Mark Bell's Power Project - Mindset Tools to Strengthen Your Weaknesses - Obi Vincent || MBPP Ep. 867

Episode Date: January 11, 2023

In the second Podcast Episode with Obi Vincent, he, Mark Bell, Nsima Inyang, and Andrew Zaragoza talk about how they've all started doing something drastically new compared to what they were used to d...oing and share how they did it.  Follow Obi on IG: Subscribe to Obi on YouTube: New Power Project Website: Join The Power Project Discord: Subscribe to the new Power Project Clips Channel: Special perks for our listeners below! ➢ Free shipping and free bedside tin! ➢ Code POWERPROJECT to save $150!! ➢Enlarging Pumps (This really works): Pumps explained: ➢ to save 15% off Vivo Barefoot shoes! ➢ Code POWERPROJECT10 for 10% off site wide including Within You supplements! ➢ Code POWERPROJECT for 20% off! ➢ Use code POWERPROJECT for 20% of your next order! ➢ to automatically save 20% off your first order at Vuori! ➢ to automatically save $150 off the Pod Pro at 8 Sleep! ➢ Use code POWERPROJECT10 for 10% off ALL LABS at Marek Health! Also check out the Power Project Panel: Use code POWERPROJECT for $101 off! ➢Piedmontese Beef: Use Code POWER at checkout for 25% off your order plus FREE 2-Day Shipping on orders of $150 Follow Mark Bell's Power Project Podcast ➢ ➢ ➢ Insta: ➢ YouTube: FOLLOW Mark Bell ➢ Instagram: ➢ ➢ Facebook: ➢ Twitter: Follow Nsima Inyang ➢ ➢YouTube: ➢Instagram: ➢TikTok:  Follow Andrew Zaragoza on all platforms ➢ #PowerProject #Podcast #MarkBell #FitnessPodcast #markbellspowerproject

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Starting point is 00:00:00 All that CrossFit stuff just makes me so anxious. I love those. It just makes me want to throw up. I don't like it. You could even just use, if you're new to it, you could even just use two movements rather than all four, right? Yeah. Then next time maybe use three movements and so on, right?
Starting point is 00:00:15 Yeah. So with EMOMs, I always use EMOMs. A lot of it is actually in my CrossFit program. If you want to improve your conditioning, I use EMOMs all the time. Oh, yeah. All the time because you can scale the numbers. So I am terrible with burpees, especially when I'm tired. I just sometimes struggle with them.
Starting point is 00:00:33 So sometimes I'll have an EMOM, 10-minute EMOM burpees, 10 burpees every minute. Same with push-ups, 10 push-ups, 15 push-ups every minute. Kettlebell swings as well, you can do the same thing. And it's hard enough enough but you have enough rest that you can finish the whole 10 minutes but what you would find is the more you do that in about a few weeks you'll be like oh i can do 15 burpees now in a minute and be fine and that's how i was actually able to improve a lot of my fitness level was using emoms that's why i love them but i've got um do you know
Starting point is 00:01:06 uzoma uzoma obi-law yeah in vegas and we did bodybuilders crossfit and twice he threw up so the first time he threw up halfway through the workout yeah and then the last the second time he came back so he started doing calisthenics and he was like like, I love it. U-Z-O-M-A. Yeah. I'm on my computer for a second. So he was like, oh, I've done some conditioning. I'm ready. I'm ready.
Starting point is 00:01:32 I was like, cool. Let's do a workout. We did it at James Shock Lifting Club. And afterwards, he was like, I feel great. I feel great. And then he was like, one second. And he literally ran to throw up again. Oh, man.
Starting point is 00:01:43 And I was like, dude, i'm not even trying to make you throw up i actually was less evil this time and it's just but you know when i talked about sometimes i forget that my fitness level has improved yeah that was that also showed me because i was like dude i was being nice this time it sounds kind of like jason kalipa in terms of the way kalipa goes about things with us because jason when like he'd take us through something he'd be us through something, he'd be like, all right,
Starting point is 00:02:06 yeah, we'll do this. And we just, we're just one more thing. And then we'll do that thing. And he'd be like, just one more thing. It's like not understanding of like,
Starting point is 00:02:13 if you're not proficient at something, he doesn't get it. You guys, you guys should be able to do this. Yeah. Oh man. It's because we think you're, you're supposed to be in shape naturally.
Starting point is 00:02:29 You're trying to be in shape naturally. We think you should be in – that's such a – you're trying to be nice about it. You should be able to be in shape. Oh, man. That's that UK shade. Yeah. It's almost jacked. Yeah. He does calisthenics now.
Starting point is 00:02:43 Did you – let me ask you this. Before you started CrossFit, because you just said, I love these EMOMs. Yeah. And to hear those words come out of somebody's mouth is somewhat triggering. I wonder, did you like that before? Or did you like start getting good at it? Then you're like, oh shit, I like the way this feels. No, I didn't like it when I started.
Starting point is 00:03:00 You didn't? Oh, no, no, no, no. Did you used to think CrossFit was stupid? Oh, yeah. Before I did Cross Oh, no, no, no, no. Did you used to think CrossFit was stupid? Oh, yeah. Before I did CrossFit, I thought it was ridiculous. I thought the whole thing, you know, the whole butterfly,
Starting point is 00:03:10 the butterfly pull-ups, the dolphin pull-ups, you know, the flapping around on the bar. The kipping pull-ups? Yeah, kipping pull-ups, called butterfly pull-ups. Even the burpees. So you see how we like flop to the floor.
Starting point is 00:03:20 And I used to just think, it's so stupid. What is this? You know, and then the more I did the workouts, the more I started to just think it's so stupid what is this you know and then the more i did the workouts the more i started to understand how it was um as you can see this one is um uh power cleans no this is ground to overhead so as you can see the the workout was supposed to be 70 kilos on the bar and i remember going oh this should be fine because this is standard for guys and zoma picked up and was like are you joking he's like dude you're not serious i was like yeah this is already dying yeah and i
Starting point is 00:03:51 said to him the weight zoma had to do was the women's weight and so when people when i used to troll crossfit and then i started to do the workouts and I saw the weight in the workouts I was like how how is this possible yeah until I started to do more of the workouts and then I started to get better and then I started to understand and when I train with bodybuilders it makes me realize how fit you know crossfitters are because of certain workouts I had to scale i have to scale for for bodybuilders so yeah it's uh i didn't enjoy it in the start no one still enjoys them you like that miccos triangle i was talking about i didn't enjoy that at the end of it i felt great and i've done i've done it now and i've done that same workouts again and again and again a lot of the times i even put
Starting point is 00:04:42 on my stories when i do workouts i hate them I don't enjoy it I don't enjoy doing them but at the end I feel great and how you feel with runs mark because like you just did a 16 mile run like did you enjoy the run or did you like afterwards you're like fuck I just did that you know I really like the results and I love the I guess I love the process in a way you know so um and I guess I mean I don't know I've been doing this stuff for a long time I guess I love the process in a way, you know? So, um, and I guess, I mean, I don't know. I've been doing this stuff for a long time.
Starting point is 00:05:09 I guess there's some part of me that really likes the pressure of it and the feel of like, fuck, my legs are burning. And then I got to like communicate with myself in some different way to try to lie about that and like be like, no, they ain't burning.
Starting point is 00:05:22 You're just getting started, man. Like this is just to be, you know, so I don't know. I like the challenge of it a lot. Um, I kind of have just learned to really love workouts and love the exercises. And they're, they're definitely things that are in my, I'm interested enough in them to do them. And so I kind of think that because I'm doing them,
Starting point is 00:05:48 it does me no good to complain about them. It does me no good to like stare at my shoes and not go and do it. It does me no good to like stay in bed. It's just, I love it. I actually really like it, you know? And so there are aspects where you're like, fuck man, something hurts in my foot today. Like there's stuff that happens that's like that, but uh positives of it outweigh any of the negatives yeah obi also with you because like you said he started crossfit three years ago no about four almost five years now yeah whoa yeah
Starting point is 00:06:17 yeah i would say that this shit's different though because uh the intensity of like the running that i'm doing isn't really that high like it can be here and there like i'll do intervals and stuff and there's stuff where you know a little bit a little bit of that but i don't do that much of that but in crossfit you do quite a bit of that so it's different like i i even though i hate running i do run i started running a lot more during lockdown anyway but uh I do a lot of zone two running. So not like dying, but I have pushed myself.
Starting point is 00:06:50 You know, I've done 10K quite, I've done quite a lot of 10K runs actually. People don't know this because I don't, it's something, that's why I liked when you said you keep for yourself. I've done them. I don't necessarily talk about them.
Starting point is 00:07:04 And I do. Yeah. I joke about not liking running, keep for yourself yeah i've done them i don't necessarily talk about them and solitude yeah i joke about not liking running but i still do basic you know road running and i do 5ks every now and then i actually enjoy doing them ironically but i'm just not quick but i don't let that stop me i think that's the difference and i always say this to people especially sharing it on my story sometimes and i say I'm not doing this because I'm the quickest and I could easily not share my my uh times and you know lie and keep it to myself but the reason why I feel like I want to share this is to show that just because I'm a big guy um it doesn't mean that I can't take part in doing some running I don't want to be the fastest
Starting point is 00:07:42 that's I'll never be with this size but it's just going out and getting it done you know so i remember surprising myself when i did 10k and i was just like oh i've just done 10k and i kept pushing myself to go a little bit quicker with 10k i remember my first 15 oh boy that that hurt like after 10 that fight the last five oh my soul was crying and it's an interesting thing right i'm gonna be fine i can keep this pace like when you're doing it you're thinking like i can keep this pace for i just went two miles there's no reason why i can't keep going but after a while you're like i don't know if I can keep going. Yeah, that was a test that I haven't repeated for... I want to, I need to push myself again and do that.
Starting point is 00:08:31 I want to do it again. But I'm slowly now, again, ego thing, not trying to push too much. So now I'm like, no, take it easy. Sometimes I want to like push myself in my pace. But I know you have to, because you're the only one accountable for yourself when you do running.
Starting point is 00:08:47 There's no one else running next to you. It's not like having a training partner. So yeah, you can have a running partner, which sometimes helps. But when you train on your own, like myself, you need that second voice that tells you, you need to rest longer. You need to slow down your pacing.
Starting point is 00:09:00 You also need to watch your technique because running something else that is quite technical, I never thought of that until I learned that there is a technique to it yeah and you know when i was learning and the instructor was like sometimes take your headphones off turn the music off and listen to your rhythm and listen to your breathing and i never would have thought of something like that so it was quite interesting learning that and then applying that technique because i remember the next time it was with vivo with ben i went to run again and it was like ah you've been running because he was like you're far more relaxed than me because my shoulders were up here and i was so tense i had that problem your shoulders down he's throwing up
Starting point is 00:09:39 oh yeah you know running is uh like even when you're running slow it might not seem like a powerful movement but there's like there's some power and some strength in there for sure that i think are huge parts of it that i think get overlooked um and i'll show you later today like there's a bunch of stuff that we can do and i can show you where you're like wow like that really feels a lot less stressful. And it might not make sense today. It might not click today. It might click a few weeks and months down the road if you continue to run because sometimes it's hard to get something ingrained in one day.
Starting point is 00:10:16 But after a couple weeks of you trying some of the things I'm going to suggest to you, I think you're going to be like, oh, I think I get it. Excited for that. you i think you're gonna be like oh i think i get it oh i'm excited for that oh for you when you started doing crossfit because like when it comes to bodybuilding you're already so good and then you go into a crossfit class and then you see that like there are women who are doing things more intensely with better form with more load and you're a huge guy and i'm not saying that woman can't do as well as guys but i'm saying'm saying is like you're 250 pounds. Yeah. And you got this lady that's like ripping you, right? When a lot of people do things that are totally outside of their ballpark or totally new, like Andrew's been doing jujitsu when I started. I was getting my ass beat by people half my size.
Starting point is 00:10:55 It causes people to be like, this isn't for me. Somebody as big as Mark starting running and it feeling uncomfortable. They're like, ah, this isn't for me. So for you, what spurred you to be like i want to continue doing this thing that i'm not good at right now even though you were elite at bodybuilding i think it was i was very curious about what it would be like to be able to move you know do the overhead squats um the handstand push-ups, the pistol squats. It was just, I was curious to know how that would feel like.
Starting point is 00:11:30 And also envious because I was looking at everyone in the class and a lot of, not everyone was good at the movements, but looking at the people who were really good and just thinking, I want to be able to move like that. And also being impressed you know um seeing people do some olympic movements in a workout in a conditioning workouts they're tired but when they get to that bar picking it up and doing some ground to overhead or doing some snatches even some hang snatches some hang clusters and i'm just like this is so cool i want to move like this yeah I think that was part of it I was
Starting point is 00:12:06 curious and I also wanted to know what it felt like to move that way um in a workout and I also liked the I think one thing CrossFit gets trolled about is like the whole oh high five oh you're doing great and I never had you don't have that in bodybuilding right you train alone so it was so fun to like you finish the workout and everyone's like oh that was awesome a community yeah that was so fun you all you all sit down have your shakes and talk about the workout you how did you do how did you how did you approach the workout how did you you know and i actually it made me break up my shell more because i've never been to i i always say this when i first started to go to royal docks it was in um uh
Starting point is 00:12:52 it's in royal docks so royal docks crossfit in royal victoria yeah and i would go in with my headphones on naturally because bodybuilding stuff and start to do my training and people would just start talking to me and for me i was so used to being in a bodybuilding gym like nobody talks to you so and after a while i was like ah you can't have your headphones on here they just wouldn't leave me alone so i stopped having headphones on when i go to crossfit boxes i rarely have my headphones on just because of you know people will talk to you and then some people like what's your conditioning oh let's do it together and again it was something i wasn't used to and people teaching you and that was the one thing actually the biggest change for me was a lot of the times
Starting point is 00:13:34 i wouldn't know how to do something and not being afraid to ask someone because they will be more than happy to show you were you afraid initially not afraid but it almost it was an ego thing like not wanting to ask for help because i should be able to learn this on my own don't need anyone to show me you know so i had to learn to say to someone how do i do this and also not you know it's funny when someone gives you advice in the bodybuilding gym and you already know what you're doing you kind of go who are you to tell me i'm already i'm already swole i'm already hench i don't need you to give me any advice you know so for me i had to luckily take that ego away and you know when someone half my size is going right this is how you can do the overhead squats well they'll be watching me training and learning something and go do you want me to help you to do this better and me going yeah yeah show
Starting point is 00:14:30 me how to do this and i'm very receptive i will do something that someone shows me now back in the day i probably was a little bit stubborn like i wouldn't if i was doing somebody in the gym and you came and told me oh maybe try this way i'm gonna need you to tell me what to do kind of thing you know so i became more receptive to learning and training with people and i found that oh i don't hate training with people i actually like it i enjoy it i thought i enjoyed the solitude you know you know i'd like being alone and don't you know we had those t-shirts back in the day don't talk to me the bodybuilding don't talk to me shut up i'm lifting that that was a thing back then so it being in the crossfit box where everyone was like woo high five let's go and you know
Starting point is 00:15:15 pizza wednesdays and you know hanging out together i'm like why are you hanging out together this is this is not normal but it is why isn't it normal yeah why isn't it nice to be with a community that you all enjoy being around each other everyone's helping each other if you're doing a workout i think one thing i loved and it was so impressive to see is when you do the open and crossfit everyone's doing the same workouts and people just cheering you on you know and if you're the last person to finish everyone's everyone's stop watching you and cheering you on it's like come on we've got this let's do this yeah and for me that was such an eye-opener and i started to even i was learning something new i started to enjoy going into that space because there were i liked being around people who were nice and and smiling
Starting point is 00:16:03 and talking and it wasn't about what you looked like in your aesthetics yeah and no one was taking selfies there's no mirrors that was the biggest shock for me actually it took me a while to get used to not having mirrors you're like wait what what yeah because i had to do bodybuilding in a crossfit box and i was just kind of like you had to go with intuition which is a different ball game for me so for about two years i was only training a crossfit box and it was all for about two years i was only training a box and it was all intuition yeah so when i was filming youtube videos you can imagine we sometimes have the mirror so we make sure that the form is good you know on youtube you don't
Starting point is 00:16:34 want to be doing anything dodgy and i'm filming a bodybuilding video and i have no idea what it looks like until i watch the video back and i was learning to actually train without a mirror it actually got to the point where I would go to a normal gym and I would turn away from a mirror to do my bodybuilding training because I didn't want to see myself anyway. I just wanted to feel what I was doing. Power Project family, we talk about meat all the time on the podcast because protein is essential for your health.
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Starting point is 00:17:36 Was there ever a point where your ego ever got in your way of your progress? Because nowadays, like I mean I don't know, but nowadays it doesn't seem like when people give you advice and people give us advice i come here we're typically pretty open but do you remember like when you had to get past your ego for something when it comes to fitness shit i think there's been so many things that i've been wrong about there's been so many things that i've thought were stupid that uh hopefully i'm like learning my lesson. You know, I thought intermittent fasting was dumb. You know, I didn't really think CrossFit was dumb. I thought CrossFit was kind of neat. I thought it was, yeah, I thought it was pretty cool off the bat.
Starting point is 00:18:17 But with running and just, I don't know, you got to be humble. Like you got to learn, you got to learn, you know. And I think, you know, through doing this podcast podcast through the process of of doing this i've learned there's so much to be learned from other people and uh try to just be open-minded so um it can still block me though because i you know even if i watch other runners um i'm sometimes, I guess like in an arrogant way, I'm like, they don't know what I know. You know, like I know a lot. I know a lot about fitness, but I don't know about running. So I shouldn't necessarily say like, oh, because I know a lot, I'm not going to listen to this runner. That doesn't really make any sense. So I still have a block there sometimes, but
Starting point is 00:19:02 I think on a more positive note, I think it's more like I think I have information that a lot of other people don't have. I think I have like a recipe and I think I have some shit going on with my running that is maybe just different, you know, through David Weck, through the guys from Gota, through functional patterns, through blending these things together. The stuff I've learned from Kelly Sturette, the stuff I've learned from powerlifting. I don't know. I guess we'll see like what it's able to help me do. But I actually think that I'll be pretty fast in the long run.
Starting point is 00:19:33 It's going to take me a while. It might take me 10 years, but I think I'll be able to fly through like half marathons and stuff with pretty good proficiency. I was just going to say like, I've never been really good at long distance running. And by long distance, I mean more than a mile. That's what I would consider long distance.
Starting point is 00:19:51 But in the, like, I don't know what, like, three times I've ran with Mark, you know, like I said, never ran more than two miles. I'm running five miles in hills and feeling really good just by following his coaching. And you think, like, oh, you're just shuffling your feet forward but he's like no no activate your glutes here or you know try pulling with this muscle and like because in my opinion or in my thought process was like let me just try to like kip the run you know let me try to use as little energy each time and make it as efficient as possible but he's like, let's actually try activating different things. And, you know, again, I've never researched it, but I've never heard anybody speak that way.
Starting point is 00:20:32 And just in the little bit of time I ran with him, I'm like, holy shit, I ran five miles. Like, I've never done that. You ran five miles the other day. Pretty easy. I know maybe the last mile is when we started losing you a little bit. Because we were going up a steep hill. It was fucking five miles. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:47 So, yeah, dude, I'm excited to see where you take running just because you are coming from a different practice. And you're probably going to ruffle a lot of feathers in the process. In a good way, though. No one's going to get upset. But you're going to change quite a bit, I think. Yeah, I think I'll be able to teach a lot of people a lot of cool things just and it's not stuff that i made up it's stuff that i got from other people you know so being open-minded and understanding and then just something i've learned from lifting that is true with running the biggest problem
Starting point is 00:21:18 with running is that people try to run that's the biggest problem people need to jog people need to jog and they need to go really fucking slow people need to jog people need to jog and they need to go really fucking slow people need to go out and literally jog as slow as they possibly can like what's the difference between a walk and a jog okay that's your speed for the next two weeks you know that's where you need to start i don't think you have to tell me that twice i will jog yeah you need to fucking you need to talk so lazy i would do that yeah i'm like but that i like that you said that because i have learned to that i needed to slow down because i was always one of those people that oh everyone's doing you know 5k in 25 minutes and finding that easy i need to be
Starting point is 00:22:00 like that and it's learning to slow down like you said but i'm one of those people that if you tell me i have to slow it down i'll be like don't tell me twice i will do it like easy pace on that conditioning work oh yeah of course you can scale if you want to don't ever tell me i can scale a workout because i would do it have you always been that way though or did it take some hard lessons yeah hard lessons because i remember there was one time i trained in whip fitness is this big crossfit box in the uk yeah and i was new to crossfit then it was the first year and i was training with some people who were really good and we did the olympic lifting portion and then it was right right time for conditioning and the workout started on the bike
Starting point is 00:22:40 and it was like three two one go and i absolutely smashed the bike quicker than i i i didn't know but i got off the bike and i was like why am i quicker than all these guys and they're really good yeah and i got to the pull-ups and i remember i i mean i finished last in the workup and then gus who was one of the coaches was like i knew you were going to that will happen because there's a reason why we slowed down because you went balls to wall to start we we plan we strategize a session you don't just go full out and they always know people are new you new crossfit doesn't know if you're new to a workout to a crossfit because they would see that you would always go full throttle the first and
Starting point is 00:23:24 it's five rounds of a workout and you've just done 100 on the first round and they would know that you would always go full throttle the first and it's five rounds of a workout and you've just done 100 on the first round and they would know who you are if you went full throttle and were able to complete the entire thing full throttle yes exactly they would know you'd have a reputation exactly so i remember they was even when i was rushing to the next it's next stage and it was pull-ups and wall balls they were just like they don't call it rest they call it recovery so from the bite of the pull-ups they walk whilst i'm like running to get there and i was like something's not right and i remember that struggling and they were going past me i was like right so i've done something wrong and then he he literally like explained to me what
Starting point is 00:24:00 happened and he was like as i was doing the workout i could tell that that was going to happen to you and this is why and i learned that was such a big lesson i can picture them elbowing each other yeah but that was such a teachable moment for me and because i was i like to be i also i learned a lesson and the old me sorry if i was the bodybuilder side of me would luckily who would have been like oh don't tell me what to do i'm you know i'm this big guy in shape but the new side of me was like okay i've learned that lesson now and whenever i do bodybuilders does crossfit the bodybuilders do exactly the same thing i i have done and when we start the workout they do the same they go balls to all and they they beat me your videos they beat me and i'm like cool that's fine and i'm just like trotting along and then i can start seeing them dying i'm like yeah that's
Starting point is 00:24:54 exactly what happens to me but i don't tell them because sometimes i feel like sometimes people need to learn the hard way so like you say you know people need to start jogging first before a lot of time we won't listen to that because we're like yeah but then if we did a run and it's like you know 10 plus miles and i'm the idiot that starts at my 90 and then you're like you know it's like the rabbit and the tortoise right that's the best analogy you can use for running actually. You know, and it's CrossFit. It's the same. CrossFit condition is the same.
Starting point is 00:25:28 It's not how fast you start, but some people are freaks. They would just go, you know, and that's rare, you know, but you can see the pros would always take their time. And then when it comes to it,
Starting point is 00:25:42 that last one, that last round, they will just smash it. It was just it, that last one, that last round, they will just smash it. It was just like, how, how is that possible? I've worked out with a handful of CrossFit champions before.
Starting point is 00:25:54 And none of them were trying to, they weren't trying to bury me or anything. They're trying to give me like a decent, you know, introduction into it. But of course they want to make you like feel it a little bit too. And I remember, you know, going through like round one and round two.
Starting point is 00:26:07 I'm like, oh, I'm behind, but I'm not that far behind. And again, they're not going that hard. Then as the rounds went by, you get to round four. Now they're lapping you pretty easily. Now you're starting to really struggle. And your abdominals aren't working anymore for a lot of the movements that you're doing and you like uh i think it was doing like wall balls yeah i couldn't do them right at all yeah i know so i just like fucking turned around and started throwing them because like my stomach was like cramping as i was trying to squat
Starting point is 00:26:39 down i'm like i'll just do anything to try to finish this workout and it just got you know I just I just like keeled over I did finish the workout but I mean they just after a little bit they're just kind of cruising through it they're like oh okay that was a good job like we're going to go through another round you know and they started the whole thing over again and they went through it at like their real pace and I was like oh my god
Starting point is 00:27:00 it's crazy yeah it's crazy they can do like three workouts they'll do the first one rest for like five minutes and be. They'll do the first one, rest for like five minutes and be like, right, time for the next one. And we're like, what? I thought that's the word. No, but also they've trained themselves to get to that stage.
Starting point is 00:27:15 But also I think sometimes the barrier of learning CrossFit or doing any conditioning with people who have come from bodybuilding or different field know field powerlifting is because it feels hard they're just like oh this is too much effort why i don't need to be good at this i'm already good at what i'm doing now why would i want to start from zero you know and i feel a lot of people struggle with that and i could have got two ways I could have
Starting point is 00:27:46 either gone yeah now I'll stick to bodybuilding and I already have the aesthetics I don't need this or this other option which I did was you know what I'm ready to humble myself and learn and ask for help and luckily I did because it opened my mind into such a different world and actually it made me enjoy fitness so much more because the time i started crossfit i was bored with bodybuilding and you know i was just bored of doing the same thing yeah and that doing that and made me enjoy appreciate bodybuilding even more but also fitness in general because then i started to see running i was like ah i get why running is an exercise i get why people go on the bike i get why people do different things and it made me start to also um want to try new things so that's why i started i tried pilates because i saw it
Starting point is 00:28:40 and the old me was like oh pilates just looks like people faffing around and then i was like you know what i'm gonna try it and then um i'll never forget it because i did it my instructor marsha she was like right we'll go and she put me on this the reformer uh-huh and she was like yeah now hold that for three minutes i was like what and after the session everything was sore yeah and that changed my mindset completely i was like you have my respect because sorry go no go ahead no because i was always looking at certain ways people train that isn't bodybuilding as less than yeah the cool thing about like the reformed pilates crossfit running um jujitsu is that it it shows like even though you may have all this muscle from your bodybuilding training that can't it doesn't do anything like
Starting point is 00:29:32 even if you have all this muscle because you were powerlifting when and i'm not saying that the muscle it's it's good for your health to have muscle and over time in terms of longevity but when you go do something that you're forced to really perform, get your heart rate up, you're useless. And it could either be feeling that level of uselessness could either crush you like it does to many, or it could be like, I want to get good at this. And I'm almost curious, as you've gotten better at CrossFit, have you noticed anything from your bodybuilding background? Like Mark, you mentioned that there are aspects of your strength training that now you bring into running you're like i can see some places where these runners have holes where you're like i can make you a better runner if you just did this are there anything is there anything you
Starting point is 00:30:15 notice in crossfit where you're like damn they might be able to do this better if they did more of this oh for sure what are some i think if average crossfitters did more of this? Oh, for sure. What are some of those? I think if average CrossFitters did more bodybuilding, they would be so much better. So the athletes already do that. But the athletes sometimes don't share that because it's not sexy, right? You mean the high-level athletes?
Starting point is 00:30:33 Yes. They don't share the bodybuilding. And they call it accessory work, which is ironic. They call bodybuilding accessory work. I remember, I'll never forget it. There was a CrossFit event. CrossFitters are so cute.
Starting point is 00:30:41 I remember, I'll never forget it. There was a CrossFit event. CrossFitters are so cute. With their little back squats. No, so there was a CrossFit competition and some real top athletes around Europe came. And I remember being in the box and everybody throwing weights, throwing weights around. There was this guy who was really good. I had no idea who he was, but he was in the corner and everybody, throwing weights, throwing weights around. There was this guy who's really good.
Starting point is 00:31:05 I had no idea who he was, but he was in the corner and he was doing some body, he was doing some chest press and dumbbell rows. And I noticed that because I pay attention. And then I went to talk to him. I was like, what, you know,
Starting point is 00:31:15 you know what you're doing today? He's like, my name is there. I'm like, uh, doing one of the competitions. I had to Instagram. I was like,
Starting point is 00:31:21 Oh shit, he's like one of the best. Yeah. And he was like, Oh, I'm just doing some of my accessories. Why I do this all the time. I was like oh shit he's like one of the best and he was like oh I'm just doing some of my accessories but I do this all the time
Starting point is 00:31:26 I was like it's really interesting because I never thought CrossFitters did any form of bodybuilding because I know I do a lot of this this is part of
Starting point is 00:31:34 and he was jacked so and he you know he does strict pull-ups a lot of them he does bench
Starting point is 00:31:41 you know sometimes he's like sometimes I go to a bodybuilding gym you know to use the machines and if a lot of Crossfitters did that a lot of the injuries they'll be able to avoid if i'm being honest but also they'll be stronger i i mean there was someone else said that you shouldn't be able to you shouldn't keep your pull-ups until you can do at least eight to ten strict pull-up yeah and that is i wish a lot of crossfitters the average
Starting point is 00:32:06 crossfitters did that that was the rule that they implemented so if they if a lot of them did bodybuilding movements and that was also what motivated me to do uh minimal training in a crossfit box so bodybuilding in a crossfit box just to show people that it can be done and i feel like i wish some of the classes, which they are starting to, because I started to see a lot of bench pressing in CrossFit classes. I wish they had more.
Starting point is 00:32:32 Single arm movements. You see a lot of Olympic weightlifters do a lot of unilateral. You see them, they do a lot of single arm rows. They do a lot of, actually now a lot of them do lat pull-downs, a lot of pull-ups, things like
Starting point is 00:32:45 ghd but reverse extensions things like that to to strengthen your lower back so i feel unfortunately a class isn't enough time period to improve on on because they they want to do the fundamentals and then get onto the conditioning yeah so i wish that that was something that a lot of crossfitters did more of yeah seeing some of them work out is really inspiring i remember seeing rich from it was actually pretty amazing i i don't think i had any business being in this room but i was at rogue fitness um it was around the time of the arnold and it was like every crossfit game champion was in there yeah it's kind of like holy fuck like what what did i i i like i said i should probably not have been in there i just uh asked the security guy i was like i've been in here before is it cool if i go in there and work out i go in there and there's
Starting point is 00:33:34 nobody in there and then 10 minutes later all these crossfit people show up and they have these workouts where they're uh training for the uh online the Open. Open, yes. The Open. And Matt Frazier's in there and Rich Froning and so on. And I watch Rich Froning, you know, I ask him how he's doing. He's already like, you know, four-time champ and whatever. And he's like, oh, I'm just kind of messing around. I'm kind of banged up. So I'm just doing this for today.
Starting point is 00:34:00 And he was doing pistol squats mixed with the uh the assault bike uh mixed with uh pull-ups yeah and he just kept going back and forth between that and he probably did that for i don't know like 30 minutes a couple minutes go by he's drenched in fucking sweat and he loads up a bar and he does some bench press and he does sets of five with 275. Matt Frazier is doing one of the workouts. I don't remember exactly what the workout was, but he kept going between an Olympic lift. I think he was doing a clean and he was doing kipping pull-ups in between that. It was like one of the workouts,
Starting point is 00:34:37 2018 or something like that. He had, and he kept going up in weight after every set and i want to say there was like like 150 kilos on there or something like 300 something i mean it wasn't like he was you know just lifting like two plates i mean he's roughing around yeah yeah yeah i was like there's no aspect of what either one of these guys did today that i could do i don't even know how to do a pistol squat and uh cleans i can kind of barely do and i don't even know how to do like a butterfly kipping pull-up i can barely do regular pull-ups all that well so my hat goes off to those guys i think they're and girls i think they're amazing it's an amazing sport what i find really interesting
Starting point is 00:35:21 about it is that there's a major like cross-section between training the central nervous system and training the muscular system. And they just kind of took that and they just said, fuck it. And they put in a blender and just fucking grinded it all up, which is rare. Which is why I think if I show you some stuff with running, we can kind of stay on the side where we're not overtaxing the nervous system. Yeah. Where it's kind of just muscular. And then it's just like, well, how do we just deal with – how do we mitigate fatigue is all it's going to be. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:57 But in a CrossFit workout, it's way different because you might be on that assault bike trying to go for time and trying to burn a certain amount of calories. And then in between that, you might try to lift lift weights which you don't really have a choice you can't only you can only calm down so much when you have that kind of intensity yeah it is it's it's tough you know it's also learning to um i always call it learning to uh under fatigue, lift under fatigue. And so sometimes, like I said, I use EMOM a lot to help me with that. So, you know, like that workout he was doing with the cleans and the pull-ups. So if it's, I think I kind of remember, it's one of those you have to, every round you pass, you take the weight up.
Starting point is 00:36:46 Till you can't either lift anymore or that's like I've never seen anything like it because I'm like how is he doing this like his grip is that Matt Froning Matt Frazier Matt Frazier
Starting point is 00:36:54 it was crazy I was like I've never and everyone just like kind of stood around and started watching which a lot of times those guys don't really care
Starting point is 00:37:02 because they're used to seeing each other like be such badasses but everyone at that moment stopped they were like what the fuck's going on so matt you know sometimes with uh crossfitters they either have a gymnast background or olympic weightlifting background matt has olympic weightlifting so for him that's like nothing and then you do have some crossfitters who have gymnast backgrounds where some of the movements that require gymnastic movement you're just like how you're this is like you're supposed to be tired and they just breezing through the workouts you can always tell um when people are
Starting point is 00:37:35 proficient in certain things and obviously the best crossfitters are the all-rounders you know so um it is it it's it's tough. And I think what sometimes the professionals do from some of the people I've been around is they don't always destroy themselves in the workout. And I think that's one thing that people think is every session is batter yourself, like always on the floor, like dying. And they reserve a lot of that
Starting point is 00:38:02 for when it's time to closer to competition so i learned that a lot of pro crossfitters actually slow down a bit during off season and use advantages of emoms and it's all about not trying to destroy the body before the time comes you know so it's just like with running you know if you use running as the same way, you know, every Olympic, the world record holder for marathon, I remember watching this interview, Kipchoge? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:33 Yeah. And he was talking about, you know, his races, how he runs and he trains. He runs with a group of people, not just by himself. I was thinking,
Starting point is 00:38:40 oh, he'll run by himself. He's so quick. He's a quick as well. He's like, no, no, no.
Starting point is 00:38:43 Sometimes in the week, he runs with a group of people. They just a casual run around and for me that was an eye-opener because i was thinking he would be like absolutely killing it like no one would be able to keep up with him and i started to learn that's how i learned with running that it's not always going crazy like zone two running most of the week and for me that was hard i was like oh because i was thinking this is a bit too relaxed but there is a reason for that and then it's the same with crossfit workouts it's the same with conditioning it doesn't always have to mean that you're passing out on the floor i want to throw up or once you learn to scale down and slow down i think that is when again it's an ego thing right you don't want to slow down you don't want to you don't want to
Starting point is 00:39:31 go for a light jog when you know you can be quick so with crossfit workouts that's how now i've started to approach my training even when i go on the road road cycling because i see other people going really quick and I know I'm supposed to be slightly slower that day because I'm trying to complete 50k, but I see other people going really quick. I'm like, no, I need to keep up with them. And that screws up my whole timing because then I get tired quicker, you know? So it is learning to get rid of that ego side that says to you that you need to be really good or you need to like always continuously push yourself and you need to be passed out on the floor all the time
Starting point is 00:40:10 to know that you have a good workout you know the interesting thing is like it's it's that idea of backing off you feel that if you're not backed off or if you do back off you're not progressing yeah and you're moving backwards and i think Andrew actually, because you've been dealing with a lot of new stuff in terms of jujitsu, what's been going on with you? So, I mean, quick update, like I jacked my ribs up a little bit and by a little bit,
Starting point is 00:40:34 I mean a lot. I'm just trying not to acknowledge it that much or give it the power. But so I haven't been able to roll for the past two weeks, you know, so I've just been drilling and something that's happening for me right now is like, I'm losing focus is what I'm saying. saying um because in the mornings when i would go roll i'd be up at 3 3 30 just i couldn't wait to go like you know um sometimes like for a workout
Starting point is 00:40:56 or something it's like oh fuck here we go for jiu-jitsu it's like i can't wait to get there can we start an hour earlier yeah you know like it it's amazing. Now that I know I'm not going to go roll, I'm just going to go do some drills. The energy level is not there anymore. You know, I'm just like, all right, here we go. So I'm trying to understand that there's so much that I can do right now. It's just, again, it's because I'm not getting that same like stimulus. I'm not as fired up. And I know that's not the correct way to look at it it but that's just what i'm dealing with right now so these are some learning uh
Starting point is 00:41:28 you know growing pains that i'm going through but like overall like everything's been incredible like you know i'm still on that honeymoon stage for sure you know and i want i want to tell people how much i love it but then i'm like and sema's still on that honeymoon phase i think it was jiu-jitsu yeah fuck yeah so but what i'm saying is like when i tell people oh my god do i love it but then i'm like and sema's still on that honeymoon phase i think it was jujitsu yeah fuck yeah so but what i'm saying is like when i tell people oh my god do i love it so much and then i'm like okay but i i'm also not getting fired up to do some drills so like do i actually love it but i'm like i actually i really do because now every free moment like we were joking this morning it's like why am i gonna watch netflix when I can like roll out some fascia and watch some like jiu-jitsu like tutorials or something like I can't imagine doing anything else right now yeah so like that's been like a really really cool experience and
Starting point is 00:42:13 that's something I'm going through right now though yeah that's a cool time period though that's like that's an amazing uh amazing place to be I think you know uh for any physical endeavor that anyone's going to try to do whether it's like they're trying to hike they're trying to mountain climb um they're trying to boulder they're trying to do jiu-jitsu cycling running swimming any of those things um rule number rules number one through five are don't get hurt you know like that's that's a major thing now in grappling or boxing or mma it's like unfortunately you got somebody else to deal with so trying to mitigate getting injured is is way more difficult like it's it's catastrophe really it's like good luck with that you know good luck with making it through five years of jujitsu and never getting hurt like a i don't know you
Starting point is 00:43:03 would maybe have to find someone that was like wrestling a pillow rather than a real opponent, right? But with like running and stuff like that, I think you can, if you can, not that you can escape all injuries because some things are sometimes inevitable. Sometimes you are trying to push the envelope and you are trying to progress. So it's understandable, but you should be able to, uh, be smart enough to not fall into that category of just being the guy that hurt yourself, uh, on the, you know, the, uh, gymnastics rings because you kept trying to muscle up over and over and over again. And you're just, you're not strong enough to do them yet. And it's fine. You'll learn it over a period of time. Maybe you have to get strong on regular dips before you can do ring dips, things like that.
Starting point is 00:43:49 There's ways to progress in some of this stuff. Just take your time. Don't allow yourself to get hurt. If you are getting hurt or sore or banged up and beat up, try to hire a practitioner, massage therapist of some kind to kind of work on you or look into some like myofascial release, stretching, try to address your injuries the best you can and keep them at bay as long as you can and as much as you can. Hey guys, I want to tell you about Merrick Health, the premium telehealth clinic owned by Derek from More Plates, More Dates.
Starting point is 00:44:19 Now, when some people think about Merrick Health, they think it's just another one of those testosterone companies or another one of those blood work companies. But Merrick Health is really cool because, yeah, you can get your blood work done. You can get hormone optimization, but you can also get nootropics. You can also get Viagra. You can get literally whatever you need from that clinic, and they make it very, very easy for you. That's why we love Merrick. So, Andrew, how can people learn about it?
Starting point is 00:44:43 Yes, Merrick Health is not just a one-trick pony, but if you did want to get your labs done, we highly recommend the Power Project panel. That's 28 different labs. That's also going to come with a client care coordinator that's going to give you a lab analysis and they're going to work with you and help you optimize your body. Again, that's at slash power project at checkout, enter promo code power project to save 101 off that entire panel links to them down in the description as well as the podcast show notes you know one thing though that i think is like super cool is we we kind of started mentioning how we're all doing different things uh outside of bodybuilding and powerlifting right but bodybuilding has helped all the things we do
Starting point is 00:45:23 oh yeah yeah like oh yeah bodybuilding like when you mentioned things we do. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Bodybuilding. When you mentioned CrossFitters need to do more bodybuilding, they wouldn't get injured as much. I'm like CrossFitters and jujitsu athletes are the same fucking people. Because in jujitsu, a lot of athletes get injured because they're really weak and their muscles are really weak. So when they get pulled or whatever, they're like, oh, I strained this, I strained that. And then you look at them and you're like you're frail like you just got in the gym and you started lifting a little bit not like you don't have to do as much volume as a
Starting point is 00:45:50 bodybuilder but if you start doing some volume you'd be more resilient and durable yeah probably the same thing with the dedicated runner and probably the same thing with the dedicated cross yeah or even just someone new to running like maybe there's maybe they're just like oh you know i should run because i I could really lose some weight. I'm going to start in January or start Monday. And then they go out for a run, and they try to run like somebody else that they heard about or they try to run the way that they used to run,
Starting point is 00:46:15 and they try to go on like a three-mile run. But they maybe gained some weight since last time they ran, and now their ankles are in a heap of trouble. Maybe they, their knee is banged up or they just had a bad experience. Like they went and ran and they went like 200 yards, 300 yards and they just couldn't breathe. And they're like,
Starting point is 00:46:34 fuck man. Like this isn't for me. Yeah, I agree. Yeah. Did you ever, do you still have the idea in terms of like running, not being for you?
Starting point is 00:46:44 Cause I know you, you've mentioned like running is being for you because i know you you've mentioned like running is a difficult thing but i know like when i started running again initially i was like fuck this is hard i'm just too big there's this thing like oh you're just too big for running but have you had gotten past that how do you feel about that um i i mean i slightly joke when i say that to be fair like i still i i run on a regular basis i think i'm more lazy when it comes to running outside because when it's cold or it's raining oh yeah no i don't want to you know so i would run on the treadmill um more often than i would run outside um i do enjoy running i tell you what I don't enjoy running in a workout.
Starting point is 00:47:26 When I'm tired, I'm fatigued, and I know that I have to run and then I have to pick up the dumbbell and the barbell and then go back onto the treadmill or run outside. And that's when I don't enjoy it.
Starting point is 00:47:38 I still do it. I don't like burpees. I still do them. You know, I think that's the one thing also with training. It's not always going to be enjoyable. like burpees i still do them you know it's i think that's the one thing also with with with training it's not always going to be enjoyable and i think it's having that discipline even though i say you have fun and with your training however some aspect isn't going to be fun but that's when
Starting point is 00:47:56 discipline comes in to play and being your own motivation you have to be able to motivate yourself because not everyone's gonna there's you're not going to have someone standing next to you going come on you got this let's do this you're going to have to say to yourself i know you don't want to do this but you have to do this you know so when sometimes i'm doing i'm running a 5k on a treadmill i'm like oh my god this is so boring but i'm like no you need to do it you need to finish sometimes i have to say to myself like i'm looking at the running shoes i know you have to do i'm like oh but it's late i've already trained no you have to do it you have to do it so i i think that voice that's been in my head when i was doing bodybuilding to keep going to keep pushing even when i wasn't seeing results it's that same voice even though it makes me sound crazy that tells me
Starting point is 00:48:42 that you need to keep pushing you don't't like running, you need to program that. Because I do my own programming. So sometimes people are, well, why have you programmed all these burpees if you don't enjoy it? I was like, because I don't enjoy it, I have to do it more so that I get better and more proficient at it.
Starting point is 00:48:57 I'm still not going to like it because people ask me, oh, do you like it now because you're doing it more often? No, I hate it. But it doesn't mean because i hate something that i don't um want to do it so running is the same for me i'm not the quickest runner sometimes i you know if i'm running more than 5k i'm like oh gosh this is torture but i still do it
Starting point is 00:49:21 and it's not because i hate it you know when i say don't like it, or if I say I don't enjoy it, it's an exaggeration. It's me just playing around. But I love exercise. So even though I don't enjoy certain things, I just love exercise. I love the feeling I get from it afterwards. So I always say to people,
Starting point is 00:49:39 CrossFit, some CrossFit conditioning is awful. Like it's horrible. You feel like death when you're doing some of them. But at the end of it, you're like, oh, that felt great. It's a weird, weird cycle that you go through where you're like, oh, that was just horrible. It's the same as some people who do marathon running. They probably would do a marathon,
Starting point is 00:49:59 and throughout the run, they're hating every minute of it. But at the end of it, they probably feel on top of the world because they finished it. I think you can definitely get yourself to a point where you're like, I don't know if this is safe anymore. I know I felt that in a CrossFit style workout before or conditioning workouts before where I'm like, I'm pretty sure I overdid it. I'm not sure how or when I'm going to get my breath back. Kind of scary. Like you put yourself that far back. Andrew, can you look up and see,
Starting point is 00:50:27 maybe we can find out more information on the burpee. If you can look up who invented the burpee because there's, hopefully we find kind of the right, stumble upon the right thing. But a burpee is, a burpee is probably like the single greatest body weight movement ever created. Royal Huddleston Burpee.
Starting point is 00:50:50 So it was for your people in the UK? What a great name. Huddleston? Huddleston. What a great name. It's hilarious. What does it say about it? Can you see that in teamwork the man responsible for the
Starting point is 00:51:06 grimace inducing exercise is Royal Hedleston Burpee a physiologist who was also the executive director of the YMCA in New York City during the course of his doctoral research at the Columbia University Teachers College Bob Bob Burpee decided to create a method to evaluate a person's
Starting point is 00:51:22 physical fitness so after further review and investigation of this movement, people have looked at it systematically, and they basically said that the amount of movement that you're doing, because you're going down to the ground and then you're jumping. Olympic lifting, there's a lot of movement, like in a clean and jerk or a snatch. You're lifting the weight X amount of inches off the ground to overhead, X feet off the ground, I guess you would say.
Starting point is 00:51:55 But same thing with a burpee. When you're getting down the ground, I guess you're kind of doing like a push-up, pushing yourself up off the ground, springing up and then jumping. There's a lot of volume in that. Sometimes we forget that volume is a big part of the whole thing because there's an equation of like, and I'm going to fuck some of this up, but there's an equation of like how much distance
Starting point is 00:52:15 you're moving something over a period of time. So a burpee is like, it might seem silly or weird or whatever, but like it's a really devastating exercise yeah and it's a great thing to blend into for some conditioning i mean you could do some burpees in between sets of curls or something like that and just build your conditioning that way yeah i mean it is it's a movement that is ridiculously i don't know what the word is but it's it just hurts and it's it just looks it's, it just looks like it shouldn't. It looks like it shouldn't.
Starting point is 00:52:47 Yeah. It looks straightforward, but who's amazing at them. Little kids. Oh yeah. Yeah. Kids can fuck burpees. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:52:55 Cause they're light and they're already low to the ground. They're like, yeah, no, that is true. Like it's, um, it's a, it's one of those of those i think burpees another one for me
Starting point is 00:53:08 is uh jump rope so we call it skipping you call it jump rope so crossfit they do double unders and you know what's so funny i always laugh about this so you i always know people who aren't crossfitters because they go well double unders is just the same as like normal skipping what's the difference it doesn't look that hard. I was like, oh, I was like, right. I'm always like, right, let's do it. You come and do double unders in a workout and we'll have a conversation after. And I don't know, being heavy and doing double unders,
Starting point is 00:53:40 because I have a fitness tracker, you can see your heart rate. I see you do it. It's impressive. see your heart rate i see you do it it's impressive like your heart rate you could you could do a workout and if it has double unders i guarantee if i looked at your your heart rate you know throughout the workout you know where the double unders is because it just shoots right up and it's one of those things that when you're tired it's the most awful movement to do in the shoulders yeah do you feel and if you don't do it right and most people start taking their arms way too far out yeah so you have to actually one of the ways i learned is
Starting point is 00:54:10 you just put a band around your arm and all things in means yeah all the things you use your forearms but even then when you're tired forget it you're that's not going to stick to you you're just going to want to get through the movement do you need a speed rope to be good at double unders or could you use like a normal jump a speed rope does help yeah because it the way it moves so it does really help but i actually learned using a weighted handle rope yeah i'm gonna pull my i'm gonna pull my rope out of the car because it's slightly weighted i wonder if i can learn double unders with that because i suck at them yeah but you know what the thing with double unders you be just be just say to yourself i'm ready to hit myself on the legs a lot of times to learn because it's the most frustrating thing
Starting point is 00:54:51 to learn i remember at some point i threw it in the bin i literally just took the skipper and threw it in the bin i was like i'm done though it was that's great yeah there's just no there's no other way you just have to keep doing it over and over and over again but you will hit yourself it's one of those exercises that i think is hilarious now that i can do it but even when you're doing a workout you can slip up and still hit yourself and you're it's just it's a frustrating pain because it's not a fun way to hit yourself with with that rope so just be prepared prepared to hit yourself a lot of times yeah if you're ready for that and if you're ready to be frustrated you will be frustrated with it
Starting point is 00:55:31 because it's one of those things that you think that should be easily achievable um because you're just going around if you can go around once your brain is like why can't i go around twice but there's more to its coordination yeah you know and then if you use too much shoulders it's shoulders and remember you're jumping so like it's taxing so it's one movement burpees and double unders i find very frustrating how long ago did you learn up learn crossfit i it took me a year to get somewhat decent i always last like two like was this before the pandemic yeah yeah yeah before and so was that helpful like knowing the skill set of crossfit because you can kind of like you don't need a lot of equipment right yes so this was so funny because i
Starting point is 00:56:16 did quite well in terms of workout videos in my own training with the lockdown i was like i even remember saying to my friend who was my flat mix i lived in a shared um house i was like i am so lucky i discovered crossfit training before lockdown if i only did bodybuilding i would have been so frustrated and i wasn't panicking you know everyone was like oh i need the machines i need all this and i went and took some kettlebells and dumbbells from my gym and luckily he let us um take the rower and i was like i'm fine and i created workouts from just using dumbbells and kettlebells and sometimes the bike but i had a jump rope i had so i was doing in the garden so i was in some double unders so i was absolutely fine with in terms of training because i was so used to
Starting point is 00:57:02 uh training the way i did in terms of conditioning that i didn't yes of course you still miss the the weight and the bodybuilding and that aspect but i didn't miss it too much because then it allowed me to actually work on the things like the hand stand push-ups in the living room because i wasn't really good and i could get better so in a way i was lucky that i discovered a different way to train because then i didn't struggle so much that's the thing with this thing it just seems like when it comes to developing new aspects of fitness it's just figuring out new problems to solve with your body right yeah like when you've gotten really good at bodybuilding or really good at power lifting like when you
Starting point is 00:57:42 can find other things that you're not good at that's that's just a really good thing to do and it's a really exciting aspect of i think what all of us are being able to do here yeah it's it's also fun right you you you get to train in different ways it's not just one way anymore yeah and it just makes it more excited yeah cool yeah and having uh goals goals not uh what how do you say it like non uh physical looking goals specific stuff yeah you're not focused on your physique yeah sorry i totally butchered that one but that's that's been huge because like you know for me um i don't look at any any aspect of like jujitsu like, I don't want to have to do that today or whatever. Like, it's all really good. And then now when I do go lifting, whereas before it was like, oh, let me, whatever, my chest needs to get bigger. I don't know. I never said that, but like I would focus
Starting point is 00:58:34 on certain muscle groups. Now it's like, I'm going to do this because I want to perform better on the mats. And I don't even think about the physique side of things. So like for me, that's been really, really huge. And Nsema has been preaching that for a long time now, you know, because people get stuck in, you know, like what you were saying on the podcast, like, oh, I had extra, I had a slice of pizza and I got to jump on the Stairmaster because I got to burn those off. Whereas, you know, you switch it up and you're just like, okay, I'm going to use this energy to, you know, get better at my practice
Starting point is 00:59:03 or whatever it may be. So that's huge. And then so the last thing I have to say about it all is the community aspect. I also would go to the gym by myself. I would, you know, lift on the cable machines and headphones on and the world off, right? That's kind of like the memes that you see on social media. So if you are going to start something new, whether it be CrossFit, Jiu-Jitsu, I can think of those two things right off the top of my head.
Starting point is 00:59:26 Yoga. Getting yoga. I mean, come to super training for the same style of community, but like getting with a good group of people will make everything so much better. Like the guys that I roll Jiu-Jitsu with, like it's so much fun, like hanging out with them and training with them outside of Jiu-Jitsu. with them outside of jujitsu it's like you know you're kind of you get ingrained in this new community and you can kind of like the way i look at it is like not what i can get out of it it's like dude i actually have some value here what can i help everyone out with yeah and you start feeling good when you start helping people and you know they say thank you for the workout or whatever it may be and then now like you just get even more fired up every time you go so like
Starting point is 01:00:03 before jujitsu i had less, and now I have more friends. So that's really cool. Yeah. So that's a really cool aspect of the community side of the new endeavors. Yeah. You guys have anything else? Want to take us on out of here, Andrew? Sure thing.
Starting point is 01:00:17 All right. Let us know what you guys are going to start new, anything on the radar. Let us know down in the comments. And make sure you guys like this video and subscribe. If you guys are not subscribed, follow the podcast at MBPowerProject on Instagram, TikTok, and Twitter. My Instagram, TikTok, and Twitter is at IamAndrewZNSima. Where are you at? Yeah, on one of the podcasts, there were a bunch of you guys who mentioned that you are going to or you want to start jiu-jitsu.
Starting point is 01:00:41 So for those of you who actually mentioned that, who actually managed to start and who's waiting? And then along with that, if you're not planning on starting jujitsu, who's running or who's starting CrossFit? Who's doing some different shit? Let us know in the comments down below. At Nsema Indian on Instagram and YouTube. Discord is down below.
Starting point is 01:00:56 At Nsema Yin Yang on TikTok and Twitter. Obi, where can people find you? It's at Obi underscore Vincent for Instagram. Obi Vincent for TikTok and YouTube youtube smelly's tip for the day is if you're trying to get into running don't run jog uh move really fucking slow maybe even just jog walk jog for one minute maybe uh walk for two minutes and go back and forth between doing that and maybe do like five sets have that be your your running for two minutes and go back and forth between doing that and maybe do like five sets. Have that be your running for the day and just progress from there.
Starting point is 01:01:30 Like take it really, really slow. Take your time. Anyone who starts to get an idea of like I'm going to go out and run and you start to feel good when you're running, do not sprint. Please do not sprint. Don't bother with trying to sprint. Don't bother with trying to sprint. Don't bother with trying to feel like if you're trying to be fast, you more than likely
Starting point is 01:01:50 are going to fuck yourself up. Rather than trying to be fast, if you do get encouraged to move a little faster, just try your best to be smooth. Strength is never weakness. Weakness is never strength. Catch you guys later. Bye.

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