Mark Bell's Power Project - Mark Bell's Saturday School EP. 34 - Why Mark Wants To Help You

Episode Date: June 19, 2021

It appears as if Mark Bell has taken it upon himself to do everything in his power to help as many people as possible. Where does this come from? Why does he feel it is his “burden”? Today we ask ...him why in this episode of Mark Bell’s Saturday School! Subscribe to the NEW Power Project Newsletter! ➢ Subscribe to the Podcast on on Platforms! ➢ Special perks for our listeners below! ➢Eat Rite Foods: Use ode "POWERPROJECT25" for 25% off your first order, then code "POWERPROJECT" for 10% off every order after! ➢LMNT Electrolytes: ➢Piedmontese Beef: Use Code "POWERPROJECT" at checkout for 25% off your order plus FREE 2-Day Shipping on orders of $99 ➢Sling Shot: Enter Discount code, "POWERPROJECT" at checkout and receive 15% off all Sling Shots Follow Mark Bell's Power Project Podcast ➢ Insta: ➢ ➢ Twitter: ➢ LinkedIn: ➢ YouTube: ➢TikTok: FOLLOW Mark Bell ➢ Instagram: ➢ Facebook: ➢ Twitter: ➢ Snapchat: marksmellybell ➢Mark Bell's Daily Workouts, Nutrition and More: Follow Nsima Inyang ➢ Podcast Produced by Andrew Zaragoza ➢ #PowerProject #Podcast #MarkBell

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What's happening, Mark? Dude, I'm fired up. You're going to be stealing my house coming up. Yes. Kicking it in Tahoe, huh? I'm going to change the locks. It's going to be awesome. You guys aren't getting it back.
Starting point is 00:00:12 I know. It's going to be great. I'm so excited. Thank you, Mark, so much. Oh, I forgot to tell you about the bears there. So, yeah. Huh. I know that you're not normally scared of stuff like that, so it's probably not a problem.
Starting point is 00:00:24 yeah huh i know that you're not normally scared of stuff like that so it's probably not a problem but hypothetically speaking if if you were kind of nervous about stuff then maybe it would affect you more i don't know possibly well i don't know i guess i'm not because i've never so i remember more nervous about trying a new protein powder than you are encountering a bear. Yeah, because what happens if I encounter the bear right after I've had a questionable protein shake that gives me diarrhea? Now the whole situation is different, right? Because the bear doesn't have a chance of catching you because you're running to the path. Maybe, yeah. Bending of the knees.
Starting point is 00:01:06 Super important. Yep. But no, I'm super fired up. Thank you so much, dude. I appreciate it. I can't wait to get the family out there.
Starting point is 00:01:13 Yeah. I hope you guys have a good time. It'll be sick. Yeah. But today I actually just wanted to just plain and simply ask you, cause like every, every day we're talking and we usually kind of leads down a similar road, but you know, I mean, I'll let you explain kind of like your your weekend and stuff but it just seems
Starting point is 00:01:30 like you're always wanting to help people strangers people you know friends but like where does that come from like why do you think like i don't know it almost feels like uh you feel like it's your responsibility like you have a duty all of a sudden now to like help people. Some people that do ask and some people that maybe don't ask yet, but where does this come from? Like, why do you think, why do you feel like you want to help people?
Starting point is 00:01:58 You know, I think that this kind of second half of my life here, you know, now that I'm in my mid-40s, I'll be 45 in December, I would like to spend the next half of my life trying to help people, you know, being that I have learned a lot about nutrition,
Starting point is 00:02:20 I have learned a lot about training over the years, I feel that I'm in a good position to explain to people some things that are fairly simple to implement into their lives that could really be life altering. They could really change their lives forever. And it's easy to have a perspective on yourself thinking that you're very rational or thinking that the ideas that you have are very simple. But in comparison to what I think is believed of nutrition and of fitness, I believe that I do have an approach that is simple. I believe that I do have an approach that can be incrementally introduced into somebody's life and over a period of time,
Starting point is 00:03:03 it will not feel that challenging and they'll be able to peel off a lot of weight. So I feel like I just have a lot of information that I would be doing like a disservice to myself and to the world really to not share it out. I would love to, you know, some people know me from bigger, stronger, faster. Some people know me from being a power lifter. Some people, I guess, kind of see me as like a dad and a husband and, you know, different people know me for different things. But ultimately, ultimately, I think I would love to be known for this new thing that I'm trying to, you know, I guess, get into, and that's being able to help people and being able to help people mainly when it comes to people being overweight, people being obese, people just maybe not having a great understanding of nutrition. I've just seen it
Starting point is 00:03:58 happen to too many people where they kind of slip and slide down this road where they didn't even really recognize. Initially, they didn't recognize how dangerous and how slippery this road that they're going down can really be. And then after over a period of time, they start to cement and formulate this fixed mindset around thinking that you have to be this way all the time. And while there are really strong psychological components to being obese, there are also just a lot of things from a physical standpoint that you could do that can be very, very helpful. And I do understand there's some people that will have a hard time turning the corner. And maybe this recognition, to answer your question kind of more direct of wanting to help
Starting point is 00:04:50 people. Maybe it was from, you know, losing somebody that was close to me to obesity. You know, my mother died, you know, in her, in her sixties and it was and it was sudden. She wasn't healthy. She's been heavy most of her life, but she was not getting around so well, and we knew that her health was compromised, but we see a lot of people that live onward for many, many years with all kinds of ailments. And so it was sudden.
Starting point is 00:05:28 It did come out of nowhere. But I think ultimately when I think about some people that have died in my family, aside from my brother Mike or my uncle who died of drug addictions and drug overdoses, I would say that I've actually have noticed that a lot of, I think that millions of Americans are dying from sleep. I actually think that, and I would love to, you know, communicate with a doctor about this further and see what some of their thoughts are. I've not really heard this talked about much, but maybe some of you listening, maybe you have heard somebody. So if you have, you know, let us know, you know, who you've heard talk about this before. I know like Matthew Walker talks a lot about sleep and there's a lot of great sleep, people that study sleep, but at the same time, I don't know if people have kind of linked it that strongly. You know,
Starting point is 00:06:21 my mom, you know, they, when she, her autopsy kind of revealed that she may have died from like a heart attack, but it seemed like they just really didn't have a real definitive answer. But to me, I think that she died from not being able to sleep. She hasn't been able to sleep for a really, really long time. And I think that those things are the things that catch up to you quicker than, I think you can be, you know, for lack of a better term and just putting it quite frankly, I think you can be really, really, really fat. I think your body can handle you being really heavy. And that's why we see these shows where people are 600 pounds and things like that. And their weight really gets out of control because I think the human body can tolerate kind of a lot,
Starting point is 00:07:03 but it can't tolerate many different things going wrong all at once. So the body fat is one thing, but the body fat isn't really what's going to kill you. It will be the accumulation of fat in your organs and around your heart, around your liver, having a fatty liver and starting to lose, not having such as good response like insulin and all these different things over a period of time, those are going to be things that accumulate. But in my opinion, you know, the sleep is a huge aspect of it. But aside from that, you know, I was not able to really reach my mom probably the way that I would have liked. And sometimes there's, you know, sometimes when it's a family member, for some reason, it's so hard for you to go and talk to them, but it should be actually really easy.
Starting point is 00:07:56 I did try to reach out to her a few times. It kind of just seemed like it was a futile attempt. It actually did work a couple of times where I did help her to get healthier. I did help her to lose weight. But just kind of seeing all the things that she went through, I was like, you know what? I bet you that when I talk to other folks that are trying to lose weight and are trying to lose, you know, any sort of weight really. But when I talk to some people that are trying to lose larger amounts of weight, I bet you that they have a lot of the things in common with my mom. There was a lot of stuff that I just, I didn't know. So my mom, you know, used to be like afraid of like heights and stairs and different things like that. And I always thought it was because
Starting point is 00:08:41 later in life she had a brain tumor, but I didn't really know that it was because she grew up in a poor environment. She grew up in a poor apartment complex. And there was always like kind of older men and people just out and about that were around. And she would like get home from work or get home from school or whatever extracurricular activities she had at school or whatever. When she would come home, she was nervous that these people were going to like, you know, do something to her. Cause like whistle at her or they were just, they just weren't,
Starting point is 00:09:14 she just didn't grow up in the best environment, you know, kind of just shady people around. And so she would run up the stairs, you know, in, into her, you know, into her, her apartment. And she also on top of that had alcoholic parents. And so she had a lot of trauma and I didn't grow up with any of that stuff. I grew up with the opposite. I grew up in a really good household. I, I didn't grow up with a lot of trauma. Um, I've had things happen in my life, um, that, uh, you know, aren't, aren't the best things ever, but for the most part, I lived a really good life. So I would love to be able to assist people with having a better understanding of nutrition, having a
Starting point is 00:09:54 better understanding of fitness, and just kind of knowing the black and white parts of it. And then also understanding that, okay, there's a lot of human behavior involved here. So there's so many things that are attached to somebody being obese. It's way different than just calories in, calories out, although that is a huge component of how someone got heavier in the first place. We need to kind of study and get a better understanding of why are they repeatedly doing this? Where is this coming from? And I've said this many times on our podcast over the years, you know, go a couple of questions deep on somebody and you'll, then you'll start to really get to the truth. When you go multiple questions deep on somebody and they don't have answers for you, a lot of times it's because they don't know. And that's
Starting point is 00:10:43 another good way to filter out whether people are really super knowledgeable in a particular area or not. But also, when you go three questions deep on somebody that is obese, you're going to start to really get to the root of what the actual problem is. And once you know what the actual problem is, it makes it so much easier to untangle everything else that's surrounding it
Starting point is 00:11:09 because it's like, I don't know if you ever had like a, you know, a wire get really tangled up. It's so confusing on where to even start. And you pull on it and it just gets more knotted up and you're like, what? And then you twist it left and then it's like makes it even worse. And you're like, what? And then you twist it left. And then it's like makes it even worse. And you're like, then you twist it right. And you're like, I don't know what the hell is going on here. And this is what a lot of people are dealing with.
Starting point is 00:11:34 Their emotions are this way. Their trauma in their lives is this way. They are being told that if you eat less and move more, that you'll be totally fine, that you'll be totally healthy. And there definitely can be truth to that. Like, let's face it, if you move around more and you eat a little less, you will lose weight. Let's face it, if we were to take anybody and put them on a deserted island
Starting point is 00:11:59 and they just weren't allowed to eat any food for five days, every single person would lose weight. There might be some weird, crazy metabolic condition that one person might have or something. There's always like an outlier and everything, right? But in general, it would be really uncommon for anyone, regardless of hormonal profile and regardless of many, many different things,
Starting point is 00:12:23 each person would lose weight. They've even done studies more recently to kind of show that people that are diabetic can lose weight through the same mechanics that somebody who's not diabetic can lose weight. So just because you're obese doesn't mean you no longer possess the ability to lose weight. But it can be complicated. But what I would like to try to do is I would like to deliver some black and white information to people that is helpful. I don't want to get negative. I don't want to, you know, fight with anybody else that's like an expert in the field. I just simply want to be able to give information to people that I feel can be really useful and really helpful. So what do you think is the biggest reason for, like, if we were to call it a battle, well, I guess maybe we can start there.
Starting point is 00:13:19 Do you still think that we are losing the battle right now? Like with everything, with people being overweight? And if you do, what's the main reason why we are losing that battle? I think at the top of my list, because pulling things away from people is really, really difficult. Pulling away certain foods so we can sit here and say we're losing the battle because of processed foods. Yeah, highly processed foods does make things a little bit more challenging for some folks that can't stop eating those things.
Starting point is 00:13:58 One of the things about processed foods is they have a long shelf life. The other thing about processed foods is they're very, very convenient. processed foods is they have a long shelf life. The other thing about processed foods is they're very, very convenient. But if we go to the flip side, in some sense, we're winning this battle or at least starting to win this battle, or at least there's a pillar of hope. You know, 30, 40 years ago, the only thing diet related that we had was Diet Coke and Diet Pepsi, right? diet related that we had was diet Coke and diet Pepsi, right? We now have, and I'm not even saying that a lot of these fake sugar things and diet things are good. What I am saying is that, okay,
Starting point is 00:14:33 look, there's a lot of highly processed foods that have a long shelf life that are convenient to eat. Well, that is true. But guess what? A lot of companies have gotten smart and a lot of people that are into fitness and health have started their own businesses and they have hyper palatable foods that taste, you know, they taste freaking fantastic. They are lower in calories like our boys and girls over at Legendary Foods. Those tasty pastries. There's things like that. I'm not saying that it's a great idea to go indulge on these things and overeat them because overeating ultimately is where the battle will be won and lost. But it does give you some options and there are a lot of convenient options. I think when I think of somebody's main challenge with their diet, I'm thinking hunger, cravings, and convenience. Hunger, cravings, convenience,
Starting point is 00:15:25 and consistency. Hunger, cravings, consistency, and convenience are kind of at the helm. Those are all a real bitch to figure out what to do about. So I guess another key element to this battle alongside the cravings and everything else, I believe that it is really important. I don't want to say have to and I don't want to put absolutes down, but I think it's really important for people to lift weights. I really do. Muscle is our money. Muscle is our money. Muscle is our time.
Starting point is 00:16:01 Muscle is a future investment to ensuring its insurance. It's a future investment to ensure that we will get more out of our bodies every single day that we're on this earth until the time that we stop lifting. So when you lift, you're building muscle for the future. You're also increasing your metabolism. We hear about the metabolism all the time. By increasing muscle, like when we go to the gym, make no mistake about it, we want to build muscle mass. You're not going to the gym to burn fat. You're not going to the gym to burn fat.
Starting point is 00:16:39 You're not going to the gym to burn fat. Now, you can burn fat at the gym. I'm not saying that you can't. There are certain ways of doing things, and there's exercise, and obviously the body is going to burn what it needs to burn fat. Now you can burn fat at the gym. I'm not saying that you can't. There's certain ways of doing things and there's exercise and obviously the body is going to burn what it needs to burn when it needs to burn it. But that's not why you're there. That is not why you're there. You are there to build more muscle, male, female, young or old. That is why you need to be, I don't need, that is why I think it's important to be in the gym. And I strongly encourage you to be in the gym.
Starting point is 00:17:09 And then what do we need from our gymming session? We need to have some resistance. We need to have some resistance training. Having some muscle tension. We've heard that more recently, right? Muscle tension. What's muscle tension? Well, you're an 80-year-old grandma and you don't know how to throw down the gym.
Starting point is 00:17:29 Well, walk with some five pound dumbbells in your hands. There's some muscle tension for you. Grab one pound dumbbells and push them out to the side of you like you're doing like a lateral raise. Maybe while you're walking back and forth in the gym, maybe grab some fives and curl them. I think everyone knows what a curl is. Maybe get up and down off of a bench holding a 10 pound dumbbell. Like there's the options are, are, are crazy. We just need a little bit of a weight. But the reason why I think that, that this is part of the battle is because I went to two parties this weekend and was kind of out and about and kind of saw the the aftermath of COVID and here's another entanglement for somebody you know I've heard a lot of people saying I got fat because of COVID
Starting point is 00:18:20 and as much as I would love to be compassionate for people. I can't always be. Every once in a while I got to just fucking roast people. And say you know what? You're not fat because of COVID. You're fat because you made poor decisions. You ended up reverting back to some of your old bad habits. Or you just decided that you're going to order DoorDash.
Starting point is 00:18:44 And sit there and watch Netflix. You know that that's not in your best interest. You know that's not a great way to keep yourself healthy, but you continue to do it anyway. Now, it's important to learn why you did that. You may have felt depressed. Maybe you lost your job. Maybe you lost momentum. Maybe you lost your mojo. Maybe it turns out your spouse is around a lot more and you didn't like him as much as you thought. There's all kinds of different things
Starting point is 00:19:16 that have happened during a pandemic that have been a lot of people popped out kids in this time period, right? So there's a lot of changes for people. There are a lot of people popped out kids in this time period, right? So there's a lot of changes for people. There are a lot of life changes, having people tell you that you can't go to the gym any longer. But some people chose, life is full of choices. Some people chose to go outside for a walk. Some people chose to do some pushups in their own house. Some people decided to buy some weights. Some people decided to dust off the treadmill that they had for 15 years and not use it for a coat rack anymore and start to exercise on it.
Starting point is 00:19:54 So what I noticed at these parties I was at, though, was almost all the young folks. And congrats to all the parents and stuff that produced some of these young kids because they look great they're all in good shape i didn't see i didn't see hardly any kids that were like you know excessively overweight um everyone looked everyone looked like they were in pretty good shape now people will say that's you know that's because it's genetic. And it can be. But what I noticed was one party I was at, the girl does volleyball. She does javelin. She is a hammer thrower.
Starting point is 00:20:38 She's played sports her entire life. The whole family plays sports. Next house we went to, the kid's a baseball player. He's real lean, tall, looks great. I think both the brothers both played baseball and everyone and their friends, everyone's participating in sports. Now, I'm not even saying that sports is the answer to anything really, but what's the difference between them and the old lady I saw that was walking across the lawn with a limp in her 60s, a lot heavier than she should be, probably in more pain than she should be experiencing? Again, I'm not trying to be an asshole. I'm not trying to inflect a lot of judgment here.
Starting point is 00:21:21 But that woman walked across the lawn to get a bunch of cookies and i'm just thinking man that's a lot it's hard for me to watch that's hard for me to see it's hard for me to see some guys at this party who gained 30 40 and 50 pounds with their faces all red looking way old looking like they went through a fucking time warp drinking on some beers and stuff. And I get it. I understand the entertainment. I'm not even saying that beer necessarily makes you fat.
Starting point is 00:21:51 But the key thing here is to recognize it's not COVID. It's not beer. It's not sugar. It's not candy. It's not DoorDash. It's not Netflix. It's not playing video games. It's none of those things.
Starting point is 00:22:04 It's our choices. It's not playing video games. It's none of those things. It's our choices. It's ultimately our choices. When you continually have choices day in and day out that register a net positive in the amount of energy that you consume every day, day in and day out over a long period of time, this is where disease comes in, and obesity is a disease. Heart disease, cancer, insulin resistance through diabetes or dementia, Alzheimer's. It seems like so many things are attached to this. It's the overconsumption of energy. How do you figure out a way? This is what I'm obsessed with right here. How do you figure out a way to get through each and every single day without overeating? It's that simple. I actually
Starting point is 00:22:52 heard somebody once say, and it was probably like one of those old school philosophers once said, one of the things in life or one of the main ingredients to having a good life is to try to ensure you have more good days than you do bad. Sounds simple. And maybe somebody was watching over us and said, hey, let's have seven days so that you can split the difference there and hopefully end up with four good days every week. So you can acknowledge it and say, hey, that was a good week because I had more good days than I did bad. What if we just took that from like a nutrition standpoint and said, I just want to have more good days than bad. And obviously the more that we start to lean towards
Starting point is 00:23:36 being more consistent with that, you start to have rather than just four days a week that are headed towards your goal, maybe get five, maybe get six, right? But we don't have to be on point all the time. There's not a particular diet that we need to follow. There is not a particular diet that we need to follow. We just need to know this one overarching rule.
Starting point is 00:24:01 I'm not even a fan personally. I don't even really enjoy, I don't like counting calories, but I know that it can be effective for people because it is a measure of the energy that we consume. I personally like to do it differently just because I feel it's easier. There's some people like, hey, I track calories all the time. No skin off my back. I got an app and I just, I weigh my food here and there and boom, I'm done. And I've been doing it for so long that I still track, but I don't weigh stuff as much. And people are like in tune with it. And that's cool.
Starting point is 00:24:29 That's a great, that's a great way of doing it. The reason why I personally don't track is because I have worked on over a long period of time, making good food choices. I'm like, I'm not going to weigh this steak that is, you know, 85% lean and it has nothing in it that my body doesn't need or want. It has protein in it. It has fat in it. It has zinc and iron and a bunch of other stuff. It's highly absorbable by my body. It doesn't contain one thing that my body doesn't need. So I'm not going to worry about it. I'm not going to weigh it. That's, you know, just kind of my own personal way of doing things.
Starting point is 00:25:06 And I've done that over the years and I'll do that with other foods. I'll have potatoes, I'll have rice, I'll have fruit, I'll have this, I'll have that. But I'm also trying to be mindful of the whole overall picture, which is to not overeat. How do you not overeat a baked potato? Eat the baked potato without anything on it. Tell me how far along you get. Tell me how much you love potatoes at that point. Even take, even let's just hypothetically, let's go a giant step forward
Starting point is 00:25:40 and let's go to Andrew's favorite. Let's go right to French fries. How many French fries are you even going to give a shit about if you don't have ketchup and or you don't put any salt on it? Ketchup I can do without, salt cannot. You're in a lot of trouble without salt, right? And you don't want to torture yourself and not have these delicious tastes, but it shows you the power of single ingredient foods.
Starting point is 00:26:10 And that's not even an example of single ingredient food because you'd be frying it in some sort of oil. But the less ingredients that we have, the harder it is to continue to eat. There actually was a guy that ate like three pounds or three gallons of ice cream. I think it was, or maybe three pounds. I can't remember. That was a lot. Guy ate like some shit load of ice cream. Man versus food. Yeah. But he was able to eat more ice cream when he ate French fries in between because you end up with something called palate fatigue.
Starting point is 00:26:42 Well, palate fatigue can be utilized to your advantage. These are simple. Maybe people haven't heard of that term before, but these are simple things that you can utilize to give you a little bit of strategy in your war, in your fight, to ensure in this battle that we're all in, to ensure that you don't over consume energy every single day. in to ensure that you don't over consume energy every single day. If we know that palate fatigue is a thing, how about we apply that to our meal? So how about we start our meal with a bunch of protein? When that palate fatigue starts to hit and you start to get satiated because protein is the most satiating macronutrient there is, then we start making a decision on what
Starting point is 00:27:24 else are we going to eat. Then you would go to something that can still do no harm, which would be some vegetables. After that, you might have a potato. You might have rice. Be careful with what you put on the potato. Be careful with what you put on your rice. A great option to put on your potato would be some cheese has protein in it, has some fat in it, has calcium in it. Great option.
Starting point is 00:27:52 Sour cream wouldn't be a bad idea or bacon or butter, right? None of those things are bad ideas. But when we throw all of those things on there, now we're probably running into something that can lead us to over consuming energy for the day because your baked potato that was a 200 calories, you just turned it into 600 calories without anything that's going to actually fill you up. A couple of days ago or yesterday, it was, I went to a few wineries with my family. And then we went to an Italian restaurant and ate, I just ate whatever I wanted. I ate like a normal person. I ate like a schmo for the day. I will never ever be, I don't mind saying this in absolutes. I will never be a normal person ever again in my life. That was the worst thing.
Starting point is 00:28:41 It was the worst choice. Now I'll eat some normal stuff here and there but i just did it for like the whole meal because i was like fuck it i'm just gonna be normal ass person did you eat the bread when they brought it out yeah you ate the bread okay did you add the butter to it also or did they have like some fancy truffle butter with oil and some random shit like that yeah they said they had olive oil and salt and that kind of stuff, but they had focaccia bread, which already has olive oil like in it. Never heard of it. And you've had focaccia bread before. It's delicious.
Starting point is 00:29:15 It's an Italian restaurant. If I'm with you and we had it, then yeah, but I don't remember us having bread. Oh, well, that's true. Anyway, yeah, it was delicious. Everything tasted good, but I fired through all this food. I ate bread. I had a bunch of the appetizers. There's a little bit of meat in the appetizer because I had like raw steak thingy, carpaccio or whatever it is. And then I had salad, which that's, you know, kind of supposed to fill you up a bit, but that didn't really make a dent because I just ate it with the dressing on there. Salads, by the way, aren't very healthy for people. I think people always think that they're healthy, but if you're consuming it with a vessel of tons of dressing on there, you're consuming a lot of calories again. So you want to be mindful of these things. Then the next thing I ate, I just ordered like some sort of pasta meal that they had and it tasted good. Everything was, everything was good. We all shared some food too and stuff
Starting point is 00:30:13 like that. But when I was done and I ordered dessert, when we were done eating, I was fucking starving. I was just like, this is so stupid. I was like, this is so stupid. I was like, okay, well, this is a big problem. This is how most people are eating. Like, I think that people, I think that people are obviously, they're eating like with impulse. But I think that if people experience
Starting point is 00:30:38 what I experienced yesterday, if I could somehow put a virtual helmet on them and they could like feel and do what I did yesterday, I think they would be very reluctant to go back to eating a normal schedule because when you primarily eat protein and when protein's the focus, I'm not necessarily even saying
Starting point is 00:31:01 that you have to always eat like protein first by itself and then eat after that. But for people that are really heavy, that is my suggestion because you currently have demonstrated you don't have control over what you eat, how you eat, and when you eat. And we need to rein that in a bunch. But I do think it's important to be protein-minded and have protein be the priority. Every meal that you have should have protein in it. And so if our battle is in kind of these kind of two main areas, you know, we're trying to lower the amount of calories we eat every day. And we would lower the amount of calories we ate every day if we ate more protein, because over time it will help drive down your
Starting point is 00:31:46 hunger because you'll be more satiated. Now, if the protein is accompanied by a lot of carbohydrates and the protein is accompanied by a lot of fat, that's not really what I'm talking about. We need kind of lean sources of protein. They don't have to be super lean, but they need to be lean-ish. Otherwise, we're going to end up in the same category as we always do. We're going to end up in this thing of overeating once again. And so these are the things that I would love to really assist people with. If we eat more protein and we also challenge the protein that's already in our body, which is our muscle, we challenge the muscle that we have. We utilize some resistance training a couple times a week. You cannot go wrong with that recipe.
Starting point is 00:32:30 We don't really need to talk a lot about really anything else. You have carbohydrates are an energy source and fat is an energy source. So it's important that you understand that those are two main energy sources. And it's important that you understand that you don't want to overdo either one of those. It's important that you know that when fat and carbohydrates are combined, that is going to lead to overeating very, very easily for almost everybody. If we have protein and carbs or protein and fat, that's going to encourage you to eat more protein. going to encourage you to eat more protein, you may actually want to use that as a strategy, such as utilizing a sauce that has maybe a little bit of even sugar in it. I would prefer that you went with something that's more like sugar-free because there's really no reason to
Starting point is 00:33:16 add a lot of calories to a lot of stuff. But if you threw a little soy sauce on some chicken breast, I don't have any issue with that at all. It's just, um, but then we can run into issues again, if we are, if you have chicken thighs and you have rice and you throw teriyaki sauce on that. Now we're back, we're back in the same slot. Again, we have an allotted amount of energy that we can, or we have a lot of amount of, uh, yeah, energy that we can consume each day. And if you're going to choose something that's not that lean, that's really, really sweet, it's going to be super, you're going to get over your calories really, really super fast. Yeah. Um, one thing I would like to hopefully try to kind of figure out because i i have this
Starting point is 00:34:07 issue too but when you're talking about like the single origin foods and possibly like uh running into palate fatigue on purpose um what i found was yeah i was done eating like the steak when i was doing the carnivore diet like okay i'm'm good. I don't want to eat anymore. But then I'm kind of looking around like what else do we have though? It wasn't necessarily that I was hungry, but like I just, I felt like I wasn't satisfied. How can people battle that weird feeling of like I'm done eating. I know I don't want to eat anymore, but damn, if I could just have like a couple of chips, I'd be satisfied when we know for damn sure that that's not true because you have chips and it's kind of all over from there. So the battle between being satiated and satisfied.
Starting point is 00:34:58 Yeah. You know, you end up in a category of craving of, of cravings, you know, and, and when you were talking about cravings, uh, a lot of times a craving will pass. You'd actually be fairly shocked. Um, if you chose to do something else and I mean like do something else, like go do something, uh, you will, that craving most likely will pass. Now, sometimes the craving sits around and annoys you for a while. It keeps jabbing at you. It's like, yo,
Starting point is 00:35:30 Hey, remember, remember me, you bitch, like you better, you better take care of this. But if, if you were to like go and, uh, I don't know, take a shower or you were to go do something in preparation for the next morning or just anything that you can do, do some laundry, fold some laundry, like do the dishes, take out the garbage, whatever thing around the house that you wanted to fix. A lot of times if you're to do something, that craving will pass just from time as long as you're not actually hungry. Now, if you're actually still hungry, then you might need to continue to eat because sometimes we legitimately are still
Starting point is 00:36:12 hungry, but most likely you're not going to want to continue to eat what you just ate. And you're like, oh, I'm over it. I don't want any more of that. This is where I think we could utilize some tricks, but this is your mind being hungry still Still, this is you growing a second stomach. This is like the, you know, the second dinner stomach that will grow. And you're just thinking about like, yeah, I would like to kind of end the day with some dessert, but this is where going back in time and investigating, you know, what, where do these things manifest from? Have you always done this? Have you done this from the time you were a kid? Did mom and dad bring out some cookies and some milk or
Starting point is 00:36:52 they say, Hey, yeah, it's cool. If you have some ice cream right now, now we need, if that's the case, then you kind of have a Pavlov type response where you're thinking, all right, well, yeah, I'm done with dinner. I'm done with the salty stuff. Now I need a way to kind of balance everything back out and end up with some homeostasis to go from the salty, savory food. Now I need to switch over to something that's sweet. Then you might have to trick yourself with something that's just healthier. And if you go on some YouTube channels and stuff,
Starting point is 00:37:27 you'll find people really spitting out some great information about a lot of different ways they feed this like craving, you know, you got a craving hole, a hunger hole. And we're just trying to, we're trying to spackle them up whatever way we can and cover them up whatever way we can. But some people uh, cover them up whatever way we can. But some people will have like yogurt, they'll have Fage yogurt. I saw a girl's YouTube a couple of days ago. She was talking about having a whole bucket of Fage yogurt, like every night
Starting point is 00:37:56 for some people like that don't handle milk. Well, that wouldn't be a great option, but, um, it was, it was, uh, I think it was plain and I think it was like the middle fat one. She just said, hey, take whatever one or get whatever one fits your diet best. But she would down the whole thing. And it's like a, I don't know, it must weigh a pound or something. It's enormous amount of protein. And she's like, I just like, she would rather eat ice cream but she chooses that and she throws some strawberries in there throw some stevia in there and now you got something that
Starting point is 00:38:33 like yeah we we get it we totally understand if we were to give that to a kid they're gonna fucking throw it against the wall and cry they They're going to be like, what the fuck is this? And we understand that if you're heavy and you've, you've had this, the taste and sensation of some of these, you know, really hyper palatable foods that are just stuffed with so much sugar and salt and everything else, we get it that you would be like,
Starting point is 00:39:01 yo, it's not the same, but it's not supposed to be the same. And why isn't it supposed to be the, yo, it's not the same, but it's not supposed to be the same. And why isn't it supposed to be the same? Because if it's the same, then we end up back to where we were in the beginning. We end up overeating. How do we assist? How do we help you to not overeat?
Starting point is 00:39:19 We basically have to just take up a bunch of time every single day and and kill it kill that time so that time goes by so that you can make it through some of these parts of the day um and then also like not being fatigued uh eating enough protein and you know doing some of the various things uh i mentioned earlier it's gonna be the only way you gotta occupy your mind each and every day. Otherwise the food will continue to drive you crazy. Yeah. A, um, a post that I actually have to repost on our,
Starting point is 00:39:50 um, social media accounts. That's all that always, it's always received very well, but you know what you're talking about? The, um, the five,
Starting point is 00:39:58 five, a five, a yogurt and it not it. Yeah, no, that next to a Ben and Jerry's they're from different worlds right but if you want to look like everyone else eat like everyone else you're gonna have to do things a little bit different if you want to change things up and so i think that's it's more of that mindset about the satiated versus satisfied. And oddly enough, the plain Greek yogurt, like that actually does sound kind of tempting to me. I don't even know if I could eat a whole thing of that yogurt,
Starting point is 00:40:33 but I do eat it a lot with a lot of my foods because it's like a super low calorie, pretty decent protein. It's just voluminous though. So it's just one of those little tweaks that you can add to literally everything. Like I make peanut butter out of it. Like it's delicious. It's great. Um, I wanted to go back. You had mentioned about like gaining muscle. What's step one? Like if somebody literally wants to walk into a gym, like, can you take somebody who has no experience, what that's going to be like and really like what
Starting point is 00:41:06 they can look forward to and basically yeah like what's step one for somebody trying to get into the gym yeah the good news is with no training you know you're a novice you're brand new so you'll get the newbie gains um you can go in the gym and you can move around some dumbbells and some weights probably be advisable if you really don't have any clue on anything that you're doing to either watch some YouTube videos before you ever even go. Another option is to ask some friends
Starting point is 00:41:37 that you know are into lifting, an uncle, a dad, a buddy, somebody, and maybe even just going to the gym with them because they can show you the kind of the ropes. So that those are all great places to start. It's a lot of, you know, I said this this morning when my brother and I were walking, I was like, you know, there's no reason to be out of shape anymore because everyone has Wi-Fi, you know, everyone has Wi-Fi.
Starting point is 00:42:02 You got access to so much great information. Um, you know, and I do understand, I still understand why people are heavy. Uh, as I mentioned earlier, there's like traumas and there's a lot of things that go on in people's lives, but there's so many people sharing that information on how they lost a hundred pounds, how they lost 200 pounds. Um, there's so many recipe books and so many people giving out free information on YouTube and Tik TOK and Instagram and Twitter. Um, that yet for all the reasons that you might label on why you're heavier than you should be, uh, are all the, you know, all you can knock all those excuses out really easily by just looking at the inverse of that and understanding that we do have a lot of understanding that we do have a lot of information. We do have a lot of things going our way when it comes to health and fitness and nutrition. When it comes to getting into the gym, you know, just real simple advice is to, you know, try to execute something for, you know, 10 repetitions, a curl, a row.
Starting point is 00:43:03 There's various like machines and dumbbells and barbells and things that you can use utilize whatever movements you feel comfortable with in the beginning try to do about 10 reps for that and uh once you're able to perform 10 reps with a certain weight um you know you want to kind of maybe do that it starts to do that for multiple sets first first week in the gym you don't have to do a lot of sets. It starts to do that for multiple sets. First, first week in the gym, you don't have to do a lot of sets. You can just do like one to two sets. You'd probably be good, uh,
Starting point is 00:43:29 over a period of time, add more sets. Once you're able to do like three sets of 10 or four sets of 10 with a given weight, then from there, you're going to want to start to maybe add some weight and maybe start to, or maybe just keep the weight the same and start to do some more repetitions. But you're going to gain strength really rapidly.
Starting point is 00:43:48 Strength is going to help to add to the resistance that we talked about earlier. And all of that is going to lead to you being able to gain more muscle. In my opinion, a really great place to start is with Jim Wendler's book, 5-3-1, which really walks you through a great training protocol with a reasonable amount of frequency attached to it, a reasonable amount of volume attached to it. So it's something that is just, it's a great place to start. But once you start lifting, you know, almost every single person that you'll run into in a gym, they'll almost always say, I wish I started when I was younger. Wish I started lifting when I was younger. I mean, imagine, you know, you're 40 years old.
Starting point is 00:44:34 And if you had six years of lifting under your belt or 10 years of lifting under your belt or even more, you know, what that could potentially do. You could be potentially setting yourself up for the way that you want to be the rest of your life. Again, back to these parties that I was at where I saw these kids versus these older people that were not in such good shape. The main difference was simply exercise. So I do talk a lot about diet and I do talk a lot about nutrition because I recognize that people have a refrigerator full of food, a freezer full of food and a pantry would, which shouldn't even exist, uh, full of food because the pantry is just full of food. That's dead. That really doesn't contain much quality.
Starting point is 00:45:16 If you actually really think about it. Um, it is understandable that we have these things. Cause again, like we, we do enjoy these foods, but, um foods, but it's just playing into convenience, hunger, cravings. We need to safeguard ourselves away from those things more. And we do so by making better purchases of our food. Like let's, I think something that would also be really helpful. It's like, let's all band together and stop buying bullshit foods. Like they're not not they're not even real food you know and oreo is not real food cereal's not real food like let's just i mean i know it sounds i know sometimes some of the stuff sounds a little crazy but just imagine if we all band together and said hey we're not going to allow these 10 giant food companies to contribute to us being sick all the time anymore.
Starting point is 00:46:11 And instead, we're going to buy meat, we're going to buy eggs, we're going to buy stuff that we consider to be a much healthier option. Again, meat does not contain, and people can argue about vegan and whatever, but meat does not contain anything in it that our body doesn't want to absorb. It's very simple, but a granola bar certainly does. It has a bunch of bullshit in and the reason why I talk about it so much as I do, I do truly want to help. I do recognize that the people that are kind of on the heavier side,
Starting point is 00:46:53 um, that they do have some traumas. I'm in recognition of that. But I think that for each person who is overweight, they need to do some self examination and say, why, what is the reason why I do this? Okay. I like to eat, uh, after I have dinner because it was kind of trained into me, uh, as a kid or, um, you know, my dad called me fat when I was nine. And so I found myself, uh, you know, stealing candy from the grocery store. And I found myself eating when everybody else went to bed and I got fat from that. But it's like,
Starting point is 00:47:34 Hey, you know what? Okay. That really sucks. That, that is awful that a parent put you in that situation. And, um, you, you felt that way from what they said and it's fucking horrible. However, at the same time, when I hear people say things like that, I'm like, okay, you're 37 now. I don't know if anyone has announced this to you, but your childhood is over with
Starting point is 00:48:02 and it has been for a long time and no one else fucking cares is blunt and is sad or whatever that might be it's over with you are not tethered to that you are not married to that you are not connected to that forever you don't have to be it's on you it's up to you. Shoulder the responsibility. When you start to shoulder the responsibilities of life and you start to walk around with them, just like resistance training, you start to load those things up in your backpack and walk around with them, you start to get bigger legs from it. You start to get bigger traps from it. You start to get a
Starting point is 00:48:43 bigger, stronger, more resilient body from it. And it's something that I want to continue to teach and to preach to as many people that will listen to me. Thinking about the conversation we had in the break room earlier about like, I guess my progress and you know, where I'm going to be when I'm 40. What's the rate of progress people should be considering because there, there might be somebody that is overweight and they see you and in SEMA and they're just like, Oh my gosh, like that's literally two lifetimes away from me. But I mean, even just a little, like, I forgot what the percentage is, but like a, like a small percentage of body fat loss equals like tremendous amount of health benefits and stuff.
Starting point is 00:49:29 But for this person that is overweight, what's the rate of progress that they should really be thinking about instead of getting shredded? That's probably not the... I mean, I guess that can be the goal, but that shouldn't be the focus right now. The rate of progress is extremely fast. Extremely fast. If you've never practiced something before, the rate of progress is so, I'll give you an example. I'll give you an example. One example, I mean, other than like just common words that are used in the English language,
Starting point is 00:50:17 where there's like a bridge between Spanish words and like Mexican food. So like there's a couple things that I know, but how do you say wife in Spanish? Esposa. Esposa. Did I get that right? Pretty close. Okay. And how long did that take me to learn that?
Starting point is 00:50:38 I mean, you just literally split second. Your wife is esposa. Esposa. Esposa. Nailed it. You just progressed. There we go. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:51 So that's how quickly, you know, someone who's heavy can progress or somebody who's never been in a gym before. As quickly as I just learned that word, someone could learn how to do a curl. Someone could learn. Some things might take a little longer, but somebody could learn. It might take a little longer, but somebody could learn. It's as fast as your mind can process it, which varies amongst people, but is pretty quick. I could come home and I could say, hey, you know what, Andy? Andrew showed me some stuff at the gym, and I think it's going to really help with my weight loss because he showed me how to pull the sled and I could pull it forward. I could pull it backwards. Another great way for me to burn off more energy than I consume every day, a way for me to help against this battle of eating less because we can't just eat less because at some point you'll just eat less and less and you'll just that will pull against your willpower too much. You'll be too hungry all the time for most people. And it will be problematic.
Starting point is 00:51:49 And I can also say, you know what he told me? You're not going to believe this, but get this. When I'm walking with the sled, all I'm doing is walking with it. Not doing anything. I'm not running. I'm not jumping. I'm not doing anything athletic. I'm not doing anything crazy.
Starting point is 00:52:03 I'm just walking with the sled. You know what Andrew said? He said that not only am I burning calories, but I actually felt it. My legs got like, my legs got really tired while I was doing it. And he said that over time that will help build muscle. So it's like, you know, I'm getting, I'm burning calories for the moment and I'm building muscle, you know, for the future. And then how many exercises could you learn in one day or for somebody who's heavy, how much information can they learn in a few days, in a few weeks of hearing about, um, you know, learning about calories.
Starting point is 00:52:39 Okay. Fat has nine calories per gram. Oh, okay. Maybe that's why people say that they think fat is bad because it's like it's more dense with energy. But I just learned that it's not necessarily bad. It's just a form of energy. It just happens to be the most dense macronutrient that we have.
Starting point is 00:53:01 Oh, okay. All right. Well, what about carbs? So carbs, they have four grams or four calories per gram. And what about protein? Protein has four grams. And then what if you learn, someone says, you know what? Carbohydrates aren't really bad for you. It's when they get, when we start to get mixed ingredients and mixed macros that they just end up tasting really good. And then we sometimes end up in a category of here we are, you know, having a tough time with overeating.
Starting point is 00:53:33 Once again, if you take, I mean, just, just think about all the favorite foods you've had, you've loved from the time you were really young. favorite foods you've had, you've loved from the time you were really young from time you were a kid. Your mom, you know, she's tired of you eating a bunch of sugar. So she buys just plain Cheerios and she wants to see the family getting in better shape. So she buys skim milk.
Starting point is 00:53:56 She's like, fuck man, skim milk and send Cheerios. Well, now you find the sugar, right? You dump some sugar on your Cheerios and you find the stuff that they pour in their coffee every morning is kind of creamy. And so you're like, ah, fuck that.
Starting point is 00:54:13 Instead of using the skim milk, I'm going to use a half and half. And you start using that combination. Those things are, I mean, just you ever want to just do some random taste tests around the house with some bullshit that you have? You can even teach your kids some of this stuff and say, hey, what tastes better? They're going to be like, give me a break. The fucking half and half on the sugar on the Cheerios is way better than the skim milk with no sugar on it. But then over a period of time, you can find small compromises that are just reasonable where what you're eating, yes, it's different than what you've eaten previously. But it's not fucking disgusting.
Starting point is 00:54:59 And it's not only that, though. You also know that it's nourishing you. There's something amazing about knowing that you're getting nourishment from something. There's a lot of people in the health and fitness community that eat things that they really don't love that much, but they're like, this has iron in it, or this has calcium in it, or this has, you know, insert whatever, you know, nutrient or vitamin or mineral. A lot of people don't like fish oil pills, right? I mean, I don't think anyone likes to take fish oil capsules, but people are doing so because they believe that that is going to yield some better result with, you know,
Starting point is 00:55:39 against heart disease or it's going to help, you know, just balance out your omega threes to omega sixes or whatever it is that you're in hopes of. People will swallow those pills and they burp them up and it's kind of gross, like you burp up like fish. It's a weird thing, but people will make these compromises and will make these sacrifices. But what I believe is I don't think the compromises that you make in your nutrition and the compromises that you start to make with starting to exercise more, I don't think they need to be that bad. Like, they just need to be reasonable for you. There are going to be changes.
Starting point is 00:56:17 So you're going to think all of them probably suck. And you might be a little frustrated with some of the changes. But, you know, in helping hundreds and thousands of people over the years lose weight and losing 100 pounds of weight myself and in coaching people and in seeing the comments and just all the different things that I've experienced over the years, there's just so many options. There's so many options to being healthier, being in better shape. Let's say that you are really heavy and that you do have trouble walking. Well, what are some options? You hear me talk about 10 minute walks all the time. An option might be to get a recumbent bike or to find access to a recumbent bike, find access to an elliptical. Maybe both of those things hurt too. Maybe find access to a rower. We don't need a lot of equipment. We don't need enormous amounts of time. But where we do need some time is we need some time from you working on making better decisions
Starting point is 00:57:24 each and every day. And while these different traumas and you might have these different things that have happened to you, it's important to realize that you have strength and you have control over your mind. You practice these things all the time. You probably get to work on time. You're probably faithful to your spouse. You're probably faithful to your family. You probably are wherever your son or daughter asks you to be when you're supposed to be there. Like you're good at a lot of shit. And I think that we just blow all that off and we're like, you know, I fuck everything
Starting point is 00:57:57 up. We have a tendency to be really super negative about ourselves. I don't, I don't have discipline like that. I would never be able to be on a diet. ourselves. I don't, I don't have discipline like that. I would never be able to be on a diet. It's like, actually you'd be surprised how super convenient and easy it can become. It's going to take time, but you could easily swap out your Coke for some Coke zero. You could easily swap out your turkey sandwich that has mayo and cheese and bacon on it for a turkey sandwich that is predominantly
Starting point is 00:58:25 turkey. Maybe it's half a turkey sandwich. Maybe it's, I mean, there's just, there's the options to do some of this stuff is limitless. And maybe sometimes that's what makes it so hard because you could follow a lot of different rules or a lot of different advice, but ultimately you got to keep in mind, the only thing that you're trying to do every single day is to figure out how to make it through the day without over consuming energy. And our energy primarily comes from fat and carbohydrates. The protein, I wouldn't really sweat that too much. I wouldn't worry about that. Just try to get in about a gram per pound of body weight. If you're looking for specific suggestions on macros, you go one gram per pound of body weight with your protein, and then you would do half for your fat and half for your carbs, and boom, you're done. Last question for me.
Starting point is 00:59:20 Let's say I'm a fan of the show. I'm just a fan. Just somebody who subscribed to the podcast, subscribed to the YouTubes, been following you for years, and wow, there's Mark Bell. I see Mark Bell on the street on his 10-minute walk. I have a pretty good question for him.
Starting point is 00:59:41 Is he going to be into it? Should I approach him? If somebody sees you, do you, I guess, do you, do you want to accept people that are like coming up to you? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:59:51 That's not the right word, but like, are you open to like having a conversation with somebody who they're a stranger to you, but they know you, are you cool with people coming up and talking to you about certain things like this? A hundred percent. Absolutely. I'd love to be recognized for that. Love for people to know me for that. Are you cool with people coming up and talking to you about certain things like this? 100%.
Starting point is 01:00:05 Absolutely. I'd love to be recognized for that. Love for people to know me for that. And I want to help, you know, even if it's not you asking a question for yourself, if it's you asking a question for someone that you love and care about, I recognize the struggle. I understand the struggle. I've seen it firsthand with many people. As I mentioned earlier earlier I lost my mom
Starting point is 01:00:25 to obesity and I don't want to see I think it's something that many many people can escape maybe it's going to be difficult to save everybody but I believe that I have information and knowledge to assist
Starting point is 01:00:40 and to get people into a better spot I feel that I have a good understanding of, of how people even get to this spot in the first place. And I have a good ideas and recipes to help people get out of those nasty spots that they've, they kind of find themselves in, you know, right now I'm helping out my buddy Russell and we're 20 days in and he's
Starting point is 01:01:04 down 17 pounds. And it's just one person's results. You know, it's just, it's just one guy. So we can't just say, Hey, look, you know, this is going to be the exact same way it's going to work for everybody. But, uh, I would love to be known, uh, you know, as a person that is assisting people with losing weight. The way that I thought about it more recently was I went to this restaurant and one of the guys there was real heavy and the guy was super nice and funny
Starting point is 01:01:32 and just seemed like a wonderful person to be around. He shared a lot with us. He told us he was a dad and just all these things. And I'm just like, man, like there's, I'm not expecting everyone to be skinny. I believe that we're all made to be different. I'm not skinny myself. I don't even want that.
Starting point is 01:01:52 And I also am not trying to inflect what I think is a way to live. I'm just trying, I want to be able to assist people to feeling better about themselves and to assist people to feel really good. And in this guy's case, I kind of wish that he was like, oh, that's Mark Bell. He's the dude that helps people lose weight. So I'm just going to ask him a question, which I know that some people would still be,
Starting point is 01:02:14 they might want to run the other way. But I don't want to know what he's going to say. But trust me when I say that the things that I suggest are reasonable. They're reasonable. 10-minute walks, eat more protein, lift some weights. Outside of that, I would say, look, you have no idea where to start or what to do. Multiply your body weight by about 10. That's about how many calories you should eat a day.
Starting point is 01:02:41 If you're totally lost and just don't even know anything about a calorie or nothing, YouTube it, look it up. And from there, maybe track your calories for a few days to see what you'd kind of normally eat. And you're going to say, my God, I eat, you know, 400 carbs every day and 300 grams of fat and zero protein. You know, you're going to probably find that your, your diet is just needs to be flipped upside down, you know, or your diet just needs, sometimes it's just tweaking. You know, I want to make that clear too, is like, I think that sometimes we think that people that are heavier are real gluttonous or they're, but no, a lot of times they just got themselves in a bad spot, got themselves into a bad position and they continue to kind of self-sabotage themselves. It's not like if you sat down and ate with some of these people or seen them eat, they're not going to eat nearly the amount of food that you thought they might
Starting point is 01:03:36 eat. Again, because a lot of times it's the end of the day where everyone tends to struggle, like Andrew was pointing out, like, man, I just want to, I just want to, but we got to figure out a way to rein that in. You know, what if the answer, like what if the answer I gave to that question was, man, you got to get the fuck over it. You know, you got to figure out a way to power through that mentally,
Starting point is 01:04:00 find something else to do is kind of what I suggested, right? That is the truth of it. You want to be different. You want to look different. You want to be further ahead. You want to advance. You want to make progress. Well, we can't keep doing the same things you were doing before because that clearly is not working the way that you want it to work. But also can we fill in those gaps with something more reasonable? Can I say, Oh,
Starting point is 01:04:26 Andrew, that's no problem, man. Um, you know, buy some low fat popcorn and just stuff your face with a bunch of popcorn and, just do it for the whole week. Eat as much popcorn as you want.
Starting point is 01:04:36 By the time three days go by, you can be like, dude, like the popcorn's killing me, you know? And you'll probably reign it back in on your own. Um, and there's tons of suggestions online.
Starting point is 01:04:46 There's anabolic ice cream that you can make. There's high protein puddings. And yes, there's a little bit of extra effort that goes into, you know, taking your yogurt and whipping some protein powder into it. it but I want people to understand and to trust me when I say this it's easier for you to be harder on yourself now than it is for everyone else to be harder on you later it's easier for you to be harder on yourself right now than it is for the world to come crashing down on you and say you're fucking fat you're lazy you're obese you're fucking fat, you're lazy, you're obese. You're not doing what you're supposed to do.
Starting point is 01:05:27 And why do my taxes have to go towards helping you with your healthcare when you're just a lazy ass? It's harder to be obese. It's harder to walk around being uncomfortable like that. It's harder to be sick. It's harder to have diabetes. It's harder to have heart disease than it is to simply change a couple of things.
Starting point is 01:05:46 I know that change is really difficult, but it's an important thing. It's important for us to figure out ways of making progress and for ways for us to correct some errors that maybe we've been making. Something that was brought up to me recently that I never really thought of before, but by a friend of mine who's heavy, they said, you know, when you talk about being heavy, a lot of times you're immediately addressing a problem that someone is wearing
Starting point is 01:06:21 on their being all the time. So just imagine a similar scenario where someone goes up to you and says, hey, let's talk about that giant zit that's on your forehead. You know, you put it in perspective that way. It's like, yeah, hey, dude, let's talk about your problem. So I understand like it's a sensitive, it's a sensitive thing
Starting point is 01:06:43 because people can kind of visualize, they get to see what this potential problem is. Whereas with other things, if I'm an alcoholic, if I, you know, addicted to cocaine or I'm, you know, bad to my wife or kids or, or any of those kinds of things, like that's all private. No one gets to see it. But if you're walking around 200 pounds overweight, everyone sees it and everyone judges it. So I think that that is a really hard position to be in. I'm empathetic towards it. All I really want to do is try to help people out that are in that situation.
Starting point is 01:07:22 And I'd like to continue to learn more about it. So people that are hearing this message, if you see me, uh, if you want to message me or whatever, like I, I'll get like tons of messages on this kind of stuff. Uh,
Starting point is 01:07:36 I'll do the best I can to respond. Um, I'll do the best I can to respond to, uh, continue to assist people. But if you just really just listen to my podcast, Mark Bell's power project, we talk about this stuff all the time,
Starting point is 01:07:52 all the time. So tune into that. Absolutely. That's sick, Mark. I, it's just cool. And like some of that stuff does rub off on me.
Starting point is 01:08:02 Like I, you know, I, I, we've talked about on the podcast also how, like will see my family, you know, extended family and immediate family eat a certain way. And just like, I don't know, you, you, I think you just said like you wanted to lose weight and then you eat this way. But then, so that's like the negative side of it for me that I'm still trying to like, you know, figure out how to, how to deal with it personally. side of it for me that I'm still trying to like, you know, figure out how to, how to deal with it personally, but it does make me want to help. And, um, Mark means what he says. He literally wants people to hit him up and ask him for help. So I think that's freaking, I think that's amazing.
Starting point is 01:08:36 Um, do you have anything else to add to this? We're going to wrap things up. Nope. You know, I, I think just to elaborate a little bit more on just what you mentioned right there about, you know, the family members kind of saying one thing and then doing another. I think there's opportunities for education. There's opportunities to talk to people about stuff, but there's also no reason to try to educate somebody uh when they
Starting point is 01:09:06 clearly just went a different way you know you probably just probably best off like for most of us just to leave it alone i i make the mistake all the time of giving people uh you know maybe it makes me feel good for me to sit there and talk about something that i know a bunch about uh but i'm probably doing so in a way that's not helpful to anyone and probably just kind of a waste of time and maybe even turning them off more to, you know, what my intention is, is to see them get better. So if somebody, you know, if you have this conversation with somebody and say, hey, you know, a lot of times we have family gatherings, like I made a decision a while back, I'm going to try to bring healthier option foods or at least things that I think are less calorically dense, maybe higher in protein.
Starting point is 01:09:51 You know, maybe you want to join in. And the next thing they bring, you know, to a gathering is like a pot pie that's got like, you know, 100 grams of fat per serving or something like that. grams of fat per surfing or something like that. And they either, you know, didn't hear the message or, you know, they just reverted back to their ways or maybe they just didn't get around to whatever it is at the moment, but it doesn't really do us any good to, to judge. You and I talked a little bit too about, you know, kind of seeing people in general, just acting or being a certain way when you kind of know they can't afford certain stuff and you're like you're like man why are they why do they kind of routinely do that but then they complain they complain about their job and they complain about not having money but then
Starting point is 01:10:37 i see them with new sneakers and i see them you know always you know drinking you know alcohol like maybe at like bars and stuff where it's real expensive. And you're just like, man, like you would save a ton of money if you just didn't drink and didn't care about having new sneakers every week. But, you know, we, we, it's just, it probably, it's easy to get kind of, uh, I guess aggravated by stuff like that, but it doesn't really do us any good. Yeah. And then, sorry, I did by stuff like that. But it doesn't really do us any good. Yeah. And then, sorry, I did remember one last thing.
Starting point is 01:11:08 And I don't know, maybe because I've been like this since I was a kid, but back when I wouldn't make healthier options or whatever, like I just wanted stuff to taste better, whether it be cookies, brownies, or like, I don't know, breakfast burritos. We talked about those earlier. Once you do start kind of messing with some of these like um well just considered healthier foods but like having the yogurt with protein instead of regular ice cream it becomes more and more fun every time you make a new recipe and it tastes
Starting point is 01:11:38 a little bit better like oh i added you know chocolate chips to it this time like what would happen if i did this and like oh now i'm gonna add lily's sugar-, chocolate chips to it this time. Like, what would happen if I did this? And like, oh, now I'm going to add Lily's sugar-free chocolate chips while doing that. And next thing you know, it's like a healthier version of what you started with and it tastes better. And then you cannot freaking wait to share it with somebody. And that's been my absolute, like, favorite thing is taking something that I made. Like, I'll take it from, you know, like a like a youtuber and then like i'll make my tweaks to it and then i'll present it to my family and then watch them experience it and love it i'm just like we got one like i got a go-to thing that i can give my
Starting point is 01:12:14 family and they won't even know the difference between this and like a real unhealthy meal and that that shit's fun it's you know it might take a while to get to that point to where you're psyched to have some healthy food, but man, is it freaking awesome. Things can taste unbelievably delicious. You could buy some chicken breasts at the store and get some chicken thighs, and everyone that I know has an oven. you know, grab, grab the, you know, throw those, throw the chicken in the oven. Um, you know, maybe put a little bit of seasoning on it, but when it's done, you know, throw, you know, in a pot, mix up some, uh, red hot sauce and maybe some butter and throw whatever other ingredients you want in there. And then when it comes out, you know, just dump some of that on there, or maybe, maybe when it's almost all the way cooked, you know, dump some of that butter and red hot sauce on there and, and just kind of cook it in
Starting point is 01:13:08 for like about five minutes or so. It's fucking awesome. There's hardly any carbohydrates at all. Predominantly protein. You got some lean, leaner protein with the, with the chicken breast. And you also have food that could sit in your fridge for a couple days now and also get some ground turkey you know um you don't have to get like the leanest ground turkey that there is because that is hard to eat but i think the 96 or the 94 whatever one that is get a bunch of ground turkey throw it in a pan throw some cheese on it and throw some like southwest uh seasoning on there or something like that it It'd be fucking amazing. It tastes, it tastes so good.
Starting point is 01:13:47 Just get some chili sauce or something and throw it in there. I mean, there's, it's not hard that that, that side of things is not difficult. And people talking about things take too long or whatever. I'm sorry, but it's an excuse because it,
Starting point is 01:14:04 I think it takes like three or four minutes to cook up some eggs. Eggs are eggs are super healthy. I mean, there's, there's just, there's a lot of options. You just need to start to work on it, but that could end up being part of kind of your new hobby is to take care of yourself, you know, feed yourself some really good food. There's a lot of options too with, I mean, if you want,
Starting point is 01:14:27 again, search for some of this stuff on YouTube, like look at, look at low calorie foods that are available. Like there's hundreds of them. You can eat like a shit ton of watermelon or shit ton of strawberries, some strawberries, dip that shit in some like cool whip or some heavy whipping cream or something.
Starting point is 01:14:47 And so what if you overeat? It's not a big deal if you overeat for that one particular day. You'll rein it in. You'll get it figured out. It'll work out over time. But it'll only work out over time if you're choosing these kind of healthier option foods because they're a little harder to overeat. of these kind of healthier option foods because they're a little harder to overeat. So, yeah, 140 grams is 50 calories in strawberries.
Starting point is 01:15:13 Dude, that's a lot, too. It's great. I love it. That's a lot of goddamn strawberries. A lot of strawberries. Yeah. That's all I got for you, Mark. You got anything else? That's it for me.
Starting point is 01:15:22 Strength is never weakness. Weakness is never strength. else. That's it for me. Strength is never weakness. Weakness is never strength. You guys need to, you know, along with this episode, you know, we also want to encourage you to check out some of our sponsors. We got our people at Element. We, you know, with electrolytes, I recommend fasting quite a bit. And so with fasting or with having a low carb diet, it's good to get the salt and electrolytes in there. We also got, uh, eat right foods.
Starting point is 01:15:47 We were just mentioning some Turkey. They have some great, uh, they have some amazing, they have a bunch of amazing, uh, food that's prepped for you already, which is huge because a huge part of all this,
Starting point is 01:15:59 as I mentioned in the beginning is convenience. If you don't have the convenience and you got the cravings, you're going to end up cheating on your diet at some point. Um, and then the last one, obviously is our, our peeps over at Piedmontese, who's been our longstanding, um, uh, peeps that support the podcast and they have the, they, they allow you to eat meat on like even a bodybuilding diet. I think I'm, I'm shocked. It's not more people talk about Piedmontese. Like I'm surprised it's not, you know, rolling right through, uh, Greg Doucette and some of these people that are, uh, become an infamous on YouTube because it is an amazing option to be able to have
Starting point is 01:16:36 steak that's that lean, but also still like, I still don't understand how they do it. Yeah. So links and promo codes and all that for all of them down in the description below and or the podcast show notes. Make sure you follow the podcast at Mark Bell's Power Project on Instagram at MB Power Project on TikTok and Twitter. My Instagram and Twitter is at I am Andrew Z and I'm still kind of working the kinks out on TikTok, but it's at the Andrew Z and then Mark. I'm at Mark Smelly Bell on Twitter, Instagram, TikTok. Thank you guys so much for the support over on TikTok. If you're not following me at the moment, make sure that you do. But I have a video that I think is like up over like 2.5 million.
Starting point is 01:17:17 So that video went smoking pretty good and I appreciate it. Strength is never weakness. Weakness is never strength. Catch you guys later. Bye.

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