Mark Bell's Power Project - MBPP EP. 669 - We Get Addicted to Reality TV Too!

Episode Date: January 31, 2022

Random Topic of the Day: Cheesy reality tv shows. Nsima is back in full effect and brings up reality tv in today's random topic. He's been watching a show and finds it funny that it's entertaining. Ma...rk and Andrew both admit to gettin stuck watching similar shows as well. Tell us your guilty pleasure shows! Special perks for our listeners below! ➢Bubs Naturals: Use code POWERPROJECT for 20% of your next order! ➢Vertical Diet Meals: Use code POWERPROJECT for 20% off your first order! ➢Vuori Performance Apparel: Visit to automatically save 20% off your first order! ➢8 Sleep: Visit to automatically save $150 off the Pod Pro! ➢Marek Health: Use code POWERPROJECT10 for 10% off ALL LABS! Also check out the Power Project Panel: Use code POWERPROJECT for $101 off! ➢Piedmontese Beef: Use Code POWER at checkout for 25% off your order plus FREE 2-Day Shipping on orders of $150 Subscribe to the Podcast on on Platforms! ➢ Subscribe to the Power Project Newsletter! ➢ Follow Mark Bell's Power Project Podcast ➢ Insta: ➢ ➢ Twitter: ➢ LinkedIn: ➢ YouTube: ➢TikTok: FOLLOW Mark Bell ➢ Instagram: ➢ Facebook: ➢ Twitter: ➢ Snapchat: marksmellybell ➢Mark Bell's Daily Workouts, Nutrition and More: Follow Nsima Inyang ➢ ➢YouTube: ➢Instagram: ➢TikTok: Follow Andrew Zaragoza on all platforms ➢ #PowerProject #Podcast #MarkBell

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Starting point is 00:00:00 PowerRogic family, how's it going? Now we have had so many different guests that have come on to our podcast and we've talked about meat a lot. And the one thing that everybody that tries Piedmontese says is that it is some of the most tender steak they have ever had. I think actually Sean Baker came on and talked about the lack of connective tissue in the cattle. Yeah, he broke it down scientifically. Yeah, he did. That's the reason why when you, whatever cut you get, whether it's a ribeye, whether it's a flat iron, whether it's a bavette, no matter when you cut into that steak after it's cooked, you're not getting any of that chewiness, that gristle that you have to spit out because you can't actually chew it. Piedmontese is super tender. They have great cuts that are low fat, high fat for whatever diet you're doing.
Starting point is 00:00:39 They're just an overall amazing beef company. Andrew, how can they get it? Yep. That's over at That's At checkout, enter promo code POWER for 25% off your order. And if your order is $150 or more, you get free two-day shipping. Again,, promo code POWER.
Starting point is 00:00:58 Links to them down in the description as well as the podcast show notes. So there's a football team in San Francisco called the 49ers. Oh. Don't they also have the the Yep.
Starting point is 00:01:17 Giants. They do. Yeah. Yeah. That is a baseball team. Yeah. That's where they use a bat and a ball. Unless they're in New York. Then. That is a baseball team. Yeah. That's where they use a bat and a ball. Unless they're in New York, then they are, again, a football team.
Starting point is 00:01:29 Mm-hmm. New York Giants. But yeah, the 49ers are in a playoff game. And if they win this playoff game, then they go to this final game, which is called the Super Bowl. Oh, the big dance. Are you going to watch the 49ers versus the Rams this weekend on Sunday? I actually didn't even know the Super Bowl was this. That's great.
Starting point is 00:01:48 Well, it's not. It's in like three weeks, basically. Oh, okay. This is the NFC Championship game. Okay, so funny thing about the Super Bowl is I usually watch the commercials. I usually watch the commercials on YouTube after the Super Bowl. Yeah. So am I going to watch the Super Bowl?
Starting point is 00:02:05 Do you want an honest answer? Probably not. You might watch halftime and you might watch the commercials. Yeah. That's about it. And, you know, any highlights, I'll watch the highlights. Did you watch any of the games like last weekend? Like this past weekend?
Starting point is 00:02:22 Mark, come on, man. But this is the greatest, like that was the greatest weekend in the history of NFL. It really was the best weekend ever. National Football League. You guys give me a recap because I feel like you really care about this and I care that you care. I really don't care. I just think it's great that you don't care. But tell me, I want to know
Starting point is 00:02:38 why was it the biggest weekend? I do care. I can only tell you about the Niners. So they're not even supposed to be in the playoffs like they had a a decent season but they snuck in right at the very end and when i say right at the very end i'm talking like a field goal to get into the playoffs they got into the playoffs their technique or um generally teams that barely make it into the playoffs are usually like what we call a one and done like they're just have
Starting point is 00:03:05 one game and then they're done wait up also um you said it's going to be the niners versus who in the super bowl the uh los angeles nfc championship game we don't know about the super bowl there's two there's two games played this weekend does brady have a good chance of getting the super bowl this year he's currently out oh he's out yeah he lost see here so uh he lost to the ram yeah so the niners played the uh cowboys huge rivalry okay since i was a kid that's you know been our rivals uh they won by a field goal okay next round okay they're definitely losing to the best team in the nfc they're playing against the green bay packers aaron rogers uh for me personally it was gonna be five was on the green bay pack yes he was.
Starting point is 00:03:45 There you go. Backyard football when I was a kid, I played that game. Yeah, backyard football. A lot of people learn a lot about sports through video games. I forgot about that game. It was like NBA Jam, right? Kind of like that? Yeah, they're like kid versions of like A-Rod and stuff
Starting point is 00:04:02 and all the great players. NBA Jam was dope you guys remember that game the arcade game he's on fire i've almost i never played nba jam oh it's sick dude i've bought nba jam so many times and i've almost bought it like three times just this like past year because like they have like the arcade one-up versions of it it's like fake cartoony style game like where your guy's all over the top and shit like they they when they dunk it they jump like like yeah 80 feet in the in the air and it's fucking it's so much fun and then the guy can be like in the zone he's like flashing and then he's there he's on fire yeah he's on fire and he could just shoot from anywhere and he makes all
Starting point is 00:04:39 the back when you're on fire you have unlimited turbo and you're like shooting accuracy goes like through the roof you basically can't miss yeah okay and you're faster anyway so next round against the best team in the league against aaron rogers who has been like very uh outspoken about the uh the the medicine that's out there yes yes yes yes so i was like well if the niners win hell yeah if rogers wins then hell yeah again because you know he he gets on to the next round another field goal in like zero degree weather they scored a field goal to win the game so a team that's not even supposed to be there is now in the nfc championship game and that is fantastic but every other game that whole weekend was the exact same it went down to like the very last second of each play, of each game.
Starting point is 00:05:25 It was, yeah, it was kind of like historical. Well, also too, the Niners blocked a field goal and a punt. And I don't remember seeing that in a long ass time. So that was pretty big. Some amazing things. Field goals, like when they set it down and put their finger on top of it and kick the ball through the, yeah, through the golden ages.
Starting point is 00:05:45 Yeah. Golden age. That's from, uh, coming to America. Oh, shit. Oh,
Starting point is 00:05:57 sweet brother. Noom say, yeah. Oh my God. What you got in SEMA? So, um, definitely get on the mic too please yeah yeah this this football is a great sport right but what's better than football trashy reality tv oh yeah you remember love is blind oh my gosh kidding me yeah yeah you
Starting point is 00:06:22 remember love is fine really melts your brain. It really does melt your brain. So I was watching, my girl brought up this show because season three is out. It's called Too Hot to Handle. Did you ever see Too Hot to Handle? Oh, yeah. You were texting us about some Too Hot to Handle. And I'm like, what the hell is that? I mean, I figured it was like some sort of trash reality show.
Starting point is 00:06:39 It is trash reality TV. I want to just say for the record that I also partake and I love trashy reality TV. What's your favorite? Like what, what is some stuff that Andy's that you've watched or Andy's made you watch? Well, she hasn't always been under the influence of a woman. Well,
Starting point is 00:06:53 it's under the, yeah. I mean, I'm always, always under the influence. You're always going to be controlled by the P word, right? And when I say P word guys,
Starting point is 00:07:03 I'm talking about penis. No. Yeah. I mean, she watches it but like i like what like i'll admit that i like watching some of it with her like bachelor bachelorette like i watch all that crap um some stuff i'm not like religious about like i don't get to see it that much but like she watches like love island and all the crap all the stuff i've heard you guys kind of mentioned too i've never seen love island i've never seen the the this too hot to handle thing was funny though because oh joe millionaire that one what's she's a millionaire she's watching that one now so my friend evan was actually the original joe millionaire like a long time ago um but they well it's a show where they so they used to have a show where uh you thought the guy was a millionaire oh but he was but my friend was actually just a he was a the super nice guy
Starting point is 00:07:52 he was like an amateur like pro wrestler like he wasn't he wasn't like in wwe or anything and then he was a uh like a contractor you know so like he he didn't he wasn't like rich or anything yeah but now the way they do this show they brought the show back is they have two guys one guy actually is rich and the other guy is just like kind of normal in terms of like finances and i guess the girls gotta like they don't know they don't know which guy has the money sounds like coming to america kind of you remember that yeah yeah it literally does sound like a movie in America. Yeah, with Eddie Murphy and, yep. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:26 Arsenio Hall. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Okay. Joe Millionaire. That sounds like an interesting one. Wait, maybe I watched something else, but I think I know that Joe Millionaire, I watched something similar. I don't know if that's the one, because this guy does not look familiar at all to me.
Starting point is 00:08:40 Is that the original guy or no? I think the guy all the way to the left. This one? I think so. Yeah the way to the left. This one? I think so. Yeah. Okay. Evan Marriott? Yep.
Starting point is 00:08:51 Was he a millionaire? No. Oh, no? No. And that's from the old show. But the new show, one of the guys is a millionaire, but the girls don't know. The girls don't know. I think the girls don't know which one yeah that's rough so what happens at the end if they end up choosing like the guy who's not the milk like if if these
Starting point is 00:09:11 girls choose the guy and then he's not the millionaire are they just like oh and then they yeah i'm not sure i'm not sure i haven't gotten to i haven't gotten to the end it just hit me so i i watched it wasn't joe millionaire it was a show where it was kind of like the Truman Show, the movie, where the one guy, he thinks it's a reality show, but he's surrounded by all actors. I don't remember the premise of like the fake story, but what they ended up finding out is like this dude has like a huge heart and he's like being like way too nice.
Starting point is 00:09:40 And then like the other actors are like, I can't keep doing this. Like I can't keep lying to this guy. He's way nice i'm gonna search for this shit but i thought that was joe millionaire it's not i have to find this one now we have punked oh i remember punked yeah it was good but it was really good yeah i think the only show that i've ever gotten to other than love is blind recently would be like, um, the tiger King. Hmm. That was something that like was like a documentary. Well,
Starting point is 00:10:09 yeah. Documentary loosely. Because I was amazing how much shit that guy filmed. He filmed like everything, every single day. Yeah. Like that guy put in work. Yeah. He was competing with like how many videos you put out.
Starting point is 00:10:23 What's, uh, yeah, he was getting close. What's – yeah, he was getting close. What's with the too hot? Like what's the premise of that? Yeah, so she had me watch it with her. And they take these group of young, hot people, hot, just good-looking people,
Starting point is 00:10:39 and they bring them on the island with the premise saying, oh, this is going to be – you're going to be having so much sex with each other, blah, blah, blah. But then they, on the first episode, they bring out this little, this thing. Its name is Lala. It's like a, I don't know, a cone-shaped AI, potentially, but it's just someone who voices it. But she tells them that, no, this actually, you're going to be on this island and it's to help you get more emotionally collected with each other. There's going to be no sex. You're going to be on this island and it's to help you get more emotionally collected with each other. There's going to be no sex. You're going to get $200,000.
Starting point is 00:11:07 And every time you guys do anything like kissing, heavy petting, masturbation or actual sex, we're going to deduct money out of the pot until, you know, blah, blah. But, you know, if you don't, if you abstain, then you guys are able to win this money. So that's the whole premise of the show. And it's kind of funny. It's actually oddly entertaining. I did feel like I was losing some brain cells watching. But even though I was losing brain cells, it still was somewhat entertaining.
Starting point is 00:11:33 Yeah. All those shows, eventually they're going to catch you with something. My daughter, I always clown on her for having really bad taste in movies and stuff. Because if anything has a sequel, she's fired up. I i'm like you know that sequels kind of suck right and she's like no but she was watching uh big bang theory oh and i'm like this is not good like you cannot watch this this is not funny so yeah it is funny at all and so i showed her the uh the version on youtube that has everything they say without the laugh track and you just stare at it and you're just like that's not a joke like that's not like that you
Starting point is 00:12:09 just said a thing yeah but even watching that i was just like fuck like like i wasn't watching i was just hanging out with my son she had it on but i forgot i damn i wish i could remember but they said something and i was like and i started laughing like no that's not funny but they will all get you. And the show that I was talking about was called The Joe Schmo Show. The Joe Schmo Show? Yeah. So everyone here in this picture, they're all actors except for this dork over here.
Starting point is 00:12:37 And what does he think is going on? He thinks he's on a TV show? He thinks he's on like a show where I think maybe they're going to hook up or something like that. Because that's literally all he thought about. But then maybe they're going to hook up or something like that. Cause like, that's literally all he thought about. But then, or maybe they're, they're going to win some money or something. And he like right away is like, Oh, I don't want any money.
Starting point is 00:12:51 Like, I just want your friendship or some shit like that. And that's when like people like, yeah, I do. He ended up being like a super like nice guy, but I don't know. That's what the Joe millionaire reminded me of.
Starting point is 00:13:01 Reality TV is really interesting. I remember being in Loseles and we were at like a bar in hollywood like a like a famous place i forget what the hell it was called but um i remember my friends that i was with um they were they were visiting from new york and they weren't used to like seeing anybody that was like on tv i guess they like flipped out because the people from survivor were there and it was like the TV, I guess, they like flipped out because the people from Survivor were there. And it was like the original Survivor cast and they were like going nuts. And I think Survivor at the time was in like a couple seasons into it or whatever. And they're like, that's so-and-so and that's this person and that person. I was just like, I don't know,
Starting point is 00:13:39 I was kind of surprised at how like attached they were to the people, but I guess it's no different than being attached to like an athlete or anybody else for that matter, or an actor. And I think it's interesting because somebody will say like, the Kardashians are famous for no reason, but it's like, are they really famous for no, I mean, we know why Kim K is famous, but are they really famous for no reason? Like, you know, I think these people that get on these reality shows, they must have something compelling about them to, I don't know, get attention, right? Like there must be something interesting. Some of them sometimes are just like people just can't look away
Starting point is 00:14:20 because they're like a little over the top or whatever, right? So, yeah, I don't know. I find all of it interesting. I don't really care who you like or don't like, but it's fascinating. It is interesting because when you do watch stuff like this, sometimes you'll forget that there
Starting point is 00:14:36 is a lot of scripted things where producers do this, do this, do this. It's like wrestling's better, but it's still fake in a way. I think people forget that it's somewhat fake. And they think a lot of things that happen are real. And it's just, it's odd.
Starting point is 00:14:53 But the Kardashians, man, the Kardashians are funny because like, all right. So Kim has this whole Kanye shit going on. Right. And people are bought into it where they're divorced. And now she's with um like a basketball player or something oh oh yeah he's pete davidson right and um there's this whole thing going on social media apparently where kim wouldn't let kanye come to their daughter's birthday and kanye was having a meltdown on twitter but the the next season of the Kardashians isn't out yet. And you,
Starting point is 00:15:25 you got to assume that this is all of this is going to be in the next season of keeping up with Kardashians. Definitely. And they're going to make so much money off of this. Like they're such good, like puppeteers. You know what I mean? It's,
Starting point is 00:15:39 it's, it's legitimately crazy how much control they have over media in general. It's scary. And watching the – I've never seen an episode actually of the Kardashian thing. But watching a documentary that was done on Bruce Jenner when he was training for the Olympics, the family actually seems really like – I mean people are probably surprised, but like the family seems amazing. Like it seems like a beautiful family. Like Kim K is in there and all the kids are in there. And everyone just seems to be like, it's a weird thing to say with how wealthy they are and stuff, but everyone seems to be pretty damn normal.
Starting point is 00:16:22 And they seem to appear to have a good, like a cool family structure. I mean, I don't know. Like I said, I never watched their reality show. I don't know much about the family. But for all the different stuff that you hear, you would think that it would be like real chaotic. But it seemed like they're a pretty close-knit type family. And they seem like they actually really value family. But again, all I know is what I see in this quick documentary.
Starting point is 00:16:45 So I'm not really sure. yeah that's interesting yeah and and the other thing too is like when you look at kim and then you look at the sisters like after kim did whatever she did to like her look her sister started following suit and now they all look like somewhat of the same person and then you know women have kind of taken what kim kardashian looks like and now all these things as far as like lip fillers and what people are doing to their face a lot of people just look like different versions of kim and them because of how much of a grasp they have over kardashian shaped america like literally literally yeah yeah dude the ass is getting bigger the lips getting bigger like hey i i'm all for it i remember like being i don't know probably like around like 23 24
Starting point is 00:17:34 uh we just took a trip to like hollywood like never really been there and then ended up actually having a really fucking good time but like when the clubs like would get out and like you're just walking down like hollywood boulevard and stuff i'm just like there's like fucking like a thousand kim kardashians walking around all really long long hair like hourglass figured like dark like just beautiful and i'm just like the fuck is going on here like when they say like a you know la6 is like a you know sacramento 20 where they're going i was like holy shit like but, you know, Sacramento 20, where they're going to buy it. I was like, holy shit. Like, but yeah, you're right. Like they, there's a mold and it fucking works.
Starting point is 00:18:11 Yeah. But yeah, that was it. I think when it comes to dudes, it's like, you know, like a lot of people were inspired to go to the gym because of like Arnold. But there's really not, I mean,
Starting point is 00:18:27 you can take shit. There's more and more people taking stuff now to have a better look, but you can't rule it. Like, I guess going to get like lip filler is just like an easier process than trying to look like Arnold. You know, it's a, it's a,
Starting point is 00:18:41 it's a huge deal to try to figure that out. But I guess even the girls like trying to shape their body to look similar if they're not getting like butt implants and whatever. I guess that would be challenging and hard too, especially like if you're trying to like lose weight off of certain spots and kind of keep some weight somewhere else. That might be a challenging thing to figure out. You know, it's weird because, so Kim and them, they got a lot of flack in the past because they would market this, whatever, detox tea as a way to lose weight and get that, and get their shape and stuff. Because maybe it's helping like flatten out the stomach or something, right?
Starting point is 00:19:20 Mm-hmm. And it's really, you know know it also made me think because it's really rough number one for women who are on that side of social media and do look up to them because they've uh they've some women are able to get those types of musiques naturally you know uh very little waist, really big butt, whatever. Oh, sorry. I got lost there for a second. I'm back, I'm back.
Starting point is 00:19:53 But with her, I mean, it's obviously surgically gained. Like her booty is not, people talk about a Kim K booty. That is not a Kim K booty. That is a- A ton of good doctors. That is, yeah, that is a doctor's work. You know what I mean? That's not her butt. That's a doctor. So it's interesting because, you know, when you, when you look at that and then maybe you look at fitness, when, when, like when we're talking about improving your physique and improving your strength, et cetera, we're, we're not using somebody as a blueprint, but people will still choose to look at certain people as blueprints.
Starting point is 00:20:26 So people will be like, I want to look like David Lade. I want to look like, um, Russ Swole, who we just had on. Sorry, I wasn't even going to be here for that. Um, like I want to look like this person, but you can never really look like somebody else, even though they look great. Like you're not going to look like that. I gotta say, Russ Swole was a handsome dude i know he really is a good looking guy i'm jealous of that guy that guy's got his shit together oh i really uh really great business too oh man i loved having him here it was it was awesome and he just like so nonchalant yeah how'd you get strong like i worked out how'd you get like so jacked i trained harder than other people, you know?
Starting point is 00:21:06 And he just, he had a good focus. I did like the fact that as we started asking him more questions and we got into it more and we talked to him about business and I did start to find stuff that like frustrated the guy. So I was like, okay, good. Oh, like what? Like what? He just said like he's had some, you know with you know just like with starting a new business like you always have
Starting point is 00:21:29 uh resistance and friction and things like that and so i was like do you ever find yourself getting mad and then you're kind of frustrated that you're even mad in the first place he's like all the time he kind of got embarrassed by it he was like fuck yeah it does he's like it does happen yeah because at first he was just like ah no i don't want to say anything and he started a heck of laughing and then so like no like what you got and then he you know went on but yeah because he was saying like he's just doing too much like he's like i shouldn't be worried about you know booking rooms for the event in i forgot where he's like i gotta let someone else do that pop up or something like that with his uh clothing. Yeah, GBT.
Starting point is 00:22:08 See if you could pop up a photo of Ben Affleck. He was on a cover of something more recently. And I don't know what they did to the cover or – Did they edit his body? I'm not sure. I'm not sure if he just went on some TRT. But I did a double take when I saw it. I was like, he's kind of kind of i mean i don't think he would i don't know for batman he got he yeah yeah i don't recall him ever like having a bad physique
Starting point is 00:22:30 but i also and i think he's like kind of a taller guy you know what uh cover of what maybe like people or there it is yeah right there to the left it's not like he's like it's not like he's unbelievably yoked but he looks like a lot more substantial than normal rod yeah the shoulders and stuff i was like hmm looks like he's on a little bit of gas good for him if it's like yeah ben what's your what's your stack what's you doing bro just lift it heavy see we shouldn't say that though because okay because, okay. It's definitely possible. It's definitely an attainable physique, for sure. Definitely like having fun.
Starting point is 00:23:09 But he's also like probably, he's probably 45 or 50. He's probably like, you know, he probably knows what's going on out there. And he's probably like, hey, I should get on a little bit of test. Yeah, maybe. Maybe. I'm just saying we should preface what we say because an internet guy's immediate reaction to that is gonna be like ben affleck's on the juice and he's like let me look at the man like he could be but he also might not be like i think he even in post he had them uh edit the arms to be
Starting point is 00:23:39 a little thinner so the people didn't recognize how much shit he's on. Did you make that up? Did I make it up that he's on stuff? No, that they edited. Oh, no, no. I'm totally making that up. But they always edit shit like this. No, I don't have any idea. The main thing is that he looks fucking jacked and that people are going to be influenced by,
Starting point is 00:23:58 you know, we're influenced by what we see. So people are going to want to try to mimic that and hopefully they just take that as to like go to the gym and put in some effort, put in some work, put in some time. And it's not, it's, it's not bad to be influenced by the way that somebody looks. It's just when you then are like, I want to look like this person. Because one big thing that people say is like, oh, a lot of these people are, you know, they're giving guys unrealistic goals. It's like, but not everybody's physique is realistic for everybody.
Starting point is 00:24:31 So that statement in and of itself makes no sense. There could be a guy that's really, really skinny that's a runner and somebody wants to be a great runner. There's going to be no way, even if you got off the gas, that you could get so skinny that you'd be able to be a great runner there's no gonna be no way right even if you got off the gas that you could get so skinny that you'd be able to be a good runner right like like think about that there's to have a certain like to be able to run a marathon like a 26.2 like zach bitter does you need to have a zach bitter type physique there's no way i'll be able to get a zach bitter type physique nor will you that's an unattainable unattainable physique for us. Yeah, probably. I mean, I guess I could lose a bunch of weight, but Zach Bitter is just like
Starting point is 00:25:11 a completely different person than I am, right? Exactly. Completely different person. The only thing you can do if you wanted to get better in that realm is train to get the best that you possibly can be. And that's it. And that should be the focus. That should be the focus. But people forget that and they get winded up into being like this person or and it just it can fuck people up that mindset in itself should be the thing that people are fighting against not not over shit i agree how does ben affleck not hang on to j-lo how does he not hang on to J-Lo. How does he not hang on to J-Lo? I don't know. J-Lo's so hot.
Starting point is 00:25:48 J-Lo is hot. Well, there's a lot of other hot women out there, too. So I guess. Power Project Family, how's it going? Now, we've partnered with Bubz Naturals, and they're an amazing brand. They have this just wonderful MCT oil powder that I put in my coffee in the morning. And they have this collagen protein. Most people don't get the amount of collagen that they need in. All mix well in anything, coffee, water,
Starting point is 00:26:09 whatever. It's also Whole30 approved. But the thing I want to talk to you guys about real quick, these apple cider vinegar gummies. Now, if you go on Google and you type in apple cider vinegar, there's tons of benefits. Immune support. Digestion. Dig uh, but one thing you'll also come across is apple cider vinegar tastes like it's bad. It's really bad. Uh, that's why they came out with these crack gummies. Um,
Starting point is 00:26:32 the reason why I call them crack gummies and it's an empty, uh, empty little package of them because, we can't not eat a lot of them at once. They're really good for you. Don't get me wrong, but they also taste really good. And it's hard to only eat two at once.
Starting point is 00:26:51 And the serving size is two. So you guys should get this. You should only have two. Good luck. Good luck. But the benefits of apple cider vinegar, actually from these gummies, I noticed that my,
Starting point is 00:27:03 honestly, it's helped my digestion a lot. A ton. Yeah. Yeah. It definitely has helped me uh you know hit the bathroom a lot more consistently uh mark always talks about you know may your shits be tapered and i guarantee you with those they will be uh but just yeah please don't eat the entire bottle the way we do but they're they're that good and you know i have tried apple cider vinegar and all that stuff and i just it made me it made me sick i just i felt real bloated and i couldn't be consistent with it with this it's very easy to stay consistent we're too consistent a little bit too consistent yeah
Starting point is 00:27:33 but uh head over to and make sure you guys enter promo code power project to save 20 off your entire order again promo code power project to save 20 off links to them down in the description as well as the podcast show notes i think the kardashians too i think maybe it's chloe i think they have two billion dollar people in the family now the young one uh kylie kylie kylie yeah and i think one of them had like a makeup kit or something and they claim they don't have like filler in their lips or something like that i think that was think one of them had like a makeup kit or something and they claim they don't have like filler in their lips or something like that. I think that was like one of the big things that just put this stuff on their lips and their lips are all big and full. And it looks like pretty obvious.
Starting point is 00:28:15 It's like, I don't know. No, I think one of the things that like it kind of causes irritation on the lips. Like it, I don't know. There's something in it that makes your lips react and then they it's funny guys we have our thing and the girls have their thing you know they're trying to get their lips and butts bigger and doing shit to their eyebrows and their eyelashes like like don't they get stuff sewn onto their like eyelashes or something like that's wild i know they do like like threading but that's just a way of like shaping the eyebrow
Starting point is 00:28:45 oh but no like my mom she has like um the eye makeup i don't know what it's called but it's like tattooed on her yeah i was like what like that's a commitment yeah i'm like um dog okay pull up the i am athlete thing where um what's his name uh he's like dope i like that show yeah like podcasts oh yeah yeah but there's this clip you sent us where all he was like just train chicks trying to get oh man let me see if i could find this oh shit i remember i can't remember which kardashian but it was like a some kind of lip challenge where like people would uh they would like put a cup around their their mouth and then they would just like kind of like the penis pump for their lips but girls were doing it so much that they would
Starting point is 00:29:38 get stuck and they would just look ridiculous oh my god it was on tiktok that shit was hilarious because they would be like all scared like I can't get it to go down. Yeah. I've heard somebody else kind of mentioning this before, but it's an interesting topic is like the stuff that women do, you know, to look better. But I think that maybe like what's missed is like the shit that guys are trying to do to look better too, you know, whether it's like a very specific diet like it seems like the guys will lean really hard into these uh drastic measures in terms of like
Starting point is 00:30:12 their nutrition and taking uh oh there we go it's just so funny to me oh it's like a penis pump it's like the reaction and then how long does that stay there like that it stays a while that seems so uncomfortable yeah i just remember there was one chick where she had like before a blowjob that'd be perfect i just remember there was one girl she had like ice and she was like crying because it wouldn't go down. Oh, that's sad. So stupid. Sorry.
Starting point is 00:30:50 So did you text me or? I emailed it to you. Okay. Thank you. Do you remember what you were saying? Yeah. I was just talking about like how, you know, both sides will go to extremes and to do things that are uncomfortable to be attractive. Girls will wear high heels and certain types of clothes that are tight or pretty revealing,
Starting point is 00:31:14 and they got to keep adjusting the clothes all day and all night. It's just interesting, the measures that we go through. Both sexes do. I don't think that people recognize that maybe men go through a similar thing, but maybe not to the same extent because women is like every day with makeup and just the various different things.
Starting point is 00:31:34 Yeah. Ladies got to put in more effort. Crazy. They lazy! They lazy? Don't put your leg on the table. Don't put your leg on the table. Okay, I'm not. I'm just saying lazy.
Starting point is 00:31:47 Instead of getting work out, you go get a BBL. All you need is three months in the gym, you're going to have ass. Squat! Why is 80% of America obese? They lazy. Why? Or dealing with heart disease? You know what a BBL is?
Starting point is 00:32:00 They lazy! No. They lazy. They lazy. They lazy. They lazy. They lazy. They lazy.
Starting point is 00:32:01 They lazy. They lazy. They lazy. They lazy. They lazy. They lazy. They lazy. They lazy.
Starting point is 00:32:02 They lazy. They lazy. They lazy. They lazy. They lazy. They lazy. They lazy. They lazy.
Starting point is 00:32:02 They lazy. They lazy. They lazy. They lazy. They lazy. They lazy. They lazy. They lazy.
Starting point is 00:32:03 They lazy. They lazy. They lazy. They lazy. They lazy. They lazy. They lazy. They lazy.
Starting point is 00:32:04 They lazy. They lazy. They lazy. They lazy. They lazy. They lazy. They lazy. They lazy. They lazy. They lazy. They lazy. They lazy. They lazy. They lazy. They lazy. They lazy. They lazy. They lazy. They lazy. They lazy. They lazy. They lazy.. They lazy. They lazy. no they laid everybody ah that's so that's what he's talking about bbl get those injections you're gonna get a bbl all you need is three months in the gym you're gonna have ass squat
Starting point is 00:32:11 chad johnson oh my god yeah yeah it is interesting though though like nowadays there are there are surgical options but those surgical options still come with a lot of risk. You know, I think TRT is men's BBL. Yeah, for sure. I think TRT is the male equivalent of a BBL. I would say. Okay, okay. Let me, let me, let me.
Starting point is 00:32:42 I'm not going to. No, no, I agree. And I've said this before about like, you know, fake tits and stuff like that too. I think it's. So that's what I was going to say. I would say it's men's breast implants. Men's breast implants. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:52 I would say a BBL would be something more. Because a BBL, you need to, you still need to get it redone multiple times. Like it will fade away after some time and then you have to get it. You got to repump it. You got to repump it every I love learning new abbreviations. I feel like BBL is great. Yeah. I think it's hilarious.
Starting point is 00:33:10 Yeah. Because then you're going to find reasons to use it. Because, hey, okay. I have a question for you guys. BBL changed like the way the toilet feels and everything? Or like I wonder where they put the extra booty, you know? Like it must be like specific spot and then what is it? Do you know?
Starting point is 00:33:31 Do you have any idea? And then like also like – Is it like fat? Yeah, I think – let's see. Because there's got to be – there's multiple versions of it. You can borrow some of mine. My butt is still really big. Bro, you can give some of your ass to multiple people.
Starting point is 00:33:43 You'll be fine. Yeah, I could use some but what is it also like i've seen you come feel this all right the liposuction procedures from the correction and contingent blah blah blah blah acquired like we're gonna take fat from over there and we're gonna stick it over there put it yeah pretty much pretty much they take fat from certain places i thought they had like silicone like oh looking things because i've seen like videos where like they've gone wrong and it's like they'll flop inside and they gotta like pop it back out which is really awkward yeah but it bbl stuff is wild though like in columbia girls get bbls for the quinceaneras
Starting point is 00:34:21 and shit and and that's super normal in Colombia. So I think it's somewhat crazy how, first off, in certain cultures it's normal. But it's like becoming something that, as a young girl's growing up, let's say her mom has had hella work done or something like that. there's no way or it's going to be difficult for that parent to say you're beautiful as you are when young girl looks at parent and parent has had a boob job lips done botox bbl like a whole body is literally kind of fake yeah it's like some kids are getting a message and it's going to be hard for them to be like i I'm okay with what I've got. Yeah. And then like,
Starting point is 00:35:06 so I, I gotta be careful, but like I was made aware of a young teenager who's, uh, her mom, I believe to be as a stripper or something like that. Maybe like a, uh,
Starting point is 00:35:20 you know, topless story is gone, but here's the fucked up thing because this is kind of what you were like alluding to. Mm-hmm. When she is with like a group of friends
Starting point is 00:35:29 or cousins or something, you can tell who's mom's or who's the daughter of a stripper. Ooh. Like by the way she dresses and just,
Starting point is 00:35:38 so it's like, damn, yeah, like it's something, I don't know, I don't think about that stuff but that's wild that in other,
Starting point is 00:35:43 well, it's just becoming more normal, right? Getting stuff done. Mm-hmm. Like if you get it done something I don't know. I don't think about that stuff, but that's wild that in other – well, it's just becoming more normal, right? Getting stuff done. Like if you get it done, then yeah, you're – yeah. Yeah. It's like if your dad – I mean, okay, let's do the male equivalent. We just said that the male equivalent of BBL is TRT. So if a young boy is coming up and his dad's on TRT and massive and swollen, they're working out.
Starting point is 00:36:05 Daddy, how can I get as big as you? He's like, workouts. And he's like, how about that TRT? When can I start TRT? I know I'm making a big jump, guys. I'm making a big jump. But it is interesting somewhat, I think. And there's nothing wrong with TRT.
Starting point is 00:36:22 I got to say again. If you need TRT or whatever, I don't think you need it at 21. Well, if you look at like the Lillibridge family, you know, Papa Bear, he obviously was enhanced and he was lifting some crazy weights. And then it seemed like the kids got on at a pretty young age to kind of follow suit. I think in some cases, kids want to do like exactly what the parent does. In other cases, they want to kind of like, maybe just like, I've never even talked to my son about it. So I don't really know his feelings about it, but he must have seen bigger, stronger, faster. I know that he, I know that he's aware that I utilize stuff, but I don't know to like what degree. So it would
Starting point is 00:37:01 be interesting to have a conversation. I'm open to have a conversation with him about it but uh yeah it would be interesting i think for him he would probably just be like he would probably be more on the side of like not wanting to take it but i don't i don't really know yeah that's interesting i'll just like a scenario of like well i'll use mark then uh let's say his son does want to take something. I think Mark would be way better off knowing everything there is to know about it than another dad who has no idea and his son's interested. You know? And yeah, it can influence. Stuff like that.
Starting point is 00:37:37 Yeah, it could definitely influence a kid. But yeah, I would want to be more on the side of having the knowledge and experience instead of not. What's with the Brazilians? They seem to be ahead. They know what's going on. They got the Brazilian wax. They got that shit down, right? And then they got the Brazilian butt lift, right?
Starting point is 00:37:56 Yeah. That was a workout program back in the day. I think it still is. Brazilians are hot. Yeah. You got the skin tone. You got the hair. Yeah. You got the skin tone. You got the hair. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:07 I don't know. They just, they're ahead, man. I wonder like what makes that kind of stuff happen genetically. Like what's in someone's jeans to make a big old booty? Well, it's in the genetics. I mean, obviously there's like postural things, right? Yeah. Looking at our ancestors, they all had, because the way. I mean, obviously, there's postural things, right? Yeah. Looking at our ancestors, they all had, because of the way that they stand, they're in their back chain.
Starting point is 00:38:30 Yeah. Yeah, I had a 23andMe. I was just like a big mutt. How much African American? How much African? 87%. 87%. I feel like you probably got like...
Starting point is 00:38:44 Yeah, there was nothing. As far as I know, there was nothing in there like that. But I think for me, it's like a little bit more structural. Like my hips are pointed down a little bit. I don't know. My mom had a big butt. The only thing you need to study is your ass. Your mom had a big ass.
Starting point is 00:39:01 I got a big ass. Remember that from Nutty Professor? Yeah, yeah. Let's see. I'm just trying to Google it, see what happens. Oh, God, that got dark quick. I got a big ass. Remember that from Nutty Professor? Yeah, yeah. Let's see. I'm just trying to Google it, see what happened. Oh, God, that got dark quick. Wow. Oh, Lord.
Starting point is 00:39:11 What happened, Andrew? So I just Googled, why do Brazilians have big butts? First result on Google, since the original slaves and indigenous population have similar physical structures in the hips and legs, many families retain that today, even if they are extremely white. So that's why Brazilians generally are generally curvaceous. That's a nice word. Yeah. But I mean, I guess.
Starting point is 00:39:36 But I don't know, looking at some of like the ancestral stuff since having the go to guys here. It's like, yeah, everyone's kind of like, they got big trunks. All right, so tell me about that. When the go-to guys were here, because I wasn't able to be here for that either, what was the thing that they were talking about when people are standing in butts? Like, what's the deal?
Starting point is 00:39:55 Everyone's too comfortable. They want, yeah, they want people to have straight feet. And kind of the main, one of the main things they talk about is that people's ankle bones are kind of collapsed inward. A lot of times it's because they continually point their feet outward and it's causing a lot of, a lot of issues. Like people don't necessarily have flat feet. Babies aren't born with flat feet. So people are like, I got
Starting point is 00:40:21 flat feet. And your feet might seem like they're flat or they might appear to be flat-ish. But the arch in your foot, it has kind of collapsed, but it's not like your arch has died. Your arch didn't just like give up on you. It's the inside of your ankle bone that gave up on you. And then your foot is kind of sandwiching and like spreading outward. And a lot of this stuff has happened because of shoes and because of desks and because of sitting and because of just kind of modern technology if you can picture like every time you know if i just said andrew anytime you go on your phone or anytime you use your computer do so on the floor if you always did it from the so people talk about standing standing desks are not a bad idea, but even better to increase and to keep your mobility would be to do stuff from the floor.
Starting point is 00:41:11 Keep getting up and down off the ground. Keep burning calories that way and keep teaching your body to do that. And Seamus talked about this before, you know, pop down into a squat. You're on your phones, pop down in the squat, answer a couple of text messages that way. We talk often about you're going to take a phone call or something like that, go on a walk. At least you're still moving. You got some locomotion going. And at least it's extra productivity in some way.
Starting point is 00:41:39 I've been stretching probably for the last 25 days or so in a row, and I'm just sticking with it and some of it is pretty easy where I just in the morning I'm like get drinking coffee and I'm messing around on my phone and I got my foot up on the counter and I do that for three minutes and I switch I do the other foot some days I do a little bit more I get in here and I actually go through like kind of a stretching protocol but I'm usually like watching something on my phone because I'm just like bored I I'm not used to stretching. I don't really particularly – it's not a habit that I enjoy yet.
Starting point is 00:42:11 And so I'm just going to kind of like do a bunch of stuff in the middle of it. But, yeah, the GoToGuys were awesome. They had such great information. I really – I hope that people are able to extract a lot of the great information that they had. And I hope that people aren't like polarized by the fact that they, they don't particularly love lifting. They don't in their program, they don't have people really lift. It's not that they do everything with only body weight because they do a lot of stuff with weights, but they don't really lift barbells. They don't deadlift.
Starting point is 00:42:45 They don't bench press. They don't squat. So that was the only thing where it's like, oh, man, it would be kind of cool if they did some of this as well, but their kind of reasoning for it is that they just really believe in what they do. They're more pro for what they do, and they're just like from what they see, they believe that it can, the lifting of weights can kind of further promote people to go off of these kind of crap positions. Because when people have people lift that way, they continually encourage, like think about like a high school weight room. You know, you have one of the best kids on the team. Maybe he's a receiver or a running back. Super athletic kid, super fast.
Starting point is 00:43:28 And the coach is always like, you got to gain weight. So they stick him on the squat and the kid can like reasonably squat 135 for some reps. But the kid's like undersized and they want him to gain weight. Well, now they have 225 on there. Somebody's spotting him. He's doing some weird version of a squat. And so that's probably the main reason why they don't really love lifting is because a lot of times it's coming from those types of situations where they're not optimal.
Starting point is 00:43:57 It's not ideal. The kids or the people that they're having do these movements. They don't move well in those ranges. And those are things that I've definitely seen firsthand myself in coaching some athletes and dealing with some athletes. Athletes are different. You get a kid that comes around, he's 14 years old and he's like 6'4". Like their bodies are gangly and they move all different places. So in my opinion, some of the stuff that they're sharing makes a lot of sense. Like let's get this kid accustomed to how he's supposed to move properly, how he's supposed to stand, how he's supposed to walk. Once he can do that, then maybe it would be good to like incorporate some different things from there. And you mentioned that like they obviously, they reference things in our ancestors, but they also reference like great athletes like Jordan.
Starting point is 00:44:47 I mean, so Jordan did some lifting. Did they, as far as like, I guess, strengthening athletes, what do they do? And I guess that's too big of a question, but getting athletes bigger, right? They stay away from compound movements. They do isolation work for those athletes but still just train the bow? They do some sled work and things like that. And they'll do some stuff where people will have like weighted vests. And some of their people are able to gain a little bit of size from just some of that stuff.
Starting point is 00:45:22 The stuff they had Andrew and I doing really lit us up. Our bodies kind of got on fire. But just because we got a lot of blood flow to the area, I'm not really convinced that those things would really – I'm sure they would have a minimal effect. I might get leaner or certain muscles might pop more because some of the exercises would be new for me. or certain muscles might pop more because some of the exercises would be new for me.
Starting point is 00:45:50 But I don't really think that I would necessarily get bigger. So in my opinion, you'd have to blend. You'd have to incorporate this just as with anything else. I think you have to blend this with some actual lifting. The one thing that I think is important though for coaches and for people just to understand in general, just because you go to the gym and you go from a 275 deadlift to a 315 deadlift, all that really means is that you can deadlift more weight. It might mean, I guess we can have some, like we can say, okay, well, your grip probably got a little stronger and maybe in
Starting point is 00:46:20 certain positions, your back got stronger. But outside of that, it's kind of hard to tell what that really does. Can I ensure that it's going to protect your back when you go for a single leg takedown on somebody? I can't really say for sure. I could, from my own experience, I could say, well, strength is never a weakness. So having a weaker back wouldn't be better. So having a stronger back can be better to a certain extent but what if you get so strong that you're stuck and that you can't move the right way and this is where some of the stuff that joel seedman pointed out on our podcast where i agreed
Starting point is 00:46:55 with a lot of what he said too it's like we should avoid getting into bad positions. We need to address going into positions that we would constitute as being poor. We need to address them in some way, and that would be in a way of trying to become more mobile. But the way to address them is not with a lot of weight. The way to address them is, as Ben Patrick does, with some of the knees over toes method, where Ben is like doing stuff that's like either slightly weighted, it's lightly weighted, or it's,
Starting point is 00:47:33 you know, pulling a sled or something that's, it's not compression, right? Like, so a deadlift or squat, and you're getting into positions that you, your body doesn't move into smoothly. It doesn't come out of them smoothly. I don't think that's a great way to reinforce that you're going to be able to maximize your athletic abilities in my opinion. Yeah. I was able to listen to some of the podcasts and then I was looking at some of the comments. And then I was looking at some of the comments. Just like when we had Ben Patrick here initially, what other individuals did we have here that we were just asking people to be a bit more open-minded to? Doug Brignoli.
Starting point is 00:48:15 Doug. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, Doug especially. Yeah. Yeah. You know, even myself, when I was listening to it, I saw some comment that some guy was like, this is very culty. And when I was listening to it, I was like, I can see what you're saying. But they have a lot of good stuff that they're talking about that can easily be applied for an individual without taking away from other things you're doing. Obviously, I guess when it comes to what they're doing, they would just not do certain things. But that doesn't mean that you also don't need to do those things that you enjoy doing. You're going to be implementing a lot of this stuff.
Starting point is 00:48:52 You're still going to be squatting. Yeah, you're still going to be lifting. You're still going to be lifting, right? So there's no reason why you can't take in some of the information that they bring and do with it, use it to improve in some way. I'm so pissed I wasn't here. Well, I have goals, you know, I have certain things that I want to like maintain. I got certain things that I want to do that as far as I know, like the only way to do them is to like lift some weights, you know, so I'm going to keep a lot of those things. I might modify for a little while just to see if I can get my body more out of pain and see if I can get my body moving a little bit better.
Starting point is 00:49:32 Because on certain days, like after runs and stuff like that, I still will end up in a pretty good amount of pain, and I'd rather be less stiff and I'd rather be able to move better. And so there might be a period of time where I'm like, all right, sled work, knees over toes stuff, do some go to stuff. And if I'm going to like lift, lift,
Starting point is 00:49:52 then it might be more upper body than it is like really trying to tax the lower body. Lower body would be more like, let me work on moving better rather than like trying to move more weight. You know, those, that would be something I would move towards. And that's something that they talk about. They talk about, they don't really try to lift weights. They try to move weights and they try to move weights properly as much as they can.
Starting point is 00:50:13 Yeah. Yeah. No, that's for me when I lift, that's the, that's the big thing. Like how can I move this weight as good as I possibly can? For me, when I'd mentioned mention good, it's what's the largest range of motion I can move this weight comfortably through. That's how I look at things personally. And that's just helped me be able to have stronger ranges of motion, which has been super beneficial. So guys, listen to that podcast.
Starting point is 00:50:39 Just take it in. That's all. Just take it in. It doesn't mean you have to agree with everything, but there's probably a lot of things that I learned from and that you could learn from too. Yeah. Just, I mean, you know, just looking at my son, the way he moves, you know, it was like, everything they explained about Gota and nobody taught him how to sit in Seiza, which is just like sitting down, like on your, on your knees. Okay. And then the way how he like swims through the ground when he's crawling,
Starting point is 00:51:09 like nobody told, told him how to do that. But what we eventually do is we tell him how to sit down and how to not do that. Right. Like how to walk in. Cause so like, uh,
Starting point is 00:51:19 yesterday, um, I seen, and Mark mentioned this on that episode, but like I seen, uh, a mom, she was, she was a little bit
Starting point is 00:51:25 overweight, but like her feet were like way out here. And then her little daughter was walking the exact same way, but like her left foot was like kind of straight and her right was like way out here. But like you can tell like how open she was. And it's like these little things that like now I'm going to see them everywhere. But the, like I said, like the eye opening or like, I don't know, something like you can't really argue with is like, yeah, the way my son moves. He's moving the way that, you know, that he just naturally is going to move. And I think like if I can get back to moving better, it's going to allow me to lift more.
Starting point is 00:51:59 Because like right now, everything that I do is compromised by my back. Everything. Like bench squat dead, fucking burpees, doesn't matter what it is. Because like right now, everything that I do is compromised by my back. Everything. Like bench squat dead, fucking burpees, doesn't matter what it is. Everything is limited by what my back can tolerate. Now, if I can put myself in ranges that aren't going to cause pain and, you know, like if I can tap into these deeper ranges of motion, I'm going to get stronger. I'm going to get stronger. I'm going to get bigger. My camera just got weird.
Starting point is 00:52:27 But there's no way, like, I can't disregard it. Like, I'm going to do this from now on. One of the cues, like in a squat, you know, where you talk to somebody and you try to have them drive their knees out. One of the reasons why you're trying to drive the knees out is because you're trying to drive your knees out towards where your ankle is or towards where your feet are. Sometimes the knees will go out outward past where the feet are. And sometimes it will go outward past even kind of where the ankle is. But that's not actually what you're really trying to do. Your knees don't necessarily go out. They have the ability to look like they're going out. But your knees go out via your hips.
Starting point is 00:53:07 Your hips control that opening. But even what you're trying to do, even more so than drive your knees out, is you're trying to have your inside ankle bone be high. And that's what these guys preach over and over again. This was all stuff that Sturette was saying years ago. It creates an arch, right? It creates an arch.
Starting point is 00:53:23 And we've heard Chris Duffin talk about it. So these are just some things that are said slightly differently and then it's said by some different people. And then so people might be upset because these guys in particular, they don't love to see people doing cleans and snatches and squats and deadlifts, all these traditional things. But what I'd like people to grasp a hold of is there does seem to be a disconnect between the weight room and between athleticism.
Starting point is 00:53:50 And there does seem to be some disconnect between like, why do so many athletes blow out their hamstring? Like we kind of just hear over and over again that it's like a genetic thing. And when you're pushing the envelope, like, of course, shit's going to blow apart. But I don't really believe that. I believe there is a way to kind of get to the root cause of what these issues are. And the issues aren't necessarily people doing glute ham raises and Nordics and people doing stiff leg deadlifts. However, people are already doing a lot of those things and then they're still tearing their hamstrings often.
Starting point is 00:54:24 So like what else can be done what else can be examined well maybe uh working on having your feet be in a better position can be preventative in some way it's kind of hard to tell especially like when we're talking about like pro football or something like that and a contact injury is something that there isn't really shit you can do about um except for being better shape and be able to maybe absorb it better if you're stronger, if you're in a better position. Those are all, if you have better conditioning, you might be in a better position as well. You know, in jujitsu, if you just don't ever get in that spot, then no one can really do that to you to hurt you, right? So having like a particular skill set,
Starting point is 00:55:05 but maybe over a period of time, you can get yourself moving better. And because you're moving better, when you go to move fast, you're going to move really, really fast or fast for you, you're now able to do so with efficiency. You don't get hurt. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:55:21 One movement though, we talked about it. Think of more people actually started doing Nordics though. That'd make a big difference for their hamstring resiliency. That's one of those movements that people know if you're able to, if you're able to actually do those, your occurrence of hamstring like crazy. Yeah, yeah. So that is a movement I would say that most people don't really or, yeah, don't work on much. I know I wasn't working on Nordics at all before Ben got here. And when I did start working on them and did start improving on them, my hamstrings are, yeah, my hamstrings are fucking golden. Even if I just ran into a sprint, which is something that usually would fuck my hamstring. Like if I go into a 100% sprint, my hamstrings are not gonna go it's it's scary um but who's that uh animal moving dude that you brought up what's his name go to ben uh go to bam yeah he was bam yeah he's fucking savage he was here he's their camera guy why was he not on well we ran out of microphones but okay
Starting point is 00:56:23 no he's he's another go to coach and he's a fucking savage he's super jacked and my computer's not loading but um he does a lot of a lot of the moments that you saw like it like i'll say functional but he's in amazing shape and the dude's awesome he was like uh he's like yeah if you walk into my my apartment he's like all you see is just like wrestling mats. He's like, and then a low coffee table. And he has like a bed mat. Like he doesn't have like an actual bed.
Starting point is 00:56:51 He's like a couple of sails of chairs. He's like, and that's it. Oh, he doesn't even sit in a chair. I went to dinner with him and he was standing in his chair in a squat position. Like in both his knees were like up by like his face almost. Like, cause he was like in this crazy, like bendy squat position. And both his knees were up by his face almost because he was in this crazy bendy squat position. And I was like, what the fuck? And he did that in our conference room too.
Starting point is 00:57:14 Yeah, he's just sitting there perched in a 10-minute squat. It's wild. This dude's a fucking animal. Yeah, yeah. Check this out. He does jujitsu and shit too. Yeah, I saw this.
Starting point is 00:57:24 Fucking in the airport. Out of nowhere. Yeah, hejitsu and shit too yeah I saw this fucking in the airport just out of nowhere yeah he's dancing and shit yeah dude's super cool very talented
Starting point is 00:57:34 movements definitely look look pretty different and they look weird but I think they can be effective I think it can really be
Starting point is 00:57:43 really be helpful cool I'm gonna get them from you I think it can really be, uh, really be helpful. Cool. Yeah. I'm gonna get them from you guys so I can add them in. Yeah. You'll dig it. We'll take us on out of here. Andrew thing.
Starting point is 00:57:53 Thank you everybody for checking out today's episode. Uh, please like today's episode and subscribe. You guys are not subscribed and let us know what, uh, what shitty reality TV show that you got hooked on. Cause I'm curious to see what else everybody was watching. Cause I know'm trying to think i'm i've probably watched something it's just not coming to mind but anyways yeah please let us know what you guys are watching and uh please
Starting point is 00:58:12 follow the podcast at mark bell's power project on instagram at mb power project on tiktok and twitter my instagram and twitter is at i am andrew z and sema we missed you where can people find you and see my ending on instagram and youtube and see Seema Yin Yang on TikTok and Twitter, Mark. Guys, don't forget to watch some Peacemaker. Oh, this new episode was out yesterday, Thursdays. Check it out. With my boy John Cena, some good shit. You got to see a little bit of it, right, Andrew?
Starting point is 00:58:37 I watched like about half of the first episode and I really like it. I just, yeah, haven't had a chance to sit down and watch it. Why does he walk with his booty out? Oh, he always talks like that. Yeah. You know that, um,
Starting point is 00:58:51 the discovery channel did a documentary on us, uh, a long time ago. It was like the making of like a pro wrestler or whatever. And, uh, you know, just had all these like scenes of us like wrestling and shit.
Starting point is 00:59:02 Like it was, it was a lot of fun, but there was a scene where he was like shopping and he's like pushing his like shopping cart like in the grocery store and he's got like just tons of meat in the shopping cart or whatever and he just walks by the camera the camera's at like waist level and he just has the biggest ass and we just would always laugh at that clip because we're like dude what the fuck are you walking like that for go to but he walks like that yeah his john's feet are like pigeon-toed together they're like uh pointing towards each other they do yeah and his ass is
Starting point is 00:59:30 back he's he's a fucking genetic anomaly that's the key maybe goda has the key it's a big motherfucker i know that strength is never a weakness weakness never strength catch you guys later bye

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