Mark Bell's Power Project - More Muscle = Lower IQ? || MBPP Ep. 942

Episode Date: June 6, 2023

In Episode 942, Mark Bell, Nsima Inyang, and Andrew Zaragoza talk about why jacked dudes, "Meat Heads", are perceived to be dumb.     New Power Project Website: Join The Po...wer Project Discord: Subscribe to the new Power Project Clips Channel:   Special perks for our listeners below! ➢ Code POWERPROJECT to save 15% off supplements!   ➢ Code POWERPROJECT to save 15% off all gear and apparel!   ➢ Code POWERPROJECT to save 15% off Mind Bullet!   ➢ Code POWERPROJECT to save up to 25% off your Build a Box   ➢ Better Fed Beef:   ➢ Free shipping and free bedside tin!   ➢ Code POWERPROJECT to save $150!!   ➢ Enlarging Pumps (This really works): Pumps explained:   ➢ to save 15% off Vivo Barefoot shoes!   ➢ to automatically save 20% off your first order at Vuori!   ➢ to automatically save $150 off the Pod Pro at 8 Sleep!   ➢ Use code POWERPROJECT10 for 10% off ALL LABS at Marek Health! Also check out the Power Project Panel: Use code POWERPROJECT for $101 off!   ➢ Piedmontese Beef: Use Code POWER at checkout for 25% off your order plus FREE 2-Day Shipping on orders of $150   Follow Mark Bell's Power Project Podcast ➢ ➢ ➢ Insta: ➢ YouTube:   FOLLOW Mark Bell ➢ Instagram: ➢ ➢ Facebook: ➢ Twitter:   Follow Nsima Inyang ➢ ➢YouTube: ➢Instagram: ➢TikTok:   Follow Andrew Zaragoza on all platforms ➢   #PowerProject #Podcast #MarkBell #FitnessPodcast #markbellspowerproject

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Somebody like really muscular says something remotely intelligent. You're like, get the fuck out of here with this guy. If I say one thing that's halfway smart, it's like it's a big victory, right? If you're a meathead. Why do you guys think that like people expect meatheads to be stupid? I think they might think that they're self-centered. In Rocky, when Rocky meets Adrian, he said, my parents told me that I wasn't born with much of a brain, so I better use my body.
Starting point is 00:00:24 And she says, my parents told me that I wasn't born with much of a brain, so I better use my body. And she says, my parents told me the opposite. And I think that's kind of what you're, you kind of see what cards you got. What are you good at? What makes you feel good? What is something you can get admiration from your friends doing? There's going to be a point where everyone's going to be faced with wanting to be stronger, no matter what. I was given some blood today. Yeah. Tell us both. What both happened to you guys with your blood giving experience?
Starting point is 00:00:49 Blood was given. I gave 500 milliliters of blood today because my iron was a little high when I got my blood work back and that's not good. So I wanted to take care of that and make sure that doesn't pile up
Starting point is 00:01:05 and make my blood sludgy and weird. And so I gave, I gave some blood. Like normally what I do is I usually go and I usually donate blood. But this time around I just did something a little different, bloodletting, just had a nurse come and just take the blood. I realized people need the blood, so don't get all pissy at me. But one of the reasons why I did it is there's just every time you go in to donate blood, it's kind of a pain in the ass. So I will still do that. I'll still do that like once or twice a year, make sure I do that
Starting point is 00:01:36 because, again, I know people are in need. But they ask a lot of questions, and it's kind of a pain in the neck to go through the process. But I had our buddy john come here who's a nurse and he did uh he helped kenny and he helped andrew yeah so i got through 400 uh milliliters and all of a sudden i couldn't hold my head up anymore uh the lights got dim and i'm like what's going on and And then I start sweating. I started feeling a little nauseous and that was really like the worst of it. Like I thought I was going
Starting point is 00:02:10 to throw up. It was weird. And then they, you know, John was like, are you feeling a little clammy? I'm like, yep. And I was like, Ooh, I was like, I think I'm going out. And he's like, okay, just, you know, calm down. He put, you know, he kind of like, he was holding me up with like his hip as he's like still taking blood out. And I was like, yep. All right. I'm going out. And so I'm like starting to phase. I just don't close your eyes.
Starting point is 00:02:34 So I was like, he told you not to close your eyes. Yeah. And then so I'm like, all right. And then, yeah, little by little I was coming back. But it was, it was funny because Chloe was like trying to give me water, but I'm like like my eyes are closed and she had to like announce it she's like there's water in front of you oh my bad all right let me ask you guys this because i think this is actually a good psa for people um what is what is it that specifically causes the blood to get a little bit thick uh and then how can somebody know if they do need to give blood? Like what are the signs that that's something they need to start paying attention to?
Starting point is 00:03:08 Some of my understanding, and I'm not qualified to really answer this question the right way, but some of my understanding is that your red blood cell count gets high. And when your red blood cell count gets high, your blood basically gets thick. And what will happen to a lot of lifters and people that are using TRT and people that are going beyond that and doing like performance enhancement and taking larger dosages, they will not only have thicker blood and higher red blood cell count, but they sometimes will also have high blood pressure. Yep. And when you kind of mix those things together with some of the things that we're asking ourselves to do, having pre-workout and caffeine and who knows what other substances you're
Starting point is 00:03:45 taking. You're asking your, your body, your heart to try to push all this blood around that has high pressure. And the blood is not, not, not the way that it should be. The viscosity or something is like high and it's just sludgy.
Starting point is 00:04:02 Basically it was kind of the short of it. Yeah. It's thicker blood and I believe it's the hematocrit and um their hemoglobin hemoglobin those levels are out of whack and which might have always been before i ever did anything really yes because i snore and when you snore you're gasping for air apparently or you're like, what's it called? Like oxygen deprivation. Your levels will get out of whack. And before my blood was thick.
Starting point is 00:04:33 And this is something that I need to do on a regular basis. And today was just a cool opportunity because I was going to be here anyways. I just, I've never actually started to pass out like that before. I'm still trying to wake up from it. Last question. I've never actually started to pass out like that before. I'm still trying to wake up from it. Last question. How often do you think somebody who's on TRT should get their blood work done just to keep in check? Because a lot of people, I would assume, are on TRT and they don't get their blood work done often to see what might be going on with their hematocrit. So how often do you think is the frequency?
Starting point is 00:05:03 Well, it's always great to have a healthcare practitioner. It's good to be like signed up with someone like Merrick. That would be my first suggestion would be to do that. If you don't have the money to do that and you're kind of just blasting stuff, you're really kind of just guessing. But my guess would be that if you are, you know, you're taking enough stuff to where you're getting bigger, you're gaining body weight, I would assume that your blood pressure is probably getting higher. So you want to make sure you have a lot of precautions in place for just having higher blood pressure. And that would be something that you can get tested by, you know, going to a doctor, getting some sort of physical. But a lot of people don't want to do these things. They just
Starting point is 00:05:43 do it when they're compromised. And then someone checks their blood and they're like, yo, your blood pressure is crazy. We don't know what's going on. And then it causes like panic. And then sometimes it's, it takes a while to kind of unravel all that. But if I was just to give like a blanket recommendation, I would say people should probably try to give blood once a year and donating blood is, is great. Again, there's recipients out there. There's, there's young kids that have cancer and stuff like that. There's a lot great again there's recipients out there there's young kids that have cancer and stuff like that there's a lot of wild shit going on out there people have diseases and stuff and donating blood is a great option yeah mine like i said my levels came back
Starting point is 00:06:15 you know all in the red or whatever you know and again we've talked about like what does that even mean it's like well it just it shows that my blood is thicker and I was recommended every three months. So, and that's just on snoring and, you know, TRT. So even if somebody has sleep apnea, it might be something. Sleep apnea and they're running more stuff. Yeah. Or just being overweight and having sleep apnea. Every three months is what I'll recommend because I know for like myself, I'm supposed to do it every three months. It's hard for me to do it once every six months.
Starting point is 00:06:44 So I'll say every three months so that way you feel guilty to do it twice a year at least yeah and there's a giant rabbit hole of this kind of stuff to study but there's people that have theories that iron is one of the things that makes us old much like iron on a car the car will start
Starting point is 00:07:00 to rust and it will start to not move the same way the door hinge that has rust on it it's not going to move the same way anymore. And people have hypothesis that because men don't bleed the same way that women do, we don't excrete, get rid of our blood, that our iron sometimes runs a little higher. And that could be one of the reasons why men's life expectancy is shorter than women. But there's a million other reasons why. But that is a theory that's out there.
Starting point is 00:07:29 So anybody that gets their blood work done, if you see that your iron is high or you see that your hematocrit and some of these other things are high, you might want to donate some blood. We could have periods too. Just takes a few punches to the gut. Yeah. You'll be pissing blood in no time. Want to give it a shot? Or run a marathon. Or run a yeah you'll be pissing blood in no time want to give it a shot or run a marathon yeah were you pissing blood no i wasn't but i heard a lot of people do i was like damn shit oh that makes me so uncomfortable yeah i escaped whatever that whatever the hell that is that was just kind of funny though pete rubish i don't know actually you didn't mention on the podcast you mentioned when he was talking to ketty he's like yeah you
Starting point is 00:08:04 know there's one time where I just started peeing blood. And then he was like, yeah, it went on for a little bit and then it stopped. I was like, wait, Pete, you didn't get that checked. He's like, I just thought it was, it was back in the day when he was running, you know, his stuff, that shit was like, if I pee blood, bro, go to the doctor immediately. So we were talking a little bit off air and we were getting some good conversation about just kind of being big and dumb and the kind of stereotype that's out there. And I think, you know, there might be some reasons why it's warranted because somebody that is going to use their body physically, maybe they're not going to spend as much time reading books and educating themselves and being like a world traveler or breathing through their nose or breathing through their nose yeah yeah mouth breathing just sitting there just get dumber and dumber but anyway we'll get into it a little bit
Starting point is 00:08:56 more let's check out this clip from tom segura and uh huberin also i do feel personally offended chael sonnen called me a meathead. Called me a meathead. Really? Yeah. He was a lot meaner to me. He was. He was. But you see, like, that term is just used.
Starting point is 00:09:12 Like, meathead. Yeah. Why, though? Yeah, why? Anyways. His threshold beyond which, if you're too big, people think you're dumb. Sure. I'm not saying that's what I think.
Starting point is 00:09:23 So I've never wanted to read. I'm not. He always retraces his steps. Once you waddle, once you waddle, right, there's sort of a, and I don't know why that stereotype came to be. Let's pause for a second. Because there's certainly. I think he's got a point with the waddling. I think once you start to waddle, like, I think it throws off your, the whole equilibrium of your entire balance of your
Starting point is 00:09:45 mind, body, spirit, just throws it on its axis a little bit. I mean, when you do like, if it just picture right now, if you guys are listening, just imagine somebody waddling in your direction. Are you, I mean, being disabled aside, putting that aside, are you going to, you're probably going to be like, something's up with this you're not thinking this guy's a genius probably probably gonna ask somebody else for directions right can't even walk straight dog like how am i supposed to trust you you know uh in the defense of waddling some people sometimes just waddle just because they get real like they
Starting point is 00:10:24 just their their legs and stuff get real big. Why'd you have to bring this up? And sometimes people are still like athletic and still move pretty good, but they got like a waddle. And sometimes you're like, how is it that that guy is so good at his sport? He kind of waddles pretty good. Power lifting, we see it a lot. Oh, yeah. We see it a lot in power lifting.
Starting point is 00:10:43 But I mean there's like cyclists. There's all kinds of of people sometimes they get like super jacked legs but we know what they're talking about yeah there's sports that are filled with waddlers um but still i mean i get it i get the waddle thing i get it i'm trying to stan efferding oh yeah he's a big waddler but he's very intelligent he's pretty goddamn sharp yeah he knows a lot everywhere he waddles to and fro all over the place he went all over the whole country yeah and even outside the country yeah waddling in seminars waddling on shark tank yeah see there we go let's go some very smart very muscular people sure um with degrees and it's always surprising honestly it is
Starting point is 00:11:26 it's like somebody like really muscular says something remotely intelligent you're like get the fuck out of here with this guy like there you go i think that's great i think that helps like like uh if i say one thing that's halfway smart it it's like it's a big victory, right? If you're a meathead. I hate to bring it here, but the funniest thing when I was younger. Okay, guys, you can laugh at this. When I was younger, I mean, my mom, like she was very, she made me be very careful with my language. So something I would get from people was like, wow, you speak so well. And it's just like, why are you telling me that
Starting point is 00:12:05 because they didn't expect me to speak that way because i looked a certain way i don't know man i mean i am i am pretty big but you know that way are they expecting you to talk they expect me you know to spit out a little a little bit more flagrancy here and there you know what i mean but that's the that's kind of just it's kind of funny you know what i mean we we have expectations when we see certain people and then uh they're the bit opposite andrew did something come to mind i'm just when he was like when someone big says something get the fuck out of here like go you like that was so cute. Oh, my God. That was so cute.
Starting point is 00:12:45 You read books. Oh, my God. That's amazing. Actually, I'm curious. Why do you guys think that people expect meatheads to be stupid? People that use their bodies and lift weights and they have physical prowess, why do we have the expectation for them to be a little bit dull in the head? prowess, why do we have the expectation for them to be a little bit dull in the head? I think that people are going to think that they're not only dull, but I think they might think that they're self-centered. They might think that the person's kind of a jerk, especially if
Starting point is 00:13:12 the person's like shredded for whatever reason, like there's that connotation that, yeah, the guy, the person's going to be like, uh, way into themselves. And I don't know, maybe, uh, maybe sometimes that is the case, but we certainly know a lot of people that are like developed don't know, maybe, maybe sometimes that is the case. But we certainly know a lot of people that are like, developed, you know, in many different realms, you know, like, like Lane Norton, he's, you know, he's still powerlifting at a really high level. He's a doctor, he got a PhD, super smart. I mean, the list of people goes on and on Dr. Sean Baker. I mean, he's a big old, he's a big old meathead and he's not afraid. He's not afraid to admit it.
Starting point is 00:13:48 I think, uh, I think people are just thinking that you're spending a lot of time in the gym and probably not putting your time other places. I think people are in recognition of like, whatever that guy's got going on. Like that takes a long time. I'm thinking of like, what do you guys usually think when you see a really, really hot woman? You don't just go to the idea that she's dumb, right? But the idea does maybe cross your mind or am I just fucked up? I think there's like a lot of factors.
Starting point is 00:14:16 Like if you happen to get in conversation with her and she has kind of a southern accent then sometimes you know what i mean or took a whole part of the united states i know i know but that's like or or valley girl you know like yeah that's i would think kind of what you're about to say the way that someone talks yes um and oh my god shut the fuck up yeah you'll be like oh you get a lot of free passes don't you but isn't that kind of fucked up, oh, you get a lot of free passes, don't you? But isn't that kind of fucked up? Because I've met a lot of super smart, beautiful women. How about the British accent?
Starting point is 00:14:52 Oh, you ought to. Instantly, you're like, this guy knows his shit, or this girl must know what's up. Increases IQ by like 30 points. Off rip. Well, that's scientifically proven, though. German accent, you think they're evil? You think they're up to something? You know what I mean? I i mean i think so i think so yeah so this is something actually when you see like a beautiful woman like really good looking woman maybe something like that a lot of times that's genetic
Starting point is 00:15:17 right but you don't think that they've fleshed out other parts of themselves because this you guys have seen those like diagrams with like intelligence and dexterity video games or whatever beauty is like here that intelligence must be like down here right or crazy builders up here intelligence must be down here why do we think that i think we have a tendency to think that people's like path like we you look at somebody and you try to figure out like their uh like algorithm a little bit and you're like oh they had it easy because of this and or they had it easy because of that like and you try to like just stamp that on them and then you're like you just leave that label on them and you don't even really investigate you never find out if the person's
Starting point is 00:15:59 smart or not have either of you guys ever played um no no rpgs like role-playing games or anything very little where you have the character and you put in certain points for oh yeah dexterity Have either of you guys ever played RPGs, like role-playing games or anything? Very little. Where you have a character and you put in certain points for strength, dexterity, intelligence, and wisdom. I always went for speed. Speed? Yeah. And if you put a little bit too much into strength, you got to take away from somewhere else. We look at life like that.
Starting point is 00:16:17 Yeah. You know what I mean? Like you can't have it all, but you kind of can have a lot in a lot of certain areas. Strength and speed, awareness, intelligence, all 100. The hot to crazy ratio. No-go zone. Yeah. Explain this, Andrew.
Starting point is 00:16:34 So, like, on the bottom is hotness, on the top is craziness. So, like, zero hotness but 10 crazy, like, that's a no-go zone. But then crazy. There's, like, a danger zone up here because she's really hot, but she's also really or she's really crazy, but she's also really hot. And then the unicorns down here on the bottom, which is super hot, but also not crazy. So this is the wife zone, date zone, fun zone, danger zone. Also, don't say that word. She's like, can't say that now.
Starting point is 00:17:03 Which one? Do you not see the word at the bottom in the blue oh i did not see that that's funny it's it's in the 10 though right does that count tony huge would love it yeah all right well my bad i didn't see that let's blur that on the edit we don't want people to know that'll be fine Andrew, where do you think the stigma comes from? But I think I, so when you go back to like high school, it was always like the dumb jock. Right. Like he was number one on the football field, but like kind of got a pass because he was so good at football or whatever it is. At least that's what like TV shows and stuff would portray it as. I never actually knew anybody like that.
Starting point is 00:17:46 But that kind of was the case though, right? Like the sports guys were really into the sports and staying in shape. Didn't really care too much about the school side of things. And I think we kind of just build that up, especially because people don't understand what it actually takes to be a jacked bodybuilder. They think it's like oh you probably do nothing but drink protein shakes and you live in the gym right that's what they assume so they're like how can you how can you possibly develop anywhere else in life if that's all you do
Starting point is 00:18:19 so it's like but then if you find out what it actually does take to get that big like you'll be like holy shit they actually they just they do put a lot of time and energy into it, but it's more than just living in the gym. Probably a lot of time and energy learning. Yeah, that's what I mean. To some capacity, whether it's via a coach or reading or searching stuff on YouTube, much the same way somebody could become good at music. much the same way somebody could become good at music. You know, somebody that, you know, rips out a beautiful melody, you wouldn't be like, that guy's an idiot.
Starting point is 00:18:51 You would think, wow, that sounded really awesome. And I think someone that's able to like kind of sculpt their body and take their time with it, they're going to learn a lot over the years. But I think a lot of this comes from, I think people are just trying to utilize what they feel they have. You know, so somebody went to lift or someone went to play football A lot of this comes from, I think people are just trying to utilize what they feel they have. You know, so somebody went to lift or someone went to play football and they did it against or with other people, soccer. And you're like, oh, I can like trick my friends and I can move a little faster than them. And I can like, and you get adulation for that. People are like, oh, and SEMA is a soccer player and it makes you feel good.
Starting point is 00:19:23 And so then you gravitate towards that and then there might be people that are making the mistake of thinking like and sema is a soccer player and doesn't do anything else you know he's not studying he's not doing all the other things that other kids would be doing in uh in rocky when rocky meets adrian he's skating on the ice with her and he says um, he said, I wasn't born, he said, my parents told me that I wasn't born with much of a brain, so I better use my body. And she says, my parents told me the opposite. I wasn't born with much of a body, so I better use my brain. And I think that's kind of what you're,
Starting point is 00:20:00 you kind of see what cards you got. Like, what are you good at? What makes you feel good? What is something you can get admiration from your friends doing? Beef. Power Project family, it is grilling season. Now, I really don't know much about grilling since I use an air fryer at home. My boy Andrew does, though.
Starting point is 00:20:16 So since it's grilling season, it's time to get your hands on some P. Monti's beef. We love those glizzies. We love that beef. Andrew, tell them more about it. Yeah, guys. So like you mentioned, they do have those glizzies. We love that beef. Andrew, tell them more about it. Yeah, guys. So like you mentioned, they do have those glizzies. Hey, yo! For those that don't know, that's just a hot dog, but it's all beef hot dog and it's amazing. My favorite thing to smoke is their prime rib, though. And, you know, it's grilling season.
Starting point is 00:20:37 So dust off those grills, dust off those smokers and head over to and at checkout, enter promo code POWER to save 25% off your order. Links to them down in the description as well as the podcast show notes. Get your glizzy goblet on. I will say this too. You know, what you mentioned there is, and you mentioned this right before the podcast started. It's like there's an exposure thing, right? So, and Andrew, you kind of touched on this too.
Starting point is 00:21:01 Like if a kid is good at sports in high school or something and maybe that, I don't know, there's not much care on their grades, maybe the kid will just lean into the physical aspects of everything and not really believe that they are intelligent here or can do something she brought up how if you tell a child how talented they are about something, you may believe that as a child, cool, but as an adult, you immediately feel like if you do not have talent with something, therefore you cannot get good. Whereas we know that if you do spend time, like literally spend time doing anything,
Starting point is 00:21:43 you can become very proficient. It just takes work and consistency, right? spend time like literally spend time doing anything you can become very proficient it just takes work and consistency right so for the individual that like was only exposed to certain things let's say they're exposed to sports and playing and using their bodies and then they start trying to do music stuff and they kind of suck at it they'll automatically think oh i'm not good at this music thing or i'm not a i'm not at that. Whereas if they just started working at it, they could be maybe just as good at that as they are at sports. Or they, like, you know, again, going back to the kid, high school kid,
Starting point is 00:22:13 like they'll get tons of admiration for winning the game or whatever. And then they get, you know, whatever, D minus or F. And it's like, damn, like. I'm not smart. Yeah. I'm really good at that and everybody knows it a 30 out and you're like is that out of 100 yeah it was like or is that everyone 30 out of 32 right puts uh the papers on each person's desk face up and then yours goes face down
Starting point is 00:22:37 and you flip it over and like oh shit that was me i think you know some some of that for me though like my family always they always emphasize education i knew education was important they didn't care that much about what actually happened in school though and so for me at a young age i was able to learn that there's a difference between school my dad was like i just don't not to be like super negative but i don't think school's great for you like and i think that that's just the way it is like you should always try should do your homework you should show up on time and not skip school and like all these things but he's like i just think that school's gonna be harder for you than maybe some other people how
Starting point is 00:23:19 old were you when he said this probably like 11 12 do you it's a long time ago but do you remember did you look at school differently after you heard that like did you feel more positively about it yeah i felt more positive because i was like uh i was like you know what just it doesn't matter if you're slow at something just take your time and you know get it done whatever way whatever way you can kind of thing and just always put in a good and just always be like nice to the teachers and be respectful of people. And that was kind of, my parents were like,
Starting point is 00:23:50 come on, like, don't, you know, don't get an F, you know, you gotta like, you gotta suck to get an F.
Starting point is 00:23:56 You gotta like not do the work and you have to cause trouble. But if you're communicating with the teacher and they see that there's an effort, they're not gonna, I can completely just flunk you out of school on every on every grade that you – every turn that you get. And then plus you can also make up work too. You do something and you're like, oh, I got to – you do it again and maybe one time you get a 30 and maybe next time you get 60. And they're like, hey, that's good enough.
Starting point is 00:24:20 You know at least half the material. You get to kind of like move on. So that was some of my experience in school. But again, I learned at a young age that there was, I saw what my dad did. My dad was an accountant. He worked for IBM. I saw like what he was doing. And I knew that if I ever wanted to be successful in anything, that you have to have some sort of education. You have to be like a material expert in something. And I think Andrew maybe had similar experience with your dad, like being a mechanic. Like he, you know, it sounds like, it sounds like school went differently for you than
Starting point is 00:24:53 it did for me. It sounded like you just didn't want to fucking be there. No, yeah. And I didn't want to be there either. But when you have somebody in the household that can monetize what's in their head, monetize what's in their brain in such a direct way like that, like a mechanic or like an accountant, then I think it's a good example of you trading what's in your brain for money
Starting point is 00:25:21 rather than just like sometimes it's just hours sometimes. And yes, it's the hours that you're putting in and it's still it's still what's going on in your brain but yeah it was helpful to me and i always just kind of thought like i don't know exactly what i'll do or how what i'm going to become but i'll be able to figure out something in that because i'll be good at something if i just stick with something for a long time. Were you about to say something? No, but I can just tell you that, yeah, I thought school was dumb. I never wanted to be there. I thought it was such a waste of time.
Starting point is 00:25:52 I was like, sure, I can't tell you exactly what weapons they used in World War II. I was like, but I know that that was a long time ago, and if I need to, I can search for that shit. And then I remember, I think I was in elementary elementary school and like, I don't, I never, pick a grade. I never wanted to go. It's so funny. Like my daughter now, she'll be like, oh, I can't, you know, I'm, I don't like school,
Starting point is 00:26:15 but I love going to hang out with my friends. As messed up as it sounds, I'm like, I don't care if I didn't have any friends. I would be happy to never see him again because that means I would never go to school. Like that would be great. I was like, I would be happy to never see him again because that means I would never go to school. Like, that would be great. I hated school. And one day in elementary school, my dad was like,
Starting point is 00:26:30 if you don't want to go to school, you're gonna have to come to work with me. I'm like, yes. I'm like, that's what I'm talking about. At least my,
Starting point is 00:26:35 all this time that I'm putting in is going to be worth something. I fucking hated school. I never liked it. And the whole time I thought it was dumb. I'm like,
Starting point is 00:26:43 oh, we're all like here for no fucking reason. Like, nobody's going to remember any of this shit that we're learning in was dumb. I'm like, oh, we're all like here for no fucking reason. Like nobody's going to remember any of the shit that we're learning in fourth grade. I promise you. And I just, I thought that all the way through school and I just got through it just because I had to. 11th grade goes on your permanent record, bro. Right.
Starting point is 00:26:58 Yeah. It was, I think, ninth grade actually when they started saying, hey, now it's serious. This goes on your record. And I'm like, okay. I still don't want to be here. actually when they started saying hey now it's serious this goes on your record yeah and i'm like okay i still don't want to be here like my permanent record for something i don't want to take part in all right cool got it yeah yeah no i i never hated school my like for me i'm african so like for for like in our culture in nigerian culture it's like we talked about this dr laura engineer you better be doing well in school.
Starting point is 00:27:25 And if you, if you don't go to college, you are a failure. Like that's how it is in our culture. Every single Nigerian that comes to the U.S. like from Nigeria to here, it's fucking academics and sports, you know?
Starting point is 00:27:37 But I mean, things change as time went by. But I mean, I think, I think what we can all agree on is that we all do enjoy learning yeah like and we enjoy learning in our own way like sitting sitting down in a fucking classroom i hate that but i do love reading about shit i do love like learning about specific things but in a different setting right classrooms fucking suck so i think you know that's one thing
Starting point is 00:28:02 where it's like for example you know that know, that act in the academy spot, um, kids are able to take on learning in their own way because at the end of the day, it's like, you're going to be learning shit for the rest of your life. Hopefully, hopefully you don't just like stop right after you get out of,
Starting point is 00:28:17 you know, you, you, you graduate and you end. Right. But it's just, I guess that's just how it is. Keep playing the video or I got another
Starting point is 00:28:25 video for you oh you do yeah I love protein too. We know you love protein. Look at this guy with the glasses. Protein rocks. Protein. Protein. Protein.
Starting point is 00:28:50 Protein. Protein. Should we tell them about these? Yeah, fuck off. Absolutely not. Now there's... That's us, isn't it? Protein. Protein.
Starting point is 00:29:00 We add protein to everything. Right. We don't have to add it to coffee, but it tastes really good. It makes the coffee better. Yeah. Right. I don't know. The thing is when it comes to like the protein shit, it is so funny how like, I don't know, in bodybuilding, they get a lot of protein, but the bodybuilders got something right as far as like looking good.
Starting point is 00:29:22 Some of them don't have it on the longevity front, but at the end of the day, there are concepts there that can allow anybody to be healthier. And if you're healthier for a longer period of time, you're going to be here longer. You'll be able to, you'll just, your life is just better, dog.
Starting point is 00:29:37 Right now. I know you're looking in the mirror. You're getting ready for your nephew's quinceanera. You have a long sleeve on that looks horrible and your pants don't fit. Right. That's why we partnered. I don't know why you're laughing. That's why we partnered with Viore clothing.
Starting point is 00:29:47 You see, this is the boulevard shirt jacket. Fits great. Stretchy. Feels amazing. It's the best long sleeve in my closet. And one of the biggest things that we love about Viore is that they have clothes that you can wear to parties. They have clothes that you can wear in the gym. Like I said, your nephews can see it.
Starting point is 00:30:01 You can look great wherever you go if you step your fashion game up. Plus, this stuff feels like baby skin on your skin, which is kind of creepy, but at the same time, it's kind of nice and you know it. Andrew, where can they get it? Yes, you guys got to head over to slash Power Project. That's V-U-O-R-I dot com slash Power Project to automatically receive 20% off your order. Links to them down in the description as well as the podcast show notes fucking hell there's gonna be a point where everyone's gonna be faced with wanting to be stronger no matter what no matter what kind of life you live you know maybe you're 89 or 99 or whatever there's gonna be a point where you're like man i wish i could just get up one more time and do one more thing. So that's why we're meatheads. And I think, you know, just leaning into it, you know, why not?
Starting point is 00:30:49 Like, fuck it. You know, you think I'm dumb. That's cool. What do I care? You know, it doesn't really make any difference to me. If someone's going to pin a stigma on you, then let that be an advantage for you. They won't kind of, they won't see you coming. They don't think you're competition and maybe they don't know how hard you work, how dedicated you are to things.
Starting point is 00:31:11 Maybe they don't understand that you are, you know, a lot of times when we hear the outside comments, it's easy to like, let it, you know, let it hurt us, you know, and I used to let that hurt me. I used to let it hurt me bad. So I'm glad that I don't, I don't have to deal with that anymore. It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter where it comes from. Even if my wife said something, it could be someone super close to me. They say something a little off that they're not, they're not paying attention to the language and they say something's dumb or stupid, or they say that something I did is dumb or stupid.
Starting point is 00:31:40 It doesn't bother me anymore, but it took me a long time to get past that much like like probably the same thing with somebody that's overweight, getting teased and made fun of for being fat. It's probably something that – it's a scarring thing, and any time it's brought up, you're like, man, why did they say that about me? But now I'm just like, oh, well, that's – we all say that. We all say like that's dumb or that's stupid or you're acting dumb. You're acting foolish. You're acting crazy. Just because I say you're acting crazy, I'm not trying to reference that I heard that you had a – I'm not trying to use that I heard that you're bipolar or something against you. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:32:17 I'm just – it's just language. You're just effing around. I kind of dig it when somebody does call me a meathead. I don't mind it at all because it's like, yeah, I may have maxed out physical prowess. You don't know anything else about me, though. If you did, you'd change your opinion, but that's fine. Like, I'm a meathead.
Starting point is 00:32:36 It means I have a good handle on my health, probably. I may look pretty fucking good. This sounds fucked up to say, by the way. It's like it sounds very self-aggrandizing. But if somebody is calling you a meathead, just know that, like, there's maybe something there This sounds fucked up to say, by the way. It sounds very self-aggrandizing. But if somebody is calling you a meathead, just know that there's maybe something there that they might want and they don't have. And that's okay. Now go max out all your other stats.
Starting point is 00:33:15 Yeah, go work or the other, it's actually really hard to say, but I think if you were to pick one thing to focus on versus another, if you were to focus it, I guess you can kind of do it either way. It would be nice to be able to get these things, but I feel that if you make your body physically sound, that you'll be mentally clean and that you'll be mentally sound. And it feels like that's the, that was my experience. That felt good for me. And that allowed me to make a lot of money later on. What's that quote you had? Um, yeah, a quote from Seneca. Cause it fit perfectly. I hope I didn't make this train of thought, by the way. No. Let's see. Where'd it go? Where'd it go?
Starting point is 00:33:49 Where'd it go? Nope. That ain't it. Oh, man. Lost it. Damn it. I just made you. Hope you didn't lose your train of thought, though.
Starting point is 00:34:05 No, I can get it back, but I can't find that quote let me just i don't know talk about something else well who was it it was seneca but i just i there it is there it is kaboom okay yeah this quote you showed me from seneca earlier the body should be treated rigorously that it may not be disobedient to the mind. Yeah, I just kind of believe that. I believe that everything else falls in line. And I guess my main point here is that from the time I was young, I worked on stuff physically. And when it came to, you know, doing things later on and having an invention and a business and things like that, all that stuff seemed really easy. And then people would tell me about these books, about these entrepreneurial books and this entrepreneurial spirit and stuff. And I was like, I don't know what any of this means.
Starting point is 00:34:57 When I was a kid and someone said they were an entrepreneur, it means they didn't have a job. That's what it meant. Or they're between jobs. And then people would tell me. I would say, say oh that's cool like what's in the book you know and say oh it really teaches you to like you know have this tough mental mindset and uh to do things to the best of your ability and to you know show up on time and spend a lot of time in the areas where you want to be good and i'm like just thinking i okay, I'm not smarter than these books, but, and I don't pretend to know everything that's in these books, but it sounds like I'm already
Starting point is 00:35:28 practicing all these things just by being excited to go to the gym every day. And just by following my heart and the thing that I love to do, I kind of fell into some of this backwards. I'm like, I'm already practicing that. Like, why am I going to, I do like Gary Vee. I love the information, but like, why am I going to sit there and try to listen to Gary Vee when I listen to just a little bit of it? I'm like I already think most of the same thoughts as him because I – all that stuff is is just somebody obsessing over something. Gary Vee happened to get obsessed over wine and baseball cards and stuff when he was young. His dad owned a wine place and it clicked in his head that the wine was the same as the baseball cards he was selling. And it kind of just, it kind of clicked
Starting point is 00:36:10 in his head for him to, to be able to kind of move, move into some of that. But I was obsessed with lifting since the time I was a kid. And I thought about it day and night. And I think about it when I was taking a shit, I think about it in the shower. I think about it when I was going to bed. I would think about the movements. I think about how to get better at the movements. I wonder if I try this. I wonder if I bench off like this board this way with a pause here with a band there, like what that's going to do for my triceps, you know, that's what it takes to bench 854 pounds. Like you got to be really meticulous. Got to think about it all the time. And as I thought about it more and more and more, I'm like, why do so many people come up to me and say they used to bench that weight?
Starting point is 00:36:50 Like, what's wrong with people? Why is everyone all jacked up? And as I got older, I ran into a couple injuries. And I said, I would love for people not to have to say that anymore. It'd be great if people could still enjoy bench pressing, still enjoy pushups, still enjoy dips. So I thought about it and thought about it and thought about it. And eventually it turned into the slingshot. But, you know, I don't think, I don't think that that's from a normal like education, but it is a lot of learning and it is a lot, it is a lot of education in a way, but it's not necessarily something that you would pick up in a school per se. Do you guys think that because we're not in like a, like there, there are people that do a lot of physical labor, but the market isn't dictated by that anymore. Like it was in the past. Like there's a lot of people that just make money online, make money on behind a screen,
Starting point is 00:37:41 make money in an office. Right. Do you think that partially because of that, I don't know, it's not as important? And I'm not saying you need to be fucking massive and have a six-pack or whatever. I just mean having power over your physicality. Do you think that's partially why it's not as important? Yeah, I think so. I think it's – yeah, unfortunately it's – not acceptable is not a good word. But unfortunately, people are not addressing the fact that their friend is 40 pounds overweight, 50 pounds overweight. that they've been at a computer for a long time, that they have not been getting activity.
Starting point is 00:38:28 They can't figure out why their hands don't work the same way as they used to. They don't understand why they got numbness going down their leg. They don't understand why their back hurts and their neck is stiff and all these things. It's like, well, you're just really not moving that much. The human body is really meant to move around a lot. If I was to guess, I would just say that there's automatically off the bat without doing anything else, I would say that there's somewhere between 5,000 and 7,000 steps in your body, in your brain that needs to be worked out in some sort of capacity every day.
Starting point is 00:39:02 And people that aren't moving around that much at least i think they're i think they're damaging their body mind and spirit every single day because the i i believe that there's like a mechanism in the brain for for that amount of movement and maybe it's not necessarily like every day but i do think your body and your brain keeps score and keeps track of what's going on. And I think that's where you're going to lead, uh, lead into depression. That's where you're going to lead into anxiety. That's going to feed right into obesity. That's going to feed into you being hungry, having cravings, being bored. Um, we say it all the time, but, uh, idle time is the devil's playground. That's the ultimate time for all these thoughts to come in. That's time for you to be addicted to your phone, for you to look up porn, for you to do all these
Starting point is 00:39:49 things. And I think that so much of it stems from not being physical. And we don't have the same physicality in the culture. We don't have it the same in our jobs anymore. And I think it's something that, I think it's something that's really hurting us. And to be quite honest, I have noticed a trend in the last several years where it's harsh to say this, but I see a lot of guys, they're starting to look like chicks. They're starting to look like women. And I'm not talking about some of the other things that are going on, but I'm talking about, I think people's hormones are really jacked up because they're not moving. They're not being physical. What do you mean? They're not eating properly. Like what, what, what, what aspects of the look? Dudes holding body fat, like the way that a woman would. There's a lot of guys that have like kind of like a womanly body and they have like boobs and they
Starting point is 00:40:45 got like weight around the hips and stuff. I'm not trying to like pick on anybody and be super mean. It's an observation. And I think that if other people are aware and they're paying attention, that they would maybe see some of the same things. And again, I think it goes back to there's something rooted into our system. It like into the psyche of the of a human being to move around a certain amount i'm an immature fuck leave me alone i you love men with tips no man it's just it's not funny it's just uh i i'm just a child and i can't not laugh when i hear about man titties i don't know like see look at you you're you're darling nah you're right though serious issue andrew did you have something
Starting point is 00:41:31 no i agree with him um i guess all i can add to like i what i can remember of your question is that like um the way we get shit done these days promotes sitting at home more than it did ever before yeah the uh pandemic made everybody work from home including us and a lot of people never went back to work like just like a lot of kids never went back to school yeah you know so like it the way the world runs promotes less movement therefore it's now become okay to move less to not get out of the house to not pick it on you but to order door dash right because that's like what we were like no we got to do that because we're not supposed to go outside now it's like man i don't have to go outside so i'm just gonna do it amazing things are nowadays is that or ridiculous however
Starting point is 00:42:24 you want to look at it. No one even knocks or rings your doorbell hardly anymore. They just leave the food there. No one wants to disturb anybody. Nobody wants to run into anybody. I'm guilty of this. I don't want to talk to anybody either. I see people that I know in the grocery store and I dive behind the fucking fruit or something. I don't want to just to avoid having a conversation.
Starting point is 00:42:45 It's kind of the way the world is right now yeah you're like oh my door dashes like you could see it on the app like you'd rather see it on the app but you don't want anybody touching your fucking door because you know you're afraid that's like there's somebody actually there that you might actually have to talk to oh my gosh amazon packages all that stuff just like left there on my door i say don't ring the doorbell because the dogs will bark and the baby will wake up and initially that's actually what it was for but now it's like yeah don't fucking knock on the door don't that doorbell doesn't work i promise you it works but like i don't want you to actually touch the damn thing because i don't want to be bothered
Starting point is 00:43:18 neotropics every single biohacker and their mother talks about the benefits of Lion's Mane or Alpha-GPC, blah, blah, blah. We have this mix of supplement. But no one really tells you how to analyze what you actually should be trying to take or what problems you may have. That's why Andy Triana has made the Nootropics e-book now on our website at Now, we've had Andy on our podcast multiple times, and he's educated us on so many different things along with Nootropics. Andy on our podcast multiple times, and he's educated us on so many different things along with nootropics. But in this ebook, he goes in depth on how to analyze what your problems may be specifically and how to utilize nootropics to help fix those issues or to help progress in certain areas. Like if you're wanting to speak better, think faster, communicate better.
Starting point is 00:44:00 There's so many things he goes in depth on in this ebook, and you can get it now on our website at The link's in the description along with the podcast show notes. It's pretty great how just like working out is baked in physical, just baked in self-development because like it's cliche as fuck. But I mean the way that a majority of people that are listening probably do work out. You know, you work out 30 minutes a day, an hour a day or whatever. You do anything else like that, you'll learn anything it is that you want. It's like somebody who like, let's say that people like, let's say that they don't believe they're intelligent anywhere else than their physicality in the gym. That is not true. That's just a story
Starting point is 00:44:38 you're telling yourself because of maybe the ideas of what other people may have of you. So you don't spend the time working on anything else because you don't think you're smart enough for that. But if you did, you'd find that you absolutely are because you've done something that most people cannot do already. It's your own limiting beliefs over and over again. They're going to be like waiting for you at every new turn of every new thing that you do. You know, people are going to think I'm, people are going to think that, uh, you know, when I try this, I'm going to fail, you know? Um, and no one really does think about you. That's the other thing I think you need to keep that in mind is that if it's your first time
Starting point is 00:45:20 walking into like a yoga studio or something, um, if people aren't going to be like really paying they're they're paying attention to like their own setup like they're trying to set up their own thing they're trying to have peace of mind they're trying to have like a particular workout they're not really they're like oh man that guy's like so heavy what's he doing here you know like people aren't there to try to like people are actually usually way more friendly than you'd think they're usually someone to come up and they'll say, I haven't seen you here before. Like, say your first class. And you're like, yeah, like, okay, cool. And then you meet somebody, you know, but I think we're just so scared to like try any, any new thing. We just have a lot
Starting point is 00:45:57 of limiting beliefs around. Absolutely. There's a, this quote that people have been using so much on social media is like a sound, but it does fall into place. No man has the right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training. It is a shame for a man to grow old without seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable. And that's from Socrates. Socrates. Socrates. Socrates.
Starting point is 00:46:19 So to even kind of dive into that a little bit further, I do think that the right path is through your body first and then through your mind second. You can do both. You can work on both. But I think that if, you know, if I'm looking at somebody and I'm like, oh, that's really cool. That guy, you know, developed a lot of wealth early on. But a lot of times the wealth sometimes goes with somebody having poor health because they put so much into it. Not all the time. And you can do things simultaneously. But a lot of times you see the person that is making like a lot of money, you see them kind of rise to the top and they gain a lot of weight or they kind of lose sight of some of those things. things. And I think that a, I think that like a well-tuned up and having the body that you want, I, I kind of think personally that it's a little harder to obtain. I guess it depends person to person. I think it's a little bit harder to obtain than to, uh, obtain kind of a, um,
Starting point is 00:47:18 I guess it's really wealthy, just acquiring a lot of wealth, I guess I'd say. Why do you think that? wealthy, just acquiring a lot of wealth, I guess I'd say. Why do you think that? I think that mainly just because of what I've seen, what I've experienced myself, I guess. But for me, doing it this way really felt, because I guess what I see a lot of from people that are doing really well, that they're not doing really well, that they're making a lot of from people that are doing really well that they're not doing really well that they're they're making a lot of money and when i talk to them kind of behind the scenes i'm always like shocked i'm always like oh man that sucks that guy's really dealing with something he's really
Starting point is 00:47:54 having a hard time he's really struggling because i i don't think they tapped into that physicality i don't think they really went to like i i think you got to kind of dive deep into that i think you have to do things that kind of hurt you have to got to do things that are kind of uncomfortable like you know just a brutal ass set of like you know some leg work in the gym maybe some brutal jujitsu sessions like they just without jujitsu you know where where was your mind you know a couple years ago without without that physicality, without feeling what it feels like to be dominated by another person and to be choked out by another person. You're making this sound real wild, bro. It's sexual.
Starting point is 00:48:36 It's getting a little warm in here. But by another man, just at will, just over, over. Oh, man. But I think that having your mind tested, right? Having your mind tested against these kind of puzzle pieces that are out there for you to solve, I think is really important. And as I've said many times before, when you're doing your sets in the gym, you can think about them as being mindsets. Like, let me just, okay, I did a couple sets and okay, I got, I got some work in for today. Let me just, let me just kind of like dive deep into this one. And when it hurts, let me do five more reps. And when those five reps sink in and they hurt, do five more. I think occasionally
Starting point is 00:49:21 the body needs that. I think it, I think it's something that just makes us powerful. So I think occasionally the body needs that. I think it's something that just makes us powerful. So I think you're better well-equipped if you try to get yourself physically fit when you're young because it's a little more difficult as you get older. It's not impossible, but it's harder when you're older. Develop those habits when you're young and everything, I think everything else in your life will be easier. There's a lot of factors that do make it harder when you get older. For example, if you have kids. Now if you have like a job. But I think that – I don't actually think it's harder. I think that's just because you have a more cemented belief of who you are. Maybe you're 35 and you're just starting. It falls to the limiting belief stuff you're talking about because now you have so many years when you weren't working on something that that's just now your identity ah
Starting point is 00:50:09 that working out stuff isn't necessary for me that gym stuff isn't for me it's for other people right so you automatically just kind of you're more resistant to that but that that's not true everybody has a body everybody has the same amount of limbs and digits. You know, y'all get what I'm saying. You have the same capability to do a thing. So just have to get yourself to try to do it. And it is harder when you get older, but you can absolutely do it, you know. So become a meathead. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:43 Join the party. Is there a little bit more of that clip? Yeah, there is. I don't remember exactly what they go. Let's see what we got. Well, also,
Starting point is 00:50:53 you know that there's a history to this that I don't want to take us down a rabbit hole, but you know, the running movement of the, you know, the seventies, the whole Nike movement, Steve Prefontaine and all that endurance sports have always been synonymous
Starting point is 00:51:04 with most of the sports played on a college campus. You know, tennis, badminton, or badminton, I don't know if anyone plays badminton, tennis and cross country and all these things. They, you know, for people to feel fit and look like an athlete, but when they say athlete, they mean the kind of more svelte, you know, shapes, right? And it's only recently that people
Starting point is 00:51:23 have started doing resistance training. I mean, the data clearly say, clearly say that at a minimum, everyone should be getting one hundred and eighty to two hundred minutes of so-called zone to cardio, which is the cardio that you can do, but just barely hold a conversation. That's a lot of per week minimum. between six and 10 sets per muscle group in order to just maintain the musculature, which is very important for everybody for metabolism, health, posture, ability to be resistant to falls.
Starting point is 00:51:50 And of course, if you do those sets really hard, you know, to failure, progressive overload, then you're going to also, you'll gain muscle, gain muscle.
Starting point is 00:51:57 Yeah. But you know, I think that now the world is a little less afraid of getting bulky, but still, yeah, there aren't many professors who are in the gym training three, four days a week. I've always done three. Yeah. We're afraid of getting bulky because we're getting made fun of being a meathead. I think a lot of what he said, uh, there's a lot of truth to what he said with the stats and the reps and the zone two cardio and stuff. And it's just like
Starting point is 00:52:19 the most unappealing thing ever, you know, the least like where you're like, oh, that's what it takes. Okay. Oh, I'm out. So a lot of people aren't going to do fitness kind of based on some of those stats. I kind of wonder, I don't really like nutrition science and like, uh, I guess workout science, whatever you want to call it. I don't think they, I don't, I don't know, like if it accounts for like the guy that would go to the gym, you know, twice a week or a guy that would maybe not even go to the gym. He's got some other resistance in his life. Maybe he climbs rocks or something. I think a lot of times these things are done in like an incubator
Starting point is 00:53:00 and they're like, you know, six to 10 sets per body part or whatever it was he said. That sounds like a lot, and I don't think you need that much to be physically fit. And I also would disagree with the amount of minutes you need for zone two cardio. That seems very excessive. I actually don't think you need hardly any zone two cardio, especially if you are doing other forms of cardio. Like I think jujitsu is plenty. Like you guys can build out your aerobic capacity a little bit more
Starting point is 00:53:29 by doing like a little bit of running, like just being able to run for 20 minutes, 30 minutes straight. Not a bad idea, maybe an hour at some point. But I don't think you're going to be exponentially more healthy necessarily just because you do that. Yeah, no, I agree there. It's what jiu-jitsu specifically like. You can build out a pretty decent base of cardio if you just don't stop rolling.
Starting point is 00:53:55 Doing outside stuff is good. But the thing is, is like the references to zone two and the amount of sets, like either way with what we've been talking about here, these are just things to make your body a bit more resilient. These are things that just most people aren't doing because we think about this at 60 years old, you want to have a healthy heart. You want to have a strong body so that as you get older, your body can withstand time. You're going to get older. You're going to get a little bit weaker as time goes by. But how much does that drop off? How much will everything that you've been doing for the past 40, 50 years, how much of it can you maintain? And you can maintain a lot if you've built up a good amount, right?
Starting point is 00:54:34 So it's just, it falls into the habits, the things that you do each day, the things that you can bake into your day. If you're sitting at home, do you have something by your desk? Do you just have things that like, for example, you were mentioning earlier off air, Jake has his guitars lying around. Do you have things lying around where it just makes you want to get up and do them? That's why I have these bars at home so I can just get up and go do some dips. Right. Right. It's baked into the day. Yeah. Where it's quick and easy. It doesn't always have to be like a three hour workout. And I just want to basically point out, like, again, what Huberman's saying is correct.
Starting point is 00:55:09 Just don't be discouraged if you can't get that much work in. Don't think that it's not going to do anything for you just because you're like, oh, I only worked like, you know, one muscle group today and only did three sets. That's awesome. That's great. You know, pat yourself on the back for a job well done for another day that you got a workout in. Microdose that shit. Keep going or you guys?
Starting point is 00:55:29 I think we're good. Yeah. Okay. All right. Let me shut this down. Anyway, yeah, we're a bunch of fucking meatheads. I think he's right. You should make a shirt of that.
Starting point is 00:55:39 Something with it. But yeah, dude. I'm still working on getting the label. Yeah. People don't look at me and think meathead still working on getting the label. Yeah. People don't look at me and think meathead, but I live the life. Well, I think, you know, I guess if you're to kind of think about it, like I know that they're just joking around and having fun and stuff like that. But I do think that the things, the habits that would make you a meathead, I think can be kind of good, you know, in a lot of ways. make you a meathead, I think can be, can be kind of good, you know, in a lot of ways.
Starting point is 00:56:12 The habit to eat protein, the habit to a lot of meatheads will eat frequently, you know, making sure they're fueled for their workouts. I think that chicken and broccoli in their little boxes. Oh yeah. We got to bring that too. I think, I think that when you think of someone that's a meathead, I think you're also probably thinking someone who just like overdoes it. And I guess that would be like the one kind of cautionary tale of just understand that if you go after something really, really hard in one direction, that you may lose other components of yourself that might be difficult to get back. So as you're meatheading your life and as you're lifting in the gym, maybe there's other things that you want to work on, like your range of motion, your athleticism. You can check out anabolic activities and check out some of the stuff that we're doing on there because we're striving to get a little bit more athletic. Kenny's already very athletic and very jumpy and springy and stuff, but we're messing around with some just med ball tosses, some unilateral stuff, some just different patterns
Starting point is 00:57:10 than you would normally do just doing a set of curls instead of tricep pushdowns. Did you want the tape clip? Sure. Sure. Oh, God damn it. Why is it me? Yep.
Starting point is 00:57:22 What does that mean? Hold on. Sorry. Fucking hell. Try to be cool. If I make enough little boxes, maybe I'll get some biceps. Weak! There are literally gay porn movies less gay than meal prep YouTube.
Starting point is 00:57:36 Gay! Super gay. You know what I'm not doing? Cutting up broccoli in little boxes. If I make enough little boxes, maybe i'll get some biceps there are literally gay porn movies less gay than meal prep youtube videos broccoli that's so great oh man those full day of eating videos always there's just so funny but but you know what i do get it for someone who wants to understand like how does somebody eat to get to a certain point
Starting point is 00:58:06 those videos are very useful but but like seeing them over and over i don't know i know what you eat man well um in little boxes we're i guess all three of us like we're you know yeah i don't well you you might bring food around with you a little bit but you don't really do that anymore do do you? Not anymore. The most I'll do is if they're in the house and clean, ready to go, is I'll bring hell of fruit. But other than that, I'm not making meals anymore. Anytime I do, it's because I don't have time for breakfast. So the last time I brought Monster Mash was a couple weeks back.
Starting point is 00:58:47 Yeah, we don't have the six-pack bag or whatever that thing was. I never had one. And we don't have the gallon. We're not walking around with a gallon jug. So we're meatheads, but maybe not that severe. I used to have two of them. Six-pack bags? Yeah, I had the big six-pack bag with the six layers. And then my wife had a pink one because it's a chick one, so it's pink.
Starting point is 00:59:03 And that one had three layers, and We would just stuff food in those. I love how they make the chick bag hold less food. You're a lady. You're a little bit more dainty. Here's your pink bag with three rows. You have less macros that you can play with, so here's three. You move just like Graham right there for a second. Dude, I can—
Starting point is 00:59:20 Don't underestimate me. Okay? Don't play with me, guys. I got this on lock. Oh God. Uh oh. Uh oh. Andrew, take us on out of here buddy.
Starting point is 00:59:30 I grew up with all women dog. We're going to get so much more support for the show now. Yes. Thank you everybody for checking out today's episode. Please let us know what you guys think about this conversation in the comment section below on YouTube and on Spotify. And so make sure you guys are subscribed on both sides. Follow the podcast at MBPowerProject all over
Starting point is 00:59:47 the place. My Instagram is at IamAndrewZ and Seema, where can people find your flamboyantness? Protein, protein, protein. Discord's down below, guys. Ask all questions there. And Seema Indy on Instagram, YouTube, and Seema Indy on TikTok and Twitter. Mark. I'm at Mark Smelly Bell. Strength is never weakness. Weakness is never strength.
Starting point is 01:00:04 Catch you guys later. Bye. Protein.

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