I'm like, can I have my thumb? And his face just goes white, and he starts to buckle. Wait, so it's not like it just came off? A chunk of, so like. A chunk of it. Yeah. I can see kind of. So like, like now when it happened, it was basically right at the fingernail line. So right there it was like, imagine your thumb with no fingernail.
Starting point is 01:04:58 For the past few years, I looked at your thumb. I was like, what the fuck is, I'm joking. It's fucked up. I never even noticed. I never noticed. But it's, it was one of those things where i'm like oh fuck so anyway fast the reason i even tell you that is because it kind of it's what kind of got me into lifting more so anyway long story short on that i had to take it sit in the office for about an hour before they took me to the hospital to sew it back
Starting point is 01:05:25 on and so then i'm like this is fucking awful but you know all i did was play sports with my right hand yeah i couldn't throw a baseball i couldn't throw a football so i'm like all the shit that i could kind of that was my only somewhat strong point, I thought, I couldn't do it for a little fucking thumb problem. So it turns out the surgeon that did it, he was into weightlifting and he was fucking, looked like, you know franco colombo i mean and we were talking and i'm just sitting there as a fucking 13 year old kid going i'm fucked i can't do anything that i love he's like well do you lift weights i'm like you know i do pull-ups and push-ups and shit and he's like well you can do that can't you i'm like yeah i guess he's like you don't need to throw those and i'm like all right so then the last part of this story which is worse was
Starting point is 01:06:37 so getting it sewed back on i thought was the worst, and you had to change the dressing and all that. Going back in, the thumb didn't take. They had waited too long. They put it on ice, right? And now it's like they tell you it's like, no. If you ever happen something like that, God forbid, with your kid or something, they say put it right back on and hold it there so that the blood flow and stuff is still part of it because basically by putting it on ice, it just so that the blood flow and stuff is still part of it because basically by putting on ice just killed it wow so shit in movies though well it's movies fucking wrong
Starting point is 01:07:13 why did maybe maybe with an organ or something but yeah so anyway i go back in he's like looks at and he goes yeah it's not healing well because it was just kind of black and dead on there. He's like, give me your hand. Give me my hand. He locks it under his arm. He's like, this is going to hurt worse than it did. Oh, no. And he cuts off the dead bark.
Starting point is 01:07:38 He cuts it off. And he's like. Doctors weren't pussies back then. No, everyone was just stronger. I'm telling you. Everyone was just stronger. Everyone was better. And he was not kidding because that fucking hurt worse than the first thing. But it's like, it actually, I look back on it, like, when did I start?
Starting point is 01:07:58 It was after that. And he was just like, it's like, you can fucking, you can lift. And so I started lifting more and it's like that was that was kind of when i started like i can actually go back and go yeah that's when i was you know really started lifting when the doctor called me out for being a pussy damn when did you start when did you running, and what's that for? Like, why are you running? I hated running. I hated, hated running.
Starting point is 01:08:31 And it was always a punishment in every sport I played. Fucking hated it. My father-in-law, actually, he, you know, he was, I don't even know how old he was at the time, probably 60, 65. And he was running 5Ks, 10Ks, always in great shape, fucking great shape. He's like, oh, hey, why don't you come run a 5K with me? And I'm like, eh, I guess, you know. And I went out and ran it.
Starting point is 01:09:04 I'm like, fuck, that was harder than it should have been. But I kind of liked it. And I'm like, I'm like, OK, well, obviously he knows something about longevity. He's in great shape. You know, he he can run nonstop. I'm like, I better start introducing some of the running in. And and I did. I better start introducing some of the running in.
Starting point is 01:09:31 And I did, and there was times where I ran a lot more than I do now. And I'd take a break. But I was always physically active doing some sport that was running. But now I try and get in like a two-mile run a day. If I can get that in five, six a week i feel you know pretty good but you know if i was training for something longer i'd have to put in some more miles but for maintenance wise i feel like i can still get some sprints in you know still kind of maintain and not lose a ton do you have a path that you hit up regularly that's uh just like when you're heading home from here or yeah i've got i've got
Starting point is 01:10:06 uh out in front of my house uh there's a levy that goes out um goes out for miles actually you can run it all the way to winters um but it's like the loop that i run is go a mile out mile back and then sometimes you just got to commit to that yeah exactly it's like and i really get to the point at the end of the day where i'm like just fuck, just kind of a good go home, you know, after I've gotten in work and a lift. And boxing. And boxing. But then I'll go home and I just, I feel like it's a good end of my day. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:10:37 You know, I just kind of, all right, you know, it feels good. Some days, you know, it's harder than others. But most of the time, I really look forward to it. It's hard with the bad weather. The levee gets all muddy into that. But again, that's just excuses. You know, got to find a way to get that in, you know, without that. Pat Proctor, we talk about beef and meat all the time on the podcast.
Starting point is 01:11:02 That's why we've partnered with Certified Piedmontese Beef. We talk about beef and meat all the time on the podcast. That's why we partnered with Certified Piedmontese Beef. But did you know this? That 85% of all grass-fed, grass-finished beef in the United States is imported from other countries? 85%. Damn. But Certified Piedmontese is made in the U.S. of A. America.
Starting point is 01:11:18 America. Fuck yeah. So go ahead and get some of the best tasting, some of the leanest, some of the best beef from Piedmontese. Andrew, how can they get it? Absolutely. So you guys can head over to and check out enter promo code power to save 25% off your entire order. And if your order is $150 or more, you get free two day shipping. Again,
Starting point is 01:11:40 Links to them down in the description as well as the podcast show notes. Fuck yeah. Dude, what does your steps usually say at the end of each day? I don't know. You never, you never take a look at it. I look at it sometimes.
Starting point is 01:11:52 It's always over 10, 15. Yeah. But it, you know, I've had days, actually the highest ones were elk hunting up and down elevations. I actually had it shit out on me.
Starting point is 01:12:05 It just, like, stopped. Like, I got a Garmin, I got a Whoop. Yeah. They just kind of, nope. They just say straight nines all across. Yeah. What you got over there, Andrew? So another thing, maybe get you a little riled up again.
Starting point is 01:12:20 Yeah, give me. You've called the three of us on maybe different occasions a bunch of pussies again when it comes to this topic. Oh, come on. Something I preach on this podcast often and in person also when people are talking to me. And then if I see it on Instagram, I'll reshare it. And that's where the DM will come in where you're, you know, I'll lay it out here. But basically, you know, people always want to talk about like getting in shape. But it's like, oh, I can't give up my drinking.
Starting point is 01:12:46 So like I will often, you know, promote stuff that says like, hey, if you want this, you kind of have to give that up. And then the DM, I'll probably find it eventually. But it's Casey being like, yeah, if you're a pussy. So for yourself, I mean, like really quick, just a quick story about me and Smokey. yourself i mean like a really quick just a quick story about me and smoky i remember telling smoky one day like yeah if i could look half as jacked as casey at his age i'll be stoked and he's like understand this right now that's not gonna happen and i'm like thanks smoky i appreciate that but uh no so like i said like i look up to you a lot you're very you're in amazing shape but you've still you still still drink and you have fun
Starting point is 01:13:25 to a certain extent. So how do you keep that in check? How do you keep that in check? So that's interesting because I grew up in a household that was very strict Mormon. It was like
Starting point is 01:13:42 no nothing. No drinking. And it was like, nothing. No drinking, no... And it was like, I mean, shit, we couldn't even go outside on Sundays. They wouldn't let us... No sunlight. No, it was inside with the family. It was like no physical...
Starting point is 01:13:58 No. And so when I was younger, I basically had friends that were not Mormon. But, you know, we drank, but it was never like, I mean, shit these days. It's just so much, you know, so much different with all the different shit that's out there. But, you know, basically it was beer, you know. Light beer.
Starting point is 01:14:23 Bud Light or something. Yeah. Okay. beer you know light beer it's bud light or something yeah okay so basically it's like you know you can still man and i think that you can't i mean first of all let me say it it's better if you fucking don't this is this is why are you changing your tune now hey i'm i'm just telling you he's gonna be wearing sandals in no time. There we go. You guys are getting all loose in here. You guys drug me. I've been Cosby'd. I've been Cosby'd.
Starting point is 01:14:55 Oh, fuck. How come I'm just feeling a little weird? Yeah. We spiked your water. Yes, this is his first podcast. Yeah. We spiked your water. Yes. This is his first podcast. Yeah. God damn it. I knew the initiation was going to be hard.
Starting point is 01:15:10 You can't cancel the uncancellables. That is true. There you go. Mark's race to zero followers? Yeah. Getting me on the... This is not like the Huberman lab. This is like the Scooby-Dooberman lab.
Starting point is 01:15:24 That's perfect. So, yeah. Drinking. lab this is like the scooby-dooberman lab so yeah drinking it's like i tell my kids i'm like it's better if you don't you know honestly it's like it's just better if you don't yeah if you're gonna do it here we go i would say you know and this was my thing to them i'm like first of all be in a situation that this smart you know you know that someone's going to drive you home you got away home said i don't want you to drink if you ever do and you need a ride fucking call me i'm not going to be pissed about that i'm going to be pissed about the fact that you drove home or had somebody drive you home that's when i'm going to be pissed and you, you know, all my kids, I mean, they were pretty, you know, good. They just never really got into much of that. You know, I would tell them all
Starting point is 01:16:09 the horror stories that I had growing up. So it was like, you know, they're like, oh, fuck, we don't want to be like dad. And I think for the most part, it's kind of like if you avoid hard alcohol, if you avoid, you know, hard drugs, it's like you can find a way to manage. You know, you don't have to, you know, it's how many guys drink themselves, you know, into the hospital by drinking beer. Most of the time it's in combination with something else, right? It's hard alcohol. You're going to get bloated and sick more than you're going to really get into, you know, a situation like that. So I'm like, you know, if you can have, you know, five, six light beers and feel fine, I wouldn't even drink one fucking beer of that piss, you know, stuff.
Starting point is 01:16:59 The IPAs. That's like eating a loaf of bread. It's like, I don't get it. I don't get it. You don't like the dirt taste that you get to chew on? Yes, I like piss. What are you thinking? Are IPAs classier, though?
Starting point is 01:17:18 Oh, fuck. Yeah. Right? I would say they're more like hipster-ish, maybe. Maybe not hipster. Fancy? Just, I don't know, wannabe connoisseurs of beer or whatever. Yeah, it's called idiots.
Starting point is 01:17:32 I'm like, come on. If you want to have, you know, and everyone, oh, I'd like beer. It's just like, what are you? Yeah, no shit. Like, okay, you know, it's easy to drink. It tastes good. You like what? Simply.
Starting point is 01:17:45 Simply watermelon. Simply watermelon, it's easy to drink. It tastes good. You like what? Simply. Simply watermelon. Simply watermelon, right? Why? Because it tastes like an IPA? Fuck no. Because it tastes good. It tastes good. Right?
Starting point is 01:17:53 You like what you like. Plus, I think. It tastes good. I think your light beer thing also has, because it's way more liquid. Right? Potentially less calories. Fills you up more. So, right?
Starting point is 01:18:04 Maybe that's why. You're filled. Well, look at the ingredients of most of it. Water, rice, hops. Hmm. Health product. Yeah. A little heart healthy label on that.
Starting point is 01:18:15 And, you know, it tastes better. That's like, you know, they're not elements, not a sponsor, right? Nope, no. Yeah. Just your stuff. So your product tastes good, right? The fruit punch one especially? L-M-N-T.
Starting point is 01:18:32 You know what that stands for? I don't know. Lick my nut taste. Because that shit is a little salty. I like it. That's good. You probably like IPAs, too. I kind of do.
Starting point is 01:18:48 My porn and car players. It's true. You hit the nail on the head twice. I do kind of like IPAs. Okay. We'll just leave it right there. So if somebody wants to be in shape and they want a drink, all they have to do is wake up at, what, 5 o'clock every morning? Yeah, 5, 5.30.
Starting point is 01:19:03 All they have to do is wake up at, what, 5 o'clock every morning? Yeah, 5, 5.30. Box for like two hours and work in a warehouse and get a lot of steps in while you have a 20-pound vest on. And on your way home, when you're feeling like a pussy, don't forget to not be a pussy and go on a run. Finish off your day, then go home and enjoy some beer. Yeah, you forgot a workout, though. Oh, I forgot about lifting. Yeah, you got to lift at super training. And then go home and run.
Starting point is 01:19:25 And then eat. What do you eat? So in the morning, Andrew, you'll like this one. So in the morning, I've got chickens, right? Oh, yeah. So I get fresh eggs every morning. Nice. So I usually eat five to six, depending upon what they produce.
Starting point is 01:19:43 But most days, it's six. They lay eggs every day oh yeah i didn't know yeah except for like winter time they slow down a little bit okay um but yeah six eggs every morning um and then i'll take whatever you know vitamins and shit after that oh there we go yeah there's the ladies keep producing girls yeah quit being lazy what do you do you feed them just regular feed or do you go like above and like get like worms and shit uh they like that for like a treat but it's like you know the regular feed and then just table scraps compost right yeah table scraps and you know they like those little worms, those meal worms.
Starting point is 01:20:29 But yeah, that was the goat, or the chicken palace. So I eat that, and then most days I'll bring an orange or something, and then elk jerky that I have a lot. Um, You make yourself. Yeah. That's really good. I had it for him.
Starting point is 01:20:52 And so I'll have that kind of during the day. I'll drink, um, uh, usually like a fruit punch, um, hydro with that. And then, um, then I usually won't eat until I get home. And then just have a, Tell us a story about this, story about this weight vest because I think this is pretty funny. Oh, this one? Mm-hmm. This is what happens when you go cheap, people. Yeah, this is for the consumers out there. So I was looking at a weight vest just because I'm like,
Starting point is 01:21:21 I can wear a weight vest all day, and I won't be a pussy. So I'm like, that's a little extra work that will cost me nothing, and I just, why not? So I go on to Amazon, right? And I'd heard Encima talking about like the rogue one before and i'm like i'm like all right i'll check it out go to amazon out of stock i'm like okay expected delivery like two weeks fuck that i don't like waiting around yeah so i'm like that's two weeks i could have had a weight vest wearing that i didn't so i got this one which i one, which I think it P something, P. It looked like the Rogue once.
Starting point is 01:22:07 It looked similar. It's in stock. Get the plates. Cool. Get it the next day. Start wearing it. Feels pretty good. And about a week or two ago, Unseem was like, oh, he's like, is that the Rogue vest?
Starting point is 01:22:21 I'm like, nah, it's a different one I bought off Amazon. He's like, oh, the rogue vest i'm like nah it's a different one i bought off amazon it's like oh he's like you should you should try mine out fucking try his out he's like i just wear it for a day i wear it and i'm like god damn it damn it it he's like what he's like i fucked up he's like why and i'm like because yours is better i'm like the fucking rogue one was better i'm like it doesn't pinch on my and i'm like because yours is better i'm like the fucking rogue one was better i'm like it doesn't pinch on my shoulder i'm like god damn it me and my not able to wait for two weeks like now i'm stuck with the weight vest that i should have waited the two weeks and but then again i got two weeks worth of gains on you mother but also you like you don't want it to be too comfortable because then you want to lean
Starting point is 01:23:06 into it, right? No, that's wrong. That's where you get it wrong. You want that to be comfortable so that you lean into it harder. You're looking for more plates. More plates. And it only holds like 35 pounds.
Starting point is 01:23:21 What can yours hold? You don't know, do you? I don't know. Exactly. That's my point. That's my point. Andrew, take us on out of here, buddy.
Starting point is 01:23:32 Thank you, everybody, for checking out today's episode. Please drop those comments down below. Let us know what you guys think about this conversation.
Starting point is 01:23:37 Hit the like button and subscribe. Follow the podcast at MBPowerProject all over the place. My Instagram's at IamAndrewZ and Seema,
Starting point is 01:23:43 where are you at? I'm Seema, and you're on Instagram at UTLNTMAYYENYANG on TikTok and Twitter. Hit up the Discord. My Instagram is at IamAndrewZ and Seema, where are you at? At Seema, and your name is going to be UTLNCMAYENYANG on TikTok and Twitter. Hit up the Discord. It's down below. Casey, where can people find you? In the warehouse. Or working out or wearing a weight vest. On Instagram if you want to really embarrass my kids.
Starting point is 01:23:58 Too dumb to quit. There we go. Listen to your body and then immediately tell it to fuck off. Yeah, that's real. That is real. I'm at Mark Smelly Bell. Strength is never weakness.
Starting point is 01:24:10 Weakness is never strength. Catch you guys later. Bye. Bye.

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