Mark Bell's Power Project - Mark Bell Goes NUCLEAR On Nutritional Science, Fasting & 'Roids

Episode Date: July 7, 2024

In this Saturday School, Mark Bell dives deep on fasting, how he utilizes PEDs, and nutritional studies.   Official Power Project Website: Join The Power Project Discord: ht...tps:// Subscribe to the Power Project Clips Channel:   Special perks for our listeners below!   🍆  Natural Sexual Performance Booster 🍆 ➢ Use code: POWERPROJECT to save 20% off your order!   🚨 The Best Red Light Therapy Devices and Blue Blocking Glasses On The Market! 😎 ➢ Use code: POWERPROJECT to save 20% off your order!   👟 BEST LOOKING AND FUNCTIONING BAREFOOT SHOES 🦶 ➢   🥩 HIGH QUALITY PROTEIN! 🍖 ➢ Code POWERPROJECT to save up to 25% off your Build a Box ➢ Piedmontese Beef: Use Code POWER at checkout for 25% off your order plus FREE 2-Day Shipping on orders of $150   🩸 Get your BLOODWORK Done! 🩸 ➢ to receive 10% off our Panel, Check Up Panel or any custom panel, and use code POWERPROJECT for 10% off any lab!   Sleep Better and TAPE YOUR MOUTH (Comfortable Mouth Tape) 🤐 ➢ to receive a year supply of Hostage Tape and Nose Strips for less than $1 a night!   🥶 The Best Cold Plunge Money Can Buy 🥶 ➢ Code POWERPROJECT to save $150!!   Self Explanatory 🍆 ➢ Enlarging Pumps (This really works): Pumps explained:      ➢ Code POWERPROJECT to save 15% off supplements!   ➢ Code POWERPROJECT to save 15% off all gear and apparel!   Follow Mark Bell's Power Project Podcast ➢ ➢ ➢ Insta: ➢ YouTube:   FOLLOW Mark Bell ➢ Instagram: ➢ ➢ Facebook: ➢ Twitter:   Follow Nsima Inyang ➢ Become a Stronger Human - ➢ UNTAPPED Program - ➢YouTube: ➢Instagram: ➢TikTok:   Follow Andrew Zaragoza ➢ Podcast Courses and Free Guides: ➢ Instagram: ➢ TikTok:   #PowerProject #Podcast #MarkBell #FitnessPodcast #markbellspowerproject

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Nutritional science is the biggest piece of s*** in the entire world. It is the worst thing that has probably happened to nutrition. I know there are some people who are like, the science shows that.75... F*** all that. That's stupid s***. Don't pay attention to any of these studies. I love steroids.
Starting point is 00:00:14 I'll probably be on and off of them the rest of my life. Not everyone even needs a diet. You just need to figure out a way not to be a piggy wiggy. You probably don't need to be so stringent and so strict. You just need to figure out what's the main thing holding you back. I am what I would refer to as a diet ninja. For a lot of you, you're still a diet white belt. Some days I'll fast and I won't eat anything. Over the last maybe year or so, I have switched to decaf coffee.
Starting point is 00:00:44 This is Mark Smelly Bell and I am on steroids. The reason I'm bringing that up is because there was a lot of questions on the last fasting video about my TRT usage. I just call it steroids. It's more fun. It's more engaging, right? It captures people's attention for a little bit. So anyway, I just wanted to explain that
Starting point is 00:01:05 because it does matter. You know, if I'm gonna explain to you about my diet and my nutrition, that is something that I will never hide from you. I will always communicate that with you. Remember, I'm the OG from Bigger Stronger Faster that said, I love steroids. I'll probably be on and off of them the rest of my life.
Starting point is 00:01:22 And that statement is still true today. Although every once in a while, some estrogen pops into my head and I think, maybe you should come off for a little while. But then the testosterone comes back and it's like, don't be a pussy, just keep riding this thing out, it's working great. Anyway, that's important to mention
Starting point is 00:01:38 because when we talk about fasting, one of the main concerns that a lot of people have is, am I going to lose muscle mass? And we can all agree that if you're gonna follow a diet plan and you're going to lose significant amounts of muscle mass, that that could be to your detriment because it's gonna mess up your metabolic rate. It's gonna be difficult to even gain that muscle back in the first place, and we don't want our hard earned gains
Starting point is 00:02:02 that we had in the gym to be diminished by anything. But what I wanna make clear here is that some of the fasting I'm currently doing, the amount of fasting I'm currently doing, this is a phase. Now I have been messing around with fasting for a handful of years, but I want to illustrate and communicate to you today
Starting point is 00:02:20 that this is a phase. You're gonna go through a lot of phases in your training. You're gonna go through some phases where you're lifting a little bit more, you're gonna go through some phases where you're maybe running a little bit more, you're gonna go into all kinds of different phases, you're gonna be doing all kinds of different things in your training. Sometimes it's gonna be intentional, and sometimes it's gonna be just because you got got. You got an injury, something happened, your sleep is off, vacations, something like having a child, or there's a lot of things that can happen, a lot of life things happen
Starting point is 00:02:53 that interfere with our strict plan that we had for this particular diet. But what I also want to say is that not everyone even needs a diet. You just need to figure out a way not to be a piggy wiggy And what I mean by that is a lot of people have a tendency to end up Binging a lot of people end up with really bad habits. They connect their blue light they connect their TV with these bad behaviors that they have at night of consuming highly processed foods and that they have at night of consuming highly processed foods. And over time, if you can work on just that,
Starting point is 00:03:28 you might not need a very strict and profound dietary intervention. Let me back things up again and talk a little bit more about fasting and the way that I like to do it. So more recently, I've been eating food in the morning and then fasting throughout the latter half of the day. Now stay with me here for a minute because this can get complicated and confusing. Basically if you were to start fasting on let's say like Sunday at around 3 p.m. you would be able to have dinner the next evening. So you can
Starting point is 00:04:00 kind of look at it like this you can can have an early dinner, you know, 4 or 5 pm, 3 pm on Sunday, and then you could have kind of a late-ish dinner on Monday if you're somebody that is really worried about not eating later in the day because of social reasons because that's the time that you get to sit down with your family and that's the time that you get to eat with friends and stuff like that. So you could technically set all this up that way, but let me explain why I do this this way. It has to do with binging.
Starting point is 00:04:32 People are making their biggest mistakes past 7 p.m. My father, when I was young, used to say nothing good happens after 11. Well, I would say with your diet, nothing good happens after like 7 or 8 p.m. if we're being honest, if we're being honest. If we're being open and honest with ourselves, we are making mistakes. And even some of the foods that are kind of borderline are still probably extra calories that we don't need when you are trying to continually lose weight. So for some of you, you might be like myself, like I've lost over 100 pounds and I'm still
Starting point is 00:05:04 working on losing weight I'm on my way from about two hundred and fifteen pounds this morning. I was 213 I'm on my way down to be about two hundred pounds. So I'm still losing weight from that time I was 330 gonna you know All in all have lost a hundred and thirty pounds when you're trying to be precise and you're trying to continually lose weight 130 pounds when you're trying to be precise and you're trying to continually lose weight Even if you're I have a bunch of people that I help that are 300 400 and 500 pounds Even with those guys once they start to knock off some big pounds
Starting point is 00:05:40 They have to be precise as well and they have to cut the crap out to it's not like you would figure a bigger person Would need less intervention. They wouldn't need to be so stringent or and so strict again, hang with me here for a second because what I'm trying to illustrate to you is you probably don't need to be so stringent and so strict. You just need to figure out what's the main culprit, what's the main thing holding you back from continually losing weight. And I would say it's your behavior at night. It's your behavior later in the day. And maybe at some other time I can introduce you guys and I can talk to you about circadian rhythm and a bunch of other stuff like that but I'm not going to mess with that for today. I'll have my friend David Herrera maybe pop on this
Starting point is 00:06:14 channel and explain a lot of that stuff to you guys thoroughly because I find it super fascinating. But all we're trying to do is eat mainly during the day and we're gonna push off the food in the evening. That's what's been working great for me. I've also been doing 24 hour and 48 hour fasts. So those are normally done without any food, but there are things that I like to do, which I call fake fasting, that seems to work really well also.
Starting point is 00:06:43 Keep in mind, I've been playing around with these things for work really well also. Keep in mind I've been playing around with these things for a really long time so I am what I would refer to as a diet ninja. There's diet brown belts, there's diet blue belts, there's diet white belts. For a lot of you you're still a diet white belt and so therefore you might have to stick to black and white. You may not be able to have a gray area, but for Mark Smalley Bell, I'm allowed to have gray area because I've been doing this for a long time and I can kind of pick and choose what I think is right and wrong for me. Some days I'll fast and I won't eat anything, but other days I'll do what I call a fake fast. And you guys heard me
Starting point is 00:07:20 talk about this before. I also like to call this an amplified fast, because there's some people that believe titrating small amounts of food during your fast can actually make the fast even more beneficial for you. I'm personally someone that believes that, so I will have EAAs, which are essential amino acids. I use a brand called Optimum EFX from my friend Ian Danny. I've always liked that brand, always liked Ian Danny, love what he does and all that kind of stuff.
Starting point is 00:07:48 And so those are the essential amino acids I take. You do not need those to do this diet. That's just like a recommendation. I'll sip on these, I'll have these intra-workout, I'll have them after a workout, things like that. I just found that for me, it helps to energize me a little bit more and helps me to do what we're going to talk about a lot more in a minute, hold on to that muscle mass.
Starting point is 00:08:10 I will also eat olives. I'll have fermented vegetables which include pickles, kimchi, sauerkraut. A little key, a little hack is to get your vegetables from the refrigerated section in the grocery store, your fermented vegetables, because those are going to be the ones that have the probiotics in them. The ones that are just sitting on the shelf, those are just pickled. They're not fermented. It's a rabbit hole I went down. I wish I never did, but I did.
Starting point is 00:08:39 And so now I got to go to the refrigerated section. But the brand that I use is a company called Bubbies. You can use my code, just kidding. I don't have a code for that. Or the Optum EFX as well. I don't have a code for either one of those. Those pickles are absolutely amazing. They make a lot of different flavors.
Starting point is 00:08:56 Don't worry about the sugars. Don't worry about the little side stuff that's in there. In order to ferment stuff, it's some of my understanding, to get probiotics in the first place, they need something to live off of, to spawn some of my understanding, to get probiotics in the first place, they need something to like live off of, to spawn off of, I guess you'd say, and some of that has to be sugars. So that's why there's some sugar in some of those pickles, but the calorie count is so low,
Starting point is 00:09:15 there's no reason to even worry about it. Something I didn't think about, but you can also do is you can just gnaw down some cucumber. You can chop up some cucumber, maybe throw a little salt and pepper on them, and that could be something else that you could have I already mentioned olives fermented vegetables. You're really just trying not to eat anything. That's super calorically dense You're keeping the calories really really low bone broth is another one that I like. I will also utilize my electrolytes
Starting point is 00:09:41 I'll use my hydration products. I'll put those in my coffee utilize my electrolytes. I'll use my hydration products. I'll put those in my coffee. Over the last maybe year or so, I have switched to decaf coffee. I have removed a lot of caffeine out of my diet. What you'll find is as you move caffeine out of your diet, that caffeine still ends up in your diet. Even when you try to remove all of it, you still end up with quite a bit of caffeine in your diet because it's in a lot of stuff So I've gotten rid of that over the years. I still may have diet sodas people ask a lot of questions about that I
Starting point is 00:10:15 Drink water. I think that's pretty much the types of food that I have Whenever I'm doing a fake fast I think people have a tendency to really get super worried about every little thing they consume. They're worried about gum and they're worried about, remember, I'm not doing my fasting for some sort of autophagy thing. I don't really care about this whole longevity thing
Starting point is 00:10:37 that's around us. I do wanna be healthy, I do wanna be strong, I do wanna feel good, but at the moment, I'm just working on being jacked. I'm just on being shredded and I'm continually trying to lose weight to help service my running so I can run a little faster run A little bit better and not run like a fat kid So I'm going through that phase and as I was mentioning earlier You guys are gonna go through certain phases and that leads us back to the muscle mass thing How do you hold on a muscle mass and fast?
Starting point is 00:11:05 It doesn't seem to make any sense. Well, for some of you that aren't on TRT or have never utilized performance enhancing drugs before, maybe, just maybe, you'll do a little bit shorter of a fast. What you'll also find from fasting though is it gets rid of, it helps to remove a lot of hunger, but it also helps to remove a lot of cravings. And once those hunger and once those cravings are kind of pushed to the side, what you end
Starting point is 00:11:29 up doing is you end up eating a lot better choices of food. And this is something I've been harping on and talking about for a really long time. Your choices of food are absolutely the most important thing. People always want to put calorie counting as the top thing. And counting calories can be super effective. the most important thing. People always want to put calorie counting as the top thing. Counting calories can be super effective. You could submarine your calories and you can lose weight. We can fast and we can do a diet where we just are in a cave or in a closet for a long period of time. We're not eating any food and you would lose weight. That is true. But when we're talking about the long haul and doing this for a long time and continually
Starting point is 00:12:06 losing weight the way that I have over you know it's going to be 130 pounds at some point when you're trying to lose weight and keep the weight off the key ingredient to that is not calorie counting if you just keep plunging down your calories it's going to be really hard for you to stay on your diet you're going to be like this all the time, white-knuckling the whole situation. You want the situation to be a lot easier, a lot smoother. And I know what you're thinking. You're thinking, well, if you fast, man, isn't that just like torturous?
Starting point is 00:12:34 Once you get used to fasting, it will be more and more comfortable to you. And if you do fasting on days where you're busy and you get comfortable with it, you will barely even notice it. And remember, one of the keys to fasting is to pretend that it never happens. So once the fast happens, you don't want to binge. You do want to eat and you want to make sure you eat well.
Starting point is 00:12:56 You want to make sure you get your calories. You want to make sure you get a good amount of protein. There's no reason for you to overdo it. It's not like, oh, hey, it's payback time. And now I get to just eat like crazy, because even if you were to fast for a full day You could very easily consume 3,500 or 4,000 calories in a short eating window so as You're as you're trying to you know go back and forth between fasting and and learning you know the correct foods and stuff
Starting point is 00:13:24 You're to notice that by fasting, it's going to entrain you to make the proper food choices more often. Because every time you come off that fast, having something like a grilled cheese sandwich just isn't productive. It's going to be delicious, but it's not productive. It's not really hitting your macros at all. That leads me to my other point here about holding on a muscle mass. I want to have a serious conversation with you about your balls. And I'm being serious here. On this podcast, we talked about a lot of things to help men improve the health of their penis, because it's important. And your balls have very thin skin.
Starting point is 00:13:59 This is true. You can touch them right now, and you know it's pretty thin. Women do a lot of things to take care of their vaginal health and men we don't really think about the things that we put right directly on our balls like our boxers. A lot of popular brands out there have chemicals that are literally touching your balls. Think about this when you're in the gym sweating, when you're at work sitting, when you're doing all these things these things could be permeating into your scrotum. Things like BPA, phthalates, pesticides, incesticides, toxic dyes, toxic fertilizers, formaldehyde, all of which could lead to and could exacerbate lower testosterone,
Starting point is 00:14:34 erectile dysfunction, and potential infertility. That's why you've partnered with NADS. And NADS is made with 100% organic cotton and no toxic dyes. So instead of putting just anything on your manhood, it's a good idea to get your hands on some Nads. And Andrew, how can they get it? Yes, that's over at That's And at checkout, enter promo code Power Project
Starting point is 00:14:58 to save 15% off your entire order. Again, that's at Links in the description, as well as the podcast show notes. People have a lot of questions about the protein amount. Well, I know there's a lot of information and a lot of people say, hey man, get yourself to a gram per pound of body weight. And I've been touting that for a really long time.
Starting point is 00:15:18 It's just an easy conversation. You weigh 200 pounds, have 200 grams of protein. You weigh 300 pounds, have 300 grams of protein. You weigh 300 pounds, have 300 grams of protein. Some people will say, hey, maybe it's the grams of protein per the amount that you want to weigh. So you weigh 300 and maybe you have 250 grams of protein. Stuff like that. But I don't think any of that matters.
Starting point is 00:15:42 One gram of protein per pound of body weight not only is sufficient, it's overkill by a long shot. And I know there's some people who are like, the science shows that.75, fuck all that. That's stupid shit. Don't pay attention to any of these studies. I think they're all garbage and we'll get to that on a different date. But I don't really like studies.
Starting point is 00:16:01 I don't need a study to tell me that a 100 pound person should have approximately one pound of meat a day. A 200 pound person should have approximately two pounds of meat a day. I mean, the math is really simple when you start to take out all this bullshit that people are trying to study and trying to figure out. Because the studies, all they ever do, nutritional science is the biggest piece of shit in the entire world. It is the worst thing that has probably happened to nutrition.
Starting point is 00:16:28 I don't think it's advanced us at all. All it's done is send us off on the wrong path because we've been lied to so many different times because these are big time universities that are attached to big food, that are attached to big pharma. That's how they get their funding. That's how they do a lot of this research. And for the most part, it's all bullshit. All of it.
Starting point is 00:16:49 It's all a bunch of fucking bullshit. Trust me on that. And the reason why I'm saying it's bullshit is because what does it do? It just leads us back to what we already know. It just leads us right back to what we know. What do we know about being sick? What do you know about when you're sick?
Starting point is 00:17:04 What do you do? You don't eat You don't eat for a while. What does your dog do when your dog's sick? Your dog doesn't eat for a while and Then they're fine, and they're okay. They like fasted their way through it, right? We also know that the foods that are natural to this earth the different vegetables of different different plants, the different fruits, and the different animals that are available for us to kill and eat, that these are the things that are abundant and these are the things that
Starting point is 00:17:33 are here for us to eat. Notice that carbohydrates are absence of fat. Carbohydrates are absent of fat in nature. Protein and fats are absent of carbohydrates in nature. Think about it, think about all the food items that you can think of that are natty. None of them cross over. Protein is accompanied by fat all the time. All the time, always and forever, pretty much. What about egg whites?
Starting point is 00:18:03 Come on, you dummy, you're taking out the yolk. What about chicken breasts? Come on you dummy, you're taking out the yolk. What about chicken breasts? Come on, you're throwing away the skin. Protein and fats always come together. There are like a couple weird animals that are super lean. There's like a rabbit and some shit like that that are like insanely lean. They don't have enough fat nutrients in them for somebody that maybe potentially like live off of them. So there are a couple things that are a little bit weird like that, but fats and proteins come together, carbohydrates come together. When would you get the most amount of carbohydrates?
Starting point is 00:18:36 Probably when it's sunny out, probably when it's really beautiful weather, probably something like the spring and the summer, and we'd have food and more abundance, right? We would be able to eat those fruits, those vegetables, those plant life throughout that period of time and then it'd be winter time. And then the only thing we could survive on, we wouldn't be talking about veganism or being a vegetarian or any of these things because basically all that would be available to you at that time would be some animals. Maybe some roots, maybe some plant, maybe a couple plants survive when it's really cold out, but probably not. And those would be the foods that we're surviving off of. So connecting yourself to those foods is critical and what I'm trying to communicate to you today is
Starting point is 00:19:18 you're going to be able to do that times ten with some versions of fake fasting. Because you're gonna to be just kind of nitpicking and I've mentioned this before but it's basically veganism for a day. I know some of the carnivore people just like left, a couple of you guys probably killed yourselves already but that's kind of what it is when you're utilizing this system of fake fasting. I'm not trying to sell anybody on anything. I do hear that in the comments I do see that in the comments people are like, oh, this is just another sales pitch. But what am I selling? I'm just trying to give you information
Starting point is 00:19:52 I'm trying to give you information because this is really helpful to me and this is helping me lean out in ways that Otherwise before it was super difficult when I leaned out for a bodybuilding show I did share the amount of steroids I utilized for that show. I did talk about that and I think it actually partially got us banned on YouTube for a little while because I actually said the whole thing in the exact cycle that I did and everything and YouTube didn't like that. But again I'm always going to share the information with you guys the best that I can. Nowadays I use 200 milligrams of testosterone. I also will take Primabolin or
Starting point is 00:20:26 some Mastron. I'm not sure if some of that needs to be edited out, but it might need to do because YouTube can be weird. If that was edited from YouTube, you might want to go over to Rumble to see what I just said there because we want to make sure that this video can be seen by a lot of people. 100 milligrams of Primabolin is usually what I do and I've learned that the combination of those two drugs and or Mastron and or anivore Gives me the look the feel gives me all the things that I like In terms of my lifting and in terms of the way my body feels and then also I end up with good blood work still
Starting point is 00:21:05 So that's something that I'm pretty happy and fired up about. You know, back to the topic of holding on to muscle mass and back to the topic of protein. I got a little side track there. I got fired up about nutritional studies. But when it comes to protein, I do not think that you need a gram per pound.
Starting point is 00:21:21 I think even if you get to half, you're fine. Now, I wouldn't say that every day all the time forever, but again remember what I'm saying I'm talking about this being a phase. So we know that you need fat. We know that the human body needs fat. We know the human body needs protein, right? We know that these are essential to living and maybe carbohydrates could be something that are essential to thriving, right? We could say carbohydrates are gonna probably enhance a lot of things when you have at least some carbohydrates.
Starting point is 00:21:49 I could agree upon that. But how much protein do you really need and how much fat do you really need? What I'm saying and what I think, and this is my kind of thesis statement is, I think people overeat. Like they grossly overeat, whether you're in the fitness industry or you're not. I think a lot of people are overeating and I think this is what's leading to our anxiety. This is what's leading to our depression and this is why we see sometimes when people have a ketogenic intervention, they sometimes are relieved of some of their anxiety and some
Starting point is 00:22:19 of their depression. Because they're lowering the amount of carbohydrates, again, they're starting to make better food choices. I do kind of like, and I do sort of agree with this idea of there's no bad foods-ish, but I think that's dumb, because there are things in the world that are bad. You know, a candy bar, telling a fat person that a candy bar isn't bad is like telling somebody, well
Starting point is 00:22:49 I won't even compare it to anything. I was about to have a weird comparison so I won't even compare it to anything. But I don't think it's helpful. I think it's more helpful to say, look man, you're a white belt when it comes to diet, you've had a lot of issues when it comes to your nutrition. And here's what I think you need to do. It needs to be very black and white. They either need to track their macros, count their calories, they need to reduce their carbs or whatever the diet is that they need to do or they need to utilize some fasting
Starting point is 00:23:16 or maybe a combination of all those things. Again, back to the topic of holding onto that muscle mass. The key to holding onto muscle mass is this, sending a signal. You send a signal through protein muscle synthesis via eating protein and you send that signal via lifting. But I think that you can get away with a lot less protein than you think and a lot less lifting than you think. And again, someone might be like, damn it Mark, you're on TRT, you use performance enhancing drugs, you just said that.
Starting point is 00:23:46 But I'm saying this, I think this is for everybody. I think this would be true of, maybe not everybody, but this would be true of most people. Set a good signal and lift heavy. It doesn't have to be heavy in comparison to anybody else except for yourself. Get some heavy weight in your hands. Do some compound lifts. Get some good volume in for the day. Do multiple exercises.
Starting point is 00:24:13 Two to three sets of two to three different exercises. Two to three times a week. Something like that should be pretty good. When you can and when you feel good on certain movements, especially the ones that aren't going to really mess up your joints or mess up your knee or mess up your elbow or your back, lean into those exercises more. If you go to do a deadlift and you're like, man, I get hurt every time I deadlift. Don't deadlift.
Starting point is 00:24:37 I get hurt every time I do a bent over row. Don't do a bent over row. Or do those exercises with much lighter weight and just do the exercise for the movement of it. Use it as an assistance exercise. Use it as kind of a side piece rather than the main event, the main movement. But those are the two main ways that we're gonna send
Starting point is 00:24:57 a signal to the body to hold on a muscle mass. And as I said earlier, I think that you can get away with probably about half of the amount of protein than you think. And again, it's not every day all the time. So I want to illustrate that this is a phase or this is a period. So if you go one day and you miss your protein and you go one day and you miss your fats for the day, nothing horrible happens except for if you have body fat on you, the only
Starting point is 00:25:24 thing that's going to happen is there's going to be less body fat on you. Obviously it's not that simple right it's not that simple it's not that simple of like all right we're just going to get the body to burn fat so we're not going to consume any calories or we're going to get the body to burn fat because we're going to use a protein sparing modified fast which I'll talk about that in a future video protein sparing modified fast is super dope'll talk about that in a future video. Protein sparing modified fast is super dope to get really lean too, and that's basically just where you predominantly only eat protein and you really cut down your fat calories.
Starting point is 00:25:56 And you do that a couple times a week, and that's another way to sort of like fake fast. Thomas DeLauer talks about that. If you want to check out some of those videos, I think they'd be really helpful to you guys. But again just keep in mind these are just phases, these are periods of time. So when you don't eat for a day and you had zero protein and zero fat, the next day you're not all of a sudden going to be smaller. You're not all of a sudden going to have washed away all your gains. When it is time to eat, you get to load up on your proteins. And again, it's going to make you make better food choices because you know that you better make up for some of that. You don't want to overextend your calories, but we still want
Starting point is 00:26:35 to use protein leveraging. We still want to jack that protein up. Something I've noticed by following this diet plan is that I can end up with palette fatigue quickly. So to think that you're gonna end a fast and just eat like a two or three pound or two pound steak or something like that, it's actually a lot harder than you would think. And what I would advise you to do is I'd advise you to maybe like go surf and turf, go with like a steak and some fish or some steak and some shrimp or something along those lines so you have a different flavor and then maybe end it with like a protein shake or something
Starting point is 00:27:09 like that. Now you got kind of three different things. One morning I woke up, I had steak, I had eggs, I had a protein shake, I had yogurt with some, this is the way protein mixed into it with some fruit. So these are all kind of options that you can have and I'm still getting like a tremendous amount of protein and remember I'm also utilizing those EAAs so maybe those are helping. Obviously again I'm on TRT so my situation is going to be a little different. You might want to try some of these things and maybe not carry them out
Starting point is 00:27:41 as extreme but again if you have body fat on you, excess body fat on you and you fast, you should be primarily losing body fat. Especially if when you do eat that you're on point with your nutrition. Being able to handle the stresses of your day, the stress of exercise and being able to stick to your nutrition plan takes good rest and good quality sleep the night before and If your mouth is opening during sleep or if you're snoring while your sleep quality is compromised
Starting point is 00:28:11 That's why we partner with the best mouth tape in the game Hostage tape if you have a beard it's gonna stay on if you have a CPAP it's gonna stay on this tape is not gonna fall Off your mouth like most other tapes do when you're asleep. And to enhance the way you breathe through your nose, they also have no strips. Head over to hostage slash power project where you can get a three month supply of hostage tape for only 65 cents a night. On top of that, you're going to receive a free pack of no strips as well as a bedside tin. Again, that's at hostage slash power project links in the description as well as
Starting point is 00:28:44 the podcast show notes. What I'm learning through this process is that you have a lot more body fat on you than you think and you need way less energy than you think. If you're starting to feel lethargic and you're starting to feel kind of run down back out of it and have a normal day and that was another question that was brought up is like what do you do when you have kind of more of a normal day of eating? When I have a normal day of eating I Really tried to I try but I'm not good at it yet I try to make it a normal day of eating but what happens is it's like
Starting point is 00:29:15 I get to eat today and then I kind of eat all day and I sometimes still overdo that Which I don't really think is that problematic if you're nailing the fast really well. But I usually on those days will still try to have some sort of fast. So I might have protein and coffee, my super smelly shake that I make in the morning, which is a steak shake and some coffee blended up with some ice in a blender. And I find that to be delicious. I'll have that. And then four, five, six hours later, maybe after I lifted, after I ran,
Starting point is 00:29:46 after I podcasted, I'll probably eat and I'll do what I like to call a double dinner. And then that will be it for that day. Next morning, I'll probably wake up, I'll have breakfast, even after eight hours of not eating from sleeping. I'll have my breakfast and I'll jump back into the fast again. But something I did last week that I felt was really effective and this will be used sparingly. I'm not going to do this all the time. But last week I did a 48 hour fast and this was recommended to me by Kyle Newell, the fasting panda. He suggested that I do a 24 hour or a
Starting point is 00:30:20 40 hour fast and then resume with one meal a day. One meal a day, one meal a day, one meal a day. That was kind of tough because as it got to the end of the week it was like whoa, we're on some really low calories. But for many of you guys and girls out there, you've never experienced this before. You've never experienced like real depletion. And these things are okay to feel.
Starting point is 00:30:42 Bodybuilders do this for weeks on end and we know that that's not healthy. But again,ers do this for weeks on end and we know that that's not healthy, but again, they do it for weeks on end. They'll do it for a long time and their energy output is through the roof. In conclusion, no diet works forever. There's a lot of great diet plans out there. My buddy, Stan the Rhino Efforting,
Starting point is 00:30:59 has one of the best diets out there, the vertical diet. It doesn't utilize any fasting. For those of you that maybe don't want to fast, but Stan has great recommendations. He also has great information on lifting, great information on cardio, the benefits, the side effect of doing too much cardio and not lifting enough and so on. So you might want to check out what Stan Efforting offers. You also might want to check out Mike Dolce. Mike Dolce and Stan Effortning probably have a little bit,
Starting point is 00:31:25 they have a lot of similarities in terms of their diet. Dolce doesn't utilize fasting at least as far as I understand it. Both those guys are way into eating whole foods, limiting the processed foods that you're eating, low ingredient foods. So you just want like two or three ingredients in your food and you can kind of add seasoning, spices, sauces, and different things as long as they're not like in abundance of calories. But there's a lot of ways to figure this stuff out. And nothing works forever.
Starting point is 00:31:57 Something that's interesting about diet is that you have what's called a honeymoon period. So all these people that get on a vegan diet, all these people that get on a carnivore diet, they had this six week burst where they feel amazing. And then they feel like they gotta tell the world. And we see the same thing happen with CrossFit, we see the same thing happen with Jiu Jitsu.
Starting point is 00:32:15 You're like, man, if this person says one thing about an imam or one more thing about this Jiu Jitsu move, I just, I can't handle it anymore. But it's because they're so excited, because they're making so much progress at that time. What happens though is over time, that passion, that love for that thing starts to diminish a little bit.
Starting point is 00:32:34 And sometimes the effectiveness in terms of how much change is actually occurring. So a lot of times someone will do a diet, they might even try this diet. They might even try Mark Bell's fake fasting fasting and they might start to mess with it And they and they're like, oh my god, you know And they're gonna make posts and they're gonna be fired up and they're gonna be excited Just like the guys do with carnivore just like the guys do with the vegan diet. You're seeing, you know
Starting point is 00:32:57 My brother passionate fired up making posts about having like in-and-out burger and all these different things. But If this is true, and we know this if we know that diets work Really well for a handful of weeks. Why wouldn't we just utilize them all? Why wouldn't we just switch and utilize a bunch of them and that's where I'm at with my dieting. I Love a lot of the stuff that Mike Dolce presents. I love a lot of the stuff that Mike Dolce presents. I love a lot of the stuff that Lane Norton presents. I love a lot of the stuff from Stan Efferning. I love a lot of the stuff from the Keto group. I love a lot of stuff from Carnivore group and I'll utilize and I'll switch and I'll move around and
Starting point is 00:33:38 utilize all these things kind of in concert. You know I feel like I'm an like an orchestra conductor and I'm like, you know, having these different notes hit at different points. But again, I've been doing this for a long time. So I will utilize fasting, but I'll also utilize some principles of a ketogenic diet because those two seem to run very, they're very close together. They work in similar ways. Fasting helps you produce ketones.
Starting point is 00:34:10 And when you're on a ketogenic diet, a ketogenic diet has an interesting way of mimicking the effects of fasting. So those two seem to go together pretty well, but I will also utilize some methods from bodybuilding. I'll also utilize some methods from bodybuilding. I'll also utilize some methods from powerlifting. Let's say that I'm, and this could be for a future video, there's like depletion workouts and all kinds of different
Starting point is 00:34:34 things you can get into to get yourself into a depleted glycogen state faster or a ketogenic state faster. There's things that you can do going into a fast. There's things that you can do coming out of your fast. There's a lot of different ways to do it. But when you hear someone like Mike Dolce or here's Stan Efferding or some of these guys or even Lane Norton, when they talk about sustainability and they talk about how they don't believe that utilizing fasting is sustainable, they don't believe that utilizing fasting is sustainable. They don't believe that a ketogenic diet is sustainable. They don't utilize a carnivore diet is sustainable.
Starting point is 00:35:12 It might not be sustainable for them. And it might be sustainable for you. And it also might be sustainable for you with what I just said, that you're going to be going through different phases. Like why not utilize a lot of these different diets and flip-flop back and forth? As long as you're not trying to do two or three diets at the exact same time, that's where you could run into problems. Like if you're trying to do a bodybuilding style diet which has your carbs way up and you're doing a keto diet which has your fats way up, you're just gonna put
Starting point is 00:35:43 on a lot of body fat. That particular style of diet is not going to be effective for anyone ever, pretty much. Unless you're, I guess, maybe in some sort of bulk. But again, I wanna finish with, none of these diets last forever, except for maybe the ones that have the widest spectrum. So a diet that allows for you to eat a lot of different types of food, that will have a lot of leeway.
Starting point is 00:36:11 That's something that you can probably do forever because within that wide scale of that particular nutrition protocol, you can switch and move and groove into different styles of dieting. And that's why those diets can be super effective. Hope you found this information to be awesome and leave me some questions down below so I can continue to pump out some great content. Strength is never weak.
Starting point is 00:36:40 This weakness is never strength. Catch you guys later. Bye.

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