Mark Bell's Power Project - Mark Bell's Saturday School EP. 29 - Class Hangout On Clubhouse

Episode Date: February 20, 2021

We took Saturday School onto Clubhouse this week and although we had a little bit of a plan for the episode, we let the app and listeners mold the show. Turned out to be a phenomenal episode talking t...o a few friends of the podcast who have struggled with weight gain but give you great tips and motivation to help you on your weight loss journey. Subscribe to the NEW Power Project Newsletter! ➢ Subscribe to the Podcast on on Platforms! ➢ Special perks for our listeners below! ➢LMNT Electrolytes: ➢Piedmontese Beef: Use Code "POWERPROJECT" at checkout for 25% off your order plus FREE 2-Day Shipping on orders of $99 ➢Sling Shot: Enter Discount code, "POWERPROJECT" at checkout and receive 15% off all Sling Shots Follow Mark Bell's Power Project Podcast ➢ Insta: ➢ ➢ Twitter: ➢ LinkedIn: ➢ YouTube: ➢TikTok: FOLLOW Mark Bell ➢ Instagram: ➢ Facebook: ➢ Twitter: ➢ Snapchat: marksmellybell ➢Mark Bell's Daily Workouts, Nutrition and More: Follow Nsima Inyang ➢ Instagram: Podcast Produced by Andrew Zaragoza ➢ Instagram: #PowerProject #Podcast #MarkBell

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I don't know if you remember, but there was, uh, you actually called me just over a year ago. And that was, that was really special for me. What did I call you? Did I call you fat? Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Mark Bell's Power Project Podcast. This episode of the podcast is brought to you by Piedmontese Beef. And Sema, you work with a lot of clients, uh, definitely have, some have different goals. Some have they want to gain strength. Some want to lean down. But can you tell me why for most people getting more protein in is important?
Starting point is 00:00:34 So, I mean, something that not only do people struggle, I struggle with a lot is getting really hungry during a diet. It's the biggest thing. It's like people are dieting and they're like, I want to eat more. I need more food. But, you know, one of the reasons why protein is so important, and Mark talks about this all the time with his protein leveraging diet, is that when you have more protein, it's satiating. You feel full. You don't feel like eating a crazy amount of food. And the great thing about Pied Montes is that not only does it have a lot of protein per every single serving of meat, but
Starting point is 00:01:04 it has minimal amounts of fat that if single serving of meat, but it has minimal amounts of fat that if you're dieting, you can kind of go to town on Piedmontese and you're not getting in that many calories of fat. It's great. It's perfect for if you're cutting. And if you're bulking, well, you can just have more meat. It's pretty amazing. You guys got to check it out.
Starting point is 00:01:18 Yeah, you guys got to get satiated today by eating a higher quality cut of beef. And the best way, in in our opinion to do that is by heading over to that's at checkout enter promo code power project for 25 off your order and if your order is 99 and more you get free two-day shipping yeah so yeah we are now up on Clubhouse. No. Yep. Yep, there we are. Dude, there's no possible way that we're up on Clubhouse. It's new, man. We ever shit together that good? We're on the front lines of this? I believe so. Well, this is an exciting new app. I'm excited about it, and
Starting point is 00:01:58 we got talking about it as a group a couple days ago, and we're just like, let's just get, let's just get her going. Cause a lot of people are on there. It's catching fire. I think this thing is going to be big. It's going to continue to grow and we're working out some kinks as you can hear me echoing in the background. It's not working.
Starting point is 00:02:18 There you go. That worked. Yeah. Yeah. We're working on work. We're working on it. And, uh,
Starting point is 00:02:24 you know, bear with us. We might have an issue here or there, but we're learning it. And we're getting better at it. Just the other day, we had Ed Cohn on. We had Stan the Rhino Efforting. We had Sean Baker. We had Christopher Boer Bell, my brother.
Starting point is 00:02:38 And we had Matt Vincent on, along with the normal host that you see on the Power Project and Seaman Inyang and Andrew Zaragoza and myself, Mark Smelly Bell. And it went really well. on along with the normal, uh, hosts that you see on the power project and semen in Yang and Andrew's there, it goes, and myself, Mark smelly bell, and it went really well. So I was like, you know what? I want to be on there a lot. And so, um, we're going to be hopping here a lot, hopping on here a lot. It'll be exclusive content, uh, occasionally. And sometimes it might be something that we roll out as part of our podcast as well.
Starting point is 00:03:04 Um, but, uh, what I want for today is I'd love for you guys to participate. And I'd love for you guys to share the fact that I do have a platform on Clubhouse. What is the actual name of this channel or whatever you call it? So, yeah, that's one thing that we're going to eventually at some point roll out. We're going to start a club here on Clubhouse. But as of right now, we can only do rooms. We have to publish or we have to go. We're going to start a club here on Clubhouse. But as of right now, we're just, we can only do rooms. We have to publish or we have to go, we have a broadcast. This is under my name though, right?
Starting point is 00:03:31 Yes, correct. Is it just Mark Smelly Bell? At Mark Smelly Bell, just like it is everywhere. Got it. So eventually we will start a club. Maybe we'll start a club for the podcast. But as of right now, it's just Mark Smelly Bell starting up rooms. And of course, you guys are hearing my voice through Mark's account just because we are podcast or we're broadcasting from the podcast studio. So that way we can record all these conversations and just really take advantage of the big microphones. And then at some point we will do like remote stuff and whatnot.
Starting point is 00:04:02 But yeah, we got big plans. Yeah, I love the and I think and this is part of like what made Clubhouse so damn popular. we will do like remote stuff and whatnot, but yeah, we got big plans. Yeah. I love the, and I think, and this is part of like what made clubhouse so damn popular so quickly was like sharing ideas and stuff. Um, we have this,
Starting point is 00:04:13 I don't even know exactly how expensive this studio is at this point, but we have this big gigantic studio, professional equipment. And here's, we have an idea and it's like, Mark, I'm not sure exactly how we're going to run it. Uh, but I can do some research. Mark's response is like, fuck it. We're going to do it
Starting point is 00:04:30 on Monday. Like, I don't care what happens. Let's just go ahead and get on it right away. And I, it was a huge success. We had Stan Efferding, we had Sean Baker, we had Chris Bell, uh, and then Matt Vincent popped in there as well, along with Ed Cohn, which wasn't supposed to, that wasn't even planned, but it all worked out really well. And it was just really cool, like having Mark's trust to like, Hey, just, I'm pretty sure you'll figure it out as we go. And I, and we did, you know, like it was, it wasn't 100% smooth, but it still worked out. Yeah. People always say, yeah, people always say, don't put your cart before the, before the horse.
Starting point is 00:05:05 But if you think about it, um, many great people over the years have done that. And I think one of the great examples in our, in our American history, uh, of this was, uh,
Starting point is 00:05:15 JFK, JFK had a speech about going to the moon and he talked about this alloyed metal that they were going to use that he didn't even know they had or had any idea on how they were going to get or how they were going to use that he didn't even know they had or had any idea on how they were going to get or how they were going to make it uh he just heard some rumors that that was potential type of steel that they were going to use that was going to be able to handle the wear and tear of rocket launching and uh so he went he went with it and he just rolled with it um we saw uh on joe rogan the other day um elon mus Musk was on and he talked about going to Mars.
Starting point is 00:05:48 Rogan's like, when are we going to see trips to Mars? He's like, in two years. There has not been one trip to Mars yet, right? Right. There has not even been an attempt of human beings trying to go to Mars yet. And he's talking about, like, we got this on lockdown in two years. I'm a huge believer in putting the cart before the horse. People will say that often don't put the cart before the horse, but I'm always like, what's the ramifications of that? So what the cart sits
Starting point is 00:06:16 there a little longer, something gets messed up. Well, we need to fail fast. You know, we need to, we need, cause we need answers. And the only way we get answers is through error correction. You have to correct something. Uh, and we, but look, uh, are you ever going to start out deadlifting perfectly? Or are you going to deadlift like shit the first couple of times you do it? You ever going to start out in jujitsu class, like not looking green, not looking like you're brand new. No, you're going to be green.
Starting point is 00:06:41 People are going to be like, oh my God, this guy sucks. Right. They're going to see that in you a lot. So anyway, aside from that, we're excited to be here. We're fired up. I want you guys to participate. So I would like to see people popping their hands up
Starting point is 00:06:55 as I go along. And I guess Andrew will kind of cue people in and out. But let's kind of start out with this topic of what Andrew said. Many people are often asking me, you know, what do I got coming up next? Long term, what's next is me trying to escape myself. And what I mean by that is I'm trying to get the hell out of here. You know, I'm trying to get out of slingshot. I'm trying to move the hell out of here. You know, I'm trying to get out of, uh, slingshot.
Starting point is 00:07:25 I'm trying to move on to some other things. And, uh, that's going to be a monumental task and a monumental feat. Um, even just over the last couple of weeks, I was like, wow, like how in the hell am I going to get out of here? Because, uh, I'm still, I'm still responsible for so many things, but I'll figure it out. My goal was to be retired by 45. I'm 44, so the clock is ticking away.
Starting point is 00:07:56 I only have a few more months to figure this out. It doesn't mean I'm not going to podcast. It will still be podcasting like a bunch of lunatics, like a bunch of savages. We'll be doing that probably more so than anything else. But I would like to move on from some other aspects. And I don't know exactly what that means yet, but you will be informed of that as I get informed of that as well. The, you know, the how largely involved I am with product development and things like that
Starting point is 00:08:27 is still huge. I still have created nearly every single thing that you've ever seen, whether it be a hat or shirt. Um, there's other people that have been a huge part of it as well. And I don't want to take anything away from their creativity and, uh, their assistance, um, you know, in this process of making great products, but, uh, it's mainly been me. And so to detach from that, especially like at this, at the end here, uh, or what seems like the end, I got a bunch of shit burning in my head that I need to get out there into the world. you guys know as much as I do that there's probably a lot more stuff that's going to come out once these other things are released. But we have some crazy products coming your way that are things that you've never seen from Slingshot. And there are things that are unconventional that you have never seen from all the copycat companies that have popped up because Slingshot has made it look so easy to be successful in this fitness space. We have a lot of creative accessories that you guys are going to absolutely love that you're going to be able to utilize in the gym.
Starting point is 00:09:30 And at the end of this month and maybe the beginning of next month, we have the steak shake coming out, Mark Bell Steak Shake. And you guys are going to get hit in the face with that one. We made a chocolate. We made a vanilla. They both taste really good. There is not another protein on the market that is anything like it. hit in the face with that one. We made a chocolate, we made a vanilla. They both taste really good. There is not another protein on the market that is anything like it. No one else has thought of it.
Starting point is 00:09:57 No one else has done it yet. It has beef protein. It has whey protein. It has collagen protein. It has egg. And along with all that, it has all the essential organ meats that you might need in order to fulfill the micronutrients that your body needs. So it's going to provide you with a great deal of protein, all of it very bioavailable. And in addition to that, it's going to present bioavailable micronutrients to you that are superior to anything that you can get from vegetables, anything that you can get from fruits, at least in all the research I've seen. And so that's going to be available soon.
Starting point is 00:10:31 Like I said, we made it taste good. It's going to sound like it's disgusting when I tell you everything that's in it. There's heart in it. There's pancreas. There's liver. There's spleen. We threw the kitchen sink in there. There's everything, but a pair of nuts in there. Uh, we couldn't, we couldn't figure that one out, but maybe the next,
Starting point is 00:10:52 maybe the next go of it. Well, we will, uh, we will do that made with all natural ingredients. Um, I think it's just has some stevia and some monk fruit in it. And I know that people are going to really, really love it. So kind of what's next for me, what's on my mind is this venture into creating supplements is a big thing that's consuming some of my bandwidth at the moment. And that would be something that I would jump into next. So I just consider those two different chapters in my life, you know, making some of these products here at Slingshot and then jumping into supplements. It's just a whole new world.
Starting point is 00:11:24 It's a whole new thing that I, uh, you know, I'm going to learn, learn about, uh, as I go. And I know that that, that, uh, steak shake is gonna, uh, sell like wildfire. And so the idea is to put that out first. And then there's a whole nother slew of products into workout. Um, we have a, uh, a pre-workout in addition to having a sleep formula. We have a cozy cocoa, which is like this hot chocolate thing that will help put your ass to sleep. And we have a tea that does the same thing. And I couldn't be more excited and more pumped up about it. Something that makes a lot of our products different is that there's a beta hydroxybutyrate, which is a ketone.
Starting point is 00:12:06 There's some ketones in almost every product. There's some sort of a salt in almost every product. We have a hydration product that's coming out. And what's different from our hydration product and some other hydration products is that ours has, um, it has some ketones in it as well. So I think you guys are going to love, uh, some of these things that are coming up next. Yeah. And I just want to emphasize the fact of how delicious this damn shake is. You know,
Starting point is 00:12:31 I mean, I guess I would, I would have been nice, right. But I would have been honest, but I was expecting it to taste like total, just terrible. And it actually was freaking incredible.
Starting point is 00:12:41 I've had some of you guys taste other stuff from me and I have said, look, man, I need to know the truth. I made a few different amino acid type products and they just weren't right. I had Smokey try them, I had Jess try them. And they're like, look, man, like they just don't taste good. I'm like, really? They're like, no, they're awful. Because like for me, I don't care as much, you know, I don't really mind having something that's kind of, it doesn't have to be great.
Starting point is 00:13:07 I'll, I'll freaking get through it, man. If it, if I find it beneficial, like I'll, you know, if it's going to, I'm going to gag from it, then no, but, uh, I'll put myself through it if I think it's going to work, but it's been great having you guys, uh, give me the truth. Yeah. I mean, you've had, you've had me try some, some essential amino acids where I was like, I think there's a little too much gasoline in this one. truth. Yeah. I mean, you've had me try some, some essential amino acids where I was like, I think there's a little too much gasoline in this one. Right. Yeah. It was pretty rough. Burn. You're just like, what is that? Yeah. Oh, real quick. What, um, I don't know. I don't want
Starting point is 00:13:35 to say what prevented you in the past, but like in the past you hadn't really considered making a supplement line. Um, I've want to say with a guest, somebody had asked you, and this was at the old gym. I don't remember your answer, but why did it take so long for you to kind of come out with something? Just needed everything to be lined up correctly, needed everything to be right. There's been some changes to the company. There's been some things that have, you know, been different about the company over the years. And now we have, we have resources, you know, we have finances to be able to play around, uh, with some concepts and ideas. So, so we have room, we have a little bit of room for error. Um, and also, you know, I wanted to make sure that I wanted to make sure I was really excited about whatever it was I was going to make.
Starting point is 00:14:27 As I started getting into more keto and low carb style stuff. And as I started recognizing the need for products like Element, who's a sponsor of our podcast. And I started to recognize, man, like these things are these things are huge. And before I ever was presented with a product from them, I was taking something from a company called Keto Vitals. And I was off the bat. I was like, you know what this from a businessman perspective, from a business person's perspective, I use this every day. It just makes sense for me to make it myself. And I know some people might be like, well, you're stepping on somebody else's toes, but, uh, that's business. People do it to me. I do it to other people.
Starting point is 00:15:09 It's just, it's, uh, it's not fun. You know, it's not fun. But when I think about slingshot and when I think about super training, super training and slingshot are not Mark Bell. There's a whole entire crew that I'm responsible for. I would love to continue to up the pay of every single person in the building every single time that they have demonstrated that they're worthy of that without question. I just want it to be like, yeah, you want 20 grand more? Boom, you're set. Right. But we can't do that unless we have that kind of money coming in and so this gives us an opportunity for the company to grow these supplements could be
Starting point is 00:15:51 i mean imagine if the company uh was bringing in 25 percent more 50 percent more like we could have more better stuff you know right and then everybody else has more better stuff than everybody else is you know you're gonna see i remember the first time that i ever saw emma uh you know? And then everybody else has more better stuff than everybody else is, you know, you're going to see, uh, I remember the first time that I ever saw Emma, uh, you know, come into work, uh, in, in, in, in a newer car. And I was like, oh my God, never even really, I'd never, I just never even really thought that far thought that much through. And I'm like, holy, you know, it kind of made me scared in a way. I was like, holy shit, you know, we're responsible for a lot more than I was ever really even, uh, holy, you know, it kind of made me scared in a way. I was like, holy shit. You know, we're responsible for a lot more than I was ever really even considering. But yeah, we'd love for everybody here to not sweat whether their transmission on their
Starting point is 00:16:33 car blew up or not. First of all, to have a car that the transmission's not compromised is a good start. And also for people to be able to like just buy stuff, just like flat out buy it and stuff that you and I've talked about a bunch where you don't have a bunch of bills and a bunch of shit stacking up. Um, so that, that, that is a huge motivation to move into this space. Cause not that we've maxed out what slingshot can do. I think slingshot can still has room to about, you know, five X what it can do. I don't know beyond that.
Starting point is 00:17:04 I don't know how X what it can do. I don't know beyond that. I don't know how much further it can go. Uh, but the supplements have an opportunity, the supplements within two years, if things go correctly, it should be able to equal exactly what slingshot is doing. So that's doubling, that's doubling everything that we're doing, doubling everything that we, we have going on. So it's like, I know that people get weird talking about money, but man, the resources and the things that money can provide you, they're really, really important. Another example would be, what if we could bring in a CEO or what if we can bump somebody up into the CEO position and have my wife, you know, be able to work her way out of the business as well.
Starting point is 00:17:51 Well, now we have more time for other stuff, or maybe she has time to just focus on supplements. Shouldn't have to worry about Slingshot. I mean, the things that having extra income can do are really amazing. We can hire more people so we can provide for more people in this pandemic times and things like that. So a lot of my mind is on that. And so when people ask me about like diet or people ask me about training, I'm like, you know, training is just so fun and the diet is fun. And you know, I just end up kind of doing diet is fun. And, uh, you know, I just end up kind of
Starting point is 00:18:27 doing what I do. I know people, you know, are still very curious. Uh, and I'll go over that in a minute, unless you have anything else to add here. Yeah. Before we switch lanes there, uh, a lot of people are kind of, they feel like, oh, it's too late to start a YouTube channel. Like they're afraid of failing. You know, you, you always preach like, oh, it's too late to start a YouTube channel. They're afraid of failing. You always preach, fail fast. But a supplement line in today's day and age, there's supplements all over the place. How is it that you don't feel that it's too late for Mark Bell to get his grasp on this industry? I have some access to some like secret people, you know, I got some people that are kind of like, you know, uh, underground unconventional,
Starting point is 00:19:14 you know, and, and the person that I developed some of these products with, um, is, and the company that I utilized are both, you know, spectacular. Like they're fantastic. I got one guy who's, you know, reaching for the stars and I got a, I got a company that, uh, you know, co-packing company to do the supplements. That's like, Hey, that's cool that you're reaching for the stars like that. But you know, this is a, uh, this is an element that's not of this world and we can't find it or whatever, you know, or this is a, uh, an element that you're trying to throw into a product, but like, we don't know how long we can purchase that for. So I don't want you to go through one run of it. Let's just, let's just hypothetically say you're trying to throw vitamin D into a, into a
Starting point is 00:20:02 supplement. And somebody says, Hey, look, there's very specific vitamin D that you want to go after because this is, uh, you know, absorbed by the body a lot better or whatever it is. Well, that's cool. And that's great. But you need to know like how much access do you have to that? How, you know, will it well run out? Like, is this something that somebody will have for three months and then you have to switch and your whole ad campaign and everything you did was surrounding that, you know, so you can get yourself into some compromising positions, but it's not, it's never too late. You know, it's never too late to start anything. It's never too late to start a YouTube channel. Uh, it's never too late for somebody to, uh,
Starting point is 00:20:40 you know, fall in love or, you know, have a relationship. I know many people that have, you know, that are single that, you know, I remember even with like my sister-in-law being single for a while. I remember, you know, um, I remember talking to her. I mean, she was still very young when she met her husband, but I remember talking to her and I was like, Hey, don't sweat it. You know why? And she's like, why? And I was like, cause whoever you're, to her and I was like, Hey, don't sweat it. You know why? And she's like, why? And I was like, cause whoever you're, you meet, you're going to spend every day of your life with forever. Pretty much. I mean, there's situations that pop up that, that doesn't work out, but either way, even if you're with somebody for five years, you're with them for five years and it's not like,
Starting point is 00:21:20 not like you're with them on and off for five years. You're with them almost every day. There's some sort of communication or some sort of thing every single day. And it doesn't matter if you're 25 or if you're 55. It's never too late to start anything. We had a guy come in here not too long ago that told me he started lifting and he was like 70. And I think he started when he was like 68. And I was like, this is the coolest thing you know he's like going to a world championship or something he was so pumped up about it i was and he looked fit and he told me he lost a bunch of weight and everything and i
Starting point is 00:21:55 was just like this is amazing this is so this is so cool it's never too late to start anything that's great so it looks like we have have Chris Bell. He's hanging out. What? We got our boy Matthew Balcom. He's hanging out too. Devin, Jose, and another guy named Andrew. Let's get Matthew Balcom in here for a second. Let's see if he's willing to step up.
Starting point is 00:22:14 Let's see. Hold on. Step up. Step up or step aside, son. Invite him to speak and then I'll just invite Mr. Boar Bell. Yeah, you might as well. My brother wants to say something. He's going to be shouting. He's going to be shouting.
Starting point is 00:22:25 He's going to be like, hey! What's up, Matty? How's it going, fellas? Hey, Mr. Matthew Balcom. I want to personally thank you for that painting that you sent of my mom. I really appreciate that. That was amazing that you thought of us in that way and that you sent of my mom. I really appreciate that. That was amazing that you thought of us in that way and that you spent time on that.
Starting point is 00:22:48 Whenever I see something like that come from somebody, you know, you could have bought us a present. You could have sent us some flowers or some wine or you could have gave us 50 bucks or something like that. But you chose to do, I think, what's the most important thing is to spend some time on something. And so that was very uplifting for my family.
Starting point is 00:23:08 I really appreciate that. It was very kind of you. I'm glad that was the idea behind it. Yeah, fantastic. Yeah. And he sent one. I did one. Go ahead.
Starting point is 00:23:20 I'm getting the feedback today, I guess. My bad. I know we're still working on that. Oh, okay. That's not me. Yeah, it was... Full disclosure, it was my idea, but I'm not that good of an artist, so I contacted a guy that I get to do work for my store.
Starting point is 00:23:35 Right. I buy stuff from him to resell. That's great. I know you're two months into orders, but I got something that needs to be done ASAP, and then I pushed him to get the same thing similarly done for Andrews. Cause he's been, I've had it on the back order since like the beginning of summer. I was like, look, I really need this done now. Let's get it done.
Starting point is 00:23:52 Cause I bought thousands of dollars for the paintings from him already. He's like, all right, I'll do this solid. So I told him what I wanted it to see roughly, you know, your mom going up to the gates of heaven, you know, you know, shedding, shedding her earthly shackles, right. Getting to see Mike again. Right. You know, and,
Starting point is 00:24:07 uh, awesome. Yeah, that was absolutely a fantastic. I think we may have lost him there. Maybe. Oh, not sure what.
Starting point is 00:24:18 Oh, I think I'm back. Someone tried to call me. Oh, there you go. Yeah. We really appreciate that. Are you like that in general?
Starting point is 00:24:25 Like, do you, you know, uh uh think about other people a lot like that i try to but it's i find because i'm generous i get taken advantage of a lot so i try to direct it in certain places i see it seems like you pour your heart and soul into stuff. Cause just knowing you like as a fan, as somebody that purchases, uh, boatloads of stuff from slingshot and stuff, uh,
Starting point is 00:24:52 I could see where that could happen to you, where somebody would be like, Oh, well he just, you know, they take it for, they take it for granted, but we don't take it for granted.
Starting point is 00:25:00 We really appreciate it. And we see, we see you, man. We, we, we hear your name, everybody here at this your name everybody here at
Starting point is 00:25:05 this company everybody here at slingshot and most of the people at super training gym we all know your name i appreciate it yeah thank you so much i don't know i don't know if you remember but there was uh you actually called me just over a year ago and that was that was really special for me what did i call what did i call you did i call you fat uh no my my ex my girlfriend at the time harassed you on instagram right and you called me up while i was at work and was like this is mark bell and uh the reason she harassed you is because i was basically it's still emotional for me it's okay um i was basically, it's still emotional for me. It's okay. Um, I was basically fat, sick and nearly dead and I didn't have anybody that cared. Right.
Starting point is 00:25:52 And finding your YouTube videos and all that stuff. I mean, like it really was life changing. Yeah. Well, how, how important is that to have at least one person, you know, like you felt like nobody cared, but at least it sounded like your girlfriend cared. And then you found out like, shit, man, maybe more people care because when I heard about your story, I cared enough to call you up, you know? And, uh, it's unbelievable, you know, having people like that in your corner. My mom, you know, grew up with this kind of terrible upbringing, but
Starting point is 00:26:21 was, uh, so strong and powerful that, um, she was able to instill a lot of confidence in, in me and my brothers and, and to make us feel fulfilled and make us feel good and make us, uh, feel like someone cared. I mean, she always made us feel like somebody cared. It was, it was, uh, you know, it was hard to be lonely, you know, growing up in that household because she was always making sure that we were doing something or she was always making sure that she's giving us a hug or a kiss or a pat on the back. And she was super annoying too, just like any other mom, but she was, uh, right there to, uh, support us every step of the way. So it's great that you had, uh, your girlfriend, uh, to kind of step up to the plate for you. Yeah, it was, it, that was actually ironically one of the cases of how I have to be careful.
Starting point is 00:27:07 She basically only did it to win favor herself, which is ironic. Nonetheless, it meant I got a call from you. So that was appreciated. But, uh, she ended up having to be someone that had to leave because I discovered
Starting point is 00:27:18 over time, she's one of those people that was only being nice as long as I was spending money on her and doing things for her. Yeah. Right. So, man. Yeah. Right. So. Well, look, though, she was in your life for a reason. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:27:31 Like, so while you may have went through some heartache, you know, with a breakup or whatever, it appears that she was in there just to uplift you just when you needed it. And, hey, so what if it costs a few thousand bucks? That's what I say. That's what I say. Totally. I try not to. I'm almost 43. I'll be 43 in a couple days.
Starting point is 00:27:55 But, you know, I've kind of learned at this point in life, you have to take good and bad from every experience. You have to learn from them. But you just sit here and brood on the bad shit well so there were positive things that came from our relationship you know i i i learned how to deal with that type of person on an intimate level where i've never had that in my life before because before i found power lifting and your stuff and probably started carnivore and lost you know effectively 150 pounds you know my god stuff, all kinds of crazy stuff. I wasn't really attractive to women, you know, that kind of stuff. So I never had that in my life.
Starting point is 00:28:30 I never had to worry about that. So all of a sudden it was a thing and I learned a lesson from it. Now I know what to watch for future as well. Right. Yeah. Now you know what you don't want. Right. Um, what, what do you do for a living? Uh, I have a video game store in Nova Scotia, Canada. Okay, absolutely. I remember you.
Starting point is 00:28:47 I remember having a discussion with you and talking to you, and I remember being pretty choked up myself about some of your story. That's amazing, man, 150 pounds. Why don't you tell people what you did diet-wise to achieve? How did you get started? What was the first thing that you did to lose, let's say the first 30 pounds? Yeah, certainly. So what happened was I need to timelines blur together. So I think it was the Christmas of 2017. I was 300, maybe it was the year before that sometime in there, I was 300 and pounds about 330 and i started having this weird feeling on my right leg and it was starting to swell and my socks it was to the point where like the fat was coming out over the you know the sock was so tight
Starting point is 00:29:35 not a great look yeah cankles maximum um so i went to the hospital and the doctor's like holy shit you have a really bad infection so there's actually pictures on my facebook of me like sitting in the hospital bed they're doing an ultrasound on my leg and crazy stuff like that and he comes back because i still at that point i don't really you know when you don't know anything about health you're just like oh i eat healthy i eat mcdonald's twice a day but you know like you don't know shit right so uh i'm laying in that bed and he comes over he's like no this is how serious it is we're gonna have to give you really strong antibiotics and
Starting point is 00:30:09 you're gonna have to come back every day until we get this under control or we're gonna have to amputate your leg wow and i was just like uh-oh uh because not that i have anything against people disabilities this is like one of my personal fears is i don't know what i'd do if i lost an arm if i lost a leg i lost an eye that'd be brutal yeah i don't know how i could cope like i have the utmost respect for people who have those disabilities because i look at it and i go that's just so scary for me that's that's like i'm more afraid of not being able to do what i enjoy being able to do in my life than i am of just flat out dying. So, um, they started making me, and at the time, of course I got tested and I was diabetic. So they sent me to, uh, in Canada, we have the socialized healthcare.
Starting point is 00:30:53 Luckily it costs out of our taxes, but I got a question. I got a question for you. Um, when you were diabetic, did you feel, did you feel diabetic? Did you feel any, did you feel anything? Did you, did you have like, uh, instances where you felt your blood sugar being a problem or no? Now I can look back and I think I could say yes. When you don't know anything about health or food or, you know, what sugar really is and that sugar comes from carbs and all those things. And you're just, you're fat and sick and you can't breathe and you can't walk. And, you know, like I couldn't go up and down the stairs of my house I think there's millions the reason why I asked you is like I think
Starting point is 00:31:28 that there's millions of people in the United States at least that are diabetic and undiagnosed they're not treating their diabetes because they don't even know that they have it but it's seriously eating away at their body just like it was you know about to eat away at your leg
Starting point is 00:31:42 totally 110% agree with that because I can look back at those times now. I see symptoms like the guy that works for me, I'm trying to get him to do what I did because I care to see him do better because I want him to be an important part of my business and I want his life to be better. And I see little things like the other day,
Starting point is 00:32:03 one of the triggers or one of the signs that I learned, uh, when I started going to the diabetic clinic is, um, something to do with diabetes and like your blood sugar and having to urinate all the time. So for like a span of a week, he had to take a leak like every 15 minutes and it wasn't proportional to the amount of any liquids he was drinking in the day. And I tried to look, you know, I tried to tell him, Hey, and he's like oh no no i'm not diabetic don't worry about it i'm like i mean you might not be but that is a that can be a sign that there's something going on you could be pre-diabetic this is something you should look into because i didn't and then i became diabetic and then type type two they technically say you can never like cure it you can just manage it
Starting point is 00:32:42 so technically my doctor doesn't consider me cured, but I haven't taken medications basically since I started the carnivore diet. That's, that's absolutely amazing. And what did the diet look like in the very beginning for you to lose like that first, maybe 30 pounds or so? Certainly. So the beginning there was, I didn't jump right onto carnivore. I tried to figure it out myself. Um, you know, and that's kind of partially how I stumbled into, you know, what you, what you were preaching. Um, so I went to the diabetic clinic, uh, and they, they teach you about carbs and you should, it's so complex. I think that's the biggest issue for people. And that's probably the simplicity and beauty of the, of the carnivore diet is that here, these, these people, these dietitians are telling me, you need to have 15 grams of carbs with, with every snack, but no more than 30 grams of carbs
Starting point is 00:33:28 in a meal. And here's the pie chart of, you should have this much greens. You should have this much fiber. And when you know nothing about nutrition and you come into that and you're scared and you're sick, I think that was just, it was too much work. So I came up with my own system. I started eating chicken and rice uh and drinking um protein shakes twice a day so i had chicken and rice together once a day but i wasn't really measuring it so i don't even know how much i was having calorie wise and then having two protein shakes one in the morning one in the evening shit that'll work that got me down to i probably lost the first queen it was fluctuating It wouldn't stay down either though.
Starting point is 00:34:05 So I would drop maybe down to 300 at best on that one. And then, so I think it was two years ago when you first did the world carnivore month, uh, you were, you literally just made a post on Facebook. There was something like,
Starting point is 00:34:17 all right, fat asses, we're going for carnivore. Okay. You're like fat ass. He's talking to me. Yeah. He was definitely talking to me too
Starting point is 00:34:25 you gotta do it you gotta do it right so uh so i just jumped on the carnivore diet and uh so i started that january 1st of 2019 i guess it would be and at that point i weighed about 300 and the reason i said i don't really know how much weight i lost because we all know you know muscle weighs something i went from not being able to like lift anything to being able to almost deadlift 500 i think it was 475 when i was uh stopped there but and i cut down to 230 pounds at the same time and i wasn't hungry because you know just carnivore so i did technically start with a non-carnivore diet right but nothing really happened until i took the plunge and again it comes back to how helpful you were with it you answer and i look at it now and i laugh because i see all the stupid questions what can i eat and
Starting point is 00:35:17 i'm like oh fuck i was asking that question two years ago right you know and it's like just eat meat and eat it until you're full like i earlier today i was talking to a good friend of mine uh and i was cooking up uh it just ended up being like 2.6 pounds of steak and he's like what are you doing and i'm like man i'm probably not gonna eat for another day at this point like this is just i don't even know how many calories it is but it's it's all i'm gonna need right you know and sure enough that's what it is it's about 2500 calories that he calculated for him but it's just the satiation, like everything you said about it's true. Like you're going to feel fuller. You're going to feel more energetic. You, you know, it's, I don't,
Starting point is 00:35:53 I don't feel the need to snack. I don't feel the need to grab things and bite things. The first time ever that I was able to say no to like someone with a, someone walks in with a donut, you know, Oh, do you want a donut? Yeah, I got to have a donut. But when I was on carnivore, I was just like, no, you know, I don want a donut yeah i gotta have a donut but when i was on carnivore i was just like no you know i don't after like a month of carnivore i was like my sweet tooth has adjusted the point where it's it's cool but i i don't crave it like i don't my mouth doesn't start watering just because i smell sugar in the room i think so far with a quote of
Starting point is 00:36:19 the year for 2021 is from matthew balcom saying i just wanted to bite things that spoken like a true fat guy. I got my buddy, uh, Wayne Jensen on, on the line, uh, our boy from Dutch bros over there. And, uh, Wayne is, uh, been kind of struggling. He he's been, um, kind of off, off plan for a bit. You have any advice for him to kind of get back on plan? What was something that really helped you help prevent you from like, as you said, fighting on stuff? What was something that prevented or was something that kind of kicked your some of your bad habits? Maybe the eating late at night and sweet tooth type stuff. I think it's really just because I was in a very kind of uh scared place so maybe i would say to wayne get
Starting point is 00:37:06 get in the place where you're scared of what's going to happen with your health before it actually is something you need to be scared about because for me it was getting to that point where like literally in a hospital and a doctor saying we might have to cut your leg off and it's not an option like they're like they weren't they weren't telling me that this thing is do you want to have your leg cut off it's like it's cellulitis if it gets into the bone we've got to cut it off so there are health conditions that come from from being fat and eating bad that i think are maybe more rare but they are super serious and if they were to happen so if wayne can maybe put a little bit of fear in himself now to say hey i really need to try and i'm not saying he's not
Starting point is 00:37:42 trying his hardest now but i really really need to try so when mark posted hey it's carnivore carnivore month starting january 1st let's do this people it was just like all right i'm gonna try this because like you know i've watched his videos for lifting and i'm able to learn how to lift and look at the amount of weight the weight that mark has lost over over the years and you know just the people that's that around him like stan and like just like when i started looking into power lifting more and more and i'm like holy shit mark like knows everybody and everybody respects mark so this is a person to listen to so i guess i would say you know you have to really get it into your head that you want to be into that state of mind where you're fearful
Starting point is 00:38:20 before you actually really have to be fearful because that's another thing is that when i was scared of it it it's it's not a good feeling. I mean, I'm okay with it now, but the time I was like, you know, if I, when I was first starting the carnivore and fighting the cravings, it was a lot of, you know, I want to have that cookie. I want to have that bag of chips. And because I have a game store, people come in here and they physically play games and they like me. So they want to bring treats and stuff to share so donuts and cookies and stuff like that what'd you do instead time what'd you do instead did you eat something or no or you just not eat uh i'm trying to think back so it's about two years now so i would say i think i just what i got into because you know asking all the same
Starting point is 00:38:59 stupid questions like what should i eat and stuff i just kept experimenting with things and um i mean did you have like prep did you have like prep you have like prepped meals with you or something like how did you avoid when you got home from work and you're real tired or somebody brought you something like how'd you avoid some of this did you simply just say no and just you know be hungry or did you stuff it down with like a steak or a shake or something like that? So I think I'm a little bit unique compared to some people for some reason. So I was a smoker many years ago and then I went to see the doctor for that and they're like, oh, you might have MS. So because I had a complication.
Starting point is 00:39:37 So you should stop smoking. And I literally just quit smoking that day after like 10 years. I just threw the cigarette in the ground. I was like, I'm done. So once I can get my mind on something, I actually appear to have a fairly unique ability to just go i'm done um so for as far as the snacks and stuff it was just a matter of once i decided uh that structure of you you literally were just saying hey guys you can fall off the diet but you should try and go 30 days just meat and water and eat whatever meat you want so i just experimented
Starting point is 00:40:04 with all kinds of meats um i'm a little bit lucky in that it's my business so i can do whatever i want so out back i had a initially i had an instant pot so i could just throw stuff in it and keep it warm it wasn't the best tasting but it was available so chicken breast or you know stuff like that i could even do steak in it obviously it's really horrible steak, but it was available at all times. That's huge. And then I, I evolved up to a George Foreman grill and now I have a Chris's fault. I have a, uh, a Ninja foodie grill. Fantastic. So yeah, I just keep it here. And those are all things that like within 15 minutes, you can have three pounds of steak cooked in a Ninja foodie. Right. So it's, uh, it's, it's never far away. So I've never meal prepped per se. Um, but I have like,
Starting point is 00:40:50 I have a fridge at my store. I have the grill out back. So I can just whenever I need it. Matthew, thank you so much for your time. We're going to drop you, drop you off over here. We appreciate all your support and thank you so much for sharing that story with us. Thanks for your input, Matt. Appreciate you, buddy. Wayne, what the fuck's your problem? Why are you so much for sharing that story with us thanks for your input matt appreciate you buddy wayne what the fuck's your problem why are you so fat over there what's going
Starting point is 00:41:09 on oh dude come on dude i'm just like all you i'm just like all you other fucking guys right i know i got my ups and downs i guess yeah i think i, you know, I was talking to Chris, I mean, I had a really good conversation this morning and you got back into it today, right? Yeah. We went and lifted today, broke the cycle. Um, and you know, it's just, what I was talking about to you guys is like that routine that we had was huge for me, you and I just ever since we stopped lifting in the mornings I just haven't quite hit that consistency again and then it led to you know a week without lifting and a week with bad food and then now I'm back up to you know 269 pounds and I think it's probably my heaviest I think I've ever been.
Starting point is 00:42:06 And I definitely like with what Matt was telling me is like, I'm definitely at that point where it's getting a little like scary. I'm noticing like my, uh, you know, hands are going numb more often. Um, I don't know if it's from one thing or the other, but I definitely need to get my shit together. And that's why Chris and I were talking. I think it's so important to have accountability in a friend to work out with or somebody that's going to be there with you.
Starting point is 00:42:36 And like the other day you texted me and Sean and, you know, I didn't respond because I'm like, I had tricked myself into being like. Nah, dude, you know, back I went back like months of where I was like, I had tricked myself into being like, nah, dude, you, you know, back, I went back like months of where I was like, man, you're, you're not, you're not game enough to go just be lazy today and just lying to myself. Right. So I don't know, man. I definitely was appreciative of our workout this morning and it got me thinking to get back going into it because it's so important for me to
Starting point is 00:43:06 be healthy not only for myself but for my wife and my friends and all the people that you know are watching me you know with the role that i have uh here with dutch bros it's like what i what i do matters you know and i watched that video that that Chris posted of you like yesterday and talking about who the fuck are you? You know, who are you and who do you want to be when you look in the mirror? Who do you want to be in general? You know, so, yeah, it's it's rough when you get into this spot and try to dig yourself back out of it. But I'm just going to try to take it day by day and see where that goes. I think the only way to get out of this for somebody like yourself, because I think that
Starting point is 00:43:49 you're very similar to myself and to a lot of the listeners, like you just love, you just love some junky food. For me, I'm lucky that I started lifting so early. So I always stayed, I always stayed on point with lifting and diet has come and gone and things like that over the years. And, but I've, you know, usually recalibrate, uh, because I had a lifting background from when I was young, I always ate a lot of protein or had protein shakes. I was part of like fitness has always been part of my life. I think what we see happen with a lot of folks
Starting point is 00:44:20 though, is that they are either in fitness and they eat a little bit better or they don't do anything at all. And the protein shakes fall to the wayside. Smarter decisions with their food fall to the wayside and they just go back. They revert back to these old habits because they're comfortable and they're not doing 10 minute walks anymore because the food, the food and not sleeping and all these combinations of things, they wear you down and you're not motivated and excited to do much of it anymore. So I think the only way out of this for you, and this is going to sound weird, but I think it's the truth is to eat your way out of it. Literally like just get a lot of meat going
Starting point is 00:45:01 and get yourself used to some food, you know, some real food again. You know, get rid of some carbs. The only reason why I say get rid of carbs for people because people are like, carbs aren't bad. Carbs are not necessarily bad, but they do encourage overeating. And things like cereal and things like that, when you think about people like people like to think that those foods don't cost that much and they can't afford steak. People like to think that those foods don't cost that much and they can't afford steak. But when you start to think about how cereal promotes diabetes, it's like, well, I don't want to pay for that fucking shit at all because the cost of having diabetes is too great. Everybody should ask themselves, hey, when you go pour yourself a bowl of cereal, are you going to eat the whole box? And if the answer is yes, then you're not allowed to have carbs.
Starting point is 00:45:49 You're right. And I think, I think a big deal too is, uh, is being proud of yourself. You know, you want to think like, what's gonna, what will allow me to feel really proud of myself? Like, am I, am I proud of my, like the burrito tasted fucking awesome. It's so, I get it. It's so good. I love a burrito. I'd love to eat a burrito. I'd love to eat a sandwich. I'd love to eat a slice of pizza or two every single day. Uh, and I have those cravings. They're still, they're still in there.
Starting point is 00:46:15 Like they haven't gone anywhere. There's still, they're still waiting for fat Mark Bell to, uh, rear his ugly head, but I've replaced it with smarter choices. I replace it sometimes with just having rules that are black and white. Like at the moment I'm working on some fasting again. So I'm going to fast every day for 18 hours or so and push the food back, you know, to later on in the day and cut my food out a little bit earlier in the evening. Cause I would eat too close to bed and I just don't think that's good for my sleep and so forth. But you can turn this around very easily.
Starting point is 00:46:51 You've done it before. You've proven to yourself that you can do it. But I think one of the key components here is not to even really think about trying anything. Just start doing. But have low expectations for yourself or maybe even no expectations of yourself that, you know, don't think to yourself, if I don't do this by this time, then I, then this, then I'm going to make this happen to myself or
Starting point is 00:47:16 whatever. Um, you don't want to be like coercive in your efforts. You want to be, um, you want to be more like a cheerleader of yourself. You want to be encouraging of yourself. And if you do things that are so simple that they're hard to refuse to do, then you will be proud of yourself and you'll gain a ton of momentum. And that's when somebody's like, Hey dude, have you lost some weight? And you're like, well, I, I haven't really even checked. I'm not sure. And then you hop on the scale and sure enough, you drop, you know, 10 pounds, kind of like what was happening, uh, when you're coming here. I also get it when you said, you know, when we didn't, when we stopped those morning workouts,
Starting point is 00:48:00 you kind of, you kind of, uh, weren't into it anymore. That makes a lot of sense because you're a hard working son of a bitch. And I think you love that challenge. Like, Hey man, can you get up at like 4am and or three 30 and be at the gym at 4am and come train with a bunch of other like-minded lunatics. And you're like, yeah, I can do that. But when that challenge is not great enough, you're kind of like, ah, like, you know, I don't really feel like going to the gym in the middle of the day when you kind of forget, you lose sight of the fact that, um, you know, I don't really feel like going to the gym in the middle of the day when you kind of forget you lose sight of the fact that you have a job where you can modify your hours to your needs. And you have an amazing opportunity to work out at 8 a.m. or 12 or, you know, 3 or 5 or like kind of within reason. I'm sure like with almost whatever time, almost whatever time you'd like. And so I do understand the fall off, but I think now it's time to give yourself another
Starting point is 00:48:52 challenge that you feel is, is, you know, um, considerable. You feel like it's, it's kind of going to be, you know, like say to yourself, look, man, you know what, by Christmas, I would love to be about two 20 and you don't have to, you know,? By Christmas, I would love to be about 220. And you don't have to force it. You don't have to try it. You just have to work on doing it. What are five things that would take you from 269 pounds to 220 pounds? And right away, we could say, okay, number one is consistency.
Starting point is 00:49:22 Okay, well, what's some things that you can be consistent with? Well, from now until December 25th, you can walk twice a day for 10 minutes every single day. Like, there's no, that sounds like so simple that it's kind of ridiculous. I mean, to speak about freedom, I mean, I just hopped on the Peloton at my work and now I'm walking. Yeah, that's... now I'm walking. Yeah, that's while we're listening. So it's like I do have a lot of freedom and there is there really is no excuses for me to not try to do the best that I can every day. I mean, I have a freaking badass gym four minutes away from my house. That's free. Right.
Starting point is 00:50:07 Yeah. I think it's just, you know, having a lot of respect for yourself. Like I think that you're an amazing person. Like I tell people this all the time. Like when I see somebody like my buddy, Wayne, like you can't help, but smile. Even when I see Wayne from a distance, like I'm already start kind of giggling and laughing because I know, uh, that he's gonna, um, he's going to change the temperature in the room a little bit and make everybody feel better because he's just a fun loving guy. And just like, I'm excited to be around him. Not everybody has that same energy. Sometimes somebody else comes in the room and you're like, Oh my God, like, you know, who's this person? Or you're just frustrated because, uh, you know, that person's going to give you some sort of excuse or just, they always
Starting point is 00:50:49 kind of have a lot of weight on their shoulders and you're, you're kind of getting anxiety before you even say what's up to them for the day. Uh, but you're not that type of person at all. And you're somebody that's, you're dedicated on many, many, many levels. And it's just, when I, when I see someone like you, I'm like, oh man, all we got to do, it's like a small tweak. We just need to have some of that energy that he has in these other aspects of his life and just have that bleed off into some training and some nutrition and the nutrition, to be honest with you, the nutrition can come and go a little bit. It is the most important
Starting point is 00:51:25 thing when it comes to weight loss. Uh, but when it comes to health, if you're moving and you're working on building muscle and your nutrition is like, you know, 70, 30, you're going to, you're probably going to be a lot healthier. Um, a lot of, for a lot of people to be a lot healthier because it's probably way better than what they were doing before. Um, a lot of, for a lot of people to be a lot healthier because it's probably way better than what they were doing before. If you want to start to have aesthetics and you want to start to look good, um, that'll be harder. You'll have to have more of an 80, 20 or 90, 10, depending on your metabolism, depending
Starting point is 00:51:54 on where you're at. Um, but these things are, like I said earlier, they're very simple. You can walk twice a day. You could start to eat more protein. Um, you can try some intermittent fasting. Those are three things that you can, anybody can get started on right away. You just want to make sure that none of it is excessive, you know, 10 minute walks. Those are simple. Um, but if you go for, if you try to go for an hour walk every day, now you just fucked
Starting point is 00:52:21 yourself. If you're, if with your protein, if you're thinking like, I'm going to eat 400 grams of protein a day again, now you just fucked yourself again. If you're, you're just overthinking some of these things and lifting, walking, eating protein and some intermittent fasting, those, those four things right there can help a ton. Making sure you have some decent sleep hygiene. Like what are you doing to prep for bed? Are you watching, like, a scary-ass movie and then diving into bed after, you know, eating a big bowl of ice cream or something like that? Like, it's probably gonna be,
Starting point is 00:52:54 you're probably not gonna have the best sleep that you can. So you try to develop some habits where you can sleep better. Yeah, dude, I've been onto those crime TV, all that crime, those crime dramas and shit on Netflix, thinking somebody going to break into my house. Yeah, it really ups the ups, the Annie ups, the anxiety. What's your worst part of the day for you in terms of your food?
Starting point is 00:53:17 Like, where do you tend to make the worst decisions? Because when I was heavy, I know that I would wake up in the middle of the night and I would attack the pantry like a fucking polar bear. And if I just even had cut back on that, uh, I would have been a lot healthier at those times. So what, what's the weak point for you? Okay. So I'm the opposite of that. I don't wake up and snack at all at night um and i'm not you know what's crazy is my wife and i don't really keep that many snacks because she's very healthy you know she she kicks my ass peanut this stuff and um so i think the worst thing i have in my house right now to be honest with you is those fucking peanut butter pretzels from costco those are great god those are literally oh dude you just killed
Starting point is 00:54:14 everybody that's listening everybody's just veered off the road and turned around and going to costco right now so those are the thing i like to snack on towards evening times. But really, it's I don't eat breakfast. I wait till I'm fucking starving. And I just my brain just goes, get any kind of food you can get, whatever you want. And I get whatever I want. I'll go to a fucking mod pizza, snag a pizza real quick because it's fast. I went like I'll go to have it and grab like burger patties and chicken patties, but I don't, you know, get all the shit on them.
Starting point is 00:54:51 But I think when I do eat, it's a lot of food, whatever it is, sometimes it's healthy and sometimes it's not. And it allows that inconsistent, you know, progress with my body and lack of exercise that that along with that. Right. So, yeah, just so there was some of the rules would be a little different for you then, because I wouldn't suggest really messing with intermittent fasting. Yeah. Yeah. Coffee drinks with different calories in it and stuff. You know, I think what can happen here sometimes is we shut ourselves down
Starting point is 00:55:27 from doing certain things so much that we don't want to give it another shot again. And, and we get, we, we end up kind of reverting back to our bad habits because like you were putting in a really good effort last time. And I remember you got stuck for a little while and we were trying to figure out, you know, you know, why you were stuck, but these things happen. And when you're working hard, but there's something slightly off to where you're not no longer making progress, it's kind of demoralizing. You're like, man, I'm, I'm working pretty hard, but this is all I'm getting for this. Like, man, this kind of sucks, you know, but a lot of times you're super close, you know, a lot of times you're like 80% there. And it's just like, I mean, you would be super pumped to be where you're at
Starting point is 00:56:12 or where you were at before, right at this very moment. Correct. Oh, absolutely. Right. And so, you know, you, at the time you were kind of frustrated with it, but now you're like, shit, man, that would be great to be stuck again, you know, for four or five months at the same, uh, at the same, uh, body weight. But yeah, for you, I wouldn't advise, uh, intermittent fasting, even though we, you, we've utilized it with you before. I would just, when you first wake up, have some eggs, you know, and anytime you're hungry, eat.
Starting point is 00:56:43 I think, I think one of the biggest issues with dieting is when people get hungry, they make poor decisions. So I think a couple things here. Number one is don't allow yourself to get hungry. Number two is always know where the next couple of meals are coming from. Like, you should know where like a whole entire day's food is coming from before that day even starts. We have to kind of admit, we have to take a step back and we got to admit, we got to say, Hey man, I got a problem. Like I have an issue. And when somebody has a problem, somebody has an addiction, someone has an issue,
Starting point is 00:57:21 they have to have rules that are slightly different than other people. And you might have to do some stuff that you're like, man, fuck this. Why do I have to do this? Well, this is just the circumstances that you're in at the moment. And we need to try to create an environment that will allow you to take steps forward. So for myself, I have to think about this all the time. You don't have to think about, oh my God, is my steak out of the freezer yet? Or did I forget to thaw it out?
Starting point is 00:57:48 Like if some of these things are problematic for you, you can solve them by getting an air fryer because you can cook meat that's frozen in an air fryer. You know, there's a lot of options nowadays to kind of get over some of these hurdles. Having some, you know, utilizing a meal prep company. Not everyone has the finances to just go and buy whatever they like. But I'll tell you, it's really, really convenient. Even if you don't use those foods all the time,
Starting point is 00:58:15 at least they're there as a backup. So you need, it's very, very simple. In order to solve some of your issue, you're very hungry and you're looking for what tastes good and what's convenient. The one thing that might get knocked back a tiny bit on this is, is the tasting good part. Like it might not taste quite as good as that burrito that you had, or it might not taste quite as good as that mod pizza that you had, but delaying the gratification that you get from the pizza will give you what you actually really truly want. And that's a healthier and
Starting point is 00:58:53 stronger and a better looking body. It's just that the price that you have to pay for that takes a really long time. It takes months. And in some, in some cases it takes years. it takes months. And in some, in some cases it takes years. And in some cases it takes decades. And you're like, damn, this is like, this is like a long, this is a really long ass journey to get to this point. So I think a lot of those things would help you a lot. And I'm always around. I'm always available to, you know, help you as much as I possibly can. you know, help you as much as I possibly can. Yeah. Thanks, man. I think the biggest realization I had a couple of days ago is when those, those voices that you talk to yourself with started to get real negative. You know, when I start thinking about how I look in my brain, I mean, I definitely don't speak it out loud, but you know i'm talking to myself my brain
Starting point is 00:59:45 basically in a nutshell call myself a loser basically for where i've been allowed myself to get to and just you know i think in my mind now i'm saying fuck that dude that's not you this isn't you right you're fucking way more badass than you're giving yourself credit for. I mean, when I was working out with you guys, I mean, I was proving it every day. I was proving it. Yeah. And you were getting strong too. That was, that was getting pretty gnarly.
Starting point is 01:00:15 I was like, damn dude, he's fucking moving around some weight. Um, you know, the good news is you can get, you can, you can get control of this again. And, and I'm confident that you, I'm very confident that you will. I actually think that calling yourself a loser is great. I actually really do. I think putting yourself down as much as people try to say, look, man, you got to be more positive to yourself. I actually think it's great because I think it can help you examine yourself. It can help you examine yourself, and it can help you make a correction.
Starting point is 01:00:47 You know, you're a Sean Provost with Dutch Brothers as well. He, you know, he talks a lot about failing fast. And when you tell yourself that you're a loser, I think that's got to be the end of it, though. You know, you don't want to pile on yourself. You don't want to kind of kick a downed opponent, but I think it's okay to have a little bit of, uh, negative talk to yourself. Cause you're like, I can do better. You know, I, I know I can do better. Um, you know, maybe I'm not going to be, you know, 200 pounds and maybe I'm not going to have a set of abs, but I can be better than 269 pounds. And we know that you can get down to 260
Starting point is 01:01:26 and we know that you can weigh 250 and we know you can weigh 230 and so on. And all we have to do is break this down into smaller parts and the smaller jobs. Like how easy is it? Like if I said, Wayne, okay, you weigh 269 today. Um, you know, if you're, if you're, uh, if you're 259 at this time next month, I'll give you 10,000 bucks. Like you'd be able to do it. Wait, say that again? Yeah, if you weigh 259 a month from now, I'll give you 10,000 bucks. You know, I think you would be able to do it. And that just shows that you have the ability inside of you already to do a lot of these things.
Starting point is 01:02:08 And I think you don't necessarily need answers from me and you don't need answers from my brother. You need answers from yourself. You need to figure out. If I was in your shoes, I would examine why you think you're eating these foods. And I'd write out maybe five reasons why you think you're eating these foods rather than just thinking about them feeling, you know, uh, them tasting good and being quick and convenient. And you don't have to share this on the show. This is something that exercise for you to do yourself. Think about it and think about what are some reasons, like, is there something from your childhood? Is there something from, because a
Starting point is 01:02:48 lot of times most of the people that are heavy and most of the people that struggle with food are people that are, and it could just be your current circumstances. Maybe you have a lot of stress. I think as men, we don't give ourselves, we don't give ourselves any slack. You know, we don't give ourselves any slack. You know, we're, we're, we're trying to, uh, you know, women as well. But, but in the case of being a dude, you're trying to stuff away all these feelings that you have. Cause men aren't, we're not supposed to have them. We're supposed to be able to walk right through them like they're nothing. And, uh, all at the same time, we're supposed to be able to, you know,
Starting point is 01:03:22 have a job and have some good income coming in, be a protector of the family and so forth. And you got a lot of things, you know, you get a lot of things on your plate and you're just like, well, every guy has those things on their plate. So why am I being a bitch? You know, like, why am I, why am I acting this way? But you're acting that way because sometimes it gets to be a lot of stress and we just have to admit it and figure out ways to cope with it. And the only way to cope with it is figure out where is it coming from? Where can we trace it back to? We have another guy here that trains at super training where I helped him for a while. He was really struggling. I couldn't assist him to lose weight.
Starting point is 01:04:05 And I just think he could never really get ahold of the diet. And so I asked him one day, I said, Hey, you know what? You got to be more honest with me. Like I need to know what happened. And man, he just, the waterworks came, like he just started, this guy's he's, he's, he's big. And, uh, the waterworks just started coming. And I, the only reason why I said that is when somebody is really, really heavy, there's almost always a traumatic experience from their childhood. There's something that happens somewhere that they have a really hard time. They can get past it, but they have a really brutal time of getting past it. And that was the case with my mother.
Starting point is 01:04:41 She grew up with a shitty, she had a shitty upbringing and that screwed her up for life to the point where she, uh, could never, uh, come out from behind it. So for you, I think that would be a big thing. Like if it's just for fun, if it's just, uh, you know, because it's, um, you know, it's easier to be, uh, with friends when eating some of these junky foods and things like that. That's one thing. But I would examine a little bit deeper if you think it's coming from anywhere else, because if you can fix that, then actually losing weight will actually be very, very easy. Yeah, totally. I'm on board with that.
Starting point is 01:05:18 And I was listening to with a lot with what Matthew was saying. I had an uncle. He died when he was 52. He struggled with type 2 diabetes and Matthew was saying. I had an uncle, um, he died when he was 52. He struggled with type two diabetes and he was overweight. And it's like, that was really rough for me. And my whole, my mom, and I've had a lot of family members that I've dealt with weight. And I feel like I'm, I'm that person dabbling and it's definitely not okay. And I'm strong enough with my will and my power and my mentality to go, yo man, stop this shit. You know exactly where it's going to take you and you've seen it with your own eyes.
Starting point is 01:06:02 Yeah. Just make, you know, try to just make better decisions. And it appears to me that you're somebody that likes a good challenge. So, um, I would see if you can kind of flip that challenge switch and, you know, commit to a certain style of eating and maybe it's something that you need to write out or, you know, I do think it's important to have something on the horizon for most people because that may. So if if a cheat meal is part of the plan, then you'll be less likely to mess up all the time and have to restart your diet again. The hard thing is that a cheat meal can turn into a cheat day, which can turn into a cheat weekend, which can turn into a series day, which can turn into a cheat weekend, which can turn into a series
Starting point is 01:06:45 of cheat weeks in a row. So you just need to be really cognizant of that. But I think it's, I think it's totally reasonable to, on your cheat day, it's not an onslaught of eating. It's just, it would be, it would be like one cheat meal of something that you are currently eating. So you would hit up the mod pizza and it wouldn't be as big of a deal, but also make some rules for yourself. Say, okay, I can have that cheat meal, but it's only after I already trained really hard for an hour or it's after I, you know, uh, walked for an hour or something that way. There's, there's some, there's something in front of it to help you kind of metabolize, uh, some of those calories that you're about to have. So I would advise, you know, trying something, um, or doing something that's a style of diet that you've
Starting point is 01:07:36 liked in the past. Um, I would say more keto than carnivore. Cause I don't really think there's a, you should, I don't think you should cut out like vegetables. I actually think that fruit can be pretty valuable too, which isn't normally part of a keto diet, but I would just go even rather than that, I would just go low carb, keep your carbs under 50 a day, eat an, eat an apple or so every day or an orange, whatever one you like better, um, eat cheese and red meat and eggs and bacon, uh, chicken, um, whatever types of meat that you like, whether it be fish or elk or bison, those are all really good options. And you start to realize like how good a lot of that shit tastes. Like a lot of that stuff tastes really good. I, I talk about this a lot, but you know, when you go to a fancy restaurant, the main
Starting point is 01:08:29 dish, the most expensive thing at the restaurant is not a bag of Doritos. You know, it's a, it's a filet mignon, you know, it's a steak, it's a ribeye, it's, and it tastes extraordinary. But if you were to take that same bag of Doritos and you were to eat a couple Doritos and then you follow it up by eating that yummy ribeye that's in front of you, you would not be able to taste the ribeye at all. It's because those companies spend millions and millions of dollars in trying to figure out how to get their claws into you so that you continue to eat their food and that you
Starting point is 01:09:04 think about it all the time. And they're very successful with it. I mean, it's working. I think about those foods all the time myself. So, hey, you know what? You know what? One of my goals, I was just thinking about sitting here staring at all these you guys' bodies, Boer left, but his six pack was on there.
Starting point is 01:09:22 I'm like, I'm going to put my picture up here with you fuckers when I hit it. There you go. Yeah. One of my buddies that we've had on the show before, Cole Robinson, who's a big fan of utilizing a lot of fasting. You might want to look at some of his stuff. He's got some wild shit, man. It will scare the shit out of you. But Cole was a big fan of people putting it out
Starting point is 01:09:45 there. So I'm just going to throw this out there to you. I don't know if you want to do it, but some people, he, he actually said he's had a lot of success with this. People just taking a photo and saying, here's where I'm at. I'm going for it. And he actually made, so he works everybody publicly, right? Yes. Everybody that he, yeah, everybody that he works with, he works with them for free. But that's the one stipulation is you have to put your before picture up. And it's, I think it's brutal to be, you know, to be exposed like that. But it makes a lot of sense because the amount of accountability that it puts on you. And I'm sure he's probably had some people post some of those and they weren't a success,
Starting point is 01:10:26 but I think his success rate is pretty high because of that. Cause people put themselves out there like that. And then you get a lot of support too. Cause people are like, Hey man, don't sweat it. Like I lost 80 pounds and you'll get a bunch of people that say, um, that say different things to you that maybe are things that you never thought about before? Yeah, well, I just, you know, wanted to let you guys know, number one, how much I appreciate all you guys. And, you know, Stephen's not in here right now, but, you know, Andrew and Seema, Boar, Mark,
Starting point is 01:11:00 like I really am super, super thankful that, you know, I have you guys at my fingertips being able to text you and, you know, that you guys are in my core. It definitely I know you guys are always going to be there for me. And that is a big something real huge for me. Yeah, it feels good for us to have the Dutch Bros family close by and having you guys, you know, available to come in and work out or Sean to give some business advice. And, yeah, it's just been a great friendship, and it's been great over the years. And I got to come over to the hangar and kind of see.
Starting point is 01:11:38 I haven't worked out over there, so I got to hit a workout up over there. Yeah, I think me and Bo are working out tomorrow morning. Oh, my God. I'm going to be here 7 o'clock, hit a workout up over there. Yeah. I think me and bore working out tomorrow morning. Oh my God. I'm going to be here seven o'clock, whether he shows up or not. The Jack and tan plan. Yeah. That that's fantastic too,
Starting point is 01:11:53 that you texted us. Um, I think stuff like that's great. Pull other people in, you know, some of these, some of these guys that you have, uh,
Starting point is 01:12:01 you know, coming into, coming into work for Dutch bros on some of their days off, you know, or, or if you can catch them at, you know, an off hour or whatever, um, encourage them to come in. I know sometimes it's, it's not always the same dynamic of lifting with an employee and have an employer and, you know, you gotta mind your P's and Q's a little bit more, but, um, I think it'd be great for you because anytime I need something, I, you know, I always just, I text people and I just say, hey man, can you, and you
Starting point is 01:12:30 want to come work out on Thursday? And I get the opportunity to work out with some different people and it jacks me up and it gets me, gets me fired up. The weekend over here at Super Training, you know, we have good energy in here. So if you, anytime you guys want to pop in here at the week on the weekend um you're always more than welcome to yeah dope i'm i'm definitely gonna take you up on that and i was just thinking about that posing for that picture i just i got i got thug life tattooed across my stomach recently i'm not sure if that was the the best uh idea i've ever had
Starting point is 01:13:06 but it's it's fucking there now it's amazing i knew andrew and i would appreciate this but it's identical to the one tupac yeah i came home and my wife was so fucking pissed dude i don't think that she uh realized what i was doing but yeah yeah. Poor peanut. Oh my gosh. Wait a minute. You got that tattoo without telling your wife you were going to get it? Well, no. I told her. I don't think the idea
Starting point is 01:13:36 was in her head of what it would actually look like. Because I don't have... I got a lot of tattoos, but I don't have much on my stomach. And yeah, it's like wham in your face i don't know if you knew this wayne but nsema has his african name the full african name tattooed on his dick it's like 175 letters or something like that it's huge the font's super small though because you know small penis but that's how
Starting point is 01:14:06 it is yeah right dude dude you know what i was thinking about like back in the day i mean what was better than having like a big jug of kool-aid like almost literally nothing like as a kid going out you know playing on your bike and you come inside it's like dude mom made some kool-aid but now looking at it today it's like dude dude, I can't have that as an adult, right? Like, it's impossible. Oh, yeah. And the Kool-Aid man breaks through. Nah, seriously, man.
Starting point is 01:14:36 Since you were mentioning that. The element. The microphone. The element has like awesome flavors. Seven awesome flavors. And I'm going to list them all to you right now. Orange, raspberry, citrus, unflavored, mango, chili, lemon, habanero, and chocolate. And guess what?
Starting point is 01:14:48 What? You guys want to try all of these? Yeah. Then check out their sample pack. Yeah, you guys can get a free Element Recharge Pack right now at slash powerproject. And obviously, we're having fun here, but the flavors are incredible. And this is an awesome way for you to try out multiple flavors in case you you know maybe orange salt is your jam and you don't want to stray away from it well with this sample
Starting point is 01:15:10 pack you're actually going to be able to try some of the other flavors like another favorite citrus salt or sorry uh yeah citrus salt that's what it's called i was you know i just want to call it lime because that's what it reminds me of anyways this stuff really is kind of like grown-up Kool-Aid. You have like zero guilt, tastes amazing. You can put it in like a big gallon jug and drink that all day long like some awesome bodybuilders do. Or you can just put it in a shaker cup the way I do. Really, you can't go wrong.
Starting point is 01:15:37 Check out the value bundles because that really is where it's at. The value is in the value bundle because you get three boxes and they'll send you one absolutely free. Or if you're not ready to fully commit check out that recharge pack again that's at drink slash power project all they ask is that you cover shipping go get over there right now all right wayne have a great rest of your day man thank you so much for sharing all that with us i think that's going to help a lot of people.
Starting point is 01:16:05 I think that Clubhouse is super amazing, too. We have been on here for a little while. Our friend Kwame, dude, he has an absurd amount of people that follow him. I think he's up to like 700,000 followers. Wow. And he has a company called um black star fund and he um invests he's a a startup and i mean i don't want to you know right miss say it but he does like startups for uh black owned businesses and he it's amazing what what he's doing and uh he he
Starting point is 01:16:43 invited me into or invited my wife actually because she's better than me but i put out a thing on instagram does anybody have an invite for clubhouse hook me up i want to get in there because it's you know i guess it's not like the easiest thing to get in but i've been really enjoying it i think it's a great platform for just a discussion you know where's your where's your friend located as he around around here? Yeah, he's local. He's he's amazing. He was actually on my podcast, the Senate podcast. I think it was episode like two or three. Yeah, well, check it out.
Starting point is 01:17:13 I'd love to have him on the show sometime. Yeah, I'd love to link you guys up. He is. He is amazing. Have you guys ever heard? Is he handsome like in SEMA? What's that? Is he handsome like in SEMA?
Starting point is 01:17:24 Oh, fuck. All right. Well, my brother he handsome like in SEMA? Oh, fuck you. All right. Well, my brother. His name's Kwame. Yeah. Kwame, dude. I'm into it. Have you guys heard of the cookie company called, it's their Partake?
Starting point is 01:17:38 No, I never heard of it before. They're like the gluten-free. Oh, okay. Man, what the hell are they? I'm going to fucking butcher it right now. But he actually helped this gal start that company, and she had people invest in her company. One of them was Jay-Z.
Starting point is 01:17:57 He also used to work with Prince and his foundations. But yeah, they're called Partake. Sounds delicious to me. You said cookie. I'm in. All right, Wayne, have a great rest of your day. I think it sounds like you kind of dropped off or something happened. Not sure.
Starting point is 01:18:21 No, they're called, I was looking online. They're called Partake. That's what they're called. Cool. And they're for, you looking online they're called partake that's what they're called cool and they're for you know allergy people right food allergies but um yeah i'll link you guys up he's amazing yeah sounds sounds awesome all right love you dudes catch you later bud later um you know so i was supposed to uh you, talk about what I was getting into next. I did talk a little bit about the supplements, but I'll just make this kind of short and sweet. Over the next couple of weeks or so, I'm going to be messing around with some fasting.
Starting point is 01:18:56 I have a five-day fast coming up at a certain point that Dr. Gold, our dentist guest that was on the podcast, he's going to share the protocol with me. I know he wants me to use like a sauna and a bunch of other stuff. And I've been doing some of his protocol lately, but to prep for this five day fast, I started fasting, you know, utilizing intermittent fasting. And so at the moment, very simply, I am going to probably eat about two slash three times a day, depending on when the eating window, uh, opens up. Um, and, uh, I'm going to, it's going to be a meat-based diet. So I'll, I'll eat some meat and I'll probably have, um, I'll have two main meals and I'll probably have like a protein shake just to try to fulfill,
Starting point is 01:19:48 make sure I'm getting that, uh, protein requirement in, in case I don't eat enough. Uh, but yeah, that's what we'll be doing for the next, probably for the next week or two. And I want to see how that feels and how that works along with that, you know, coming up through, uh, Dr. Gold. I have a, uh, a five day fast. He believes that this protocol for fasting will help reset my circadian rhythm. I'm somebody that has woken up super early from the time I was young. Even when I was a kid, I'd wake up before school and I'd lift or I'd box in our garage. I've always loved it. So on and off for many, many years, I've woken up early. Um, I don't wake up, uh, the same time, uh, anymore, but I, I still get up at around five or five 30. I used to wake up more like at like four, uh, very often. And in some cases even would get to the gym at four,
Starting point is 01:20:39 being up at like two 45 in the morning, which, uh, now sounds even more ludicrous than when I say it. But I think, you know, I may have screwed myself up forever with that, but we'll see if we can reset it. I got a sleep study done recently. I'll give you guys more information on that when I can. I forget what the name of the company was, but they sent me a kit. It was really, really simple. I hooked the thing to my finger. I hooked the thing to my chest. I went to sleep. I, in the morning, boxed the thing back up and shipped it out to my doctor and he read it. And he told me, you know, what the deal was. Um, I stopped breathing,
Starting point is 01:21:19 uh, for 10 seconds or more, 154 times, which is considered mild sleep apnea, only because people that normally get tested for sleep apnea are just really, really super-duper out of shape, and a lot of times they're unhealthy. In my case, I don't think that I'm unhealthy in accordance to a lot of my blood work. Um, it appears that I'm healthy, but, uh, not being able to sleep will eventually make you unhealthy. And so, uh, I would like to, if I can, I'd like to try to figure out ways of avoiding cancer and ways of avoiding heart disease. Um, and that's why I, you know, I love fitness and I love to lift and stuff. Uh, but you can't really get there unless all your boxes are checked. And so this one has been
Starting point is 01:22:12 going on for a long time. I've tried many different things. I've done many different things. Um, and people always ask, Hey, have you done this? Have you done that? I have done most things. There's a couple of things I haven't done. I haven't examined this mouthpiece that Dr. Gold is going to fix me for. I have tried sleep apnea machine and I've tried the mask and I tried the nose pillow thing and none of those things worked. I have not jacked up the back of my mattress yet. Dr. Gold or somebody else we had on the show was sharing that if you put your mattress up by a couple inches in the back, it can really help a lot. But I don't know how much these things help with sleep apnea. I tape my mouth, which again, I don't really think that that is probably helpful for somebody that stops breathing.
Starting point is 01:23:00 In some cases, it might even be more detrimental. It might even be worse just because you, you know, stop breathing. There are a couple other things I haven't really committed to. I haven't really committed to really pushing my cardiovascular strength, which I have a feeling that that might help a little bit. I have a feeling that that might help a little bit. Um, cause there's a lot of other people that are just as big as me or bigger than me and they don't, then they don't have any or appeared to not have any trouble sleeping.
Starting point is 01:23:33 And so, uh, there's still a lot of things to examine, but I got Dr. Gold in my corner to help me with it. And a few other friends that will, uh, assist me.
Starting point is 01:23:43 I got all kinds of blood work going on i'm gonna take a shit in a bucket and send it out to nigeria because that's what uh dr gabriel lion is uh having me do i don't know what that's about i don't really understand what's going on with that but um examining everything urine blood poop uh they're gonna clone you bro right is that what's gonna happen they haven't asked me to jerk off in anything yet but i'll do that in a heartbeat oh my god if you can only be so lucky yeah so uh that's kind of what i have coming up coming up next i do think that probably in uh within like the next year i'll i will probably do another bodybuilding show I mean I think I'm just uh too close to being in a good enough shape to do like a prep or something but I think I would
Starting point is 01:24:35 probably bulk myself up before I would start to cut myself down I don't know how long that would take you know I'd probably have to work on getting a little bit bigger and a little bit thicker, maybe not a huge surplus of calories, but maybe just a little above maintenance to get a little thicker, eat a little bit more carbs. At the moment, along with my intermittent fasting and stuff, I'm just going to eat carbs with one meal. So it'll be like 50 grams of carbs or something like that. Or maybe, you know, I'm not really sure. Like last night I had like half a thing of rice, which was, uh, uh, about 40 grams of carbohydrates. I think, um, if there's small amount of carbs and some other stuff, like I'm not going to sweat it, not a big deal, but, um, you know, that's,
Starting point is 01:25:23 that's some of the goals, some of the things I'm working on. I really want to just get this sleep thing figured out and, um, make sure my health is good and make sure everything's in check with that. And, uh, I even have a cardiologist I'm working with. I'm just kind of examining and checking everything and making sure everything's good to go. Um, everything appears to be good to go, but I'm just double checking and making sure that I'm all set. And then, um, you know, when the time's right, maybe I'll bulk and cut and do another bodybuilding show. Uh, but we shall see at, for the immediate future, I'm just working on getting leaner and utilizing some intermittent fasting along with that dreaded five-day fast that I
Starting point is 01:26:06 told you Dr. Gold has me working on. Is the Natty Professor still there? He is. And then actually Coach House just joined the room. Oh my God. Mr. Natty Professor, what's up, buddy? I'm doing well, man. It's funny. Once I got got on this call i had my dog chilling up here while i was working he just peed on the carpet while we were chilling so as we were talking i was carpet cleaning and uh yeah it's been good how is that new puppy what kind of dog you got yes siberian husky he's good man no he's great because actually the fun thing is he has me picking up some good habits uh he makes me wake up earlier he makes me longboard with him every day so i'm doing all these cool things that uh are good for me
Starting point is 01:26:50 but it's because i have to take care of him what's his name ash his first name was hypno but i changed that shit because i didn't like it so ash a s h I love it. Easy, easy, quick. You know, you were over at my house a couple days ago, and my brother asked you a couple questions about your eating, and you utilize a lot of intermittent fasting. Any idea of how long you fast every day for and stuff like that? We got some feedback going on. Yeah, Cote's house. Shut him down all right uh so one second now we lost inzima there you are no i'm here i'm here um yeah no in terms of fasting i use it a
Starting point is 01:27:39 little bit every day i ate a little bit earlier today just because i was feeling kind of hungry so i cooked up five patties some cheese and ate that. But I think on average, like if we're going to do like an average of what every day ends up being, maybe it's like 14, 15 hours. Some days if I ate a lot the day before, it'll be a longer fast. So maybe I'll fast for 16, 20 hours. And some days I don't fast at all just if I'm not feeling it. But the thing is, it all started with when I picked up fasting with you a few years ago, I was super strict and rigid with it. So every day would be at least a 16 or 20 hour fast. But then once I got the habit of it and I figured out like ways that I could still make it work for me without being too strict, that's when I started, you know, flowing with it a little bit.
Starting point is 01:28:22 So I don't have to fast every day. It's not actually, you know, learning from you, uh, you know, Thomas DeLauer and a bunch of other people, you, you don't need to fast every single day and you probably shouldn't. So yeah, now it's just like a, it flows. Yeah. And you mentioned that, um, when you were over my house, you know, we had some hamburger, we had some 75, 25,-25 Piedmontese beef patties. And those were absolutely ridiculous. And you had a patty without the bun. You had a patty with the bun. And you mentioned that before you came over, you had some eggs.
Starting point is 01:28:56 Can you talk about that? Like, why did you eat before you ate? So, yeah, that's why I like this whole fasting thing. Because, you know, I had some eggs because I knew I was going to eat a lot when I got to your place, right? And when you messaged me about it, I hadn't eaten yet. So I was like, okay, well, I'm already kind of hungry, but I want to eat too much because when I get to your place, I want to destroy as much food as I can reasonably.
Starting point is 01:29:19 So I had some eggs because it's just protein. And if you fast a lot, you'll realize that your first meal, you can't eat a lot of food because if you do, you'll probably throw up. So I had those eggs to just kind of prep my stomach for the devastation that was going to happen when I got to your house. Yeah, that makes sense. Because sometimes if you're fasting and you go to eat, like it just blows your stomach up and you're like, oh my God.
Starting point is 01:29:43 and you go to eat, like it just blows your stomach up and you're like, oh my God. Have you noticed just from pretty much just from fasting and maybe the implementation of eating more protein that you've gotten leaner over the last two years? It's like, are those two of the major, is there any other habit or any other thing that's been in there that's helped you get a little leaner? What's helped you get a little leaner? You know, I think the main thing, well, one of the big things is starting jujitsu like five years ago. That in itself is just like, it's cardio that I do every day that doesn't feel like cardio, right?
Starting point is 01:30:16 So I burn a lot of calories without trying when it comes to that. Another big thing is just being on my feet more. If we're going to talk about just habits that have helped me to stay lean. Um, I try not to be sitting while I'm working and I try not to sit for a lot of the day, but fasting I think is one, it's like either the top or the top two things, just because like I, through my history, like through life is I have not been the person that has had the most self-control when it's come to food. I was lucky enough to play a lot of sports that I could get away with having bad food habits.
Starting point is 01:30:48 But I noticed that when I stopped, you know, playing soccer and I just started only doing lifting, like I could put on some weight pretty quick. Right. And, you know, I like to eat. But by doing some fasting and by doing it over the years, it's helped me to be able to get like used to first off, not having to eat whenever I feel hungry, because that's what I used to do. If I felt a little bit of a grumble in my stomach, I'd reach for something or I'd find something. That and not holding snacks with me all the time, so I'm not always eating. But I think the big thing that fasting did for me is it allowed me to not always respond to the feeling of hunger. And that's been the saving grace for me, not getting too big. to the feeling of hunger. And that's been the saving grace for me not getting too big.
Starting point is 01:31:32 Do you get to lift a little bit less because of the activity of jujitsu? Or do you have to still lift about the same to stay? I mean, you're what, 245 pounds, 240 pounds, and you're maybe single digit body fat most of the time, something like that, right? maybe single digit body fat most of the time, something like that, right? Yeah, I'm 245 and I'm probably like nine to 11%. But with jujitsu, I do lift a little less than I used to because it's like, you can only put your energy into so many things before you start to break down. So I lift three times a week now, sometimes four. How many exercises do you do in a given workout? Every workout's full body. So I will, I will make sure that I work all my muscle groups in every workout because
Starting point is 01:32:13 I'm having to work out fewer times per week. When I was working out five to six days a week, I was able to spread, like I was able to spread that out. But now I have to like, I have to use some big movements. If we're going to say how many movements that I do per workout, it ranges anywhere between six, six to 10. Um, but I will have attacked every single muscle group in that workout just because I'm only working out three times a week. So you might do some pull-ups, you might do some like dips and then you might venture into some squats. Like you might do kind of all these different things all in one day.
Starting point is 01:32:45 Yeah. Yeah. Because like it, again, that that'll be the main thing that allows me to like, keep all the muscle while doing something like jujitsu that requires a lot of cardio. And for a lot of people, when they do that type of martial art, they either don't lift, but that actually makes them lose muscle. So I was, I'm just doing everything I can to hold on to the muscle I have and actually keep me healthy. Because I've noticed, you know, when I started jujitsu and I kind of turned down my lifting a little bit, I got injured more often because like I wasn't lifting as much. So lifting actually helps me not to get injured too. Is it fair to say that you lift for maybe like about an hour each time?
Starting point is 01:33:23 Yeah. Between 45 and like between 45 and 90 minutes, but usually like about an hour each time? Yeah, between 45 and like, between 45 and 90 minutes, but usually averages around an hour each session. Just want to get in and get out. So, you know, for people listening that maybe aren't familiar with, uh, Ensema, Ensema is jacked as hell. And he, obviously he earned that through many, many hours in the gym when he was younger. And he's built himself up to this point where he can maintain and maybe have some slight growth in certain areas of his fitness. But it's pretty remarkable once you have it on like what, you know, what you need to do to keep it three hours a week, four hours a week. you need to do to keep it three hours a week, four hours a week. I mean, if you put him in a lineup next to other people that lift, you know, and you said, you know, which guy lifts the least amount,
Starting point is 01:34:13 you know, for hours in the gym, you know, you would never suspect that it would be him because he's just super jacked. So that's, that's incredible. It's great. It's great efficiency. And, uh, you know, I think, I think a lot of times in, in some of the stuff I hear you say, and I think it's great, uh, to have somebody like you around us all the time. That's you're taking a lot of things that we're hearing on the podcast and you're trying to, you're figuring out a way, how do I incorporate this for myself? You give it a shot. You see how it works for you. If it works for you, it looks like you continue with it. And then, you know, you throw out the shit that doesn't, that's not working.
Starting point is 01:34:50 So congrats to you. It's awesome, man. Yeah, I appreciate it. Like everything with the podcast is like, it's a selfish endeavor for me because we get to have all these awesome, smart people on, and I get to ask them all the questions that I, I just want to try and use for myself and maybe some people I work with, but, um, it's, I get to learn so much all the time. So I'm grateful.
Starting point is 01:35:11 I'm just happy. Too many good. No, there is. So would you guys say, so, I mean, just taking my situation in consideration,
Starting point is 01:35:21 newborn at home, it's been tough to get into the gym, uh, just because I've been, the sleep has been terrible and it's, I, I like to work out in the morning and it's been really difficult to look at the clock and be like,
Starting point is 01:35:33 it's 1am. All right, it's 3am. You know, it's like shit. Okay, here we go. Uh,
Starting point is 01:35:39 would you say it's more, it would be more beneficial for someone like me in my situation to try the full body workouts or focus on a couple muscle groups and get in and out as fast as I can. I think you don't want to try to force yourself to do stuff that you don't enjoy. So if you've never done, if you've never really done full body workouts before, or, um, just haven't done them in a long time, it would be a good idea to do one to see if you enjoy it.
Starting point is 01:36:14 And if you enjoy it, maybe you can continue on with it. I don't think it hurts anything to, uh, implement it. And I think one of the big advantages there is like, you might get a little sore here and there, but I think the amount of volume per body part is low enough and spread out
Starting point is 01:36:32 enough over the course of the week that you won't really run into that much of that. So moving around slowly and having your body be stiff and some of those things, you probably won't really run into as much of that. You'll probably feel better, maybe move better in your day to day. For you personally, it might be a little bit better for your back to have, you know, some sort of leg stuff in there every day to where you're hip hinging and moving your legs around and all that stuff rather than only maybe moving your, you know, hip hinging and squatting and stuff like that, maybe only like once a week or just a couple times a month. Maybe now you're doing it several times a week.
Starting point is 01:37:12 And that would be, I think that might be huge for strengthening your back because as Dr. Stuart McGill points out, the muscles of the lower back are stamina muscles. And they respond great to like a shit ton of reps. And so this would give you, this would increase the amount of, you know, lower back stimulus that you would get in a given week all while keep while suppressing, uh, the amount of weight that you need to lift.
Starting point is 01:37:38 And, uh, and also, yeah, also suppressing this need to like do a lot of volume cause you're just doing this one thing on this one day. Now you're spreading everything out. So I think that would be really effective to,
Starting point is 01:37:51 uh, to explore. But if, again, if you don't like it, if you go to do it and you don't dig it, uh, then I would just say,
Starting point is 01:37:59 fuck it, you know, go back to just lifting, uh, you know, one or two body parts. Yeah. I like the simplicity of like focusing on like, okay, today we're just going to do chest
Starting point is 01:38:07 and then do a couple movements, get in, get out. But I don't feel as accomplished when I do that. You know, I try to like rush through things. Right. So I think maybe doing a full body workout might kind of satisfy that feeling of like, okay, dude, today I crushed it. Like, let's move on. I don't know. What do you think in SEMA? Dude, I think that you can,
Starting point is 01:38:30 and this is something that I started doing more often after we had Nick bear on the podcast, Nick bear had this thing that he said he did since he was a kid where he would do a hundred pushups a day. This is just his normal shit. A hundred pushups a day, every single day. That's what he does. But after I started doing that, I was like, okay, I'm just going to aim to do 50 push-ups a day, whether I'm sitting at my computer or whether I go to Super Trainer or whether I work out or not. Let me just do 50 push-ups a day.
Starting point is 01:38:56 And at the time, I was having some shoulder issues, and I noticed that by just making that a daily habit, my shoulder issues went away, but I was also able to improve some things I had going on with my AC joint and other stuff. But the reason why I'm saying this for you is because you've got a kid. So some days you're not going to be able to make it to the gym. Maybe some days you might be stuck at the desk. Some days you might be working from home. But if you have a goal of like, let's say that you have a pull up bar at your house and you, you know, you're doing your working. Just say, OK, today and every
Starting point is 01:39:25 day, I want to do 50 pushups and 20 to 30 pull-ups just daily. It can be throughout your day, 50 pushups, 20, 30 pull-ups. I swear that that shit will compound for you over time. If you make it a habit, you know, sooner or later, it's going to be okay. I want to do 75 pushups every single day and 40 pull-ups. I'm going to get it done. I have 24 hours to do it. I'm just going to get it done. That'll slowly roll into something else. And it's also going to be great because on days that you can't make it in the gyms, for some reason, you're still doing something. I think you can start implementing that because I still do the push-up pull-up thing. I still make sure to get into reps every single day, whether I'm at home or at the gym.
Starting point is 01:40:09 So I'd say start doing that. Yeah, that makes a lot of sense and since you've programmed pull-ups into damn near all my workouts i've actually been enjoying and like i kind of get pumped to like look look i look towards look forward to to those days because i'm like let's see how you know how many i can get through today and And, you know, it's, uh, it, it is something that I do in the gym right now though. And I think just easily getting a pull-up bar or something at home would, would, um, you know, fix all that. Great stuff. Thank you, Natty professor for sharing that. We're going to hop on out of here.
Starting point is 01:40:38 Andrew, can you take us on out of here, buddy? I will. Thank you everybody for checking out today's clubhouse. It was a, uh, a Saturday school for the first time on clubhouse. We're going to be saying that a lot, the first time of this and first time of that. But it's amazing. And we're learning as we go. So, you know, thank you, everybody, for being patient with us. We really appreciate it. Make sure you guys are following the podcast at Mark Bell's Power Project on Instagram, at MB Power Project on Twitter. at Mark Bell's Power Project on Instagram, at MB Power Project on Twitter. Just that way you do get these notifications because, you know, again, I know Clubhouse is kind of like an exclusive thing,
Starting point is 01:41:11 but as of right now, that's going to be the only ways for you guys to see whether or not we are going to hop on Clubhouse and, you know, that way you have more opportunities to hang out and chat with Mark Bell and the crew. My Instagram is at IamAndrewZ, so is my Twitter and Clubhouse. Mark, where you at? I'm at Mark Smelly Bell on pretty much everything.
Starting point is 01:41:31 I actually did a video the other day on anxiety that I think people would dig a lot, that they would like a lot. You can check it out over on my YouTube channel which is at Mark Smelly Bell. Mark Smelly Bell, there you go. Something else I wanted to mention before I hop off here is that I'd like to come on Clubhouse as much as possible. So you're going to see a lot of me on here. Sometimes it will be for the podcast. Sometimes it will just be shooting the shit with fans.
Starting point is 01:41:57 I want to just hop on here. And we're trying to give you guys some time to be aware that we have a platform here to talk from. And I want to hear from you guys. It's like we heard from Matthew Balcom today. The stories from you guys, I know you guys want to hear, you know, me talk about the same old shit all the time. Hear me talking about my powerlifting days or whatever. I know that some of that gets some of you guys fired, uh, honestly, I think the better stories come from
Starting point is 01:42:28 you guys. I really do. I, you know, um, Matthew Balcom losing 150 pounds. Like, I don't know how you could, I don't know. It's the thing. It's impossible to not be inspired by that story. That's a, that's a wonderful story. Plus when you consider, you know, sometimes people are in rough spots in their life and they're not only in a rough spot, but they have this huge hill to climb. They have to battle an addiction or they have to battle, uh, being obese or they have to battle a disease. And it's like, man, some of these stories, I, they get me fired up and they get me excited. So I want to continue to hear from you guys about how you lifted through it.
Starting point is 01:43:21 You know, if you take everyone just kind of take a little step back and remember, you know, part of my mission, part of the power project, part of super training gym, part of slingshot and part of and part of just everything that I'm involved in. It's all in order. It's all it's all heading towards the same thing. I am here. I've been put on this planet to make the world a better place to lift. And I can't do it on my own. I need, I need you guys. I need your help. I need your assistance. I need to hear from you. I need to know how you lifted through it. and we need to share it out with other people because other people need to know they truly and honestly need to know how important fitness is how important nutrition is we need to continue to spread this word we need to be freaky like bible beaten sons of bitches the bible that we beat needs to be the Arnold Schwarzenegger encyclopedia. And we need to bash people over the head with it and tell them,
Starting point is 01:44:10 you got to get your ass in the gym. Now, encourage. We want to encourage people to find some form of fitness, whether it be yoga or jujitsu. I'd love to see everybody lift, but I recognize that not everybody's going to gravitate towards that. Not everyone's going to dig that. But I think it's massively important because of what it can do for your metabolism and what it can do for your mind. I've talked often on the show before about mindsets. Doing these sets, you're taking
Starting point is 01:44:38 yourself to failure and you're taking yourself into deep water and you have no idea how you're going to be able to swim back or if you you're going to be able to swim back. Or if you're even going to be able to make it back, you might drown. But you're going for it. You're doing a set of 20. You're sticking to it. You're on set. You're on rep number 12.
Starting point is 01:44:55 And your mind kicks in. Your mind tells you, hey, man, you know what? Like, this is not a good idea to do this 13th rep of squats. Your legs start shaking. You get to rep number 14. You get to rep number 14, you get to rep number 15, and your lower back is saying, hey man, you should call it quits. Your brain is telling you that you might not even make it back into the squat rack. But this is not an opportunity just to train your body. This is not about just having bigger quads or having more veins coming out of your quads or having your hamstrings and glutes, uh, you know, look magnificent.
Starting point is 01:45:28 This is about your body, your mind, and your spirit. These are mindsets. What kind of mindset do you have? What are you made out of? Who in the fuck are you? Who are you? Are you the name that your parents gave you when you were a kid? Are you something beyond that? Are you the names that you've been called when you're on the playground when you were a kid? Or are you on a journey and on a mission to find out what you can really do and find out what you can really truly become by going through a tough, rigorous process. I've told people many times before when people ask about this or when they ask about that,
Starting point is 01:46:14 I usually tell them, you know what, you should do a bodybuilding show. You should do a powerlifting meet. You should, somebody will tell me, you know, I want to be rich one day. And I really encourage that when somebody says that I say, you should, you should want to become a millionaire when somebody says something like that to me. And I think people have some weird, uh, concepts around, you know, why you would say something like that. But the reason why I say that is because of what it can make of you. Not because of the amount of money that you make. It's because of what it can make of you in the process. I think it's a great idea to want a set of abs. Again, not to have a set of abs to be like, yo, check me out, bro. That's cool. You know, that whatever, like it shows accomplishment.
Starting point is 01:47:03 It shows progress. Progress is success. And it it shows progress progress is success and it feels great to be a success it feels great to be successful but it's not just about being successful with that where else can you point that towards maybe you can point that that energy uh toward towards helping other people maybe you can point that energy towards um helping to make the world a better place to lift, which is part of my mission here. So again, I appreciate all you fans. I appreciate everybody.
Starting point is 01:47:33 Let people know that I'm on Clubhouse and see you guys soon. Strength is never weakness. Weakness is never strength. Catch you all later.

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