Mark Bell's Power Project - MBPP EP. 647 - 2022 Guide For Your New Years Resolution

Episode Date: December 28, 2021

Today we're talking about how you can stick to your New Years Resolution by making it a game you can track on your calendar. Super cheap mouth tape mentioned on air: Special pe...rks for our listeners below! ➢Vertical Diet Meals: Use code POWERPROJECT for free shipping and two free meals + a Kooler Sport when you order 16 meals or more! ➢Vuori Performance Apparel: Visit to automatically save 20% off your first order! ➢Magic Spoon Cereal: Visit to automatically save $5 off a variety pack! ➢8 Sleep: Visit to automatically save $150 off the Pod Pro! ➢Marek Health: Use code POWERPROJECT10 for 10% off ALL LABS! Also check out the Power Project Panel: Use code POWERPROJECT for $101 off! ➢LMNT Electrolytes: ➢Piedmontese Beef: Use Code "POWERPROJECT" at checkout for 25% off your order plus FREE 2-Day Shipping on orders of $150 Subscribe to the Podcast on on Platforms! ➢ Subscribe to the Power Project Newsletter! ➢ Follow Mark Bell's Power Project Podcast ➢ Insta: ➢ ➢ Twitter: ➢ LinkedIn: ➢ YouTube: ➢TikTok: FOLLOW Mark Bell ➢ Instagram: ➢ Facebook: ➢ Twitter: ➢ Snapchat: marksmellybell ➢Mark Bell's Daily Workouts, Nutrition and More: Follow Nsima Inyang ➢ ➢YouTube: ➢Instagram: ➢TikTok: Follow Andrew Zaragoza on all platforms ➢ Time Stamps #PowerProject #Podcast #MarkBell

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Starting point is 00:00:00 yin-yang stuff. I like that. I mean, that's a good, just in general, I mean, there's good and bad, right? And then within some good, there's bad. And within some bad,
Starting point is 00:00:11 there's good, right? There's always, there's just kind of a lot of that. And we need to have somebody on here that knows a lot about, I guess you'd say like Chinese medicine. Because some of the stuff they share within Chinese medicine is pretty amazing.
Starting point is 00:00:27 And, you know, when you haven't never heard it before, it sounds like a bunch of hooey, you know. You're like, I don't know about that. That sounds crazy. But like some of the stuff they talk about, you know, if you have like pain in your knee or your elbow or they talk about there being too much fire in your body, which other people may say, like your body may be inflamed. You might have inflammation. But they just have different ways
Starting point is 00:00:52 of kind of describing stuff. And I guess if most of us are being like reasonable or rational and you can kind of say, yeah, like my life is pretty intense. And of course this hurts because I'm pushing myself on these exercises. But not only are you pushing yourself on, you know, in whatever endeavor it is that you're pursuing, but you're also kind of like white knuckling some other parts of your life without even sometimes even recognizing it. You know, you're pretty chill. I'm pretty chill.
Starting point is 00:01:20 But we're also after a lot, you know, So there's like a lot of our, on our mind. So we can kind of pretend that we're cool as a pickle as much as we want, but we're really not, we're really kind of on fire all the time. Yeah. No, you don't need the interesting thing is like, I dig the yin yang thing so much because it's like, there does have to be an opposite to that. But for example, as dudes, there's this idea that especially I guess within fitness and physical culture, there's all this like you got to go as hard as possible. You know, there's this idea of there's a stereotypical masculine and there's this idea of being as masculine as possible. And when you even think of that word, you have an archetype that comes to mind, like a hard dude. Hard.
Starting point is 00:02:12 No sleep. You know what I mean? Stay hard. Stay hard. Kind of Goggins-like. You know what I mean? But I think there is benefit. You know what? And I'm going to get flamed for this.
Starting point is 00:02:20 You know what? And I'm going to get flamed for this, but there's benefit of almost taking on some somewhat feminine ideals. Feminine, right? And it's not like being a little bit, not even being softer, but just being in tune with some of those things. That doesn't mean you're not masculine. That doesn't mean you don't go after your shit. That doesn't mean you don't go hard or work hard. you don't go after your shit. That doesn't mean you don't go hard or work hard. But that means that when it comes to, I don't know, things with dealing with other people, you know when you need to be less hard. You know when you need to soften up so you can communicate with people in a certain
Starting point is 00:02:55 way. Maybe it's with a child. Maybe it's with, exactly. Maybe it's with a child. You don't need to. Right? I talk to certain people in my life very differently i don't talk to them the way i talk to you or whatever you know i don't talk to women the same way i'll talk to the dudes i know and you know what i mean so there is a benefit in evening that shit out i agree but i do think that there's a mass like there's necessity to push more masculine thoughts out there and ideas because there does seem to be within a lot of media, a lot of things that want to somewhat soften men up too much. I feel like that's, that's a big thing.
Starting point is 00:03:36 That's yeah. That like that's being messaged a lot. And although that is good, you should, there's not, there's, there's nothing bad about being masculine in that sense of the word. Not physically either, I'm talking about the way you go about things. There's nothing wrong with that.
Starting point is 00:03:50 I think most people would agree too that they find it attractive for sometimes a male to have some feminine characteristics to them. And again, these are stereotypical things, so I'm not trying to get myself in trouble with any of this. And again, these are stereotypical things, so I'm not trying to get myself in trouble with any of this. And then also, I think men find it attractive a lot of times when women have some male attributes to them. Like maybe they're more assertive in a particular thing. And again, you know, everyone has their own taste
Starting point is 00:04:18 and their own flavor of the things that they like and enjoy and stuff like that. But I think it seems as automatically thinking of somebody putting on a strap on just taking it that's so good no bro no no i was laughing at what you said because dude nah seriously with the woman that I tend to date. Pegging, pegging. I was trying to think of it. What's it is? Ah, bro. No, I ain't trying to get pegged. Maybe.
Starting point is 00:04:49 No, I'm joking. It's a joke. Not on your birthday. On my birthday? Is it so wrong? We have stuff up there. Not trying, but if it happens. If it happens, if mysteriously it just goes up my butthole, what am I supposed to do
Starting point is 00:05:00 about it? Yeah, if it becomes a trend, I mean, you're just following along with everyone else doing always down to try something five times no i was gonna say like man i find to find myself like the woman that i tend to be attracted to and that i end up talking to are women that like they uh they're not submissive like they tend to they don't just kind of aggressive maybe, they tend to, they don't just. Kind of aggressive, maybe? Somewhat aggressive.
Starting point is 00:05:27 Proactive. Proactive. They don't agree with me on all, like, I really don't like it when I end up talking to someone who's kind of like a yes person. That really just makes me turn the other way. I really don't like it.
Starting point is 00:05:41 Jordan Peterson talks about that a lot, how a lot of men are not agreeable. Yeah. Right? And a lot of women might be a little bit more agreeable. That's true. You can kind of like see your side better or at least meet halfway. And a lot of men are like a little like kind of stubborn and kind of locked into some of their principles or beliefs. But this is the thing. It's not like I want a disagreeable woman. You want a conversation, probably. A conversation. This is why you and I are meant to be together.
Starting point is 00:06:10 Right. Because I can feel you. There we go. There we go. I mean, I don't know why. We're just fighting it. Oh, my gosh. We have a delivery.
Starting point is 00:06:22 That's really good. Holy shit. All right. Yeah, you can just deliver it. Oh, gosh. Here we have a delivery. That's really good. Holy shit. All right. Yeah, you can just deliver it. Oh, cool. Yeah, we would have not been able to do anything close to that. Thank you. But she also ruined John Cena.
Starting point is 00:06:38 I'll take that pen too. Thanks. Thank you, Callie. Thank you. Dude, how did she do that? Holy shit. That's wow. Wow. She ran out of squares and had to start at the top.
Starting point is 00:06:50 A man could never do this. No, I just would have been like, sorry guys, you don't have 31. Yeah. That's not even what I was thinking of. Whenever you're planning this. There's some severe differences between men and women. It's quite obvious. There are, and that is a good thing.
Starting point is 00:07:03 We should embrace our differences. We would have messed this up. As simple as this is, we would have messed it up. Yeah. What is it, though? It's quite obvious. There are, and that is a good thing. We should embrace our differences. We would have messed this up. As simple as this is, we would have messed it up. Yeah. What is it, though? It's a calendar. So this is January's, and in January we've got 31 days. So for those that are just listening to the audio,
Starting point is 00:07:17 we just have, I guess, a board that looks like a calendar. It looks like 31 days. And I'm just going to show you something that you can do in the coming year. Because I know people have goals. And I know it's always like there's one side that's always like, you should always have goals and you should always be fired up to do them and shouldn't wait until the new year to set these things into place. But I think it kind of is good to kind of view the new year as a
Starting point is 00:07:48 little bit of a fresh start. Maybe there's some habits that you want to kick that weren't great in the previous year. And maybe if it's not even like a bad habit, good habit thing, maybe there's just new things that you want to get into and explore and do more of. So anyway, from a fitness perspective, we're going to kind of lay out some groundwork on some things that you can do. I'm going to leave the calendar out of the way just for a little bit and we'll utilize that as a demonstration kind of later on. But yeah, we're just going to get in some conversation on maybe five, maybe 10 things that you can do on a daily basis to kind of help improve yourself from a fitness standpoint,
Starting point is 00:08:26 from a mindfulness standpoint, and just how you can kind of work on feeling a little bit better every day. Absolutely. One really crazy thing is, you know, people, when they start the new year and every new year's resolutions are a good thing because maybe you had resolutions in the last year, some things you followed through with some things you fell off of. But there's this thing where some people are like, oh, yeah, there's no reason to start a resolution or whatever. But, yeah, you should.
Starting point is 00:08:53 You should see what you can improve upon on this year. But there's a lot of reasons why people end up quitting in terms of their New Year's resolutions too soon. Sometimes it's because they go too hard too fast and then they burn out. But I think what we're going to be able to outline here is a way to organize things so that you don't end up quitting 15 days into whatever type of resolutions you've been trying to start. I think being specific about what it is that you would like to do I think is really important. You'll hear sometimes people say, how are you supposed to hit a target that you don't have? I've heard it explained some other ways. This one guy who's a speaker,
Starting point is 00:09:35 he was talking about the greatest archer in the history of the world and talking about how amazing this guy is, how he could hit these targets like crazy. And he's like, we could take anybody, and that guy can be beaten really easy all we have to do is blindfold him you know and turn him around not and now he has no direction no sense of direction i mean spin him around a couple times got no sense of direction and he can't see so he can't see a target that you can't hit and how you're supposed to even have direction to take steps in the right way uh without having some sort of target.
Starting point is 00:10:07 So, you know, I don't think you have to be like insanely organized and I don't think you have to be super, like, don't get yourself all concerned or worried if you're not the kind of person that likes to write things down or you don't journal currently. Don't make it into a thing that's going to be an extra hurdle to where you never write anything down. But maybe get yourself to a point where you're like, I just want to write down, I'm just going to go write down three things that I'd like to do in the new year. And then I'm going to write down maybe three things that can help get me there. That seems pretty simple. Sounds reasonable. Maybe you don't like to write and maybe you just want to put it into your phone. Maybe you don't want to even put it into your notes in your phone because maybe that's just something you don't want to do.
Starting point is 00:10:48 Maybe you can just record it on your voice memo in your phone. Like there's got to be some sort of way. And I would say that like if you feel so deterred from doing any of that, then it might just be that much more difficult for you to ever reach a goal that you really don't have. You just said something. I sent Andrew this video. Okay, I just sent him to right now and I want to see if he can pull up. But what you just mentioned right there,
Starting point is 00:11:10 I saw this video yesterday and this guy on TikTok, his name is Josh Terry. And Josh is extremely skilled at taking these concepts that we all think about, but voicing them in a very just like, holy shit, that makes so much sense. Andrew, do you think you're going to be able to pull up that video? I'm pulling it up right now, just getting the audio levels.
Starting point is 00:11:29 Check this out, Mark. All that fun stuff. You're going to like this. Josh just had Robert Greene, 48 Laws of Power on his podcast and all those books. So hopefully we'll be able to get him too. But this guy, his content's really fucking good. But listen to this. Let's see here.
Starting point is 00:11:45 Good vibes. This guy, his content's really fucking good, but listen to this. Let's see here. For every successful person on stage telling their story and inspiring everyone to go hard and never give up, there are hundreds if not thousands of people who took that advice and went hard and never gave up on the wrong thing and lived a life of misery. I believe the self-development world has massive survivorship bias. For every successful person on stage telling their story and inspiring everyone to go hard and never give up, there are hundreds if not thousands of people who took that advice and went hard and never gave up on the wrong thing and lived a life of misery and failure. Doing stuff is difficult, and you're stupid and untalented at most things. Yes, you can get better, and yes, you have to try really hard and sometimes be persistent, but there are many people who are more than willing to burn up like a comet and give up everything they are to achieve their dreams.
Starting point is 00:12:29 And it's so easy to take that advice of persistence, be willing to commit to it, work hard on something you're ill-equipped to do using the wrong strategy, and wake up 50 years later realizing you've done nothing but drain yourself of energy and inspiration. Sometimes you need to give up to make your dreams come true. I believe the self-development world. That was a good one, but that was actually the wrong one. Not talking about the thing that you just mentioned. I just sent the right one to Andrew, although this was cool. I just sent the right one to Andrew. Can you email it? Can I email it?
Starting point is 00:12:57 Yeah, it makes it so much easier. I'd like to elaborate on this. Because this is something we just talked about on Saturday's school thing, but basically, you know, having a,
Starting point is 00:13:07 having a skillset is going to be the thing that is going to be able to get you to where you get you to where you want to be. Like if you, you know, you're, you're diving in and trying to have all these hopes and dreams of doing something in particular that you feel is like your calling or something that you think you really want to do. Well, the only way to really get it done is to
Starting point is 00:13:30 have a skillset backing it because how are you ever supposed to really truly, you can say that you believe in yourself and you can say that you believe this stuff. You believe that you're going to lose weight, but if you don't ever have a skillset in developing some sort of understanding that while you're dieting, you're going to be hungry, and then you have to develop a skill set on what are you going to do? How are you going to cope with the stress of being hungry? Are you going to stress the same old way you always have? If you're going to deal with it the same way you always have, you're always going to be in the same spot. But if you try some intermittent fasting, you just understand in general that you're going to be in the same spot. But if you try some intermittent fasting, you just understand in general
Starting point is 00:14:06 that you're going to be hungry when you diet, whether you're doing a bodybuilding diet, a keto diet, it doesn't matter the diet of choice that you chose, you're going to be hungry. You'll also know when you're heavy that you're still going through some bouts of hunger throughout the day. So rather than thinking that you're going to be
Starting point is 00:14:23 in this constant, that you have to always address hunger with the coping mechanism of eating food or drinking alcohol or feeling overly stressed, it's much easier just to buddy up with hunger and have that be a skill set that you can walk around hungry and be unmoved by it. Absolutely. And the big aspect of that is the adaptation aspect of things. For example, as mentioned in that video, if you keep doing the same thing and you keep trying and you go over and over, it might not end up being successful for you if you don't add new things to the mix. It's kind of like the bodybuilder who wants to be a pro bodybuilder, right? And they're just going, going, going, going. But there are certain things that they just don't have, and they just crash and burn. The same thing with the dieting. We picked up fasting, and that was one thing that helped us to change everything we've been doing and benefit from becoming friends with hunger. But if we just kept going with our same dieting protocols and never adapted or adjusted by adding in fasting, you'd still be doing the same things you were doing before, and it would be a little bit harder for you.
Starting point is 00:15:24 I would still be eating multiple meals a day, and it would be a little bit harder than me. I probably wouldn't be as lean as I am now. But we kept trying new things, adapting those things into what we're doing, and that brought us to where we are now. So you've got to add some shit in. You've got to try some things, see how they work. And as far as fasting, if you guys haven't listened to that Thomas DeLauer episode we had, you need to go listen to it now. I got that other video already. If you want above average results, you don't get to do average things. If you want to be able to concentrate all day long on difficult tasks, you don't get to think meditation is for weirdos because now you're a weirdo. And meditation is a
Starting point is 00:15:59 tool for weirdos that want to concentrate. If you don't want to look like everybody else, you don't get to eat like everybody else. If you want to wake up in the morning and kill it at what you're doing, you don't get to stay up every night binging Netflix. Yes, normal people do it all the time, but normal people wake up tired and sluggish or wired and ineffective. A lot of folks that want above average results feel resentment because they see their friends doing unhealthy things they'd like to do and their friends seem fine. But life is unfair and unhealthy things affect us all differently. And it's likely that your friends aren't trying to get the same above average results, or you can't see the price they pay for their unhealthy behaviors. The unhealthy activities
Starting point is 00:16:36 you enjoy that you give up are sacrifices. Letting go of normal things that aren't good for you is the price of excellence. That's dope. Yeah, dude. I think there's a couple things in there that are like, one thing where I maybe disagreed with some of that is I would just not really have my concern wrapped up in being judgmental towards the way that somebody else feels and the way that somebody else lives their life.
Starting point is 00:17:04 You might know a friend that consistently talks about this thing that they want to do and they may never do it. But we don't truthfully know how they feel. They might feel pretty good. They might have a pretty damn good life, but they just, they never took that risk to open up that coffee shop that they always wanted to do or something like that. And so I think it's easy for us,
Starting point is 00:17:26 especially people that feel like we're, you feel like you're achieving a lot. And it's easy for us to kind of pass it off on other people and say, man, they must be like, they must really have a hard time. They must really struggle with life. But meanwhile, even those that achieve a lot,
Starting point is 00:17:44 very rarely have enough of what it is that they want. And so I think on both sides, there's suffering going on on both sides, but I do agree with a lot of what you said there. And I get what you're saying there. Like, it's not, it wouldn't be, you shouldn't be judgmental towards people who, let's say that, you know, let's say that there is a lot of things that they're trying to work on, but they're just, they don't have the right habits for it, right? You shouldn't be judgmental. But if you find yourself in this, if you're like, you're trying to make some changes this new year, you're trying to get in better shape,
Starting point is 00:18:13 you're trying to work on a bunch of things that you weren't able to work on this year. And it ain't working. And it ain't working. But also, let's say that some of the people closest to you, they don't have good habits as far as those things are concerned. This is where this really does come into play because I know so many people who the people that they're around don't reflect the place that they want to be, right? The people that they're around aren't doing things like the people that they want to be like, right? So you might have to drop some of those habits. And when you're trying to drop some of those habits, when you're trying not to drink every week and when you're trying not to party every week and when you're trying not to stay up late with your partner watching shows like you guys used to, it might feel like a big sacrifice because that is where you used to be.
Starting point is 00:19:06 to do those habits, even though you miss it, it's super fun, et cetera, continue to do those things and it's probably not going to allow you to get the results you're looking for. So you're going to have to sacrifice right now to get to that spot. It's just something you have to do. It doesn't mean you drop those people, but there's going to be less time spent doing those things and there's probably going to be less time spent with those people. And that is quite literally the price you have to pay to get to that spot that you want to be at. Instant gratification isn't really that hard to abstain from until it's waved around in your face kind of like over and over again. And then you're around other people that are engaging in instant gratification. And then you just really feel like you're really missing out, you know? And it's like,
Starting point is 00:19:46 again, as much as you don't want to be judgmental, you kind of can't, you almost feel like you can't help, but almost feel like that you're being a better person or doing something better than what they're doing because they're drinking and you're waking up in the morning and running. You know, it's a weird place to get to, but ultimately you'll have to push off instant gratification. Like I think that pushing off instant gratification is a really awesome way for people to be really, really happy because if you can make something of yourself,
Starting point is 00:20:21 and I don't mean make something of yourself in the eyes of everyone else. I just mean for yourself. You feel a little bit stronger because you've been exercising. You feel a little bit healthier because you've been making better food choices. Maybe you lost a little bit of weight. Well, now you feel a little bit more confident in yourself. You feel a little bit better about yourself. But it's hard to have any of those types of feelings.
Starting point is 00:20:41 feel a little bit better about yourself. But it's hard to have any of those types of feelings. They can't really even be authentic because they're not coming from deep down within you. They're not coming from like your gut because you haven't really taken the steps yet to do the things that you've been talking about for so long and you know that. And so when you say things,
Starting point is 00:21:03 they're not as powerful or as strong as they would be had you developed and turned into the person that you want. Listen into someone like a David Goggins who is shouting. He's so like misunderstood sometimes to the point where I've been turned off by his stuff. I think you've been, I think anyone who's ever listened. You helped me get turned down by his stuff. I think you've been, I think anyone who's ever listened. You helped me get turned down by his stuff. Yeah, yeah, right? It's because he's just in a different place
Starting point is 00:21:31 and it's a different moment in his life. And he, for him personally, it appears that he had to kill, like literally kill all those old feelings, all those old thoughts. And they're still there because he'll say, I wake up and I'm looking at my shoes for 30 minutes before I go on my run. He kind of still will dread it
Starting point is 00:21:52 and he'll still have to kind of talk himself into it. And it's going to, the process of all that is going to be different for every single person. But trust me, without even ever meeting David Goggins in person, I know that that's coming from an authentic spot because he's put himself through some stuff that has allowed him to feel super confident in himself.
Starting point is 00:22:15 And you don't have to kill yourself to that level, probably, just to feel better about yourself, but you do have to push yourself a little bit further and to be a little bit more uncomfortable than you used to be. I want to address something that you mentioned, man, the FOMO aspect of things, the fear of missing out. When you said that, that gave me flashbacks to somebody I knew. And every time that they would try it, and I know a few other people like this, every time they would try and have an intention of doing something for themselves or working on their health, working on their fitness, working on the other things, they would try it for a little bit, but then
Starting point is 00:22:50 they would see Instagram stories of what their friends were doing. And that fear of missing out had them dive right back into the bad habits. It was like clockwork. A week good, weekend right back. Been bad for a few weeks, right? Week good, and right back. Been bad for a few weeks, right? Weak good, then right back. Because of that FOMO, because they're being dragged back into those bad habits. And it's like, it's what you pay attention to.
Starting point is 00:23:15 You know what I mean? Like, for example, David Coggins, right? All of my feeds on all of my social media is literally filled with stuff like that, right? Like with all that type of, that's what's constantly coming in. So when I see something, it's like, I don't, I don't have FOMO of any, like, I guess I've been in this for so long anyway, in terms of this lifestyle that that's far gone, but it doesn't even have a chance to permeate my existence because I don't allow it to. That's why a lot of this stuff is easier. And I'd assume it's the same for you.
Starting point is 00:23:47 You know a lot of people. You have a lot of friends. But with the stuff that's continuing to come into you through your feeds, through everything, and you too, Andrew, both you guys probably aren't getting this input that's making you miss out on anything that old friends were doing or anything that would drag you back into bad habits because you've insulated yourself. Yeah, it was helpful for me, first of all, to not have Instagram on my phone. I'll still pop it on here and there, but I find myself that I can still get sucked in
Starting point is 00:24:16 just like anybody else and still have too much junk that I'm consuming. It's like junk thoughts rather than junk food. And it's called the feed for a reason. Once you eat something, it becomes kind of part of you. Once you see something, you can't really unsee it no matter what you do. It might not be anything negative, but you may have interpreted it as something negative or you may have interpreted it as something you're missing out on. Most of the stuff that I have FOMO about, I would say would be more positive stuff.
Starting point is 00:24:49 Like I do see David Goggins running. I'm like, fuck, man. I got to go do my shit today too. Or I might be like, I didn't quite get it the way I needed to get it today. Like I better bring it tomorrow and just have a stronger workout. So it's a lot of stuff like that. Even seeing Josh Setledge every morning. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:25:09 Getting after it, stretching, doing all these exercises, and just having a lot of friends that are Rob and Dana Lynn Bailey and Bart and Gio. And like with Bart, it's really he's got like the coolest Instagram ever because you're seeing a lot of great family interaction. Plus he's funny as hell. So he's having a lot of fun. Then he's in the gym. Then he's like, you know, doing martial arts. I mean, that guy is an absolute beast. So most of the stuff I see is more like, oh shit, like I want to do that. Or sometimes it's just like, I wish I was kicking it with that person for today yeah I was wondering if you're going to say anything
Starting point is 00:25:45 about a private jet but nah nothing like formal I wish I had a jet oh yeah no sometimes I mean I just mentioned on the last show it's funny that you brought it up because uh no I do see like that because I have friends that have like some crazy shit you know but I have learned
Starting point is 00:26:01 you know seeing like Grant Cardone or Andy Frisella or some of these people that have really, really cool things. I have learned that I can just acquire those things if I just set myself up for it, you know. Maybe, you know, and another thing is just part of knowing who you are is knowing who you're not. And that ain't me. I'm not them. They're not me. My life situation is different than theirs. And so there's kind of a lot of stuff. Like there's a lot of cool things. I always think of like Rob Bailey because I think like Rob Bailey is a rock star. Like that's fucking awesome. Like he actually,
Starting point is 00:26:43 he actually is a musician. And he actually, but he knows how to film. He knows how to do photos. He knows how to edit. He knows how to run a business. Like he just, it's wild the amount of shit that that guy knows how to do. He's a pilot. He has a helicopter.
Starting point is 00:26:59 I mean, it's just. Yeah, I know, right? So it's like, but Bart is the same way. Like Bart is a former Marine. And he's just a total savage, you know? So it's easy sometimes to look at what these people can do and how they're able to do it and to not only have FOMO, but to just flat out be kind of jealous of it. But also it's like, I don't want to be in the fucking Marine Corps. So fuck that.
Starting point is 00:27:24 I don't want any part of that. And I don't want to be in the fucking Marine Corps. So fuck that. I don't want any part of that. And I don't want the different problems that Rob Bailey may have. I don't want the different problems that Bart has. I'm comfortable with my own situation and my own problems that I got going on. And so while it is enticing sometimes to see those things, I'm like, those don't fall in line with some of my current goals and some of the things I'm working on. But even when you use the term jealousy, like for example, Marine Corps, yeah, I'm cool without that.
Starting point is 00:27:50 I'm great without that. But there is a positive form of jealousy when it does come to your feed. A lot of people, when they think about jealousy, they think about seeing something somebody else has or some achievement, being jealous of it and it's a negative thing like, fuck them, they only got this because of this. But there's a positive aspect of jealousy when you see something that somebody's doing or you see something that they've been able to achieve and you're just like,
Starting point is 00:28:16 oh shit, that's dope, fuck. How do I do that? Then you start trying to figure out how the fuck they got there and what they're doing and, oh okay, I can do that or I can use that or I can use an aspect of that right um so it's like you can use you know that again but you see that's the way your feed's set up your feed's set up with all these really dope really successful individuals um and that's what you're seeing even though you're super successful yourself but you're seeing all that and you're probably your brain's probably like oh
Starting point is 00:28:44 well if you wanted that this is how you do if you wanted that, this is how you do it. If you wanted this, this is how you do it. It's not like, oh, fuck them. And I wish I was nothing like that. It makes me, it makes me ask more questions rather than make a statement. You know, if you make a statement, it shuts your mind off. If you ask a question, it opens your mind up to some possibilities. So rather than saying, question it opens your mind up to some possibilities so rather than saying uh you know that you saw somebody with a plane and or a private jet and you're like oh man that guy only has a private jet because he blew up on youtube or something right and and he did it because he's in a different thing and i'm in powerlifting and no one cares about it i can be mad about it that way yeah
Starting point is 00:29:21 but a better thing is to think about, you know, holy shit, like the fucking guy has a private jet. Like that must be really cool experience. I wonder how that kind of works. And I wonder like even what a private jet costs. Maybe it doesn't cost nearly as much as I think. Maybe it costs way more than I think. Like maybe I should look it up. And that's when you can like Google stuff and YouTube stuff and you can figure these things out. There's, there's so many people that have reached some of those levels of success that, yeah, I guess it's fair to say that maybe you'll never reach that. Or maybe I may never reach some of that, but I could still strive for it. I could still learn about it and I could still be in a better spot tomorrow than I am in currently. When it came to like FOMO and all that stuff, I just had to ask
Starting point is 00:30:07 myself if I even really gave a shit. Cause when you were saying like with like, I don't want to be in like a Marine, like fuck that. Like that's really hard. That's really not as worth it. For me, I remember when I started working out and I started, you know, going to bed early, waking up early. I had seen that a buddy of mine I went to high school with that I still kept in touch with was on a – they went on a bachelor party trip or whatever, and I wasn't invited. And I remember I was like, oh, that's fucked up.
Starting point is 00:30:35 How come I didn't get invited? And then I'm like, would I even go? I'm like, no, I wouldn't go. Why am I even upset? I'm like, that's stupid. So that was like a big turning point for me. It clicked in my head yeah because i was like yeah no my i'd rather go to the gym and not feel like shit tomorrow like that's definitely more important for me bro that reminds me uh my birthday is september 7th and my homie eric has the birthday his birthday september 8th
Starting point is 00:31:00 or 9th i'm sorry homie i'm not. So it doesn't even fucking matter. You're not listening. We're not in his feed. But so the group, they wanted to, they did take a trip to Florida, right? And they're like, we were going to do all that. But I was like, ah, yeah, I think I'm too tired. I was just like, I don't know. I'm too tired. Because they went to Florida. They got some jet skis.
Starting point is 00:31:24 They did some shit. And they went to some clubs or whatever. And I was just like, you know what? I'm going to just stay home because that's just too tiring for me. Even though I know they had a lot of fun, which is cool, I knew that if I was there more so, I'd be like, damn, I wish I was at home working out, going to sleep, reading some shit. You know what I mean? And that's just the difference of where I am currently.
Starting point is 00:31:45 But it was still cool that they went and they did that. I just wasn't missing out on that. You know what I mean? And that's just, that's the difference of where I am currently. But it was still cool that they went and they did that. I just wasn't missing out on that. You know what I mean? So I get what you mean. Yeah, I think it's hard when you see people doing all these different things. But our main point in bringing it up is just the fact that don't allow some of this stuff to deter you from what it is that you're trying to do. And I think we forget how powerful it is to like not do certain things, like not act on certain things. While it is really strong and
Starting point is 00:32:12 powerful to do, to exercise and to take action and to do stuff, I would actually say that I think people can be really, really healthy and live really, really long lives, more so by the things that they choose not to do rather than the things that they choose to do. I mean, it could be argued, but if you just have a life where you don't overeat and you have a life where you don't drink and you have a life where you don't smoke, the likelihood of you getting a lot of the diseases that a lot of people die from is drastically decreased. Now, of course, it would be great if you added in exercise and stuff. But a lot of people that live into like their hundreds, at least right now, I don't really hear, I'm sure maybe some of them have like walk or something,
Starting point is 00:33:03 but a lot of times when you see this on TV and you hear these people that live into their hundreds, they don't exercise at all, but it's more of the stuff that they pushed off. They pushed off those late nights. They, uh, had a life that maybe wasn't crazy stressful. Um, and so it's just, it's an interesting thing, but do not allow what somebody else is doing to throw you off your path. Hopefully it just encourages you like, holy shit, that guy's got huge shoulders or holy shit, that person has, you know, I'd like to have arms like that. That would be cool. Well, hopefully it just
Starting point is 00:33:36 encouraged you to work harder rather than push you back the other way. Like why? Because you know that maybe your arms can't look as good as that person, but you also know for a fact that your arms could look better than they currently are, regardless of how good your arms look now. You know you can make improvement. Yeah, and one big thing to think about too here is understand, because we're going to help you guys figure out how can you plan this. Because with the New Year's, you can't just say you want to do things. You need to set up a plan. You need to have some structure so you make sure it actually gets done. Because if you don't, you're going to end up talking yourself out of doing it on day six.
Starting point is 00:34:17 Okay? But the one thing I was going to say was, like, whenever I start anything new, like when I started jujitsu, I knew in the back of my head that if I do this for long enough, it's going to become habitual and it's not going to be nearly as hard a few years down the road. It's going to be like breathing because working out for me is like brushing my teeth. It's not like it's because I've been doing it for so long. It's become a habit. Fasting, it's like brushing my teeth. All these diet practices because we've been doing it for so long, it's easy. So you got to realize, like with the things that we're going to be talking about, understand that if you do it for long enough, you're not going to stress about it.
Starting point is 00:34:51 You're not going to have to think about it. You just need to put in the time and make sure that you have a plan, you have some structure, and you do it continuously so that a few months down the road, you're barely even thinking about it. And now you can start focusing on other things you want to start crushing. You start to change the way that you talk about stuff too. You know, when you are thinking, like you just know that at some point in the day that you're going to work out. You know, our schedules are probably different
Starting point is 00:35:16 than a lot of other people's, but the dialogue that goes on in my head, if I was to miss a day or two of lifting, which is like I work out as much as I can really, but if I was to miss a day or two of lifting, which is like I work out as much as I can really. But if I was to miss a day or two, what would pop in my head is I have to go to the gym. Now I'm not thinking I have to as like an annoyance or anything that's like stressful. I'm just thinking like, I kind of have to, cause I need it. Cause I know it's going to make me feel really good. Like I got to go, you know?
Starting point is 00:35:46 And so even this morning and like, and yesterday as well, as soon as I found out the roads were closed, we're trying to go to Tahoe and spend New Year's up that way. There's crazy amount of snow. There's like avalanches going on. It's like the biggest storm in 20 years or something like that. I mean, it's just, shit's crazy up there. So I'm like, well, I get to be home. I get to podcast and I get to go to the gym. And my son this morning, he's like, he's like, oh, you're going to the gym. And he came to the gym with me as well.
Starting point is 00:36:16 My wife came to the gym. We all, you know, we all got some, April got a workout in and rather than like, you know, moping around and worrying about the shit that we can't do, we're focused in on some really cool stuff that we can do. But when you make exercise a part of your life, it will change everything for you because at the very least every day, you're going to say, I need some sort of, forget about like lifting for a second and just think I need some sort of exercise of some kind every day. And it might be something as simple as just going on a walk. Yeah, it's that easy. That's what actually I got my mom, because she walks and my sister.
Starting point is 00:36:55 But there's been some stuff going on. So the easiest thing and the easiest entry point for them right now is just getting walking every day. And when it comes to setting up your New Year's resolutions, I was actually going to ask you, let's try to set up just like we had that sober October goals. For you guys, let's see if we can set up some potential New Year's resolution goals that will help you fall in line and build the habits necessary to get into better shape,
Starting point is 00:37:22 but also to start learning more and getting into some of the things you've been wanting to do. And I think there are some very easy entry points for all of that, that if you can make habitual, will build upon themselves. Yeah, this is something I think everyone will dig. This is from a long ass time ago.
Starting point is 00:37:39 Bill Phillips wrote a book called Body for Life and he had this kind of checkoff system that he did. and that's why we have this little calendar display over here. So what he would do is if you ate well for the day – Okay, good. John Cena didn't fall. If you ate – yeah, I was really worried about that. You just basically take a calendar, and you're just going to actually write on the calendar. And what Bill Phillips did is he would put an X through the calendar,
Starting point is 00:38:12 and one line would mean that he trained for the day. He lifted. Whoops, that's not writing, of course. Oh, no. Okay, I'm going to get you a good marker. All right. We're going to get a different marker. Well, while he does that, did you have any Piedmontese over Christmas?
Starting point is 00:38:27 Dude, I'm always eating that Piedmontese. You know what? I, so let's see. Yeah. Yesterday, my wife was cooking up some Piedmontese and it was a ribeye cap and she's cooking up like two of them.
Starting point is 00:38:40 I'm like, Oh my God, it's perfect. I'm hungry. She's like, no, that's for Daisy, our dog. Oh, what? And I was like, wait, what? I'm like, oh my God, it's perfect. I'm hungry. She's like, no, that's for Daisy, our dog.
Starting point is 00:38:45 Oh, what? And I was like, wait, what? I was like, why are you giving her like the best cut
Starting point is 00:38:50 and like, what the hell's going on here? And so I was like, no, no, no, like I'm eating those. And so we hooked Daisy up
Starting point is 00:38:57 with some of the New York strip, but I was just like, yeah, and I was like, that's still really good. No, I know. I was like,
Starting point is 00:39:03 dog is so picky. People in the audience are like, you're feeding your dog new york strips right actually i'm gonna start feeding my dog some of the ground beef that's a great idea oh it's oh daisy loves it ash will love it he'll go nuts yeah yeah it's funny we have a uh it's uh i believe a sirloin roast and you know i was like oh maybe i'll cook it for you know christmas or whatever because everyone's gonna be here and i'm like ah so we're gonna have tons of food like maybe i'll save that for just us on new year's and so that's what i'm going to do but yeah so i was a little stingy with it because it's it's too good all right let's get back to this calendar thing right after i can tell people where to get people oh yeah tell them head over
Starting point is 00:39:45 to that's at checkout enter promo code power project for 25 off your entire order and if your order is 150 or more you get free two-day shipping it's going to go right well in line with what we're talking about right about now go for it mark all right this is a way you can keep tight on your fitness and stay connected to it throughout all of January. Because I know you guys got some New Year's resolutions. You want to lose some pounds and you want to make some improvements, most likely. And so we're going to do an asterisk on every single day is the goal. But we're also aware that it would be really hard for you to do all three every single day. that it would be really hard for you to do all three every single day.
Starting point is 00:40:26 So one line would be a workout. You got a workout done, right? And then another line would be that you ate well for the day according to whatever plan you're following. I'll be doing the carnivore diet because it's January and it's World Carnivore Month. So you can join me on that if you'd like or follow whatever nutrition plan you're currently doing. So now we got an X going on that day, and then we need to get our steps in.
Starting point is 00:40:50 I would like for people to try to reach 10,000 steps, but I'm also aware for some people that is really, really far. So if you're new and you haven't tracked your steps before, maybe you go to 5,000 steps. But that's how we get an asterisk every day, and we can consider that three points, right? And maybe the next day, maybe you go to 5,000 steps, but that's how we get an asterisk every day. And we can consider that three points, right? And maybe the next day, maybe you got your food intact and maybe you got your walk because
Starting point is 00:41:11 lifting every day is not always the greatest thing and so on. And when we get down to, you know, uh, day 31, if you did all of them, if you made it through all of them and you got an asterisk on every single day, I think the math was 93, 93 points, uh, that you would end up getting for the entire month. But I would say that if, if you can rack up, uh, you know, 60, 70 points or something, that would be, that would be great because that would mean that you did at least one or two things every single day, uh, for the entire month. I have a question. Can let's, let's, okay.
Starting point is 00:41:46 So right now we have walk, walk every day. Okay. Have a workout. Was the workout and following, and then following your nutrition. That's three, right? Okay. We can get one more.
Starting point is 00:41:58 Let's get in because I think- We can make it more an official asterisk. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It looks like that tempered glass yeah where you're painting something on it
Starting point is 00:42:09 looks nice one thing that I know about quite a few people I know is that they don't some people because of work
Starting point is 00:42:16 etc they don't spend enough time like learning something outside that they've been wanting to yeah some mindfulness
Starting point is 00:42:22 of some sort so it doesn't need like start on 10 minutes a day of either reading a book you're interested in, not just a book you think you should read because it's been suggested, something you're interested in or listening to an audio book you're interested in
Starting point is 00:42:37 and just do it for at least 10 minutes. If you go more, perfect. But if you do 10 minutes, you can add that cross line because that gives you an element of development, mind self-development every single day. I would say we could also include like it could be write, read, or listen to something that's going to help further your education. So even if it's like journaling or something or you just made a note of like, shit, I want to get to that tomorrow because I want to learn more. Like I do that a lot. Sometimes I'll hear something in passing.
Starting point is 00:43:07 Somebody will mention something like that. For example, that person that we just brought up on TikTok. I'm going to text you later and be like, yo, who was that? Josh Terry. So little things like that, the little mindfulness things where now I can learn some more information from that guy.
Starting point is 00:43:21 That's going to help me. So I agree. We'll add another line I agree. We'll, we'll add another line in there. Yeah. I'll say that that horizontal line is just, we'll say 10 minutes of working on you, whatever that looks like. It'll turn into more guys.
Starting point is 00:43:33 Like once you start doing it, it'll be, Oh, this is cool. So it'll turn into more, but just give yourself that set the bar low. Okay. Because like,
Starting point is 00:43:40 what was that book? Atomic Habits. Atomic Habits. Set the bar low. Like just, just do 10 minutes. Youomic Habits. Set the bar low. Like just do 10 minutes. You can do that. You win. Yeah, James Clear talks about some really, really good stuff.
Starting point is 00:43:50 And I have told you guys we're going to get him on the show. So we need to work on that. Yeah. But he has some fantastic stuff all the way to the point where he has a story of a guy that would just actually drive himself to the gym. And he like day one, he didn't even go in. He just like, because some people, you know, I know it might sound silly for some people that have been exercising for a long time,
Starting point is 00:44:12 but a lot of people have anxiety over even just being in the gym. I know there's people that we're good friends with that we know really well that are scared to come into super training because of like whatever different reasons. But we're in there a lot. And so we're like, we don't get it. We're all, we're all friends. Like we don't care if somebody's, uh, lifting five pound dumbbells or if they're lifting the 50 pound dumbbells, it doesn't make any difference to us. We're just pumped that people are in there. So, you know, the habits that you, you start to, uh, lean towards any little thing that you do towards them is a good thing.
Starting point is 00:44:47 Another example he talks about in his book is, let's say that you're trying to get yourself in a habit of walking. Put your socks on, put your shoes on, and just literally walk a couple feet. And you can walk back in your house and be like, I did it for today. And you can put your hands up over your head and you can celebrate. The odds of you only taking a couple steps though is really low. I would imagine that at the very least, you would at least probably walk for just a few minutes. But look, you walk five minutes out and five minutes back, that's a 10 minute walk.
Starting point is 00:45:18 Absolutely. Yeah. Michelle and Barbara were just bringing up a solid point, which was sleep. So maybe we can figure out a way to work that in there or just say like, hey, like that's just an everyday thing. Yeah, we know we got to sleep. I don't want to make our tic-tac-toe board too crazy, but that's a great point that they brought up.
Starting point is 00:45:36 You're not going to get any of this done. You're not going to get any of this done without sleep. You know what? Okay, so the sleep should be a given. But now let's go into the aspects that we're going to make sleep a given. Because some people, they still maybe potentially drink too much before bed, which we know is going to affect your depth of sleep, right? You're going to wake up feeling groggy. If you don't go to bed on time, like let's say you stay up watching stuff too much, it could give you a little bit of insomnia since you're staring at a screen
Starting point is 00:46:05 so your sleep quality isn't good. Eating a large meal. Eating a large meal. Let's quickly just go over the things that is going to help your sleep quality from all the people that we've learned about
Starting point is 00:46:15 on the podcast because we've had some amazing people talk about sleep. We talked a little earlier about instant gratification and I want you to really understand how much of a trap your phone is to a lot of the instant gratification.
Starting point is 00:46:27 Like there used to be something magical about talking about certain time periods or talking about certain things and not having the information. And that's just like us three working it out, trying to figure it out. I was watching a show the other day and I was like, wait, was that the time of the Civil War? Or was that the time of this? And I was like, and we all got talking about it. And it was a lot of fun until somebody looked it up on Google. And then it's like, it kind of fucks it up. Anyway, my point is, get your phone the fuck out of your room. Like, I'm dead serious about it. I think people need to take it.
Starting point is 00:47:02 I know there's people like Liver King that people will watch on, on TV or Ben or on Instagram. And there's people like Ben Greenfield. Um, and there's some other folks out there touting these things and, and everyone thinks those people are crazy, but it can something, it has such a small thing to try to do, to work on that I think can really be transformative. Maybe, you know, during the day or something, you have your phone with you here and there, but like when you're going to bed at night, put your phone in a different room. That practice alone can be really helpful. So trying to put your phone away, just have a charger in another room, just keep it away. You don't need it. I know that you think you need it, but practice not having it and you'll recognize that you don't need it. I know that you think you need it, but practice not having it
Starting point is 00:47:45 and you'll recognize that you don't need it. Something I've done in the past, and this might just be, this is like an off topic thing, but if you put your phone away for like a whole day, you'll recognize that you don't really need it. Like nothing happened. When you get back to it,
Starting point is 00:48:02 like you didn't really miss much. The other thing that Nsema is talking about is just, you know, screens, you know, watching, you know, watching TV and different things like that. Like if you can have some sort of break between the time that you're watching some of these things and going to bed, if that's something that for some reason you cannot do, you can't even have 30 minutes between the two, maybe looking at getting those glasses, those red glasses to block out some of the lights from the TV.
Starting point is 00:48:34 And the big meal thing I think is a huge one. I don't think a protein shake or something like that is probably going to mess with your sleep too much. But just having your stomach really full before you go to sleep can really negatively impact your sleep. Yeah. And we don't want to put too many things on, but like, so we mentioned, you know, limit your screens before bed. Maybe you get some blue light blockers. I do notice that those help me feel a little bit sleepier. But another thing is the reason why you're doing a lot of these
Starting point is 00:49:02 things is to start to slow your mind down and build a habit of slowing your mind down so that when you get to bed, you're relaxed. If you're on Instagram or TikTok or YouTube or whatever, and you're taking something in right before you sleep, well, now your mind is going. Your mind is thinking. Can you figure out something that will help you chill out a little bit. Maybe it's reading something. Maybe it's listening to a nice book. Maybe it's talking with whoever you're with, with your partner or whatever.
Starting point is 00:49:30 Maybe it's having sex with your partner because that usually helps put you to sleep pretty well. But can you do something that's less stimulating? Reading is really hard. Like you fall asleep. Like you start reading like, you're like three sentences in, you didn't get anywhere and you're like,
Starting point is 00:49:43 oh my God, your eyes get all heavy. Yeah, man. Like, no, no, seriously. And it's like, yeah, you didn't get anywhere, and you're like, oh my God, your eyes get all heavy. Yeah, man, like, no, no, seriously. And it's like, yeah, you still want to read, but that's going to be something that starts slowing you down, and it's a practice that'll help you to be able to get ready to fall asleep. But if you're watching some super engaging Netflix show,
Starting point is 00:49:58 like The Witcher or something else, whatever it is, right, that's like, oh God, what happens in the next episode? First off, you're going to watch the next episode. But secondly, you're not going to be able to wind down well and actually get ready for bed and have quality sleep. It's going to make a difference. I got a really good one and a simple one, a shower.
Starting point is 00:50:16 Man, just get in the shower. That feels so good. Yeah. And you just feel super clean when you go to bed. It feels amazing. If someone takes a shower like earlier in the day or something like that or you normally take them in the morning because you like them to wake you up, that's all great.
Starting point is 00:50:32 But a lot of times a shower will be super soothing, so give that a shot. Or maybe a bath. Maybe a bath. And also, I mean, the mattress you sleep on is a big deal. So that's why we all have eight sleep mattresses here because the mattress is pretty good. I was telling people about this thing at the Christmas party.
Starting point is 00:50:49 Yeah. At our Christmas Eve party. And everyone was so like amazed by it. Yeah. And then I was like, well, let's go check it out. So I showed them,
Starting point is 00:50:59 and they're like touching it. And they're, and then like some people run cold some people run hot and they were like they all had these concerns and like every concern that they had i was able to just to like mitigate them all because they're like well this feels too cold and i'm like well feel the other side the other side feels warmer and they're like they're two different temperatures it was like we were shooting a commercial and And they were all amazed. They were like, wait, what's... They were so baffled.
Starting point is 00:51:28 I don't think they ever heard of it before. You could just see the letters, the text on the bottom of the screen. These are paid actors. Yeah. Everyone was super excited about it. It's amazing. It's it just seems silly. You know, when we talk about it and people have never
Starting point is 00:51:43 experienced it or never tried it out for themselves, it makes sense that people are like, oh, come on. What is this thing? What is this thing people are trying to sell me on? But holy shit. I mean, everyone does already know the temperature in your room is a critical, critical thing to you getting the proper sleep. So things are awesome. We love them. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:52:04 And you guys, you should definitely check that out. We've all been sleeping on the, well, Andrew and I have been on the mattresses and the cover. Mark has a really, really nice mattress. So he has the technology of the cover, and he just puts that on top of his mattress, which is why eight sleep is so dope. Because if you already have a mattress that you like at home, but you want to control the temperature like we're talking about, which is a big deal, you can just buy the Pod Pro cover
Starting point is 00:52:26 and put that over your current mattress. And you guys use it to track your sleep even, right? Yeah, there's the app. You can use it to track your sleep, change your temperature. It'll let you know if you had a bad, it'll let you know your heart rate when you were sleeping.
Starting point is 00:52:37 So you like, and it'll also, it's fucking, it's like a, that's why they call it the Tesla of beds because it will change, the temperature changes through the night depending on the way you sleep so it'll track your heart rate and all that and be okay well it should be at least at this temperature at 4 a.m and at this temperature
Starting point is 00:52:54 at 6 a.m as you're waking it's crazy that's awesome so yeah and my favorite thing like i keep saying is like the silent alarm basically so the bed starts vibrating around my head so it doesn't wake up my baby that's actually sleeping next to us so like that's it wakes me up but it doesn't wake anybody else up so that's freaking huge um and the awesome thing is you guys can get all of this technology for 150 off head over to eight slash power project that's eight spelled out so e-i-e-i-g- G H T slash power project. Uh, no code needed. You guys will see the banner across the top saying that you're going to receive $150 off the pod pro cover or the pod pro plus the mattress, uh, links to them down in the description, as well
Starting point is 00:53:37 as the podcast show notes. You know, for some people that want to start to wake up earlier and for some people that want to maybe go to sleep earlier, don't try to wake up early and don't try to go to bed early, but just do earlier, you know? So like if you normally wake up at like eight o'clock and you just think it's a good idea for you to start waking up a little earlier because you want more time during the day, just try 30 minutes. Try 30 minutes or an hour earlier. An hour earlier is like, it's a huge deal. So don't think that you need to wake up at five or wake up at four. Just try a little earlier.
Starting point is 00:54:14 And then same thing with going to bed. Like I think, like when you're kind of sitting there thinking like, should I watch more TV or should I go to bed? That's a great cue. The bed should be the preference because if you want to get all these things intact with your fitness and you want to make sure that you're on top of eating well,
Starting point is 00:54:33 you want to make sure that you're on top of sleep and make sure that you're getting your walks in and getting your lifts in and all these things, again, none of them are going to happen. Your motivation is going to be defeated every single day because you're going to be tired. And when you're tired, fatigue makes cowards of us all, and it's going to be that much harder.
Starting point is 00:54:52 It's going to just feel like you did everything that you normally do, but you did it with a 40-pound weight vest on all day. So in order to avoid that, get your sleep intact and make sure that you're paying attention to some of these things we're talking about here today. And one other thing I'm going to add to the sleep list is I just actually emailed it to you, Andrew. We have Patrick McEagle on the podcast. We have had a lot of people on the podcast that's talked about mouth tape.
Starting point is 00:55:17 James Nestor also talked about mouth tape. If you're someone who snores and you don't have sleep apnea but you snore in your sleep, I am a snorer, mouth tape is going to help you start breathing through your nose when you're asleep. Anecdotally, what I've noticed is as I use, whenever I use mouth tape before I go to bed, and I do my best to remember every night not to fall asleep too quick. But when I put that mouth tape on, I always wake up a little bit earlier and I always wake up feeling way more well-rested. Even my eight-sleep mattress tells me, are you well more well-rested tonight? Because your heart rate is lower when
Starting point is 00:55:49 you were asleep. That is the tape I use. I use 3M micropore tape and I put two strips so it doesn't like get stuck on my mustache. I don't do just one strip around the mouth. I do a strip right here and a strip right here above that tape. Doesn't come off, doesn't fly off my mouth when I'm in bed, but mouth tape will help you breathe through your nose when you're asleep and we know that you should be breathing through your nose you shouldn't be breathing through your mouth so you you will wake up better and you'll have more quality sleep if you put some damn mouth tape on your damn mouth you know it's freaking amazing so over christmas yeah um you know i i'll tell my dad certain things like no you can't eat the whole egg you should be eating steak and he's you know like no way he comes to me and he's just like hey so i've been reading a lot about
Starting point is 00:56:29 nasal breathing and i'm like what like where did you let's go i'm like where do you even get this like all he ever reads his reader's digest like still he's that old um and he's just like yeah there's so many benefits like and you're talking about like know, you don't need braces and all these other things. And I'm like, I've been learning this shit for the past, like four years. And I'm like, but I was just like, what? And then, so, you know, I didn't get a chance to tell him about mouth tape.
Starting point is 00:56:55 He would have thought that was really weird, but he was just like, yeah. So I just thought about it. So I've been breathing through my nose. When I go to sleep, I close my mouth and I wake up feeling a little bit more rested. I'm like like what the fuck like this is amazing like that's dope i know it's just it's but we're also ahead of the game because
Starting point is 00:57:11 we've been talking about this shit for four years now but what's cool so yeah this is a 12 pack of 10 10 yards each for only 10 but not even 10 bucks. Yeah. That's super cheap. Cheap. I'm not going to run out. I still have, I bought that like earlier this year and I haven't run out. I still have a few rolls left. So you guys don't need to spend a crazy amount of money
Starting point is 00:57:34 to use for some fucking tape. There's also this brand, Somnifix. They have it specifically for that, but I use micropore tape because it works. Yeah. It's simple.
Starting point is 00:57:43 You know, another simple thing you can do if you're having a hard time sleeping is breathe. You know, you can try some box breathing or try, you know, some type of breathing that will relax you. Maybe a little bit of meditation. Like maybe for yourself, maybe you feel stressed from the day and maybe you need to like, I know David Goggins is a big proponent. I think you're a proponent of as well. Some stretching before you go to bed. But it's like, if you think about
Starting point is 00:58:09 it, it's like, what does the stretching actually do? Well, maybe it gets you away from your phone for a little bit. Maybe while you're stretching, you're listening to some like kind of relaxing music. You're just in your own head. You get an opportunity to kind of think about the day, maybe think of some of the things that happened during the day that were cool, that you're grateful for. Maybe you think about tomorrow, some things that you're kind of excited about and stuff like that, but it gives you a nice break. But I noticed for myself, just breathing, just laying on my back and just doing some box breathing four seconds in with a little bit of a hold, four seconds on the way out. I find that if I do that like four or five times, I'm like almost already asleep. Like that's how good it can work for you.
Starting point is 00:58:52 So some of those things, and then also keeping the room really dark. So I usually, a lot of times I'll put, it's just so dark out right now, I don't need to do this, but a lot of times I just wear an eye mask. Dude, so I've been using my eye mask quite a few nights. I usually try not to forget. But what I do, since my head's bald and my room's pretty cold, I have a beanie I put on, I have a mouth tape, and I have my eye mask. Dude, that's super comfortable.
Starting point is 00:59:18 Yeah. I'm so out. You're just like dead. I'm KO'd. You know what I mean? And if you don't have those blackout, because I know you have blackout blinds right i do yeah i don't have blackout blinds your eye mask is a cheaper alternative and it's just you're out dude and people don't understand like the light it makes a huge difference like there's been studies that have been done where even the light
Starting point is 00:59:40 uh not even shining and not bothering like your eyes even if the light is like on your skin at all, it's not like it's going to keep you awake. It's not like you're going to be like, I can't sleep because there's some tiny bit of light hitting you. It all has a little bit of an impact. And so you want to try to mitigate that as much as possible. So you got the covers on, you got your eye mask on. You just, whatever you got to do to get the highest quality sleep,
Starting point is 01:00:06 you know, get it done. Yeah. You guys will wake up so much better. And then like, I think what were the names? Michelle and Barbara. Yeah. And that will get you ready for the day of shit that we're having you do. I think January, was it the 7th? Is that when we're having Sean Baker and Stan Efferty?
Starting point is 01:00:24 Oh, shut up. 8th? Yeah. Maybe. Let me double check. I think it's the 7th? Is that when we're having Sean Baker and Stan Efferty? Oh, shut up. 8th, maybe. Let me double check the calendar. The 8th sounds right. Yeah, 8th sounds about right. Yeah, World Carnivore Month is upon us once again. And every time it comes up, I'm like, how am I going to do it? How limited am I going to make it?
Starting point is 01:00:47 But this time around, I just decided I'm going to primarily eat meat, but I was going to keep a small amount of vegetables in there just because last time I went all meat, I ended up on the toilet pretty good. So I'm going to see if I can avoid that just with maybe a little bit of spinach or peppers or something like that. And luckily, I get to lean on those vertical meals because they have one in particular that has bison and red peppers and some spinach in it. So that'll be super convenient. But I think Sean Baker, he started this years and years ago
Starting point is 01:01:25 and people every year, some people join in, some people have some great results. So I just think it's a good way to get exposed to a particular diet, a good way to get, even if you just try it and you handle it for a couple of days in a row, I think it's a good way to just kind of learn how your body's reacting to a particular diet. Yeah. No, that's, I mean, I'm not going to really change the way I eat that much in January either because it is primarily protein and meat. But I'll go a little bit deeper on the less carbs.
Starting point is 01:01:57 I'll do that. Yeah. Because I'm fairly low carb as is, but I'll just go lower carb so I can be in it with everybody. Yeah. Have fun with that. There is, oh, Vertical Meals wants. Yeah. Have fun with that. There is, oh yeah,
Starting point is 01:02:05 Vertical Meals wants to help you out to get that actually. Oh yeah. So You guys got to head over there and the links will be down in the description below. As I remember our promo code, it's called Power Project. You guys will receive free shipping and if you order 16 meals or more, you get two additional meals for free and you get Stan's Cooler,
Starting point is 01:02:24 that pretty cool little thing that you can stack more Vertical Diet meals in there, including water two additional meals for free and you get Stan's Cooler, that pretty cool little thing that you can stack more Vertical Diet meals in there, including water and whatnot. But yeah, again, And like I said, promo code PowerProject for free shipping, links to them down in the description, as well as the podcast show notes. This is one thing I wanted to mention just because we have these things that you want to do, right? So we're going to be walking every day. We're going to be – walking is one of your asterisks or lines. Working out is one of your lines. Being on your nutrition is one of your lines.
Starting point is 01:02:54 And then the fourth line was – Writing, reading, learning. Working on yourself. Working on yourself. Yeah, yeah. It's like 10 minutes a day, writing, reading, whatever. Not to add another line in, but something that I think is going to help you guys to be able to stick with these things is having something that will allow you to write things out and then maybe reflect upon how you did. has been so helpful for me over the years because there's a lot of shit that goes on up here
Starting point is 01:03:24 and writing it out helps me a lot, not just with work, but with like emotional stuff, whatever, help writes it out. But I also am able to like, I write out all the tasks I have. By the end of the day,
Starting point is 01:03:36 I figure out, okay, was I able to get all this stuff done? This still needs to get done. I pass it on to the next day. That helps me out. There's some people that use apps for this. There's some people that use, I like using a hard thing, but figure out a system that
Starting point is 01:03:50 will allow you to declutter your mind, put things down and try to build that habit each day. Because I mean, some people work on rough, like hard schedules, et cetera. That helps, but you need to figure out a way to make a plan for yourself so that you make sure to get things done. If you keep everything up here, there've been times where a few days later I'm like, oh shit, I was supposed to get that done because I didn't write it down and get it out of my mind. I just forgot about it. That'll help you guys out a lot. I like what you're saying there because if you don't have peace peace of mind, like if you're not, if you're not like on task with some of the things that you need to do and you're forgetting stuff
Starting point is 01:04:27 and or let's just say you have some anxiety or you're super upset about a particular, if you write about these things, I know it again for some people like it sounds silly, but we need to get past that stuff. We need to get past, you know, us talking about a penis pump as being silly because it could be something that could really help people. And we say certain words or certain things, and people just aren't used to talking about it. So it can be uncomfortable,
Starting point is 01:04:57 but these are all things that can be really helpful. And if you're super upset about a particular situation, you write it out, you go back and read it like a day or two later and you might still feel kind of similar, but a week goes by, two weeks go by. What about when a couple of years have passed? Right. And then you're like, wow, that was ridiculous. I can't believe I thought about that person that way.
Starting point is 01:05:19 I can't believe that it upset me that much. Like that person's just not even, they're not even in my life anymore. My wife, when she was a kid, she had a diary and she wrote down one time in her diary. She wrote, today it's quite obvious that my mom cares about doing the laundry a lot more than she cares about me. Because she went to like ask her a question and she was like, I'm doing a laundry a lot more than she cares about me because she went to like ask her a question she was like i'm doing a laundry go away or something you know she's just like getting frustrated with it because she sherry had four four children and have them you know by themselves for a while because her husband unfortunately died um and so you know and i always tease andy
Starting point is 01:06:01 about that but it's like yeah in, in that moment, like that was devastating probably to be like, mom, Hey, look, Hey mom, Hey mom, you know, check this out. Or I got a question or whatever. It's like, kid, I can go away. Dude. So in SEMA, how, how do you keep track of these thoughts when you're not necessarily journaling, but you're writing down all the shit that's in your head. So we share
Starting point is 01:06:25 a room here at st and i'll walk in there and be like what the fuck tornado ran in here and it's like oh it's just in sema got it okay i'm talking shit a little bit but it's because we're still in the process of moving all our stuff in so no big deal but i will find some notes or something that i wrote down and be like oh fuck i gotta reach out to that guest but that was like two months ago and I'm like how the like I I will attempt it and then I will never look at that page again ever in my life and so how the like how do you keep track of the things that you're keeping track like you know I mean like I could write stuff down all day long but that doesn't mean I'm ever gonna get back to it yeah so keeping simple right now, because there's a little bit more I do, but if I'm, I write down shit every morning and then every evening. So every day I have like a bullet for like the tasks that I'm trying to do, the
Starting point is 01:07:14 tasks that I need to do today. I have another thing for the events that might be going on that day of their podcasts or whatever. And then there's another section that I have for my actual thoughts outside of all of that, meaning things that are going on with myself, emotions, blah, blah, blah, people, just thoughts, right? And that's how I organize that each day. So I'll have all my tasks set up. I'll have all my events set up and I'll have all my thoughts set up. At the end of the day, I'll figure out, okay, which tasks did I not finish? Do I, can I finish that? Okay, I'll move it on to the next day. When the month ends, I'll look at the tasks that haven't been done. Are they even worth it for me to fucking do this?
Starting point is 01:07:49 And if not, I'm just going to put that away for something. And if it's something I need to pass on to the next month or maybe I'm going to do that two months down the road, that's how that's going to be set up. But I've built a habit where now it's an everyday morning, evening thing. Whereas it wasn't that way for some time and it was a little bit harder but that's the thing it's like now it's breathing you know what i mean because initially it's very fucking frustrating to start doing that every day but when it becomes habit and it's just part of what you do executing on that becomes a lot easier. And then keeping track of your tasks and getting all this out of your head makes it very easy.
Starting point is 01:08:28 What about something like, okay, Monday today you have, we'll just say item one, couple other items, get to tomorrow, it's like, oh fuck, I got to do that item one again. Like I didn't get a chance to do it yesterday.
Starting point is 01:08:40 Yeah, you write it down to do it today. You just keep doing that until you get it done? Well, yeah. Cause like ideally I write down the task I'm trying to do that day. Right. And if I met, cause you don't always get all your tasks done.
Starting point is 01:08:51 You pass it on to the next day and you get it done. That's it. Roll over minutes. Yeah. Literally. Cause, cause you'll have all these things you got to do. Right.
Starting point is 01:08:59 But if you can't do them all that day, what are you supposed to do? Quit? Yeah. No. Do it the next day. I just, yeah.
Starting point is 01:09:04 Cause like I will look at some shit and be like, fuck, I still need to do that. And then, but do you look at it every single day? No, but my, that's the thing. My, I was, I'm, it's not like a thing to joke about, but like, I do feel like I've given myself ADD with like all the fucking different like things coming into my head at once. And like, I'm pretty good at remembering most of the important shit but like i will forget and then i'll like i said like fuck i gotta do that thing and like you know i don't want to write it down i'm just gonna go do it and then i don't i don't go do it or whatever
Starting point is 01:09:35 you know it's just hard for me to keep track of all these thoughts and then go back and look at what these thoughts were you just have to do it every little shit twice a day well because like okay not everyone has to do it twice a day but at the end of the day it'll give me an idea of what i was actually able to finish you know like what was i out of all these things that i did and i will cross out the stuff that i did what did i manage and what did i not do okay maybe i'll just do this tomorrow or if i know i'm not going to do it tomorrow i'm going to save it for another day but it is i not everyone but me, it is necessary because there's so many things from different aspects of like life and what I do that I kind of have to take a look at it just twice a
Starting point is 01:10:16 day to make sure it's actually getting done. Because if I don't, it's not going to get done. That's a big thing about a journal. It's like a lot of people don't ever really look back at them either. You know, it's a good good idea to look back maybe a few weeks. Maybe you had an idea, and maybe the idea was pretty cool, and you just, I don't know, life happened, and other things got in the way, and you just never had an opportunity to do any of that stuff. But when it comes to what we're talking about here today
Starting point is 01:10:42 and trying to mark off all these things on our calendar, usually a good sign, a good cue to get you to do the thing that you're supposed to do when you normally don't want to do it, which is the separator between people that are great at executing things and people that aren't. I mean, life is that simple. People are doing shit that they know that is in their best interest, but they're doing it when they normally don't want to do it. Like they have to, there's like a little bit of a push,
Starting point is 01:11:11 a little bit of a shove. And maybe, maybe it's not so much that they don't want to do it, but maybe it's more like they'd rather do something else. Cause all of us are a little bit lazy. Like I'd rather just sit on the couch, eat some peanut butter cups. Sounds, sounds like a blast. We. I'd rather just sit on the couch and eat some peanut butter cups. Sounds like a blast.
Starting point is 01:11:27 Sounds like a blast. We had the homemade peanut butter balls on Christmas. Oh, damn. Did you save any? I have some left over. You hear? Not one. I would have already presented them.
Starting point is 01:11:38 What the fuck are you doing then? Why are you even talking about this if you don't have any peanut butter cups? Because it's like... He's talking with us. I have solid bricks of gold in my fridge and i just like do i if i if i eat them all like it's not good it's not good for your diet bring it here but if i bring it here it's not you know not the best thing for my happiness because then i won't have them all but i know i want to bring them in because i can't have them in the house well aren't you trying to be shredded well i'm
Starting point is 01:12:04 trying to maintain about 188 right now. I'm having a hard time with that. Those peanut butter cups, they're not going to help you. Yeah, they are. The peanut butter cups aren't going to help you. They're going to make you gain fat. Okay. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:12:13 That's true. Bring them into the office. Let daddy have some fun. Those things are fucking amazing. They're so good. I don't even want to. Yeah, fuck it. I don't know why i thought of
Starting point is 01:12:25 about this um i was making i was making french toast and the way i make them like i put that i put all the eggs in a shaker cup with the protein and vanilla and everything and i shake it that way instead of you know whisking it because it's just i have a process i'm nervous i'm so nervous if i if i put the egg in whole it sometimes it gets clumped up where like you know protein powder goes on like the the top of the the shaker cup and it's like cement like oh yeah the fuck that happens if you break the egg yolk it happens a lot less because it's more liquefied i don't know why i thought of in seemma about this, but I actually, I had the yolk in half of the shell and I poked it with my finger and it felt so awkward.
Starting point is 01:13:09 And I was like, Nsema would probably get such a kick out of popping this yolks cherry. This is so weird. I gotta tell him. I forgot until right now. I don't know if you guys have ever done that. It's fucking weird. I'm going to try it.
Starting point is 01:13:26 You should do it. It's weird. Because you feel it resisting and all of a sudden it's just like. And it just oozes everywhere. It's just oozing everywhere. I love how you knew I'd love it because I do love it, man. I would fucking do that when I cook tonight. I do that every day.
Starting point is 01:13:44 I love doing that today. Yo. Oh, man. It's an experience. Everybody listening should try it. Anyway, I was about to say something useful. Sorry. Oh, let's go.
Starting point is 01:13:59 I forgot. I'm just kidding. Okay. So whenever the self-doubt pops in or whenever that thing pops in that gives you friction, that's a good sign, a good cue to go and do what you set out to do. I've mentioned this before. Like when you come off of work and you're heading home and you go to sit down and you go to like relax
Starting point is 01:14:19 and you're just like, ah. Before that hits, before you like actually sat down and like really chilled, you should probably go hit up your 10 minute walk. It's probably a good cue. Or you should maybe just think about like, all right, what's my dinner going to be? It's supposed to be something healthy. I'm supposed to stay on track with this. And the second that it comes in to where you're like, maybe I should just order pizza.
Starting point is 01:14:43 Like fight that shit. Fight it back. knock it back. And every time you knock it back, it's just you putting up more points on the scoreboard. The more that you do it, the more often that you do it, the better you're going to feel about yourself, the more confident you're going to be every single day. And the easier everything will become,
Starting point is 01:14:59 it's just going to take some time. Absolutely. Yeah. Do you use like a five-minute journal or anything like that? Or do you just composition book? Yeah, no i have um just uh uh what's it called uh moleskin moleskin yeah moleskin journal it has just lines and then there's this other one um it's a bullet journal so they has just dots but it makes it easy to just keeps you organized yeah it makes it easy to do that shit it's kind of fun i think it's kind of really fun yeah it's kind of fun once
Starting point is 01:15:31 you do it like once you do that and like shit comes out and you're like oh wow i feel so much better you're gonna be like i want to do it yeah but well hopefully i sound a little bit more masculine than that why because it sounds funny but the fucked up thing is like i love writing like that's my shit i like to do that yeah and that's one of that's my line right there is like i need to write every day for 10 minutes because i enjoy it and if i can get my thoughts out i know that's just going to help me sleep better it's going to help me rest better it's going to help everything it's going to help the you know mild attention deficit disorder that i've been like diagnosing myself with
Starting point is 01:16:05 because I'll just have more room, have more bandwidth. I'm going to do my best to try to take some screen captures and some pictures of as much of this shit as possible, doing the 10-minute walks, getting into lifting, doing the journaling,
Starting point is 01:16:21 and obviously eating the right way as much as I can. So hopefully other people do it as well, and hopefully people follow along. We get this calendar thing going, and we recognize that you're not going to be able to get all four of the lines every single time. You're not going to be able to make an asterisk every single time. Totally fine.
Starting point is 01:16:43 But do the best that you can to see if you can rifle through all 31 days. I did some math for you all, and it would be 124 would be – where'd that thing go? It already disappeared. Oh, yeah, 124 is the maximum amount of points you can get if you're considering each line a point. is the maximum amount of points you can get if you're considering each line a point. And then 93 points would be if you got three stripes every single day
Starting point is 01:17:10 and then two stripes every single day would be 62. So just get after it and do the best fucking job that you can. Yeah, and working out each day was one part of it, right? Don't make the workout a monumental task. Don't make the workout an hour, a 90-minute workout. Some days, because you're going to be a little bit fatigued, it could be like a little short workout that you do at home. It could be some movement that you do at home.
Starting point is 01:17:32 Don't make this something crazy because you want to try to, yeah. Like I do some shit at home that's like 20 minutes, 10 minutes. You could have a hip circle, maybe a slingshot pushup, and do something back and forth. You can do all of this every single day. It's not that big of a deal. So do not back and forth. You can do all of this every single day. It's not that big of a deal. So do not make anything monumental. I push off stuff to the next day all the time.
Starting point is 01:17:50 I mean, you were saying doing that in your day-to-day life, but I do it with lifting. Like I'll lift and I'll be getting in a pretty good like bicep workout or something like that. And then I'm like, I should probably do like triceps or do something in between. Sometimes I don't feel like it or sometimes I don't feel like I have the time for it. And I'm like, I should probably do like triceps or do something in between. Sometimes I don't feel like it
Starting point is 01:18:06 or sometimes I don't feel like I have the time for it and I'm like, I'll just do it tomorrow and push it back and then that's what helps me to be able to work out every single day.
Starting point is 01:18:13 Exactly. Want to take us out of here, Andrew? Absolutely. Thank you everybody for checking out today's episode. Did you make it? That was close. Kind of a line drive.
Starting point is 01:18:21 Yeah, I thought it was online though. Thank you everybody for hanging out on the live chat. You guys going back and forth today was awesome thank you everybody that liked uh today's video sincerely appreciate that as well uh please follow the podcast at mark bell's power project on instagram at mb power project on tiktok and twitter my instagram and twitter is at i am andrew z and sema where you at i don't see my in there on instagram and youtube i didn't see my yin yang on Tik TOK and Twitter.
Starting point is 01:18:45 We should make Jesus and Sina ride the sword. Oh, whoa. Like, Oh, will Jesus be able to ride the sword? He could walk on it. Like he walks on water.
Starting point is 01:18:56 Sina was riding it earlier and then he got knocked off his horse. He was riding it earlier. Dude, Mark, I want to, I want to know if you're going to reach this level, which you probably could easily if you wanted to. But my homie was telling me that he uh met some he one of his friends lives in redondo beach it's extremely wealthy right has a house out there and he goes
Starting point is 01:19:15 into this man's fucking mansion and um my like he wanted to take a picture but he's like oh no i can't do that but he was like okay you know let's take a picture of all this here and the man's like oh don't worry i got something oh she goes to the wall types in a code out flies a drone and they just stand there the drone comes out takes a picture and flies back into the insert in the wall that's dope let's get that shit here it's like what that is what is this well okay if you exclude like if you exclude like the wall moving and shit and like the pin pad code we could get that here i know but it was just like what that's nuts i think the big flex was like everything in that house was like so futuristic it's not like it was because you like you've seen some like wealthy homes and your house is like
Starting point is 01:20:00 it's like it's new and modern but his house was modern and it was like modern tony stark type yeah i was just like cool what um when i went to ron penna's house he showed us like he's like oh this is this room that room keep in mind he lives on the same street as lebron james so it's the nicest house i've ever seen in my life fucking crazy uh he had a gym that was built into the side of this like cliff um and it's like it's underneath like where he has like a pool there like i have no idea how how they did any of this but he shows me the massage room and he's like check this out and he like pushes on the wall and the wall like slides back like something out of a movie and then we go down into a dungeon, and it has all this Batman stuff,
Starting point is 01:20:47 because I think that Ron actually believes that he's Batman. He might actually be. He might be. Yeah, I don't know. He might be Bruce Wayne, right? It was just sick. And all the stuff that was in the hallway of when you're going downstairs,
Starting point is 01:21:03 it was all stuff that was like put together by like a movie studio so it was like it wasn't like just like a picture of batman on the wall or some shit it was like like real art with like features that the actual bat cave has it was nuts and we kept going down these stairs and then he's like oh here's this gym and it's like 5 000 square feet and he's like and i'm like oh there's like i,000 square feet. And he's like, and I'm like, oh, there's like, I was like, this is pretty sick. I was like, but you don't really have any like machines or like squat rack or whatever.
Starting point is 01:21:31 And he's like, oh, that's just where my wife works out. He's like, I work out over here. And then we go to like where he, where he works out and we walk through like this movie theater, like a legit movie theater.
Starting point is 01:21:41 And then we walk into like his, his side of the gym, which has like all the stuff that we have here at super training. Oh my God. It was nutty. I was just like, what in the hell? That's so sick.
Starting point is 01:21:52 I'm so fascinated by that guy, especially when he's saying, I, I hate working out, but I hate what not working out feels like. You're right. Yeah. Like he hates going to bed,
Starting point is 01:22:04 but he doesn't want to be tired. So he just goes to bed. Yeah. The sacrifices you make. Strength is never weakness. Weakness is never strength. I'm at Mark Smelly Bell. Catch you guys later. Bye!

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