Mark Bell's Power Project - MBPP EP. 690 - True Anti-Aging, What Men Are Seeking, & How Confidence Is Built

Episode Date: March 11, 2022

Just the crew recalling some of the recent guests we've had on recently and sharing how we've been utilizing some of their methods in our everyday lives to reverse our aging. Special perks for our lis...teners below! ➢ Code POWERPROJECT10 for 10% off site wide including Within You supplements! ➢ Use Code POWERPROJECT for 20% off! ➢Bubs Naturals: Use code POWERPROJECT for 20% of your next order! ➢Vertical Diet Meals: Use code POWERPROJECT for 20% off your first order! ➢Vuori Performance Apparel: Visit to automatically save 20% off your first order! ➢8 Sleep: Visit to automatically save $150 off the Pod Pro! ➢Marek Health: Use code POWERPROJECT10 for 10% off ALL LABS! Also check out the Power Project Panel: Use code POWERPROJECT for $101 off! ➢Piedmontese Beef: Use Code POWER at checkout for 25% off your order plus FREE 2-Day Shipping on orders of $150 Follow Mark Bell's Power Project Podcast ➢ ➢ Insta: ➢ ➢ Twitter: ➢ LinkedIn: ➢ YouTube: ➢TikTok: FOLLOW Mark Bell ➢ Instagram: ➢ Facebook: ➢ Twitter: Follow Nsima Inyang ➢ ➢YouTube: ➢Instagram: ➢TikTok: Follow Andrew Zaragoza on all platforms ➢ #PowerProject #Podcast #MarkBell

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Power Project family, how's it going? Now I want to talk to you guys about Within You Supplements. This is Mark's supplement line. And the amazing thing is Mark used to be 330 pounds. He was a fat guy. So obviously this stuff tastes really damn good. But another cool thing about Within You Supplements is that none of these products are white labeled.
Starting point is 00:00:16 Now what a lot of people do when they come out with their own supplement lines is they do something called white labeling. And white labeling, all that means is there's a supplement that's already out there. They take off the tag of that supplement, they put their name on it, and now it's their supplement line. Quite literally, there's nothing else like Within You supplements out there because Mark formulated these supplements with other individuals that he knows within the industry, like Joel
Starting point is 00:00:38 Green, who we've had on this podcast. So you guys should check out Within You. We have amazing protein, electrolyte supplements. We have fasting gum and many other things on the website. Andrew, how can they check it out? Nothing but high quality ingredients with zero fillers. Head over to and use promo code POWERPROJECT to save 15% off all Within You products. Links to them down in the description as well as the podcast show notes. I think it's pretty cool. Like the last several guests that we've had on, we've had a lot of great people on.
Starting point is 00:01:06 I mean, even just yesterday, talking to our dick doctor. Hey, Dr. Judson. That was some pretty great knowledge that he dropped on us yesterday. And it's been amazing, just the last few months of the different people that we're influenced by. few months of the different people that we're influenced by. And I know that you and I and Andrew, we're all starting to incorporate some of these things that we've learned from Ben Patrick, some stuff that we learned from the Gota guys, some stuff that we've learned from Kelly Starrett. But there's also like kind of an underlying current of everything as well of just kind
Starting point is 00:01:42 of like learn how to be a dude, learning how to be a guy, learning how to be a man from some of these people. Some of these people are people I admire quite a bit. Kelly Sturette is a great family man and just an awesome dude. Somebody I admired for a long time. Having Corey Schlesinger here, it's great to see that he's like now engaged and he's kind of thinking of a family and those kinds of things. So it's cool to see that he's like now engaged and he's kind of thinking of a, of a family and those kinds of things. So it's cool to see all these progressions and it's great to utilize some
Starting point is 00:02:10 of the stuff that these people share with us, whether it be something that's philosophical or whether it be something in the gym. I know that you've been doing some of those side sled drags and you and I did, did them on one day and we got a little ambitious and we started pulling like five plates and we got wrecked from it. But now you've been doing it a little more often and you feel pretty good from it. Absolutely. You know, you start something new, you adapt to it, and it becomes like something you get used to. Because remember, I told you, we did some lateral sledge drags.
Starting point is 00:02:39 We did some of the jumping kettlebell lunges. We did some lateral kettlebell lunges. I go home, I sit down, I eat. And when I get up, I have to be hunched over because my adductors and my whole groin area doesn't want to flex. Like I, I had to drink two packets of fucking electrolytes so that I could finally start moving again. Um, but the next two times that I did that and I've, I've, I've implemented it. I don't feel that sore anymore. And, um, I've unlocked another great use for my body. Like that's the great thing about all the people that come on because we're able to add things in. And I got some funny comment of a dude
Starting point is 00:03:15 who's like, how do you program all of this? Cause there's so much we're doing now. There's so many things we're all adding into our workout routines. Um, but you know, you just get proficient enough and then you just sprinkle it in where you can. So I am on top of the world with all the stuff that we're doing right now. Sprinkle it in. I think that's like the key term right there. I kind of do the same thing. I'm like, what do I feel like doing today? I don't necessarily have it really mapped out. Today, when I saw you in the gym, I was all right well and Seema's already training I might as well do a little something and so I just did some of those stretches that Ben Patrick showed
Starting point is 00:03:49 us on the incline bench trying to open up the hip and and things like that and so for me it's been pretty easy I'm like okay let me do some of the go to stuff because a lot of that's great for warm-up I do some of their ground work I do a little bit of their squats. And then I might pull the sled backwards or something. Once my body's warm, now I can kind of go in on just like whatever I think would be good for the day. And I can kind of feel it out. Yesterday when you guys were messing around with that muscle machine, the machine that magically adds muscle to you. The M-flux? No, M-sculpt's M-sculpt.
Starting point is 00:04:25 M-sculpt. While you sit there, you're just getting more and more jacked. That's all you got to do for abs and biceps. While you were doing that, I was doing some dumbbell bench press mixed with the skier, mixed with some lat pulldowns. I just kind of went. I try not to have any rest. Again, picking that up from someone
Starting point is 00:04:46 like Chris Henshaw. Like, Henshaw's like, hey, try something that's really demanding and then surround it with another exercise or two that's pretty easy. Dumbbell bench pressing's pretty easy. Like, it's not that taxing. Lat pulldowns are really easy. But the SkiErg, if you try to keep a certain amount of force going on that, a certain amount of watts for a certain period of time it can be challenging so it's fun to like you know have implemented a lot of these things when i got here today i see and see him running laps around the building and there's nothing worse than coming here and seeing one of you guys already worked out because most of the time i i usually have gotten a workout in already yeah and when i saw it today i was like damn i love that he's getting after it.
Starting point is 00:05:26 But goddamn, I should have got here a little earlier and got my shit in. What's possessing you to run at the moment? Corey Schlesinger, man, and Chris Hinshaw. Because Corey said it right. He's like, you know, you're weak as piss. He didn't say I was weak as piss, but it kind of echoed in my mind. Because I played soccer for 15 years, and running was just a normal thing for me. And now like, you know, I get kind of easily winded when running, like I can run well, but not at the
Starting point is 00:05:57 pace that I think I should be able to run at, you know, with how well I am cardiovascularly with jujitsu, I should be better at running. And when we were talking on this on with Corey, I was like, we were saying how it's just like a natural human movement. People should be able to run like jog and run. We should all be able to, we should have the capacity, not,
Starting point is 00:06:15 not like eight or six minute miles for multiple miles, but maybe like an eight, nine minute mile. Like we should be able to do that. And the fact that like that would actually make me a little bit winded, I think is pathetic. I want to work on it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:31 You may as well explore it a little bit. Yeah. I think the comment was, I said like, if you are a, you know, champion or your basketball, I think I said basketball player, if you're an NBA basketball player, you should be able to be woken up in the middle of the night and be able to easily run two or three miles and my point wasn't that you should be only training for that capacity because then you would miss out on a lot of other things that make you a great basketball player and that would be foolish for you to try
Starting point is 00:06:56 to get like a 12 minute uh two mile run it you're probably not probably not necessary probably not really needed um but the point being just that you're very physically fit. And then his counter to that was like, that's just a human necessity. You should be able to do that. And to dial it back a pinch, I wouldn't say that I believe that everyone should be able to do that on a whim. You do need some training for it. But if you are working out and you're enthusiastic about your fitness and you can't do that, I would work towards being able to do something similar to that. And maybe your version of that is just that you're able to do 400 meters at any time. But you should be able to one lap around the track. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:35 And you consider yourself fairly fit and you work out three, four days a week. That should be very easy for you. Yeah. And we're not trying to put, because I saw somebody, I think they commented, we posted on the power project Instagram and somebody, or is the YouTube. Yeah. It was the YouTube power bite.
Starting point is 00:07:51 And somebody mentioned you guys shouldn't be putting value judgments on, on fitness. And we're not trying to put a, like, we're not trying to say you're inherently not a valuable human. If you can't run a lap or like, like Mark saying, run 400 meters,
Starting point is 00:08:04 but we're trying to say, you know, if you want to, if you want to live a long, healthy life with good longevity of your body, right. Uh, you know, when you're older, if you have kids or if you have grandkids, do you want to be able to maybe run with them when they're running around? Or do you want to feel like, Oh, you can't run with your grandchildren, right? When I think about all these things, I think about what am I going to look like when I'm 50, 60, 70? I don't want to just be big and jacked as great as that would be and as nice as that would look. I want to be able to do things with my kids and my grandkids at that point.
Starting point is 00:08:40 I want to be able to run around with them without having my knees feel like shit, right? Because that's a big deal yeah i think i think it's okay to say like i want to be a like like a really jacked grandfather i do because like i mentioned before we have a very difficult time especially younger people have a difficult time looking into the future like we have no idea so when you say i want to be able to roll around with my kids, it's like, I don't even have a girlfriend right now. Like, how am I going to have, like, I'm not worried about that. And like, let me, you know, anyways. And then, so when you say grandchildren, it's like, dude, like I haven't even, you know,
Starting point is 00:09:16 started step. That's what I mean. You know, so it's really hard. So I think if you think about like, damn, yeah, I want to be that grandfather that people have no idea that I'm even a grandfather. Like, I think that's okay. I think it's okay to be a little vain about it because what comes with looking that well, like you're more than likely going to be healthier, right? Now, I'm not saying like bodybuilders and stuff are extremely healthy all the time. But if you're at that age and you have that much muscle development, you're going to be much better off. You're going to be able to move probably. You're going to be just, yeah, getting down on the ground is not going to be like a chore.
Starting point is 00:09:51 That's really insightful to be able to recognize that, Andrew, because a lot of people that are young are just excited about whatever it is they're currently doing. They're not really looking into their future. But if you want to work yourself backwards from some type of success, then I think it's important that you do investigate what your future does look like. So for example, you want to be a bodybuilder. You want to get an IFBB Pro card. Well, let's work our way backwards
Starting point is 00:10:22 from what that would look like. What do other IFBB Pros do to get to that spot? Maybe you don't have to do all the same things, but it sounds like it's pretty intensive in terms of the amount of time that it takes, the amount of hours that it takes to get into the gym. It sounds like there's a lot of understanding from whoever your significant other might be and so forth. So you want to kind of think about all those different things that would allow you to gain access to an IFBB Pro card. Maybe you would have to have a job where you work from home and just make like a decent amount of
Starting point is 00:10:55 money and you don't have a job that's pulling so much time away from you, not allowing you to train as much as you need to and all those various things. So I think it's important that anybody looks into their future. And the greatest song of all time, Blunt Blown from Lil Wayne, he says, if you want to look into your future, all you got to do is close your eyelids. So you do need to think about these things. You need to think about what's your future going to look like. And you need to sort of – I like to work my way backwards into stuff. If I want to be successful at stuff, if I want to make a lot of money, then I know that it's going to take a lot of time.
Starting point is 00:11:34 Because I move a little slow. And I'm aware of that with myself. But I don't have any problem being persistent. And I don't have any problem with shit taking forever. As you guys see, I'm late a lot of times. A lot of times this show goes on forever. A lot of times I talk forever. I don't have any problem dragging people out into the deep end because I can't swim that fast, but I can stay afloat for a long time.
Starting point is 00:11:57 Let me add on to that, man. What you said there is a big deal because, for example, a lot of people, um, and you know, it's cool to want to make a lot of money, but doing that, uh, can be, can you can do it very short if you do certain things in certain businesses, but it can also, it can take you a while if you're doing something. And when I've always thought about that, I've always been like, okay, well, I do want to make a certain amount of money by a certain point. Um the biggest thing that I need to try to continue to focus on is being healthy. This is going to take me some time. And I know guys in my life that they've sacrificed their health because they've had to do their certain things to make a certain amount of money.
Starting point is 00:12:37 And as much as I mean that that's shit, you're rich now, whatever. Maybe you can now take care of your health. I focus on my health because like I know that once I have all this money, right, I want to be as healthy as possible to do with what I want to do with it. Another thing is when I think about kids because I've talked about that multiple times. I don't have kids. I'm 29 and I don't have kids yet, right? But I have no problem waiting five or six more years to have kids because I know that I'm dealing with my health right now. I'm focusing on how healthy I am. And even though to some people I'd be an older dad, I wouldn't physically be an older dad.
Starting point is 00:13:15 I'd be a guy that's in his 30s with the body of a 20 something year old, with the movement, with the energy of a 20 something year-year-old because of the things that we're focusing on here. And by the time I'm in my 50s, I'll still be in the body of a 30-something-year-old. Like I won't be old. People won't even think I'm old because people always talk about anti-aging and all that type of shit. But the shit that we're doing
Starting point is 00:13:40 is actually the real anti-aging shit. The working out, the focusing on movement, the focusing on being able to have good cardiovascular health. These are the things that are going to keep us vibrant when we get into our, for me, when I get into my 30s, but when you get into your 50s and 60s, you're still going to be able to fucking run and you're going to have great bone density and you're going to be strong. You're not going to be your average 60 year old. You're not going to be your average 40 year old. You know what I mean? Right now, like even your back's getting better you are quite literally aging backwards because
Starting point is 00:14:07 of the shit that we're continuing to do on the podcast so when you're in your 40s you're going to be feeling better than you did when you were 25 yeah this is anti-aging not a fucking supplement or a pill it's the shit that we're doing right now or a machine or you know like some fucking lasers or some shit oh two comments that i just wanted to point out on the um the ig reel that we posted up uh no they were both they have one no no no no the um the human capacity like you should be able to at least you know i think we said like walk or run a lap you know it was very minimal things uh hang for 30 seconds uh somebody was just like yeah i always um wanted to be able to like hang for a long time because I always
Starting point is 00:14:47 imagined like, what if I had to hang on like at the edge of a cliff? And I'm like, dude, as a kid, I used to think about that all the time. So there was that. And then someone else said that they train to run marathons in case,
Starting point is 00:14:59 you know, something happens and they have to run 26 miles for shelter or food. And I was like, fuck. Like, yeah, like I'd be struggling cause i'd have to walk but at least i could walk i would have to walk right yeah imagine yeah we could get there but imagine you're like in nebraska or some shit your car breaks down and you got to go 10 miles one way and 10 miles another to get back to the car to give it gas or to yeah get a little food to your family or whatever, right? I mean, you wouldn't necessarily have to be able to run the whole thing, but it would be helpful so that you can move a little faster.
Starting point is 00:15:33 But real quick, one on Andrew said, that's why I find rock climbers or individuals who do bouldering. That's why. Either one of you guys see the alpinist is that how you say alpinist alpinist the alpinist alpinist never never seen what is it it is a sick fucking movie be careful how much stuff you look up on it though andrew because you don't want to uh yeah no spoilers no it's fucking awesome i found a trailer so wait what's what's it about it's about we get copyrighted if we show the trailer no it's it's the trailer so we should be okay it's the sickest motherfucker ever this
Starting point is 00:16:11 guy oh god he's climbing with a fucking pickaxe is that why you're saying be careful with no like uh he doesn't have any like things attached wow no he's like you know what's cool is we've been talking on this show for so long about interpretation and how everything's an inch so that's the motherfucker they did the other documentary on the famous climber oh he's from sacramento i think i forget what that did like a free climber right yeah yeah there you go yeah free solo free solo there we go so that guy talks about how nuts this guy is the guy they just showed right there, the little afro going on. He went to my high school.
Starting point is 00:16:48 He looks like raw meat experiment. He does look like raw meat experiment. Yeah, he does, right? Look at him hula hooping like a motherfucker. Let's go. But what's cool is everyone talks about how crazy he is and the things that he does and how dope it is. First of all, he doesn't film half the stuff that he does. And even when they're making this movie, he wouldn't even allow them to film
Starting point is 00:17:07 a lot of stuff. He just goes dark for a while. He doesn't even communicate with them. He doesn't talk to them. He just does and goes and does the most epic climb of all time. It's just wild. But when they ask him about it, he's just like, this is what I love to do.
Starting point is 00:17:26 He doesn't make anything of it. he's just like, this is what I love to do. Like he doesn't make any thing of it. He's not like, oh my God, like you wouldn't even believe how hard this last one was. Or he like broke the Free Solo Guy's record one time. He just went out. He didn't even know there was like a record. He just went and like climbed this mountain and he got like this time and he gets to the top and everyone's like, you just crushed the record by like three minutes. He's like, what record? He's like, there's a record for this, you know?
Starting point is 00:17:49 And he just, he's just an explorer. He's just having a lot of fun. And you find that, you'll see that time and time and time again. And I mentioned this before, Anderson Silva, one of my favorite fighters of all time. They went to his house in Brazil. He has a beautiful house, beautiful cars, beautiful everything. He was the champ for a long time.
Starting point is 00:18:10 They asked him, hey, how'd this come to be? He's like, it just is. I've been doing this since I was a kid. He made it sound like no sweat. You're like, really? What's the secret? Give me the secret. There isn't a secret.
Starting point is 00:18:24 These guys are just good at what they do. Yeah, and they love it. So it's funny. They love it. This could segue into what we were talking about before we got on air, but my dad officially retired again because he has to be there for my mom and take her to different appointments and stuff. So he officially like, all right, I'm done.
Starting point is 00:18:43 So what does this fucker do? take her to different appointments and stuff so he officially like all right i'm done so what does this fucker do um our bat like well my parents backyard is just full of like car parts and like project cars because that's just car dudes that's just how we roll and he went from waking up at like 5 a.m to go to work every single day to waking up at 5 a.m to go to the backyard to do literally the exact same thing he was getting paid to do only now he's just doing it for free on his own shit and he plain and simply said it's what i love to do and just left it at that it's like fuck that makes a lot of sense yeah dad is that hard to get in there and get behind that engine and do that he'd be like what like why why are you asking
Starting point is 00:19:21 me that son like it's not hard yeah he's like's like, you know, just like a, he's just like me. He's like slender, except like maybe probably like less, 20 pounds less. But he's like moving whole cars because that's just what he has to do. And this man took a body off of one car, took the frame, put it under another car all by himself. Car dudes are like, oh, yeah, you can do that. But like this guy is 68 years old and he's doing it in grass uneven everything you know like fucking black widows all over the place he's like yeah it's just what i love to do like all right i guess so i think in sema said the term earlier about valuable human like we you know we're encouraging
Starting point is 00:20:01 you to have to possess some of these abilities uh But I would even kind of ride the line a little harder and say like, I don't think you're a valuable human if you can't do stuff physically. Now, I'm not saying I'm going to set the bar really high for you because your bar is your bar and that's up to you. But everyone should be able to admit that they have weaknesses and everyone should be able to admit that they can make progress in nearly just about anything. There's always like caveats to that. And there's always like people with handicaps and there's people with like mental disorders and things like that. So I don't want to bash on any of that. But most of us are pretty functional and most of us are abusing our own ability.
Starting point is 00:20:40 And I'm guilty of this myself, of our own capabilities, like things for like, for me, I don't read but that doesn't serve me well just to say that I I can't read or I have trouble reading it's foolish I should actually just fucking read it would be beneficial and no like when you say you don't read because of what you just said like the valuable human thing you still listen to a lot of books and you still listen to a lot of like you listen to a lot of you still listen to a lot of books and you still listen to a lot of like, you listen to a lot of books, you listen to a lot of like seminars,
Starting point is 00:21:10 you listen to a lot of speeches and stuff. So you are still consistently learning. It's just for you, reading isn't your best conduit to be able to learn certain things. And that's it, you know, but you're still out here fucking learning shit. And with,
Starting point is 00:21:24 with what you just said right there, as far as like the you're not valuable, like for some people, they're going to say easy for you guys to say you've been working out since you were a kid. You played sports. I've been playing sports since I was six. I've been working out since I was 13. So for me, the physical culture has been a big part of my life. So for me, the physical culture has been a big part of my life. But even so, I still have things outside of like working out that I like to do, that I like to read. But I do think that just having that physicality aspect to myself, which I'm eternally grateful for my mom for putting me in sport because she put me in sport, but I also had a big emphasis on academics that has given me a back behind the scenes level of confidence in
Starting point is 00:22:11 myself because I don't feel weak. Like physically, I feel like a strong human being. And I'm not just talking about lifting bars. Like I feel like since I have that skill, it's allowed me to go into other areas and improve those other areas in my life as as far as like my mind and, and, and my ability to do other things. And I think that generally, you know, if you're an individual, cause like you just mentioned, you need to find something that truly interests you like your, like your dad, Andrew, right? For some people, the things that interest them are video games. And I used to play a lot of video games. And right before college, I deleted the accounts on certain games that I had that were like MMORPGs because I'm like, if I continue to try to build my character in this fake world and continue investing my time here,
Starting point is 00:22:59 I'm not going to be able to really invest my time into being a being a valuable human being i need to get rid of this i still do play games on my ps5 but single player shit just because it doesn't take as much time investment um and i know people are also going to mention there are people out here that make money with video games real good money streamers streaming is is huge but even in that sense i think there's a level of confidence that you still have if you're like an individual that streams games and the game thinks what you like to do but you also have a strong physical aspect to yourself we cannot deny that having just some physical confidence will give will make you confident as a guy. Like you need to develop that.
Starting point is 00:23:45 You, you can't just sit around and game. And even if you're making money with it, there's something that it's, it's that you can't replicate here. It's the real world. It's, it's,
Starting point is 00:23:56 it's, it's, it, you can't replicate it. There's a physical, there's a physical side of things and there's a mental side of things. And then there's like a metaphysical spiritual side of things and there's a mental side of things and then there's like a metaphysical, spiritual side of things. And I think – and there could be other stuff that I'm kind of missing, but those are fundamental and you need to have all of them kind of in place.
Starting point is 00:24:18 And if you are – if you're pulling so hard in one direction, you're missing out on some other things. So when you're trying to be as strong as possible, or you're trying to, you know, uh, bodybuild or something like that, you might be missing out on some of the mental side of things or the physiological or the physical, or the,
Starting point is 00:24:37 I'm sorry, the, uh, uh, the emotional side of things. You might be missing out on some other aspects like where you kind of get like the meathead guy, you know, and you're like, we've interviewed people like this before. We've had people on the show, like, and they have world records and we tried it. We're like
Starting point is 00:24:54 trying to get more stuff out of them, but there's nothing there because all they did was focus on their strength. And some people communicate better than others. Some people have better stories and things like that. But for the most part, we've, we've seen that more recently, I was communicating with Pete Rubish and he's talking about this kind of transformation that he's undergone and how he is excited. He's going to go back to the USAPL. He's waiting until he's drug free for three years. And he's going through this, uh, this, this whole, this whole thing, you know, to, to, to, but he's loving lifting. He's loving what it means to him now.
Starting point is 00:25:28 And he's like, I kind of went, you know, some of your route. And so he and I were going back and forth on that. And I kind of mentioned to him, you know, I was lucky because I met Andy at such a young age that I, although I did get lost in the numbers and I did trade out probably my original passion for trying to reach like some sort of glory or something like that at some point. And I got lost in the shuffle somewhere along the line. It was only for like a second. And then I was able to recalibrate and make more sense of it. And then ultimately I got hurt to the point where I always say that pain is the ultimate teacher. It's my mentor, you know? So falling with that weight helped me to kind of recalibrate
Starting point is 00:26:09 and get back in line with what I was doing. But my whole point is, and I think a lot of what we're going to talk about on this show today, is you have to have done some stuff in your life to think that you're something. You can't just have a positive affirmation. You can't just have mommy telling you that you're great and that you're beautiful and that you're a special kid. You actually have had to do some of those things in the real world and get admiration and you need to like feedback from other people. You need proof that you have actually done something.
Starting point is 00:26:46 I know it sounds kind of weird, but you need pats on the back from other people. Some people have never hit a home run. Some people have never scored a touchdown. Some people never scored a goal in soccer. When you're on a soccer team for a couple of years and you're one of the leading scorers or leading defenders, you and everybody else
Starting point is 00:27:05 is well aware of it. And the other team is well aware of it. The other team watches tape and they're going, who's this guy? All that stuff plays into your confidence and your value. Are you more valuable than the other people on the team? Yes, in that sense you are because of the game that it is. They even will call you the MVP, the most valuable player. You're not the least valuable player. You could find the person on the team that's the least valuable player, as mean as all this kind of sounds to be.
Starting point is 00:27:38 But there's a lot of things that go into being the best. And sometimes there's a genetic component to it. Sometimes it's a marriage of a bunch of things, right? Sometimes it's genetics. You worked really hard. You went to a bunch of camps and no one ever talks about that shit. No one ever talks about how you sacrificed every summer for eight years straight. My wife, the entire family never went on vacation because she was always swimming. So there's things that happen behind closed doors. She's got a division one scholarship. She's captain of the swim team. You guys, I mean, there's nobody fucking like her. She's unbelievable. And so I think that you have to have done something in your life to be able to feel like you're actually something, to be strong enough on the inside to be able to have that strength shown in the real world.
Starting point is 00:28:32 Yeah, I want to double down on that. So I was actually talking to a guerrilla chemist, Brian Moscow. We've been texting since he was on the show because, I mean, as you guys seen, like I got pretty fired up. We're talking about um nootropics and stuff and you know we're going back and forth talking about all kinds of different compounds and drugs and stuff and I just told them like yeah I used to be really really into this stuff like it's straight up nerd and like make my own stuff and do all these things I'm like but honestly what I had to do was I had to like get some iron cred. I had to get into the gym and actually put in the
Starting point is 00:29:05 time there. I had to stay up long nights working really hard because I was always searching for the next thing to help accomplish something else. Like I was always searching for like a shortcut to help accomplish more things. A potion. I was trying to find a potion when I could have just got mind bullet instead of actually putting in the work to like actually become something else. So now if I do go back to some of these things, like, yeah, they might actually be more beneficial, but instead of trying to get a shortcut, I just had to do something. I had to become something in order for me to feel better. Cause that's really what I was searching for. I was like, you know, I'm always like kind of depressed and I'm always like anxious I'm really quiet so like
Starting point is 00:29:47 maybe I can take some things that will help make me feel better that will help make me more outgoing alcohol definitely make that work but then you're kind of you know you're inebriated and it's yeah it's not real so I had to get my ass out there started getting really good at photography and then to have the confidence enough to meet Mark and tell him, hey, I'm a photographer. But if I was, I'm going to meet Mark, let me make sure I take all the alpha brain in the world so that way when I meet him, I can talk to him.
Starting point is 00:30:15 Fucking an alpha. You know what I mean? Well, that's just the name of the- I know, I know it's the name of the product, but the whole alpha beta thing. Yeah, but instead of actually putting in the work to become somebody, you know, it wouldn't have worked out. Let me ask you, Andrew, as you started to deepen your physical abilities, you started to get stronger, you started, all that started to happen. What did that do for you?
Starting point is 00:30:41 Maybe be more specific? Like, what do you mean? maybe be more specific? Like, what do you mean? Just as an individual, like, how do you feel nowadays versus, like, as far as, like, your confidence level is concerned? Because you have a lot of skills.
Starting point is 00:30:51 You're an amazing photographer. You know what you're doing with all of this stuff in terms of building a podcast, producing. You have a lot of skills and talents that you can use outside of just this. I have no skill when it comes to that.
Starting point is 00:31:04 He can't even like reference what you do he's like trying to make an example you're good with all this sound shit no i'm not reaching because andrew set this whole motherfucker up right i didn't andrew did i was just like okay you want me to put this here okay like this was all you but like the physical side of things, what has that done for you just in general? Yeah, no, it's elevated everything. Like I know that's kind of generic to say that, but it literally did. Confidence with my girlfriend at the time, you know, my wife now, like I was always like, you know, looking for looking more at other dudes in the gym, seeing if they're going
Starting point is 00:31:43 to go talk to her versus kind of getting in shape and then just having confidence and just being like, hey, have fun, have a good workout. I'm going to focus on my shit. You go do your thing. And then of course, outside of the gym,
Starting point is 00:31:52 that just helped build that up completely, like so much better. I talk about being like a skinny guy growing up and kind of being an easy target. Well, now I add a little bit of size. Like I feel way more comfortable being with my family out and like going for a walk or something so like when I talk about like dealing with depression
Starting point is 00:32:09 anxiety and like always just being worried a lot of that went away just by getting into the gym so that was gigantic right and then with the confidence as a, especially during a wedding, you are the show. Everyone is there, and this entire two-family party all have their eyes on you. If you don't have confidence, you're going to lose them, and you're not going to get your fucking job done. If I was still that weak, scrawny kid trying to demand... And you know, groomsmen, they're all bros. They're all drinking. It's kind of like locker room talk all the time with them. If I go in there being real timid, they're going to eat me alive.
Starting point is 00:33:03 I had to be able to get on their level, not like a bro, but just, you know, kind of like, hey, like I need you guys over here and like really command them without having strength in the gym. I would not have that strength outside of the gym to be able to command people to do what I needed them to. And then of course, here on this podcast, like there's times where we talk about lifting. I know what the fuck, like a lot of this stuff is now. Same thing with diet. And then again, back to the confidence thing. Like Mark knows this too. Like I was extremely quiet coming in. I'm still very quiet, but I'm significantly more outspoken than I was when I first started. And yesterday you were helping Sean Baker. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:28 With his podcast. And how many people is he going to reach? And how many times has he been on like Joe Rogan? And how many people in our industry are always talking? Like people look to that guy for a lot of advice. He's somebody that we admire. And now you have the ability, the skill set to help him. How cool is that? admire, and now you have the ability, the skill set to help him. How cool is that?
Starting point is 00:33:45 Yeah, it's incredible. And it's amazing to go home, tell, I'm telling my wife, but we're at the dinner table, and it's like, hey, Sean Baker, the world's most famous carnivore, FaceTimed me yesterday because he wants me to help him with his podcast. Maybe the smartest guy that we know. That guy's on a different level. Dude, yeah, he's he's incredible i'm just like he's like a fucking doctor and he did all kinds of shit right like i don't even know all the things and i'm telling her in front of my daughter at the dinner table so she's seeing and hearing that and yeah i am
Starting point is 00:34:18 kind of for her i am bragging a little bit to be like, this is what I got to do today. You know, because for her, you know, we always just like, Hey, like, what do you think you want to do? And she's like, I don't really know. She's mentioned a couple of things that we're trying to pursue those, but you know, I'm just like, Hey, like, I didn't really know what I wanted to do till I was like 33. So like you have one, you have like hell of time, but on top of that, like, I say like, we're normal, you know know like we're just everyday people i'm like but we are doing some very like abnormal things in our lives and you can too yeah that's that's a great feeling and one other thing is like not only are you uh you you have a skill set there
Starting point is 00:34:58 but you are now a leader within your family and general community as far as literal health like people are coming to you for like and Andrew, what do I eat this? Or like, you're the guy in the family now. 100%. Yeah. Yeah. That was another thing I was going to mention when it came to like getting in and out of the gym is like, I'm again in this room, obviously if somebody needs, you know, diet workout advice, it's going to be like one A, one B, and then like, I'll be two.
Starting point is 00:35:24 And I'm fine with that in this circle right now. My family, I am the expert. Only because I've been doing it long enough and I'm around you guys, I'm around our guests. So having that knowledge and that skill set just to be like, yes, that's actually a carb. When they don't know simple things like that, just being able to help someone with that is extremely empowering as well. And as we're talking about this importance of physicality, I know that there are going to be some people like,
Starting point is 00:35:56 that's all you guys care about. No, physicality is not all we care about. It's not the only thing that's important to us. We do a lot of learning outside of the stuff that we do in the gym. We do a lot of learning outside of the stuff that we do in the gym. We do a lot of that. But the thing is, is that that has given us a basis and maybe a level of confidence to be able to go into other realms and do shit. Because we already have this thing that like, this is set.
Starting point is 00:36:20 Like people see you, like they look at you and like without knowing who you are on social media you'll go walk through a supermarket and people be like oh shit he's different like there's something up with this dude and you're not even trying to fucking peacock you know i mean a lot of these fucking a lot of these alpha male type channels or whatever like it's a lot of peacocking it's a lot of showy it's like what the watch on your hand and like the fucking shit that you're wearing and it's all this peacocking but you are some of them like you're still the same lame individual you're still a lame motherfucker you're peacocking for everyone to see what you got but you're not confident you're just trying to show how confident you are you can walk through somewhere without the
Starting point is 00:37:00 rollie without anything and people be like this guy's got some shit there's something different about him not wealth or whatever but there's something about you right so it's pretty rare that i even wear some of that stuff i mean it's fun it's nice to have it uh like there's it's actually really weird like when you have friends that are wealthy yeah um i'm more inclined to not wear it around some of my wealthy friends because they're really wealthy to the point where they don't care anymore. You know what I mean? Like they've been doing it for so long.
Starting point is 00:37:31 And there's like so many different forms of like wealth too that people don't understand. I think that people think that you have to make these certain amounts of money and you actually don't. You do need to get to like a certain amount of money. Like you certainly do. Like there is like kind of a, I don't, you do need to get to like a certain amount of money. Like you certainly do. Like there has, there, there is like kind of a, I don't know, somewhere between, depending on where you live and shit like that.
Starting point is 00:37:52 But if you get to like anything over like 60 K and you're able to manage that for a while, you're doing really well. You have to manage it for a while though. And you have to be, you have to be cautious with your money you know because you don't have a ton of extra money so those are those are some of the things that people don't really understand um is that you don't have to make like that that's a very good salary but you don't have to make like a crazy amount of money uh to have a lot like when i post something up on social media it can be really frustrating because the first thing people want to point out
Starting point is 00:38:27 is price. Yeah. And I am aware that my Omega three eggs and my Piedmontese hot dog and my raw cheese and my Bubz collagen that's in my, uh, coffee from my $5,000 coffee maker that I have at my house where that's made with Phil's coffee and so on. I understand how much money all that shit costs,
Starting point is 00:38:48 right? But you don't have to necessarily do that. I just am giving examples sometimes of like, this is like what I do. You can do it a different way. When I was younger, I had to do it a different way. I used to have to buy those big packets of beef
Starting point is 00:39:04 that were kind of gross. They're like 80, you know, it's 80, 20 beef. And I had to eat that. And I couldn't afford to buy like the fancier stuff. It wasn't in my budget at the time, but I was able to afford it over a period of time. But I think what we have in common here on this show is that all three of us have worked through the physical to get to the other side to where we can then work on the mental side of things more and i think for you you you're seems like your mother had a good basis with um you know where where she came from where she grew up and instilled in you that education was a huge factor. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:46 She got me playing instruments and shit too. Like she wasn't just like, she, she, like without realizing, like without realizing it, she wanted me to be a well-rounded person. Like she made sure I played sports,
Starting point is 00:39:56 but she also made sure that I had fucking went to band practice. And also a well-rounded man, you know, like, like what does it do for a guy that's 6'2 that's 250 pounds that's in great shape that can play the piano you know what I mean like it just it it's just another separate it just makes you a little different makes you more attractive you know makes it allows you to uh maybe have access to a ton of different options because you played soccer when you were young.
Starting point is 00:40:26 Your mom was the one who brought you to the gym, right? Like a lot of these things are huge. And then people, they just always want to try to, well, I didn't have a mom who did that. And it's like, well, fuck, man. I'm just trying to share my experiences with you. I understand that your life may have been different than mine. Maybe you didn't grow up with have been different than mine. Maybe you
Starting point is 00:40:45 didn't grow up with a kick-ass mom. Maybe somebody didn't grow up with, I was fortunate to have two great parents, two amazing brothers, and an amazing entire family of like 40, 50 people around me and everybody else, which was hugely instrumental. And I do mention it every single time that I ever talk about any success. But I want to get back to, we've all built ourselves up physically. And I was talking to you one day and you were saying, hey, I'm grateful to be on the podcast. And Andrew, I'll tell this to you too. I think I've mentioned this to you in the past, but you guys belong here.
Starting point is 00:41:19 Like you're here for a reason. I think the way that you're going about doing things right now in SEMA is the way to go about doing things. There's a lot of people that make a lot of money. There's a lot of people that make a lot of money, right? Yeah. I was just listening to Joe Rogan this morning. He was talking about how many real top level comedians are there in the entire world. He's like, there might be like 500 of us or something like that. There's not a lot, right?
Starting point is 00:41:47 There's not a lot of people that can get a body like yours. And it could be like all these factors that people want to point to. You're, you're on steroids and you're not telling anybody about it. You take a little bit of SARMs, a little bit of growth hormone and some peptides. Uh, and you're able to get past some of the testing that you had to do for some of your
Starting point is 00:42:05 natural bodybuilding shows and your genetics, all this different stuff. But the fact remains, you're in amazing shape. And I think that is the way to go. The way to go is to explore the things that you can control a lot easier, it may be more difficult for somebody to figure out how to become highly educated, super advanced at a young age and make a lot of money the way that someone like Steve Jobs did. Talk about being like one in a billion or one in a trillion type of person. You know, that's a very, very difficult route, but playing the long game and saying, I'm going to start to introduce some physical activity into my life because I need to move around more. And I've always liked riding my bike when I was a kid.
Starting point is 00:42:54 I'm going to get back on my bike tomorrow and I'm going to ride around the block. And then a couple of days later, I heard that it's good to get some sunlight. So I'm going to get some sunlight on my bike, wear a t-shirt so I get some of that sun on my skin. And I'm actually going to start to eat a little bit better too. And slowly but surely you pick away and you start to get the body that you at least wanted to work towards.
Starting point is 00:43:18 You feel more confident. You drop 10 pounds. Now you feel better about yourself. It's easier to smile. It's easier to tell jokes. It's easier to smile. It's easier to tell jokes. It's easier to be happier. Everything gets easier as Andrew was pointing out earlier. You know, I think the big overarching theme here or the big umbrella thing is just that you just need to care about self-development. Because self-development, as much as we're talking about
Starting point is 00:43:41 physical stuff here, it's not just physicality. It's your skills. What are you able to literally do? And not even just physically, do you have skills to do things that are valuable to people that you can now maybe market out there and you can do something with that skill, whether it's with your job or your business or whatever? What skills do you have that people want or that the market wants? And like you did mention, if an individual doesn't have any skills and you're not going to have that many skills when you're younger, you're not going to feel as valuable, right? And in truth, you are not as valuable to the marketplace. It doesn't mean you're not a valuable human being
Starting point is 00:44:25 that has inherent value to the people around you and emotional value to the people that care about you. That's not what I'm saying. I'm saying that you don't have value to the marketplace. So you need to develop a skill. You need to develop something that you can then use and give out to the world with whatever job or whatever it is that you do.
Starting point is 00:44:43 And when you develop skills, you become more confident. When I started doing jujitsu when I was 23, it's not that I had a lack of confidence. But when I went into that room and I was the least skilled guy in the room at jujitsu, getting my ass beat by people that weren't in nearly as good shape as me. I've had a girl choke me before when i was a white belt because i was trying some stuff and like she's a purple belt and she took my back and choked me i was like god damn like everybody was probably so happy that they were yeah in your ass too because you're so jacked yeah people be like they were really like i'm gonna
Starting point is 00:45:18 fuck this boy up looks he thinks he's big let me show you what strength is boy and they would fuck me up right um when you're bigger in jiu-jitsu just understand this guys like quite a few people have been going and started jiu-jitsu if you if you're fit and then you go into jiu-jitsu that is all the more fuel for those grapplers to kick your ass they will go a little harder on you because you're in shape take it trust me it. It'll be okay. But as I developed that skill and I became proficient in it and it became a thing that like I could like, yeah, I do jujitsu. And now I feel confident to say I'm pretty fucking good at it. Right. That gave me a level of confidence because of that skill. I'm not out here teaching jujitsu.
Starting point is 00:46:00 But an interesting thing is now people are asking me questions about how I do things with jujitsu. And that wasn't the intention. The intention was just for me to develop a skill that I was interested in. But now that skill is valuable to the marketplace. And I feel more confident because of it. I also feel more confident walking around. Not that I would ever go jujitsu anybody or I'm not looking for a fight. But I do know that if somebody were to try to come up to me and start something, I would try de-escalate but if they really tried i'm gonna take that ass so like you know build skills and as a dude as a guy this is this is very important for your confidence level yeah i like how you were pointing out uh for, you know, saying like he's not going to read something, but he's going to definitely still take in things and learn.
Starting point is 00:46:48 Because a lot of people, like myself included, would be like, oh, I can't read, so I'm not going to worry about books. You know, it's like there's so many different options. Yeah, I just go on YouTube and I look up the author, you know, and I look at him and he always has a TED Talk and I watch that. There you go. Yeah. him and he always has a ted talk and i watch that there you go yeah and then as far as like jiu-jitsu and stuff like that's something i still want to explore but i just got to get my back back straight yeah get that in order like when laying down flat on your back hurts like probably a good idea to go roll around right now yeah and you know we were before we were talking
Starting point is 00:47:20 about like how a lot of men are seeking things from like Bedros and Elliot. Right. Um, and I found that like I was lucky enough to be on like sports teams growing up. I played soccer, I played soccer in college a bit. Um,
Starting point is 00:47:34 and even like working out for a while was an individual endeavor. But when I came here to super training, it turned into another type of team. Like there were people around. Right. Um, It turned into another type of team. Like there were people around, right? I think there is like something that some men may be missing is just like a community of like other men. And that may be a reason why they're seeking some of these things. Now that I found jujitsu, like it's not just guys there, but there's something that when you're fighting another dude or like in jujitsu or anything,
Starting point is 00:48:06 but when you're sparring and fighting and grappling, there's something there that I think is valuable for men to do. And that I think will give them like, that will give them some type of level of physical confidence because there are guys in my jujitsu class, like this guy, Julian, he's a black belt it's one like like 160 he's a fucking badass he's one of my tougher roles because his technique is just so good um but he like he's confident as fuck okay not not because he has that skill but but also just like something about that physicality that strength of physicality that he has even though he's not the biggest guy in a room you can tell that dude's pretty fucking confident because of it.
Starting point is 00:48:49 So that's very important to try to find. I think a lot of these things are mimicking things that we probably have always done, you know, as humans. We probably, you know, men would probably get together and go hunt. I mean, I'm just assuming. I don't know. You know, I think and I think that women would be together doing different stuff. And I just think that that's kind of always been the way that it is. If you look at my son, he's been coming in here for the last six or so months with some of his friends.
Starting point is 00:49:22 And you look at like all the improvements they're all making, all the changes that their bodies are, are going through. Um, even our boy Owen, um, getting in better, a lot better shape.
Starting point is 00:49:32 Like I think he probably dropped 15 to 20 pounds of body fat. Uh, he also is gaining muscle at the same time. Cause it's his first go of like lifting and working out and stuff like that. And they're making great progress, but they're also going through something similar together. And they're also going through like a struggle. And where do we get struggle from today? You know, I had somebody more recently, a friend of mine, you know, asked me about losing weight.
Starting point is 00:50:00 And they mentioned, they said, I've actually never done one thing in my life that was like difficult or challenging. That was just for me. I've been kind of handed everything. How old is your friend? Probably around 28 or so. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. So still fairly young, but not super young, right? Like that's, but I, you know, I commended them and just said, that's amazing that you recognize that.
Starting point is 00:50:29 That's kind of the first step. You recognize that your life has been very comfortable. Let's just say that. Not meaning that they didn't never went through anything. Like everyone's gone through something. Everyone's gone through like breakups and everyone's been like sad and mad and all these different things. But they were just referring to the fact that
Starting point is 00:50:48 they never really had to do anything really that they felt was really difficult. And they never really did anything that they felt was like significant for themselves, which I later unpacked and found that that wasn't actually true. It was just kind of a negative feeling that they had about themselves. But when you're trying to lose weight or you're trying to make those changes like that, these are things that you're going to have to face them yourself. And it can be very difficult. If you don't have confidence in yourself to do that, you're going to have a really hard time. And then how much easier is it to have confidence when you're amongst peers, when you're amongst other men and dudes are jumping off a diving board,
Starting point is 00:51:32 you know, uh, let's say you're going off like a, or jumping off a cliff, you know, jump, jumping off a cliff and you're going, you're going 10 feet,
Starting point is 00:51:40 you know, like 10 feet doesn't sound that crazy. Uh, but it's something that I don't even recall if I've ever done before. If I saw a bunch of people going off 10 feet and it looked kind of safe, I would be like, eh, fuck it. 20 feet, I doubt it. I'd probably be out. But it makes it, right, it makes it easier. Like that's why you get together, you drink together, you get together, we do a lot of stuff together. It makes a lot of sense. It makes stuff easier. But in our case, and what we try to share here at Super
Starting point is 00:52:10 Training is why not make it something that's really positive, something that can really be a benefit, not only a benefit, but can be a skill set. And it can be something you can lean into in times of stress. You know, if I'm stressed or if I'm, if something really tragic happened in my life today, I would come to the gym tomorrow because I would want to see you guys and I'd want to be here and I'd want to train and try to, I don't know how much I would train, but I would be here and I would do something.
Starting point is 00:52:39 Maybe I'd go punch the heavy bag or something. You know, I'm not sure exactly what I would do. But in other cases, when my dad or when my brother died and when my mom died, that's immediately what I leaned into. I did a podcast that same day when my mom died. I shot Andrew a message and I'm like, I'm going to do this podcast and it's going to be for my mom and I'm just going to talk because I feel like talking. But what a cool skill set to be able to lean into rather than like, hey, Andrew, like, man, today's brutal. I'm going to stay in bed. I think I'm
Starting point is 00:53:13 going to go out tonight and get a couple of drinks. And it's like, well, that could go sideways really fast. You know, you need to be, not that you don't deserve to do that. Like there can be occasions in your life where, fuck man, maybe you should let her rip here and there, but you need to also be careful. I know that that's in my family, and my mother grew up with alcoholism in her family, and I'm like, well, that's the last thing I'm going to do. I'm going to do something more positive, and I'm going to try to stay the course of the things that I like to do. That's an incredible skill set and an awesome tool to have because how many, I don't want to sound like a dick, but like how many times do you go on like Facebook and somebody's starting another GoFundMe because something happened or, you know, people are
Starting point is 00:53:59 reaching out more than they are like just willing to just kind of work through their own things, right? We talked about like antidepressants and all these things that are here because out more than they are like just willing to just kind of work through their own things right we talked about like antidepressants and all these things that are here because people don't have that skill set to kind of work it out on themselves like so it's yeah it's kind of like a superpower that you know we're kind of unveiling here that like almost no matter what you go through like having the ability to figure it out on your own like not a lot of people have that you know a lot of people are reaching for other things reaching for alcohol they're reaching for drugs um i like video games but like you know
Starting point is 00:54:36 we had rolo on talking about people are just being sedated playing video games too and it's like you have self-control with that man you're not like out here addicts sitting having cheeto dust on your fucking controller and like that's not you i was actually like honestly like i was kind of sad today because i didn't even realize like it's been over a month since i've played halo oh wow and i'm like oh shit it's been that long and like i missed like a an event and some nerdy shit but i was like fuck I got the second Horizon Zero done still in the wrapper I've only put in like 10 minutes in that game it's so good but I feel you it's like aww
Starting point is 00:55:13 all these great games self control for sure I got too much going on how's it going now we like to look good in the gym and out of the gym that's why you always see Mark and I and Andrew is stepping up on the short short game, wearing shorts from
Starting point is 00:55:30 Viore and clothes from Viore. And honestly, the number one compliment that I've seen that I've gotten and even Mark's gotten is, damn, your butt looks good! And that's because, well, the clothes we wear make our booties look delicious. Andrew, how can they get it? Yeah, you guys both have
Starting point is 00:55:45 pretty big wagons uh you guys can head over to slash power project that's v-u-o-r-i dot com slash power project to receive 20 off the most amazing apparel that looks so good inside and outside it's gonna make your ass look fat and your ass will look fat links to them down in the description as well as the podcast show notes uh god damn it that's a good one that's a good one make your ass look fat um one one thing that i was going to mention here was a lot of these channels right or a lot a lot of these channels that teach men to be alpha, right, or alpha males, you know, all these other guys that do this shit, you're a fucking beta male. Man, when I watch some of this shit, it's just kind of goofy. And the reason why I think it's goofy is just because, like, for example, Rolo mentioned money, muscles, game. Right? So the money is
Starting point is 00:56:45 you understand money, find a way to make some money because as a guy, if you make money, well, a lot of women look at men not just for the way they look, but their resources. What do you have? What's, whatever. So making money. Muscles. Your fitness.
Starting point is 00:57:02 Your health. You don't even need to be big and jacked. You just need to look like a healthy individual. If you look healthy, you're going to be desirable. The game aspect of things is really interesting to me because a lot of these guys, they have like tactic pickup tactics, right. For going into settings and, and picking up women and like, and when I just hear some of the stuff they talk about and just like, it's, it's weird because, you know, all you have to be able to do is just have an interest in getting to know an individual. Yeah, there needs to be a way that you can stand out to this woman. But at the end of the day, if I've had conversations with other friends of mine about this, if you're actually just genuinely interested in learning about a woman that you're talking to and just like learning what she's about, learning her
Starting point is 00:57:48 interests and you don't talk much about yourself and you just let her talk about herself and it's not even a tactic. It's just like, talk to her, let her talk about herself. That's, that's, that's going to work. The amount of times that my friends have heard this and I've heard women say, wow, I've never talked to somebody about myself so much before just because you're actually interested. Nobody's ever asked me about my day and how it's going. Like seriously,
Starting point is 00:58:16 just because like, like I never taught, like when I was dating, I never really talked about myself and my friends that have been successful in that realm too, because a lot of guys are like, it's because you're a Tyrone. Okay.
Starting point is 00:58:29 If you guys don't get that reference. That was so funny. You're Chad, I'm a Tyrone apparently. A lot of my other friends. I'll take it. What would you be? A Juan?
Starting point is 00:58:42 I don't know. Maybe. Or Jorge? Or Antonio? No. Like Antonio Banderas? Banderas? Would you be an Antonio? I don't know. I'll have to look it up. I don't know. Yeah. Antonio Banderas is a baddie. Anyway, but like a lot of my friends that have been really successful in dating without having to use game, like all they do is they just are interested in getting to know people and with a lot of these alpha channels it's weird too because like when they talk about alpha males and the shit that alpha
Starting point is 00:59:11 males do like the guy that left the comment in rollo's chat about uh in the rollo episode i'm just let me fuck things up real quick i just i'm laughing because i looked i looked at mexican chad what's his name like what is he doesn't have one right now they just threw a hat on him a sombrero on him and made him brown with a handlebar mustache sorry i didn't mean to derail you oh no it's fine way too much someone left a comment about how uh alpha men don't negotiate with women yeah yeah just like, dog, it's fucking goofy. You're weird. Like what?
Starting point is 00:59:48 Weird. Well, this whole thing doesn't have to be anti-women. It doesn't have to be against women. No. It doesn't have to be demeaning towards women. It doesn't have to, it doesn't have to do anything negative with, with females.
Starting point is 01:00:01 It's just more positivity for men to lean into some masculinity and how you define that's kind of up to you. You know, I know nowadays it can be, I don't know, people can, uh, make it out to be whatever way they want to make it out to be. But I have my own view of some of those things. And there, there are things that I think are, uh, important for me to do. And my wife has, uh, some things that she think are important for me to do. And my wife has some things that she feels are important for her to do as a woman. She's improving herself too. Yeah, right. Self-improvement.
Starting point is 01:00:34 Right? Absolutely. And what's wrong with working on just being an interesting person? Being an interesting person, being an attractive person. I'm not just talking about the looks. Being an interesting person, being an attractive person, I'm not just talking about the looks. Imagine you're at a party and a girl is talking to a couple people.
Starting point is 01:00:56 And she goes around the room and talks to a couple different people, getting introduced to different people from friends or something. And she stops on one guy and finds out that he's a singer. Interesting, right? Panty dropper. Well, it's different, right? Yeah, I lift. I bench a lot of weight.
Starting point is 01:01:19 I eat a lot of protein and I fart a lot. It stinks up my couch and my room, you know. You know, so it's just being, you know, being a person of interest and being someone that is attractive, even being fun, even just being playful and, like, making up a name. Like, am I going to get anywhere with the name Mark? Like, it's going to be a little harder. So when I introduce myself to girls, I would always just call myself smelly because it's a nickname and i could go off of their reaction and they what what that does is that they ask questions they're like what's the name they automatically just think that you fart all the time you know but then you can have conversation about it a name like ensima is already like an interest oh yeah what is this i've seen this recently it's just so fucking funny all i can
Starting point is 01:02:06 think about is this is the guy telling the girl like a hot lift and uh yep i just squat bench dead what does he have a beer in his hand or something yeah they're at a party and she's just like fuck bro he's all short he's like no no you don't get it like yeah i take trend oh my god this meme i've seen it on so many things oh so let me tell you about what women are supposed to do yeah that's what it's yeah right right but no no what you were saying there like hey man that's some game that's some game but but also what you're saying is you focus on yourself the the weird thing about a lot of these channels man is that i like rolo because rolo hits you with statistics okay like he hits you with some just truths and that's good um there's there's
Starting point is 01:02:54 sometimes where i've seen some of his content where it's like there's a lot of focus on like what women are doing and i get that but i it. But when the audience sees some of this, as a man, when you understand certain things, does that help you get better? Because even Rolla said he's not in the business of helping men become better men. I understand that. He's just giving men some statistical truths. But with some of these channels, when they say like, oh, this is the way women are and you can't trust this about women and like all this type of shit,
Starting point is 01:03:30 I'm just like, that's not helping you become a better dude. Maybe like- You got the same thing being preached on the other side from women. You can't trust men, all men are dogs. And it's like, I don't think any of that leads us
Starting point is 01:03:41 to anything healthier. I do think it makes sense for both sides to be cautious and for both sides to have strategy and not just to fall in love with every single person that gives you a wink or gives you a kiss on the cheek or whatever it might be yeah even though that can be hard because women can smell really good they could have pretty hair they give you a kiss on the cheek and it's over you're like i'm getting married how do we sign me up yeah absolutely um and and along with, like when it comes to the red pill stuff, a lot of it's cool. But the red pill turns into you'll see a lot of comments of dudes that are just like just shitting on women.
Starting point is 01:04:15 And at the end of the day, like how does that help you become a better dude? Like how does it help you improve in ways that's going to help you get a better skill set, make you more desirable, improve yourself so that you can be better? Not just not for women, but when you're confident, you're just confident in yourself and what you're able to do. It's not all just for women. But then if you're trying to get women, that just becomes an easier process because you are now a better man. You remember that podcast we did in the old studio where we kind of talked about this and we just said, you guys got to level. We all as men, we're just, we should be in a constant state of leveling up. A lot of guys got angry at that. Like we're, we're telling, we're trying to level up too, yo. And we're not just telling you to level up. We're trying to
Starting point is 01:05:00 level up ourselves too. We're like, um, like told this to, what's her name? Hannah Eden when I was on her podcast and I realized it. She's like, what's your end goal? And my goal is to become the absolute best man that I can be. Because I feel like as I do that, I'm unlocking certain skills with, we have different podcast guests and then we're able to share that with our audience and help them become better as we're becoming better. And in our journey to all become the best men we can be, we're also helping other men become the best men they can be. That's it. It's a selfish endeavor, but it helps other people. I don't know what it looks like from women because I'm not a woman, so I can't say.
Starting point is 01:05:35 But from a guy's perspective, I think the thing that we end up admiring the most is when someone is extremely powerful, but they don't even use that power. They just don't even tap into it. They don't even fuck with it. They don't mess with it. they don't even use that power. They just don't even tap into it. They don't even fuck with it. They don't mess with it. They don't abuse it, certainly. It's like the guy that can just, a guy that can just be cool. A girl could be drooling over him,
Starting point is 01:05:56 but he's got somebody else. He recognizes it. He might think whatever thoughts he's thinking, but he doesn't act on it. That shit's cool. That stuff is admirable to me. People that have money or people that have power outside of – or people that have power in our society, and they don't use it. They don't abuse it.
Starting point is 01:06:18 They don't need to. They feel comfortable. The guy who could kick someone's ass in a fight that has been training MMA for a long time. Somebody barks at him and he's just like... Looks at them. Yeah, just says, hey, man, not today. I don't fight. Like the guy that just turns the other cheek.
Starting point is 01:06:39 The guy could have completely slaughtered the guy. But it just, you know, in some, there's a lot of cases where it just doesn't make any sense. Like that's not a, in some cases, somebody is so skilled at fighting to where it's not any different than like beating up a child. Yeah. Right? Like Jocko, like real talk. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:07:00 Yeah. Yeah. I mean, but like, I think that most guys that are in your shoes, you know, that that's somebody would have to do something really wild. I would imagine because you're like, it just doesn't make, it doesn't make any sense for me to fuck with you because I do this every day. Yeah. No, I totally agree with you. But, you know, you remind me of a quote from Jordan Peterson. He mentioned that something about like, Andrew, if you could find it, just type in Jordan Peter dangerous, it's going to pop up. But like, men have to have the ability to be dangerous or be dangerous, but not show it, like not use it, like not use the weapons that they have. Right. So like you may have certain skills that could be used for evil, that could be used to like do bad things, that could be dangerous.
Starting point is 01:07:55 And you're a dangerous man, but you're not using that for that. Would you do dangerous things carefully? Do dangerous things carefully. Right. Do dangerous things carefully. Do dangerous things carefully. Right? When you do dangerous, like honestly, lifting really, really heavy weights, it can't, is a dangerous thing.
Starting point is 01:08:11 Do it carefully. Martial arts, very dangerous thing. Do it carefully. Business in some sense could be a dangerous thing. Do it carefully. Right? We're just talking about getting certain skills. And that's why when we bring all these different people on the podcast, we're always trying to learn more.
Starting point is 01:08:27 We're not all like, at least I'm not coming at it with like, this is what I know. I'm not doing that. What's another panty dropper. No one, a bunch of dropper, no one,
Starting point is 01:08:35 a bunch of languages. Oh dog. And that's where I am. What, but what's like, I understand that's not easy. Like I don't speak multiple languages. I barely speak English as it is.
Starting point is 01:08:46 It drives my wife nuts when I speak Spanish. There you go. Every time. I'm like, fuck, I got to keep practicing. Right? So yeah, even just fucking knowing some shit about geography. Somebody says I'm from Chicago and you know some shit about Chicago. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:09:05 Like just not being an idiot you know and not simply yeah and showing some general like you're saying some general interest we're saying chicago like i'm sorry i'm kind of naive i like what part of chicago like where like where is it it's pretty cold there from what i understand you try to learn more about it yeah is it cold there you know it's like it's 20 degrees you're curious it's a fucking windy city they'll tell you right you'll have a conversation about it seriously no like like that right there it's being inquisitive and curious and somebody that honestly comes off as a know-it-all is not generally attracted to but but that's the thing a lot of individuals think that like if i
Starting point is 01:09:45 just come in and i show everything i got and i show everything i know like nah that actually makes it look like an asshole yeah very much you just look like an asshole and talking about how much money you make always works and that's honestly that's a dangerous thing because you know what gross you know what though that can work And it can reel in a certain type of woman. Because when you show that, and you're like, this is what I got. Check out my market value. Check this out. That will reel in a woman that's attracted to that.
Starting point is 01:10:16 The Tinder swindler. I still got to watch that. I haven't finished it yet, but yeah. The Tinder swindler. He was getting models. He was getting models he was getting models right and it's it's but he he he showed that but like hey they they got duped that's sad that's that's honestly quite unfortunate um but hey but this is the thing like one thing that i guess i never I never really did is I never, uh, when I was dating, I never made any type of, uh, I always keep things pretty chill when it comes to what I have. Because I'm not actually a person that like needs excessive things in general, but I also don't let, I'd never let the woman I know, know what I was making or how much I was bringing in.
Starting point is 01:11:03 know what I was making or how much I was bringing in. Because I knew that if she comes in primarily because of what I'm making or what she knows about my bank account, that doesn't mean that she's here for me. That's why it's honestly really dope that you found Andy when you did. Because I was broke. She knew you when you were broke and now you're making millions but she still loves you for you at a certain point for men if you're out here flashing all that gary v this relationship oh no god damn that's no that was a good joke that was a great joke um but it can be dangerous because if you're
Starting point is 01:11:44 reeling a woman in with money, then she's there for money. If there ever comes a point, ideally there never comes a point where you lose it, but it's your money that's attractive. She's not interested in you. She's interested in what you can do for her. And when you're dealing with a person that that's what they're interested in, they become a liability.
Starting point is 01:12:02 Like they can be. They can be. They can be. You know, I think sometimes it depends because sometimes it seems like both are okay with the arrangement. Like sugar daddies. Yeah, a guy might be 60, the girl might be 30, and they're both cool with it. I've seen those relationships. That's true. I mean, I don't know if they're working, but it looks like they're working sometimes.
Starting point is 01:12:23 So sometimes those things work out okay. And I think everyone has their own interpretation of how a relationship should go. When we had Rolo on the show, he kind of misinterpreted something that I said, and I forgot to kind of backtrack on it. I forgot to kind of backtrack on it. I was mentioning the way that things used to be, like in the 50s and 60s, and I was referencing the posters that you see of women. And they still have them today. They have them in restaurants and stuff.
Starting point is 01:12:58 And it will say, because these are old posters that are part of it. And it will say, make sure that you have the house clean for your man when he comes home, have dinner ready and all these things that women should be doing that nowadays would be more frowned upon. I was not trying to reference that as being some sort of golden age. The good old days. Yeah, no, I was not referencing that at all. What I was referencing was that old America, the way that it was at that time, the way that people would talk about what's going on today, the older folks, they say,
Starting point is 01:13:35 there goes the neighborhood. There's my greatest fear coming true. Like women having the ability to vote and women having the power and having all these things, I think a lot of those people from those days, because they believed in those things, those posters weren't completely made up for no reason, people believed in those values at that time. So that's what I was referring to, and that's what I was referring to. Do you think some of what's going on today and the reason why you have a job today, Rolo, do you think's an overcorrection and i didn't mean that i thought that those times were good i just meant like because of the way things were and women didn't even have the right to vote and all these other things that were going on at that time uh women weren't really in the workplace and now we're seeing like there's there's literal laws to hire women for certain things. There's literal laws with giving scholarships to females for sports and stuff like that.
Starting point is 01:14:32 And so that's what I meant. Like, did he feel that it was like a correction from some of these times to try to, I guess, advance women back to being more on the equivalent playing field of men. That's kind of what I was referring to. Equity, equal opportunity. Right. Right? Yeah, yeah, yeah. I think most people would.
Starting point is 01:14:53 People that know you would understand what you're saying. But the new guys that come into the audience are like, yeah, we want that. Yeah, when he was saying like all the good old days, I was like, I do not. Oh, man want that. And he was saying like all the good old days. I was like, I do not. Oh, man. Yeah. I totally got what you're saying. And I think you're right on with that. I guess I'll say, I don't know, idea, ideology.
Starting point is 01:15:20 Because I'm looking at, none of them are going to look good on camera or on screen. But yeah, there's tons of different things like the good wife's guide. And it's just like a bunch of stuff that like a wife is supposed to do. Have dinner ready. Plan ahead even the night before to have a delicious meal ready on time. Prepare yourself. Clear all the clutter. Prepare the children.
Starting point is 01:15:40 Minimalize noise. Do not greet your husband with problems or complaints. Make him comfortable. Listen to him. That's my kind of woman. Now look. Where'd that go? I'm joking.
Starting point is 01:15:51 I'm joking. Now, if you read that again and say that you do that as a partnership, you do that as a team, that's actually, those rules are super fucking valuable. Yeah. Like you do it together. those rules are super fucking valuable. Yeah. Like you do it together. Let's clear off the table because the table's got a bunch of packages
Starting point is 01:16:08 and stuff from Amazon or whatever the hell it is. You clear off the table, you do it together. Your kids maybe even help. Then you put out the dishes, you help prepare dinner together or you take turns doing it. All those various things. So all those rules are great
Starting point is 01:16:25 it's just that back then it said wife and it probably shouldn't have yeah and they literally couldn't do certain things outside of that like jobs and opportunities and then here's where i think some of the overcorrection can come from because the last one that i couldn't read was make the evening his uh he is special never complain that he does not take you out to dinner or to other pleasant entertainment. Instead, try to understand his world of strain and pressure, pressure, his need to unwind and relax. Relieve that pressure by sucking his dick. Remember that you relaxed all day waiting for his return.
Starting point is 01:17:02 Now it's his turn to enjoy what you enjoyed that's fucking horrible so i'm like at first i'm like yeah it's not bad you know let them let them yeah and then cool part is andrew just wrote that we actually have that printed out right when you walk into the house but but hey you know what's an interesting here's your rules sign here yeah you know what's an interesting stephanie here's your rules sign here yeah you know what's an interesting thing though um in some situations like where it's a monogamous partnership with individuals that do want to have children women do have to take um the they have they have to make a sacrifice if they're working to now like have children like i don't know like in the united
Starting point is 01:17:46 states if they're there's a little bit what's it called the when you get to leave work maternity maternity leave right um but in some situations when a woman let's say that she has multiple kids and there is no one else like they don't have a babysitter or whatever and the man has to work and she stays at home there There's nothing wrong with that. Like, like, and there, there, that is a partnership, you know, like there should be no reason that the man that's going out and bringing in the finance, like in that situation, that's bringing in the finances and she's over here spending time taking care of human beings. Like that is work.
Starting point is 01:18:21 Right. And there's a reason, you know, like there's a reason why in certain jobs, like high levels of doctors, professors, lawyers, you see women enter those jobs. And there's people that talk about like you don't see many women in high power positions like this. many women in these types of high power positions is because some of them end up having children. And when that happens, they sometimes leave the workplace where men can work 70, 80 hour weeks without having to make the sacrifice of children and get to those higher positions. So it's not even the idea of those women not having the opportunity. It's the idea that those women, many women just don't want to be there at the point that they end up having children, which might be in their thirties.
Starting point is 01:19:09 And it's going to take you a long time to get to those positions. That's why we see more men in those positions. Women have it kind of tough in a lot of ways. Cause like, I think that, um, you know, a woman getting a job in,
Starting point is 01:19:23 in a workplace that you have, like where you have to be present in the workplace, it's always identified that you're a woman and it's always identified that you look a certain way. And women are kind of damned if they do and damned if they don't. Like if they underdress, then people are like, she kind of dresses like a soccer mom when she comes into work. And if you dress up nicely, she's looking for attention, it could be sexualized in 10 seconds. And so it's, there still is a lot of unfair bullshit that goes on that makes all of this like way more difficult.
Starting point is 01:19:57 And the reason why I try not to ever speak from the side of a woman's side, I just don't think I know anything about it. And that would kind of suck that you're not getting uh you're not only getting judged on your merit and the same thing happens with racism all the time you're just not getting judged on just what you're doing how you're performing there's always some underlying bullshit that's going on that you don't have any control over absolutely yeah that shit's rough yeah it's it's crazy it's crazy um did you guys
Starting point is 01:20:27 did you see this on uh rolo's thing i saw that oh yeah the barbie oh when it's time to get drafted yeah but i think in ukraine right now they are there's i think i'm not sure i'm not sure if it's russia ukraine i don't want to sound uneducated but i i did see that there are men from ages of 18 to 60 um they're being pretty much put towards for war like in those countries that's like it you know there's do we even have a draft here anymore i don't know they had i don't know. They had, I don't know exactly what it was, but I know there was like a mention of it on Twitter and it kind of went viral.
Starting point is 01:21:10 And somebody was just like, hey, 99% of you have nothing to worry about. Yeah. Like you're all out of shape. You're on drugs. Like you're good. There'd be a lot of people that'd probably be interested in, you know, like I know that when 9-11 happened, there was a lot of people that were spurred a lot of people yeah hey i'm gonna you know go pursue this um but yeah man a draft that's pretty crazy like just to be uprooted from what you're doing
Starting point is 01:21:35 um because you're a certain age i mean i i don't know what other way uh do you just let your country get overtaken i I don't know the answer to any of that. Yeah. But it's, yeah, all of that's really wild. But in essence, what we're just trying to say here, and we're going to talk more about topics like this. You know, guys, if you're listening on iTunes, come to the YouTube channel and comment your thoughts
Starting point is 01:22:02 on some of the things we were talking about. The maniverse. The maniverse? The manosphere. The Maniverse. The Maniverse? The Manosphere. But we'll call it the Maniverse just because what the fuck. I like the Maniverse. We kind of got it wrong, but everyone knows
Starting point is 01:22:15 what we're talking about. I graduated from the Maniversity. Yeah. But I mean, for men, you got Elliot Hulse's like grounding camp and Bedros Koulian. He has like a thing for men too. I think a big aspect of that's community, but like guys come, come into the comment section and let us know what you think we might be missing. Like I'm, I'm 29 and I date, I've, I've, I dated a lot last year. Um, and Mark,
Starting point is 01:22:43 you're married successfully, right? In a good marriage where it's like a partnership. Andy's a killer fucking businesswoman. And you guys have literally built something that not many people can hold a candle to. Andrew, you're happily married. You have two kids, right? I think there's just a lot of range here. i think that we kind of look at dating and these things kind of differently than a lot of other people too partially it's because of like the goals we have i don't have the goal of just trying to sleep with as many chicks as possible i actually want to build something with an individual it looks like i don't i don't give a fuck about notch counts and all that shit i think that's honestly just like useless bullshit that just wastes time from
Starting point is 01:23:26 doing useful things. I think for some people they might not even need some of the advice that's out there because if you're like why even worry about the women that are playing men? Just don't even I do understand that those
Starting point is 01:23:41 women can have a certain look that you desire but not all and not always. Like, you just got to figure out a way to play it cool. And I think from the female side as well, like, there's dudes out there that are nice looking dudes that have a good heart that aren't scumbags. Like, you just, it's not easy. When you're single, it's not easy. But guess what else is not easy? Not easy to be married either. It's not easy to When you're single, it's not easy. But guess what else is not easy? It's not easy to be married either.
Starting point is 01:24:06 It's not easy to be married with children. It's not easy to be engaged. It's not easy to be in a relationship. It's not easy to be in multiple relationships. It's not easy to have multiple wives. These different things that people are exploring more nowadays. None of it's not easy. None of it,
Starting point is 01:24:27 none of it's easy exploring, like exploring yourself and trying to figure yourself out as fucking hard enough as it is. Then you add somebody else to the mix and then you start a family and you add a bunch of other people to the mix. Andrew's got two kids. He's got a couple of dogs. Like the dynamic changes quickly. And you got a baby,
Starting point is 01:24:44 you know, like a baby is a whole nother fucking thing it's just it's its own little thing and it just keeps advancing faster and faster and you got to like put in a cage and like try to slow it down or something because it's too much to handle yeah he takes off man he's fast oh shit is he hauling ass now he's so fast like because he'll get into the kitchen. Is he on his two legs yet? No, he's crawling. Oh, his diaper makes that whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, right?
Starting point is 01:25:10 Right when he crawls, right? Yeah, he's fast. He's just like a blur. But once he gets into the kitchen, he can slide on his knees, but he grips with his hands. So he's just here, and he's just like, he's gone. Wow. This kid's got to be stopped, I'm telling you. We got one of those kids got to be stopped i'm telling you we got one of those playpen things and like we we shape it into like an octagon uh-huh and i'm
Starting point is 01:25:30 just like and he just terrorizes like all the toys inside there too and if there's any if there's any dogs around fuck good luck like he's swiping at him like hey you gotta be nice and he just thinks it's funny he thinks everything's funny right now he has this like fake laugh going on but it will make you laugh really hard yeah it's just i don't know it started three days ago it's so strange it's funny when like kids just discover things about the world i saw that with my friend's daughter like she just suddenly started speaking out of nowhere just saying everything that everybody said and i was just like she's sentient there it is it's like when the when the ai turns on and it's like oh shit i didn't think it was going to be that smart andrew i'm going to ask you a question i forgot um you mentioned
Starting point is 01:26:19 when you went to the gym with stephanie that you would be worried that someone would come up and talk to her um and like uh I guess what made you want to go into the gym in the first place if you thought that was going to happen and secondly what got you through that or past that yeah well um so sorry I mean you're not worried not worried about it from her end no I but it's just a thing in your head like some buff dude's going to come, like tell her how much he bench presses or something. Yeah, I didn't know what was going to happen. I benched 315 for a set of five, and she's like, oh, my God. Yeah, it's this guy right here talking to her.
Starting point is 01:26:59 No, honestly, like without being too emotional about it, yeah, it was like scar tissue from a previous relationship. Anytime you could tell somebody that was more financially advanced than me, bigger, he got the attention when I didn't. Would your ex make comments? Oh, absolutely. Like, oh, he's hot or he's... Oh, he really cleans up nice.
Starting point is 01:27:20 The fuck is that supposed to mean? Yeah, those comments are rough. Yeah. That's not good. So that stuck with me for sure and it's unfortunate that like a lot of that stuff resurfaces around my wife who's like never done anything wrong to me right but so that's where like that started and um i remember one time a dude did talk to her in the gym and then like i kind of like walked up and he just like completely ignored me i was like fuck that ain't ever happening again um so so just to get through it like i guess i just i don't know i just focused on getting
Starting point is 01:27:49 better myself like just having the confidence to like not worry about that at all guys are such dirtbags with that sometimes they just can't pretend you're not there yeah i'm like bro like we're all right here you know what though you know what is a cool thing though like a lot of guys will use the prior experience of of an ex like your prior experience with an ex um and they because so many men have had horrible experiences and they will now paint women in that way yeah you know what i mean like i've talked about experiences out of my ex. She did cheat. Like, probably not with just
Starting point is 01:28:27 one person either. Like, I found that out a little later. But the thing is, is like, I realized where I went wrong
Starting point is 01:28:34 in choosing a certain type of person. A person who likes to club. A person that drinks a lot of fucking alcohol. Like, like that, that's the lifestyle.
Starting point is 01:28:43 Right? And when a person is living an unhealthy lifestyle, doing all those things, they're probably going to be doing unhealthy things. So that is not, that right there, I don't use that as like, this is how women are. I'm going to take this into whatever relationships and have trust issues. I just know I need to find a different type of woman in a different type of setting. That's and that's it. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:29:06 I need to find someone who is focused on their health, focused on personal development, you know, like has certain responsibilities. So you know that they're, they're in some shit. You know what I mean? Like it's, it's different. And you, you didn't let like you developed yourself, but you didn't let that affect your relationship with Stephanie. I think a lot of guys go through shit with women and we all have but now they just
Starting point is 01:29:29 become these doomer dudes that are like yeah can't you know these women out here cheaters yeah they're all lots yeah whores like come on bro you just had a bad you had a bad experience we've all had a bad experience yeah no i mean there was a uh i'm not gonna lie like being totally honest there was a little bit of that like when i was talking to stephanie i was just like i'm probably never gonna get married again like that was just like a terrible experience yeah and man i'm so glad i was way wrong but after talking to rolo on the show like it does make sense i mean she was i think 24 25 at that time you know I was kind of bouncing around from job to job just trying to find my way somewhere and she happened to make more money than me so now we're talking a 24 year old that makes more than the guy that you know so it's like okay it
Starting point is 01:30:18 was just like square peg in a round hole like it just respect you no not at all no not at all absolutely not no and so it just was never gonna work out and i'm glad that i was able to hit that eject button when i couldn't and i did but was that experience valuable for you oh of course yeah that kind of stuff is so interesting because then you tell your buddy like oh man i think it's not working out and they're like thank god yes they're like oh they're like oh finally you woke up like you finally understand like she just doesn't like you the way that you like her and it's not gonna ever work did you have homies telling that to you um no i just had one buddy
Starting point is 01:30:54 that like i remember the night that like it officially like was like done done i was talking to him about everything and just being like fuck dude like i think this might actually like be it finally um but like i remember i had like friends like in high school just being like fuck dude like i think this might actually like be it finally um but like i remember i had like friends like in high school just being like i don't know man like i saw her talking to so-and-so and she's like oh that's weird but like it's so strange like when you're in it you're completely lost but then also like on on her end and i'm not gonna talk bad about her at all but like like if you know you're not 100% into a dude, why would you say yes?
Starting point is 01:31:29 Why would you keep going? I understand there's the sunken cost theory and all that shit. There's also monkey branching. Okay. Now that I understand that, it makes a lot of sense. You heard of monkey branching? No. Monkey branching, both men and women can do this,
Starting point is 01:31:44 but when people talk about it, it's like... sense you heard a monkey branching no well monkey branching both men and women can do this but you like when people talk about it it's like uh monkey branching is when somebody is kind of done in a relationship but they're holding on to their their certain branch as they go look for a certain other thing to latch on to and then they can swing away and a funny little thing is once i broke up with my ex the person she was cheating with, like, like a few weeks later, she posted some stuff on her story with that dude.
Starting point is 01:32:12 So monkey branching, monkey branching, absolutely monkey branching, bro. That's strange. Again, as dudes were many of us, some of us have been fortunate enough not to have a bad experience with women.
Starting point is 01:32:23 And that's great, but we will go through some shit with them do not do not take that experience and then paint women that way just what you got to realize is first off you got to become a better man for yourself not for women and then find better women in maybe different situations in different settings because i was like i dated a party girl like that's not good you know what i mean and i I dated a party girl. That's not good. You know what I mean? And I'm not a party guy.
Starting point is 01:32:50 I don't like those settings. I don't club. I don't drink. It's not my thing. It's a waste of time for me, right? So that was my fault. My brother-in-law, who at the time wasn't my brother-in-law, he was my employer when I first moved to the area.
Starting point is 01:33:08 He's like, oh, man, I broke it off with my fiancee today. And he was complaining about her previously. He was the manager of the bar that I was a bouncer at. And I said, well, that's great. I'm going to hook you up with April. Now they're married and they have three kids. So, boom, there you go. You were the guy.
Starting point is 01:33:27 I was the guy. Wow. Well, he already knew her too. They actually went to school together or they went to school in the same area, but I think he ended up going to a different school, but they definitely knew of each other. And I think she always kind of had the hots for him, and he was always digging her too. So when I got the job, my brother-in-law was trying to figure out how he didn't know me because he's like – he knows everybody in the area, and he's worked in bars forever. And he was asking all these questions. I said, well, I'm originally from New York. And he's like, well, what are you doing here? And I was like, well, I married i'm originally from new york and he's like
Starting point is 01:34:05 well what are you doing here and i was like well i married a girl that's from here and he's like well what's her name i said andy um and he was like andy and then he was and he was like what what's her maiden name and i said greaves he goes oh my god he's like the greaves sisters he's like they're hot and then and then he went oh i'm sorry he's like i'm at april he's like what's april up to you or whatever yeah that's so funny oh my god it's so great hearing that story knowing the whole family now yeah imagining you guys you know however many years ago now yeah just in a bar talking like that's so funny you know what's a funny bizarre shit right yeah like he said they're hot right did that make you feel any type of way?
Starting point is 01:34:46 Where you're like, ah, yeah, she is hot. Like, really? No, yeah. You know, an interesting thing is, like, as dudes. I mean, there's, like, sometimes if a guy looks at your girl, I think it's kind of cool. But there are ways to look at a girl, there's ways to like you know what i mean like yeah when a girl's when a guy's like really staring and like burning a hole in them you're like that's not cool docking yeah yeah it was fun we were uh we were on a walk yes not yesterday uh
Starting point is 01:35:16 last week and you know um some dudes in their work truck just like happened to pull over and like because we live close to in and out so they got in and out and they pulled over next to like their next job um which was like our neighbor's house and we're walking and she's wearing yoga pants looking all hot and we walk past them as they're looking forward and i just look over i'm just like babe i'm like those two guys are staring directly at your ass right now and then she's like no they're not i'm like no i know for a fact that they are because i do it and she like kind of like she didn't really know what to say you know just like you're hot like that that's just that's gonna happen you know and she just thought it was really funny but
Starting point is 01:35:56 like i'm not gonna like turn around like that would have been so stupid but like i just thought it was funny because i'm like i know for a fact that they are staring at your ass right now yeah but hey but hey she's with you that's what i'm saying yeah i wasn't worried about it you know what i mean and the thing is is like as both you guys get older and you guys both continue to get in better shape like yeah right you're gonna be getting more looks too yeah that's my zaddy with that beautiful beard like somebody commented on the rolo episode like damn andrew's wearing a wu-tang sweater and a zaddy hat that was pretty cool oh man but yeah it was great you know we're pushing my son in a stroller he's one years old and she's already looking fantastic and he's like i'm proud of my wife she did good there we fucking go that's dope
Starting point is 01:36:41 take us out out of here andrew all alright everybody thank you for checking out today's episode let's go for this shot it is in oh yes attaboy made it wah wah wah wah I know I think
Starting point is 01:36:52 I gotta set up a trash cam a trash cam that's a good idea oh yeah I got enough we need a little backboard over there
Starting point is 01:36:58 something and then like a buzzard and like yeah all that stuff oh buzzer beater yeah that'd be cool alright anyway thank you everybody for checking out today's episode sincerely appreciate it please like like a buzzard and like yeah all that oh buzzer beater yeah that'd be cool uh all right anyway
Starting point is 01:37:05 thank you everybody for checking out today's episode sincerely appreciate it please uh like uh today's episode on youtube and comment anything you guys want down below and then if you guys are are listening to this on itunes spotify or your favorite uh podcast platform head over to the youtube channel and drop us some comments about anything you heard on today's episode we would sincerely appreciate that follow the podcast at mark wells power project on instagram at mb power project on tiktok and twitter my instagram and twitter is at i am andrew z and sima where can people find you that's talented what's that move called is that a suplex dang he's a suplexing John Cena guys yeah please if you're listening on iTunes
Starting point is 01:37:47 come over to YouTube leave a comment and there's a lot of people there's a high percentage of people that watch the cast that aren't subscribed hit the subscribe button like Andrew said they hate me whispering at them by the way oh yeah they do we have to do that thing we do have to do that Adam Seema yin yang on Instagram and YouTube
Starting point is 01:38:04 Adam Seema yin yang on TikTok and Twitter Mark I'm at Mark Smiley Bell do have to do that add and see my in yang on instagram and youtube add and see my yin yang on tiktok and twitter mark i'm at mark's millie bell i want to give a shout out to my son jake bell he got a job in and out i'm proud of him hey which one it's the one in woodland so we all have to go okay we have to drive by sometime i'll see him i'll see him all the time i'm in woodland frequently i'll get like eight flying dutchmen we should all go together and just get a disgusting amount of flying Dutchmen and make sure he's there. And see if we can mess everything up. They pay a fuck ton of money to start
Starting point is 01:38:32 and then like they just keep getting raises. But I found that interesting because I went there this past weekend to go visit my mom. And yeah, I was just like, damn, they're hiring. It's like, wait, how much do they pay? Like, God, hold on. Way to go, Jake. Yeah. And yeah, I was just like, damn, they're hiring. It's like, wait, how much do they pay? Like, God,
Starting point is 01:38:46 hold on. Way to go, Jake. Yeah. He applied at one place and he didn't get the job and then he was like, oh, he's like,
Starting point is 01:38:52 the interview didn't go so well and I said, well, next time you can just kind of think about what you're going to say and he's like, I didn't, he's like,
Starting point is 01:38:58 when they asked about job experience, he's like, I kind of froze up and I didn't say much and I was like, then I was mentioning all these different things that he's done and all these things that he, I mean, he helps my dad with taxes, but he does a bunch of
Starting point is 01:39:10 stuff. So, um, yeah, the second time around was a charm. And so now he's got a job. So see how it goes from here on that Mark Smelly Bell strength is never a weakness. Weakness never strength. Catch you guys later.

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