Mark Bell's Power Project - Mark Bell's Power Project EP. 224 Live - The Best Lookin' Podcast in the World

Episode Date: June 25, 2019

Today the guys talk about negative YouTube comments and some of the blow back Andrew Zaragoza and SARMageddon have gotten. Mark Bell gives us an update on his current diet and Nsima Inyang explains ho...w much he loves eating liver and his experience with dieting to get stage ready. Somewhere in the middle of all this, the guys got a little race-y. ➢SHOP NOW: Enter Discount code, "POWERPROJECT" at checkout and receive 15% off all Sling Shots Find the Podcast on all platforms: ➢Subscribe Rate & Review on iTunes: ➢Listen on Spotify: ➢Listen on Stitcher: ➢Listen on Google Play: ➢Listen on SoundCloud:  FOLLOW Mark Bell ➢ Instagram: ➢ Facebook: ➢ Twitter: ➢ Snapchat: marksmellybell Follow The Power Project Podcast ➢ Instagram: Follow Nsima Inyang ➢ Instagram:  Podcast Produced by Andrew Zaragoza ➢ Instagram:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 yeah people are negative as shit on youtube joe rogan does a whole like bit on it he talks a lot about like people just being negative online in general and then he just he talks about like the comments on youtube just being on a whole nother level hnl yeah yeah they really are yeah and i think he said he's like it always turns uh like homophobic or racial like that's just like the end like that's, it always turns like homophobic or racial. Like that's just like the end. Like that's where it always goes. Homophobic is when you're scared to leave the house, right?
Starting point is 00:00:34 That's perfect. Yeah. That's exactly what it is. We're all a little homophobic, I guess. Yeah, I think so. No, no, no. Let's backtrack on that real quick. And soundbite recorded, posted.
Starting point is 00:00:48 Yeah. Why is that even a thing? Why would you be scared of someone who has a different preference than you? Who cares? Because you think they're going to do you. I'm not trying to say that's the truth. Yeah, get over yourself, right? Yeah, people are really out here thinking.
Starting point is 00:01:02 Well, they are. I mean, if I was a guy and I was hunting for other dudes, I'd hunt for myself, of course, right? I mean, I think that's where you want to get to, like your physique, right? You want to be so hot that if you were pursuing another man, you would pursue yourself. Yeah. I think that's, yeah. I think I've reached that goal.
Starting point is 00:01:19 Nice. You're there. So are you. And so are you, too. I'm almost there. You're there, man. You got that supple beard. It's the best looking podcast god damn world fuck everybody else
Starting point is 00:01:31 yeah i think well yeah the youtube comments for some reason i mean i don't know it's like uh i don't know if it's like somehow more anonymous or something maybe it's like uh i don't know if it's like somehow more anonymous or something maybe it's like it's less interactive i guess right so like if you say something on instagram or facebook you might get blasted back by somebody they might say something back but youtube comments they just they kind of just uh they they kind of they don't like die out but like not everyone this the person that posts it i don't think really goes back to it i guess is my point like they just drop it and they drop some hate on you and then they go drop some hate on somebody else yeah on uh like for sarmageddon and stuff people like they'll say
Starting point is 00:02:14 what they say on the youtube side and then somebody the other day was like man everyone's so much nicer on your instagram i was like yeah i'm not i don't know what it is but yeah they are takes more effort to make an Instagram profile, right? A burner account, right? Than it does for like a burner YouTube account. So that's why YouTube's so bad because you can just make all these different accounts. And you know a lot about this. All the hateful comments are coming from him, I think.
Starting point is 00:02:38 Hey, we're real talk. Like that's why YouTube is so bad. You could just make so many burners and then just trash people. And you don't get reprimanded for it. It's cool how long YouTube's been around for. Because a lot of social media stuff tends to come and go. They had MySpace and Facebook, at least for our age, seems like it's not a thing as much anymore. And Instagram is here, and that'll probably come and go.
Starting point is 00:03:04 And maybe there'll be some different version of it. But yeah, YouTube has been around for a long time and I think it'll be around. I mean, I don't see it going anywhere. Isn't it the biggest search platform on the internet at this point? Yeah, pretty much should be.
Starting point is 00:03:17 I mean, I always recommend that to people. I think it's obviously they, they are owned by Google. So it's a similar, it's a similar thing. But I think that trying to sift through searches on Google is a lot harder in my opinion. I mean,
Starting point is 00:03:29 sometimes you don't find like real stuff until you get to like a second or third page and who does that much research, you know, who wants to really look that deep into something. Yeah. And you had recommended people like search on YouTube instead of Google. And you're absolutely right. Like you get all kinds of garbage on Google searching, but YouTube, you actually can get directly to like whatever you're looking for. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:49 I mean, try to type in how to fix something on Google. I mean, just as an example, and there's so much great information on YouTube, you might get right to, you know, two, three videos that are just right there listed on the top for you that are perfect for what you're looking for. Mm-hmm. Exactly. Like if you want to look up SARM, SARMageddon pops up. I think too with SARMageddon, I think it seemed like in the very beginning when you first posted,
Starting point is 00:04:15 there was like no negative comments. No, and I think that has to do with it being on the podcast channel first. So like people, they recognize me. They knew my story. They knew who I was. And then when it went to the big big channel with you know over 400 000 subscribers yeah people like who the like who's this guy like what's this all about well i think people hate on it too because it's popular like you've done a good job with it so like then people they gotta find something i don't know that's just like people do that they gotta find something to be pissed off about
Starting point is 00:04:43 yeah i want to find something wrong with what you're doing. Yeah. Oh, and that's the other thing. It 100% does not matter whatsoever what I actually do in real life. People know for a fact that that's inaccurate. Yeah. Like it doesn't matter. They're just like, oh, well, you're finally eating now.
Starting point is 00:05:02 Whereas before you weren't like, well, I mean, i didn't know you followed me before all of this you know you weren't eating before yeah here to confirm that see you guys heard it um but yeah the the cool thing is like people reach out on instagram through dms and stuff and it's all been super positive and that's been really cool to hear from people you know a lot of people in my same situation or just some people are saying like hey i had no idea what SARMs even were so that's a double-edged sword because it's like okay well now you know what they are don't abuse it however it's it's amazing that you didn't know they existed yeah and yeah it's it's like and the hardest part right now is like finding like people who
Starting point is 00:05:45 are opposed to it right now. It's hard to find people opposed to it? Yeah. Yeah. There's somebody I got to email back. Hopefully they'll be able to like say some negative things about it. But every person that has said something bad about it, I try to get them on and they're just like, ah, you know, like I just don't want to bother.
Starting point is 00:06:01 Like, okay, fine. But for the most part, yeah, it's been like so positive. I don't want people to think that like i'm like a shill or you know like it's just i'm just documenting everything that's happening right now i do like the depth that you're putting into it man though because like you know you're you're you're finding people that are like you know backing you and telling you what you want to do but you're also trying to find people that are really that are opposed to it so you're trying to get both sides of the story which most people don't do that so kudos yeah i think maybe most people don't know enough about it to really go too hard on the negative side of it you know i mean obviously people can say
Starting point is 00:06:32 oh man i think that sucks that you jumped in on that or whatever but you've explained your story so many times you know so people will always they'll always say whatever you leave out you know i do one chain video and i don't say that they deload at the bottom and they're heavy at the top and people are like what are the chains for and i've been saying it for you know 12 years basically yeah no that's absolutely true leave that one thing out and they're going to jump all over you yeah yeah yeah if i don't explain it for every video like i haven't been doing that but i'm not going to do that but it's like if you don't watch this episode then you're not going to understand this other episode. But yeah, I mean, those that do watch it and follow it,
Starting point is 00:07:09 like I really appreciate it because they actually pay attention and they're smart and they're learning stuff. Well, and for people that are saying like, you know, maybe you're just putting in more effort because you're taking them. What's wrong with that? That is the other thing. Yeah. Hey, if I could take a pill that could make me work harder, then even if the pill actually doesn't do anything if in semen's like dude like this what i've been taking the last couple years is how i'm so jacked because i'm able to out train
Starting point is 00:07:35 everybody like i might be like well shit man like yeah he's in pretty good shape you know yeah and that's try it i i don't understand like do you want me to take some arms and go sit down on the couch and see if it works right i'm not gonna potentially harm my body and not give it my all you know um i in the uh in this week's video you know people said i'll just like i'm more focused now and yeah i'd be lying if I said I wasn't going to try a little extra because now I'm enhanced. I am a little extra now. So, I mean. You also took it at the right time, too.
Starting point is 00:08:12 If you would have taken it, it wouldn't have really worked. You know, if you would have taken it in the very beginning, I don't think you would have been like, I don't think it did anything. Right. Because you, you know, you admitted to me that you weren't that consistent and that kind of stuff. You had trouble with your food. And it wasn't until you and I got together and started training together more that a lot of that started to flip around. But you had a lot of that in order. You had a good year of training and probably another year of eating well or at least trying different diets, trying different things, and learning what fit well on you.
Starting point is 00:08:45 Some people are probably listening going, oh, a year, that's not that long. Some people work on it for six years or eight years, and then they take steroids or they take whatever. But you were already training before that. You were already trying before that too, so there's even a further story kind of behind all that. Yeah, and then so the other thing, I want this to be a huge part of
Starting point is 00:09:05 storm again and so this will be like a bit of a spoiler but like i'm going to sit down with you and talk about like okay how long have we been training together at this point it's about two years right um before this whole thing first started i gained about a pound like i didn't gain any weight in about a year and a half. And then now all of a sudden after five weeks, it's like I gained 15 pounds. That's not because I'm eating now. Like, I mean, if that is the case, then please show me like another person, novice experience lifter, whatever that can go from not gaining weight to gaining 15 pounds in five weeks all because they just decided to start eating like that to me that doesn't sound natural i'm sure
Starting point is 00:09:50 it can be possible but for somebody who hasn't been able to gain weight i can't imagine that being normal yeah it's obviously not just because you're eating more but it did didn't it did ramp up your appetite just a little absolutely yeah but like you wouldn't have had that appetite if you didn't. No, no, not at all, no. Yeah, so it's definitely, I mean, it's working. I've been throwing down some more food as of late. You know, I've kind of mentioned before, I've done a lot of keto diets before.
Starting point is 00:10:19 I've done the carnivore diet before. And usually in both cases, I've kind of done them to lose weight. Even on the carnivore diet before. And usually in both cases, I've kind of done them to lose weight. Even on the carnivore diet, it wasn't really intentional on trying to lose weight, but I definitely was eating a lot less food because I was utilizing intermittent fasting and carnivore diet, which doesn't have a lot of carbohydrates or pretty much no carbohydrates, the version I was doing then. And so I lost weight. and so I wanted to see what it would feel like more from a performance standpoint after having Paul Saladino here and I've been incorporating liver and you know I have a few things that maybe some other people don't have on a carnivore diet
Starting point is 00:10:56 I have some dairy I digest I feel like I digest dairy okay I don't feel like there's any problems with it or anything um but i'm trying this as an experiment to see if i can like keep some size get in better shape still perform really well in the gym really like not lose weight i guess stay about the same body weight wise but maybe get a little stronger or pack on some more muscle and maybe even get rid of some like inflammation and stuff you're doing this with carnivore or keto carnivore right now. Yeah, right. So carnivore diet, you know, normally is kind of like a little off base of a keto style
Starting point is 00:11:32 diet because the macros are a little higher in protein than they are in fat. And when you're on a ketogenic diet, as you know, you need the fat to be quite a bit higher. So in this case, that's what I'm trying to do, but I still am eating quite a bit of meat, so the protein's probably still fairly high. But yeah, what I'm trying to have produce more ketones. And I think people run into trouble on some of these diets. They try a carnivore diet, they try a keto diet,
Starting point is 00:11:59 or they try like a low-carb diet, and they're kind of missing, they're missing certain elements of the picture. Like if you're going to try like low carb, first of all, if you're going to try any diet, I don't think it's a good idea to go in a caloric deficit unless you're what I would consider like a dieting veteran. If you've done it before and you've lost, you know, more than, you lost more than 10 pounds in the past through various diets. And I would say you're a vet and you're good to go. And you could probably just say, I'm just going to reduce some calories coming up, but it's not great to try anything new and lower the, lower
Starting point is 00:12:35 the, um, amount of calories you're taking in. It's the equivalent of, it's equivalent of saying, um, it's equivalent of doing, of doing some sets of deadlift. And let's say your max is 405. You work up to 405 and you're like, now I'm going to try it on a three inch deficit. It's like, can we go back down and wait first? How about we go back down to 225? See how that feels so that we don't get hurt. Because if we get hurt, we're reduced to nothing. So it's not a great idea.
Starting point is 00:13:03 A lot of things in life, it is kind of good to jump in and not know the temperature of the water jump right into the deep end but for a lot of these things when it comes to your body and it comes to you know nutrition and stuff in my opinion it's best to put your toes in the water first and see like does this is this gonna work like is this okay is this too cold? Is this too hot? Is this going to work for me? That's the way I like to do it. And how have you found it in terms of the way you're performing right now? Because right now, from what I've been seeing in terms of your workouts, you're doing a lot of cardio in the morning with Andrew and Ben.
Starting point is 00:13:37 Yeah, exactly. You guys are doing a lot of that, not just lifting. And you're not eating any carbs right now, right? Right. So there's a small amount of carbohydrates in there. I'm not doing 100% of what Paul suggested just for flavor purposes. So like some of the bone broth I have has some vegetables in it. I made this like giant crock pot thing the other day, and it had some onions in it and stuff. But it's like, if I don't have like onions and salt in there and like some carrots and stuff that it just doesn't, it doesn't taste
Starting point is 00:14:09 good enough to like kind of go through it, you know? So I have a small amount of stuff in there. And then carbohydrate sources, I guess some is coming from dairy. But yeah, there's not a lot of carbohydrates. There's no deliberate, I'm not like sitting down eating a bunch of potatoes or rice or anything like that. And I feel awesome. I feel really good during the training sessions. It's only been a few days. I've only been kind of doing this for the last four or five days. I've added in some liver.
Starting point is 00:14:37 Those of you that don't like liver, there's a bunch of different ways you can go about kind of mixing it into your diet. You can get it in hamburger patties. Sometimes there's some places that will do that, some butchers that will do that for you to grind it right into your beef, which is, you know, kind of blunts the potency of the flavor of it. And for me, I've been chucking it in my stuff that I've been making in the crock pot. That's been pretty easy. I don't mind the taste of it. It's not like I love it. I don't love it as much as I like, you know, eat a ribeye.
Starting point is 00:15:12 But it's super nutritious, you know. So, I mean, if we're thinking about like things that we've done for those gains, right? I mean, think about like the leg torture you put yourself through to try to get your legs to grow or think about the disgusting things that you've had. I see a lot of people just scooping pre-workout right into their mouth. It's like, dude, like you're going to trip about eating. You're going to trip about eating some liver with some salt on it. I mean, to me, like just scooping powder in your mouth, that seems pretty hard, too. You know?
Starting point is 00:15:40 Yeah. I've been sending pictures to Andrew and smoky just to show them how how raw i'm eating my liver it's it's strong but it's not bad man like i gotta say it's it's it's it's like a little afternoon snack i like it i really do yeah it's just a few ounces of it every day right yeah i think just the fact that you can get it and just like gulp it down like that's not bad but i know you like to actually like i like to chew you like to enjoy it like to tongue swirl chew it's good get those vitamins in there get those vitamins man but yeah no the liver is really great i'm i like having it added in and i don't know if i physically
Starting point is 00:16:17 like feel much different right now but i mean knowing how much vitamins it has in it like why not right yeah it's literally like taking a multivitamin that your body can actually absorb. A lot of times take a multivitamin and then when you pee, you just pee all these strange colors and stuff like that. So this is something that your body is going to be able to absorb a lot better. Yeah. But some mistakes I see being made are, you know, when somebody is on like a ketogenic diet, a lot of times they don't eat enough fat diet a lot of times they don't eat enough fat
Starting point is 00:16:46 a lot of times they don't have enough salt and a lot of times they end up saying they feel like shit so there's there's a couple things that could happen there sometimes somebody will be on a keto diet but they're not really on an actual keto diet they're more like on a low carb diet and so it's like well your body's still probably trying to rely on those carbohydrates and you're not really giving your body enough of them to to feel OK. So that would mean you have to like up your you've got two options. You either up the carbohydrates or you lower them and you increase the fat. If you increase the fat, here's where ketones can be important. The ketones can help with staying full longer.
Starting point is 00:17:24 The ketones can help be an energy source for you. But if we think that we, if we just ride in the middle and we're in a caloric deficit, we're not really in ketosis and we are very carb depleted and we're in a caloric deficit. Where's the energy coming from? Yeah. Probably not going to really feel that great.
Starting point is 00:17:41 We just have like protein in our system. Maybe we have a little extra fat than normal, but it's not enough to really produce the ketones. We're not, we're no longer really utilizing the carbohydrates as, as efficiently just because there's not enough of them there. Maybe we already use them up for the day. And that's when you start to get like headaches, dehydrate, dehydration problems. As I just pointed out as well, you know, you would make sure that salt content is in there. So try to choose as well, you know, you make sure that salt content is in there. So try to choose a lane, you know, choose a style, choose something that you're going to actually do. And if you're going to go on a low carb diet, I might recommend some carb cycling. Maybe you have some days where you eat a little bit more carbs. It doesn't necessarily have to be on a training
Starting point is 00:18:20 day or non-training day. You don't have to make it that technical. Just go by how you feel. If you're like, man, for whatever reason, I feel a little wiped out. Then when you go home that day, have at it, have some more carbohydrates. And then on the last note on that is, you know, don't view your carbohydrates as being pizza and ice cream and cereal, you know, view your carbohydrates as being something more nutritious than that. Yeah. Nowadays, even I'm still eating a moderate amount of carbohydrates, but I do exactly what you just mentioned right now on these that I know that I'm going to be doing two types of workouts that night before, not the day of the night before I'll, I'll pack in a lot of carbohydrates, a lot of rice, maybe some potatoes, but I'll usually have a lot of servings of rice that
Starting point is 00:19:02 night before to help me so I can perform the next day. A lot of people are also really fans of like having the carbohydrates around their workout. So maybe like an hour or two hours before their workout, they'll have their carbohydrates, which for me in the past has worked really, really well. I don't do that as much now, but it will work. But I usually just pack it in, especially when I know I'm going to be doing a lot of work. And it's not just the day of, it's the night before makes a big difference but when oh go ahead oh sorry dude um should rice be like my worst carb your worst carb yeah i love white rice like honestly like i don't have a problem with white rice yeah i'm only asking because i know like mark has said in the past
Starting point is 00:19:39 like there's really like nothing to it whereas like a potato there's actually like vitamins yeah yeah so exactly like rice for me is pretty much kind of like just fuel. Like seriously, that's the way I look at it. Um, it doesn't really have any other big, massive nutritional benefit other than helping me have energy for what I'm going to be doing the next day. I would say, uh, that rice is, um, it's super convenient. Like you could even go to the store now and I, I don't know how long this has been out for, but I've just been made aware of it more recently. You can buy rice in these like bags.
Starting point is 00:20:10 It's like 90 grams of carbs. You just throw the damn thing in the microwave. It's already like cooked. It's really literally just heating it up with some steam. And I have had the rice before that you put like in the cup with the water in it, and I've had that before, and that's not very good. It like, I don't know, all falls apart and just doesn't taste that good. But this other kind of rice is actually really good, and it's simple to cook up.
Starting point is 00:20:35 So if you're heavier and you're trying to lose weight, then I would go against rice because it's too convenient and it's too easy to eat too much of it. Pack it down. Right. You can pack it down. If you're trying to gain or you want to really feel good during the workouts, that's where rice could really be.
Starting point is 00:20:50 I mean, it'd be so simple to bring it here to work, you know, but you can't really cook. You can kind of cook a potato here at work because you can kind of microwave them, but not really. Yeah. It doesn't really come out that good. So the rice has that advantage of just allowing you to eat more food. Yeah. I was just going to say that I utilize it just to help me eat more protein. Yeah. There's also on the rice you were talking about, there's this one called Bibigo.
Starting point is 00:21:14 It's a sticky rice that you can actually warm up and it tastes amazing. It's an amazing sticky rice that you could just warm up for 90 seconds in your microwave. So yeah, I mean, I just pretty much use that as fuel, but on what you were mentioning you were mentioning like bounce that shit off the floor it's like silly buddy it's so good man like you could have so many servings of it it's amazing um but as far as the the keto yeah man oh god i love that stuff i bought like three packs with 20 i have 24 at home right now it's so good but um in terms of the the keto or going higher fat in terms of like athletes i think we were talking about this the other day athletes don't give themselves that much time to get adapted to using fat as their main energy source uh i think a lot of performance athletes definitely don't because once we again once we start feeling that kind of lag of not having enough carbs and kind of quit, just quit and you don't do that.
Starting point is 00:22:10 But there's this wrestler and I don't know, I have to find his IG name because he's an, he's a pretty prominent guy in the wrestling community. And he's talking about how, you know, athletes don't need carbs to exercise or whatever. And he, but, and he's doing very high cardiovascular work and he, he's a keto athlete. Like that's the thing. He performs at an extremely high level. I got to find them, but it's very possible. It's just, we're scared. Like we really are scared to let go of the carbs because we're fed that carbs are the main way that you're going to have energy during any of your workouts. And if you don't have them, you're not going to, you're not going to perform well. And for performance athletes, that is the holy grail
Starting point is 00:22:47 of everything. You, you have to perform. And if you can't, why, why are you doing it? Yeah. It kind of goes back to that thing from, uh, efforting where he says, you know, in the, uh, empire state building, he's like, you can take the stairs or you can take the, you know, or you can take the elevator. And he's like, he thinks carbs are kind of the elevator, the elevator to the top. It's just easier. It's more convenient. And I think that that's probably the case with a lot of athletes.
Starting point is 00:23:12 But I do wonder, what is it doing? Burning up all these carbohydrates all the time, I wonder if there's any cost to it. I wonder if it's costing us our health in some way. And we don't really know because we don't really have like athletes that pretty much survived most of their training years on like just a ketogenic style diet. I have noticed in the past when I've taken more fats and stuff, I definitely end up with good energy, but it's just different. You know, the quick dry energy of like a carbohydrate is so different
Starting point is 00:23:45 um you know try slugging down some fat before you go work out you know yeah uh just to have two tablespoons of like coconut oil before you train and yeah you're gonna feel yeah you're gonna feel like you're gonna die like that's gonna be you're gonna shit yourself probably um even if you did it a few hours before you trained, it still would probably just not, not feel great. So trying to get in like just fat is kind of hard. It's, it can be really hard. I think that's where kind of mixing in some fasting and some things like that.
Starting point is 00:24:17 Cause people ask like, what do you eat before a workout? Sometimes it's hard. Sometimes it's hard to get in a meal before workout. If you're trying to have like 70 percent come from fat it's not gonna it doesn't matter what you eat it doesn't matter if you eat like bacon or eggs or whatever it's just gonna kind of you know probably not sit so good so what i've been doing in those terms our workouts take a pretty long time by the time we warm up by the time we get to any of that cardio stuff,
Starting point is 00:24:46 it is a few hours later. So in the morning, if I am going to eat, I try to eat something, I try to eat a small meal. And that way, you know, that way it doesn't affect me too much. But that is the hardest part, I think, of a keto diet is like, you know, this guy who's wrestling, it's like, what's the guy doing before he wrestles? Eating sardines or something?
Starting point is 00:25:04 I mean, it's like, it could be gross. he wrestles eating sardines or something i mean it's like it could be gross yeah you know and it doesn't make you uh it's definitely way different than having um some like uh uh rice cakes or something like that or rice or whatever it would be that you'd have before a training session correction actually i think he's an olympic lifter i'll look i'll look him up i'll find you his information because it's just really interesting because he performs at an extremely high level. He's not just some gym goer like I think he is on TNUSA or something like that. But, yeah, exactly. I can't think of exactly what fats.
Starting point is 00:25:35 Have you actually done a ketogenic style diet? Straight keto? No. Very low carb? Yeah. So, no, I mean it's not – it wouldn't be a keto diet. He's scared, Andrew. No, like I but he's scared i know like like i am actually quite scared because i like the way i'm gonna turn you white bro i'm not sure about that
Starting point is 00:25:52 i mean from from everyone i see that does keto they tend to be of your pigmentation so i mean let's just be real about that but anyway what i was saying was like, I really, yeah, I, the thing is, is like, I'm performing so well. And I, what I do like is that I do need less carbs. I don't need to eat as many carbs as I did in the past. Just showing that I was eating too many. You know, I didn't need that many carbs to perform as much like, like I thought. So I like that aspect. But going straight, just, just like keto or it wouldn't be technically keto.
Starting point is 00:26:24 But going straight just like keto or it wouldn't be technically keto. I'd still be having high protein. But using fat as my only and main energy source, I'd be a little bit scared. I am a little bit scared to do that. I really am. I'm one of those athletes. And you'd be like, what's going to happen here? You know, I wonder like, I mean, you're fucking 7% body fat, right? So like if you, let's just say you lost weight like would it
Starting point is 00:26:45 benefit you in any way to lose to lose any weight you know like and what weight would you lose but like i don't know maybe someone can make an argument and say you know you would be more efficient if you just weighed 230 you know i don't know i don't know what the answer is that for maybe you would be maybe you wouldn't be for me personally that would that would include a lot of muscle loss at the same time right because getting down to that weight isn't just losing body fat anymore it's losing lean body mass and i want to hold on to that like i i started jujitsu at 265 i'm now like 245 um which is great it's withering away andrew like no but this is great i've been to blow away in the winds. I've been like this for like the last eight months to a year. Right.
Starting point is 00:27:26 So I'm not losing anymore. And I feel much better walking around like this. I can do like even more pull-ups because I'm lighter. Um, but I wouldn't want to lose like any more weight. I don't think that'd be beneficial for me until I get maybe older. I don't know, man,
Starting point is 00:27:40 that Russian guy that beat you at world. He was pretty skinny. Wow. Wow. Wow. Wow, wow, wow. He was. He was skinny. He didn't have a lot of muscle. He was 235.
Starting point is 00:27:53 I know, but he wasn't thick. But I was surprised. He wasn't thick, and he was 235. He was jacked. The way he held his weight was very interesting. Those damn Russians, man. They get you every time. It's like everything.
Starting point is 00:28:05 Like every movie, every contest, it's always the Russian at the top. That's our version of a black man. That's our answer. It's either a Russian or like a Viking. That's all we got over here. Russian or Viking. No, but yeah. I don't know if the Russians are known for big dicks, though.
Starting point is 00:28:23 We got to work on that. Maybe the Vikings are? With the way they speak and their voice I think they probably do It's pretty deep You gotta be kind of packing You gotta talk like that Need something down there
Starting point is 00:28:37 What you been doing Andrew? Trying to keep it together Back here Somebody's gotta make fun of every once in a while yeah i can't let him think he's perfect over here yeah and this was the last podcast the three of us had together all this went downhill now it's just uh and seem is going to do it remotely now remember that time and sema broke mark's back yeah yeah but you're even though your muscle you say your weight's going down like you still pulled 725 in the gym in the middle of all this yeah so what do
Starting point is 00:29:12 you equate that to is just being a savage yeah dude i really don't like i think it's just like keep like i still kept training so it's like i don't pull as heavy as often as i used to but i still keep the stimulus there and it's not like I've forgotten how to lift, right. Um, not losing much muscle, maybe becoming more efficient in the way that I move or utilize the muscle that I have to, I think that's part of it, but I can't say why, what I do know is that like my pulling strength hasn't reduced. My pushing strength has reduced. Um, even though I've been trying to keep pushing frequency up and that's partially because of like some things going on some owies but at the same time that that's reduced a little bit uh so i think it's just stuff i'm really good at we got a big training session coming up with michael trend as soon as you said owies that's all i
Starting point is 00:29:59 could think yeah yeah yeah michael trend by the way just for people that don't know if i haven't mentioned it before he doesn't have injuries he only has owies and i think that's part of what's kept them injury free is that his mindset is that shit just kind of hurts but it's not not a debilitating debilitating injury and so he won't even like really mention it he'll just like work around it like if his shoulder hurts he won't really he kind of would do it and sema just did right there and sema wasn't like man my shoulder's really fucked up i can't bench he just kind of left it at there's something weird going on over there and i can't press the way i'd like to which is different right but we got a big training session come up with him
Starting point is 00:30:37 we're gonna deadlift and and sema texted me and said he's gonna run a full peak going into that you have to if you want to even try to keep up with that guy. It's just going to be. He invited us to like lift and to go into his pool, like a pool party. Nice. And I'm like, okay, he wants to invite us all into like stuff that he's amazing at. And we're just going to get killed. We're all going to be shirtless at his house pretty much.
Starting point is 00:31:01 No, I know. I was going to swim with my shirt on. I'm just going to be the guy in the pool with the shirt on. I, you know, I'm really worried about the sun. I don't want to get cancer. You know,
Starting point is 00:31:11 you won't, you're going to have those rainbow undies and your shirt's going to be off. Yeah. That's an idea. I should whip those out, huh? Yeah, you should.
Starting point is 00:31:18 I got to ask him about SARMs. Oh, I'm curious about his thoughts on that. That'd be interesting. I should just bring a bunch of steroids there and be like oh look what I found in his refrigerator we'll just put them like under his seat cushions yeah
Starting point is 00:31:31 I'll just find out that he's been running SARMs the whole time big old giant Costco bottles of testosterone everywhere yeah it's gonna be great are we gonna be podcasting with him or yeah we're gonna be deadlifting and then we're going to his house for some food uh his wife's gonna cook up some stuff probably be
Starting point is 00:31:50 like it'll probably be like turkey and eggs yeah and uh yeah we'll podcast with him gonna hang out and he'll probably try to keep us hostage all day we'll see great i've never met him so that's gonna be interesting i've met him once but didn't really meet him. So it's going to be cool. Yeah. Have you, have you met him? Yeah. A bunch of times.
Starting point is 00:32:08 He's, he's just, he's a big teddy bear. Like he'll, he'll call you kid. He'll be super positive about you. And like, he'll like touch you.
Starting point is 00:32:18 And like with his like hand in this like weird way. Why? Like, why do you have like a shape right there? Like, no, no, no. like he just like he does he uses his middle finger to like touch your like shoulders or something oh so he likes to be like yes yeah like he'll just like he's very touchy yeah but it's so like come on kid there you go kid attaboy i'm just like i'm not one of your puppies man as if you're on display.
Starting point is 00:32:47 It's like you're doing lateral raises, and he'll be kind of doing this to your shoulder. Like, check out this shoulder. Check out this shoulder cap. Check out the delt right here. This is what we're working. This guy has great energy. You can tell, but he has great energy. That's awesome.
Starting point is 00:33:00 He does. He's super happy all the time. But that's probably because when you walk into his house, he has to take you through his trophy room. So I'd be pretty happy, too, if I had that set up. Do you have to walk through the trophy rooms? Oh, yeah. And he pretends it's all nonchalant. It's just kind of halfway scattered but halfway totally displayed on purpose.
Starting point is 00:33:18 Yeah, because he's like, oh, wait, because we knock on the front door. And he's like, oh, no, you guys got to go around the other way. Like, all right, I guess something's wrong with the front door. Or maybe it doesn't like the dogs to do whatever with it. You walk in, and there's just a shrine of all his trophies, his magazine covers. Oh, those old things. I forgot about that. I didn't even know you guys were coming through this way.
Starting point is 00:33:43 But in this video, I think he shows him touching mark the way i was just explaining or is it that he never misses reps either like he barely did that first rep and then he was somehow able to still get a second one oh where'd my screen go this is when robbie robinson like popped in on our on our bench stared me down. There he is. Yeah, Robbie Robinson, I asked him, I was like, do you want me to take a plate off, sir? And he just stared at me, and he went down on the bench, and he just started doing reps, and then he let go of it and got off the bench, and I was like, okay.
Starting point is 00:34:17 And he never talks, but if he does talk, he's got the deepest voice ever. He sounds like Darth Vader. Yeah, I didn't know who that was because he had the sunglasses and everything on. But you're like, oh, shit. These workouts are hard. Watch, see? Oh, yeah, there he goes.
Starting point is 00:34:33 See, there's the finger. Right there. He tried to get my nipple. See? Right. He does this. That finger, man. He moves his fingers around as if he's like uh like sprinkling
Starting point is 00:34:46 sprinkling uh magic on you or something dust yeah and he always knows where like the good lighting inside golds is he'll be like no no you gotta go over yeah he'll even move you that way he'll like put his arm around you and he'll just like move you and then he'll like he'll have the angle and it's like you don't need the angle you're fucking 280 how big is this like how tall is he too he's huge he's he's big man he's big yeah he's probably he's probably about your height or maybe a little taller are you six one or something or six two six two but i feel like yeah he's probably six two or six three yeah yeah he's up there i just remember the first time i was like we you know trained with him or whatever and or whatever, and just like, damn, it doesn't really make sense
Starting point is 00:35:28 because you're looking at him and it's like, dude, he's really big, but he's jacked. It's hard to wrap your head around it at first. And yeah, you'll see. It'll be a lot of fun, though. I think we're going to end up with an audible is my prediction. I think he's going to see in semen. He's going to be like, let's do some leg press.
Starting point is 00:35:48 Let's do some hack squats. I'm sure he's doing research right now and he's just like checking like, ah, no. I've told him about him before, but he doesn't know he's coming. Let's tell him that he has a really strong bench. Don't do that. No, no, no. Because watch. Look, we'll be like, dude, yeah, you got to watch out for his bench it's like incredible he'll look at you and be like all right guys let's deadlift
Starting point is 00:36:09 because if you tell if we tell him that you have a strong deadlift he's gonna be like um let's do something else let's just stay today yeah exactly oh lord this is gonna be fun either way i'm gonna enjoy it it'll get up get us all hyped up on bodybuilding for about a week and then we'll be like bodybuilding is dumb and we'll go we'll go back to doing everything else that we do how much do you weigh right now by the way uh i weigh about 240 240 and you said like like right now you said you're dropping body fat right because you look really really lean at 240 thank you it's true i like where this is going. Keep going. Okay. He's still married. He's still married.
Starting point is 00:36:47 Oh, yeah. Just to the game. He said Andy doesn't listen to this. No, she doesn't. She doesn't care. Even if I said we're not married, she wouldn't care. Yeah, but like right now with what you're doing, how far
Starting point is 00:37:03 do you think it'd be before you would be stage ready if you really had to cut that much body fat? I think maybe like, well, to be better than I was because there's no point in doing anything unless you're going to be better than you were before, right? So to be better than I was before, probably like five or six weeks. Five or six weeks? Maybe even a little bit less because like there's no, I'm not doing this. I'm doing some cardio cardio but it's different you know i'm not spending you know 30 minutes on a you know treadmill or 30 minutes on the uh goddamn stairmaster or anything like that you know so honestly though like it really makes you
Starting point is 00:37:34 think though like do you really need to suffer as much as you did to get to that body fat like knowing what you know now like do you need to eat as little as you did at that point to get there or do as much cardio because if you maintain this and just increase a little bit more, right, you just keep dropping, you could get there. I have a picture that came up on my phone, actually, I can show you. And I probably look, I probably look a little leaner now than I did this time last year when I was prepping for the show. Let's see if it'll pop up quick. But it was, yeah, here we go we go look look who's helping me with my posing right there that's this time last year yeah you yeah yeah and i actually
Starting point is 00:38:12 think i look i actually think i'm a little bit bigger right now maybe not maybe not quite as lean but very close to that yeah if not if not even i don't know it's hard to say but anyway yeah i think that, um, I could get in shape really fast. Yeah. Yeah. It just makes me, it just makes me think that like a lot of, even like my former contest preps, I don't think I'd need to put myself through a lot of that. Yeah. Yours were like 60 weeks. Yeah. Yeah. It was, it was, it was like 30 weeks or something. Yeah. I mean, I was going from 265 down to 229, right? But even at this point, I don't think I'd have to put myself through that much to get that lean.
Starting point is 00:38:49 I think I'd probably be a good 16, 18 weeks away. Did you use cardio or no? Oh, yeah. Yeah, a lot towards the end. And it was a lot of steady state cardio. But I don't think I'd need to do as much as I did to get that lean nowadays. Do you think you would still use some cardio? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:08 I do jujitsu until some point where I get too tired, and then I just do a lot of cardio for sure just so I could probably eat a little bit more food and feel better. Explain why. Explain why someone would do cardio. Because steady-state cardio, it has a bad reputation sometimes. So why do you think it's good for somebody to kind of lean out? And also, everyone keep in mind, we're talking about kind of getting on stage and bodybuilding show. So maybe you could talk about the importance of why you would do it for a bodybuilding
Starting point is 00:39:38 show. And maybe you can also talk about how someone can utilize it just to drop a couple LBs. So the main reason why you'd want to use steady state cardio is to help you to get into maybe a little bit deeper of a deficit without having to eat less food. That's what it's going to help with. So whether it's walking outside or, or, you know, just, I don't know, just doing some, a little bit of cardio on the machine, you know, 30 minutes or an hour or whatever. It helps you get into a bigger deficit. Now, the thing is, is that when you're thinking of high intensity interval training and something like ju jujitsu which would be again another form of just
Starting point is 00:40:10 high intensity type cardio it's very uh it taxes you you feel really tired and you actually need a lot of energy to do that and the thing is is that's really it's really good to do if you have more body fat on you because you have that energy to spare right you have that body fat to spare but when you start getting really really lean it doesn't matter the amount of on you because you have that energy to spare, right? You have that body fat to spare. But when you start getting really, really lean, it doesn't matter the amount of food you eat. You feel tired almost all the time. So if you were to try and bring up the motivation to go on a bike or go out and do some sprints or go do jujitsu, that's taxing. And then the reason why I'd probably not do jujitsu at a certain point is because my risk for injury is much higher. When you're much leaner and you have less body fat on you, there's, there's a reason why you
Starting point is 00:40:49 don't deadlift as often or as heavy or squat as heavy as you were before. Not just because you're weaker, but also because you're more injury prone. That's something that tends to happen. A lot of people at deeper parts of prep, they try to, let's just say, do a lot of the things that they were doing before and you should, but you just, you can't handle it. So they end up injuring themselves because they're injury prone. So that's why steady state cardio, again, you could still do that cardio. It's very simple. Your body just has to go through the motions. That's why I see a lot of these bodybuilders that are on the Stairmaster, right? Because it doesn't take much effort from them or they're
Starting point is 00:41:23 just walking on an incline because they're so damn lean that anything else would just feel like too much work. That's the main reason. I think the stair stepper is great because it's just hard enough. It can be challenging. When you were doing cardio for bodybuilding shows, was it ever, was it ever like, was it challenging at all? Like, was there any part of it challenging? Yeah, it felt like crap because I was so lean. But that's like anybody else who if I was higher body fat, it wouldn't have felt so bad. But I was so lean and my joints like hurt.
Starting point is 00:41:57 Yeah. Exactly, man. 30 minutes straight. Didn't want to do it. I did the. Sound like the mind bullet. Yeah. And yeah, no, I did the elliptical because it was like it was less taxing on my joints.
Starting point is 00:42:13 But yeah, the main thing, though, is that when I was working out, I just tried to maintain some level of intensity. So I tried to keep all my compounds in there. I tried to like do as heavy as I could without going way too heavy where I could work hurt or potentially end up hurting myself. I think the main thing that a lot of people do is they change their workouts too much when they try to do bodybuilding and get leaner. Like you can, you should still keep your compounds in there. You should still attempt to get a little bit stronger, even though at a certain point you're just going to be getting weaker and weaker and weaker, but you should still try to maintain that stimulus because that's going to help you maintain the muscle that you have. It's when you start lowering all your training volume and doing
Starting point is 00:42:54 just really high reps, et cetera, right. Um, that you can actually risk losing a lot of muscle because you don't have the same amount of stimulus. So that's a big thing. I see a lot of, a lot of guys getting into bodybuilding doing. It's a good challenge too. Like if you're on a diet, you're in a caloric deficit, it's a good challenge to have some, you know, not, not necessarily like, I don't want to say a single rep max cause it shouldn't be like a max, but doing some triples and some sets of five and stuff like that would probably serve you well. because it'd probably feel like a good challenge, you know, and then you just have to kind of throw away and kiss goodbye the weights that you did in the past. And you're going to want to work your
Starting point is 00:43:32 way up to it. So, you know, if you're going to do a 405 deadlift or something for a set of five, make sure you're taking all the intermediate weights in between that for sets of five, just so you're like, if 315 feels like garbage, then you're like, okay, well, I wanted to finish with 405, but that doesn't look like it's in the cards. Don't hurt yourself. You know, take those in between weights. I think bodybuilding was so interesting to me
Starting point is 00:43:55 because the carbohydrates seem like they, seem like they help kind of fuel the workouts. They helped keep the muscles full and they helped with kind of fuel the workouts. They helped, they, they helped keep the muscles full and they helped with kind of a certain look. The protein was kind of, protein's almost always stagnant in any diet, but on that diet, you know, it was revved up a little bit and that helps protect the muscles from breaking down from all the extra work that you're doing. And also you're in a caloric deficit. And then the cardiovascular training just seemed like it was just literally helping to burn fat off.
Starting point is 00:44:27 And like from one day to the next, I'd wake up and my legs would be leaner. They'd be leaner like almost every day. And then like if it wasn't the legs, maybe I'd notice something in my back or maybe I noticed like an extra vein coming out or whatever. And it's super motivating. Once you get into that mode, it sounds ridiculous because you're checking yourself out so much but that's the game that's what it is right and it's uh it's motivating because it rolls on top of itself it um the the diet the the way of training the cardio even though it is tedious and even though it is a pain in the ass um it helps you build momentum towards what you're looking for and i feel like the diet i'm on Um, it helps you build momentum, uh, towards what you're looking for. And I feel like the diet I'm on right now, it helps me build towards all those things without
Starting point is 00:45:10 all the extra work, you know? So that's, that's why I'm so obsessed with keto diet. That's why I wrote a book on, you know, a war on carbs is because I feel like these style of diets, they, they promote themselves. They, once you get in, Once you get locked into it, then you're really locked in and you want to continue to lose weight. You want to continue to go down that path. And you can end up going down the path too hard. You can end up going down it, you know, I did that a bunch of times. I've weighed 240 looking like this and I've weighed 240 like real flat and like not in that good of shape. So it's but you're never going to know how hard to push unless you you got to push too far.
Starting point is 00:45:52 You got to push too hard sometimes and go, oh, shit, that didn't really work the way I wanted it to. Most definitely. And then also one thing that, you know, when you do bodybuilding and you end up being that lean, something that it's happened to me in the past, too too is you try to hold on to that look too long and you like you even after the show you you don't you don't become okay with putting body fat on and you got to put body fat on so you actually feel healthy so all your hormones get back to normal your libido especially man but yeah seriously man you gotta you gotta get to a point where you're okay being having a little bit like that john cena towel rack scene and uh was a train wreck i don't haven't seen it oh you haven't seen it yeah he like rests a towel on his dick basically really yeah you probably can
Starting point is 00:46:37 do that in real life too i yeah i don't know i wouldn't doubt i wouldn't put anything past the guy did i just hear jessica do like a sigh thing? Wow. Okay. All right. She's overheating. Calm down. The room's getting warmer. Oh, my God. Mark, I know you've messed. The AC kicks in.
Starting point is 00:46:53 Yeah. I got to click that thing back on. You've messed with ketones. I don't know if in SEMA if you've not yet. Because I know we had a guest on and they were talking about it. Jim. What's his name? Jim something. Jim Brown. Jim Brown. Yeah. Yeah. I'm were talking about it. Jim. What's his name? Jim something.
Starting point is 00:47:05 Jim Brown. Jim Brown. Yeah. Yeah. About the document. Good memory. Have you noticed anything from it, Mark? Like from like taking it like pre-workout?
Starting point is 00:47:16 It's hard for me to notice stuff because I tend to feel pretty good all the time. So I haven't noticed much from it, but I do think that there's probably some value to it. I do know that it makes your ketones through the roof because when I tested my ketones, so what's in the product is in the product. The one I was using I think was called Keto-Aid or Ketone-Aid. I still have some if you guys ever want to try and try them out, they, uh,
Starting point is 00:47:46 they do taste like Godzilla's dick. Joe Rogan's right. That's a good comparison. They don't taste very good. Um, but yeah, I did prick my finger and see if the ketones were up and it's supposed to help you like with your sleep and stuff as well as supposed to help you get into a deeper sleep. I guess, um, even people that aren't on a ketogenic diet produce ketones kind of in the middle of the night. I think you produce ketones anyway. I think it's just part of human function. But I think you produce them when you're sleeping. It's supposed to help you get into like a deeper sleep.
Starting point is 00:48:17 But I didn't really notice much with that. In terms of sleeping, I didn't try it enough either. I tried it like two or three times. That's not enough to really get good good enough feedback i will say that maybe a little bit the way that like branched chain amino acids work or essential amino acids work is it's like maybe it doesn't maybe you don't feel this overwhelming surge of energy during the training session, but maybe you're able to cap off your training session a little bit harder. And I think that might be the case with BCAAs.
Starting point is 00:48:52 You know, people ask all the time about branched-chain amino acids and my thoughts on them, and I don't think they really matter. I think you can take them or leave them, and I don't think it will make that big of a difference. Where I do think it can make a difference is maybe it's just encouraging you to drink more liquid, you know, and yes, maybe it has aspartame or whatever the hell else in it. Um, so I can see some people making some arguments against it as well. Um, but it usually has sodium and it usually has potassium and it usually has other stuff in it too. Like the, the better brands have figured out, you know, they'll put some magnesium in there and they'll put some other things in there. And it's like, well, if I'm getting some of that during my training session and I'm losing all that, that actually makes some sense.
Starting point is 00:49:30 As far as whether the BCAAs are helping with protein synthesis and stuff like that, you know, I don't know. I don't know. You can probably find a study that shows that it works well and you probably find studies that show it doesn't do dick. Shows that it works well and you probably find studies that show it doesn't do dick. But I do think the liquid and I think potentially getting in potassium and sodium and those kinds of things during the training session is probably beneficial. And if you just like the taste of it, fuck it. Yeah. That's what I drink.
Starting point is 00:49:57 I just drink my big kid Kool-Aid. That's what I call it. BCAAs? Yeah. It's so good. It does make me pee a lot, but maybe that's just because I drink more water. I don't know. I don't know. I don't waste much money. I don't waste money on BCAAs.
Starting point is 00:50:07 Like, not that I don't think they're useful, but I don't think they're useful. Yeah. Like, okay, let's not say that. They are. Like, you can, some people think they're really beneficial for protein synthesis or whatever, but I've never, I mean, there was a point that I took them for a few months, but I was, I feel like you can get enough food. You get potassium all that type stuff through food salt your food um and you don't really need it because for some people you know bcaas are like what 35 bucks a month right yeah do you need to spend that on that or could you just use real
Starting point is 00:50:40 food i really think that you don't you don't need to to spend money on them. The only time I think that BCAs could be really beneficial. You're on creatine though, bro. Yeah, I'm on creatine, but creatine's cheap. Creatine's like legit. That bucket is going to last you like two months. Remember how I was disappointed? We had a meeting. Andrew and I had a meeting.
Starting point is 00:50:56 Yeah. When you told us you were on creatine. We had a really long talk. It was a support group. Like, man, we really got wool pulled over our fucking eyes, didn't we? Creatine. Spend your money on creatine. But no, the only time I'd use BC eyes didn't we creatine spend your money on creatine but not the only time i'd use how much creatine are you on or if i was in a deficit if
Starting point is 00:51:12 i was in a deficit and i was cutting that'd be when i'd maybe um use some bcaas because they might help me save some muscle but i'm trying to gain i don't really think you need them is there any benefit to the uh just anything other than monohydrate creatine? No. That's the only one. Creatine monohydrate. Yeah. Powder, take it down every day, five grams.
Starting point is 00:51:32 I remember Hodge twins saying you got to drink it with grape juice. Is that true? Grape drink. Yeah, well. Yeah. Something to spike insulin or something. Is that a racist comment? No.
Starting point is 00:51:43 No, that's what I can eventually find in the video. They're black, and he's talking about grape drinks. Yeah, but they have the blue eyes. What's wrong? Wait, whoa, whoa, whoa. Isn't that a thing? Back up. And the purple drink?
Starting point is 00:51:53 Grape drink? What's up with grape drink? I don't know. You tell me. It's just grape drink. There's nothing racist about that. Grape soda? No?
Starting point is 00:51:59 It's not a thing? Grape drink? I'm imagining things. It's called drink. Purple drink? Purple drink. Yeah, that's the one. What about that purple drink?
Starting point is 00:52:07 Anybody know about that? No, just grape drink. Just don't know anything about that? Yeah, why do you take it with grape juice? Just the sugar, whatever, right? That's that kind of theory. Insulin spike, right? I don't take it with that stuff.
Starting point is 00:52:19 That was a joke. I take it with water, yo. Then you're just going to pee it straight out. Well, I think years ago, I think that company like Celltech or whatever, they made their creatine with kind of a carbohydrate mix, you know, to try to like help deliver it faster to the muscle tissues or whatever. But they're really probably just selling you some sugar. That's fancy.
Starting point is 00:52:43 Yeah. That's fancy. They're selling you some of that sugar. But, you know, with the carnivore diet, like I really like it a lot. It's been convenient for me. One thing I've been doing is I broke out the old crock pot and I've been just throwing in some bone broth and some meat. And I didn't really have like a roast, so i just took whatever steaks i had i had like a
Starting point is 00:53:06 new york strip a ribeye i don't really suggest throwing a ribeye in there because it's kind of a waste of a ribeye because ribeyes are delicious just cooked up whatever way you want to cook them up but throwing them in a crock pot's not not probably the best usage of an expensive ribeye um so i just threw a bunch of different steaks in there, and for you guys that I can't cook worth a shit like me, it's simple. It's super easy, and you can leave it there for, you got about two days,
Starting point is 00:53:32 so it can just sit on your counter for about two days. After about 10 hours or so, the meat gets really, you can eat the meat with like a spoon, you know, because it just peels apart real easy. But try to get like a roast beef or something like that and chuck that in there. And if you don't want to throw, you know, a bunch of vegetables in there, just throw
Starting point is 00:53:55 a bunch of bone broth in there and some salt and you're good to go. You know, when we were mentioning potassium, though, I'm curious, like if someone's going full carnivore, where are they getting their potassium source typically you know so i asked uh paul about this and he he actually supplements with uh potassium oh he supplements he supplements with it which i was like well that's not great because like you know you're kind of teaching everybody to get everything from their food and now we got to go out of our way um dr baker when he was here um he he like looked at my blood work and stuff and said, I asked him the same question. He's like, well, you don't have any problems with your electrolytes. He's like, look, all the evidence is right here.
Starting point is 00:54:32 So I don't know if there's maybe misconceptions about how much potassium we really need. Or if perhaps when you take in a lot of salt, this is what Paul said, is that when you take in a lot of salt, it's potassium sparing. So it kind of holds on to potassium. So you may not need as much of it. And meat does have potassium in it. It's just not labeled as having potassium in it, but it does. Is it a substantial amount or is it just small amounts? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:55:01 I don't know. We'd have to kind of look into it a little bit further. But I do think it's a decent amount, but it's definitely not anything like an avocado or anything like that. So if you're concerned about potassium, which you kind of should be because it can kind of – there's a lot of reasons to take potassium. One is just overall hydration. But you can end up with irregular heartbeats just from not having enough potassium. You can also end up with irregular heartbeats from having too much potassium so you have to kind of uh you have to be careful with potassium but uh eating an avocado would be a great way to get some potassium in uh without
Starting point is 00:55:35 without going like quote-unquote off the diet even though an avocado is fruit uh there's no there's there's probably very little to no sugar in it there's probably just maybe a little bit of fiber if anything um and there's uh there's some good fats in there and there's some a little bit small amount of protein but uh avocado has a lot of potassium um and then from there you know if you're if you are going to eat any greens, greens have, uh, spinach, saute some spinach that, that has a lot of potassium and it really won't, even as a carnivore, like, yeah, technically it's not, but at the same time, it's very macronutrient. Like there's, there's barely any macros in it. You know what I mean? I think we have to think about these diets in terms of like, you know, how long we're really
Starting point is 00:56:20 going to do some of these things for, how much of it do we really want to test? If you really want to test it and really see if it's going to like, let's say you've had pain in your hip for the last five years and you really want to see like, is this going to reduce inflammation? Well, if you're currently not on a diet and you're jumping onto a diet, just cutting out a lot of junk will probably help reduce the inflammation enough to work. And then from there, if you're still working on eliminating stuff and you want to start to
Starting point is 00:56:48 eliminate some fruits and some vegetables and things like that, how much of it do you need to eliminate? Does it mean you can't have any of it during the entire day? Or does it just mean that you have a lot less of it than you have in the past? And that's, that's a good place to start. It's like, well, let me just try to be a little bit better with some of this than I was before. It doesn't have to be. Again, you don't have to go jumping into the deep end right away. Yeah. It doesn't that doesn't really make any make any sense.
Starting point is 00:57:13 And then you can kind of see like, OK, is this making some substantial changes or not? Exactly. I really don't think that you need to you don't need to eliminate all of these foods to be able to be first off healthy or to do any of these diets. Like, again, spinach isn't probably causing your inflammation. Neither is a damn avocado. It's probably something else. Some of the random processed foods that you're eating too much of that was probably giving you the biggest issues. So there's no reason that you have to totally cut those things off, which is why whenever we have these conversations, I'm always like, OK, so if an individual isn't having this problem, could we add this in? Or could we add this food in? Because we don't need to eliminate all of these foods for the principle of being on the diet. I think some people do it mainly because they're like, if I don't have this, I'm not a carnivore. You know, you could still be a
Starting point is 00:57:59 carnivore and eat some, eat an avocado or some spinach or some mushrooms. Well, and don't be so, eat an avocado or some spinach or some mushrooms. Well, and don't be so, uh, don't, don't hold on your beliefs so hard that it's detrimental to everything else. Right. Like that doesn't make any sense. Like, um, I mean, we do it a lot with our training, right? Like we all love training. Like you said, you have to be here less and that's a sacrifice, right? Like you love being here. You love training and, but you also, you're like, no, I have a goal with jujitsu. So I need to get my ass out of here and to go pound a bunch of water. I need to go get on the mat. And then I need to spend the rest of the night like eating and paying attention to my recovery and then doing doing work, working with your clients.
Starting point is 00:58:41 And you're like, I need to go to bed. So you have to be on like a schedule. You have to be on point with everything, but it doesn't make sense to be so attached to something. Like if you were so attached to lifting, it would push back your work with the clients that might get compromised. Maybe you, uh, you know, maybe you're end up, um, you know, not performing as well at jujitsu. And it's like, it's like, well, that's not good. You're just shooting yourself in the foot, just because you believe that you need to train for four hours every day,
Starting point is 00:59:09 you know? And so I think we have a tendency to get kind of tied to these beliefs that we hold onto them so strongly that it's at the sacrifice of like everything else that's going on around us. I agree to that. We were talking, shifting gears here for a little bit, Andrew, unless you got anything to add in on some of that. No, I just was looking up the creatine stuff about juice. And yeah, I guess it does make some sense to take it with grape juice or something. But
Starting point is 00:59:38 I guess you get the same effect if you just take it with protein. Oh, cool. Yeah. So that's that. I was going to mention, too, coconut water. We've talked about that a bunch of times on the show, and people might be concerned it has some sugar in it. It's like, look, man, is it better than you were doing yesterday? And Matt Vincent, right? Matt Vincent said they're not cutting people out of their homes on the 600-pound life because they have a bunch of banana peels around them.
Starting point is 01:00:04 It's not the fruit that's causing a problem and even a banana is great uh great source and any fruit any fruit actually any fruit or any vegetable they all have uh potassium in them uh as in sema pointed out some of the greener uh vegetables will have more such as like spinach anyway shifting gears uh and, it was your daughter's birthday the other day? Yeah, man. How old is she? She's 11. Let's give her a shout out.
Starting point is 01:00:29 Is she listening? Hello. She's going to freak out when she hears it, yeah. What's up, Jazzy Poo? Happy birthday, Jasmine. Yeah, dude, she turned 11 and we're freaking out because it's like in some school districts
Starting point is 01:00:42 she would be going into junior high. So thankfully in Elk Grove, they don't start junior high until seventh grade. Let's just lock her up in a cage so she can't get any older, right? That was the initial plan, but we haven't figured it out. No, yeah. Don't do that, please. You're not allowed. Yeah, they've got all these rules with kids.
Starting point is 01:00:58 Can't do that these days. Back in the day, yeah. Not now. Yeah, but it's scary, man. I mean, Quinn, she's a little bit older, but it's scary man i'm sure i mean you know uh quinn's she's a little bit older but you know it's like you're gonna do the same thing it's like oh my gosh but yeah now it's her birthday we um took her out to eat a couple different places and then took her to go watch toy story cool toy story four and we were talking about like the the
Starting point is 01:01:20 first one was uh it dates back because we were trying to figure out like okay like there's a bunch of kids in the theater. And it's like, man, like, how many of you were alive when, like, the second one came out? Like, almost none. And so we checked, and the first one was 1995 was the first Toy Story. Yeah. And what trips me out about that is, it's like, whoa, Tupac was still alive.
Starting point is 01:01:39 Mm-hmm. That's kind of how I date everything is, like, is it it pre post, you know, death of Tupac. And I don't know why that's just how it's always been for me. When did Tupac die? 96. Damn. Rough year. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:01:52 I think 95. I think graduate, I graduated high school. 1990. Wow, man. Y'all. Wow.
Starting point is 01:01:58 I'm young. Yeah. It's crazy. Are you though? Am I though? Like no. Black don't crack, right?
Starting point is 01:02:04 It really doesn't. It really doesn't. Like you're going to look the exact same when you're my age. Pretty much. Yeah. That's crazy. Are you, though? Am I, though? Black don't crack, right? It really doesn't. It really doesn't, bro. Like, you're going to look the exact same when you're my age. Pretty much. Yeah. Damn. Yeah. And Asians also, they don't age either.
Starting point is 01:02:13 They don't. No. Until they do. Until they do. And they turn into a raisin. There's this picture. I should not publish this. Oh god it's been terrible there's this picture um and it's like a cartoon hey we're in the clear we have a black friend
Starting point is 01:02:31 that's why you that's why you had me here so you can say certain things and be like he's here though be like look oh god there's this picture of this asian woman aging right and it's up until like she's 55 and once she turns like 60 like she hunches over and turns into the Asian grandma. Have you guys ever seen a picture of Joey when she was little? No, I haven't. It's the cutest thing. It's just a big old head, big old eyes, just looking so adorable. I mean, she's cute nowadays, right?
Starting point is 01:02:59 But like a miniature Joey is amazing. Do you guys remember the husband that sued his wife for having ugly babies? Really? Because she got so much plastic surgery done. He didn't realize that he had married a troll. And so when they had kids, he was like, wait, hold on. They look nothing like you. Like, what happened?
Starting point is 01:03:24 And she's like oh i got all this surgery done and sure enough he's like well i'm suing you for false advertisement so bad let me let me try to look at that it's not amazing when you see an ugly kid like when you like when somebody has like an ugly baby like you don't know how to react because babies are always supposed to be cute but also too a lot of babies like they may not be cute for like a while like some of them takes a while like it might take a it might take like they uh as my dad would say like they didn't cook in there long enough they got taken taken out too early oh he won 120 000 hey dude damn that that's legitimate oh god oh shit so this is before and
Starting point is 01:04:08 after bro no like so that was his like actual wife or just like yeah or whatever no it was his wife they had kids and so that's what he sued her for whoa that's that's rough and he actually hey the plastic surgery looks great worked works pretty good you see this is why like like that's crazy looking people should be very very careful nowadays you should ask give me pictures of what you look like when you're 18 16 whatever just so you know because plastic surgery can do some magic nowadays and you you won't you won't realize it yeah imagine if you're hanging out with your girlfriend and like you go over her parents' house or something,
Starting point is 01:04:48 you thumb through an old book and you're like, ah, who is this? They have another daughter. You're like, man, who's this? Or is it,
Starting point is 01:04:56 wait, you, I'm not going to, I'm not going to go there. Well, I mean, you look at the Kardashians and all those, like they,
Starting point is 01:05:03 the before and afters of their surgeries is like, whoa, they're completely different people. Well, not completely, but like the younger ones, they got a lot of stuff done. Yeah. It's all trickery. Was Toy Story good? Yeah, dude. I only cried like two times. Is it the Sarms?
Starting point is 01:05:20 And so I'm sitting there. Everything's emotional at this point. Man, like this is- That podcast was so good. You guys were like man like this podcast was so good this is really yeah i'm like this is really affecting me like i thought sarms is not supposed to mess with your estrogen levels yeah like it's just they're toy not only are they toys it's a cartoon and i'm 34 years old why like i gotta i don't know i was i was stressing because i'm like oh my god this is really emotional right now yeah Yeah. First off, I will go see that movie. I probably will cry during it since I did cry during toy story three,
Starting point is 01:05:48 but as time goes by, it's going to be really weird because toy story is doing well and they're going to make a five. They're going to make a six at a certain point. I'm going to be a 40 year old man sitting in a theater with a bunch of 10 year olds, crying my eyes out in the middle of it. But you might have it or at
Starting point is 01:06:06 that point maybe even older hopefully i have my kid with me so i'll be like i brought it for the kid yeah but i don't care if my kid sees it i want to see it yeah for them it's for me yeah i'm here for my kid yeah that's what most of us do yeah and as you see that they're gonna have like uh like five avatars oh yeah yeah. They're pushing that series through which is going to be crazy. Yeah. It's pretty good. I need something to watch. They only made one of those so far right? I guess the second one is like completed-ish
Starting point is 01:06:34 or something right? Yeah and I think now that the technology is here they're able to push it further so they're going to make I think up to five. It's like every two years come out with another one. That's a lot of work. Chris Griffin told me his bro is like working on it his bro is like nothing surprised me about those griffin twins yeah i know he said his uh brother just edits like gopro footage all day from i don't know what they're doing with the gopro footage but
Starting point is 01:06:58 wow yeah who knows the first one was really good it was really good i found out the other day that my son never seen The Matrix. So I'm like, man, I'm failing over here as a dad. I need to get him on that. Yeah, I'm going to have my children see that at a very young age. We watched John Wick the other day. We watched the second one. You and your son, right?
Starting point is 01:07:20 Yeah. Did Quinn see it too or no? No. Because I was going to be like, wow. Yeah, my kids, they don't care too much i mean they they're they're able to watch just about anything but yeah she just doesn't if there's not like a girl in it like quinn doesn't care that makes sense you know she only she only wants to watch that kind of stuff usually john wick was so good man yeah it's violent but like the thing is it there was a cop reviewing John Wick
Starting point is 01:07:45 and Keanu Reeves' gun work and stuff, and it's actually legit. It's not some fake stuff. They would pull this stuff off, or they would try to do these legit moves. It's such a good movie. Yeah, they say that Keanu Reeves is actually a badass. He knows martial arts really well and stuff like that.
Starting point is 01:08:01 The movie, when I was watching it yeah i think it was the second one or maybe it was the first one i don't even remember now but i just know like it just had like one tragedy after another it's like wife dies of cancer and then he's left with the puppy or whatever and they beat the shit out of him and kill the dog yep that might be the first one but it's all because of a dog yeah i was like oh my god like they just like set this up to be uh you know such a like vengeful movie you know i love when stuff's like that that's like braveheart you know braveheart they take his wife and they slice slice her throat and then he just does the same thing back to the guy he just he doesn't even say anything to him
Starting point is 01:08:41 he just puts him on the post and just there there goes your neck. You're done, buddy. Yeah, that was on TV the other day at my fiance's. My son has seen that, so I'm not a complete failure. Yeah, we were at Stephanie's parents' house, and it was on TV. And I was just like, man, there's a lot I don't remember. And yeah, I mean, obviously, I couldn't watch the whole thing because it's like 15 hours long. But yeah, that slicing of the throwers like oh like no wonder why we love this movie it's so bad you saw braveheart in theaters oh yeah yep indeed
Starting point is 01:09:11 yep and i know it's funny to you because i'm a thousand years old he's laughing at me over here kick me while i'm down why don't you uh when i saw it me and my brother went and like you know right off the bat they they had these really thick accents and we just kind of looked at each other like oh shit like we didn't know it was like this because we just saw the we saw the the um all the advertising for it was just you know william wallace with his face painted and him just like kicking ass on a battlefield you know so we didn't we didn't really know what to expect but we were talking that way and we knew it was like two and a half hours long we're like this is going to be some boring ass shit you know we had no idea what we were in for yeah that movie was insane uh i've seen uh tombstone in the movie theater too and we
Starting point is 01:09:59 were talking earlier about uh that i made my son watch he's's also seen Rocky. What's Tombstone? I'm sorry. Yeah, Tombstone is about Wyatt Earp. That's a movie that you need to see. About Wyatt Earp? Wyatt Earp. He's like a Western legend. Tombstone, Arizona is where it takes place, and that's just the quote-unquote Wild West.
Starting point is 01:10:27 Back when the way that somebody would fight each other, they would go out in the street and they'd do the 10 paces. They'd walk 10 paces, turn around and shoot at each other. That kind of shit. I got to watch these movies so I can get an understanding of your culture. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:10:38 This one's really good. This has Billy Bob Thornton in it too oh wow it's got billy bob in it i haven't seen him in anything in a while but yeah this has some this has some uh just awesome awesome scenes it's it's weird to think that like our civilization was like this this is this is complete insanity like you know to uh take ownership of like a bar or something you would if you could strong arm somebody then you could have ownership of it dang i mean like that's what they do in some of the first scenes on this in this film is they just walk in and like beat the hell out of the guy that works there and they're like we're gonna take 10 and people just that was just the way
Starting point is 01:11:21 things went the uh the law was crooked. It was the Wild West. They were just doing their own thing. That's crazy that this wasn't really that long ago, man. No, it wasn't. It really wasn't. No, it wasn't. It's about 150 years. Something like that.
Starting point is 01:11:37 Always dressed in really nice suits and stuff in really hot sun. I'm just like, hey, how do you guys shower? Yeah, I know. You guys'll just smell pretty bad probably well i think you just keep it all sealed in ah you'll ever realize how good we have it sometimes that you can shower every day that you can brush your teeth yeah all these little things that you would not have had if you were born like two or three generations before my god it's crazy i'll kill her i mean like when we run out of wipes here at the gym like i'm just like life is over panic yeah dude dude dude 60 or 70 years ago i would not oh god i would not have a good life 60 70 years ago man
Starting point is 01:12:19 i wouldn't it's crazy bro either one of you guys like uh either one of you guys like i know andrew you like cars and stuff either one of you guys like, I know, Andrew, you like cars and stuff. Either one of you guys like to fix stuff or do that kind of work? Either one of you guys have any, like, some people when they do manual labor, they feel good after. It's like, quote unquote, oddly satisfying, you hear people say, right? Are either one of you guys like that at all? I'm trying to learn more about my vehicle because i realized how sad it is that i can't change my oil but you don't know shit seriously like it's really sad you know so i'm trying to like just get better at some of these things that i should be good at but um no man like not not not i'm not
Starting point is 01:13:02 like a crazy tinker i can fix things if i have to like if i can look it up how about you andrew you will you fix a ceiling fan and shit like that at your house so the the more i like stay on a computer the less handy i get so like with my car like i can i can change the oils like i uh i'm gonna attempt to change the transmission oil for the first time, which I already looked at it. Like it's it'll be easy for me. But that's actually what took me away from like drifting and stuff back in the day was like every time I took my car out, I would break something. And it's kind of like I didn't love fixing stuff that broke. That wasn't really my fault.
Starting point is 01:13:41 I mean, it was my fault, but it wasn't like that wasn't supposed to happen. So like I just got tired of being like working on the car longer than actually driving the car but um like when I changed my oil for sure like it definitely feels good um and it also feels good to just pay somebody like double the amount what it costs to just like get it done and like there's a there's little things involved like okay now i have this bad oil i gotta go take it to like autozone or something and there are always dicks about it it doesn't make any sense yeah like every single time like is this just oil like yeah like the same weight like i don't know man like it just take it or not take it or like oh we're full we can't take any of your oil like all right you dump it on your head yeah yeah so i'm like all right, dude. Dump it on your head.
Starting point is 01:14:25 Yeah, yeah. So I'm like, all right, I'm just going to dump it on the drain again. Just kidding. But my dad is the handyman. He can fabricate anything if it doesn't exist. He can fix anything on any car. He can like weld and stuff. He can weld.
Starting point is 01:14:40 He can sew. He can do a lot of stuff. I think, you know, because of some of those things, I think that civilization is going backwards in some ways. In some ways, it definitely is. My grandfather built his own house. And then my dad had his own house. He didn't build it, but he had his own house when he was probably like 25. I didn't have my own house until I was like 35.
Starting point is 01:15:01 And I don't know one thing about building a house. I barely can paint a wall white building a house. I barely can like paint a wall like white. You know what I mean? And I don't have, whatever that is, I don't have any of that. Like I don't want to fix a car. I don't want to rake leaves. I don't want to do dishes.
Starting point is 01:15:18 I don't want to do the laundry. I don't want to do any of that stuff. You pay somebody to do it. Yeah. Like I, yeah, yeah. Or just make my wife do it. She's a, she's a good, a good worker. She loves, but she likes that stuff.
Starting point is 01:15:30 She's like drawn towards that stuff. She kind of, she grew up with that. You know, she would like help her dad and like the, with like yard work and stuff. And as I got older, you know, I remember asking my dad, I was like, I was like, why, you know, why were you always outside doing yard work? Every weekend, he would be outside raking or doing, I don't know. He was always doing something out there. And he's like, I don't know.
Starting point is 01:15:54 I just really loved it. And then when I had kids, then I was like, oh, he just needed to get the fuck out of the house. Because we weren't supposed to bother him. I was doing like when we were real little, when we got older, we could help him with it and stuff. But when in real little, like,
Starting point is 01:16:10 yeah, he didn't want us out there when he had like the weed whacker or if he was like, uh, you know, chopping down a tree or something, he didn't want us to get hurt or whatever. And,
Starting point is 01:16:17 uh, so I was like, Hey dad, I was like, I figured out why you had to get away from mom. Cause she's crazy. And you had to get away from us. Cause we were paying the end. He's like, yep. Yeah. That's why you're out there away from mom because she's crazy and you had to get away from us because we were paying the end.
Starting point is 01:16:25 He's like, yep, pretty much. Yeah. That's why you're out there for hours on end. Yeah. I definitely like doing the stuff that I know how to do. Like, you know, like I said, like changing the oil because when I take it somewhere, that's, you know, that's someone's job. They're getting paid for it.
Starting point is 01:16:37 They kind of don't care. They're just doing it because they're supposed to. And if I do it, then I know for sure, like I did it right. Like if oil level's where it needs to be for sure like i did it right like the oil levels where it needs to be and you know i actually change the filter sometimes you hear bad stories about people not actually getting the work done but you know you hear about every single every single generation has something to crap on about the generation after them like we're crapping on the generation after us you're not outside enough and you're always on your phone so what are they going to
Starting point is 01:17:04 crap on the generation after for like what's going to be the thing that they're like we're on our phones a year you're doing this like every single generation has something well yeah there used to be the tv right like yeah you watch way too much tv right i saw a like a meme and it said uh like things used to be so different or something it said and it was all these men on like a subway and they just all had their newspapers out in front of them it was like 10 different guys and not one guy was talking to the next guy you know what i mean so it was like but you know i guess at least with stuff like that it's like you know you could you could read the newspaper and can be like you can can you believe what you know so and so did or whatever or you can you can share a moment about
Starting point is 01:17:43 it like i just read the same thing right you can share a moment about it. Like I just read the same thing, right. And probably converse about it. But nowadays we probably have our headphones on or head down and not looking at one another and stuff like that. But yeah, you're right. There's always, everyone's always complaining about each generation. I didn't know this, but like, if you look up, um, you know, if you look up the different like generations, um, you know, if you look up the different like generations, they date back a little further than I thought. Like the, what's the generation I was always complaining about? I'm blanking on it for some reason. Like Gen Z, is that what you're talking about?
Starting point is 01:18:16 No, the millennials. Millennials, there you go. That dates back to like 1980, which I didn't know it went back that far. And it's like, well, I didn't, you know. So I guess, you know, sometimes some of the people that we're even like complaining about, we're not even complaining about the right name, you know, like, oh, these damn millennials. And it's like, well, some people, they might not even be a millennial. They might actually be part of the next generation.
Starting point is 01:18:38 Yeah, it says 1981. 1981 to what? Or just whenever? Actually, let me just figure this out yeah i would i didn't even know i was considered a millennial yeah you're one of us fucking lazy piece of shit you're entitled oh my god he's so entitled right now look at him so 19 1981 to tupac's death oh 96 wait so that means oh my gosh so he died with the generation so are you something else no i was trying to think of if my girl's a millennial or not but she is she she she
Starting point is 01:19:12 hits the cusp so after that is gen z yeah i according to this thing it says i don't know we'll see uh the silent generation 28 to 45 so 1928 to 1945 baby boomers. So like our parents, uh, 1946 to 1964, uh, uh, D generation X,
Starting point is 01:19:33 uh, 1965 to 1980. And then millennials, 81 to 96 post millennials is all it says. 97 to present. But I think, you know, with my, you know, uh, people that are probably between, I don't know, 35 and 45 or so,
Starting point is 01:19:51 probably the biggest complaint would probably be video games. Video games really surged really hard during that time, and obviously they're still around and more powerful than ever. And there was a lot of just, uh, a lot of TV because, you know, uh, when I was really young, I could remember like my uncle had HBO, you know, like, but that was it. And I remember like, you know, we would cruise down to my uncle's house and we'd watch like pay-per-view stuff. Cause like we didn't, we didn't have, we didn't have cable like where I lived. It just didn't go to where we lived.
Starting point is 01:20:26 I lived kind of in a very like rural area, like outside of like city area. The rest of my family lived closer to New York City, so they'd get everything a lot faster than we would. And I watched like Mike Tyson fight Buster Douglas, and I remember that like it was yesterday almost, watching that fight. But we didn't have like hbo and those different things and tv really exploded with a lot of cable all the different networks um espn and cnn and just all these different things and
Starting point is 01:20:57 then there's now there's different uh channels of hbo and of showtime And it just goes on and on. There's like a million, you got a million channels now. And then those channels aren't even enough anymore. You have these like internet things. You got like Netflix. And my son asked me the other day, he's like,
Starting point is 01:21:15 what's HBO stand for? I said, well, it's home box office. Cause like you used to go to the box office to get your ticket to the movie. And now you had like a home box office. I said, so it was a big deal when you, he's no it's just for that yeah he goes hbo has been around for
Starting point is 01:21:30 that long i said yeah i said i think it's you know i think it's one of the originals maybe cinemax around the same time or whatever um but yeah it's like that's what we were we were accused of like watching too much tv because there was all the um not only not only tv but there was video games that you obviously play on the tv and then in addition to that there's all the vhs tapes and dvds and we went through you know all that whole period of of all the and that's crazy to think like all that came and all that went went just went wham like yeah it came in and it came out and it was there for a period but we went from like uh there was there was a thing between vhs and another thing called betamax and they would go back and forth back and forth people bought these i know people bought these two different units to be able to play their videos and when
Starting point is 01:22:21 you'd go to a place that was like blockbuster before blockbuster was invented um you could pick either one depending on what machine you had at home to play it on and there was a debate on like which one was going to survive i guess the beta max had higher quality so the tech people were kind of like we do today with the phones right some people are you know into the different phones for different reasons and then uh and then it changed over to from a vhs tape to like a laser disc and there was this laser disc thing that would that worked really well and played in higher resolution you can watch tvs or you can watch movies at home that looked a little bit like you would watch in a movie theater okay then it went from that and then it went straight into
Starting point is 01:23:02 like dvds which dvdss in my opinion are like the worst. They're like kind of the kiss of death in some way because they could wear out and then get all screwed up. Whereas like your VHS tape and some of the other stuff that was before it was a little bit more like concrete. It wouldn't get like all scratched up from my damn son who broke all my video games. I remember having to blow on DVDs just to try and get it to work. Man. Yeah, you had to really work for it. You just told us the whole history of the world i know i know well with my
Starting point is 01:23:29 nintendo you know nintendo trying to get your nintendo trying to get your nintendo to play was like impossible like you remember that shit every single one on the cartridge and like trying to like warm it up and you had this special thing and you try to like just barely put it in all the way and then like put the thing down and you're like oh it should play like flickers and you're like it might work but it didn't load you didn't have to wait for loading though. No yeah instant like
Starting point is 01:23:53 I would be able to get like my game on my Nintendo to work but like I wouldn't be able I don't know the tricks to get marks to work right like I didn't I'd have to watch him do it a couple times before oh yours you gotta push it to the left like got to sit on it for four minutes and then yeah yeah but man those are yeah exactly like instant like no loading times whatsoever all good stuff you know that's worry about loading times in my family we have these like
Starting point is 01:24:19 we call it uh jake facts jake news because j Jake is like, he just whips out these random facts all the time. And we were eating dinner the other day, and Quinn, like, sometimes these are questions that you can't answer. So it's kind of funny because it's just really fun to play with these kind of things with my kids. But we're sitting at a restaurant, and Quinn's like, she like dad she's like does the straw have one hole or two and I was like I'm not sure I was like I think it has two and Jake's like no it's one he goes yeah so he goes it's one hole and he said it so definitively and I said okay well what if I just block up the other side I was like there's still a hole and he's like no he's like that's's still a hole. And he's like, no, he's like, that's,
Starting point is 01:25:05 um, that's just an opening. He's like, it's no longer a hole. That's just an opening. Jake is quick with this. I know. I know.
Starting point is 01:25:11 Yeah. Jake is like, he's insanely smart. And so we go back and forth and I posted it on my Instagram and it just causes like an explosion. All these mathematic people were getting on there. And just one guy's like, okay,
Starting point is 01:25:23 shape wise. He's like, it's the same as a donut. He's and we would all agree a donut has one hole he's like so this has one hole he's like but the question is if the hole continues on for how long does it become you know two two holes he's like that's the kind of the case with the straw he's like when does it you know because if you if it was like X miles long of like a pipe in the ground, you'd see one hole on one side and one hole on the other, right? Which would make you think it'd have two holes, right? It's a cylinder then, right? A tube.
Starting point is 01:25:54 Yeah. That's the shape. That's the shape of the thing, but the holes or hole is still on. Yeah, because you can say it's like a circle, right? Because if you're looking at it straight on, it's a circle. Somebody wrote on my Instagram, the guy's like, dude, I just came home from work trying to relax. I sat down and I have some food in front of me. I just checked Instagram and he goes, now you did this to me. And then he wrote in all caps, you did this to me.
Starting point is 01:26:19 Quinn did this to us. This is all Quinn's fault. That question, oh my God. Seema's going to rethink his whole life i've never thought of that how did she even come up with that does a straw have one so then so then another thing that she uh popped on me too because now she's in on it she goes did you know that george washington he didn't even know about dinosaurs and i was like i said what i said what do you mean you didn't know about dinosaurs she's, they weren't discovered until after he was dead. And I was like, that's a, I mean,
Starting point is 01:26:51 what a crazy message, though, that we just don't know. We don't know anything, right? What if someone's like, well, Mark Bell and those guys over at Super Training, they never knew anything about dinosaurs, or they never knew anything about aliens, because aliens are found after we die, you know, 100 years from now or something yeah that's definitely gonna happen yeah they're there they're out there yeah anyway we got to close this thing up because we got another podcast to go to
Starting point is 01:27:14 hope you guys enjoyed this make sure you're sharing it with people we really appreciate all the support go on itunes give us a rating stop being so lazy give us some feedback let us know what's going on let us know what else you want to hear preach yeah yeah preach let us know what's up strength is never a week this week this is never a strength catch you guys later

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