Mark Bell's Power Project - MBPP EP. 596 - Dana Linn Bailey Natty Status Verified

Episode Date: September 23, 2021

Natty or Not videos go viral on a regular basis and it seems like no matter what an athlete does, they can never prove they are drug free. They could pass all the drug tests in the world and people wo...n't be satisfied. How can an athlete prove without a shadow of a doubt that they are drug free? Grab the new Power Project "think LESS" shirt, supplies are limited: Special perks for our listeners below! ➢Magic Spoon Cereal: to automatically save $5 off a variety pack! ➢8 Sleep: Visit to automatically save $150 off the Pod Pro! ➢Marek Health: Use code POWERPROJECT15 for 15% off ALL LABS! Also check out the Power Project Panel: Use code POWERPROJECT for $101 off! ➢LMNT Electrolytes: ➢Piedmontese Beef: Use Code "POWERPROJECT" at checkout for 25% off your order plus FREE 2-Day Shipping on orders of $150 Subscribe to the Podcast on on Platforms! ➢ Subscribe to the Power Project Newsletter! ➢ Follow Mark Bell's Power Project Podcast ➢ Insta: ➢ ➢ Twitter: ➢ LinkedIn: ➢ YouTube: ➢TikTok: FOLLOW Mark Bell ➢ Instagram: ➢ Facebook: ➢ Twitter: ➢ Snapchat: marksmellybell ➢Mark Bell's Daily Workouts, Nutrition and More: Follow Nsima Inyang ➢ ➢YouTube: ➢Instagram: ➢TikTok: Follow Andrew Zaragoza on all platforms ➢ #PowerProject #Podcast #MarkBell

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Andrew sabotages the internet here, I think. He does. So he doesn't have to do work. Andrew. Fucking bullshit. Zetikosa. Is it okay? Going live 3-2 and we should be live now.
Starting point is 00:00:11 I think when you say his last name, you have to always say it twice. You have to always say it twice. Zetikosa. I loved it when Alan Aragon was talking about it. He said it so nice. Yeah, that was cool. He's like, and Andrew. Zetikosa.
Starting point is 00:00:29 It's just so fun to say like salsa yeah it's a spicy last name like your last name if there's anything that's spicy your last name's spicy i think so yeah is that a ghost even my tongue gets hot so we're just talking about like that natty verification, you know, and like I think a company like Merrick should have like some sort of very natty verification like format that they do when they test people's blood. They're testing a lot of people's blood that, you know, some people are looking to kind of change their hormonal profile through pharmaceuticals. Right. And, you know, you get that blue check mark on like instagram you know can uh one of these companies please help with this natty or not debate and just end it forever you know but i don't know if that would be enough you know because then people would be like well you know well because
Starting point is 00:01:20 then you would have you know the merrick verification status which is like going to be like top tier and then you'd have like these know, the Merrick verification status, which is like going to be like top tier. And then you'd have like these other companies and be like, no, I have the verification status from what you got there in Zuma. What you got there? So eating donuts show because we're fine. Well, who purchased the donuts? Yeah, that would be me. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:40 Thank you for the donuts. Thank you. But I just saw this man take some of the almond chocolate salt that i put in my coffee he put on his donut he's like oh shit so i was like all right let me try that buddy and sema didn't even really realize that he was like totally fucking my donut with his eyes so i was like he goes oh yeah i didn't even know i was doing that bro it's hella fucking good really good right like it's not even a joke bro speaking of natty i got this natty fucking vegan donut
Starting point is 00:02:11 from temple temple coffee was that a joke mom's vegan there's a vegan gluten-free donut well oreos are vegan also i don't know i don't know why it has all those stats on it, but. I feel like by principle, I don't want to eat this. It's really good. No, I'm joking. It's really good. It's dense. Well. Health and fitness.
Starting point is 00:02:32 We fast all day. It'd be weird to have a donut that has like steak in the middle. That's true. Oh. Would it be though? What would it be though? Would it be delicious? I think because we put bacon on donuts.
Starting point is 00:02:44 Bacon is kind of weird because when you, then you you you smell the bacon and you smell the donut. Same time. It's kind of odd. But it's a hot mixture going on. But it's just like pancakes and bacon with syrup all over it is really good. So a maple donut with bacon inside. Same thing. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:03 Fried. Delicious. My God, this is so good dude I know Andrew do you have any chocolate salt no dude put some shot here here hold on here I want you to pour it right there so that way the camera's don't know there's so much that's okay. No, no, it'll work. I'll wash it around. It'll be fine.
Starting point is 00:03:26 I'm going to do like that, and now I have a dipping powder sauce. You ever see Andrew use the salt in our break room? He loves that salt. This man is just pouring that salt with a vigorous hand. Look at me so weird. I'm like, what's the matter with you? He's like. I need to make a meme out of that.
Starting point is 00:03:49 Every day. Or a gif or whatever. That's salt, baby. You got shit on me. Is Andrew staring at the camera? Salt in his hand. NFT? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:03:58 Yeah. Am I getting this right? Yeah, NFT. I think so. Yeah, let's see what we got here. What's the verdict? Oh. It turned it from a donut into like a brownie. Oh, why didn't I just
Starting point is 00:04:12 leave this with you? I'm sorry. I spread it evenly over my donut. If you pour it right in there, because now I have like a dipping station. I'm very sorry if I'm saying this wrong, but I think it's called like a Samoa. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:04:27 Is that right? That's what they used to call the Girl Scout cookie. I used to live right next to some Samoas. I think they changed the name for some reason. Do you realize? I don't know if I'm saying wrong stuff. Oh, yeah, that is the Girl Scout cookie thing. They look like a Samoa.
Starting point is 00:04:39 Coconutties. Ew. Ew. Those are the worst Girl Scout cookies. The coconut ones? Yeah, they're not good oh my god really you know what I suck with guys
Starting point is 00:04:49 thin mints were good but you guys hate mints this is actually I just realized brushing your teeth and eating chocolate okay number one element needs to thank us
Starting point is 00:04:58 for what we've just done because we just discovered another use for their electrolytes now when people want to eat donuts they can actually eat them in a healthier way and get electrolytes in, they can actually eat them in a healthier way
Starting point is 00:05:05 and get electrolytes in because they can dip their donuts in element chocolate salt. I was 330 pounds for a reason. I'd also say you can dump this chocolate salt on some cereal too. It'd work great. Oh my God.
Starting point is 00:05:19 We got to hang out more. Yeah. I'm learning so much. You don't want to hang out with the old me trust me yes i do so real quick before we get any further when i started like okay well what the fuck is mark bell and super training all about like when i started coming to like intern i guess we'll call it uh-huh i'm like oh my god dude they have like donuts all the time i remember and then it was like um That was so weird.
Starting point is 00:05:45 And then it was Dan's birthday and you guys got him just a bunch of pizza. And I'm like, dude, I just met all these guys. Oh my God, this is going to be so cool. We had a table set up and we had like literal, like a van full of pizza show up to the gym. I remember that, dude. For his birthday. That was great. And then you guys gave him like whatever for like his stomach because like he was like lactose intolerant.
Starting point is 00:06:06 Oh, yeah. Just fight through it. Oh, yeah. Yeah. A bunch of a bunch of lactase. Yeah. Lactate pills. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:14 Oh, my God. Box of lactate pills. Fucking truck full of pizza show up. Tony, help your bro desire some medicine. Yeah. I used to be a lot happier a long time ago yeah before all you motherfuckers came around then you had to go and do a bodybuilding show now we haven't and then you got fit like why and everything got all serious all right um secondly you're too happy now. You can't even do a podcast.
Starting point is 00:06:47 It was the donut and there was something else. Hmm. God dang it, guys. We're talking about cookies, cookies, girl scouts. Okay. No. Oh, okay. You got really excited.
Starting point is 00:06:58 You see? Okay. That's problematic. I'm talking about the cookies. He, you just shouted Girl Scouts hey no no no what I was going to say was
Starting point is 00:07:10 this is so good okay the first the first few words I'm about to say will sound wrong but it's because I have a problem
Starting point is 00:07:18 telling like children selling things no as in like I have a problem just like walking they come to the door and they're like i got this for sale these magazines or some shit you're like oh i've got five of them
Starting point is 00:07:29 i'm always a sucker like i'm just like even if i know i'm not gonna eat it or if i don't want i'm just like hustle keep hustling child like good for you yeah it's tough there was a kid in my neighborhood a couple years back that he was always hustling something. I bought so much shit from that kid. I'd have like magazines delivered to my house and newspapers. I never read any of them. But that motherfucker was hustling out there. Yeah. When you see kids doing it, you're like, you want to encourage.
Starting point is 00:07:56 You want to be like, hey, man, you're doing good work. Keep it up. So I did my 50 mile walk yesterday. And so for yesterday, I was just like, you know, hey, just do whatever eating you need to do. Like, don't even think about diet necessarily. So I did that. Interestingly enough, walking 50 miles because because I my body just be a little different
Starting point is 00:08:22 than most people. I gained like 12 pounds from walking all day. Wait, wait, what'd you start your weight and what'd you end your weight up? Uh, I was two 29 in the morning and, uh,
Starting point is 00:08:34 this morning, this, well, not this morning, but like at night last night before I went to bed, I was like two 42 or something or two 41. Just, you know,
Starting point is 00:08:44 tons of just tons of water. And, and, uh, cause I, you know, I was like 242 or something or 241, just, you know, tons of, just tons of water. And, and, uh, cause I, you know, I got this to be honest, I got pretty fucked up just from walking. I mean, that's a lot of, that's a lot of walking. Never, never tried to do anything, uh, quite like that. So that was a, uh, that was a lot, even though I'm not natty, it, uh, was still hard to recover from. Interesting, though, too, is that you recover quick from stuff. Like, it was hard for me to even get in and out of my bed last night, so I slept in a recliner for a while, and then I switched to my bed, and by the time I woke up, I was fine.
Starting point is 00:09:17 But I was pretty wrecked. I had to go in the hot tub. I had to go in the shower. It took me a while to get out of the car. It took me a while to get in the shower. I had to be really careful. Didn't you say Andy came and picked you up because you couldn't necessarily drive? Yeah, I was like, I'm not even bothered driving.
Starting point is 00:09:33 I could have drove, but I was just thinking, probably not a great idea. Had her scoop me up for comfort purposes. And congratulations to our homie Ryan Soper, who did that whole 100 miles with you, too. My God. Okay. Ryan. 100K. 100K steps.
Starting point is 00:09:50 51 miles, right? Yeah. 51 miles. Our guy, he pulled his calf in the beginning, and he just went through the whole thing. He continued going. That is savagery right there. To be perfectly honest, I think I would have pussied out if I pulled my calf. But Ryan did the whole thing with you. I think he he wanted to and then he got just too deep in he was like i might as
Starting point is 00:10:09 well just go the whole that's what happens when you're around somebody yeah it's like your shit when you're with somebody it's like i can't fucking like quit in front of him it was a it was a it was a fun it was a fun challenge would you do it again no no not that are you sure i might do like a marathon or something at some point yeah you know that might be kind of that might be kind of cool as long as i can kind of take my time with it i i don't think i really want to get all that competitive with running but i mean maybe at some point i will maybe i'll get pumped about it i i like hikes and stuff you know i like um going on like three to seven mile hike you know something like that like once you start getting over once you start getting over those uh amounts it gets to be i don't know it gets to be like just too tedious but yesterday was a lot of
Starting point is 00:11:02 fun i don't know anyway back to this uh natty thing yeah what do you think man we should we think we should test people and uh see if we can get the blue check mark you know their natty status you know or you think that won't be enough for people you you know a few years ago i'm pretty sure it's like two two and a half years ago you know keno body gregor gallagher yeah there's this uh thing that he started trying to do it like it got a little bit but then it kind of just died down. There's this specific type of test. Fascinated by your coffee.
Starting point is 00:11:29 I'm so sorry. You're always doing the special stuff with your coffee over there. All right. Let's talk through it real quick. We're going to come back to this kinobotic thing. Let's do this. All right. So we got right now a nitro cold brew with some heavy whipping cream.
Starting point is 00:11:42 Heavy cream. You get cream on the side? I get cream on the side. Because if I tell them to put the cream in i don't get enough coffee can anybody do that yes are you sure or do you need to have no that's you're in the bubble i'm not in the bubble and i need you to stop that if i ask for heavy cream on the side i'll get like the little thimble thing they give you a whole fucking cup listen i'm just saying it's all about how you ask are you flexing while you ask i don't flex while i ask i'm just like i usually raise the tonality of my voice hey can i get some heavy cream oh
Starting point is 00:12:12 you know i don't i don't speak with the oh like a little higher pitch a little bit higher pitch eyes a little bit wider teeth showing can i get some heavy cream you got some nice teeth hey we all got nice teeth on this guy let's that smile going. I like it. Yeah. And then they'll be like, yes. And then, you know, you know, just treat them nice. You get a little bit more heavy cream. That's how it works. You ever try to say it with the smooth Panther voice? Can I get some heavy cream?
Starting point is 00:12:38 You got to be careful. You say that too, I guess. Yeah. That's not a good idea. She might shoot you with the cream. Oh, that was really good. That was quick. That was quick.
Starting point is 00:12:51 I wish I could say it was quick, but that's literally all I was thinking about the whole time. And we got the Fairlife salted caramel, which is really good, by the way. It's really good. I want to try that one and the coffee. The coffee. caramel which is really good by the way it's really good like i want to try that one in the coffee the coffee so first off thank you fair life and our and our homie uh ken the hookup the hookup ken i'm just gonna use first names but um yo i don't think we should talk about ken we shouldn't talk about ken no we don't want to get in trouble i'm glad that's a made up name. There's probably. Yeah. His name is probably like Ron. I forgot.
Starting point is 00:13:28 It's Ron. Thanks, Ron. Thanks, Ron. But yeah. And I put them some Fairlaken there. So it's just delectable. It's nutritious, delicious. Back to your nattiness.
Starting point is 00:13:43 Greg O'Gallagher was he had this test that he was that he was like, I forgot the name of the test but he was like oh every person every person who claims that he should do this test because it'll apparently find something in your blood that's shown that you've taken something in the past and you can't hide it and he was calling it natty verified that was that's what he was calling it um but it kind of died out and um i don't think anything will please anybody yeah to be perfectly honest like i don't think there's any test or any protocols or anything that any individual who claims natural that people believe they're not natural there's nothing that person can do because the internet will always find a way to say how they got around it even if their tests are negative or they have perfect numbers or whatever the internet will always come up with something. Oh, you're not, well,
Starting point is 00:14:26 they probably did something five years ago and they're just not on it anymore, but now they have all those. There's always something, dude. Hey, look at John Jones. He's gotten popped, I think, twice. And there were consequences, but it was like after the fact.
Starting point is 00:14:42 It's like, who did he beat? I mean, he beat the guy. Cormier. C cormier he beat cormier i think twice and twice and both times i think he was doped right a little something picograms yeah and and it's also in accordance to ufc you know rules and yeah there's it's debatable and whatever right but it's interesting because it's like if you go to a powerlifting competition and you're in a powerlifting meet that does drug testing and you go in and you demolish everybody you squat 700 you bench 500 you pull 700 and you're hundreds of pounds ahead of the next guy in your weight class everyone still saw saw that, you know, you still can post that you still can.
Starting point is 00:15:27 And so maybe you get nailed after the fact and it turns out that you, you were on stuff, but you like, you still outlifted everybody, you know? So it's, I don't know, the whole thing is really interesting. And then to try to find testing that is really accurate. And then how much does it matter? You know, we have uh derrick from more plates more dates and a lot of other youtube channels are um they talk about these things a lot i don't think that derrick wants to specifically just always do natty or not videos
Starting point is 00:15:56 but they're popular and people want to know they want to know is daniel and bailey natural is michael Hearn natural? Is John Cena natural? John Cena natural. These are all people that are friends of mine. I've communicated with them. They said they're natural, and so that's my verification. These guys are totally 100% natural. Now, it's hard to know because in the case of a figure competitor,
Starting point is 00:16:22 in the case of somebody getting on stage for some bodybuilding or something like that, a lot of times the stuff that they may take can be performance enhancing, but it's pretty minimal. It's different than seeing somebody prep for a powerlifting meet where somebody might get just huge. Or it's different than seeing a professional bodybuilder. just huge or it's different than seeing a professional bodybuilder you see someone go from being an amateur bodybuilder to a professional ifbb pro bodybuilder it's just they get so large that you're like you know i i can't imagine they're doing things any other way than using performance enhancing drugs they're just so big now in other cases, we have men and women, sprinters in track and field that look amazing. They look completely unbelievable.
Starting point is 00:17:17 They have so much muscle mass. And if you go back and you look at some of the different runners over the years, much muscle mass and if you go back and you look at some of the different uh runners over the years you got like a carl lewis who was like long-limbed and not like crazy muscular um but time and time again there's guys that do the 200 and the 100 and even some of the guys that do the hurdles they're fucking jacked and women the women are like almost more impressive because they're like they're so lean they're so shredded and because you don't ever see because they're like they're so lean. They're so shredded. And because you don't ever see that, you're like, that's not natural. That's not what you're used to seeing.
Starting point is 00:17:51 Yeah. And the funny thing is like those athletes don't even train in a way like like people who are in gym culture and they live five to six days a week. These runners and sprinters don't train in that fashion. They don't train with that much training volume yet they're big and jacked and why well they're they're great genetic athletes right who are also sprinters and they like if they did choose to train in the fashion that we do here they could easily be on stage they could easily probably be in a crazy powerlifting meeting and get super strong. They're just elite level athletes, right? So it's insane.
Starting point is 00:18:32 And here's something that you have to question. Here's something you've got to really think about. Is everybody on shit? I know that there's a lot of people that take stuff, right? And I'm not even going to say that some of the names. Damn.
Starting point is 00:18:47 Just look at those. Michael Johnson. And I'm not even going to say that I know whether some of these people I'm going to mention are on stuff or not. That looks like it. But think about Terrell Owens, the way that he looked. Think about. Fuck. Goddamn. What's that? Oh, look atlympic swimmer rope book andrew go up to think about shannon sharp oh yeah and he still looks his brother sterling sharp when
Starting point is 00:19:14 his brother played football too um yeah who's that swimmer but he's one of the new ones in uh this past olympics you think he did really well he He's fucking yoked. Yeah. Yeah. There's I mean, there's. So, again, I am aware that a lot of people take them and I am aware that a lot of people like, oh, all the pros, everybody's on stuff. I just don't believe it. And also from what we know from powerlifting and some of the drug tested federations, I mean, you've got to really go out of your way to try to be, to try to pass these drug tests. And I don't even know if some of the people that we know, I just don't even know if they have the knowledge to, or access to somebody that has knowledge to figure out how to pass some of these tests. And we know dudes squat 800, 900, thousand pounds,
Starting point is 00:20:04 And we know dudes squat 800, 900, 1,000 pounds, and they are drug tested. A dude like Ray Williams, pulling 800, squatting 1,000. Consistently. Russ Swole also consistently drug tested. I've never seen anybody with a back as big as Ray Williams. Maybe like Donnie Thompson, maybe around the same size. And Donnie Thompson was a non drug tested athlete versus big Ray. But, you know,
Starting point is 00:20:32 Ray just got huge. And in Russ Swole's case, he's actually in good shape and he's lifting crazy weights. Amazing. But you know, the interesting thing, like let's, let's Russ Swole,
Starting point is 00:20:42 83 kgs, I think. Yeah. Yeah. 83s. You know, I think. Yeah. Yeah. Eighty threes. You know that Taylor Outwood guy? He's like Taylor Outwood is. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:50 People look at him as like the Michael Jordan of USAPL powerlifting because like but his numbers are very close to Russ's. Now, look at the way Taylor looks. Taylor's in great shape, but his muscularity does not show like the like the way russ's shows russ also played football all his life russ has been training like a bodybuilder for a majority of his lifting career then moved into powerlifting and then started crushing right it's like i don't think that everyone has the like a lot of people can get pretty strong but as far as the ability for your body to like show hypertrophy, like, like to be built that way or get that big, it, there's a, there's an athletic background and there is a genetic background. And some people, most people that take drugs will not, even if
Starting point is 00:21:38 they take as many steroids as possible, won't look as good as Russ Swole. How, um, how deep into like bodybuilding stuff have you gotten? Have you like done the, like, uh, you know, train like a bodybuilder weekend week out to the point where you're really fucking sore and you have to like your, your workouts are difficult enough to where you have to literally really think
Starting point is 00:22:02 about your food in order to properly recover from it. Or were you just doing it like at such a young age you didn't really maybe get that deep into it? Well, when I was lifting when I was really young, first off, I didn't know that as much about nutrition. But I just trained with a lot of training volume because when I started training, I couldn't do anything else. So I trained with a lot of training volume and I was perpetually sore for a period of time. And I just ate as much food as my mom would feed to me. And I was perpetually sore for a period of time. And I just ate as much food as my mom would feed me.
Starting point is 00:22:31 And then when I started learning about the nutrition aspect of things, I was still soccer-focused when I started playing soccer again. But I loved lifting. So I just tried to figure out ways that I could still get my lifting because I didn't want to get small. When I was 16, I got to 220, started playing soccer again, dropped down to like 190, 195. But I didn't want to get small. So I was like, I got to keep lifting. playing soccer again, dropped down to like 190, 195. But I didn't want to get small. So I was like, I got to keep lifting. I got to keep eating while I'm playing soccer. Could you imagine what would happen if you remember when we lifted with O'Hearn?
Starting point is 00:22:54 Oh, yeah. Imagine if you ate for bodybuilding specifically, not just for bodybuilding, but to recover from those workouts. And imagine if you trained like that all the time. What would happen? time what would happen and and what would happen to a 15 year old kid that would jump in on that that has never taken anything that's 170 pounds and he started eating and he started sleeping and so it's gonna get fucking jacked yeah i think that people don't understand i'm not trying to say that all these different people that i know are natural,
Starting point is 00:23:26 but I don't think people understand. They have no idea what it's like to train really, really hard to put that intensity in. I would say on a scale of one to 10 nowadays, I train it like a six because I, I, I know what the other side of it looks like. The bodybuilder side of things where you, when I've trained with a couple of high level bodybuilders, like a branch Warren, I have literally only trained that way. Um, probably like 10 times in my whole life to be told, to be totally honest.
Starting point is 00:23:55 I like to get after, I like to have, I like to train. Um, I like to have fun in the gym too. And my power lifting days of me going kind of as hard as possible with the heavier weights, those days are, those days are behind me. But I think that if you, like I've worked out with Dana Lynn Bailey many times and just doing one workout with her, you're like, ah, I fucking get it. I understand. You know, I remember we, her and I worked out for like about 60-70 minutes something like that and she's like how much longer are we going to be in the gym for because I was like slowing down
Starting point is 00:24:32 and I was like oh I'll probably be here for another like 30 minutes she's like good because I'm going to keep doing more sets and she just kept going around boom boom boom boom and the workout if we're to break it down as like a strength coach or to break down as like uh trying to throw some scientific jargon at the workout didn't make any sense it was just
Starting point is 00:24:52 keep going keep going we were training shoulders and she got a pump in the shoulders and it was like front raises uh upright rows lateral raises just going back and forth and back and forth in a circuit and then she's like doing uh face pulls and then she's doing bent over lateral raises. And she just kept going and going and going. And Rob's like, she's like this all the time. It's like this.
Starting point is 00:25:13 It's like this every single day. I would actually just say like flat out. I think that I do believe that Dana Lynn Bailey is natural. She's very small. She's tiny. She's 130 pounds. And and how how tall is she's like five she's like five two five two there's one thing there though like okay when it when it comes to um like shorter more stout individuals you notice that they like even if they're if they
Starting point is 00:25:39 have good genetics they look crazy because they're like their frame is just against oh yeah yeah brookends will look crazy and and i think these girls that have a lot of definition in their stomach i think whoa that guy's beefy we're looking at old video of me being beefy working out with DLB. That's a big man. Mm-hmm. That's a whole lot of meat. That was right when I think I had a actual job here. Right when you kind of started?
Starting point is 00:26:13 Yeah. Dude. But if you look at DLB here in this video that we're watching of her at super training, you know, her body fat percentage in that video is probably a little higher than, um, than normal. Oh yeah. And it's definitely quite a bit higher than what she would compete with. And when you see, when you see some of these people like that, I mean, she, yeah, she is jacked, but it's, you're not thinking like, oh my God, she's on steroids.
Starting point is 00:26:39 However, when she gets lean for a show and some of these girls have veins popping out of their neck and, and they got veins going through their legs and their arms, you're like, oh, shit. Because people just aren't used to that. But that doesn't necessarily mean that they're on stuff. People don't really understand how big of a difference being lean makes. But real quick, I got to mention this because we've been talking about testing so much. I just got my labs done by our our lab sponsor maric how verified that you're not natural yeah well you know once again i just cycled off that's what they're gonna say
Starting point is 00:27:11 um because i'm gonna be i'm doing some tests on myself dude where's your video from derrick what the fuck's going on over there derrick well you know i'm not meet the criteria you know so i think i think you're big and jacked enough but if you guys get your results yet um for my most recent one probably i should check i should check the lab work will probably be in like a week um because i got like my my testosterone free in total uh cortisol shBG, DHEA. Oh, you got that checked. And then you're taking the natural stuff to maybe help. Fidogeoagrestis.
Starting point is 00:27:51 So now you can kind of have a, you can test it out and see if it's doing anything. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. So like, but you know, the first time I ever got my laps back, I was pleasantly surprised because first off, I was really nervous for myself because I was, I was like, I hope I don't have any weird heart issues.
Starting point is 00:28:05 I hope there's nothing wrong with my cholesterol. I was just really, you know, but I got it back. Kidney, liver, yeah. Yeah, I got it back. Everything's good. Everything's good. And that just gave me peace of mind. And I think that especially, number one, if you want to really understand what's going on under the hood and you want to be healthy, get that done.
Starting point is 00:28:20 But also, if you guys are trying to figure out things you might want to do in the future, I think there is a guest that came on and was like, if you, if there's anything you can do to be a gift for yourself, get your labs done when you're younger. So you have a snapshot of what things look like, because for example, when I get into my forties or fifties and I choose to do TRT, right. It'll be good to understand what my, how everything was looking when I was in my prime. So now I have that. So you guys should definitely check them out. Yeah, and I've been like, we talk all the time about working on these markers in the gym.
Starting point is 00:28:55 Like if you are performance-based in the gym and you're working on your strength in the gym, how effective that can be to assist you with your overall look and then you're not as concerned about trying to be like, quote-unquote skinny. And more often than not as concerned about trying to be like, quote unquote skinny. And more often than not, we see people ended up looking a lot better. I found the same to be true with when you're chasing numbers with your blood work,
Starting point is 00:29:12 you improve your markers of health. A lot of times you'll improve your look. You'll probably look younger. You'll probably feel better. I've noticed a lot of these things to be true for me when I was like trying to fix my blood glucose levels with more walking. Um, I noticed that I felt better throughout the day, getting better sleep. I mean, all these things. So having somebody kind of, uh, pick apart what's going on inside, inside your body via your blood, uh, is a, is a great way to, for you to kind of regain some, uh, access to the, some access to the healthy metabolism that your body should have. Yeah, and trying to get something like this done at your regular doctor is very difficult. So really don't use that as an excuse.
Starting point is 00:29:57 Do what a bunch of other Power Project listeners are doing, and they're going to That's M-A-R-R's M A R E K And, uh, you guys will see a bunch of different labs. Um, and when it comes time to actually purchase those labs, um, use promo code power project 15 for 15% off those labs. And that's like, I mean, if you want to just get your test, uh, test tested, you can do so, or you can hop on the phone with them and actually have them guide you into, uh, taking the correct, uh, panels that you need.
Starting point is 00:30:24 And when you're on the phone with them, you can just mention PowerProject 15 and they'll take 15% off. Links to them down in the description, as well as the podcast show notes. What would satisfy the people, do you think, for DLB, whether she's natural or not? Do you think there's any amount of testing or do you think people would say, oh, the test is rigged? amount of testing or or do you think people would say oh the test is rigged um you know uh mark bell sent someone over there and they're friends and or would it is there any way to and and also why why are people so concerned well you know the funny thing is we were talking about this man
Starting point is 00:30:58 a lot of the comments that you see and a lot of comments that i see people like guys will dm me or i'll see them mentioned in the comments is like why are you lying to people you know you're telling people that they'll look like you if you do this or they'll whatever number one dlb and i mean no like myself anybody no one says that if you do this training routine you will look like me like she just puts forward information like do this this is a good place to start but she's not saying anyone will look like her that's not the point but she has great information um i think some people are just angry because for some people it doesn't matter how much they take they won't look like her so it's hard to believe you know that someone who doesn't take anything
Starting point is 00:31:42 looks like her or looks like russ or looks like any of these people. That's why they're so angry because like they and a lot of people haven't trained for a long time. So they're comparing themselves to this individual and they just don't see them ever getting there. So automatically it's drugs. So this is one of those cases where this topic that gets so talked about when we're sitting here talking about DLB, whether she's natty or not, has more to do with all the individuals that are worried about it than it does anything to do with her. Because people,
Starting point is 00:32:11 because I noticed the same thing for myself and I see the comments that are made on other people's pages and stuff too. And maybe for an individual like yourself, they're like, oh, well easy for you to do because you have all day long to, to play a fitness, fitness model. You know what I mean mean and they'll just whatever whatever excuse they can drum up to uh defend
Starting point is 00:32:32 maybe why like they're like um you know i i um i don't know they'll say i'm a truck driver you know so i don't have time to go in i I don't have time to go and do that. And we recognize that things could be harder depending on what style of what lifestyle you have and what job you have. It can make things more more difficult. But I don't think there's a reason to, like, put a block on on why you don't think that you can do something. I think that's kind of a foolish way of doing it. on why you don't think that you can do something. I think that's kind of a foolish way of doing it.
Starting point is 00:33:07 But for some reason, people tend to do it and they get jealous and they get mad and they get upset that somebody else has something that they feel they don't have access to. And what I'm trying to tell people is it's a lie. It's not true. You have the same access to pretty much, I do understand we all start out in different points in our life.
Starting point is 00:33:24 I do understand we are at different points in our life. I do understand we are at different points in our life, but you have a lot more access to things than you think. There's no reason to block yourself out of stuff with your own mind and with your own nonsense of saying, well, that guy's on tons of shit. I'll never be able to do that. Even if someone is on something and even if somebody is lying, even if somebody is, you know, giving a different message, it still doesn't mean that you can't be better than you were yesterday. It still doesn't mean that you can't employ some of the disciplines and some of the things that that person is doing to get towards their goals and end up with similar results, regardless of whether
Starting point is 00:34:05 you decided to bite the bullet and to do the quote unquote full program or not. And I think the big thing is like the big focus should just be getting to the best version of yourself like that. That's, you know, if you're paying attention to anybody who does any of this fitness stuff, it's like you're, you're doing that. So you can learn not to look like them, but to look like the best version of what your body can look like, because that's all you got. Right. Dude, I'm so excited to announce today's sponsor. So when I was a kid growing up, cereal was an actual food group for me. Now that I'm a mature adult, cereal is actually a food group for me. Unfortunately, the stuff that you buy in the store doesn't really fit very well with my macros. And now we actually do have an answer for something that is healthy
Starting point is 00:34:49 for us. And it does fit my macros. That's a great thing about Magic Spoon, guys. Number one, Magic Spoon doesn't taste like cardboard or crap. Seriously. It tastes like actual cereal, like the cereal you ate as a kid. But it doesn't come with all the excess carbohydrates, all the excess sugar. It doesn't make you feel bad. it doesn't come with all the excess carbohydrates, all the excess sugar. It doesn't make you feel bad. It doesn't mess with your gut. It's so dang good. And the great thing, guys, is the macros.
Starting point is 00:35:19 Now, Magic Spoon has zero grams of sugar, four grams of net carbs, 14 grams of protein, and it is 140 total calories per serving. Literally, they have great flavors. They have cocoa, peanut butter, frosted. There's a lot of different flavors on their website and you guys really want to check them out matt andrew how do you i almost called you magic i was like magic i'll take it yeah all right well magic there it goes so uh yeah head over to magic slash power project um i recommend that you guys get a variety pack so that way you can figure out which flavor is your favorite. It's kind of hard to pick one, but that Frosted is just incredible. But yeah, slash powerproject, and you're going to receive $5 off that variety pack.
Starting point is 00:35:53 Links to them down in the description as well as the podcast show notes. Head over there right now so you can enjoy cereal again. I think my brother's a good example of that. He keeps getting better, right? my brother's a good example that he keeps getting better right um he's he's not completely shredded maybe the way that he wants to be because he sees other people being shredded in a particular way but it's like dude you know you you nearly died a couple times from drugs and alcohol you got two fake hips you've had double knee surgeries and you're uh you're you're fighting through all these different things and now you're in the best shape of your life and you're getting close to 50 years old it's like that's pretty fucking
Starting point is 00:36:29 awesome to see box squatting how much five something what is that five something about like 540 or something yeah he's dead lifting somewhere around there too i'm just like he's dead lifting in the six with the trap bar yeah like he did 715 i think for a double like just like uh it's fucking crazy a few months ago and then he'll be like he's like yeah but i didn't go for three or whatever you know oh yeah he does that all the time like dude just accept it um but a question that i have for you guys and it's it's i promise i'm not trying to be unfair with it but like can you think of somebody who genetically didn't have oh no didn't have good genetics they ended up being a freak and you can for sure say that they're natty is there anybody
Starting point is 00:37:13 like that good genetics and ended up being a freak yeah well i mean i know he you know stan i mean i know he he took stuff but at the end of the day, it's like he became, and he became the strong, like what record does he have as far as powerlifting? Like did anyone beat his total record? Yeah. I think people may have broken his record since then, but yeah,
Starting point is 00:37:35 he had the two 75 weight class record and the three Oh eight weight class record. I forget exactly what for, but he had a kid, a couple of different records going. Um, and he was a world's strongest bodybuilder for a while so I mean he's a mutant. And I would say to be perfectly honest
Starting point is 00:37:50 turned himself into a mutant I should say. I would say if he didn't take anything you know and he just chose to go he would have still especially based off of the pictures from when he was young playing soccer because you saw his stick he was like a stick figure Wait what? I was going soccer is you saw his stick he was like a stick figure i was gonna say you saw his stick i was gonna say you saw his stick ass but it sounded like
Starting point is 00:38:10 saw a stick which is weird he was a stick figure and if he just lifted right he would have been pretty big yeah so i just don't think people um people don't people don't train long enough to see where they can actually get. They don't do it consistently. I would say to answer your question more specifically, a mutant is a mutant and there's no getting around that. Like, and that's just something else that people probably need to know and recognize. You, you can't take steroids to be a mutant.
Starting point is 00:38:41 Like they're few and far between. Uh, Eric Spoto is a mutant like they're few and far between uh eric spoto is a mutant jesus yeah um and there's different levels of like it's like this mute this league of mutants you know they're they're they're fucking extraordinary you know them when you see them i think you can see them as a mutant um but there's it's it they're they're rare They're a rare breed. It's not common to see them, and you can't take a steroid. You can't take growth hormone.
Starting point is 00:39:12 You might be able to look big and jacked, and you might be able to kind of be a fake mutant, but you can't really be like a mutant. That makes a lot of sense. I'm telling you guys, when I did stuff in WWE, when you could see every every practice every single day was one up one upmanship of one person and another person and another person both male and female and you saw some wild you were like what the fuck you're like okay now
Starting point is 00:39:41 I have to go do a match you're like I don't know what the fuck I'm going to do. Some people were able to keep it simple and use like theatrics and be fun or funny. And they were able to, you know, still get attention and things like that. But for the most part, man, these people had, you know, freakish bodies. They could do freakish things in the ring. They were athletic specimens. Seeing someone like a Brock Lesnar up close, Shelton Benjamin, Bobby Lashley, John Cena. It's just everything is different.
Starting point is 00:40:16 Something like a leapfrog, which is a very normal wrestling move where you just jump over somebody. I could jump over somebody like i've i've was athletic enough to figure some of these things out the rings got a little bounce to it and i could do pretty good and like when it came like something like a drop kick or something like that where you you kick the guy in the face with both your legs like i could jump pretty good and do some of those things but then you see someone like john cena do it and you're like what the fuck was that like i'm totally exaggerating but it seemed like he jumped like 12 feet in the air you're like what the and he would jump from like a squat you know he would squat down like below
Starting point is 00:40:56 parallel and then jump like it's spring so yeah so it just looked different and you're like the guy weighs 265 you shouldn't be able to do that. You know, I saw some really wild stuff and you don't, um, we've had some big, big people in here lift some crazy, crazy weights. We had a Scott Cartwright squat 1160. We had Roy Brachaw bench 900 pounds. Um, I myself have squatted over a thousand pounds. I benched over 800 pounds, but I'm not a mutant. Like if you see me in person, I'm, you might think I'm big because maybe you're just not a,
Starting point is 00:41:31 a large person, but I'm not huge. I don't have like, like when you see John Cena, his wrist is double the size of my wrist. Yeah. His biceps are so big that he, the thing that he wears on his biceps or they used to wear on his biceps when he'd come out and rap, which he needs to bring that shit back.
Starting point is 00:41:49 That was so dope when he did that. I forgot about that. He didn't rap. It's a fucking headband. It's a headband that's on his arms, and it's stretched to its maximum. He just has, I mean, he's in his 40s now, but he had just 20-inch arms just sitting there. 18-inch forearms. And people don't realize that joint structure makes a big difference.
Starting point is 00:42:10 When you see a lot of really just freakish people, when you look at their joints, it's Andre Malone and Chip. You probably see dudes in jujitsu sometimes where you're like, I don't even know. Okay, I can't even grab that guy's wrist. The Russian I told you about. You're like, I'm fucked. That bicep out of an arbor that I did on him. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:27 You're like, all the rules that I know are now gone. Thanks to this motherfucker. Yes. Look at, you know, Hapthor Bjornsson or some of the great strongman athletes that are around today. Hapthor's 6'10". Brian Shaw's 6'8", 6'9". These are like... Now look, when a mutant decides to go on stuff,
Starting point is 00:42:51 that's when you kind of end up with the IFBB pro bodybuilder, right? Yeah. That's when you end up with that look where you're like, never seen that before. Bill Heath, Big Ramy. Yeah, I mean, guys, if you, if people have never even, like if you never noticed John Cena's hands, like you're not paying attention. Watch a movie.
Starting point is 00:43:09 Watch anything that John Cena's in. And you're going to go, wait a second. Why the fuck is that guy's hand bigger than a giant's hand? Wait a minute. Because this fucking dude's been like his growth hormone is probably off the charts. But I don't think that's anything he decided to do. And he was like, you know, people like, oh, you just got on shit when he was young. Even his face screams USA.
Starting point is 00:43:29 Like just the jaw, the cleft chin. John Cena is a superhero. He totally is. Yeah, look at that fucking hand. It's a big old mitt. I mean, and you're right. He does get naked in all the, like he got naked in Vacation Friends. He's always naked.
Starting point is 00:43:44 He's always naked. I wouldn't be surprised if he got naked in Vacation Friends. He's always naked. He's always naked. Yeah, I wouldn't be surprised if he got naked when he comes in here. Can't wait. Mm-hmm. There's, like, an old video, and he's, like, it was on, like, WWE, and his dad talks about how when he was a little kid, he'd always run around naked. And then John's in, like, a... John is a lot He's a lot of fun He's wearing like roller skates
Starting point is 00:44:08 And he's wearing like a g-string And he's chasing his dad around the house And he's like dad I still love to be naked And he's like son it's different now How old is he? He's like 25, 30 He's trying to hug him He's like no no no John it's way different now you can't
Starting point is 00:44:27 do that oh shit oh god that's so great yeah he's got a crazy sense of humor lots of fun but hey man when i just say what what are your thoughts so when you know whenever i whenever i do want to like shred down or whatever i go to you guys and then i get my nutrition and lifting from encema and i won't yeah well it doesn't matter who said it but i didn't see me you know who said it but i basically was questioned like why am i going to listen to encema he's either on stuff or he's a genetic freak therefore everything he tells me so either way it doesn't matter so either way it's bad information because I'm neither of those things. And so I just like, I didn't listen to that. And I thought it was kind of a cop out.
Starting point is 00:45:14 It's kind of almost like using that as a crutch, you know, kind of like, well, I'll never be there. But it's like, I wasn't trying to be there. I was trying to be better. Like what you said, I was trying to be better for myself. But when SEMA doesn't do things despite himself, you know, I think that's an important thing to look out for. You know, there are people that sometimes are pretty damn good outliers to the point where they do a lot of things despite themselves. They get really drunk. They get really high. They come in the gym kind of fucked up and they still deadlift 800 pounds.
Starting point is 00:45:39 And you're like, there are. I mean, I've seen that that happens sometimes. But this guy isn't that you know what i mean like almost everything you're doing is encouraging the stuff that you're doing i don't see you like i mean like anybody else like we'll eat a donut here and there or some pizza or like we'll relax and have some wine or whatever i didn't get to eat pizza. I didn't do that. You should have come and walk yesterday. I'm working. We can walk from here to the
Starting point is 00:46:09 pizza spot close. The gas station probably has a slice of pizza. Remember the pizza place that was here before we moved over here? You guys brought that pizza into the old gym, right? That pizza was so good. I remember asking you guys,
Starting point is 00:46:24 where the fuck was that pizza? Right next tootle was it yeah i never got to go there it had like a dumb ass name it was like like some half like not it's this wasn't it but it's like wacky western something it's like is that a barbecue place yeah wicked something wicked west pizza or something like that and it's like is that barbecue right like it was fucking amazing and they had like um no i just remember they had pizza with like pulled pork on it or something yeah but then they had like regular pizza and it was really good it was on they had like they had a bunch of weird pizza and they had regular pizza yeah the golden era that was really some of the best pizza i've ever had in my entire life but But thank God they shut down. If you consistently talked to that closer to the microphone, it'd be great.
Starting point is 00:47:07 But you'd run away from it. They shut down. Yeah. Like, right as we moved over here, they're like, these guys are going to get too fat. We're going to shut this place down. We seriously would have been in a lot of trouble. That place was amazing. It was really good.
Starting point is 00:47:21 I remember even the crust was really good. Everything about that pizza. I remember I had it, and I was was just like where did you guys get this I still miss the teriyaki place next to the old ST Oishi? I don't know what it's called Oishi is still there it's a place I would never go to man right off the freeway that looks sketchy as fuck
Starting point is 00:47:36 and then oh my god that used to be my post workout meal every day when I left super training how come teriyaki sauce at a teriyaki place is like ridiculously amazing but you can't get it in the store? You can't. It's not the same in the store.
Starting point is 00:47:52 That's why Oishi sells their teriyaki sauce. They sell their teriyaki sauce. Why? How come it's not like massively manufactured? You ever go to A&W? You ever go to A&W? The fast food place no what do they sell there i don't know but they do have a and w root beer like on tap
Starting point is 00:48:10 and it's different than any other ah it's like it's almost like cream soda but like not it's fucking good you can't get that ice cream in it probably root beer float yeah root beer float i don't know what we were talking about but pizza yeah okay real quick before we continue on because that's right so it was reminding me of when you were like saying that people would get upset that that people are selling programs because they're on stuff say okay if they're not now i'm seeing the other side where it's like oh well they're selling programs because they're like super you know genetic freaks so i still can't relate so it's like even if you were to have your verification check,
Starting point is 00:48:48 people would still be upset at you for just having really good genetics. Hey, this is weird. There's some people that won't work with people that take stuff. Yeah, it's interesting. But I think it has to do with like recovery. I think there's an aspect of certain things there's that but I think like the USAPL is really weird about like even like Associating yourself. Yeah, that's your no I've heard shit about it. Yeah, like oh if you do shit with this person then yeah They're weird man. That's really weird, right? Yeah, I
Starting point is 00:49:21 Should go compete us a peel and just be like But Yeah. I should go compete at USAPL and just be like, hello. But what I was going to say, man, about mutants is a lot of people don't realize, like Dana Lynn Bailey, she said she's been playing sports since she was five. She was a college soccer player. Russ has been playing football like almost all his life. He's been playing football almost all his life. He's been a sport athlete. A lot of these individuals who, let's say, they end up looking really crazy at a certain point, some people don't realize there is a – Jim Wendler came on and talked about it. There's a lot of development that goes on in your childhood years, especially if you do play sports in your teenage years, that –
Starting point is 00:49:58 I mean, let's not say that you can't get it later, but it gives you an extra layer of just like 10 steps ahead. You end up being ahead of the game because you have better body awareness. I mean, I think of even gymnasts, kids that were gymnasts, that's a crazy thing. Oh, they're yoked. Not just are they yoked, but when they're in their 20s, they're doing like handstand walks and doing all these things just because their body was used to it when they were young and they have these abilities so she's she she's been an athlete all of her life we know some mutants too that are
Starting point is 00:50:32 kind of almost like closet mutants like there's we have some friends that can do a really wide array of things like i think bark kwan is one of the most exceptional people that I know. If you think about being really well rounded, well wounded. Cowboys. Yeah. Cowboys. That motherfucker, like he's dangerous. He is. You know, he knows a lot of different types of martial arts.
Starting point is 00:50:57 He's a former Marine. He like just, he's just splashing around in our pool one day and he starts swimming and Andy's like, holy shit. I was like, yeah, he's fucking, he's just splashing around in our pool one day and he starts swimming and andy's like holy shit i was like yeah he's fucking he's a marine she's like i i she's like okay shit he knows how to swim you know um we we have some friends that like really know a crazy amount of stuff and then we got like uh you know jason kalipa you ever see jason kalipa like on a rower? No, man. He's like, oh, yeah, this is how you do it.
Starting point is 00:51:29 And he's like kind of going. He's producing so much force and he's barely trying and barely breathing. And then Jason Kalipa was a guy in CrossFit that kind of struggled on a couple things really severely and then fixed those things immensely to win the entire fucking crossfit games and he was dominant for many many years especially on the local level you see that guy he's you know he looks like he's like 230 for some reason i don't know why i think his arm his arms are real big he's probably 210 or something like that he looks a lot heavier than he even is but he looks fucking jacked as it is um you see that guy walk on his hands it's like he walks on his hands better than most people walk around their feet it's like it doesn't make any sense and that same guy you know
Starting point is 00:52:18 will do like overhead squat with like 365 yeah and you're like those it's like dude you got to pick one you're not allowed to be that's like, dude, you got to pick one. You're not allowed to be that good at that many different things, you know, just settle down over there. Like, stop making everybody look so bad. But I don't believe Jason's on anything. He's, he's in a, I know again, some people are like, oh, well, you know, it's drug tested. People know how to get past the tests or whatever. Cycle off. See cycling off. I know they want to try to accuse every single person of being on stuff, whether it's Matt Frazier or Jason Kalipa or Rich Froning. And all I can say is this, is I have worked out with some of these people before.
Starting point is 00:52:57 And in just doing one workout, I'm like, oh, I got enough of a taste of that to see how you can improve and advance every single day, especially once you learned how to recover from it. And I'm like, God damn, like that would be intense. Just that one workout that I did with Branch Warren, it was like life altering. All we did was shoulders. You know, he just fucking crushed me. I couldn't breathe. I'm like, this is fucking crazy.
Starting point is 00:53:22 He's like, he's like, I'm injured. Like we're, you know, he's like, we're barely working out. Yeah. And I remember asking him, I'm like, well, I'm like, how do you like to train? You like to go heavy, like do reps? He's like, yep. He likes to do all of it. He's a fucking savage.
Starting point is 00:53:38 But exactly, man. Like going back to what we were mentioning before, I don't think like literally there, there's nothing. If someone's consistently accused of, of taking stuff, like there's, there's nothing I can do to, to prove to people. Like there's nothing will work. It doesn't matter how many drug tests that I've passed, which I've passed many because they always say you cycled off. It doesn't matter how much blood work I potentially get. I continue to get done because they'll just say he's just cycling off right now. It doesn't matter, you know, anything because just like they'll just say, oh, well, he took some stuff when he was younger and he might not take stuff anymore.
Starting point is 00:54:13 But he definitely did when he was younger, which allowed him to put on all that size. There's there will always be something. So that's why, you know, I don't think Dana really fights it. I don't fight it anymore. I sometimes just play into the joke a little bit. Yeah. You know, it is, it is what it is. Now that the big things just take the information and do with it what you will just do that.
Starting point is 00:54:32 Now that when people get really lean is when people have the biggest problem with it. Even if you, even if you just decided like, Oh, I'm going to get a little leaner in the next two, three weeks, people are like, Oh my God. And you're the exact same. You just lost like four pounds of fat yeah no losing fat makes a big difference you know what i mean because it makes a massive difference yeah so now that i understand a lot more about just everything in general but that the whole idea of like oh and sema just took a little something early on it's like oh so you
Starting point is 00:55:02 mean he he messed up his hormones he dropped his tea and then got better. OK, yeah, that's that's the one. OK, cool. Got it. Yeah. And, you know, a belief that I actually kind of had when I was when I was younger because of my bodybuilding show experience and how tired and just lethargic I felt when I was that lean in my head because I did get that lean and it was hard for me to stay there. Cause my testosterone, my libido went away. I was like, wow, the people that are actually this lean all the time, they, they're, they must be maybe doing something. Cause like I, I couldn't be there for a few months. Now I'm there and I'm like, huh? I was probably wrong about that. Like, like seriously, I was definitely wrong about that when it comes to uh
Starting point is 00:55:46 someone like a dlb or someone like brooke and so i remember you know my wife has had opportunity to meet those girls and um and like colleen botch and colleen actually is is um oh yeah is is is bigger like she's she she holds a lot of muscle mass and she's taller. But Brooke in particular and Dana Lynn, they're very small framed people. And my wife was like, people think they're on steroids? Because my wife is like 5'9", 5'10". And she's just like, they just don't, you know, they look incredible.
Starting point is 00:56:23 Their muscular development is fucking off the charts but can you develop really good muscular development and uh you know and be in really good shape without taking steroids fuck yeah you can and the level at which you can do that is determined a lot by your genetics and a lot by not just your genetics, but what you've done when you were young. You know, for me, I think when I was young, there was, because I was in powerlifting and because I was into football, there was no focus on aesthetics. You know, now that I'm focused on aesthetics, well, it's harder for me to just reverse that out of nowhere when I'm just trying it for the last two, three years, when my lifting has looked so differently previously and my nutrition has looked so
Starting point is 00:57:11 differently previously. And so to try to, um, I guess it's like the last five, six years to try to flip it around and go in this other direction makes it more difficult. Um, is my waist going to look like yours, my waist to lat ratio? Um, maybe it never will, but that's not even my goal. My goal is to continue to make it better for me and to see what I, how far I can take it. I'm not concerned about what you have going on. And that's a, that's a huge thing. I think people, it's helpful to, as you get older, this gets a lot easier when you're young it's fucking hard but you know when you see the accomplishments that someone else makes or you see what someone
Starting point is 00:57:52 else is striving for all you can really do is just like rather than like make a make a comment you know people that are people that are successful they don't make they don't make negative comments on other people's stuff. If you're truly successful, you're, you're at, you're at peace. You're not at war. If, if you see somebody else making success and you somehow think that infringes upon your own success, you, you have a psychological issue on your hands that you need to work on mastering because the number one thing you need to master is your own mind and i think that uh once you start to learn that it's easier just to look at what somebody else posts or hear about what somebody else is doing and just go fuck yeah that's great that's awesome man oh fucking congratulations you got a brazilian jiu-jitsu black belt you know know, or you got, you won worlds.
Starting point is 00:58:45 Like, I know that's your goal. That's fucking sick. Yeah. How is that negatively impacting my jiu-jitsu class? Exactly. It's got nothing to do with it. Like, look at, I'm, I just try to be as happy for other people as I can, no matter what they're doing. And if someone's doing something really cool, I just want to know how they did it.
Starting point is 00:59:02 But let me ask you this, because I'm curious. When you were younger, what, did you have any physique inspirations? No, not really. No, I am. See, and that's why this whole thing is so interesting because I never really tried to like shape my body. Imagine if I did from the time I was 14 or 15. It's different, right? It's a different
Starting point is 00:59:25 style of training. It's a whole different way. Yeah. I looked at Arnold and I saw some of the things and like, there were different points in time where I got pretty lean and I had abs and I was kind of like, um, uh, I don't know. I did powerlifting. I was really, really young. And then as I got to be, you know, a teenager, I was like, well, girls don't really dig when you're fat. So let me let me figure out how to get in a little bit better shape. And so I did some of that, but I didn't really know bodybuilding and I didn't really train with any bodybuilders. Like I didn't have like a, you know, so I didn't have like a physique aspiration. If I grew up in these times, I probably would have,
Starting point is 01:00:05 you know, like there was no social media when I started lifting, but there were forums and the, the physique inspiration I had for quite a few years was a Greg Plitt. Yeah. And he was putting out a lot of great lifting content. And I just, I did quite a bit of this stuff that he was putting out, but Greg Plitt,
Starting point is 01:00:24 man, he got lean, he got lean, but he was also like athletic and he also was like doing a lot. He was just, he was sick. He had his mindset. Yeah. Yeah. Unfortunately, I only got to see like a little bit of that mindset because he, you know, he, unfortunately he died young, but, uh, man, he had, he had a really really awesome mindset some of the videos i was
Starting point is 01:00:47 like man it would have been great to like hear just like a little bit uh a little bit more of some of that stuff but yeah he would get shredded he was he was jacked man i did a few i he made quite a few programs that he put up i just like caught like followed along with that stuff but his yeah if if uh i know a lot of a lot of people gen z probably don't know who greg plitt is but look up just type in youtube greg plitt and you'll see what i mean this dude this is a great point because like when if you don't have a physique aspiration or you don't have even a strength aspiration yeah you might not even know what strong is or you might not even really know what lean is like that guy was lean yeah you know what i mean like if you if you don't have you know the correct kind of goal to chase you
Starting point is 01:01:29 might not know exactly what it's going to look like when you get there but if you could figure out how to look like that fucking guy yeah he's dope i never even looked this guy up before no yeah man like the videos up with him like he talks a lot about like just like motivation mindset stuff i play this stuff before i went to the gym sometimes i think i got hit by a train or something it was a train yeah yeah it was uh he was doing something weird i think and yeah i got hit by a train yeah crazy i think he had i think he might have had you know some perhaps mental health issues when you listen to some of this stuff, when he's talking,
Starting point is 01:02:06 you're like, it's really identifiable. Cause he's, he's very genuine. Um, he kind of talks about some of the, some of the struggles that he has and stuff like that. And that's why I'm like,
Starting point is 01:02:15 damn, I wish he was fucking around more. Yeah. Yeah. Same here. But he got to, I mean, he was young.
Starting point is 01:02:21 I mean, I don't know how old he was when he passed, but he was probably only in his 30s. Yeah, definitely. I kind of didn't realize his arms were that big. His arms were huge, dude. He was just super proportional, too. That's why I was just like, when I was younger.
Starting point is 01:02:37 37. 37? Yeah, a good combination of being lean and having enough muscle mass. That dude was sick. Would he have programs on when they were free? Yeah. He just put up some stuff on Man, I would switch back and forth
Starting point is 01:02:55 all the time because there were so many. I can't remember which wrestler put out a program on there and I was following that one unsuccessfully. Yeah, guys. I mean, I think Daylon Beatty's natural. I think Russ Swole's natural. I think all these people.
Starting point is 01:03:13 Mike O'Hearn. People are going to flame me for that one, but Mike O'Hearn's natty, too. I guess do whatever you think is going to serve you best. You think it's going to somehow serve you best to believe that they're natural or somehow serve you best to believe that they're something different. But I think in either case, you try to just make sure it doesn't have a negative interpretation to it.
Starting point is 01:03:37 And I can go from there. Absolutely. Take us on out of here, Andrew. I will. Thank you to Merrick health for sponsoring today's episode. Again, links to Merrick health down in the description as well as podcast show notes. It's at
Starting point is 01:03:50 Promo code PowerProject15 for 15% off your labs. I'm probably going to burp somewhere in the middle of all this. There it is. Please follow the podcast at Mark Bell's Power Project on Instagram at MBPowerProject on TikTok and Twitter. My Instagram and Twitter is at Iam andrew z at the andrew z on tiktok and sema where you at and sema in yang on instagram new youtube and sema yin yang on tiktok and twitter mark how's that natty hole that you dug yourself into the natty hole so he did comment there's like the harder somebody digs their heels down to the ground on their natty
Starting point is 01:04:21 status the harder it is for them to get out of it that's the thing that i always found so funny yeah you know that's the thing though like it sounds so funny we heard that from derrick earlier when we were watching his video yeah people think that if you if you have like natty anywhere on your profile or in whatever like you're automatically that means you're not because you're saying you are it's like they this is the thing this is why no one's ever going to be able to prove that they're actually natural. Because if you say you're natural, you're not natural. Isn't that weird?
Starting point is 01:04:52 Right. And are natty people, are they Republican or Democrat? Are they left or right? Yeah. Oh my god. Amazing. It is a rigged game that you cannot win no matter what you say. You just have to say that you're not natty.
Starting point is 01:05:09 And then once you do, everyone's like, we knew it. It's done. Even you saying that it's a rigged game means that you're not natural. Because if... Yeah, that's true. Oh, my God. God damn it. Just keep digging yourself into that natty hole. Digging the natty hole. At Mark Smelly Bell, strength is never weakness, weakness is never strength. God damn, man. Just keep digging yourself into that natty hole. Digging the natty hole.
Starting point is 01:05:26 At Mark Smelly Bell, strength is never weakness, weakness is never strength. Catch you guys later.

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