Mark Bell's Power Project - Mark Bell's Saturday School EP. 4 - Where Did "Smelly" Come From?

Episode Date: June 13, 2020

How did Mark's parents know he was going to smell when they named him Mark Smelly Bell? Today we learn how Mark received his nickname "Smelly" and how he ran with it. Subscribe to the Podcast on on Pl...atforms! ➢ Support the show by visiting our sponsors! ➢Piedmontese Beef: Use Code "POWERPROJECT" at checkout for 25% off your order plus FREE 2-Day Shipping on orders of $99 ➢Icon Meals: Use Code "POWERPROJECT" for 10% off ➢Sling Shot: Enter Discount code, "POWERPROJECT" at checkout and receive 15% off all Sling Shots Follow Mark Bell's Power Project Podcast ➢ Insta: ➢ ➢ Twitter: ➢ LinkedIn: ➢ YouTube: ➢TikTok: FOLLOW Mark Bell ➢ Instagram: ➢ Facebook: ➢ Twitter: ➢ Snapchat: marksmellybell ➢Mark Bell's Daily Workouts, Nutrition and More: Follow Nsima Inyang ➢ Instagram: Podcast Produced by Andrew Zaragoza ➢ Instagram: #PowerProject #Podcast #MarkBell

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Alrighty. Welcome back everybody to, I guess we'll just call it Saturday school. I don't really want to call it smelly Saturday school. There's a lot of S's and all that, but this is a different format podcast. This is your opportunity, the people to ask the people's coach, any question that you got burning inside of you, you know, very direct stuff that Mark can just easily, you know, we're kind of setting stuff up on a tee for Mark for him to crush it and hit the ball out the park. And, um,
Starting point is 00:00:28 we just want to give a quick shout out and thank you to Piedmontese and perfect keto for giving us the opportunity to be able to do stuff like this. Um, I don't know if you guys check your bank account, but we actually don't charge you guys anything for doing these episodes. Um, however, it is not free.
Starting point is 00:00:42 So we do have the opportunity available to us because of people like uh piedmontese beef and uh perfect keto for more information on them all links and everything will be down in the youtube and itunes description but uh please head over to that's at checkout enter promo code power project for 25 off your order and if your order is 99 more you get free two-day shipping. And slash POWER25. Same promo code POWERPROJECT for 25% off any order of $29 more. Mark Smelly Bell, if that really is your real name.
Starting point is 00:01:17 How are you doing today? I'm doing great. Just got done with a workout. Did some sprints. You know, we're still in that quarantine. I think it's May 18th, Monday, May 18th. And, uh, we're still in lockdown out here in California, but I'm getting outside, getting some sun and just got in some sprints and feel really good. Awesome, dude. So if that really is your real name, how did you get the nickname smelly?
Starting point is 00:01:43 Well, it was the best option out of all the other names that my brothers wanted to give me um you know having two older brothers you know all they do is make fun of you pretty much so i had a nickname that was vinegar butt was one of them um i have kind of a stained front tooth because i probably just didn't brush my teeth much when I was a kid. And so I was Krusty Tooth, which later turned into Big Chief Krusty Tooth, which I'm not sure how that name came about. But, you know, my brothers roughed me up pretty good mentally, physically, whatever way they could. And, you know, Smelly was one that I just hated taking showers. You know, I love being outside.
Starting point is 00:02:27 I love playing football and getting messy and gross. And just because I didn't like to take showers, I'm sure I didn't smell very good, especially when you get to be like when you're a little kid. It's not really that big of a deal. It's not very offensive to anybody. But as you get to be a little older, as you start getting some hair and some spots and stuff like that, then you start to really stink. And so at first they'd call me stinky. They'd call me a bunch of different names. And then ultimately smelly just stuck to me. And it stuck to me mainly because when my brother's friends would come over,
Starting point is 00:03:00 you know, when you're a little kid and you got like, you know, older siblings or older cousins or something, all you want to do is hang out with them. Like you're so excited. You just want to, uh, you want to do what they're doing and stuff. And I always wanted to do with my brothers were doing, but they're like, nah, get out of here. Smelly, you know? And then they realized that it bothered me. Like it would make me cry, you know? And so once they realized it bothered me, then it stuck. And then I didn't have to live with the other awful names. And then as I got older though, smelly became very important because I would introduce myself to people as smelly and it became a barometer. It became a way that I could gauge you. If I was to meet you, Andrew, and let's say I was at like a local gym and I'm
Starting point is 00:03:43 training or something and we get talking and you're like, Hey, you know, what's, I see in here all the time. What's your name? You know, I'm, I'm Andrew. And if I was like, I'm smelly and you kind of gave me like a weird look, I would just know, like, we weren't, we weren't going to be buds, you know, like if you got it and you're like, Oh, you know, that's, you know, I got it. And then if you came back and said, I got a stupid nickname too, you know, and then we could both laugh about it. And, uh, even in terms of, uh, meeting females, it was a good, a good way to check, good way to check to kind of see where they're at. When I met my wife, Andy, it was the same thing. You know, when I met her, um, I remember telling,
Starting point is 00:04:20 I remember telling a lot of girls when I meet them, I'd say my name is smelly. And then it was like, and they would just like blow you off. And like, you know, they don't want to deal with that. You know, they don't want to deal with like somebody who's going to act silly or weird or, and then smelly. Like they're thinking like this guy's probably dropping ass all day long. I need to, I need to get out of here while I can. And when I said to Andy, she just didn't even care. She's like, oh, that's funny or whatever.
Starting point is 00:04:44 And we just got talking from there. So even though it's a funny, silly nickname, I think it's always fun to have nicknames and stuff too. As you know, at Super Training Gym, you know, we got like Little Smokey. Smokey was named after those little tiny hot dogs that are stuffed with cheese sometimes or just they come as like little tiny hot dogs. They're called little smokies. And we've had a lot of different people with nicknames over the years,
Starting point is 00:05:10 and a lot of that had to do with me being picked on and me giving a nickname at such a young age that stuck with me forever. Yeah, there are tons of nicknames. And from what I understand, and maybe this is just a general rule for any gym, but in particular, super training gym, nobody can come in with their own nickname, right? Like, I couldn't come in with something that I got from someone else. It would have to come in all organically from super training. Yeah, you can't go and make it up yourself, you know, because then you might give yourself a good nickname. I think Nsema has tried that.
Starting point is 00:05:44 He has tried and we have. Self-proclaimed natty professor. Centaur or whatever else tried a nickname. He's trying to give himself over there. Big Daddy, whatever he is, you know, all those things. That's the cringy one. But yeah, other than Smelly and those other ones, did anybody else ever give you any other kind of nicknames
Starting point is 00:06:04 or was it just Smelly and those other ones, did anybody else ever give you any other kind of nicknames? Or was it just Smelly and that was it? So I played football at Santa Monica City College. And I had an opportunity to play with Chad Ochocinco. And I had an opportunity to play with, what is it, Steve Smith. Yeah, Steve Smith and Ocho Cinco. And having an opportunity to play with those guys was absolutely amazing. But everyone on the team was awesome. The whole lineup, a lot of the guys ended up going. This was at a junior college, Santa Monica City College.
Starting point is 00:06:43 A lot of the guys ended up going Division I. This is at a junior college, Santa Monica City College. A lot of the guys ended up going Division One. But there was something different about the entire team than me. I was pretty much the only white guy. There was like one guy, he was really light skinned. And he and I were like buddies. But I later found out he was Mexican and he, and he was like, he's like, man, he's like, I've been Mexican this whole time. You didn't know that. It was just funny. We were just having a good laugh about it. It was, we made nothing of it really. But, um, he and I were just saying, oh, we got to stick together, you know, that kind of stuff.
Starting point is 00:07:17 And then I had another friend on the team that was white as well, uh, who was our offensive tap tackle, but pretty much it was like me and him that were white on the team the rest of the team was was black so i got made fun of you know they had they had a different thing every day every day they were just ripping on me every day and they like you know they talk shit about how strong i am and stuff because it didn't matter to them because they were so athletic they could kick my ass in the field anyway i could get them here and there you know i could get people here and there with stuff but it was it was rare because they were so fast and so athletic it was it was tough um anyway we're we have um these drills kind of like uh seven on seven type of drill um you're supposed to go we're supposed to go like
Starting point is 00:08:04 half speed but we're supposed to go like half speed, but we're supposed to give it, you know, supposed to give each other like a really good look. Coach wanted us to hit each other. You know, the coach wanted us to make a lot of contact and be aggressive. And we're doing this seven on seven and our quarterback throws the ball over
Starting point is 00:08:18 the middle to Steve Smith, Steve Smith, by the way, one of the, he's, he's in hall. He's got a hall of famer, the future NFL hall of famer. If he's not already in the hall of fame,
Starting point is 00:08:26 I forget. But I mean, there's just no question. If he's not in the hall of fame, he's going to be in the hall of fame. He's one of the greatest wide receivers in the history of the NFL. On top of that, he has kind of the moniker of being like one of the toughest. I mean, this guy, he's not very big, but he is freaking powerful. Anyway, like we used to kind of get into it. I was outside linebacker and I would always try to hit him as he's coming out of his breaks and stuff like that. And I'd hit him with everything I had, but it would hurt me more often than it would hurt him. I think he never showed any signs of letting up. I never showed any signs of letting up and
Starting point is 00:09:03 I would just, you know, try to beat the crap out of him whenever I could. Anyway, one day he's coming over the middle, the ball is thrown a little high and he catches it and I just, just blast him. I just blast him in the chest and I knock, knock the ball up in the air and our team intercepts it and stuff. You know, I got, my head is ringing from that and he just pops up like nothing happened. And he's like, okay. He's like, okay, powder. He calls me powder. He goes, okay, powder. He's like,
Starting point is 00:09:32 I got you. I got you. He's like, I see you. My number is 52. He's like, five, two. He's like, five, two. I got you. I got you. He goes, I don't know if it's this week. I don't know if it's going to be next week. I don't know when it's going to be, but he's like, I got you. And then about two weeks later, we're running some drills. And I think we might've just been kind of doing maybe like a full on scrimmage and I'm chasing after our, chasing after our quarterback. And I'm like, holy shit, like I'm going to get them. Cause I was able to run pretty good. I was, I wasn't like quick, but I was fast. If I had an opportunity to, to run for a second, then I, I could be kind of fast. I wasn't like quick, but I was fast. If I had an opportunity to run for a second,
Starting point is 00:10:05 then I could be kind of fast. I wasn't very quick though. So I was like, holy shit, I'm closing in on him. I think I'm going to get him. And out of nowhere, Steve Smith just wham, just absolutely drills me. And all I really remember, I mean, I think I got knocked out a little bit. All I really remember is like my feet, like just seeing my feet, you know, seeing my cleats, you know, he had a, he had a deep cleater on me and, uh, you know, I, I kind of like rolled and I got up as if nothing happened, but man, I was groggy and I was sick. I threw up the whole night, really sick all the next day. And then just like, you know, barely made it to practice the next day and just, just tried whatever I could to get through practice, even though my head was ringing. Looking back on it now with all the information they have about
Starting point is 00:10:48 concussions and stuff, that definitely was not a good situation. But I was too stubborn to admit that I got my ass kicked. And my last name being Bell, they're like, oh, you got your bell wrong. And the whole team loved it. The whole team loved that I got killed. And they loved the fact that the strongest guy just got absolutely annihilated. So my name from then on was Powder. But yeah, he got me good. And that's the hardest I've ever been hit in anything. I've done some boxing. I did professional wrestling. I went through a table from the Hardy Boys as part of a WWE pay-per-view commercial that they did where Kane was up to bat playing baseball and he hit it in the park home run.
Starting point is 00:11:36 And I was on second base and the Hardy Boys gave me a leg drop and put me through a table and that gave me a concussion as well. That, that knocked me out pretty good, but nothing hurt as, you know, as bad as Steve Smith hitting me because Steve Smith, you know, he runs like a four, four 40 or something like that. So he was flying. I'm running with everything I got. And he probably only is like a buck 70, but whatever that buck 70 is that he has is different than everybody else. So he just annihilated me. Trying to think of, I had another nickname when I was in like in eighth grade or ninth grade or so. I did track. And my track coach, I remember just kind of being super scared because my track coach was like, no one's going to come out from this team and be one dimensional. You're not going to,
Starting point is 00:12:27 it's going to come out to this team and, and mess around and throw a shot putter, throw a discus. And I was like, is she talking to me? Like, Oh my God. She's like, everyone's going to run too. And I was like, Oh my God. I was like, I should get out of here. But there was a lot of cute girls on the track team. So I was like, I'll just ride it out. See what happens. Of course I never talked to those girls, but, you know, doing, I was doing shot put discus and she was like, you got to pick something running wise. I'm like, what's the shortest thing I can run? And she said, you know, a hundred meter. And so I did a hundred meter and I don't know how this happened, but we were on a track. I did well on 100 meter. I wasn't fast enough to beat people in sectional races, but I was fast enough to beat people in league races and local events, even at the high school level.
Starting point is 00:13:15 So I could move pretty good, but I wasn't at that sectional level or that state level. That's the kind of next level shit right there. that's the kind of next level shit right there. But I ran on this track that had, it wasn't a, it wasn't a like rubber track. It was like a gravel track. And I don't know where I picked this up on my shoes or what happened or someone previously left this mark in there. But where I ran is huge divots because I don't know how to run. I run like very like back and forth rather than like in a straight line. And I was already like lifting and stuff at the time. So probably has something to do with tightness in the hips or something. But anyway, where all my steps were, it was all red, you know, where all my steps were in the track. And so when I was on
Starting point is 00:14:03 track, they called me flash, which is kind of funny because then when I like played football or when I went to other camps and stuff, I think people thought that I was like super fast, which I was okay speed wise. But I think, you know, people calling like kind of the bigger white kid on the team Flash, I think was kind of funny. That's funny, dude. you were bruising up the track that's what was going on and it's pretty amazing that steve smith had powder head over heels concussed on the ground trying to figure out where he was that's amazing dude yeah well then watching those guys operate was cool you know steve smith was a hard worker he was you know he was at practice he was he was there but um chad um he wasn't around as much you know he would just kind of show up for the games he was just so talented i mean you know he was just uh who knows what somebody like that
Starting point is 00:14:59 would do um if they put in a lot of work you know he not not that he didn't put in any work but he really wasn't at practice much and stuff like that, but he could just still blow by people in the game, you know? That's awesome. Well, thanks for sharing that, Mark. We'll go ahead and wrap this one up. This was Saturday school. And if you guys listen in or watching, if you guys have any questions for Mark Bell, hit us up on Instagram at Mark Bell's power project or at I am Andrew Z.
Starting point is 00:15:24 Use the hashtag Saturday School. Put it in all caps. Do whatever you got to do to get our attention because this is your way to get in touch with Mark Bell. Ask him some questions that you might have burning inside you. Mark Bell, where else can people find you? People can find me at Mark Smelly Bell. Please go check out my YouTube channel and check me out on Instagram at Mark Smelly Bell. Recently, I put up a video about self-confidence on my YouTube channel.
Starting point is 00:15:51 I think it's the best video that I've ever shot myself of myself. You guys have done much better jobs editing stuff together for me. The guys and girls that work here at Slingshot and stuff like that. But I think you guys will find it very useful. So I'd love for you to go and check that out. Thank you so much for listening to this. Give us some reviews. Let us know what's up. Got any questions, please throw some questions our way. You guys are our best resource when it comes to these questions because we hang out every day. And so we don't always know what's on your mind.
Starting point is 00:16:27 We don't always know what's going to be the most relevant to you. So please feel free to ask those questions. Thank you so much for listening. Strength is never a weakness. Weakness is never a strength. Catch you all later.

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