Mark Bell's Power Project - MBPP EP. 645 - Christmas Eve Eve Special: How To Keep The Spark Alive

Episode Date: December 23, 2021

Having fun this holiday, taking shots of truth serum and opening up about how we've kept our marriages hot and spicy. Special perks for our listeners below! ➢Vertical Diet Meals: Use code POWERPROJECT for free shipping and two free meals + a Kooler Sport when you order 16 meals or more! ➢Vuori Performance Apparel: Visit to automatically save 20% off your first order! ➢Magic Spoon Cereal: Visit to automatically save $5 off a variety pack! ➢8 Sleep: Visit to automatically save $150 off the Pod Pro! ➢Marek Health: Use code POWERPROJECT10 for 10% off ALL LABS! Also check out the Power Project Panel: Use code POWERPROJECT for $101 off! ➢LMNT Electrolytes: ➢Piedmontese Beef: Use Code "POWERPROJECT" at checkout for 25% off your order plus FREE 2-Day Shipping on orders of $150 Subscribe to the Podcast on on Platforms! ➢ Subscribe to the Power Project Newsletter! ➢ Follow Mark Bell's Power Project Podcast ➢ Insta: ➢ ➢ Twitter: ➢ LinkedIn: ➢ YouTube: ➢TikTok: FOLLOW Mark Bell ➢ Instagram: ➢ Facebook: ➢ Twitter: ➢ Snapchat: marksmellybell ➢Mark Bell's Daily Workouts, Nutrition and More: Follow Nsima Inyang ➢ ➢YouTube: ➢Instagram: ➢TikTok: Follow Andrew Zaragoza on all platforms ➢ Time Stamps #PowerProject #Podcast #MarkBell

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Yeah, I have some coffee in here. And now, there's no alcohol in this, right? There is. So what alcohol's in here? That is whiskey. So this is just extra whiskey? That's just extra whiskey, yeah. Because it's a peanut butter whiskey.
Starting point is 00:00:15 You gotta taste the flavor. Oh, okay, okay. Taste the flavor. Are we live yet? We're live. Alright. We're gonna taste some peanut butter whiskey. Each one of us has the peanut butter whiskey.
Starting point is 00:00:26 And here we go. Three, two, one, down the old hatch. The peanut butter scent is very strong, and the taste is actually, whoa. Gets into the nose a little bit. A lot into the nose. That's actually pretty good. It is good. Syrupy.
Starting point is 00:00:44 It's super dangerous you know shit like that is like is like good man if i damn that's good next thing you know pants are off yeah yeah that's pretty good let me uh oh my god i don't know why this just came to mind but i have sex about four times a week hey no congratulations that's really good for a long time yeah no that's really good the amount of people i hear that are like a married i'll have sex once every two weeks i'm like how are you living yeah or when you say you're gonna get married and some dudes will be like well have fun having sex once a month or whatever like no
Starting point is 00:01:21 no way all right you know what i think it's i think that that's a very important thing that you just said how have y'all kept the spark hey and you add into andrew because i like i feel like he's slinging out here so so yeah what's what's the trick to keep that going while you're married man you know uh my wife you know she puts a lot of time into staying in good shape and i think that's super attractive so uh there's never been times where i've been like unattracted to her yeah um there's been times of course where we didn't have sex four times you know four times i mean you know through pregnancy, through various illnesses that I get or she gets or injuries, maybe a sex injury here or there.
Starting point is 00:02:14 There's definitely been times where there's been a little bit of a break and there's times where you still love each other, but there's time where you're frustrated with one another and there's a little less of that going on. But, yeah, I think the key is just, you know, really good communication level, you know? Yeah. You know, okay. We're going to come back to that because you brought something up. You said injury. And there's – I think it's this because I never thought I would say this.
Starting point is 00:02:47 So y'all remember how I tore my meniscus? Do you know where I'm going here? Yeah. All right. Dude, I've had some real serious injuries from sex before. Nah, but this is the thing. For years, people ask, how do you tear your meniscus? I'm like, jujitsu.
Starting point is 00:03:01 You fucking liar. And it was a form of jujitsuitsu but not what people are used to seeing yeah the initial tear did happen at jujitsu i remember i was rolling with jack and he did something to me i was a white belt and i just heard a little little thing in the knee and i was like shit man that's that sucks um a few weeks go by i got an mri the dog he actually he didn't let me get an MRI. I'm like, give me an MRI. There's something wrong. He didn't give it to me.
Starting point is 00:03:28 I was like, God dang it, man. Like something's wrong here. Well, that night, I remember I told you. I was like, I told you that it just happened at jujitsu. But no, no, no. This is, I was on my knees, you know, doing what you do, right? And then when I get up i hear this ouch and then i'm just standing there like nah this god really like
Starting point is 00:03:54 like really dude this is how this is then right here is how you really like and then yeah it's for my meniscus did you have some doggy man like did you come out of the game uh come out of the game what are you still play uh no i i i was i was i was done i was i was i couldn't keep playing i was done but those injuries are real man after after leg day i've had the worst hamstring cramps of my life that's that's why you have electrolytes before you do because i've had that happen before we've had to call time out like can you please go get me some electrolytes like i need some element in my life right now a leg cramp is a good excuse you know like yeah if something happens a little earlier than you'd like
Starting point is 00:04:40 oh hard leg workout today you're not supposed to tell like six seconds into it it's my hamstring oh my god oh my gosh incredible uh for us like i mean so we've been together almost 10 years now damn um yeah it sounds weird but like you know like when i hear dudes saying like i don't know they need to look at another chick to get off or like they need to fantasize about that like for me no like this is a weird word to use but like i crave my wife like it's something that i'm like like i have any what are you doing over there that's but i have no i mean i know i just took a shot so i guess i'll say i
Starting point is 00:05:25 have no shame but like i have no problem with telling my wife and truly believing that she is the hottest girl i've ever met in my entire life like hands down i get to go home to that every day like this is fucking incredible uh i text her right before i i walked into the office something that i can't say right now that i wanted to do to her when i got home but this andrew this isn't something that happens every once in a while this is just what we do and like eventually it can be like okay i love you too but for the most part it's always like oh shit like all right we'll hurry home you know so like i do things like that all the time and that's like it's there's never been a dry spell nothing quite like uh sending out a sex message and then getting a reply back hey i think you forgot to take out the garbage yeah you're like
Starting point is 00:06:10 what the fuck if you're on the receiving end don't do that shit at least send a wet emoji thingy and then say hey motherfucker you forgot to take out the garbage yeah no but oh my god you know that that's that's a really cool thing you said though because you're also putting in work to keep that shit like yeah you're flirting i mean yeah exactly like all the time like i any chance i get i'm gonna grab her butt you know or more just it's just always going to happen. And it's pretty cool. I'm already slurring my words. My brother-in-law, I remember he had told me, he was like, you know, marriage isn't like a 50-50 thing. He was like, why would you want to be with somebody that just wants to put
Starting point is 00:06:55 in half the attempt? He's like, it's 100% both ways. And so that's how I feel. I'm just like, yeah, if we're going to keep that spark going, I'm going to do everything I can to do it. I'd also say that with your partner, I don't know, observe what it'd be like to be them for a bit and think about all the different stuff that you do in the day. I think there was a, I can't remember what movie it was, but we use this quote all the time in my house because it's just, it's hilarious. It kind of shows you the differences between men and women. And the woman says to the man, she's like, I just, you know, I want you to sometimes like just want to do the dishes. And he goes, why would I want to do, why would I want to do the dishes? You know, and she's like, because it helps me.
Starting point is 00:07:47 It helps the household. We're doing stuff together. And she's like, it's one less fucking thing that I have to focus on. He's like, well, that's never going to happen. So we say that just kind of kidding around pretty often, but there are things like if you can offload a little bit of work or stress for your partner, especially when you have a baby and your wife gives you that like stare of death and she's just been there all day with the screaming baby and you just come home and start playing with the kid and you're not listening to her and stuff like that. Then you might want to say, hey, like you want some time to maybe go hang out with your girlfriends or something like I'll watch the kid. I'll watch the baby for, you know, time to maybe go hang out with your girlfriends or something? I'll watch the kid.
Starting point is 00:08:26 I'll watch the baby. You want to go hang out with your sister? Something. Give them some sort of reprieve here and there. That stuff's really helpful. Yeah. The big aspect of that just seems that there probably was, who knows, was there a time that you guys think you got a little too comfortable? Because that's what what something that happens when people when a lot of people get into like a lot of a lot of women say you know it seems that he was putting a lot of work
Starting point is 00:08:48 beforehand before the relationship and then a few years into the relationship he stopped trying right was there ever a point where you guys think you stopped trying or probably probably yeah i probably have i can't think of anything but yeah i mean i already missed a fucking perfect. No, I'm joking. Not at all. Yeah. I think that, I mean, the main thing I think is just that you're super interested in each other. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:16 And then, and there's a lot less work, you know. When people are like, oh, we had to really work at it or on it. That happens here and there. There's some miscommunication, but like, you kind of know the rules of the game but what you said right there i think this is one thing that people be getting twisted about um about relationships people don't don't realize that that shit after a while it's actually it's work you know what i mean um because i just i i hear some people make it seem like it's supposed to be this, you know, everything's supposed to be right and perfect. And, you know, and if things don't do this this way, it wasn't meant to be.
Starting point is 00:09:50 It's like a total and complete flow. It's not. Right. Like, it's so not. Look at Andrew's situation, you know, having previously been married. His wife's previously been married. And there was a child in there as well, his daughter. So it's like, okay, everything can be pretty damn good between him and Stephanie,
Starting point is 00:10:13 but there's a whole other scenario. There's a former husband, there's a former wife. Shit's complicated as it is is and then you start throwing all that into the mix and there's a lot of complications so it makes sense to say yeah we had to work through some stuff because you gotta learn how to communicate and learn what's out of bounds what's fair game you know what's how are you supposed to act how am i supposed to communicate with my ex i because your mind wanders really crazy you know and there might not be anything between the two anymore but we're dudes and we're gonna sit
Starting point is 00:10:52 there and be like well i'd be hitting it still you know right yeah and but that that open communication is like so crucial so like whatever uh, really, and again, this is because I am one shot in, but like not too long ago, like we were at a restaurant and, you know, the whole family's there. And my wife's ex-husband's brother was there. And right away, like, oh my God, like I finally, because like everyone's still friends on Facebook. So it's not that big of a deal that he's like you know hugging everybody no big deal but like he's like oh i finally get to meet your son and like he you know so stephanie gave him to him and i was really yeah gave a release to all right and i was like uh hold on like i have never met him and it was kind of like a you know i i kept my cool it wasn't like I didn't make a scene or I didn't do anything.
Starting point is 00:11:45 It was super cordial. He's a super nice guy, by the way. But afterwards, I was just like, hey, like, I just want you to know, like, that like really like that messed with me. She's like, what do you mean? And so I explained and she's like, oh, my God, I'm so sorry. So that sort of thing, like we've talked about in the past previous episodes where, you know, being open for a dude is very difficult.
Starting point is 00:12:04 But I'm just like, hey, like, I don't know, that made me feel weird. I didn't like it. Let's try not to do that again because, you know, put yourself in my shoes. Like it would be so awkward if I gave it to my ex-sister-in-law, give him to my ex-sister-in-law. And so, yeah, it's really difficult. But, man, having the open line of communication is so important. Yeah. You know what's interesting?
Starting point is 00:12:29 I think I mentioned on my story the other day, and I had a poll for a bunch of dudes after we did the episode about guys opening up about stuff, right? And I did a poll. I was like, okay, so how many of you guys feel comfortable opening up to your partner? I think it was about 65, 35. up to your partner? I think it was about 65, 35. And then, and then I asked, okay, so that was 65, 35, 65% felt comfortable, 35% didn't. And then ask how many of you guys feel that you should be able to, or you'd want to be able to feel that way. And then it was like 85, 15, right? So one thing that was interesting, cause I had a few DM conversations with some dudes that disagreed and their main disagreement was like, you should like guys should be able to be open about their emotions.
Starting point is 00:13:14 But number one, they shouldn't be emotional when opening about their emotions. So that's actually something that I agree with. That's all relationships all the time. I think that's like an absolute really good rule is if you're stirred up about something, that's not a great time to like dive into it. Oh, yeah. You might want to let the other person know that you're frustrated about something but say like I need to – I got to really think about it a lot more because I don't want to like blow up or – Oh, yeah. I got to really think about it a lot more because I don't want to like blow up. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:48 But I was thinking about that as well in terms of like having a kid. Like when you have your child and they do something wrong and you jump on them right away about it, they're super defensive. And they're not really listening at that point. And sometimes if it's like a really young kid, they're crying and they're frustrated too. And I don't think they even get the message. So you say, hey, for now, go to your room and we'll talk about it later. Later on that night you talk about it. But I think same thing with a spouse or same thing with any relationship.
Starting point is 00:14:23 Time seems to help a lot because I think as you zoom out a bit, you're like, why am I sweating it? She was just talking to like her ex-boyfriend or whatever. It's like, it's really not that big of a deal. And if I'm that worried about it, then this whole thing probably is, is probably not going to work well if I'm that jealous and that concerned. And this person has me think like, why am I even thinking that way about this person? Yeah, that's a big thing to analyze. That is a big thing to analyze right there. But exactly, like, it is okay to open about the way you're feeling about something. But literally doing it while raising your voice or doing some shit like that, that can't fly.
Starting point is 00:15:00 Man and woman, but especially as a dude, you can't let that happen. Like, you can't let your emotions be on your sleeve in that way. I also think you shouldn't share everything either. Be open, but I would say the reason why you're trying to be open is so that other problems don't happen. And or you're trying to address a current situation. But just recognize that there can be stuff said if you say too much. That's just probably not helpful.
Starting point is 00:15:33 Yeah. An interesting thing about that is that, and I don't think that there's a problem with this, but I was having a conversation with a friend of mine about this, and it seems as men, when you have a problem, let's say you have a problem, and there's a lot behind it, sometimes it might not be the best thing to open up to your partner about it. Because generally there's an idea that as a dude you should have a lot of things together already, especially within that realm of things that, like you mentioned, it might not be a good idea to share everything. Sometimes some things need to be kept
Starting point is 00:16:10 or some things need to be talked with with other guys. Like I feel more comfortable talking about certain things with other guys than I would ever feel with a partner or another woman, just being perfectly honest. Because it's like, it's just like, if I bring something to the table,
Starting point is 00:16:29 I already have the thing in the back of my head, well, okay, this is here. This is how I'm solving it. I don't just bring up a problem and be like, eh, that's the problem. I bring up the problem and I'm like, but this is how it's going to be handled. But it's just, this is a current problem. You get what I'm saying? I totally understand, yeah. But just this is a current problem.
Starting point is 00:16:41 You get what I'm saying? I totally understand, yeah. Yeah. It's all, it can all be pretty complicated. Yeah. You want to get into reading some comments today or should we just keep rolling with this topic? Oh, that's right. You can read some comments.
Starting point is 00:16:58 That penis pump video, the comments in there is pretty funny. But, you know, I'm almost done with that rational mail book. I don't know if some of you guys in the audience know Rolo Tomasi. You know, Rolo Tomasi is the author of the Rational Male. I looked at a bunch of his stuff after we talked. We got to have him on. He's going to be a really interesting conversation. Yeah, but if a lot of you guys don't know, Rolo Tomasi wrote this book, The Rational Male, and he also wrote a few other books, The Rational Male, Positive Masculinity, and then a few other, like a whole series of books.
Starting point is 00:17:31 And there's some interesting things in there and things in that book that'll make people very uncomfortable, but also things that are, it's just like, some things are just like fact of the matter or like generalities that you don't like to talk about or don't like to put forward. I thought one of the things that was really interesting is not sharing like the number of partners that you've had previously. Yeah. That's really some interesting stuff. I think, you know, when you're married longer and stuff, I think maybe. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:04 Because like. Is that really going to change the way you look at longer and stuff, I think maybe. Because like. Is that really going to make the change the way you look at your wife at that point? No, no, not at all. I mean. Well, it might. If it's like. But like 187? That might change your life.
Starting point is 00:18:19 Like, yeah, I was in like a three-year time span. You know, that's the problem is like you start to have a lot of judgment towards whether it's a lot or whether it's a little. The number's never perfect. So it does make sense that that's not a thing that you share. It shouldn't matter at all. But of course, everything kind of matters, right? One interesting aspect of that book. And this is the thing that, all right, this is from the book, but I've been thinking about it.
Starting point is 00:18:48 I'm just like, yeah, somewhat. Like when you look at things, it's somewhat hard to dispute. People refer to it as the sexual marketplace in the culture when people are single, right? Oh, yeah, your value in the marketplace and stuff. Yeah, I heard a bunch of that stuff. Your value in the marketplace. And this is something that's, it's, I've been trying to like think about, can you really poke holes in it?
Starting point is 00:19:14 And you can, but what do you think about generalities and the way people like hypergamy, which is the way people end up looking for mates, women statistically in general end up dating and marrying men who are a little bit older than them, but also men who make more than them. Sometimes taller as well, right? Some sort of internal security thing or something. Exactly. Exactly. They tend to date up, right?
Starting point is 00:19:38 And men don't really end up caring. They tend to usually just date down. Like I think a quote I heard is like a guy would date a chick from McDonald's, right? And he could even marry a chick from McDonald's if he attracted to her enough. But a woman probably wouldn't do the same. And all your buddies would be like, bro, she's so hot.
Starting point is 00:19:56 That's all they would talk about. They wouldn't ask you anything about what they do or what they're into. Are things going really well with you? That's not their question. Holy shit, she has huge tits. That's fucking awesome. That's great, dude.
Starting point is 00:20:09 That's the way guys talk, the way guys think, right? That's so true. Like, score, give them a big high five. If you're like, oh, you know, and the woman's, let's just say, maybe a five or a six, and you're like, yeah, but she goes to MIT. She's super cool cool we have so much in common this is this is the love of my life this is amazing the guy still he might not gonna say anything but he seemed like man it sucks to hear but it's that's kind of it's kind of true um that's
Starting point is 00:20:38 so funny i never thought about that right a buddy of mine did not like just after high school was dating a chick that worked at Sonic Burger. And nobody gave a fuck because she was hot. Nobody cared. That's so funny. But this is the thing. This is the thing. All right.
Starting point is 00:20:53 She's still working there? Where's the Sonic? They have great shakes there, milkshakes. Yeah. I've never had their shakes. Oh, man. I think I've seen the commercials for their shakes. That's all they have, though. They don't have good food.
Starting point is 00:21:04 No, no. Their food's shitty. But they switch up their shakes a lot they like i think i've seen the commercials for their shit well they have though they don't have good food yeah another food shitty but they switch up their shakes a lot yeah yeah cool check it out but but okay i'll be quick on this point but an interesting thing is like okay he mentions how as when guys are younger they don't have the resources right 1920 21 let's say you're in college or you're starting a business, you don't have money, you don't have resources. I didn't have shit. Right? So those guys generally find it harder to even find a woman to hook up with or whatever, because they don't have resources at that point. And the women that are generally in that age group are typically dating men that are older with them who do have resources. But as dudes get older and they get things together, they get life and things together, they start becoming more valuable.
Starting point is 00:21:47 Also, they're still able to have kids for a long time. So at 30, 35, 40, their value from the time they were 25 has gone up. And they'll be able to date someone way younger. But generally speaking, because of the way men look at women as far as mates and the way women look at men, as women get older, he said that their peak is they're making more money, et cetera, because if a man is looking to potentially have a family or whatever, her value there in that marketplace is getting lower as she's getting older while his value is getting higher. So he's trying to encourage dudes to not get married for a while and let your value get to where it should be before you end up getting with somebody. Right. And I was thinking about it. I was just like, that's some hard shit to hear as I'm like,
Starting point is 00:22:55 like a lot of women, if they do, because women have read that book, but a lot of women, if they read that book, it's fairly uncomfortable because it's like with what you just heard there, it's uncomfortable, but is there really, when you look at the general population, is it wrong? No, I don't. Yeah, I don't think so. I think, you know, each relationship is its own kind of
Starting point is 00:23:21 individual thing. Of course. And, uh, there's men and women that will seek out somebody else to be a mate or partner, however you want to kind of word that. And it will be to their advantage. You know, like you don't want it to be a disadvantage. Yeah. So sometimes there are things that are like, there's kind of almost, like, I guess they're kind of external factors of looks or money that play into it heavily. You know, if, I would just imagine if you're, I would imagine either, well, as a man, it wouldn't necessarily work out this way. But as a girl, I would imagine if you were dating a couple of people and you were seeing some different people, different weeks and
Starting point is 00:24:11 throughout the months or something like that, and you had like two or three different people that you were seeing, if one person, you know, made like 500,000 bucks a year, I'm not saying that you would automatically side up with that person, but you're probably viewing that as like, this could be more comfortable. This could be more convenient. And it might work out that way for some men too. But I think a lot of guys would still be siding up with more of the looks than they would be of the financial situation. And I mean, just in general, even women that make a good amount of money, a lot of them do still look for men who are making more. So, like, a guy who's making, let's just say a guy's making $80,000 and a woman's making $100,000 a year, he probably wouldn't even end up dating a woman that's making more than him statistically, just like most of the
Starting point is 00:25:06 time. I know there are a lot of individuals out there in the audience who are probably like, you know, not in those situations. But again, we're just talking about generalities as far as hypergamy is concerned. And it's very interesting, but it is a very uncomfortable conversation. It's really an interesting thing because meeting somebody in your 20s is way different than your 30s and way different than your 40s. If you meet somebody and you're in your 50s, as a male, I can't really speak from the other side, but as a male, if you're not pulling in some pretty good money, it's just going to be that much more difficult. I mean, not to hook up, I guess would would be whatever. Like that doesn't, you don't really need much for that process probably.
Starting point is 00:25:48 But when it comes to, you know, trying to find somebody else that you can be compatible with, the more that you make, the easier it's probably going to be. But being older, it's like there's, you're hoping that somebody had like life experiences. You're hoping that they had some sort of job or they currently have some sort of job. And if you're, I mean, I guess if you're still, if you're really good looking and you're holding onto that, that could be a factor, but these are the factors, you know, there, there are these factors that people, um, want to try to downplay and say, like, it doesn't matter much. And, but looks are huge, you know. And to me, my wife looks just as beautiful as when I met her, you know. I mean, to see her naked, I'm still like totally excited about it, you know. Hey now.
Starting point is 00:26:33 Yeah, hey now. Every time it's, hey, like there's a hot naked chick in my bed, you know. I get excited about it. And I heard Andrew say the same thing, seeing his wife like come out of the shower or something. He's like, yo. I have to stop everything. But, yeah, I'm excited about it. And I heard Andrew say the same thing, seeing his wife, like, come out of the shower or something. He's like, yo. I have to stop everything. But, yeah, I'm on the same page.
Starting point is 00:26:49 Like, my wife, I tell her all the time, like, you're getting hotter every single day. Like, you're not going the wrong way. Like, it's not supposed to happen, but you're, yeah, I don't know what's going on here. You're like, could we contain this or something? I mean, slow it down a bit or something like that? Yeah, yeah, yeah. we contain this or something? I mean, slow it down a bit or something like that.
Starting point is 00:27:03 That's one thing, man. Like people, when they get in relationships, they got us not be comfortable. Um, they got to just not get comfortable, I guess with themselves.
Starting point is 00:27:15 Cause like when, when your partner loves you and they, they'll, you know, they love you through everything. People are like, Oh, I can kind of loosen up.
Starting point is 00:27:21 Right. Men and women. Okay. Not, not just, not just women. So they'll let themselves get out of shape a Men and women, okay? Not just women. So they'll let themselves get out of shape a bit and whatever.
Starting point is 00:27:29 But this is the thing. As a man, men still want to be attracted to the woman that they're with, and women still want to be attracted to the men that they're with. So guys, you shouldn't be letting yourself gain all that weight either. Because I know some dudes, when they got into their relationships, they kind of just loosened up because they weren't they weren't doing anything anymore so they're like oh okay I got her so now I can whatever right guys also favor also be you know be open but not so open that you like compromise you compromise some of the things that the woman loves about you, you know. We were in Mexico, and it was at like a resort and things like that. So there's a lot of different like activities and games and things to play
Starting point is 00:28:13 and all this kind of stuff. There was a – so I did yoga one day, which I don't normally do yoga, but I did yoga with my wife. And, you know, it was like fun and funny, and like all the girls pretty much made fun of me the whole time because I can't move. But we had a great time. And then the next day there was like swim aerobics, you know, with this guy who's obviously homosexual, you know, and I was just like, fuck it. I'll go with the flow.
Starting point is 00:28:43 I don't, I don't fucking date. I never, I've never danced really hardly at all in my entire life. Andy was probably killing that since she's like a swimmer already, right? Yeah. Oh yeah. She, yeah, she loved it. But the only person I've ever danced with is my wife. You know, I did that at our wedding.
Starting point is 00:29:01 You know, that's it. I did that at our wedding. That's it. So to kind of expose myself in this way was weird and uncomfortable, but it was fun. And she had fun. She got to see that I could let my guard down. It was definitely awkward and weird. But I was also swimming with 30 other women that are in bikinis.
Starting point is 00:29:26 So it wasn't the worst decision I ever made. How many other dudes do you think were there? I'm just curious. Oh, there was none. No, just me. It was just you? Just me. All right, let's fucking go. And the, I wish I could remember the guy's name, but the guy that was.
Starting point is 00:29:37 Yeah, yeah, probably, yeah, something like that. The guy that was running the class, he, like, you know, he made a big deal of it, you know? And he had me, like, in the front of the class and all this shit. It was awkward, but dudes, honestly, don't be afraid to just open up. Try some different shit here and there. I don't want to just say for men, but I think either way, you want people to let loose a little bit here and there or do something that's a little different.
Starting point is 00:30:09 Spontaneous. Yeah, spontaneous. And then also, pay attention to what your partner likes. I think sometimes with women, I sometimes think that they don't understand how truly simple we are. That's real. Like, we are really really simple we like blow jobs and a lot of men like some sort of lingerie or just like even something cute or something shorter than normal or any of that kind of shit. Like we dress up like a school girl and get some pigtails going, you know, we're going to have the fucking time of our lives.
Starting point is 00:30:50 It's not very difficult. We're very simple, easy equations. And if you don't like that as a female, that's fine. But to do that here and there would be a big deal to your man. Just like whatever it is that you're trying to get him to do. I don't even know.
Starting point is 00:31:07 Because I ain't paying attention. The woman in the audience, you're like, we're trying to get him to do something too. Right, right. I get it. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But yeah, that one little thing that you do, that one night that you do it,
Starting point is 00:31:18 that's all he's going to be thinking about for like the next two months. Right. Because that's what I still think about. Yeah, it's better to have the guy's mind on that than right have it wandering around about other women right absolutely yeah what's in this coffee because i'm having a hard time with it truth serum okay that makes sense now there's whiskey in there well Whiskey. A little bit of whiskey and there was some heavy cream on top.
Starting point is 00:31:48 That's what it is. Heavy cream got me. I'm not used to all that fat. You got poop? No, I'm just joking. You know what's funny? I was looking at this, apparently there's a study. There's a book I was reading and it went over the statistics
Starting point is 00:32:04 of high testosterone males and cheating it's like oh yeah yeah it was pretty it was pretty funny it was pretty funny I was like damn I want to say I think I've heard that about um sexual assault cases as well where the men that were committing the sexual assault crimes their testosterone levels were like four times or something higher than normal. It's like, holy shit. It's not,
Starting point is 00:32:27 it's not surprising. Like it's unfortunate and I'm not saying it's okay, but it's not surprising. It does make sense. Just got to, got to, got to have a little bit more self control. Like with great power comes great responsibility.
Starting point is 00:32:39 When you're, when you're a teenager, it's like, it's tough, man. When your levels start to crank through the roof it's hard to concentrate all day every day you're like how do i maybe i can keep my backpack or my books in front of this so like everybody doesn't know what's going on that's why i was happy i played
Starting point is 00:32:57 soccer because i had these compression shorts oh wow um keep it all contained i wore compression shorts to school every day underneath my jeans because like, bruh. You don't know what's going to happen. Shit was tough. Every day. It was every day. Same classes. Girl does a hair flip or something. Oh, man.
Starting point is 00:33:18 That's a whole reason to go to school sometimes when you're a kid. You're like, yep, I'm going because I know she's going to be in my first period class. I'm going. Oh, oh hell yeah i remember having that realization like after high school just being like fuck like all we do is like try to go to like house parties and like meet up with chicks and i'm like dude they used to be at the exact same place every fucking day never talked and we didn't do a damn thing just thinking like damn high school like or any school but like they were all there never even tried nope didn't even look their way she comes in there
Starting point is 00:33:51 she goes and i gotta go but tomorrow oh tomorrow i'm gonna tell her i'm gonna put her on notice yeah tomorrow she's gonna know how i feel about her you guys want some comments yes let's go through that penis pump video okay well this one this, this is because it's early in the comment section. Let's go through that penis pump. This one's from Barbara. Young old lady here to support the channel. Great topic. I didn't know about pumping that muscle that way.
Starting point is 00:34:14 You learn something new every day. Now I can't get the visual out of my head. I wish I could have shared the YouTube ad that came up after the segment ended. I don't know who knows what that was. Now it'll be all over my feeds. My honey is going to wonder why the heck I was looking at this. So that's funny. A lot of people were like, I promise this just came up
Starting point is 00:34:31 automatically. I read this for watching this for a friend. That's always good stuff. I don't know if you have any comments over there. A lot of times people will say that women, they'll say their chemistry and stuff is complicated. But men's, our bodies are fucking complicated too. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:48 If you ever like listen to or hear any of the information surrounding, like when you listen to Leo talking about the penis pump, and when he explains like how you get an erection and stuff, you're like, whoa, like there's so much that goes into it. I had no idea. Pretty complex system down there. It is. By the way, guys, we we're gonna have more content on this because we have a few people coming into the show
Starting point is 00:35:10 but um if you guys want some deep dives um leo and longevity is quite literally the penis enhancement master he's got he's got amazing he really is that's his he's the master of penis enlargement this is a good one and sema pointed this one out from i'll just say young uh dry rub and watch the magic happen you might get a few battle scars but worth it whoa god building up some calluses oh god you gotta be careful down there yeah i really do you really do people just literally like just digging the uh just the content on just talking about shit that you know no other quote fitness podcast will talk about but hey that shit is really working like i thought it'd be bbs but i have noticed the blood flow to my my dick it went from bbs to BBC. Have you noticed Have you noticed
Starting point is 00:36:08 improved sensitivity? Even just you're not really thinking about it, but you're like, because again, when you're a kid, those sensations are kind of there a lot.
Starting point is 00:36:24 And you're like, like wow i just jerked off like fucking hey man i gotta go do it again do you feel a little bit of that you have like a little extra sensation than normal yeah and there's that because there is more blood flow like like i'm healthy so there was like there wasn't like a big issue there but again it when you pump with like again the first time if you guys if you guys ever do did do we have a link for that shit yeah it's linked in the other video i can link it here all right what's the website for the pump sure it's a it's a long one but is it the la pump thing no joe caplan dr joe joe and then we do we do have an actual like direct link for the stuff that we have.
Starting point is 00:37:06 Yeah. But when you stick your dick in that glass cylinder for the first time and you start pumping away and you engorge your dick with that. It starts to look angry. It starts to look really angry because it's over. It's like you're putting more blood in it than usually goes into it. So it gets substantially. Kind of like a superhero. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:27 Like, you know, like a superhero goes from like a little dorky guy. It's like the Captain America. He's like in the tube like this. Oh, my God. That's like the dick. It's like, hello. His voice is all deep and shit. I'm putting a Captain America shield on my pump.
Starting point is 00:37:45 That is it. We're doing it. That's what's going to happen. But normally your dick's like, hello, everybody. Oh, gosh. That's just real. Yeah, it definitely does raise sensitivity. Here we go.
Starting point is 00:38:03 I was doing it, and Stephanie walkshanie walks in and i'm just like okay there we go i'm just like hey you ready for it to be like this all the time and then she's like it's already that big and i'm like quickly press the button to get rid of everything like let's come over here and that's just it tackler boom yeah you're not supposed to do that but you're not supposed to yeah no fuck it was worth it yeah well yeah it can't be it can't be dangerous no it wasn't dangerous but i did notice that i was like wow i can feel everything this is awesome but do something else first it's funny though guys if you don't know what andrew just mentioned in the pump there's this like because you're pumping so there's this button you can press to let all the air out.
Starting point is 00:38:49 So, that's funny. It's like the thing that you pull on the treadmill, like, when disaster is about to happen, right? Yeah. Yeah. You can hit this, like, release button. Yeah, because some inferior pumps don't have that, and dudes can get jacked up because once you pump all the, well, get all the there's only one way to do it and that's just to try to like get some air in but like if if you go too hard like you're gonna really hurt yourself for people that haven't heard us talk about the penis pump for people that haven't heard leo for people that haven't seen any of this stuff
Starting point is 00:39:17 these things can be really effective yeah and it's not just about you know trying to grow your dick bigger but it's trying to get better sensation back and trying to maybe get back to the way you felt when you were younger for some people yeah but we do know like yo we talk about nutrition and sleep and all that on this podcast all the time but one of the biggest things that's gonna help your dick out is getting in better shape getting in better cardiovascular shape and just getting in better shape in general because hey this is real. If you've got some extra body fat in certain places, you might have a little bit of body fat down here,
Starting point is 00:39:51 which might be hiding some of your dick. Oh, yeah. Real talk. Making your inner penis bigger. Yeah. Best comment for sure, though, from Emmanuel. It's morphin' time. Ah, nice.
Starting point is 00:40:05 I like that. That's good. I like that a lot. Yeah. I like that a lot. Trying to find some more. I maybe switched to a different video, but I'll go back to the other penis video. Lots of penis talk, though.
Starting point is 00:40:17 Amen. People are into it. I'm into it. It's helpful. It's very helpful. You know? I think if people are being real, I think everybody's had issues before. Sometimes it might be from drinking.
Starting point is 00:40:28 Sometimes it might be from training. Sometimes it might be from not eating any fat. We've talked about that before. We just mentioned how it would be helpful to get in better shape, but you might even want to be cautious with that because you can take that too far. If you're not eating enough calories, your body's not going to be like, hey, we should be reproducing. Yeah yeah my dick didn't work in 2015 because that fucking contest prep and it probably took a long time to recover even from it wasn't like you it
Starting point is 00:40:54 probably wasn't like you ate a cheeseburger afterwards and you were good no it took it took like a because i needed to put some body fat back on since i was so lean but once i started being able to eat fat again that's why i I'm like, I'm all about keep the fats in the diet. Don't go too low fat. But because once I got the fats in by week two, I was back in the game. But it did take me. I think sometimes people don't hear, you know, like some of the stuff we're saying, like
Starting point is 00:41:16 how long did it take you? Well, to feel normal, at least as in getting my libido back, that shit took me like probably four or five months. That is a long, that is a long time. Because I was eating like 30 grams of fat for cool four, like cool five months, like 30 to 40 grams of fat. So that really like brought, I wish I got my test levels checked because that probably brought me down because my libido was non-existent. Right. The girl I was with at the time, I didn't, I was not caring about sex at all. I wish I got my test levels checked because that probably brought me down because my libido was non-existent. The girl I was with at the time, I was not caring about sex at all.
Starting point is 00:41:52 And caring about sex, that took a while to come back. It took, again, like I said, four months. But my dick actually working took me a few weeks because I just ate a lot of fat. Yeah. I had similar things happen with a bodybuilding show that I did too. And you know, it sucks cause you're like, the thing that I really like a lot is like right in front of me. This is what I, I love doing. This is like one of my fucking favorite things. It's my imperative. It's my human goal. Yeah. And, uh, man, it really just, it's a soul crusher. Um, kind of makes like a,
Starting point is 00:42:24 kind of makes it feel like not a man kind of like it can really, it can a soul crusher. Kind of makes it feel like not a man. Kind of like it can really mess with you. More so than it just being like a silly, funny thing. It can be really, really devastating. Some people have it go on for months and months. And so this might be a way. A penis pump might be a way. There's probably other
Starting point is 00:42:45 protocols that you can look into but definitely follow leo he's got a lot of information about it yeah i was watching the video because he came on the podcast he talked about the hanger which i haven't i haven't i haven't gone to use a hanger yet but he has a video going deep on bib hangers and pumps right bib hanger sounds hangers sounds like something wild, man. It's like that is work. Because people be fucking hanging. They hang for 40 minutes. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:11 Fuck, dude, that's a lot. Well, we're supposed to be pumping for like 40 minutes anyway. Eventually, yeah, it'll be that long too. But when is, is it Susan? Susan Bratton. Susan Bratton. When is she on the show? Let's double check. January 10th, I believe.
Starting point is 00:43:23 Oh, nice. I think so. Yeah. Nice. Yeah. January 10th, I believe. Oh, nice. Yeah, I think so. Yeah. Nice. Yeah, January 10th. Yeah, just hopefully, I mean, what I hope happens is that it just brings more awareness and, you know, people continue to learn more about themselves and learn more about what they like, what they don't like, and just how to like perform well, you know, in, in something
Starting point is 00:43:45 that they really enjoy. So I don't know why it's always been this like thing that's gotten to be so weird to talk about, but it is right. Like, you know, you're in school and I think what, around seventh, eighth grade, you have health class and the teacher says vagina and penis and like, yeah. And still, I mean, still this day, still this day like you know uh somebody says that and you're a little like what's coming next like where's this conversation going but hopefully continue to be more open so that people can continue to learn how to fix certain issues that they might have or um or even just how to have more fun out of like how to feel better yeah be great if she brings them.
Starting point is 00:44:27 I feel like she's probably going to bring a model in. As in like a model of a. That'd be great. Yeah. Because that'd be interesting. I don't know if she will, but I just feel like this is going to turn into like a sex ed podcast. A model would be helpful. Rather than using your actual own part. That would get a little strange.
Starting point is 00:44:41 That would be weird. Yeah. That's going to be a good episode. We definitely wouldn't be able to be live on YouTube if, you know. I don't know. Yeah, do you think YouTube would shut that live? They'd probably shut that live down. Yeah, no, absolutely.
Starting point is 00:44:52 Yeah, you can't show any kind of fun stuff. Yeah. Yeah. Good shit. All right. Want to take us on out of here, Andrew? Sure thing. Thank you, everybody, for checking out today's episode.
Starting point is 00:45:02 Everyone on the live feed, you guys are awesome. Thank you for everyone that liked it already. if you guys dug today's episode please like the video if you didn't catch us live uh and please follow the podcast at mark bells power project on instagram at mb power project on tiktok and twitter my instagram and twitter is at i am andrew z and sema where you at my dudes go pump your dicks and see my anyone on youtube on tiktok and twitter mark uh i want to invite everybody anybody that wants to go Go pump your dicks. At Nseema Inyo on Instagram, YouTube, at Nseema Yin Yang on TikTok and Twitter. Mark? I want to invite everybody, anybody that wants to go and run, walk with me, 5 a.m.
Starting point is 00:45:37 Behind Makuni in Davis, there is an arch of these, like, shovel things. I don't know who made it, but it's an interesting-looking piece of art. I'll be there at 5 a.m. with a bunch of people and we're going to do a run walk and anyone is welcome. You can bring your dog. You can bring your kids. You can invite a friend, invite a family member. Just trying to get some exercise
Starting point is 00:45:57 in before Christmas hits. What do we need to plug? We need to plug something. Vertical actually. Vertical meals. You guys need to check them out because they've been providing us with some amazing meals from Stan Efferding. And they have a lot of variety in terms of the stuff they give. Yeah. One of the ones I'm leaning into quite a bit is because I'm trying to keep the carbs down is I'm leaning into the bison monster mash. I think it's called like deluxe light or something like that.
Starting point is 00:46:24 And it has. Like no side. I think there's like like deluxe light or something like that. And it has. Like no side. I think there's like one that says no side. Right. Yeah. Well, this one has spinach and it also has peppers in it. And I think maybe Masterjohn, Chris Masterjohn. I think one of the other people that we had on more recently kind of talking keto.
Starting point is 00:46:42 people that we had on more recently kind of talking keto, they all were kind of mentioning, you know, getting some nutrients from vegetables and spinach and peppers. Peppers are like high in vitamin C and stuff like that. So there's, I mean, obviously there's fiber in vegetables. So that was my favorite and just check them out. And a lot of the food is really, really good. If you get like regular Monster monster mash that shit is fucking fantastic it's so good it's yeah it's really weird it's just monster mash but it they take it to a hnl a whole
Starting point is 00:47:10 new level oh another level that's yeah anyway i'll remember it how many people how many people have you seen at a powerlifting meet to have beef and rice tons yeah right you see that you see everywhere yeah stan like he completely came in and changed the game. Power lifters were, I mean, they still have like their M&Ms and shit like that with them out of powerlifting meet. But he changed the game. He helped a lot of lifters kind of focus in and hone in on better nutrition. Yeah. So head over to and check out InterPromoCode Power Project.
Starting point is 00:47:43 And you guys will receive a free shipping. And if you order like a good amount, so like 16 for maybe like a week or two, you guys are going to get two free additional meals and a free cooler from Stan Efferding. Again, vertical links to them down in the description as well as the podcast show notes.
Starting point is 00:48:00 Guys come meet me. I see like all the comments, people are like, I don't live in that state and this and that. And I see a lot of excuses, but I doubt that you're doing a whole lot at 5am, unless your kids are really little, they wake up super early, but come and run, walk with me. I'm, I have it specifically designed a special way that anyone can join in. So even though I'm saying walk, run, you're not going to get like left in the dust. So I got a, I got a special way to do it and I'd love to see
Starting point is 00:48:31 y'all there. I'm at Mark Smelly Bell. Strength is never a weakness. Weakness never strength. Catch y'all later. Bye.

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