Mark Bell's Power Project - Mark Bell's Saturday School EP. 23 - DON'T Be Afraid To STart!

Episode Date: December 19, 2020

Most people are so scared of failing that they don't even start. The over analyze, they accumulate all this information only to never start. Some are almost too smart to get stuff done. Mark Bell is h...ere to help you get over your fear of failing and get off your ass and just start already. Please share this with a friend when he says something that moves you. Subscribe to the NEW Power Project Newsletter! ➢ Subscribe to the Podcast on on Platforms! ➢ Special perks for our listeners below! ➢LMNT Electrolytes: Purchase 3 boxes and receive one free, plus free shipping! No code required! ➢Freeze Sleeve: Use Code "POWER25" for 25% off plus FREE Shipping on all domestic orders! ➢Piedmontese Beef: Use Code "POWERPROJECT" at checkout for 25% off your order plus FREE 2-Day Shipping on orders of $99 ➢Sling Shot: Enter Discount code, "POWERPROJECT" at checkout and receive 15% off all Sling Shots Follow Mark Bell's Power Project Podcast ➢ Insta: ➢ ➢ Twitter: ➢ LinkedIn: ➢ YouTube: ➢TikTok: FOLLOW Mark Bell ➢ Instagram: ➢ Facebook: ➢ Twitter: ➢ Snapchat: marksmellybell ➢Mark Bell's Daily Workouts, Nutrition and More: Follow Nsima Inyang ➢ Instagram: Podcast Produced by Andrew Zaragoza ➢ Instagram: #PowerProject #Podcast #MarkBell

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Starting point is 00:00:00 So first of all, let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself. Nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed effort to convert retreat into advance. That was said by Franklin Delano Roosevelt in his inauguration speech as President of the United States. The only thing we have to fear is fear itself. When we think about starting something, we oftentimes don't get it started simply because we're scared. We try to throw up other boundaries and we try to throw up other things, but those things are normally just excuses for being scared. I think beyond being scared of failing, people are afraid to succeed. Because A, what if it did work out that way?
Starting point is 00:00:59 B, maybe you feel unworthy of having this new responsibility. Or B, maybe you feel unworthy to have this happen to you because you have never had a lot of self-belief. You've been full of a lot of self-doubt. You don't want to reconfirm that. You don't want to reaffirm what you've always thought about yourself. You don't want to reaffirm and firm up these ideas that people have always had of you. That you're a loser. That you're a nobody. That you'll never be a somebody.
Starting point is 00:01:30 That you don't have what it takes. You don't have the power of self-belief. Well, let me tell you what I found out. And let me tell you about my experiences in my life. There is not a single thing in this world that doesn't come down to heart power. What is your heart beating for? What is your heart pulsing for? What is the cadence, the rhythm, the sound of your heartbeat? What is it passionate about?
Starting point is 00:02:06 What are you excited about? I know these things sometimes are a little bit hard to identify. Or hard to put your finger on. Because they kind of fall in a weird category of metaphysics. And it's not real science. But sometimes. You have to say. Fuck conventional wisdom. And you have to throw it out the window.
Starting point is 00:02:29 You guys have heard the speech, fuck you and fuck your elbow, probably many times. Sorry for all the foul language right off the bat here, but sometimes it's needed. In that video, I basically described, hey, forget about science. Let's go train. Let's see what happens when we put in our strongest and best efforts. And let's not get paralyzed by self-doubt. Let's not get paralyzed by a stack of papers about these tests or these scientific research that somebody did on this select number of people done in this select, very specific way that may not be applicable to what you're doing.
Starting point is 00:03:14 We have a tendency to have a confirmation bias towards those things when it's convenient for us. Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to another edition of Saturday School. It is December 12th, two days after my 44th birthday. And if I was 29 or 25, I could see why you'd shut this shit off and say, Hey, this guy's an idiot. He doesn't know what he's talking about. But I've been around the block a couple of times. And I know what it takes to continue to get around that block and I know what it takes to even get away from that block
Starting point is 00:03:49 and to distance myself from that and start on a new one and start on a new adventure and continue to advance and not get paralyzed by other people's thoughts and by what other people say and by what other people are doing. thoughts and by what other people say and by what other people are doing. Winners are excited about something for as long as it's necessary for them to actually come through and follow through with winning and actually putting up points on the scoreboard. They're not satisfied until the points are put up on the scoreboard and until a victory
Starting point is 00:04:25 is awarded to them. And even then, and this could be problematic down the road, and even then you're not satisfied because you're thinking, I got to win another one. I got to put up more points on the scoreboard. But in today's episode of Saturday School, we are going to tackle this topic of why people are so scared to get something started. Why are they paralyzed? What is going on? What is the mechanism behind this? What is happening to them that they have such a hard time with starting this particular diet program? They have such a hard time in starting this particular diet program. They have such a hard time in starting this particular exercise regimen. Well, I'm going to walk you through a lot of different ways that we can figure this out. I'm of the opinion, you heard me talking earlier about heart power, the power of your heart, the power of your self-belief. No one can really, no one has a great way of measuring this.
Starting point is 00:05:28 There is no amount of science, there is no amount of research that can show or prove to you that you have a limited ability to learn things, that you have a limited ability to be able to lift a certain amount of weight. You have a limited ability to only handle so much stuff within one given day. They might, somebody might be able to have a test that shows you, hey, you're stronger in this area. Hey, you're weaker in that area, right? They might be able to point you to some of those things, but can your weaknesses become stronger? And can your weaknesses become stronger?
Starting point is 00:06:07 And can your strengths be stronger than they are currently? Can you get a little bit better at stuff? Let's say that you've always really struggled to lose weight. It's always been problematic for you. But just think in your head right now. Could you be three pounds lighter? I heard somebody with a great quote at a gym one time, a fan. And you fans out there, I want you to know this is a two-way street.
Starting point is 00:06:38 I get so much motivation. You guys impact my life a ton. And hopefully I motivate you and inspire you. I'm on a 10-minute walk right now. I already walked three miles, actually. And getting in more miles as we speak. Never doing one thing at once. And never do nothing.
Starting point is 00:07:00 Always be doing something, right? But I love this quote. I asked the guy, I said, hey, you've been doing a great job losing weight. This young man has lost about 60 pounds. And it's been over the course of probably about two years. And admittedly, he has a lot more weight to lose. But I commended him on it because he never gained it back. He just continues to lose the weight.
Starting point is 00:07:26 And I said, what are you doing? I want to know how you're able to do this because I want the ability to help more people. I'm the people's coach and I want to relay this message out to others because you lost 60 pounds and you never went backwards. And he said it all started by me focusing in on the ounces. When I lose ounces, the pounds will follow. Woo-hoo-hoo-hoo! That is a good one. That is a strong one.
Starting point is 00:07:57 That is a powerful one. When I lose the ounces, the pounds will follow. Brilliant. What is he doing? What's he doing in that scenario? He's doing the Henry Ford right there. Henry Ford said no job. No job is too hard when you break it down into many small pieces and small parts.
Starting point is 00:08:21 And he created the assembly line. He also created the nine to five job. He also created the assembly line. He also created the nine to five job. He also created, created the lunch break. He also created, I mean, he, the stuff that that guy created was ridiculous, but I love that quote. That's a fantastic quote. Oh man, I got this project I need to do. Um, man, I, I want to, I really would love to start my own podcast. And then what do you do? Why don't you start it? That's what we're here to talk about today.
Starting point is 00:08:50 Let's put it on the line. Write it down. Grab a fucking pen right now. And a piece of paper. I know you can never find either one of them. If you have a family like mine, you got kids around and shit, you can't find shit.
Starting point is 00:09:03 It's another topic for another day. You can never find what you need, but grab a pen, grab a piece of paper and write down what's standing in your way right now. And I need you to be honest. And that's the hardest thing. And why am I saying I need to be, need to be honest? Would you just randomly be dishonest? No, you wouldn't necessarily be dishonest, but you might not be very truthful because you might be blaming other people. So if you have a list and it says, my mom, my dad, my brother, my friend, my spouse, they're not really a family. Dead in the water. That's yourself.
Starting point is 00:09:46 That's yourself right there. It's still an excuse, though. It's still a reason. So write it down, and we'll talk. We can talk through it. I want you to write down three things that are hampering. Let's just use a podcast as an example. Everybody and their sister's got a podcast nowadays, right? Everybody's got something to say.
Starting point is 00:10:06 Really, they should shut all that shit down and just listen to my show, right? I don't know. Maybe not. Maybe I got nothing to say either. Anyway, back to the topic. You want to start a podcast, but you're like, I'm no podcast engineer. I don't know anything about podcasting. Okay, that's fine. A lot of people don't know shit about shit and they still start shit. Do you think that Damon John always knew a lot about clothing and he started FUBU back in the day? He's a multi-multi-millionaire, probably close to a billionaire. Right? You have to figure stuff out. Do you think Steve Jobs was the most technically advanced person in the room? You think he knew a lot about how to actually make a phone?
Starting point is 00:10:59 He probably started out knowing nothing about phones. Look, he knew about computers, right? And I know the technology that's in the phone now is probably similar to some of the things that are, you know, the stuff that was in computers. Probably similar to some of the stuff that's in the phone now and so on. But he created like a whole space that no one ever even knew they needed. I did that too, by the way, with the slingshot. Give myself a pat on the back. Because if I ain't going to pat myself on the back,
Starting point is 00:11:33 who is going to? That brings me to another topic. Real quick, liking your own posts, liking your own material, even commenting on your own stuff on social media. I think it's good and I think it's healthy. And here's why. Because if you don't believe in your message and you don't believe in what you're doing, why would anybody anybody else maybe you don't have to necessarily hit the like button to prove that but I usually do I don't think there's anything wrong with that I think that's actually a good and powerful thing to do so what are the three things that are stopping you? Let's say with a podcast, it's something technical. Okay. Uh, let's say number two, that it's not even necessarily technical, or maybe this is all
Starting point is 00:12:13 just part of it. Maybe this is number one, it's technical. Number two, you're shy. You don't really want to talk in front of people. You, you don't really know how you want to do that. Okay. Well, you know, what are a couple of ways you can get past that or around that? Maybe you would have guests on.
Starting point is 00:12:29 And maybe you'd ask some questions. Maybe you're so shy you don't even want to be part of the show. Maybe you just want to be the technician that kind of runs the show. Maybe you come up with a different idea altogether about podcasting. And maybe all you do, my voice cracked right there a little bit. How embarrassing. Did you hear that? Going through some puberty over here, I'm going to walk through a tunnel so the voice might get a little weird or shaky in there, but let's just say that you don't have the courage to be on the mic, well maybe you formulate
Starting point is 00:13:03 something and maybe you end up with a completely different podcast than what everybody else has. What's wrong with that? That actually sounds great. What if you are just like, you know what, I'm just going to email people five questions.
Starting point is 00:13:15 Email everybody the same five questions and that's going to be that. That way I don't have to talk and be embarrassed. You could probably get a lot of guests that way. You could say,
Starting point is 00:13:24 hey, on your own time, with your own equipment, I already know you have a podcast. You go after all the heavy hitters that already have a podcast and say, hey, look, it's five questions. You know, and you come up with a concept or an idea. And maybe, I don't know, maybe every time somebody does that, you donate some money to charity or something like that i don't know train coming through super training anyway so there's an idea right just think of a few ways of how you can get past that what about practicing come on man we talking about practice what about practicing what about practicing talking what about recording stuff on your phone, but never sharing it even? Just record yourself talking every day via, you know, video or audio and listen back to it.
Starting point is 00:14:28 research, listen to Joe Rogan, listen to this podcast, listen to how other people talk and listen to, I'll give you a tip right now. A really simple thing to do is to say thing in threes, things in threes. It just gives you more shit to talk about. So I could say, for example, three things to help you lose weight. Go on three 10-minute walks every day. Get more sleep. Drink more water. Boom, there's three things. Right? So if you think in threes, you at least have a couple things to mention.
Starting point is 00:15:10 You at least have a couple things to talk about. So it gives you, you know, three questions deep. You can even go. So if it was nutrition, you tried to go three questions deep. You say, hey, you ever tried a carnivore diet? And someone would say, well, why? Why would I do a carnivore diet? Well, a carnivore diet could help with, um, it can act as an elimination diet. You get rid of all other things and then you see how your body responds to meat and maybe your skin disorder clears up. Number two. Okay. Uh, but why would I care about that? I don't have a skin disorder. Well, it might help you in other areas. It might help you with sleep. It might help you with losing body fat. It could be something that would be useful because of protein leveraging.
Starting point is 00:15:56 The more protein you have in your body, the less likely you are to overeat on other calories, right? And wham, there you go. Now we get into, you know, question number three, you know, okay, three reasons on why to do the carnivore diet. We got protein leveraging, elimination diet. And the third one is just to be in better shape, just to lose weight as a reset, you know, reset. Maybe you, maybe you need a lot of carbohydrates and maybe it's time just to evaluate getting rid of them for a while. And maybe when you bring carbohydrates back in, maybe it'll be more powerful. And maybe during that month, not only do you only eat meat,
Starting point is 00:16:33 but you get rid of alcohol, you get rid of energy drinks, you get rid of coffee. You know, maybe you just kind of like, Hey, let's get rid of all this extra stuff and just see what it's like when I boil things down to this point. Boom. You got a bunch of shit to talk about. See how quickly that works. Now you need to be a material expert in whatever it is that you're about to talk about. Um, and not even necessarily an expert because you're not going to allow yourself to think you're an expert. I hear people all the time say that they are, it's a little offshoot of some of this, but I hear people often mention that they're perfectionists. Well, what I've learned over the years
Starting point is 00:17:10 is that perfectionists and people that are smart never get around to doing anything. How about that for a quote? Right? You guys notice this? People that are really smart, people that are really smart, people that are really smart and really intelligent,
Starting point is 00:17:28 they can pull all this stuff together. People that are smart and intelligent and people that are oftentimes claiming they're perfectionists, a lot of times they don't even have the courage to get started on anything because they're missing the single most important ingredient.
Starting point is 00:17:47 The single most important ingredient is heart power. Belief in yourself. Believing in yourself. Believing in yourself is so powerful that it can override anything. The belief in yourself and maybe even a little dash of arrogance can override the fact that you're not very good at something. You ever seen like American Idol? You see some of those people sing? Holy shit, right? Some of them are great. And then some of them aren't. Like William Hung. Remember that one? She bangs, she bangs.
Starting point is 00:18:26 Remember that one that went viral, went crazy? That was a long time ago. But anyway, the power of self-belief is where it's at. That's where the strength is. And that's why I advise you need to start stuff. Because you need to be doing shit. Put very simply, do more shit, be more shit. do more, be more. The more that you do, the more that you can handle. The more that you can handle, the more likely you are to continue to feel better about yourself. And when you can Bruce Lee motherfuckers coming at you,
Starting point is 00:18:59 Bruce Lee, another old reference because I'm an old person. But Bruce Lee used to hit people with one shot. Boom. Hit one enemy with one shot. Boom. Pow. Like he's fucking Batman or some shit, right? And another old reference. I'm really chalking him up today.
Starting point is 00:19:20 But can you picture what I'm talking about? Picture that life and life's adversity is circled around you. Like you're in one big circle jerk. No, sorry, not a circle jerk. You're in one big circle. And there's eight people surrounding you. And all eight people want to kill you. They want to kick your ass.
Starting point is 00:19:43 That could be very scary. But it could also be a lot of fun, right? It could be a blast. It could be the time of your life. It could be the greatest story that you ever share with anybody. Cause you're like, let me tell you the time that I kicked the shit out of eight people. Because what if you had the skillset of a Bruce Lee, right? A lot of this comes down to skill set because if you're not somebody who just randomly believes in themselves, which I think sometimes people are born with, sometimes people are awarded it
Starting point is 00:20:14 or it's given to them by great parents or grandparents or somebody, mentor. Somebody believes in them. They have a strong belief system in themselves. They believe in who they are. They believe in what they are. They believe in why they're doing it. They strongly believe in it.
Starting point is 00:20:37 There's some people that are just born with it, but most people have to figure out a way to go get it. And this is amazing because this is shit that you can't buy. You can't buy this stuff. It can't be purchased. It can't be purchased through you know, taking steroids or
Starting point is 00:20:56 like there's not a yeah, steroids will give you muscle, right? But it's also like kind of that old adage of, I can give you a million dollars, but you still won't be a millionaire. You'll just have a million bucks and you'll waste it and won't know what to do with it. If I can wave a magic wand and help you lose 100 pounds, you wouldn't be the same as somebody who lost 100 pounds.
Starting point is 00:21:22 Because the person that lost 100 pounds recognized what the journey would do for them. And what the journey would do to them. Remember the things that we do for ourselves are always going to be more powerful than the things that we do to ourselves. So you have to do stuff for yourself. Doing stuff to yourself would be taking steroids, right? Doing stuff to yourself would be trying to bypass some of the work, which is fine. Which is fine. We all use drugs. Everybody uses drugs to get themselves in a place they otherwise couldn't get to. And when I say all, I'm pretty much talking about 100% of the American population.
Starting point is 00:22:08 And if you think that you're exempt from that, I would like you to go throw out your coffee right now. Drugs are pretty much utilized. I mean, there are, I guess there are some exceptions to people that don't put anything in their body. But from what I see and what I'm around, everybody's got a little something. Alcohol, marijuana, whatever. And I think all those things are great, actually. I'm not, you've seen bigger, stronger, faster. You guys know the story there.
Starting point is 00:22:40 I know this is a really crazy, like, not crazy, but just like long-winded way of telling you the only way to start is to start, but the only way to start is to start. You might want to walk yourself through some of the potential dangers of what it is that you're about to do. But I also say that you would want to go the other direction too and think about all the positive things that you can get from this, from starting this new adventure that you got, from starting this podcast that you're thinking of or whatever it is that you're thinking about. you're going to have to, you know, figure out how to put one foot in front of the other. And maybe it starts out with something simple, something small. You know, I always talk about incremental progress and how you do it in the gym. Well, you don't start out the first day in the gym. You don't try to squat three plates. You try to squat the bar and you move the bar around a bunch. And then hopefully you're smart enough to like say, okay, well,
Starting point is 00:23:52 I don't even know how to squat. So I should maybe have someone teach me how to squat. That would be great. But right here, you need someone to teach you how to start. And I'm giving you the tools. I'm laying out the tools for you to start. And the start is going to be the power of self-belief. Your heart power. How do you build it up? You build it up by doing stuff.
Starting point is 00:24:16 Well, what are some things that we can do? Let's get into that. You can hit up some 10-minute walks every day. You can write a little bit every day. You can read a little bit every day. You can read a little bit every day. I'm not saying you have to do all these things. These are just suggestions and recommendations to do, you know, pick one or two things to do every day. You could eat better because if you eat better, that's going to solve a lot of problems because people are like, I'm not
Starting point is 00:24:39 that motivated. Yeah, you're not motivated because you're a pile of shit because you don't eat well. that motivated. Yeah, you're not motivated because you're a pile of shit because you don't eat well. You have no energy. You're not supplying your body with what you need. You're siphoning off valuable nutrients every day. And then you're wondering why you're tired. I'm not motivated like Mark Bell or C.T. Fletcher or this guy or that guy or that girl. Well, of course you're not. Because you don't do half the shit that they do. And you're going to have to figure out a way to concentrate on that and get that done. Because otherwise you can't do those things. You need to get enough sleep, right? All these factors. Write down the things that are in the way.
Starting point is 00:25:26 And then I also want you to talk about and think about what are things that you can do that will leave you believing in yourself in a much stronger way. The 10-minute walks, the food, the training.
Starting point is 00:25:41 This is the people's coach. This is all I know how to do. Is to encourage you to lift some weights. Training. This is the people's coach. This is all I know how to do. Is to encourage you to lift some weights. Because I think the resistance that we get in the gym. Ends up feeling a lot like the resistance that we have. Outside. And if I go back to that.
Starting point is 00:26:01 Analogy. Of you being like a Bruce Lee. And having eight people surrounding you. And it being the time of your life. The first time I ever squatted a thousand pounds, I was about three quarters of the way up with the weight and I just started to smile because I was like, yeah, motherfucker. I knew I'd be able to do this. Even when I unwrapped it, I smiled internally. I was like, oh shit, I feel so strong. This is over. Game over. I like knew I could do it. You know, before I even did it, I knew I could do it. I also, uh, utilize the power of visualization, see myself doing well, and you should do the same. What is this thing that you want to start? See yourself doing well with it. Also, see people talking down about it.
Starting point is 00:26:48 And be prepared for that. And be powerful for that. Just like when you go to a party. And you know that when you go to a party, there's going to be chips and cheese and dip. And all kinds of food out for you to eat. That's not on your normal diet. Well, walk yourself through that. If you have never done that before, you should. Walk yourself through the negative.
Starting point is 00:27:11 What are people going to say about this business that you want to start? They're going to say it's not going to work. They're going to say, oh, you want to make ice cream? Like, that's too competitive. You want to make a keto ice cream? People already do it. You ever have Halo Top? You're like, no, dude, that shit just doesn't taste good. I want to make something that actually tastes really good. And people will deter you from it. Why? Why will they deter you from it? Well, sometimes they're your friends or sometimes you're a family and they don't want to see you get hurt. They also may have failed a lot in life or they never became anybody. They never tried anything. Ask somebody that's ever put their ass on the line and lost or succeeded on what they would do.
Starting point is 00:27:54 And they're going to say, yeah, go for it. Because those people know. You should move away from home after high school. You should try to go away to college. You should try to go away to whatever job it is that you want to intern at or whatever any of those things are. You should move to the other side of the country. That's what I did when I was a kid. Picked up, moved to California, changed my life forever. You're going to have to, at some point, you're going to have to grow a pair of nuts. I mean, literally, at some point, you're going to have to jump, you know. I like to use a video game analogy from Mario
Starting point is 00:28:33 Brothers and how you, you know, run backwards to run forward to jump the last minute or the last second, rather, to get as many points on that flagpole as you can or to you know jump over to the other side and actually make it well i mean that's a great analogy sometimes you have to die too sometimes you have to fall down the hole to realize oh man i better get more momentum going into that shit man if that's not a metaphor for life, I don't know what would be Like that's the ultimate metaphor right there Need to get more momentum I need to learn more about it. Maybe I need to die again You know, maybe your guy needs to fall down the hole again or get
Starting point is 00:29:17 Hit by the turtle or whatever it is, right? Maybe that needs to happen again for you to learn But i'm a huge fan of failing fast Maybe that needs to happen again for you to learn. But I'm a huge fan of failing fast. And if you don't fail fast, you'll never have the opportunity to spread your wings and to capture the air beneath you that you need for you to coast on through and for you to fully see and fully realize what it is that you're about to do. But once you get those wings spread and once you started
Starting point is 00:29:46 something, this is where the actual work starts to come in. You see like an eagle or a bird that, you know, flaps its wings quite a bit. Well, it got started, it got off the ground, right? Well, and then it can kind of coast. But now it's way up in the air. And the risk of death is a lot more than when it started right there was some friction in getting off the ground it took a lot of strength to get off the ground took a lot of flap flappy flapperoo of the wings right to get off the ground well once it's off the ground it's only a few feet off the ground so it's really of no consequence if it falls back down.
Starting point is 00:30:28 You'll see the young, the young ones do that and they're very lightweight. So it's even less of a big deal because if they fall, they're super light and they're chubbier and stuff, right? And then once it gets way up in the air, they get, you know, several hundred feet up in the air. Well, the work that they have now is just different. The hard work, the initial power that it took to get off the ground is done. That part is over with. They don't have to flap their wings as fast. But now they still have to pay attention to where they're going. They still have to have a target.
Starting point is 00:31:02 I think that's another issue is a lot of times people don't have a target. They don't have a target in mind of where they want to go. So you should have a target in mind for where you want to go. But as I see it, all this boils down to a belief system. You need to believe in yourself. You need to be powerful enough to understand that failure is going to be part of it. It's going to be part of the process. I personally, when it comes to like slingshot, super training gym, there's a ton of small failures in there, but it's because I took small risks. If you take large risks, you will have bigger failures on your hand. But mine have always been pretty small. You know, the biggest investments and things I've made when I was young and getting started was just a few hundred and sometimes a few thousand bucks, which at the time was an
Starting point is 00:31:57 immense amount of money to me. But, um, it wasn't like a real roll of the dice with like, Hey man, I got 500 K into this, or I raised a bunch of money. I never used anybody else's money either. I don't believe, I don't believe in any of that shit. If you, if you have a huge project that you want to do, um, then there are certain ways of doing that. And if you executed that before, and that's different, if you're a serial entrepreneur, you know what you're doing. But I'm not a big fan of spending other people's money. I'm more a big fan of, you know, rolling the dice with your own dough and having skin in the game, as they call it, you know.
Starting point is 00:32:43 Have it be your own shit. And then you also don't have to worry about having partners and you don't have to worry about their thoughts. You don't have to have investors because then you're just working for them. Then you're working for the money. And when you're working for the money, you don't have any freedom anyway. You don't really have the job that you thought you did. You're trying to go your own way and go your own route and do your own thing and work independently of having someone overseeing or overriding what you're doing. And now you're just not because somebody gave you money. Don't ever forget that.
Starting point is 00:33:20 It's a great life lesson is any exchange of money, you now work for somebody. Don't ever forget that. It's a great life lesson. Any exchange of money, you now work for somebody. Whether it's a gym membership or somebody signing up for some personal training. It doesn't matter what it is. Somebody gives you money. They own a little chunk of you.
Starting point is 00:33:40 Or they own a little chunk of your gym. A little chunk of your space. Super Training Gym has no membership fee and that's one of the reasons i don't want anybody owning anything of mine it's mine all mine uh in starting you know super training gym slingshot power magazine and now you know getting supplements off the ground and wait do you guys see some of the gym accessories that we came up with more recently um it's just rocking and rolling but it's for me it's always just been about you know putting that i'm a big proponent of putting the uh putting the cart before the horse you people people say that all the time you know don't put the cart before the horse. And I think those people are scared of what may happen if they succeed. But don't think that way. That's actually a very arrogant way of thinking because success is nothing to fear.
Starting point is 00:34:39 But I do think a lot of people are kind of like, well, what if this works and I'm attached to this forever? Now I have to do this thing and I have to keep riding it out. And it's not so much just a fear of success, but it's a fear of like, Hey, it's kind of working. And now I have to work that much harder because once something gets started, you'll have to actually really work a lot harder than ever than you thought. I mean, there's a lot of sacrifices and a lot of things that happen in this trade-off of you starting something. And I'm mainly thinking of job opportunities, but you can apply this to anything. But in starting this new thing of you becoming your own boss, I mean, careful what you wish for because now you don't really have a schedule. Now you have to make yourself accountable for your own schedule. And so it doesn't really matter if you're there,
Starting point is 00:35:29 but it does matter if you're there, right? Now it's all on you. Okay, big guy, you wanted it all on you. Here you go. Here's your responsibility. Nobody actually really wants all the responsibility in the world. People would love to have the power of God, but you would hate to have that responsibility or the power of the President of the United States, but imagine having that responsibility. Nobody wants it. Or even just of a local politician, nobody hardly wants it.
Starting point is 00:35:55 Or even being chief of police, nobody wants it, right? It's too much. It's, uh... The power is great. The things that they can do are great. The things that they can do are great. The things that they can initiate are great. But the responsibility is a tough one. And to try to live up to that is brutal.
Starting point is 00:36:16 And you end up in a similar situation trying to be a CEO, entrepreneur. It can be very difficult. But what are the things that are in your way? Remember, the obstacle is the way. So remember, keep in mind, what's going to be difficult or what's going to be hard? What are the things that you're weak at? What are the things you may fail at? Those are the things that you have to kind of go towards. You have to be reasonable and rational as well. I don't want to make you feel like, or I don't want you to think that this means like, hey man, just go for it. Right? Without any regard or any thought.
Starting point is 00:36:56 You need to stick some rational thought in there. So I'm definitely not saying not to have any rational thought in there. But I am telling you to trust your gut. That gut feeling. Science doesn't know much about the gut feeling. They try to research that shit, but they don't know. They don't know. The way I come up with stuff is weird. And the way that you guys come up with stuff is probably weird too we all have we all have some creativity inside of us and that's what it's going to take it's going to take a strong belief in yourself so when it comes to you know people being nervous or scared about starting and people saying they're
Starting point is 00:37:44 perfectionist too i you know again i think that that's when people say starting. And people saying they're perfectionists too. Again, I think that that's, when people say that, a lot of times they're actually scared to do something until it's perfect. But that's irrational because nothing is perfect. Everything is flawed. Everything has a flaw.
Starting point is 00:38:03 And everything's not perfect. Some things are just, uh, some things are just space. Some things are just like nothing, like a canvas, you know, that has a beautiful painting on it. Like the painting wouldn't be anything if it wasn't on a canvas that had space for it. I know it's kind of weird kind of weird but and and same thing with like outer space like you know seeing the stars and everything well the stars wouldn't be magical and mystical if we didn't have the space for it space between that's important as well it's all important and so that's you don't have things that are perfect like Like, hey, that's, wow, that's great, that's perfect. Like, it's really not.
Starting point is 00:38:47 It's, everything has a little bit of an imperfection to it. And it needs to and it should. A lot of times there's a lot of beauty in that. A lot of times that stuff is wonderful, the imperfections that something might have. So your idea, you know, just get them cranking, get them going. I did it with the slingshot over 11 years ago now. And it was magnificent.
Starting point is 00:39:14 It changed my life in many, many ways. Gave me financial freedom. And now that I have financial freedom, it's easier to concentrate on my health and my nutrition and things like that. And now it helps me to help other people. But the slingshot, don't forget, the slingshot was created at Starbucks Coffee off of my iPad and off of my iPhone. That's how I did it. My nephews thought that I worked at Starbucks.
Starting point is 00:39:41 that's how I did it. My nephews thought that I worked at Starbucks. They thought that I went and worked at Starbucks while their moms worked out at the local Fitness 19 where the slingshot was first tried on. And they were in like daycare or whatever. And we all would kind of go, drive over that way together.
Starting point is 00:39:58 And then I would be inside Starbucks and I'd work for 90 minutes while my wife was doing cardio and training or whatever the hell she was doing with her friends. And it doesn't have to look fancy, but it's going to have to be consistent. And I would have never done any of those things if I didn't believe in myself. How did I believe in myself? Well, I was already strong as fuck, so of course't believe in myself. How did I believe in myself? Well, I was already strong as
Starting point is 00:40:25 fuck. So of course I believed in myself at that point. I think I already squatted 900 pounds, benched probably around 800 pounds, you know? So like I already, already built some shit up and I want to see you guys build some shit up. You're not going to go anywhere with these ideas if you don't believe in yourself. Nowhere. You're going to go nowhere. And I've never really liked to speak negatively like that, but that's exactly where you'll end up. You'll end up nowhere. You have to build up a resume a little bit. You don't have to necessarily be a superstar of any kind and you don't have to necessarily bench a superstar of any kind. And you don't have to necessarily bench 800 pounds. But you'll have to have done something. And from my point, my standpoint, forget about the 800 pound bench.
Starting point is 00:41:16 And forget about the actual weight I was moving, right? Just think about the time. That's where my time was spent. My time was spent in the gym. My time was spent on the platform. What is it that you want to get into? And, but then where are you spending your time? Show me where you spend your time and I can show you exactly where you're going to end up. If you're spending your time jerking off, you're probably not going to end up anywhere. If you're spending your time getting high, you're
Starting point is 00:41:43 probably not going to end up anywhere. These, these are all things that could be part of your life. And these are all things that are a lot of people's lives and they are very successful. But at the moment, you need to figure out how to spend more time in alignment with the thing that you claim that you want to do. The single, the number one determiner, if that is a word, determinant of where you're going to end up and what you're going to be doing is how much interest you have in something. I don't like lifting weights. I don't like fitness. I fucking love it. I'm't like lifting weights. I don't like fitness. I fucking love it. I'm absolutely in love with it. I'm in love with it on so many different levels.
Starting point is 00:42:36 I'm in love with the hard breathing. I'm in love with the resistance that you feel and you're like, oh shit, I'm not sure if I can actually do that. And you go to pull on the weight and then the weight finally moves. I love that. It's orgasmic to me. I fucking get off on it. I dig it. The pain that your body goes through and talking your body out of that pain and saying, no, I'm not tired. Fuck that. I'm going to keep going. This feels great. To do mindsets. You start going to the gym, you want to start believing in yourself more? Do some mindsets. Do some sets where you push yourself up against a corner.
Starting point is 00:43:13 You paint yourself into a corner. You back yourself up against a wall. And you're not sure what you're going to do, how you're going to do it. You're not sure if you're going to be able to even take another breath sometimes. Body starts shaking, trembling, going all over the place. You don't know how you're going to organize your body to be able to continue to do the reps. But you keep doing reps because you're doing mindsets. Mind over matter.
Starting point is 00:43:44 If your mind can do it, your body will follow. It's amazing what your mind can do. If you said right now, you said, I think I can run about a mile. Well, I would show you that you could probably run about 10 miles. You really probably could, you know. If the reason was big enough, if there was 10K on the line or a million bucks on the line or whatever,
Starting point is 00:44:11 all you got to do is nonstop be in continuous motion, looking like you're running. You would figure it out. You have the ability to figure it out. When you go to the gym and you do these mindsets or you are running or whatever it is you're doing and you apply some of this methodology to it
Starting point is 00:44:34 to push yourself a little bit further than you thought you could and you don't necessarily count reps. You wait until when the pain settles in that's when it starts to count right because what are reps four five and six they don't mean shit they were actually too easy because if you if you discontinued the set so just say you're doing a set of 12 if you discontinued the set at rep number six you know i i think you can make a pretty good argument
Starting point is 00:45:05 that you might as well not even show up at the gym. Because I don't think you really got anything. Now, if you're new to lifting, or you're older and you're just kind of dicking around and moving some weight around for other reasons, then maybe you get a little benefit.
Starting point is 00:45:22 But you're not going to get the hypertrophy. You're not going to get the changes that you're looking for. We want some good, strong, powerful changes, don't we? Isn't that what we're looking for? And if you're thinking about something new, we're thinking about changes. We're thinking about making changes. Like impactful changes.
Starting point is 00:45:41 Shit that will change your life. These mindsets will change your life. Understanding that nothing is that hard if you simply break it down into smaller pieces and smaller parts and smaller jobs. That'll change your life forever. That'll change your life forever. Nothing is difficult.
Starting point is 00:45:59 There's nothing that you can't learn. There's nothing that you can't bear. You can bear having your father die. You can bear having your mother die. You can bear having your father die. You can bear having your mother die. You can bear having your spouse die. You can. People do it all the time. It might not seem like you can, but you can. Part of my job and part of what I think I excel at is empowering people. And I think a lot more people need to understand how strong they truly are. People are, you are so powerful. You could also be so weak at times, right? And I know this because I'm weak myself. I'm as weak as a kitten sometimes.
Starting point is 00:46:43 And it's embarrassing. Not a side that I like to share or show. So guess what? You don't really see it. But I have it. I got weakness. Remember the quote I've shared before is, man in his weakness is a creature of circumstances.
Starting point is 00:47:06 Man in his greatness is a creator of his circumstances. That's one to write down right there. That's from Orison Swett Marden, the founder of Success Magazine. Success Magazine is still around today. He said that in the early 1900s. Anyway, I think that wraps up this edition of Saturday School. On my-minute walk here in Davis California December 12th two days after my 44th birthday hope you guys enjoyed this share this out with other people stop being afraid to fail there's nothing to fear but fear itself and that fear and that dialogue that you build up in your head is paralyzing you,
Starting point is 00:47:46 don't allow it to paralyze you. Replace those thoughts. Understand that those thoughts are irrational because these are thoughts about things that probably have never happened. And these are thoughts about things that probably never will happen. And so therefore, there's no reason to get yourself nervous or scared about them. Instead, be a problem solver. Find solutions. What are solutions to it? There are answers out there
Starting point is 00:48:11 to everything. And let's not forget, if you want to learn how to start something, you can also just utilize some YouTube, utilize the internet, utilize some resources. There used to be many different layers to be able to get to a lot of different people, but now we have the internet and you can DM people. Used to be seven degrees of separation. Now there's one. DM me, at me, bro. You never know who you're going to get on the phone. You never know who you're going to get a hold of. And that person could be somebody that helps change your life, but don't be sitting around waiting for them. Don't wait for anything. The time for waiting is
Starting point is 00:48:50 over. The time to start is now. Just think about if you started now, like where you would be in three months. And I don't care how hard it is you think that the thing is that you're going to try to do. Because I've seen people come up with the most crazy the craziest the craziest things to be able to make their product i was watching shark tank one time and these people put a fucking elevator in their house because they were cranking out so many products and it was taking up a lot of room in their house and they had to like have it on two different stories and so they just had an elevator put in their home like they made a makeshift elevator themselves to be able to have this thing from you know built upstairs and then sent to the downstairs i mean there's where there's a will there's a way and if you have the will which is your heart power your soul print what are you made out of we're trying to be made
Starting point is 00:49:43 out of something different here at mark Bell's Power Project, right? That's it for today's show. Strength is never a weakness. Weakness is never a strength. Make sure you share this out. Catch you guys later.

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