Mark Bell's Power Project - MBPP EP. 703 - Chris Rock Got What He Deserved, Does Will Smith Need A Lesson In Self Control?

Episode Date: March 28, 2022

We all saw what happened at the Oscars, this is our thoughts on Will Smith slapping the s**t out of Chris Rock. Join The Power Project Discord: Subscribe to the new Power P...roject Clips Channel: Special perks for our listeners below! ➢ Code POWERPROJET for 20% off Vivo Barefoot shoes! ➢ Code POWERPROJECT10 for 10% off site wide including Within You supplements! ➢ Use Code POWERPROJECT for 20% off! ➢ Use code POWERPROJECT for 20% of your next order! ➢ Use code POWERPROJECT for 20% off your first order! ➢ to automatically save 20% off your first order at Vuori! ➢ to automatically save $150 off the Pod Pro at 8 Sleep! ➢ Use code POWERPROJECT10 for 10% off ALL LABS at Marek Health! Also check out the Power Project Panel: Use code POWERPROJECT for $101 off! ➢Piedmontese Beef: Use Code POWER at checkout for 25% off your order plus FREE 2-Day Shipping on orders of $150 Follow Mark Bell's Power Project Podcast ➢ ➢ Insta: ➢ ➢ Twitter: ➢ LinkedIn: ➢ YouTube: ➢TikTok: FOLLOW Mark Bell ➢ Instagram: ➢ ➢ Facebook: ➢ Twitter: Follow Nsima Inyang ➢ ➢YouTube: ➢Instagram: ➢TikTok: Follow Andrew Zaragoza on all platforms ➢ #PowerProject #Podcast #MarkBell

Discussion (0)
Starting point is 00:00:00 Let's talk about that. Let's dive into that first. I'm in. We're recording. The only Oscars I was ever even aware, like when it was on, was when you and Andy threw a big old party. Oh, yeah. Like a, like a hall even, or not a hall, like a, whatever it's called.
Starting point is 00:00:17 That place over there, the golf course. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Club. I don't know what those places are called, okay? They're nice. Yeah. It was a- Country club? Yeah, country club. Yeah, there you go. Sorry. See, I don't know what those places are called, okay? They're nice. Yeah. Country Club? Yeah, Country Club.
Starting point is 00:00:26 Yeah, there you go. Sorry. See, I don't know shit. That's what it was. But I never watched them. Yeah, I'm low rent. I never watched those things. East Sacramento.
Starting point is 00:00:37 Yeah. South Sac. Oh, South Sac. Yeah. Sorry. I'll go with Country Club. Didn't mean to insult you. It's okay.
Starting point is 00:00:44 We'll let it slide. But I never watched them. And then all of a sudden, you sent the text. And it's like, what the fuck? Fresh Prince? What are you doing? Oh, yeah. Smacking the shit out of him.
Starting point is 00:00:57 That was crazy. It was wild. Yeah, my wife, she's been a fan of the Oscars for a long time. My wife and my sister-in-law, April, they just love – and my brother-in-law, Richard, they love movies. They know every actor and actress, and they remember this person from this movie and that person from that movie. They remember, like, directors and writers and remember all kinds of stuff, mainly the actors and actresses, though, more so than anything else. And they're just, just like way into it. And so when the Academy Awards comes out
Starting point is 00:01:28 or really any of those awards ceremonies, they usually watch, you know, and they're all excited to like try to predict who's going to win what or whatever, you know? Yeah. I haven't paid attention to that shit in years. Like I only see like highlights if something hits YouTube. And I guess that's might be one of
Starting point is 00:01:45 the reasons why people are like was this planned because we mean it okay so he definitely did get slapped right he definitely got slapped but ryan sent us this chart you think you can pull up the chart andrew of like oscar's popularity through the years yeah i can find it but on this chart it showed number one declining popularity in people watching that shit and Seaman please don't get any ideas don't bitch slap me
Starting point is 00:02:08 dog dude I don't wanna I don't wanna cry you won't cry one thing I know is that if I ever did that to you you'll shake it off and you'll just
Starting point is 00:02:15 you'll go back to wrestling form and then we'll just we'll just I'll have to hit you with a chair or something yeah and I'll take it I'll need some sort of
Starting point is 00:02:22 weapon or something and then Andrew can start announcing randomly it'll be a fun time my god he's splitting seam in half with that chair this is a heinous crime what's he doing hey the way you said that just yeah hit him hit him with the chair didn't split him in half hit him with the chair all right don't go weird like that cracked him right down the middle andrew i need you i don't know if this this is a different one but it's close enough nobody cares yeah declining honestly I didn't even know
Starting point is 00:02:48 people watched it I didn't even know it was on me neither that's I don't yeah that's what I mean until Will Smith
Starting point is 00:02:56 slapped Chris Rock yeah it was nuts but I was watching it and you know everyone makes a big deal about like what this person says what this person wears and so we watch it and we you know, everyone makes a big deal about like what this person says, what this person wears.
Starting point is 00:03:06 And so we watch it and we obviously just sit there and talk shit the whole time. You're like, what are these people talking about? Because like a lot of times they get up and they'll give a speech and they'll talk about how much movies meant to them. And Kevin Costner had some sort of weird speech thing that he gave and no one knew what he was talking about it's like and then people are trying to make jokes you know but they in this climate in this day and age it's a little uh you know more difficult to make jokes as a way that they used to make jokes and uh the comedians and stuff they're just going for it that fucking just and uh yeah chris rock um talked about will smith's wife and g.i. jane yeah he made a reference to uh because uh will smith's wife uh shaved her head i believe she has alopecia and she you know had to
Starting point is 00:03:56 shave her head that way you don't have like little uh spots of uh baldness and uh so she's sitting in the front row with this giant green dress that not only takes up like where she's sitting, but it takes up where everybody else is sitting. She's got this giant train and Will Smith is like front and center. So like they're right out in front of everybody. And so Chris Rock, you know, he's making fun of other people in the room and other comedians that were up previously. They, they actually referenced Will Smith and made fun of Will Smith and talked trash to him a bit. And they mentioned something about, because like they were, the people that were hosting the show were women and they were referencing these like handsome men that they
Starting point is 00:04:35 had on stage. And they said, we're going to have to give you a COVID check. And she's like, I'm going to do it in an unconventional way. I'm gonna do it with my tongue. And then she mentioned like all these other guys that she wanted to do it with and it's all the most handsome men in the room or whatever. And she's like, and Will, like we need you to be involved in this too. Don't worry, we already checked with your wife and she's cool with it. So like they referenced his wife and when Chris Rock did it, it wasn't okay. And he basically made a reference to, you know, her looking like she's prepared for G.I. Jane 2,
Starting point is 00:05:06 which G.I. Jane has Demi Moore who shaved her head for the role. And it's like a classic women's military movie. And it doesn't seem that insulting to me, but I don't know. I guess it could be interpreted that way. A woman's hair is something that is very, very important to them personally. And honestly, within the black community, hair is, woman's hair especially, it's a crazy, wild industry. And there's a lot of, because the texture of black hair, number one, is different. So they use different products.
Starting point is 00:05:48 They treat their hair differently. So within the black community, hair is a bit more sacred than one. You know what I mean? So I think that's one deeper aspect of things that people may not realize. It's funny also because Chris Rock did a documentary years ago about black woman's hair. About specifically the black woman's hair
Starting point is 00:06:12 industry. His daughter or something was like, I don't like my hair. My hair doesn't look good. Her reference to good was all the stuff she saw in the media. Maybe the white woman's hair. And he was like,
Starting point is 00:06:26 Oh honey, like your hair is different. You know, he was trying to explain it to her. So it was a good documentary. I saw it. It was, it was pretty amazing. So I think that's one layer that be as like apparent,
Starting point is 00:06:35 like I didn't watch the Oscars, but I'm assuming when the jokes were some other jokes were made, Jada laughed, but you specifically saw, I remember seeing this clip with Chris made that joke about G.I jada was like right and then will was kind of laughing but i think will probably saw jada so upset she was got too fucking emotional because there's really no excuse for doing that it's kind of sad honestly how emotional he got to go up and slap a dude for making a joke the job of a comedian is to make jokes at people you know
Starting point is 00:07:07 what i mean so it's like how are you going to go up and slap a man across the face for doing his fucking job even it was at the expense of your wife but he's doing it to everybody right yeah he's in he's that's what he's supposed to do like exactly what you just said that's what he's getting paid to be up there be entertaining. That's what the host does. Right, yeah. And I've seen the comments, you know, like, oh, Will thought it was funny until he got the death stare from Jada. And I mean, when somebody catches... Will's being cucked, bro.
Starting point is 00:07:36 But when somebody catches you off guard, you get embarrassed. And sometimes a natural reaction is just to like start laughing because you don't know what the fuck else to do. Like you don't have... He currently didn't have a microphone at that time he's not going to be able to talk back like and obviously the setting and everything but you're right yeah he got a little no he got extremely way too emotional it's sad it is sad in a way of like what's going on in his life that he felt that he needed to defend that that that much and like so let's just say he lets it slide like how worse off is his wife today you know like it doesn't seem like she'd be worse off i mean i'm trying to think of put myself in a situation and if somebody uh made reference to wife, especially somebody that I knew,
Starting point is 00:08:26 which obviously these two guys know each other really, you know, probably know each other really well. If something was said that was upsetting, I would say, oh shit, I'm talking to him about that. You know, when he comes off the stage and I have an opportunity later tonight, I'm going to have a conversation. I wouldn't be like, you know, pissed and like mad and stuff.
Starting point is 00:08:45 I would say, hey, dude, like what you said was out of bounds. I'm really disappointed that you said that. Like, why did you say that? And try to get some sort of, you know, conversation going about it. And then they, you know, hopefully the person that said that says whatever about your wife. Hopefully they're like, hey, man, I, dude, you know me. I was just up there clowning. I was trying to fuck around.
Starting point is 00:09:04 I don't know, man. Maybe it was in bad taste. Sorry. That's the end of it. It's over with. Yeah. It's really weird because we were talking about this in the gym, man. If you are, the Smiths are kind of like the Kardashians.
Starting point is 00:09:15 Like, your life. Shit's out there. Shit's really out there. I mean, the red table talk that Jada puts on, like, when they went in on about August Alcina and their open relationship and then, you know. Was he the entanglement? August Alsina was the young entanglement. Got it.
Starting point is 00:09:27 Yeah, yeah, yeah. And then you get the crying Will face from the Red Table Talk. Like, at this point, man, if y'all are putting all your shit out there, I'm surprised that you're not used to taking jokes. Maybe the guy was just like, he was taking it and then it was Oscars night and then it was just one joke too many yeah i don't i don't know their relationship but maybe he was just like fuck man i'm getting it from literally everybody else i shouldn't be getting it from a friend or whatever like again i don't know if they even like each other but i'm just saying you know i'm coming up with excuses for will because i like him but i'll see if there's anything we can learn just don't don't be as a dude as i mean anybody just
Starting point is 00:10:05 don't be as emotional as will like don't like i don't think it'd be pretty hard for me to find a situation where i would have to go up and lay my hands on a person i mean there are certain things people could say to try to get under my skin even about family but i think i honestly think you're weaker if you need to if you feel the need to go do that like you would want to but it takes a level of strength to hold your back from getting physical no matter what anybody says about you or people close to you you know some people think oh yeah you can't let somebody talk about my mama beat their ass hold yourself back it's like have some self-fucking control and this was really sad yeah i actually usually think that the like one of the coolest characteristics about a man
Starting point is 00:10:52 is to hold yourself back is to have the knowledge and the power to be able to like uh very very obviously be able to like dominate a situation or get yourself out of a situation with force or your power in society. And you choose not to do that. And you choose just to, you know, keep your mouth shut and kind of keep plowing forward. I mean, that is what these guys get paid for. Some people talk about athletes being overpaid or they talk about actors and actresses being overpaid. I don't think they're overpaid. I mean, I think entertainment is of high value. We enjoy it. Will Smith is incredibly talented at multiple things. Uh, not, not just being an actor. Um, he's amazing and he's provided us with a lot
Starting point is 00:11:38 of amazing entertainment over the years. And, uh, you know, I know, I think that part of what goes along with fame and fortune is that you do have to take it on the chin. And you are going to hear things that are completely asinine. You're going to hear things that are people not understanding you, people not understanding your family, people not understanding the new car that you bought or where you decide to live or how you decide to dress or who you decide to hang out with. All this shit, people are going to question all of it. It happens all the time. And it's just, it's like, it's part of the territory and being, being a professional and, and just being a man in general. I mean, I think it's, I think it takes a lot of courage and a lot of strength for somebody to end up in a situation where somebody may have stirred them up a bit and they just choose not to fuck them up.
Starting point is 00:12:36 When they know wholeheartedly, like, I could just go up there and just end this guy's life almost, you know, and they don't do that. Yeah. Yeah. Real quick because you did call him a cuck i just because i saw this on twitter and i'm just interested in your guys's take okay so open really open marriage she's messing around with i forgot the august alcina that guy what if it was flipped around and he was messing around with somebody else and she was like yep we're cool with that dog we'll definitely be smashing but but but but he he's a cuck but if it was the other way around like damn he's he's got a down-ass wife all right the main reason i said i is a cuck isn't – okay. Because, I mean, like they said they're in an open relationship.
Starting point is 00:13:29 Will be smashing. Yeah. I think it's kind of obvious. Will be doing his thing too. So, I mean, because all this got out and they talked about it on the Red Table Talk, about the whole August situation, right? I think the Will's a cuck thing thing is you saw him at that table just like with tears in his eyes and shit right and then this i think honestly this right here it's it's just it's too fucking emotional bro like i mean there are going to be some people who are like defend your
Starting point is 00:14:05 wife's honor but at the same time this is not i don't think this is defending your wife's honor you look goofy you look so fucking goofy right now and then his acceptance speech was you know i played the the williams father who defended them And it was all these – I don't know if you watched it, but he kind of tried to allude to the ways a man has to defend his family. And he made himself sound like a victim. He made himself sound like a victim, like he was in the right. And then he apologizes to the academy. He apologizes to somebody else. But he doesn't apologize to the person that he should be apologizing for too you know it's
Starting point is 00:14:46 goofy and it's sad because will smith's dope i love the fresh prince of bel-air that was an amazing show i've seen every episode but cuckish attitude like this is cuckish behavior man i'm sorry and also like uh so that's your so that's your go-to mechanism that's the way that you handle situations right now how do you handle the situation when someone bigger and stronger, you know, like what if that was the rock up there? No, he wouldn't. He wouldn't have. Right. And probably anybody else.
Starting point is 00:15:14 I mean, they probably have a little, you know, beef with each other or whatever. And he was probably just kind of like waiting for an excuse. I do think it is like a culmination of him snapping from everything that he did. But again, even more reason for him not putting hands on another person that's not responsible for anything to do with their marriage. And he didn't even say anything about their marriage.
Starting point is 00:15:34 And he didn't say anything that I felt was like really disparaging. And regardless of whether she has cancer or alopecia, like none of it matters. You still take it on the chin. And then afterwards you say motherfucker she has cancer or she has a disease or she has an autoimmune disorder that's you're a piece of shit for saying that and then hopefully you you got the point across to the guy and the
Starting point is 00:15:55 guy's like all right dude i fucking didn't know yeah i think uh john cena just did a reversal because now he's on top i think he's actually winning this battle right there. Over. Look at that. He reversed the slam there. What was the move that he does usually? What's this move called, Mark? I don't know. That move?
Starting point is 00:16:15 Oh, that's like a power slam. Yeah, he just reversed it, though. Power slam Jesus Christ. Yeah. Jesus Christ. Cena's move is he does a bunch of different moves. He does a five knuckle shuffle, which I don't think he does. I don't think he does that one anymore. That's a lot of knuckles.
Starting point is 00:16:32 I know. That's a lot of knuckles. That's a lot of. What do five fingers say to the face? Well, so I, yeah, that was a really reach of a segue. But because what you're talking about, is it real or fake? You know, like mark had in the gym said like well wrestling's real like they really hit each other but we know it's
Starting point is 00:16:49 scripted what are the chances that this was scripted like i i mean obviously it was real as fuck you can see his face in slow motion gets slapped the fuck out like that was he's like will smith just slapped the shit out of me which was was hilarious. But, I mean, do you think the Oscars would go to this length to get people to talk about it? Maybe. It's shit now. Like, I mean, no one watches that shit. On that graph that shows the amount of people that watch the Oscars, it's way low for individuals in the 18 and 24 bracket. It's dying and it will die out.
Starting point is 00:17:22 Yeah. Well, I still don't think anybody watched it. They just watched YouTube videos. I don't think that this is going to help people to watch it next year. People aren't going to be like, oh, I wonder who's going to hit. Who's going to get slapped this year? Power Project Family, how's it going now?
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Starting point is 00:18:00 Now, if you go on Google and you type in apple cider vinegar, there's tons of benefits. Immune support. Digestion. Digestion. Digestion. gummies now if you go on google and you type in apple cider vinegar there's tons of benefits immune support uh metabolism digestive digestion can uh but one thing you'll also come across is apple cider vinegar tastes like it's bad it's really bad uh that's why they came out with these crack gummies um the reason why i call them crack gummies and it's an empty uh empty little package of them because uh we can't not eat a lot of them at once they're really good for you don't get me wrong but they also taste really good and it's hard to only eat two at once and the serving size is two so you guys should get this you should only have two uh good luck good luck but the benefits of apple cider vinegar actually from these gummies i noticed that my honestly it's helped my digestion a lot so a ton yeah yeah
Starting point is 00:18:51 it definitely has helped me uh you know hit the bathroom a lot more consistently uh mark always talks about you know may your shits be tapered and i guarantee you with those they will be uh but just yeah please don't eat the entire bottle the way we do, but they're that good. And, you know, I have tried apple cider vinegar and all that stuff and it made me sick. I just, I felt real bloated
Starting point is 00:19:11 and I couldn't be consistent with it. With this, it's very easy to stay consistent. We're too consistent. A little bit too consistent. Yeah. But head over to and make sure you guys enter
Starting point is 00:19:23 promo code POWERPROJECT to save 20% off your entire order. Again,, make sure you guys enter promo code power project to save 20% off your entire order. Again,, um, promo code power project to save 20% off links to them down in the description as well as the podcast show notes. But I do really think this is a real, I really liked what you were talking about, about the self-control aspect. Cause I think this is, this right here is a really good example for people, but especially men, to learn from. Because there's this weird, not weird, but as you grow up as a guy, you think that, let's say you have a girl or whatever. The way to defend is by being physical.
Starting point is 00:19:59 And you have to have so much more self-control in certain situations not to be physical with somebody. Someone pulls out a knife. Someone pulls out a gun. Somebody has another person with them. Yeah. It's not always going to work. Especially nowadays. People try to like people egg people on when they're drunk and at parties or street fights and somebody starts fighting and then you're right.
Starting point is 00:20:19 Somebody pulls out a fucking gun and somebody gets shot. Somebody pulls out a knife and somebody gets shot. People really just be walking around with hands and they don't realize the type of danger that they can get themselves into. Another thing, I mean, this, this is real, like, um, years ago, uh, with, with somebody I was dating, uh, after a birthday party, he was drunk, right? Her and a friend, I was sober. Her and a friend were walking and they were yelling at a car, right? They were yelling at this guy in a car that was staring at them. Okay. This guy gets out of the car, right? And I tell both of them, just, just go fucking around. I just talk this guy down a bit, but he comes into our face and he spits in my face, spits in my face.
Starting point is 00:21:01 My ex keeps yelling. The other girl fucking fucking runs and the guy that we were with the gay guy that we were with he just fucking ran away i was like all right i told i told my girl hey get the fuck away and i was like dude they're drunk chill it's all good go go guy goes in his car flashes a gun i'm like dog come on it's like we're chilling it's cool it's a good night right like they're drunk nothing whatever and he's like all right cool like he he left because i didn't he's spinning my fucking face and i didn't go and try to i didn't do anything because i knew i knew 2 a.m on a saturday night this dude's getting out to do something this isn't a fucking good idea right he's going into a group of people right like he knows something
Starting point is 00:21:44 that you don't know, probably. Exactly. And if I if I was if I was an emotional human being, I could have fucking died that night. So this is a lesson like, yeah, this is the Oscars. Something like that happened to Andy Frisella. I could be butchering the story a bit, but I think somebody said something to a woman that he was with at the time. It was late at night he was like walking her to the car or they were leaving or whatever and somebody said something and andy frisell was a big guy so i think he started they started like shouting at each other the guy took out a knife sliced his face left him there left him there in the middle of the street for dead and like he just
Starting point is 00:22:21 bleeding out like he's you know he has like a beard so it covers the scar and stuff like that but i mean these are the like these are real things that can happen andy frisella's a big dude like i met him in person like he's not a guy that you'd want to you'd want to scrap with so it's not like he doesn't know how to defend himself uh somebody took out a fucking knife uh when i was a kid i was probably like about 14 or 15. I was playing soccer in gym class. And this kid like, you know, soccer ball hurts. You know, this kid like, we were doing something and this kid decides to bounce soccer ball off the side of my head. And you know, it's like, it's a ball. So like, how bad is it? It doesn't really hurt that bad. But a soccer ball is like pretty
Starting point is 00:23:03 stiff. And I said, Hey, man, I was like, don't don't do that again you know and then like 10 minutes later like the coach like the instructor or the teacher or whatever is like explaining something takes the ball and boom you know get so i'm like okay well i i did i did tell him i didn't like that i you know i gave him a warning and i never been in a fight or anything, so we weren't kicking the ball around or whatever. I just grabbed him by his jersey because he had one of those mesh things to signify he's on a different team. I just grabbed him, and I start spinning him around. I got no idea what I'm going to do with him, and I just let him go.
Starting point is 00:23:40 And he goes flying into the goalpost. Hell yeah. I mean, oh. With one arm over his head, and he smashes his ribs into the goalposts. Hell yeah. I mean, with one arm over his head and he like smashes his ribs on the goalpost and he goes, ah! And I was like,
Starting point is 00:23:51 and the goalpost made this like horrific sound and I was like, oh. I was like, oh my God. And he just like laid motionless there and the whole class kind of looked at me and I was like,
Starting point is 00:24:02 oh fuck. I was like, what did I do? Anyway. Just a bit outside. Yeah, I got in trouble from the teacher and so on and I was like oh fuck I was like what did I do anyway just a bit outside yeah I got in trouble from the teacher and so on and I was like it's his fault he's an asshole or whatever yeah and I get sent home early for the day sick and then I yeah like hey this is that's horrible like I get sent home early for the day and then I have a conversation with my dad and
Starting point is 00:24:22 my dad's like Mark he's, I'm really disappointed in you. Like you, he's like, you don't, do you not understand? Like you can't do that. Like you're, you're huge compared to these kids. He's like, how big was that? I was like, I didn't, I'm like, dad, I didn't think about any of that. I just, I was pissed. He's like, you can't do that.
Starting point is 00:24:40 He's like, you're already lifting weights and you're already already lifting you're like bench pressing all these weights and stuff he's like these people they can't those kids can't defend themselves he's like that's not fair that's not what you do and i was just like just like gut wrenching you know for me because i love my dad he's my hero so to disappoint him like it couldn't be any worse i was like you know what he's fucking right i will never do that again i will never uh have another situation I will never have another situation. Like, I might have to defend myself. That's different. But I will never treat another situation like that again.
Starting point is 00:25:11 So I just think you got to be careful, man. Like, what if I did really hurt that person? What if that kid, like, broke his ribs? Or what if he got a concussion? Or who the fuck knows what could happen? Exactly. And that's why I think this is a good learning moment um and that's why we like stoicism i think like the the daily stoic book that you
Starting point is 00:25:33 read to aurelius every single day and us learning about that type of philosophy years ago it echoes all of this stuff it's not about not being emotional or not having emotions it's about feeling that but then not acting based upon it this man heard a joke about his wife got a little welled up went up and slapped another man a comedian over the face on national tv and now looks goofy as fuck and he probably has a really great media team so he's gonna find a way to get out of this and it'll leave the it'll leave the media circuit but this this right here he's going to be known for this for a minute god i would love for him just to go like live on instagram and just talk how sick would that be but we know he's not going to do that nope probably not you know he'll go on the red table he should come on here and
Starting point is 00:26:20 talk about it probably have chris rock on the red table with jada and will all laughing about it set you up motherfuckers oh my god oh shit that'd be fun that'd be great but yeah don't be will in this situation will's done a lot of cool stuff man a lot this just wasn't it this just wasn't it yeah mark what would you have so i mean this is kind of weird to be like mark if you can go back and tell yourself what to do with that kid situation. Because I'm just thinking, I mean, I'm going to have Aurelius be pretty fucking jacked and he's going to be bigger than a lot of kids. I don't know what I would tell him what to do in that situation. Well, I think if you have like, first of all, I think if you get him into like boxing or some sort of martial art or some grappling or wrestling or something like that.
Starting point is 00:27:10 I think he'll just I think he'll know and he'll make you know he'll make good choices but he might have to like have an incident like that to where he learns that like you know hey that's not that's not a great idea you know and i think uh i think the main thing is just like just because you can doesn't mean that you should. Just because you can do something because there's always going to be someone bigger. There's always going to be someone stronger. There's always going to be someone badder. I know people say that and then people are like, well, there's – because maybe they train a lot and they do jujitsu or they do whatever. But like there's always situations where like a street fight is a street fight like
Starting point is 00:27:45 you're not gonna face like just one person probably normally people like when they go out and do stuff i mean they normally go out together so i would just i would just say like with it with a kid i think you know having children i think is not about like uh trying to raise them or influence them. I think it's more about encouraging them and you want to just kind of steer them and encourage them to go down the right path. And he's got two great examples of you and your wife. So I think that like he, you know, he won't have any trouble with that. I mean, violence very rarely.
Starting point is 00:28:23 Sometimes, sometimes you do have to defend yourself. Sometimes you do have to defend – like there was another incident that I ran into at school where one of my classmates was like just walking. We just got out of class. I was in like special needs class. I was in class with a bunch of kids that weren't popular and just another kid just knocked books out of this kid's hands. And I was like, oh, that's pretty fucked up. But I was like, mind your business. Like, no big deal. Just help your friend pick up his book. So that's what I did. Then a kid just punched him randomly. And I'm like, fuck that. So same thing. I grabbed that
Starting point is 00:28:59 kid and slammed him into a locker and he went down. And that was just different though. So then I explained to my dad, I'm like, hey, this kid like punched another kid. The kid's probably like slammed him into a locker and he went down and that was just different though so then i explained to my dad i'm like hey this kid like punched another kid the kid's probably like 60 pounds less than him and i i just i just threw him in a locker as i didn't punch him i didn't like hurt him or anything you know so you know i do think there's situations where yeah you do have to stand up for yourself you do have to stand up for people uh especially when you're young just to kind of like defend your ground a bit and just to show uh that someone just can't like flat out bully you all the time but again like putting your hands on someone's like kind of last resort and in that case where you know i saw someone put their hands on somebody else i was like you know what
Starting point is 00:29:42 fuck that i'm just gonna take this in my own hands at the moment and maybe i shouldn't have but uh i thought that that was like the right thing to do and in that moment i also wasn't even mad i wasn't like you know what i mean it was different i made a decision i was like that ain't cool like somebody's got to do something about this and so i did what i did it was more matter of fact than rage. Yeah, exactly. Damn. Keep my wife's name out your motherfucking mouth. I just wanted to yell that when you're like, you and your wife.
Starting point is 00:30:14 Oh, my God. Yeah, this will be one of those moments where like, dude, do you remember when, like, you know, you'll all remember where you were when Mark sent that text. It's so silly to even think about that.'s hard to uh it's hard to say how you would react and you don't know how you react sometimes until you're like in a situation so you know i do understand like you know will smith was uh obviously he was embarrassed and uh he probably has i, clearly he has issues, right? So, like, I hope that he goes and gets help. I hope that this is, like, a moment where I don't think he'll realize that, though. You know, when he gave his speech, you know, the one thing he did say is that, like, Denzel Washington told him, like, in your finest moments, that's, like, when the devil will come for you type thing.
Starting point is 00:31:02 But I don't think that that will register. I don't think that he, I don't think he understands what the fuck he said. Otherwise, you know, like he – otherwise he would have apologized. He would have said, hey, like if Chris Rock is here, let's bring him out. I'd love to shake the man's hand if he's willing to do that with me. Let's let him slap me if he'd like to get me back. Yeah, yeah. And if not, you know, hey, I just want to openly apologize to him.
Starting point is 00:31:24 Yeah, and if not, hey, I just want to openly apologize to him. I'm sensitive to that, considering all the things my wife and I went through. A lot of you might be aware of it because we're fairly public with some of it. You know what I mean? There's a lot of things he could have done where he could have actually turned everything around and made it a fucking Will Smith party. Could have, yeah. But during that speech, it was funny when he mentioned that. And then the camera patted Denzel.
Starting point is 00:31:48 And Denzel was just like. It was just. It was kind of funny. But, hey. And also, like, again, I don't understand what the Oscars even is. But, like, he was just allowed to just walk right up. Like, unannounced. Just walk up there.
Starting point is 00:32:04 Slap the shit out of him. Walk down. And then stay. Like, nobody came up and said like hey dude like that was not a good look we're gonna have to actually get you out of here because celebrities bro everyone in that room's a celebrity all right yeah so again what but so when i saw this i like after a little bit i understood that that's what it was but like i've literally i have no idea what this is like you know do they get a plus one or is the plus one has to be like, wait, what have you started? Again, I don't fucking know anything about this. But the fact that he was still there, I mean.
Starting point is 00:32:33 It didn't seem like there was a security person in sight. But what my wife said is like, it's probably, she's like, all the security is probably outside. You know, to protect everyone that's inside. Yeah. Because everyone's supposed to be chill with each other but they're in the club yeah yeah i don't know i think that with uh the different i mean with somebody with a live microphone and with the way the world is at the moment somebody could say anything that's you know sparks one person to completely disagree and uh you know this was like weird because it was
Starting point is 00:33:06 like just a teasing joke um but somebody says something politically somebody says something that i mean you could end up with a much worse situation so hopefully they'll they'll figure out some sort of remedy for some of that too i don't know and was it all shown live like was the slapping everything so it was live uh and kept the camera running, but they killed the audio. Okay. And so you couldn't hear. That's why like the thing I post on my Instagram was like odd and has like some weird voiceover thing to it because somebody just like posted it immediately with the audio. But the actual audio from the show,
Starting point is 00:33:46 that's how we knew right away that it was like something weird happened. Like, what did we just see? What the fuck happened? Like, I knew right away that it was real because even in wrestling, like in wrestling, when things are not real, things in wrestling aren't real. They're scripted, right? When they're not real, if I was to go over and hit Andrew, we could make it look so good.
Starting point is 00:34:23 Andrew could turn his head and his fucking headphones will fall off, his glasses will fall off, and we could just make it look killer, right? You want to test it out? Yeah, let's try it. Well, I i gotta get the cameras ready and maybe next show and actually like if andrew is like you know down to like make it entertaining and cool he'll say hey like you know go ahead and hit me a little bit like i'm not gonna like slug him but i'm gonna give him a little bit so that he knows exactly when to turn his head it will look awesome it will sound good like everything but when you actually make contact it looks like shit it looks awkward it looks really weird so if i actually went up to him and just randomly kind of tried to smack him or something it wouldn't look very you know unless
Starting point is 00:34:56 i'm really trying to haul off and hit him or something like i'm in a slapping contest or something uh dude why are you pulling a will smith why don't you do it to Nsema? Why are you going after the smaller guy? Nah. Because that's what Will did. That's what I mean. Like, go after you, not me. No, but we have to do what Will did. Yeah, so that's what I'm saying. Don't be a Will. But we're saying we have to do what Will did.
Starting point is 00:35:17 I don't want, I don't like this. I'm not going after Nsema. You can go after him. No, you go. No, you go. Why don't you do it? You should punch him. Guys, I'm used to taking a slap here way you can go after him No you go I don't want to go after him No you go why don't you do it You should punch him Guys I'm used to taking a slap here and there you know about my last name That was good Deep cut
Starting point is 00:35:36 That was good Oh god Anyway guys somebody sell Will Smith Send him The Daily Stoic And actually that's a book that everyone Send him The Daily Stoic. And actually, that's a book that everyone should get. The Daily Stoic by Ryan Holiday. And a bunch of his other books.
Starting point is 00:35:52 He has Stillness is the Key. Ego is the Enemy. And another one. Those were three really good books. What do you guys think? You think a year from now, no one will care? Yeah. It'll come up in a lot of jokes, for sure.
Starting point is 00:36:05 There'll be memes for a minute like that crying will memes still i'm just trying to think i don't remember so good i just don't remember seeing anything like that before kanye telling taylor swift that beyonce had the best she was the best female artist i'm gonna let you finish but beyonce had the best album whatever yeah see but that died off you know what i mean mean? But I think it really, it was like officially like closed when Kanye made that song and he like played it in like, I think the video or like it was a montage of it. I forgot. I don't know what the fuck the song is called, but he's just like, I'm an asshole. Like he's, this one's for the assholes or something like that.
Starting point is 00:36:43 Oh, yeah. And then he plays when he actually went up on stage and did it. So I was just like, okay, now he's playing one's for the assholes or something like that oh yeah and then he plays when he actually went up on stage and did it so i was just like okay now he's playing into it what about so that's officially when it's like over what about physical though physical altercation i can't think of one man i don't remember any well you know i heard uh i don't remember it well this happens to the ufc all the time but jorge masvidal there was this one time where he was doing an interview and a fighter came out and he gave him like a he gave him like a solid three piece and then walked away and then everyone had to back him off he really punched this dude three
Starting point is 00:37:14 times another fighter so that's that's kind of interesting but that that's not yeah that's fighters yeah it's not yeah just general celebrities or whatever even more recently i can't remember which fighter. Somebody that got in a fight in a casino or some shit like that, too. Was it Jorge Masvidal again? I think he did it to Colby Covington. He jumped Colby Covington outside of a... Yeah, and he got 90 days probation. Oh, fuck.
Starting point is 00:37:40 Why is Jorge being such a fucking... He's game bread, son. Oh, man. Hey, this's a bad motherfucker though but um you brought it up earlier though like when like uh athletes would like hit a photographer or something for getting all up in their face I think most people can understand that yeah right I think it's like you probably shouldn't uh I mean I remember like uh dennis rodman like kicking a photographer videographer and that was like i don't know he got slammed rodman got slammed to the ground it was like during a game and then there was like he ran into like a camera guy and i think he was kind of just frustrated and
Starting point is 00:38:18 the guy just happened to be there and he's like fuck this guy and he kicked him if i remember correctly though that cameraman like had a reputation for doing dumb shit. Yeah, being way too close and all that. Yeah. But all that's understandable. It's like, well, you're in a basketball game. And what the fuck is the camera guy doing so close that you're landing on his equipment and getting hurt? And it's just paparazzi taking too many pictures people asking way too many questions like
Starting point is 00:38:45 i can i can i can understand it's still not great to lose your cool it's still never great but it's like more understandable it's like well you're probably fucking agitated yeah like i get that a little bit more but maybe i remember this will smith thing was was just different again yo this is let's all learn. It's not funny. It's kind of awkward. On the ground, he just stomps on me. But look at his legs, though, dude. He like, oh, it wasn't even him.
Starting point is 00:39:14 Yeah, it was the wrong guy. That's the worst part. See, I thought he put, because he kind of puts his legs out a little bit. So I was like, oh, I would have fucking kicked the shit out of him, too. But he kicks the wrong guy. Bitch. Dog. Bitch. Dog. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:27 But I think that guy is trying to, like, so that guy looked like he was positioning himself to get, like, a better angle. And Rodman's like, dude, I, like, fuck you, breaking my shit over here. And, like, you're trying to capture it. But that's, like, dude's job.
Starting point is 00:39:39 Yeah. Oh, man. Oh. Oh, yeah, you're going to play that shit out. Get some money. He got some money from Dennis Rodman for sure. Damn, KG has been in the league forever. Well, he was.
Starting point is 00:39:51 Anyway. Yeah. We were talking about Kanye, but that documentary Genius was pretty good. If any of you guys like music. Oh, I got to keep watching that. Dude. Genius is really good. Hopefully, we'll talk about it one day.
Starting point is 00:40:00 But I think people in the audience watch it. Have you been liking it so far? How deep did you get? I like it a lot. I think I got through the first two and there's one more there's one more there's three episodes but it's it's really good it's because i listened to a lot of kanye when i was in middle school and high school so it was really cool because it brought you back and it showed you the origins of that music but kanye was doing vlogging before vlogging oh yeah there was no youtube but he had a a friend of his, Cootie, who's just like, yeah, just come record everything.
Starting point is 00:40:28 So you saw everything. Yeah. And it was really cool to see that transformation he had. What I liked about it was just to see how much work he was putting in. Yeah. And it's like just organic, authentic work. The dude loves hip hop. He loves music.
Starting point is 00:40:43 He loves the culture. He loves what he's doing and it's like i think we lose sight of that you know now you know he's controversial a lot of times and you know maybe he has some mental health issues or whatever's been going on with him but like there's no denying that he's insanely talented and there's no denying that he's worked for that shit you know for a very very long time. I thought it was cool from that perspective. I'm like, this is sick because he's just working all the time and none of these
Starting point is 00:41:10 guys probably even thought about it as work. They're not like, I'm going to work. With their briefcase and going into an office, they were just playing pool and kind of just hanging out. So I thought that part of it was really neat. Check it out, guys. You'll like it. I have to check it out. College Dropout was one of my favorite albums.
Starting point is 00:41:28 Wow. We finally. Yeah. Wow. But after. You guys just became best friends. That was nice to see. After late registration, I have no idea what the fuck he's done.
Starting point is 00:41:40 You're just stuck in the past, brother. Okay. I'm stuck on the best music. I'll get you some. i'll get you some i'll get you some new there's some new kanye yeah no i'm bullshitting there's um there's a bunch of shit that he like he i i uh what's the the one he did with jay-z um watch the throne watch the throne wasn't great but there was some good like oh man yeah but i can't say that word i can't say half the songs i like
Starting point is 00:42:05 yeah that's just so good you have you have like 0.1 congolese in you 0.2 sir say it you're right go ahead i can't but it's a good idea don't do it but i told you dude i i got my pass from from one of my black friends from way back in the day yeah but those cards last forever. I was going to ask if I had to get renewed. You need a renewal? No, no. You don't need a renewal.
Starting point is 00:42:32 Once you get one, if they're certified, it lasts until they die. Once they die, then you have to find another. I got to make sure he's still alive. He's a little bit older, too. Yeah, you got to find another black person to get a card from. Yeah, it's going to be hard these days. Do you have one, Mark?
Starting point is 00:42:44 I do not have a card that allows me to do anything like that you know it's funny this is a true story so fuck it uh no my so like growing up i listened to a lot of hip-hop i watched every single like boys in the hood, menace to society, every black movie. You've seen more black movies than I have. Yes. You have a list that you were giving me that I need to watch.
Starting point is 00:43:15 So my dad always said, this is so funny. I can't, we're going to say this on air because when he conceived me, he had nothing but black friends. He worked with nothing but black dudes. So he he said i had the soul of a black man and i always thought that that was so funny because i'm like dude i do listen to nothing but like 90s r&b i'm like all i need is like a bluetooth in my ear and like i'll definitely be like a 40 year old black man
Starting point is 00:43:39 i know the type of man you're talking about too we all know the one with the bluetooth hey what's up i'm not talking to you i'm on my bluetooth like dude you have we've been in this fucking denny's for like two hours you have not gotten one phone call take the fucking bluetooth out your ear and then go get in your your 93 black mercedes you know, that's what they drive. Oh man. Your dad's fucking hilarious. So yeah. Soul of a black man. That's,
Starting point is 00:44:13 that's great. That's good. It's just the 2% Nigerian. You, you have Nigerian in you too? Sorry. My bad. Congolese.
Starting point is 00:44:19 Congolese. There we go. Congolese. They have the, I'm not going to go there. Yeah. Peeps. Let us know what you think of Will Smith and what he did. Throw it down in the comments below.
Starting point is 00:44:31 Andrew, take us on out of here. Absolutely. Make sure you guys like today's episode, and thank you for checking out today's episode. Subscribe if you guys are not subscribed. Turn on all those damn bell notifications, and follow the podcast at MBPowerProject on Instagram, TikTok, and Twitter. My Instagram, TikTok, and Twitter is at IamAndrewZ. And Seema, where are you at?
Starting point is 00:44:49 We're on Discord. Fucking A. And at this point, we're probably also on Reddit. Links are going to be below. Join the community because we're going to do a lot of special things within those communities that won't be able to be on YouTube. So, well, not not will be able to be on YouTube, but you're going to have special access to do certain things.
Starting point is 00:45:02 So it's going to be pretty dope. At Seema, any on Instagram, YouTube, and see me on TikTok and Twitter, Mark. I'm at Mark Smelly Bell. Strength is never weakness. Weakness is never strength. Catch you guys later. Bye.

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