Mark Bell's Power Project - MBPP EP. 613 - Jocko Willink Over Trains According To More Plates More Dates

Episode Date: October 22, 2021

Recently Derek from More Plates More Dates did a video on Jocko Willink who then made a response video and said a few things that perked our ears. The main segment we cover is the topic of over Taking some of what Jocko said, we wanted to have a conversation regarding what qualifies as a workout and how the intensity will vary from person to person. Special perks for our listeners below! ➢Vuori Performance Apparel: Visit to automatically save 20% off your first order! ➢Magic Spoon Cereal: Visit to automatically save $5 off a variety pack! ➢8 Sleep: Visit to automatically save $150 off the Pod Pro! ➢Marek Health: Use code POWERPROJECT15 for 15% off ALL LABS! Also check out the Power Project Panel: Use code POWERPROJECT for $101 off! ➢LMNT Electrolytes: ➢Piedmontese Beef: Use Code "POWERPROJECT" at checkout for 25% off your order plus FREE 2-Day Shipping on orders of $150 Subscribe to the Podcast on on Platforms! ➢ Subscribe to the Power Project Newsletter! ➢ Follow Mark Bell's Power Project Podcast ➢ Insta: ➢ ➢ Twitter: ➢ LinkedIn: ➢ YouTube: ➢TikTok: FOLLOW Mark Bell ➢ Instagram: ➢ Facebook: ➢ Twitter: ➢ Snapchat: marksmellybell ➢Mark Bell's Daily Workouts, Nutrition and More: Follow Nsima Inyang ➢ ➢YouTube: ➢Instagram: ➢TikTok: Follow Andrew Zaragoza on all platforms ➢ #PowerProject #Podcast #MarkBell

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Starting point is 00:00:00 a lot of chicks don't listen to podcasts either but they're getting into going live they listen to like female podcasts like um there's a lot there's a lot of like uh podcasts that are hosted by women and they probably have a pretty big female audience but it is interesting yeah i'd say women that are younger probably are are probably listening to podcasts more often now than what we saw maybe five ten years ago more of a guy thing but what yeah what you know from the 30 plus demographic you don't think not many of them listen to podcasts who or not as many people that women that i know they don't listen to podcasts at all wow um i wouldn't say all of the women because
Starting point is 00:00:40 there's definitely different there's some people that work here that listen to our podcast that's terrifying and uh yeah there's definitely some some uh other women i'm aware of that where they have like you ask them like for their top five podcasts and they rattle it off right away and they're super excited but for the most part a lot of women that i know don't seem to listen to podcasts find it interesting yeah it yeah Yeah, that is interesting. It's only one of my female friends listens to podcasts. And I do find that odd. Well, it's just a lot of podcasts are just men talking about themselves and how awesome they are. Just like this show. That's what it's dedicated to.
Starting point is 00:01:15 That's all we talk about. We are awesome. I mean, it's unbelievable. We have to dedicate three hours every day, pretty much much just to talk about how awesome we are that and that only gets half the message out there i think and we have to talk about it every day because if you didn't get it yesterday you'll have to get it today but you probably won't get it today so we'll talk to you about it tomorrow there's too much to cover case we're handsome we're strong we're handsome and we're strong i mean and it takes three hours to relay that message to
Starting point is 00:01:48 everybody yeah and we know our blood work that's true yeah so stay on top of that you have to stay on top otherwise your handsomeness and your strength will wear out exactly you don't want that shit to happen when's the last time you got your blood work done mark i need to get it done asap because it's been a little while. But I try for a while. I was actually getting it done about every other month. I was on a good roll for a little bit. But then the blood work ended up being pretty consistent for a while.
Starting point is 00:02:17 Things were heading in a really good direction. So I was like, not really much reason to continue to get as much blood work done. So yeah, it's time for me to re-up. And it's kind of cool. You know, you can make lifestyle changes and you can improve a lot of markers. And you can look at stuff and, you know, your red blood cell count might be high. Your liver might be a little off or this or that might be a little bit off for any number of reasons.
Starting point is 00:02:49 You know, I've been using performance enhancing drugs for many years. And so it's always been, uh, really important for me to look at the health of my organs and look at the health of my kidneys and liver and things like that. And I have had those numbers out of whack before, but how great is it to see like, oh shit, like that's screwed up a bit. I better kind of get that back into place. And there's many other people that aren't on performance enhancing drugs that for many other reasons might have their blood work skewed, maybe because they're not getting enough sleep. Maybe they're super stressed and Merrick is going to be a company that's going to guide you through.
Starting point is 00:03:26 Not only are you getting your blood work done, but you're having a consultation where the person is saying, hey, some of these pharmaceuticals might be super beneficial for you to look into. Or these supplements might be super beneficial for you to look into. But what I like about Merrick is they always start with lifestyle. They start out with lifestyle and they say it would probably be in your best interest to get better sleep. Oh, you know, what's, what's going on with your diet and you know, are you able to manage some of your stress that you have in your day to day? And then before you know it,
Starting point is 00:03:57 you get yourself back on the right track and your blood work is good and you're feeling better. And Andrew yourself, did you notice anything when you got some of your blood work done? I noticed that everything was looking really good. And I was just happy because we have so many awesome guests on the show. I learned from you guys and I implement a lot of the things that I learned on this podcast. And, you know, some of it, like, you know, we talk about creatine, you don't really feel it.
Starting point is 00:04:22 Fish oils, D3s, like all these things, you don't really know what they're doing. And the only way to know is like if you get your blood work done. And so when I did that, like everything was all in line, everything is where it should be. And so it made me really, just really happy to know that like all the stuff that I'm doing is actually doing something, you know, I'm getting something out of it. And then like with my diet choices and stuff, cholesterol, everything is all perfect right now, which is really important because my dad, you know, he had an issue with cholesterol a couple of years back. And so now I have to put that in my like, um, family history or whatever. Like, do you have history of bad cholesterol or whatever it is? And like, I have to do that now. And so like, I was really curious to know what was going on there and it's totally fine. was really curious to know what was going on there and it's totally fine yeah no my granddaddy died of diabetes and he has a heart condition so it was good to just figure out and see everything's clean yeah and i'm pretty much probably going to be getting my blood work done twice a year
Starting point is 00:05:13 at minimum um so it's really easy to get it done with them you just go to your local clinic they and then they send it over to merrick they analyze it they send you something back you can work with the patient care coordinator it It's fucking amazing. Yeah. And you can save 15% off all of your labs. So head over to That's And you can manually order the labs yourself. And when you do, you can use promo code PowerProject15 for 15% off the entire order.
Starting point is 00:05:43 But then also, if you do want to, like you can chat with somebody and even hop on the phone with them. And again, when it comes to time to pay for those labs, just mentioned that you guys heard the, or heard about them through us here and mentioned promo code power project 15. And you'll save 15% that way as well. Again, that's at Merrick links to them down in the description as well as
Starting point is 00:06:04 the podcast show notes. I'm excited for today's topic. Talking about our boy Jocko Willink and Derek from More Plates, More Dates. You just made me aware of kind of what's going on with those two. So what did you see? Yeah, it was cool. Derek made a Natty or Not video on Jocko Willink. He first told me I had some concern because I'm like, ain't nobody should be messing around with no Jocko Willink at all.
Starting point is 00:06:28 Don't say anything bad about Jocko Willink ever. Yeah, he's a fucking gorilla. He's a force. He is. Yeah, he is. But Derek made a Natty or Not on Jocko. And in that video, he was talking about Jocko's history. Jocko was always big, blah, blah, blah. But he was mentioning how like in the military and, you know, there'd be no reason not to dabble in these things since it could help you get bigger, stronger. And Jocko's 50 now.
Starting point is 00:06:53 So at the end of the video, he kind of came to the conclusion, you know, if Jocko's all about living a hard lifestyle and working and he doesn't sleep as much as most people, he sleeps four to five hours because he has those genes and he i think he has two sons that have the same thing he has four kids and two of his kids also only need four to five hours of sleep a night so it is genetic um but he's like if you're about living this hard lifestyle working hard working out why wouldn't you dabble in a little bit of trt so jock made a response video because he wanted to clarify that no i'm not on trt i've never been on trt i've never had a reason to if he took trt or steroids in the military he would have been if they found out he would lose his job and that was his most important thing but he also lifted a lot he was big um and he kind of clarified everything to let people understand because he has a big audience so he doesn't want his audience to see the video from derrick and says, okay, he might be on something.
Starting point is 00:07:45 He doesn't want people to get the wrong idea and be like, since Jocko does it, I want to do it too. Right. Um, so in that video, he mentioned something interesting that I thought was really cool because he, you know,
Starting point is 00:07:54 Derek saw Jocko say that he works out three times a day. Right. Um, and when Derek talked about it, it, it sounded like Jocko has three hard workouts a day, but then Jocko clarified that, and he mentioned, actually, Andrew, you can just play the clip.
Starting point is 00:08:08 Yeah, I was just going to say I can pull this clip up. Context always matters. It's kind of how you're working out that'll be a big factor. Let's listen to this. There's some funny, he reads, the dude Derek reads a bunch of the little quotes from inside.
Starting point is 00:08:24 There's a Reddit thread on this as well. 100 milligrams of accountability. Efficacious dose of discipline. Scoop of getting after it. Ownership deployed. HGH for that huge head. He says all kinds of funny things. Alpha as fuck.
Starting point is 00:08:38 Composure, bro. I like his sense of humor about it. It's great. So there's that. So then he talks about the fact that i work out three times a day and then puts the own spin on it of working out hardcore three times a day which is a lot different than me saying i work out i lift i run or surf and i do jujitsu and i do that every day that's that's that's a that's an accurate thing. This isn't
Starting point is 00:09:05 like, Hey, I'm blasting legs and squats in the morning. And then I'm doing freaking deadlifts at noon. And then I'm doing power cleans in the evening and I'm doing all those for max reps or psycho med cons. I'm not doing that. So that's misleading. And if that's somebody that took me saying, Hey, you know, I guess it's wrong for me to say i work out three times a day what would be good is like i exercise three times a day or something like that um so i feel like i missed what might have misled uh derrick on that one but yeah kind of something getting uh taken out of context i've not seen you know uh derrick and and kind of his comments on it but i think in general people are cruising around on the internet. They hear something quickly and they're going to jump to conclusions. The interesting thing is,
Starting point is 00:09:49 is that I want to make it very clear to everyone. You can prepare yourself for fucking anything. It is insane what you can do. And there is no reason to think that there's any limitations on anything. Anything is possible. I mean, imagine not having a good understanding that you could eat six, seven, eight meals a day and get leaner than ever and get bigger and more jacked than ever. Like that's a way that a lot of bodybuilders do it. I know Stan Efferding utilized that method. Stan Efferding is also someone who would do 10 sets of 10 in the morning and 10 sets of 10 at night with the training of Flex Wheeler. And that's the way that, and Stan was working very hard at getting a pro card for many, many years. He was not able to unlock access to a pro card. He didn't have the pro physique that they were looking for until he went through that method.
Starting point is 00:10:46 You also have to understand that Stan Efferding, at the time that he did that method, he was already prepared for it through many, many years of training. Think back to the kind of training. Just imagine, place yourself in Jocko Willink's shoes and imagine what some of his training was like when he was in the military. Is that overtraining? It's overtraining in the moment. It's overtraining for when you first start to do it. And that's why you end up with so many people dropping out and you end up with a lot of injuries and a lot of things like that. But over time, people get used to it. There are people that genetically can hang in there for long enough to become a Navy SEAL. And then they go on and they get into the special forces or they get into some other things where they're training even harder and training even longer. And the BUDS training that they did, there's some Navy SEALs that will say, yeah, I went through BUDS. And you say, well, Gabrielle Lyons' husband's like that. I'm like, how was it? He's like, how was what? It was nothing for him, you know?
Starting point is 00:11:54 And maybe that's kind of his mindset. But my point being is that you can prepare yourself for anything. You got to keep in mind, I used to squat a thousand pounds every single week. keep in mind, I used to squat a thousand pounds every single week. I used to bench eight, 900 pounds. I'm not, I'm not kidding. I'm not, this is no joke. This is not fabricated. I would do it every week for weeks on end, six or eight weeks at a time. With that, when you were, when you were getting yourself into that type of training, how long did it take you to be able to do that? How long did it take you to adapt to that type of training stimulus where it became something normal? Um, I would say like, you know, some of it was a body of work, you know, lifelong journey of work to get that strong. But I'd also say that it probably took when I get done with a competition,
Starting point is 00:12:42 it would take me two, three months to get into that kind of shape to be able to do that. And the reason I ask you that, like, okay, two, three months there. But before that, there was a body of work needed. There is a level of fitness you built to be able to then start doing that two to three months post competition. Yeah, that easily took, you know, aside from all the early training it easily took about five years yeah and and that's the big thing i wanted to get to here because jaco mentioned something lightweight he's like yeah i'll uh i'll run and i'll lift and i'll surf or i'll do jujitsu right but even that the different types of movements surfing if you don't surf it's gonna
Starting point is 00:13:23 fucking make you super tired jujitsu if you don't surf, it's going to fucking make you super tired. Jiu-jitsu, if you don't do jiu-jitsu, it's going to make you super tired. So someone might be hearing that and they'll be like, I can't imagine doing lifting and surfing and jiu-jitsu in the same day. But Jocko has been doing this shit for decades. That's why surfing and running is super easy for his body. He's adapted to it, just like you adapted to that stimulus. Right. So if you hear that, I think you can totally do all these things a day, but it's easier now since he's been doing it for decades.
Starting point is 00:13:47 Absolutely. And if you were to think we have Ben Patrick coming in knees over toes, for those of you that don't know, Ben is an absolute savage, an absolute beast. And I sometimes forget how good of a basketball player he is. If you go back and anyone had missed the clips that i've posted on my instagram please you have to go watch these things you're doing yourself a disservice you need to watch these things and see what an animal this guy is his crossover his ability to stop on a dime his ability to stop and then fucking jump my point being is if Andrew and myself and then Seema went to go play a pickup game of basketball, we would be fucking shot.
Starting point is 00:14:30 If we played one full pickup game of basketball, like just just say that we're hypothetically playing until somebody gets 20 points, which isn't even that long of a game, you know, we would be dead. Like if we were trying to be competitive and run up and down the court and stuff, dude, we met one of us might have an injury. We're going to be kind of limping in here. Be like, dude, I'm kind of fucked, man.
Starting point is 00:14:51 Didn't seem, I might say, I pulled my groin. Yeah. I got to not go to jujitsu today. Andrew might say, Hey, I can't even poop today.
Starting point is 00:14:59 You know, I don't know. I don't know what happened. I would be so gassed, especially if we're playing like full court, not just half court. Oh God. I'll just wait back. I'll play defense what would happen. I would be so gassed, especially if we're playing like full court, not just half court. Oh, God. I'll just wait back.
Starting point is 00:15:06 I'll play defense or something. Yeah. Or if you even went back to playing soccer at the intensity that you used to play, it would be crazy. You'd be like, oh, my God. Yeah. I'd have to ease my way into that. Even though I played soccer all my life, that type of movement, I haven't done that in years.
Starting point is 00:15:21 So the first day back on a field, I know that I'd be feeling soreness that i've never felt before but oh what is this oh no it's just the video because i couldn't find it yeah you got to hear him talking about how he the sacrifices that he made look at this man jump man to save up to uh get a michael jordan rookie card and stuff like that it's pretty wild but but that's the thing even ben talks about the amount of time that he just jumped he just jumped in the air as high as he can which is very high off of a box off of a box that's probably 4 feet off the ground
Starting point is 00:15:54 I mean just an estimate his feet might have been 8 or 10 feet off the ground in that video where he's jumping like that right it's fucking crazy and he crashes down and lands perfectly because it doesn't hurt his knees or his ankles or anything. Yeah. The Jordan card.
Starting point is 00:16:09 Mm-hmm. But, you know, I think it's perfectly reasonable. Number one, like Derek mentioned the three times a day of working out. He's like, it seemed like he was mentioning hard workouts. But I don't think that we need to define exercise as being 90-minute, two workouts where you step into the gym, you come out and you're feeling thrashed. Right. And you, cause you, first off, you can't do that every day. You have to have certain workouts that are less difficult, but if we can get everybody to a, to a place where, you know, maybe you walk for 30 minutes in the morning or you take a light walk run.
Starting point is 00:16:43 Like you did what this morning? Yeah. I went like 12 miles i probably ran about maybe a little over a mile of it and i'm running like i'm i'm running like i fucking stole something but you saw me if you saw me running in downtown davis like what that motherfucker do um i'm i'm trying to i'm trying to move you know for me it feels fast i feel like i'm moving pretty fast. So it's not just a jog. I'm actually running, and I'll just play a song, and I'll go run. But yeah, I did 12 miles this morning. I don't even consider that to be training. I don't even consider that to be a workout.
Starting point is 00:17:14 And if you look at the all-time greats, and you look at Jerry Rice or any of these high-level NBA players, Jordan and Kobe, So any of these high level NBA players, Jordan and Kobe, they're not they're not thinking the 200 free throws that they worked on earlier in the morning and the left handed layups that they did at 8 a.m. You know, for practice for two hours, they're not even considering that to be a workout. Their workout is when they lift weights. They're like, oh, yeah, I lifted today. Meanwhile, they also did all these other practices probably to recover from that and that's something else that jaco might be leaving out um he does mention that he doesn't uh really sleep a lot but also jaco willink is a very resilient son of a bitch right he he is somebody that it doesn't look to me like he's having a hard time dealing with the stresses of life.
Starting point is 00:18:07 It looks like he looks really mild-mannered. And he probably because he looks mild-mannered. Well, he's intimidating as fuck. Even when you're playing the video, I'm just like, this guy could fucking kill me. But what I mean by that is that he has a very like even mind he doesn't seem i haven't really seen him get all mad and i haven't seen him i haven't seen him be like you know thrown off by anything and when people are like that they are more resilient they can do more stuff handle more stuff in a particular day because they're not getting overworked or overstressed
Starting point is 00:18:42 or over hyped up about really much of anything yeah Yeah. And then again, on the sleep thing, you know, like he like, again, he explained that he there are certain people that have a genetic propensity to be able to go through their sleep cycles faster and get through that in like four to five hours a night. And they can do that every single night and they're good. Two of his kids have the same thing. The other two don't. So that's just a sign that like, hey, I can't do that. I don't know if you guys can, but I know I definitely can't do that. But that's not something you want to try to replicate if you can't. Let's say that you're the same age as Jocko, which is probably 50.
Starting point is 00:19:16 Okay, there you go. 50 years old, even anything over like 30, 35. Let's say 35, anything over 35. And you're trying to do multiple workouts a day, you have a job that you consider to be fairly stressful, you don't currently sleep very well, you're not taking your nutrition very seriously. Well, now we're dealing with a whole other host of complications. And that's where it's easy to say, Jocko Willink must be lying. He must be on shit.
Starting point is 00:19:56 He's definitely on the sauce because when I tried that, you know, I did that for three weeks, man, and I got sick and I, you know, I got strep throat and I lost 20 pounds. And like you hear all these things that people say, but there's other recovery methods other than just performance enhancing drugs. And Jocko Willink is also I'm assuming that he's very well off as well. So he probably, you know, he, maybe he has a sauna, maybe he has access to a hot tub. Maybe he has great ways to relax and unwind. It's like reading a book, you know, so there's, there's a lot more that goes into this stuff than just hearing somebody casually say, I work out three times a day. I guarantee you that he's not really thinking of surfing as much of a workout, even though it's probably very taxing to carry the surfboard and to walk even just to the beach and walk back with the surfboard.
Starting point is 00:20:40 Balance on a board on the car. And to balance on the board. And it's very, it seems impossible. I got to admit, it seems crazy. But he's not viewing it as a workout. And again, if any one of us tried it, since I don't think any of us have experience with surfing, we'd probably be like, shit, man, my feet are sore. My ankles are sore. My stomach's kind of sore.
Starting point is 00:21:00 I'm like, oh, shit, what's that? Oh, it's from surfing. Yeah. kind of sore like oh shit what's that oh it's from surfing yeah even the first when i went paddleboarding with uh with you guys over in bodega afterwards i was like there's some shit that work that i don't really you know i don't feel work that often makes you feel kind of tired yeah makes you feel a little bit tired but that's the thing when you start any type of new stimulus it's going to take a while to get used to it but once you get used to it you can pack on a lot of a lot of other things with it without you feeling messed up that's why like i can yesterday i did a lifting session right before
Starting point is 00:21:28 i went to jujitsu but the reason why i could do that is because i've been lifting for years that's not foreign for me i've been doing jujitsu for years that's not foreign for me i can now pack these into a day i don't feel messed up the next day and yeah i remember even during you know pro wrestling i would practice in the morning we'd practice for three hours practice was hard yeah it was i mean it was it was just very very taxing on your body if you weren't in the ring working you're outside the ring working on other maneuvers and different things with people and it was brutal like Like just think of your, your most brutal two a day workouts that you may have done for soccer or for football or basketball or whatever sport someone played when
Starting point is 00:22:13 you're young. Think about how difficult some of those practices were to, to, I know for myself, there was many times where I'm like, man, this is a lot. I think today when I go to practice, I think I'm just going to like, cause my ankle does hurt. I think I'm like, man, this is a lot. I think today when I go to practice, I think I'm just going to like, cause my ankle does hurt. I think I'm just gonna, I think I'm going to tell a coach, like, I can't, I never did it, but I wanted to do it every time I was going. Cause I'm like, this is fucking kicking my ass. And I always went through the practice and always did the best I possibly could. But you know, at first the, the impact of these things is really really difficult and you're gonna want to like cower and you're gonna want to not do it but once i got past that little threshold
Starting point is 00:22:51 of just doing it for a few weeks then i was like oh game on this is fucking great that reminds me of double days when i was at sac state the first time we did double days we do like a fucking hard-ass workout in the morning where it'd be just like literally just running or doing sprints. Right. And you'd, we'd be fucked up after that practice. We'd have the afternoon to rest and eat lunch. And then in the later afternoon, maybe 2 PM, we'd have another hard fucking when it's super hot out and it's super hot out. And we'd be doing that five days a week before season.
Starting point is 00:23:21 And there were, there was a lot of times where I was was just like maybe i can maybe say i'm a little injured but you think about that one motherfucker that you always see on the sidelines and you're like i'm not him yeah i'm not gonna be him that's all i'm gonna try to do is i don't need to be the best guy on the team but i'm not gonna be that fucking guy yeah it's like that would be the one thing that would like hold me back from pulling the trigger on being like yeah coach i think i had enough for today you know i remember the first like week when we started implementing practice before school so this was in basketball and i just remember like i was so sore and i couldn't imagine like you know i'm not that i was a very active kid at that age uh whatever you are in eighth grade but i just remember being like i don't think i'm gonna make it like i think i'm gonna have to quit because this is too hard because
Starting point is 00:24:08 i was tired all day long i don't know what the fuck i was doing but yeah same thing i was like maybe this isn't for me after all that project family i know you guys are enjoying this episode but i need to talk to you real quick about element electrolytes now we've been taking electrolytes this past year and they're one of the biggest supplements that's made a difference for all of our performance number one because we don't cramp up during workouts anymore, but they allow us to be truly hydrated. Most people, when they're dehydrated, just reach for a jug of water and drink it, but you're not replenishing the electrolytes that you lose when you sweat. That's why Element has 1,000 milligrams of sodium, 200 milligrams of potassium,
Starting point is 00:24:38 and 60 milligrams of magnesium per easy-to-use packet. Pour it in some water, drink it pre-workout, post-workout, or even during your workout, And trust me, you're going to feel a difference. Andrew, can you tell them how to get it? Head over to slash power project. Get a value bundle because you're going to get four boxes, any flavor you want for the price of three. That's what we do. That's what you should do. Links to them down in the YouTube description as well as the podcast show notes. Let's get back to the podcast. It's intimidating. I got to be perfectly honest. I remember being flat out scared. I remember being super nervous.
Starting point is 00:25:10 I remember, and this is at, you know, mid-20s. This is not when I'm a kid. This is like mid-20s when I'm driving myself to professional wrestling practice. I'm second guessing the whole thing. I'm like, man, I should just go to breakfast. I should just go do something different. Like, man, I'm not cut out for this. Like, and the people that were there, Bobby Lashley, John Cena and seeing these perfect bodies and seeing what these motherfuckers are capable of doing, just to be perfectly honest and perfectly blunt, they're way better athletes than I am. And I, I couldn't, uh, I couldn't unsee that, you know, it was, it was, it was factual. But the one thing that kept me going was just the fact that,
Starting point is 00:25:54 dude, don't give up on yourself. Just go, you know, go and see what happens, go and see what happens, do that over and over again and see what the fuck happens. And when it came to football, when it came to wrestling, when it came to any of that stuff, I was never out for any of it. I made every practice. I made every game. And it's like there's some people that are really, really good at some of these sports, and they might think, oh, that's not really that big a deal. For me, It was for me. It was like, it was challenging enough and physical enough where I can look back on those things and say, those disciplines of getting through those days made me who I am today. Cause those things that they're, I mean, let's be honest too.
Starting point is 00:26:36 These things are totally unnecessary. The kind of training that you were doing for soccer. Yes. It might make you a team and it might join you together and there's some things like that that go on but it probably really is uh over training probably overdone and probably if you were to coach someone through some soccer you would probably say hey look i think we can do a more optimal way i don't think i have to kill you in order for you to adapt to it yeah i think that could have definitely been done better i think it was more so for our minds because it hardened us the fuck up. It was rough, but it was good for the mind. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:10 We got a question from the live chat. No way. Yeah. Who's that? I'm going to say it's Joseph. I'm sorry, dude. It's spelled a little bit differently than I'm used to, but he says he's walking about 20,000 steps a day or so.
Starting point is 00:27:24 Is it still a good idea to do high volume for legs's walking about 20,000 steps a day or so. Is it still a good idea to do high volume for legs? Says legs is kind of a weak point for him. I guess, I mean, there's no other context that's kind of hard to answer, but yeah. Well, I guess one of our things that we're trying to share today is that there's many different ways of doing these things and high volume legs. I wouldn't recommend, especially if you feel like it's a weak point, I would recommend more training consistency rather than piling on more volume in a particular day. Because one way to add volume is to add frequency. One way to add size to a muscle is to add frequency. Not everything has
Starting point is 00:28:06 to be done through getting in a ton of volume in one day. You could get volume in over a period of time. And so I would say, Hey, you know, uh, on your legs day, maybe do one thing for quads, one thing for hamstrings and boom, you're done. And next time around, switch it up. Do one thing for hamstring, one thing for quads. Maybe each time you do it, you toggle back and forth between the thing for quads being a little harder and the thing for hamstrings being a little easier. So, for example, maybe you squat one day. That's kind of quads. And maybe you do leg curls, and that's a great workout.
Starting point is 00:28:44 and maybe you do leg curls and that's a great workout. But you say you do that on a Monday and you do, I don't know, five sets, five sets of eight to 10 reps. Then the next day, the next time you work out again on like a Thursday, you do for your hamstrings, you do maybe some deadlifting or some version of a deadlift, RDL, something like that, something more challenging than just doing a leg curl. Then for your quads, maybe you do leg extension or leg press, something a little easier. So, and you could even up that to three times a week, but start out with twice a week would be a great place to start and then work your way into three times a week. And before you know
Starting point is 00:29:19 it, you'll be able to add volume and combine more stuff on one day. As soon as you kind of adapt to being able to work out pretty hard two to three times a week. And Joseph, I want to add on to that and not even add on. I want to emphasize something that Mark mentioned there. That's super important with like the 20,000 steps a day. You're going to adapt to that 20,000 steps a day over time pretty quickly. And the fact that it won't fatigue
Starting point is 00:29:45 you nearly as much as it's fatiguing you now. And at the point that it doesn't fatigue you nearly as much as it does now, that's going to also be the point where you're now going to be able to increase the volume of leg work you do on any specific day because that 20,000 steps, it used to be this level of fatigue. Now it's this level of fatigue. And now you can then increase the fatigue that you have in the gym because you've adapted to the walking those steps. It doesn't might not burn as many calories, doesn't bring as much fatigue to the muscles as you're used to it. Give that time because that's going to be a big deal. What I really love about the the overall topic about like overtraining or maybe it's not really overtraining is, um, we're lowering the barrier of entry big time. You know,
Starting point is 00:30:25 like for myself, like I am, I've been working like literally like one muscle group, like even less than what I was before. It's like, when I say I do legs, like I'll do sissy squats and I'll work my hamstrings and then I'll work my glutes. I don't do anything else. Like, so I can get in and out really, really fast. Same thing with my shoulders our front side and rear delts done so i can finish that workout in like half an hour and with my schedule right now um it's getting a lot better i keep i feel like i'm making an excuse but at this point but still it's like like we're getting into the flow of things like i just need to start waking up a little bit earlier again like it's it's right there you know like it's i can see it that's healthy to shame yourself a little bit i think, like it's, it's right there, you know, like it's, I can see it. That's healthy to shame yourself a little bit. I think it's healthy. It leads to better outcomes.
Starting point is 00:31:10 But had I considered my previous workouts before my son, where it was like taking over an hour and a half or whatever, I'd be like, I just, sorry, I guess I can't work out anymore. It's like, no, I can. It's just, my workouts are a little bit different. And what makes me curious, Mark, is so like, even though my training has been not very consistent and I've been kind of doing things incorrectly for a very long time, but the first time I went into a gym will be 10 years ago next year. So I've been throwing stuff around for a while now. I know I'm actually pretty stoked. I might have a little celebration and go back to the same gym it's actually not there anymore but out of that to the plot of land yeah yeah for reals on but out of your whole drink of 40 something
Starting point is 00:31:53 drink of 40 and some like doritos the way i used to eat back then i'd be sick but considering like how long you've been lifting for both of you, like how during that time, I don't know if I want to say percentage, but like was a majority of it when everything was just right to where you could get a workout in? Or was there always things that you had to kind of go around and then maybe like, all right, I can't do a heavy squat session this month or whatever. So I'll just work my way back up. Or it always like i'm just going to keep going as hard as i can um there were times where i i i honestly just i was young and i just didn't even think about it um now i now i can sit here and like contemplate it you know which sucks i don't like that i don't like i don't like thinking about like the weight of the day and the different things that go on in a day and saying, yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:48 You should probably go home. You should probably rest. No, you shouldn't. No, you should go. For me, once those things happen, I'm already kind of hesitation discipline, you know, just, just walk into the gym, grab dumbbells, do an exercise with them. And as soon as you're done with that, do some squats on the slant board. And as soon as you're done with that, go do some pull-ups, like just go and do them because once you get set in motion, you'll be set on fire and you'll be ready to kind of be consistent with it. I would say something to keep in mind is like, I think you have like a battery of energy at the beginning of like every week.
Starting point is 00:34:10 Life, you know, maybe Monday, like maybe Monday is like a work day that is pretty expensive for you in terms of your battery, in terms of your body battery. Right. And I think what I see a lot of people do is they take Saturday, Sunday off, but they don't work Saturday and Sunday. And I'm always thinking, man, I would love to see you train on those days because those are days that you don't have to actually work. So that's a little bit less stressful of a day. It'd be great if you woke up first thing in the morning and knocked out your training or whenever you like to train. Because I think that your battery of your body is getting worn out through other things. And then as soon as working out comes around, you're already previously fatigued just a little bit, like the edge was taken off of you a bit. And because of that, you know, fatigue makes cowards of us all. And then you get into the situation where you start to think about it. And once you start to think about it, you're pretty fucked. That's why it's a about it, you're pretty fucked. That's why it's a good idea to follow like a program. It's a good idea, especially in the beginning to follow some type of program. I'm going to work out four days a week.
Starting point is 00:34:55 And it's going to look like A, B, and C. And I'm, you know, following this particular schedule and schedule a time when you're lifting. That's also really important from James Clear, Atomic Habits. He's not really big into goals. He's big into systems of how to accomplish those goals. So you can have a goal, but most people's goals are super vague. They just say, oh, I'm going to get in better shape. They don't define what that means. And so therefore they come and they go when it comes to
Starting point is 00:35:25 their fitness. If you define your goal a little bit, saying something like, oh, the holidays are coming up rather than gaining weight going through the holidays. And rather than on January one, I'm six pounds heavier than I am right now. I'm going to see if I can be three pounds lighter going into that. I'm going to see if I could be three pounds lighter going into that. I'm going to see if I could, you know, go from weighing 230 pounds to weighing 227 pounds, a really easy, low hanging fruit goal. And then from there, you start to think about how am I going to do that? Well, I'm going to do that by following this four day a week program. I'm going to lift on the weekends when I don't work or whatever days that you don't work, because that's going to be the simplest thing. That's going to be the low hanging fruit to
Starting point is 00:36:08 develop that habit for that particular day. And you work your way through all those processes. You work your way through that system. Next thing you know, you have formulated habits that are kind of unshakable and you're going to get to your goal a lot easier that way. And when you honestly, I think a good thing about that too, is if you do have a program, like you can have extra days that are there. So let's say that you, you have a program that's, it's set up to be four or five days a week, but you set a goal that I'm going to make sure that I do three of these days. And then on weeks that let's say it's you, you can manage to get a fourth or fifth day in, get it in. But you always have those three days that you get in.
Starting point is 00:36:52 You have a minimum. At some point, those three days are going to become very easy to do consistently. And then you can get that fourth day in consistently. And then those four days, because you're like everything, you're getting the habit of things. You're setting up your life in a certain way where it makes everything easy to do. Now you can get in four days, super easily, four days of getting in a 30 to 45 minute workout. Boom. If you can just do that over time, then the thing is, is working out just becomes part of that system. It's just part of what you do. It's no longer a workout where you're setting it's like you waking up in the morning and
Starting point is 00:37:22 exercising. That's just what you do now. It's not not even you don't even think about you're like you wake up okay let me hit the gym real quick and let me go to work that's what it should turn into not you don't want to think about should and could and would oh i should go to the gym like i'm going to the gym like sell tell yourself that before you go to bed i'm going to the gym in the morning when you wake up i'm on my way to the gym your wife says what are you doing i'm going to the gym in the morning. When you wake up, I'm on my way to the gym. Your wife says, what are you doing? I'm going to the gym. Like fucking commit to it, you know, and hold on to that because it is really important for you. And you can't lose sight of that, but it's so easy to lose sight of it.
Starting point is 00:37:57 It's so easy for the wifey to snuggle up on you and be like, fuck, this is awesome. And your baby's in the middle of you or something like that, and you're tickling them or some shit like that. And you're just having the best time of your life. So it's, it's understandable, but it's like, man, I got to go make that money. I got to go get that muscle. I got to go get bigger. I got to go gain. I go, I have to go get those gains. I love how you said that though, because that's a, that's a big deal in my head. I never think that I should go to jujitsu. I should go. It's always like, I'm going tonight i'm gonna do that like it's that's a big deal right there the way you talk yourself into things if you're if you tell yourself i should go do it you're already i should but i'm
Starting point is 00:38:34 not going to or what about yeah asking yourself the question should you do it it's like motherfucker that's a dumb way to talk to yourself you already know that you're halfway out the door man you come up with all kinds of excuses like should i go or is it a good idea to go right now you'd be like well there's might be traffic might be this it's raining yeah but uh what you were saying and seem like i actually like because i'm kind of hard on myself because like this week has been i've just been fucking wrecked so i haven't worked out as much as i would want to and i'm beating myself up over it but i remember i was just working out like three times a week like you said and then eventually i was like oh shit i'm getting another one in it's like oh the weekend like dude you guys want to go train like let's go and it just was like holy shit i had like the best week ever and then the next week would follow it up with the
Starting point is 00:39:21 same thing again and then so it's kind of like uh like the intensity would ramp up and then the next week would follow it up with the same thing again. And then so it's kind of like like the intensity would ramp up and then the energy would drop. But I'm still trying to keep it up. And I was like, you know what? Maybe I will just kind of chill out for a little bit just to kind of recalibrate. Because, yeah, this week's been a been an ass kicker. Also, remember where you came from, too. Like you had a real issue with consistency. Like you would work out for two weeks and then you would take a couple days off
Starting point is 00:39:45 and then you'd work out for two weeks and take a couple days off. You would go in and out of your nutrition and stuff like that. Now you're on point with nutrition seems like almost all the time. You are working out so frequently that when you miss a workout, you're freaking out about it. So that's, yeah, that's a whole new set of disciplines that you have acquired. Now you're like, man, I can't believe I only worked out three times this week. Whereas maybe in the past you may have said, shit, man, I only worked out three times this month. Absolutely. You definitely made a lot of progress in that area. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:18 And a lot of it is, you know, accredited to like, okay, I didn't, I don't have to go for a pr every day to consider it a workout and that has helped a lot because even though i mentioned on the podcast before like if if i'm getting like a six out of ten but i can get those throughout the week instead of trying to get like a nine out of ten once a month like now i can do it consistently okay okay do you can we bring up what we brought up in your office because i also want to know if there's any men in the chat who feel this. And I want to know if it's happened. I don't remember what we talked about. Sinking up.
Starting point is 00:40:50 Sinking up. Oh yeah. Yeah. Absolutely. Yeah. Okay. Cause this is, this is very interesting. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:57 This is weird. I haven't mentioned this on the podcast cause I'm, I'm honestly, I'm a little embarrassed, but I'm like, okay. Talking about it. Okay. But hopefully my wife's okay with it. But since we got together, I mean, not right away, but after a couple of years, whenever it was that time of the month for her, her symptoms would hit me about a week prior. So like I'd have a really bad headache.
Starting point is 00:41:20 I'd be bloated. I just, all these things that you hear women talk about. I would feel them. So after the baby, you know, there's for women, it takes a while for the period to come back. So that's happening this week. And that's why I'm feeling wrecked. But make a note when you when she wasn't having a post baby, you weren't getting those symptoms. No, two weeks ago, I was on fire. I was feeling fantastic. And I was just like, like, I just explained two seconds ago without explaining this part,
Starting point is 00:41:47 how like the energy was like way up here and I'm still trying to keep it there. And it's like, it's not there. But like, dude, my back's killing me, which is another like symptom that I get from her. Like, well, sorry, a symptom from this time of the month. Like by next week, my back will be cool. And then I'm like super cassie too so it's really embarrassing because it's like wow dude you're having you know pms like whatever they're fucking myriad yeah we call them uh i just i just say i'm getting sympathy pains
Starting point is 00:42:16 yeah because as she's getting them i'm feeling them too so i don't know if this is a common thing amongst men that are with women you know like i don't know if this is a common thing amongst men that are with women. You know, like, I don't know if what I have. I've never heard anybody talking about it, but I definitely 100 percent do because I do experience this. I mean, because when she wasn't having a period, this right after we had our son, I got no symptoms of any kind, which is like, OK. And then it comes back. and so do all my symptoms. It's really fucking strange. And like,
Starting point is 00:42:49 I was embarrassed because it's like, okay, like you're being like extra feminine. If you're getting these, you're experiencing these symptoms. But where I think you're going with this is like, if I don't recognize that I'm being like extra hard on myself for not having good workouts this week.
Starting point is 00:43:08 I was just actually curious if other men felt it. Cause I like other like mark that's why i was curious did this ever happen to you when he's like fuck no i'm a man did that ever did that happen to you when you had your kids or not no not that i not that i consciously observed yeah but maybe but i'm also a denier you know i deny shit so much that i've tried that i'm like this is bullshit like just because you know it's coming you know you're gonna get those those feelings and no because like maybe it's just a sign that you care it could be but the thing is it's like i sign that you care. It could be. But the thing is, it's like, I'm a cold-hearted motherfucker. I don't, you guys know I suck with like calendars and stuff. I told my nephew two times last night that today was Friday.
Starting point is 00:43:56 Like, oh, tomorrow's Friday. Like, you know, whatever. Cool. You don't have to worry about school. And he's like, it is? Like, yeah. And he's like, no, it's Thursday. I'm like, oh, sorry, kiddo.
Starting point is 00:44:04 I have no idea when this time is coming. and he's like it is like yeah and he's like no it's thursday i'm like oh sorry kiddo so i have no idea when this time is coming but i know that when i start feeling this way i'd be like hey uh like how's you know how's everything going so i'm fine like like when you starting she's like oh next week and i'm like that makes so much sense so i'm all yeah you love your wife yeah i do a lot and we're we're super close but yeah it sucks i would say first of all that you shouldn't admit this on there no men in the chat fathers in the chat i'm just curious if y'all felt this because i ain't no father and i never felt this with my girlfriends in the past so this this is a cool name fistulingus said that fistulingus
Starting point is 00:44:50 fistulingus that's nasty i've heard i know that's pretty cool hey now i've heard of this before and can attest so cool so first of all i would say that there's like scientific research on this kind of stuff and we have had somebody mention it before on the podcast. First thing I want to point out is that men have PMS like symptoms anyway. Men have like a one time a month type of deal. Ladies, I don't want to compare them at all. So I don't know what it's like to be a woman and to go through those things. But supposedly, us men go through something similar, and we go through a time period of the month where we are maybe frustrated and maybe have a whole list of other things I'm not even going to mention because who the hell knows what it means in this day and age. Secondly, I would say that it's actually attractive, I think, for females to sometimes take on what would be considered by society some male traits and male characteristics.
Starting point is 00:45:50 And I actually think that women appreciate when a man does something that maybe is considered to be feminine. Again, I don't want to paint myself into a corner or say anything the wrong way, so I'm not even gonna bother to elaborate in details but just one small example is when you see a female do something aggressively you're like fuck you're like that is you're like you're like that shit's attractive yeah you're like wow fuck man i didn't know she had that and they're like that's fucking cool you know it just makes it kind of makes you think about them maybe in a different way and most of the time i think most men kind of appreciate that and they might even find it uh sex uh sexy um and the same goes the other direction if if a man is uh maybe more sensitive or uh is uh i don't know again i don't want to paint myself in some weird we get like if a dude like is empathetic and he's uh he feels emotions like maybe he's not
Starting point is 00:46:53 a fucking savage for 10 seconds and he's more thoughtful yeah yeah exactly he's just not thinking about fucking for 10 for at least 10 seconds right he's thinking about something slightly different but there is scientific research that, um, I believe when women, I don't know if it's when they're pregnant or when they're breastfeeding, but I think men's prolactin, prolactin,
Starting point is 00:47:17 I think goes up. We had someone mentioned that on the show before. Yeah. Um, and so I would imagine, I know that when women are around each other, when they're in the same household, they'll get like rhythmic, they'll get synced up, you know, and they'll have their period around the same time. And so I don't know why there wouldn't be some similar rhythms happening in the household amongst male and female there's like really weird stuff if you if you dig into this enough you will find all kinds of weird things the even like the
Starting point is 00:47:55 smell of your body becomes joined together with the smell of her body and it's these subtle things even though like your wife might wear perfume or whatever. She has like a pheromone that like hits you a very specific way. And it does something to your body, does something to your adrenaline, does something to your hormones and vice versa. Like you really have it for each other. You know, it's like it's an actual like it's an actual thing that can alter the hormones in your body. So I think what you're mentioning totally makes sense. And I think that even though it may not be it may not necessarily fall into the category of maybe it's it's different than your wife is stressed from work.
Starting point is 00:48:44 And therefore, you're feeling some of that too. Um, this is like more of maybe like a hormonal thing, and this is maybe more of an internal thing, but it totally makes sense because if she, uh, had some stresses that were really bothered, let's just say she was just drained from all from work, you know, and she just didn't like her boss and all the different things that you kind of gone through. Well, when you're sharing that with her, she feels that. Absolutely. When she's sharing that with you, you feel that.
Starting point is 00:49:15 And, um, yeah, it's, it's totally normal. And do the hormones in your body change and does everything, does your digestion change? Cause she's more stressed. Fuck. Yeah, it does. Of course it does. Uh, everything, does your digestion change because she's more stressed? Fuck yeah, it does. Of course it does. Everything's better when everything is better and everything is worse when everything's worse. That's kind of the way, kind of the way humans work. We take on, if Encema comes in here and it just has less energy, then maybe I have a little less energy and maybe you have a little less energy.
Starting point is 00:49:42 And maybe I have a little less energy and maybe you have a little less energy. If I come in here, just a hypothetical dressed as fucking Omni man or something off the charts like that. When would you ever do that, by the way? No, I don't think I would. Yeah. Because Omni man, he beats the crap out of his son. And I don't want to. I don't want to harm Jake.
Starting point is 00:49:59 Yeah. You know. But anyway. Jake, if you're alive, please send me a text. Just hypothetically speaking, it might ramp up the energy of the show. Hypothetically speaking, though. Yeah, that whole sinking thing, like just amongst women, like I don't. It was so interesting when I first found it out, too. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:20 And I remember like trying to figure it like not I'm not going to figure it out, but like, why does it happen? And I remember like trying to figure it like not, I'm not going to figure it out, but like, why does it happen? And it's just like, kind of like unexplainable or I think at least when I was doing my shitty research, cause that shit is confusing to me. And, but also eels making electricity is confusing to me too. Yeah. I don't, I don't think it doesn't make, like if a group of women hang out together enough and they're vibing and they're liking each other, then just things change and they all
Starting point is 00:50:44 have periods around the same time makes sense i don't think so why does we are animals why doesn't it make sense at the end of the day we're just really evolved monkeys yeah yeah i mean yeah i think there's like even i think even with the animals in your house i think they get sunk up with a lot of the stuff that i mean, even your even like your dog, like if you're fucking bummed. He knows. Motherfucker. How do they know? They totally know.
Starting point is 00:51:14 They're like, I'm going to be sad with you. And they cuddle up right next to you. Like, oh, that's so sweet. They know, man. They can sense it somehow. So now people are saying you look like, what's the name? The main mean reporter guy from Spider-Man. J. Jonah Jameson.
Starting point is 00:51:32 There it is. I couldn't find it. Troy just said that. Yeah. You look like a Jack J. Jonah Jameson. More handsome, though, because he has a weird oval head. Oh. You're good looking, man.
Starting point is 00:51:42 He's got a strange head. Yeah. Mustache is pretty identical mustache is on point yeah that's pretty good anyway i think we covered a lot of that shit on overtraining what do you guys think yeah i think so i think we had any last words i think we uh smashed it yeah extra remember guys just exercise doesn't have to kill you it took me a while to figure that out like i when i was younger i used to always go in the gym and kill myself, but I can still make progress without killing myself in the gym every day. And that's good to understand. Please understand that.
Starting point is 00:52:13 Yeah. Definitions and outcomes. Like, you know, what is your definition of a workout and what are you looking to do? I think these are really important things to think about and to consider. Your workout for the day could be that you do 500 yards of lunges with some chains around your neck, you know, or a weight vest. That could be your workout for the day. You could have a workout where all you do is drag the sled. You could have a workout where all you do is drag the sled. Or you could have a workout where all you do is leg curls. I mean, literally, your workout can look like just about anything. Is there any information or research that we know about that if all you did for the day was three sets of leg curls, that that would do nothing for you?
Starting point is 00:53:00 Like, I'm unaware that that would do nothing for you. It might not be the most optimal choice, but we do know some people that go in the gym and they kind of just smash themselves on one set. Dante Trudell's technique of dog crap training where he does five sets at one time. I mean, there's a lot of methods that you can utilize where you're like, that wasn't really much of a workout, but what about CrossFit? A CrossFit workout can be like 12 minutes and you can get smashed in those 12 minutes. Yes. We learned with Jason Kalifa.
Starting point is 00:53:32 Yeah. Again, it's not to say that all the workouts should smash you, but you could have a workout where you're on an Aerodyne bike and you're going back and forth between that and some pushups. It could be your workout. Also, the context of everything matters. I remember coming in here one day and Encima was on the ski erg. You were, you were sitting down using the ski erg because you, I think, tweaked your
Starting point is 00:53:55 leg or something. Injured my foot. Yeah. Injured your foot. And it's like, well, that workout is going to look different, but it's still a workout. And I think most of us should just try to start to look at our workouts as exercise. I know that Jocko Willink is a big fan of using a kettlebell. And a lot of times you'll see at 4 a.m., you know, he left a sweat puddle already at 4.30 a.m. And I'll just take a picture of the time and the kettlebell and a big old sweat puddle. and the kettlebell and a big old sweat puddle swinging around a kettlebell is way different than going through an entire West side barbell protocol or going through an entire power lifting workout or an entire bodybuilding
Starting point is 00:54:34 workout. But over-training is only over-training if you're not prepared for it. So whatever it is that you're about to do, whatever it is that you're about to go for, just make sure that you're prepped for it. Give yourself time to adapt to it. If you want to start to squat every day, well, maybe squat twice a week first and then go to three times a week and so on and implement that over a period of time. Andrew, want to take us on out of here?
Starting point is 00:55:01 Absolutely. Thank you,, for sponsoring today's episode. We were talking about Derek, more plates, more dates. This is actually his lab that he talks about all the time. Save 15% off by using promo code PowerProject15 at checkout on all of your labs. Links to them down in the description as well as the podcast show notes. Please follow the podcast at MarkBell's Power on Instagram at MB Power Project on TikTok and Twitter. My Instagram and Twitter is at I am Andrew Z at the Andrew Z on TikTok.
Starting point is 00:55:32 And Zima, where are you at? And Zima ending on Instagram and YouTube at Zima Yin Yang on TikTok and Twitter. Comment for the algorithm, Mark. I'm at Mark Smiley Bell. Don't forget this Sunday we got knees over toes. Ben Patrick coming here along with a whole host of some amazing coaches. It's going to be an awesome time here at super training gym. And I'm super excited about it. Super fired up.
Starting point is 00:55:52 Mr. Infinity. Oh yeah. Mr. Infinity and Marcus Philly. Yeah. Does Mr. Infinity have a cape?
Starting point is 00:55:59 He should with that name. Strength is never weak. This week is never strength. Catch you guys later.

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