Mark Bell's Power Project - MBPP EP. 699 - Hafthor Bjornsson vs Eddie Hall: Was History's Heaviest Boxing Match Any Good?

Episode Date: March 24, 2022

We watched the heaviest boxing match off all time between Hafthor Bjornsson and Eddie Hall, this is our thoughts on the epic battle between these two monsters. Special perks for our listeners below! �...�� Code POWERPROJET for 20% off Vivo Barefoot shoes! ➢ Code POWERPROJECT10 for 10% off site wide including Within You supplements! ➢ Use Code POWERPROJECT for 20% off! ➢ Use code POWERPROJECT for 20% of your next order! ➢ Use code POWERPROJECT for 20% off your first order! ➢ to automatically save 20% off your first order at Vuori! ➢ to automatically save $150 off the Pod Pro at 8 Sleep! ➢ Use code POWERPROJECT10 for 10% off ALL LABS at Marek Health! Also check out the Power Project Panel: Use code POWERPROJECT for $101 off! ➢Piedmontese Beef: Use Code POWER at checkout for 25% off your order plus FREE 2-Day Shipping on orders of $150 Follow Mark Bell's Power Project Podcast ➢ ➢ Insta: ➢ ➢ Twitter: ➢ LinkedIn: ➢ YouTube: ➢TikTok: FOLLOW Mark Bell ➢ Instagram: ➢ ➢ Facebook: ➢ Twitter: Follow Nsima Inyang ➢ ➢YouTube: ➢Instagram: ➢TikTok: Follow Andrew Zaragoza on all platforms ➢ #ThorVsEddie #HafthorBjornssonVsEddieHall #PowerProject #Podcast #MarkBell

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Fucking world's strongest man. These guys get into a boxing ring and fight. Yo. The heaviest fight of all time or some shit like that? Yeah, these guys are fucking massive. They said they were going to fight, I think, almost three years ago. This beef started maybe even longer ago than that. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:00:18 I don't know. Thor didn't get a rep on something in a strongman competition, and he was pissed, and then Hall was like, you're a bitch. And then just kind of escalated from there. Yeah, they've been wanting to fight each other for a minute. What is Andrei Lomonachev's girlfriend's name? Is it Yana? Okay, so it was interesting.
Starting point is 00:00:37 Before the fight, Chris and Yana were going back and forth talking about who they thought would win. Chris was like, I think Eddie's going to win. Yana was also saying, I think Eddie's going to win. Yano was also saying, I think Eddie's going to win. And I was like, I was confused. I'm like, hmm. I mean, Eddie is strong as fuck, right? And he was in amazing shape for this fight. He had a six pack, like he was looking good.
Starting point is 00:00:56 But I was like, Eddie is maybe 6'2", 6'3". Thor is 6'9", with some long monkey arms like how is Eddie going to get inside of just a guy just going like this and that's exactly what happened Thor was just like and
Starting point is 00:01:17 Eddie was throwing some bombs they were bombs though I would not want to get hit by that shit i uh so just from like watching video and who knows what people post or whatever uh it just appeared that uh thor did a lot of training for this yes it it appeared that like he and i'm not saying that eddie hall didn't just again from posts, it appeared that Hapthor was really concentrating on. And it looked like he had a game plan, too. I don't know if, like, Jumping Rope was, like, just something he wanted to film here and there because he thought it was fun to, like, film it.
Starting point is 00:01:57 Because it's kind of cool that he has that dexterity and that he's able to bounce back and forth between one foot and the other and he weighs 7 million pounds. But it clearly seemed like he had a game plan. And if you watch, especially when he knocks Eddie Hall down, he— And Eddie, those hits hurt. Yeah, so this is like we're watching the beginning of the fight on playback here, and Eddie Hall is throwing one shot at a time, and Hapthor is kind of falling for some of his shit a little bit, but he's throwing combinations.
Starting point is 00:02:30 Thor is doing a good job of jabbing and kind of keeping Eddie Hall at bay. And when you watch when Thor gets a real good knockdown, he beats him to the punch every time. And that's a great way to slow someone down that's got some just lightning in their in their hands what i like is you know because we're watching this is well that was the first round is like some of the stuff that eddie was doing that worked wasn't working anymore because
Starting point is 00:02:56 thor was like oh okay i was i kind of i'm unlocking you know this puzzle or whatever you however you want to put it and he's like i'm not falling for that shit anymore and then he went straight to the technique and what i love was just like you know of course we're having fun with the haymakers but like they didn't look like shit they didn't look like they didn't they didn't belong in a ring you know if that you know they they put on a pretty good show and you know my worst fear was that they were going to get in there and just like hug each other all day and like turn into a wrestling match more than a boxing uh match but yeah they were both prepared they they were no i mean okay pause real quick
Starting point is 00:03:34 i mean i love eddie hall okay and i don't box and i'm not a world's strongest man so this is coming from me but i'm sorry you you, you said Eddie looked prepared. Yeah, I would say like, so dude, so dog, his hands were down.
Starting point is 00:03:49 He had a plan. It just didn't work. It was a bad plan. That doesn't mean he wasn't prepared. I mean, again, well, he didn't get completely smoked.
Starting point is 00:03:58 He didn't get smoked, but like he did have a knockdown and yeah, but like if, if we're looking at, yeah. And you know, boxing way better than me because i'm just saying i'm just saying like he's in shape like he's yes
Starting point is 00:04:08 like he's not dying like andrew's point like he's not dying and just hanging on to him and not just collecting a paycheck like he didn't he didn't go out there by any means and embarrass himself um he looked like he could have been better prepared for sure yeah absolutely he could have been yeah he could have you know i don't know what he would have done differently he probably has no idea how thor fights so because that's the thing i was thinking i was like the me watching boxing and i don't watch a crazy amount of boxing but when i see highlights or when i see some fights here and there thor looks like a boxer eddie looks like a guy who's like street fighting with one hand down and like he he doesn't look like he's
Starting point is 00:04:45 boxing and that's why thor just like looked so much better in this fight because his hands were up he was bouncing around he was moving and eddie was throwing continuous haymakers and getting really like both of them were getting tired but you could tell eddie was throwing those shots and he was getting himself i'll say it this way. It might be better. Like Eddie Hall was not prepared for how like well adapted Hapthor got to boxing within, you know, 12 to 16 months or whatever. I'm in shock that Hapthor didn't throw his hands up a lot. It's very common. Even like, you know, I did some boxing, but it was a long time ago.
Starting point is 00:05:24 But even if i trained again for boxing and if i trained for a year if i got in the ring with somebody that was hitting me pretty good i would probably get a little flaily with my arms and i'd probably like i'd probably look like uh that was brand new because like it takes a long time so whoever the coaches were that uh hapthor had they did a great job preparing him for having punches thrown at his head. Because if you remember Brock Lesnar, who was the heavyweight champion in the UFC, that was like one of his weaknesses.
Starting point is 00:05:53 He had a hard time from that wrestling background. He had a hard time dealing with punches being thrown at his head. It was hard for him to stay composed. It was hard for him to stay in the pocket. And Hapthor did a great job of just saying, oh, you know what? I can just move. Like he would take a a step back and then you take a step forward and jab and so forth yeah i think that like honestly it if because eddie does have really good cardio like he swims right so it's like it's not that the cardio is there
Starting point is 00:06:18 but maybe he just had too much faith in that base um because it like from everything we've seen we haven't seen him post much training for boxing we haven't seen him post much like actual fighting um thor's been doing fights he's been sparring he's been focused on boxing for a while and you could see he looked like a boxer and i mean if anything like thor did have the advantage being taller having longer reach uh but he also just boxed more you know it's interesting i wonder if uh you know where these guys will go from here if they're gonna try to box anybody else or have you guys heard anything i oh there's this guy this big tatted dude he's yeah. He was like ringside. He's fighting somebody. The Iranian Hulk.
Starting point is 00:07:06 Oh yeah. Yeah. What. Okay. Type in the Iranian Hulk versus and then we'll get this dude's name. But this dude. Like Goliath or some shit or something like that. I think he was in Troy.
Starting point is 00:07:15 Right. Maybe. Was he the guy in Troy? I don't think it's. I don't know the same guy or not. Okay. But it's this big tatted dude that's also like 6'9". And that would be an interesting fight because he's like the same size as Thor uh and he's fighting this dude i don't even think the fight's gonna
Starting point is 00:07:29 happen but this guy the iranian hulk he the iranian hulk guy is like a famous photoshopper martin ford martin ford yeah yeah he he he said that he'd want to fight thor but um he this guy is fighting the iranian hulk and if you guys go to the instagram page of the iranian hulk his all his photos are just shopped like crazy like he he just looks like a big they they he makes his waist look smaller he makes his pecs look bigger and he looks crazy but then when you see him stand next to martin ford you're like oh he just looks kind of fat it's like real talk he just looks got it just chunky right so that should be interesting but um yeah i don't know i i wonder if somebody like um one of the uh celebrity box
Starting point is 00:08:13 so this is the guy he's gonna that's the guy and that's a shopped picture where like he doesn't really look like that and that's martin ford right there i think they show them. 6, 8, 3, 10. Right? Or here they actually show them in video game stats. Fucking standing with LAT syndrome. This is actually pretty funny. Watch this. That's great. They get really close. Just wait for it.
Starting point is 00:08:38 Wait for it. Boom. And then after this, it's really funny because they get back close to each other um if so if you fast forward a little bit he's like bouncing too shit because yeah he pushed the shit out of him but he's like okay well i i can't let that happen um he just embarrassed me so you see he's looking around he's looking at his legs. He's like, okay, what am I going to do? What am I going to do? All right, all right, all right. Okay, let's go.
Starting point is 00:09:07 Let's go. And then, watch, watch. Fails a takedown. He fails a takedown. He just looks so, he's like, hold me back. Oh, God. Homer's cracking all. Who knows if this is going to happen, but it is pretty cool to see fitness people step into fighting, like boxing. Steffi Cohen's actually doing it pretty raw like she looks amazing she's boxing
Starting point is 00:09:30 boxing yeah yeah you know she's doing professional fights and shit so yeah what i was gonna say was like i wonder if somebody like um triller or one of these app companies would be like hey like thor like you know we'll give you x amount of millions for like a three fight contract or something like that you know something where like obviously they'd have to fucking back up the trucks to drop a shit ton of money off on his lap to make him even consider it and find someone who's willing to box him i think there'd be a lot of people that would want to fight the mountain yeah for the notoriety and everything like like oh he's still fairly new like i'll go do that but i just think his technique looked solid i mean for the amount of time that he's been you know training like he
Starting point is 00:10:10 looked like he belonged there you know it because like i was again back to like a triller thing like when nate robinson fought jake paul or uh one of the pauls yeah jake paul he was an athlete right you can tell he was but he wasn't like jumping around and he got like clipped a couple times he fucking dove headfirst into the canvas yeah like he didn't look like he belonged there yeah uh thor and eddie did yeah it's uh anybody who chooses to go and fight thor it's like either way you kind of win if you lose you win because you fought the mountain and you lost but you won because you went in there and fought the mountain and if you win you beat the fucking mountain power project family how's it going i hope you guys are enjoying the episode and i want to tell you sometimes when you're a lifter you need certain pieces of
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Starting point is 00:11:21 Links to them down in the description as well as the podcast show notes. Have you guys saw the YouTube guy who's like measuring everybody? You've seen that guy? He like weighs everybody. Saw him at the Piedmontese booth. Yeah, he weighs everybody and measures everybody. We've got to have him on the show.
Starting point is 00:11:35 It's really funny because he'll go up to someone like yourself and he'll say, how tall are you? And you might say 6'2". And he'll be like, okay, you mind if I measure you? And he'll measure you and you'll be like 6'1.5 or something. And he'll ask your body weight. But like okay you mind if i measure you and he'll measure you and you'll be like six one and a half or something and he'll ask your body weight but like you're not this way but like so many people in fitness you know that they'll ask uh hey what do you weigh and like well i was
Starting point is 00:11:54 well they'll say well i was 265 but i got sick and they have all these excuses every time yeah and then uh he went to like measure and weigh kai green kai green had no problem getting on the scale because he's like i I think I'm like 280. And he was like 284. And they were like, damn. And then he went to measure his height. And Kai's like, what are you doing? What are you doing?
Starting point is 00:12:12 What are you doing? What are you doing? He kept walking around. He's trying to measure him from the back. And he's like, what? You don't want to get measured? I don't know. It's interesting because the guy, he goes around and talks to people.
Starting point is 00:12:22 And they get really mad. They get really mad at him. And I'm sure he's editing stuff out and stuff like that but um he's getting into this guy okay what's his name um he has it's uh eric kanevsky eric oh and he's fucking i think i think let's see eric kanevsky yeah no that's actually a very you know I never realized how many people in fitness like are lying
Starting point is 00:12:48 about how much they weigh because I I didn't think about like oh yeah being 270s like you know
Starting point is 00:12:55 but dude this is stuff that you can't stop watching I watched like I watched like two hours of this shit last night
Starting point is 00:13:00 and he's like getting into like fights with people at their booth he's like trying to buy like a hat and uh the girls at the booth are like we don't want to be filmed because like they know that he like fucks with people oh my god and he's like all right i'm not filming you and he he just like films his his crew and they're like we don't want you filming that
Starting point is 00:13:18 either he's like all right fine i'll film myself and he's like filming himself uh-huh and they're like we're just uncomfortable with this he's like I'm trying to buy a hat from your company. It's like they're still just like annoyed to tell. I kind of like that. I like when people are, when people fuck with people a little bit. It's kind of like Kenny KO. Yeah, it is. Kenny always going up to you.
Starting point is 00:13:37 Oh, are you natural? Or did you do this? And it's good fitness entertainment. They need to relax. They really do. Have some fun, man. Who cares? A guy weighs in you way more, way less, or you're a little shorter.
Starting point is 00:13:50 Who the fuck cares? Well, that's the thing. The fitness industry, it's all about how you look and how you're perceived. So if people don't perceive you a certain way, you're no longer that. Like if you say you weigh 250 and you weigh 240, but you look like you're 270, who the fuck cares? Who the fuck cares? It's like, bro, i think your arms are pretty big look okay we say you have 21s and you have 15s though oh yeah now we're yeah now we're gonna see we we say who cares but like who are the most um because i mean we've talked about it like oh we we all have body dysmorphia
Starting point is 00:14:20 it's like bodybuilders definitely like you know like ah yeah i'm like six one it's like uh i think you're more like five nine five ten it's like no no i just you know another good thing would be self-conscious and would be to ask them uh to take their shirt off for a picture hey you mind taking your shirt off for a picture they'd be like no no i'm good yeah you'd be like well why not then they're gonna be really annoyed they'll be like well you know i i was on plan i was gonna compete here at the arnold this year but then i got you know this happened and it's like oh my god that's the thing though like people um people really gotta at least i think people in fitness because they take a lot of pictures when they're lean and then when they're on instagram they'll
Starting point is 00:15:00 just use those pictures for a year until they get lean again right that actually does fuck some people up because people are like how do you look like that forever and it is possible to get to looking like that all the time it just does take time um but yeah i think that that is kind of weird it's like you you go and you look in a certain way and people are like i thought you look different why do you look so different than the pictures right yeah we don't we don't like being that person that's one thing that we do get it's like we we always get oh you actually look like you do on yeah a lot of times people are like you look bigger you look bigger yeah yeah i actually do get that because i'm
Starting point is 00:15:36 next to you guys yeah you guys make me look small and then when i'm not with you guys like huh okay that's cool uh hey but yo guys um talk about what did you guys think about that fight uh i mean mark and andrew like i don't know i love eddie hall but like thor just thor just looked different he looked like a boxer and this is coming from a guy who doesn't box and who watches minimal boxing from my new bi i'm like whoa thor looks like a boxer and eddie looks like he's playing a brawl yeah yeah yeah that's right in the previous episode i explained how like with that stance of just being way back here um you don't get hit by the other guy across across from you i am not trying to disrespect eddie because eddie is a freak athlete and he's done a lot but it doesn doesn't, it, he didn't look nearly as prepared as Thor.
Starting point is 00:16:28 Yeah. And that's just how it looked. There's levels to boxing just like with jujitsu and shit. They just don't have like the, the belt. Yeah. What's it, ranking? I don't know what to call it. Sorry.
Starting point is 00:16:38 But he just plain and simply, and this is a term that you hear a lot in boxing, he just got outclassed. Yes. Because Thor was definitely on the H&L. He was on a whole other level. Yep. Yeah. Thor was definitely concentrated on getting the punches off first. And he would take a little step and he'd throw a jab and take a step and he'd throw a jab. And whenever he had an opportunity to.
Starting point is 00:17:03 And then that just, somebody that's trying to throw a bomb at you it just offsets them and if you start to sting them pretty good with some jabs well now it's really problematic because now they're hesitant throwing that punch and so it just gets worse and worse as the fight gets longer and longer and i think in heady hall's defense probably anyone he's ever like even glanced with that shot he's probably knocked out because it's probably been like a street fight or whatever circumstances he may have he may have uh gotten himself into and so i think that's the difference is like and that's why we bring up jujitsu so much like you can think you're tough and that's cool and you could be strong and you could be all these things and be a great athlete those things still are going to be helpful but when you're going against
Starting point is 00:17:43 somebody who knows what they're doing they're just going to wait and they're going to hang out and they're going to wait and they're just going to choke you out or they're going to fucking break your ankle or get you in an arm bar. And same thing with boxing. It's like somebody that knows what they're doing. You can be crazy and you could be the baddest motherfucker in the world. Someone's just going to pick you apart. They're going to hit you with some body shots.
Starting point is 00:18:02 They're going to punch your arms and your shoulders. If, if it even has an opportunity to go anything more than like two minutes, which I doubt it would, if it goes in the second, third round, you're not going to be able
Starting point is 00:18:13 to move your arms. And you're going to be exhausted. And then they're just going to punch you and do whatever they want to you at that point. You can't, yeah. What super fight do you guys want to see?
Starting point is 00:18:23 Let us know. You know, let us know who you want to see kind of throw their hat into some of this because I'm sure that now that those guys did it, I think it was entertaining at the very least. So hopefully it will encourage some other people to do it. I think it's interesting. It's like once you bring a boxer into it,
Starting point is 00:18:40 then it kind of ruins it. You know, like... Why are you ruining the fun with your skill yeah like mike rashid can't box one of these guys he fuck everybody like he's boxed for too long you know um it'd be nice to see him against another boxer though oh yeah yeah for sure for sure that would be that'd be fucking awesome but yeah to see like thor against him you'd be like well i think mike's been just that's been just, it would be interesting still. It would be interesting because Thor's just so big and strong
Starting point is 00:19:07 and he has some boxing skill. If Mike or Sheet fought him, I mean. I think Mike would just go to the body and just fucking crush him. Yeah. It would be a hard fight. I think Mike would win,
Starting point is 00:19:17 but it would still be interesting because Thor is so much bigger. Does anybody have the drug testing results of that boxing match, by the way? They're totally natty. Oh, they were natural. Thor's been natty for a while. It was sanctioned.
Starting point is 00:19:28 We're all good. Trust us. There were no drugs used. They have their urine, and it just looks like a bottle of Hennessy or something. Have you talked to Andrei Milanochev about anything since post-fight? Like, does he still want to fight Thor? I haven't, but yeah, maybe he does. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:19:51 Hey, man, Andrei Milanochev, dog. post the fight like does he still want to fight thor i haven't but uh yeah maybe he does i don't know damn hey man andre milanichev dog if i had any dog in a fight if it was thor versus andre my money is on andre to be perfectly honest because i don't think like that russian number one being russian is a skill in and of itself or an advantage but number two is hands if one of those one of those things lands you're getting hit by a bowling ball. I don't care. I've never shook Thor's hand
Starting point is 00:20:10 but I don't think Thor's hand is as dense as Milanochev. Yeah, Milanochev's hand is like a tennis racket too. It's crazy. It's wild.
Starting point is 00:20:20 It's like a bear claw. Andrew, take us on out of here, buddy. Thank you everybody for checking out today's episode. We sincerely appreciate it. Like Nseema said, let us know who you guys want to see fighting
Starting point is 00:20:28 and let us know what you guys thought about Thor and Eddie's fight. We want to hear everything you guys got to say. Please like today's episode and subscribe if you guys are not subscribed already. Follow the podcast at MarkBell'sPowerProject on Instagram, at MBPowerProject on TikTok and Twitter, my Instagram, TikTok, and Twitter's at I am Andrew Z and Seema, where you at? I'm Seema Inyong on Instagram and YouTube.
Starting point is 00:20:49 I'm Seema Yinny Yang on TikTok and Twitter, Mark. I'm at Mark Smiley Bell. Strength is never weak. This week's is never strength. Catch you guys later. Bye!

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