Mark Bell's Power Project - Mark Bell's Power Project EP. 194 - The BJJ Episode

Episode Date: March 28, 2019

Today Mark Bell didn't say much as Nsima Inyang and Andrew Zaragoza recapped Nsima's performance at Pan-Ams IBJJF Championship. Nsima took home 2nd Place as friend of the show Chad Wesley Smith ended ...the tournament in 3rd place. ➢SHOP NOW: Enter Discount code, "POWERPROJECT" at checkout and receive 15% off all Sling Shots Find the Podcast on all platforms: ➢Subscribe Rate & Review on iTunes: ➢Listen on Spotify: ➢Listen on Stitcher: ➢Listen on Google Play: ➢Listen on SoundCloud:  FOLLOW Mark Bell ➢ Instagram: ➢ Facebook: ➢ Twitter: ➢ Snapchat: marksmellybell Follow The Power Project Podcast ➢ Instagram: Follow Nsima Inyang ➢ Instagram:  Podcast Produced by Andrew Zaragoza ➢ Instagram:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 all right smelly's looking jack today he i mean it's only a matter of time before he takes his shirt off like every day but i'm surprised he's coming in hot start right now what's that all about mark nothing to say yeah i guess not he's gonna silence i think he's just gonna let us talk for a little bit at least hopefully he'll chime in sometime but we'll'll see. Yeah. Okay. All right. Well, anytime you want anything to say, Mark, just,
Starting point is 00:00:27 just, uh, go ahead and hop right on in. Yep. All right. Thanks buddy. Guess we've got a root canal yesterday. I'm guessing it was you.
Starting point is 00:00:33 It was me. Um, not, not too stoked about it. I went in because I was, uh, coincidentally after the Arnold, uh,
Starting point is 00:00:44 when I would drink water or something, anything cold, my tooth would just be like, Hey, what's up buddy? Like, Oh shit, dude.
Starting point is 00:00:51 Like why does this hurt so bad? Right. Yeah. Uh, so I went, I made it. Well, when I say I made a dentist appointment,
Starting point is 00:00:57 I said, Hey babe, can you schedule me for a dentist appointment? Cause I don't know how to do that big kid stuff. Uh, so I went in yesterday and he was like, hey, look at this filling. It's cracked. Look at this tooth.
Starting point is 00:01:09 It's cracked. And this was multiple fillings and multiple teeth? So he was showing me like the main one. He's like, but then look at the top side. He's like, all your fillings are cracked. He's like, and then check out this other side. Your tooth is cracked here, here, here. I'm like, whoa. Yeah. I it's like what's that all about and he's like uh this is not due to negligence
Starting point is 00:01:32 he's like there's something abnormal happening here it's like do you clench your teeth a lot and i'm like power lifting yes i do actually and he's just like ah you got to get a mouth guard i'm like like what's so frustrating about that is we had bags and bags of those new age um yeah mouth guards the ones that shaw uses and at the time i remember i was like oh that'd be kind of cool to get used to it like man but i don't know i i it to me like it's almost like uh gloves inside the gym right like i mean shaw uses them and a lot of a lot of strong men use shaw can deadlift over a thousand pounds yeah yeah he can do whatever he wants you know uh me on the other hand i was just like i don't know if like it would make sense for me to even like can i even produce enough force to like well you are and so now i know that i am so i'm
Starting point is 00:02:27 like all right cool well root canals suck so i'm gonna start using a mouth guard have you ever used a mouth guard well for jujitsu i do um i don't use it all the time because generally like even when i lift that that was the thing i was going to mention, you know, um, a lot of, a lot of us, or a lot of people clench when they lift or they, they clench their jaw. Yeah. Um, I don't clench my jaw when I lift. I mean, I made a video about it on my channel. It's called relax your face. You'll lift more weight. I remember that. Yeah. I keep my face and my jaw relaxed. I don't, even when I'm doing maximal loads, maximal squats, deadlifts, benching, I don't clench my jaw because it feels too tense. It just doesn't feel right. So I guess that's maybe why I haven't had any of those issues. I don't use a mouth guard when I lift because I don't do that. The only reason why I use a guard
Starting point is 00:03:19 during jujitsu is just because potentially if someone's foot knocks into my mouth or something, just for that aspect of it. But it's not necessarily to create more power or any of that. It's just so I can stay more balanced. Like just so I can have. Yeah. So my mouth is safe when rolling. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:35 And it's not for clenching. You don't feel like you can produce a little bit more like oomph if you're clenching your mouth. Like that's what I'm worried about right now. Because like I'm going to deadlift today. And'm like it my mouth is really sore yeah my gums are all i mean they got in there the dentist was like oh you're probably gonna be swollen for a couple days because i had to get deep and i'm like not the first time i heard that buddy but uh so like today i'm gonna i'm gonna deadlift and i'm just thinking like, how am I going to not clench my mouth? Just physically do your best not to clench your mouth. And maybe like, I think today is just not a day where you work up to a load where you feel like you got to
Starting point is 00:04:12 clench your mouth. Cause yeah, it's, um, that's, I think that's something that's probably saved my teeth. If I, if I did that, that same thing, i would probably be in a lot of trouble with my teeth but i've always you know i've made sure whenever i lift my face is relaxed my teeth and my jaw is relaxed um there definitely is merit in terms of creating a little bit more power by clenching your jaw but if you do that you need to have a mouth guard yeah and i guess maybe this will be like the uh the turning point where i kind of do relax the face because uh i was squatting last friday and back was just feeling terrible um and you know i just kept the little weight really light but mark walks over and he's like don't wear it on your face i'm like okay yeah yeah so i stopped and then you know i i made it through the session pretty you know successfully
Starting point is 00:05:04 but that's all it took is just like hey don't wear it on your face yeah my bad make people think it's easy like that that's the thing like you don't you don't want to show how hard correct it feels or looks yeah easy that's one of my favorite things to say like when somebody's about to lift i was like hey make it look easy yeah and it you can kind of some people get it and like you see their face go from her to like yeah you know and then they they get it but um so anyways so you say you do use your mouth guard in uh jujitsu do you just during like sometimes i don't use it every single day that i go and enroll um like again using the mouth guard it took a little bit of getting used to because i just
Starting point is 00:05:43 recently started using that new age mouth guard. And for jujitsu personally, I'm not sure if I'm going to stick with the new age or if I'm going to try out these things called Sisu guards that are meant for grapplers. They're thinner. But I do find it like because you have to bite down on the Sisu guard a little bit. I do find it a little bit more a little bit more difficult to keep my face relaxed. Breathing mainly through the nose and nasal breathing is also a little bit more difficult since the mouth stays a little bit open, but you know, we'll, we'll see how it goes. Yeah. So what about in competition? Competition? Yeah. I used it during like, I used it during Pan Ams. This was the first tournament
Starting point is 00:06:16 that I used a mouth guard in every other tournament beforehand. I never used a mouth guard. Felt okay. I was still able to stay relaxed um fasted also like i i didn't eat that day of tournament i ate the day before but i didn't eat the day i competed felt pretty good so i'm happy with how that experiment's going in terms of like fasting and grappling i did have to make sure that my nutrition was good the days before but um yeah that was uh there was yeah that tournament was crazy yeah well let's get into it um first like for someone like me i have no clue uh like how do you even like what does it take to get to panams right like uh do you is it just something you just sign up for or do you have to get like a
Starting point is 00:06:58 like clearance from like say your your jiu-jitsu school or like invitation is like the kumite yeah no like panams is um so the ibjjf first off there's different jujitsu organizations just like there's uspl uspa etc the ibjjf is an organization that makes it uh it's a little bit you have you have there's a lot of processes in terms of signing up so you need to get your school like your professor to sign a form and send it to them to make sure that you're the right belt, etc. And when that's all done, then yes, you can sign up for the tournament.
Starting point is 00:07:31 But a tournament like Pan Ams is very similar to like the Asian Pacific Championships in terms of the IBJJF and Worlds. People literally come from all over the world. There are guys from France, there are guys from Europe, there are guys, lots of guys from Brazil
Starting point is 00:07:44 because Pan Ams is a big, big tournament. So you see a lot of foreign people there, um, or people not from the U S because it's people travel out. It's a big tournament. So, um, that was really cool in terms of that. Uh, but in terms of signing up or whatever, there's no, there's, there's nothing different. It's just like anything else you sign up, you get ready, you go, you can meet, you know, and where was it? Uh, Irvine. Oh, okay. It was at a UCI in the brand center at UCI.
Starting point is 00:08:15 So yeah. Yeah. And then like cost wise, like how much does it cost to get in? It was kind of expensive. It was maybe around, I'd say one 30. If you pay early, it's like one 10, one 20, but I paid late. So it was maybe around i'd say 130 if you pay early it's like 110 120 but i paid late so it was 130 of course but so i mean somebody coming from sacramento down to irvine plus paying over a hundred dollars like i mean for me that i'd be like holy shit like i'm invested in this now
Starting point is 00:08:39 so it's not something you can literally just walk right in and do yeah like so i would say if like you're you're you're you're new to jujitsu and you want to start doing tournaments um there's a lot of other smaller organizations to get your feet wet like bjj tour uh usbjjf there's a lot of other organizations with tournaments because the ibjjf the way they do their tournaments is like, if it's your first tournament, if you do an IBJJF and you lose your first match, that's it. Like there's no first match and you get to do like a few other matches in terms of placing, you lose one match, you're out. Wow. So that's how it was when I went to the 2018 worlds. I lost my first match because I played like a big guy and i was out like i was
Starting point is 00:09:27 i went to the um the bullpen is what it's called when you're waiting and there's a screen that shows you when your next matches are and i was i was waiting for like 15 20 minutes looking for when my name would pop up on the screen i was like hey uh so just looking for my next match when's it going to come up and then the guy was like oh did you did you wait i was like no i was oh you're out i'm like oh really and i'm like i just came to worlds bro like this is the biggest tournament and i'm like one match and i'm out he's like oh yeah you're out i'm like oh all right damn so i went outside sat on the stairs contemplated life and uh yeah this is what it feels like to be normal that's what it feels like to just lose never felt this once before in my whole life nah but that that was um that was that that was
Starting point is 00:10:13 the turning point that one uh that tournament was the turning point the way i played my played my game in terms of jujitsu i was still training a lot but like that's when i i switched up the way i play because like big guys and you'll see this a lot in the division. There's a stigma and a stereotype about ultra heavyweights and even super heavyweights. And it's because like they're usually the biggest guys in their gym. They usually like to always be on top. So there's different positions in jujitsu and there's guard. So guard is generally you're on the bottom and the individuals on top of you and you're like, you're controlling them.
Starting point is 00:10:47 And then there's like, you know, being on top or, uh, especially like if you watch wrestling, like wrestlers, not, not WWE, but the sport wrestlers don't ever like to be on their back. So it being on top, like most ultra heavyweights, um, the stereotype is that they'll never play guard. most ultra heavyweights um the stereotype is that they'll never play guard they'll never actually purposefully be on the bottom um to in the match and when i was watching these matches this past weekend the ultra heavyweight blue belts and the ultra heavyweight purple belts legit not a single guy pulled guard not a single dude so the thing is is like if if a big guy's rolling at his school, right? He's rolling with a bunch of smaller guys. Those smaller guys generally have to pull guard against the big guy. He's always on top. That's why when he goes out to tournaments, all he knows is being on top. He doesn't understand. He never, he doesn't try and play his guard. 2018 is when I
Starting point is 00:11:39 was like, okay, I got to build a guard. So when I came back and I competed here in Pan Ams, legit, I pulled guard almost every single match. There's one match where I think we were going for takedowns and I went to pull, but somehow he ended up beneath me, but I was going to pull. I still managed to win that match, but I pulled guard on every single guy I rolled with and it worked phenomenally.
Starting point is 00:12:04 I was going to ask, so is there a there a, you know, you said that there was like blue and purple belts. Is there like, yeah. So like first off the belt system is white, blue, purple, brown, black. And I think the blue and purple belts were competing the day I was competing. And then the next day it was like uh brown belts and black belts and then the last day was all black belts so um yeah there's weight divisions for all of the belts but yeah that this this tournament like in terms of prep for it there was a lot of uh there was like i did obviously a lot of the visualization that i usually do um so like beforehand like i
Starting point is 00:12:46 think if you pause this video real quick did you see that uh rogan episode with kamar usman the guy who just no i'm not sure i haven't downloaded i haven't been able to listen to it though yeah it was really good it was really good but he mentioned something in that episode that i think is really powerful for people in terms of negative thoughts because when you're getting ready for a competition you sometimes visualize the positive aspects of what's about to happen in comp, but a lot of negative stuff happens. So you might visualize your deadlift, but there's a load that you yourself are actually uncomfortable with inside. So you might actually visualize failing that lift. But Kamaru mentioned something. He he's like what he does is he visualizes
Starting point is 00:13:25 that he's holding that thought or the thought is there he puts it in a box he takes a hammer and he smashes it so uh when i was like thinking of all of my matches and what i would do there would be some negative imagery that would come up and i visualized doing that same thing and it's it's actually that's a really powerful aspect of doing that it's like you can you can have a lot of mental prep for it yeah did do you think that helped you like um because when you when uh like what you just described which is like okay if i'm gonna go for a heavy deadlift and i'm like i'm not sure if i can get it i start to get paranoid if i even think about not uh being able to get it's like I run away from that thought. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:05 Do you think that it helped like kind of calm your nerves down a little bit to be like, okay, cool. Yeah. Because you like, first off, thoughts aren't something that you can stop, right? Like over and trying. Yeah. But like over time, you'll get better at not thinking of things as negatively as you used to, of course.
Starting point is 00:14:22 Yeah. But that doesn't really ever stop negative thoughts from creeping in. So what Kamara was describing, literally all he was describing is being mindful that that thought is there and then visual and then inside of your mind, doing something to smash that thought away. So it's not like he's, he's, uh, he's trying not to think about it. He's thinking about it it but he's thinking about destroying it or thinking about you know overcoming it and that's a big deal rather than just focusing on the negativity of the thought focus on beating the thought itself you know and that's applicable in so many other things but i still i mean i do some negative visualization every every now and then but like that itself was very beneficial in terms of my
Starting point is 00:15:03 mentality as i was going into these matches like i still felt nervous but we've talked about the nervous versus excitement thing it's the same type of feeling so i shifted that feeling um and visualizing really really helped so so yeah what happened on this match right here this match actually if you let it play okay so this boy he's corn fed like this is a 300 pounder 310 pounder watch like he's like he's this man is aggressive i think he's about to throw me so this first boom and then yeah so what actually happened is here i ended up on top of him like when he took me over i rolled right on top of him and i think i got the points for this that's such a bummer because like you see you guys fly off screen and then you come up like wait what happened yeah i ended up on top so i think i
Starting point is 00:15:48 got the points for this but yeah this boy's big so immediately what happened is i was like okay so he knows how to throw i'm gonna pull guard so like after a little bit i don't yeah so i got the point for that that's an advantage because i ended up on top of him on his throw attempt so i was like okay, OK, I'm not going to I'm not going to go with this guy in terms of takedowns. I was looking for a sleeve. So, oh, and he went there again. So, yeah, you could tell he can throw. So he threw me again. That's called a seo nagi. All right. So since he wasn't able to actually establish the position, he didn't get any points, but he did get an advantage. And then here I'm pulling guard again or I'm attempting to pull guard and he's just coming at me. So I think what happened is, uh, sooner or later, I think I probably got a sweep on him, but later in the match, I ended up on his back. You can fast forward
Starting point is 00:16:35 a little bit, but this is what I mean by pulling guard. I'm, I'm willingly putting myself on the bottom and waiting for an opportunity to sweep him. So I can get some points. How do you score points exactly? So there's a lot of different ways of scoring points. The big way that the big guys try and do it obviously is by getting a takedown, which if they get a takedown in the established position, the takedown is usually two points. And then depending on the position that you get into,
Starting point is 00:17:01 whether it be side control, back, back control, knee on belly is like being inside control putting your knee on their belly um mount positions when they're totally mounted those control positions have different points allowed for them advantages which is what you see on my screen um is like the first throw he did on me i ended up on top so i ended up with an advantage it's not an actual point but it's an advantage um and throw he did on me, I ended up on top. So I ended up with an advantage. It's not an actual point, but it's an advantage. And then he did that throw on me, but he wasn't able to establish position. So he also got an advantage.
Starting point is 00:17:34 So here you see, you see how quick this dude is? Very fast. Jesus. Like for that size, the way he's like just jumping around is crazy. But like. I wonder if he's like a like football player or something oh no those guys are scary quick he's an athlete like he played football you can even tell just the way the way he does all the like the way he moves he's not just some big dude
Starting point is 00:17:56 he's an athlete um but yeah so like i was just pulling guard pulling guard waiting for an opportunity to sweep him and that's what i'm waiting to do here. Uh, but he was a big guy, so he was hard to sweep. If you fast forward a little bit, so we don't like go through all six minutes, there's a, just like, like, let's go through slowly. So yeah, still in guard, still waiting for him to, to make some mistakes so I can try and like get on him, but I ended up taking his back at a certain point so yeah here we go he's trying to get a takedown here and then i ended up actually taking his back so here it's gonna go down yeah and how often are in these tournaments are people like getting tapped out like i don't um it all it really depends it's, it just depends on how people roll.
Starting point is 00:18:45 Like, so here I got back control. So I think I'm about to get two or three points. So that getting control, that garnered one point right there, just getting his back. Getting his back is four points. If you see right there, you see that big number, that's four. So I controlled his back. And right now I'm attempting to choke him out from the back, which is unsuccessful. But I'm far ahead in terms of points right now. So attempting to choke him out from the back which is unsuccessful but i'm
Starting point is 00:19:05 far ahead in terms of points right now so he has to go for broke but um one thing that i think was really good about all these matches and i mentioned it before i've mentioned the fasting thing fasting and grappling yeah because of george st pierre that's why i was like okay maybe i'll try it out gsp was like when he feel when he's fasted and still hydrated of course when he's fasted said he feels like he's more focused, just like when you're fasting and you can work and you feel more focused. I feel much more focused when I'm grappling and fasted. What I made sure I did was the night before and two days before, I ate a ton of food to load my body up so that when I had to compete, I wasn't totally like just drained. Okay, watch right here. The ref calls it And I'm just like, I'm chilling. But he like, he didn't realize that we weren't supposed to be doing anything. So he threw me down. I'm just like, yo, dude, like
Starting point is 00:19:57 we're not rolling right now. So how did you keep your composure right there? I would have been so pissed. That's the thing though. Like, that's the the thing it's the reason i can like like that i can't see shit yeah man let me do something real quick no like the composure aspect of it is because like i don't roll like eat like i roll the way i lift i don't roll um angry i don't roll with aggression i roll being calm because that's my mode of like yeah but he also looked at the... Yeah, he looked at the ref. He knew what the fuck he was doing. But it's alright. It's okay.
Starting point is 00:20:32 He was mad. He's not happy he's about to lose. Let's just put it that way. The dude isn't happy he's about to lose. And he knows that he has 41 seconds left and he has to try and either tap me out or compile points. I don't know, man. Just had this on replay. Oh, what ref?
Starting point is 00:20:48 That's bad, dude. Oh, my God. I mean, sorry that you lost, buddy, but that's bad. Honestly, maybe he didn't know. Maybe he was looking at the ref, and honestly, I don't think he actually knew. I think he was thinking that the ref was letting the match go on and that I was just he probably thought I was just like you know yeah he I don't
Starting point is 00:21:10 think he knew because he doesn't seem I don't know him or whatever but just from his sportsmanship like you know I don't think he did that on purpose it was just unfortunate yeah you're too nice but it looked terrible but I mean again like I've never been in a situation where
Starting point is 00:21:26 i'm you know i'm trying to you know uh you know whatever i'm basically i'm not fighting but you know i mean like i'm trying to gain advantage over somebody and it's like i'm about to lose i need to do whatever it takes yeah so if anyone yeah if anyone's watching this like on youtube i know like some of you guys listen but if you're watching this video on YouTube, you'll see again what I just did there is I pulled guard again. And here he's again trying to take down. And then once again, I just controlled him and I'm going towards taking his back. And the match is pretty much almost over. I think I got two more points for that.
Starting point is 00:22:01 We'll see if they add it on the board. But this is pretty much the match he i won by points here i wanted to submit him but i wasn't able to um oh you see this dude oh my god i i want to roll against this dude again one day or i like i think um chad wesley smith was also in this tournament and chad and i are talking and uh i'm to try and go down to SoCal so we can get some roles in because rolling with a big strong guy like Chad would be super beneficial for just both of us. Him and I to be able to roll with like people our size and our strength and getting better at handling that. It's going to help us out a lot. So I'm going to go down to SoCal before
Starting point is 00:22:39 Worlds and Chad and I are going to get some practice in. How close were you guys to like possibly facing each other? We were in different brackets. So Chad was in Jason's bracket and then this was my bracket. Um, so there are 14 guys total. Chad wasn't the opposite side. So Chad faced Jason and ended up losing. Um, and then my match after was with Jason. Uh, but I, I beat, I beat everybody in my bracket and Jason beat everybody in his bracket, including Chad. Just a quick note on Chad, though. Chad, for this being his first Pan Ams, and for being a fresh blue belt, he did phenomenal. He's quick, he's strong.
Starting point is 00:23:20 He does play the big guy game, in terms of like i saw that like he's strong enough to always get the takedown um but we're all developing our jujitsu like i'm developing my guard and i'm developing all these different aspects of my jujitsu and we're still all developing but like man chad and chad is going to be insane as he just continues to get more he's getting some wrestling experience now so he's going to even he's going to be insane as he just continues to get more. He's, he's getting some wrestling experience now. So he's going to even, he's going to, uh,
Starting point is 00:23:48 he's making his takedown game even better, but I'll try to find some, uh, some footage of him too. Yeah. He's also on flow grappling. Okay. If you actually mean you could look up his match with Jason,
Starting point is 00:23:58 Chad, just type in Chad Wesley Smith on flow grappling. Gotcha. And then you'll see his match with Jason. Cause something controversial happened during that match. Also, that is that is uh once I figure out how to spell Wesley Smith or yeah that's true um in the meantime uh so what about this match right here so that was world's last year oh my bad actually no if let's play a little bit of this match we can actually just like kind of buffer through this match we don't have to play the whole thing but just so you can see how like
Starting point is 00:24:29 why i changed my game this right here this is worlds 2018 this is typical big guy game so this is what you see in the ultra heavyweights both guys are trying to you know both both guys are just like trying to get the takedown i I'm not pulling guard here. I pulled guard at the very, very end because like I couldn't get a takedown here. I ended up losing by points. But neither of us, me or this guy, were trying to pull guard. We were just trying to end up on top. And then this is when I was like, OK, I can't play this game or I can play the game like a big guy, but my development is going to be stalled. I need to learn how to do jujitsu like a small guy does jujitsu. That's literally
Starting point is 00:25:09 the way I play my jujitsu now. I do it like a small guy would. I pull guard. I go from the bottom. I try to get a sweep or I try to submit them from the bottom, but I don't just stand the whole time and play big man jujitsu because there's a reason why a lot of smaller individuals beat big guys and it's because they they you know they actually work on their jujitsu um one thing i did notice is that like a big man jujitsu at this tournament was just like very uh it seems very lazy this is just be real so honestly like if you're watching this video um you'll see that this this is legit how the whole match looked we just went for takedowns and at the very end i pulled guard but it was too late and i lost by points so yeah this is when i was like i shifted the whole way i play my game in terms of jujitsu yeah so who was the uh person that chad went against because i
Starting point is 00:26:01 can't find anything for type in jason shirley we go. Jason Shirley is the guy that beat me and got first place. Chad went against Jason. And we can look at that match real quick. And then we can look at my second match where I submitted the opponent. Jason what? Shirley. S-H-I-R-L-E-Y.
Starting point is 00:26:19 Jason Shirley. Our internet's super good right now, so... Good. There we go. Oh, you're joking 100 oh okay yeah i keep getting just the uh the main here let me turn this one off but you know when we see what happened with chad we like every single sport you know there's there's going to be always the aspect of, uh, reffing, you know what I mean? Um, and it, it sucks that like, like when you lose, you lose. I do like this sport and the fact that like, there's a black and white aspect to it. If you submit your opponent, you win. There's, there's no, there's nothing against that. Um, but sometimes when it comes to the, when it comes to point ju-jitsu like it is at Worlds and these other tournaments, sometimes stupid things can happen. Is Chad's up yet or still hard to find? I'm trying to find it.
Starting point is 00:27:15 I don't see. Well, if not, we can just always go to the second match. Okay, let's go to that for now while I find it. Yeah. Where did that one go now? It was against you and Alfonso Bruno? I think Alfonso Bruno.
Starting point is 00:27:32 Let's see. Hopefully this is the one. I think I submitted this one. Or I armbarred this guy towards the end. But if this is the guy I'm thinking of, man, the ultra heavyweights are funny.
Starting point is 00:27:49 The first thing I noticed about this dude is like, dang, this man has some big hands. Because before every match, you shake your opponent's hand. I'm like, god dang, this man has some big old hands. But Alfonso, this guy was definitely uh either he just knew good takedowns or he was a wrestler um because immediately he started going for takedowns and he uh he just kept patting my head to try and distract me so what i do here and what i did for a lot of this match in terms of not getting taken down, it's sprawling. I'm pretty damn quick on the sprawl.
Starting point is 00:28:28 So that's why people find it difficult to grab my legs. Oh, yeah, you saw that. So immediately I came up and I went right back on top of him because he wasn't. And in that position, I controlled side control. This is the position called side control, by the way. And I think I got, yeah, got two points for side control. This is the position called side control, by the way. And I think I got, yeah, got two points for side control. So now here I tried to sprawl, but you can see he still has that big old left hand. Look at his hand, bro. It's the size of my butt.
Starting point is 00:29:10 I was going to say, he's got a handful. He's got like, yeah. And boom, took my leg. There we go. So he didn't score anything for that. He didn't score anything because I came up and I controlled him immediately after. And this guy is not a weak dude. You can tell.
Starting point is 00:29:25 trolled him immediately after. And this guy is not a weak dude. You can tell. Um, but I like whenever you get taken down, it's a lot of people have the, I guess, habit of just staying in that position. But whenever I hit my back, I immediately start to move. And that's why, because he couldn't control that position. I immediately shifted back and went right on top of him so right now i'm inside control um and i'm trying to hunt for some type of submission here but he rolled towards his back and he got out and he went for my legs again i'm probably gonna sprawl again so he can't control and you guys are both blue belts both blue belts yeah yeah so i know i'm ahead on points i think i'm probably gonna pull guard soon um but like this match he was just he was going for takedown after takedown after takedown and i was just all i'm doing is i'm putting my i'm trying to control one of his collars and one of his sleeves so i can
Starting point is 00:30:16 boom pull guard that's all i was looking to do i was looking to pull guard so i can get a sweep and at the end of the match towards like the last 50 seconds i think that's when i got a sweep and a submission um so like you can see he's super inactive right here like big guys first off they don't like being in other people's guards and they don't like to play guard but even though they like being on top they they still don't like this position they they they don't like well close guard let's say close guard is kind of a neutral position but it is better for me that's what i'm doing right now i haven't wrapped up or have my legs wrapped around him as gay as that sounds it's bjj it's
Starting point is 00:30:54 okay it's b bojo yeah bjj um but yeah like the big guy game is again again, the big guys, we have a disadvantage. And the disadvantage of being a big man in jujitsu is a lot of things end up just working for you whenever you're at your school. Most schools don't have a lot of us, a lot of big men. So they have to roll against people that are much smaller and some people that are a lot weaker than them. So they can get away with a lot of things. But those things don't end up working when they have to actually roll against somebody their size. So they try to treat like when they, when they come to tournaments, um, they're probably not really that used to rolling with
Starting point is 00:31:35 somebody as big and as strong as them. And their jujitsu isn't as good as the smaller guys who do jujitsu. That's the reason why, like the way I do my jujitsu is I try to emulate the smaller guys. That's why I stretch so much because there are a lot of positions that I want to be able to get into that smaller guys can get into a lot easier that I, um, that I, I, I focus on being a bigger man.
Starting point is 00:31:59 I want to be that big guy that moves like a small guy. That's the goal. And then is the ref right there looking at your, your foot position to see if you're like almost out of bounds is there a boundaries or that that yellow is a boundary but like if we're still active like i just sprawled um he's not gonna call it unless we both end up out of bounds so here again he's going for that takedown dude nice defense that was good yeah like it's just because he got pretty low on you i thought he was gonna get you but i guess that's like that strength right there that really yeah it's hard to control the hips
Starting point is 00:32:28 it's really hard to control the hips yeah so and then like do you know any of these people that like uh like you've seen their name like on the like call sheet or whatever you're just like oh i've heard of this guy or everyone's still so new to it like brandon the first guy rolled against i've seen his name before he uh i've seen his name before he he's done well in tournaments in the past and you can tell like the very first guy rolled with he's a big man so yeah yeah and is anybody from uh cassio school with you or you just rolling yeah actually um there's some people on the sideline julian and jolene they uh they're a couple at our gym jul. Julian's Julian is the he is this brown belt who's like 170. He's pretty strong, but he's like one of the toughest people that I roll with. Like, like, seriously, because of his technique. And that's the thing. Like, he has such good technique that he really forces me to try and like bottle up all the holes in my guard because his pressure is really good. Um, so he was there also, he was actually on the sideline, um, giving me some,
Starting point is 00:33:30 like giving me a little bit of coaching. Cool. Just cool. Did you notice that you were the only nose breather? Yeah, dude. Like I was, I was watching all of these other guys who were rolling with me and I could tell when they were tired. Cause like, for example, Brandon, the first guy rolled with immediately once he started getting tired, started breathing through his mouth. Same with this guy. Oh, this is where I actually ended up getting some missions.
Starting point is 00:33:54 So I'm waiting for him. I'm going to end up doing something called a scissor sweep. Cause I see his balance is off. Watch my right foot. That's on his hip. It's going to be quick too. So he's waiting, he's waiting. He's waiting.
Starting point is 00:34:06 And then boom, sweeping right here. And then I put his arm up, his arms isolated, arm bar. Nice. Yeah. Holy shit, dude. That's amazing. Yeah. That's what I was waiting to do with him because again, like that's what I go for.
Starting point is 00:34:21 Like when I do my jujitsu i try to go to guard get a sweep get a position then get submission um i don't like playing that top guy game so yeah so when someone submits then like that's instant yeah yeah yeah if you get submitted and you tap that's that's it like the match is won so and this is a one and done just like worlds one and done just like worlds so this is his second match and my second match. So he won his first match and ended up winning this match. So yeah, I had one other match after this, but it was so boring that we're not even going to deal with it. I just won by points, but I ended up like just being on top.
Starting point is 00:35:01 And then the last match here is going to be with Jason. Oh, you have the Chad- jason matchup yeah okay cool let's see if we can play some of this and let's see if some of it's already buffered let's scrub towards um later on in the match chad did great against jason they they were both really trying to um like get takedowns but chad was being good and aggressive it's uh it's impressive but and watch what happens here though the guy this is crazy this is crazy they they they actually ran into the boundary but go ahead what were you gonna say no the guy he's going to up against he's the one that won the entire thing or yeah he won the entire thing he won worlds last year he won panams last year boom and they actually ran into the there's a railing there oh and they hit the camera they
Starting point is 00:35:52 hit the railing like you do not want to be in the way of those two big men when they're heading towards a you know they're heading towards something yeah but jason caught a lot of momentum jason's about 6 6 320 because i asked him his weight um and chad i think he's probably still around 300 but he's like 6 3 you know so he's built but um i mean again again oh my gosh well because i'm looking i'm like chad is not a small person no but jason makes chad look small it could be the uh the the man bun on the top that makes him look even taller but holy shit dude that guy looks huge boom and that was actually a really good throw by jason that was a really good throw by jason wow yeah he's going to get two points right there for that. And one thing, I watched this match and I watched all of Jason's matches while he was competing.
Starting point is 00:36:53 So what just happened there? He threw him and then Chad came and laid down on his back. So he threw him and he ended up on top, but they were very close to the outline. So you see Jason got two points and they put him right back in the position. So now Chad's here trying to escape from this. Jason has really good side control pressure, but Chad's going to get out soon because what happened here
Starting point is 00:37:16 when Chad went towards the outline is very interesting, and you'll see why in a second. And then did you watch this live as it happened? I was watching live. So I was at the side watching because i wanted to see how chase and jason would handle a big man like chad and it's the same thing like it was it was another big guy game neither of them pulled guard um but one of them got a takedown and now somebody's on top yeah and how does that feel
Starting point is 00:37:39 when you're watching someone like uh i, I mean, cause potentially you have, uh, you might have an opportunity to go up against, you know, either one of them. Yeah. I like, all I do is, and Oh, this was actually a V.
Starting point is 00:37:51 Okay. So watch, watch what happens here. Look at where Chad is. He's behind Jason and he has control of Jason's legs. You see that he has, he's behind Jason. Now look what the hell this ref does when they bring him back to the middle.
Starting point is 00:38:04 Oh, it's really controversy. Controversy? Yeah, because first off, Jason should be facing the other way. But watch where they put Jason. We'll just wait for a second. You'll see. They have Chad come
Starting point is 00:38:19 right in front of Jason. Chad has no type of control like he did when they were out. And they're starting from this very neutral position is it me or does that ref look kind of like uh is his name steve corral from he looks like a brazilian steve corral yeah he does look like a brazilian steve corral that's pretty hilarious man um oh man that's a bummer yeah you see where they started jason's in close guard. This makes no sense. Let me see if I can rewind it.
Starting point is 00:38:49 I can't even see the scrubber. Is that it right there? Oh, okay. Stuff everywhere. Yeah, you see where he was? Jason was facing the other way, and Chad had some control over Jason's legs. If anything, they should have started them from there. Okay? But they started them from a neutral close guard position oh yeah it's not even close it's a totally different
Starting point is 00:39:10 position so if you just let's just scrub through the match real quick um because what happens is pretty much uh jason sweeps chad and then jason like he he's he's good tactically because like when he ended up in side control, just scrub again. Let's scrub a little bit more to when he gets side control. Forward. Come on. Oh, no. There we go.
Starting point is 00:39:40 There we go. So now he's just going to keep putting his knee on Chad's's belly because when you put get knee on belly you get two points so he puts his he's going to put his knee on chad's belly soon or he's trying to get that so he can just stack up more points um and that's how he ends up winning this match with chad he gets a knee on belly um he doesn't submit chad but he gets six points and then that's the end of the match so yeah i didn't so i mean i obviously i didn't understand like how any of it worked but i didn't know it was like a straight up point system well it like again advantageous positions get you more points like you want to get to side control you want because like or you want to get to mount
Starting point is 00:40:16 you want to get in control your opponent's back because these are at positions where your opponent is in an absolute defensive position they're not really attacking from here um and these are positions where you can submit there are tournaments where it's sub only so it doesn't matter if they get yeah you know positions i was gonna ask like so like uh like the ebi ebi sub only like okay like those are you only win if you submit your opponent gotcha um and then there's fight to win also where like i mean ideally you're trying to submit your opponent it's not points but if it goes to the very end then there are three judges who raise their flags and look at chad he's jacked yeah chad's jacked good for him yeah let's go to the last match real quick so that was you and jason yeah the last match is jason and i see if i find it because i messed oh here we go. Yeah. Oh, look at that.
Starting point is 00:41:08 So I had the same strategy against Jason as I did with like every other opponent. And you can see how small he makes me look, bro. Dude, how tall are you? 6'2". So he's 6'4", at least. Oh, he's not 6'4". He's 6'6", bro. He's 6'6", or at least 6 he's not six four he's he's six six bro okay he's six six or at least six five um he's a big man dude um so here like i'm immediately gonna pull guard because like
Starting point is 00:41:35 there's there's no reason to play this game but what i was gonna talk about was there's a rule called slamming you cannot slam your opponent cause that's supposed to be an automatic disqualification. Now, if you watch Jason was not having an easy time breaking my guard. So what happened here is he boom. Okay. Um, so I wanted,
Starting point is 00:41:58 uh, I sent that to some refs cause I was like, after, uh, a lot of, after Jason did that, a lot of people in the crowd, like you could hear people say slam. Um, so I was like after uh a lot if after jason did that a lot of people in the crowd like you could hear people say slam um so i was like okay well was this actually a slam or is
Starting point is 00:42:11 this something that like could i do this to an opponent in a tournament and they're like that's a slam it's usually a disqualification you should not do that or you will get disqualified it's unfortunate that that happened yeah so um that sucked yeah pretty much for the remainder of the match i was he was i was uh underneath in terms of his side control so you you can just scrub through the match and see like we were in this position quick there yeah that's because he he passed he passed the guard and then he got to side control. It's three points. So. And this is.
Starting point is 00:42:49 So. This is side control here. But I was going to say like this match right here. It's already known. Whoever wins this is going to take home. Yeah. Whoever wins this is first place. Okay.
Starting point is 00:42:58 Yeah. So just scrub through. So we can like see it. But see it fast. Because here. I'm just trying to escape he's just holding here many of times like what my coach told me cassie he's like if you just stayed still because jason was all he was trying to do was hold there so that he'd get the points and he could win one thing like i mentioned that i'm happy about is that his jujitsu wasn't threatening to me like I didn't feel at risk of getting submitted um it wasn't really like I know that when I go
Starting point is 00:43:33 against him again um it's going to be a good match but I didn't feel like oh this guy might actually submit me at towards the end I pulled I managed to escape I ended up going to guard and I tried to get something called an OMA plotter. So my leg went behind his arm to try and sweep him over and submit him. But time ran out. I wasn't able to get there. Oh man.
Starting point is 00:43:54 You were right there too. Yeah. Shit. So yeah, that was the match, but pretty much I'm happy that I was able to go against him. Cause it's like he won worlds and he won pans last year. So he's in Pullman that I've been wanting to be able to go against.
Starting point is 00:44:06 I'm also happy though, that that slam didn't cause a DQ because a DQ would be a shitty way to win. Yeah. It would like, that's not a win against somebody like him. That's not a win. That's just like, Oh,
Starting point is 00:44:17 okay. Well he got DQ'd. You didn't really beat him. He got DQ'd. And if that did happen, then it wouldn't be that I beat him. It's that, Oh,
Starting point is 00:44:23 he got DQ'd. Yeah. Or he, or unless then he would have won, you know? So that's huge. and if that did happen then it wouldn't be that i beat him it's that oh he got dq'd yeah or he unless then he would have won you know so that's huge so that's the same guy that won worlds last year he won worlds last year and he won pan ams last year okay so uh did you compete in pan ams last year i didn't compete in pan ams worlds was the first tournament that i did in terms of ibjjf and that was fresh after i got my blue belt and that was a one and done you showed up one and done they said thanks for stopping by i'll see you later yeah yeah that's when i switched my game up
Starting point is 00:44:49 yeah so well that's huge man that's i'm happy for you because i remember like i was joking when i said you know i was like uh i was joking when i said i was so happy that you actually lost because it's like hey welcome to the rest of us you know like this is but but but quite seriously in actuality it's like it's very good that i lost yeah it changed everything up for you so like that's huge it's really good that i lost that like it's funny when a lot of people look back at like certain things or certain things that were bad that happened a lot of people are like i wouldn't have changed that for the world absolutely and worlds last year was something that again it just totally changed
Starting point is 00:45:26 the way I look at the way I do my jujitsu because I mean, at that point I was still tapping a lot of people at like where I roll, you know what I mean? Um, but you know, it forced me to be like, okay, I'm going to start rolling like a little guy. I'm going to really downgrade in terms of the amount of strength that I use when I roll um and i'm gonna just focus on becoming more limber working guard and playing the game like somebody that's 60 70 80 pounds lighter than me yeah worked out well very happy and and that's that's how i continue to train yeah um i know you gotta you gotta get going pretty soon here um real quick though did you see that uh mcgregor says he's retired from he's He's not retired. So that's what I was thinking. It was another power play
Starting point is 00:46:06 because I guess Dana White said that it's always like a pain in the butt to deal with McGregor and this and that. So I guess what it came down to was on the same card, it was going to be a heavyweight title and Conor McGregor against Cowboyrani so mcgregor's like i'm the main event have the heavyweight title be the co-main event and dana white's like no
Starting point is 00:46:36 dude like we've tried that in the past it doesn't work we need to have the championship fight be the main event you're the co he's like all right well i'm retiring so hey like honestly with mcgregor you have to um i mean you gotta you gotta do what he says right so that's what happens when you give someone a little bit too much power so what mcgregor ended up saying was like okay fine i'll i'll fight if you give me a stake in the ufc daniel was like no chance in hell yeah see you later. Now, this is all from reports of hearsay type of thing, but where there's smoke, there's fire.
Starting point is 00:47:12 I just want to see him fight Diaz again. That's what I want. I don't care about Cerrone. I don't care about any titles. I just want to see. I want him to fight Habib again. I want to fight Habib. Yeah, yeah and i want to be yeah yeah all right dude well give me location for reals seriously yeah send me location take it dude that'd be sick
Starting point is 00:47:32 all right and sema if anybody has any bjj questions where can they find you find me and it's sema eang on instagram and youtubes um yeah that's where you can find me my name and sema eang there you go and i don't know if you guys want to tell me that i shouldn't have a microphone or anything like that you can hit me up on instagram at i am andrew z uh mark anything else you got to say this is mark bell from super training gym the strongest gym in the west see you later that's not what he says at all

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