Mark Bell's Power Project - Liver King Back On Steroids, "I Didn't Like Losing Muscle" || MBPP Ep. 982

Episode Date: September 12, 2023

In 982, Mark Bell, Nsima Inyang, and Andrew Zaragoza talk about The Liver King admitting he is back on steroids after getting caught lying about them and saying he would be off of them completely.   ...Official Power Project Website: Join The Power Project Discord: Subscribe to the Power Project Clips Channel:   Special perks for our listeners below! ➢ Code POWERPROJECT15 to save 15% off Peluva Shoes!   ➢ Receive a year supply of Vitamin D3+K2 & 5 Travel Packs!   ➢ Code POWERPROJECT to save 15% off supplements!   ➢ Code POWERPROJECT to save 15% off all gear and apparel!   ➢ Code POWERPROJECT to save 15% off Mind Bullet!   ➢ Code POWERPROJECT to save up to 25% off your Build a Box   ➢ Better Fed Beef:   ➢ to receive a year supply of Hostage Tape and Nose Strips for less than $1 a night!   ➢ Code POWERPROJECT to save $150!!   ➢ Enlarging Pumps (This really works): Pumps explained:   ➢ to save 15% off Vivo Barefoot shoes!   ➢ to automatically save 20% off your first order at Vuori!   ➢ to automatically save $150 off the Pod Pro at 8 Sleep!   ➢ to receive 10% off our Panel, Check Up Panel or any custom panel!   ➢ Piedmontese Beef: Use Code POWER at checkout for 25% off your order plus FREE 2-Day Shipping on orders of $150   Follow Mark Bell's Power Project Podcast ➢ ➢ ➢ Insta: ➢ YouTube:   FOLLOW Mark Bell ➢ Instagram: ➢ ➢ Facebook: ➢ Twitter:   Follow Nsima Inyang ➢ ➢YouTube: ➢Instagram: ➢TikTok:   Follow Andrew Zaragoza on all platforms ➢   #PowerProject #Podcast #MarkBell #FitnessPodcast #markbellspowerproject

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I went 220 days without any steroids. I'm going natural. Can you really say that? You think all of it's gone for most people? For most people, I would say, yeah. I'm providing weekly updates. First of all, all that could be fabricated. And then I got down to, all the way down to 182.
Starting point is 00:00:14 182 pounds is very large for a guy of his height. You're still somewhat giving the dude the benefit of the doubt. And this is after he lied to your face. Yeah. Yeah, he looks leaner, looks a little bit smaller, but it's also a way different angle. So I've decided to go back on it. He was able to get to a certain level of strength, a certain level of size that he was then connected to. And then when he's found out and he hops off, he loses that and he just can't handle it.
Starting point is 00:00:38 What do you guys think about him saying he never wanted to be Liver King? Yeah, I don't think he would have ever done it if he didn't want to do it. At that point, I thought he was definitely on stuff after seeing him in person. And I just felt like it was just a big marketing thing. And it is. And I don't think there's anything wrong with that. Scrotums and scotch. That's what's for breakfast.
Starting point is 00:00:56 Just reach into this bad boy. What in the hell? Look at these prized possessions that are all encased in all of the testicle juices. How masculine. All the insinue. All the incredible nourishment. So veiny. I haven't seen one like that since eighth grade.
Starting point is 00:01:14 And we already got a scrotum ready earlier. Took a couple of membranes off just to make it easy for the king. But I don't like it easy. More! Likes it hard. So here's what the King is having for breakfast. Scrotums and scotch. Scotch in the morning primal though?
Starting point is 00:01:39 Well actually it's the best time of day to have alcohol if you're going to have it. I'll be the morning. Well what was crazy is when I went and visited Liver King, what I was surprised about is how much oatmeal the guy's eating. He's eating tons of oatmeal and French toast and pancakes. It was unbelievable. I was like, wow, this is different.
Starting point is 00:01:59 I'm kidding. I was assuming so. That's some weird shit. We're here talking about Liver King again. He's back. He's back. Or maybe he never went anywhere. I don assuming so. That's some weird shit. We're here talking about Liver King again. He's back. He's back. Or maybe he never went anywhere. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:02:09 I don't think he can go anywhere. But he's back in natural. Or was natural. Ish. Ish. He hopped off for a while, he said. You know, he hopped off of everything. And he made a video about it, which seems like it'll be pretty interesting.
Starting point is 00:02:22 He lost some weight, I guess. Let's see. Voice Critical calls me out. Says that I'm back on steroids. Has a whole bunch of accusations. Here's what I have to say back. Moist Critical, you're late to the party. Pause real quick.
Starting point is 00:02:34 All you had to do was go deliver. Doesn't his face look like Chad Wesley Smith's face? Like, if you guys could just pull up Chad Wesley Smith real quick. Like, they have the same... Is this like a conspiracy theory? No! It's just they look very similar.
Starting point is 00:02:46 I haven't seen or heard much from Chad Wesley Smith in a little bit, so maybe there is some sort of link. He got second at Masters Worlds,
Starting point is 00:02:52 actually. Did he really? Purple belt, purple belt. Is there two Chad Wesley Smiths? There's only one Chad Wesley Smith.
Starting point is 00:02:57 What a great name. Chad Wesley Smith. They're all ass pictures. Sounds so proper. It's fine. It's something with his face. I'm working on it, dude.
Starting point is 00:03:04 They're very small and I do not see any connection. You don't? He has a large head. Nah, there's something in the eyes, yo. It's something of the deep blue eyes, the cheeks and the brows. Oh, yeah, the eyes. Chad Wesley Smith does
Starting point is 00:03:20 have some crazy looking blue eyes and so does the liver king. You guys are way off uh well you know you can't you can't make all the shots the color of the eyes i would agree all right at least i got that right there you go there you go let's keep playing the video all of it's there all of it i guess here's what i'll say i didn't lie to anybody when i went on the podcast and i started talking about my earnest commitment to go natural so this year starting on
Starting point is 00:03:53 january 2nd i went 220 days without any steroids pause because it's so funny when people are like you know they've been on all this shit and they're like i'm going natural like can you really say that i mean i'm not trying okay i'm not trying to be the gatekeeper of what is natural but like does that make sense if you've been on gear for a hell of years and you hop off you're saying i don't know well you actually said you don't really keep the gains right you won't really keep the gains but uh uh 200 days is um like how many months is that uh it's like seven almost seven months so seven months is when you would start to yeah you would uh you start to go downhill like after maybe like three months okay three four months you would go downhill a little bit um but after six seven eight months um you'd still be
Starting point is 00:04:46 able to hold on to a little bit but once like a year or so goes by it's pretty much you think all of it's gone for most people for most people i would say yeah um there's probably the precautions you could take there's probably like uh like natural supplements that you can take and there's probably a lot of like training and sleep and you could probably dial stuff in and keep some of it but um almost everything's gonna be gone after a couple months passes by and on top of that you really messed up your system so i don't know what protocol or whatever he used uh coming off but um you have to figure out a way to like soften the blow of coming off of everything because you'll be worse off than you ever were before from a um from an endocrine standpoint from a hormonal standpoint you'll be worse for a while gotcha but when you're when you're saying like you'll lose you'll lose a lot but like he still
Starting point is 00:05:35 was very muscular and he still seemed very very big um so like when what what would he be losing other than maybe that, like that shitty feeling of like coming off of everything probably got super lazy. I don't know if he got super lazy, but like that feeling of not want, but no drive anymore. I understand it's probably there from coming off of everything. But when you say lose everything, what do you mean exactly? I just meant like, uh, like physically, like lose a lot of muscle, lose a lot of, uh, uh, body composition. Again again it wouldn't
Starting point is 00:06:06 necessarily be for everybody i think that traditionally my experience and what i've seen when a lot of people go off of steroids they go off of like they go off the rails on everything like they go off playing on it everywhere you know steroids were keeping them in check yeah they were like they had like a routine going. They were doing steroids for bodybuilding. They had this whole regimen going. And they had plans and goals. I'm going to bench this at this meet or I'm going to compete in this show. And so therefore when they come off, maybe it's going to look a little different than what Liver King was able to pull off.
Starting point is 00:06:41 Of course, if he's being being honest which who the hell knows without any peptide without anything synthetic if you call eating a pound of fresh raw bull testicles every single day natural then i've been natty as fuck for 220 days there's been a lot of accusations you don't just get more shredded and more vascular and more yada, yada, yada when you come off steroids. Once again, if you go to and you see the stats page, I'm providing weekly updates. So I was about 206 pounds in December. You pause it. I mean, this could all just all that could be.
Starting point is 00:07:20 First of all, all that could be fabricated. Like it could just be totally lying with any of that stuff. If he wanted to. I don't know if he would go that far i don't really believe that he would in this case but um also you know steroid like there's so many other things you can take that aren't going to necessarily really show up in your blood work or you could cherry pick what kind of blood work that you get done you You know, um, I could easily call any of the people that we had on the show before and say, Hey, like, I want to, I want to stay really lean when I come off stuff. Here's the plan, but I want to like, have it not registered in my blood. And they would be like, Oh,
Starting point is 00:08:00 don't get your homocysteine checked and don't get this checked and that checked. And like, no one would really be able to see, you know. So you can fabricate all this. I'm sure everyone would be aware of that in advance anyway. The thing is, too, it's like, I mean, there are old videos on the Internet showing him doing like crazy CrossFit wads before he came out as the Internet persona. So it's like he did look pretty decent beforehand man i'm not surprised if he looks decent when he's off but yeah let's see and then i got down to all the way down to 182 so i've lost over 20 pounds you know and anybody who
Starting point is 00:08:40 182 pounds is very large for a guy of his height. Like, I think, you know, he said I got all the way down to 182 pounds. It's big. He's like 5'7 or something. Like, that's still a lot of body weight. And when you're that lean, that's actually absolutely incredible.
Starting point is 00:09:00 Real life will tell you I look leaner. For anybody who doesn't believe me, all you have to do is look at my social media photos. Look at it from December. Every five seconds. That's not all you have to do. You know what I mean? Like he's overselling you on something, right?
Starting point is 00:09:16 All you have to do, if you want proof, all you have to do is go to my website and you'll see the stuff on my blood work. And all you have to do is – I'm just like trying to just help people, you know, work their way through this. I'm sure some people have already like written liver King off because like he lied before and he's maybe he's lying again. I'm not even saying he's lying. I have no idea. Really. I don't really even care about this. I think that he has a persona that people want to talk about and they're
Starting point is 00:09:46 intrigued by him and they want to 2.1 million followers. I mean, he came through really fast and was able to grab a lot of attention. I like some of the stuff that he does. I think some of it's funny. I think some of it's cool because it grabs attention, gets people talking about diet, gets people kind of wondering like, oh, I wonder if I did go all in on my diet, what it would do. Just like everybody else, I hate the fact that he deceived everybody. He kept saying adamantly that he was natural. He was going out of his way to say he was natural. And then it turned out that he wasn't.
Starting point is 00:10:18 You know what I appreciate right now is that even though obviously he did lie about that before, it wasn't an admirable thing he did, you're still somewhat giving the dude the benefit of the doubt. You're speaking the same way you did about it before. Because before all of it happened, before it was found out, when we first talked about him, you're like, he might be, he might not be. You didn't just automatically write him off. And then, obviously, when it came out, I was called called dumb as fuck and people said some shit about you too but it's just
Starting point is 00:10:49 like even now you're still somewhat giving the dude the benefit of the doubt he could be telling the truth you might not be we can't know but i like how you don't just paint somebody with a brush after something happens yes and this is after he lied to your face. Yeah. You know, and also too, I think this would even be more annoying for people to know. It would be even more annoyed with him. But if you were able to meet the guy
Starting point is 00:11:17 and you're able to hang out with him for a little bit, you would have a lot of fun. And you would say, this is an interesting dude. You want to hear more from him. Yeah. And I think that that would interesting dude. You want to hear more from him. Yeah. And I think that that would like even bother someone just to hear that. Like me and my brother had the greatest time with him. It's like one of the best trips I've ever had.
Starting point is 00:11:32 We, we fucking went all over his ranch and on four wheelers and stuff. And we got stuck in the fucking mud. Yeah. You broke one. Yeah. Yeah. We, yeah, we broke one. We got to shoot all kinds of guns and throw axes and see his family and see his kids
Starting point is 00:11:45 and how they all interact with each other and stuff and he had people like working the ranch he uh had like he had everything like set up for us it was crazy like we went into this house that he took an extra home on his property that doesn't live on he it was like this i don't know 40 acre ranch and somewhere in houston texas it's fucking huge um the place that he you know lives at he's got all these cars got all this cool shit atvs and shit yeah he's got a nice pool he's got a river in the backyard he has like a a boat i mean he just has a lot of really cool and fun things and it seems like authentically he likes those things it seems like he's into those things seems like his family is into those things. It seems like he's into those things. Seems like his family is into those things.
Starting point is 00:12:26 So we had an amazing time. And so I think even without that, though, I like to try to give people the benefit of the doubt because I don't know. I don't know, like, what they're saying and I don't know what their, like, angle is, you know. But I do think it's important that people should understand that most of the time people do have some sort of angle and so just as long as you know that going in that someone might try to hook you with something i think in a liver king's case what he's the most guilty of is trying to sell you on on an idea more so than just products because it's you got to keep in mind he made his wealth before he was ever really on the internet before we ever saw brian johnson turn into like the liver king um no one knew who he was
Starting point is 00:13:12 and it seemed like ancestral supplements was doing really well and i've seen some people that have kind of tracked his um finances because you can do it through some apps and things like that and they're like this guy's probably not lying. He's probably making like $10 million a month. Probably making like $10 million a month. They scrolled over like one product that he had. They're like, he sold over 100K in this product for the month. He sold over 100K of this product for the month.
Starting point is 00:13:42 I mean, that's fucking, that's fucking that's crazy and the video i saw they were like this is probably why greg doucette doesn't like this guy because then they went to greg doucette stuff and they went over that and it obviously makes way more money he makes way more money anyway let's keep it going sorry to now and tell me that you can't tell the difference sorry for pausing but what do you guys see there? When he's leaner, then it's definitely a different. Well, yeah, he looks leaner, looks a little bit smaller, but it's also a way different angle, you know, so. It could just be a little bit differently flexing the abs than in the first picture.
Starting point is 00:14:21 That could be or he could legitimately be small. I want you guys to imagine that you're wearing a cast on your hand and you're going through your whole day with this cast hand. Well, because your fingers don't move, your hand will start to become stiff, weak, and that'll work its way up your arm. That's the same thing that happens when you wear these damn shoes. Okay. Sorry to curse, but it's frustrating because these shoes that have a narrow toe box, although they look nice in their Nikes, narrow toe box. So your toes can't move. They're not flat, so your foot is in this weird thing and it's not getting stronger. And they're not flexible, so they don't move and your foot just moves like this all day, which means your feet are getting weaker. That's why we partnered with Vivo Barefoot Shoes.
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Starting point is 00:15:28 Again, slash Power Project. Links in the description as well as the podcast show notes. Throw these away. Watch the camera. Massive difference. I'll tell you what I don't like. I don't like the idea of losing over 20 pounds of muscle. I don't like the idea that became the reality of losing a lot of strength. My one rep max strict press was like 255 and I couldn't even hit 205 in July. So I've
Starting point is 00:15:53 decided to go back on it. I'm taking testosterone. It's a cream. I do three clicks of it a day. I'm also doing a growth hormone. It's two clicks a day. Really what's considered HRT or TRT. It's hormone replacement therapy managed in the normal range, not a super physiological range. So why am I getting back on? Okay. Testosterone cream doesn't do anything. It doesn't really work. Really?
Starting point is 00:16:18 It doesn't do enough to really make significant changes from a muscular standpoint, in my opinion. I don't think it's performance enhancement. But on a hormone level, it probably helps balance out some of the things from PEDs, right? I mean, I'm assuming. Yeah, it could. I know people that sell it and people that make it and stuff like they're like no it does this and this but i just i've never i've never seen anybody be like yeah man all i'm using is cream and they're fucking like never never ever ever uh seen that before
Starting point is 00:16:57 about that gh growth hormone is like uh really impactful growth hormone like a little bit goes a long way um but you have to take growth hormone for like a long time so uh but he already was taking growth hormone four so he he's been riding dirty probably with growth hormone the whole time which by the way growth hormone doesn't fall into a peptide category so he said he's not on any steroid i don't know what he said in the beginning exactly but said he's not on any steroids he's not on any steroid. I don't know what he said in the beginning exactly, but he said he's not on any steroids. He's not on any peptides. Okay. And, uh, and growth hormone is not a steroid and it's not a peptide. One thing about this is just like his titties are just sitting there. Like, just like, I just found myself looking at them nips. Just like, why are they, why are they sitting there? Just like just like it's like there's like you feel
Starting point is 00:17:45 like you could get underneath it with three fingers and just go you know what i mean not and not in a weird way just like they're just flopping there there's no other way than weird sorry bro it's just kind of why are they flopping like that yeah you've been thinking about this why'd you pause right here andrew some milkers the chest does nicely go into the beard too you know what i mean and the beard goes in nicely to the chest i mean it works out pretty yeah the uh the beard like angles right into the crevice right there he was thinking about that that That shit's aesthetically pleasing.
Starting point is 00:18:26 How about that? Yeah. I'm curious. So I did say this like after he said he was coming off of everything. I was like, oh, it's just a matter of time before he gets on like an HRT regimen or whatever. I'm wondering, does he have a company that he's involved with in regards to like maybe like it's his company that he's involved with to get the hrt from i think that would be a really smart move and then he would end up not playing everybody but it would be like oh that that's what he was pulling at the whole time like i'm curious if that's where like the next chapter is going to be like oh this is actually what i'm taking
Starting point is 00:18:59 from this company and we find out that he's actually like the biggest like backer of this company he's been slinging that shit for years yes for years and years that's what my brother was uh saying is my brother's like it's kind of a shame because he could have been an advocate for trt you know he could have been somebody who was like saying hey this is you know but he had he had a different he had some sort of plan you know and his plan like i don't know it it worked like i know people think it didn't work but it worked like he got a lot of attention and we're still talking about him today um i wonder i wonder what would happen if he if that never happened if uh he would still be talked about or if the allure would have just like fizzled out
Starting point is 00:19:41 there is something also to think about here you know the fact that he was using a bunch of stuff he did, he was able to get to a certain level of strength, a certain level of size that he was then connected to. And then when he's found out and he hops off, he loses that and he just can't handle it. Like that's a lot of guys. I mean, I've, I've seen guys who like they've hopped on, they've got strong. And then when they need to come off and they, they start getting a little bit weaker they don't feel as good they can't handle it so they're right back on and that means that if you do take that step you need to think about that aspect of things you will be connected to this potential superhuman that you become right but it's also connected to the drugs that you're currently taking and most people will not want to let that go so keep that in mind because you're
Starting point is 00:20:24 not going to want to let it go. That's why the blasting Cruz is dead and it's just blasting blast more. I mean, he may have been somebody that because because it was such a big deal because it hit so many people like even my nephews, you know, we're talking about and they're really young, you uh, I think like at the time they were both like nine and 11 or something like that. Um, maybe it's, maybe it's, uh, has prevented people from taking anabolics cause they, you know, like he's talking about like coming off and he's talking about like, like how hard it was. Cause, uh, he had, you know, he felt like he needed to, I don't know. He felt like he needed to lie about it for whatever reason. And I think that maybe by discovering kind of what happened to liver King, maybe some people looked into it deeper. And as you look into it deeper, you're like, oh man, I got to kind of be on this stuff like the rest of my life to keep the gains. And even some of the stuff he's saying now, I know we've had guests on the show and they're talking about like checking your estroidal in comparison to your testosterone in comparison to your free testosterone.
Starting point is 00:21:29 You're always like, man, like seems like there's a lot to think about. And that's exactly what Ron Penna has said, too. You know, Ron Penna, like he loves training. I'm sure he would love to like blast some TRT. But he's like, just seems like there's a lot to think about. Like I inject that and then I get like a cool result, but then there's like all this other, this cascade of a bunch of other stuff that I have to now think about and try to manage, you know? And for some people, like
Starting point is 00:21:55 they just turn that faucet and they don't ever think about it ever again. And it's like that sink is going to fucking overflow if you just keep like running on a lot of just drugs or a lot of exogenous testosterone so you're better off just if you are going to do it you just you know you only turn that knob a wee bit but again even at the smaller dosages if you come off it's the drug is a huge part of it it works about as good as a diet does. A diet is really effective until you're not doing it. Until you're not doing it. Right?
Starting point is 00:22:32 Once you're not doing it, you're fucking back out. Maybe you managed to get yourself to 7% body fat. Well, it's going to take a while for you to gain body fat off of that. It's going to take a while for you to get to a point where you don't look nearly as good. But if you're off plan for long enough, sure enough, shit will start to fall apart. So I don't think he was ever really off for long enough to really see. But he probably felt like crap because he felt smaller.
Starting point is 00:23:01 And remember that scene in the program with Latimer when he says, no problem, and he injects his shoulder with juice and then he does some curls. He gets like, it's an old movie, he gets run over by somebody in a football game because his coach makes him come off shit. And then the next
Starting point is 00:23:20 scene is him injecting his shoulder and doing some concentration curls in the gym. I always thought it was crazy that he flushed syringes and everything down the toilet i'm like that's probably gonna get stuck down there he shouldn't have flushed it you were concerned about the plumbing yeah because you know you don't want to have to plunge that thing out later all right let's go true i've done what i need to do i've proven what i needed to prove to me the commitment that i made to my boys to my family to all the primals out there is i would never lie again i went on record i went on to my website i went and said i told it all anybody like i said if
Starting point is 00:23:59 you're late to the party that's fine you can go and you can look at the confessional why i decided to go back on i've done what I need to do. I'm living my life by my terms, not somebody else's terms. This is clearly all just marketing. Here's the thing. I never wanted to do the liver king. Anybody who knows me, especially me who knows me, I could have never given a public talk. I tried.
Starting point is 00:24:22 It was crippling. Words didn't come out of the mouth. It was just crippling thinking about it, much less doing it. You know, when I was younger, I hated my life. I hated who I was. I was ashamed. I wanted to kill myself. And I figured a way out of that.
Starting point is 00:24:40 And then as I got older, my kids got really sick. It was really these ancestral tenets that got me out of this hellhole. It was the ancestral lifestyle that got my kids healthy, and the light bulbs came on. What kind of piece of shit would I be if I didn't share this with the world? 4,000 people a day kill themselves, and 80,000 people a day try. They see no light at the end of the tunnel.
Starting point is 00:25:02 Critical talks about how he hated his own life. Critical was ashamed of even showing his own face you know, until I think when he got to a million followers or something like that, he did a reveal here's who I am I know how that feels, you know, to have no self worth and so I'm thinking, okay
Starting point is 00:25:18 I got a responsibility I have an obligation, you know, this is my opportunity to make my mark you know, so that other young men like me don't have to hate their lives and suffer and struggle so that other kids out there, like my own boys, have a decent shot at life. Pause. You know, the thing is, I respect that idea and I respect that message. And it's true. Like, men do suffer.
Starting point is 00:25:41 Like, a lot of people do kill themselves, but it kind of, it's like a departure from his message kind of overall. And it's like a little bit of a, it seems like a misdirection. It seems like a little bit of a stretch. You would not like, I would hope it's not a misdirection. And I,
Starting point is 00:25:57 it seems as like he's, he's, I think he really felt that way as a person. But I think that time and trying to get you on his side, talking about how many people kill themselves, I don't think is appropriate in this context. In this situation, don't bring it up. Because I remember actually watching the Flagrant podcast with him on it. And that ended up being something he talked about. And it seems as if he feels strongly about it.
Starting point is 00:26:22 He probably does. about and it seems as if he feels strongly about he probably does but it's like it's really unfortunate that that message seems to have come after it was found out about all the gear use you know what i mean so it's just like it's unfortunate i'll just put it that way yeah that's exactly what i was going to say that it was like so odd like i'm watching this apology and then like we're going down this rabbit hole of something that's not, you definitely shouldn't take it lightly. And, but it's like time and place. And I was just like, why are we like, he went and talked about it for a long time during that first apology.
Starting point is 00:26:55 And then we're back here again. And it does seem like it's something to like kind of soften the blow of like, yeah, I'm back on shit again. I just, again, it is weird because it's such a serious like topic or subject but again i think time and place it is it seems it seems a little bit off right here politicians do it all the time like they're they're the best at it oh you know the somebody will say something that they did wrong and then rather than the person being like yeah what i you know i fuck i i messed up i hear you yeah i hear you yeah i understand like it's a good point um but then they just turn they just
Starting point is 00:27:32 turn around start talking about somebody else and it's like okay what the other person did may also be wrong but you you're just like diverted everyone's attention over there out of nowhere and now you're just just trying to distract's attention over there out of nowhere. And now you're just, just trying to distract the situation. So the heat is like off of you. I know I got those children in jail, Nancy. I know I get it.
Starting point is 00:27:52 I hear you, but I love children. Let me tell you how much I love children. My sons. It just is. It's a total fucking misdirection. That misdirection. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:02 What do you guys think? You're like, uh-huh. You're like, wait, hold on. Well, yeah, exactly. Because then you're like, well, yeah, yeah, that's a whole fucking misdirection. That misdirection, yeah. What do you guys think? You're like, uh-huh. You're like, wait, hold on. Well, yeah, exactly, because then you're like, well, yeah, that's a good point. I'm with you now.
Starting point is 00:28:11 It's like, well, wait, hold on. Whoa, whoa, whoa. That fucking verbal jujitsu, you just fucking swept me, and now you're on top. Like, fuck just happened. Everyone knows that everyone that lifts knows what value it has for you and how good it makes you feel about yourself. So I was feeling down, and right? Ha-ha, you got me yourself. So I was feeling down. You got me already.
Starting point is 00:28:28 Damn, that was great. I apologize. What do you guys think about him saying he never wanted to be liver king? Yeah, I don't think he would have ever done it if he didn't want to do it. So, yeah, I did hear that message when we were kicking it with him at his house. He did come out of nowhere. So I kind of – I believe that part of the story. I believe that he – maybe not that he never wanted to become that, but he certainly wasn't thinking about like really utilizing himself to mass market his products. And again, I think it's of note at least to know that he built his wealth before he was
Starting point is 00:29:10 doing the stuff on social media. Social media definitely helped, definitely spiked everything. And I mean, that's clear. But like the wealth that I saw, at least from what I saw that he has, that could be from family members. I have no clue. I don't have any proof of it being, you know, I just know that he has, that could be from family members. I have no, I have no clue. I don't have any proof of it being, you know, I just know that he has a lot of shit, but, um, I think it's of note that he did have success before that. And it did appear that people were saying, Brian, like
Starting point is 00:29:39 you look incredible. Like you're like, you're completely shredded. You live this lifestyle. Why don't you start to film it? Why don't you start to talk about it? You own ancestral you look incredible. Like you're completely shredded. You live this lifestyle. Why don't you start to film it? Why don't you start to talk about it? Own ancestral supplements. Why don't you marry the two together and be the spokesperson for it? TRT, it's a popular topic. A lot of guys are hopping on it.
Starting point is 00:29:54 It's something that we've talked about a lot. And you might think you're a candidate, but how would you know if you haven't got your blood work done and you don't know where your markers are? That's why we partnered with Merrick Health owned by Derek from More Plates, More Dates. And the cool thing about Merrick is you'll get your blood work done and you don't know where your markers are. That's why we partnered with Merrick Health owned by Derek from More Plates, More Dates. And the cool thing about Merrick is you'll get your blood work done and you'll also have
Starting point is 00:30:09 a patient care coordinator that can help you analyze your blood work, analyze your testosterone, all these other markers to help you actually figure out if you're someone who needs TRT. Because there could be things that you could be doing nutritionally, with supplements, or even with your lifestyle that can boost your testosterone to the levels that they should actually be at. Andrew, how can they get their hands on it? Yes, that's over at slash PowerProject. And at checkout, enter promo code PowerProject to save 10% off the PowerProject panel, the checkup panel, or any individual lab that you select. Again, that's at slash PowerProject, promo code PowerProject at checkout, links in the description as well as the podcast show notes.
Starting point is 00:30:47 It makes sense to become another persona, to be that in front of the camera. When you yourself, when Brian is not comfortable in front of the camera, but Liver King can be, then that makes a lot of sense. But if he never really wanted to be that, he's still leaning into it. He's still Liver King on air right now. As far as I was able to count, there's four mentions of his website, which happens to say liver king. So it's just interesting to say that I never wanted to be this, but also here I am again.
Starting point is 00:31:20 I'm sorry, I don't follow him, his YouTube channel, so I don't know if he's, like, never went away. You know, like, I apologize if he hasn't, but, like, it just seems odd. I think everybody would agree with that statement. It seemed like he went away. Okay. Yeah. But I don't think he has.
Starting point is 00:31:34 I think he's still been doing stuff. Yeah. But I also think that that's deliberate, too. You know, one of the greatest things you can do when you really fuck up bad is to uh or not even just fuck up bad you just want to like rebrand is to like unbrand to just not be visible for like a while you just take a couple weeks or a couple months off no one sees you no one thinks about you and you come back and now he's back in everybody's uh minds again let time pass this is why i exist today this is my why in the world this is why I'm okay
Starting point is 00:32:06 you want to bring the criticism you want to make the videos you know this is fine because I'm going to keep moving forward I'm going to get this message out does the messenger kill the message sometimes yeah I know that I do do I ratchet it up I do
Starting point is 00:32:21 I fucking do for two reasons number one more I have fun doing it like Critical says I ratchet it up. I do. I fucking do for two reasons. Number one, more. I have fun doing it. Like Critical says, I make shit. This is what he says on all of his platforms. I make shit. When you make shit, when you create and you build, there's this endogenous satisfaction. I did this with my bare fucking hands, with my brain.
Starting point is 00:32:40 How do I do that? And why do I do it? Because if we don't get eyeballs on the message, then what does it matter? Somebody once said, oh, but if you just change that one guy. Again, real talk. We've said this before. He has actually positively impact most likely hundreds of thousands of people. That cannot be taken away.
Starting point is 00:32:56 Even though the blunder happened, the ability to have actually impacted hundreds of thousands of people to change their lifestyles. Some people weren't buying the supplements or anything. They just changed their lifestyles and started following some of those tenets. Their life is better because of it. And at the end of the day, that is a win. Even though his image is somewhat tarnished, at the end of the day, he did change many lives. Most people that have social media, they are trying to get attention. They're trying to get people to view it.
Starting point is 00:33:26 They're, you know, for some people, you know, 4,000 views or 10,000 views might be a lot. But everyone is aiming for having some sort of viral thing that's like in the millions. And people, like everyone is in a contest or a battle constantly. When you post something, it's,'s i mean i guess there's like occasional like somebody might post some family stuff kind of like and that's sort of for their family and they're just excited about it but for the most part we're all kind of in this rat race and he's done an amazing job of it yeah he's done it you gotta just like game gotta recognize game sometimes right he's just done a good job and it's okay if it's not your cup of tea.
Starting point is 00:34:06 If you're like, you know, fuck that guy. I don't like what he does. He's like, uh, just trying way too hard for attention. I don't like it. You still can't deny the fact that he, uh, has figured out a way to get people to talk about him. I mean, guys, like I have friends that don't really pay attention to fitness shit who have messaged me, especially when he was like, you know, getting popular.
Starting point is 00:34:25 He was like, Seymour, what do you think about this liver king stuff? What do you think about this stuff? And then I end up being a satellite of this shit where I'm just like, you know what? Some of that shit isn't a bad idea. I mean, you don't have to eat testicles and shit, but you probably do want to get some sun, get some sleep. Like he did make people that I know that aren't even into this fitness shit change up some of their habits. So as much as you may dislike him or hate him or whatever, there has been positive impact.
Starting point is 00:34:49 Yeah. Just drink steak shake. Don't worry about eating testicles though. It's a good point. His life, it's, it means everything, doesn't it?
Starting point is 00:34:57 It doesn't because I could go change my boy's lives. I could spend more time with my wife. I could spend more time just with my inner circle tribe. I can have impact here. What I'm here to do is really share and cast a net so fucking big that we have an opportunity in our lifetime to change the trajectory of human health and he'd lead his followers to believe that if they purchase his supplements and his supplies and eat like him they could look like him no matter how closely you follow his ancestral tenets and no matter how many of his products you buy,
Starting point is 00:35:29 you will not have a body that looks like his unless you also get on all of the gear he's using and the same amounts of it. I've never said, taking my supplements, you're going to look like me. What I have said is, make sure to get the early morning sun, get your birth connected grounded anchored into the earth so that you can express your highest and most dominant form you to express
Starting point is 00:35:50 your potential not to look like liver king there's no amount of working out sleeping eating moving shield connect cold all of this stuff there's nothing you can take to look like liver king my supplements won't do it but there is one thing that might do it if you take greg's supplements how long is he gonna do it and so of course you could buy holy shit and in one sentence he won everybody over that was actually yo you want to be one play that again in one sentence he won everybody over. Hey! That's funny. You want to replay that again?
Starting point is 00:36:30 I want to hear that beautiful voice one more time. Let's hear it. There's nothing you can take to look like Liver King. My supplements won't do it, but there is one thing that might do it. If you take Greg's supplements. How long is he going to be with us? And so, of course, you can buy products from me. They're not bad. He also couldn't quite do it if you take greg supplements how long is he going to be with us and so of course you could buy products from me they're not he also couldn't quite do it with a straight face
Starting point is 00:36:48 which is even better his face went a little crooked at the end got a little smirk going right everybody's selling something yo yeah yeah everybody is oh fuck that was good oh wow all right sorry I needed a moment. And by the way, it's not even about looks, right? It's about family. It's about tribe. If you look at the way that Critical suffered when Critical hit rock bottom, it was Ancestral Tenant Nine that saved his fucking life. The bond, finding his best friends in college, connected him to creating, to let's make shit,
Starting point is 00:37:23 to getting out of the hellhole and living a better fucking life. In every TikTok I've seen of him, his body is bright red. You don't look like this when you're 100% natural. There's this accusation that I look like Arnold Schwarzenegger from Total Recall, that I'm all red and I'm about to explode. To me, this is a great compliment because I want to be exploding flowing expanding sharing the philosophy of abundance liver king so red part of it might be because i like to bathe in blood he's a pro he's such a pro yeah i look red because i want to explode like he's like just fucking take notes man did he say he bathes in blood yes okay yeah you know another part of it probably is because if I'm on the camera, I've been working my ass off.
Starting point is 00:38:09 I'm overheated. I just did a workout. You know, look, you come meet me face to face. And if you still think I look red, you know, we can figure that out together. We'll do an investigation. We can figure it out. I hope I've given you some of what you need. And Coach Greg, your tan's looking pretty on point.
Starting point is 00:38:25 Ancestral Tenant 7. The 7th Ancestral Tenant is Sonny. Okay, critical. I'm excited for Greg. Greg will do something with that. I can't wait. Oh, man. I know that you were late to the party, but the party has just begun. I'm issuing
Starting point is 00:38:41 and offering a formal invitation for you to come to Liver King Ranch. I'll give $100,000 donation to a charity of your choosing when you come out here and see that none of this is an act. That this is actually how I live, my queen, my boys, and that
Starting point is 00:38:57 my bed does not have diamonds laced through it like you're accusing me of that might have some guns underneath the pillow. But you come out here to Liver King Ranch to prove that this is not what i say this is who i am this is how i live this is my commitment so we can do some goddamn good in the world let's connect let's make it a party it's the power of the tribe let's light it the fuck up you know the interesting thing is like you know people who have like known him and i've had talks with some people who have known him before this and they're all like he was doing all that shit like he was already like working out like a madman doing business like a madman like he's just that type of person who always takes
Starting point is 00:39:35 things to that level so people think it's an act but he really has been doing this shit for a minute yeah no he he clearly has been um you know again like minute. Yeah. Oh, he, he clearly has been, um, you know, again, like I think it's cool that he's like, you know, inviting people to his ranch.
Starting point is 00:39:51 My brother was like, my brother's like, you could do like a retreat thing here. And like people would pay, you know, tons of money to come here and to, uh, try to like live like you for a little bit.
Starting point is 00:40:04 Cause he's got his chef and everything, cooking all the meals and, you know, all the activity and stuff that you can do like on the ranch. But yeah, I mean, I saw firsthand that he really does live that way. Me and my brother, when we left there, we weren't like, oh, we think all that's like a show. We weren't like, you know, we didn't think that at all. Well, we did think we were like, you know what? I think that him and his team, or at least him, you know, like he has
Starting point is 00:40:32 a, a specific plan and I'm not sure how many other people know about his specific plan. But, uh, I think that at that point I thought he was definitely on stuff after, after seeing him in person and spending some time with him. And I just felt like it was just a big like marketing thing. And it is. And I don't think there's anything wrong with that. When you see some of the setups that, that he has anybody that films,
Starting point is 00:40:59 anybody that creates anything knows how difficult, like that is really hard. Like that thing with the nut sack or whatever he just showed and pulling out the scrotum and all that like somebody had to uh uh harvest that you know so somebody had to somebody killed that animal probably that day and somebody got that and it's probably from his own it's probably from his own ranch but these things are not without preparation somebody has to set the supplements on the table. There's somebody filming, there's probably, you know, a couple other people around.
Starting point is 00:41:30 And my brother and I got to see a lot of that firsthand, how much stuff was set up. And he has like a whole, it's, it's an entire thing, you know, it's not like it and see, it's not like you and I trying to set up to shoot something in the gym it's way different he's got like a whole it's an operation crazy he's got a whole crew production crew he has a whole crew that's involved somebody grabs the scotch and it's a little things and someone's like well that's not a big deal to put the scotch on the table well no it's not but it's a big deal to have the cutting board there it's a big deal to cut that shit out of an animal it's a big deal to cut that shit out of an animal.
Starting point is 00:42:05 It's a big deal to get these shots in very specific ways. And we just saw his stuff is very thought out, and I think you used a good word there. It's a production. It's exactly what it is. And he's the main event, the main actor in these productions, and he does a great job with it yeah what do you guys think about uh most critical saying the only way to look like him is if you
Starting point is 00:42:30 take all the stuff that he was taking well you know there's genetics involved too someone could take all the shit he's taking but like they might not look anything close to him because the dude has still worked out like a madman for a very long time right and you know even though he lost 20 pounds if he was off like he still looked very good he has like a uh to me it's got like an amplified like uh like rich froning physique rich froning had a good chest and rich froning had pretty good abs but it's like rich froning's abs weren't like insane yeah uh you know liver king you know is enhanced and Liver King is enhanced, and it's a little bit different game. But I know people think all the CrossFitters are on shit too, but I think Rich Froning and a lot of those guys, I think they are natural.
Starting point is 00:43:18 And you look at the physique of a Jason Kalip. Yeah, look. I mean, it's crazy. That's fucking crazy. We know many natural people who look better than liver King at his height. Yeah. People don't believe it. Russ Swole is one of them. And I think Russ Swole, I'm using him as an example because Russ is the same height as liver King, but I think he's like one 90 something and he looks pretty wild. He looks better than liver King. Higher Project family. If you're trying to increase your muscle mass, if you're trying to lose body fat, if you're trying to stick to
Starting point is 00:43:44 nutrition plan, if you're trying to get fit, pretty much if there's anything you're trying to increase your muscle mass, if you're trying to lose body fat, if you're trying to stick to a nutrition plan, if you're trying to get fit, pretty much if there's anything you're trying to do for your health, we know that sleep is the biggest determining factor to help you get from point A to point B. That's why we've been sleeping on 8C mattresses for probably more than two years now. And the main reason is the technology behind the Pod Pro. Now, the Pod Pro is like the Tesla of beds. It will change its temperature based off how you're sleeping during the night. And if you have a partner that's sleeping on the other side, they can have their own temperature settings. We all sleep hot here and I used to wake up in a puddle of my own sweat. That doesn't happen anymore because of the Eight Sleep mattress.
Starting point is 00:44:20 And I've been getting the best sleep of my life. Now, if you don't want to replace your mattress, you can just get the Pod Pro cover, and you can put that over your current mattress to get all the benefits of Eight Sleep. But if you also need to replace your old nasty mattress, you can get the Pod Pro cover and the Eight Sleep mattress. Andrew, how can they get it? Yes, you guys got to head over to slash powerproject, and you guys will automatically receive $150 off of your order. Again, slash powerproject. Links to them down in the description as well as the podcast show notes. I don't think a lot of people would even maybe even,
Starting point is 00:44:50 I don't think a lot of people would even desire to necessarily look a lot like the liver king. No. I think it's a different kind of physique. Yeah. And I think that, you know, people are striving to have like a smaller waist. They're striving to have like a smaller waist they're striving to have uh abs and things like that but um when these guys are natural i don't know there's something about their physique that is is uh is quite different and what do you think's different about his physique just curious when you look at like him there's for some reason um a softness
Starting point is 00:45:21 yeah first there's a couple things for some reason there's like uh when guys are enhanced for some reason it seems like the steroids or the performance enhancement that they use amplifies like a body part or maybe a body part or two yeah but it seems like with the natural guys it seems like they're more in proportion and this is a weird thing to say but it doesn't look like their body hurts like their body looks like it's a weird word but the body looks like cleaner or something like i like when i look at uh russ swole here and some of these images here where he's flexing um he looks like even even though i can't tell uh because he's not doing like a ton of crazy stuff he looks like he's going to be like athletic he looks like he's going to be like athletic.
Starting point is 00:46:08 He looks like he's going to be able to move really well. His waist is very small. He's got really well. He's well developed everywhere. His legs are massive. The liver king is very top heavy. He's very upper body. He's got a lot of muscle mass in his upper body.
Starting point is 00:46:22 And so, and even just being with the liver king he's he's more stiff he's more like a um he's more like a traditional power lifter where russ swole was like you know a power lifter that can do a bunch of other crazy shit too that's awesome that's pretty cool yeah right. Was he really red in person? You know what? He was super orange. Like when he came out of his house, I don't know if it was like the time of day or like what the situation was,
Starting point is 00:46:54 but he came out of his house and he was like, I mean, the tan was just rocking, but yeah, he gets red. I mean, a lot of white people get red. A lot of white people get pretty lobstery red from the sun.
Starting point is 00:47:07 It's a, yeah. Um, I don't like, I used to get, I used to get very red when I was, first of all, when I was on a lot of gear.
Starting point is 00:47:15 And then secondly, I used to get very red from the sun, but I've gotten used to the sun now. And, uh, you know, I was able to adapt to it a little bit better. Yeah. So, you know, I guess Liver King is, it's never gonna, it's never gonna die. He's gonna
Starting point is 00:47:31 keep resurfacing here and there. And I think the way that he ended that I thought was really cool. He ended it with, you know, some fun, you know, keeping some of these things fun. And I think when I think of Liver King and I think of the different videos and stuff that he's done, I just think of them as entertainment. I never took them like insanely seriously. I just thought – I was thinking these are kind of fun and funny and entertaining more so than – I wasn't getting caught up in like the fact that like, oh man i wonder if the liver really heals the liver like i think he's got good points and i think that there's probably um half truths to a lot of the speculations that he's had on certain things with diet and certain things with lifestyle habits but um yeah i think i think people just need to fucking relax it's entertaining like that
Starting point is 00:48:21 stuff at the end of that was great. It was. Yeah. And if somebody, honestly, I really don't give a fuck, but if somebody just starts buying into some of the lifestyle stuff he talks about, shit, that's good. You know what I mean? I mean, I'm not the biggest fan of the dude, but at the end of the day, like those aren't bad things to do. Those aren't bad.
Starting point is 00:48:44 Some of those tenets are not bad to try to add to your life. Andrew, what was your body fat last time you got it checked uh um it's like 12 and a half yeah 12 and a half percent yeah and could you get that down if you if you wanted to and it was a main focus of yours could you get it down like nine or something i i mean i would imagine so yeah yeah i don't know what that would take at the moment to get down to a single digit, but yeah, I believe I can do that. You could. And I think like the first order of business in a situation like that with giving your body weight and stuff, you know, it takes a little while to be put on like two, three pounds of muscle. Like that will have an immediate shift in your body fat percentage. Lose a little bit of body fat fat and boom you're like right there
Starting point is 00:49:25 so i think you know people that haven't had abs or people that uh you know just think that these physiques are completely unattainable i think they are i think you can you can get there maybe you're not going to look this exact look because this is a performance-enhanced look. But just about anyone can figure out how to be jacked and how to be shredded. It's just going to take time. Strength is never weakness. Weakness is never strength. Catch you guys later. Bye.

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