Mark Bell's Power Project - Mark Bell's Guide To Making More TIME || MBSS EP. 53

Episode Date: December 10, 2023

In todays edition of Mark Bell's Saturday School, Mark Bell throws all your excuses away and answers the question, "how do we make more time"? He hits you with a good dose of truth that may hurt, but the end you'll be better for it   Official Power Project Website: Join The Power Project Discord: Subscribe to the Power Project Clips Channel:   Special perks for our listeners below!   ⬇️Special perks for our listeners below!⬇️   The Athletic/Casual Clothes we're wearing! 🕺 ➢ to automatically save 20% off your first order at Vuori!   💤 The Best Cooling Mattress in the GAME! 🛌 ➢ to automatically save $150 off the Pod Pro at 8 Sleep!   🥩 HIGH QUALITY PROTEIN! 🍖 ➢ Code POWERPROJECT to save up to 25% off your Build a Box ➢ Piedmontese Beef: Use Code POWER at checkout for 25% off your order plus FREE 2-Day Shipping on orders of $150   Best STYLISH Barefoot Casual/Training Shoes! 👟 ➢ to save 15% off Vivo Barefoot shoes!   🩸 Get your BLOODWORK Done! 🩸 ➢ to receive 10% off our Panel, Check Up Panel or any custom panel!   Best 5 Finger Barefoot Shoes! 👟 ➢ Code POWERPROJECT15 to save 15% off Peluva Shoes!   Sleep Better and TAPE YOUR MOUTH (Comfortable Mouth Tape) 🤐 ➢ to receive a year supply of Hostage Tape and Nose Strips for less than $1 a night!   🥶 The Best Cold Plunge Money Can Buy 🥶 ➢ Code POWERPROJECT to save $150!!   Self Explanatory 🍆 ➢ Enlarging Pumps (This really works): Pumps explained:      You Need Greens in your Life 🥦 ➢ Receive a year supply of Vitamin D3+K2 & 5 Travel Packs!   ➢ Code POWERPROJECT to save 15% off supplements!   ➢ Code POWERPROJECT to save 15% off all gear and apparel!   ➢ Code POWERPROJECT to save 15% off Mind Bullet!   Follow Mark Bell's Power Project Podcast ➢ ➢ ➢ Insta: ➢ YouTube:   FOLLOW Mark Bell ➢ Instagram: ➢ ➢ Facebook: ➢ Twitter:   Follow Nsima Inyang ➢ ➢YouTube: ➢Instagram: ➢TikTok:   Follow Andrew Zaragoza on all platforms ➢   #PowerProject #Podcast #MarkBell #FitnessPodcast #markbellspowerproject

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome to Saturday School, everybody. Today I'm going to teach you how you can make more time, or how you can just have time for stuff in general, because it can be very difficult. Difficult thing to do, difficult thing to figure out, trying to have a schedule. Trying to lift and prep your meals and all these different things can be really difficult for those of you that are trying to be jacked and tanned, for those of you that are trying to be stronger or leaner. So without further ado, we'll just dive right in. Page 43, welcome to Saturday School, everybody. I'm on a walk out here in South Lake Tahoe, and I'm a big fan of doubling and tripling up on doing things. Some people will say that you can't multitask. And I do agree to a certain extent. It's hard to, it's hard to try to communicate with your kid about them being
Starting point is 00:00:52 too loud and screaming while you're trying to send an email or text to somebody. So that is totally understandable. And that is a good, a good instance and a good case where you literally kind of can't do two things at once because you have to put the phone down for a moment and actually focus on your child. When I think about other folks, other people doing multiple things at a time, it actually appears that they do multiple things at a time, but they kind of really don't. I always bring up Stan Efferding in this instance. When Stan Efferding wanted to become a pro bodybuilder and get his pro card, he went and trained with Flex Wheeler. Then when he wanted to be the strongest powerlifter and he wanted to break all-time world records,
Starting point is 00:01:39 he came around powerlifters and he got into coming to super training gym and he got into being around me, and when it was time to powerlift, he did powerlifter things. But Stan would talk about being the strongest bodybuilder. And so you think that he's doing these things simultaneously, but really he was doing them one thing at a time, one sport at a time. Multi-sport athlete Deion Sanders, multi-sport athlete Bo Jackson. They didn't literally do the sports at the same time. They learned their craft at each one during those seasons of baseball
Starting point is 00:02:15 and during those seasons of football, and they excelled at them. For some of us, there's going to be a way. We're not going to be as prolific when it comes to the physicality of what those two athletes were able to do. But we, uh, you know, maybe you're good at writing or maybe you're good at reading or maybe you're good at photography or maybe you're good at jujitsu and you're also good at, uh, running or you're also good at lifting. You know, so you have multiple things that you're good at, but I mean, think about when, you know, when have you lifted and ran at the same time?
Starting point is 00:02:51 Maybe you went rucking or maybe you jogged with like a lightweight vest or something like that. That's a little bit of getting into doing two things at once, but you catch my drift, right? And where you spend your time is a critical thing and it shows us what your interest is. And this is a huge thesis statement of Mark Smelly Bell, if I ever had one, is I'm a huge believer and huge proponent that we do things based mostly off of our interest level. The more interested you are in something, the easier it is for you to do it. And the more likely you are to spend a lot of time doing it. So oftentimes we hear somebody talk about their success story
Starting point is 00:03:37 and how they did something, which is really cool. And it's great to get that information. But really, you know, I became strong in powerlifting and became good at it because I really liked it a lot. Just like you might like painting, or you might like poetry, or you might like to sing, or you might like to write music, or you might like to film. It makes sense that you would get good at that at a certain time, right? At a certain amount of times doing it, you're going to get better and better. And it's going to be to a point where you get recognized by other people as being exceptional at it.
Starting point is 00:04:16 And people will be all pumped up and fired up for it. But how do we make time for these things to get good to any of them in the first place when we have maybe a wife and kids or maybe you're single and you just have an apartment to manage, you've got bills to manage, you have, maybe you're still in school, maybe you're in college, maybe you're in high school, and you've got six, seven hours of being at school every day mixed with trying to figure out your eating schedule along with your lifting and so forth. And it gets to be a real killer.
Starting point is 00:04:52 One thing I really like as well is this idea of making time. You can make time just like I think you can make something of yourself. There is that topic of free will, which is a really interesting one, but I'm still a firm believer that we have an opportunity to make up our life's purpose and to lean into the things that we truly love and the things that we really enjoy and to kind of double down on those things. Some people don't believe that. Some people believe that, you know, you grow up with certain parents in a certain neighborhood and you had no choice of that.
Starting point is 00:05:36 You have no choice in who's your aunt, your uncle, your neighbor, and so forth. And then, therefore, all these things are kind of boxed up and you don't get a choice of doing or being anything you just happen to select these choices based on all the things that are happening and I do understand and I do 100% agree with a lot of that I just don't agree with all of it I think we get to pick and choose and we get to make something of ourselves and we get to decide where we spend our time. So in order to make more time, you're going to have to do an evaluation.
Starting point is 00:06:16 You're going to have to look into where are you currently spending your time. So this is the Starbucks cup of coffee thing. When somebody goes on my Instagram and says, hey, I can't afford to eat the steaks that you eat every day. And then I can reply and say, hey, you're spending four or five dollars on your coffee every day. And you could probably ditch that. Well, people don't want to. They don't want to ditch that. Just like people probably don't want to ditch scrolling. People probably really enjoy going on the internet and scrolling on Instagram. But hear me out for a moment. If you could pick off minutes at a time here or there periodically, then over a period of time, that's going to be mass to something. Imagine if you picked off a half an hour every day, you know, during the course of the week,
Starting point is 00:07:16 we're talking about a couple hours now. During the course of two weeks, we're talking about double of that, right? And during the course of months, we're talking about you really ending up with a large amount of time that you could have spent doing something else. I think that you can kind of look at wasting your time sometimes as being a double negative because you're not doing what you're supposed to be doing, advancing in that particular field or in that particular thing. And you're consuming junk. It's kind of the same thing with food. When you consume bad food, you're taking up real estate in your stomach. In this case, we're taking up real estate in our brain. You're taking real estate in your stomach up with a ring
Starting point is 00:08:07 ding or a ho-ho with an area that you could have filled up with something much more nutritious. So you're taking up real estate with something that's bad, that's not of quality. And on top of that, you consumed nothing that was nutritious. You consumed some calories, but you consumed highly processed food, and you just ate something that is way more negative than it is positive. Whereas, if you took the extra minute to prep your food, or you had a moment of clarity, If you took the extra minute to prep your food or you had a moment of clarity, you could have spent your time eating something much more worthy.
Starting point is 00:08:51 And now the space that was taken up in the stomach is now something of value, something that provides nutrition for the body. And we want to provide nutrition in all aspects. We want to provide nutrition in all aspects. We want to provide, we want to provide nutrition in all aspects. We want to feed the brain nutritious things. So we've got to be careful with where we are spending our time. I'm going to be 47 years old next month. It is November 25th so one about a month away a couple weeks away I'm gonna be 47 years old and so I might have an old guy's stance on some of this
Starting point is 00:09:32 Instagram stuff and some of the stuff that we see on social media but man I think you got to be really careful I think Instagram is as pornographic as Pornhub almost. I mean, shit, depending on what you look at and where you spend your time, you can turn Instagram into pure porn. You could turn Instagram into pure hate. You could turn Instagram into pure right wing conspiracies. You could turn Instagram into pure left wing bullshit stuff, right? You can get overly amped up about wars and viruses and where America spends its money and wow, wow, wow, wow is all I could say. What a giant waste of time. Now, it is good to be informed, right? It's good to know stuff and I'm not saying that we shouldn't know
Starting point is 00:10:25 what's going on in the world. But here's another one of my theories for you is that I don't believe that news of any kind has ever done anything positive in the history of the world. It's a pretty bold statement, but I think it's true. I don't think that news, But I think it's true. I don't think that news, the way that we receive it, especially nowadays, does anything. News of the coronavirus, news of what's going on in Israel, news of what's going on in any country or things, or there's a fucking tornado or whatever any of that stuff it's never been beneficial it's they don't have enough time to tell people to get away from a hurricane or a natural disaster or something like an earthquake like we don't really know
Starting point is 00:11:16 i guess there could be a small case where something that has happened and it has helped people but i just think it's mainly garbage the news is mainly garbage so be careful with where you spend your time and protect yourself at all times now you might think i don't consume news what is he talking about well you're still consuming it via social media i don't turn the TV on. Well, even if you don't turn the TV on, you're still consuming it via Instagram, via TikTok or whatever else you watch, YouTube even, right? So you have to ask yourself this question. This is, for me, I think the news is completely useless and worthless. It's not that I don't watch it. I still watch it.
Starting point is 00:12:07 It's still on in my house sometimes. It's just like on. It's like my wife and I grew up in a certain era, and so our TV is on, especially my wife. She'll just turn it on. I don't really care about it one way or the other. Barely know how to operate the thing. I do love watching football on there, that's for sure. But where are you spending your time? You know, what are you doing with that time?
Starting point is 00:12:38 And let's reevaluate the consumption of these things. And it's not up to me to be your moral compass. So you have to judge it yourself on what you're consuming. You can't just really take my word for it. You have to apply this logic to yourself. But is it logical to be scrolling through something that is making your feelings wane one way and then the other way and then the other way? Is it a good idea to look at a screen and to have it make you sad and then three minutes later it makes you mad and then three minutes later it makes you happy and you see a couple memes and you think they're funny and you share them listen i do all this too i'm part of it but i have also created a
Starting point is 00:13:22 lot of time for myself where I'm not busy. It's an interesting thing because people are like, oh, man, I know you're so busy. I'm not busy at all. That's why I put the work in that I have put in was to create more time. The wealthiest people that I know that execute in a way that I really agree with, they're not busy either. I could call them or text them at any time and boom, they'll text me right back. Now they can kind of make themselves busy. They have projects going on. But they have time for their friends. They have time for their family. They have time for the things that they really enjoy.
Starting point is 00:14:06 Now when we talk about time, we have to talk about money. Because those two things are closely, very, very closely related. Time is money and money is time. The two go together. The two go together. The two go together very perfectly. I also think that food is time and food obviously is money and money is food. Food is time and time is food. What do I mean by that? Well, you spend a lot of time eating, you're going to spend
Starting point is 00:14:42 a lot of time trying to figure out how to work it off. Or if you spend a lot of time eating, you're going to spend a lot of time trying to figure out how to work it off. Or if you spend a lot of time eating, you're going to spend a lot of time trying to figure out how to get yourself out of the hospital or get yourself off the medications or get yourself to feeling better. You're going to be forced to have to learn about it more. Or, you know, the other way of going is just to, I guess, never care about it and die before your time, you know, die early. So money is critical. You have to figure out a way. You know, I've said on my Instagram before, be rich, be rich, get rich. Well, I'm serious about it. Like become wealthier than you are now. Make more money. How can you make more money? Well, what if we just simply spent time on it? If time is money, then wouldn't it make sense that if you spent more time thinking about money
Starting point is 00:15:41 that you would make it right? You got to spend some time thinking about money, that you would make it? Right? You got to spend some time thinking about it, but it's got to be in some reasonable ways. Time is money. Money is time. What about reading some books about money? What about saving money? What about listening to some high-powered intellectuals that know a lot about finances
Starting point is 00:16:03 and know a lot about money. What about you're driving down the street, you drive through this nice neighborhood, you and your wife or you and your lady or you and your significant other, and you go through this area and you're like, man, these homes are just, they just knock your socks off. Both of you love them. Both of you love the area like this is so beautiful well that is a great thing that is a great place to be that's a great that's a great thing to kind of dream about but why dream about it why only dream about it why only you know maybe you uh maybe you're walking on that street and you got a cup of coffee and you know you see someone pop
Starting point is 00:16:45 out of their home and say hey I was thinking about like one day I want to move to this area if you wouldn't mind me asking how do you afford this place I believe there's a YouTube guy who does that he goes and knocks on some people's doors and ask him how he if they afforded certain things it's just like talking to someone who's jacked and tan. When you talk to them and say, hey, man, how'd you get abs? They'll tell you. They want to talk about it. They feel accomplished. They feel good.
Starting point is 00:17:13 Now, if you went up to someone who's fat and said, hey, man, how'd you become so fat? That ain't going to work out so good. They'll probably be insulted. If you went up to somebody, you know, who lives in a shack and said, hey, this is a beautiful shanty that you live in over here. I was curious how you obtain this. It'd probably punch you in the face. Right. But people that people that have the money, bro, that car is sick. The fuck did you say? That's my that's my dream car right there, dude.
Starting point is 00:17:43 Hey, you mind if i ask you like a serious question how did you how did you afford a car like that because i think that's incredible and they would give you some story about how they sold stocks or did real estate some complicated answer that doesn't really get you anywhere so you'll have to ask more people that's a lot of times the way it works when people are when people make pretty good amounts of money that's kind of hard to it's usually not like one thing you know normally it's multiple things but for me it was an invention i invented the slingshot and somewhere in my 30s I became rich. I became wealthy and never looked back.
Starting point is 00:18:29 And I use that time wisely though, I think. I think that's why I'm still all in one piece. I've used that time to learn about equanimity. I utilize that time to learn about how to balance the mind, body, and spirit. I've used that time to not get attached to anything. Obviously, like I'm attached to certain things like my family and stuff. But I got like six cars and four or five homes. I don't really care that much about it.
Starting point is 00:18:59 In fact, I don't even think it's a good idea to even own a home. Meanwhile, I own a bunch of them. I just don't think it has the value that it used to. I don't even know if owning a car is worth much anymore either. I think that's always kind of been the case with cars, but... Anyway, I digress. You know, think about how can you make more money. Like, can you make more money with what you're currently doing,
Starting point is 00:19:24 with the job that you have right now? You're in sales or something like that. Can you realistically make more money? Or is it kind of a pipe dream? You would be working way too much to be able to make the money that you're thinking about that you want to make. If that's the case, then you have to start to look in other places. You can't just randomly look for another job.
Starting point is 00:19:48 You have to make sure that you have a skill set that matches that. One of my most hated things I hear people talk about all the time, things are so much different, employee versus employer. An employee is oftentimes going to feel underpaid and overworked. The employer, from their perspective, it's the exact opposite. You're overpaid and underworked. Well, let me make things a little more clear for everybody. This day and age, almost everyone is overpaid.
Starting point is 00:20:21 Almost everybody is overpaid because, I know a bunch of you are going to be like, not me, but from what I've seen, it is so rare for people to have a real 40 hour work week anymore. And I think that happened within like the last 10 years, maybe even 15 years, internet and so forth and people working from home and doing all this kind of stuff. And obviously, with what happened with COVID and all that, all that makes sense too. But if people went from working 40 hours a week to working 30, and they're providing less value for the company, but they're still making similar amounts or more than they were 10 years ago. Everyone just got a raise the way that I look at it.
Starting point is 00:21:12 Sorry, hopefully we bleep that out, but everyone just got a raise the way I look at it. So, you know, people having time to, um, you know, come into work late occasionally and having a little bit more of a leash, a longer leash. I think that that's popular. And I think that that's, that's part of today's, you know, work, the way that people work. It's different than when my dad was working. It's different, you know, for people that are in their 60s and 70s. They didn't leave work you know they stayed there they were they arrived at eight and they left at five or six and it was that way every day they kind of punched in punched out type thing and they had x amount of vacation days and so on so
Starting point is 00:21:58 back to how can you make more money what What is the skill set that you have? If you don't have a skill set, then you don't deserve more money and you're not going to be able to make more money and you're not going to be able to make more time because the only way you're going to really, truly be able to make time is A, and this is to a much lesser extent,
Starting point is 00:22:19 is to organize yourself better. But B, the real banger, the real way that you make time is to make money. Got to make them greenbacks, son. Those Benjamins. You might think some of this is kind of foolish. Like, oh, of course, you know,
Starting point is 00:22:37 it's easy for you to say. Easy for you to say. Easy for you to say. It can be easy for anyone to say, because anybody that's listening to this right now, you can make more money than you make right now, you can, you can, but you won't, you won't do it, and the reason why I'm saying you won't do it is because you probably need somebody to kick you in the ass, and you probably need someone to discourage you, Because you probably need somebody to kick you in the ass.
Starting point is 00:23:04 And you probably need someone to discourage you. To tell you that you're always going to be at $55,000 a year. You're always going to be stuck there. And you're always going to be stuck there because you have the same thoughts that just cycle around all the time. You're not thinking about it. The weekend comes and you're having drinks with your buddy and you're watching football and you're acting as if your financial situation isn't a big deal. And it is. It's siphoning off your creative juices.
Starting point is 00:23:36 It's siphoning off your creative juices. It's going to be hard to be creative when you have a lot of bills to pay. It's going to be hard to be creative and think more on how you can make more money. Not everything has to be a direct money maker. Look at someone like Andrew Huberman. What does Andrew Huberman say all the time on his podcast? That he's providing free content. Right?
Starting point is 00:24:04 He says it over and over again. He's the first guy to say that, even though all the content from everybody's free. All the content from everybody's free. I mean, my stuff is as free as his, right? And, you know, make no mistake about it, him and everybody else, and including myself, making a lot of money off of having these podcasts.
Starting point is 00:24:32 He has advertising. He might mean that it's free to the consumer, but it just kind of depends on how you look at it, really. Nothing is really free. However, that's a great concept. It's a great idea. Andrew Huberman's a genius. That's really smart for him to sell you on. I'm providing you free information. It's free, highly educated information because he's a professor at Stanford. That's unbelievable. Professor at Stanford is going to sit down and give you an hour, two hours of his time. That's unbelievable. That's amazing.
Starting point is 00:25:12 It's incredible. And why is he selling you on that? It's not literally, literally for free. It's free to you, but it is putting money in his pocket. I don't know if he would do it for free. For free, for free. I don't know. Maybe, maybe not. I don't know. It's hard to tell with anybody that does any of this stuff, whether it's me or anybody else. I'm not doing it for free either. We have sponsors of the show, Pied montes and a bunch of other sponsors vebo barefoot we got paloova we got a bunch of sponsors of the show and it's a wonderful thing it's a wonderful thing to get to to uh be able to live a good life off of that but the whole point in me bringing that up is that you might have to think about how you can have indirect sales as well.
Starting point is 00:26:08 There's sales and then there's indirect sales. You might want to listen to somebody like Alex Hermosi, who's brilliant. He's got a lot of great information on YouTube, Instagram. He's all over the place. He's done a lot of podcasts. Start listening to some of those people. Start getting some of those people into your algorithm. But at making 50 grand a year,
Starting point is 00:26:29 if your algorithm is saturated with just chicks' asses and your weekend is saturated with beer, then of course you're going to say it's easy for Mark Bell. Of course you're going to have a negative attitude. Of course you're going to think it's easier for people that are wealthy. Is it easier? I know this is that if you were to give someone who's broke a job of someone that's wealthy, they would fail miserably very quickly. So is it easier or harder? I don't know. But in that example, the person that's broke just doesn't have the right mindset.
Starting point is 00:27:14 They don't have the right, they don't have the right stuff. Now look, you could be younger, you could be newer, you could be just getting your life together. There's a lot of circumstances to this life. And your finances don't mean that you're a loser. But what they mean to me is they mean that you're tethered, you're tied down to your finances. You don't have the freedom to just go and do the things that you enjoy. You don't have the freedom to go and do what you would like to do. And then so now you just feel like you don't have time for stuff. But if you can figure out ways to make more money, which again, how are you going to make more money? If time is, if you have to spend time making money, you know, it's, it's, it's like a catch 22 type of thing, right? You make 55 K a year and you live in California. That's just like not that
Starting point is 00:28:15 much money, but you might have to move somewhere else. Might have to live somewhere else. Might have to check yourself. You might check out the means that you're living by. You know, do you own all the same Lululemon clothes that I have? Do you own, most likely you own the same, the same kind of shoes, the same phone. I just have more of shit probably. But you still own all the same stuff. So you put yourself on the hook. You fucked yourself. You fucked yourself. You fucked yourself over with your car expenses and your house. Like why, why did you get that house? It's so dumb to have that giant payment. For what? You're never going to own the house anyway, probably. Most people are not ever going to own their home. So it doesn't make any sense to have a mortgage. A
Starting point is 00:29:03 mortgage for what? I mean, you can talk to people that are smarter than me about this, or you can read information from different people, but for most people, there's no reason to own a home. It seems like security. It seems like a good idea, but it really could be a giant waste of time because now you just stricken to yourself with being tied to this mortgage that's so heavy all the time
Starting point is 00:29:32 and you borrowed money from a family member or from a bank or whatever and i mean it's just there's a lot of situations like that where you're leasing a car for 700 bucks a month 900 bucks a month i remember a good friend of mine was leasing a a car for 900 bucks a month back when i was driving my shitty minivans and stuff man you're gonna have to be you're gonna have to be humble you're gonna have to be frugal you know you're gonna have to're going to have to eat a shit sandwich without the bread every once in a while, but you really have to evaluate where are you spending your time? Where are you spending your money? And kind of like, why, you know, what, for what, for what,
Starting point is 00:30:20 what are these things for? If it's a gym membership and you like training and fitness makes you feel good then that's something that you can't cut out right that's important you're not going to be able to trim the fat on everything you're not going to be able to cut everything out maybe you like going to a fancy coffee shop maybe that's a hard thing for you to chop out. But what if you did it here and there? I mean, now if you buy a nice coffee maker at home, you not only have, you're not only saving time, but you're also saving money. You're doing both. Right now, I'm saving time by podcasting with y'all for Saturday school on a walk. I've done it before where I've been on a jog.
Starting point is 00:31:08 I have like a 10-pound backpack on too, so it's a little kind of mini ruck. It's cold out, so I'm bundled up pretty good, so I'm not really getting a lot of sun. But I'm getting some sunlight as well. So you can multitask a lot of things. Another way you can save some time is, for those of you that feel like you're really working hard and putting in a lot of work, try to have your spouse or significant other drive every once in a while.
Starting point is 00:31:39 You might be able to catch a nap. You might be able to get some texts out. You might be able to get some thoughts down. Now you've got to make sure that you're productive with that time maybe it's just time with your significant other and that's great but you can take the stress away of driving chill in the passenger seat hopefully you don't feel like you're gonna die because your significant other drives like shit but you can take that time you can communicate with them and anybody else in the car and you can talk and have a good time but periodically on a two-hour drive you don't have to all be talking to each other the whole time so maybe you can finish that uh email you've been meaning to send or maybe you can finish organizing your email you've been meaning to send or maybe you can
Starting point is 00:32:26 finish organizing your thoughts about the next podcast you wanted to do or whatever it might be so in terms of like organization you know i haven't been a real organized person but I do my best to organize my time by simply doing similar things at similar times every day so I might not necessarily have like a calendar and I might not have it like all written out but like guests for the podcast are usually at 10 a.m. in fact we've had guests come at 9 a.m. and it's like screwed things up before because we're so trained to do the 10 a.m. Okay, 10 a.m. for the guest to come in, that means I'm either going to run or lift before that 10 a.m. period. If I don't get in a lift or run before that time, get in a lift or run before that time that that time is gone and hopefully I at least got in a walk so between walking running and lifting almost every single time without fail before that 10 a.m
Starting point is 00:33:33 guest shows up I've got at least one of those things done now we're going to podcast 10 to 12 maybe spend a little extra time with that person maybe Maybe they're there till one. Now I'm going to make a decision on, am I going to lift? Am I going to run? Or am I just going to head home? And depending on what I did previously, it's going to, you know, determine, you know, what I'm going to do next. But luckily for me, I don't have a big old fat job, like regular job. I do have a job. I do have responsibilities. I do have two children. Keep in mind, you know, I was climbing the ladder in terms of like trying to make some money long ago and my kids were young. So I know the struggle. I have two children. My son is 19.
Starting point is 00:34:28 young, so I know the struggle. I have two children. My son is 19. My daughter Quinn is 16. And I've been able to spend a tremendous amount of time with them. I'm extremely proud of that fact. I'm extremely proud that I have been there for almost everything with them. I don't post a lot of this stuff on Instagram. I don't think, I don't like sensationalizing that part of my life. If I'm going to sensationalize something, it's going to be like me doing a selfie in the bathroom. If I'm going to sensationalize something, it might be like me lifting or running. And I'll talk about how cool it is or how you need to toughen up and get your exercise. I just like to do that kind of from a motivational standpoint,
Starting point is 00:35:06 and I just feel good in those moments a lot of times. And so I just feel like I want to share it with other people, and I would like for other people to get a little motivation bump from it. That's really all I do it for. And also maybe to show people some progress and show them, like, you know, this is the leanest, this is the best best I've ever been this is the best version of Mark Bell ever and hopefully I can kind of continue that for the next the next 10 years or so and then maybe you know maybe into my 60s or something maybe they'll maybe they'll be a little dip or something. But for now, everything feels really good.
Starting point is 00:35:45 And I'm really happy with it. I'm really happy with the way I spent my time. And here's the ultimate test of time. The ultimate test of where and how you spent your time. I could drop dead right here, right now, right in the middle of this podcast. And I would be happy with the life that i lived where i spent my time and how i spent my time obviously like anybody else there's i could have done better i could optimize stuff a little better right but over the last several years, I quit watching porn.
Starting point is 00:36:26 I'm not on my phone that bad, but I do get caught up on my phone occasionally. I'm not going to lie. That does happen to me. I will get into a little rhythm where I'm just on there for way too long. And I too can get stuck and I too can get addicted to it but overall for the for the week you know there might be a few days in a row where I'm barely on my phone at all literally just for some texts so I have done a better job with that and that's what I like to share with people is like this concept of can you just do a little better you know forget about comparison forget about comparing yourself to me or stan efforting or any of these people that you
Starting point is 00:37:14 think perform on a high level joe rogan larry wheels you know like there's some real there's some really amazing people out there that have done some amazing things but they did it the same way everybody else does it they do it by putting one foot in front of the other they may have you know some skills and they might have some uh they might have been born into a certain family or they may have been born with particular genetics, or whatever, they're born, yeah, they're born with like a little bit of a leg up. But most likely, a lot of us have special traits. And if you don't have special traits, they can get developed. And you can bring up those special traits
Starting point is 00:37:57 and become better and become stronger and become faster. But aside from even all that, can you just be better than you were yesterday? If you're running can you get a little faster? If you're lifting can you get a little stronger? If you're working can you make a little bit more money? I think that you can.
Starting point is 00:38:24 I think that you can communicate with your employer about it. You can say, hey, I know I've only been here for a couple weeks and I'm just getting acclimated, but I'd love to continue to kind of like climb the ladder. Like I actually, being here for the last month or two months or whatever, I actually really being here for, you know, the last month or two months or whatever, I actually really enjoy it. And I'd like to learn, you know, like how do I get this trajectory to kind of climb the ladder here? Because I believe that, you know, I'm down, like I'm in.
Starting point is 00:39:01 I love it. I basically never had anybody do that. and I've had a lot of employees over the years so it's really rare to run into that even as an example each year we would have like reviews and I would even tell people hey man like you got to kind of ask for a raise and like put pressure on us ask for a raise and, like, put pressure on us. Ask for a raise. Like, what's the worst we could do is say no. But you can't just ask for one.
Starting point is 00:39:33 You have to actually have proof that you deserve one. Because, again, employer-employee relationship are on opposite ends of the spectrum. And an employee will say, oh oh man, this is all I make and I'm busting my ass. The employer will say, no, no, no. You're not busting your ass. You're doing your job. Nothing has changed with the job. The job is the same. This is what I hired you for. This is what you do.
Starting point is 00:40:06 And if something has changed, you need to point it out to the employee because they won't notice it. Or they'll take advantage of it here and there. They'll be like, well, you were doing that, but now you're doing this, and we took you off of that. Right? But they might not recognize or understand because they might not have, most likely they haven't, ever done that type of job before. So the whole point in bringing that up is if you want to make more money, you have to earn it every step of the way. Even if, and sometimes you're not going to get it. And if you don't get it and you feel it's unfair, then you have to reevaluate where you're not going to get it, and if you don't get it, and you feel it's unfair,
Starting point is 00:40:46 then you have to reevaluate where you're at, what is this job that you have, why, you know, they just said no, they didn't, you know, say, hey man, you know what, things are tight, and we can't really afford to do that at the moment, but we recognize that you are doing a really good job and what we can do maybe instead is give you a bonus because a bonus is different than an actual just pay raise all together but in order in order to make more money you're going to have to earn it and in order to make more time for anything it's the same thing you're going to have to earn it. And in order to make more time for anything, it's the same thing. You're going to have to earn it. You're going to have to work for it. My boy Encima can spend less time in the gym these days. He can do a little less in his workouts. He
Starting point is 00:41:34 doesn't have to put as much mustard on his lifts and on his workouts because he's earned it. He earned a fitness freedom. He earned a hypertrophy freedom. They say financial freedom, right? Some freedom away from the worries and concerns. Some fat freedom. You're no longer worried about how much body fat you have because you've got yourself in better shape. And so now you have more, you have less dietary restriction. You see? You see what I'm saying? So in order to get more time, just like trying to make more money or just like trying to do anything else, you are going to have to create it, make it, and you're going to have to earn it. Sometimes simply just being organized can really help with, with, uh, your time management.
Starting point is 00:42:39 I think the worst thing that you can do is act like everything's a surprise all the time. What I mean by that is like, people are like, Oh my God, it's lunch. And god it's lunch and I gotta figure out where to go eat and then oh shit I only have like 40 minutes the last time I was late and I'm gonna try to go to Chipotle and I'm trying to eat healthy but shit you know Chipotle has a couple good things that I like I love the chips and you just holy shit man you put yourself in a really compromising spot. Let's go back to the root cause of the problem.
Starting point is 00:43:09 You f***ed yourself over. Bleep that out. You f***ed yourself over big time. Because you are acting like everything's a surprise. What time is lunch? It's the same time every day. What time do you start work? It's the same time every day. Oh, do you start work? It's the same time every day.
Starting point is 00:43:26 Oh, sorry, it's late. There's traffic. There's always traffic. At that time, there's always traffic. Now, if you got stuck in something where there's like, you know, an hour and a half backup on the freeway, well, okay, that happens like once a year, right? Or once every two years, even, right? It's really rare for something like that to go down. So you can't be lost with your time because if you are, you're going to lose track of time and you're going to lose a lot of time. You got to kind of keep track of it and you got to pay attention you got to understand you basically know where you are every day so if you know where you are every day and you know what you're doing every day then how is it that you don't have time for stuff it should be simple you should be able to have time for stuff because you have knowledge of where you're going to be
Starting point is 00:44:24 when you're going to be there you have a particular job you where you're going to be, when you're going to be there. You have a particular job. You know you're going to be there. You're there every day from 9 a.m. until 4. Okay, well, from 9 a.m. to 4, I'm at work. I can't lift at work or in some cases, the people that work at Slingshot or for the podcast, they can lift kind of part of it. But in most cases, you won't have an opportunity to lift while you're at work. So now, okay, now you've got to lift either before work or after work. Most people have off Saturday and Sunday, and what do they do with that Saturday, Sunday?
Starting point is 00:45:03 They fuck off. Bleep that out. They mess they they they wake up way later they start their day way later they eat some pancakes with the family and they just throw it all away and it's like man that's a disaster I thought that you said that you wanted to have more time I thought that you said that you wanted to have more time. I thought that you said you were stressed out. So why are you laying in bed for extra time? I'm confused. There's a disconnect. What you mentioned to me and your goal are two totally separate things. It's going to take work.
Starting point is 00:45:41 It's going to mean that you're going to have to get to bed earlier. It's going to mean that you're going to have to get to bed earlier it's going to mean that you're going to have to abstain from certain things and say no to certain things because the things that we say yes to and the things that we agree to are things that also take up a lot of time so don't commit to things that you can't do
Starting point is 00:46:03 because there's so many things that we probably commit to that we don't even want to do right sometimes it might be like a family thing and you'll have to weigh that out like literally sometimes the most valuable thing you can do is just sit on your ass and be with your family sometimes that's important but do you have to do it for eight hours? No. No, you don't have to do it for eight hours. If you popped up and went for a 20-minute walk while you're at Thanksgiving dinner,
Starting point is 00:46:35 or you did it before Thanksgiving dinner, and you didn't have any responsibilities in terms of the food or something like that, I think anyone's going to really notice or care. A couple people will probably go with you. Help them manage their time better. The health of your body has a huge impact on your time management.
Starting point is 00:46:56 The healthier that a person is, the easier it is for them to manage. The easier that it is for them to manage some of their time, because they don't have to spend as much time worrying about the food, and worrying about the fitness, and worrying about this, and worrying about that, to a certain degree, you know, you're still going to have people be unorganized, you're still going to have people be late, I tend to be late, but it's for shit that I set up myself. You know, it's like I might be a few minutes late for the podcast and that's something that there's always areas
Starting point is 00:47:34 to get better. There's always areas to improve, but you want to try when you want to try your best, you would try your best to really lock in on some of these things and to, over time, get better at them. Time management is a real B. It can be a real bitch with all the different things that we're doing in a day. You know, a couple other things to consider is that fatigue makes cowards of us all. And so if you're getting tired, that is, that's a big one. That can be a big one right there because then it makes, it makes doing stuff on time tougher. It makes doing stuff at the right time and on time, it makes it harder. And so you might have to try to consider,
Starting point is 00:48:26 you might have to be considerate of that. The ways that I used to spend my time are different than the ways I spend my time now. I used to spend a lot more time thinking. I used to spend a lot more time thinking. I used to spend a lot more time seated and thinking about my next move and thinking about what I'm going to do. But now that I have financial freedom,
Starting point is 00:48:53 I don't really ever do that anymore. Almost everything is always on the go. And I do need to get back to sitting down and working on stuff here and there because there there's a need for that sometimes to be to be stationary and to be able to like write shit down and and to be able to actually like work but over the last maybe two years or so I've done like zero of that or next to zero of that, except for, you know, maybe firing out a few texts while I was taking a dump or something like that. Maybe after a meal,
Starting point is 00:49:30 you know, uh, texting or whatever. I don't email anymore. I got rid of that. That was a good time saver. I mean, there might be things that you need to get rid of. You might have to have for each person. It's a little different for some people. They might have to have for each person it's a little different for some people they might have to completely get rid of certain things in order to have more time some people are so addicted to their phone or so addicted to food that they got to make uh stronger they make stronger decisions they make like powerful decisions make powerful decisions that will that will kind of disable that part of themselves
Starting point is 00:50:09 to spend that much time doing it same thing with pornography I mean there might be certain things that you need to band for yourself video games I mean video games can be fun having a hobby can be fun.
Starting point is 00:50:28 Some hobbies are just better than others by nature, like health-wise. But I think playing some video games, I think, can be healthy. I think video games are a lot of fun, and if they're exciting for you, that's cool. But video games are also addictive. And so if something gets to be addictive, then you just get yourself into this compromising position where it's going to be harder for you to have time to do other things. When it comes to time management,
Starting point is 00:50:56 you've got to really examine where you're spending your time. And when you do that, when you start to really think it over, and you're like, yeah, I do play video games, I do this or that, I'm not saying you start to really think it over and you're like yeah you know i do play video games i do this for that i'm not saying you need to cut those things out forever but then it might need to be cut out for a period of time because it's not progressing you in these other areas that you want to make progress in i think sometimes too i think we we tend to complicate a lot of things and that takes up time complicate your workouts and then your workout takes an hour and a half rather than your workout taking 45 minutes
Starting point is 00:51:35 you can't salvage a bad workout sometimes so you just kind of leave it and it just ends up not being a great workout you can't just spend more time in the gym and try to make it better. It's kind of over with same thing with like a jujitsu class or, or anything that you're trying to do. It's like, that's it for that period of time. And you get an opportunity to come back at it and do it all over again. Time is money.
Starting point is 00:52:04 Money is time. Money is time. Food is time. They're all interlinked. And I think one of the best things you can do. Is to take care of your health. Take care of your nutrition. As I've been walking through. Take care of your mind.
Starting point is 00:52:19 If your nutrition is sound. And your fitness is sound. Then it's easier. A lot of times for your mind to be sound but the only way for your mind to be sound is if you're working on it's the same thing with trying to reevaluate making money or reevaluate how you can make more time for certain things you're going to have to spend time doing it and working on it but as i'm walking around here you know I'm seeing a lot of people that are very heavy I'm seeing a lot of people that are they're probably only like in their 50s
Starting point is 00:52:53 and 60s they're not getting around so good and who knows each person has their own story each person has their own individual thing going on and so maybe they had a surgery or maybe they had an accident or something but they look like they look like they're compromised from being fat they look like they're compromised from just allowing themselves to get really old and uh you don't have to do that doesn't have to work that way you way. You don't have to. Everyone's going to get older. Certain things happen as time goes by. But it doesn't have to turn that way. It doesn't have to be to the point where you are 40 pounds heavier than you used to be. You can no longer tie your shoe.
Starting point is 00:53:51 You have a hard time going up and down the stairs. Like all these things are easily, they're very easily managed. But what I see most people doing when I hear people complain about either time or money, is I see a lot of times they're just living their life kind of behind every day and you need to figure out a way to get ahead and you could probably just say well of course you a-hole of course I need to figure out how to get ahead but once you figure out how to get ahead it'll be easier to manage your time how do you get ahead well you might have to be more organized as i mentioned earlier how do you get ahead well you might have to be more fit so that these things that come at you
Starting point is 00:54:33 are are less of an impact on you you might have to be better slept you might have to you might have to check yourself in terms of your sleep your sleep and your stress are going to drag you down and slow you down you being unfit is going to drag you down and slow you down. You being unfit is going to drag you down and slow you down. You being too fat is going to drag you down and slow you down. Now you might be thinking, man, you used to be 330 pounds. Yes, I was 330 pounds, but that was for a particular sport. That was for me powerlifting.
Starting point is 00:55:03 That was me putting all my eggs in that basket and going at it with everything I have and even while I was doing all that even while I was benching over 800 pounds and squatting over a thousand and raising children with my wife and having power magazine and the invention and creation of the slingshot and all that stuff it all happened at the same time it all kind of went along simultaneously so i know the struggles of like having enough time i know the struggles of feeling fatigued and feeling tired but these are things that over the decades i've worked on more and more and more. There's going to be time periods in your life where you will burn the candle from both ends.
Starting point is 00:55:58 But as long as it's just a period of time, as long as you're taking care of yourself, you should be fine. You should be able to blast through that. Now you might have to be a little more conscious of getting some rest or doing some, a great way to gain time is going to sound ridiculous. A great way to gain time is to meditate. Another great way to gain some time is to cold plunge. These are both like meditative acts. Another great way to gain some time is to go for walks. And the reason why I mentioned all those, those things is on a walk, you're going to be thinking more. And when you're thinking more, you're going to think about how you can make other areas of your life more efficient. So you'll save time there. Meditation is a
Starting point is 00:56:35 beautiful thing because you make the mind stronger and more powerful and you have more clarity and the mind is more efficient in general. And when that flips over, when that happens, it's going to be so much easier for you to handle all the things that are tidal waving your way each and every day. And the reason why I mentioned cold plunging is because cold plunging, I believe, really helps stick you in the present moment no matter what you say, no matter what you do. Meditation is a little tougher sometimes. I can actually give you a meditation hack right now.
Starting point is 00:57:14 Here's what you can do is just close your eyes and clear your mind. And this only has to take about a minute. Do a couple breaths in and out, maybe four seconds in, four seconds out. Do five breaths, and think about, just try to think about nothing the best way that you can. Close the eyes,
Starting point is 00:57:40 maybe focus in on like a dot, or focus in on something that's just like made up in your mind. Once you do that, then think about the next thought that's going to come through your mind. And try not little, that little therapy right there. What I found is that when I do that and I give myself like 30 seconds or a minute or so, that when I think about what my next thought's going to be, there's nothing there. It already emptied and cleared my mind out.
Starting point is 00:58:09 So it doesn't take that long. I would say two and a half to three minutes is a good minimum time overall to hit up some meditation every day. I also believe that meditation can help with confidence. I think it can help with just a cascade of healthy things on the body. I think it can help make you smarter. I think it can help make you leaner. It just depends on what you want to put that meditation towards or how you want to utilize it.
Starting point is 00:58:40 Now, as far as cold plunging goes, cold plunging sticks you in the present moment. And it takes time and condenses it into just these, like, milliseconds where you're dealing with this cold water. And even when you get out, especially if you practice warming yourself back up through exercise, you have to be in that present moment as well. So, in that case, like, it's weird because time is almost standing still, but I think it will help you with the clutter of your mind, which kills so much time for everybody every single day. Anxiety and depression, those are things that really are going to slow you down.
Starting point is 00:59:22 And when you get some mental clarity through something like some cold therapy cold plunging you put yourself in that present moment you have more clarity in your head and your thoughts again they're just more efficient they're going to be better than normal they're going to be slightly improved you're going to have less clutter you're going to have less clutter because you're not thinking about that breakup or you're not thinking about taxes or you're not thinking about, you know, whatever the thing is that's ailing you, whatever the thing is that's your Achilles heel at the moment. Last thing I want to finish with here is this idea of staying ahead.
Starting point is 01:00:02 last thing I want to finish with here is this idea of staying ahead you know there's this idea like for health and staying lean that you have kind of like meal prep now I don't actually meal prep but I'm prepared
Starting point is 01:00:18 every day I'm prepared for every meal because I always have access to healthy food whenever I need it someone Someone's trying to call me. Hopefully it's still recording. I was talking about meal prep and, uh, you know, we can just think about all this stuff that we're talking about as a form of meal prep. Again, I don't actually meal prep myself, but I'm always prepared with a healthy meal, meaning I always have like some healthy beef jerky around. I have my carnivore crisps.
Starting point is 01:00:57 I just always have protein available, lean sources of protein available for any time I need to eat, but I don't actually cook up a bunch of meals and meal prep. But bodybuilding meal prep is a great way for you to visualize how you should be prepared for life. A lot of these bodybuilders are cooking up five or six meals every day. Imagine every day being prepared with four or five or six different good ideas for the day that you want to execute on that you pre-paired that you pre-cooked cooking is a great it's a great metaphor for a lot of things you think about the ingredients that go into it what are the ingredients that go into your thoughts what are the ingredients that go into your day-to-day? You want to have the best high-quality ingredients possible.
Starting point is 01:01:51 So you want to meal prep your life. Take the extra time to cook the meals so you have something healthy always available. Or do what I do. Have stuff just super easy to thaw out at any time I just pull stuff out of my freezer and I thaw it out and I only eat usually twice a day so I don't need to eat at work you know eating is another thing that takes a lot of time people spend so much time stuffing their face with foods that they don't need with foods that are just setting you backwards. They're creating more work for you in the gym and they're negatively impacting your mental health and your clarity.
Starting point is 01:02:32 It's just ridiculous that we're in this spot still. I mean, people really need to make a big change on their food. Need to start to ditch most of the ultra-processed foods. Some of them can be advantageous, like Quest Nutrition or Legendary Foods or some of these things. You want to ditch sugar. You want to ditch stuff that doesn't have protein in it. People eat way too many carbs and people eat way too much fat. Fat and carbs are main energy sources. You want to lower those down a bunch and spike your protein up high been talking about it for a long
Starting point is 01:03:11 time but that's the way you do it that's the way you get lean that's the way you lose body fat it's pretty simple but no you know people still want a snack and they still want to you know all the snacks are so good. They're so good. Are they? Are they that good to be walking around with a belly button that looks like you can eat soup out of it? A belly button that looks like a giant bowl rather than being a belly button. Is it really that worth it? Is it worth it to have a big gut to drink some beer and have a big old
Starting point is 01:03:46 belly i don't f that i don't think it's worth it at all i think it just shows a lot of weakness having some excess body fat on you makes sense you know some people having like a little bit of chub on them here and there. Makes total sense. Probably really important from an evolutionary standpoint as well. But man, you need to meal prep your life. I think that if you can kind of have that visualization, the prepped meals, you're preparing for each time that you're hungry. And if you can prepare for each time that you're hungry and if you can prepare for each time that you have
Starting point is 01:04:26 an emotion each day and you can start to have a more balanced life, a more clear life then managing your time will be easy I'm at Mark Smelly Bell, strength is never weakness weakness is never strength, catch you guys later, bye hey everybody, real quick before we sign off Well, strength is never weakness. Weakness is never strength. Catch you guys later. Bye. Hey, everybody.
Starting point is 01:04:51 Real quick before we sign off, I just want to say thank you for checking out this edition of Saturday School. I was really digging it. And if you were, it would mean a whole lot if you went to Spotify or iTunes and dropped a review, maybe even specifically on this episode or the whole podcast in general. That would be a huge, huge thank you. And we would sincerely appreciate that. Keep an eye out on more episodes of Saturday School to come soon. Peace.

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