Mark Bell's Power Project - Mark Bell's Power Project EP. 223 Live - Can you get Jacked on a Carnivore Diet?

Episode Date: June 20, 2019

Video games, raw liver, porn (again) and asking the question, can you bulk up utilizing a meat only diet? Also, if listening to this episode today June 20th 2019, take advantage of Free World Wide shi...pping at! Today only! ➢SHOP NOW: Enter Discount code, "POWERPROJECT" at checkout and receive 15% off all Sling Shots Find the Podcast on all platforms: ➢Subscribe Rate & Review on iTunes: ➢Listen on Spotify: ➢Listen on Stitcher: ➢Listen on Google Play: ➢Listen on SoundCloud:  FOLLOW Mark Bell ➢ Instagram: ➢ Facebook: ➢ Twitter: ➢ Snapchat: marksmellybell Follow The Power Project Podcast ➢ Instagram: Follow Nsima Inyang ➢ Instagram:  Podcast Produced by Andrew Zaragoza ➢ Instagram:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 you played a lot of games as a kid right yeah i did but uh you know so when i had um when i had when we had jake you know he he like just i don't know he was like obsessed with tearing up my video game so every morning he would do the same like ritual and when you have a kid and they like they do a thing and it keeps them happy and keeps them from crying and going crazy, then you just let them do it. And so every morning he'd wake up and he did this walk around our house. We called it the perimeter walk. He would walk around the edge of our house because he couldn't walk. And he would walk around the living room.
Starting point is 00:00:42 And he would hold the wall and stuff like that and then he would go by our tv and then you grab all my video games out of the bottom of the uh out of this drawer and he would take them out and he'd open them up and he'd take them out of the thing and he'd just check them so none of them ever worked because like the the disc or whatever you know it wouldn't play and uh it was just a pain in the ass and then like i don't know like uh just the uh the extra you know work that it takes to you know have a kid i just didn't have time for it anymore and anytime i played i'd just get the evil eye from my wife too and i was like this isn't working because i was playing it like on our we only had like we just had like the one big tv so i was just playing on that one
Starting point is 00:01:25 tv all the time and she's like really she's like i want to watch some tv i was like fuck and so like 10 years ago or 15 years ago i gave up playing video games i'm video game deprived nowadays wow i gotta get back on yeah i mean before here i love video games dude i used to play i mean that was all i did throughout like all of school basically wasted I wasted so much time. So much time. I don't even know if it was a waste though. Maybe it was valuable. But then, you know, once photography and everything started taking off, I had zero time for it or I made zero time for it.
Starting point is 00:01:54 So let me ask you this question. Is playing video games like a value like at all? Like, can we make an argument for it? Like, what does it do? There have been arguments made for like, you know, like reaction time and but do we believe that i i think that in a healthy dose in a healthy dose where you know you can control it you're okay because it's entertainment because it's entertainment if you're you know you're not working all day long if you play video games for like an hour 30 minutes an hour right and you're still able to be productive spend time with family go out take a walk you know do other things and you're good now we're getting that sounds like
Starting point is 00:02:29 fake news now we're getting but like games like who's gonna only do that only one yeah no but like games like fortnight you know i i don't touch those types of games games that like get a lot of people in because this game that andrew has on the screen right now really boring yeah okay so i don't know if this is current MapleStory. Yeah, this is MapleStory 2, right? When I was a kid. Is it? I think it might.
Starting point is 00:02:49 Oh, no, no. This is MapleStory. What system is this thing on? This is on the computer, bro. Oh. Yeah. Okay, so I played this game, MapleStory. That's when you're in deep.
Starting point is 00:02:57 When you play video games on a computer, I feel like you're in deeper. I played this game in high school. And these are the type of games that I no longer touch. They're called MMORPGs, massive multiplayer online RPGs like World of Warcraft and these games where you can have friends, you can, you can have a bank account in the game. You can have like pets and a life, right? So I got so addicted to this game in high school, man, that I'd be getting like minimal sleep. And I had this like wake up call the day before I started college.
Starting point is 00:03:29 I was like, Nsema, if you want to be successful in life, you can't play this game. I was like level 200, which is the highest level in the game. I had billions of mesos, which is the currency in the game. And I deleted my account on that day. You should have sold your account. I would have made a lot of money. I could have. I picture like an older Nsema, like coming down from the clouds and like telling you this.
Starting point is 00:03:48 Like, young man, you must pass up this opportunity. Continue to play these video games if you want to be successful. That's what I picture. I pictured myself like at like at 30 still playing Maple Story. I was like, no, this can't be my life. So I deleted it off. It was so bad. Tell us more.
Starting point is 00:04:03 What's going on here with Maple Story? What's this game about? It's like, okay, so you can, you know, you have your character. You can have different classes. So I think there's- Looks like fantasy-based kind of thing, right? Yeah. You could have like a magician, a warrior, a thief, and an archer.
Starting point is 00:04:16 And I think they made more classes in the future too. And over levels, you can like evolve these classes into something more. And you can go on quests and you can go on clan quests and all this stuff it sucks you in and it's made to be addictive that's the thing like all these mmos like that's why you see maybe it's like legend of zelda on crack kind of deal legend of zelda with with friends that's the thing that's why single player games are so like i i still have like a ps4 and stuff now but i haven't touched in a while but i don't buy games that i can like go online and play with other people because my problem with that is i want to be really good yeah it's so frustrating too and like you know i'm a huge uh like football
Starting point is 00:04:57 fan so like i love playing like madden football yeah and once they started having like online stuff like i would be i would be pretty good but once in a while, I'd run into some kid that would just dominate me. And this was back in the day. I had Dreamcast and all these older video game consoles when they were first, when all this stuff was new. And I'd get some punk kid who was cussing at me the whole time. He's like, you ain't shit, motherfucker. That's the worst. I'm like, how old are you?
Starting point is 00:05:23 Like 14? you ain't shit motherfucker that's the worst I'm like how old are you like 14 and like they're just taking fucking Dante Culpepper
Starting point is 00:05:27 and rolling out to the right every single time and throwing all the way to the opposite side of the field to Randy Moss like they found some goddamn glitch in the game
Starting point is 00:05:34 and I'm getting just torn apart I'm like it's 75 to 0 what the hell's going on here that was the worst that was the worst when you started playing online like I used to play
Starting point is 00:05:43 NBA Live and NBA 2K. That's all I ever played. NBA Live. NBA Live. Damn, that game was good. It was so good. Oh, NBA Live, I'm getting excited now.
Starting point is 00:05:51 I've been playing NBA Live since 95. Oh, damn. That's how far back. Sega Genesis, son. Yeah. But I would go online, and that was when it was no longer fun because I remember, of course, I'd be the Kings.
Starting point is 00:06:02 They'd always be the Lakers. Yeah. And they'd pick Shaq, go up to the half court, like the circle, go to one side, throw the ball up, no matter what, make it every single time. I lost like 300 to like four. It was insane. I'm like, this isn't fun anymore. Like, this is stupid.
Starting point is 00:06:17 These assholes found some sort of glitch in the game. Yeah, every single time. Yeah. But that's the thing. To get better at those games where you play with other people, you have to train. You have to spend hours and hours that's the thing. To get better at those games where you play with other people, you have to train. You have to spend hours and hours and hours each day. I get that.
Starting point is 00:06:29 But it was more of like, oh, they figured out the cheat. They didn't get better. They just figured it out. Yeah. And I mean, I guess, yeah, if you want to call it that, I could have picked the Lakers and done the same thing, too. But I ain't no punk. I feel you.
Starting point is 00:06:42 Now I just play Rocket League. You have some video games now still that you're we're just talking about it like i i i wanted to play yesterday but i didn't have time but rocket league is the only game that brings me back like i i can't i mean i i buy other games to try to get away from it and it every single time i gotta say one of the things i like about video games is like patterns you know like when you find a pattern like i really love that about like mike tyson's punch out there's like a specific pattern to it it's like against king hippo you got to hit him just right and like his pants fall down yeah then you can punch him and he's like trying to pick his pants back up and like i that's really fun and i think that you know like kind of all kidding
Starting point is 00:07:23 aside i actually do think that that does work certain parts of your brain. I think it jogs certain parts of your brain to get you to think. And like you go against this like bad guy and the only way to like kill him is like hit him in the eyeballs. But you don't figure it out until you die 45 times, right? Exactly, yeah. But you get thrown back to the beginning, too. That's a fucking life lesson for you right there. You got to start all over.
Starting point is 00:07:42 Yeah. You know, I think a good – because I saw this guy and he was talking this game looks sick andrew is this this is rocket league it's soccer with cars no is it just for the switch it makes no no it's for everything now it makes no sense like oh you play soccer with cars like i know it's hard to explain but trust me it's the most trying to get the car over like a goal. Trying to get the ball into the goal. Your car's like a foot. Yeah, your car's like your foot. Dude, you just screwed in SEMA.
Starting point is 00:08:12 We're not going to see him for a couple weeks. He loves soccer. On your PS4, you can get this game and I can play you on my Switch. There's cross-platform play. I might just download that. Where did SEMA go? I think it's on sale right now, too.
Starting point is 00:08:26 But see, that's the thing. They have the Back to the Future car. It's so much fun. Single-player games are my jam these days. I don't get in games with other people because, Andrew, you'll beat me in Rocket League. A week, you won't see me here at Super Trading, and I'll play you again, and I'll beat you. But that's because I spent
Starting point is 00:08:42 96 hours on Rocket League. You make this sound like it's a terrible idea you know how much fun we would have the podcast would get so much better i come back with like a bunch of zits on my face 15 pounds heavier you guys can make a lot of money because a lot of people watch people play these games now yeah dude esports is like a multi like billions a lot of dollars in terms of an industry now. It's big. People pack arenas playing League of Legends and Fortnite.
Starting point is 00:09:11 Yeah, yeah. But games like Fortnite, man, I see kids that are playing that. Ooh, that's scary. Because kids are addicted to Fortnite. That's one of those games that sucks you in. It's scary. When I was a kid and you got involved in a game, you would feel pretty trapped. I remember you would just play for
Starting point is 00:09:29 hours on end, but there's definitely a different level to it now. When you can play and have other people on your team or you can play against people, that's a whole other world. Of course, games have always been a business.
Starting point is 00:09:45 They're trying to like, they want to make money. But nowadays they figured out all these little things to make you continue to come back. So you can't, you don't want to get out of your seat. It's not like it used to be. And it's not as easy to stop as it used to be. You know, it's, uh, yeah. But like what you were mentioning about, uh, like, um, Mike Tyson's punch out figuring out the patterns and, and winning after a certain point, that's like like what you were mentioning about, uh, like, um, Mike Tyson's punch out figuring out the patterns and,
Starting point is 00:10:05 and winning after a certain point. That's like, if you can treat your life like a video game, that's like the ultimate win because, because like, if you like in Mario, there's this guy, I forgot he,
Starting point is 00:10:14 he talked about it. Um, but he was talking about like, you remember super Mario, right? Where like you have all these little traps or whatever in the level, but after a certain point of continuing to keep going, you'd beat it.
Starting point is 00:10:23 If you treat your life like that, like that that's that in itself is pretty damn cool because you will have like a lot of pitfalls and shit but if you just like keep it going and just try to beat that level and how much better are you when you watch somebody else hit the pitfall right okay i'm not gonna do what that guy did yeah i'll improve yeah i gotta say something glass Glass Joe is a pussy. I mean, he just fucking sucks. Is this like the first level? Yeah, he sucks. He's so easy to beat.
Starting point is 00:10:52 But this guy's not doing a very good job. He's gonna tire himself out. Oh no, he still knocked his ass out. Remember, he's like 1 in 99. Like his record. When they show him in the beginning, he's like 1 in... Did they ever find out who the one? Yeah, exactly. It was probably against me.
Starting point is 00:11:11 I love those old school video games, though. And there's a lot of great games today. But I haven't had the opportunity to really fall into that trap. That's where you want to work. I keep wanting to buy one of those Nintendo, what is it? Switch? Have I got the right name for it? I'm so old. I'm one of those Nintendo Switch. Have I got the right name for it? I'm so old, I'm one of those guys. I get the wrong name for it all the time. Nintendo GameCube?
Starting point is 00:11:31 Yeah, exactly. I got GameCast. Yeah, exactly. The Nintendo Switch. But then I'm like, I'm just going to be playing it all the damn time, especially when I travel and stuff. You really think so? I think so.
Starting point is 00:11:44 Yeah, I think I'd get trapped in, but I don't know do they have mario brothers for it and stuff yes they have oh man and then and then the other thing is they have uh it's called super mario super mario maker so they got super mario maker 2 coming out at the end of this month and that's going to be the first game that i buy in a long time. Wow. Like it's, it's so much fun. Yeah. What's super Mart? So essentially like they have their own, um, Tyson's all jacked.
Starting point is 00:12:10 He's so jacked. Look at him. Uh, they have, uh, like, like a hundred levels or whatever that come in the game, but you and I can make our own levels and then I can play you.
Starting point is 00:12:18 So it's like endless amount of levels. Yeah. Infinite. Yeah. So there's going to be a lot of like, it's like, of course, like inappropriate things in levels,
Starting point is 00:12:27 which is going to be so funny. But yeah, that and then what's the Super Smash Brothers is fun. Yeah. I had Chris Griffin like kind of give me a tutorial on how to play that because he's really good. What about cheat codes? They came out like all those books with cheat codes.
Starting point is 00:12:41 Yeah. I remember that. I used to go to Blockbuster, sit in the back with like a notepad and take notes for like nba jam and stuff like to get big heads and yeah you know unlock will smith was it called like was there like something called game shark yeah that was a game shark yeah game shark they had a a huge lawsuit or nintendo tried to sue them because they were like you're altering our video games and they're like no no like we're not doing anything.
Starting point is 00:13:05 We're just opening up what's already in the cartridge. That's the thing. Like you can't create new code in the video game. Like that was already there. Yeah. I remember like, you remember GTA when the news was getting all mad that like, oh my gosh,
Starting point is 00:13:18 you know, people are finding out ways to have hookers in the game or like not, not have it, but like have, you know, have sex with them in the car. But that was in the game. Someone just like found but like have, you know, have sex with them in the car. But that was in the game. Someone just like found the code to,
Starting point is 00:13:27 you know, let people do that. So that was already there. Yeah. Grand theft auto. Speaking of that, we can, we have an opportunity to get the creator of that on the show.
Starting point is 00:13:37 So we need to do that. I keep forgetting about that. I need to get that ball back, back rolling. Wow. That would be fun. GTA San Andreas. Like you sick bastard. He made this, he made this awesome game, but yeah, I played that ball back rolling. Wow. That would be fun. GTA San Andreas. Like you sick bastard.
Starting point is 00:13:46 You made this awesome game. But yeah, I played that a lot too. That was probably like kind of the end of my video game career was kind of around that time. But I played the one that was in like, I think it was Miami was like the setting. Oh, it's like Vice, I think. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:59 Yeah. I remember playing the original top down one on PlayStation 1. I love just being able to beat the shit out of people. You just can randomly go up to someone and just punch them upside their head. Or just be driving and then do a drive-by. Just be like, I'm going to light these people up. They haven't done anything, but I'm just going to shoot them. Yeah, those games were awesome.
Starting point is 00:14:18 You could get super buff and stuff, too. Go to the gym and work out. He's just shooting all those people on the train. Oh, my God. Yeah, like hopping on a motorcycle or jumping on a train. I mean, it's just like endless. Look at those homies,
Starting point is 00:14:29 those cholos on the top. I remember my son, he would play a lot of video games. He plays them here and there. My daughter doesn't play them really at all, but he still plays games here and there, but he would get sucked into these games and then we'd notice
Starting point is 00:14:44 he'd have the crappiest behavior afterwards. And my wife would get like sucked into these games and then we'd notice like he'd have the crappiest behavior afterwards and uh my wife would get super frustrated with him like well let's uh let's think about this for a minute like he was just in a game where literally the world was his he can do and build and destroy anything he wants and now he's got to listen to us to like clean up his room or whatever he's not going to do it so let's first of all let's have him play a little bit less let's you know take take away the game a little bit so he's not going to do it so let's first of all let's have him play a little bit less let's you know take take away the game a little bit so he's not on it for four hours and then in addition to that when he's done with the video game let's try to give him some time
Starting point is 00:15:14 you know give him some decompression time you know and that that actually worked really well just having him play less was kind of the main thing yes this was the original grand theft auto the the thing that we thought was like so cool, obviously, you could do all the same crazy things you can in the newer ones, but you could take the disc out, put your own music CD in, and that was now the game audio. Wow. Yeah, PlayStation, you have little hacks here and there. But yeah, what you were talking about, Mark, I mean, shit, I was a league MVP every single year. know what I mean like I wanted the Kings won so many championships on NBA live it's ridiculous I mean granted they got like all the good players traded to them for some reason
Starting point is 00:15:52 but yeah that fantasy world like short little escape me and my brother-in-law we play like some sick games of Madden cause like we created our own players and our players were all jacked and then our players had like the names of like you know friends or people that were in
Starting point is 00:16:09 our lives and we like we hate we would be so mad like my like my friend uh his last name is jetland and my friend or uh my brother-in-law was like dude he's like if i ever see fucking kade jetland in real life i'm gonna just blast him right in the face because he was my quarterback yeah on madden and like of course you give the guy 99 of course on on everything you know and you make him as jacked and as huge as he can and then my brother was a running back and i made him like five feet tall yeah and like 250 pounds and he's all jacked and short yeah couldn't tackle him worth the shit. Yeah. I always use my relatives too. Like my brother was always a fullback. I was a running back.
Starting point is 00:16:50 No, wide receiver actually. Yeah. I never played many sports games, man. I played a lot of Pokemon as a kid. A lot of Pokemon, which I don't know. Neither of you guys really mess with that. The Pokey stops, right? Isn't that like that was a Pokemon Go.
Starting point is 00:17:03 Pokemon Go on the phone too. I got pretty good at that and then I deleted it because I was like, this is too much in SEMA. See, games that I can play with other people, that's not good news. Don't mess with that much. It can be a very lethal trap. And a lot of parents, you'll see a lot of kids, they have their iPads out and they're playing Fortnite and stuff.
Starting point is 00:17:23 A lot of parents just use it to pacify their kids yeah that's a dark path man like they'll get used to that and then when they don't have their games you're in for it yeah and the tablets and stuff like that it is a way to like all right well you know little timmy he's quiet so let's let's let's let him keep going on that yeah and that's not necessarily uh it's hard you know being a parent's hard it's a you know it's a 24 7 thing know, I always talk about how hard bodybuilding was, you know, how it's a full court press and how it's just nonstop. And there's, um, you know, if you're not training, you're mindful about your sleeping, like even your sleep, your nap, like if you, if you can get a nap, um, your, your cardio, your even like, well,
Starting point is 00:18:03 you don't need to worry about tanning, but some of us don't need to worry about tanning. That adds extra time, you know, into the whole preparation element of everything. So it's like, man, it's a full court press all day long. It's nonstop. And then same thing with having a kid. It's like, it's just never ending. Like, you know, you have a baby and, you know, you got to wake up at 2 a.m. and 1 a.m. or, you know, sometimes they sleep through the night. Sometimes they don't. Sometimes they need your help randomly for all kinds of stuff. And then on top of that, it's not like just a day to day.
Starting point is 00:18:36 But guess how long it's for? It's forever. It's forever. It's like until somebody dies, until either the kid passes away or you pass on, then you're responsible for them forever. So it's ongoing forever. Yeah, this is Counter-Strike. This was the first online game that I ever played. I played Counter-Strike.
Starting point is 00:18:56 Yeah, that was so much fun. I got really good at Counter-Strike. I got decent. It was so frustrating every time. That's the problem. That's the problem with me, I guess. Like when I do stuff like this, I don't want to just be casual. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:11 You know, I want to be really good. I want to be world level. And that's not good when you're in front of a computer screen, you know. Yeah. You want to take it to that next level. Yeah, he wants to take it to worlds. We were all just down in some coffee in our break room and we got we got talking about coffee a little bit are you guys uh pretty bad with your coffee you smash tons and tons of coffee or or uh do you try to be uh from that laugh i'm
Starting point is 00:19:34 supposing you got some issues with it well i'm okay i just i i'm honest i'll go first because in sema i know you got something to say here, but I literally haven't found my lane with coffee. I enjoy it. It was tearing up my stomach. It's not as bad anymore. But lately, what I've been doing is just putting our slingshot protein in it, and that's amazing. That's my favorite way to drink coffee now. I can't drink-
Starting point is 00:19:58 Speaking of slingshot protein, today- Oh my gosh, that's right. I think today we have free worldwide shipping. Yeah, today, what's it? Across the entire world. It's free. Free shipping. The 20 gosh, that's right. I think today we have free worldwide shipping. Yeah, today. Across the entire world. It's free. The 20th. The 20th. So if you're listening to this live, you get it.
Starting point is 00:20:10 And on top of that, it's going to be in SEMA directly delivering it to your house. Everywhere. He's going to drop it off everywhere. Like Santa Claus. You can get to Germany, Italy, England, wherever. Yeah. Wherever you're ordering from. We have some secret jets that allow us to go really fast
Starting point is 00:20:25 from coast to coast so you guys will be seeing me in person chemtrails reindeers any hoot I can't drink coffee after like lunchtime though what happens to you turn into a gremlin no I just
Starting point is 00:20:39 I don't know I have a hard time like I sleep fine but I feel like I need to get more. Like it just doesn't, there's not enough time there for me. You don't sleep as sensitive. Yeah. And if I don't eat more and I drink more caffeine, especially coffee, I get really like that. I get the coffee shakes. You know, I start getting a little jittery and I just don't feel good.
Starting point is 00:21:02 The diminishing returns happens way quicker yeah so in the morning though like i've already had probably two full shaker cups of coffee and i feel freaking awesome right now yeah well it melted ice plus plus protein okay so but how about you and seem i know you drink a lot of tea but how are you with coffee i don't drink that much i don't drink that much tea um but yeah i've i've lowered my caffeine where my coffee intake as recently i used to just drink like like every every single day like maybe two cups or something um some days one but there was a point that i started getting like muscle twitches in my tricep and it didn't stop like i like that one you get
Starting point is 00:21:41 like in your eyeball you guys yeah you're like Where you're like, my eyeball's freaking out. I have no control over it. Yeah, that's how I get, too, when I don't sleep enough. Yeah. And the thing is, caffeine or coffee helps with extending your fast so that you don't feel as hungry or whatever, right? So there'd be certain days I'd have a little bit extra. But yeah, my tricep, man, the top just started bouncing. And I was like, okay, well, let me just whatever. And it was doing this for like a week. And I was like, okay, well, you know, let me just, you know, whatever.
Starting point is 00:22:05 And for, it was doing this for like a week and I was like, Hmm, this is a problem. So I like, you know, there'd be certain days now where I drink decaf, right. Just because they just like the case of decaf. And I know it does have a little bit of caffeine in it, but yeah, it stopped. And yeah, I don't drink coffee every single day now. Yesterday I didn't have coffee on days. I don't really feel like I need it or I got a good amount of sleep, I won't touch it just because it's – I also don't like the idea of having to depend on it to be able to do things or do things at an energetic and high level.
Starting point is 00:22:37 I don't like that aspect of it. So I like to use it sparingly. So maybe four days of the week, some weeks five I'll now be drinking coffee. A little tip on coffee. So like I guess one of the issues can be, I don't really have, I don't really feel like I have an issue with coffee. I feel like I feel fine with it. I do try to stop drinking it, you know, if it gets to be like 1 or 2 p.m. I usually stop drinking it at that time because it can ruin my quality of sleep it doesn't like make it any harder to get to sleep but i feel like i don't sleep as good kind of like andrew was pointing
Starting point is 00:23:08 out but if you get an americano if especially if you go to like starbucks so andrew maybe you can look it up but if you get a single americano usually americanos i think are double shot um especially if you get like grande americano it's basically just watered down caffeine in a way. It's a watered down shot of espresso. And a lot of times what happens with caffeine is people will have this giant surplus of caffeine. So let's say that something has, let's say you have an iced coffee and you just sip it down. It tastes really good. Maybe you put sugar in there, maybe put some cream and it tastes delicious. Well, now you just got nailed with a huge surplus of not only sugar and calories, but even aside from the calories, you just got nailed with a big dose of caffeine
Starting point is 00:23:49 really, really fast. And that is not supposed to be great for you. So if you're trying to figure out some ways kind of around this without, you know, without having like really step back your coffee game, you know, go with some single espressos from, or single Americanos from like a Starbucks or something like that or Dutch Bros. It'll only have, I think, around 75 milligrams.
Starting point is 00:24:12 You're seeing that? The one I pulled up, it shows for a 16-ounce, but it shows 225 milligrams. So a single shot, I mean, what's that? That's less than half of that? It's like a quarter of that? Yeah, I think it'd probably be a quarter of that. Anyway, you can kind of look up the information. I think they even have it on the Starbucks website, but from what I remember, it was around, you know, under 100 milligrams of caffeine. So that could be a way of doing it. Or just get smaller cups of coffee.
Starting point is 00:24:37 Yeah. Or figure out a way to drink your coffee over like a little period of time so it's not just massive dose. Because there's nothing worse than having the jitters and feeling some heightened response to caffeine, but you're still tired. You know, like that's the worst. Like it feels like,
Starting point is 00:24:52 um, you know, sometimes they might say, oh man, that guy's got no heart. Cause he like didn't finish a fight strong or something. You kind of feel like that. You kind of feel like you don't have any heart.
Starting point is 00:25:01 You feel like you don't have any like zip to you. Meanwhile, you're wired though. You're like, you're, your eyes are twitching and you're you're kind of like halfway alert but you're you feel like you're half dead you feel like a zombie uh-huh it's an awful feeling you know like we talked about this but you know in that why we sleep book so he did tests i think they gave was it spiders yeah i think they gave spiders um caffeine weed and something else um
Starting point is 00:25:24 lsd or something like that i don't know oh i know what you're talking about yeah and they had them I think they gave spiders caffeine, weed, and something else. LSD or something like that. I don't know. Oh, I know what you're talking about. Yeah. And they had them make webs or like they were just tracking the way these spiders made webs. The one that was on weed, it was like a really cool looking. It still had shape in terms of the web. The one that had caffeine, the webs are like crisscrossed and it looked like its brain was just effed up, which was really, really weird to me.
Starting point is 00:25:45 Just a fun little tidbit there. love that that's great yeah like it was all it was all messed up it just seemed jacked up yeah yeah right here yeah spiders exposed to lsd yeah yeah and so there's 75 milligrams for a short so eight ounces of the uh americano right right anyway yeah or you know like what mark was mentioning you could just be like a g and uh have nothing in your coffee drink it like me black straight up like like you or no no no no no no no like me not like me me like i do black wait what there's so much going on right now all right you do black uh you've never mind uh i mean yeah we're talking about we are just we're not doing we're not doing very good today we're talking about coffee
Starting point is 00:26:34 i don't think people are listening so that's the good part are there any days where you don't have caffeine or you just like i think i i think i end up with it almost every day there's some times where it'll be you know like one o'clock and I'll be like, I think I went the day without coffee because I'm not going to have it past that time. So it happens here and there. But it's usually just kind of like part of routine. I work out and I don't ever have caffeine before I train. A lot of times I'll have it after I train. It's just kind of more of a thing than it is like I don't really feel like I need it.
Starting point is 00:27:08 I can certainly, you know, go without it. Although if I went without it for a few days in a row, I wonder like that might make me kind of feel like shit for a little while just because I haven't really tried that before. I definitely love the social aspect of it, like going to a coffee shop and hanging out. That's really cool. I like tea just as much so i don't know why like i mean i guess i could drink i i do a lot of times in the summertime have iced tea i go to like uh you know a starbucks or a phil's or anything like that so you know it's not a bad idea i guess the point the point of a lot of this is like look um try some different
Starting point is 00:27:42 things try some different things with your diet try some different things. Try some different things with your diet. Try some different things with your supplementation. Try some different things with your coffee because maybe that's something that's messing you up. Like if you have shit sleep, that would be the first thing I would investigate is investigate how much caffeine are you having? You having pre-workout at 6 p.m. before you hit the gym at 7 p.m.? That could be a huge problem and then also just trying to get on some sort of schedule try to find some sort of schedule I like what you said the other day you're like uh you know basically I just whenever I go to bed I wake up eight hours later yeah you know if you can create that kind of space for yourself create
Starting point is 00:28:19 that kind of life for yourself that's a great route to go you go to bed at nine and you do the math and you figure it out some nights you go to bed at nine and you do the math and you figure it out. Some nights you go to bed at 11, do the math, whatever that equals out to be. You try to get those eight hours in, you know, um, like when we were talking about that caffeine, I really do think though, like I had a little bit of a problem with it. I didn't realize cause like on the days I don't, and even nowadays on the days that I don't have it, I do feel just a little bit lower. I don't like that. Like I wish or I want to feel just as perky and just as energetic, like as I feel after drinking coffee. So it's got to figure out a way to create that a bit, you know, uh, feeling tired, I think is, is very, uh, is a
Starting point is 00:28:58 very normal thing. And I think that people get like a little bit in a panic and Jordan Syatt had a good post. I'm actually trying to pull it up right now. I'm curious about this. So being tired doesn't mean your adrenals are burnt out. I love Jordan Syatt, by the way, people that aren't following him, you really need to, because he's got this, he's got this way of slapping you in the face with a really common information where you're like, Oh yeah, I am a dumb ass.
Starting point is 00:29:23 Yeah. He does it. He's're like, oh yeah, I am a dumb ass. Yeah. Um, he does it. He's very convincing, you know, uh, being tired doesn't mean your adrenals are burnt out. Uh,
Starting point is 00:29:32 being tired is a normal part of being human. Uh, you might do well or you might do well with better sleep. Uh, you might want to make better food choices. You might want to exercise smarter, but don't forget being tired happens to all of us right it's like oh yeah stupid but jordan i don't want being tired to
Starting point is 00:29:52 happen yeah i want to be energetic all the time well look how many times have you slept for eight hours and woke up and been like you know what i'm actually still pretty tired you know it happens sometimes happens sometimes like who knows how you slept you know who knows maybe you were whacking off in the middle of your sleep i mean happens to me all the time sleep whacker from what i've heard i don't really know you know i don't have like video proof or anything but things happen you know i hey look if i was me i wouldn't be able to keep my hands off myself either andy looks to the left mark stop it yeah are you doing? That's in, what's that movie? Is it American?
Starting point is 00:30:28 I think American. Pie? Yeah. Is it American Beauty? American Beauty. In American Beauty. Kevin Spacey. He's like whacking off in the middle of, in like, she's sleeping and he's like beating
Starting point is 00:30:39 off and she's like, what are you doing? She says it like she's so disgusted. And he's like, well, you're not touching it. So somebody needs to. And that movie starts out with him whacking off in the shower. I think that's the way the movie starts out. But that's a hilarious scene. She's like, what are you doing?
Starting point is 00:31:00 This is House of Carl Spacey. Yeah, she's horrified. Look at her, her face. Is that so mad? What are you doing? It's not like it works out in porn. Like whenever they're doing that in porn,
Starting point is 00:31:12 then the girl's like, oh, okay, well I'll help you out. I always have narratives. Yeah. It's always the stepsister too, for some reason.
Starting point is 00:31:21 I don't know why. I don't know why. I don't know why that always pops up. Man. No, like apparently, here we go. we go apparently no not because i was reading an article about porn hub searches the other day and apparently like one of the biggest things nowadays is like incest porn like yeah mother porn and yeah where are we going as a society i guess like it's kind of creepy people are just like uh more taboo, the better, I guess. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:31:48 The more taboo, the better. Oh, Lord. I think, yeah, no, I think there's got to be a cutoff point there or something. The second podcast where we've spoken about this, we need to veer. But what were you going to say? Do people actually look at the titles or I kind of just look at the thumbnail and then like, oh, there we go. And then to find out later, oh, shit.
Starting point is 00:32:06 This is quality. You know what's actually really interesting is that all other websites follow porn. I've said this before. Whenever we have this great technology, it's either used for mass destruction or porn. Mass destruction or masturbation. Yeah. Mass destruction or masturbation. That's really well said.
Starting point is 00:32:24 Title of the podcast. Yeah. Mass destruction or masturbation. That's really well said. Title of the podcast. Yeah. Title of the podcast. People are like, oh, this drone, I could, you know, shoot somebody's house up,
Starting point is 00:32:31 you know, or this drone, I could like, you know, be a perv and, you know, try to look at people naked or however you're going to use it, right?
Starting point is 00:32:38 Yeah. But that happens at every turn. But with porn sites, like when you put the thing over the thumbnail like it shows you like what the video is and then who's copied that every other every other channel youtube all of them they've all you know you for some reason well maybe not for some reason but probably because they make millions of dollars those porn sites are way advanced further
Starting point is 00:33:00 than anybody else from what i've heard from leading're leading the way. It's well known now, but just in case, because we are pretty far away from DVDs, but that's why DVDs, they beat HDVD because porn ended up using, they got rid of HDVD and went with just straight DVD. That's how that whole thing,
Starting point is 00:33:21 the whole industry got killed because porn was like, no, we're going to go with this one. They really continue to innovate. Yeah, man. They're ahead of the game. Anyway, switching gears. We had going from porn to meat. I think there's some correlation there.
Starting point is 00:33:37 There's a little bit of correlation. But, you know, Andrew was saying that liver is the new, or kale is the new liver? Liver is the new kale. Liver is the new or kale is the new liver or liver liver is the new kale liver is the new kale yeah because if you think about it like a vegan or anybody vegetarian human is like oh kale is like that's the best thing you can have for your body and it's like well it sounds kind of crazy because it tastes terrible leaf now kale no yeah kale no now it's liver yeah so it's like okay well well i think kale is one of those weird things i don. Now it's liver. Yeah, so it's like, okay, well. Well, I think kale is one of those weird things.
Starting point is 00:34:06 I don't think it's been around for very long. Yeah, I was hearing about it when I was like 13, 13 years ago. That's not long. Yeah, and I think that, well, I think things like broccoli and things like cauliflower, I don't know if they're completely man-made, but from my understanding they are, and I could definitely be wrong, but I think kale kind of falls in that category as well. And when you think about, like, if you were to consume two pounds of steak, yeah, you'd be really full.
Starting point is 00:34:34 Might fart a little bit from it, right, because it's a lot of food. That's a good amount of food. But your stomach's not going to be, like, ripped apart. You eat even just a pound of kale, and you'd probably be in a lot of trouble. Probably be hitting that toilet pretty hard. It's a lot of fiber too. And yeah. And having, you know, having guys like Dr. Baker in here and having Paul Saladino in here to give us all this information on meat has been amazing. And it's helped my diet a lot. I know it's helped a lot of people with all kinds of ailments, as he was pointing out,
Starting point is 00:35:04 a lot. I know it's helped a lot of people with all kinds of ailments, as he was pointing out. Everything from diabetes to eczema to just achiness. People have an achiness in their shoulder or elbow or knee, and they try these carnivorous diets. They try these, as we were calling it early, ass-to-mouth diets, aka nose-to-tail. 18. Or tail-to-nose, nose-to-tail. Nose-to the mouth diet. And – but the information is great and the evidence that we're seeing from all these people that are trying the diet has been fantastic. But we don't really have a lot of kind of long-term data in terms of – I would say that this is – I can't even imagine that it wouldn't be healthy because I think that human survival depended on us eating meat. So I, and I don't even think that's debatable. I don't think
Starting point is 00:35:49 there's any, I don't think you can even question that. However, when it comes to performance, you know, we're kind of wondering like, you know, Paul was kind of referencing fat and salt as being this thing. And he was mentioning to me, well, you know, I know you said you tried salt, but maybe you needed even more salt when you're on a carnivorous diet or when you're on a keto diet. I've never done a carnivore diet or a keto diet with just performance in mind or with just trying to like train really hard. And if I did try it that way, I would probably be in a slight caloric surplus or, or I've just try to eat a little bit more, right? And typically when I've used these styles of diets, it's always been to lose weight.
Starting point is 00:36:32 And so I've been in a caloric restriction. Therefore, I haven't felt great. And I can say that even with carbs, when I did like a bodybuilding style diet, what happened? When the calories started to get restricted, even with the carbohydrates and high protein, completely different diet than a carnivore diet, I didn't feel great either, right? So we're talking about trying to get optimal performance. And let's kind of just talk specifically for a minute about bodybuilding. Can we eat fat and protein and salt and get similar results? What do you think? I think that's the thing where it's hard because I don't think many people have really given that a true shot. You know,
Starting point is 00:37:12 he was mentioning, I think Paul Saladino had a really good point about this and that it takes a while to get fat adapted, right? A lot of people that I know who have maybe their performance athletes or bodybuilders, when they go to doing something very low carb, right? Maybe not necessarily keto with a technical keto, but like very low carb, high fat, good amounts of protein. Like a few days later, they're like, I've been doing this for three days. This isn't for me. You know, I need I'm so much better. I work better with carbs and fat.
Starting point is 00:37:43 Right. But there is a period of time that it takes to get fat adapted and i think 90 something percent of people that really do try to do these types of diets uh don't really give themselves the time to getting used to using fat as the main energy source and i don't think we know enough people who've done it successfully to be like okay this if i want to be a competitive bodybuilder let's say right i can do this without eating much carbs it's going to be hard to be the one who's going to want to be a competitive bodybuilder, let's say, right, I can do this without eating much carbs. It's going to be hard to be the one who's going to want to take that plunge,
Starting point is 00:38:09 especially since you don't know any high level. I don't know any high level natural or enhanced bodybuilders that are like, oh, yeah, I did this without carbs. I don't know any. So why would I be the guy who'd take the plunge to try it out when I know this is what works? People are doing this in a fairly healthy way without health issues. I'm just going to eat some carbs. Yeah. The only people I know in terms of bodybuilding and in terms of even powerlifting, the people just use it like
Starting point is 00:38:35 off season, you know, so they'll get done with a competition and maybe they use it as some form of a reset, you know, in, in bodybuilding, you have this kind of bulk season going on. So somebody might bulk for a little while. They might eat a tremendous amount of carbs. And they may be like, ah, it's time to get in a little bit better shape or just feel a little bit better. And maybe they just don't want to weigh as much. And so they might go on a keto style diet, lose a little bit of weight. Then they might go into their bodybuilding prep. Then coming out of the bodybuilding prep, they might switch into another diet. And I personally think that that's a great way to live your life. I think not necessarily being like a full-time bodybuilder, but I think
Starting point is 00:39:12 having your nutrition change as it's changed for myself, as it's changed for you, as it's changed for Andrew. I mean, even in just a short time that the three of us have been on the podcast together, all of our diets have changed. Some have been less drastic than others, but we move stuff around and we keep trying different things. And I think ultimately that's what everybody else should be aiming for because you want to be in search of something better, something, you know, that can help you improve. And so that's what we're kind of in search of. You know, again, for myself, I haven't really tried it, you know, that way with eating a large amount of food. What about yourself, Andrew? No, I mean, it's hard for me to eat, right? Like if I,
Starting point is 00:39:51 it's funny, I was, I was trying to explain it to a family member. Uh, I was tearing through a bunch of hamburger patties and I'm like, Oh yeah, I need to, I need to sneak in a couple of fries because I'm getting full. It's like, wait, what? It's like, yeah, because if I eat something a little different, I can pack in more stuff. But, you know, I've been doing the vertical diet pretty much all year. The only difference now is because I did add some body fat, I wanted to pull out some of the carbs. So now I'm doing about half of the amount of carbs that I was initially. And even that's been kind of a little bit of a chore because now I'm eating more of the protein and less of the carbs. So I have less stuff to help like, you know, kind of a little bit of a chore because now i'm eating more of the protein and less of the carbs so i have less stuff to help like you know kind of get me from a to b
Starting point is 00:40:29 whereas before i can mix in all the carbs and it was super easy to eat yeah but um in regards to like what you guys were just talking about um it's funny like joel firman i know we joked around about him last podcast we went a little bit too hard but him and paul saladino have the exact same end game they want to live optimally for as long as possible however we're a bunch of meatheads so we don't want to live like that we want to like because like two questions already came in and it was like okay was anybody been like you know on stage carnivore only and you guys both answer that it's like well no but that doesn't mean you still can't be jacked. Yeah. Are you going to be the most jackedest? I'm like, no.
Starting point is 00:41:07 So here's my thoughts on it. It's like I know that when I've been on a carnivore diet strict that my conditioning was not far off from being able to go up on stage. My conditioning right now is not nearly as good with some carbohydrates in there. But I have different goals right now. I just want to lift good. I want to feel really good in the gym, and I want to feel strong while I'm training. And so I'm doing what I know works really well, and that's to implement a little bit of carbs.
Starting point is 00:41:35 I feel like I'm in good shape, but when I was stricter on carnivore, I feel like percentage-wise, body fat-wise, I was probably a little closer, and I think you're probably similar. Like you, you've been eating pretty clean for, not clean, but you've been eating well for a while and you've been implementing more meat. You just got some liver and things like that, right? Yeah. I just grabbed some liver the other day, three pounds of it. So I've been smacking that down. Mainly because like, you know, after what Paul Saladino mentioned, I watched a bunch of stuff about liver. It has a lot of nutrients. It's pretty crazy. It's like the world's best multivitamin.
Starting point is 00:42:10 It really is. So like, I want to see if there's going to be a difference for me. And like, I'm not adverse to the taste because I mentioned on that podcast, I ate liver a lot as a kid. But yeah, like I don't eat as many carbs as I used to in the past, not because carbs are fat, but just because like after I lowered my carb intake just a bit as I was doing fasting, I noticed that my performance levels, especially even when doing jujitsu and really like hard cardiovascular type of work, didn't decrease. So I think that also when it comes to like a lot of us performance athletes, we may be just eating more carbs than we really need to, to actually perform. And sometimes I think even I've done this in the past, so I'm not, I'm not trying to get at anyone here, but sometimes we use our performance as a reason to eat excess amounts of carbs. Like I can, I can have this stuff, you know, cause I'm about to go, about to go do something hard. So. Well, and you're also eat like you use that as a crutch
Starting point is 00:43:03 and as an excuse to eat something a little dirtier than what you're supposed to eat because like the the potatoes that you have at home are different than the potatoes you get at a restaurant that have like a bunch of oil and salt and a bunch of other things on them right and so i think it's like you're like i'm trying to be big and strong and it's like well that has a lot of actually harmful stuff in it that's not going to necessarily help you and may actually be harming your performance. Most definitely. I do have a question for you, though. You mentioned when you were doing carnivore that you had close to stage lean conditioning.
Starting point is 00:43:34 Do you think it's because you were eating a little bit less fat, a little bit less carb, and because you were having so much meat, you were in a deficit? Or is that like a by-product of the diet in your opinion? I think it was a by-product of mainly being in a deficit. Because at that time I was also fasting. So I would fast for 18 to 20 hours and then I would just eat meat. And that regimen like felt really, it felt good to me in a lot of ways, but I still think even if I was to go back to it right now, which I probably will switch back into doing more of that again soon. Cause I like to rotate things around a lot, but even if I was to go back into that now, I still think I would have some potatoes with the meat and stuff. I find it more pleasurable.
Starting point is 00:44:22 And I actually think that there's some value to that. Like, I don't, I don't know if we should like walk around all the time, like being so deprived of everything, all that, you know, like life is, life is challenging. Right. And then we're trying to challenge ourselves a lot with everything that we do. And I'm always trying to make things harder. So I'm like, you know, it'd be nice to, you know, throw myself some different things here and there with my nutrition. I love to have like blueberries and apples and oranges and things like that. And so, um, if I feel like incorporating them, I want to be able to utilize them, but I still, I do wonder, you know, like, uh, if you have fat and salt, you know, can you get a similar
Starting point is 00:45:01 pump and training? Um, I've never experienced it, but I've also, again, I've never really tried it in that, in that sense of like really pushing it and having, you know, as much salt as he was recommending, which I think he was saying almost like 12 grams a day. Yeah, a lot of salt. I do take in a lot of salt. And that was a huge concern for Hani Rambad when he and I were working together. Cause, and so he, he asked me like, how much salt are you having? And I said, I think I'm having, you know, uh, eight to 10 grams a day,
Starting point is 00:45:30 but still wasn't, you know, still wasn't quite 12. And so, yeah, I don't know. All I know is what I know and all I know is what I've done, you know? So I've done these things and I've done stuff with carbs. We talked earlier about, um, coming off of a cheat meal, you know, having a day where you just were maybe reckless with your food. Maybe you've just ate pizza. Now pizza is not supposed to be great for us. Gluten and, um, there's dairy, there's all kinds of quote unquote harmful things, eating fast food or, um, going to like a Chinese restaurant. Like we know there's a lot of like bullshit and those kinds of foods, maybe MSG and these things, you go to the gym the next day and you feel fucking strong. You feel really good.
Starting point is 00:46:09 So I don't know where these answers are. Yeah. Somebody asked, I'm not sure, using whey protein for insulin spikes while on a carnivore diet. Yeah. I mean, whey protein is anabolic. It will increase, it will spike your insulin levels.
Starting point is 00:46:28 So technically you should be able to use whey protein almost like a carbohydrate post-workout. Um, and it should, I mean, I've done that for years. I, I always have a post-workout shake.
Starting point is 00:46:40 I've probably been doing that since I was, I don't know, like 18 or something like that. Um, right now I utilize carbs and protein together post-workout, but if you were on a lower carb diet and you didn't want to have any carbohydrates, you could certainly go that route. Again, with the protein shake, I feel like it's, it's pleasurable. Like they taste pretty good nowadays. They're not, you know, maybe 10 years ago they tasted like shit they tasted like vitamins yeah it tastes like chalk but now for the most part they're pretty good so the other thing is
Starting point is 00:47:12 too like you know i think if you're in if you're in good shape and you feel good and you feel strong like if you feel good and feel strong and feel like you look good in the mirror then i would kind of keep on going because i hate telling people, keep doing what you're doing. Cause I don't really believe in that. I think you should always be looking for something better. However, um, if you are in good shape and you feel pretty good about,
Starting point is 00:47:32 uh, where you're at, um, you should continue on your path because as I've said to in SEMA before, I'm like, dude, you're just going to get leaner. Like it doesn't even matter.
Starting point is 00:47:43 You could be small alterations of your diet or whatever, but just cause as you get older, this, all this muscle mass that you've had, he's not really like reached his like prime reached his like peak. And it's a weird thing, but your muscles will just, you'll just always look better with a Rosemary who works in here. She's lost some weight. She said she was like stuck. I said, yeah, but you look leaner. Like you look better. Hey, you look better, Andrew, andrew you know and you gain and you've gained weight but you look leaner and it's like over time all this work that we're doing in here actually does uh pay off it actually does turn into something and it may not be may not show up necessarily on the
Starting point is 00:48:19 scale it may not show up in other areas but you certainly see it in people you see it in their triceps you see it in their shoulders you see it in their triceps. You see it in their shoulders. You see it in their arms. You can tell quite a bit. So somebody that's doing well, just keep cranking. I wonder about that because years ago when I was counting macros more and I got really, really lean, conscious lean by just counting my calories, if I, if I just decided, you know, I wanted to stick with this lifestyle and this lifestyle only because it works, I know it works and there,
Starting point is 00:48:49 there's really no reason to try anything else. Um, I think I would have pigeonholed myself a little bit cause I wouldn't try it. I wouldn't have tried new things as far as when it comes to diet, I would have been too afraid to like not count my macros cause I would have thought that like there's no way I can maintain leanness without having to take a scale with me everywhere, et cetera. So, I mean, it does make sense. Like, it's hard to tell somebody to try something else if they're already doing great with what they're doing. Right. Which is why also like, it's also a little bit difficult, you know, when we hear about like the carnivore diet or keto, et cetera. Right. And some people are thinking, maybe I should try this out and they're doing perfectly okay while eating carbs.
Starting point is 00:49:26 Why eliminate? I guess we just really need to think of what's going to be the real benefit for you. Take a baby step. For you, you said you didn't cut out carbs, but you lowered them. I lowered them. And I don't necessarily see the reason why I'd totally cut it out at any certain point because I haven't – at least I feel I have no adverse effects when it comes to the way I feel when I eat them, etc. Right. Like Paul had a reason he was having, he had eczema. Right. So like he said, when he got carbs and like vegetables out of his diet, his eczema went away. That's a perfectly good reason to eliminate that. But it's hard to say if you're doing great and you're losing weight and you're eating a decent amount of carbs, healthy carbs, maybe you don't have to cut it out totally. Yeah, and I also wonder too if you just kind of treated it like training a little bit.
Starting point is 00:50:16 We talk a lot about nasal breathing. What's the point of nasal breathing? Well, the point of nasal breathing is to make something harder. What's the point of doing tempo squats? Same thing. Make something harder. Give yourself a different way to approach the weight and it ends up changing the intensity without changing the weight. Super setting, same thing.
Starting point is 00:50:33 Increase the intensity, weight can stay the same. Short rest period, same thing. So like what if we just said, SEMA, you know what, all next month, just full carnivore, just getting rid of carbs because when we bring the carbs back that's what i want to focus on we're not going to focus on necessarily how you feel when they're gone i do want to know that i do want that feedback but let's see what happens when we bring them back in because maybe it would be like maybe it'd be a
Starting point is 00:50:58 reset maybe your body would suck them up better or maybe you would feel better maybe would there be no change we don't know you know we don't know until we, you know, you got to try these different things. So I think it's important for you to kind of always be thinking like, what's my next move? What's, you always want to be a couple moves ahead, man. It might be worth trying things out. I know for myself when I've, when I've gotten rid of carbohydrates and I brought them back in, it did feel like, it did feel like they packed a new punch. Or when I got depleted in bodybuilding and then I brought the carbs back in, it felt really good. But that was also like it felt really good for like a day or two.
Starting point is 00:51:32 So I don't know if it was like a permanent, you know, is this like a real change? Like are the carbs more effective than they were before? Probably not. I think they felt really good because I was in such a depleted state. It's like a nerdy term called super compensation. I love this. I love super compensation.
Starting point is 00:51:49 Yeah. Like, you know, especially if you haven't been having carbs for a while, feel, feel like a superhero, man. It's man. I remember when I was depleted too, I had to like do that, that peak week or whatever. And we, you know, we minimize the carbs. And on the day before I had like 700 grams of carbs the day before stage. That next day, I was like so just veiny and plump. It was beautiful.
Starting point is 00:52:10 Yeah. I mean, a big cheat meal like the night before a heavy lifting day. Do the next day. You feel so. I've only done that once where I actually noticed it. And it was last week. Yeah. Where I was just like, I'm going to eat a little bit more today because I want to bench heavy tomorrow and yeah it was the second best bench day i've had i think if you
Starting point is 00:52:28 could even just figure out a way to weigh a little bit more so let's say that you train in the morning maybe just when you wake up try to drink a bunch of water and get a bunch of salt in like just because you i mean i don't know about you guys but i lose like three or four pounds in the middle of the night and it's like you know coming in here and training that much lighter, it might have a negative impact. So like this morning I knew we were going to have a big workout. So I got up a little bit earlier. I ate some carbs, I ate some protein, I got some salt in, I drank some water. And because of that, I was probably a pound or two heavier. Sounds like, doesn't sound like a lot, but just like when you go to do a pull-up, if you're five pounds lighter, they feel a lot easier.
Starting point is 00:53:09 Yeah. Having a little bit of extra meat on your bones for those big lifts those big squats and deadlifts and benches and stuff could make a huge difference yeah i was gonna ask if it was the same for water but you just did so yeah yeah yeah just drink a lot of water yeah just yeah just fucking down a lot of water yeah like the day before um the day before worlds i ate like a lot of food that day and i drank a lot of water like i usually drink i usually drink a good amount of water every day but i drink extra water that day before the next morning i just like looked super jacked i felt super good you know people are so upset right now oh you just eat more and you get more jacked okay there's a caveat like i know i'm joking but yeah yeah you're more like well he also has the muscle
Starting point is 00:53:45 to like fill things up you know so it's yeah it's um but sound like a dick yeah he's a dick never mind but you know you need to have the muscle to be able to kind of like fill it up so that is something to consider too like if you're if you're heavy and you're listening to this like you don't need these like big refeeds like that that's not, let's not, let's not worry about that for now. Let's worry about the main goal, the main objective. If it is your main goal and main objective to lose weight, let's have you working on that for a while. But you also can't be chasing losing weight nonstop. We talked about earlier, you know, you don't work all day. You don't play video games all day. You got to switch gears. You got to do different things. And and when it comes to losing weight i've seen a lot of people make the mistake of just
Starting point is 00:54:27 they're always in a weight loss state and it's like dude you got to shift gears here and there you got to try something different yeah that's why the best thing i think one of the best things at least especially when you're trying to lose body fat or weight is not focusing on the scale or the body fat or the weight focus on your performance especially like if you're a power lifter or you're someone who does bodybuilding. Focus on hitting PRs in the gym because you can hit PRs as you get lighter and as you lose body fat.
Starting point is 00:54:52 You don't have to be really high body fat or really heavy to hit gym PRs. You can get better in terms of the way you perform the movement so that you can get stronger with that over time. And as you're losing the weight, I've found a lot of people, and this is especially within the physique athlete community, when they're maybe out of season or they're trying to cut, when they start focusing on it,
Starting point is 00:55:13 it becomes nerve wracking for them. And it's just like, they can't stop thinking about it. It gives them anxiety. But when they start just focusing on performance and doing better in the gym, everything else, everything just moves in the right direction, but it's hard to make that shift. Yeah. Performance is huge because like, I think we undersell it and it's like with bodybuilding, a lot of times the excess carbohydrates and things like that are so that you can, in some cases have a double day workouts, you know, two a day workouts. Some people might do two, they might do like strength and hypertrophy at night, or they might do two hypertrophy workouts, or they might do a training session, a regular lifting session and cardio or fast cardio in the morning or whatever. But a lot of times they'll have two training sessions and it's like, well, that's going to, that's going to take a lot of energy. And then how are you recovering from these training sessions? And the answer is carbohydrates. Having that glucose is going to get you recovered and get you into that next workout. And like you mentioned, bodybuilding is actually, it's simple. Like a lot of the strategies behind it are simple. The execution of it's not easy because it can be really hard because there's
Starting point is 00:56:22 a lot of work to be done. But in short, you know, I think I got this somewhat correct. I think, you know, the lifting is helping provide, you know, an external resistance that's allowing you to gain muscle mass. The cardiovascular training is allowing you to burn body fat. It doesn't necessarily just work only that way. There's a lot of other things that are involved. Being a caloric deficit is going to help you to lose body fat as well. There's a lot of different strategies that people utilize surrounding all this. But in bodybuilding terms, having those
Starting point is 00:56:56 carbohydrates in your system, they like to go in the gym and get a pump. And they like to get a pump early in the workout. And they like to sustain that pump. And they like to get a pump early in the workout, and they like to sustain that pump. And they like almost like a pump to where you feel like you can't handle it anymore. Like your arms are going to explode. Your legs are going to explode. And they have those carbohydrates in their system. It's kind of assisting with that because the carbs, again, I say carbohydrate helps hydrate the muscle.
Starting point is 00:57:21 It's probably, this is just a guess, probably helping solidify and bring into the muscles probably potassium and whatever the hell else is in your muscles, salt and magnesium, these different things that can maybe help the muscle contract harder. You can maybe make an argument for that. And then also it's just helping you with like an energy source. So if we're going back and forth and doing squats with like 315, the guy that maybe doesn't have the carbohydrates might start to, it might start to deteriorate. Obviously like there's
Starting point is 00:57:51 the fat adapted equation and everything else, but for bodybuilding terms, it's allowing you to have a great performance. And I think that's something that we're not, people aren't focused enough on that. They're focused on the scale. They're focused on dropping weight. It's like, no, let's have, let's fucking kick. If we kick ass in the gym, we're going to look better.
Starting point is 00:58:08 Andrew looks a lot better now than he did the two years ago. And it's because he's kicking ass in the gym. Exactly. Huge part of it. Yeah. Way different. And somebody kind of brought up a cool point or just comment. Let's say you go low,
Starting point is 00:58:22 little to no carbs all week. You have a refeed day. How long can you ride those carbs? Like, is that just going to be for the next workout the next day? Or do you think you guys will feel it for the next like two, three days? That's an awesome question. Yeah. I don't really have a direct, you know, I don't have like a scientific answer for that, but I do know a lot of people have utilized keto with like these 72 hour or so. That's just, I don't think the actual number matters, but they go three to five days without carbohydrates and then they'll have a refeed.
Starting point is 00:58:51 But I think that's probably, that's pretty hard to like answer that like super direct. I always go back to Jay Cutler. Look, if we're going to have carbs in the diet, let's, let's not be fancy. Let's just be consistent. Why not just have a little bit of carbs every day? And if it surrounds your workout and it helps blow up the muscles a little bit more, and again, let's go back to performance. If it's helping with the performance, then I think that's where we want to focus on. And it really depends on the amount of carbs that this person's used to eating. It's almost like, again, getting ready for a bodybuilding show.
Starting point is 00:59:26 The week before, the carbs usually lower to the earlier part of the week. You feel a little bit of flat. You feel a little bit depleted. When you have that excess carbs on the day before, honestly, even myself, I see people ride that way for maybe three to four days if it's a good amount of carbs.
Starting point is 00:59:40 They'll feel pretty good for about three days, maybe even four if it's like 600 or something grams of carbs. then you know they won't but i don't really see the reason especially just if you're if you're just training right and you're let's say you're trying to get bigger or you're trying to get leaner rather than having that big surplus you could just spread that through a few days so you don't have to feel like crap for multiple days you know if you don't have to you know i think that makes i think it makes a lot of sense yeah just just spread it out is there any way we can eat cereal you can't you know what i mean though you should but that's the one thing i miss more than anything
Starting point is 01:00:16 right now cereal that's you know that's that's why i think it's it's good that i mean we we have all these guests on because i don't necessarily think like it's a bowl of cereal you know once a week or something's gonna hurt you but in the in the macros community or the ifym community you could have cereal every day i used to think that way so when i started tracking i was like man i could in, like, just a protein shake with plain Cheerios. Yeah. But the problem is I'd end up eating, like, you know, half for a whole box. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:00:54 Here's how I think you could cheat the system with something like that. I think you could use that pre-workout. Because pre-workout is like how much of that? You want to risk it and, like, down how much of that? You want to risk it and like down a bunch of that before you go to training and have all that in your stomach? Probably not.
Starting point is 01:01:10 So maybe you would have a, like maybe, maybe try, maybe try like a different strategy, like rather than pouring it into a bowl, maybe pour it into like a mug or cup, you know,
Starting point is 01:01:18 like try to, try to screw yourself over on purpose so you can't, you can't like have this giant surplus of it. But I've done stuff like that and I've done stuff like that even on like keto diets and stuff. The rules are, you know, the rules are like whatever you want to do with them. You know, you can, you have this certain caloric amount that's allowed each day. And as long as you're not doing too many things that are uh like insulting to your metabolism and
Starting point is 01:01:46 to the general makeup of your body then i think you're good like if you're not dumping in a bunch of weird uh fried foods and not having a lot of processed food but like some cereal here and there in the grand scheme of things there's your i found my one yeah some some uh cereal and some stuff like that i i don't i cannot see how it's really going to hurt you. But I'll finish with this part too. If you're going to eat fat, then try to go that route more and you're going to want to bring the carbohydrate level down to something reasonable. It might be a little different for each person, but if you're eating a lot of steak and a lot of fat and a lot of protein, if you're eating high amounts of carbs with that, you will get fatter.
Starting point is 01:02:27 There's absolutely no question in my mind of that. It's not because there's this weird synergy of carbs and fat that come together and make you fatter. It's just you end up with a large caloric surplus and you'll end up gaining weight that way. If you choose to eat a lot of carbohydrates, you want to eat a lot of carbohydrates, you'll have to choose leaner cuts of steak. You might have to have some white fish and stuff like that here and there. You might want to have egg whites. You know, I think egg yolks are great and there's tremendous value to them, but you may have to watch the amount of grams of fat that you have in a day if you're eating a lot of carbohydrates, because that could also end up contributing to gaining fat. It'll be really easy to overeat if you have both.
Starting point is 01:03:06 We've talked about this so much. I do like, like when I work with a few people, I let them have like variable macros. What that means is like, they'll have the same amount of calories and they'll have the same amount of protein each day. But on certain days that they want to have more carbs, they have to have a little bit less fat.
Starting point is 01:03:24 And usually like for some people, they can have a minimum of 70 fat every single day. You know, I don't want them going below 70, but if they want to have higher carbs that day, maybe their carbs are around, let's just use random numbers here, 210, right? On a day that they really want to have higher fat, maybe around 130, 140. Okay. You got to drop your carbs to around, I'm guessing that's like 120, 130. So it hits the same amount of calories. Um, just 120, 130. So it hits the same amount of calories. Just allowing you to make sure you hit the same amount of calories.
Starting point is 01:03:49 You maintain that deficit and you're still trending along. Some people do really well that way. They have a little bit of flexibility. And I do think there is a strength. Like you said, you go from diet to diet, right? You don't want to totally cut out apples or blueberries, et cetera, because they don't do anything bad for you. You like those.
Starting point is 01:04:04 I think it's good allowing yourself to be a little bit flexible with that so that you can have different foods. Not so you can eat junk food all the time, but I mean, I don't see myself really cutting out fruit. It's not that bad. It's not bad for me. If I can be flexible and allow these foods in, I don't have to eliminate them. I don't see necessarily the reason why you should, if you're not having adverse effects again, talked about this eliminate total food groups there's some times a year where you're like man that orange looks really damn good it's funny we say oh oranges you can't have oranges yeah there's certain times a year where you're just like man that just looks really good like you know fruit is pretty seasonal and sometimes you get uh you're like just want it yeah why not go for it and like i i drink coconut water here and there and you know
Starting point is 01:04:49 i think you had some uh worlds right yeah yeah i used to drink coconut a lot when i was like playing soccer tons of potassium yeah my soccer coach like that was that was the thing that he suggested for us but that that coconut water was really clutch that day yeah it makes a big difference yeah did you guys ever have any problems sleeping well on keto or mark if you ever had any That coconut water was really clutch that day. Yeah, it makes a big difference. Did you guys ever have any problems sleeping well on keto? Or Mark, if you ever had any issues like that? No. I think sometimes being in a caloric deficit can make you a little fidgety.
Starting point is 01:05:23 It can make sleep a little bit harder. And I never noticed anything from like necessarily low carb i think oh you know some of these symptoms that people run into as and sema pointed out earlier it's just it's just uh it might take time you know it might take time for you to get used to uh get used to the nutrition and everything yeah and some people aren't used to going to sleep on an empty well not an empty stomach but like a half full stomach less a lot of people like to like eat a lot so if your stomach's full and you feel tired okay but if it's not you're just like oh yeah i was actually surprised when andy galpin said to just like pound a bunch of food right before bed to help you sleep through the night that was the first time i've ever heard that yeah people yeah people have been saying
Starting point is 01:06:02 different things i mean i don't know, from an evolutionary standpoint, it might make sense. Like, you feel like you're safe. Maybe you are in a cave or something like that, and it's nighttime, and you, yeah, polish off some food, and you just lay down. Maybe that's, I don't know, maybe that's the way people did stuff. I have no idea. Yeah. What about chicks kind of going to get their body fat tested and being a little upset at the results? What about chicks kind of going to get their body fat tested and being a little upset at the results? So for anybody getting their body fat tested, you know, first of all, you know, figure out what's going to be the next move after this body fat test. Are you going to get the same body fat test again or are you going to try to get a different, you know, you want to match it up with whatever you're getting tested. So that's important. That's really important that you, that you have the same form of testing. I don't really understand why you would get your body fat tested if you're kind of fat. Cause I don't really know. I don't really know what the feedback, the feedback wouldn't be great. Now, if you're, if you're like 15% and you're a guy and you're trying to get down to like – you're trying to see if your diet is working correctly to keep the muscle mass on as you lose body fat. And same thing if you're a girl and you're like – girls are usually higher.
Starting point is 01:07:15 If they're 20%, they're trying to get down to 15%. Some of that makes some sense. But I usually advise people against messing around with body fat checks because they can be all over the place they can they really can be just they can it can be a nightmare i think the best things like especially when you're heavier it's always best to meet maybe just like track how your clothes fit over time i think a lot of people neglect that because i've i've had individuals like oh i didn't see a body fat difference. Okay. Well, tell me about the way your clothes fit. Well, actually I'm like three belt notches,
Starting point is 01:07:49 you know, deeper. My shirt's a little bit looser. Oh, I am taking measurements. My waist is like three inches less. So like a lot of times body fat measurements can be super inaccurate. And just like these simple things of seeing the way shirts fit or taking certain measurements around certain areas, your body can make a bigger difference. That's why I don't just depend. And I wouldn't say it's always good to depend on the scale or body fat test because the scale can range. You go to sleep, you wake up, you drink a lot of water, have some salt, and you're five pounds heavier. That scale can be a bitch.
Starting point is 01:08:20 So these other measurements can help out. Yeah, and the reason why I ask because there was a couple that had come in to the seminar that we had recently and like, yeah, we both did our body fat test and it's like, man, he barely did anything. He lost all kinds of fat and me, I worked my ass off and I didn't lose anything. So I think what I was asking was like in comparison to a man, like it's very different for a female. it's very different for a female. Yeah. Women do say that a lot, but I think that, I think that some of that might have to do with, uh, I think that the guy, I think that the guys in terms of like diet and training, the men are a little bit more bought into like, look, if I train hard, if I lift hard, then I'm going to gain muscle mass and that's going to make this whole process a lot easier. So I think that's why the men have a little bit of an advantage over some females. There's some females that have a lot of muscle mass. And there's some females that you put them on a diet and boom, they lose 20 pounds.
Starting point is 01:09:14 It's kind of for the same reason why it might work for a guy, just because they simply have more muscle mass. And it might just take, you know, for each person, it might just take some, some figuring out, it takes time to lose weight. Yeah. It takes time to figure out exactly what's going to work for you, what you can stick to.
Starting point is 01:09:34 And the worst thing is like, yeah, I see that a lot when like both, both a husband and a wife are doing something, but guys just, you know, he's just trending down all the time and she's not moving forward as fast. It's hard to see someone else doing that and comparing yourself to them, and you're not nearly at their speed. But let's break it down for a second.
Starting point is 01:09:51 What woman do we know that is just hammering an onslaught of food all the time? There's no one in my circle that i can think of that just hammers food that's a chick you know they can eat i know some girls i can pound some food right but i don't know any girls where i'm like oh shit like you know that girl gets after it when it's like time to eat but how many guys do i know tons of guys and so like where are the guys coming from versus where are the women coming from? The guys that are in these relationships that are dropping 30 pounds, it's like the motherfucker had the worst habits in the world. You're right.
Starting point is 01:10:31 He was drinking like five Cokes a day. He was smoking cigarettes. He was going out and drinking with his buddies on Friday night and eating a bunch of buffalo wings and eating like a goddamn savage and having ice cream when he comes home from being drunk and stuff. Girls don't, I mean, I know there's probably some girls that do that, but like, I, I haven't really been exposed to a lot. I haven't seen a lot of that.
Starting point is 01:10:52 So I think when the girls get upset and they're like, all he did is cut out pizza and, and soda and he lost 30 pounds. And it's like, yeah, cause he's fucking fat. Cause, cause he does it all the time and he weighs 270. That, no, like, and the weighs 270 that no like and the reason behind that is like it's not when some women that are listening to this i know this isn't all women but there are a lot of women that like they're sedentary and they don't eat a lot of food right so they have some bad habits and they do gain fat slowly over time so they're gaining fat with a
Starting point is 01:11:19 repressed metabolism and they kind of have to go at it backwards they need to slowly eat more food and do more activity so that their metabolism can speed up and then they can lose weight while these guys that are hammering food down just need to eat a little less and work out a little more and they're good. And the girls before they were trying to be skinny as it was and they are kind of getting skinny fat. Yeah. Yeah. And it wasn't working because they were already doing something that wasn't working well for them. They actually need to move backwards. So that makes a lot of sense too. It's frustrating.
Starting point is 01:11:49 It really is. Oh, girls get pissed. They're like, oh, he just cut out soda. He lost a bunch of weight. I don't know if you're standing there when I spoke to this couple, but that's exactly what she said. She's like, he just stopped drinking soda and he's dropped all kinds of weight. But like the girls probably drinking diet soda. So it's like it's I guess the point is it's not a drastic enough change.
Starting point is 01:12:09 You know, I've helped a lot of people lose weight. Some people will say, look, you know, I'm super active. I do a I do B. I do C. I do all this stuff. I'm like, well, that's that's normal for you. You might swim five miles every day. And guess what? Like it's going to, you're going to be the same fatness unless you make other changes. There's gotta be, there's gotta be some real changes here. Maybe you need to stop swimming for a while and maybe you need to like lift weights, uh, or maybe need to swim a little bit
Starting point is 01:12:38 less and lift weights. Or maybe you need to, you know, somebody might say, I play a lot of tennis or I play a lot of golf. I'm outside a lot. I walk a lot. I move around a lot. It's like, well, you weigh 280 because of you weigh 280. You're in these circumstances because this is what your body's used to and this is what you weigh. You know, and so you're going to have to figure out some way to add in more exercise or a better way of eating or something. You got to make some sort of change. And you've got to figure out a way to make it consistent over a long period of time
Starting point is 01:13:11 because it's really like, especially when changing these habits, it's so easy for a lot of people to just fall off. Like four or five weeks, not no difference. Okay, well, this doesn't work. It's not for me. They put their hands up like, oh, man. I've tried everything. Tried everything. We're going, this doesn't work. It's not for me. They put their hands up. Like, oh, man. I've tried everything. Tried everything.
Starting point is 01:13:28 We're going to wrap this one up. My boy and Seema's got another podcast to hop on. It was good having you guys listening to our video games and our porn and our food and our whatever the hell else we talked about on this show. We talked about the free shipping today. And, yeah, we did talk about it. We have free shipping. No, we're not giving stuff away for free, are we?
Starting point is 01:13:46 So I think you're not satisfied with just the free shipping. You're actually giving people five bucks. I don't want to give people five bucks. No, you are. I'll be at their door. I accidentally said that already. So I have to now tell the department that changes all the codes and all that stuff that we're going to give people five bucks today too.
Starting point is 01:14:05 Oh my God. Five bucks to the strong squad members. Yes. Yes. If you're a strong squad member, you get $5 today. And, uh,
Starting point is 01:14:13 and SEMA will show up at your door delivering a very large package. Let's just say, yeah, just, uh, be ready. He's in that, uh,
Starting point is 01:14:22 strongest gym in the West thong says you can read it on the front. It's the strongest gym in the West thong. It says, you can read it on the front, it's the strongest gym in the West. Get the point picture. Have some lotion or lube on the counter ready. Okay? Cool. Strength is never a weakness. Weakness is never a strength.
Starting point is 01:14:38 Catch you guys later.

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