Mark Bell's Power Project - Mark Bell's Saturday School EP. 9 - How Do You Stay Balanced?

Episode Date: July 18, 2020

Hello class, today we have a question submitted by one of your classmates. TheUnlikelyToad on YouTube asks Mark, how do you manage to balance all your success and humility? Full answer here today. Tha...nk you Toad for the great question! Subscribe to the Podcast on on Platforms! ➢ Support the show by visiting our sponsors! ➢Piedmontese Beef: Use Code "POWERPROJECT" at checkout for 25% off your order plus FREE 2-Day Shipping on orders of $99 ➢Icon Meals: Use Code "POWERPROJECT" for 10% off ➢Sling Shot: Enter Discount code, "POWERPROJECT" at checkout and receive 15% off all Sling Shots Follow Mark Bell's Power Project Podcast ➢ Insta: ➢ ➢ Twitter: ➢ LinkedIn: ➢ YouTube: ➢TikTok: FOLLOW Mark Bell ➢ Instagram: ➢ Facebook: ➢ Twitter: ➢ Snapchat: marksmellybell ➢Mark Bell's Daily Workouts, Nutrition and More: Follow Nsima Inyang ➢ Instagram: Podcast Produced by Andrew Zaragoza ➢ Instagram: #MBSaturdaySchool #Podcast #MarkBell

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is Mark Smelly Bell and you are listening to Saturday School. Today's episode is brought to you by me, myself, and I. It's brought to you by Slingshot. It's brought to you by MindBullet. It's brought to you by It's also brought to you by Piedmontese. That's where we get our meat. That's where we get our beef.
Starting point is 00:00:18 That's where we get all the awesomeness of some really tender, lean steaks All the awesomeness of some really tender, lean steaks that are also still juicy and nice and soft. I love me some Piedmontese meat. So if you want to grab that, you can go over to You can use the code. Is it Power Project? Yeah, the code Power Project for 25% off your entire order. And if your order is $99 or more, you get free two-day shipping. Let's see.
Starting point is 00:00:47 Today, Mark, we actually have our first fan question, fan submitted question. Is there a fan in the room right now? Yeah, the ceiling fan. No. It is from The Unlikely Toad. And let's see. Let me pull up the full question. So, basically, he was asking, because've had been talking about the last dance quite
Starting point is 00:01:06 a bit and how, um, yeah, how serious of a competitor Michael Jordan was, uh, to the point where he actually, you know, he kind of, uh, seemed like he was almost like an asshole, right? He pushed a lot of people to the point of like, like the breaking point, right? Um, it, it, what he's saying in his question is actually, um, how do you balance, uh, humility and success because you're able to somehow tiptoe that line to where you can be super competitive, uh, be yourself. You know, we talked about on a previous episode, like say what you want on social media, but you're still successful. You're still able to
Starting point is 00:01:43 be you, but you're still able to make that dough. So how have you been able to balance those two things? Yeah. Thank you so much for the question. You know, it'd be, uh, it's great getting these, uh, fan questions and I'm excited to, uh, you know, hammer out some more questions, but yeah, first of all, uh, that documentary was documentary was amazing. I think that Michael Jordan, you know, he just, he wasn't concerned about balance necessarily. He was concerned about, he wanted to win championships. His level of interest was really surrounded around, you know, how do I just continually be the best that I can be. And I think what happens is that when you get that driven
Starting point is 00:02:25 and you kind of, you start to get close, you start to get close to like getting over the hump and you're not sure if it's going to work or not. You don't know, like he didn't know like that lifting weights was going to really work. You know, he didn't know that some of the things that he was going to, that he was doing at the time, he didn't know they were really going to work, but you sacrifice for the unknown. And that's something I've talked about many times in the past. You sacrifice for the unknown. You don't know what's going to, you don't know what's going to happen. You know, you don't know what's going to happen from changing your diet, but you do it because you want to sacrifice for a little while and see what are the results of this really going to be.
Starting point is 00:03:11 And it's a tough thing to sell people. It's a tough thing for Michael Jordan to sell this to new players coming in the door. He probably was super frustrated. First of all, they had to sell anything to anybody. He shouldn't have to sell any ideas to anyone. Everyone should know it's a championship team. And this is the way that, you know, champions do things differently than, than other people. You know, I talk often about being made of something different. Well, if you're a champion, uh, then you understand this idea that, um, you know, you're gonna, you're gonna train above and beyond, you know, what's, what's, uh, you know, what you're required to do because you want to win. And he would probably be kind of pissed. I would imagine that he would be pissed if someone new came through the door that he would have to talk to them about, no, dude,
Starting point is 00:03:54 like we're not just here from 9 a.m. till 3. Like, yeah, 3 o'clock, 9 to 3 is when the NBA says we can practice, right? But you're seriously going to go fucking home right now like we're go ahead and go home and be you know part-time be half be be halfway in you know have your toe just barely in the water okay you don't you don't want to be on a journey to win a championship with me okay that that's cool you know and i think that that was probably his philosophy and that's probably the way that he looked at it. You know, I have a team, but the actions of everyone on the team, you know,
Starting point is 00:04:35 are super critical, but they're not under a microscope the way that professional sports are. So, you know, if Andrew doesn't have time to make a post tonight and he kind of checks his calendar for tomorrow and is like, oh man, I probably can't get to it till Wednesday. My response is cool. Because I mean, unless I felt like if I feel like it's super urgent, I would probably call Andrew and say, oh man, this really means a lot to me. I know that you're super busy, but I'd love to get this out. And I think it could be beneficial for all of us. Then he would just, he would probably just post it up, but you kind of get the, the idea here is that, you know,
Starting point is 00:05:13 these NBA players, what Michael Jordan was trying to do, he's trying to win a championship and he probably felt like I better make sure these guys are in 100% into what I'm doing. And so that was his interpretation of how he thought it needed to go down. But he also knew that from previous years when he first got to the bulls, the bulls weren't, they weren't very good. They weren't very organized. They weren't very disciplined. They were all the opposite things that you saw Michael Jordan do. Now, sometimes people that are under you will watch what you're doing and they'll learn better ways of doing things. For example, Bill Belichick is the greatest coach in the history of maybe all sports, but at least at the moment, he's the greatest coach in the
Starting point is 00:06:00 history of football by a long shot. And the way that he became that way was his dad was a coach, a football coach. He saw the great things that his dad did. He also saw the error in his dad's ways at a very young age. He also coached under a lot of great coaches once he got to the NFL. And he also had some very humbling experiences. He was a coach under Bill. We lost you. He won two Superbowl and I think went to a third.
Starting point is 00:06:44 I think he lost one. So we lost you for a second there. Checking it out? Yeah. So Bill Belichick coached under, I think you said Bill Parcells. And then that's where we lost you. Yeah. Bill Belichick coached under Bill Parcells.
Starting point is 00:06:58 And at that time, Parcells was amazing. But he learned a lot from Bill Parcells as well because Parcells was amazing, but he learned a lot from Bill Parcells as well, because Parcells was very, very aggressive, like overly aggressive. And Belichick just learned, like, man, he knows how to drive people, but he's a little too nuts. You know, he's a little too crazy. And Parcells, you know, coached his team to Super Bowls, just to multiple Super Bowls. And he learned a lot of things from that. Then when he went off, Belichick went off to be his own coach and he was coaching for the Cleveland Browns.
Starting point is 00:07:32 He actually helped turn the Browns around. And then I think something happened with the Browns. The Browns just didn't exist anymore. And he ended up leaving. Like Cleveland moved to Baltimore or something. They didn't bring him on staff or i forget exactly the circumstances but basically they didn't want him anymore they just they just kind of let him let him go and and now you kind of see bill belichick being a a great
Starting point is 00:07:59 mix it's seen it appears that bill belichick is I know that he has devoted his whole life to coaching, so maybe it's impossible for him to be a family man. But it appears that he's able to take a lot of the traits that he saw from other people and implement them in such a way that he is a great coach, but not a complete maniac. And I know he doesn't smile in the press conferences and stuff like that, but I think that's kind of his mystique. That's kind of his own thing. And if you notice, like over the last few years, he's kind of lightened up quite a bit with a lot of that stuff and has fun with it. So I think that the truth here is with Michael Jordan, could Michael Jordan have probably done it a different way? He probably could have, but he didn't know a different way. He wasn't shown a different way. There wasn't a person at the Chicago Bulls when he got there to kind of show him. There was someone that probably, you know, people probably mentored him a little bit, but like he was just such a natural, raw talent. He had to show himself, you know, how they were going
Starting point is 00:09:00 to get to this level. And he also learned from Magic. He learned from Larry Bird. He learned from a lot of other people. But that was his version. That was the way that he thought that he was going to get to the top, was going to be in a very cutthroat way. Now, what I'll say for myself is that I love to make money. I love to be successful. I love having financial freedom. It's great to be able to afford things.
Starting point is 00:09:28 It's great to have conveniences in life. But I also like to share it with other people. I like to share my experiences with other people. And I can't imagine, I can't imagine, you know, being a dick to the people that are in my life. Cause it, it just seems like it would be like a lot of work and that's not really in my personality.
Starting point is 00:09:50 Um, I do kid around a lot and mess around a lot, but like, that's just kind of part of it. I just, I just like to fuck around, make light of a lot of situations. Um, even when the situations maybe aren't always that light, but for the most part, you know, I want, I just want to have a lot of fun. And so something that keeps me interested. And so I would say like, I'm not trying to compare myself to Michael Jordan, but I would say the difference is, is that Jordan didn't care that much about that wasn't the interest for him. His interest wasn't in having fun.
Starting point is 00:10:22 Although ultimately maybe he thought that was going to be the most fun, was going to be able to hold up in their championship. But for me personally, I really enjoy having a lot of fun. I like sitting down with my family. I love hearing my kids tell jokes. I love even just simple stuff like a well-cooked meal or going out to dinner, which, you know, you can't do at the moment that much. But like, I love, I love those kinds of things. I love being able to spend time with friends. I love working out with friends. So for me, it's like,
Starting point is 00:10:55 I don't feel like I have to work at balance because one of the things I'm always trying to insert or always trying to make sure happens is that there's fun, you know, fun, you know, things are being fun. Even in terms of like work and in terms of our employees, I'm like, try to think at least here and there, I, you know, can't, everything can't be fun all the time, nonstop, but I'm trying to think of, Oh, you know what? It'd probably be fun to go into work today and just tell everybody, Hey, let's go to the movie theater, you know,
Starting point is 00:11:28 or it'd be fun to go into work today and just say, Hey everybody, like media teams and kicking ass, let's all go to Kuyu and get some jackets and we'll go to we'll go to Dutch brothers, get some coffee and just kind of chill for today. You know, that kind of stuff. So I guess that would be the way that I get balanced, but I've, I've been that way forever. Like I've, I've always been, I've been that way, you know, I actually used to be that way more. And that's why like a couple of years ago, I think, you know, you guys had me laughing really hard about something.
Starting point is 00:11:58 And I, I said, uh, I haven't laughed in four years. And that's like Jessica's, I think it's all your guys' favorite, favorite quote. And what I, and I was serious though, is, is like, I haven't laughed in four years. And that's like Jessica's, I think it's all your guys' favorite quote. And I was serious, though, is like I don't enjoy myself nearly as much is because things are just more serious. I have a bunch of employees I'm responsible for, and it's a big business, and I want it to be successful. So I'm not overly stressed about it. Um, but I do think about it often and I do want to see it succeed. Uh, I feel like I'm at the point now to where I can definitely have a lot more fun since I've been, you know, slowly but surely removing myself from a lot of that.
Starting point is 00:12:40 And ultimately, I guess my whole point here is, and to answer the question maybe more specifically is just follow your interests. You know, don't get yourself stuck. Don't get yourself caught up in bullshit. Don't get yourself caught up in talking to people that you don't want to talk to being in conversations that you don't care about being at parties that you don't care about. Uh, you know, uh, having stuff that you don't care about, but driving car that you don't care about, uh, you know, uh, having stuff that you don't care about, but driving car that you don't care about, like, you know, you, you either drive, I'd say you either drive like a piece of shit car or, or you drive something that you feel is going to, you know,
Starting point is 00:13:20 you feel is going to make you happy. It's something that you feel like, uh, that you dig, you know, like it doesn't have make you happy. It's something that you feel like, uh, that you dig, you know, like it doesn't have to be expensive, but it should, it should either be, there's a clunker that just gets you around barely. That's just safe enough to get you where you want to go.
Starting point is 00:13:35 Uh, or you have something that kind of fits your idea of what it is that you really want. Like otherwise, you know, why work so hard? Why bother to try to put up points on the scoreboard every single day? So to kind of help with, you know, some
Starting point is 00:13:52 well-roundedness, it's important that when you're putting up points on the scoreboard and when you're playing this game of life, that you're not just completely playing it by yourself. And that you're, cause it's like, what's the point? Like, okay, I can make way more money than I make now. I could, you know, have a couple of side businesses. I could just be, I could be go, go, go, go, go. I could come home, yell at my kids, make sure they're real orderly, make sure shit's set up. I could yell at my wife every morning. I need breakfast at this time. Like, what's going on with this? Why isn't this this way? I could go into work and I can, you know, hustle people around and make sure shit's going at these different times. But I just think that it'd be too stressful. Like that won't be fun. And so to, in order to, I don't think that your
Starting point is 00:14:41 life needs to be balanced per se. But I do think that your life needs to be interesting. It needs to be interesting to you. It doesn't matter if it's interesting for anybody else, but it needs to be interesting to you. But you also need to be careful with how much of just your interest you follow because sometimes that can compromise relationships that you have. follow because that sometimes that can compromise relationships that you have. So for example, let's say you have an old buddy that you used to hang out with and you used to drink with all the time. Well, now your interest has shifted over into, am I still there? Yep. And now your interest
Starting point is 00:15:19 has shifted over into bodybuilding and you no longer do any of that shit anymore. Now you're focusing on your baked potato and your chicken breast and your broccoli and stuff like that. And your buddy's like, dude, you become super lame. I'm not into that. You could even go so far with that to where it hurts your relationship with your significant other. If all of a sudden, the main thing that you're into is racing cars and you're never home anymore and you're into, you know, trying to figure out a way to make your car faster all the time. Well, that's not very healthy. Like even if that makes you money, it actually could be worse because if it makes you money, it's even more of a trap.
Starting point is 00:15:58 And again, you know, to go back to what we said in a previous Saturday school, materialistic things, they don't fill you up on the inside. And that's the most important thing is that you have to make sure that warm-like feeling that is impossible to describe. You can't even describe it. I can describe giving you 50 bucks. I can describe buying you a nice present. I can describe giving you, you know, 50 bucks. I can describe, you know, buying you a nice present. You know, I can describe that very easy. But it's the things that are tough to describe that are usually some of the most powerful things in this world. And when you think about, like, something that really, like, warms your heart, it's never – I mean, I can't think – you know, I guess usually something that warms your heart is something that comes from more of like a feeling because you're kind of wrapped up in this particular moment where somebody did something for you that was so kind, you know. Those are the things that you want to really try to follow. And if you think about if you're just always thinking about money or you always think those things,
Starting point is 00:17:11 they really won't fulfill you the way that you're looking for. Because you can go out and buy a bunch of shit, but it's just a bunch of stuff. And you can't go anywhere with it. You can't, you know, the brand new car that you just bought or whatever it might be, right? That car is not going to go around telling stories about you when you're dead. That car is not going to carry out some sort of legacy for you. That car is not going to pass on your genes, you know? Like it literally has nothing to do with you.
Starting point is 00:17:40 It's a piece of metal that was, you know, formed in a specific way that you thought was cool. And so you purchased it, you know? And so I think, you know, to live a complete life, to live a full life, there's a bunch of different things to consider, but I think, you know, one of the main things to consider here is you really want to follow your interest with everything that you have, but also be a little, be a little understanding that if you only have one interest, you only have one thing that you have your eyes on, you could lose a lot of other shit.
Starting point is 00:18:15 And I think that's the thing with Jordan. He didn't care. He didn't care if he lost other shit. So he didn't care how he acted. Cause he, he, he knew that what he was doing was going to get him to where he wanted to go, and he didn't care the consequences of it.
Starting point is 00:18:29 I love it, man. What I really liked back there is, you know, I remember there was times where I had, you know, whether it's like a family function or something, just be like, man, if I was just locked on an island by myself, I can get so much more work done. I can accomplish X, Y, and Z, blah, blah, blah. You start playing all these scenarios in your head. But what you said is like, well, I mean, you still have to have fun. What good is all that if you're not fulfilled? And that's exactly what could have happened.
Starting point is 00:19:00 Like, oh, okay, cool. My pictures maybe would have got more likes or whatever. And it just wouldn't have led to ultimate fulfillment and happiness. So, for me, that was my biggest takeaway out of, you know, everything that I heard today. Yeah, it's just kind of like living a little bit, but still like just, I don't know, man, that was great. I loved that. So, thank you. Yeah, man. I also, you know, I love that documentary. So I think that was a really good question that we had come in.
Starting point is 00:19:31 And I, you know, if, if we try to just always take things back to, there's just like a couple of principles, most happiness comes from being able to solve a problem, you know? However, sometimes you're so busy solving a problem that you don't realize it's like dude you already you know the problem is you solved the problem 10 years ago you know there's uh one of those comedians uh who says he's like you ever see one of these guys at the gym he's like they're all chiseled they're all jacked he's like they're
Starting point is 00:20:02 wearing a tank top and they're you see the shoulders popping out everywhere. They got veins. They look amazing. They got a six pack. And you're like, dude, just go home. Like you want already, you know, you already figured it out. And the same is true with, uh, with money. I think that a lot of times there's people at work, um, that have literally millions of dollars in the bank and they're still at work while they're, while the kids and their families are home and i'm not going to say that that's wrong all the time because i don't believe that it is i think it's important that you do your work and and you have but you have a reasonable schedule you know you have some reasonable hours something what you said about hanging out with the family made me think about something I heard
Starting point is 00:20:45 recently from Sam Harris. I've been listening to a bunch of his stuff more recently, making sense podcast. Unbelievable. Sam Harris is unbelievably. You guys need to check out some of his stuff. He's been on Joe Rogan a couple of times as well. Really,
Starting point is 00:20:58 really smart guy. I'm hoping to get him on our show at some point. He might be too fancy, too smart for us. I don't know. We'll figure it out. But he said this. He said he was at a family function and he was picturing, why are we so disinterested in each other? Most people were kind of on their phones and
Starting point is 00:21:21 there was some odd small talk. small talk like man the weather is really you know it kind of but whether really picked up or you know this is bullshit talk and um oh my god you know tony's getting so big or whatever you know this kid's getting so big or just no one was really you know how and he was just thinking like man it's kind of dumb. Why are we just sitting here doing this? And he thought to himself, he's like, well, how grateful would I be if two weeks prior, I was on my deathbed and I had surgery to remove a giant brain tumor, barely made it through that surgery. And then I recovered well enough to be able to show up here today. And he said, I would imagine, and he imagined what that would look like. Like he would, he would sit there and, and other people would come up to that, him and hug him and cry and be
Starting point is 00:22:19 like, Sam, we are so thankful that you're still here. This is unbelievable, man. Like, that was a hell of a journey, man. We're glad you were able to fight through that. I hope the flowers I sent helped, or I hope the card I sent helped. I hope visiting you in the hospital, I don't know if you remember, but I was actually there. And the doctor said it looked pretty good, so we were all really hopeful, and here you are. So he's thinking about how amazing that feeling would be. The doctor said it looked pretty good, so we were all really hopeful, and here you are. So he's thinking about how amazing that feeling would be.
Starting point is 00:22:51 And he's like, well, why don't I just pretend that that already happened? Why don't I just be super thankful for still being here? Because he's like, I didn't necessarily escape a surgery from having a brain tumor or whatever, but he's like, I am still here and I am thankful for these people and I do love these people. And he's like, so I just started talking to everybody. And he's like, I just started telling people like, hey, man, like I'm so glad we're able to do this every year. He's like, I started talking like that.
Starting point is 00:23:18 And he's like, then everybody else started opening up and everybody else started talking. And he said it was a transformative experience for him. So, you know, I think trying to get perspective, I think is crucial. And I think, I think, I think that's why we're here on this earth in the first place, try to learn from each other, try to get perspective beyond that. I have no idea why we're here, but I think that that's the main thing is, is, is get perspective from you, get perspective from me and have a better understanding of each other and be able to constantly turn that into new information and turn that into new knowledge, and now we can move forward.
Starting point is 00:23:55 Bam. That was great. I love the perspective part too. Something happened recently. Someone in my family, they were really into what's going on in other parts of the world. And we couldn't even have a full-on conversation without them pulling out their phone or turning on the news. And then a family incident happened and all of a sudden, boom, they got perspective and they realized what truly matters to them. And of course, that was the family. So, that makes a lot of sense and it hits really close to home. So thank you for sharing that one. Um, if you guys liked anything that was said today, please let us know, hit us up. We're easily accessible. Um, I've mentioned it before, but this YouTube video right here probably doesn't have that many comments. That's a really
Starting point is 00:24:38 easy way to get in touch with us. Um, if you want to hit us up on Instagram at Mark Bell's power project at MB power project on Twitter, that's another easy way to hit us up on Instagram at Mark Bell's Power Project at MB Power Project on Twitter. That's another easy way to hit us up. And if you guys want to reach out and say what's up to me, it's at I am Andrew Z on Instagram and Mark Bell. You're all over the place, too. It's really hard to get in touch with you. At Mark Smiley Bell on Instagram, on Twitter, and also got a YouTube channel. A lot of times I do see the comments on YouTube. So if you got some questions,
Starting point is 00:25:10 I'm pumping out tons of information over there all the time too. You're going to see more stuff of me running. I usually do some sort of cooking here and there. And then I've been talking a little bit more recently about my diet and stuff like that. So got all the information over there. Last thing I want to mention before, before we hop off is just, I I've been finding a lot of great information from Sam Harris. And again,
Starting point is 00:25:35 I just want to encourage people, you know, I don't, you know, Andrew and I, we want so many people and in seem as well, we want, you know, millions of downloads. We want millions of people to check out our podcast. But there's a lot of people executing. There's a lot of people doing really, really good stuff. because he gets into it real deep into all kinds of crazy topics that a lot of us can't relate to because we don't have a handle on what the hell he's talking about. He's a very, very intelligent guy. But with everything that's going on with race and with everything that's going on with the COVID stuff and just all the panic
Starting point is 00:26:22 and all the anxiety. I think you can remove a lot of that from your life, from, from learning some of the stuff that we're sharing here. A lot of the stuff we're sharing here, but some of the stuff I'm seeing from Sam Harris is just, it's too powerful to, to not tell you about it. So I'd love for you guys to check some of that stuff out too.
Starting point is 00:26:40 Strength is never weakness. Weakness never strength. Catch y'all later.

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